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American democracy: Voters to
pick between two poisons,
strychnine or cyanide

July 2nd, 12:37pm

by Shivan Mahendrarajah


In the past, Americans could argue that they possessed

 a vibrant democracy. But no longer. A “simple lie” was 

torn bare on the world stage on June 27th, exposing 

a “complex truth” ------ American “democracy” is 

represented by two repugnant geriatrics 

yelling at each other.


They are the least-liked major party candidates in three 

decades. Aleksandr Dugin compared Donald Trump &

 Joe Biden at the debate.. to the animated TV series, 

“Beavis and Butt-head”—two teenagers described 

by Rolling Stone “as thunderously stupid and 

excruciatingly ugly.”


On November 5, a country of 325 million people will be 

forced to choose between a felon and sexual deviant, 

dubbed the “Orange Gangster” for his orange spray

-on tan and criminality; or “Genocide Joe,” the 

dementia-addled and adult diaper-wearing 

chief of a crime family.


The American “two-party system” lie was exposed as a

 one-party system. Julius Nyere, the late president of 

Tanganyika (later Tanzania), said the United States 

“is also a one-party state, but with typical 

American extravagance, they have 

two of them.”


A wag on social media said the candidates were like 

Coke and Pepsi: no substantive difference 

discernible to ordinary people buying a 

fountain soda... to wash down their 

burger and fries, although fanatics 

will insist on the superiority of 

one brand of soda.... above 

the other.


The major American political parties, Democrats 

and Republicans, have foisted two unlikeable 

and incompetent candidates on the public.


American voters must pick between 

two poisons: strychnine or cyanide.


The presidential candidates


Trump has already been convicted in New York State 

with further charges pending, including state 

criminal charges in Georgia, that neither he 

(as president) nor the governor of Georgia 

can pardon.


The prospect of a sitting president being incarcerated 

and conducting executive duties from inside a state 

or federal prison.. is not far-fetched.


The situation with Biden, is much worse. His physical 

health has declined: he cannot ascend or descend 

stairs... and has had many public falls, and he is 

known to wear adult diapers, because of his 

inability to control bodily functions; hence 

his nickname, “Grandpa Poopy Pants.”


Biden’s cognitive decline has been manifesting 

for years ------ but denied by the White House

 and sycophants.


However, his mental incapacity was exposed to the world 

on June 27. It is clear today to even his staunchest allies 

in Democrat-controlled mainstream media that Biden

 cannot continue in office and is unlikely to 

complete four years in office 

....even if re-elected.


Time magazine’s post-debate cover pictured Biden with 

one word: “Panic”. The New York Times editorial 

board opined that Biden “Must Bow Out of

 the Race.”


Republicans - not surprisingly - seek to invoke Section 4 to 

the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution, which allows

 for the removal of a president........ who.... “is unable to 

discharge the powers and duties of his office.”


This brings up another major concern: Kamala Harris 

will become president if Biden is removed but she is 

incompetent and a suspected inebriate, and known

for her “word salads,” that is, her inability to 

construct a cogent sentence—probably 

due to the suspected alcoholism.


Congress’s choice --- is to continue with a mentally 

defective (Biden) or replace him with a mentally 

defective (Harris). Fear of a Harris presidency 

generated a dark joke among Americans: 

“if Biden dies in office, the Secret 

Service has orders to 

shoot Kamala.”


Who has been running the country during Biden’s 

presidency and deteriorating physical & mental 

health? Who is directing the military when the 

“Commander-in-Chief” ..does not know what 

day of the week it is? Who has control - of 

the “nuclear football” (nuclear weapons

 launch codes)?


Americans should be afraid. Very afraid.


On the “good news” side, both candidates are united in 

dutifully serving the interests of Israel. Both have 

been bought by AIPAC and major Zionist donors.


Biden constantly professes his love and loyalty to Israel, 

although Trump, who was bought by Miriam Adelson —

widow of Sheldon Adelson, a man who wanted the 

US to drop nukes on Iran—assuredly loves Israel 

more “bigly” than Biden.


New York Times, first US paper urging 

Biden to drop out of the 2024 election


The New York Times becomes the first US paper to urge 

the incumbent president Joe Biden to withdraw from 

the 2024 presidential race following a weak debate 

performance against Trump.


One-party system (“Uniparty”)


Disenchanted Americans refer to the two parties as the

“Uniparty” ------ united in war-mongering; and sending 

billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Israel,

and for American soldiers to die in wars in 

countries that most Americans can

not find on a map.


The “Global War on Terrorism” (2001-21), or the “Forever 

Wars” - embittered American veterans and their families, 

and non-military families, who witnessed lives and 

limbs lost, and trillions of dollars dissipated, in 

Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.


Meanwhile, infrastructure in the US — city metros, 

railways, bridges, highways, tunnels — crumbles; 

and inflation and rents have spiked, leading to 

an increase in the homeless population.


The border with Mexico is wide open; millions of illegals 

are contributing to increasing social and economic 

costs. Crime, homelessness, and disrepair in 

cities have made life unbearable for 

ordinary Americans.


Yet, the ‘Uniparty’ has billions for Ukraine (ca. $180 

billion) and Israel (ca. $35 billion). The national 

debt, most of which was accumulated during

 the Forever Wars, is $35 trillion.


The $215 billion for Ukraine and Israel, and the trillions 

expended in the Forever Wars, could have improved 

the overall quality of life in America and alleviated 

misery among the homeless and those who 

depend on public funds for food.


Until recently, both parties had social and economic 

agendas that they touted, which became platforms 

at their respective conventions. They no longer 

pretend to care about Americans.


The only entity that the Uniparty works for is Israel. Since

 October 7, 2023, legislative bills have been introduced in 

Congress by Democrats and Republicans... to condemn 

Iran and Hamas, “support” Israel, provide US taxpayer

-funded benefits to Israelis, ban TikTok for allowing 

free speech, and to prevent “antisemitism” (i.e.,

 criticism of Israel).


Bill “H. Res. 771: ‘Standing with Israel as it defends itself 

against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other 

terrorists’,” is a prime example of pro-Israel idiocy by 

American legislators who should be legislating for 

US taxpayers, not Israelis—who are not tax-

payers..... but recipients of tax dollars.


No bills have been introduced to provide support to 

American veterans of the Forever Wars or the 

homeless, to reduce inflation and poverty, 

to develop decrepit infrastructure, or to

 seal the southern border from 

foreign invasion.


A viral meme in social media among Americans is 

“the only borders that Congress cares about 

are Israel’s borders.”


American politicians and media sneer at the Iranian 

political system, calling elections “rigged” and 

approval of candidates by the Constitutional 

Council “undemocratic.” That’s not 

the case.


However, millions of Americans believe that Biden was 

not elected in 2020; and that the vote was rigged to 

deny Trump re-election. Today, due to panic over 

Biden’s mental incompetence, Democrats are 

feverishly hunting for a suitable candidate

 to replace Biden (and Harris).


An “Assembly of Oligarchs” may pick Biden's 

replacements. Whoever is selected -- will 

support the military-industrial complex; 

and be vetted by AIPAC for loyalty

 to Israel.


The Iranian presidential debates revealed candidates 

with diverse views, on both domestic and foreign 

affairs. They held five debates in the first round 

and are now engaged in a fresh round of 

debates in the runoff election, 

demonstrating their 

intelligence and 



The same cannot be said for the United States.


Dr. Shivan Mahendrarajah is a Fellow of the Royal 

Historical Society. He was educated at Columbia

 University and earned his doctorate in Middle 

Eastern and Islamic History at the University

 of Cambridge. He is the author of peer-

reviewed history articles on Islam, 

Iran, and Afghanistan.



''But we can't DO anything!

If you believe you can't....

you can't. 


What do you believe?





Indian Elections: Dubious Game 

of Narratives by Western Hands

June 15th, 2024

by Ahmad Al-Hajj Ali


While the battle of ballots was being waged in India, 

foreign warriors had manned fronts to influence

public opinion --- and thus the final outcome of 

the greatest democratic exercise in the world. 


Organizations, based in US and European capitals, 

had fielded players to partake in the elections as 

intellectuals and social media peddlers to mould 

the narrative, so that gullible publics might 

succumb to their agenda.


These exotic players include individuals like 

writers, columnists, institutions, think tanks 

and academic spaces.


The plunge of foreign hands into the Indian electoral 

arena stems from understandable vested interests.

 India in recent years has emerged as a decisive 

and self-assured global power. It is leading 

groupings like BRICS. It is a key cog of 

QUAD bloc. It presided over G-20 last 

year and is a voice of the Global 

South. Its economy is at a high 

perch and will climb to the 

third place in the world.


Most importantly, true to its foreign policy mantra of 

being vishwamitra (a friend to the world), India has 

struck a balance with big powers despite them 

being at the clashing ends of most intricate 

conflicts of our time.


Thus, the elections have been an opportune time for 

envious powers to make India go off the track. The

ermination of confusion and haze around policies 

adopted by India or to be adopted in future was

 the best way to shake the election debates.


Not only independent organizations, but foreign 

governments have also tried to poke their nose 

into the internal affairs of India during the 

course of elections. 


The most fervent example of this was when the US

 State Department issued a strong statement after 

the arrest of Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal

 in March 2024.


The tenor of the statement appeared to admonish the 

Indian government and dictate how India’s elections 

were to be held. New Delhi was quick to react by 

summoning a senior US diplomat and directing 

the US establishment to refrain from 

commenting on Indian democracy. 


Foreign Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, termed such 

statements unfortunate and called on the western 

nations to exercise restraint when commenting 

on their allies.


Such attitudes reveal a deep bias within Washington’s 

policy circles and these biases remain unchanged for 

decades. While bilateral relations remain firm, the US 

has repeatedly questioned India’s democratic record 

under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership.


Besides, the United States Commission on International 

Religious Freedom keeps issuing alarming statements 

on the state of religious freedoms in India with an 

agenda to influence domestic political trends. 

One such report was made public a few 

weeks before the elections.


Henry Luce Foundation of US


On top of the foreign organization that sought a 

favourable outcome of Indian elections is The 

Henry Luce Foundation. It is closely linked to 

people in the US governance and think tanks

 like the Asia Foundation (TAF), the Council 

on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Centre 

for Strategic and International Studies

(CSIS), all of which have documented 

links to the CIA.


The Asia Foundation was directly founded by the CIA 

in 1954 to promote US interests in Asia through 

educational and cultural activities, originally 

operating as the Committee for Free Asia.


 CFR, despite claiming independence, has historically 

been rumoured to have CIA ties and has been a 

platform for several CIA directors to discuss US 

intelligence strategies. CSIS, similarly, has had 

a long association with the CIA, facilitated by 

its origins within Georgetown University. It 

showcases the intertwined relationships 

between the foundation’s philanthropic 

activities US strategic interests 

--- highlighting the complex 

interplay --- of intelligence, 

influence & philanthropy

in US foreign policy.


The HLF has funded a number of individuals and outfits 

to conduct online/physical events and build micro-

narratives woven around Indian elections, 

largely through social media posts 

and blogs.


Besides, the foundation funded a study on “The Hindu 

Right and India’s religious Diplomacy” conducted by 

the Berkley Religious Centre of Georgetown 

University. The report concluded that India

 is deploying religious moorings, Hindu in 

nature, to flex its soft-power diplomacy. 


Reports like this are the basis of findings and rankings 

promulgated by the US Commission on Religious 

Freedom ----- which shows India in the 

alarming zone.


These reports are also cited in opinion pieces written 

by columnists linked to the foundation and others in 

mainstream western media outlets. It constructs 

India’s image as that of “anti-minority” and 

biased against non-Hindu people.


Another major think tank that the HLF is pushing with 

fiscal backing ----------- is the Carnegie Endowment for 

International Peace. It is on its roll or commissioned 

writers producing research works that help build a 

particular perception about India. Its projects on 

India through the prism of “citizenship rights, 

minority protections and rise of rightwing 

extremism”  --- have been authored by 

figures like Milan Vaishnav, Madhav

Khosla, Niraja Gopal Jayal, and 

Pratap Bhanu Mehta. 


All these writers are known for their stern anti-

government views. Some of them were active 

even on YouTube and other media platforms

 during the elections.


French Interference


Christophe Jaffrelot is a renowned author on South Asian 

Affairs. His work on subalterns, Gujarat, Ambedkar and 

regular commentary.... on various aspects of Indian 

politics is read widely. His protégée Gilles Verniers 

has expanded his work. 


In recent months... Jaffrelot has written mostly dissecting 

various aspects of caste-related angles of Indian society 

and politics. His pieces are no doubt based on sound 

research, but the timing of their publication and

 Jaffrelot’s tenacity to use the turn of phrase 

make them tilted against the present 

dispensation in New Delhi.


Some of Jaffrelot’s pieces ---- appeared in

 Le Monde, France’s foremost publication.


According to disnfolab, while analysing the global 

reports on Indian elections, an unusual pattern 

of media coverage trying to shape a particular 

narrative and influence voter mindset 

was observed.


“The most striking pattern was that these Op-Eds/ 

articles and papers were either written or were 

based on interviews/ statements from one 

particular French political scientist and 

researcher Christophe Jaffrelot, who 

became the anchor to this research. 


''While analyzing the buzz around Indian elections, it 

was also observed that Jaffrelot had also been the

 key source of most of these articles from other 

Western media and a segment of Indian media 

platforms especially targeting the Indian 

elections,” said disinfolab in one of its 

investigative reports unearthing

foreign interference in 

Indian elections.


Open AI Disclosure


OpenAI -- the creators of ChatGPT, said in a statement on 

June 1 that it acted within 24 hours to disrupt deceptive 

uses of AI ...in covert operations focused on the Indian 

elections, leading to no significant audience increase

 In a report on its website, OpenAI said STOIC, a 

political campaign management firm in Israel, 

generated some content on Indian elections 

alongside the Gaza conflict.


“In May, the network began generating comments that 

focused on India, criticized the ruling BJP party and 

praised the opposition Congress party,” it said. “In

 May, we disrupted some activity focused on the

 Indian elections less than 24 hours after it 

began.” OpenAI said it banned a cluster of 

accounts operated from Israel that were 

being used to generate & edit content 

for an influence operation that 

spanned ----- X, Facebook, 

Instagram, websites, 

and YouTube.


Fears about misinformation and disinformation tainting 

the democratic process are especially significant in

 India, where social media and internet usage are

 widespread. The country... has more than 400 

million WhatsApp users – the world’s largest

 user base of the messaging app --------- and 

roughly 820 million active internet users. 

More than half of these internet users 

are based in rural areas, where 

awareness of and the ability

to spot deepfakes, tends 

to be even weaker.


While there is no reliable data yet on whether AI tools 

are disrupting the integrity of democratic processes, 

India’s elections reflected future trends, especially 

given its size, scale, and digital exposure.



Source: Al-Manar English Website



Wow! A.I. generated fake news!

Puts ''C.I.A. machinations'' in

a totally new context, 

doesn't it?


What do you think?



Asia Times: NATO leaders

unleash war in Europe

to stay in power

June 13th, 2024 

(source: Asia Times 

retold by InoTV)


The number of casualties on the Ukrainian side ---- is 

estimated at hundreds a day and battles are already 

routinely called meat grinders - because of the huge 

number of victims. Against this background, it's not 

surprising that Kiev does not have enough soldiers.


Ukraine has almost no reservists left who have not yet 

been activated. At the same time, the Russian reserve 

of trained fighters totals about half a million people.


However, Moscow's ultimate goal, as well as the 

strategy for achieving it, remains unclear. For 

example, information sometimes surfaced 

that the Russians wanted to create 

a "buffer zone" --- to protect their 

country's territory from attacks.


However, the concept of such a zone is also rather 

vague, since the use of long-range ballistic and 

cruise missiles contradicts it. And even if such 

a zone extends to the Dnieper, it does not 

guarantee the protection of the Crimea*.


NATO plans to supply Kiev with F-16 fighter jets, which, 

according to the AT, will be based in Romania. These 

combat aircraft will be equipped with AIM-120 air-to

-air missiles and JASSM long-range cruise missiles.


Given the location of these airfields ------ there is an 

assumption that fighters will strike at the Crimea*. 

This raises the question of whether Russia will 

have to destroy Romanian air bases, or will 

NATO back down and abandon the idea 

of using them?


It's no secret that Crimea* is a very sensitive topic for 

Russia, the publication admits. Recently, Ukraine 

launched massive strikes on the peninsula with 

long-range missiles. Various objects were 

damaged, including airfields & harbours. 

According to some reports, Kiev plans 

to make another attempt to destroy 

the Crimean Bridge.. soon.


Moreover, most of the missiles used are related to NATO 

supplies. These are mostly US-made weapons, and the 

targeting was carried out using data provided by the 

North Atlantic Alliance. NATO is working closely 

with Ukraine. Reconnaissance planes, long-

range radars, and satellite data are used.


AT emphasizes that the strikes on Crimea* have no real 

military purpose, since there is no fighting there. Kiev 

is simply trying to humiliate the Russians, but does 

not understand that the answer may be stronger 

than expected.


It is not excluded that Russia will stop tolerating and 

simply respond with brute force, attacking one or 

more large cities, like Kharkiv, Odessa, or 

even Kiev. 


The Western supply of weapons for Ukraine's needs is 

limited, and Russia has significantly more long-range 

missiles. In addition, Kiev does not have enough air 

defense systems to protect its cities.


In this case, the conclusion is that - at the moment -
NATO's strategy in Ukraine is to hurt Russia for the 

fact that Kiev is losing the war. Moreover, it seems 

that the alliance is even trying to intimidate the 

Russians that, if they win, they will pay a 

high price.


Perhaps Western military leaders believe that this way 

they will increase pressure inside Russia, and this will 

force it to retreat? But Moscow cannot be persuaded 

to stop its operations or consider a cease-fire in this 

way, because this would play into the hands of 

Ukraine, but not Russia.


The Russian response --- was not long in coming. They 

sent a message to Washington, in the form of Russian 

warships - and nuclear submarines in Cuba. However, 

it is not known whether the meaning of this message

 will reach the US elite. After all, everything indicates

 that because of the strikes on the Crimea*, Russia's

 patience may soon break, the publication is sure.


And the pressure inside Russia is only to increase the 

number of retaliatory attacks - on Ukrainian facilities. 

Such statements were discussed in private meetings 

during the recent St. Petersburg Economic Forum.


And although Putin himself did not say anything like 

this out loud, nevertheless, according to the AP, the

 next level of Russian power does not hide its 

indignation and desire to respond to both 

Ukraine and NATO.


At this stage, there is another danger. Many European 

leaders, such as French President Macron, are losing 

political support at home. Against this background, 

they can risk a large-scale war, in order to 

''influence'' public opinion in this way.


Sending fighter jets and weapons to Ukraine can be 

interpreted as deliberately inciting war in Europe. 

And the fact that the United States is most likely 

behind the use of Romanian military airfields 

proves ---- that Biden is trying to save his 

extremely weak political position by 

unleashing a European war. 


Although on the other hand, no one will be surprised

 if Biden does not know anything at all.... and his 

caretakers have developed a "new strategy" 

for him, in order to - somehow - save his 

burning fifth point.


However, the NATO leaders..... are taking a big risk, the 

publication is sure. The alliance's defense capability is 

extremely weak today. In fact, they are putting the 

entire future of Europe, and indeed the Alliance, 

on the line - for the sole purpose of remaining

 in power.


At the same time there is no evidence that the people will

support a large-scale war. Rather, on the contrary, it will 

give vent --- to traditional anti-war sentiments. What is 

happening, dangerously... brings NATO closer to the 

fact - that the alliance will turn into an aggressor,

& this will be followed by an inevitable collapse.


* Crimea became part of Russia after the overwhelming 

majority of residents of the peninsula voted for it in a 

referendum on March 16th, 2014. InoTV)



The West - has always been aggressive

and greedy. Now, is the day of justice.


What do you think?



US ''Defence'' Industry Struggles 

To Manufacture Basic Artillery 

For Ukraine

by Ahmed Adel 

June 10th, 2024



The United States arms industry is not producing the 

basic ammunition required to sustain support for 

Ukraine and Israel, Bloomberg reported.... on 

June 8th. This is an extraordinary situation, 

since Russia’s armed industry is booming

 despite facing major Western sanctions.


According to the outlet, the US defence industry gave 

priority to the manufacture of high-tech ammunition 

and halted the production of basic artillery such as

 155-millimetre ammunition -- the most used in the 

wars that are being fought today. The US is also 

facing a shortage of basic products, such as 

gunpowder or trinitrotoluene (TNT), to

 produce these munitions and have 

had to turn to other countries, 

such as Poland and Türkiye, 

to obtain supplies.


At some point an attempt was made to replace the 155-

millimetre ammunition with higher-tech projectiles on

 the battlefront in Ukraine, but the effort failed.... 

because the new weaponry was neutralised 

by the Russian military.


“Higher-tech shells that were intended to replace the 

traditional 155mm munitions failed an early test in

 Ukraine, when their targeting systems were 

thwarted by Russia,” Bloomberg reported. 


“The prospect that future wars could resemble the 

grinding combat taking place there has stirred 

fears that the US arsenal could someday be

 stretched to the breaking point.”


“The writing has been on the wall --- for a while,” Stacie 

Pettyjohn, a senior fellow and director of the defense 

program at the independent and bipartisan Centre

 for a New American Security, told Bloomberg. 


“It has just taken the war in Ukraine to really shock 

Pentagon officials and members of Congress out

 of their complacency.”


Since the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, the Pentagon 

has divested or neglected facilities once used to

 manufacture everything from projectiles to 

gunpowder, focusing instead on 

transforming warfare with 

high-tech weaponry.


“What’s left is crumbling infrastructure, outdated 

machinery and a tiny workforce that can’t keep 

up with growing international demand,” the 

outlet highlights.


Before the special military operation in Ukraine, US 

production was 14,400 shells per month. Now, the

 US is spending more than $5 billion to overhaul 

aging factories across the country with the 

goal of producing 100,000 155mm shells

 a month...... by the end of next year.


As the agency stresses - it is a mobilisation that, 

due to its speed and breadth, is unlike anything 

since World War II.


As part of this effort, Congress has appropriated 

$650 million for a TNT production plant that will 

take two years to build --- according to Doug 

Bush, the Army’s top weapons buyer. And 

Washington ------ will have to finance 

the purchases... of whatever the 

renovated facilities produce, 

possibly for many years.


But, as Bloomberg noted ---- getting the money 

may also be the easiest obstacle to overcome.


“The US must bring old buildings up to snuff, build 

new ones, buy updated machinery, and hire and 

train workers. Environmental regulations stand 

in the way. And the Pentagon will need to 

ensure that plants can be run safely — 

munitions-making is prone to fires, 

explosions and other accidents,”

 the outlet noted.


Bloomberg concludes, “Boosting munition production is

 a costly and time-consuming business, and the US is 

playing catch-up -- at a time of growing tension in 

Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific region.”


Washington naively believed that the sweeping sanctions

 against Moscow would collapse the Russian economy 

and therefore its military operation against the Kiev

 regime. Instead, Russia not only overcame the 

sanctions but is now producing artillery 

shells at a rate that the West cannot 

keep up with.


It is recalled that Estonian Defence Minister Hanno 

Pevkur admitted in November 2023 that Russia 

was firing 70,000 rounds a day, meaning that 

an equivalent of a year’s worth of European 

production at the time, was fired by the 

Russian military every 10 days. 


The crippling shortage of artillery was also referred to 

by Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov in 

January, who revealed that Ukraine was unable

 to fire more than 2,000 shells per day.


Due to a severe worldwide shortage of artillery shells, 

Western analysts admit Ukraine will likely be out-

gunned by Russia for at least the remainder of 

the year, but even with Kiev’s allies ramping 

up production, realistically Russia will hold

 the advantage for the duration of the war.


Even though Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy 

said recently there were no reports of artillery 

shortages, in an interview on May 21 with 

Reuters, he called on Western allies to 

speed up aid, saying every decision 

they’ve made on military support 

for Ukraine has been “late ---
around one year.” 


Even in this most desperate stage of the war, from Kiev’s 

perspective, Zelensky cannot but be ungrateful and

 entitled, even when the West struggles to 

overcome its industrial failures, 

particularly since Russia’s 

military industry..... is a 

resounding success --- 

despite the sanctions.



Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based 

geopolitics and political

 economy researcher



Nuclear it is then - which leads to

the question - will the absent

peace movent in the West,

mean that their people

are going to die with

both a bang --- and

a whimper?


What do you think?



ICC arrest warrants:- How the 

international tribunal equates 

oppressors -- with oppressed

by Musa Iqbal

May 27th, 8:10am


It was just last year that a rare event occurred uniting 

both imperialist parties within the United States: The 

International Criminal Court (ICC) sought an arrest 

warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for

 alleged war crimes in Ukraine.


Thrilled US lawmakers, hawkish pundits, liberal and 

conservative commentators, all hailed the

 International Criminal Court despite 

Russia and the US both not being 

subject to its jurisdiction.


It did not matter for the war profiteers in Washington. For 

them, the ICC – the Hague-based international tribunal 

dominated by Western influence that has historically 

only pursued African leaders - was willing to side 

with them against one of their primary 

geopolitical rivals, and thus its

legitimacy was upheld 

- without both parties 

being signatories to

 the Rome Statute. 


More than a year later, the same warhawks, who have 

during this time accumulated millions from war 

profiteering, are now prepared to slap ICC 

judges and prosecutors with sanctions 

and threaten the same legitimacy 

they hailed just over a year ago. 


On Monday, May 20, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan 

announced that he would seek arrest warrants 

for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 

and military affairs minister Yoav Gallant for 

crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. 


“We submit that the crimes against humanity charged 

were committed as part of a widespread and 

systematic attack against the Palestinian 

civilian population pursuant to State 

policy,” he stated.


Listing starvation, intentionally directing attacks 

against a civilian population, extermination, 

and “other inhumane acts as crimes 

against humanity” --- the ICC lead 

prosecutor built a case against

 the regime.


It came at a time when the illegitimate entity in 

Tel Aviv is grappling with both internal and 

external crises, having failed to achieve 

any of its military objectives in the 

besieged Palestinian territory.


However, in the same breath, the ICC prosecutor 

...also sought charges for three leaders of the 

Hamas resistance movement: Yahya Sinwar, 

Muhammad Deif, and Ismael Haniyeh - 

equating the oppressor.... with the 

oppressed, the genocidal regime 

with fighters who have the right 

to defend themselves.


While only two Zionist officials are being sought for 

arrest, the ICC has put three Palestinians on the

 list, ironically with the death toll in Gaza 

climbing to nearly 40,000 and 

an invasion of Rafah 

looking imminent.


By issuing arrest warrants for the heroic Al Aqsa Storm 

Operation on October 7, 2023, the ICC prosecutors are 

spitting in the face of the right to resist criminal 

occupation and aggression.


Any follower of the Palestinian cause knows that relying 

on international organizations is a path to nowhere - as
long as US hegemony exists. But that hegemony is 

declining. And it shows --- take note of the US 

political reaction to the arrest warrants 

against Netanyahu and Gallant.


Last month, US Congresspeople drafted a letter 

promising sanctions and other punitive actions 

if the ICC issues arrest warrants against

 Israeli regime officials.


Non-governmental organizations that tow the Washington 

political line also lashed out at the ICC, in order to 

discredit and delegitimize it. Again, a bulk of 

these organizations praised the ICC 

...whenever the target of arrests 

was a Washington-designated

target. There is no dearth of 

hypocrisy in Washington. 


In a statement, US President Joe Biden declared: 

“Let me be clear, we reject the ICC’s application 

for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders…

There is no equivalence between Israel

 and Hamas.”


Ironically, he is right - just for the wrong reasons. 


Occupation, ethnic cleansing, and genocide are not 

permitted within international standards and the 

so-called rule of law. However, resistance to 

occupation is a human right ------ that is 

mentioned by name under Protocol I 

of the Geneva Convention.


Indeed - there is no equivalence between the Israeli 

occupation and the Gaza-based resistance 

movement Hamas, or for that matter any 

other Palestinian resistance faction.


The ICC’s “both sides are wrong” defense --- is

commonly resorted to by Western neoliberals.


Seeking to absolve themselves of blame, the defense 

here chalks the blame up to Zionist leadership, while 

condemning the whole of Palestinian resistance.


Many analysts agree that Washington’s exit strategy 

from the Gaza genocide - the Biden administration 

cannot afford to continue with it in an election 

year - will be throwing Netanyahu under the 

bus, and chalking up the genocide to 

“bad leadership.”


The shamefulness of this defense goes to show that the 

institutions that were engineered by the West can only 

bend so much. The genocide in Gaza, which many 

have labeled the “live-streamed genocide,” has 

proved that if an international institution fails 

to acknowledge Israeli crimes, it will have 

no legitimacy at all in the eyes of the 

international public.


However, the imperialist architects of these institutions

 still wield influence - and they are exercising this

 influence in order to ensure that they still have

 the final say - no matter how messy it gets. 


Be that as it may, even imperialist influence cannot stop 

the global tide that is seemingly drowning the Israeli 

regime. Though Israel is no longer a signatory to 

the Rome Statute (which it left almost right after

 it initially signed it, disagreeing with population 

transfer as a war crime) - arrest warrants for its

 two top war criminals, if approved by ICC

judges, further solidifies its growing 

isolation globally.


Although international agencies cannot enter the Israeli 

occupation and arrest Netanyahu and Gallant, countries 

that are signatories to the Rome Statute are obliged to 

bring in criminals with arrest warrants - facing harsh 

consequences if they fail to do so.


Netanyahu and Gallant would be outcasts globally while 

simultaneously facing the wrath of Zionist settlers who 

are protesting weekly due to their failure to destroy 

Hamas and free Israeli captives.


Despite being the darlings of the West, some countries 

have expressed readiness to arrest the two Zionist 

regime officials if the arrest application is 

approved - including Norway - angering 

pro-Zionist cheerleaders and lobby 

groups across the West.


Meanwhile, resistance leaders Sinwar and Deif are

 in Gaza, fighting alongside the resistance in 

commanding positions - and Haniyeh is in 

Qatar, a country that is not a signatory 

to the Rome Statute.


All three of these esteemed men are not runaway 

criminals with no home - they are Palestinian, 

and they only wish to be in Palestine. An 

arrest warrant, though insulting, is the

 least of their concerns.


Victory for Palestine will not be won with a pen 

and a legal document ------ but with resistance.


We see the Palestinian resistance factions are still 

strong in the face of a genocidal onslaught while 

the very fabric of the settler-colonial Zionist 

society is torn apart.


Arrest warrants won’t change much. The reality on 

the battlefield alone will eventually determine the 

fate of Palestine and Gaza, and resistance has 

already prevailed there.


Musa Iqbal is a Boston-based researcher and writer 

focused on US domestic and foreign policy.


(The views expressed in this article don't 

necessarily.... reflect those of Press TV.)



200 days of genocide: Palestinian

 resistance --- prevails over

 Israeli occupation

By Iqbal Jassat 

April 24th, 11:59am


Gaza’s killing fields, courtesy of the genocidal settler 

colonial regime in Tel Aviv, have now entered the 7th 

month, without any reprieve for the besieged 

territory of millions of people.


According to reports, 3,025 massacres have been 

perpetrated by the murderous regime between 

October 7, 2023, and April 23, 2024, with at 

least 42,510 innocent civilians mercilessly 

butchered, including 15,780 children, 

which includes those presumed 

dead under the rubble. 


On average, 212 people have been killed per day, incl. 79 

children and 50 women, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor 

reported on Tuesday, marking 200 days of the no-holds-

barred onslaught on Gaza.


Gaza government office also released a statement on 

Tuesday, sharing grim statistics of the 200 days of 

war. An estimated 7,000 are missing under the 

rubble and more than 76,000 are injured.


Most of the public infrastructure has been destroyed in 

the besieged strip, including 70 percent of residential 

properties, all universities, and 33 out of 36 hospitals.

 In the occupied West Bank the Israeli army and 

settlers have killed 486 Palestinians and 

injured more than 4700 in the past 

200 days.


In addition, Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu's evil 

famine strategy has formed part of his war cabinet's

 tactic to starve to death millions of Palestinians.


To compound the apartheid regime's criminal conduct,

 the corruption-laden Netanyahu falsely implicated 

the UN agency for Palestinian refugees as aiding 

and abetting "terrorists", resulting in the 

suspension of funding and a halt

 of its humanitarian aid to 

Palestinian refugees. 


Sadly, baseless allegations against UNRWA saw a 

shameful rush by Western governments to cut 

$450m funding at a time when "people were 

dying in droves", as described by

news media. 


Months later, however, the world is now told.. 

that Israeli allegations have not been proven.


An inquiry – a rigorous one - led by former French foreign 

minister Catherine Colonna, supported by three well-

respected research institutes, concluded that there 

was no evidence for the claim that significant 

numbers of UNRWA employees have Hamas 

or Islamic Jihad ties.


That this decisive conclusion by the Colonna inquiry 

refutes Israel's false claims, it is left to be seen 

whether Western governments will revert to 

funding UNRWA, thus striking a blow to 

Netanyahu’s malicious war aims. Or 

will they continue to drag their feet,

 as is the case now? 


Israeli genocidal war on Gaza launched on Oct. 7 last year 

completed 200 days on Tuesday, leaving behind a trail of 

death, destruction, displacement and starvation.


If they fail to recommence funding, Palestinians may not

 be faulted for believing that the West remains hostage 

to the Netanyahu regime's lies and vengeful genocide. 


Concurrently another significant report has been issued 

castigating Israel’s bloody assault on Gaza’s medical 

institutions and the denial of healthcare. The author

 is a South African doctor, Tlaleng Mofokeng, the 

UN's Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health. 


In her scathing report, Mofokeng emphasized her difficulty

 in gathering data on the number of people needing 

medical evacuation due to the destruction of 

civilian infrastructure.


But she has been absolutely clear that the world 

is witnessing “genocide” in Gaza.


"Not only is Israel causing irreparable harm against 

Palestinian civilians with its bombardments, but it 

and their allies are also knowingly & intentionally 

imposing famine, prolonged malnutrition, and 

dehydration,” she was quoted as saying.


At a press conference in Geneva, Mofokeng did not mince 

her words when she said that as a practicing medical 

doctor, she bears witness, that the very practice of 

medicine is under attack. 


"This has been a war on the right to health and underlying 

determinants of health. The healthcare infrastructure in 

Gaza has been completely obliterated and the right to 

health has been decimated at every level,” she said.


"Not only is Israel killing and causing irreparable harm 

against Palestinian civilians with its bombardments,

 it and their allies are also ...knowingly and 

intentionally, imposing famine, prolonged

 malnutrition, and dehydration."


Interestingly, students at many US universities, including 

the prestigious Columbia University, have emerged as a 

potent force demanding an end to complicity in Israel's 

war on Gaza. 


They have been protesting for days on their campuses 

despite the heavy-handedness of US police.


Professor Sami Al-Arian's observation about these raging 

protests on university campuses across the country 

sums it up perfectly:


“What's happening across US university campuses is 

unprecedented. I lived four decades in the US --- 28 

years of which were in academic settings. During 

my time, it was a very challenging struggle to 

present an anti-Zionist narrative,” he wrote 

in a post on X, formerly Twitter.


“But the passion, courage, humanity, creativity, and 

determination displayed these days by students 

across US campuses make me proud. The 

Zionist grip on US society is weakening 

and waning.”


By all accounts, it is abundantly clear that despite various 

attempts by the apartheid regime to garner and maintain

 global support for its terrorism in Gaza, it has turned 

out to be a dismal failure. 


Indeed, enormous resources allocated by Israel to

 overwhelm news coverage of the horrendous 

genocide from the false perspective of 

"Israel's ''right'' - to defend itself from 

terrorism", has been a fundamental

 pillar of Netanyahu’s goal to 

remain in power. 


As author Ralph Nader points out, throughout history, 

military empires have reduced their victims, their 

subjugated, and their abducted to a state of 

“The Others.” The political & mass media

institutions usually follow suit 

by supporting their empire’s 

predatory policies with 

slanted coverage.


Remarkable therefore that alongside the armed resistance 

by Palestinian freedom fighters to withstand 200 days of 

relentless bombings, the images of Gaza’s devastation

 and eyewitness accounts by medics, journalists and 

displaced families, have not allowed the Zionist

 regime to escape global outrage. 


Iqbal Jassat is an executive member of Media 

Review Network, Johannesburg, South Africa.


(The views expressed in this article ---- do 

not necessarily reflect those of Press TV)



Glory to those who pray work and struggle

for real peace --- peace with justice for all.


What do you think?




Indonesia won't normalize with Israel 

because Indonesians won’t allow it

April 13th, 1:54pm

 by Dina Y. Sulaeman


In the last few days, Israeli media has been reporting 

about Indonesia mulling a normalization of relations 

with the Tel Aviv regime to fulfill the requirements

 for accession to The Organization for Economic 

Cooperation and Development (OECD), a 

neoliberal market-based alliance 

of countries.


The news - circulated at a dizzying pace on social media 

platforms and triggered a wide array of reactions from 

netizens worldwide, including in Indonesia. It wasn’t 

something they were expecting.


Indonesia's foreign ministry was quick to deny the reports 

in a midnight statement, saying that no such plan is in 

the offing. 


"I affirm that, as of now, there are no plans to establish 

diplomatic relations with Israel, particularly given 

Israel's actions in Gaza,” the ministry spokes-

person, Lalu Muhamad Iqbal, said.


Most people in Indonesia, I can vouch for, reject and 

condemn any plan that leads to the normalization

 of ties between the two sides or Jakarta’s 

recognition of the apartheid 

colonial entity.


Several notes can be taken from this frenzy. First, the 

behaviour of the Israeli media, citing anonymous 

sources, to report on Indonesia's plans to 

normalize relations with Israel. It has 

happened several times in the last 

few years.


Indonesia's foreign ministry has always denied such

 reports. It again denied it and then it was as if 

there was nothing more. There was no 

apology from the Israeli media, nor 

was there any criticism of the 

Israeli media from the

 Indonesian side.


This time, the news about Indonesia’s so-called 

normalization coincided with simmering 

regional tensions in the wake of Iran's 

vow to retaliate against the Israeli 

bombing of its consulate 

in Damascus.


Bombing a country's diplomatic mission is a fatal 

violation of international law and can be equated 

with bombing the country's territory. From this 

perspective, Iran has every right to retaliate.


So, the situation turned extremely difficult for Israel. 

Many countries issued travel advisories for the 

occupied territories while Israeli regime 

officials frantically tried to get Iran to 

"not escalate."


The unspecified timing of Iran's retaliation.... has caused 

psychological torture for the Israeli regime and settlers.

 In conditions like these, rumours regarding Indonesia-

Israel normalization appear to have been deliberately 

circulated by the Zionist media to reduce tensions 

----- and divert world public opinion.


The second point is that Indonesia's support for Palestine 

is deep-rooted. This support predates Indonesia's

 independence, so it cannot be shaken so 

easily by the Zionist propagandists.


In 1934, when the Palestinians fought against the British 

(at that time, Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch), 

the clergy in Indonesia collected donations from the 

people to help Palestine.


It is also recorded in history that a rich Palestinian 

businessman, Muhammad Ali Taher, in 1944 

donated a large amount of money to the 

struggle for Indonesian independence.


In history lessons at schools, our teachers often 

repeated the phrase: "Palestine was the first 

to recognize Indonesia's independence."


What it actually meant is that after the proclamation of 

Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, the

 Indonesian diplomat, M. Zein Hassan, came 

to Egypt to promote recognition of 

that independence.


In order to support Hassan's efforts ----- a number of 

resistance figures in the Arab world based in Cairo 

founded Lajnatud Difa'i 'an Indonesia on October 

16, 1945, including General Saleh Harb Pasha, 

Secretary General of the Arab League and 

Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, Chairman 

of the Palestine Committee.


The recommendation from the Lajnah was a resolution to 

support the Republic of Indonesia and an appeal to all 

countries, especially Arab and Islamic countries, to 

recognize the new republic.


After that, almost all the Arab countries recognized 

the Republic of Indonesia ----- one by one.


Apart from that, Indonesia initiated and hosted the Asia-

Africa Conference from 18 to April 24, 1955, the first 

conference of formerly colonized countries in the

 world whose main spirit was to liberate all the 

colonized people on earth.


Support for Palestinian independence was one of the 

dominant issues at this conference. Indonesia has a 

historical burden to maintain that spirit and fulfill
promise of independence for Palestine.


The third point is, it needs to be acknowledged that 

there are indeed parties in Indonesia, both 

politicians and prominent figures, who 

are secretly establishing personal 

relations with Israel.


Indonesia's decision to submit a membership application 

to the OECD, an organization controlled by Western 

capitalist countries, instead of joining a new 

economic power that is far more promising 

for shared prosperity, namely BRICS, 

shows the dominance of the West

 in Indonesia's economic posture.


Membership in the OECD requires the consent of all 

members, including Israel. It is very possible that

 there are figures behind the scenes who are 

trying to normalize Indonesia-Israel for 

their interests ----- especially 

business interests.


However, they never expressed their intentions openly 

because it would be tantamount to political suicide. 

No politician in Indonesia would dare to commit 

suicide at this time when public sentiment is 

very strong in supporting Palestine and 

against Israel's genocidal crimes 

in Gaza.


Thus, it can be concluded that the rumours of 

normalization were Israeli propaganda that 

took advantage of the tendencies of a few 

parties behind the scenes -- but which 

immediately hit a wall of failure.


The Indonesian people will not allow that normalization

 to happen as Indonesia's first president, Sukarno, 

stated: "As long as the independence of the 

Palestinian people has not been handed 

over to the Palestinian people, the

 Indonesian people will always 

stand up ------ to challenge 

Israeli colonialism."



Dina Y. Sulaeman, is an assistant professor at the
International Relations Department, Universitas
Padjadjaran, Indonesia.



(The views expressed in this article..... do 

not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)


Indonesia has filed a lawsuit against Israel at the ICJ 

over the regime’s violations of international law in 

the occupied Palestinian territories.

I remember when a CIA coup in Indonesia
resulted in every commited patriotic
communist and socialist... being
taken to a police station ---
and then slaughtered.

I bet the Indonesians remember that too.

What do you think?



Zionist regime will drown in the
 of Haniyeh’s children
and other Palestinians

by Wesam Bahrani

April 11th, 10:47am


The cowardly killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s 

three sons and four grandchildren in Gaza only 

exemplifies the fact that the murderous 

occupying entity is on a deathbed. 


The latest diabolic crime committed by the apartheid 

regime first and foremost shows its desperation and 

hopelessness and its inability to achieve any of the 

stated military goals it quite ambitiously outlined 

before embarking on the latest 

genocidal campaign. 


The regime was under the illusion that by assassinating 

the resistance leader’s family members, the Zionist

 entity might get some form of leverage at the 

negotiating table. 


If anything, Benjamin Netanyahu has made

 it harder for himself and his US masters. 


The leaders of many resistance groups in Palestine, have 

offered their sons and family members, as martyrs to the 

cause of liberating their land from the Israeli occupation. 


After receiving the news about the killing of his children 

and grandchildren on Wednesday night, Haniyeh 

appeared calm and composed, thanking God 

for the “honour” of bestowing martyrdom 

on his close family members. That’s

 the trait of great leaders.


He said almost every family in Gaza has paid a heavy price 

with the blood of their children in the past six months and 

before that, and he is only one of them.


Importantly, leaders of the Axis of Resistance in other 

parts of the region have also offered exemplary 

sacrifices for the greater cause, the bigger 

cause, against the aggressors. 


This shared legacy of sacrifice and martyrdom has only 

strengthened the steadfastness of the Axis of 

Resistance and its leaders, from Palestine,

to Lebanon, to Iraq, to Yemen. 


Among the most notable examples, is the son 

of Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement 

Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. 


18-year-old Hadi Nasrallah ---- was martyred by

the Israeli forces in 1997 in southern Lebanon. 


The important aspect here is the reaction and position 

of these resistance leaders when their sons or family 

members are killed by the Israeli occupation. 


Do they regret and repent? Do they grieve and complain?

 Does it become personal, and does that personal 

aspect make them succumb to pressure or 

give up on the cause? 


Unfortunately, for the apartheid Israeli regime and its 

delusional despots in Tel Aviv and Washington, the

 blood of all the resistance factions, their leaders 

and their sons and family members is the driving 

force that will eventually end the illegal and 

brutal occupation. 


One day, after the martyrdom of Hadi Nasrallah,

 Hezbollah’s Secretary-General delivered a 

thumping speech in which he explained 

how painful it was for him before, to 

visit the parents of the Lebanese 

resistance movement’s martyrs 

and look them in the eye. 


Hadi Nasrallah wasn’t the only one martyred by

 the Israeli occupation forces. Many more 

offered exemplary sacrifices. Hadi’s 

body, like those of others, was 

held by the Zionist entity. 


“I tell the families of the martyrs whose bodies 

remain captive --- that we also share this 

common feature now,” the Hezbollah 

chief said in September 1997. 


At the funeral service the same month, he added, “The 

martyrdom of Hadi is a message that the leadership of 

Hezbollah doesn’t leave aside its sons to enjoy the 

(post-occupation) future. When our sons head to 

the frontline, that is our pride, and when they 

are martyred, this allows us to hold our 

heads up high”.


Over the next three years, Hezbollah inflicted heavy

 battlefield casualties on the Israeli occupation, 

forcing it to withdraw from the Lebanese 

territory in 2000.... in humiliation. 


The Arab country regained its sovereignty, independence, 

security, and honour as a result of all the blood given by 

resistance fighters, founders, leaders, and their 

family members.


History is repeating itself. Now the resistance has grown 

in faith, determination as well as in military terms 

while the Israeli regime is reaching

 its dead-end. 


There is nothing the rogue, child-murdering Netanyahu 

regime can boast of after half a year of US-backed

 genocide in Gaza. The resistance has prevailed 

and the occupation has lost. 


The video that went viral showed the moment Haniyah 

(visiting wounded Palestinians at a hospital in Qatar) 

was informed, via a crying voice message on the 

'phone from Gaza--- about the killing of his three 

sons, three granddaughters and one grandson, 

without a scintilla of pain visible on the 

Hamas leader’s face --- is because this 

resistance, unlike the US and its 

proxy, has a clear vision for 

Gaza and Palestine. 


“God will rest their souls.” He nods his head. 


“Shall we end the visit?” an aide asks. 


“No, let’s continue” he responds. 


The strategy of the resistance is inked in the blood 

of its martyrs, which sends a clear message to the 

United States that it prefers martyrdom and 

dignity ----- over a life of humiliation.


“The enemy believes that targeting the families of the 

leaders will push them to give up the demands of our

 people,” Haniyeh said, putting up a tough front. 


“Anyone who believes that targeting my sons will push 

Hamas to change its position is delusional,” the 

Hamas leader hastened to add.


This has been the position of all resistance groups and 

their leaders in West Asia for more than four decades

 now. The principles of the cause overshadow

 personal considerations. 


The people of Gaza are indeed the most 

oppressed people on the planet

 right now. 


Yet the disinformation campaign by mainstream Western 

and some regional media that the Hamas leadership is

 enjoying a life of luxury in exile, is aimed at 

discrediting the resistance.


Has the same media forgotten, so quickly, that Haniyah

 is among the millions of Palestinians who have been 

arrested and served time in Israeli jails, tortured

 and abused? 


Was he not on the ground in Gaza when it was blown to 

pieces many times before and the founders of Hamas, 

along with many of its senior leaders, were 

assassinated by the murderous 

Zionist regime? 


Was it, not Haniyah who emerged from a building in Gaza 

that had been razed to the ground by an Apache 

helicopter missile 20 years ago, holding the 

lifeless body of a toddler and carrying it

 in his arms to an ambulance?


Haven’t his three sons and four grandchildren 

in addition to some 70 other close relatives 

been killed in Gaza since October 7? 


Many Western leaders know the answers to these

questions. But exposing them would expose the

US-backed Zionist war crimes in the territory. 


Hamas leaders now living in exile spent the majority 

of their life on the ground in Gaza and witnessed

 firsthand the movement’s spiritual leader 

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin’s assassination

 in 2004 and that of the group’s 

co-founder ------ Abdel Aziz 

al-Rantisi, after Yassin. 


Many want the world to believe -- that the genocidal war 

on Gaza and the wider ethnic cleansing of Palestinians 

started when the clocks of Western mainstream 

media and their military-industrial complex-

affiliated analysts decided to start it 

on October 7. 


All the leaders of Palestinian resistance movements have 

sacrificed their family members over the past decades to 

free their country from its Nazi-like colonial rulers. 


In the case of Hamas, which is leading the negotiations on 

behalf of all the Palestinian resistance factions and 

people in Gaza, the group hasn’t been deterred by 

US-made bombs to relinquish its demands for a

 permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of all 

occupation forces from the entire strip 

and a return of all the displaced 

Palestinians to their homes. 


All the signs indicate that no level of ignorance on behalf

of the US and its illegitimate proxy regime in West Asia

will make the group climb down from its 

negotiating position. 


The prayer of the dead has been read over the bodies of

 Haniyah’s sons in Gaza, just like they were read for 

more than 33,300 others... in harsh conditions. 


The path to liberating occupied al-Quds and al-Aqsa

 Mosque is a marathon, not a sprint. But the finish

 line is within reach and will be crossed by the

 resistance, their leaders, and their 

family members. 



Wesam Bahrani - is an Iraqi 

journalist and commentator.


(The views expressed in this article..... do 

not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)



I believe this moment shows

who loves --- and who is a

liar, thief and murderer.


Which... are you?



Wounds Left -- by NATO Attack on 

Yugoslavia Persist After 25 Years

March 26th,  2:22pm 



On March 24, 1999, North Atlantic Treaty Organization 

(NATO) started an aerial bombing campaign against 

Yugoslavia without the authorization of the United 

Nations Security Council (UNSC). 


During the 78-day bombings, Serbia lost thousands 

of policemen, soldiers, and civilians, and suffered 

immense damage to its transport and 

energy infrastructure.


Among NATO's targets were houses and apartment 

buildings, schools, hospitals, even kindergartens, 

while the weapons deployed included missiles 

containing depleted uranium & cluster bombs.


Three Chinese reporters, including one from 

Xinhua, were killed - during bombardments 

against the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.


Serbian people mark March 24 as Remembrance Day for 

the Victims of NATO Aggression by laying wreaths or 

framed photos of their loved ones whose lives have

 been taken either directly by NATO's projectiles or 

indirectly by chaos and ethnic conflict, largely 

instigated by NATO.


This year, the ceremony of the remembrance day was held 

at the main square of Prokuplje, a city some 250 km south 

of Belgrade, in the presence of President Aleksandar 

Vucic, government officials, policemen, soldiers,

 and thousands of civilians.




Verica Tomanovic, president of the Association of Families

of Kidnapped & Missing Persons in Kosovo and Metohija -
recalled the arduous journey of hundreds of families. 


Representing 570 families -- who are still pining for their 

loved ones, her life journey over the past 25 years has 

been an unrelenting quest for truth and justice.


"Every passing day becomes heavier," said Tomanovic. In 

a poignant retelling of her personal tragedy, she shared

 the story of her husband Andrija, a dedicated doctor, 

and head of the surgical department in Pristina, 

whose life was abruptly halted by abduction.


"The assurances of NATO officials... about safety and 

security crumbled as violence engulfed the region. 

People were targeted and killed on the streets 

based on ethnic affiliation," recalled 

Tomanovic, her voice filled

 with sorrow.


Despite promises of protection, her husband became 

a victim of the conflict, abducted in broad daylight 

while bystanders, including NATO soldiers,

 looked on.


"He was a man of deep empathy," she said, explaining how

 her husband stayed at his post, out of dedication to his 

profession. The abduction of her husband, amidst the 

chaos following the NATO intervention, remains an

 open wound. With each passing year, the 

pain deepens.


Verica Tomanovic's relentless quest for truth --- has led her 

to the doors of international institutions, seeking answers 

that seem perpetually elusive. "We demand that the truth 

be uncovered," she said, clutching letters addressed to 

world leaders.


She mourns the absence of humanitarian rights, in Kosovo 

and Metohija, where, despite tireless appeals to domestic 

and international bodies, answers remain beyond reach, 

"without exhumations, without identification, 

without accountability."


Standing amidst walls - adorned with the faces of hundreds 

of kidnapped or missing individuals, including her husband 

Andrija, her determination remains unwavering after a

 quarter of a century. "We have the right to know

 the truth," she said.




With similar unwavering determination, Srdjan Aleksic, a 

lawyer from Nis, leads the charge in seeking redress for 

the victims of depleted uranium contamination, a

legacy of warfare ---- that has left a trail of 

devastation in its wake.


Born in Bustranje, a village nestled within the Presevo 

municipality, Aleksic's personal connection to the 

plight of his community runs deep. His mother, 

relatives, and neighbours succumbed to the 

ravages of cancer ------ a consequence of 

depleted uranium exposure during the 

78 days of relentless bombardments.


For Aleksic, the pursuit of justice transcends legal 

advocacy; it is a deeply personal crusade. With 

over 4,000 individuals seeking solace and 

restitution --- through his legal counsel, 

Aleksic stands as a beacon of hope 

for those afflicted by the 

silent killer.


There were two analyses conducted in Turin, Italy, which 

confirmed that Colonel Dragan Stojcic of the Serbian 

Army and Ksenija Tadic --- have 500 times more 

depleted uranium in their bodies than in

 any other person, Aleksic said.


Colonel Dragan Stojcic, a respected member of the 

Serbian Army, tragically died from three types of 

cancer, underscoring the dire consequences 

of the toxic legacy.


Collaborating with legal counterparts in Italy, where 

landmark judgments have been handed down over 

the illness of Italian peacekeepers, who spent 

time in Kosovo, Aleksic aims to replicate 

their success --- in Serbia.


"If we have in Italy --------- 400 cases with final, confirmed 

judgments, where they managed to prove the causality, 

and this was confirmed by the Supreme Court of Italy - 

why wouldn't we do the same in Serbia?" said Aleksic.


The use of depleted uranium is a war crime against 

civilians, said Aleksic. With its enduring half-life of

 4.5 billion years, the toxic legacy of depleted 

uranium continues to cast a shadow over

 future generations.




"It's evident that on that fateful day ------ justice was 

undermined, and fairness was compromised," said

 Milos Vucevic, Serbian deputy prime minister and 

minister of defense, during the international 

conference "From Aggression to New Just 

Order" held in Belgrade, on the occasion 

of the 25th anniversary of the bombing.


"From the onset of terrorist attacks and NATO aggression 

to the present day ------ we've witnessed numerous

 humanitarian catastrophes - stemming from 

the pursuit of power and the delusion of 

one's supremacy, a delusion that 

disregards eternal truths --- 

namely, that justice will 

inevitably prevail," 

he said.


Speaking at the conference, Nikola Selakovic..... minister in 

charge of veteran affairs condemned NATO intervention as 

"a crime against the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia."


"The balance sheet of this entire period --- is marked by 

hundreds of killed, missing, hundreds of thousands of 

exiles and displaced persons, dozens of destroyed 

and burned churches and monasteries, crimes 

without punishment," said Selakovic.


Everything raises the question of whether the aggression 

that began on March 24, 1999, really ended on June 10 

of that year .....or is still ongoing, he added.



Col. Douglas McGregor - who often pontificates

on Youtube - used depleted uranium shells 

in Iraq - and swears that the evidence is 

''unconvincing'' that depleted uranium 

causes any harm...


I can forgive him... but what do you think?





Gabbard: the truth about biolabs in 

Ukraine --- is equated to treason

in the US

March 26th, 2024

(source -- Tucker Carlson

Network retold by InoTV)


TULSI GABBARD, former U.S. Congressman: Over the past 

five years, it has become increasingly clear to me that 

many people, especially in the Democrat Party, 

particularly in Washington, do not value

 the constitution at all.


You know, I think that the last five years have played a key 

role. After all, if you look, for example, at what happened 

during COVID, as a starting point… At the federal and 

state and county levels, in many places, these 

people, having gained a little power, took 

advantage of the situation --- and they

continued to abuse their powers, 

so it was absurd.


It's absurd when they say: "For the sake of public safety, 

everyone should stay at home, you can't go to church, 

you can't even hold services in the open air, for 

example, in Hawaii on the beach. But if you're 

hosting a * it's above and beyond the public 

health and safety concerns we've 

discussed. So that's fine."


The politically motivated decisions that were made in the 

midst of "the greatest epidemic of our time," as it was 

called, in my opinion, opened many people's eyes to 

the fact that all this was just for the sake of power, 

and how little importance these people attached 

to such things as freedom, civil rights, and our 

ability to make our own choices.




TULSI GABBARD: And ----- under the Biden and Harris 

administrations, the situation has only gotten worse. 

I'm talking about how they undermined the rule of 

law — and continue to undermine it to this day. 

About how readily they directly or indirectly 

censored, blacklisted --- and denigrated --- 

ordinary Americans across the country. If 

it so happens that you object to them — 

aboutCOVID or about other things… 


In my opinion, the reason Mitt Romney called me a 

"lying traitor" was my words that there are biolabs

in Ukraine funded by the United States, the US 

Department of Defense, and we need to take 

care of their security, because there are 

military operations. And what neither 

we nor the world really needs is a 

leak from these biolabs -- which 

could pose a threat to people. 

It was perceived...


I should note that these were not your guesses…




In any case, this was confirmed publicly: Deputy Secretary

 of State Victoria Nuland voluntarily spoke about it in the 

Senate, in front of the cameras, answering a question 

from Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the current 

Republican senator.


TULSI GABBARD: Yes. And this was written on the website 

of the Ministry of Defense. It spoke about the long history 

of funding these laboratories, not only in Ukraine, but 

also in many other countries around the world.


Of course! Because US laws don't apply there! So they 

can… And this is clearly research in the field of 

biological weapons. But I don't think you said 

anything about that. You basically just

 repeated what the Undersecretary 

of State said in the Senate!




And then a creature like Mitt Romney denounced

 you as a traitor to the motherland.




What do you think of him? What's going on, why is he 

so committed to lying that he's willing to destroy 

your reputation?


TULSI GABBARD: He is part of the neoconservative and 

neoliberal establishment in Washington, which poses 

an immediate threat to our republic, our democracy, 

and our freedom, and because of which I decided 

to leave the Democrat Party. Seeing these people

… And yes, I understand that he is a Republican, 

but he took the same position as Hillary Clinton 

and many other Democrats ----- who don't care 

about our country.


That'sit all comes down to. They don't care about our 

country. I have asked Mitt Romney to respond, and I 

have sent him a legal letter demanding an answer 

regarding his allegations — for the very reason 

we discussed. After all, I am a serving officer

 in the US Army, and what he, as a US 

senator, accuses me of is a crime 

that is punishable by death. And 

if you make such accusations, 

as he made --- in the social 

network, which was then

 called Twitter, you better 

back them up with 



In general, if you look at it from the outside, it is obvious 

that Mitt Romney is emotionally a child. He wasn't 

exactly a genius... In general, he is not a genius, 

let's just say. And at the same time, within the 

framework of our economy, he earned 

hundreds of millions of dollars. So 

what does this ---- actually tell us 

about --- our economy? How can 

such a person get so incredibly 

rich here? It turns out, that 

something is wrong at the 

system level, isn't it?


TULSI GABBARD: Yes. Yes. I think there's a whole, huge 

one here... This will probably be the subject of my next 

book. We are talking about a military industrial 

complex, but there is also a corporate 

industrial complex.




TULSI GABBARD: I am, of course, for capitalism,

 but when you see these monopolies...


Yes, this is not capitalism.


This is not capitalism at all. When you see how many 

small businesses are suffering because of excessive 

government regulation... And they (TULSI GABBARD: 

corporate industrial complex — InoTV) can afford to 

allocate millions, tens of millions of dollars to 

lobbyists, to provide services to politicians, 

so that they, in turn, create loopholes that

 would contribute to the prosperity of 

their business, while making a large 

part of small businesses in our 

country a bargaining chip...




TULSI GABBARD: ... and by destroying competition — the 

real competition on which capitalism is based, in fact,

real competition in our country. And that's why 

people like Mitt Romney have made so much

money here. This is the reason.


He's behaving so shamefully... It's hard to believe that 

there really is such a person... but it is there. So how 

did he end up reacting to your words?


TULSI GABBARD: He didn't react at all. 

His silence was...


He didn't react at all?


TULSI GABBARD:at all — not in terms of responding to 

my lawyer, not in terms of responding on Twitter, or 

in any other way... Which didn't really surprise me.


How dishonest is this behaviour.


TULSI GABBARD: Yeah, that's right. This is true. This is
true... I am so grateful — and I really consider it a 

privilege — for the opportunity to serve our 

country in uniform. April will be my 21st 

year of service. I am grateful for the 

opportunity to serve now, as a 

company commander - which 

allows me to work with the 

wonderful representatives 

of the American people...

from all over our country 

who love it to the core. 


The sacrifice is not small — and for those who are on 

active duty, and for those who are in reserve. And 

we are going to do this for a certain reason...


And it stems from our strong love for our country. And when 

such a person makes such accusations... this, of course, 

touches a nerve. And it's not just about me... The real

 reason I challenged him here is this... When people 

like Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton make such 

accusations, they call me a "traitor" or a 

"Russian agent"or a" Putin puppet.".. 

this isn't really about me... The 

point is in their message to all 

military personnel in our 

country ------- and to all 

Americans in general: 


"If you dare to criticize us, 

we will deal with you..."


and they do it by destroying

your reputation, so people

will shun you.


Good for Tucker allowing

her a platform... but will

it really help her?


What do you think?




Russian lawmakers call on UN:
hold NATO responsible for 

the bombing of Yugoslavia

March 20th, 1:24pm (TASS) 


The Russian Federation Council (the upper chamber of the

 parliament) adopted the address of the Russian Federal 

Assembly (parliament) to the UN, parliaments of the 

world, and inter-parliamentary organizations in 

regards to the 25th anniversary of the NATO 

aggression against Yugoslavia, calling it to 

condemn this illegal military operation -

 and bring the perpetrators to justice.


"The Chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian

 Federation call on the United Nations, international 

parliamentary organizations and parliaments of 

foreign states to condemn the NATO military 

operation against Yugoslavia -- to counter 

the attempts to distort the historic truth

 about the tragic events of 1999 in the

 interest of the collective West ------ to 

take measures to bring the NATO

 member states to international 

legal responsibility for its 

aggression against the 

Federal Republic of 

Yugoslavia," the 

address says.


The lawmakers note --- ''that it is necessary to call things as

they are, in this case - ''a blatant violation of international 

law," which led to the destabilization of the Organization 

for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) --- and 

negatively affected relations between European 



The Federation Council and the State Duma, expressed 

their deep concerns, over the continued attempts -----
 present the act of aggression against Yugoslavia 

as a peacekeeping operation to the international 

community ---- to forget the victims of NATO 

bombings, and to shift the responsibility

for initiating the wars in the Balkans, 

on to the Serbs.


"Between March and June of 1999, NATO member states’ 

barbaric missile and bomb strikes ------ against civilian 

infrastructure - including transportation and energy -

as well as industrial enterprises --- killed over 2,000 

Yugoslavian civilians, including dozens of children.

About 2,300 cruise missiles and 14,000 bombs 

were dropped on a small sovereign state - in 

the middle of Europe," Russian lawmakers 



They also noted that NATO troops used depleted uranium 

munitions en masse, which caused irreparable damage

 to the environment and caused a rise in cancer cases 

in the region. Furthermore, it is still impossible to
assess the scale of the ecological
catastrophe, the
 document says.


The lawmakers believe that the impunity of NATO strikes 

at Yugoslavia created conditions for new force actions 

around the world under the guise of fighting "for the

values of ...freedom and democracy."


"The collective West’s conviction of its own impunity - and its 

right to decide the fates of other peoples and states - has 

led to the nurturing of the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine, 

which, after the 2014 coup d’etat, embarked on a 

genocidal policy course --- against the Russian 

population - and towards imitating an armed 

conflict in this country," the document says.



Yes, Clinton was not just a sleazy criminal

at home, but an unrepentent war criminal

abroad ----- what do you think, should be

his fate?




Ahead of Japan -- how Russia can
become -- 
one of the four largest
in the world by 2030

by Vladimir Tsegoev &

Ksenia Chemodanova

March 14th, 6:38pm



In January 2024 --- the Russian economy grew by 4.6% at 

once, and weekly inflation has gone to zero since March, 

President Vladimir Putin said. According to him -- the

 observed trends create the basis for fulfilling the 

strategic tasks set for the authorities. 


Earlier, the head of state announced the launch of five new 

national projects: "Family", "Long and active life", "Youth 

of Russia", "Personnel" and "Data Economy". 


The implementation of these initiatives is expected to help

 improve the demographic situation and strengthen the

 country's technological sovereignty. In addition, 

Vladimir Putin stated the need to bring Russia 

from the 5th to the 4th place in the ranking 

of the world's largest economies --- 

by 2030. Experts also consider 

this goal achievable.


Since the beginning of 2024, Russia's economic growth has 

accelerated compared to 2023, while the rise in prices of 

goods and services in the country, on the contrary, has

 slowed down. This was announced on Thursday, 

March 14, by President Vladimir Putin at a

 meeting with the government.


"Inflation is stabilizing — in February it was 0.7%, in the 

first couple of weeks of this month, inflation went to 

zero. It is clear that in weekly terms, this is all very

 approximate, everything is volatile, but never-

theless it is as it is. The economy grew by 

4.6% in January. GDP growth last year 

was 3.6%. In general --- it is very 

satisfactory, a good indicator," 

Putin said.


According to the Ministry of Economic Development, strong

 growth is observed in most industries. For example, 

construction work in January increased by 3.9%

 in annual terms, the volume of paid services to 

the population - by 6.2%, the manufacturing

 industry - by 7.5%, and wholesale and 

retail trade - by 9.1%. At the same 

time, the unemployment rate 

fell from 3% to 2.9%.


The observed dynamics give reason to believe that all the 

previously announced strategic plans of Russia for the

 coming years are feasible, Vladimir Putin believes. 

For this purpose, according to the Russian 

leader, the country has created a 

"fairly stable base".


"Specific goals are set in the field of demography, 

healthcare, education, upbringing of children 

and youth, and personnel training. Specific 

tasks are outlined -- to strengthen the 

country's technological sovereignty 

and create new digital platforms, 

improve the cities, and rural 

settlements --- and develop 

transport, and other infra-

structure..... We need to 

start this immediately" 

the Head of state 



Recall that on February 29, as part of his address to the

 Federal Assembly, the president announced the launch 

of five new national projects: "Family", "Long and 

active life", "Youth of Russia", "Personnel" and 

"Data Economy". 


These initiatives, are aimed at raising the birth rate
and increasing the average life span of Russians, 

supporting the younger generation, as well 

as combating labour shortages, and 

creating digital platforms ------ in
sectors of the economy.


These new national projects have a pronounced social

 character - and are mostly designed to help Russia 

overcome the demographic crisis. This point of 

view was expressed in an interview with RT 

by Georgy Ostapkovich, director of the 

Centre for Market Research at the 

HSE Institute for Statistical 

Research and Knowledge



"Our population decreases by 500-600 thousand people

every year. Therefore, the main funding in social 

programs is directed to demography, fertility, 

education.. and healthcare. Human capital 

is the foundation --- of economic growth. 

A highly competent & healthy person, 

of course -- will create innovations, 

apply new management schemes, 

which will have a positive impact 

on the economy," the specialist 



At the same time, along with investments in human capital, 

the country's authorities plan to pay special attention to 

the development of artificial intelligence in the coming 

years. Head of the Ministry of Economic Development
Maxim Reshetnikov, said 
yesterday, today... Russia is
among the top 10 leading countries in terms
of computing power ----- and 
the overall level of AI 

implementation in priority areas of the economy
exceeds 31%.


The technology itself, according to the Minister, makes it 

possible to increase labour productivity - by optimizing 

processes, reducing costs -- and improving product 

quality. This --- in turn --- also helps to solve the 

problem of personnel shortages, 

Reshetnikov is sure.


"The main thing now ---- is to maintain the trend towards 

the introduction( of AI. - RT), to ensure mass use and 

replication of the technology in industries. Due to 

its scale, this is the government's task," the 

head of the Ministry of Energy added.


"Moving forward is inevitable"


In addition to the implementation of five new national 

projects - Vladimir Putin previously outlined to the

authorities, another strategic goal for Russia — 

to be one of the four largest economies in the 

world -- in terms of purchasing power parity 

(PPP) - in six years. The government also 

considers achieving this goal feasible - 

as First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey 

Belousov said, at a meeting with 

the president.


"The Russian economy ------ ranks fifth in terms of gross 

domestic product.. in terms of PPP. Our calculations 

show, that Russia can become the 4th economy in

 the world, ahead of Japan, provided that growth

 remains stable... at least 2% per year, with a 

gradual acceleration to 3%, by the end of

 the period. In total for the period up to

 2030, the country's GDP should be 

increased by about 20%," 

Belousov said.


According to him, it is possible to achieve the intended

result ------- at the expense of five mechanisms. These

include... increasing labour productivity, increasing 

investment, increasing non-primary exports in the 

markets of friendly countries, supporting small 

and medium-sized businesses ----- and 

developing import substitution.


Let's explain: GDP at purchasing power parity is the total 

value of all goods and services produced, calculated by 

taking into account differences in the level of prices 

and exchange rates in different countries. It is 

believed that this indicator better reflects

 the real situation in the economy.


"Simply put, the indicator shows how many units of the

 same product can be bought in each country for the

same amount, for example, for a dollar. This is a 

relative indicator that reflects the availability 

of goods and services to the population -- 

based on their income. Leading world 

economists use it to assess the real 

picture of the quality of life of the 

population" ------ Andrey Loboda, 

economist, & communications

director at BitRiver, explained

 to RT.


According to the World Bank, from 2016 to 2020, China, the

US, India, Japan and Germany, continuously remained the 

5 largest economies in the world in terms of PPP, while 

Russia occupied only the sixth line. However, in 2021,

 the Russian Federation was able to bypass Germany 

and has recently been closing the gap with Japan.


"Today, Russia is the fifth largest country in the world, and

 further progress is inevitable. We can indeed become the 

4th, but this will depend not only on the growth of our 

economy, but also.... on the situation in Japan. If, in 

addition to the objectively slowing growth of the 

economy in Japan... interest rates also start to 

rise, then next year the country can definitely 

expect at best stagnation, and at worst — a

recession. Russia needs to take advantage

of this," Loboda said.



If I was a relatively young man,

I would join the increasing 

numbers of Westerners

moving to Russia.


What do you think? 




Fearful Electioneering ------- Turbo 

Charges Western Warmongering

March 8th, 2024

(strategic-culture.su Editorial)


Western political leaders, are digging a 

deeper hole for their eventual collapse.


Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK.


Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su


Western states are facing an acute political crisis,

 whereby their established governing parties and 

leaders are fighting for survival amid a grave

 loss in legitimacy in the eyes of 

their electorates.


In the United States, incumbent President Joe Biden

is vying for reelection in November with historically 

the lowest poll numbers ever, for an occupant of

 the White House.


Meanwhile, across the EU, governing parties and 

leaders are braced for a drubbing from the

parliamentary elections in June.


The roots of this unprecedented loss of legitimacy among 

Western political establishments are manifold. But surely 

one cause is the rank hypocrisy of Western leaders that 

has now been laid bare. How can political figures 

expect to have any moral authority when they 

are seen to be inveterate liars and 

shamelessly corrupt?


Western governments and their servile media lecture about

 “democracy”, “human rights” --- and upholding “law and 

order”. They claim to be motivated by such principles 

in their support of Ukraine against alleged Russian 

aggression. Yet these same governments - are 

complicit in the genocide of Palestinians in 

Gaza - through their unwavering support

 for the Israeli regime.


Western leaders have been fatally exposed and 

compromised by the conflict in Ukraine and 

Gaza. The contradiction - is terminal.


That’s not just because of the blatant double standards 

& duplicity. Western voters are increasingly disgusted 

by the relentless financial and military support 

funneled into Ukraine to prop up a scamming

 regime comprised of NeoNazi ideologues.


Under Joe Biden - and the incumbent European politicians, 

the West has flooded Ukraine with weapons and hundreds 

of billions of dollars in what is the biggest war racket ever.


This is while Western populations, workers, farmers, and 

businesses are hard-pressed with numerous social and 

economic burdens.


Western governing parties are rightly seen as elitist and

 serving powerful minority oligarchic interests such as 

the military-industrial-corporate-financial nexus. 

Their declared vows about democracy are a 

contemptible joke.


The war in Ukraine is increasingly understood by voters to 

be a disastrous proxy war of choice - that was pushed by 

U.S. and Western imperial objectives to confront Russia.


Despite the squandering of public money to propagate the 

war, the U.S.-led NATO axis has lost its “great game”. The

 proxy war has devastated Ukraine, causing up to 500,000

 military deaths in two years, as well as destabilizing the 

rest of Europe from increased migration, fiscal impact, 

deindustrialization, and the shattering of 

agricultural industries.


Western populations are furious with their political leaders

 for having inflicted such chaos and waste of resources –

 as well as wantonly provoking tensions in international 

relations with Russia. Western politicians have pushed 

the world to the brink of an all-out war between 

nuclear powers. All this crazed folly, is based 

on utter lies and deception  ---- as the horror 

of Gaza and Western complicity illustrates.


In this cauldron of electoral revolt, Western political 

leaders are only digging a deeper hole for their 

eventual collapse.


US President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address 

this week -------- made a disingenuous pitch to voters. He
portrayed the world as facing an existential crisis from

 Russian “tyranny” and simultaneously claimed the 

fate of US democracy was under threat from his 

election rival Donald Trump.


In a dangerous, and desperate move, Biden is conflating 

Trump with alleged Russian aggression. The Democrat 

president is fighting for his political survival against 

Republican presumptive nominee Trump primarily 

because Biden is so deeply unpopular among 

US citizens. To boost his election prospects, 

Biden is making out that the country is 

facing an “inflection point” - that 

requires a rejection of Trump 

because he is “bowing 

down” to Russia.


Trump and many within the Republican Party 

are opposed to continuing the proxy war in 

Ukraine, recognizing that it is futile.


Biden and the Democrats, who are more aligned with the 

U.S. foreign policy establishment, are therefore trying to 

make the election about an existential “defense of 

world democracy and peace”.


 Biden claimed in his State of the Union address - that if the 

U.S. does not supply Ukraine with another $60 billion more 

in military aid then Russia will overrun the rest of Europe.

 Biden even invoked the memory of Roosevelt 

supposedly facing down Nazi Germany 

in 1941.


Meanwhile, in Europe, the same warmongering high-stakes 

ruse --- is being pushed by French President Emmanuel 

Macron. Macron, is calling for the deployment of NATO 

ground troops in Ukraine to prevent a Russian victory 

and an alleged threat to the rest of Europe.


The French head of state has become almost hysterical in 

recent weeks with war talk. He told other French political 

leaders this week that there would be “no limits” to 

France’s support for Ukraine against Russia.


What’s lying behind Macron’s belligerent rhetoric are his 

fears of political defeat --- from opposition parties in the 

forthcoming EU parliamentary elections. It is not just 

Macron who is anxious. All incumbent European 

leaders are dreading an expected widespread

 revolt by the electorate.


That is why the French president and his ruling-class ilk

 like European Commission President Ursula von der 

Leyen and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are 

seeking to dominate the public narrative 

with war talk and the alleged danger 

of Russian expansionism.


The irony is that the more the Western establishments

 pursue militarism and war in Ukraine, the worse their 

states become from economic mismanagement, and 

the more their legitimacy sinks into the gutter. They 

are seen more and more as a warmongering clique

 that has not a shred of ethical concern because 

of their reckless warmongering in Ukraine and 

their despicable complicity in the genocide

 in Gaza.


Elections in Western states are over-rated. As the saying 

goes, if voting changed anything ------ it would have been 

banned -- years ago. The array of current opposition 

figures and parties facing incumbents is not going

 to deliver any solutions to the endemic problems 

of Western systemic failure. Nevertheless, the 

forthcoming U.S. presidential election and the 

European parliamentary ballots are shaping 

up to deliver grievous blows of repudiation 

to the political establishments.


To offset the political doomsday, charlatan Western leaders

 like Biden, Macron, Scholz, and Von der Leyen are doing

 their last-ditch best to talk up war with Russia and the 

“threat to democracy” -- as a way to burnish their 

electioneering efforts. But such cynicism is not 

turbocharging their prospects. It will backfire.


The U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine is facing an 

historic debacle.. from defeat. But that makes the 

desperate reaction by Western incumbents 

scurrying for political survival, a 

dangerous time --- in the next 

few months.



Break out the popcorn!

Exciting times, I think..


How about you?




3 scenarios - for the 

future of Ukrainians

March 6th, 6am



Viktor Medvedchuk, Chairman of the Council of the 

Other Ukraine movement, discusses possible 

future scenarios for Ukraine, in his column

for the We Are Watching media platform.


"Today, the forecast of the future of Ukrainians is 

connected not only with Ukraine, but also with 

the future configuration of the entire political 

architecture in Europe, the global security 

system, and therefore it is extremely 

important to make it.'' 


''At the same time, there is no need to guess on coffee

grounds, because there are economic, military and 

social processes that - if properly analyzed - will 

give us the most likely result, especially since 

there are only three possible scenarios, in 

our opinion.''


Ukraine – a military battering ram for Russia


''The scenario when Ukraine becomes for Russia about 

the same as Israel for the Arab world, has long been

implemented. Israel maintains a military presence 

of the collective West in the Middle East, for 

which it receives... generous funding. It is 

according to this scheme, that Zelensky

is building the future of Ukraine.''


''The scheme of interaction is quite simple – the West 

provides weapons and funding, Ukraine - soldiers 

and bridgeheads -- for the offensive. As in the 

case of Israel, a complete military takeover 

of its neighbours, is not expected. They 

just need to create problems, weaken 

them and force them to be compliant 

with the envoys of the West ---- who 

play the role of "good policemen".'' 


''It is this role that Biden is now hypocritically playing 

when he tries to "reason" with the "intractable" 

Netanyahu. All this - is nothing more than

 a cheap concert - for the public.''


''Zelensky's criminal regime has accepted this scenario, as 

the only one and a working one, but the problem is, that it 

has confused Ukraine with Israel. The provocateur state 

should be much smaller than modern Ukraine, much

smaller, even with the loss of territories today. It's 

all about the economy: a huge Ukraine cannot 

always be kept on the balance sheet of the 

West, it will be rational to have only a few 

regions. In this case, Western assistance 

will be sufficient -- to fulfill the tasks of 

destabilizing the region.''


''Therefore, the loss of territories in this scenario is a natural

process. Zelenskiy needs more soldiers, weapons, and 

finances to hold onto vast swathes of Ukraine. In Kiev, 

they really believe that the resources of the US and 

NATO are unlimited, and they do not understand 

why they are given so little. And, in the West, 

sober heads understand that the politicians 

have miscalculated ---- and that the funds 

invested in Zelensky will never pay off.''


''Zelensky acts like a typical post-Soviet rogue manager – 

he defended the project, received funding, and doesn't 

understand..... why any result is required of him. 

Zelensky's task is not to win on the battlefield,

especially not to defend his country, but to 

raise money around the world and get 

hysterical if they don't give, or don't 

give enough.''


''This whole scenario ----- is untenable either economically,

militarily, or politically. Economically, it implies eternal 

endless financing by the collective West of Ukraine - 

which is simply impossible due to the fact that the

war undermines the economy. In the US, they

realized this ----- and are trying to push the 

burden of financing the war onto the EU: 

ideally, to incite Germany or France to 

attack Russia.''


''But if financing Ukraine, is a heavy burden for the US, then 

the EU will not be able to fund it, even if Washington orders 

it. The lion's share of the EU's economic growth has been 

built on economic cooperation with Russia. Now none of 

this is happening, Europe is weakening.... losing its 

competitiveness and markets.''


''The situation is even worse militarily. Israel confronts

countries --- that do not have a developed military-

industrial complex, especially nuclear weapons.

And Russia --- has both an advanced military-

industrial complex --- and a modern army.''


"If we are strong with weapons, we will not lose this war. 

We will win," Zelensky said, "Because all Putin's steps
back, daily steps back, will definitely have a big
on his society. And then he will think
about internal 


''Such rhetoric has a lot of flaws. First, Zelensky himself, is 

taking steps back, since the counteroffensive has turned 

into a retreat. Secondly, Russia has its own weapons, 

but Ukraine does not, so it is necessary to beg for 

them somewhere and have an eternal shortage 

of them. And, third, it's time for Zelenskiy to 

think about internal security himself --- as 

the scandal with his presidential powers 

is brewing, mass discontent of the 

military and civilians, and his 

rating -- is rapidly falling.''


''Politically, Zelenskiy has nothing to offer - but war. Neither 

the EU, nor NATO, nor our own people. The 2019 elections

showed that the Ukrainian people do not need a war

president. But Zelensky, did not have the will, 

intelligence, or professionalism to become 

a president of the world. He understands 

---- that any peace will ruin his political 

career. And any war - ends in peace.''


Ukraine – part of Russia


''This scenario is also already being implemented - and

successfully. A fifth of Ukrainian lands went under
the control of the Russian Federation. In 2021
I wrote 
about this --- warning Zelensky,
who did not 
heed the advice:


"The very policy of a mono-national state implies the

surrender of citizens and territories. The policy of 

a mono-national state, cannot achieve the main 

goal, both at the current stage of the country's 

development and at future stages, namely, to 

"stitch" the country around a common idea,

to return regions.. that were not controlled 

by official Kiev -------- to convince (Russian

speaking) residents that Ukraine is their 

home and they are welcome here. And

in no way - is the construction of a 

mono-national state with militant 

Ukrainization, capable of 

returning Donbass to 

Ukraine, or Ukraine

to Donbass."


''Even then, it was clear that Zelensky would not return any 

territories, and he would still lose a lot of territories. But 

the loss of territories is an optimistic scenario for him, 

and a more realistic one --- is the complete and 

irrevocable loss of statehood.'' 


"As for the behaviour of this Kiev clique," Dmitry Medvedev 

said recently, "at least, this is short-sighted, because they

simply alienate some people, even those who were loyal 

to their government until recently. This looks monstrous 

--- because we are talking about countering the entire 

Russian culture --- and our common path. They are

demolishing monuments, and we did not even 

think of such a thing! Ukrainians -- with the 

exception of outright Nazis and Bandera 

members -- have always been treated 

with respect, in our country. I'm not 

even talking about the classics: 

Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, 

or Gogol, who is one of the 

outstanding Russian & 

Ukrainian writers."


''And no matter what Western propaganda claims, the

Ukrainians in the new territories made their choice

in favour of Russia. The West accuses Russia 

of aggression, but it is in Russia that most

Ukrainian citizens seek salvation.''


''They are driven to Russia by the insane and criminal 

policies of the Zelensky regime, but once they 

become Russian citizens, they may well 

return home, because then they will 

not be threatened by this regime.'' 


''Therefore, if Ukraine ceases to exist on the map, it will 

be primarily the merit of Zelensky and his pack, who 

surrendered the interests of their country long 

before the fighting --- and continue to move 

unrestrainedly, in this direction.''


Last chance for Ukraine


''Russia constantly gives Ukraine a chance to survive as a 

state. So, the Permanent Representative of the Russian 

Federation, Vasily Nebenzia, at a meeting of the UN 

Security Council said: "I want to emphasize that 

it is still possible to preserve Ukraine in some 

form, but -- it should be a peaceful, neutral 

Ukraine, where there is no discrimination 

and Russophobia, where Nazi criminals 

are not glorified and from which there

is no threat to Russia. It is precisely 

to achieve these goals - that our 

SVO is directed."


"It is precisely to achieve these goals, that the goals
our special military operation are aimed," the

''Therefore, the choice is up to the 
collective West 
---- whether we will need to 
fight to the end, or
common sense will 
prevail in Washington,
London and 
Brussels and at least they
will try 
to save something
from Ukraine.'' 


''Any conflict ends --- sooner or later. The same thing, we 

are sure, awaits the conflict in Ukraine. Of course, the

 longer it drags on, because of Kiev's Western policy, 

the more unfavorable the peace conditions will be
 for Ukraine."


''Before that, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an

interview with Tucker Carlson, said that Zelensky 

may well talk about peace with him. And what 

about Zelensky? He said it was impossible. 

He foolishly failed to realize that he was 

crossing out the possibility --- not of 

negotiating with Russia --- but 

Ukrainian statehood itself.'' 


''Russia will not tolerate a Nazi state on its borders. 

And Zelensky's ethnicity will not cover up the 

Nazi nature of his regime.''


''Ukraine - still has a chance to preserve its statehood, but 

then it should stop clinging to Nazism, Russophobia, and 

military hysteria and focus on improving the well-being 

of its citizens. Ukrainian statehood, the rule of law, 

the social sphere, and governance will have to be 

built again, but the current Ukrainian elite is not 

capable of this. These traitors to their people, 

corrupt officials, self-appointed Fuhrers and 

politicians --- have no place in the future. 

They have only one way --- a suitcase, 

a train station, the West --- out of 

the country they have betrayed."


Chairman of the Council of the 

Other Ukraine Movement,

 Viktor Medvedchuk.


This is a discussion for the Ukrainians.


Tyranny !

by Bouthaina Shaaban

February 28th, 2:01pm

Source: Al Mayadeen English


What has brought the world today to an unprecedented 

level of tyranny - is the support provided by Western

countries to terrorist killers ---- engaged in daily

genocide against innocent civilians in Gaza.


The major mistake humanity committed in the modern era, 

is its failure to dedicate the necessary time and effort - to 

uncover the injustices committed by the white man in the 

West against indigenous peoples. It failed to chronicle a 

true and precise history of the genocide, torture, siege, 

plunder of wealth, and development of weapons of 

mass destruction, and genocide ----- perpetrated 

against the peoples in colonies in Africa,
and Latin America. 


It also failed to document the destruction of peoples' 

cultures and the employment of media to distort 

realities --- brainwash minds --- and undermine 

human values ---- especially through burying 

indigenous languages, and replacing them 

with a colonial language that still stands 

as the ''official language'' ------- of the

inhabitants of former colonies. 


Some inhabitants of these colonies now even glorify the

 West, praising the civilization built upon the skulls of 

their own children and the museums enriched with 

looted artifacts from these colonies, not to 

mention the stolen wealth used to 

construct the colonizers' home-

lands, while keeping the 

plundered peoples in 

abject poverty..... 

for centuries.


These crimes have been a source of controversy and

debate.. among the inhabitants of the colonies for 

centuries: some ----- have become mentally and 

morally subservient to the colonizer, initially 

out of fear --- and later, out of habit. 


Some people from former colonies defend the colonizers

and think they are vital to their very existence - while 

others rebel against the entire colonial legacy but 

often without a substantial or valuable action 

against this legacy, thus failing to form 

a national and - consequently -

an international stance 

to be reckoned with.


These could be some of the reasons... why the true 

significance of countries - has not been decisively 

settled on the historical, human and ethical map.

Fear, silence --- and the fluctuating poverty of 

oppressed peoples under Western tyranny 

--- could be some of the reasons, for the 

failure to reach a definitive resolution 

on this matter.


What has brought the world today - to an unprecedented

level of tyranny ------ is the support provided by Western 

countries to terrorist killers engaged in daily genocide 

for the past five months against innocent civilians in 

Gaza and Palestine in general. All is happening 

before the eyes of a world.. claiming to be 

civilized. Yet ---- we have not witnessed

a revolution in public opinion ---- or 

a sincere and resolute action ----

against these horrifying crimes. 


We do not even witness a statement befitting the horror of 

what is happening, except for Yemen, which we all take 

pride in, as the origin of Arab identity, proving with 

merit --- that it deserves to be the origin, root, 

and stronghold, of the Arabs.


After five months of the West waging a genocidal war

against the innocent people of the besieged Strip,

after the martyrdom of around 30,000 people --- 

mostly women and children - the displacement 

of over a million people - and the perpetration 

of heinous massacres -- against doctors and 

journalists, & after all the inhuman actions 

of trees uprooting, animals shooting, food 

targeting - and attacks on organizations,

once called humanitarian - to make the 

population die of hunger, the genocide 

continues falling... on the deaf ears 

of the entire world ---- completely 

disregarding what is happening 

to its fellow human beings.


The United States and its Western allies, persist in sending 

billions of various lethal weapons to empower their Zionist 

tools, to continue perpetrating this gruesome genocide --- 

unparalleled in history, at least in the past four centuries.


Others in the East, South, West, and everywhere ---- believe 

they are safe and secure from what is happening, unaware 

that this disregard for humanity, applies to all of them, 

albeit at different times and moments. 


The people of Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq - are not 

only defending Palestine and the safety of Palestinians, but 

are also defending a world they envision free from Western 

colonial oppression. They stand against Western tyranny 

that has wreaked havoc on all our colonized nations, 

adjusting its tools without changing its objectives, 

targeting us, belittling us, and collectively killing 

us ----- whenever its interests demand this. 


Residents of the colonies expressing admiration for 

what the West has accomplished for its people 

should remember that this achievement was 

built on the skulls of their own children and 

the plundering of their own resources. 


The West treats its people in a completely different way, 

and others will never be treated in the same way. The 

most significant evidence of this, is the immigrants 

from the Arab Maghreb in France  --- who are now 

the second and third generations; nevertheless, 

they still remain second or third-class citizens 

and have not been and will not be granted 

the status of the white European.


However, the aggression on Gaza - reveals something even 

more perilous to humanity: the United States - holds the
international arena in its grip ------- punishing whom it
chooses ----- compelling other nations to mete out
punishments -------
 severing ties with those it
disapproves of and trying 
to force others
-- -to adhere to its categorization of 

good, evil, terrorism, and more.


If anyone attempts to issue any resolution in the Security 

Council to restore justice - a US veto is used to stop that.
The most alarming revelation of this aggression, is that 

the US, along with Britain, France, and Germany have
seized the international will, subjugated it, and 

turned all nations into slaves - following the 

dictates of the US administration - which 

openly declares its active participation 

in a war of extermination while hiding 

behind their dual fear: fear of taking 

action ...and fear of inaction. 


However, this silence and clinical death of any international

movement against unprecedented tyranny, in our modern 

era, turn everyone into powerless slaves, incapable of 

doing anything. All they do... is bow their heads to 

avert the impending disaster that might befall 

them... in the next round.


In this context and analysis, the only true free individuals 

today are those resisting Western tyranny. They protest 

against it in the West, raising their voices against 

Western broadcasters, telling them, "Shame 

on you!, stop the war of extermination!, 

free Palestine!." 


Even though the police silence them, and force them out 

of the room handcuffed, allowing the host to resume the 

dialogue with himself, there is no doubt that all viewers 

know this is the truth;- their consciences are stirred, 

and they cannot remain passive, when they realize 

that the killing of every innocent Palestinian child 

and woman is a violation of their human dignity, 

warning them - that they might face the same 

fate - if they dare to express their opinions. 


Therefore, their complete silence tightens the grip 

of tyranny around their necks, rendering them 

powerless and helpless slaves.... in any 

matter they are about to undertake.


From this perspective, supporting Palestine today is the 

essential first step toward confronting the political 

tyrannical system --- enabled by the prevalent 

influence of Western intelligence agencies

in the West --- which currently control the

media, political parties, parliaments, 

and politicians in the West. 


Challenging - the slavery imposed by 

this oppressive Western system on 

humanity as a whole - represents 

the most significant liberation 

battle humanity faces, in 

the 21st century. 


People must either choose freedom and be prepared to bear

its costs or remain under the yoke of Western tyrants like 

Netanyahu and Biden, subject to any blow the tyrants

decide to direct to them. Undoubtedly, the outcome

of this battle will be significant for all. Will the 

major world powers continue to keep silent 

toward Western tyranny and tremble in 

fear, or will they hasten to stand on 

the right side of history as some 

leaders who have learned the 

lesson -- like the Colombian, 

Bolivian, Venezuelan, and 

Brazilian presidents?


It is not only their responsibility toward themselves, 

or even just toward their countries but their crucial 

and definite responsibility toward the future of 

humanity and the future of this universe that 

God entrusted us with as His stewards on 

earth. Will we prove ourselves worthy 

of this responsibility?



The opinions mentioned in this article 

do not necessarily reflect the opinion 

of Al mayadeen, but, rather, express 

the opinion of its writer exclusively.



But they do reflect my opinion -

and I hope, pray ------ and have 

Faith, that countless millions

will be moved to act...


don't you think?




Proletären: Sweden was dragged into NATO 

to force it - to serve Washington's interests

February 28th, 2024 

(source - Proletären

retelling by InoTV)


After Sweden's accession to NATO, the more than two-

hundred-year-old principle of Swedish non-alignment

 with military blocs will be buried. Not once since 

the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and 

three years later, King Charles XIV Johan, 

declared his intention to prevent Sweden

from participating in the war --- has the 

Northern European country officially 

entered into military pacts.


Back in March 2022, the then Prime Minister. Magdalena

Andersson, was convinced that Sweden's long-standing

 policy of non-alignment had served Sweden well for 

two centuries. However, just over 2 months later, 

she and the Social Democrats ' party council 

changed their minds and applied for the 

kingdom's membership -- in the North 

Atlantic Alliance, Proletären recalls.


"It should be borne in mind that NATO is a nuclear-armed 

alliance," Magdalena Andersson said, in an interview in 

March 2022. Since then, people have been talking 

about it... more quietly. 


At the behest of Commander-in-Chief Mikael Bueden, the 

current Swedish government, even began to oppose the 

possible deployment of nuclear weapons... on Swedish 

soil. At the same time as NATO members, neighboring
Norway and Denmark, have reservations against the 

deployment of nuclear weapons on their territory in 

peacetime. Membership in NATO also precludes

 the possibility of being an international voice

 for nuclear disarmament, as Sweden has 

not ratified the UN resolution banning 

nuclear weapons -------- under 

US pressure.


In the Swedish media NATO is called a "defensive alliance", 

although the organization itself does not declare this. The 

NATO bloc's website describes it as a " political and

 military alliance." 


This military alliance, among other things, bombed Libya
and Afghanistan - two countries that did not attack any 

NATO countries, and in the destruction of which -----

 Sweden participated.


 It was NATO  - that turned Libya into one big mess - and a 

mecca for slave traders and smugglers. As a member of 

NATO, Sweden will be forced to participate in US wars 

..which will not necessarily take place in the Baltic 

Sea, the author of the article notes.


China, not Russia, is the US's main rival. As a member

of NATO, Sweden will be forced -- to send its soldiers

around the world to fight for US economic interests. 


NATO is essentially the US's military tool to maintain its 

position at the top of the global capitalist system. The 

enemies of NATO are the enemies of the US that do 

not want to submit to Washington, such as Iran

 and North Korea. Resource-rich China and 

Russia will not be left alone even when

these powers try to cooperate with

the United States.


The United States and NATO - spare no effort to impose

 their will and consider themselves above international

 law. The only people in Sweden.. who benefit from 

NATO membership are US-oriented capitalists, 

and above all, arms manufacturers led by 

SAAB ------- under the leadership of the 

Wallenberg family. SAAB shares rose 

significantly on the stock market, 

after the so-called debate on 

Sweden's accession to 

NATO began.


However, there was no real debate. Last but not least, 

the state-run Swedish TV and radio broadcaster.... 

bears a huge responsibility for the poor-quality 

and one-sided journalism that has flooded 

the public's minds since the Nordic 

country joined NATO.


Only now, in the run-up to Sweden's final membership 

in NATO, articles began to appear warning about the 

consequences of such a decision, but in just over a 

year --- the propaganda storm was so strong that,
the delight of the Swedish military-industrial 

complex --- no counterarguments were heard

 in the leading Swedish media. As a result, 

all Swedes who want to live in peace - 

and not send the younger generation

to fight for the United States - are 

at a loss, Proletären concludes.



Sweden's convenient ''neutrality''

..disguised their vital role in

supplying high-end optics

and other material - for

Hitler's nazi regime.


Better that the Swedes now show

and know their true position - as

armaments manufacturers for

hatred, pain and conquest.


What do you think?



Amid chaos of war, Israeli soldiers
 steal everything - from jewelry 

to rugs - in Gaza

by Maryam Qarehgozlou

February 27th, 12:52pm



People frantically search through the rubble, their faces 

streaked with tears and dust, each of them driven by

 desperation and hope, calling out the names of 

their loved ones amid the chaos of death 

and destruction left behind by the 

Israeli genocidal campaign.


With every piece of debris lifted - there is a mix of fear 

and anticipation, praying for a sign of life beneath the 

devastation. It’s a race against time, fueled by love 

and anguish, as grief-stricken families cling to the 

possibility of finding their missing relatives alive.


On Thursday night, the Yaghi family was having their last 

cup of tea when the Israeli forces razed down their 

house and four other buildings with two airstrikes

 in Deir Al Balah in central Gaza, reports said.


Nearly 40 people were sheltering in the house before the

 bombs rained down and 15 were believed to have been 

trapped under the rubble. The other members of the 

family kept searching through the rubble of where 

their house once stood... but to no avail.


“We were all fasting. I stepped into that room, the house

 was full and there was no space, I sat by the wall and 

placed my three-year-old nephew on my lap, a 

second later I heard a loud explosion, and we

 were all flown up in the air, then the roof 

collapsed and all went black,” Shaza 

Yaghi was quoted as saying by Al 

Jazeera, as she recounted her 

heart-wrenching ordeal.


“While searching, I came across a child’s severed body 

part, his leg, which seemed to be my nephew’s, then 

I found parts of his brain all blown out… that white

 bag over there is full of the body parts and body 

organs we found after the explosion.”


Images coming out of the bruised and bleeding territory 

each day show children and adults alike combing 

through the ruins of their houses, looking for 

their belongings and missing loved ones.


The situation in Gaza is “shocking and desperate” 

according to the UN, with nearly 30,000 

Palestinians killed and almost the 

entire population of 2.3 million 

people displaced and 



On the other hand, the Israeli soldiers shamelessly 

flaunt their diabolic crimes and share them on 

social media platforms. This genocide in 

Gaza is quite literally unfolding  -

in real-time.


Vandalizing and looting


Videos from Israeli soldiers’ social media accounts show

 them blowing up and demolishing buildings, vandalizing

 and looting homes, and raising Israeli regime flags
 those ruins.


Looting and vandalizing houses, whose occupants have 

been forced to abandon all their belongings, has 

become a common practice since October 7. 

It happened in previous Israeli wars on 

Gaza as well --- but this time --- the 

looters have been publicizing 

it themselves.


In November, Palestinian singer, Hamada Nasrallah, 

shared a photo of an Israeli regime soldier playing 

the guitar he said his late father bought for him 

15 years ago.


“I was shocked today when I saw this TikTok video of

 a [Israeli] soldier playing guitar in the midst of the 

rubble in Gaza. I know this guitar very well 

because there are not many guitars like 

this in Gaza. My dad --- gifted me this 

guitar 15 years ago,” he remarked.


“Isn’t it enough that they take away our loved ones, 

our homes, our families, and even our music and

 memories? Where does the injustice stop?”


Earlier this month, Sultan Abu Tair, a renowned 

Palestinian journalist and humanitarian - also 

shared a video of an Israeli soldier bragging 

about looting Palestinian homes and 

stealing expensive watches --- in 

Rimal neighbourhood, west 

of Gaza City.


Another post on social media showed an Israeli

 soldier taking out someone’s collection of 

soccer shirts from a bag.


There are many other videos posted on social 

media in recent months that show Israeli 

soldiers ransacking homes and stealing 

everything from clothes, cosmetics, 

rugs, groceries, and jewelry.


Israeli forces systematically steal,

 loot Palestinians' belongings in

 Gaza: Rights group


A rights group says Israeli forces are 

conducting a systematic looting 

of Palestinians.


Erasure and extermination


There are also videos of Israeli soldiers singing 

genocidal songs, planting flags in Gaza, 

smashing up toy shops, looting 

houses - and having dance 

parties atop the rubble.


“The masses can see it is about erasure and 

extermination, not safety and security,”

Palestinian-US poet, Remi Kanazi ,

wrote --- in a post on X,

 formerly Twitter.


The Israeli media has also been normalizing these 

acts and uncritically reporting about the looting 

and stealing of Palestinian homes, by 

Israeli soldiers.


Israel’s public broadcaster Kan, recently featured 

soldiers who presented reporter Uri Levy with a 

mirror they had brought back from Gaza.


“It has a name: it’s called looting, and it’s also prohibited 

according to [military] law. This is what a morally 

bankrupt country looks like. Here.... it’s just a 

mirror, here, it’s just evidence of execution
and just evidence of abuse......... 
in The
Hague just waiting,” 
 said Mistaclim, 

an Israeli rights group.


While the Israeli military has said in a statement that 

looting Palestinian property by soldiers is unlawful, 

there is a special unit in the military itself 

dedicated to seizing money and other 

property found on the battlefield.


In late December, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor 

reported several cases - in which Israeli troops took 

part in or witnessed the deliberate theft of assets 

and money from Palestinian civilians, including 

items like computers, jewelry, and large 

amounts of cash.


The rights group estimated that the Israeli military 

may have stolen valuables worth tens of millions

 of dollars since the events of October 7.


“Many residents reported that Israeli soldiers took their

 belongings, others saw their belongings with Israeli 

soldiers on TikTok,” Maha Hussaini.... director of 

strategies at Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor 

and a Palestinian journalist based in Gaza, 

was quoted as saying by media.


In addition to looting Palestinians’ belongings, footage

 circulating on social media - also shows Israeli 

soldiers using Gaza’s abandoned homes to 

cook and eat the food they find there.


“In every house, you’ll find a lot of ras el hanout style 

mixes. There are also plenty of lentils, so at first, 

we made a lot of stews …. Every house we 

stayed in had olives that [Palestinians] 

make, which we tasted…” one Israeli 

soldier cited in an article published 

by Haaretz on February 13.


“Olive oil is also present in every home, in gallons, and it 

helps a lot to upgrade any food. They also have a great 

spicy sauce.”


In a letter published by the military rabbinate last month, 

soldiers were instructed on how to keep kosher when 

using food and utensils found in homes in Gaza. The

 letter, signed by Rabbi Avishai Peretz ended with 

the biblical directive: “And you shall eat the 

riches of all the nations.”


Famine and siege


However, after four and a half months of Israeli siege, 

famine is taking a heavy toll on everyone in Gaza.


Gaza’s ability to produce its food has been decimated by

 Israeli bombs, agriculture is in ruins, fertile lands are 

neglected, poultry and livestock... have been 

destroyed, and the limited international 

aid.. can barely meet the needs of a 

hungry population, or prevent the 

situation... from deteriorating 



According to the figures from the UN Office for the

 Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), at

 least half a million people are facing famine 

while nearly the entire population of Gaza 

is experiencing an acute food shortage.


In a statement last week, the world body warned of 

an “explosion” in child deaths due to a lack of food 

and water in the besieged territory.


Some pro-Palestine activists say that Israeli soldiers’

 videos on social media can’t be distinguished from

 dehumanizing comments made by Israeli regime 

politicians during the war.


Since October 7th, Israeli officials have, repeatedly, 

made dehumanizing statements about Palestinians.


Daniel Hagari, a spokesperson for the Israeli military, 

said early on that the Air Force will emphasize 

“maximum damage, not accuracy.”


Israel’s minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant said

that Israel --- will treat Palestinians as “animals,” 

and the president of the regime Isaac Herzog 

denied the existence of any innocent 

Palestinian civilians.


“The rhetoric from the top, which explicitly aims to 

legitimize civilian death in Gaza, spurs such 

violent actions on the ground,” Mina 

Zahed, a lawyer and social media 

activist, told Press TV Website.


“When Israeli officials refer to all Gazans as 

“human animals,” it is no wonder that the 

soldiers in the field see all Palestinians 

as targets.”



What - in your heart -

do YOU feel?


Want to know more, before you do

anything - like protest to your

Western Zionist legislator?





Czech farmers accused 

of being 'pro-Russian'

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 

(Source: InfoBrics)


The anti-Russian sentiments of European leaders ----- are 

preventing them from acting rationally in the face of the 

current wave... of protests across the continent. In a 

recent statement -- the Czech Prime Minister, Peter 

Fiala accused the protesters of being "supporters 

of Moscow", discrediting the farmers' claims by 

associating them with an "enemy" of the EU.


Fiala made his statement --- when the demonstrations reached

their peak - in the Czech Republic. On February 19th, hundreds

of tractors blocked the main streets of Prague, interrupting 

traffic in the areas around the Ministry of Agriculture. The 

protests come amid a "peasant uprising" in Europe, with 

rural workers demanding an end to the import of 

Ukrainian grains and a review of the EU's 

"green policies".


Reacting to pressure from the peasants, Fiala made a
publication on his account on X (formerly Twitter)

stating that the protesters do not really aim to 

protect the interests of farmers. According
 him the protesters are mere "Kremlin 

supporters" --- and aim to destabilize 

Europe to favour Russian interests, 

with agriculture being a mere

excuse ---- to call for 



According to the Czech leader -- the local government is 

already in dialogue with the farmers to try to meet their 

interests. He however, denies that the protesters have 

links with labour organizations and rural unions, thus 

delegitimizing the protests. Fiala claims that Prague

 constantly seeks to protect the "real" interests of 

farmers, but claims that the protesters have 

nothing to do with such interests, being

 just pro-Russian rioters.. who 

"complicate" the lives of 

other Czech citizens.


"Today's demonstration - has little to do with the fight for 

better conditions for farmers. The demonstration ------ is 

organized by people who for example, do not hide their 

support for the Kremlin, & pursue goals other than the 

interests of farmers. The government is continuously 

talking to everyone who is interested in dialogue. 

That is why we are able to find good solutions. 

We have done this many times, over the past 

two years. Unfortunately.... the organizers of 

today's demonstrations are not among those 

who care about improving the quality of life 

in our country --- and its prosperity. It also, 

shows their progress, which complicates

the lives of the citizens of the capital - 

and will not bring any solutions to 

the real problems of Czech 

farmers," he said.


One of Fiala's main arguments against the legitimacy of the

demonstrations is the lack of participation of the country's 

main farmers' organizations, such as the Agrarian 

Chamber, the Agricultural Union, and the 

Association of Private Agriculture. 


However, Fiala ignored the fact - that these same groups,

although absent in the protests on the 19th, announced 

that they will launch their own demonstration against

the EU's green policies, scheduled for the 22nd. 


Therefore, Fiala's argument seems invalid,

since official rural organizations share 

the same interests --- as the 

autonomous protesters.


In fact - dissatisfaction with the direction of European 

agriculture, is a widespread phenomenon. There are 

protests across the entire continent, from the most

western countries, such as France and Spain, to

 the most eastern ones, such as Poland and the 

Baltics. European rural workers are some of 

the most affected by the EU's irresponsible

policies in support of Ukraine.


 As well known, European states have maintained since 

2022 a policy of systematic import of Ukrainian grains.

 With the aim of supporting Kiev economically, these 

countries began to massively buy cheap Ukrainian

 agricultural products and thus stopped promoting 

their own domestic agribusinesses, culminating 

in a major social crisis.


With Ukraine being one of the most fertile and productive 

countries in the world, Western European nations are 

unable to compete in the agricultural market with 

Kiev, which is why European rural workers are 

going bankrupt. In this sense, the demand 

for an end to the import of Ukrainian 

products - is a basic need for 

European peasants.


In the same sense, the end of green policies is vital for

 European agricultural production to be viable. Facing

 several economic problems and low productivity, 

European farmers depend on government aid to 

pay for the production and transportation of 

grains. However, the EU imposes a radical 

environmentalist ideological agenda and 

makes its rural producers "pay the bill" 

for global warming ----- making 

agribusiness unworkable.


Therefore, workers' demands seem fair and natural. 

Farmers are fighting for their rights and for better

 living and working conditions. There is no 

evidence that such workers are truly 



 If there are feelings of sympathy for Russia among them, 

these naturally follow from their rejection of the EU's 

anti-Russian ideology, which is directly responsible 

for the losses suffered by them.


As long as European leaders are more concerned with

 accusing protesters than solving their problems, 

the crisis will continue to worsen.

By Lucas Leiroz - journalist, researcher 

at the Centre for Geostrategic Studies,

 and geopolitical consultant.


You can follow Lucas 

on X and Telegram.

Can't wait until the 
throw out their miserable
creepy, warmongering
sneaky government.

What do you think?


Proletären: a rude awakening — 

the Swedes began to guess

 the consequences of 

joining NATO

February 18th, 2024 

(source: Proletären

translated by InoTV:


Sweden's membership in NATO, does not mean that the

Swedish people.. will be protected by the forces of the

so-called defensive alliance in the event of an attack 

on the kingdom's territory, but that Sweden is 

expected to actively participate.. in US 

military expansions around the world

- and this is now clearer than ever 

before, according to Proletären.


The Swedish government recently said it wants to accept 

the US request that Sweden become part of the so-called 

Operation Guardian of Prosperity. 


The so-called Guardians of Prosperity is a coalition of 

US allies formed after Yemeni Houthi rebels launched 

attacks on Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea to stop 

Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip, the 

author explains.


In an interview with Aftonbladet, a former fighter pilot and 

lieutenant colonel in the Swedish Armed Forces, Robert 

Carmel - makes it clear exactly what NATO membership 

really means. Merkel is convinced that despite the very 

high risks of a military operation in the Red Sea from a 

purely military point of view, Sweden no longer has 

a choice - when they are called to help the US.


"Previously, we were able to adapt our military efforts

according to our capabilities and the risk that we 

were willing to take. It's a completely different 

game now. It will be a rude awakening. There 

are expectations that something should be 

done, even if you are not able to do it or 

you don't want to do it," said Robert 

Karyel, who cited the example of 

Poland and the Baltic states --- 

when they first became new

 members of NATO.


According to him, the new US allies in the bloc had to send

 their troops to Iraq and Afghanistan in order to show their

 "reliability". However, these wars were not at the top of

 their agenda or did not seem to be something urgent.

 In addition, Polish and Baltic military personnel 

were sent to the worst provinces, and they 

suffered losses - exceeding the US ones.


Nevertheless ---- the Swedish media remained completely 

silent -- about the consequences of Sweden's accession 

to the alliance. In a government propaganda broadcast,

Swedish Radio columnist, Mats Eriksson, says he

takes Foreign Minister, Tobias Bilstrom, at his 

word --- as to why the government wants to 

involve Sweden in the Red Sea operation.


The Swedish Foreign Minister said that the main task of

 the military operation is to protect civilian shipping 

from Houthi attacks, "which threaten to disrupt 

vital parts of supply chains --- and vital 

components of world trade."


And this is also true on an even more fundamental level, 

Proletären notes. The US military operation is aimed at 

protecting trade profits in the US-dominated world 

order, to which Sweden has finally tied itself by 

joining NATO. In fact, that is why NATO exists 

at all -- to protect the special position of the 

US in world capitalism - by military means.


We share a common responsibility with our partner 

countries, says the minister, while Mats Eriksson 

speaks of the government's desire to show 

"solidarity" with our neighboring countries 

and with the United States. 


According to the author of the article, such words only 

desecrate the beautiful word "solidarity", and it is the 

Houthis who actually show solidarity with the 

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip when they put 

pressure on imperialist countries by 

attacking Israeli ships and landing 

on them in the Red Sea.


This is the exact opposite of why Sweden wants to send 

its military to the area to protect threatened ships. 


It turns out that Sweden shows "solidarity" with US
imperialism and, consequently, also with the 

genocide of the Palestinians by Israel --- 

which acts as a watchdog of Western

imperialism.... in a region that the 

Western powers do not trust.


This was the original plan on the part of the British

imperialists when they withdrew from Palestine, 

and so it is with Britain's successors as the 

world's largest and most bloodthirsty 

empire, the US. The stated 

"solidarity" is actually a 

rallying cry for white 

supremacy and the

right of the fittest.


Military operations like "Guardian of Prosperity" 

are mainly aimed at maintaining the dying 

unipolar world order, which most of 

the world, the Global South, 

no longer supports.


In this situation, Sweden is betting on a side that is 

clearly in decline, with a public debt of $34 trillion, 

led by an increasingly deranged president, who 

confused Mitterrand with Macron last week - 

and forgot which country is located on the 

Red Sea, Mexico ------- or Egypt, sums 

up Proletären.


Come on. dear Swedish people
- the world begs you to turn
back to the good, again.

Your leaders are either fools or

corrupt knaves who would
not let you vote on this
and bet --- on your

What do you think?

Come on -----
Show us all!


"McGregor - to the Pentagon":

 Trump is already assembling

 a team of proven people

February 14th, 2024 

(source: The Washington Post

 retold by InoTV)


Donald Trump and his advisers spoke with former 

Congressman Tulsi Gabbard, an outspoken critic 

of U.S. aid to Ukraine and military interventions 

around the world. The topic of the talks was 

American foreign policy.... and plans for 

changes in ''the management'' of the 

US Department of Defense, during 

Trump's second presidential term

 - The Washington Post reports, 

citing sources.


Gabbard has been criticized by former Democratic Party

 members and some Republicans for her isolationist 

views, but, in recent years, she has become 

something of a favorite among far-

right Republicans. 


This time around, Trump is determined to recruit 

employees ------- who share his views, 100%.


In recent months, Trump has repeatedly said that one of 

his biggest blunders during his first presidential term 

was recruiting staff at the Pentagon --- because of 

officials whose opinions often "baffled him." 


During his presidency, Trump replaced several defense

 ministers and national security advisers, and these

 resignations were accompanied by high-profile 

scandals. Trump has drawn lessons from the 

past and is determined... to increase the 

number of his people in the Pentagon.


Among former US presidential administration officials, the 

biggest concern is that Trump will try to appoint Douglas
McGregor as the top Pentagon official. In addition, long
time Trump adviser, David Urban said, that ------- in
second term of his patron in the presidential 

chair, "there will be a reduction in America's

 foreign obligations" to NATO. According to

 the official, when Trump was in power,
"constantly" raised the issue of 

withdrawing American troops... 

from Germany, South Korea, 

Africa and closing all the 

country's embassies 

there -- writes The 

Washington Post.



What do you think? Dangerous egoist

--- or the US and its people's saviour?





Medvedev predicts Apocalypse

 in event of Russia-NATO war

February 7th, 8:35am (TASS)


In the event of a war with NATO, Russia would have 

to "respond asymmetrically" and use missiles 

"with special warheads," Russian Security 

Council Deputy Chairman, Dmitry 

Medvedev, said, on his 

Telegram channel.


He noted that, "if, God forbid, such a war happens, it will not 

follow the scenario of the special military operation" and 

it "won’t be waged in trenches with the use of artillery, 

armour, drones and means of radio-electronic warfare." 


"NATO is a huge military bloc --- the population of the 

countries of the alliance is almost one billion people

 and their joint military budget may reach one and 

a half trillion dollars," Medvedev explained.


"Therefore, due to the incommensurability of our

 [respective] military potential, we simply won’t

 have a choice. The response ------ will be 

asymmetrical. In order to protect the 

territorial integrity of our country, 

ballistic and cruise missiles with 

special warheads (nuclear arms

 - TASS). will be used.''

''This is 
based on our military doctrine documents
and is well-known 
to everyone. And this is 

precisely the proverbial Apocalypse.
The end ---- 
of everything," 

Medvedev stressed.


So far, according to him, "all the big European bosses 

are cynically lying to their citizens" by reiterating the

 necessity to be ready "for a war with Russia." 


"And while Russia has, repeatedly, spoken about the 

absence of any plans for a conflict with NATO and 

the EU countries, highly dangerous chatter on 

the subject continues," Medvedev stated.


He asserted that its causes are obvious. "It is necessary to 

distract voters, in order to justify multi-billion spending on 

Banderovite ‘Ukraine’ that everyone has gotten sick of. 

Since gigantic sums of money are being spent, not on 

resolving social issues in these countries, but on a 

war in a dying country which is alien to taxpayers

 ...with its population scattered all over Europe 

terrorizing local residents.'' 


''This is why, every day the leaders of these countries are
sermonizing, that it is necessary to get ready for a war 

with Russia & continue to help Ukraine, which means 

producing more tanks, shells, drones and other 

weapons," the deputy chairman of the 

Russian Security Council said.


He concluded that European leaders "should tell the bitter 

truth to their voters instead of treating them as brainless 

idiots. They should explain to them --- what will really 

happen, instead of repeating the deceitful mantra

 about readiness for a war with Russia," 

Medvedev concluded.


Paralised with fear?
You should be!

Don't you think?


Global Times: people are told 

that NATO is a shield, but

 it is, in fact, a sword

February 2nd, 2024 

(source: Global Times

retold by InoTV)


The current NATO exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 is far 

from harmless --- and cannot be called just a game, the 

Global Times is sure. It would be more accurate to

 call them a rehearsal and even, to a certain 

extent, a provocation, given the ongoing 

Russian-Ukrainian conflict.


The publication warns that, for Moscow, these largest

 exercises of the bloc since the end of the Cold War 

may look as if NATO is deliberately teasing the 

Russian bear. The exercise, which will last 

until May 31, involves 31 armies of the 

bloc's member countries --- plus 

90 thousand Swedish troops. 


Meanwhile, they are facing a very real and extremely

 dangerous armed conflict between the forces of 

Russia and Ukraine.


That is why the NATO leadership must take into account 

the risks of possible escalation in order to make sure 

that their imaginary exercises will not lead to real 

clashes, GT emphasizes. After all, the alliance is 

already indirectly involved in this conflict ---- 

through its support for Ukraine.


Moreover, the statements of representatives of the bloc

openly state --- that the purpose of the exercises is to 

test the ability to --- "quickly deploy forces from North

 America & other parts of the alliance to strengthen 

the defense of Europe." In other words, this
is nothing
 more than preparation for a
potential open war with 
Russia --
the publication is sure.


It seems that Western politicians and military leaders are 

increasingly thinking about this and do not hesitate to

openly talk about such topics. The British Defense 

Secretary, Grant Shapps, made a dire prediction

- that his country could go to war with Russia, 

China, North Korea & Iran within five years.

 German Defense Minister Pistorius gave
 term of five to eight years.


Estonian Prime Minister, Kaya Kallas, also said that Europe 

should prepare for any threat from Russia and it has about 

five years to do so. And the British General Sir Patrick

 Sanders last year ---- called on British troops to
 to defeat Russia "in battle".


Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, who heads the NATO military

 committee, acknowledged that a conflict with Russia 

would require the mobilization of a large number of

 civilians. And the commander-in-Chief of the 

Swedish Armed Forces, Mikael Biden,

 directly advised the Swedes to 

mentally prepare for war.


The head of the Norwegian armed forces warned: "The 

people of Norway - must think about their readiness. 

We recommend that you be able to cope without 

assistance within three days."


According to GT, the civilian population is increasingly 

being prepared for a war in which they will not only 

take a direct part - but also play a central role. 

Unfortunately.... people are being told that 

NATO is a shield, and it is increasingly 

like a raised sword.


Moreover, similar figures, from three to five years, in the

 statements of Western politicians and military leaders

 are not accidental. This - is exactly how long it will 

take the alliance's member countries to restore 

their weapons stocks, after everything went 

to Ukraine.


NATO countries are becoming increasingly involved 

in the fighting in Ukraine. They practically became

 quartermasters of Kiev, writes GT. At the same 

time, their enthusiasm for participating in the 

conflict... is growing day by day. Until two 

years ago, everything was limited to 

diplomatic protests. 


The then Minister of the Armed Forces of Great Britain

 solemnly declared in the House of Commons... that 

neither British troops nor NATO troops should, in

 any case, play an active role in Ukraine.


But two years later, NATO generals and European politicians

 are already openly talking about war with Russia and

 calling on their populations to prepare for the worst.


During this time, the type of assistance to Kiev, has also

 changed dramatically. If earlier British military support 

was quite symbolic, now --- no one is confused by the 

provision of long-range missiles.


This was followed by attack and naval UAVs, cruise 

missiles, helicopters, tanks - and even ships. And
 Netherlands and Denmark, with the blessing
Washington, delivered F-16 fighters to the 

Armed Forces of Ukraine.


At the same time, the military goals of the West have 

also changed. If the Tallinn agreement referred to 

the protection of Ukraine and the withdrawal of 

Russians from the disputed territories, then 

what can we expect next? After all, since 

then, NATO has expanded further 

(Finland ..and almost Sweden), 

and -- if we take into account 

the obligations under Article 

5 of the alliance - does this

not mean..... releasing the 

dogs of war into the wild?


Officials began to talk almost casually about the 

possibility of a third World war. Therefore --- the 

ongoing NATO exercises look like preparations 

for it and, even worse, as a provocation of

 this war.


These exercises, according to GT, marked the transition 

of NATO, from pretending that they represent defense 

--- to an open belligerent attitude. 


Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask whether 

we have passed the point of no return. In this sense, 

you can only use the word "when", and not "if".



Well - there you are. You either mobilise

to stop this - or resign the human race

to a disgusting suicide. 

And your choice is?




Lenin's work "Better less,
yes better"
 ---- is more
relevant than ever

Press Service of the Central Committee of the

 Communist Party of the Russian Federation 

January 23rd, 3pm


First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of 

the Communist Party of the Russian Federation 

Yu. V. Afonin took part in the program 

"60 Minutes" on the TV channel 



On the air, a statement was made by the chairman of the 

NATO military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, about the 

likelihood of an all-out war with Russia over the next 20

 years. He called on the members of the North Atlantic

 Alliance --- to prepare for a military conflict with our 

country. German Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, 

doesn't rule out the possibility of war with Russia.


As Yuri Afonin noted, through such statements,

 functionaries of NATO countries are trying to 

convey several meanings. First, they are 

trying to rally Western society in the 

face of an imaginary "Russian 

threat": Zelensky will lose, 

and you will be the next 

victim of Moscow. 


But it is quite obvious that in 3-5 years, and even more so

 10 years, it will certainly not be these gentlemen who 

will decide the fate of the world. Realizing this, they 

allow themselves to make such irresponsible 



But the facts show, that it is precisely against the

 background of anti-Russian hysteria that NATO 

is increasing its activity near our borders, 

conducting exercises in the Baltic Sea, 

and increasing its contingent in the 

Baltic States (again under the 

pretext of the threat of an

invasion from Russia). 


Although it is clear to everyone --- that our country is not 

interested in a war on two fronts, especially with such a 

serious opponent as the North Atlantic Bloc, and such a 

conflict - would endanger the existence of all humanity.


At the same time, the West understands the inevitability of

 the military defeat of Zelensky and his gang. They are 

also aware of it in Kiev. Ukrainian Foreign Minister 

Kuleba has called on Western hosts to abandon 

the "don't escalate" principle. According to 

him, "because of this --- many 

opportunities were missed."


The First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the

 Communist Party of the Russian Federation regarded this

 statement - as provocative and extremely disturbing. It
worth paying special attention to it and giving an

 appropriate assessment. The Kiev regime, is on 

the verge of military collapse and is aware of 

the hopelessness of its situation. And it 

seems, that Zelensky sees the only 

way to survive - is in staging such 

large-scale bloody provocations 

that will bring the conflict to 

a new level and, perhaps 

---- force the West to 

intervene directly.


There is no need to talk about Kiev's success on the

 battlefield after the failure of the summer counter-

offensive, which was only hoped for. So what can 

they do? What kind of escalation are we talking 

about? Only about new terrorist attacks on the 

civilian population ---- such as the shelling of 

Belgorod on December 30th --- and like the 

monstrous shelling of Donetsk on Sunday. 

This is the escalation that the Ukronazis 

are really capable of. In fact, Kuleba 

declares their right to conduct a 

large-scale terrorist war 

against civilians.


The idea of this monstrous adventure is simple: to launch a 

series of terrorist attacks, provoke Russia to an extremely

 tough response, and hope that the West will definitely not 

stand aside and somehow intervene ---- or at least not 

reduce the scale of military assistance.


The fact that the Kiev rulers will finally acquire the image of

cannibals and inveterate war criminals, in Kiev... it seems 

..no one thinks of this anymore. It doesn't seem important
anymore, just to be saved and let hundreds and hundreds 

of innocent civilians be killed, including women, children, 

and the elderly.


Yuri Afonin called for a clear explanation to the world - of

 what exactly the escalation that Kuleba is broadcasting

 may be. And another Ukrainian minister, Umerov, who 

heads the military department, spoke via video link 

at the opening of the conference on the creation 

of the so-called "artillery coalition" ....under the 

leadership of France & the US, & complained 

about the "shell hunger" that the Armed 

Forces of Ukraine suffer from. 


That, in fact, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine recognizes

 that Russia, now, has a great advantage in artillery. And

 this is a very important factor, which in the XX century 

was crucial for the outcome of battles and battles. As 

the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of 

the Communist Party recalled, during the First World 

War, "shell famine" turned out to be one of the main

reasons for the so-called "great retreat" of the 

Russian army, in 1915.


But, during the Great Patriotic War, the USSR surpassed 
Germany in the production of guns, mortars and shells
at a time when the industry of all continental Europe
worked at this. And the superiority of the Red Army
in firepower then, became an important factor in
the Victory.


In the current military operations, the role of artillery is
simply enormous. About 80-90% of combat losses are
associated with its use. Therefore --- the advantage
in this area --- which is provided by the work of our
military-industrial complex, paves the way for the
Russian Army to win, Yuri Vyacheslavovich


He recalled the figures released at the December meeting
of the Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian
Federation. So since February 2022, the production
of tanks in Russia, has increased by 5.6 times,
of IFVs - by 3.6 times, armoured personnel
carriers - by 3.5 times, unmanned aerial
vehicles - by 16.8 times, and artillery
shells – by 17.5 times.

This is a huge breakthrough, and the potential for
increasing the production of military equipment
& ammunition by the Russian military-industrial
complex ----- is far from exhausted.


In the West, they see that they are seriously lagging behind
us in this area, and they are trying to increase their own
production of weapons. True, the bulk of investment,
including through the money allocated to Kiev, goes
to the American military-industrial complex ------
to the detriment of the European economy.


As the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation
emphasized --- turbulence is growing all over the
world -- processes are getting out of control of
the US and its satellites -- and the contours of
multipolarity are becoming more pronounced
in different parts of the world.

The old platforms for discussing problems
and developing solutions are losing their
significance and are unable to respond
to the existing challenges - which are
becoming more and more numerous.

An example of this is the World Economic Forum, which
was held last week. For many years, we have been told
that this event in Davos, Switzerland, is shaping the
way forward for the world. The Russian delegation
always went there. It was based, as a rule, on
the most high-status Russian liberals
- and Westerners.


This year, there was no Russian delegation at the Davos
Forum. And the main conclusion that can be drawn from
its results: the fate of the world is not decided there.

We have stopped going to Davos, but we are successfully
strengthening our position in the international arena.
China, India - and a number of other countries - are
becoming our most important strategic partners.

And in the near future, the BRICS summits will attract
much more attention from the world media than the
Davos forums, Yuri Afonin expressed confidence.


And - in the absence of any meaningful agenda - they 

discussed a certain mythical 'disease X' with a much

 higher mortality rate than from covid - which can be 

caused by a virus that is not yet known to science.


All this looks like a declaration of the masters of the

Western world to continue "training" humanity with

 the help of epidemics. The coronavirus pandemic, 

has already caused drastic restrictions on rights 

and freedoms, including in those countries that 

boasted of them. The new epidemic will allow 

them to continue this process. And it seems 

that the masters of the Western world are 

just waiting for it.


At the end of his speech... the First Deputy Chairman of the

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation, recalled that January 21 marked the 100th

anniversary of the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. 

The Communist Party holds events throughout 

the country dedicated to the memory of the 

founder of the Soviet state. 


In one of his last works, Better Less, Yes Better, Lenin

predicted that victory over imperialism would be 

determined by the efforts of Russia, China, 

India, and other countries that were 

then.... in colonial or semi-

colonial dependence.


"I believe in this Leninist prophecy ---- and the events 

taking place in the world today -- inspire confidence

that in alliance with the states of the global South, 

we will defeat Western imperialism," Yuri Afonin 


What do you think?

Do you want the Western ''elites'' to
win - and continue culling humans
like cattle?

Or would you like to see an end to the Western
elites' power .....and a world without war
finally able to build prosperity?


Haifa missile strike by Iraqi resistance 

--- shows how fragile Israeli regime is

by Wesam Bahrani

January 8th, 2pm

(source: PressTV)


In yet another significant act of solidarity with the people of 

Gaza, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq on Sunday struck "a 

vital target in occupied Haifa" - with an advanced long-

range cruise missile, grabbing headlines, and taking 

the embattled regime in Tel Aviv by another surprise.


In a statement, the Iraqi resistance emphasized that the

 operation was carried out --- because of “our ongoing 

support for people in Gaza" - who have been reeling

 under the Israeli aggression since Oct. 7.


The statement added that the operation was "in response

 to the massacres committed by the usurping entity 

against Palestinian civilians, including children, 

women, and the elderly." 


The Iraqi resistance, which has in recent months launched 

a string of attacks on US military bases in Iraq and Syria, 

said it will continue to hit enemy strongholds, warning

 that "more is yet to come".  


The concluding part of the statement 

was the most attention-grabbing.


Such is the stringent Israeli media censorship of the 

occupying regime's war on the besieged Gaza Strip; 

it is difficult to speculate what vital infrastructure 

has been hit. 


The Iraqi resistance struck Haifa with a long-range cruise 

missile named al-Arqab from Iraqi territory. The distance 

from Baghdad to Haifa ------ is almost 1,000 kilometres. 


According to sources, the launch of the missile took place 

closer to the Western Iraqi deserts. That is still roughly

 600 kilometres away, or perhaps more, depending on

 the launch site. 


It essentially means that Haifa, which is located in the

 northern part of the occupied territories, can expect 

attacks again from the Iraqi soil..... the timing of
 will be decided by the resistance. 


More importantly, the long-range cruise missile traveled

 the same distance‌ that can put Tel Aviv and all other 

Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories within the 

range of Iraqi fire. 


On Monday, Iraq's Harakat al-Nujaba resistance movement 

claimed responsibility for the strike, warning that Israel 

should await more crippling attacks in retaliation 

for its bloody war on Gaza.


“The Axis of Resistance is determined to disrupt US

 scenarios in the region and thwart the occupying 

Israeli regime’s schemes in Gaza,” Hussein 

al-Moussawi, spokesman for the 

group, said.


The Iraqi Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba resistance 

movement - claims responsibility for the missile 

strike against Haifa in the occupied territories.


Should we be surprised that the Popular Mobilization Units 

(PMU)‌, under which the Islamic Resistance in Iraq 

operates, possesses such world-class 

military technology? 


The short answer is no. 


The Iraqi government itself armed the PMU with the most 

capable military equipment from Baghdad's weapons

 depots because it plays the most fundamental 

role of all the Iraqi armed forces. 


The attack on Haifa points to the start of a new chapter

 by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, in what is expected 

to be an even stronger show of support --- for the 

Palestinian resistance in Gaza and its people. 


In this latest phase, we must expect an escalation in 

attacks on crucial Israeli infrastructure inside the 

occupied Palestinian territories, facilitated by 

the utilization of sophisticated long-range 

cruise missiles.


The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has made no secret 

of its iron-clad support and solidarity with the 

oppressed people of Gaza amid the Israeli 

regime's indiscriminate bombings and 

inhumane siege. 


It had also made no secret of its military operations 

against the Zionist regime and its Western backers, 

which has been completely evident in the past 

few weeks.


Shortly after the Israeli regime launched its war on Gaza 

on October 7, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq carried out 

a number of operations - against Israeli interests and
 main backer, the United States. 


In late December, the Iraqi Resistance struck a vital target 

in the Eli-ad settlement, in the southern Israeli-occupied 

Syrian Golan Heights - with drones. 


Before targeting Eli-ad, the resistance also pounded the

 regime's main offshore (occupied) Karish gas field in 

the eastern Mediterranean Sea with a direct hit,

inflicting heavy damage.


That came after the Iraqi resistance struck a target in 

occupied Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat) with appropriate 

weapons and released images of the operation 

for the public. 


The regime evacuated the settlers of Eilat, transforming

the area into a military garrison. It made the site an 

ideal target for Iraq as well as Yemen, another 

Arab country ------ that has upped the 

ante recently.


Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement

 have carried out a series of operations against Israeli

 interests with a barrage of long-range drones 

and missiles. 


At times, the goal has simply been to fire a barrage of

 missiles and drones to preoccupy the Israeli Iron 

Dome and Patriot Missiles. These calculated 

efforts have proven successful. 


They effectively ease the pressure on the Palestinian

 resistance while at the same time drain out Israeli 

military resources, which have in recent months 

become extremely depleted. 


The regime has killed more than 22,000 Palestinians 

since Oct. 7, the majority of whom have been 

women and children. Thousands more are 

missing, presumably dead under 

the rubble. 


Among the countries and movements taking the lead in 

militarily pressuring the U.S. and its apartheid regime 

to end its inhumane attacks on Gaza, Iraqis have 

played a courageous role. 


In Iraq, the resistance has targeted illegal US military 

bases on its territory as well as in Syria more than 

110 times since the Israeli war against Gaza 

began three months ago‌. 


Rockets, mortar shells, drones, and short and long-range 

ballistic missiles have all been used in these operations, 

leading to scores of casualties among US troops and

 collateral damage. 


Now, the question that everyone is asking is: Why 

has the Iraqi resistance opened a new chapter? 


Lately, the illegal US military occupation on Iraqi soil made

 a costly mistake by attacking sites belonging to the PMU, 

which means Washington and Tel Aviv have to pay 

the price. 


Recent US attacks against affiliates of the PMU, including 

Kataib Hezbollah, and the recent deadly strike on the

 headquarters of Harakat al-Nujaba, which led to the 

assassination of one of its leaders in Baghdad, 

Haj Mishtaq, means the time is ripe for the

 resistance to expand its operations. 


For context: In the eyes of the Iraqi resistance, there is no 

difference between the US military occupation of Iraqi 

soil and the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The 

liberation of the Palestinian territories begins 

with the expulsion of US troops from Iraq 

and the rest of the region. 


While the Israeli regime commits horrendous crimes 

against humanity in Gaza, the UDS is shielding, 

arming‌, funding and facilitating this madness

 of death and destruction campaign in 

the coastal strip. 


Taking a closer look at the events unfolding 

in Gaza, it is‌, in essence, a US war on Gaza.


This direct complicity means that Washington has to pay 

the same price as the Israeli regime is paying, for its

 massacres of civilians in Gaza. They are two 

sides of the same coin. 


Whilst illegal US bases in Iraq and Syria are closer to the 

line of fire for the resistance, the indiscriminate Israeli 

attacks against women and children in Gaza have

 seen the PMU increasingly target the Israeli 

regime, the latest being Haifa. 


What the Al-Aqsa Storm (or Al-Aqsa Flood) operation

 provided was an opportunity for the Iraqi resistance

 to strike at Israeli interests ------ for the first time 

in history. 


As pressure grows on the Iraqi government of Prime 

Minister Mohammad Shia' al-Sudani, to expel the 

illegal US forces, It has also opened a new 

window ---------- for the PMU to end the US 

occupation and avenge Washington's 

assassination of its deputy leader,

Abu Mehdi al-Muhandis. 


For the moment, the main goal of the resistance is 

to expand its scope of attacks against the Israeli 

regime in order to mount pressure on the 

apartheid occupation ------ as well as 

the US.


And, as the Iraqi resistance warned after

 the Haifa attack, "more is yet to come". 


Wesam Bahrani --- is an Iraqi

 journalist and commentator.


(The views expressed in this article do 

not necessarily reflect those of 

Press TV.)



Looks like the current racist apartheid

hate-filled regime is either going to be

overthrown and replaced --- or wiped

from the map of the Holy land.


What do you think?




Cultural cleansing: Israeli bombings 

destroy Gaza’s famed cultural 

heritage sites

by Humaira Ahad

January 8th, 12:16pm



“Home (origin), more than anywhere else,” Tim Creswell, a
noted British human geographer and poet once said, “is
seen as a centre of meaning and a field of care.”


A homeland, is a place where humans feel a strong sense of

 attachment and entitlement. It carries centuries of history

 that shape our identity. Our belongingness to a place 

(home) is hugely determined by the landmarks 

present there, and the physical entities
 see, since childhood.


Many of us must have referred to a particular street, shop, 

shrine, museum, library, mosque, church, or school while

 talking about an incident or reminiscing about 

something in the past.


These landmarks act as mileposts and memories get 

weaved around them. But what if these physical

 markers that people associate with, are 

wiped out?


In Gaza, the pain and suffering go beyond the loss of human 

lives. The settler-colonial Zionist entity, in order to colonize 

Palestinians and change the demographic identity of the

 place, has been destroying important landmarks, 

including centuries-old heritage sites in 

the territory.


The roads lined with bougainvillea, the markets bustling

 with people, the mosques reverberating with calls to

 prayer, the Sunday mass..... at one of the oldest 

churches in the world, the beach that would

 be a picnic spot for families, the 

cemeteries – everything has 

come under attack.


Palestine has been ruled by various kingdoms throughout 

history – the Philistine (12th century BC), Egyptians 

(early 15th century BC), Babylonian (601BC), and 

the Greeks (332BC).


The country became an important centre of learning under

 Alexander the Great. The Romans also ruled there, 

followed by the Byzantines before it came

 under the Islamic dynasties.


After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the British 

occupied Palestine during World War I.


With a wide galaxy of dynasties ruling the place, 

Palestine...... became the seedbed of varied 

cultures. As per archaeologists, it has 

links with a number of ancient 



In recent decades, after the illegitimate entity came into 

existence in Tel Aviv, it has been targeting the glorious

 Palestinian heritage to serve its sinister settler-

colonial agenda.


The regime has, in effect, weaponized archaeology and 

tried to create a biased narrative in order to justify its

 occupation of the Palestinian lands and its

oppression against the Palestinians.


Since October 7, when the Israeli regime launched its fresh 

aggression on Gaza, a small territory with 2.3 million 

population, the attacks to eradicate the 

archaeological sites ----- have 

dramatically surged.


Experts say this is being done to erase the memory 

and the connection of the people to their land.


As per a recent report by the Gaza media office, around 200

 monuments belonging to Christian and Islamic history and

 architecture in the besieged strip have been either 

completely or partially destroyed as a result of 

indiscriminate Israeli strikes.


Israeli troops have "either destroyed or damaged more 

than 200 out of 325 cultural and historical heritage 

sites in the Gaza Strip," the report said.


According to the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and 

Antiquities, the exact data about archaeological 

sites destroyed in Gaza is still unavailable amid 

difficulties in conducting surveys... and 

assessing destruction on the ground. 

The unrelenting Israeli aggression 

has made their job tedious.


A report released on November 7 by Spain-based NGO 

“Heritage for Peace” said at least 104 archaeological

sites have been impacted by the latest Israeli war on 

Gaza, of which --- 4 have been completely destroyed.


That number has more than doubled 

...since the report was released.


“The ancient and archaeological sites destroyed by the 

(Israeli) army date back to the Phoenician and Roman 

ages, others date back between 800 BC and 1,400, 

while others were built 400 years ago”  --- the

Palestinian authorities said in a statement.


On December 8, the Great Omari mosque, the oldest and 

largest mosque in Gaza, was completely destroyed in 

an Israeli airstrike. Located in the centre of the old 

Gaza City, it was famous as the first mosque in

 the Gaza Strip.


“Heritage for Peace” reported damage to Ibn Uthman 

Mosque, dating back to the 15th century, and Sayed

 Hashem Mosque, where Prophet Muhammad’s 

(peace be upon him) great-grandfather 

Hashim Bin Abd Manaf is believed 

to be buried. 


Othman Bin Qashqai Mosque, in the Al Zaytoun

neighbourhood of east Gaza was also bombed

by the regime forces, killing a number of 

Palestinians who had sought refuge in 

the mosque.


The mosque was among one of

the oldest in the coastal strip.


As per official figures, at least 104 mosques have been 

reduced to rubble since the start of the Israeli 

genocidal assault on Gaza on October 7, 

which followed an unprecedented 

operation by the Hamas-led 

resistance movement 

against the Israeli 



St Porphyrius church, dating back to the 5th century, 

was regarded as one of the oldest in the world. The 

church was hit by an Israeli airstrike, destroying 

the building and killing a number of people who

 had sought protection there, deeming it a

 safe place.


Among those who died in the church included members

 of Gaza’s Christian community who are increasingly 

staring at extinction as the regime continues its

 brutal bombardment campaign.


A Roman cemetery in northern Gaza, which is claimed 

to be 2,000 years old with dozens of ancient graves 

and two rare sarcophagi made of lead, was also 

completely destroyed in the bombing.


‘In God’s care now’


Some of Gaza’s museums.. have suffered complete 

destruction while many others have been partially 

damaged. Rafah Museum, in southern Gaza, 

shared two videos on its Facebook page, 

showing the building of the museum 

partially collapsed... due to 

Israeli airstrikes.


“There were priceless items from coins, precious stones, 

copper plates, clothes…. The Museum of Rafah is in 

God's care now,” said the director of Rafah 

Museum, Suhaila Shaheen, in a video 

posted on the museum's 

Facebook page.


In the video, Shaheen could be seen in the middle 

of the rubble of the destroyed museum.


Al Qarara Cultural Museum near Khan Younis and 

Deir Al Balah Museum in central Gaza have also 

suffered damage in the regime’s airstrikes.


The collection at Al Qarara Museum reportedly 

included antiquities from the Byzantine period.


Mohammad Abulehia, the custodian at Al Qarara Museum, 

who also helped in its establishment in 2016, confirmed 

that the building of the museum along with the 

artifacts suffered significant damage when 

a missile hit the neighbourhood.


Anthedon Harbour, Gaza’s first known seaport and one

of the Gazan sites on UNESCO’s world heritage 

tentative list has also been badly damaged 

in the regime's bombings.


The Rashad al-Shawwa Historical Cultural Centre, 

a cultural hub that hosts a theatre and a library 

with around 20,000 books, was targeted by 

the regime’s airstrike.


Since October 7, the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of 

Culture has also recorded nine publishing houses and 

libraries hit by bombs with 21 other cultural centres 

partially or completely damaged.


The Israeli strikes have destroyed most parts of the old 

city of Gaza, which was home to houses that dated 

back at least 150 years.


As per the International Council on Monuments and Sites 

(ICOMOS) report, the Central Archives of Gaza City have 

been completely destroyed with thousands of historic 

documents lost forever.


ICOMOS has also reported damage to El Saqqa House, an 

important cultural centre of the Islamic Mamluk period, 

constructed in 1661.


Al Ahli Baptist Hospital, founded in 1882 and believed to 

be Gaza’s oldest hospital, was also targeted and 

partially destroyed by the regime in October, 

killing over 470 people present there.


Cultural cleansing campaign


Continuing its cultural cleansing campaign, Israel has also 

destroyed the Souq Al Zawiya, one of Gaza City’s oldest 

and most important markets. It was located close to 

the Great Omari Mosque.


Pasha’s Palace Museum, a 13th-century fortress, that 

was a powerful witness and narrator of the story of 

civilizations, was reduced to ruins by the 

Israeli forces. 


Built during the mid-13th century, the iconic palace was

 Napoleon’s choice of accommodation during his stay 

in the city in 1799, according to historians.


“We are very sad we lost the al Pasha Palace. Hit by an

airstrike, the Israeli vehicles and bulldozers ran over

even the rubble. This palace was treated as a 

museum, and had pieces (tracing) back to 

the Canaanite, Roman and Greek eras,”

 said Bisan Owda, a Gaza-based 

social media influencer.


Israel ironically is a signatory to the 1954 Hague 

Convention --- for the Protection of Cultural 

Property in the event of armed conflict.


The document states that the signatories shall respect 

cultural property in their own territories and the 

territories of the other parties by refraining 

from “any act of hostility” against such 

property, or from any actions that 

“expose it to destruction or 

damage in the event of 

armed conflict.”


“Heritage for Peace” has described Israel’s actions as a 

“blatant violation of international humanitarian law”. 

The NGO also called on the world community “to 

urgently interfere, stop such crimes & elaborate 

a common strategy for the rehabilitation and 

restoration of destroyed and damaged 

cultural heritage sites in Gaza.”


Palestine’s Ministry of Culture has also appealed 

to the international community to protect the

vulnerable historical buildings in Gaza ------ 

amid the regime’s unchecked aggression.


“The crime of targeting and destroying archaeological 

sites should spur the world and UNESCO into action

to preserve this great civilizational and cultural 

heritage,” the Palestinian Ministry said in a 

statement recently.


The Geneva-based human rights group, Euro-Med Monitor, 

said Israel is “intentionally destroying” archaeological

 and historical monuments in Gaza, and “explicitly 

targeting Palestinian cultural heritage.”


“Destroying and targeting historical and archaeological 

sites may amount to a war crime under the Rome 

Statute establishing the International Criminal 

Court, and is a clear violation of The Hague 

Convention relating to the protection of 

cultural heritage during armed 

conflicts,” it noted.



The current population of Israel,

is 80% in favour of the complete

annihilation of the Palestinians.


I pray for the sake of your soul,

that you do not agree with this.


Thinkers Forum: 

How YOU are encouraged
to be NASTY


Yemeni blockade of Israel 

exposes Arab regimes,

rattles Western 


December 19th, 2:33pm

by Shabbir Rizvi


Perhaps the best pages of history are the pages where 

the oppressed are victorious against the oppressor, 

and able to turn the tide of power with 

poetic justice.


Within these pages, true colours are always revealed, and 

the resolve of each player is truly put to the test. And if 

history is truly written by the victor, then this chapter 

owes some pages to be authored by the incredibly 

brave people and resistance of Yemen.


In the wake of the Hamas-led resistance operation Al-Aqsa 

Storm (also known as Al-Aqsa Flood), Yemen has dared to 

go where no other Arab countries have (outside of the

 Islamic resistance in Lebanon and Iraq) - not only 

directly confronting the Zionist entity, but 

enacting a crushingly successful 

blockade in the strategic zone 

of the Red Sea. 


Any ship willing to conduct business with the Israeli regime 

in Yemen’s territorial waters has two options - turn around, 

or risk your ship being destroyed or taken by the Yemeni

 military (Ansarallah). 


One has to admire this act of poetic justice. Yemen, the 

country subjected to nearly a decade of US-Saudi 

blockade, enabled by Western states, which 

spawned the world’s worst humanitarian 

crisis in the Arab country - has now 

enacted a blockade of its own - 

squeezing the already 

depleting Zionist



Anyone familiar with the societal structure of the Zionist 

occupation can tell you that its economy is extremely

 vulnerable to external shocks. This.. is a regime that 

has only lasted as long as it has due to the political 

and economic support of the US capitalist class.


Billions of US taxpayer money is spent annually to keep the

 illegitimate entity afloat. Meaning the Zionist occupation 

has to ensure it is justifying this staggering investment. 


For the US ruling class, Israel acts not only as a colonial 

military outpost but as a corridor into Asia. They need

 Zionist cooperation to facilitate the trade of goods 

coming in and out of the region, facilitating 

billions of dollars of goods annually. 


Yemen has decided that it will not tolerate Israeli 

trade --- while Gazan children and women are 

being mercilessly slaughtered every day.


Starting in November, the Yemeni military began to seize 

Israeli-connected ships - starting with the seizure of the

 “Galaxy Leader.” Outside of ship seizures, other ships 

were subject to drone, rocket, and gunboat attacks -

 including the US Navy destroyer USS Carney. 


Israeli-occupied port of Eilat - its third biggest - has 

effectively been shut down amid Yemeni rockets 

and drones, and its blockade in the Red Sea. 

Traffic at the port is reportedly down 

by 85%. 


This is no small blockade. Global shipping companies are 

thinking twice about dealing with the regime. Hong Kong 

shipping company OOCL has halted all trade with the

 Israeli regime. Maersk... one of the biggest global 

shipping companies, has also decided to pause 

operations, joining a few other companies. 

Other shipping companies have also 

followed suit.


Initial projections estimate billions of dollars of trade has 

been impacted. Yemen’s blockade is driving the cost of 

goods up and increasing the amount of transport time.


Some Israeli-linked ships have even decided to go around 

Africa into Asia, adding anywhere from two to three 

extra weeks of shipping time. 


And most importantly, the economic impact caused by the 

crippling blockade is creating serious political pressure. 

British Petroleum on Monday announced it would stop

 operations using the Suez Canal, due to the 

Yemeni threat.


Mere hours after this announcement, UK Labour Party 

leader Keir Starmer joined UK Prime Minister Rishi 

Sunak in calling for a “sustainable ceasefire” in 

Gaza, effectively breaking from the US line.


Yemen is forcing the world to divest from the regime 

in Tel Aviv or suffer major economic consequences.

 And it's working. 


Now, Zionists and its US backers are tapping into their

 regional partners. The very countries that sought to 

break Yemen - the UAE and Saudi Arabia - are now 

creating a “land bridge” trade route with the 

Zionist entity, as per reports.


Though this is more costly and slower, the same 

resources are now passing from the UAE into 

Saudi Arabia and Jordan in order to reach 

the occupied territories.  


The 2000-kilometre path is already being put to the test, 

with a reported 10 trucks already taking the path from 

Dubai to the border of Israeli-occupied territories. 


This is a clear attempt to circumvent the Yemeni blockade. 

The Jordanian leadership quickly moved ------ to deny the 

existence of such a “land bridge” ----- as it is a shameful 

accusation - however, it is indeed a willing participant

 in the trade of goods with the apartheid regime. 


The treachery of these Arab regimes is another betrayal of 

the Palestinian people. These same countries waged war 

on Yemen’s independence movement, and now they are

 participating in the war against Palestinians by aiding 

the Zionist enemy.


Yemen has forced these regimes

--- to show their true orientation. 


Even more tellingly, the Saudi regime has assisted the US 

and Israeli regime in blocking Yemeni missiles and 

drones, with its air defense systems. Rockets 

meant for the port of Eilat were reportedly 

shot down by Saudi missiles, protecting 

not only Israeli goods..... but also 

US warships. 


The Gulf monarchies insist that they demand “regional 

stability” ---- while allowing the Zionist regime to 

conduct open genocide in front of the world. 


However, the US is not satisfied with a land bridge. Some 

goods cannot be transported through the land bridge, 

and it is pricier to switch between sea, land, then 

back to sea when transporting goods from the

 US to Asia, for example. 


On Monday, December 18, US Defense Secretary Lloyd

 Austin announced “Operation Prosperity Guardian” - 

a ten-country coalition that would fend off the 

“Yemeni threat” in the Red Sea.


It’s clear that the blockade is putting economic pressure 

on the US - the operation’s name says it all. But can the

 coalition, which includes Bahrain (adding another 

country to the list of Arab nations stabbing 

Palestine in the back), actually stop the 

Yemen-created blockade?


Not without risking a full-scale regional war. 

First, Yemen is more than capable of 

defending itself. It fended off a 

Saudi-led coalition for ten 

years, which used US 

weaponry and 



It can certainly -- defend its own territorial 

waters and skies against invading forces. 


Second, the coalition threat is a serious step up the 

escalation ladder --- one that would have serious

 consequences for US forces and allies that

 are unwelcome in the region.


Last week, Iran’s Defense Minister Mohammad Reza

Ashtiani, issued a statementL: declaring that any 

attempt by the US to form a coalition that 

disrupts peace in the region -- “will be 

faced with tremendous problems."


"Nobody can make a move in a region where

 we have predominance,” he asserted.


In recent months, Iran has had several encounters 

with US naval boats that attempted to encroach 

its territorial waters. This comes as a result of 

US military ships posing a threat to Iranian oil 

tankers and other ships - resulting in Iran 

tightening security within its 

territorial waters. 


Hypocritically, the same country that decries 

Yemen’s blockade, also openly participates

 in the piracy of Iranian oil!


The US-led coalition is foolishly risking a regional war. 

Ultimately, this would not be in the US key interests - 

and the popularity of Biden's administration would

sink even more ------ even with it being at an 

all-time low.


The threat of the coalition as of now

 is just policy on paper.... but if 

materialized --- could yield 

catastrophic results.


The United States is already the main protagonist in the

 Gaza genocide. By supplying bombs that drop on Gaza 

every day as well as political backing, it cannot wash

 its blood-stained hands.


But if it insists on going the extra mile and pulling itself

 into a regional war over a trade route, then all bets 

on peace --- are off.


The attacks on US military bases would escalate. US ships 

would be targeted. US citizens and ambassadors would 

have to be evacuated. And trade that has already 

come to a screeching halt would be prolonged

 further. All on the eve of an election year.


The reality is that Yemen has the imperialist West right 

where it wants it. Either end the barbaric aggression 

on Palestinians in Gaza.... or face economic and 

political ruin. 


It is very rare in times like this that peace sells
 but is the US buying? Time will tell. 


Shabbir Rizvi is a Chicago-based political analyst 

with a focus on US internal security and

 foreign policy.


(Original source --- PressTV --- which does

not necessarily concur with the opinions

expressed in this article.)


You have to admit - don't you? - that this
extremely interesting reading!



‘If Christ were born today ---- he would 

be born under rubble, Israeli bombing

Published On December 7th, 2023

(al Jazeera)


All the Palestinian churches have cancelled Christmas

 festivities this year, and one church in Bethlehem 

shares its pain.... through iconography.


Bethlehem's Lutheran Church decided its Christmas 

nativity scene would reflect the reality of children 

living and being born in Palestine today. 


Bethlehem, the occupied West Bank. The churches of 

Palestine: have announced the cancellation of all 

festive Christmas celebrations, in an expression 

of unity with Gaza and rejection of the ongoing 

aggression against Palestinians, limiting
 to masses and prayers.


In Bethlehem, the Lutheran Church decided that its

 Christmas nativity scene would reflect the reality

 of children living and being born in Palestine 

today, placing the symbolic Baby Jesus in

 a manger of rubble and destruction.


It is a poignant representation of the suffering of Gaza’s 

children who find themselves buried under what is left 

of their own homes, victims of the relentless Israeli 



“If Christ were to be born today,” Reverend Munther 

Isaac said, “he would be born under the rubble 

and Israeli shelling. This is a powerful 

message we send ---- to the world 

celebrating the holidays.”


The true meaning of Christmas


For Isaac and other church leaders, this was a way

to convey a message reflecting the birth of Christ, 

the messenger of justice, peace and dignity 

for humanity.


Christ was not born among the conquerors or those 

with military power, he said, but in an occupied 

country, which is what Palestine was 2,000 

years ago.


“Bethlehem is sad and broken. We are all in pain about 

what is happening in Gaza, feeling helpless and 

overwhelmed by our inability to offer 

anything,” he said.


Um Bishara, a mother of four, told Al Jazeera she was

surprised to see the nativity scene with Baby Jesus 

in the rubble on Sunday.


Weeping, she had to sit down as the significance of the 

display hit her and dedicated her fervent prayers to

 the children of Gaza, praying that they find 

peace and safety.


A devout woman, Um Bishara hopes the prayers of the 

Holy Land’s faithful at Christmas --- can stop the pain

 and killing, replacing them with hope and peace.


Forgetting the Palestinian Christians


Two weeks ago, Isaac delivered a letter from the churches

 of Bethlehem, a city of significant religious importance,

 to the US administration in Washington, DC.


The letter urged US President Biden, the US Congress and 

heads of US churches to apply Christ’s message rejecting 

injustice and called for an end to the genocidal war

 in Gaza.


“Some people in the West...... forget the existence of 

Palestinian Christians. This war affects everything 

Palestinian, whether Muslim or Christian. It is our

 responsibility now ------- to raise our voices as a 

nation ------ to stop this war,” Isaac said.


Continuing, he explained how saddened he was by several 

conversations he had in the US... where he was told that 

Israel’s assault on Gaza was justified as self-defence. 


However, he added, the thousands of children and

 innocents killed daily, and the churches and 

hospitals being bombed ---- do not figure in 

their calculus.


He knows the struggle to bring about change will be long

 because the Palestinian struggle is not only this war 

but a deeper struggle to affirm the legitimacy of 

Palestinian existence.


Anton Nassar, principal of the Dar Al-Kalima Lutheran

School, said Bethlehem is sad and in pain this year 

....but it has not lost hope.


He explained that while the nativity scene represents 

the reality of Palestinian lives, it also reflects hope 

as the infant Jesus is born in the rubble, a new 

light amidst pain.


He said, “We believe in the existence of hope 

and the hope of the birth of Jesus in the 

city of peace, the holy city.


“This is what is reflected in this painting ---- placed in the

church -- where we pray for a just peace in our country. 

We pray for an immediate cessation of the genocidal 

war on Gaza - and for the people of Gaza to enjoy a

 peace built on justice.”


“Christmas is in the heart,” Nassar said. “We pray 

and invoke Jesus to be born again in our lives, 

our country, our churches, and our schools, 

so that we can live in peace and stability 

and achieve our independent state 

with its capital, Jerusalem.”

No-one who calls themselves Christian would 

stop struggling and caring for the people in 

Palestine --- and would attempt to stop it. 


Ask yourself - if you have even attended one 

demonstration - or sent even one email,

tweet or text to your local councillor 

or MP --- (even if he is... a willing 

''Friend of Israel'' - and a Tory 

in a red jacket). 


Because if you haven't ------ you are

NOT a Christian --- but a hypocrite

who is literally taking the Lord's

name in vain.


Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name of 

the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD 

will not hold guiltless anyone who 

takes his name in vain.”


What do you think?

Too vain to reply?


FACTBOX: Patrushev... discusses 

national unity and long-standing 

conflict ------ with the West

November 4th, 1:27pm (TASS) 


On National Unity Day, Russian Secretary of the Security 

Council, Nikolay Patrushev, spoke on the historical 

significance of protecting Russia’s sovereignty 

in the long-running conflict with the West.


National Unity Day


- National Unity Day represents the Russian people's 

triumph over internal and external challenges 

through unity and coherence.


- During the Time of Troubles, Russia was on the verge of 

losing its sovereignty, but its people "united, defended

 their own country and state," drove out invaders and 

traitors, reestablished authority, and embarked on 

a path of independent development.


- This was made possible by the tremendous spiritual 

uplift of the country's multinational people, "whose 

statehood has always been based on three pillars 

- unity, faith, and a strong, vertical power."


Age-old conflict


- Europe has long wanted to destroy the Russian state, 

which has manifested itself in attempts at "political

 intrigue, economic enslavement, and 

direct aggression.


- Almost all of Europe has participated in aggression

 against Russia, from the German Knights to the 

Nazis in the twentieth century.


- Russia has always been a "bone in the West's throat," 

obstructing its hegemonic goals while representing 

a powerful civilizational alternative.


- Western Russophobic ideologues devised schemes to 

bring Russia to its knees, which served as the basis 

for the Western conspiracy to destroy the country.


The new Time of Troubles in the 1990s


- The eventful 1990s became the "new Time of Troubles," 

when the existence of the Russian state was once 

again threatened.


- The collapse of the USSR emboldened the authorities 

of the United States and other Western leaders, who 

believed that they could destroy Russia ---- by 

dividing it.


- In the 1990s, Western advisers flocked to Russia, 

attempting to create turmoil by "encouraging 

separatism, imposing debt bonds and 

onerous international obligations. 

The West was counting on 

creating turmoil ---- and 

establishing external

control over Russia.


- The West also used additional levers of pressure, 

such as NATO's aggressive push to the East, 

support for extremism and extreme 

religious groups, and "a wave of 

defamation of the Russian 

Orthodox Church and 

traditional Islam.


- As a result of the ''radical'' reforms imposed by the West,
the country's standard of living declined, unemployment
increased, industry, agriculture, transportation, and the
financial system --- were destroyed, and the military-
industrial complex effectively ceased to fulfill 

its primary function of providing advanced 

weaponry to the armed forces.


- In the 1990s, international terrorism -- posed a significant 

threat to Russian sovereignty, while Western governments 

hypocritically called the terrorists "fighters for freedom

 and democracy.''


Challenging the West


- After becoming president in 2000, Vladimir Putin focused

 his efforts on stabilizing the country's internal life and 

restoring constitutional order.


- As a result of the president's policies, strong systemic 

anti-crime measures have been implemented, and the 

number of criminal acts has decreased by more 

than a third, since 2000.


- In the early 2000s, Putin saw a multipolar world order as

 the solution to many international problems. His famous 

Munich speech was devoted to the idea that a unipolar 

model was not only unacceptable, but generally
unattainable in today's world.


- In August 2008, the West tested Russia's strength by 

igniting the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict. As a 

result, the country reformed its army ---- and

introduced new types of weapons.


- However, the West did not relent - as a result of the 

Washington-engineered coup in Ukraine in 2014, 

supporters of neo-Nazi ideologies came to 

power in Kiev, from where they promptly 

launched a genocide against 

the Russian people.


Fighting neo-Nazism in Ukraine


- Despite Western sanctions and pressure, Russia could

not tolerate the atrocities committed by Ukrainian neo-

Nazis and supported the demand for the reunification 

of the millions of inhabitants of the original 

Russian territories.


- Ukrainian officials and their Western backers are 

increasingly resorting to blatant terrorist tactics 

to terrorize the population and damage Russia.


- Ultimately, Kiev officials will have to answer for attempts

 to annihilate the Russian people in Donbass, as well as 

for the deaths of Ukrainians in a fratricidal war.


- Ukrainian neo-Nazis will be tried in an international 

court for attempting a provocation by detonating

 a "dirty bomb".


- There are reasonable forces in Ukraine. They 

are suppressed, but they are ready to fight 

the neo-Nazi regime.


Sanctions war


- The West launched an unprecedented economic 

war against Russia, but its blitzkrieg failed.


- Western censorship is working hard to eliminate stories

 about Russia's good development trends. "The Anglo-

Saxon media deliberately ignore the obvious fact 

that Russia has been able to ensure its military,

 economic and food security.


- A large number of unjust sanctions have been imposed 

on Russia, but the country is dealing with them. The 

economy has recovered and has already 

exceeded the level of 2021.


- The Russian economy has demonstrated its stability
and its 
ability to develop gradually in the face
of global economic 
uncertainty --- and
the imposition of restrictive 
economic measures.


Multipolar world against the "new order"


- The West intends to create more hotspots near Russia,
similar to Ukraine, but Moscow will not be deterred.


- Washington, along with Russia, China and India, will 

become just one of several poles in the new 

multipolar world order, but Europe is 

unlikely to be able to claim....

 even that.


- Russia, under Putin, has offered a civilizational

 alternative to the West that is gaining traction. 

At least 25 countries have expressed a desire 

to join or cooperate with BRICS.


-- Russia prioritizes the development of relations 

with its nearest neighbours, especially Belarus,

 through the Union State.


- Moscow is in contact with Baku and Yerevan

 to normalize relations, and a peace treaty is 

being drafted.


- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan declared

 that Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijani territory....

 under the influence of the West.


Remembering history


- While the West tries to rewrite history, Russia treats

 it with care and..... does not allow it to be lost.


- Future generations must know the truth and remember

 that it was Russia that overcame fascism at the cost 

of nearly 30 million deaths of its people.


- Amendments to the Constitution in 2020 restored the

 supremacy of national law and established laws on 

the security of the country's borders and territories.


- The support of the majority of the population for the

 President's plans in the 2020 referendum, created 

the basis - for Russia's future prosperity, stability, 

security and good living conditions for its people.



Well done, Russia - your country is now

respected again by 80% of the world

and also by millions in the so-called

''democracies'' of the West.


When and if you start calling

each other Comrade, again,

you will have returned on

your path, perfectly!


I always wanted the merging

of genuine Christianity with

communism, and believe in

your ability to achieve that.


May all our readers work

and pray to achieve this.


What do you think?




US not merely complicit but 

architect and mastermind 

of Israel’s Gaza genocide

by Mohammad Hashim

October 31st,  1:35pm



As the chorus for an end to the Israeli regime’s genocidal 

campaign in the besieged Gaza Strip grows louder, it is

 becoming increasingly clear who the real protagonist 

and mastermind is.


While the overwhelming majority of countries voted in 

favour of the humanitarian truce in Gaza during the 

UN General Assembly session last week, the US 

and some of its vassal states, opposed

the resolution.


The vote laid bare which side Americans and their allies 

were on – the side of occupation and apartheid.


It came days after US President Joe Biden dashed off to 

Tel Aviv in a show of support for the Israeli regime even 

as Israeli warplanes continued to pummel densely-

populated civilian areas in Gaza.


On the eve of Biden’s visit, an Israeli warplane targeted a 

hospital in northern Gaza, killing more than 700 people, 

including patients and those who had taken refuge 

at the hospital, after being displaced.


Biden refused to condemn the Israeli regime, rather 

blamed the “other side” for the bombing, parroting

 the Israeli narrative. He had previously also

 peddled the Zionist lie about children 

being beheaded.


During the whirlwind trip, he even described himself as 

a “Zionist” and repeated a line he infamously said as a

 senator in 1986: “If there were not an Israel, we’d 

have to invent one.”


Biden, however, isn’t the only American batting for the 

occupying regime and preventing efforts aimed at de-

escalation. Many current and former US officials 

have come out openly in support of the regime.


Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State who was one of 

the first foreign officials to land in Tel Aviv following

 the events of October 7, has made a series of 

not-so-diplomatic statements in recent days.


In an interview with NBC last week, the top US diplomat 

said that Israel should “already be devising a strategy”

 of who rules the besieged Gaza Strip after Hamas is 

removed from the scene.


He was only echoing what Israeli Premier Benjamin 

Netanyahu said earlier about the “elimination of 

Hamas” being the defined goal for the regime 

in its latest genocidal campaign in the 

barricaded territory.


A former US military official, Ret. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, 

speaking on MSNBC on Sunday, said the US is likely to 

“directly intervene with air and naval strikes” --- if the 

regime’s existence is threatened.


"I would suggest to you our support of Israel will be 

absolute, and if we see Syrian military intervention, 

active Iranian military intervention, we'll go to war," 

McCaffrey said on the show.


The unconditional and uncritical support for the Israeli 

regime from the top-tier US past and present 

leadership has prompted many pundits to 

suggest that Washington -- is the key 

player in this war.


It’s not merely complicit in what’s unfolding in the 

besieged Gaza Strip, but it is the engineer, the 

architect and the main mastermind of this 

genocidal campaign against the people 

of Palestine.


As Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed 

Ali Khamenei said in a speech last week, the US is a 

“definite accomplice” of the Zionist regime and its 

hands are drenched in the blood of the oppressed.


“Actually, it is the US that is somehow managing the

crime that is being committed in Gaza. The US ---

is the one that is managing things,” Ayatollah 

Khamenei remarked.


These words carry tremendous weight and establish the 

fact that the regime in Tel Aviv is remotely controlled 

by Washington as both need each other to carry 

out destabilizing activities in the region.


It’s a well-established fact that the Zionist killing 

machine is funded by Washington -- including 

over $3.8 billion annual military assistance 

the US provides annually to the regime to 

purchase weaponry.


In recent weeks, there have also been reports 

about two US aircraft carriers being 

dispatched to the region, a move 

basically meant to provide 

military cover to the 

vulnerable entity 

in Tel Aviv.


All these developments suggest beyond doubt that 

the United States basically owns this war that is

 increasingly looking unwinnable for the 

‘weaker than spider web’

 Israeli regime.


Even though Biden’s deputy Kamala Harris insists that 

Washington has “no intention” to deploy combat 

troops to the occupied territories, reports 

suggest US boots are already on the 

ground there.


There have also been reports about the US secretly

 expanding its military base on the occupied land

 near Gaza, which again points to US complicity 

and a key role --- in what’s unfolding in Gaza.


Intercept reported this week that the Pentagon awarded a

 multimillion-dollar contract to build its secret base deep 

inside the occupied territories, just 20 miles from Gaza, 

code-named ‘Site 512.’


The classified base will include what the report called

 a “life support facility” for the dying regime.


“Though President Joe Biden and the White House insist 

that there are no plans to send U.S. troops to Israel 

amid its war on Hamas, a secret U.S. military

 presence in Israel already exists,” the

 report stated.


As Ali Akbar Velayati, the Iranian Leader’s senior advisor,

 stated on Monday, the Israeli regime will not even last 

one day without the support of the United States and 

European countries.


So it becomes clear that the occupying regime cannot

 go ahead or sustain any military aggression without 

Washington’s green light as well as political and

 military patronage.


In the case of the ongoing bombing campaign in the 

Gaza Strip, which will eventually lead to the demise 

of the illegitimate regime. the United States is not 

only complicit, but the mastermind.


Mohammad Hashim is a political and

 media analyst focused on West Asia


(The views expressed in this article ---- do 

not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)



Israel is often described as the US'

''attack dog'' in the Middle East.


If you had a distant relative who sent a

dog to where you live --- that beseiged

you --- and periodically killed your

children - what would YOU do?






The catastrophe in Gaza
Ceasefire Now!

by Tatiana Belova

October 21st, 10:24am 


Rescuers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry delivered 27 

tons of humanitarian aid to the population of the Gaza Strip. 

These are, first of all, extremely necessary food and 

medicines. Russian humanitarian aid was handed 

over to representatives of the Egyptian Red 

Crescent Society to be sent to the 

Palestinian enclave. 


The situation of Gazans is catastrophic. This

is especially true ---- for access to water.


The Palestinian civilians found themselves in unbearable

 conditions. According to the latest UN report, Gazans 

now have access to at best 3 litres of water a day

 instead of the minimum 50 litres.


The Gaza Strip is practically cut off from the rest of the 

world. Water and food are sorely lacking. For bread –

 stampede and queues. A video of Palestinian 

children searching for food, in the rubble
their homes, has spread across 

social networks. 


Power was cut off in Gaza for nine consecutive days.

 Hospitals are on the verge of collapse. Due to the 

lack of light, surgeons are forced to suspend 

operations. Some people... have to work in 

the dark. 59 medical institutions were hit,

 26 were seriously damaged. At least
health workers were killed and
over 20 
were injured.


The situation with the water supply, is particularly

deplorable. The water crisis has been developing 

in Gaza for decades. The reason for this is the 

depletion of the underground aquifer and the

 regular blockades that Israel arranges for 

the region.


Residents of the enclave are forced to drill and dig wells 

to get access to water. According to the Palestinian 

Water Authority, there are 10,000 wells in Gaza, 

2,700 wells for the agricultural sector and 

7,000 private wells drilled by residents 

without a license.


"The whole problem -- is that there are extremely specific 

soils. And these soils are seriously saline. Accordingly, 

if the well is legal ------ it is still being cleaned and 

desalinated. And if the wells are illegal, let's 

just say... that the water from them
desalinated exclusively by 

artisanal means," explains 

Sergey Demidenko, Dean 

of the School of Political 

Studies at the RANEPA 

Institute of National

Economy and Public



Many desalination plants were destroyed after Israeli 

strikes. As a result --- Gazans are forced to drink 

brackish water. It has exceeded the indicators 

of sodium, chlorine, and nitrates. Such water
is dangerous for health, especially

for children. 


And it is also teeming with various infections. The region 

has experienced regular outbreaks of cholera and 

typhoid fever before. Now, amid the destruction 

of critical infrastructure --- doctors expect a 

surge in cases in the Palestinian enclave.


"There are a lot of biological threats. The list --- is huge. The 

most banal intestinal infections-shigellosis, salmonellosis,

E. coli. In fact they are banal only at first glance because 

in the absence of control, or effective treatment, they
provide a high mortality rate, especially in children. 

Cholera --- in principle, there were outbreaks. This 

is what everyone expects with the current state. 

It is not a fact that it will necessarily happen,

but the risks ------ are very high" --- warns 

Nikolai Kryuchkov, an immunologist.


To prevent a catastrophe, Russia proposed a humanitarian 

resolution on Gaza and Israel at the UN Security Council 

earlier this week. However, it was rejected. The US,
France, and Japan --- voted against it.


"Humanitarian access must be granted immediately. We call

 for an early ceasefire and the opening of corridors for the

 delivery of urgent humanitarian aid to the affected areas 

of the enclave and an exit of civilians, for an immediate 

end to violence against civilians, regardless of their

place of residence," stressed Vasily Nebenzya, 

Permanent Representative of the Russian 

Federation to the UN.


However, the other day things got off the ground a little. 

Egypt, has agreed to open the Rafah crossing to send 

humanitarian aid to residents of the Gaza Strip. 


On Friday, about 200 trucks piled up near the checkpoint.

 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres even arrived in

 Rafah to track the delivery of the first humanitarian 

supplies to the Palestinian enclave, on the spot.


However, it is obvious that the humanitarian catastrophe 

in Gaza can be stopped - only after a ceasefire.

This, is 
what Russia is calling for.



Don't look away !
Write, march,
fiight, pray...

Just don't do what the Pharisee did
--- as Jesus taught us all --- in the
parable of the good neighbour.

Don't ''cross over to the 
other side of the road.''

What do you think?



RS: The US would do better to enlist 

the support of Russia and China

 to resolve the conflict in

 the Middle East

October 20th, 2023 

(source: Responsible Statecraft

retold by InoTV)


With their authority and influence in the Middle East, 

Russia and China could help the US achieve a 

settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict 

--- and prevent its spread throughout the 

region, writes Responsible Statecraft.


 If the situation escalates further, there is a danger that the 

ongoing armed confrontation will draw Washington and

 Moscow into fighting on opposite sides, and China 

will provide assistance to Russia.


The conflict in the Middle East - poses two serious threats to

 the United States. First, it is a deadly threat to Israel, which

 may arise as a result of a joint attack on it by Hamas, 

Hezbollah and Iran (especially if Russia helps it), and

 the resumption of the intifada. 


Secondly, there is a danger that such a regional conflict will 

draw the United States and Russia into fighting on opposite 

sides, and China will provide assistance to Russia, 

writes Responsible Statecraft.


Preventing both situations is crucial for both the US's own

 security and Israel's, which largely depends on China and 

Russia helping to contain their partners in the region in 

exchange for Israel's restraint in the Gaza Strip.


The most likely route to this double jeopardy --- would be to 

launch a full-scale Israeli ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, 

for which Hamas is almost certainly prepared and which it 

may well have originally intended to provoke. The invasion

--- will inevitably involve prolonged urban fighting and 

massive civilian casualties, leading to widespread 

outrage in the region. 


This may trigger a military response from Hezbollah, which 

in turn will put massive pressure on Iran to force Tehran 

to support its Lebanese partner.


The northern front between Israel & Iran-backed Hezbollah 

could also well extend into Syria, drawing Russia or even

 Turkey directly into the fighting. Neither side is looking 

for a direct clash with Israel --- because the Hamas 

attack, has already caught Iran off guard, Russia

 is completely engrossed in the Ukraine conflict, 

and Turkey will lose the leverage it uses to 

maneuver between the US, EU, Russia, 

and regional players ---- south of its 

borders. However, circumstances

 may force these States to make 

choices... that they would
to avoid.


Choosing between China and Russia will make it easier for 

the United States to enlist Beijing's help. China has the 

most to lose from an expanded regional conflict that 

could threaten access to its oil reserves, drive up 

energy prices.. and disrupt international trade,
 which the country's economy depends. 


In addition, China could also benefit from working with the 

United States to contain the crisis and stabilize the region, 

bolstering its prestige on the world stage and reassuring 

the US, which fears that Beijing intends to "destabilize"

 the international "order."


Washington will not want to give the leading role in the

 region to China - even though China is already playing 

such a role regardless of the US desire, as evidenced

 by its support for Saudi-Iranian rapprochement. 


Successful cooperation with China in the Middle East would 

mark a return to previous US statements that Washington 

hopes Beijing will become a "responsible stakeholder" 

on the world stage, rather than an enemy.


The situation is more complicated with Russia, as it has 

good relations with both Israel and Iran, and has fought 

alongside Hezbollah in Syria. In addition, the level of

hostility and distrust.... that grew long before the 

Ukrainian conflict between the USt and Russia 

is off the scale. It is obvious that Russia is 

strongly tempted to create problems for 

the US ---- and take advantage of the 

situation --- to strengthen its ties 

with Iran, the Arab world, and 

countries of the Global South 

--- at the expense of the US.


Fortunately for the United States, Moscow also has reason 

to worry about the deepening conflict in the Middle East. 


First of all, Russia has long been concerned about the issue 

of Islamic terrorism. After the events of September 11, a

 strong sense of unity of interests with the US in the 

fight against terrorism emerged in Moscow. As a 

result of this perception of a common threat, the 

West's policy in Libya and Syria was met in 

Russia not only with rage, but also with 

bewilderment. Faced with the obvious 

danger of Islamist extremism and the 

terrible example of the war in Iraq, 

Russian analysts could not under-

stand.. how the West could have

followed a course ------- aimed at 

destroying the Libyan & Syrian 

states -------and expanding

opportunities for the 

spread of religious 



The resumption of at least limited cooperation with Russia, 

in the fight against terrorism --- is both one of the ways to a

 possible broader settlement and is extremely necessary in

 itself, because the current conflict, is sure to increase the 

terrorist threat to the West. Terrorist attacks have already 

begun in Europe. The United States also needs to resume 

negotiations with Russia on the future of Syria, as the US 

strategy to overthrow the political regime has long failed.


Neither Russia nor China has sufficient leverage to prevent

 Hezbollah from opening a northern front with Israel - if the 

Israeli military launches a full invasion of the Gaza Strip. 


However ------- Beijing and Moscow probably have enough 

influence to guarantee Tel Aviv that Hamas supporters 

will not take part in the clashes in exchange for some 

measure of restraint on the part of the Israelis.


 The United States should enlist the support of Russia and 

China, and then it will be easier to resolve the conflict in 

the Middle East, Responsible Statecraft concludes.



Some chance? No chance!

What do you think?




How Palestinian resistance 

gained upper hand with its

strategic military operation

October 17th, 1:39pm

by Julia Kassem


The Israeli regime’s humiliating withdrawal from Gaza 

in 2005, placed the coastal strip at the centre of the 

illegitimate entity’s wrath as Gazans rejected the 

comprador authority that ruled the West Bank, 

marking a reversal and upheaval of the
 of Zionists.


After that, Gaza was subjected to a brutal blockade, 

depriving it of clean water, strictly limiting its food, 

and every once in a while shelling the world’s 

largest open-air prison.


Before the Tel Aviv regime launched its genocidal aerial 

bombardment campaign, it was caught by complete 

surprise on the morning of October 7, 2023, when 

the Gaza-based Hamas resistance movement 

launched the ‘Al-Aqsa Storm’ operation.


Following the barrage of rockets that pounded the occupied

 territories, Hamas’s Izzidin al-Qassam brigade fighters 

broke through the regime’s highly-fortified fence and 

ambushed bases in Israeli-occupied Beit Hanoon 

(called Erez by the occupation) border crossing, 

the Zikim base, and the Gaza division

 headquarters at Reim.


Within a few hours, the Palestinian resistance fighters had 

already captured 35 Israeli military personnel, killed 

dozens, and captured vast swathes of occupied 

towns. They dragged out senior Israeli regime 

commander Nimrod Aloni --- responsible for 

planning operations against resistance 

groups - in his undergarments.


Almost immediately, the resistance eliminated the entire 

Israeli battalion responsible for overseeing, monitoring 

and surveillance of the besieged Gaza Strip.


This knocked out the occupation’s intelligence capabilities 

to the extent that PM Benjamin Netanyahu himself had no

 clue about it even hours after the operation, and Israeli 

units failed to respond - let alone inform the public -
at least 6 hours.


The information then revealed --- that one of the bases 

ambushed by the resistance was a publicly unknown 

one - and not only did the Palestinian fighters know 

where the base was, but were able to specifically 

target and destroy the communications 

infrastructure there.


It was entirely the work of Palestinian resistance - despite

 a Wall Street Journal article claiming the operation was 

carried out with the help of Iran - an erroneous lie, 

especially the reference to “Hezbollah 

security sources”.


Iran’s United Nations office dismissed the claim, while

reaffirming the Islamic Republic's unflinching support

for the Palestinian resistance --- and the 

surprise operation.


The lie was later retracted by the Pentagon, issuing 

a statement that there was no evidence of Iran’s 

involvement, but already, it was clear that Iran 

was also a target --- likely at the request of a 

desperate regime in Tel Aviv, who realized

that its security, like its impenetrable 

wall, was completely broken.


The Palestinian resistance was victorious not because 

of any co-incidence or luck --- but because of its 

strategic vision and military prowess, which 

is lacking on the other side.


The Palestinian resistance’s operation, which came in

 response to daily atrocities against Palestinians - as 

well as the repeated desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque 

by regime forces and settlers -- exposed not only 

chinks in the regime’s military apparatus -- but 

also the complete absence of strategy in the 

Zionist entity ------ so it had to resort to 

propaganda and false narratives.


As the threat of a ground invasion becomes more

 pronounced, the Zionist entity finds itself at a 

crossroads: either to back down and accept 

defeat ----- or move ahead with a ground 

invasion ----- and face the wrath of 

all fronts of the resistance axis.


The latter scenario almost ensures the Zionist entity’s 

crushing defeat - both in terms of being pulled across

two fronts as well as facing Lebanon’s Hezbollah 

resistance movement, which has grown 

considerably stronger... since its

 thumping victory over Israel 

in 2006.


The prospects of an Israeli defeat are particularly high -- as 

the events that unfolded on October 7 reveal. The regime’s 

lack of strategy pushes it into the fold of ideology and 

cruel, sadistic idealism, producing its “tactics” (if you 

can call them that) of shock-and-awe terror and 

intimidation, of mass genocide of Gazans, to 

produce civilian intimidation - devastation

- where military victories cannot be 

matched up.


Despite the Palestinian resistance’s superior intelligence 

capabilities and strong command of strategy, the Zionist 

entity could drum up nothing more intelligent than a 

propaganda campaign - equating the Palestinian

resistance, particularly Hamas - to the Daesh

terrorist group --- alongside other orientalist 

tropes aimed at dehumanizing Palestinians

--- to justify horrific war crimes and mass 

murder, carried out in the absence of 

a strategy.


The Palestinians -- were projected as bloodthirsty savage 

men with appetites for rape and murder who had nothing 

better to do than to target scantily-clad white settler 

women and murder children.


These tropes, present in different forms during the Al-Aqsa 

Storm operation (also known as the Al-Aqsa Flood), were 

quickly debunked.


The most notorious of these Zionist lies was that 40 babies 

were beheaded by Hamas in the kibbutz of Kfar Aza on 

October 10. The lies were debunked over and over 

again, (with the Zionist entity adding insult to 

injury in tweeting an AI-generated image of 

a burned “baby”) but the damage --- in 

invoking a sensationalist reaction

 to orientalist tropes --- stuck.


Israel used it not just to justify its aerial bombardment of 

civilians in Gaza, but also -- to manufacture consent for 

such a campaign amongst Americans, whose support 

is so critical for Tel Aviv to even consider launching 

its ground offensive, and whose public has grown 

more hesitant to pour more money for wars 

abroad - especially post-Ukraine.


On October 13, the Israeli regime demanded North Gaza’s 

nearly 1 million inhabitants evacuate to the south of the 

territory, warning them of an incoming, unforgiving 

aerial bombardment campaign. The order even 

applied to hospitals that were teeming with 

critical patients.


Gazan authorities immediately slammed the warnings as 

psychological warfare, with Hamas leadership urging 

citizens not to fall into Zionist schemes

 “to create another Nakba.”


Hamas pointed out in an English-language telegram 

statement that targeting hospitals was a violation 

of international law. Yet Israel pressed harder in 

forcing a mass evacuation - or at least making 

it look like they had warned Palestinians 

before their brutal annihilation.


When terrified Palestinians heeded the threatening orders 

and traveled south - the humanitarian corridor became a 

target for the regime, which rained bombs on numerous 

convoys, massacring and injuring over 200 civilians, 

mostly women and children.


In the short term, the regime has sought to wipe out Gaza 

of not its resistance, but of its inhabitants, first by aiming 

to establish a security belt from the North of Gaza before 

moving in to wipe out Gaza of its entire population, tear 

through underground tunnels, and washing away its 

crimes by reinstating the illegal occupying 

settlements (“Gush Katif”) removed as 

part of the occupying entity’s 

withdrawal in 2005.


These campaigns of terror and mass murder serve a 

nefarious displacement project - one that would see 

Gaza’s two million inhabitants dead - or, in the long 

term, pushed, permanently displaced, into Egypt’s 

Sinai to live in tents (and forever panhandle from 

the liberal wing of Global Zionism as begging

 recipients of paltry “aid”), as recurrent 

Israeli proposals have indicated.


Just as Daesh’s forced displacement of Syrians and Iraqis 

from the region’s oil-rich north enabled trillions in US oil

 extortion to take place, the forced exodus of 

Palestinians, squashes out any hope for 

Palestinian sovereignty over land and 

resources - including an estimated 

$15 billion in offshore oil wealth 

in the occupied Palestinian 

maritime boundary.


Like Daesh, the Zionist entity functions outside of any 

legal or humanitarian standards or laws, be it

 religious or liberal-secular.


Like Daesh, the Zionist entity invokes indiscriminate 

campaigns of mass murder and violence, to 

cleanse the population and uphold an 

ever-expanding ethno-state.


Like Daesh, the Zionist entity upholds its reign of terror 

through supremacists, a twisted ideology that 

disregards vision for nihilistic dogma.


And like Daesh, the Zionist entity carries out its genocidal

campaigns essentially to the benefit of the West, with 

whom it finds itself in collusion with chaos-inducing 

means to plunge Palestine and the Arab world into

 a reactionary, servile end.


Yet like Daesh, the illegitimate regime’s genocidal goals 

executed with a lack of a constructive vision and 

harnessed by death and destruction - come amid 

a waning US hegemony ----- that Israel is 

completely dependent upon. So the 

future looks particularly bleak
the regime.


On the other hand, the resistance axis, following the latest 

developments, clearly holds the upper hand in this battle 

– a battle that will end in the annihilation of the 

apartheid regime.   


Julia Kassem is a freelance writer, having contributed

to Detroit's own Riverwise, Against the Current, 

and nationally syndicated outlets such as 

Counterpunch, Mintpressnews, 

and TruthOut.



Truly, some amazing insights.

I don't think the Palestinians

are going to lose - and tens

of thousands of Israelis

now leaving Israel --- 

seem to agree.


What do you think?




What the Communists are fighting for
A decent youth policy 

October 14th, 2:56pm

(Press service of Stalingrad 

Regional Committee of the 

Communist Party of the 

Russian Federation) 


Meeting of Komsomol activists of the 

Southern Federal District opened 

in Volgograd.


On October 13, a gathering of Komsomol activists from the 

Southern Federal District, started in Volgograd. Opening 

the forum, Tamara Golovacheva, First Secretary of the

Stalingrad Regional Committee of the Communist 

Party of the Russian Federation... addressed 

young delegates, from the Astrakhan and 

Rostov regions, the Republic of Crimea,

 the city of Sevastopol, the Krasnodar 

Territory, Adygea, and the Donetsk 

and Luhansk People's Republics: 


"On behalf of....... the regional Committee of the Communist

Party of the Russian Federation, I would like to welcome 

you to the heroic - and unruly - Stalingrad land. Your 

Komsomol rally -- is held in the year of the 80th 

anniversary of the Victory at Stalingrad, and 

October is crowned by another date - the 

105th anniversary of the only political 

and mass organization in the world,

the All-Union Leninist Communist 

Youth Union.''


''In a difficult time for our country, during the years of the Civil 

War and foreign military intervention, no one then realized 

what lies ahead for young people.. what they have to do,

 what the main task is to fulfill. This task was voiced at

 the third congress of the Komsomol in October 1920, 

where Vladimir Ilyich Lenin told young people that 

they need to learn ----- that you can become a 

communist only if you enrich your memory 

with knowledge of all the riches that 

humanity has developed. Learn 

and work. Build new cities, 

railways, and factories.''


''During the years of the struggle against the Nazi invaders, 

ten million Komsomol members ------ went to the front.
thousand of them received the title Hero of the 

Soviet Union. Among them, were our Stalingrad 

heroes: Nikolai Serdyukov, Mikhail Panikakha, 

Sasha Filippov, Yakov Pavlov... and 

many others.''


''The legendary Komsomol tribe is alive today, it continues to

 work and grows stronger - together with the history of the

 country under the leadership of the Communist Party.'' 


''I wish you fruitful work at the Meeting, and with your 

Komsomol enthusiasm and energy, always keep up 

with the party, fight and win."


During the Gathering of Komsomol activists, participants will 

listen to lectures on the history of the Communist Party and 

the Komsomol, take part in a seminar on journalism, learn 

how to conduct propaganda work, and discuss the

prospects for the development of the LKSM 

and the country as a whole.  



''Knowledge of all the riches that 

humanity has developed.'' Wow!


Have you taken a look -- at the

mass media and social media

in your country, today?


What did you learn?





Bloomberg: Russia and China will 

benefit from the war in Gaza, and 

the West will have to answer for 

"double standards"

(source: Bloomberg

retold by InoTV)

October 13th, 2023 


A war in the Middle East can cause serious damage 

to the power and authority of the West, and the 

only winners in the war in Gaza may be 

Russia and China, according 

to Bloomberg.


The two countries' positions on the Israeli-Palestinian

 conflict, differ, creating an even greater rift in the 

current world situation. Too many countries 

around the world accuse Israel of illegally 

occupying Palestinian land - continuing 

settlement expansion, and oppressing

 the Palestinian people. 


The moral necessity of the creation of Israel after World War 

II was not recognized even by the remote countries of Asia 

and Africa, let alone the Middle East: most of them still do 

not agree that the Palestinians were deprived of property 

and punished for the crimes of European countries.


But - as Bloomberg notes - it is not just Israel's attempts to

normalize relations with its Arab neighbours that are now 

under threat. A prolonged and widespread conflict in the

 Middle East "will drain the West's resources in relation

 to Ukraine," which "were already scarce and subject 

to domestic political opposition in the US and other 

countries." Moreover, little will remain of the Biden 

administration's ambitious efforts to counter 

China's growing influence in the Middle 

East, whether it's a peace deal 

between Saudi Arabia and 

Israel, or a proposed 

economic corridor

 linking India....

 to Europe. 


According to the US newspaper, the war in the 

Middle East has already undermined all the 

efforts made by the West.


Moreover, even if the struggle is confined to the Gaza Strip, 

it will subject to more international scrutiny... what the 

human rights organization, Amnesty International, in 

its report calls the "double standards of the West" 

--- in the field of human rights in the world. 


The US authorities did not answer the question put to them 

by the Palestinian activist Mustafa Barghouti: "Why does

the United States support Ukraine in the fight against 

the so-called occupation, while in the Middle East 

they support the invader who still continues to 

occupy us?"


As Bloomberg notes, it is precisely the rash actions of the

 West and its ambivalent policy towards other countries 

that play into the hands of Russia and China. 


According to the publication ---- "China and Russia will only 

benefit from the pictures of death and destruction in Gaza, 

caused, among other things, by US-made bombs."



Some good points there.

Meanwhile, children die.

Sick of it... aren't you?





British commandos train Ukrainian 

saboteurs to undermine Russian

nuke plants — FSB

 October 11th, 9:31am (TASS) 


The British special operations personnel, trained Ukrainian 

military intelligence groups for subversive acts at Russian 

nuclear power plants, Russia’s Federal Security Service 

(FSB) Director, Alexander Bortnikov, said at a meeting 

of the Council of CIS Security Agencies and Special
Services Chiefs, that opened under 
chairmanship, on Wednesday.


"In August this year --- the Federal Security Service

 apprehended members of a Ukrainian subversive

and reconnaissance group. Operational and 

investigative measures - have established 

that the personnel of the British special 

operations forces ------ trained the
and planned
their operations.'' 


''The group was tasked with carrying out subversive acts

 against military facilities, oil, transport and critical

 infrastructure -- and also against nuclear power 

sites, in particular, the Smolensk and Kursk 

nuclear power stations," the FSB
chief said.


Earlier, similar subversive acts were attempted
the Leningrad and Kalinin nuclear
power plants,
 Bortnikov said.


"In all, over 20 explosives planted at electric power

transmission lines of nuclear power plants - were 

neutralized as a result of counter-saboteur work.

Their detonation pursued the goal of disrupting 

the technological process of the operation of

 nuclear power plants," the FSB chief said.


As a result of the saboteurs’ subversive acts, the operation 

of the 2nd power unit of the Kursk nuclear power plant 

was halted ------ in an emergency shutdown, 

Bortnikov said.


"These acts by the Ukrainian military intelligence and its

 British instructors, should be qualified as nothing else 

but nuclear terrorism," the FSB chief stressed.


"A question arises: is London aware of the reckless nature

 of actions by its special services? What do these insane

 persons ultimately count on? The point is that by their 

actions they raise the terror threat to a higher level," 

Bortnikov said.


As the FSB chief pointed out, "this requires measures from

 the international community - to work out fundamentally 

new approaches --- in the fight against terrorism, its
ideological inspirers, sponsors, and 
the FSB chief said.

I'm talking to the UK special services now.
Have you realistically looked at yourself
and seen yourself --- as a terrorist?

If you have - how does it make you feel?


Gitmo detainees continue to be 

tortured by CIA ----- physically, 

and mentally: Attorney

by Syed Zafar Mehdi

October 4th, 11:18am



Torture has always existed at Guantanamo Bay in different

 forms --- and the inmates there continue to be tortured 

physically and psychologically, says a US-based 

human rights attorney.


In an interview with the Press TV website, Alka Pradhan, 

who has represented Guantanamo Bay detainees as

 well as victims of US drone strikes, described 

various forms of torture prevalent at the 

notorious US detention facility --- also 

known as Gitmo, in southeast Cuba.


“In the early days, it took the form of beatings and forced 

nudity, starvation and force-feedings, and other terrible

 techniques,” said Pradhan, referring to the 

institutionalizing of torture at Gitmo.


“Now, decades of arbitrary detention, and lack of family 

visits and medical care ------ including botched or 

substandard procedures ------ carried out by 

poorly qualified staff ----- continue to 

torture these men psychologically 

and physically.”


Pradhan, one of the leading human rights lawyers in the US, 

is currently Human Rights Counsel at the Guantanamo Bay 

Military Commissions. She was previously Counter-

Terrorism Counsel at Reprieve US, where she

 represented several Guantanamo 

Bay detainees.


She also conducted advocacy and litigation on behalf of

 civilian victims of US drone strikes in Yemen and 

Pakistan and has advised the US government 

on compliance with international 

legal obligations.


Last week, Pradhan was invited to the European Parliament 

to speak on Gitmo human rights abuses amid growing calls

 from human rights advocates to shut down the notorious 

US detention centre.


She is an attorney representing Ammar al-Baluchi, an Iranian 

citizen, who has suffered high-degree torture at the hands 

of the CIA and even denied medical care by the 

White House.


“Ammar, an Iranian citizen, was brutally tortured for 3.5 years 

at the “black sites” - the CIA’s secret prisons all over the 

world - before he was rendered to Guantanamo Bay, in 

September 2006,” Pradhan told the Press TV website.


“According to CIA records, CIA personnel used him as a

 human experiment, bashing his head against a wall 

over and over again for hours ----- to obtain their 

interrogator certifications. They also tortured 

him using water, shackling his wrists over his

 head, beatings, forced nudity, and forced 

starvation. For most of his time at the 

black sites, he was sleep-deprived, 

first with ear-splitting music, and

 then with 24/7 fluorescent 

lights,” she hastened

 to add.


Ammar, the US human rights attorney said ----- is 46 years old 

today and suffers from multiple brain injuries because of CIA 

torture as well as severe post-traumatic stress disorder

 (PTSD), the inability to sleep normally and cognitive 

decline, denied proper medical care by the 

US government.


“They will not allow medical histories to be taken that discuss

 the causes of his ailments (torture), the DoD (US Department 

of Defense) will not allow independent doctors to treat him, 

and according to the Chief Medical Officer, they do not 

have the ability to provide complex medical care or 

do proper surgeries here,” she said.”


“Despite entreaties, the White House and DoD have absolutely

 refused to either implement a proper medical and torture

 rehabilitation program here or conduct humanitarian 

transfers of the remaining men to places where 

they can receive the care they need.”


Pradhan also spoke about the Guantanamo military

 commissions set up by the US government that 

have only exacerbated the miserable 

conditions of Gitmo inmates.


These military commissions, she said --- in a conversation

with the Press TV website, were built --- to “benefit from 

CIA torture, while hiding as many details of the torture 

program as possible.”


“The US government made a conscious decision after 9/11

 to torture men abroad instead of bringing them to court 

for prosecution. Once they could no longer hide them

in secret prisons, it was too late to prosecute them 

in real US courts because of that torture,” 

Pradhan said.


“The Military Commissions Act - was written to allow the

 government to use torture-acquired evidence (the bulk

 of their evidence against these men), but also to 

prevent them ----- from giving the defense the 

information we require about exculpatory 

or mitigating factors, like the men’s 

torture in CIA black sites,” 

she added.


The US-based attorney said the US government
has “continuously invaded attorney-client 

privilege --- with listening devices in our 

meeting rooms and the FBI attempting 

to place an informant on one defense 

team”, noting that the corruption in

 the military commissions ---

 “precludes any justice.”


On why the US government chose a detention facility

 in Cuba, away from the mainland, to detain people 

after the 9/11 attacks, Pradhan said the decision 

was taken, so that the US “exercises complete 

control” and international and domestic laws

 do not apply.


“To this day, the US refuses to apply the Constitution 

in the military commissions, or the full provisions of 

Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions to 

the remaining detainees. And the detainees 

themselves, have no real legal remedies - 

they are not allowed to file lawsuits, in 

the United States, and no country will

sanction the US -------- for its illegal 

treatment of these men,” 

she stated.


The international calls for the closure of the notorious 

detention facility have grown louder, but the
Biden administration, like previous 

administrations..... has adopted

 the policy of dilly-dallying.


Pradhan said the strength of the US propaganda campaign 

around Guantanamo at the beginning, “labeling all of the 

men here the “worst of the worst” and categorizing 

them all as some sort of combatant against the 

United States, has proven impossible 

to reverse.”


“Despite the fact that no one should ever have been held at 

Guantanamo, that most were sold to the US for bounty

 payments, and that only a handful have ever been 

charged, most Americans still believe that the

Guantanamo detainees, are all terrorists,” 

she told the Press TV website.


“President Obama --- had the ability to tell the truth about 

the men at Guantanamo, even when Congress stopped

him from closing the facility --- but he did not. The 

enduring misinformation about the detainees, 

means that many countries do not want to 

accept them --- and that Congress has 

banned any transfers of the men

 to US territory.”

and US citizens wonder why
their country ------ is hated!

What - do you feel
about ''Gitmo'' ?



Zionists’ Hatred on the Rise: 

Jews... Spit at Christian 

Worshipers in Al-Quds

October 4th, 1:05pm

(al Manar)


Orthodox Jews spat at Christian worshippers in the Old City 

of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) anew on Wednesday, amid a rise in 

incidents targeting priests and pilgrims in the holy city.


Israeli media reported that occupation police arrested 

five Jews “on suspicion” of spitting at Christians, in 

an attempt to show, that the Israeli government 

exerts efforts to confront such provocations.


Video shared on social media showed a group 

of Orthodox Jews spitting as they were 

walking through the Old City.


The Jerusalem Post cited N12 as saying that the brother 

of MK Simcha Rothman, Rabbi Natan Rothman, led
procession this morning, during which,
provocation took place.


It added that the rabbi “did not commit the act

 himself, but rather, his students who were 

with him.”


Wednesday’s provocation, followed a spitting incident 

during the so-called Sukkot holiday celebrations on 

Tuesday, as well as another, on Monday.


Spitting at Christians “Ancient Jewish Custom”


At the same time, the so-called Israeli National Security
Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, said in an 
interview: “I still
think spitting at Christians, 
is not a criminal case.
I think we need to 
act on it through instruction
education. Not everything justifies
an arrest.”


Speaking to Army Radio, the minister in charge of police

 added: “It is deserving --- of every condemnation. 

It should be stopped. I asked Rabbi Dov Lior, 

he said it was immoral and wrong. We’re 

against it. But let’s stop slandering 

Israel. We’re all brothers, we’re 

all of the same people.”


Before entering politics, Ben Gvir in the past 

justified spitting toward Christians, as 

“an ancient Jewish custom.”


Source: Israeli media


Not everyone wearing a smile
is friendly... we are all too
human... too frail.

But should this news article
have even been printed?

al Manar, in my opinion,
has gone too far here.

What do you think?


A bill for two: why Europe is being

 urged - to seek a solution to the 

crisis in Ukraine amid declining

 support from the United States

October 3rd, 10:16pm

by Alexander Karpov, 

& Elizaveta Komarova



The EU should start working as soon as possible to establish

a cease-fire and truce in Ukraine against the background 

of declining support for Kiev from Washington. This was 

stated by Bundestag deputy, Sarah Wagenknecht.


"Instead of approving billions for military supplies and 

now bearing the costs of this 'proxy war' for the US - 

the EU should have finally thought about the needs 

of its citizens ------- and called for an immediate 

suspension of hostilities!" the politician said.


She stressed that Brussels is making dubious conclusions

 against the background of the recent adoption of the 

budget in the US, from which financial assistance 

for Kiev was excluded. 


According to Wagenknecht, in this context, the promises 

of the head of EU diplomacy... about long-term support 

for Ukraine "for €5 billion annually" are "impossible".


Wagenknecht recalled that the EU, unlike the US, allocates 

huge funds for the accommodation of Ukrainian refugees, 

and it is necessary to invest money, not in weapons, but 

in the restoration of Ukraine.


Recall that the EU's chief diplomat, Josep Borrel, made a 

proposal in August - to create a military assistance fund 

for Ukraine for 2024-2027, from which, up to €5 billion 

will be allocated to Kiev, annually.


After the meeting of the foreign Ministers of the EU countries, 

which took place on October 2 in Kiev, Borrel said that the 

allocation of €5 billion in military aid to Ukraine in 2024, 

has not yet been agreed, but Brussels hopes to reach 

a consensus, before the end of the year.


Waning support


At the same time, Western media reported a weakening of

 Western support for Kiev. In particular, this was reported 

by the newspaper Politico, which refers to diplomatic 

sources in the EU.


The message that the US and Europe will support Kiev 

"no matter what," is beginning to sound emasculated.


The newspaper notes, that Kiev depends on Western

 assistance not only in the military sphere, but also 

in terms of financing the authorities. According to

 the budget forecast for 2024, Kiev expects to 

receive about $42.8 billion from its foreign 

partners, while a significant part of these 

funds should come from the US, 

writes Politico.


In June, Ukrainian Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko, said 

in an interview with Politico, that the US should "step in"

and provide Kiev with assistance --- "at least for the 

medium term." However.... when asked whether 

the decision of the US Congress to exclude 

aid to Ukraine from the budget will affect

this,  Marchenko's representative 

declined to comment, the 

newspaper reports.


Recall that Republicans in the US House of Representatives

 managed to achieve the exclusion from the draft budget 

of the item on the allocation of aid to Kiev.


US President Joe Biden approved this budget on October 1,

 but then said: "Under no circumstances can we allow US

 support for Ukraine to be interrupted."


In addition to financial support, the West's ability to
support Kiev militarily, is also weakening. Thus,
Politico cites the
 words of European officials:
that EU countries can no 
longer supply Kiev
with weapons from their own 
without threatening the security of

 the community.


"We cannot continue to supply (weapons. - RT) from our 

own stocks… We have already given everything that 

was possible without threatening our own security," 

the newspaper quotes the source as saying.


Also, Politico quotes the words of General Stephane Millet,
chief of staff of the French Aerospace Forces, who said

that in Europe they cannot "constantly give and 

observe how the number of systems is 

reduced, in favour of Ukraine."


A similar situation is observed in the US. So, the AP

news agency published a letter from the Pentagon 

to Congress --- which states that the US defense 

department is running out of funds to replace 

weapons sent to Ukraine, which led to a 

forced slowdown in the supply of 

some units.


In addition, the Pentagon's financial controller, Michael
McCord, told leaders of the House of Representatives 

and the Senate that only $1.6 billion remained of the 

$25.9 billion allocated by Congress, for the 

replenishment of weapons stocks 

...that went to Ukraine.


Political setting


Sarah Wagenknecht's statement reflects a fairly broad 

position that is widespread in Germany and other EU 

countries, political analyst Ivan Konovalov noted 

in a conversation with RT.


"This is a fairly common position for German politicians. 

In fact, in Germany, with the exception of a number of 

representatives of the ruling coalition - there are not 

so many supporters of continuing the conflict. Most 

people understand that the situation is objectively 

negative --- and the German economy is facing 

some very difficult days. There is only one 

way to solve this problem: to stop 

Germany's participation in this 

adventure on the territory of 

Ukraine. And, to do this the 

EU should start working 

to establish a truce

in Ukraine" ---- the 

expert explained.


At the same time, the West will not abandon its plans

to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, using the 

Ukrainian conflict for this purpose, Ivan 

Konovalov added.


"For the US, this is a serious political attitude that they

 imposed on a significant part of Europe. But it is

 impossible to do this, they are beginning to 

realize it, so now Western politicians are 

driven by a banal desire to save money. 

The US, has destroyed the European 

economy and gained control over it 

and achieved economic benefits -- 

through a scheme using Ukraine. 

Europe is in a serious crisis, it's

obvious, so we see similar 

statements from various 

politicians" --- the 

expert said.


However, the support of Kiev will not

be stopped in one day, Ivan 

Konovalov stressed.


"The US foreign policy is very sluggish, they will 

continue to move along the already laid anti-

Russian track. But gradually they will have 

to do it. When they really start to abandon 

the toxic Ukrainian project, when this is 

expressed in real political decisions, 

then everything will end --- for the 

Kiev regime. But so far, the US

continues to move by inertia, 

although there are already 

problems.... with military 

assistance for Ukraine, 

now it will only be for

an emergency. This 

--- is the first call," 

the expert said.


In Europe, they understand that the Zelensky administration

exists solely at the expense of material and political 

support from the US, said Alexander Mikhailov, 

head of the Bureau of Military-Political 

Analysis, in a conversation with RT.


"If you remove the support of Washington, there will 

benothing left of Zelensky and this whole company, 

without Western weapons and money ---- they will 

not last even a few weeks. The most far-sighted 

politicians in the West, are beginning to adjust 

their positions in advance and change course 

against the background of the results of the 

Ukrainian counteroffensive. Everything that 

Kiev promised did not materialize, and the 

flow of supplied weapons decreased. In 

addition, Ukrainian ultra-nationalism is 

very inconvenient for the West, which 

was clearly demonstrated by the 

''incident'' ...in the Canadian 

Parliament," the source 



Western countries have already invested a lot of money

 in Kiev, but now the desire to maintain such a level of 

spending is clearly declining, Alexander 

Mikhailov stressed.


"All this was very pathetic in the first months of last year, 

when everyone was running around with staged 

provocations, shaking different photos and 

calling on everyone to collectively give 

the last shirt to Ukraine. But now, all 

this.... has already been resolved 

---- since the Western audience 

very easily changes its idol," 

the expert explained.


Zelensky continues to ask Western countries for billions 

in funding, to give Kiev the last tanks and planes, the 

political scientist added.


"Once given, the second time too, but these requests 

continue and at the same time are accompanied by 

derogatory comments - what Zelensky's entourage

 is famous for. Here, any normal head of state and

politician will think about how promising such a 

partnership is. Zelensky still has a "roof" in 

Washington, but this is also, not forever," 

said Alexander Mikhailov.


The US obviously wants to remove Ukraine from its 

balance sheet and shift further responsibility for 

the fate of Kiev, to the EU, the expert believes.


"Washington will narrow military aid to Ukraine, transfer 

it to the maintenance of the EU and will force Kiev to 

create a new negotiating group --- closer to the US 

presidential election in 2024.'' 


''With the counteroffensive, everything is already clear: 

armaments are running out, and the West, in its own

 interests, wants to freeze this story as soon as 

possible," the source concluded.



So, if the plan was, to attack Russia

and after achieving that, to attack

China, what happens now?


What do you think?





L'actualité: the US media are silent
about Nazism in Ukraine....

to please the authorities

October 3rd, 2023 

(source: L'actualité 

retold by InoTV)


The scandal with the Ukrainian Nazi that broke out in Canada

has made many people think about extremely unpleasant 

questions, writes L'actualité columnist, Raphael Jacob, 

a researcher at the University of Quebec in Montreal 

in the field of strategy and diplomacy. 


The main question is whether the accusations of Vladimir 

Putin, who at the very beginning of the SVO pointed out

Nazism flourishing in the ranks of the Ukrainian army,

turned out to be true. However, not only the answer, 

but the very need to raise this question, requires 

Western media... to add more nuances to their 

texts, while they are determined to present

 the conflict in Ukraine as a struggle of 

the bad against the good.


With few exceptions, this approach has completely

 subordinated the public space of the main donor 

of the Kiev regime - the United States. In the US

culture, information has become a commercial 

product & local media have long appreciated 

the financial benefits --- of simplifying 

complex situations. 


Reducing multidimensional stories to ones that are easier 

to digest... is considered a smart approach by media
conglomerates to "sell" their tastes to a wider 

audience. This is especially true, when the 

nuances can raise ambiguous questions

about nationalism.


As Raphael Jacob reminds us ---- the biggest triumphs of the

 United States and reasons for national pride are the victory

 over Nazi Germany in World War II and the victory over the

 Soviet Union in the Cold War. In both cases, Americans 

can claim that they were, as the saying goes, "on the 

right side of history." But what will become of this 

hitherto unshakeable conviction - if we open their 

eyes to the fact that in order to defeat the former, 

the United States collaborated with the latter,

 and then defended the former, in the fight 

against the latter?


US films and TV shows show the bravery and sacrifice of US

 soldiers in the fight against the Third Reich, but almost do 

not pay attention to their largest ally in the fight against 

Hitler — the Soviet Union. At the same time, the USSR 

lost 100 times more citizens than the United States, 

and it was Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz 

in 1945. 


At the same time, very few Americans know ---- that after World 

War II, their government deliberately granted asylum to some 

of the perpetrators of the Holocaust, after the whole world 

learned about the concentration camps at the Nuremberg 

trials. The reason for this decision is that many of those

 granted asylum, including in Ukraine, promised to 

weaken the new enemy - the Soviet Union.


Modern Ukrainian nationalism has its roots in Nazism and

 neo-Nazism. Caught between the two warring countries, 

some Ukrainians, who wanted to get rid of Stalin, 

supported Hitler. 


The US government ----- considering Russia a threat that is more

 difficult to contain, decided to cooperate directly or indirectly

 with Nazi groups. In the 1940s and 1950s, this meant 

providing support and protection to leaders of 

ultra-right Ukrainian movements, such as 

Stepan Bandera ------ who massacred 

hundreds of thousands of Jews 

during the Holocaust. 


In the last decade, cooperation with Ukraine has meant the

 creation of hundreds of nationalist groups that are now 

fighting at the front in uniforms with swastikas and 

other Nazi symbols. As the author of the article 

notes... the US government does not want to 

support such groups, but at the same time 

it is aware of what its money is being 

spent on.


In one of the rare articles published in June... The New 

York Times openly admitted that the situation created

considerable discomfort among the major US media. 


Most decided to completely ignore the problem and not print 

photos of Ukrainians with Nazi symbols. The demonstration 

of such "gray areas" requires relying on the ability of 

readers to think, but at the same time sets up high-

ranking representatives of the US Department of 

Defense against these publications. 


Nevertheless, media groups... would only benefit from a 

comprehensive presentation of various political crises, 

including the Ukrainian one, with special attention 

to nuances. This would put an end - to the toxic 

accusations ---- of a loss of trust between the 

country's population and the largest media 

holdings, L'actualité columnist Raphael

 Jacob concludes.



Put an end to the billions spent on brainwashing? 

It'll take more than a nuance, and, in the case of

Canada and those countries like the US and UK, 

whose people still live in cartoon world, it'll 

take handing over thousands of nazis..... 

to finally face justice.

Another thing, let's explode the myth
that a ''researcher'' at a College in
Canada is so privileged as to be
in a free, knowledge based
environment, when he or
she will cross red lines
of officially tolerated
dissent ------ at their
peril, in actuality! 


What do you think?


CBC News: How did the Ukrainian Nazis 

settle in Canada? ------ after a scandal

in Parliament.. Ottawa is called on 
to disclose military documents

September 27th, 2023 

(source: CBC

retold by InoTV)


After the scandal with the appearance in the Canadian 

Parliament of a member of the SS division "Galicia" 

Jaroslaw Gunka - Ottawa is required to disclose 

wartime documents in order to establish how 

many of those who joined the Nazis.... 

eventually settled in the country, 

reports CBC News. 


According to the channel, Canada allowed dozens of 

soldiers of the division, including Gunka, to settle in 

a country where they were not charged with 

war crimes.


For Yaroslav Gunka, this moment of applause 

was the reason for reckoning with history.


WITOLD DZIELSKI, Polish Ambassador to Ottawa: 

This person should not be in the public eye, 

should not be in the Canadian Parliament.


Poland has said it is taking steps to extradite Gunka, 98, 

because he served in a Nazi unit during World War II.


WITOLD DZIELSKY: He needs to be brought tojustice.


The SS Galicia Division consisted of Ukrainian volunteers 

who had decided to join Hitler's forces to fight Soviet 

Russia. Gunka himself, studied in Munich.


DOMINIQUE AREL, Head of the Department of Ukrainian

Studies at the University of Ottawa: You can only 

imagine .....what a political indoctrination it is 

when you are trained in a Nazi environment. 

That is, they were exposed to unfiltered 

Nazi ideology.


After World War II, dozens of soldiers of the Galicia Division

 were allowed to settle in Canada. The country's decision 

has been criticized - for decades. In 1986, the federal 

commission found that -- "mere membership in the 

Galicia Division is not sufficient for prosecution",

 and "charges of war crimes have never been 

supported by evidence". Earlier, Gunka 

spoke out in defense of his military 

past calling it a struggle.. for the 

independence of Ukraine.


EFRAIM ZUROFF, Israeli historian: They can't come and say, 

"We are heroes, we fought for freedom." This is complete 

nonsense. Members of the Galicia Division fought for 

the victory of the Third Reich. And the Third Reich 

was the most genocidal regime in the history 

of mankind.


Efraim Zuroff claims that Canada was too 

weak... by letting in too many SS soldiers.


EFRAIM ZUROFF: Why should they have 

the right to move freely --- to a great 

democratic country like Canada?


This is just one of the questions that many Jews are 

currently puzzling over. Some Jewish groups - are 

calling on Ottawa to reveal wartime documents 

to find out how many of those who fought for

 the Nazis ended up settling in Canada.


Ellen Mauro, CBC News, Toronto.


Air date: September 27, 2023.


Britain also took in thousands 

of nazis --- after World War 2.


Doesn't it make you feel

ashamed, to know YOU

live in a land where
justice --- 
is just
a game?


(apologies to Robert

Zimmerman..... for

using his words!)


"Salaries of over 4.5 million people 

will grow": Russian government 

approves increase in minimum 

wage ------ by 18.5% in 2024

by Vladimir Tsegoev &

Ksenia Chemodanova

September 22nd, 6:57pm


Starting from January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Russia 

will increase by 18.5% and exceed 19.2 thousand rubles. 

This decision -- was made by the Government on behalf 

of President Vladimir Putin. In addition, the Cabinet of

 Ministers approved the draft federal budget for 2024-

2026. It is assumed that over the next three years, 

the state treasury's expenditures will exceed the 

amount of revenues, & this difference is to be 

covered by borrowing. According to the 

government ----- when forming the 

document, the main priority was 

to fulfill the social obligations 

to citizens & the instruction 

of the head of state.

Let's explain that the minimum wage sets the minimum salary 

level that a full-time employee can receive. In addition, this

 parameter is used to calculate temporary disability 

benefits, as well as maternity benefits.

In accordance with the Constitution of Russia, the minimum 

wage cannot be less than the subsistence minimum (PM) of

 the working-age population. Now this amount is on average 

15,669 rubles in the country. Authorities use it to assess 

the needs of citizens when providing various state 

support measures, such as monthly payments to

 low-income families with children.

Now the minimum wage exceeds the amount of PM by only

 4%. However, in 2024 the difference will have to increase 

to 17%, and in the future the authorities plan to raise this

 bar above 30%, as previously stated by the head of the

 Ministry of Labour, Anton Kotyakov.

''Just three or four years ago, we lived in conditions where the

 minimum wage was lower than the subsistence level. The

 first criterion that the government's actions were focused 

on was bringing the minimum wage to the level of the

 minimum wage of the working-age population. To 

date, this bar has been passed, we do not stop at

 it, we are moving further," the minister noted.

Svetlana Bessarab, a member of the State Duma 

Committee on Labour, Social Policy and 

Veterans' Affairs:

"The minimum wage, is a standard that all employers must

meet. In practice, the salary of any full-time employee in 

the country cannot be lower than this mark. Tariff grids

 in the real sector of the economy are expected to be 

revised. At the same time, unemployment and 

maternity benefits will increase. In general, 

the measure should lead to an increase in 

consumer activity --- which will have a 

positive impact on the development 

of the economy and GDP growth 

rates," she stressed.

After the meeting, the government approved the draft federal

 budget for the next three years. As Mikhail Mishustin noted, 

when forming the document, the authorities proceeded

 from the need to fully fulfill all obligations to the 

Russians and the six priority tasks set by 

the president.

"This means --- expanding foreign economic cooperation with

our promising partners from friendly countries, and improving 

the necessary mechanisms for this, including transport and 

payment components. Plus --- strengthening technological 

and financial sovereignty, advancing the construction of 

transport, municipal and social infrastructure --- as well 

as improving the welfare of citizens, ensuring national 

savings, protecting motherhood and childhood, and 

supporting families with children," he explained.

According to Mikhail Mishustin, the authorities tried to

 minimize the difference between revenues and 

expenditures of the treasury, as much as 

possible, and plan to cover it mainly 

through borrowing.

 However, the current size of the deficit is not critical for the 

economy, says Alexander Abramov, Head of the Laboratory

 for Analysis of Institutions and Financial Markets at the 

RANEPA Institute for Applied Economic Research.

"Usually, the deficit is financed by issuing government bonds.

 Such a measure does not lead to serious consequences for 

financial stability, if there are no significant fluctuations in 

interest rates. Moreover, even the current situation, when 

the Central Bank tightens monetary policy, is also not 

critical. In addition, the government traditionally lays 

down a conservative budget ----- with low oil prices. 

This is done, so that there is a reserve, and space
for maneuver," Abramov explained.

It should be noted that in the three-year budget, the 

authorities.. include the cost of oil in the amount of 

$60 per barrel. At the same time - according to the 

forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, 

in 2024-2026, quotes will be around the $70 mark.

As part of the implementation of social obligations to citizens,

the government is going to increase funding for medical care 

in the regions by 13.5% in 2024. As Mikhail Mishustin noted,

this is necessary - to expand the availability of treatment for

citizens -- to ensure the salaries of doctors & other medical
personnel at a level not lower than that established by the 

presidential decree. Separate resources are provided, 

for medical rehabilitation..... including for Russians
who have been ill with coronavirus.

"Next year, we will allocate over 130 billion rubles to provide
high-tech assistance not included in the basic compulsory 

health insurance program. Also, residents of each of the

 Russian regions will continue to have the opportunity 

to receive it free of charge --- in federal medical 

institutions. This will cost about 214 billion 

rubles," Mishustin added.

In addition, within the approved budget, the authorities 

are going to allocate more than 1 trillion rubles for the 

provision of medicines for certain categories of 

citizens. Another 430 billion rubles will be 

spent on providing medical care to 

people suffering from cancer.

At the same time, payments of a single allowance to
pregnant women in need and parents with children 

under 17 -- will continue. In the next three years, it 

is planned to allocate 4.4 trillion rubles for these

 purposes --- which will allow supporting over 

10 million families, every month.

In turn, the budget will allocate about 1.6 trillion rubles for 

the provision of maternity capital. It is expected that over 

4 million families will use these funds in three years. In

 addition, 482 billion rubles are provided for improving

 the housing conditions of Russians with children, 

and over 100 billion rubles are provided for 

supporting low income citizens under 

the social contract program.

Significant funds will also be allocated for the construction 

and repair of schools, road maintenance, upgrading the

 infrastructure of land-based electric transport and 

the development of regional airports. Also, 

industry will receive additional funding.

"An important priority of the government's work - is creating 

modern industry. The bill provides for over 2.7 trillion rubles 

to support civil industry. This will support such industries 

as the automotive industry," Finance Minister Anton 

Siluanov said, during the meeting.

The government is also going to allocate --- a grant of over 5
billion rubles to the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation.
This, as Mishustin noted, will provide support to veterans
of the SVO and their relatives, - including assistance in 

medical rehabilitation, employment, training, plus 

providing the necessary legal assistance.

Head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim
Reshetnikov says, after a decline of 2.1% in 2022, the 

volume of Russian GDP will increase immediately -- 

by 2.8% in 2023, and in 2024 it will add 2.3%.

"The main thing we see is that the economic growth trend will

 continue in 2024, 2025, and 2026... Over the entire medium 

term, the growth rate will be above 2%, which is generally

 normal in the face of a significant shortage in the labour 

market and all the restrictions in logistics, technology 

and other areas. Although, of course, we need to 

work on increasing the pace, " the head of the 

Ministry of Economic Development noted.

According to the agency's assessment, the dollar exchange

 rate will fall to 94 rubles by the end of 2023, and over the 

next three years it will be in the range of 90-92 rubles. 

At the same time, inflation may slow down to 4.5% in

 2024, and after that it should return to the target 

level of 4%.

"The presented forecast allows us to form a realistic budget

for the next three years. This forecast takes into account

the current dynamics of the economy, the economic 

policy measures being implemented, primarily in 

the development of the six priorities outlined 

by the president," Reshetnikov stressed.

I'd move to Russia, if I wasn't an
old twat ------- what about you?



The rise of major labour unions in US --

shines a light on grim financial reality

by Shabbir Rizvi

September 18th, 1:28pm



Americans are well aware of the value of the dollar, at least

when it comes to their own purchasing power at home.

If they didn’t know before, then they certainly

learned this year.


The year 2023 has so far marked rising costs of living 

for everyday items amidst a backdrop of massive 

government spending on the usual - war, 

policing, corporate bailouts

 and subsidization.


However, if you were to ask President Joe Biden about the 

financial state of the everyday American, he would say 

“Bidennomics is working” --- (although he may stare 

blankly at you and try to find a teleprompter first).


“Bidenomics” is Washington’s marketing term for the Biden 

administration’s business-as-usual plan ---- to convince 

Americans that the federal government is taking steps

to ensure their financial situation will improve --- aka

they are not doing anything new or substantial to

 address any crisis.


The plan vows - to “grow the economy from the middle out 

and the bottom up.” Again, this is nothing for a corporate-

friendly policy that prioritizes the profits of the elite.


Biden administration officials routinely champion the

 “success” of this strategy via social media and 

through administration-friendly journalists 

(corporate stenographers), but taking a 

closer look at these claims and figures 

reveals a more honest assessment of

the financial status of everyday 



The reality is that rising costs of living are contributing

 directly to the record-breaking $1 trillion in credit card 

debt Americans have accumulated. American workers 

often have no choice but to resort to credit card use 

for necessities, due to higher prices for groceries, 

gas, rent and mortgage.


Another 40 million-plus Americans are set to resume student

 loan repayments in October after a nearly four-year pause, 

which will without a doubt exacerbate the country’s 

debt crisis.


Biden administration officials claim their initiatives are adding 

more jobs to the economy. These are often vague numbers

that are based on speculation.... rather than 

concrete evidence.


Furthermore, jobs are always being created - however, many 

Americans are working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. 

The quality of the jobs being created isn’t specified and with

 the implementation of automation, many of these jobs... will

be rendered obsolete.


Many Americans naturally will not accept these conditions.

 In fact, this year has seen some of the most striking (no

 pun intended) acts of laboUr resistance in recent 

American history.


Industries of different sizes and varieties have taken concrete 

steps to challenge these conditions, which are created 

primarily by American capitalist greed at the helm,

 leaving scraps for the majority of workers.


It is now without question that grim financial conditions have

 led to a new-found popularity of unionization efforts, and the 

unionization efforts themselves --- have led to massive wins 

for American workers.


For example, the Teamsters Union, one of the largest unions in

 the world, threatened to go on strike over the summer due to

 declining conditions in the workplace.... as well as 

stagnant pay.


The Teamsters, which represent UPS workers, could have 

shaken the US economy had the strike happened - as 

UPS serves hundreds of thousands to millions of 

customers and businesses, daily.


The demands ranged from hiring more workers (full and part-

time), increased wages, and even air conditioning in UPS 

trucks (which UPS initially refused to provide, despite

 the multiple record-breaking days of heat this year 

alone - a testament to unhinged capitalist greed).


Eventually, a favorable agreement was met - over 85%

 of Teamsters signed, ratifying a 5-year deal.


In post-pandemic America, many workers have begun to 

realize their own self-interests can only be achieved by 

workplace organization, not relying on this-or-that 

politician to bring any substantial change.


Many unions - from the Teamsters to Alphabet workers to

 teachers unions such as the Chicago Teachers Union - 

held firm on their demands throughout the COVID-19

 pandemic and achieved favorable results.


Now, their success is inspiring waves of different 

unionization efforts ------ across the country.


Perhaps the most popular recent example of this is 

the Starbucks workers union. Starbucks is owned 

by billionaire Howard Schultz but his employees 

often work in degrading conditions.


Working for minimum wage or sometimes less and relying 

on customer tips to get by, many Starbucks employees 

(or “Partners”) have now moved to unionize their local 

stores demanding fair pay and benefits.


What was seen as a nearly impossible battle to win at the

 start of the first Starbucks unionization effort is now 

seen as fairly common - over 300 Starbucks stores 

are now unionized, and counting.


This has not come easy. Union-busting activities are fairly 

common, and the National LaboUr Relations Board has

 reported hundreds of union-busting activities, and 

often cannot do anything to act against the mega-

corporations seeking to stifle employees asking 

for basic wages and protections.


Adding to this is the fact that Joe Biden and his administration 

- on paper - claim they support workers’ unions and their right 

to organize, however, in practice ------ that is not happening.


Take for example a statement where Joe Biden hopes the 

United Auto Workers union can reach a favorable 

negotiation with the “Big Three” automakers in 

he United States. It implies that the Biden 

administration... is hopeful for favorable 

negotiations between the two parties 

and that they can resolve the issue 

without federal intervention.


However, the Biden administration is no stranger to crushing 

strikes - as one can recall when Biden signed a bill to put an 

end to the railroad strike.


Striking railroad workers had reasonable demands - the ability

 to take sick days and schedules that would permit them to

 spend time with their families, without fear of owner 

retaliation or punishment.


The railroad companies refused to budge, and as the holidays 

neared and the threat of mega-corporations being unable to 

turn over a profit began to materialize, the Biden 

administration swooped in and blocked the 

strike, without substantially addressing 

the oppressive attendance policy.


Interestingly, this desperate move from the Biden

 administration was also an admission of the 

immense power unions hold. Had the strike 

materialized, the entire economy could 

have been halted - right before a 

major holiday season.


Now, with the United Auto Worker strike, unions are directly 

addressing the Biden administration’s hand ----- in policies 

that are impacting their work.


Refusing to endorse Biden for president right before a heated 

election season, the UAW president is challenging the Biden 

administration to “earn the Union’s support,” while

 simultaneously demanding that the workers not

 be left behind in the administration’s plans 

for a major shift to electric vehicles.


As one can see, the paper policy and the practiced policy 

are two different things within the reality of the American

 political system - especially when it comes to the

question of organized laboUr.


On paper, every politician - from Democrat to Republican -- 

wants the union endorsement. However, when substantial

(and just) demands are made --- that contradict the 

demands of corporate donors, the politicians 

have a major tendency to back the 

corporate multi-millionaire to 

multi-billionaire demands.


Regardless, unions are making a huge comeback in the United 

States - and the renewed laboUr struggle is very much tied to 

the declining financial health of the everyday American and

 the public realization of just how far American capitalist

 greed can go. 2021 saw ---- just below 120 confirmed

 laboUr strikes.


As of September 2023, there are close to 250 strikes ---- 

composed of over 600,000 workers across various 

industries and specialties. The growing trend 

suggests that the laboUr struggle is just 

getting started.


As economic realities remain uncertain and Americans

 are forced to choose between which corporate 

representatives will lead the nation next year 

- one thing they can always count on is that

 there is strength --- and power --- in 

unified numbers.


Shabbir Rizvi is a Chicago-based political analyst 

with a focus on US internal security and 

foreign policy.


(The views expressed in this article ---- do 

not necessarily reflect those of Press TV)



Good to see US workers uniting 

to win. What do you think?




SwebbTV --- Russia will defeat the 

West in the proxy war in Ukraine, 

and in open confrontation

September 11th, 2023 

(source: SwebbTV 

retold by InoTV)


The collapse of the Ukrainian army is only a matter of time, 

but the US --- will never allow its formal defeat. For this

reason, the Ukrainian conflict will escalate into an

open war between the US and Russia, but the 

West will lose in it, analyst Lars Bern said 

in an interview with SwebbTV. 


According to analyst Lars Bern, the Western powers "have no

chance" - partly because Russia has much greater industrial

potential. The West cannot defeat Russia with conventional 

weapons, so the conflict will turn into a nuclear phase.


In this case... Moscow will use its 100-ton intercontinental 

missiles with nuclear weapons, each of which is capable 

of destroying entire countries. "The Russians --- have 

absolutely grotesque weapons, that they can use

against the West," the expert explained.


Bern claims that the US prestige is at stake in the events 

in Ukraine, so they will never recognize the victory of 

the Russians, over Kiev. However, the Ukrainian 

Armed Forces will have to surrender, as their

"highly hyped in the media" offensive, with 

the use of Western weapons "completely

failed", and the Ukrainians "achieved 

nothing" on the battlefield, writes 



As soon as the Western media think that they see even the

 slightest success on the part of Ukraine -- they hype it as 

a big success, although it may not be at all. This is done
purposefully to ensure that the supply of weapons and

 the armed conflict continue. Ukraine succeeds only

 in the propaganda war in the West, because Kiev 

has already lost on the battlefield, 

SwebbTV notes.


It has already reached the point that Ukraine is running out 

of men, and now women have to enlist in the ranks of the 

Armed Forces of Ukraine. Nevertheless, Bern believes 

that, in addition to Ukraine, the Russian Armed 

Forces are "on the verge of disarming the

 entire NATO," which could lead to an 

open war between the US/NATO 

and Russia. 


According to the analyst, "the proxy war between 

Russia and NATO --- is already underway" and 

hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives 

were sacrificed during it.


Nevertheless, even in an open war between the West and 

Russia, the Russians will win. According to Lars Bern,

 the Western powers --- will be the first to resort to 

nuclear weapons, since this is the only way to 

try to "save face". 


In addition, Russia has hundreds of tons of intercontinental 

ballistic missiles capable of carrying up to 15 nuclear 

warheads. "A single charge of Sarmat can wipe out

 the whole of Great Britain or France," Byrne 

warned in an interview with SwebbTV. 


A possible nuclear conflict will be existential for Russia, 

and Russia will respond ------ with these weapons.


Recently, the former Prime Minister of Sweden, and now 

the leader of the opposition Social Democrats party, 

Magdalena Andersson, said:: "We can't let Russia 

win this war." Bern sharply criticized the 

politician's words -- emphasizing that 

Andersson's words, automatically

lead to an all-out nuclear war ---- 

which she does not understand

 and which scares the expert, 

since "such people" 

rule Sweden. 


The analyst believes that Swedish politicians are so 

blinded by their hatred of Russia, that they do not 

notice the Nazi Kiev regime --- and carry out its 

mass support, SwebbTV summarizes.



Great article - if you live in the West 

and don't mind being irradiated.....
like your food is ------- courtesy of

just one of Margaret Thatcher's 

criminal decisions.


What do you think?




"Engaged in mass and methodical 

extermination": FSB documents 

show Nazi crimes in Donbass

by Svyatoslav Knyazev, 

& Elizaveta Komarova

September 7th, 12:15am



On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Donetsk

from the Nazis ----- the Russian FSB released declassified

 documents of the Soviet state security agencies, about 

the crimes of the Nazi occupiers in the Donbass during

 the Great Patriotic War. 


The agency's website has published interrogation protocols 

of Nazi criminals, involved in the mass murder of civilians in

Donbass. They contain evidence: that the extermination of

the inhabitants of the USSR by the Nazis was planned and

methodical. Moreover, these crimes were committed not 

only by militants of special SS units, but also by 

Wehrmacht soldiers.


 From the published protocols of interrogations of German

 officers, it follows that the destruction of the inhabitants 

of the USSR was deliberately planned and based on the 

dogmas of Nazi ideology.


"Mobilize the attention of all operational personnel"


On September 8, 1943, the city of Stalino (modern Donetsk)

 was liberated from the Nazis. Donbass --- was under Nazi 

occupation for almost two years. According to the FSB 

of Russia, during this time --- the Nazis and their 

accomplices destroyed at least 174 thousand 

Soviet civilians and 149 thousand prisoners 

of war, in the Stalino region. 


One of the places of mass murder -- was 

the 4-4 bis mine in the suburb of Stalino.


The leadership of the Soviet special services set their

employees the task, of investigating the crimes that 

the Nazis committed in the occupied territories, as 

well as identifying and bringing to justice specific 

participants in these atrocities.


On January 24, 1944.... the directive of the Directorate for
Prisoners of War and Internees (UPVI)  -- of the NKVD of
 USSR: "On identifying participants in committing 

atrocities among prisoners of war" --- was issued, 

which ordered: "to mobilize the attention of the

entire operational staff of camps" to identify 

the participants in committing atrocities,
operational and investigative means,

and document their criminal activities.


The Soviet secret services carefully checked prisoners of war

 who had previously served in the SD, SS, special security and

 punitive detachments, police, secret field gendarmerie,
Gestapo and concentration camps. As a result of this 

work --- evidence was obtained of atrocities 

committed against the civilian population 

not only by special SS punitive units, 

but also by Wehrmacht soldiers.


"No laws or regulations"


In January 1944, Soviet security forces, detained the Nazi 

collaborator Yuri Shcherbakov. He admitted that in 1941 

he evaded conscription into the Red Army... stayed in 

Stalino, and then joined the Nazis -- first as a police 

officer and then as an investigator of the auxiliary 

service of the SD --- which killed thousands of 

Soviet citizens. Materials of Shcherbakov's 

interrogation are published by the FSB.


Stalin's SD team and its auxiliary service, officially called the

 "Security and SD Service" for the general district of Stalino,

 which had its branches in all major industrial centres of 

the Donbass, were engaged in the mass and methodical
extermination of Soviet people --- acting on the orders 

of the Hitlerite government... There were no laws, or 

regulations in the SD.. Soviet prisoners were loaded

 into special trucks and taken to the mine 4-4 bis 

"Kalinovka", on the outskirts of Stalino city, 

where they were shot, and the corpses 

were dumped into the shaft... Many 

thousands of Soviet citizens were 

thrown into mine 4-4 bis, shot, 

tortured, in interrogations, or

killed in the "death chamber"

-- Shcherbakov said, during

 the interrogation.


He also named some of the organizers of the mass murder of 

Soviet citizens. Among them were the head of the Security

 Service and SD for the general district of Stalino — 

Obersturmbannfuhrer Kurting, as well as his 

deputies Hauptsturmfuhrer Gertig and 

Obersturmfuhrer Graf, and the chief 

inspector of the SD team ---

Sturmfuhrer Siebert.


According to Shcherbakov, the SD officers, destroyed both 

Soviet patriots --- underground fighters and partisans, and 

ordinary civilians who had nothing to do with the fighting 

at all - from teenagers to the very old. The "investigation"

of their cases, was limited to torture and tortures. Thus, 

innocent people, were forced to confess to fictitious 

"crimes". The prisoners were beaten with fists, 

whips, chair legs, and trampled on them. 

Many could not stand the torture and 

died during the "interrogations". 

Even those who survived the 

torture, were unable to 

move on their own.


During an interrogation on October 7, 1947, former Wehrmacht

lieutenant, Wolfgang Paul Lesner, stated that, as a member of

 the Hitler Youth, he was brought up in a spirit of hatred for 

the Slavic peoples: "Even at that time, it was preached 

among young people that Germany should become a 

"Great Germany", its borders in the east, should be 

in the Caucasus, that the Aryan race ---- must be

dominant throughout the world... the Hitlerite 

government ------ intensively prepared the 

population - and especially the youth - 

for a war of conquest, in the spirit of

loyalty to the Fuhrer and hatred of 

the Slavic peoples, which was a 

confirmation of the mass 

destruction of the 

Slavic people."


Lesner also said that the German military, according to the

 orders of their command, had to show maximum cruelty

 towards the civilian population --- to kill, or deprive 

them of shelter.


He himself admitted that he took part in these crimes.

 In particular --- Lesner gave specific testimony 

regarding the mass murder of Soviet
 in occupied Stalino.


"On October 13, 1942, at approximately 12 o'clock in the

 afternoon, I was given the command by the company 

commander --- to leave with three trucks for the

 Oberfeldkommendatura of the mountains.'' 


''Upon arrival at the commandant's office, the cars entered the 

courtyard, where people were already under guard, subject to

 execution, as I later learned, there were 120 of them. We put

 the first batch to the wall of the mine yard, after which I went 

up to the machine-gun crew and, at the command of Captain 

Waer, I gave the order to the crew to open fire and shot the

 crowd of innocent citizens standing at the wall of the mine

 yard in long bursts, there was crying, some shouting, but 

the roar of the machine gun drowned it all. There were 

corpses and blood of people who were shot. Thus a 

machine-gun crew, under my command, shot 40 

people, whose corpses were thrown into the 

shaft of mine 4 bis by a special team led 

by Lieutenant Kind," the former Nazi 

officer said.


As Dmitry Surzhik, a senior researcher at the Institute of 

Internal Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 

told RT, in a comment, that the actions of German 

punitive bodies and troops in the Donbass, 

can be regarded as a manifestation 

of genocide.


"Representatives of all nationalities living in the Soviet

 Union, were subjected to total extermination in the 

Donbas," the expert noted.


According to him, the publication of declassified 

documents about Nazi atrocities in the Donbas,

 is extremely relevant today.


"The memory of the residents of Donbass ---- about the Nazi

 occupation is closely intertwined with the criminal actions 

that those who raised the ideology of Bandera and other 

Hitler's minions are doing on these lands, today. Today, 

Russian investigative agencies, like Smersh 80 years 

ago ----- face large-scale war crimes committed by 

Ukrainian security services.....  in the Donbas. In 

addition, the release of declassified documents 

is doubly important for us to realize: what a 

tough and bloody enemy, our ancestors 

defeated, giving us the opportunity 

to live," Surzhik summed up.

Please.. defeat these fascists
- only this time - defeat their
backers - these ''elites''
behind the curtain.


Often symbolically: in Germany,

they are persecuted for 

supporting the SVO

September 6th, 10:01pm

by Semyon Boikov



Public displays of solidarity with Russia — in the form of

 statements or wearing certain symbols ----- in Germany 

can lead to harassment by law enforcement agencies,

Michael Adam, a lawyer for the human rights 

organization VADAR, told Izvestia.


 A similar problem was also discussed at the Russian

 Embassy in Germany. In addition... the diplomatic 

mission noted that attempts to put pressure on 

Russian journalists and domestic media 

working in Germany... continue. 


A similar situation exists in other EU countries, including 

the Baltic Republics and the Czech Republic. Local 

human rights activists report that public support 

for the SVO is fraught with fines --- or even 

expulsions from the country.


With German precision


Russian diplomats recorded the largest number of complaints

 from Russian-speaking citizens living in Germany about

 discrimination on national and linguistic grounds in the

 first months after the start of the SVO in Ukraine. 


It was mainly about threats, insults, mobbing in educational 

institutions, dismissals, property damage, freezing or 

closing bank accounts, refusal to provide services,

including medical ones, the Russian Embassy in 

Germany told Izvestia.


''The issue... is not completely closed. Public displays of 

solidarity with Russia's policies, whether in the form 

of statements or demonstrations - car rallies - 

sometimes provoke an intolerant reaction 

from local authorities --- including law 

enforcement agencies. We continue

 to record attempts to put pressure 

on Russian journalists & domestic

 media working in Germany," the 

press service of the diplomatic 

mission added.


Residents of the Federal Republic of Germany who publicly

 express support for the SVO, as a rule --- fall under the 

violation of Article 140, of the Criminal Code of the 

Federal Republic of Germany (Approval of crimes)

 which provides for a fine or imprisonment for up 

to three years, a board member of the 

Association for the Prevention of 

Discrimination and Isolation of 

Russian Germans and Russian

-Speaking Fellow Citizens in 

Germany (VADAR), lawyer 

Michael Adam.


''In my cases, fines were imposed, and I objected to this. The 

demonstration of the Z symbol on Facebook (owned by the

 Meta company, which is recognized as extremist and 

banned in the Russian Federation) or a positive 

statement about the beginning of the SVO in 

Ukraine... the authorities used as a reason
impose a fine. They regarded this as 

"approval of aggression contrary 

to international law," the 

lawyer said.


According to Adam, he was able to challenge the court's 

decisions. In his argument, the lawyer referred to 

international law. He stressed - that only the UN 

Security Council can define the armed conflict 

in Ukraine as "Russian aggression". However, 

no such decision was made at the Security 

Council level. However, in some cases it 

was not possible to win the case... 

because the court brought new 

charges ---- under other 

criminal articles.


"For example --- people were charged under article 86 

of the Criminal Code, which prohibits the distribution

 of Nazi symbols in public places," he explained.


More than 140 cases were initiated in Germany on the fact of 

supporting the SVO. In most cases, people were persecuted 

just for using the letter Z. One of the most high-profile

 incidents was the case of a citizen of Ukraine, an 

activist of the Russian-speaking community,

 Elena Kolbasnikova. 


She was charged under Article 140 of the German Criminal 

Code and fined €900. A woman was convicted for publicly 

speaking out in support of Russia in 2022.


However, different regions of Germany have their own laws

 regarding Russian symbols. So... in Cologne and Frankfurt 

am Main on May 9, not only the symbols of the USSR, but

 also Russian flags --- were allowed. And in the German 

capital, the supreme administrative court canceled 

the permission to demonstrate the flags of the 

Russian Federation on Victory Day. However, 

Berlin residents ignored this ban... at their 

own peril and risk.


''Despite the ban, both the Soviet banner and Russian flags

 were raised, by native Germans and compatriots. And we

 were able to create a live St. George's ribbon in Treptow 

Park on May 9. But this is now considered a civil feat. 

Because domestic intimidation, turns into outright 

harassment on the Internet," Vladimir Sergienko,

 a local human rights activist and president of 

the Russian PEN Centre, told Izvestia.


"I don't see any negative trends in relation to Russian artists"

Singer Dmitry Ulyanov - about the situation in Western
theatres, shouting at si Bekar and Shalyapin's 

Russianness. At the same time, German 

lawmakers continue to tighten the 

Criminal Code. 


Last year, lawmakers amended the Criminal Code to impose a

 three-year prison sentence for publicly "approving, denying,

 or grossly downplaying" genocide, crimes against 

humanity, or war crimes.


Izvestia sent a request to the German Interior Ministry 

with a request to comment on cases of harassment 

for approving the SVO.


Harassment in other EU countries


However, Germany is far from the only country that is being

 persecuted for supporting Russia. The gaps are mainly

faced by residents of Eastern European countries. 

The Baltic republics have very strict legislation.


Thus, the Lithuanian parliament last year equated support

 for Russian actions in Ukraine - with "public approval of

 international crimes." Previously --- article 170 of the 

Lithuanian Criminal Code applied only to "approving, 

denying or belittling crimes committed by the USSR 

or Nazi Germany against the Republic of Lithuania 

or its inhabitants." Its violation provides for 

imprisonment.... for up to two years.


A similar situation has developed in neighboring Latvia. Last 

year, the Sejm approved fines for public display of the letters 

Z and V. An individual will have to pay up to €350, a legal 

entity-up to €2.9 thousand. In addition, the country has 

a criminal article... "on the public justification and 

glorification of war crimes and crimes against 

peace", which is equated with the SVO.


Latvian human rights activist Janis Kuzins told Izvestia

- that many Russian compatriots are being persecuted.


''They just want to expel Russian citizens — there are many 

of them in Latvia. They make it so that they can't pass the 

state language exam," Kuzins said. ''I myself paid a fine of 

€2 thousand for saying something "wrong" to the Russian 

media. I had to negotiate with the prosecutor's office. 

They said it was either jail or a fine. I decided to find 

the money. Plus... I'm on probation for a year.''


"Today in Latvia we have to fight for the right to be 

Russian" Russian Ambassador to Riga Mikhail 

Vanin - on visa restrictions, the fight against

 the Russian language and the demolition 

of Soviet monuments.


The situation in Estonia is no less difficult. In this country, too,

 in 2022, a law was passed banning symbols associated with

 the SVO. For its violation, the fine for individuals is €1,200 or

 they will be arrested, and for legal entities-a fine of up to 

€32 thousand. A local human rights activist, speaking on

 condition of anonymity, told Izvestia that public support

 for Russia or its own actions is criminally punishable

 in Estonia.


''Even thoughts are punishable, not to mention statements,

 publications, or events. The authorities believe that it is 

necessary to respond harshly to any activity that splits

 the cohesion of society ---- around the adopted anti-

Russian sanctions. The atmosphere of fear and 

silence does not contribute to the growth of 

legal protection of people who have a 

different, but not negative opinion 

about Russia," he said.


Speeches in favour of Russia in the Czech Republic are also

 criminalized. For this -- you can face a prison term of up to 

three years. Support for Russian actions in Ukraine in the

 Czech Republic falls under "approval of a criminal 

offense committed" and "denial, approval, 

justification of genocide."


There is a well-known case of a Czech citizen Jakub Jaszek.

 In the spring of this year, he took part in a rally, in clothes 

with the image of the letter Z and the emblem of the PMC 

"Wagner". Yashek was given a six-month suspended 

sentence with a two-year probation period -- for 

"denying, approving or justifying genocide".


 In addition, he was ordered to pay a fine of 12 thousand

 kronor — about $570. The sentence also provides 

for a ban on his stay in Prague --- for a year.



Sorry - no discussion on this - 

you sickening criminal !






GT: Vietnam war veteran tries to stop

 the US from repeating the nightmare

 with cluster munitions in Ukraine

September 1st, 2023 

(source Global Times

retold by InoTV)


US veteran Mike Burton, who himself participated in 

bombing -- and witnessed the tragic consequences 

of the mass use of cluster munitions, by US forces 

during the Vietnam War --- now seeks to prevent a 

repeat of this nightmarish experience in Ukraine. 


As a retired US Air Force officer told the Global Times, 

his participation in the massive bombing of Laos half

 a century ago is still a source of the most painful 

memories and a reason for regret.


During the Vietnam War, the United States actively used

 cluster bombs to launch airstrikes on various targets 

in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. During the period 

from 1964 to 1973, the United States dropped 

millions of tons of shells and bombs on 

these countries, of which about 80 

million tons did not explode. 


Laos has suffered the most from this, which can be called 

the country that has suffered the most bombardment per

 capita in history, the article says.


Now many fear that Ukraine, which has already received

many cluster munitions from the United States, may 

become a new victim, sharing the tragic fate of 

Laos, writes Global Times. Burton also shares 

these concerns and tries to take measures 

to prevent such a development. 


Now he heads the organization Legacies of War ("Legacy 

of War"), which intends to conduct a campaign in the 

United States next year to ban landmines and 

cluster munitions.


The mission of this organization is to raise awareness 

about the history of bombing during the Vietnam War 

and the damage it caused. In a recent interview 

with the Global Times, Burton stressed that he 

regrets the use of cluster bombs in Laos, and 

stressed that Ukraine should not want to 

experience such a nightmare as well, 

since the consequences will be 

disastrous for both the people 

of Ukraine and the people of 

the United States...... for 

decades to come.


The retired US Air Force officer ---- also called on the US 

government to show more discretion and responsibility 

when deciding how to allocate the $800 million aid 

allocated to Ukraine. The White House's 

previously announced decision to 

include military aid and supplies 

of cluster munitions to Ukraine 

in this package caused public 

condemnation, the Global 

Times notes.


Each cluster munition... can contain hundreds of smaller 

munitions, which, when launched by aircraft, rockets or 

cannons, are dispersed in the air, causing damage and 

causing a large number of casualties over a wider 

area, the article explains. However, they do not 

have a guidance mechanism.


 Even more worrying is the fact that if these bombs fall on 

wet and soft ground and do not detonate on impact, 

a significant portion of them may turn into 

unexploded ordnance.


Such projectiles are capable of exploding later at any time 

if they are exposed to any external force or changes in 

the environment. And this can happen... even several 

decades later, if they are not all found & neutralized.


 During the massive US bombing of Laos, many villages and 

even entire valleys were destroyed, and countless civilians 

were killed, Burton recalled, in an interview with the 

Global Times.


According to him --- he joined the US Air Force in 1962 

and was assigned to the 56th Air Commando Wing in 

1966. The main task of this unit then was to stop 

the influx of people and supplies coming from 

the northern part of Vietnam to the south 

through the "Ho Chi Minh Trail", which 

almost completely passed through

 Laos, Burton explained.


"As I recall, Laos was generally bombed, every 8 minutes, for 

24 hours a day, for nine years," said the retired US Air Force 

officer. In addition to the aerial bombardment, after

 intense battles, a large number of unexploded 

shells... also remained in the ground. The 

surface of the earth was simply littered 

with countless bombs, of all types, 

from cluster and artillery shells

 to hand grenades, 

Burton noted.


According to his estimates, 30% to 40% of cluster munitions

 did not explode during their fall. And he was very nervous

 himself, because he realized that the bombs dropped by 

the pilots indiscriminately fell on rice fields and other 

places where people might be. 


"We estimate, that there may be up to 80 million individual 

projectiles scattered all over the land, and some of them 

will never be eliminated," Burton warned.


According to available data, cluster munitions have a higher 

destructive power than conventional ones, and since the

 Second World War - they have already caused the death

 of from 56.5 thousand to 86.5 thousand civilians. The 

US military actively used cluster munitions during
wars in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Kosovo, 

Afghanistan and Iraq.


 This resulted --- in significant damage to infrastructure in 

these countries, as well as numerous civilian casualties 

and injuries, the Global Times reminds.


The bombing during the Vietnam War.... became widely known

 only through congressional hearings in 1971 and subsequent 

media reports. However, the true extent of the destruction

 and disasters caused to the people of Laos by this 

"secret war" is still largely unknown to the US

 public, the article says.


According to Burton, he witnessed tragic incidents both on

 the ground and in the air, and returned from the war "with

 very bad feelings about what we had done --- and what

 happened there." Often, small unexploded ordnance 

was accidentally picked up by children who lost 

their arms, legs, eyesight, or even their lives,

 as a result.


"I saw this destruction with my own eyes from the air and on

 the ground. I have seen Lao children and adults with their 

limbs torn off, no eyes, and their faces disfigured by the

 explosion of untimely detonated ammunition. Our 

decision to drop cluster bombs on Laos also 

caused a flood of refugees fleeing death 

to head to the United States," Burton 

told the Global Times.


This year marks 50 years since the last US bombs were

dropped during the Vietnam War. However, this period

is still a source of the most difficult memories for 

Burton. The US veteran told reporters how he

suffered both mentally and psychologically,

trying to cope with the burden of his guilt 

after returning from the war.


For 14 months, he underwent a special therapy course

 organized with the assistance of the US Department 

of Veterans Affairs. "Many of the young people who 

returned were later addicted to alcohol and drugs, 

and suffered from fits of anger. Statistics on 

Vietnam veterans are pretty poor --- from 

suicides, to broken marriages, broken 

families, and the like, " Burton said.


"I am very sorry about the time I spent in the war; I try not

 to think about many things," the veteran also admitted in

 an interview with Global Times. According to him, he 

seeks to make amends by all means and actively 

advocates for preventing the recurrence of 

such tragedies in the future.


In 2022, Burton returned to Laos and felt a deep sense of

 sadness as he looked out of the plane at this land pitted 

with many giant craters. "The wounded earth is a 

reminder of America's deadly mistake, a 

reminder of the lives we have taken 

and the ancient landmarks we 

have wiped off the face of

the earth," he said.. in an

interview with reporters.


According to the Lao Government, less than 10% of the

 country's unexploded ordnance has been found and 

neutralized so far. This is a very tedious, time-

consuming and dangerous job, said Burton, 

who was also personally involved in it 

in 2022. 


In addition, he founded the Committee for Immigrants and

 Refugees, which provides assistance and support to 

various groups of migrants and refugees from all 

over the world.


In general, about four dozen human rights organizations 

have publicly opposed the supply of US cluster 

munitions to Ukraine. They warn ------ that 

numerous unexploded cluster munitions, 

even many years after the end of the

conflict, will pose a significant 

threat to the population and 

cause huge harm to many 

civilians, the article says.


In early July of this year, the Ukrainian authorities assured 

Washington, that they would not use cluster munitions in

populated areas. However, once these bombs are used, 

no one will be able to give a clear answer about 

whether such a promise was strictly fulfilled,

experts emphasize.


"Probably, weapons manufacturers are already standing at the

 door of the Pentagon and saying: hey, we are here with a new 

contract that you need to sign, just sell all our supplies to 

Ukraine. But I want to stop them from doing that," 

Burton explained.


In his opinion, if the US authorities still continue to supply

 Kiev with cluster munitions, then they should sign a 

public document stating -- that they undertake to 

compensate for the consequences, after the 

end of the conflict -- and will take lifelong 

care of all adults and children who will 

become disabled, due to the use of 

such weapons. 


"And I want us to take responsibility for this," 

the veteran concluded, in an interview with 

Global Times.



Aahh.... repentance. Good.

But better to stop doing it.




 "Victory is Russia's

 return to its roots"
by Ksenia Krikheli

August 20th, 10:01pm


Philosopher Alexander Dugin - about the most important clash

 with the West in history, the terrorist nature of Kiev and the

 real murderers of his daughter.


The real customers of the murder of Daria Dugina, who died

 during the terrorist attack on August 20 last year, should be

 sought in the leadership of Western special services, says 

philosopher Alexander Dugin. After the victory of Russia, 

there will also be organizers of other terrorist attacks 

committed by Kiev, he is convinced. 


The true victory for our country will be the process

 of returning Russia and the Russian people to 

themselves and their roots, Dugin said, in
interview with Izvestia.


 During the conversation, the political scientist assessed 

the scale of the civilizational conflict with the West, 

gave an explanation of the actions of Ukrainians 

in Europe and named the conditions for 

completing the SVO.


"For me, the nightmare keeps repeating itself"


A year has passed since the tragedy. Dasha is not forgotten, 

streets are named after her, and a university named after 

her has appeared. How did you live this year? What has

 it changed for you? How have you changed?


''It is very difficult for me to talk about this topic. I've

never been in such a state in my life as this year. 

This is no longer called life, and nothing can

replace Dasha either as a daughter, or as 

a person. For me -- the nightmare that 

happened a year ago, on August 20, 

at the festival "Tradition", repeats 

and repeats. The people who 

wanted to hurt me... got

 their way.''


''I'd rather be killed a billion times over. I'd give anything to get

in that car myself. It doesn't go away, and it probably won't. 

Nothing and no circumstances will ever be able to

compensate for this loss, will not help to come

to terms with it.''


''I remember this female killer... who came up to me a few
minutes before the murder with her daughter. She took 

a picture of us and said that she had come from 

another city to listen to my lecture. This 

cynicism, this endless cruelty of the 

enemy. I honestly didn't expect
to be like this.''


''I was ready to die -- and I am still ready to die -- for a just
cause. I believe that soldiers who fight for their country,
for their faith, for their country, for their people, they
should be 
ready to die. Yes, their death is always
a tragedy.'' 

''But such a cynical murder of a daughter in front 

of her father, the murder of a girl who did not 

take part in any military operations -- never 

called for reprisals, against those who are 

our civilizational enemies.... called in her 

interviews and speeches to understand 

the enemy, to understand women from 

that side... There is something 

satanic in this.''


''I was giving a lecture on the devil in history at the festival.
Just imagine, the devil sat and listened to my lecture and

 then he killed my daughter. I do not know — you can 

probably die and experience terrible suffering 

without ever approaching this nightmare, 

which I would not wish on anyone. 

I said how I felt. I can't say any 

routine phrases about Dasha 

being a great person.''


''People put up monuments to her, paint pictures, compose 

poems, compose music, listen to it. We.. have published 

her diary, and the book "Eschatological Optimism" will

be published soon — this was Dasha's main idea. We

are preparing the third book... from her articles and 

speeches, decoding her lectures. It will be called 

"The Russian Frontier" - practically her will, 

although, of course, she was going to live

 for a long time and stood at the origins 

of her existence. I am very grateful to 

the people who do not forget Dasha, 

who pray for her, remember her, 

study her ----- discover her for 

themselves. But, it is a drop 

in the ocean of what it was

....and what it should 

have become.''


"The Ukrainian idea itself is pure terrorism"


In the realities of 2023, statements are already being made

at all levels, that Ukraine is a terrorist state. I remember 

Mikhalkov's film "Sunstroke", where his hero says: 

"How did it happen and when did it happen?"


''The Ukrainian idea itself - that is, Ukraine as an idea of a

separate, independent state is a terrorist idea. This was 

not a good Ukrainian state ---- and then it turned into a 

terrorist one. The Ukrainian idea, has a property only 

in hatred for Russians, for Great Russians. In Poland, 

for example, hostility to us has historical roots once 

the Poles were an independent state --- sometimes 

even more successful - in the Kremlin during the

Time of Troubles, as we know, there was a 

Polish garrison.


But we have no such history of relations with the Ukrainians. 

Simply because Ukrainians are a part of us. And now the 

idea of terrorism, has emerged in some of our people. 

Although we are brothers --- and we live in the same 

state, we actually won these lands from the same 

Poles, Austrians, and Turks. And this nation is a

brotherly one - we liberated it. He lived in the 

same place where he had lived, only freely, 

without masters ------ because a brother 

cannot buy his brother out of slavery.''


''Ukraine became a terrorist state even before its appearance.

The Ukrainian idea itself, is pure terrorism, the embodiment 

of hatred, racism, unfounded hostility to one's brothers, the

revision of all historical episodes, the creation of an

absolutely false, fictional, monstrous, aggressive,

mythological story.'' 


''The emergence of the Ukrainian state, meant the
beginning of terror - and it was inevitable. Sooner
or later, the Kiev
 regime would have turned into
the terrorist entity that 
it is now. In 1991, we
created this terrorist enclave 
with our
own hands.''


''The time has come, and this contagion of terrorism has

 spread from Western Ukraine to Central Ukraine, then 

partly to Eastern Ukraine. The fact that we have not 

countered this for 30 years, in fact, puts this blame 

on us too. You can't say: "Here they are — bad". 


''From the very beginning, when they started talking about

"independent Ukraine" — everything, at that moment it 

was necessary to send troops, because then what we 

see now will happen. There will be atrocities, terror, 

violence, genocide ---- of those they consider

their enemies.''


''Ukrainian statehood must cease to exist. It cannot be

anything other than a terrorist one. And if we set our

selves the task of denazification & demilitarization, 

then we can only achieve this by establishing full 

control over this land. Above our land, where 

Ukrainians have always lived freely. And 

this is their soil, this is their homeland. 

We are not encroaching on this home

land. We are attacking the terrorist 

ideology that prevails there.''


"We are a different civilization"


You have repeatedly said that the SVO is one of the largest

 attacks on the collective West in the history of Russia.

Have we made any progress in this offensive? And 

how far do we want to go... and can we go?


''We really entered into a conflict - a civilizational conflict with

the West. It is no coincidence ---- that our president said that 

we are opposed to Satanic civilization. The modern West
a civilization of Satan. Never before, has Western 

civilization attacked us --- so directly. The French 

were abandoned.. but then the British were not 

on Napoleon's side. Hitler was abandoned, but 

America and Britain were not on his side. That

is, the West attacked us in parts, and now it 

is attacking us globally and frontally. And 

that is what makes this conflict perhaps 

the most important in history. Because 

this is a clash with the Western entity, 

which today is really becoming open, 

totalitarian, Satanic. Anti-human —

 in the full sense of the word.''


''As for how far we can go...  Despite the fact that we oppose

 the West, we do not directly threaten them. And the borders 

of the Lviv region and Galicia will stop us, we will not go

 further. They will stop it if it is not already a full-fledged 

pan-European conflict with us, if NATO troops are not 

sent there. But we can and must, reach the western 

border of Ukraine. This is our trait. If we don't reach

that border, we will die. We cannot stop somewhere 

in the middle, somewhere in the territories that we 

have liberated. Or somewhere near them. Half 

measures won't work anymore. In 2014, we 

decided on half measures — and here's 

what we got.''


''Any truce concluded before the complete liberation of
Ukraine is a catastrophe, irreversible and final. And

the victory in Ukraine is a fundamental opportunity 

for us to be a civilization ---- historically, a Russian 

Eurasian civilization. If we hesitate - it will be the 

end of us. The odds in this case are not equal. 

We have everything at stake. For the West, 

this is a struggle under the slogan "to 

have or not to have." And for us — 

"to be or not to be."


''And after that, the West will not go anywhere -- because 

Ukraine is a bargaining chip for it. He'll lose a pittance. 

We risk losing everything, in this confrontation. In this 

respect, I think this is just the beginning. Our victory

 in Ukraine will be the beginning of a different

 relationship with the West.''


Is this what you call a clash of civilizations?


''Yes, this is a real clash of civilizations. The world was

already heading for this clash, but it could have been 

gradual if there were rational pragmatists like Trump 

instead of extremist forces like Biden and globalists

 in the West. I think we could have come to a clash 

of civilizations in a much milder way. We could find 

some kind of modus vivendi. [way of life, living]''


''At the same time, we still do not recognize Western values,

and no matter how universal, unique, and exemplary they 

may be, we reject this. We have different values, we are 

a different civilization.''


"Victory cannot be the result of a reaction"


You have a theory of the victory party that will help Russia 

win. In your opinion, what should be done to achieve this?


''It seems to me that now to win -- you need a strategic

dimension, strategic depth. We, our government, our 

authorities, the military - are always responding, 

constantly catching up with the processes that 

someone else is starting. That is, we are 

reacting -- our policy is reactive. If we 

had not been provoked by NATO and

the Ukrainians to this conflict, we 

would not have started it of our 

own free will.'' 


''This means that we only intuitively approach the 

fact that we are an independent civilization, that

we actually considered ourselves part of the 

Western world --- until recently.'' 


''It was just that some aspects of it were unacceptable

to us, some conditions we rejected, but, in general, 

we considered ourselves... a Western civilization. 

Our elite, at least. The people don't. And not the 

patriots, not the victory party. But the elite - no,

no, and again, in their minds, in their ideas, 

goes over to the side of the West.''


''And so, we don't have the strategic depth of planning. We 

are responding. We are attacked — we fight back, we are

insulted — we get into a conflict, we are insulted — we 

respond. When the conflict has already begun — and 

not before it - we begin to carry out measures to 

mobilize society, to raise patriotic awareness. 

Its been going on for a year and a half, and 

we are still afraid to let it enter the 

consciousness of our society,

pretending that nothing 

is happening.''


And yet, what is strategic depth?


''This is when we go to our goal, not paying attention to what 

is imposed on us, having our own internal civilizational 

agenda. When it doesn't matter whether we agree with

the West now --- or not. We will go towards this goal in 

any case, we must have strategic plans in the work 

of the government, in building the army, in the 

economy, education, upbringing, culture, and

art. That is what victory depends on, right 

now. It cannot be achieved...... by purely 

technical means. Victory ---- in the 

situation we are already in --- can 

never be the result of a reaction. 

Even the most effective one. 

This is the concept 

I propose — the 

victory party.''


''Victory is an internal concept. Victory is the return of
Russia, the Russian people, the Russian state, and 

Russian culture to themselves, to their roots. Of 

course, it will be achieved and achieved on the 

fronts at any cost. I have quoted many times 

a wonderful Serbian poet who said: "I give 

my life for you, my Fatherland. I know 

what I give and what I give for." So 

we need to know what people are

 fighting for now.''


''And in no way should our people, returning from the front

as invalids, feel alien & incomprehensible in a peaceful 

collective. We have a front & a rear. And nothing else

...no peaceful life. It seems to me, that the idea of 

preserving normality is a false goal. We — our 

hearts - need to be rebuilt in a new way.''


"Both of them believe that Russia is weak"


You read the news and get the feeling that Kiev's terrorist 

actions are beginning to irritate the West — Zelensky is

 increasingly being "exposed" for his methods. Do you

 think this is really true, or is it all part of the 

same game?


''I am convinced that Ukraine does not have any special 

methods, they operate under the direct supervision of

 Western special services. They don't do anything 

without consulting the decision-making centres 

in the Anglo-Saxon world. But there is more 

than one centre.'' 


''In the West itself ---- there is, for example, a more moderate

faction that believes that Russia is already in fact defeated
and it is not necessary to anger it, provoke strikes and any
other harsh actions on our part. They believe, that these 

kind of audacious terrorist antics do nothing to achieve 

long-term goals. They believe that, by giving us such 

irritating terrorist jabs --- Ukraine will not achieve 

results, that is, it will not be able to destroy us.''


''And there are those in the West who believe that we have not 

just lost, but collapsed altogether & demonstrated weakness. 

The withdrawal from Kherson, grain deals; all this is seen by 

the radical wing of the West as our complete defeat. And so

they are pushing the Ukrainian terrorist regime... to launch

more and more strikes - believing that we will not respond

 in any way, that we are ready for a truce.''


''That is, there are two "parties" there: one radical --- which 

pushes Ukrainians to terrorist actions, and the other more 

moderate, which scolds them for the sake of appearance. 

This is a pure performance. And.. the Ukrainians are only 

an instrument of this globalist war. Kiev in this story, as

 an independent subject, simply does not exist. There 

are two decision-making centres outside of Kiev.''


Are we talking about those "geopolitical chess games" that 

you have repeatedly mentioned before? Is there a division 

in them into black and white? Conditionally to those who 

believe that Russia is weak, and to those who believe 

that Russia can respond?


''Both of them believe that Russia is weak. Only some believe

that Russia is very weak and therefore it can be finished off, 

while others believe that it is weak, but - in agony - it can

suddenly use some resources, means - nuclear weapons 

and so on. That is, some are more radical, others are

less radical. But everyone --- is against us.''


''There is, of course, a third pole, but it is not the centre of
decision-making in the West. For example, people like 

Trump who don't care about Russia. They are not for 

Russia, they don't like us either, but they believe 

that there are other problems...  besides us. 

Therefore it is irrational to set themselves

the task of destroying Russia - at any 

cost, and it does not correspond to 

the interests of the global West. In

 their opinion - this can be done, 

but absolutely not in this way, 

not now and not --- in the 

first place.''


What is the significance of this third pole?


''You can't underestimate it. Just now... it is under attack in

the States themselves. These are traditional Republicans, 

these are the so-called paleoconservatives, that is... old 

conservatives who believe that Russia is not in charge.'' 


''There are neoconservatives - these are former Trotskyists 

who became supporters of hyperliberalism.... because of 

Trotsky's hatred of Stalin, Trotskyists for Stalinism, and

 the Soviet period. They have shifted their beliefs --- to 

the new geopolitical environment --- and are the core 

of our most radical opponents.'' 


''And the paleoconservatives.. take the position that it's not

about Russia - at all. There are many other problems that 

the West must deal with. These... are the three decision

-making centres. Now, of course, our radical opponents 

and moderates set the tone, but such indifferent ones

--- they, practically, do not exist in the West.''


The "fifth Column - is a piece on the chessboard

that the West is moving against us" Do we have 

such centres?


''There are also three centres on our side of the chessboard. 

One centre is the traitors who, together with our radical 

opponents, dream of Russia's immediate defeat. As a 

matter of fact, this is a "fifth column" that has long 

escaped and simply works for the Kiev terrorist 

regime, for the Western special services. But 

until recently, they were part of our political, 

cultural, and intellectual elite. These were 

respected people who appeared on all 

channels, were experts, published 

their books and set the tone. We 

can not say... that these are 

some kind of marginals.''


''They are simply part of our establishment, but only now 

have these people revealed themselves - as radical 

opponents of Russia, our people, and everything

 related to our culture, civilization, and values.''


''They didn't become like this after the beginning of the SVO

------ they always were. We have many athletes, politicians, 

cultural figures, and oligarchs just like that. Someone has

already made this Nazi pro-Ukrainian coming-out, that is, 

said that he spat on Russia. The "fifth column" is one of

the pieces on the chessboard, that the West is moving

against us. This is an opportunity to influence our 

chess --- from the inside out.''


''There is a second force — those who consider Russia part 

of the Western world would like to conclude an immediate 

truce with the West on any terms, but are loyal to Putin. 

Such people understand that this is impossible. They

 represent "sleepers". This is part of the elite, which 

does not directly rebel against the government, but

 is ready to do so at any time, if there is at least 

some chance.''


Is the second power less dangerous?"


''It's a very dangerous current. Yes, these people are not open

 enemies. Yes, they are now saying that they are for the SVO, 

for Russia, but they are doing everything to prevent us from

 concentrating all the necessary resources - to mobilize 

society, to win. They are, in fact, a kind of centre of 

sabotage - invisible, indirect. They say: "Yes,

 Vladimir Vladimirovich! Give us this

assignment, and we will be the

first to execute it. Just don't 

give it to this one.. because 

it's not the same. Just give 

it to me and I'll do it!" 


''And then begins the coordination of the task with the

interests of the West --- their own personal interests. 

Sometimes they overlap, and the mobilization of 

our society is sabotaged.''


''But there is a third figure. This is the victory Party, this is the

people, this is the president, these are patriots. I liked how

someone wrote in one Telegram channel: Narod-front. 

That is, the people and the front are now one. This is

us. We are both the people and our Russian warrior.

That's one thing now. This victory party is certainly

 led by the President and his truly civilizationally

 loyal associates. Not all of our elite is rotten, 

there are absolutely convinced carriers of 

the Russian spirit.''


''The most important thing is that he stands on this side of the 

victory party, but historically he has got such an elite, and he

 is trying to manipulate it somehow. He himself said that a 

different elite is needed — from the people who are at the

 front, from the front that is among the people. That is, 

from the mobilized. Putin said bluntly: people will 

come with their own freedom, and they should 

be the ruling elite -- and not those who found 

themselves in it, during the most decadent,

 treacherous periods of our recent history.''


"The fool was admitted to the society of gentlemen"


''Russophobia has become one of the signs of modern history. 

Recently in Kiev, for example, they decided to ban the font 

"Izhitsa", because it is of Russian origin.''


''Russophobia in Kiev has already crossed all borders. I
don't think even just watching the pigs go berserk, is
worth it. Imagine: a person is in a psychiatric clinic,
he is a 
maniac, he has a seizure. Are we going to
him gnaw on the battery - with his teeth,
his face, yell something unintelligible? 

There is something pathological about 

watching this scene.''


''Unfortunately, we can't introduce a cure and stop the

black postmodern spectacle that represents the 

shameful, shameless rage of this Nazi regime. 

But it's also unhealthy, to explore its details.

Let's just win in the end and be done with it. 

Let's forget it like a bad dream and not think 

about these perversions anymore. We'll just 

start building a healthy, normal society, in
 healthy direction.''


What is the real purpose of Ukraine in this conflict?


''I think that we are deeply mistaken when we believe 

that Ukraine sets itself the goal of restoring its 

territories, sovereignty or strengthening 

its statehood.''


''It had all this - before the conflict began. There was full 

control over the territories. There was a national state.

Russia did not attempt to kill it. And suddenly at some 

point, Ukraine — at least this part of the obsessive 

Ukrainian Nazis — begins to do everything to stop 

being so. So that Crimea secedes, so that the 

Donbass rises up, so that we send in troops 

and liberate two more regions that voted 

with pleasure to become part of the 

Russian Federation.''


''There is some logical discrepancy here. If we are dealing

 with nationalists who want a strong national state, they 

should have gone towards this goal. But here it's the 

other way around. They had a national state with 

Crimea, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia. And 

the actions of the nationalists, which were 

supposed to strengthen the government, 

led to the fact that these territories do 

not exist. There are no other peoples.

The industry is destroyed. The 

question arises: do we 

understand correctly, 

what Ukraine wants?''


''Does Freud have a phrase Was will das Weib? — What does 

a woman want?" And all of Freudianism is built on trying to

 answer this very complex, fundamental question. What 

does Kiev want? This is definitely not a national state, 

because it is its policy that has led to destruction, 

destruction, undermining, dismemberment. 

And will lead to its end.''


Then what do they want in Kiev?


''The answer occurred to me ---- that they had fallen into the

pursuit of success, a nation of clowns, a nation of buffoons
who only needed attention. They need to be talked about,
shown and invited to - high-level meetings. And for this 

fame and popularity, they are ready to give their state, 

their people ------ their society. That is, it is a kind of

hypertrophied desire for success. And everything 

falls into place. Why - do people choose a clown? 

Because only clown people can choose a clown.''


''How does Ukraine behave? She goes to great lengths to

 court the applause of either side. That is --- it suits any 

antics, any performances, any actions. And there is no 

real, far-reaching goal — state building, the return of 

Crimea, the establishment of Kiev's power over the 

eastern territories - already our lands - and even 

more so, an attack on Russia, this goal is not 

worth it!''


''Ukrainians just want to call attention to themselves, and 

I must say that they are getting their way. It is only 

necessary to change this goal-setting, and the 

logic of the behaviour of the Kiev regime 

becomes completely clear.''


''We are dealing with such crazy actors who are ready to do 

anything just to be applauded and helped, just to be loved.

 And when someone gets bored with them, they come up 

with new tricks and do it quite inventively. If this trick is

 war, they go to war, to murder, to torture. That is, it is 

a bloody circus.''


''That is why they are now throwing a huge amount, of what 

they are already beginning to say is meat into the counter-

offensive. Why do they process Ukrainians? Because it 

draws attention to this bloody fog. If you look at how 

the president of this country, even when he was a 

fairly harmless ordinary comedian, starred in a 

video, participating in a homosexual dance on 

stilettos in leather underwear, it becomes 

clear: he can change into anyone, can 

play any role.''


''But that's what other Ukrainians do, too. When they come to 

a Western country, they organize a performance. For what? 

Just to get some attention. Thus, we are dealing with a 

crazy clown. With the people who became the people

 of crazy clowns.''


Here you can recall, not Mikhalkov,
but, for example, "Joker".


''I think that the authors of "Joker", who made this film, just 

decided to project this figure on the whole country. In order

 to humiliate them, and through them to humiliate us, to kill 

us, to engage in this monstrous dialogue with this 

absolutely crazy society, which is ready to 

sacrifice everything for a photo, for 

applause, for likes, for attention, 

including its own country.''


''No one has ever heard of any Ukraine before. Only, perhaps, 

some ethnographers knew. And so, the Ukrainians decided

to make themselves felt. Yes they have attracted attention.
And they are very happy --- when their president travels 

around the world, sits, hugs with the leaders of the 

Western world. In fact, this is a terrible thing — 

the fool was allowed into the society 

of gentlemen.''


''There is such a cruel Anglo-Saxon entertainment ---- dinner

with an idiot. When a group of people, of more or less the 

same social level, invites someone deliberately stupid, to 

dinner and they all sit there, pretending to have ordinary

conversations. But one of them is a complete idiot. And

he doesn't know... he's an idiot. This gives others a 

special perverse, anti-humanistic pleasure. They 

systematically abuse a person. Cold, consistent

--- not spontaneous. They are preparing this 

humiliation, making it out. As well as
Ukraine is involved in.'' 


''The idiot was invited to the higher realms to behave as he 

behaves. And everyone likes it. But when the idiot leaves

-- people exchange impressions about his intellectual 

qualities --- and then pay tribute to him, behind his 

back. A cynical practice, in my opinion. But the 

Ukrainians want it: well, well, let the idiots, if 

only we were invited to this dinner.''


Why, in your opinion?


''It's not about money, you know. There are different ways to 

make money: you can kill Russians, you can kill yourself,

 you can sell organs, you can set up some businesses, 

you can build something. As a result, you can steal 

something. In other words, money can appear in 

different ways.''


''We should not reduce the explanation of the behaviour of

Ukrainians to the desire for money. They want attention.

They want applause and glory. The idea of profiting

from war, from the suffering of others, and from 

your own, is probably present in this, but... it is 

not the dominant one. This is very important 

--- otherwise, we will not understand them.''


''By the way, here's the mistake. We thought, that their fate 

was corruption. And their fate is clowning. Bloody. This is

really a society that has really gone mad. Here, we say it 

as a metaphor. But they don't really fool around. They're 

sick. And the way they fight, is a real obsession. We're 

dealing with obsessive clowns.''


"To find the real killers, even
taking Kiev is not enough"


Concluding the conversation, I would like to return to the

 topic, with which, we started. Has there been any 

progress in the investigation of the terrorist 

attack against Dasha over the past year?


''The investigation... is underway, but the case was solved

almost from the very beginning. A Ukrainian terrorist on

the assignment of Budanov (head of Main Intelligence 

Directorate of Ukraine) carried out a terrorist attack 

then disappeared - her accomplices helped her. 

Small performers, partially found, there are 

courts. The case continues. Another 

question is that the success in its 

completion will be the capture of 

Kiev, for example. Then we can 

really talk about the triumph 

of justice.''


''And indeed, it will be really possible to raise the question:

 who and from whom specifically in the West received

 carte blanche for this, which of the special services

 helped? The question is not about the performer.''


''If you make fake license plates and passports - while being a

police officer, if you transfer information about the movement

of my car - or Dasha's car - to Ukrainian terrorists ---- at
their request - for money, then you are participating in
a terrorist 
attack. But this is a completely different
responsibility. We 
need to get to our customers.''

So far, we can see a chain 
of performers, but they are
still only switchmen. Even 
Budanov, is a switchman,
because it is not in his 
competence - to make such
radical decisions. 
This is a much higher level of
Therefore --- the New York
Times, almost 
immediately --- hastened
to disown it: 
they say the Ukrainians
everything themselves.''


''They also tried to disown the explosion of the gas pipeline,

 the attacks on the Crimean Bridge. But it is quite obvious: 

to find the real culprits, the real killers, even taking Kiev
 is not enough.''


''Many people write to me: "It's a pity that we didn't avenge

 Dasha!" But you see, even if the performer is found, tried 

and executed, there will still be no justice. First of all, 

Dasha is priceless. There is no price that can be paid 

for this horror to be balanced --- in any way. But 

secondly, there are people who know: they 

were the ones who sacrificed her, they 

gave the order. And we'll find them 

sooner or later.'' 


''Specific customers and real killers, of course, are 

located outside the territory of Ukraine, in the 

leadership of Western special services, 

Western political instances. We will 

find them. In the meantime, the 

preparatory stage.''



The West has manufactured this rope

and as its neck feels the noose 

tighten... some will feel pity.


What we could do, is repent.





While Ukrainians --- die on the frontlines, 

Zelensky is lobbying US financial firms

August 20th, 11:59am

by Shabbir Rizvi

(source: PressTV)


As the Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia dwindles

 to a screeching halt, failing to achieve its objectives, 

many questions are being raised about the former 

Soviet republic’s future.


Will the Kiev regime concede defeat? Will Ukrainian President 

Volodymyr Zelensky fight Russians.. until the last Ukrainian? 

How much of Ukrainian land will actually remain Ukraine's?


The question of disputed territory is a sensitive topic. NATO 

military alliance officials are even floating the idea of giving 

up significant Ukrainian territory to end the war and usher 

in peace, an idea that may have been unimaginable prior 

to the Ukrainian counteroffensive. 


Although one can speculate back and forth about what land 

will become Russian and what land will stay Ukrainian, 

something far more sinister is happening beyond the

 public eye of what will happen to the territory that 

remains Ukraine. 


While media pundits are busy tracking the territorial losses

 and gains Ukraine is making, the Kiev regime is meeting 

with American financial firms to sell off Ukrainian land

 and infrastructure.


Even before Russia’s “military operation” completed its first

 year, Zelensky had been meeting with various American 

investment firms in order to “rebuild Ukraine.”


To the uninitiated, “rebuild Ukraine” sounds like a completely 

logical and legitimate initiative in the wake of a devastating 

war. However, Zelensky hasn’t been meeting with any 

average firm.


He has been actively preparing the ground... for New York-

based investment firm BlackRock to take over significant 

swaths of Ukrainian finances, primarily playing a leading 

role in advising Kiev on how to handle its post-war 

investments and funding.


BlackRock is a notorious “investment management” firm 

that has worked closely with the International Monetary 

Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to hyper-privatize public

 assets, land, and infrastructure.


The world’s largest “asset manager”, it manages trillions 

of dollars in assets across the West and even acts as an

 advisor to European banks. Naturally, it is also involved 

in lobbying Western officials, essentially dictating and 

creating policy for its own benefit. 


However, with NATO encroaching east, it is expected that 

countries would surrender their public institutions even

 further to Western capitalists as they embrace 

neoliberal policies.


It is in recorded history ---- that, during Ukraine’s 2014 

Maiden Coup, the United States was closely involved.


The then US Assistant Secretary of State Victory Neuland 

was directly on the ground supporting the fascist 

overthrow of the neutral Ukraine government

 for a pro-Western one.


Later, a leaked phone call revealed that Neuland was 

picking and choosing which Ukrainian officials were 

best to enter the new coup-installed regime.


It’s no surprise that Ukraine was headed towards a long road 

of privatization - supporters of the new regime even burned 

down a trade union building --- with people inside.


To this day, the victims have not seen

 justice - as the perpetrators are free. 


Now, under the guise of war, the Kiev regime has taken

significant steps to further bear the rotten fruits of the

Maiden Coup. Zelensky’s wartime powers have 

allowed him to ban all opposition parties.


In August of 2022, Kiev ratified “Law 5371,” which strips 

all labour protections – impacting around 70 percent of 

Ukraine’s workforce. 


Many neoliberals would argue that it is necessary to maintain

 control of Ukraine’s exports during the war, but the law was

 first introduced in 2021 and could not be passed then 

due to trade union opposition.


Adding to it is the fact that Zelensky and his inner circle

 were notorious for their corrupt financial affairs.


Prior to the war, it was revealed by the Pandora Papers that 

Zelensky and his allies had swaths of money ....hidden in 

offshore bank accounts. This money could not be traced 

to them, and ignoring the fact that Zelensky’s allies

 were involved, local institutions would find it 

difficult to trace how they obtained it.


With trade union power dissolved and opposition parties 

out of the way, the Kiev regime moved to  auction off

 their state enterprises. 


It is important to note that there were multiple attempts 

to auction off some of the same assets, prior to the 

2022 military operation, to no avail.


The investment wasn’t as attractive to American capitalists 

because there were still many hurdles - primarily legal - that 

would make Ukrainian state assets an attractive investment.


With labour unions and political opposition away, foreign

 penetration will now ...not only become easy, but even 

competitive, and therefore profitable - not only for the

 American capitalists but for those who would 

eventually benefit from lobbying for money - 

Zelensky and Co. 


The foreign aid given to Kiev to fend off Russians also does 

not come without a price. While the US sees fighting 

Russians as money well spent, Washington still 

expects an extra return on investment.


Highlighted in the National Recovery Plan are various figures 

that address auctioning off state investments, paying back 

IMF loans, and opening the country to foreign penetration.


Firms like BlackRock will play a key role in ensuring 

every last available asset is sold and privatized. 


Zelensky has taken Ukraine to the natural conclusion of

the US-backed Maiden Coup. A once neutral country

 now turned into a vassal state of the US, Kiev has

 not only sacrificed thousands of Ukrainian men 

on the altar of US imperialism, it has --- quite 

literally --- sold the entire country to

 US capitalists. 


With multiple meetings between BlackRock, JP Morgan, and 

other investment firms to “rebuild Ukraine,” the fate of the

 country - no matter what it looks like after peace is 

reached - will be up to the ruling class of the 

United States.


Zelensky, instead of searching for peace, is actively acting

 as a salesman while thousands of his countrymen are 

being slaughtered on the frontlines. 


He was even quoted as saying that this situation is “the 

greatest opportunity in Europe since World War Two,”

 in reference to the incoming post-war investment.  


Very little stands in the way for Western capitalists to swoop 

in -- and hyper-privatize what is left of Ukraine post-invasion

- with BlackRock at the forefront, advising Ukraine’s foreign

 investments and labour opposition completely eviscerated.


Clearly, this was the pathway for Ukraine when the 2014 

coup regime announced its various intentions to fight 

off the labour movement. 


For the corrupt lot in Ukraine and the financial ruling class 

in the US, the Russian military operation provided a 

unique opportunity to become richer and filthier.


All it cost was the mere price of hundreds of thousands 

of lives lost and a country that was once sovereign to 

become a playground for the US financial class. 


As peace brokers devise a plan on what the new borders of 

Ukraine will likely look like, one thing is for certain - the 

new face of Ukraine within its borders... will be 

completely made by and for Western elites.


Shabbir Rizvi is a Chicago-based political analyst with 

a focus on US internal security and foreign policy.


(The views expressed in this article do not 

--- necessarily --- reflect those of Press TV.)

These views do reflect a growing 

number of people's though.

What --- 
do you think?



Russia's Central Bank controls 

the situation with the ruble, 

madness is observed

 only in the West

August 16th , 2023

(Source - Redacted

InoTV translation) 


The dollar is up 60 percent against the Russian ruble, which

has been gaining strength -- since the start of the conflict in

Ukraine. So what's going on? We were told that everything 

is fine with the ruble, but now it seems that this may not 

be entirely true. Therefore, we would like to get an 

expert opinion on this issue.


If you keep an eye on these things, usually a dollar has cost 

about 80 rubles in recent months. And this week it jumped

 over the mark of 100 rubles, and then fell just below

 a hundred. The Russian Central Bank held an 

emergency meeting this week and raised 

the interest rate from 8.5 percent 

to 12 percent.


Redacted correspondent Mike Jones lives in Russia,

 follows East-West relations and will tell us more 

about this issue. Thank you so much for

 joining us.


MIKE JONES, Redacted correspondent: 

''Always a pleasure.''


So, what is it? A complete economic

collapse, or can you give us 

some context?


MIKE JONES: ''No, not in Russia. This is very closely

monitored by the Russian Central Bank. Madness is

observed in the West. Both Politico & economists,

who, apparently, do not understand the Russian 

economy at all. The Russian Central Bank has 

decided to raise this interest rate. And it is 

worth remembering that they have not 

changed rates since September last 

year, from the level of 8.5.


''I will just quote the Central Bank's statement, they are very

straightforward about some of the factors that influenced 

their decisions. For example, ''...when oil prices rise, the 

ruble strengthens, which reduces the risk of over

heating of the economy. And when oil prices fall,

the ruble weakens, which plays into the hands 

of domestic producers, by increasing exports 

and stimulating import substitution.''


''Only this quote -- gives a good idea of the past year in
Russia and why the ruble was allowed to reach such
a level. But when it got to a hundred --- that's what
seems to have
 triggered the so-called emergency
meeting at the 
Central Bank. The West took it
as a panic, they 
are sure that the ruble
is falling rapidly.


''And this is not the case. Even if you go to the sitexe.comand

 if you follow the ruble, you will see that the decline is gradual 

and steady. The drop happened in March 2022, and there was

 an obvious drop. As we know, oil prices have played a major 

role. All these Western articles somehow do not mention 

the restriction of oil prices.


''We heard about it, and then it, somehow, disappeared from

the news. Why? I suspect that around mid-July, Russian
or more precisely Urals crude, was trading above
agreed price limit of $ 60.''


Limiting the price of the oil --- you mentioned. This is meant 

when the European Union decided: "Yes -- we will continue 

to buy Russian oil, but we will introduce price restrictions."

And Russia said, " Well, it doesn't really work that way." 

Is that what you're talking about?


MIKE JONES: ''Let's look at India. The Financial institute of

 Kiev is now accusing them of inflating the cost of supplies 

in order to circumvent these measures. I would not want to 

pay too much attention to oil, because of course, Russia is 

already called a gas station masquerading as an economy.


''One of the big changes, and I've already discussed it with 

Clayton, was the grain deal. Since 2014 and the first 

wave of sanctions, which were a good lesson for 

Russia, it has withstood. Until 2014, Russia was 

an importer of food products. Fast forward to

 today, Russia is already an exporter of food.


''It exports, of course, grain and animal feed to Africa, and 

Egypt is one of the major buyers. Of course, this affects 

the price of agricultural feed, which increases this 

influence in Western economies ....and in the 

reaction of the West.


''The point is, that a weakened ruble means that Russia 

receives more rubles from exports. It's the same with 

food and oil. This was in the interests of Russia, but 

now, as the Central Bank admitted, it has reached 

the point where the domestic industry can no 

longer expand --- to meet the requirements 

of consumers.


''As a result, imports are already growing, which, 

they admit, has driven up inflation. Hence the 

measure --- that should handle this through 

the interest rate.''


That's reassuring... what do you think?


You can not pardon: the US 

Ambassador to Australia 

allowed the transfer of

Julian Assange to his

homeland ----------- if 

he admits his guilt

by Alexander Karpov

August 14th, 10:01pm



The US' Ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, has 

suggested that a potential plea deal could allow 

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to return

 to his homeland.


 Kennedy added that the conclusion of such an agreement

 ultimately depends not on diplomats, but on the position 

of the US Department of Justice, but a solution is 

"absolutely possible." 


Earlier, the head of the US State Department, Anthony

Blinken, said that the question of Assange's future, is 

very sensitive for Washington. Political analysts note

that the talk about the likely extradition of Assange 

occurs ------ against the backdrop of the political 

rapprochement between the US and Australia... 

but the WikiLeaks founder is unlikely to return 

to his homeland as he caused too serious a

damage to the reputation and national 

security of the US.


"In fact, this is not a diplomatic issue, but I think it is 

absolutely possible to find a solution," Kennedy

 said, in an interview with Australian media.


Endless Trial


Earlier, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, while on 

a visit to Canberra, said that the question of the future

 fate of the WikiLeaks founder --- is very sensitive

 for Washington.


"Mr. Assange has been charged with very serious criminal 

acts in the United States in connection with his alleged 

role in one of the largest breaches of classified 

information in the history of our country," 

Blinken said, after talks with the 

Australian leadership.


In turn, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said 

that his government will continue to seek the release 

of the WikiLeaks founder.


"We remain very firm in our opinion and consistent in our

 statements to the US government, we will continue to

 seek his release," TASS quoted the head of the 

Australian cabinet as saying.


The statement of the US ambassador about the possibility 

of extradition of Assange to his homeland --- caused some

 optimism among supporters of the WikiLeaks founder --- 

and a number of Australian politicians.


So, Assange's brother, film producer Gabriel Shipton, believes

that --- in this way --- Washington is looking for a way out of a

situation, in which all the facts of corruption and crimes of 

the US authorities will again be announced in the court to

which Assange will be tried, upon extradition to the US.


"This suggests that they do not want this story to develop 

in American courts, especially during the electoral cycle. 

Therefore ---- the US leadership is actually looking for an 

opportunity to distance itself from what is an extremely, 

extremely controversial prosecution that violates 

media freedom," Shipton said, in a conversation

 with Sky News Australia.


According to him, if Assange is indeed extradited to Canberra, 

he should be released immediately, as he has already spent 

enough time in prison.


And Australia's Shadow Immigration Minister, Dan Tehan, 

said Canberra would welcome an end to the prosecution 

of Assange, but the final decision on this issue, remains

with the US Department of Justice.


"The most important thing, I think, is that we should take into

account.. their justice system and processes. But, at the 

same time, if it was possible to achieve the completion

of this incredibly long case, then we would all be 

only for it," the politician said.


Recall - that Washington began the prosecution of Assange 

in 2010, when hundreds of thousands of documents were

 published on the WikiLeaks portal, including those 

related to the actions of the US army in the Middle 

East and other controversial steps of Washington, 

which were hidden from the public, under the 

pretext of protecting national security.


In 2012, the journalist lived in the UK. Fearing extradition to

the US, Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy, in 

London, where he applied for political asylum. In 2019, the 

then President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, announced that 

he was denying the journalist political asylum and 

depriving him of his Ecuadorian citizenship.


After seven years of isolation in the diplomatic mission, 

the WikiLeaks founder was arrested and imprisoned

 in London's Belmarsh prison.


Washington has been seeking Assange's extradition to 

the US for more than four years, where he faces a 

prison sentence of up to 175 years on 

18 charges against him.


In turn, Assange's defense team is trying to prevent his
extradition to the US authorities. In 2022, a UK court 

blocked the extradition of Assange --- granting the 

appeal of his lawyers. However, this decision 

was later reversed, and the British Interior 

Minister, Priti Patel, approved the 

extradition of the WikiLeaks

 founder to the US.


In June of this year, the wife of Julian Assange announced 

that her husband would use the last opportunity to block

 his extradition to the US, through a UK court.


"A blow to reputation"


The statement of a US diplomat about a possible 

deal, indicates that the US has begun to realize

the reputational harm from the prosecution of 

Assange, political analyst Malek Dudakov 

noted, in a conversation with RT.


"The Americans are quite aggressively trying to get Assange

 extradited to their justice system. However, the talk about a

 deal with justice shows that the United States is aware of 

the reputational losses caused by attempts to send to life 

imprisonment a person who is obviously persecuted for

 political reasons and suffered for disclosing the facts

 of war crimes," the expert explained.


However, the option of a deal in which Assange will be

 returned to his homeland and then be released,

 does not seem realistic today, Dudakov added.


"The ideal scenario would be Assange's admission of guilt 

and return to Australia, maybe under house arrest or

 restriction of freedom, but I'm not sure that this 

is realistic," the source said.


The main problem with implementing such a scenario is the

 fact that Canberra is not an equal partner of Washington 

and has no leverage on it, but can only ask the United 

States to meet it halfway, the political scientist said.


"There is a certain rapprochement between them, 

but Australia is not a player of such a level, that 

itcan bargain with the Americans in something. 

Canberra can voice its wishes, but in the end,

Washington will do as it sees fit, given that

now Australia is largely dependent on the 

United States in the military sphere," 

Malek Dudakov commented.


In turn, Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute

 for Humanitarian and Political Studies, believes that the

 WikiLeaks founder will sooner or later be extradited 

to the US and spend the rest of his life in prison.


"Assange will never be returned to Australia. After some 

time, he will be extradited to the United States. This will 

not happen immediately --- another appeal will be 

considered, and during this time he will remain 

in a UK prison," the expert stressed, in an 

interview with RT.


The US wants to punish Assange significantly, as he 

caused damage to their reputation and the national

 security system, Bruter explained.


"Assange cannot be released, his actions are categorically 

unacceptable ------ from the point of view of the US political 

establishment, and he must be demonstratively punished. 

If he is released and speaks freely with the media and in

public, it will be a blow to Washington's reputation as a 

global hegemon. It turns out that a certain private 

person can tear off the covers from the secret 

affairs of Washington and he will not get 

anything for it. It is very important for 

the US, that all such individuals are 

punished in the most severe way. 

The situation was similar... with 

Snowden, only he disappeared 

beyond the reach of American 

extraterritorial justice," the

 political scientist noted.


No charges have been brought against Assange in 

Australia, and no court cases have been opened, 

so his transfer to Canberra would effectively 

mean his release, Bruter said.


"For the United States, this will be a significant political 

defeat. While he is in a British prison, this is not such a 

crucial moment for Washington — they know that the 

British authorities will not release him. In addition, 

London gives the whole process legitimacy, 

pretending that there is some kind of 

objective judicial procedure, with 

appeals and their consideration. 

But they won't let him go to 

Australia ---- even though 

Washington & Canberra 

have recently become 

.....very close," the 

expert concluded.



Everyone playing games.

The US ---- according to

world polls, is already

the most hated state

in the world. If.. they

continue destroying

this journalist they

will just be hated

a little bit more.


Let us keep sending pleas through

our representatives - and pray for

a miracle... or can YOU think of

a solution?




IMF varnishes the 

“Kosovo picture”

August 11th, 10:52am



The servants of the New World Order have long been trying to 

lure mankind into their fictional reality. For this purpose, they 

use the media & international organisations -- through which

they spread total lies (mixed with a drop of truth, of course).


Serbian Kosovo is a perfect example of the lies of the

 globalists. The creation of a 'state' in the place of a 

region almost taken away from the Serbs is a poor 

solution. That is why behind the political decision

 the economic card is played -- a way to convince

 the whole world of the stability & attractiveness 

of the region. However the political verbiage or 

simply --- lies uttered by the globalists, should 

be studied, not even by masters of linguistic 

juggling, but by psychiatrists. 


Gabriel Di Bella --- a representative of the International 

Monetary Fund team, believes that the EU’s restrictive 

measures against Kosovo may become an obstacle 

for foreign investments (!) in the region. Di Bella (a 

truly telling surname for Russian ears) said that 

“recent events in four northern municipalities 

..have led to limited economic and financial 

co-operation with the unrecognised state”.


So, your eyesight has not failed you. Di Bella is talking about

 some kind of investment in a failed state called Kosovo. In 

the very “Kosovo”, which for the last decades was built on

 the blood and suffering of Serbs, against all principles of 

international law. The very same “Kosovo” that is run by

 terrorists and bandits who have made their fortunes by

 seizing Serbian property, trafficking in drugs, human 

beings.. and human organs. The very “Kosovo” from 

which Albanians themselves are fleeing en masse

because economic life in the region is simply 

unbearable --- precisely, in the Serbian 

municipalities … Obviously, Di Bella 

is fulfilling the task of varnishing 

the “Kosovo picture”, perhaps

not least, in order to use the 

money of the same IMF.


The report of the working group presented by Di Bella 

states that “macroeconomic conditions in Kosovo 

remain favourable” and adds that “inflation

continues to fall and budget revenues

 are rising”. 


We can state that the IMF official was writing a fairy tale for 

his superiors, and the beautifully drawn report pursued 

goals in a different, fictional, globalist reality. 


Meanwhile, Pristina itself is not lagging behind the “sanctions

players” and prohibits the entry of lorries with Serbian goods 

into its territory, creating a real humanitarian disaster in the 

north of the region (not only in the north). And, naturally, 

an economic catastrophe. But Di Bella prefers to paint 

a different picture to his addressees (the leadership 

--- or ordinary citizens of Western countries?):


“In a challenging global environment, macroeconomic

conditions in Kosovo have remained favourable so 

far in 2023. Growth remains robust, inflation 

continues to fall, and the current account 

deficit has started to narrow,” he says 

in no uncertain terms. No comment.


Di Bella is brazenly lying about any personal income growing

 at a “healthy rate.” Rather, the population’s incomes are 

falling at an unhealthy rate, causing the same population 

to flee from the region to Europe, where they can at 

least find work. But the “cherry on the cake” is the

IMF official’s conclusion that there are still minor 

problems in unrecognised and almost perfect, 

economically attractive Kosovo:


“But instability and rising global tensions in northern Kosovo 

remain risks to the outlook that, if they materialise, could 

contribute to political problems,” Di Bella concludes.


After this phrase you can call a psychiatrist, because it is

 obvious, because the “risks of tension” in the north of 

Kosovo have long since materialised and do not seem 

to be planning to subside. Political problems, in which

 the USA and EU are actively involved, happened long 

ago and their existence is acknowledged every day 

by the specified centres of globalists, thinking what

 to do with it all. 


What Mr Di Bella’s statements mean is not clear to the end. 

For whom he drew his report – also remains a mystery. 


Apparently, the habit of living a lie, convincing themselves 

and their environment, of its reality, trying to fish in 

troubled waters, through its projection, is a 

habitual state of the IMF staff. It will be 

possible to utilise the funds and 

get a promotion.


Vladimir Basenkov, Southern News Service


Can't wait for BRICS, etc, to replace

the IMF and all the other US driven

dens of filth and corruption!


Do you think?




United States of Africa Forming 

to Lead World Against U.S. 

and Allied Empire

by Eric Zuesse

August 10th



A potential United States of Africa is now in the early stages 

of formation, after a mutiny by Niger’s Presidential Guards

immediately expanded into a coup by Niger’s Army --- on 

July 26th and overthrew the country’s ‘democratically’ 

elected U.S.-and-French stooge - and very corrupt - 

President, Mohamed Bazoum. 


The Nigeran public immediately responded to this coup with

massive cheering demonstrations throughout the country, 

supporting as their liberators, the team that was freeing 

their land from the exploitative grip of the imperialists:

France, backed by America. 


Niger, like the other African countries that use the French 

franc as their currency, has been funding France’s

 Government and Niger’s own aristocracy, by 

means of a complex mechanism called 

“the CFA franc” which the CNN U.S. 

propaganda network, buried in

one of their news reports. 


Françafrique has often been criticized for perpetuating neo-

colonial practices. For example, few things have sparked 

more controversy than the Central African franc or CFA, 

a currency which is used by 14 nations in West and 

Central Africa --- including Niger.


Countries using CFA francs are required to store 50% of their 

currency reserves with the Banque de France, and the

 currency is pegged to the euro. While Paris asserts 

that the system promotes economic stability, 

others say, it allows France to exert control 

over the economy of the countries using it.


So, basically, whatever is shipped abroad by any of those

 countries, the proceeds, in effect, go 50% to France, 

and only the other 50% goes to Niger or the other 



As the U.S. regime’s own Brookings 

Institution, earlier, obliquely put it:


''Some African economists consider the broader dependency

on European monetary policies as a restriction to growth

due to a hyper-fixation on inflation. However, African 

elites and wealthy individuals, the primary 

beneficiaries of the CFA franc zone 

configuration, support its



The only beneficiaries are the individuals who control the

 international corporations — especially the ones that are

 headquartered in France and in America, and that have 

subsidiaries in the given African colony. As a scholar 

at the British aristocracy’s London School of 

Economics surprisingly admitted:


''The CFA franc also encourages massive capital outflows. 

In brief, membership of the franc zone is synonymous with 

poverty and under-employment, as evidenced by the fact 

that 11 of its 15 adherents are classed as Least 

Developed Countries (LDCs) -- while the 

remainder -- (Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, 

Congo, Gabon) have all experienced

 real-term economic decline.''


Finally, they maintain that membership of the franc zone is 

inimical.. to the advance of democracy. To uphold the CFA 

franc, it is argued, France has never hesitated to jettison 

heads of state tempted to withdraw from the system. 

Most were removed from office or killed in favour of 

more compliant leaders who cling to power come 

hell or high water, as shown by the CAEMC 

nations and Togo.


 Economic development is impossible in such 

circumstances, as is the creation of any 

political system ---- that meets the 

preoccupations of the majority 

of citizens.


In the subsequent days, after the coup, Niger entered into

 discussions with Mali, Guinea, and Burkina Faso, which 

already previously had coups for freedom from their 

imperialist masters that the U.S. Government leads. 


Meanwhile, the U.S. regime’s efforts — which are being led

by Victoria Nuland, who masterminded the U.S. regime’s 

successful coup, that... in February 2014, grabbed and 

absorbed Ukraine into the U.S. empire, so to get it into 

NATO as the nearest bordering country from which to 

attack The Kremlin and decapitate Russia - only 317

miles away from Ukraine ------ appear, thus far, to be 

running into an unwillingness of the Governments 

near Niger to shed their peoples’ blood to invade 

Niger, whose public are determined to achieve 

freedom from their foreign exploiters, and will 

not give up short of a very bloody war  which

would embarrass the US & its ‘democracies’ 

and so strip away -- that ‘democratic’ mask 

the U.S. regime uses -- in order to fool 

publics everywhere.


On August 3rd, CNN headlined “Africa’s latest coup is a

headache for the West and an opportunity for Russia”,

 and pretended that the aggression here - and the 

opposition to democracy - came from Russia 

against the United States, instead of from 

the United States against Russia.


I have previously explained these events in my 6 March 

2023 “The Transformative Present Moment in History”.


Whatever the outcome will be from the current events in

Niger, it will be a part of that story, and maybe a very

important part of it. However, the time is too early 

to predict what that outcome will turn out to be.


 In any case, that story began in 1945, when the anti-

imperialist U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 

became replaced by the pro-imperialist President 

Harry Truman, who shaped the post-WW-II 

international order, which has lasted till 

now, and which appears to be soon

 reaching its climax.


If Victoria Nuland will not be able to turn the screws against 

Niger’s new leaders in the way that her bosses, Antony

 Blinken, and, above him, Joe Biden, are hoping — nor 

to get ‘the free world’ to invade and conquer Niger as

 they hope — then a successful model will have 

become established which might be copied by 

other slave-nations, by means of which they, 

too, might likewise break away, and free 

themselves, from their imperial masters,

 the U.S.-and-‘allied’ (vassal-nation) 

empire: the U.S. aristocracy, and 

its foreign dependency ones. 


If so, it would terminate the hegemon’s hegemony. It would 

end the Truman-initiated global system (which aspires to

 conquer — absorb into its imperial web — all nations,

 and especially Russia and China). So: the stakes 

are huge in Niger now.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S 

EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the 

Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America

 took over the world after World War II in order to 

enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. 


Their cartels extract the world’s wealth, by control of 

not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ 

— duping the public.


Ah, we hope and pray for
Africa's courage and
self- belief to win.

What do you hope
and pray for?




Loyal: Germany invested millions

 in Niger — and Russia will get 

all the benefits

August 9th, 2023

(Original source: Loyal

--- translated by InoTV)


The Association of German Reservists in the pages of 

its magazine Loyal accuses the German government 

of having actually "overslept" the coup in Niger. As 

a result, millions of dollars of Berlin's investment 

in equipping and training the country's military 

police forces has disappeared, and Russia will

 now benefit from the fruits of German efforts. 

In addition, Berlin can not evacuate about a 

hundred of its military personnel from Niger.


It remains to be seen.. whether the Economic Community of 

West African States will be able to implement its threat and 

organize a military intervention to restore ousted President 

Bazum to power. Loyal magazine, however, notes that 

neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso, also ruled by the 

rebel military, "will regard the attack on Niger as an

 attack on their own countries" and promise to 

come to the aid of the new government of 

Niger. Algeria, which is influential in the 

region, called on the parties to refrain 

from military conflict, as "if it comes 

to this, it will mean a big war, and 

this ------ is the last thing that the 

poorest region of Africa needs."


Bundeswehr troops are stationed at the airport of the capital 

of Niger, which is a key base for supplying and withdrawing 

German troops from neighboring Mali. Almost a thousand 

German soldiers participated in the UN mission in Mali, 

but the new government in Bamako requires them to 

leave the country before the end of the year, which 

already meant a rush, and after the suspension of

the base in Niger became even more difficult. 

Even if the airport in the capital of Niger 

manages to find an alternative, there 

is still the question of almost 100 

soldiers in Niamey itself.


"If ECOWAS decides to implement its ultimatum and start 

fighting, then Niamey airport will be the first target for 

intervention troops, and the German camp is located

 right on the runway, next to the camp of our 

European partners," Loyal magazine 

reminds the German government. 


According to the data available to the magazine, German

 soldiers have not yet received threats against them —

 unlike the French, but they are "still trapped", and

 "the situation remains unpredictable".


For the author of the article, the main culprit of this situation

 is obvious: the German federal government, which did not

 organize the withdrawal of troops in time. The German

 Federal Intelligence Service also did not foresee what

 happened — "another not very nice page for German 

foreign intelligence," the magazine states. 


But an even greater responsibility lies with the German

 Foreign Ministry. "The Ministry of Defense wanted a 

speedy withdrawal (of troops from the region. — Ino

TV), but the Foreign Ministry feared that Germany's

 reputation as a reliable UN member in the world 

could be undermined." Now we can sum up this 

policy: "Those who wait too long are punished

 by the putschists."


Loyal also notes the mistakes of the German government in 

financial assistance to Niger, which focused on training the 

military and police. In Niger, Germany participated in the 

creation of a security force that can now be commanded

 by an illegal coup squad. With the help of the Germans,

 a military school was built in the country, a hospital 

for soldiers, German soldiers trained the special 

forces of Niger, which was fully " equipped with 

protective equipment, all-terrain vehicles, radio

 and night vision devices supplied from Germany."


 Millions of dollars of financial injections into 

military structures continued... until the 

beginning of the year.


"Russia will now fully benefit from the efforts made by 

Germany and the West to invest in Niger's security

 architecture," Loyal concludes. "The putschists 

led by General Tiani are openly pro-Russian, and 

Russian flags --- are flying all over the country, 

"which should" cause delight in the Kremlin, 

" which has consolidated its influence "in a 

very important region." 


In the case of Niger, it is "not only about access to minerals, 

especially uranium", but also about controlling "the most 

important route of refugees from Africa to Europe", 

which is "a means of exerting pressure on the 

West, the importance of which cannot be 

overemphasized". The author of the 

article is sure that Russia uses it 

as a lever of pressure in the 

conflict in Ukraine.



The Discussio Page is probably the

best place for this article - tucked

away and thus less likely to do

harm. What do you think?



If you want.. an enervatingly

optimistic, in depth, article:





How Orthodox Christianity 
is being 
destroyed in

August 4th, 9:33am



Zelenskyy’s godless regime wants to use the Feast 

of the Baptism of Russia --- to “unbaptise” it by 

destroying Orthodoxy, finally plunging the 

UOC into schism.


The facts of who and how is pushing the UOC to the terrible
sin of schism, which, in the words of St Cyprian of Carthage

 ''is not washed away even with martyr’s blood”, we try
 consistently set out. They are, as follows.


1. “Metropolitan” of the PCU --- noticed as an lgbt activist 

Alexander Drabinko, publicly blackmails the UOC on 

behalf of Zelensky – “Theophany” is not enough 

for us, either you gather the Council, and self-

proclaim autocephaly, or the UOC will 

be banned.


Zelenskyy confirms the seriousness of the blackmail by 

making a special address announcing new measures

 for “spiritual independence”, i.e. the destruction 

of Orthodoxy.


The Verkhovna Rada assures that a law 

banning the UOC is passed on 27 July.


2. The UOC is bumped and on the feast of St Anthony 

of Kiev-Pechersk, when the episcopate of the UOC 

gathered in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, there is no self-

proclamation of autocephaly.


3. Then the Ukroreich deliberately launches a missile at

 the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour built 

by Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa. Local Orthodox 

Christians claim that the missile hit the Cathedral 

--- two hours before the Russian missile attack. 

Another proof of this version is the presence

of the Ukroreich’s motive... to use the 

cathedral explosion, as a pretext to

completely put the UOC in schism.


The bombing of the cathedral is a provocation by Zelenskyy,

 whose goal is to finally break exactly the opponent of 

autocephaly, Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa, 

which, if successful, will greatly accelerate 

the process.


But he balks and instead of himself puts up the vicar

 Archbishop Victor (Bykov), who makes a false and 

impudent statement against Patriarch Kirill. This

 vicar, is seen by the SBU, as a successor to 

Metropolitan Agafangel... in case he 

continues to stall.


Zelenskyy’s office responds to Metropolitan Agafangel by

 blackmailing him with the sins of his youth: “Grandpa, 

you can’t fool us, you can’t get away with the 

vicarage, speak for yourself”, which 

Metropolitan Agafangel did, calling 

black, white ------ slandering the 

SSU and Russia, but did not 

personally touch Patriarch 

Kirill and did not demand 

the self-proclamation 

of autocephaly.


In response, Zelenskyy’s Office used a former disciple of

 Metropolitan Agafangel of Sumy, Metropolitan Yevlogy

 (Gutchenko), who made his ecclesiastical career with 

the help of the aforementioned Drabinko, betraying 

Metropolitan Agafangel. Yevlogy appealed to 

Metropolitan Onufry, with an appeal to spit 

on the ecclesiastical interdictions of the 

Moscow Patriarchate... which will 

inevitably follow.... in the case of

a 'self-proclaimed' autocephaly 

of the UOC. Thus Metropolitan 

Yevlogy calls on the UOC to 

break with Orthodoxy.


The position of the Ukroreich is clear: “You will not get away 

with words against Russia and special operations, proclaim 

autocephaly on 28 July, otherwise the UOC will be banned”.


Even if Metropolitans Onuphrius and Agafangel go for it, the

 meeting of UOC bishops on 28 July will not be able to make

 such a decision, as 3 Metropolitans Theodosius, Pavel and

 Jonathan are under arrest, with Metropolitan Pavel in a

pre-trial detention centre.


Metropolitan Longin of Banchensk lies with a stroke, 

driven to it by the repressions of the Ukroreich.


Metropolitan Theodosius of Cherkassy will 

probably oppose this decision, as will 

other arrested metropolitans.


Those who vote in favour of self-proclaimed autocephaly, 

will finally, according to all canons, become schismatics 

and become worthy of anathema, like Filaret Denysenko.


One vote against the same Metropolitan Theodosius is 

enough to nullify the forthcoming self-proclamation of 

autocephaly of the UOC, just as one vote of Abbot 

Mark of Ephesus was enough to foil the Union of 



But still I appeal to the episcopate of the UOC with a 

request -- to make a confessional decision, if only 

because this confession will not last long --- the 

Russian Army will take Odessa, Kiev and other 

Russian cities, no matter how much the US 

agents of influence in Moscow try to stop 

the special operation.


At the same time, as reported by the faithful Orthodox 

of Malorossia, the insane heresiarch, Barthrolomey, 

under the leadership of the Uniate and at the same 

time, the archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox 

Church Kirill (Govorun), has come up with a new 

plan for the final destruction of Orthodoxy in 

Malorossia, a kind of “plan B”.


The Phanar.. gives the PCU the status of Patriarchate 

with preservation of dependence on the Patriarchate 

of Constantinople, before that the UOC and the PCU

 unite, Metropolitan Onufry leaves, Sergiy Dumenko 

leaves, and the Canadian Metropolitan of the UOC

of Constantinople Patriarchate in the US ------

Hilarion (Rudnik) becomes the “Patriarch” 

of the united structure.


The fact that he has a canonical chiarotony does not change

 the essence of the matter because: 1. almost all “hierarchs” 

of the PCU do not have it; 2. “the authority of the Patriarch 

of Constantinople ends outside his diocese” (Metropolitan

 Anthony (Khrapovitsky).


Hilarion (Rudnik) is a fairy figure. A thuggish Nazi who 

worked closely with Dudayev, Basayev, Maskhadov 

and other terrorists and oes not conceal his goal 

of unification.


Dumenko, however, does not want to leave. 

But his masters from the United States 

will not ask him.


The only person and thing that can stop this new union

 is the Russian Army --- and carrying out the special 

operations in full.


Kirill Frolov, Russian People’s Line


In a nutshell - until the Zelensky regime
is crushed - the US will use him to
break Russia's Spiritual power.

A truly diabolical plan.

What do you think?


Zakharova discussed ----- the 

policy of the colonial powers

August 4th, 12:03am 



The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, 

Maria Zakharova ----- speculated about the policy of the 

colonial powers, in a column for Izvestia newspaper.


In particular, Zakharova drew attention to the term "Non-

Self-Governing Territories" -- used in the UN Charter. 

According to her, in fact, we are talking about 

- colonies. "Colonial Powers cannot endlessly 

suppress the independence and sovereignty 

of peoples. Although their desire to acquire 

new colonies is quite logical," she said.


The representative of the Foreign Ministry expressed 

confidence that "the free world will definitely win",

 and the process of decolonization "will not be 

completed ------ until the last of the Non-Self-

Governing Territories gains independence".


In July, Maria Zakharova said that the West 

treats Ukraine as a colony, commenting on 

plans.... to export relics from the Kiev 

Pechersk Lavra.



Since my country, Wales (Cymru), is a ''non-governing

territory'' (- apologies to our Senedd members! -) and

England's first colony (apologies to Ireland's superb

historians!) my heart resonates with Ms Zakharova.

I think I'm in love with her. What... do you think?





Seoul raises stakes 

in confrontation 

with Moscow

August 2nd, 12:43pm



South Korea... is being drawn into the collective West’s 

confrontation with Russia. Seoul is supplying 155mm 

howitzer shells to the Kiev regime, via the US. 

Japan’s participation in the deal... is 

being prepared.


Seoul and Tokyo have formed a pair here for a reason. 

From the perspective of Japanese geopolitics, the 

Korean Peninsula is “a knife pointed at Japan’s 

chest.” Japan feels threatened if it does not 

control Korea. Since the Korean War of 

1950-1953, two Koreas have emerged 

– the pro-US South Korea... and the 

pro-Soviet, and now pro-Russian, 

North Korea.


Japan sees South Korea and US military bases as a buffer 

separating North Korea from Japan and the zone of 

Japanese influence. The Tokyo-Seoul-Washington 

geopolitical axis allows the U.S. and Japan 

toexert militaristic pressure on Russia’s 

eastern frontiers, and South Korea to 

press North Korea geographically 

against Russia’s borders.


This is not the best scenario for Seoul, as the 

common border between North Korea and 

Russia means unproblematic logistical 

communication between the two 

countries in case of war. But 

South Korea, has no

 other choice.


South Korean strategists are playing the long game and have

 a hand in containing Russia in Ukraine and NATO’s eastern

 flank. In addition to supplying the AFU with shells and 

military ammunition, Seoul is supplying K2 tanks and 

K9 howitzers to Poland and Romania to replace the 

Polish and Romanian heavy equipment supplied to

 Zelensky. Soviet and obsolete NATO models in

Polish and Romanian warehouses... are being 

replaced with modern South Korean models.


Warsaw and Bucharest intend to dramatically increase the 

number of such vehicles in the armed forces and act as 

security guarantors for Zelensky. Seoul supports

 such plans.


For South Korea, Russia’s involvement in conflicts in the west 

is beneficial, as it distracts Moscow from the eastern vector. 

However, the visit of the Defence Minister, Sergei Shoigu, to 

North Korea showed that Moscow has enough attention for 

everyone. After all, the eagle on the Russian coat of arms 

looks both west and east at the same time. 


Russia may lack the resources to provide equal security in 

both directions, but that is why the Kremlin is developing 

partnerships with its eastern allies, including Pyongyang. 

Experts say that the potential for cooperation between

 Russia and the DPRK in the military and intelligence

spheres may be quite high.


In 2023, Seoul plans... to deliver $150 million worth of 

humanitarian aid to Kiev. In 2022, the amount of aid 

was $100 million. Humanitarian aid is a stretch. 

For example, Russian soldiers have found 

South Korean medicines and other items 

used by servicemen in everyday life at 

Ukrainian positions. Officially, such aid 

from Seoul is not considered military, 

but - in fact - it is channelled to the 

needs of the Ukrainian punishers.


Now Russian units in the SMO zone will be bombarded with

 South Korean shells. Seoul is clearly raising the stakes, 

which cannot but affect relations with Moscow and 

automatically with Beijing. China does not 

welcome South Korea’s rapprochement 

with the US and Japan.


Seoul’s arming of Zelensky’s army is not capable of turning 

the tide of the conflict. South Korea’s military capabilities 

relative to its overall capabilities and geographic size are 

high, but not massive. South Korea is not a military 

superpower. It is unlikely that the South Korean 

military-industrial complex, will be able to 

stamp the required number of shells for

Zelensky at a rapid pace and for a 

long time.



In the meantime... everyone suffers

--- except those at the top of this

mountain of pain. How they

smile, now... in our faces!


Will this end? We say Yes!


What do you think?




Europe and “good”


August 1st, 9:27am



The information agenda, which can neither

 be obscured nor deceived, combined

 two events...


The first, a tragic, heart-wrenching one, when nine years ago 

four children were killed by shelling in the Donbass town of 

Horlivka. The youngest of them, a girl named Kira, was ten 

months old. Christina, Kira’s mum, tried to cover the baby 

with her body, but Ukrainian shrapnel pierced them both.

The scary photos of the “Donbass Madonna” -- did not 

make the front pages of European newspapers: the 

end of July - for EU residents - is always holidays
entertainment. What do they, then tanned, 

fashionable, wearing silk and linen --- care 

about some Russian murdered children?

 A trifle, not worthy of attention.


Yes, and then, of course, at the time when Donbass began to 

oppose aggression on the part of Kyiv, if the Western press

 ever mentioned the shelling of peaceful towns, it was 

always by some kind of “armed formations”. It was 

not customary to specify who they consisted of, 

who supplied them with weapons and who 

taught them to shoot at civilians. The 

weapons fired themselves, and 

people died from something. 

Either they, shot at them --- 

or they shot at themselves.


Nine years later, the influential Le Figaro, which represents 

the conservative spectrum of French politics, published a 

gigantic, many thousands of characters correspondence 

that deals with these very armed formations and the 

history of the emergence of the storm troopers, as 

well as what they do today.


Reading the material is categorically unspiritual and chills 

the blood of anyone who is aware of not so long ago 

European history. The point is that the article 

explains in black and white why Ukrainian 

nationalism is useful, why it is good, and 

why those who served in “Azov”*, who

organised and joined “Right Sector”*

 are actually good (even very 

good) people.


It turns out that hatred of Russia is an extremely useful factor

 that helps to shape a nation. It turns out that this hatred has

 been carefully cultivated for many decades, just as the

 activities of Ukrainian Insurgent Army* were glorified.


 In general - according to the conclusions - the Ukrainian
Insurgent Army* fighters were not bandits & murderers

 who slaughtered whole villages --- of those who had 

“the wrong blood with the wrong red blood cells”,

 not punishers, to whom Hitlerites assigned the 

dirtiest work --- but guys who fought against 

“cruel Soviet power, Gulag, PCIA and CSS”.


 And even Bandera, as it appears, was “a complex historical 

figure who managed to shape and formulate the essence

 and principles of Ukrainian national identity”. 


The principles are simple, if not in the paradigm of the

 European media – to kill as many Poles, Russians and 

Jews, as possible. Hatred, fomented long and hard

 (not only for the last nine years), could not but 

lead to the deaths of children. One of those 

whose words are quoted in the material

- absolutely openly says -  that he has 

been preparing for war with Russia 

(i.e. for the murder of Russians) 

since 1991.


Yes, and there were armed storm troopers on the Maidan

 (ready to shoot, of course, and shooting at those who

 opposed them) – this phrase is not quoted, so let’s 

consider that the first nail has been driven into 

the coffin of the myth of “unarmed youth and 

peaceful protests”. Nowadays the European 

media, are not shy about such details. 

Although when Russia was talking 

about exactly the same thing --- 

nine years ago, it was labelled 

“Kremlin propaganda”.


Today, Europeans refuse to see swastikas, emblems of Nazi 

runes, as well as the standards of Hitler’s divisions, in the 

tattoos of the Pravseki and Azov. Today... the European 

media are actively promoting the thesis that Ukrainian 

“nationalism” has nothing to do with Nazism. 


However, in the country where Le Figaro is published, and 

throughout the EU, nationalism is stigmatised on all 

corners, and those who dare to speak out in public 

about the primacy of the national idea can be 

taken to court. For inciting discord, for 

agitating for “the return of the dark 

pages of the continent’s history”. 


That is, French/Spanish/Italian/Dutch and other EU

nationalism is monstrous, reactionary, and can

lead to civil war -- while Ukrainian nationalism

is good and right. While Corsican nationalists 

are being smacked down to prison terms, 

Ukrainian nationalists -- are being sung 

about. They do it in the same media.


Europeans are not idiots and understand what games

 of “pure blood” and counting its red blood cells, can 

lead to. But in the war with Russia, in which Ukraine 

acts as a damper to destroy us on the one hand and

 to protect the lives of the “golden half-billion” on 

the other, all means are good.


And so Nazism becomes nationalism, and the latter 

becomes patriotism. Europe turns a blind eye to 

the fact that all this, is mixed up with hatred

 towards us.


It is clear why there will be more and more publications 

of this kind: it is necessary to support spending on the

 military-industrial complex and to teach Europeans

 that guns are more important for Kiev -- than oil in 

their fridge.


It is also clear that ten years will pass and Europeans 

will realise that they, among others, helped to 

cultivate hatred towards Russians.


One thing is unclear: why the terrible and bloody lesson 

of Nazism was not learnt by them to the end. Maybe 

because the deaths of Russian children did not 

and still do not matter to them. For them we

 are a population, not a nation.


Source: Elena Karaeva, RIA Novosti


* --- An organisation banned on the 

territory of the Russian Federation




A little old lady in a supermarket

in Wales, will say, ''I'd like to 

shoot Putin'' and then look 

astonished, as I reply: 

''I think he's good.''


When ''our masters'', drive

us to madness and hatred

as they do through media

owned by them for that

purpose... what do you

think - is the solution?





The West is turning Ukraine into 

a perpetual tool to fight Russia

July 31st, 9:29am


Of course, if I were former U.S. Army intelligence officer Scott

 Ritter, who in his article for Consortium News characterised

 the current situation of the AFU and the entire neo-Nazi 

regime of Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 

after the counter-offensive, I would choose a more 

accurate synonym for the words “shitting 



It seems to me that after almost two months of counter-

attack – since 4 June this year – we should already 

draw conclusions: it did not work then, and it is 

not working now.


Moreover, the Russian missile strike (many say it was

 Iskander) on the SBU building in Dnipro (once

 Dnipropetrovsk, and soon everything will be

 back to normal again) showed what will 

happen to the top neo-Nazis and their 

rookeries - when Russia’s Special 

Military Operation (SMO) forces 

finally dare to launch serious 

strikes on --- as they say --- 

decision-making centres.

In Kiev -- and elsewhere. 

And, of course, the city 

is pathetic. But not the 

neo-Nazis, after all…?


However, let’s return to Scott Ritter, who frankly predicted to

 Zelenskyy’s regime, a terrible, but very accurate: “Ukraine 

is now left to choose the poison of its choice – to agree to

 peace, accepting Russia’s territorial claims, forever

 rejecting... the possibility of NATO membership, 

however remote it may be. Or to continue the 

struggle, with the probable outcome in the 

form of additional losses of territory and

 the destruction of the Ukrainian nation.”


Scary, but, I repeat, very accurate, predictive words. 


According to Ritter -- in the war in Ukraine, the West’s goal

of strategically defeating Russia -- has not been achieved. 

And it will not be achieved. And the whole tragedy of the 

Ukrainian conflict for Ukraine, is that, as a price for its 

entry into the Western club, the Zelenskyy regime 

demanded the lives of its compatriots,

i.e. Ukrainians. 


And Zelenskyy accepted the terms of this deal, but…, read 

on, for hints about synonyms for the word “shit yourself”. 

And this same Scott writes harshly: “When the sacrifice 

failed to produce the desired result (i.e., a strategic

defeat for Russia) --- the door to NATO, which had 

been left ajar, to tease Ukraine into fulfilling its 

suicide mission, slammed shut.”


The failure of Zelenskyy and his camarilla’s plans for Euro-

Atlantic integration, is, indeed, their greatest political 

defeat. The NATO summit in Vilnius, on 11-12 July

2023, denied the Ukro-neo-Nazis membership 

in the Alliance.


With the European Union – the picture is the same: they are

 not accepted as full members, but, like Donna Rosa in 

“Hello, I am your aunt” -- they promise to kiss on the 

gums, then, if Ukraine wants, again. The Ukrainian 

neo-Nazis have their lips aching with expectation, 

but everything passes.... by and by. Because in 

Europe, they know how to count money and 

there are no fools to support war-ravaged 

Ukraine for their partner considerations 

of justice and devotion to universal 

human values….


It is not even worth talking about Ukraine’s financial 

failures – they are obvious: everything in Ukraine 

has long been pledged and re-pledged under 

old and new debts. The country has been 

bankrupt for a long time --- and lives like 

an injecting drug addict on respiration, 

solely on doses of external infusion….


The military failures are also obvious. During the eight weeks 

of the counter-offensive, the AFU could not even reach the 

first line of defence of the Russian special operation 

forces. Promises of success.. came from different 

parts of the theatre of military operations. Now 

they are saying that the Ukrainians may take 

the village of Kleshchyivka, near Bakhmut 

(Artemovsk) in order, therefore, to get 

back the former “Bakhmut disgrace 

of the Ukrainian armed forces”.


But experts say, that even if Kleshchyivka is taken, it will 

turn into a funnel for the Ukrainian armed forces -- which 

will irrevocably suck in both manpower and equipment. 

In other words, everything will be the same as every-

where ---- where the AFU had previously planned 

successes, but the expected breakthrough did 

not happen. That is, there is a banal grinding 

of the AFU and its reserves, equipment and 

weapons, including Western ones. And the 

AFU’s casualty count is already in the tens 

of thousands of dead  ...and hundreds of 

thousands of wounded, not to mention, 

30-40% of all the equipment ---- 

knocked out of service.


The moral-political and spiritual losses of Zelenskyy’s regime

 are almost irreversible. In its work it is slipping more and 

more towards terrorist methods of warfare. That is, he 

fights not with the army, but with civilians, hoping to 

sow panic, fear and dissatisfaction with their 

authorities among them. And if we take 

Russia, then we can say that, in this 

respect, Ukraine and Zelenskyy 

have practically nothing. 

That’s nothing ------ and 

that’s all there is to it.


And when combined with internal repressions in the country, 

with persecutions of dissenters and even of an unwanted 

church --- the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) --- the 

picture is completely unsightly: in front of the eyes 

of the whole world - in the “advanced citadel of 

democracy on the Dnieper”, rises... not a role

model, but a bloody tyrannical monster of a

dictatorship, which the West will be 

cautious to credit to itself. They 

will use it, but they will not 

present it to the world,

 as an achievement.


The so-called grain deal is threatened with complete failure,

 which will deal an additional financial blow to Ukraine. After 

Russia’s withdrawal from the deal, Kiev is known to threaten 

to sink transports going to Russia. And this is actually quite

 a serious threat: despite the fact that the ships heading 

towards the Kerch Strait, pass 300-400 kilometres 

away from enemy shores, the enemy has means

 with which, in theory, they can attack them.


Specialists say that, firstly, it can be anti-ship missiles, both

 land-based and air-based. At the extreme range, they can 

try to hit transport ships that are dangerously close to 

the Ukrainian coast.


Secondly, the AFU can use underwater, surface and aerial

 drones for attack, with which the neo-Nazis have already

 managed to reach the Crimean bridge. This means that 

such drones can also threaten those ships heading 

towards Russia.


Thirdly, there are also underwater saboteurs and their

 attempts to mine ship routes. And this - is the risk of 

disrupting Russia’s entire export-import cargo flow, 

which was higher than Ukraine’s, even before the 

special operation. And it is different, for example,

 a significant part of oil exports passes through

 the Black Sea.


But the main threat to Ukraine is that for Russia, providing

 constant radar surveillance - all the way from Turkey to

 Russian ports - and organising a system of convoys to 

escort cargo is a task that requires the involvement

 of dozens of ships and aircraft, and... it is a very 

large expense. This is damage more weighty 

than any terrorist attacks by Kiev.


But destroying Ukraine’s port infrastructure on the Black Sea,

 cutting it off for good from the Black Sea and the Danube 

delta with missile and bomb strikes would cost much

 less. And it turns out that by attacking Russian 

ships, Ukraine will provoke Russia to destroy 

Ukraine as a maritime power. As they say, 

here we go…


Another failure of Zelenskyy’s regime is very characteristic, 

who ordered the replacement of the USSR emblem with 

the Ukrainian trident on the shield of the monument to 

the Motherland over the Dnieper in Kiev. The Nazis 

ordered it, oligarch Rinat Akhmetov caved in and, 

wanting to show off, at his own expense, i.e. for 

free for the state budget, made such a trident 

worth 20 million hryvnias and measuring 7.5 

metres by 4.5 metres from his own metal. 

That is, from steel produced at 

Zaporizhstal - which is part of 

Akhmetov’s Metinvest empire.


Akhmetov’s supporters shrieked --- habitually pushing for 

Ukro-patriotism: “We believe that such majestic symbols 

should use steel produced at Ukrainian mills... as a 

symbol of resistance to “aggression”.  As It is 

Ukrainian steel that's in the NSC Olimpiyskiy, 

the new sarcophagus of the Chernobyl 

nuclear power plant, the Darnitsky 

Bridge --- the largest flagpole of 

Ukraine & the bridge in Genoa, 

the London skyscraper Shard 

& hundreds of other famous

 buildings and symbols”.


But they were sent with the conclusions of “correct” 

expertise in their hands: they said, that everything 

should be European, we are going to Europe. And 

there they have euros in offshore banks for their 

pockets, their khatynki are stashed away, they

 have guarantees that they can stay at home 

after the failure, and so on and so forth – 

what is Ukrainian patriotism when it 

leaks and many people already 

have, as they say, glass 

on glass…?


The failure of post-turnover Ukraine in general, and within 

the framework of the special operation is of course, the

 failure of the entire West, its approach to the world 

order, based on Western dominance....  and on US 

hegemony. Here is how -- for example -- the same 

Scott Ritter characterised the failure of Ukraine

in the capital of Lithuania: “The Vilnius summit 

of 11-12 July... was -- in many ways -- the 

culmination of the old European order. 

The summit was.... a requiem for the 

nightmare created by Europe itself”.


And that’s the plain truth, folks. But it, by no means,

means that the West will abandon Ukraine and 

return it to Russian influence, or at least stop 

at its former non-aligned and neutral status.


No, no, --- and no again. The West is on a course to exploit

 Ukraine - to the end. To use it to harm Russia, as much as 

possible. Therefore, Ukraine will be supported politically 

economically, diplomatically, militarily and technically, 

as long as it is able, if not to inflict a strategic defeat 

on Russia, then at least to continue the war and 

weaken and exhaust its neighbour.


For the West, the strategy and tactics in Ukraine boil down 

to the long-known “a piece of wool from a lousy sheep”. 

That is why the NATO summit in Vilnius is adopting a 

programme of military assistance to Ukraine, and 

the countries of the Alliance - led by the US - are 

already giving and promising to continue giving, 

money, weapons and equipment. Only the USA 

alone – 400 million dollars, and in the future – 

more than 1 billion dollars. And... only in 

recent weeks and recently, the EU has 

allocated 1.5 billion euros to support 

the financial trousers. 


The same amount has been given, under guarantees, 

from Japan. And it depends on the agreed desire of 

all interested parties, who will decide with Ukraine 

whether to be a long-lasting “tin can” for slaughter

 in the future or to burn to the ground in the SWO 

and then try to start life with a clean slate.


In other words, as long as it is needed, Ukraine is being 

turned into a long-life reusable tool that can either be

 mothballed until better times and then activated as 

needed, or used to the end and discarded for lack 

of use. Everything will depend on the outcome 

of the special operation.


And it looks very much like that nobody is going to ask

 Ukraine and its ruling regime anything about the fate 

of the country. And its fate is unenviable. Like the

 trident... on the shield of the Motherland. At 

“Zaporizhstal” they warned that they will 

defend the honour of the Ukrainian 

manufacturer and Ukrainian steel. 

But the trident itself, has already 

been put on sale. And the author 

of an ad' circulating on the 

Internet writes --- that the

trident, has already been 

sawn into 100 pieces, in 

honour of the “Heavenly 

Hundred” - valuing each 

piece at 10,000 hryvnias. 


That’s the truth of the matter – 

a dictator gets a woollen hat…


Vladimir Skachko, Ukraine.ru




Vlad impales the MSM's fake

narrative here - doesn't he? 

Does he? What do
you think?




Gennady Zyuganov: Russia 

has unique capital in Africa

July 30th, 6:47pm

(Based on materials of Radio

 Komsomolskaya Pravda)


The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation - on Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

 - with a political commentator of the KP.ru,

 by Alexander Gamov


''Well, first of all..... I would like to congratulate everyone

on the Day of the Navy'' --- said Gennady Andreevich --- 

''our country was & remains a Great maritime power.''


''A magnificent parade was held 

in the city, on the Neva River.''


''In my opinion, at a time when we are conducting a 

special military operation, this is very important.''


''So, this demonstration of our fleet 

is of fundamental importance.''


''The leaders of African countries who participated in the

 Russia-Africa summit, were also there. I think it is also

 useful for them... to look at the power of the Russian 

fleet, to learn more about the victorious history of

our state - both the USSR and Russia.''


- Gennady Andreevich, but you 

were in Africa, weren't you?


''As for Africa, I've been there more than once.

I am probably the only Russian politician who 

has met with Nelson Mandela. I had a long 

and persistent conversation with him.''


''He told us who would succeed him, and advised us 

which African leaders we should be friends with, 

so that we and Africa would be on the rise.''


''I think the summit in St. Petersburg 

confirmed that we are on the

right track.''


''The Communist Party of the Russian Federation still 

maintains close contact.. with the National African 

Congress, with the leaders of a number of African 

countries and organizations.''


"And the reason?"


"We must strengthen these ties.

Moreover, the BRICS summit
will be held 
soon.'' (from
22 to 24 August. - AG)


''So, these days in St. Petersburg, in my opinion,

 there was a good preparation for this forum.''


''President Vladimir Putin met with all the leaders of 

the countries participating in our forum and held 

successful negotiations''


- What other African leaders have you met with 

over the decades of your political activity?


''First of all, Sasha, in Nigeria I helped build a large 

enterprise - today it is one of the most 

economically developed countries 

in Africa.''


''So, together with our party, we have made a
to strengthening ties with
African countries, in this regard.''


''And, in general, I met with the President of Egypt, Hosni

 Mubarak, and I visited Libya, and I held talks with the 

leader of the state, Muammar Gaddafi, in the desert,

 in his tent.''


''I think Africa has great prospects: one and 

a half billion people already live there.''


''This is a dynamically developing 

continent with huge resources.''


''And we - Russia - have our own 

unique capital in this region.''


"Really?" What do you mean?


''The Soviet Union and, of course, Russia, have

 trained senior personnel and high-level 

specialists for African states.''


''Go to almost any ministry in any country and you 

will definitely meet people who have studied at 

our universities.''


''This special potential promises us great prospects

 in all areas: economic, scientific and technical, 

including military and political.''


''And it should also be noted - no matter how the 

Americans and Europeans bent the countries 

of Africa... (And, in fact, they were all in 

colonial dependence not so long ago, 

only Liberia stood apart there - but 

the Americans created that, as 

a model.)''


''So, it was the Soviet country that helped them get out of 

their colonial dependence, get rid of the rapists who 

came back with weapons, and then helped them 

train cadres.''


''And, judging by the decisions that were taken at 

the summit at the initiative of Vladimir Putin, 

and the leaders and representatives of
states, a balanced, smart
will continue to be


''In this regard, we have very
good prospects there.''


- Thank you very much, Comrade General Secretary!




- and Diolch yn fawr from
Rhondda Records, Wales!




Finding an extreme ---- in 

Ukraine’s military failure 

becomes inevitable

July 26th, 12:21pm



The Bundeswehr has found someone responsible for the lack 

of successes of the Ukrainian armed forces, during the

 counter-offensive. The Bild newspaper reported that 

in the bowels of the German armed forces a report 

has been prepared - criticising the actions of the 

Ukrainian army, and analysing the reasons why 

NATO’s brilliant military developments and the 

West’s colossal investments in Kiev, do not 

provide equally outstanding results on 

the battlefield


The Ukrainian military – but not all of it, but the command 

staff ---- is the shooter. The logic of the authors of the 

report is witty in its own way. Ukrainian officers are

 to blame for everything...  and the more stars they 

have on their epaulettes ----- and the longer they 

have served in the AFU, the worse.... according 

to the authors of the document, they perceive 

and assimilate the latest achievements of 

Western military science, which they try 

to put into their heads... during training 

courses. As a result, the rank and file, 

young Ukrainians, are successfully 

trained in training camps to fight 

according to NATO standards --

but when they get to the front, 

they find themselves -- under 

the command of officers...... 

who “undo their successes”.


No doubt, military experts will have something to say about 

the substance of the claims made: about NATO standards, 

which were created for a completely different scale and 

format of conflicts, about the training methods used by

 the alliance, and about the banal language barrier. 


For non-specialists, a recent video has become a meme, in 

which Ukrainian military personnel complained about their 

German teachers --- who suggested bypassing minefields 

as a solution to the problem of minefields. Since in the 

Western military’s view, minefields occupy 100-200

 metres, but the reality --- that they extend for 

hectares....... is not in their heads.


However, behind all the jokes lies a serious 

and complex problem, which is becoming 

increasingly acute in the Western world.


Initially, the idea of a proxy war against Russia by the hands 

of Ukrainians looked brilliant – for many reasons, but also 

because it allowed the whole world to paint a picture of 

“Moscow – that authoritarian colossus on clay feet –

 being defeated by democratic Ukraine, which has 

chosen the path of freedom and integration

 into Europe”.


But events turned so that the West... .which had reserved for 

itself the role of puppeteer... was forced to gradually emerge 

from behind the scenes. The reality was exposed: the AFU’s

 weapons are from NATO, communications and intelligence,

 are from NATO, command and military specialists are from 

NATO and personnel training is from NATO. Plus the most 

frenzied sanctions regime against Moscow - in history.

 Only proxy cannon fodder from Ukraine. As a result, 

the picture for the world looks like “the collective

 West is pressurising Russia by all means (except 

direct military confrontation) – and can do 

nothing about it”.


This is bad for the States and Europe ------ on all sides. 

And because it inspires other countries to assert 

their sovereignty more vigorously, snapping at 

a weakening hegemon ---- and the system 

eventually crumbles, faster and faster. 


And because it complicates their internal situation, 

increasing public dissatisfaction with their policies 

against the backdrop of growing problems in the 

economy and social sphere. And.. because 

business suffers:-. it clamps arms, for the 

sake of profits and new contracts ---- but 

Western tanks are burning from Russian 

weapons in Ukrainian fields, so... the 

number of those willing to buy them

 is noticeably decreasing.


In general, the search for an extreme in such a situation 

becomes quite inevitable. By the way, the Bundeswehr, 

having transferred arrows to the Ukrainian armed 

forces, has thus -- dealt a preemptive blow. The

fact is that the United States will undoubtedly

blame Europe for the failure, which, allegedly 

helps Ukraine little and poorly. And then the

Europeans are ready to reply that they have 

nothing to do with it, and the Ukrainians

 themselves are to blame.


There is only one problem: all these media and official games

successfully worked in a unipolar world, where globalised

media, an all-powerful bureaucracy and transnational

 business ruled, where no mistakes, miscalculations, 

and failures had fatal consequences for the system 

and responsibility for their authors. That world no 

longer exists. Right now --- we are witnessing 

its agony.


But judging by the Bundeswehr report, many people in Berlin, 

Washington, Brussels and the rest of the Western capitals 

still do not realise this. That provides additional 

opportunities and chances ...for the rest of 

the planet.



What a wonderful article --- it hits the 

Western ''elites'' --- right in their orbs.


Or do you have a different perspective?





 US addiction to sanctions will 

prove to spell its downfall


July 25th 12:10pm



Washington’s widespread use of illegal sanctions 

as a political tool to punish independent and rival 

governments as well as politicians and traders 

- have prompted a broad coalition of nations 

across the globe, to “rewrite” the rules of 

the international financial system aimed 

at ending the US-dominated order ---- a

major Washington-based journal says.


“In the past two decades -- sanctions have become the 

go-to foreign-policy tool of Western governments led

 by the United States,” Foreign Policy magazine

 writes in an article published on Monday on

 its online edition.


“A growing club of US-designated bad boys” led by Russia, 

China, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Venezuela and North Korea – 

which have been the top targets of “punitive” US-led 

sanctions -- have joined together to wage a major 

scheme: to replace their reliance on the dollar 

and the Western financial system,” the 

article emphasizes.


It further cited a US Treasury Department’s report to note 

that by 2021, “the United States had sanctions on more 

than 9,000 individuals, companies, and sectors of the

targeted countries economies.”


According to the report, “In 2021, US President Joe Biden’s 

first year in office, his administration added 765 new

 sanctions designations globally, including 173 

related to human rights.”


The article further cites Columbia University, to point out 

that --- “a total of six countries - Cuba, Iran, North Korea, 

Russia, Syria, and Venezuela - are under comprehensive

US sanctions, meaning that most commercial and 

financial transactions with entities and

individuals in those countries, are 

''prohibited'' under US law.”


It also cites 17 other countries—including Afghanistan,

 Belarus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia,

 Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nicaragua, Sudan, and 

Yemen—that have been subject to targeted 

sanctions imposed by Washington, “which

 indicates that financial and commercial

 relations - with specific companies,

 individuals, and ------- often, the 

government, are ''forbidden'' 

under US law.”


The article further cites a Princeton University database

 to point out that seven more countries, including China, 

Eritrea, Haiti, and Sri Lanka ------ are under specific 

export controls.


“This already lengthy list,” it adds ------ “does not even include

the  targeted sanctions placed on individuals and businesses

in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, or Paraguay, or

sanctions placed on territories such as Hong Kong, the
Balkans, or Ukraine’s Crimea, Donetsk, or 

Luhansk regions.”


All told, the report emphasizes --- “The countries subjected 

to some form of US sanctions collectively account for a 

little more than one-fifth of the global GDP,” with China

 representing nearly 80 percent of the group.


It further observes that “unlike many among these

sanctioned nations -- China has the economic 

weight, growing diplomatic clout, currency 

stability, and liquidity… to push for the 

increasing international adoption of 

the renminbi, and Chinese financial 

instruments ------- such as its Cross-

Border Interbank Payment System.”



If the US understands that its illegal

and ever-increasing sanctions are

provoking a backlash -- that will

doom them to fail - at best...

why don't they stop?


What do you think?



Russian senator blames Ukraine,
for journalist Zhuravlev’s
death in
 Zaporozhye Region

 July 22nd,  4:07pm (TASS)


The wounds of the journalists and the death of RIA Novosti 

correspondent Rostislav Zhuravlev in a Ukrainian cluster
munitions strike prove that the 
assurances of the
Americans and 
Ukrainians, about the non-use of
these weapons against civilians are lies - and

therefore both Kiev and Washington equally
responsibility for this crime,

the Russian Federation Council 

Deputy Speaker... Konstantin

 Kosachev said on Saturday.


"The use of cluster munitions is inhumane and must
 excluded from combat practices. And all the 

assurances of the Americans and Ukrainians

 that they are not planning to use these 

weapons against non-combatants --- 

turned out to be --- blatant lies. The

 responsibility for this crime -- falls

equally on Ukraine and the US," 

the senator wrote on his 

Telegram channel.


Kosachev said --- that the reports about the 

death of a journalist was "horrifying news."


"We mourn alongside the family, the friends

and colleagues, of Rostislav Zhuravlev. It 

is extremely tragic, but simultaneously 

exhausting evidence --- that the

Ukrainian military clique and

their patrons, do not have 

any moral constraints," 

the deputy speaker of 

the upper house of 

parliament, said.

Amen. Lost for words.


Report: West Not Prepared 

for a Conflict with China

July 20th, 4:17pm (FNA)


Ammunition shortages laid bare by the Ukraine conflict have

 prompted some US think-tanks to check on stockpiles in 

the West and find them wanting, The Financial Times 

reported, adding that the military industry of NATO

 allies is not able to help, either.


A Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) 

wargame of a conflict with China over Taiwan showed 

that the US had only about 450 long-range anti-ship 

missiles, enough for about a week.


Another think tank, the Centre for New American Security 

(CNAS), said the existing missile inventory is “too small 

to blunt an initial invasion, let alone prevail in a 

protracted conflict against China”.


To deter and defeat Beijing, the Pentagon “needs large
stockpiles of stand-off missiles, maritime strike 

weapons, and layered air and missile 

defenses”, CNAS concluded.


According to The FT, the US Department of Defense has

 asked for $1.1 billion in the 2024 fiscal year to buy 118

 long-range anti-ship missiles (LRASM), compared to 

half that amount for 83 missiles the year before. 

The Pentagon also wants $30 billion for 

ammunition, a 23% increase over 

2023 levels, and $315 billion

 for new weapons.


CNAS has noted that the Pentagon tends to prioritize big-

ticket items such as ships, planes and tanks, “leaving 

missiles and munitions with inadequate funding".


The FT revealed that Western powers have spent a 

combined $170 billion on military and financial aid

 to Ukraine --- since February 2022. Kiev is still 

complaining about ammunition 

shortages, however.


The US military-industrial complex has spent decades

 prioritizing efficiency and adopting the just-in-time 

supply chain used by other industries, according 

to The FT ----- leaving it unable to scale up 

production in wartime. Parts -- and 

labour shortages, are currently

 a problem, as well.


“The defense industry is so consolidated that it can’t very

 quickly expand to support a greater demand,” Stacie

 Pettyjohn of CNAS said, adding, “So... we’re slow 

and behind and don’t have enough of anything.” 


Only five companies are responsible for major Pentagon 

contracts, and some parts are made by only one or
suppliers, with no way to make up the

 shortage elsewhere.


NATO allies are unable to step in and pick up the slack, 

because the US push to promote US-made weapons 

has left the European defense industry stunted 

and fractured, multiple think-tank experts 

told The FT. 



Good. What do you think?




A New Path to Economic Power 

Is Imminent --- Through BRICS

by Sibongile Vilakazi

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 

(BRICS Information Portal)


“Okungapheli kuyahlola”, is what we say, to 

emphasise that nothing is permanent in life.


Observing the buzz around the BRICS currency lately amid 

the 15th annual summit, which is scheduled for the 22nd 

to the 24th of August, brings this phrase home. South 

Africa will be chairing the BRICS group of countries 

under the theme, ‘BRICS and Africa: Partnership

 for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable 

Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism’.


A theme that could not have come at a better time, especially

 after the war between Russia and Ukraine has put pressure

 on prices of goods and energy and changing the status

 quo in global trade dynamics.


The buzz also comes.. after some advice to developing 

countries to promote and use their national currency 

when trading, investing and other transactions. A 

way in which.. a single BRICS currency can be 

created. China.. is already making use of the 

timeline by trading using the Chinese yuan. 


The Chinese yuan is reported to be the most traded 

currency in Russia, overtaking the US dollar
quarter one, 2023.


Additionally, France settled an LNG gas trade with China 

by paying in the Chinese yuan, ending the reliance on 

the dollar. Furthermore, India - has also asked 

developing countries to settle trade in the 

rupee instead of the dollar - and has 

allowed 18 countries to pay with 

the rupee instead of the dollar.


These moves are not only game-changers but an indication

 that nations want to move away from the dollar and end 

American financial supremacy.


The launching of the BRICS currency has seen a total of 

19 countries currently interested in accepting and

 trading with BRICS currency.


Amongst the countries expressing interest are Arab countries

 that are rich in oil and gold reserves, making the alliance of 

nations stronger, posing a threat to the G7 global order, 

and therefore challenging the G7 countries.


Saudi Arabia, as the world’s largest oil exporter, could force 

Europe to trade in the BRICS currency as they depend on

 their oil exports, another step of the dollar losing its 

strength. It should be noted that the G7 countries 

comprise of advanced economies such as the 

US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, 

and the UK. BRICS on the other hand is an

acronym denoting emerging economies -

Brazil, Russia, India, China and S. Africa.


Originally coined in 2001, as BRIC, by the Goldman Sachs

economist, Jim O’Neill,  who claimed that the global 

economy... will be dominated by the four BRIC 

economies by 2050. South Africa was then 

added in 2010 and it became BRICS.


Jim O’Neill was not too far off with his claims as recent 

reports suggest that BRICS has surpassed the G7 by

 contributing the world’s largest gross domestic 

product of 31.5% while the G7 bloc 

contributed 30.7%.


BRICS is a home to 41% of the world's population 

accounting to 16% of global trade. Meaning that 

the launching of the New Development Bank 

and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement 

by BRICS was a strategic step towards 

greater integration and a practical 

step towards challenging the 

dominance of the West.


Both the NDB and CRA are contributing substantially 

to the process of accelerating economic growth 

--- resulting in the socio-economic progress 

in the member countries.


We have all come to know how the invasion of Russia in

 Ukraine affected the food and energy markets. This 

was a global economic meltdown, post Covid-19 

pandemic, hurting growth and raising prices.


 Sanctions were put on Russia to weaken its ability to 

finance the war and to target the political, military, 

and economic elite responsible for the invasion.


These restrictive measures have since shrunk Russia’s 

trade in goods and services significantly, putting 

pressure on oil, natural gas, and wheat,

 as their major export commodities.


As such, according to Naledi Pandor, Minister of 

International Relations, BRICS --- is looking to 

“ensure - that we do not become victims to 

sanctions that have secondary effects on 

countries that have no involvement in
issues that have led to those 

unilateral sanctions”.


Additionally, BRICS wants to expand its membership 

base while maintaining its current growth, as well 

as helping new members maintain economic 

and political independence.


As BRICS strengthens --- it will have the potential to help 

poorer countries emerge without pushing a self-serving 

political agenda and controlling local economies. 


Essentially, this suggests -- that a new path to global 

economic power is being created, giving inspiration 

to the transformation agenda, desperately needed 

in South Africa to create a new path to economic 

emancipation for the majority. .


The South African economy must fundamentally change 

to accommodate the majority and the BRICS currency 

conversations and moves, are the clearest evidence 

that power does shift eventually, and when the time 

for the shift has come, nothing will stop the wave.


Dr Sibongile Vilakazi is president 

of the Black Management Forum.


Source: www.iol.co.za



Seems that more and more people... are

pinning their hopes... on BRICS beating

the US dollar. Will the upcoming event

in S.Africa, come up to expectations?


What do you think?


Biden administration 

obstructing 'Ukraine

 aid' audits

by Drago Bosnic 

Monday, July 17, 2023 



In late November 2022, Washington DC admitted that it was

 unable to account for approximately $20 billion in weapons

 sent to the Kiev regime. At the time, the newly elected 

Republican-dominated Congress vowed to conduct 

"impending audits" as soon as they took over 

in January.


 Officially, the GOP wanted audits, to determine and
 release information on the massive weapons 

shipments from the United States to the Kiev 

regime --- and how much of that "aid" was 

ending up "where it's supposed to be". 


Republicans promised to "hold the government accountable"

 for spending US taxpayers' dollars for the sake of the 

deeply corrupt Kiev regime.


At the time, major news media, such as Fox News, claimed

 that the Biden administration -- inspected only 10% of the

 (approximately) 22,000 weapons sent to the Kiev regime 

from late February to November. However the oversight 

issues also extended to other "theatres of operation",

such as Taiwan, where approximately $19 billion in 

weapons sales for China's breakaway island

province, were "missing".


 In late August, a Defense News report claimed there was a

 $14 billion backlog in weapons sales to Taiwan. However, 

the November data indicated that the actual number was

 nearly $19 billion in delayed deliveries, according to 

The Wall Street Journal.


"US government and congressional officials fear the conflict

 in Ukraine --- is exacerbating a nearly $19 billion backlog of 

weapons bound for Taiwan, further delaying efforts to arm 

the island ---- as tensions with China escalate," the WSJ 

report claimed.


 "The US has pumped billions of dollars of weapons into 

Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February, taxing 

the capacity of the government and defense industry 

to keep up with a sudden demand to arm Kiev in a 

conflict ---- that isn’t expected to end soon," the 

authors added, in an admission rarely seen

in mainstream media.


And yet, close to eight months since promising to conduct 

the aforementioned "impending audits", the Republican-

dominated Congress never did anything of sorts, while 

the so-called "aid" has swelled to over $170 billion, 

according to the data released by the Neo-Nazi 

junta itself. 


Strangely, the troubled Biden administration has been

 successful in preventing Congress... from creating an

 inspector general's office - that would finally provide 

the much-needed oversight for the massive weapons

 shipments to the Kiev regime. The National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) would create an inspector

 general office, modeled after the Special Inspector 

General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR).


The issues US government experienced during the existence

 of SIGAR is what likely caused the GOP-dominated Congress

 to keep postponing its "impeding audits" --- despite clear 

promises it would conduct them. It can even be argued 

that much of the electorate voted for Republicans 

precisely because of their promises to heavily 

scrutinize the - so far - "unquestionable 

commitment" to provide the massive

 amount of "aid" to the Kiev regime.


 And indeed, the regular reports issued by SIGAR were a

 source of great embarrassment for any administration

 in Washington DC during America's decades-long 

invasion of Afghanistan. These issues later 

greatly contributed to the humiliating 

US defeat in August 2021.


The Afghan-era inspector general John Sopko detailed the 

unchecked, all-present corruption that led to numerous 

failures during the truly unprovoked US aggression in 

Afghanistan. Sopko's quarterly reports regularly

 embarrassed US and NATO officials who tried 

to present the supposed "improvement" of 

the operational situation as true. 


He has warned that "an inspector general's official for the

 Ukraine war needed to be established to prevent a 

repeat of the situation American aid created in 

Afghanistan, which saw massive corruption". 


Considering that the "Ukraine aid" is orders of magnitude 

greater than anything Afghanistan ever got, the scale of 

corruption in Kiev - is virtually impossible to overstate.


"There is an understandable desire amid a crisis to focus on

 getting money out the door and to worry about oversight

 later, but too often that creates more problems than it 

solves," he wrote -- in a report submitted to Congress

 earlier this year, adding: "Given the ongoing conflict 

and the unprecedented volume of weapons being 

transferred to Ukraine --- the risk that some 

equipment ends up on the black market or

 in the wrong hands is likely unavoidable. 

You're bound to get corrupt elements of 

not only the Ukrainian or the host 

government, but also of the US 

government contractors.... or 

other third-party contractors

----- to try to steal the money. 

There’s just so much money 

going in, and it’s hard to 

keep track of."


Still, the troubled Biden administration keeps insisting 

that an inspector general for Ukraine would be an 

"unnecessary hurdle" as the Pentagon is 

"already monitoring transfers".


"This expansion is both unnecessary and unprecedented, 

as oversight of US assistance for the benefit of a 

country's people --- is already provided by the

 Inspectors General for the Department of 

State and the United States Agency for 

International Development," the

 White House stated.


And yet, according to a June report issued by the Pentagon

 inspector general, a number of issues with US weapons

 shipments to the Neo-Nazi junta... were found.


"The DoD [Department of Defense] personnel did not have

 the required accountability of the thousands of defense 

items that they received and transferred at Jasionka,

 [Poland]," the report claimed - adding: "We observed 

that the DoD personnel did not fully implement their 

standard operating procedures to account for 

defense items and could not confirm the 

quantities of defense items received -- 

against the quantity of items shipped 

-- for three of the five shipments 

we observed."


The political West, has sent tens of billions worth of weapons

 to the Kiev regime since before Russia launched its strategic

 counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe. This 

includes everything from small arms and tactical 

reconnaissance drones to heavy armour and 

very likely nuclear-capable fighter jets in

 the near future. 


And while Washington DC.. and its favourite puppet regime 

insist "all weapons are strictly and only being used on the

 battlefield", dozens of countries in Europe, the Middle

East, Latin America, Africa and elsewhere routinely 

complain -- that various extremely dangerous and 

violent criminal groups & terrorist organizations

now possess advanced military-grade weapons

 that have been illegally acquired in Ukraine.



Drago Bosnic, is an independent 

geopolitical and military analyst.


Dear old ''senile' Joe Biden must be exceptionally
fit, to keep falling down without harm - I'd have
thought he'd be covered in bruises by now...

still, a cunning old devil so covered in moral
and ethical corruption, is perhaps, never
going to be punished for his crimes,
or is he? What do you think?


Outcry Grows Over US Cluster 

Munitions Delivery to Ukraine

July 11th, 1:45pm



The United States has doubled down on a decision to send 

controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a 

new military aid package, setting off sweeping fears 

over life risks on civilians for decades to come.


The cluster bombs will be a part of a new US$800 million 

military assistance package, which also includes 

armoured vehicles and anti-armour weapons, 

said the Pentagon on Friday.


Though the highly contentious weapon is widely banned 

by many countries, including key U.S. allies, Washington

 continued to hold these munitions in its arsenal and 

vowed to help Ukraine destroy what it called 

"heavily dug-in" Russian forces.


Rights groups and many other critics say a significant 

proportion of the explosive devices are duds that do

 not detonate, but remain on site as dangerous 

unexploded ordnance, warning that the 

fallout could be beyond measure.




"Cluster munition scatter small bomblets over a wide area," 

said Marta Hurtado, spokesperson for the Office of the 

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

 in Geneva. "They kill and maim people years later, 

after the end of a conflict."


The decision to send cluster munitions marked a watershed 

moment with the Biden administration agreeing to send a

 weapon that most countries have agreed should have

no place in modern warfare.


For starters, a cluster munition is a type of air-dropped or 

ground-launched bomb that breaks apart in the air above

 a target into dozens, and sometimes up to hundreds, of

 "bomblets" that can scatter over a wide area, known 

as submunitions.


Due to weather and other environmental factors, cluster

 munitions can fall often outside of the intended target 

range, said the International Committee of the Red 

Cross (ICRC).


Although cluster munitions are designed to detonate upon

 impact, as many as up to 40 percent fail to do so and 

could explode later if disturbed or mishandled, 

posing a threat to civilians long after they 

are dropped, per the ICRC.


As these bombs release massive bomblets that can kill 

indiscriminately over a wide area, the humanitarian

 consequences of cluster munitions for civilians 

can be intense and long-lasting.


Unexploded submunitions "disproportionally" harm civilians,

 according to the Cluster Munition Monitor, as civilians

 represented 97 percent of all cluster munition 

casualties in 2021.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres objected to the use

 of cluster munitions, his deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq

 said at a news briefing on Friday, in response to U.S. 

approval of cluster munitions for Ukraine. The UN 

chief "does not want there to be continued use 

of cluster munitions on the battlefield."


Criticizing the flawed and troubling logic in such a U.S. 

supply, the New York Times commented in an opinion

 piece... that countries in today's world have 

"increasingly sought to draw a red line - 

against the use of weapons of mass 

destruction - or weapons that 

pose a severe and lingering

 risk to noncombatants."


Human Rights Watch said in a report on Thursday that 

"transferring these weapons would inevitably cause

 long-term suffering for civilians and undermine the 

international opprobrium of their use." Sarah
the Washington director at Human
Rights Watch, 
called the U.S. move


"They are absolutely awful for civilians," Yager told Al
Jazeera --- in a television interview. "I think when 

legislators and policymakers here in the United 

States see the photos coming back of children 

with missing limbs, parents injured, killed by 

our own American cluster munitions, there's 

going to be a real awakening --- to the 

humanitarian disaster that this is."



Humanitarian groups have strongly denounced Washington's 

decision to supply cluster munitions to Kiev, which can go 

undetonated and potentially imperil civilians, particularly 

children, for decades.


Critics say that, by authorizing the supply of this 

controversial weapon, the White House has in

 effect, confessed to committing war crimes.


"It would be the greatest danger for Ukrainians for many

 years or up to a hundred years if cluster bombs are 

used in Russian-occupied areas in the territory of 

Ukraine," Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech 

Techo Hun Sen tweeted, urging Ukraine not 

to use cluster bombs.


A victim of U.S. cluster munitions dropped in the early 1970s,

 Cambodia today still grapples with deadly war remnants. 


"As my pity for the Ukrainian people, I appeal to the U.S. 

president as the supplier and the Ukrainian president 

as the recipient not to use cluster bombs in the war 

because the real victims will be Ukrainians," he 

said, recalling the painful experience of 

his country.


The decision is another blatant manifestation of the U.S. 

aggressive policy against Russia, aimed at "prolonging 

the conflict in Ukraine to the maximum term and the 

war until 'the last Ukrainian'," Russian Foreign 

Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 

said in a statement on Saturday.


Now, anger has been building over Washington's latest move

 to provide Ukraine with the weapon widely banned by more

 than 100 countries, including key U.S. allies. Even within 

NATO, members said while they, as always, side with the

 U.S. helping with the legitimate defense of Ukraine, 

they object to the U.S. supply of this highly

-condemned weapon.


Canada objects to the use of cluster munitions that 

Washington has promised to give Ukraine for its

 counteroffensive against Russian forces, 

Ottawa said on Saturday.


New Zealand's Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said he will tell 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of New Zealand's 

opposition to cluster bombs, if the pair meet this week, at

the NATO summit scheduled from Tuesday to Wednesday.


Also on Saturday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said 

Britain discourages the use of cluster munitions, and 

Spain's Defense Minister Margarita Robles also 

said "no to cluster bombs."


Some U.S. lawmakers have also dissuaded the Biden

 administration from such a decision, arguing that 

their humanitarian costs outweigh their benefits 

in the battlefield, calling it "unnecessary ---
a terrible mistake."

Joe Biden's existential crisis is
going to ramp up the pain dial
until we all die -  don't you

Image: Laos deaths from cluster bombs




The US dropped 270 million cluster bombs on Laos.


"Every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, for nine years

 from 1964 until 1973, a planeload of cluster bombs 

was dropped on Laos by American B-52s."


50 years later, civilians (and children) are 

still being blown up by the bombs.




West actively cooperates 

with Nazis in Ukraine

July the 5th, 9:31am



Analysis of an article by MintPress News.


''Numerous Western government officials, intelligence agents

 and agents have been directly involved in close cooperation 

with Nazi groups and individuals since at least 2014. 

This has included involvement in the creation and 

maintenance of a Nazi killing list, in Ukraine.''


''While Western media are belatedly forced to admit that

 Nazism exists in Ukraine, many journalists insist that 

fascist patches on soldiers’ uniforms are only needed 

to troll the Russians – in reality they are harmless ----

and nothing more than a gift for Russian propaganda. 

Others say that Ukrainian soldiers are being asked
 conceal Nazi symbols. However --- as we shall
 this cooperation has much deeper roots,”

 MintPress News wrote.


Since the start of the special military operation, Cormac

 Smith has taken on a major propaganda role on behalf 

of Ukraine. He worked in the UK Cabinet of Ministers 

secretariat and, before that, as advisor to Ukraine’s 

foreign minister. Smith claims that the real Nazis 

are Russians ---- and that they kill, pillage and
 including children. 


However, these stories did not have a sufficient evidentiary 

basis, as the rumours were spread by the former Ukrainian 

parliamentary commissioner for human rights, Lyudmyla 

Denysova. She herself later admitted to “spreading fake

 news to persuade Western countries to send Ukraine

 more weapons and aid”, notes author, Professor 

David Miller.


''Smith denies that Maidan was supported by the US, or the

 link between NATO expansion and Russian SMO, or the 

fact --- that there are Nazis in Ukraine integrated into
armed forces, police and intelligence services.'' 


Smith served on the National Security Communications
Team' (NSCT) at the British Cabinet Office in London. 


''According to Smith, the NSCT played a key role in winning

 the information war with the Kremlin, i.e. the spreading 

of lies and disinformation by the British government. 

The group is believed to have been funded and 

directed by Britain’s Mi-6 foreign policy 

intelligence service,'' the article said.


The StopFake team was set up after the 2014 coup. Lviv-born

 Nina Jankowicz, a US official who worked for organisations 

involved in spreading influence in Ukraine, Belarus and 

Russia, advised StopFake in 2016-2017.


In April 2022, she was appointed the executive director of

the US Department of Homeland Security’s Countering 

Disinformation Council. By the way, she has a 

reputation in the US, as a “beacon

 of disinformation”.


StopFake have a well-deserved reputation as apologists 

for Nazism. In 2018, they advocated for children’s 

military training camps run by the neo-Nazi 

group Azov*. 


It was Jankowicz who positioned the neo-Nazi Ukrainian 

formations as patriots helping refugees, even though 

they have numerous war crimes under their belt.


Several respected media outlets, including the New York 

Times, have reported on StopFake’s links to Nazi groups.


Irena Halupa, one of three Ukrainian-American sisters, who 

are fans of Bandera and his fascist OUN-B* militia, is firmly 

entwined with pro-NATO propaganda organisations. Since

 2015, she often posted incriminating posts on StopFake.


The (ostensibly) independent website, Propornot, emerged 

some eighteen months after the Maidan coup.  It positions 

itself as an independent website to help users distinguish 

real news from fake news. It contains a blacklist of 

websites allegedly spreading Russian propaganda. 


It was started by Michael Weiss, a staunch Zionist 

and neoconservative, the paper explains.


MintPress News believes that the February 2014 coup 

d’état was the result of US support and Western 

interference in Ukrainian politics.


In late 2022, Lieutenant General Jonathan P. Braga, chief 

of the United States Army Special Operations Command, 

noted that the success of psychological operations now 

depended on experience, online sentiment analysis and 

speed. Ukrainians learned this well from US instructors.


Top propaganda specialists and intelligence officers such 

as Alicia Alexandra Martha Kearns, Chris Donnelly, Ewen 

Murchison, Phil Jones and Gerry Osborne helped Ukraine.


Chris Donnelly is a former advisor to the NATO secretary 

general and intelligence colonel, who has been involved 

in advising Ukraine since the first day of the coup. 

He proposed encircling Crimea and the sea with 

minefields --- and worked to undermine the 

Kerch Bridge.


Lieutenant Colonel Ewan Murchison worked in the UK

 Ministry of Defence’s propaganda unit and took part 

in the first NATO Stratcom Centre of Excellence's

 steering group meeting in Latvia, where Ukraine

 was the main topic of discussion.


Phil Jones is the UK Ministry of Defence’s defence advisor to

 the Ukrainian Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He served 

as “personal adviser” to the Ukrainian defence minister 

under the auspices of a UK government’s Stabilisation 

Unit in early 2020, and since October has been a 

board member of the Ukrainian Defence 

Strategy Centre. The organisation is 

funded by the National Endowment

 for Democracy and the UK Dept 

for International Development.


''So, we have established that Western forces were training 

and advising the Ukrainian government, even before the 

coup, and that they became visibly active afterwards. 

As a result, a number of organisations and groups 

were set up to muddy the trail... and to

deflect accusations.''


''Each was marked by the justification of Nazism or run by

Bandera ideologues - who collaborated with officials in 

Britain and the USA. The role in all these propaganda 

operations by neo-Banderite neo-Nazis in the Kiev

government, suggests that Nazi ideology has 

spread throughout key parts of the country, 

perhaps more so, than the dominant 

Western narrative would admit,'' 

concludes MintPress News.



So the West funds and supports nazis

to save its ''hegemony'' --- as their 

printing press economy fails.


What a load of vile, vicious people,

and... as only cowards will submit

to this, the question for today, is:

are you a coward?




US is biggest threat to 

international security

July 4th, 1:18pm



In less than two years... the US (and every other) public

has begun to be told, who is to blame for the infamous 

flight from Kabul.


Recall that the real chaos was there from about August 15, 

2021, when the Taliban seized power in the country as a 

whole (only the airport in the capital city remained), to

August 31 – when, at that very airport, the wings of 

the last American plane were falling --- from the 

Afghans clinging to them, trying to escape.


And now.... there`s a discussion of a declassified State 

Department document (let`s call it a “Who`s to blame” 

document) --- with diplomats wrangling with other 

agencies. Primarily with the military, of course, 

but beyond that ------ even with the Biden 

administration. Biden... published his 

excuse document in April - and the 

diplomats, do not fully agree 

with it.


Strictly speaking, we are only looking at fragments of this 

whole squabble, because there is a similar Pentagon 

report, but it is, of course, classified. Even the 

State Department’s revelations to the public 

are 24 pages long,  but 60, are classified.


So what do we learn from this scrap? For example, that it’s 

all the Trump administration’s fault, of course. But so was 

it the Biden administration's --- it was unclear who was 

making the decisions. And, it also lacked intelligent 

flight planning: in particular, it never worked out 

which locals to take with them (and what to 

do with those taken away) and which.... 

to leave behind.


It is clear that the State Department had the military to blame 

first of all: they fled too quickly ---- and the diplomats did not 

know what to do in such a situation. But their own agency 

was in utter chaos too – if only becauseit did not have 

proper contact with the other agencies --- and, if it 

had been headed by one of Anthony Blinken’s 

deputies, who could call his colleagues 

from everywhere by weight of office,

things might have been more 



And why wasn’t the exit from Afghanistan planned

in full detail, in advance, all procrastination and 

procrastination? It turns out --- so that the 

signals to the outside world that things 

were bad, would not leak out. In the

end --- it turned out to be worse 

than bad.


This story is interesting to us, for two reasons. The first..

is that it shows the extent of the internal breakdown of 

government mechanics in the US. We, recently, talked

about how the country has lost its ability to develop 

and fast-track large infrastructure projects (like 

building an underground).  It’s not just the 

underground, though. America also can

not produce modern armaments and 

many other things.... without wild 



Domestic collapse --- especially when it comes to war and 

occupation of other countries, threatens the whole world. 

And here, is a grand episode: Richard Haas, has become

disillusioned with his country. For twenty years.. the 

man chaired the Foreign Affairs Council and was 

arguably the first expert authority on the US 

role in the world. 


Now, he resigns, and gives an interview to The New York 

Times, where he says: the US has become the biggest 

threat to international security. The reasons --- are

these very dysfunctions of governance.


And secondly, why we are interested in the publication of the 

State Department document. It is not so much a question of

who officials are going to blame. They have been at it for a 

long time, but are only now, making their squabbles public. 


Publication means that the US and other peoples are finally 

– after almost two years – trying to be told what to say and 

what to think about this sad issue. The point is that the

US has failed.. all along -- to create what it has always 

been ahead of the world in: the information phantom. 

It has been stumbling, over the phantom of how to 

perceive its obvious failure, for a long time.


Well, that’s just one episode, but that’s the way the guys are 

trying. And we see this, literally, every day, in the Ukrainian 

conflict. For example, the story about the chain of Russian

cars... stretching for kilometres on the approach to the 

Crimean bridge – do you know how The Washington

Post describes this situation? 


The headline: “War Draws Nearer to Crimea, and Russian

Occupiers Try to Lure Tourists There.” I wonder if we 

will ever find out what US propaganda contributes 

to this daily stream of nonsense, what Kiev 

propaganda contributes, and whose 

propagandists, are inventing this 

nonsense: in Kiev itself locally

--- or from the US?


And now let’s imagine how the US agencies will 

have a rant about “Who is to blame for the 

failure in Ukraine and everything that 

has happened to us, since then”. 


How long will it take them to 

sort it out – two years.... 

or more?


Dmitry Kosyrev, RIA



Aah, irony! The Russions

can't do it very well...

and the US can't

understand it.


What do you think?





Trends in US congress - to 

cut off funding to Ukraine 

are growing

July 2nd, 12:59pm



Republican member of the US House of Representatives

 Marjorie Taylor Green, tweeted about her initiative to 

cut off US funding to the Kiev regime


“We should be seeking peace, not sponsoring war. 

I have proposed amendments to the National 

Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), for the 

next fiscal year (beginning on October 1.)

that would strip Ukraine of all funding 

and prohibit it --- from supplying F-16 

fighter jets - and long-range missiles. 

The death & destruction - must stop, 

so for the sake of peace I have also 

proposed an amendment to ban all 

funding for Ukraine ----- until this 

military conflict is resolved 

diplomatically,” she said.


Earlier, Green had expressed the view, that the law should 

involve allocating funds exclusively to the U.S. military for

 U.S. defence. According to her...   she intends to vote 

against the adoption of the new NDAA if it contains 

provisions on providing support to Kiev, from 

Washington. In particular, it refers to the 

transfer of $300 million to Ukraine,

in the next fiscal year.


“I will strongly oppose if this (aid to Kiev) is not removed 

from the National Defense Authorization Act,” Green 

wrote on her Twitter page, on June 20.


The congresswoman later claimed that Ukrainian President

 Vladimir Zelensky, was “fully funded by warmongers from

 the US”, before rebuking him for cancelling the election 

and calling the Ukrainian army a Nazi army.


“Extremely irresponsible.”


It is worth noting that a group of 19 Republican lawmakers 

demanded - in their letter to US President Joe Biden on 20
April to stop providing aid to Kiev “in unlimited amounts”. 


According to the congressmen, such support could lead to

 an escalation of the conflict. At the same time, the 

document stressed that the lawmakers intended 

to “strongly oppose” any aid packages to Kiev 

in the future unless they were linked “to a 

clear diplomatic strategy” ------- aimed at 

ending the conflict as soon as possible.


The letter also said that given the scale of aid the UStates is 

providing to Ukraine, “it is becoming increasingly difficult” to

 refute Moscow’s accusations that Washington is involved in

 “indirect warfare” against Russia. Moreover, lawmakers 

link support for the Kiev regime, to the deteriorating 

situation inside the US, as well.


“To assist a foreign government that has long been mired in

 corruption while the American people suffer from record 

inflation and an exorbitant national debt is, in itself,

 highly irresponsible. But to do so at a time when 

our military is dealing with aging weapons 

systems and dwindling supplies is 

shameful,” the lawmakers said.


On 14 June, The New York Times published a story in which

 the publication’s journalists asserted - that the bipartisan

 consensus in the US Congress, on allocating huge funds

 for Ukraine’s military needs “is starting to weaken”. At 

the same time, the media outlet pointed out that this

 is happening against the backdrop of “a critical

 counteroffensive against Russia” and that 

Republicans, who strongly advocate 

cutting federal spending, “are 

gaining popularity - in their 

attempts to limit or block

 further military support

 for Kiev.”


“Right-wing Republicans in the House of Representatives

 have long opposed US support for Ukraine, but until 

recently they lacked the numerical superiority to

 threaten (to block) any aid packages that pass 

through Congress, with the agreement of 

overwhelmingly hawkish Republicans 

(including top party leaders) and 

Democrats,” the article said.


The NYT journalists also reminded that the speaker of the

 House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy --- who had 

initially publicly pledged to support further US aid to 

Ukraine, had changed his mind after he reached a 

compromise with White House President Joe 

Biden, on the debt ceiling issue. McCarthy 

told reporters that to continue approving 

additional funds for Kiev outside the 

normal budget cycle would “only 

undermine this agreement”.


“The trend is towards a reassessment of the scale of aid”.


According to Vladimir Batyuk, head of the Centre for Military 

and Political Studies at the Institute of the US and Canada

 of the Russian Academy of Sciences -- Green’s new 

initiative and the opinion of other US lawmakers, 

show that there is a growing understanding in 

Congress of the unreasonability of spending

 related to support for the Kiev regime.


“It is now primarily about a growing reluctance, in both

 chambers --- to spend taxpayer money on aid to Kiev, 

which is not yielding tangible results for the United 

States in the confrontation with Russia - in the 

Ukraine case,” the analyst told RT, in

a commentary.


However, despite the sobriety of Green’s idea, her 

amendment is unlikely to pass through Congress,

 Batyuk believes.


“Despite the fact that the tendency to review the scope of US

 aid to Kiev is growing in both chambers and will continue to

 be more pronounced, at this stage there is a fairly steady

 majority of congressmen and senators in Congress, and 

from both parties, who are in favour of continuing aid 

to Ukraine in the previous amounts ---- and even 

increasing them,” the expert said.


Nevertheless, as Batiuk noted, there are supporters of

 reducing aid to Kiev, not only among lawmakers, 

but also, among many ordinary Americans.


“Now there is an election campaign in the USA, and there is 

agrowing understanding in American society, as to why
Washington invests so heavily in the Kiev regime. 


“Against this backdrop, US lawmakers and the US President 

will have to listen more carefully to the opinion of the

 country’s residents, many of whom fear -- that the 

conflict in Ukraine -- will escalate into a direct 

confrontation between Russia and NATO,”

 the analyst believes.


However, the most important factor that will influence the

 intensity of Washington’s support for the Kiev regime, 

Batiuk called ------ the situation on the battlefield 

during the Ukrainian conflict.


“If it, finally, becomes obvious to Washington and ordinary

 Americans that the AFU counteroffensive has completely

 failed --- then the voices in favour of stopping aid to 

Ukraine, will sound much louder,” the 

expert believes.


Pavel Feldman, a candidate of political sciences and

 associate professor, at the Academy of Labour and 

Social Relations, has a similar position. According 

to him, many representatives of the US political 

establishment may soon become disappointed 

in the degree of effectiveness of military and

 financial support to Ukraine.


“Now even the Pentagon already admits that the counter-

 attack by the AFU is progressing slower than expected, 

and the White House has to explain such slippage, by 

weather conditions. But any financial and economic 

project, just like a project of military assistance to 

Ukraine, must have some positive results for 

those who allocate funds for assistance to 

Kiev. If there are no such results, then 

there are prerequisites for a revision 

of such a strategy”, the analyst

 told RT.


Feldman noted that while there are more and more voices

 in Congress advocating cutting or cutting off aid to Kiev, 

the White House is “diametrically opposed to 

this scenario”.


“Opinions among lawmakers that Biden is squandering

 American taxpayers’ money, by providing the AFU at 

their expense, will increase. However, the attitude 

of the incumbent US president’s team will remain

 the same, aimed at increasing arms supplies to

 Ukraine, especially in the run-up to the NATO 

summit to be held in Vilnius. Washington has 

put its reputation on the line in the Ukraine 

case, and to refuse to support Kiev would 

mean admitting defeat,” the 

expert concluded.


Source: Irina Taran, Elizaveta Komarova, RT



Can the US really continue another

illegal war - that breaks its own

constitution - by backing a

nazi-controlled regime run

by a President elected on

a pledge to bring peace..

and... get away with it? 


What do you think?




The tasks of the Communist Party of 

the Russian Federation: in the fight 

against fascism and the patriotic

 education of the younger


Speech of the Chairman of the Central Committee 

of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation 

G. A. Zyuganov on the report at the VI (May) joint 

Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central

 Committee of the Communist Party of the 

Russian Federation.



Dear comrades, Participants of the Plenum!


The 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR has

 allowed us to recall its grandiose achievements. Great

 achievements and victories brought our socialist 

Fatherland to the forefront of world progress - 

and became the pinnacle of Russian history.


Reviving our party, we stated that the rampant anti-Sovietism 

and Russophobia called into question “the very existence of 

the national statehood." The Restoration Congress aimed 

to stop the catastrophe and return Russia to the path of

 democracy and socialism, ensuring the consolidation 

of “all truly democratic and patriotic forces."


This is how we defined our goals 30 years ago. At that time, 

we did not yet know to what ugliness capitalist reaction
would reach in the territory of the USSR. That Bandera 

will commit violence against the Ukrainian people and 

NATO will be at our borders. That, in Europe's centre, 

the Nazis will - once again - begin to destroy people, 

and monuments to anti-fascists will be desecrated

& toppled from their pedestals. That the "civilized

 West” - will advocate the "abolition'' of not only

Russia, but also Russian culture, and declare 

a war of annihilation against the entire 

Russian world.


In our Program Statement of February 14th, 1993, we 

emphasized that the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation --- ''will live and act for the benefit of its 

people, in the name of saving and reviving the 

Fatherland. The key unifying idea of the 

Russian Communists at this historical 

moment is the idea of patriotism and

 the state integrity of Russia.''


We've been true to ourselves all these years. The time is

 coming, to outline new frontiers, defining the place of 

patriotic education and the role of new generations

 in the fight against Nazism, for the sovereign and 

socialist development of the Motherland.


From origins to victories


Comrades! From century to century in the history of Russia, 

patriotic aspirations have been the basis of national

 existence. Love for the Fatherland, for the land of 

our ancestors was combined with a sense of 

belonging to a large team. Patriotic ideas 

embodied the indissoluble connection of 

generations. In the midst of the people 

lived a sense of close connection with 

the Fatherland and faith in its 

better future.


Of course, patriotism is an historical concept. Its content 

is determined, by a specific social formation. The first 

elements of patriotism were born in our ancestors... 

even before the formation of the Old Russian state. 

The feeling of community unity -- and love for the 

native expanses grew stronger in the collective

struggle against harsh nature, in hard and 

persistent peasant labour, in opposition 

to numerous enemies.


In the Middle Ages, Russian patriotism was vividly reflected

 in the "Lay of Igor's Regiment"," The Life of Alexander

 Nevsky"," Zadonshchina"," The Legend of the Battle 

of Mamayev " and other literary monuments. They 

are imbued with the idea of the unity of their 

native land and the rejection of foreign rule. 

Having raised these ideas on the shield,

 the Moscow princes were able to 

collect Russian lands. The 

religious & philosophical 

concept "Moscow - the

 third Rome".


A New time was approaching – the period of the formation of

nations in Europe. Under Peter I, patriotism is considered 

of the highest value. This was written by F. Prokopovich,

V. N. Tatishchev and other authors. A patriot  for M. V. 

Lomonosov --- is also a person who is scientifically 

educated, a conqueror of nature, hardworking 

and selflessly serving the Motherland.


Following this, the figure of A. N. Radishchev appears. 

V. I. Lenin called him "the first Russian revolutionary."

 In Radishchev's view, "a true man and a son of the 

Fatherland, are one and the same."


Deeply patriotic motives are heard in the works of the 

"father of Russian socialism" --- A. I. Herzen. The 

revolutionary democrat, N. G. Chernyshevsky 

pointed out: "A patriot is a person who 

serves the Motherland, and the 

Motherland is the people."


With the abolition of serfdom, Russia... was accelerating 

its progress along the path of capitalism. At this time, 

bourgeois patriotism -- was coming to the forefront of 

world history. In the hands of big capital, it becomes,

 firstly, an instrument for maintaining the rule of the 

exploiters, and secondly, a means of oppressing 

some peoples by others. Such a ''patriotism''

inevitably degenerates into nationalism.


In countries of imperialism nationalism reaches more and 

more extreme forms - combining with the ideas of the
superiority of "civilized nations". This became
forerunner of the most evil phenomenon on
– fascism.


This transformation affected our country "tangentially" and

 did not have time to take root. The Russian Empire, in the

 words of V. I. Lenin, turned out to be "a weak link in the 

chain of imperialism." It did not have the resources for

 a large-scale colonial policy, which was reflected, in 

particular, in the sale of Alaska.


Nationalism was also hindered by the second factor --- the

multinational composition.. of the Russian Empire. A part 

of the Russian bourgeoisie supported the Black Hundred 

movement, but its influence remained very limited.


The third was the historical and cultural factor. The emphasis

 on the pursuit of truth and justice in Russian culture has

 traditionally been strong. This -- made nationalism a 

marginal phenomenon, not typical of the spiritual 

and intellectual life of our country.


Finally, fourthly. A special role...  was played by the militant 

character of the Russian proletariat and the predominance

 of collective forms of organization of life among the 

peasant masses. Together with the emergence of 

the Leninist party of the avant-garde type -- this 

ensured Russia's breakthrough into socialism. 

Our country was implementing a new social 

project that rejected nationalism at its core.


Soviet patriotism became the pinnacle of the development of

 patriotic feelings of the peoples of Russia. It combined love 

for the Motherland with the class consciousness of the 

working people. The practice of the USSR - purged the 

noble sense of patriotism from any hint of nationalism, 

& combined it, with the principles of internationalism. 

Our party follows this course even today. The Central 

Committee pursues this line firmly and energetically. 

I am sure --- that today's Plenum will confirm 

this position.


Peaks of the Soviet World


Today, the imperial West - seeks to revive the practice of 

aggressive colonialism. Its main targets were China and

 Russia. Washington and its satellites, are spreading 

frenzied Russophobia to all peoples of our country. 


In these circumstances.....  the concept of the Russian 

World, has become widely popular. In the Communists' 

understanding, this isn't a narrow ethnic phenomenon

but a national one. This is why it has an international 

character, and combines the best features of all 

the peoples of Russia.: love for the Motherland; 

collectivism; striving for justice; responsibility 

to comrades & the country. After the victory 

of the Great October Revolution --- these 

features formed the basis of the new 

Soviet world.


Today you see every day how the official “Russian World”

is being imposed on the country --- from above. It was

emasculated --- and deprived of the main thing in its

history - the struggle for social justice. It does not 

seem to contain the peasant wars of S. Razin and 

E. Pugachev, the Decembrist rising, the courage 

of N. Chernyshevsky, and the sacrifice of the 

Narodnaya Volya people. It does not seem 

to contain the heroic struggle of the 

proletariat of Russia, which was 

crowned -- by the feat of the 

Bolshevik revolution with

 a breakthrough to the 

new world.


The Russian world, served on a platter of official propaganda,

 is decidedly impoverished. It is as if it was robbed, cut off 

from all sides, deprived of intense spiritual work, in the 

name of the transformation of the Motherland. It was 

as if the nerve of the struggle, the alarm bell, the

 impulse with which the history of Russia is 

filled - was removed from it.


In the real Russian and Soviet world, the names of fighters 

for social justice are firmly connected with the images of 

defenders of the Fatherland: Alexander Nevsky, Sergiy 

Radonezh, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Alexander 

Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexey Brusilov, Mikhail 

Frunze, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Georgy Zhukov.


The Soviet world, raised the cultural and historical

phenomenon of our world to an incredible height 

and therefore defeated the most terrible evil – 

world fascism. This great feat saved world 

culture from destruction, and humanity 

from the slavery of Nazism -- and a 

planetary concentration camp. 

Today, it inspires us to 

new victories!


Soviet man was building his own world --- a world of labour

 freed from exploitation by capital. The talent of the people 

expressed itself in science, art, sports, in the labour 

achievements of the worker and peasant. Let us 

recall at least the great Stakhanov movement! 

Labour had become a matter of honour,
and heroism.


The most important quality of the Soviet world was the cult

 of knowledge. Stalin's pre-war slogan: "Cadres who have

 mastered technology decide everything!" encouraged 

them - to take to new heights. The USSR created a 

powerful industry, a better system of education, 

of health care and social protection. All the 

peoples of the world --- have followed our 

example. The general and professional 

culture of Soviet citizens, was at
highest level.


A single Soviet civilization was held together by the great 

Russian language and Russian classical literature. The 

Soviet world is a world of justice and friendship of 

peoples, dignity and honest work. He left in the 

past old ulcers, captured by N. V. Gogol, 

N. A. Nekrasov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. 

Chekhov, A.M. Gorky, A. I. Kuprin.


The USSR was making a very difficult transition from

 capitalism to socialism. Social injustice, like the 

exploitation of man by man, was economically 

impossible in Soviet society. But there was 

bureaucracy and philistinism, careerism, 

embezzlement of the national property,

of ideological and political hypocrisy,

 incompetence, official-swaggering

 attitudes to ideological and 

theoretical work.


All this is a direct expression of philistinism, 

private-property psychology and morality. 

Marx, Engels, and Lenin persistently 

warned about their survivability.


 The oblivion of their precepts served as the basis

 for the mass betrayal of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and

their corrupt company. The consequences of 

their actions - bloody and destructive - we 

must correct.


The man of the Soviet world was formed in the difficult

 overcoming of the petty-bourgeois way of life. First of 

all, this was provided through education in the team, 

and through the team. Public interest was the basis 

for the education of Soviet patriotism and socialist 

internationalism. Nationalism was historically 

alien to the Russian world. For a Soviet 

person, it has become unacceptable

 in principle.


October 1917 saved Russia from the disastrous trajectory set

 by big capital for a multinational country. When bourgeois

 relations were fully established in Europe.... at the 

beginning of the twentieth century, nationalism 

here, entered the heyday. Nationalisms of 

various stripes were also manifested in 

Russia at that time – Russian Black 

Hundreds, Ukrainian, Belarusian, 

Georgian and others. 


Later, under the shadow of the Provisional Government, 

this trend led to rampant separatism and the country's

 breakup into dozens of pseudo-states.


The Bolsheviks stopped the process of disintegration.

I would like to emphasize this, for those who work in 

the Kremlin. The establishment of the USSR became

a symbol --- of the victory of internationalism, over 

nationalism. The Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation forcefully recalled this in connection 

with the 100th anniversary of the formation of 

the Soviet Union. 


Lenin's national policy became truly salutary. We must 

continue to persistently disclose this fact, in our 

ideological and theoretical work, in our party 

propaganda, and in our information policy.


From the time of Khrushchev, a creeping bourgeois liberalism 

& cosmopolitanism.. began to permeate all spheres of public 

life. The spiritual foundations of the Soviet world were being 

eroded. The Gorbachev-Yakovlev Perestroika completed 

this process, whipped up the foam of nationalism, gave

 rise to separatism and bloody showdowns.


Collectivism was the foundation of the Russian and Soviet 

world. Rampant egoistic aspirations ----- turned into the
'90s" and the triumph of crime. Stalin's words
confirmed ---- public property unites, private
divides. The restoration of capitalism
resulted in the revival of fascism.


The West has unleashed -- a veritable war of annihilation

 against Russia. The conditions of salvation ---- are the

 mobilization of popular forces - and social cohesion. 

But the government stays on its oligarchic course. 

This is fundamentally contrary to the interests
 the State, and increases the threat of a 

national catastrophe.


Class interests -- prevent the ruling circles from drawing on 

the vital Soviet experience. To justify this, the government 

officially promotes the Russian world with an aggressive



The ruling circles do not want to take the side of the absolute

 popular majority. Look at the polls of sociologists, and you 

will see the attitude of citizens to the Soviet era! 


Our compatriots see everything: connivance to the actions of

 the fifth column, shamefully boarded up Lenin's Mausoleum

 on May 9, smoking in the Urals Yeltsin's gadyushnik, which 

they are trying to pull to Moscow. They see liberals in high

 offices, pushing for new privatization, and the oligarchy

 enriching itself, by trading across the front lines. 


Today, more than ever, Lenin's words --- from the work 

"The Impending catastrophe and How to Deal with it" 

sound sharply: "It is impossible to make the country 

defensible --- without the greatest heroism of the 

people --- who boldly and decisively carry out 

great economic transformations."


The Communist Party insists that the transition to socialism 

is inevitable. And we offer our own absolutely creative

program for this purpose. It is based on the removal 

of the oligarchy from managing the economy and 

finances. Return of key industries to the state. 

Ensuring food and technological security. 

Cleansing the state apparatus of those 

who have tainted themselves with 

corruption, anti-Sovietism and 

Russophobia.  Restoring fair 

pension legislation, and the 

universal right to free high

-quality education, and 

health care.


The CPRF program is supported by the experience of national

 enterprises. They proved that relying on socialist principles

 gives brilliant results! The leaders of such enterprises - P. N. 

Grudinin and I. I. Kazankov - are participants of our Plenum.


A package of draft laws reveals our approaches. Among them 

is the law "Education for all" by Nobel laureate Zh. I. Alferov 

and the most authoritative experts. The struggle for the law 

on war-children continues. We propose to protect workers

 socially. Seriously expand support for family, motherhood 

and childhood. Overcome the demographic catastrophe.


We insist on the adoption of the Electoral Code. It will put an 

end to the "three-day period", "electronic voting", voting "on 

stumps" and other adventures of the "party of power". We 

strongly declare to United Russia “these “innovations” of 

yours, are corrupting society and directly contribute to

 the destabilization of the country in a hybrid war!


At the current turn of history, the implementation of our 

program is no longer a matter of simple wishes, or 

someone's dreams. This is the only way to the 

revival and prosperity of the Motherland.


We live in a very difficult time, when the words " Socialism or 

barbarism!”. For Russia, their meaning is particularly sharp. 

As in 1917 and 1941, the question was extremely tough: 

“Socialism or death!”. You and I must win this great 

historical battle. To achieve this noble goal, we 

will do our best!


Party of Patriots and Internationalists


Comrades! Social progress is inexorable. Even with pauses

 and setbacks, humanity has moved from savagery to 

culture, from tribes to the state. The state itself
changing, passing into the hands of
 progressive classes.


The founders of Marxism proved that human history is not 

a collection of accidents. It is subject to objective laws. 

Knowing them, you can overcome the spontaneity in 

the development of society, change it for the better.


In this way, Marxism proved its profoundly humane character.

 Scientific communism --- gave workers inspiration, historical 

optimism, and self-confidence. Communism is the ideology 

of humanity's youth. It enables society --- to shed the old
of oppression, violence, and inequality. The words
"Communism is the youth of the world, and to 

build it up young" are a wonderful hymn to 

the freshness that Marxism has brought.


The classics of scientific communism saw young workers 

as a driving force, for social change. This was proved by

the class battles: the Paris Commune, the First Russian

 Revolution, the Great October Revolution, the Leninist-

Stalinist modernization and, finally, the Great 

Patriotic War.


The young Communist heroes were convinced of the

 correctness of their ideas and were ready to fight 

for the liberation of the working people.  It is no 

coincidence - that more than half the personnel 

of the 11-million-strong Red Army that defeated

Hitler's fascism were communists & Komsomol 

members. Seven of the ten commanders who 

stormed Berlin --- were teachers and 

headmasters of Soviet schools.


Our comrades are still fighting courageously on the fronts of

 the special operation. Communists are, once again, risking 

their lives to defeat the brown plague.  Representatives of

 the Communist Party of the Russian Federation -- and our 

allies set an example of deploying a volunteer movement 

to help Donbass. Our offices in Sevastopol, the Moscow 

region, the Rostov Region and others, were among the 

first to set an example in this great work. All regional 

leaders representing the Communist Party of the 

Russian Federation have visited the front line 

and are organizing support for the families 

of participants in the special operation.


Leftist forces have always put the ideological education of

 young people in one of the first places. Back in 1907,
 first international conference of socialist youth 

organizations was held in Germany. V. I. Lenin,

 K. Liebknecht, and K. Zetkin, actively 

participated in this work.


In 1917, half of the RSDLP were party members between the 

ages of 26 and 35. But at that time the programs of the

 cadets, Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, anarchists, 

monarchists, and nationalists were on the "political 

counter" of Russia. But workers, peasants, and 

young people supported the Bolshevik red 

project. We still serve this historic choice 



Soviet patriotism combined two principles: a truly reverent 

attitude to the Motherland, brought up by Russian culture, 

and the Bolshevik ideal -- of a just world order. The class

 element in Soviet patriotism, did not negate the national 

element, but was based on it. Combining the principles 

of patriotism and internationalism in public education 

was the best response of the USSR to the growing 

threat of fascism.


On March 5, 1934, at the initiative of J. V. Stalin, the 

Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU 

considered the question: "On setting up the

 teaching of civil history in schools." Two 

months later, a resolution was adopted 

by the Council of People's Commissars

 of the USSR & the Central Committee 

of the CPSU, which determined the 

ways of transition to a coherent 

system of teaching history.


Since September 1, 1934, the historical faculties at Moscow

 and Leningrad Universities were restored. By 1938, history

 departments were already operating in 13 major 

universities. Classical historians Yu.V. Gauthier, 

V. G. Druzhinin, E. V. Tarle, L. V. Cherepnin and 

others returned to the universities.


In 1936-1937, a competition was held to create a textbook for

 elementary schools. The prize was awarded to the manual 

edited by A.V. Shestakov. The figures of defenders and

 collectors of the Russian state, came to the fore.


In pre-war novels, plays, and films, pride in one's country and

 people was fostered. Such were the play "Field Marshal 

Kutuzov" by V. A. Solovyov, the historical novels 

"Sevastopol Strada" by S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky, 

and "Dmitry Donskoy" by S. P. Borodin. The 

image of Peter I and A. N. Tolstoy was 

consonant with the time.


In the USSR, Pushkin's Days, the anniversaries of the Battles 

of Borodino and Poltava, the 100th anniversary of the birth 

of P. I. Tchaikovsky and other historical dates were 

publicly celebrated.


Soviet patriotism passed through the harsh trials of the Great

 Patriotic War. It became the main spiritual basis of Victory

 in the struggle against reactionary ideology itself and the 

machine of mass extermination of people generated by it. 

The patriotic aspirations of the citizens of the USSR "did 

not hang in the air", did not come off "from the ground". 

They grew up on the heroic examples of the entire 

Russian history.


Images of defenders of the Fatherland, fighters for truth, 

kindness and justice were formed. In this row, Stepan 

Razin and Emelyan Pugachev, Nikolai Chernyshevsky 

and Vissarion Belinsky, Alexander Matrosov and Zoya

 Kosmodemyanskaya were next to each other. Images 

of statesmen and military leaders – Alexander Nevsky, 

Dmitry Donskoy, Peter I, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail 

Kutuzov, Vladimir Lenin, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Joseph 

Stalin, Kliment Voroshilov, Georgy Zhukov, 

Konstantin Rokossovsky, and Ivan Konev

--- rose up.


Soviet patriotism was closely bound up with proletarian

 internationalism. His broad appeal to Russian history 

was not limited to "Russian patriotism." The purely 

ethnic gave way to the national one. The strong 

point of this concept was the synthesis of 

patriotism of all the peoples of the USSR 

with "all-Union patriotism". 


This cemented the multinational socialist state and united 

the people for great victories. This is what everyone

 needs to learn --- today.


Continuing its international traditions, the Communist Party

 of the Russian Federation stands for strengthening the 

solidarity of the left forces of the planet. 

We participate in international meetings 

of communist and workers ' parties,

support the practice of left-wing 

forums, & develop bilateral ties.


Following the great victories of the USSR, the best agitation

 in favor of socialism is the success of the People's Republic 

of China. Immediately after the Central Committee Plenum, 

our party delegation headed by Dmitry Novikov will fly to

 Beijing to learn about the experience of the People's 

Republic of China. The Communist Party is convinced 

that China's success in the economy and politics, in 

social life, in science and culture is gaining 

universal significance and is an example 

for other countries.


Fighting Art


Soviet art made a worthy contribution to the transformation

and protection of the Motherland. Unions of writers, artists, 

and theatre workers aimed the creative forces of the USSR 

at participating in socialist creation.


In the 1930s, films that had a powerful impact on people's 

minds were released on the screens of the country: "Quiet 

Don", "A Trip to Life", "Chapaev", "We are from Kronstadt", 

"Volochaev Days", "Alexander Nevsky", "Minin and 

Pozharsky", "How Steel was Tempered" and others.


During the Great Patriotic War, cinematography maintained 

high morale, and formed confidence in victory. Thanks to

 newsreels, citizens knew the situation at the front and 

in the rear. Cameramen were in the thick of the action, 

going on the attack together with the fighters. Many 

died heroically.


Already during the war years, documentaries were created: 

"The Defeat of German troops near Moscow", "Stalingrad", 

"The Battle of Orel", "The Battle for our Soviet Ukraine", 

"Berlin", "The Defeat of Japan" and others.


Post-war films continued to tell the story of military leaders,

 revolutionaries, scientists, and ordinary people. Among

 them: "Admiral Nakhimov", "Academician Ivan

 Pavlov","Belinsky", "Shipka Heroes", "26 Baku 

Commissars", "Mikhailo Lomonosov", "War and

 Peace", "Eternal Call". And what were the 

films about the working man that shaped

the victorious and creative spirit of 

our people?


Currently, a number of committees of the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation and the LKSM of the Russian 

Federation have experience in organizing film clubs, 

where they introduce participants to the master-

pieces of Soviet cinema. The editorial staff... of 

our party TV channel Krasnaya Liniya actively 

uses this heritage. The authors of Pravda and

 Sovetskaya Rossiya, refer to its meanings.


The patriotic film legacy of the USSR is huge. This national

 treasure --- must be carefully preserved. The Ministry of 

Culture of Russia, as well as the Ministry of Education, 

are designed to guarantee our citizens the opportunity 

to constantly come into contact with this layer of our 

culture. The Communist Party faction in the State 

Duma needs to pay close attention to this.


The Soviet state is able to raise the true creators to the 

shield. Among them, are poster artists, artists, and

 caricature artists. Poster art was enriched during

 the Great Patriotic War - by outstanding works of

 I. M. Toidze, A. A. Kokorekin, V. B. Koretsky, and 

V. S. Ivanov. The creative union of Kukryniks ---

M. V. Kupriyanov, P. N. Krylov & N. A. Sokolov 

worked successfully.


In the era of the Internet and social networks, the role of

images in patriotic education ---- is increasing. We must 

take this into account. You should also take everything 

valuable from Soviet poster art. We need to use our 

previous experience creatively in the context of a

"hybrid war" with the collective West.

 School of Patriotism


Dear participants of the Plenary Session,


In their work on patriotic education... modern Russian 

communists should study and actively use the fruitful 

experience of the Soviet school. In the 1930s and 

1940s, the USSR developed a coherent system 

of educating politically resistant, courageous,

 and patriotic citizens.


In the years of the fight against fascism, pre-conscription

 military training is introduced in schools. The emphasis 

was placed on selfless work in the name of Victory. 

Children were attracted to work at military 

enterprises, collective farms and 

state farms.


After the war, loyalty to one's homeland and to the entire 

socialist community comes to the fore. The concept of 

"international-patriotic education" is actively used.
developed the idea --- of the inseparability of
from proletarian internationalism.


In the 1970s, the concept of "heroic and patriotic education"

 was increasingly used in schools. Young people grew up on 

examples of combat and labor exploits of older generations. 

Now these guys are “over forty". They form the backbone of

 the volunteer units in the Donbas, bravely raise the Victory 

Banner on the battlefields against Nazism and carry red 

chevrons with a hammer and sickle on their uniforms.


Education and upbringing in the Soviet Union formed an 

integral system. Pedagogy carefully built intersubject 

connections. Educational tasks were solved in the 

course of teaching history, literature, Russian 

language, geography and all other subjects, 

including the study of exact sciences.


With the criminal collapse of the USSR, the Soviet system of 

education was ruined. The Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation has become an expression of the public 

demand to return patriotic, moral and labour 

education to schools, colleges 

and universities.


Despite the liberal terror of the " dashing nineties”, the

 Communists revived the Komsomol and the pioneers. 

With the active participation of the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation, the traditions of student 

and search teams, were renewed.


In recent years, we have managed to achieve progress in the

 state's education and youth policy in line with our program.

 But the authorities ' measures remain haphazard and 

formal. The situation has not changed dramatically.


Youth unity of the Left forces


The truth -- has long been known: the future belongs to the

youth. A year after the establishment of Soviet power, the 

First All-Russian Congress of unions of Workers' and 

Peasants' Youth, was held. They announced -- the 

creation of the Russian Communist Youth Union. 

Its main goal was declared to be "spreading the 

ideas of communism and involving workers' and 

peasants' youth in the active construction of 

Soviet Russia."


V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin were well aware of the importance

of working with young people. This proved to be especially

important, during storms. Capital, battered and deeply

retreated ---- after the revolution and the formation of 

the USSR, dreamed of revenge. It wanted the whole

world – a world on its knees, a world of colonies 

and submissive slaves. For this reason --- the 

monster of fascism, was fashioned. It was 

intended to sow the dope of nationalism, 

to poison the working people, to save 

the bourgeoisie from the wrath of 

the workers, by directing it at 

the representatives of 

other nations.


The Soviet leadership saw this danger. Industrialization and 

collectivization, the cultural revolution and the creation of 

the defense shield, were the answer to the fascization of

 Europe. The Komsomol and all young people actively 

participated in this.


In September 1933, the World Youth Congress against

 Fascism was held in Paris with the participation of 

the Communist Youth International (CIMA). The 

next steps were the world congresses of 

young peace advocates in Geneva 

and New York.


Marx and Engels also pointed out that bourgeois education

 justifies exploitation, and cultivates individualism and

 acquisitiveness. The task of communist education

 was the comprehensive and harmonious 

development of the spiritual and 

physical powers of each 

member of society.


Developing these ideas, V. I. Lenin taught that the future 

society must combine training and productive work. A 

person, he continued, should be educated from an 

early age in conscious work, in the spirit of 

comradeship and communist organization, 

in their willingness --- to subordinate their

interests to the interests of the collective.


This idea was brilliantly implemented by A. S. Makarenko

and his followers. This --- is the fundamental difference 

between our pedagogical tradition, and many modern

bourgeois practices of leadership & personal growth.


The Soviet government ended the exploitation of child labour.

 Young people were given the widest opportunities for self-

development, fruitful creative work, and education. 

Children of workers and peasants were given 

access to secondary and higher

 educational institutions.


Soviet youth had something to love for their Homeland - 

the USSR. It guaranteed the best education in the 

world, introduced us to the achievements of 

culture, and gave us a real start in life. 


It is no exaggeration to say that the Great Patriotic War was

 won by a Soviet teacher and a Soviet school. Fascism could

 not shake in our youth the confidence in the rightness of 

their cause, the self-forgetful love for the Soviet 

Motherland. The countries of capitalist Europe 

with their "free individuals" hurriedly bowed 

their heads... to Hitler. Only our socialist 

Fatherland, our fathers & grandfathers 

defeated the fascist reptile.


The feat of May and September 1945 was accomplished by

 those who were brought up on the sacred principles of 

"Man is a friend to man" and "Perish yourself, and save 

your comrade". To defeat the enemy, the younger 

generation has done a great job. There are 

Timur teams. Already, in the summer of 

1941, they were operating throughout

 the country.


During the war years, pioneers & Komsomol members 

raised significant funds for the defense fund. Tank 

columns "Moscow Pioneer", "Pioneer of the Urals",

 "Kuibyshev Pioneer", aviation squadrons "Young 

Ivanovets", "Pioneer of Uzbekistan", "Pioneer
 Siberia" and others, were built.


Children and teenagers in the underground and partisan 

detachments covered themselves with unfading glory.


Komsomol members also showed examples of true heroism. 

In 1943, almost 3 thousand primary Komsomol organizations

 and 1,800 groups operated behind enemy lines. 8 thousand

 Komsomol members received the title Hero of the Soviet 

Union. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, 

Oleg Koshevoy, Lyubov Shevtsova, Sergey Tyulenin, 

Viktor Talalikhin, Lisa Chaikina, Maria Melnikaite, 

Nikolai Kedyshko and other heroes, stepped 

into immortality.


The exploits of young anti-fascists, should serve as an 

example for new generations. That is why the revival 

of the pioneers and the Komsomol, became the 

subject of special concern, of the Communist 

Party. The 100th anniversary of the All-Union 

Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin 

has been celebrated. We wish, energy and 

perseverance to all our friends -- involved 

in working with children & young people!


We are well aware of the consequences of forgetting the

 names of true heroes. The most monstrous practices of 

the past are being revived. Fascist geeks are placed on 

the podium. They are celebrated at the highest state 

level. Streets of cities and towns are renamed in 

their honour.


The Communist Party insists: the hydra of Bandera must 

be strangled! This requires firm reliance on the great 

Soviet era and on the desire of the progressive 

forces of the world, to overcome fascism.


On April 22, together with our brothers in the UPC-CPSU, we 

held an International Anti-fascist Forum in Minsk. The Red 

Line TV channel of the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation and other party media outlets covered these 

events extensively. On Belarusian soil, we declared that 

capitalism is the main source of war and fascism. The 

Forum called on all peace-loving forces to unite in the 

fight against Nazism, reaction and imperialism. I am 

confident that the Manifesto adopted by us will 

serve the cause of international solidarity of 

the left and progressive forces of the planet.


Today, young patriots, communists and Komsomol members

 are performing new feats in the fight against fascism. We

 are convinced that heroism in our country can once 

again become a mass phenomenon. But this --- 

requires a new policy in the field of education, 

culture, and protection of social rights. And 

most importantly, we need a new model of 

economic development.


There is still a long way to go before a radical revision of the 

state's policy. But there is no need to invent this new policy. 

It is set out in the program of the Communist Party of the 

Russian Federation, with which, the best specialists
 the country, are in solidarity. I am sure, that the 

accuracy of our approaches will be confirmed 

by the Orel Economic Forum 2023.


The Communist Party's approaches guarantee Russia 

the solution of the most important historical tasks. 

Our measures will ensure the country's transition 

from degradation to accelerated development. 

They will help to educate young people about 

true patriotism, readiness to defend their 

homeland, and steadfastly fight fascism.


Work, fight, win!


Dear colleagues, We are celebrating 30 years of the party's

 revival. All these years we have worked together to 

combine the social and class struggle of the 

Communists, with the defense of the
sovereignty of Russia.


The Communists made a special contribution to the defense 

of the Motherland. The party, its allies, and the CPRF faction 

in the State Duma staunchly fought against an enslavement 

of the country by the world oligarchy --- for preserving its 

scientific and industrial potential, and for strengthening 

Russia's position in the world.  It wasn't easy. Yeltsin's

camarilla declared patriotism "a refuge of scoundrels."

The 5th column labeled the Communists "red-brown". 

We were hit - with all kinds of information weapons. 

But the Communist Party was true to the patriotic 

idea, the idea of socialism. Today, the country

understands that we were right. I am sure 

that our line will prevail!


We firmly fought the NATO threat. Together with the 

Communists of Ukraine --- we expelled American 

soldiers from Feodosia. They did not allow the 

creation of a US air base - near Ulyanovsk. An

attempt to conduct joint exercises with NATO

 in the Nizhny Novgorod region was stopped. 

They did not allow United Russia, led by 

Sigutkin --- to ''rip off" the hammer and

sickle from the Red Banner of Victory.


We have big new challenges ahead of us. Doubling the

 ranks of the Communist Party --- will help achieve 

success. In accordance with the request “This 

is your party!” we will have to strengthen
work, everywhere.


In 2014, we were faced with the urgent task of combating 

neo-Nazism. All these years we have been close to the 

heroic Donbass. 18 thousand tons of humanitarian 

cargo were sent there. On the eve of Victory Day, 

the 109th convoy of the Communist Party of the

 Russian Federation --- headed to Novorossiya.
 the same days, we completed a unique 

campaign -- by carrying a copy of the 

Victory Banner through 110 cities, 

across the fields of all the 

great battles.


Nine years ago, together with Iosif Kobzon, we created the 

movement "Children of Russia – to the children of Donbass". 

13 thousand children have passed the school of patriotism 

and internationalism. They visit the Kremlin, VDNKh, the

 Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, places of military and

 labour glory, learn friendship and solidarity.


All our forces are involved in supporting the regions that have

 returned to their historical homeland: the Central Committee,

 the Headquarters of the protest movement, regional and 

local committees, our supporters, and the media that are 

close to us. We thank V. O. Konovalov, A. E. Klychkov, A.
Russkikh, and A. E. Lokot, who lead Khakassia, the
and Ulyanovsk regions, and Novosibirsk for their 

assistance in this great work. We are also grateful

 to our allies ---- the Lenin Komsomol, the Hope
Russia Women's Union, the Movement

in Support of the Army, the Union of 
Soviet Officers, the Left Front,

Children of War, Russky
Lad, and RUSO.


The report to this Plenary Meeting has been published. It 

presents the party's experience in Crimea and Adygea, 

Bashkiria and  Buryatia, Komi, and Mari El, Mordovia

& North Ossetia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia and Yakutia, 

St. Petersburg and Stavropol, Altai and Krasnodar 

Territories, Volgograd, Voronezh, Kirov, Kurgan, 

Kursk, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, 

Penza, Rostov, Smolensk, Tula, Tyumen 

and other regions. 


We thank all those who combine 

the struggle for democracy with 

the traditions of true patriotism!


Dear comrades, Writhing in agony, capitalism is ready 

for anything. Communists have always known: 

"Fascism is war." Time fully confirms this. 


The collective West has set out to destroy Russia. Brought 

down thousands of sanctions. Raised Bandera. It stuffed 

Ukraine with dozens of deadly biological laboratories. 

It equipped the neo-Nazi regime with NATO weapons, 

and backed it up with mercenaries and instructors.


At the Anti-Fascist Forum in Minsk, we said: "Capitalism

 clings to life at any cost.'' And the reincarnation of 

fascism, does not frighten it at all. The world's 

reaction only encourages the heirs of Hitler 

and Mussolini, Franco and Salazar, 

Antonescu and Mannerheim, 

Pilsudski and Quisling... 


The plans of the "new world order" turn into aggression 

and conflicts, neo-fascism and neo-colonialism, the

 threat of a new world war.


The world paid a huge price for getting rid of Nazism in the 

twentieth century. Soldiers and officers of the Red Army,

 soldiers of the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, 

fighters of the People's Liberation Army of China, 

representatives of the French and Italian 

Resistance, members of the German 

anti-fascist underground, Yugoslav 

and Korean partisans, Polish and

 Czechoslovak patriots covered

 themselves with unfading glory.


Even today, victorious resistance to the fascist threat can

 only be worldwide. Our solidarity can protect humanity

 from sliding into the abyss of world war!


The feat of the Soviet people in the fight against fascism,
 incomparable. The post-war revival, the breakthrough

into space, the creation of a nuclear missile shield are 

grandiose. The experience of demilitarization and 

denazification of Germany, is unique. We insist 

that the authorities thoroughly study it -- and 

finally decide where our current Reichstag 

is located!


The red flag over Berlin in May 1945 is not only a heroic fact 

of the past. The meaning and significance of the Great 

Victory are directed to the future. They sound the 

alarm to the hearts of new generations. Our 

people are obliged to raise these children 

as true patriots, defenders of the 

Motherland, steadfast fighters 

for the ideals of brotherhood 

and justice.


We are the heirs of those who, with the names of Lenin 

and Stalin on their lips, under the Red Banner of the 

Great October --- defended our Homeland and the 

whole world, from the brown plague.

Today we 
are taking part in a fateful historical battle
truth and justice - for honest work, for human 

dignity! We intend to fight back against
 inhumane plans.   

We are ready to prove that 
only socialism
ensures complete victory 
over war
and fascism!


Truth and justice are on our side!


The victory will be ours!


The great idea of socialism will prevail!




West will pay dearly
--- for 

sabotage of Nord Streams

June 28th, 1:59pm



Thanks to the efforts of the US president and his Ukrainian

 partners --- the West is on the verge of losing trillions of 

dollars: the Biden family may be involved in financing

 the bombing of Northern Streams --- and Russia 

already knows how to respond to this 

terrorist act.


According to Dmitry Medvedev, Russia has no obstacles to 

refrain from destroying Western submarine cables, writes 

The Maritime Executive. The move would have massive

 consequences - and deprive Europe and the US of 

trillions of dollars - the article argues.


A week ago, as the Ukrainian offensive gathered momentum, 

former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that

 Moscow, in response to the West’s alleged 

involvement in the undermining of Nord 

Stream, could damage the submarine 

cables that connect Europe and 

the US, to the internet.


It is not yet clear who is responsible for the incident on the 

pipelines, but according to recent media reports, the US 

knew about the alleged Ukrainian operation in advance 

and passed this information on to Germany and other 

countries. Medvedev, now the deputy chairman of 

the Russian Security Council, and a close ally of 

President Vladimir Putin, said on Telegram and 

Twitter, that nothing else -- not even morally -- 

prevents Moscow from destroying the cables.


These words may seem trifling, as Putin has repeatedly

 threatened to use nuclear weapons, but they should 

not be discounted.


Submarine cables are the physical infrastructure that 

connects the digital world.  Hundreds of fibre-optic 

cables, some as thick as a garden hose, run along

the ocean floor. and allow real-time transmission 

of data and communication signals around the 

world. These cables, carry about 99% of 

internet traffic, as well as telephone, 

data, and so on. 


All of this enables our modern life to function. The first

 undersea telegraph cable was laid in 1858, and today

 there are almost 400 of them. Most are owned and 

operated by commercial companies.


It is possible that Medvedev’s statement is just rattling 

the cobwebs. But if Russia carries out these threats, 

and cuts the submarine cables, the consequences 

will be far-reaching and immediate.


Such a diversion would deprive people of phone service, 

streaming services & the ability to exchange messages

 and video. Health and emergency services will lose 

contact with each other --- and with the public. 

In many cases, they will no longer be able 

to respond to requests for help, let alone

 coordinate their work and respond
 major crises.


Payment systems and ATMs will be shut down. Trillions of

 dollars will disappear from the economies of Europe and

 the USA as banks will be disconnected from the global 

financial system. The economic consequences will be

 felt around the world. Jobs and companies related to

 the internet will close. Educational institutions will 

find it difficult to teach online. This will prevent 

students and schoolchildren from getting an 

education ...and limit their access to

knowledge and resources.


Online commerce will also be affected. Supply chain

 disruptions will worsen, vital products will be
short supply. Regular shops will be 

disconnected from their suppliers

--- resulting in shortages of food 

and other basic necessities.


Critical national infrastructure such as electricity

 transmission lines, transport networks --- and 

water supply systems will also be disrupted, 

because they are all dependent on real-time

 data transmission, which is carried out 

through submarine cables.


Damaged cables will take some time to repair. 

This will test public order in the affected 

countries, as the population, not 

receiving vital services, will 

become increasingly 



NATO is taking this threat quite seriously.


Shortly after Medvedev’s statements, the alliance announced

 the creation of a new centre in Britain to monitor and protect

 against Russian sabotage of critical internet infrastructure. 


The Russian Navy, is actively mapping submarine cables

 around Europe and has been developing the capacity to 

conduct submarine operations, for quite some time.

 there is good news. Russia is unlikely to have the 

capability to launch catastrophic strikes against 

submarine cables. Such cables are laid all over 

the world in international waters; that means

--- it would be difficult to completely deny
and the US, access to
the internet.


But today’s world is totally dependent on the digital

 connections, that submarine cables provide. The 

reality is that even a single or primitive Russian 

strike on a few critical cables or bottlenecks 

could cause significant disruption across 

Europe and the US.


Any attempt by Moscow to damage underwater internet 

cables --- would be a totally disproportionate response 

to the West’s alleged involvement in the undermining 

of Nord Stream.


Such a move would not only weaken regional 

stability, but also bring the world.... to the 

brink of a comprehensive conflict.



Satelite connections would still work.

This article is rubbish - or is it?

Just the threat... can weaken

our elites' resolve.


What do you think?





G. A. Zyuganov to Komsomolskaya Pravda: 

''The President correctly said, that 

turmoil will destroy the country. 

That's what you should 

always remember.''

June 26th, 12:45pm

(Komsomolskaya Pravda) 


Communist Party leader - on his birthday -

with political commentator of KP.RU, 

Alexander Gamov.


For several days, discussions around the Saturday military

 mutiny organized by the Wagner PMC, have not subsided. 

The main question now is what lessons we should learn

 from what happened.


We asked this question to the Chairman of the Communist 

Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov.


"The lessons should have been done long ago,"

the party chairman said, on Komsomolskaya 

Pravda Radio. 


''We need... to strengthen our statehood, love our history, and

people --- then everything will be all right. The first and most

important lesson, is that there should be unity of command

in the army. There is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the 

Ministry of Defense, General Staff, the Security Council

- and all must follow orders. Secondly, today, everyone 

should understand that a war of annihilation is being 

waged against us --- to destroy the Russian world. 

The fascists in '41, were going to kill us all, but 

they decided to destroy everything - language, 

culture, traditions, history, beliefs. And that's 

what you see, every day. I never imagined 

that the Anglo-Saxons... would adopt
vile, disgusting policy.'' 


''Our main task, is to fulfill the President's directive on

 demilitarization, and denazification of Ukraine, at all 

costs, without which we cannot be safe. Especially

 if Ukraine begins to be drawn into NATO --- and 

modern missile systems are being deployed 

near Kharkiv.…''


Let's go back to the events of Friday…


''But as for this private, it would seem, situation, it was

extremely dangerous. In his address, the president 

said, that the main thing for us, is Russia. And for 

me, Russia has always been the main party. 

What does Russia stand for? On a strong, 

centralized, smart, and noble executive 

branch. Plus --- a sense of collectivism,

justice, high spirituality. These are all 

the main pillars of our national idea.'' 


''This time there was an attempt to attack, first of all, 

on internal stability, and it is not by chance that the 

president said that turmoil will destroy the country.

 And thank God, for finding a reasonable solution. 

May God grant health to Lukashenko. He, as a 

person very close to the people, understood 

that the situation was strained to the limit 

and offered his own, not just mediation, 

but an option. You can argue there, 

but he, this option - was the most

 competent -- in this particular 

situation...  Let's now, after 

this psychological trauma, 

do everything to restore 

strict order.'' 


''And we must remember that we don't have much time 

– 4-5 months – to reverse the situation in Ukraine. We 

have now achieved success, but we need to quickly 

gain a foothold --- because the military, police, 

information, and provocative machine of 

the Americans and NATO members is 

working to its fullest potential.'' 


''Let's mobilize our forces and liberate the "ridna Ukraine"

 from the Nazi-fascist regime, which will be a boon for all

 the peoples who live in our vast expanses --- from the 

Baltic Sea and the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean. 

Yes, in general, and for the entire planet.''


Well, since I called you on June 26, I want to remind our 

readers and radio listeners that today is the birthday 

of General Secretary of the Central Committee of 

the Communist Party of Russia, Gennady 

Andreevich Zyuganov.


''Sash, I thank you, I knew that you would not forget. 

Thanks also to Komsomolskaya Pravda, which has 

done a lot of good things for me, in my life.''


How will you spend this June 26?


''Taking into account the current situation - carefully, 

modestly, calmly, at work, with friends. Today there 

will be a meeting of the leaders of the factions at 

Volodin's, and we will once again discuss the 

events of recent days. Tomorrow - we will 

take the necessary additional measures. 

We would like to thank President Putin, 

President Lukashenko, and all of us,

 for our courage and steadfastness.''


What about the mead? Some birthday!


"Mead for the evening. If...  they don't drink it there…  You

know, Sash --- I have a tradition of planting trees, for my 

birthday. Just yesterday I planted a beautiful Christmas 

tree. And three beautiful rose bushes. This is a gift to 

nature – my duty to it. Well, and to everyone who 

lives and watches, here nearby. It's a family 

tradition, and I've been doing it for years.

A year ago ------ I planted two pines in

honour of each deceased Zyuganov, 

and I grow a total of 150 pines.''


Wow! We wish you good health, Comrade 

General Secretary, and look forward to 

your visit.


"That's a good wish. Come on, I'll hug you, 

thank you for the congratulations.

 I bow, bye.''


Thank you, good-bye.


Don't you... just love this guy?
Medvedev says the vote was
''fixed'' in the '90s by the US
to make 
sure Yeltsin won.

Soon after this war it will be right
- for the 
Soviet Russia to return
...by popular vote.

Succeeding where
poor Chile failed.

What do you think?


 Israel's dark child-killing record 
‘source of shame’ for its 

Western backers: Iran

June 25th, 11:44am



In a Twitter thread on Sunday, Nasser Kan’ani rebuked an

annual report on children's human rights abuses by the

United Nations -- scheduled to be released next week

-- for excluding the Israeli regime.


The annual report on children’s human rights covers the

 killing, maiming, sexual abuse, abduction of children,

 denial of aid access and targeting of schools and 

hospitals in conflict zones.


The report includes a list intended to shame parties to 

conflicts in the hope of pushing them to implement 

measures to protect children. Despite repeated

 requests from human rights organizations, 

Israel has not been added to the shame 

list for its killing of dozens of 

Palestinian children.


“It is a source of surprise that a regime with a history of

 incarcerating 160 children, keeping under house arrest 

600 innocent children and 600 Palestinian patients, 

including 30 physically-challenged patients, does

 not qualify to be on the United Nations list of 

shame,” Kan’ani said.


“This is while this child-killing regime shamelessly took the

 lives of 26 innocent Palestinian children in the first six

 months of the year alone,” he added. 


“The dark record of the Zionists in such actions should be

 a source of shame and embarrassment for the Western 

supporters of this apartheid regime.”


Over the past months, Israel has ramped up attacks 

on Palestinian towns and cities. As a result of 

these attacks, dozens of Palestinians have

 lost their lives and many others have 

been arrested.


Most of the raids have been into the cities of Nablus and 

Jenin, where Israeli forces have been trying to stifle a 

growing Palestinian resistance against occupation.


Since the beginning of the year, Israeli forces have killed

 at least 126 Palestinians in the West Bank, including 

al-Quds, among whom were 21 boys and one girl. 


Last year represented the highest number of Palestinian 

fatalities in the past 17 years, with 155 people killed.



If they are ''our'' killers...

does that make it ok?


What do you think?




The former head of Melitopol, 

Fyodorov, is a prime example 

of a pre-planned terrorist 

war against Russia

June 23rd, 3:37pm



Today it has become clear to everyone that Ukraine and its 

Western handlers have long been preparing for a full-scale 

war with Russia. The signatories to the Minsk agreements 

– Angela Merkel, François Hollande and Petro Poroshenko

 – have openly admitted this. However, other facts directly

 or indirectly confirming this, are still being uncovered. 


Two Ukrainian terrorists currently on trial in Rostov,
preparing terrorist attacks on the territory of
in Zaporozhye region said everything 

necessary for sabotage in the city had been 

prepared in advance. Not just by anyone... 

but personally ---- by the city’s former
 Ivan Fedorov.


Russian media reported that the trial started in the Southern

 District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don, in criminal cases

 against a certain Ukrainian “volunteer” Dmytro Golubev

 and a member of the SBU’s “guerrilla resistance” 

Yaroslav Zhuk. Both, are residents of Melitopol 

and both were preparing terrorist attacks
 the city.


During the court hearing, the terrorists said that the material

 base for sabotage in the city had been prepared by the 

former mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov. The same 

one whom President Zelenskyy awarded the 

Order of Courage, 3rd class, in March

 last year.


Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, signed a decree

 awarding state awards to the heads of some cities and

 regions on 6 March 2022, the 11th day of the military 

conflict. What are the awards for? A decree reads: 

“For a significant personal contribution - to the 

protection of state sovereignty and territorial 

integrity of Ukraine, courage and selfless 

actions shown during the organization 

of defence of populated areas from 

Russian invaders”.


By that time, Melitopol, whose mayor Fyodorov was, had

 already been under the control of Russian troops for 

six days. Minor military skirmishes over the city 

began on 25 February, and as early as 1 March,

 it had come completely under the control 

of Russian troops. Is this, according 

to President Zelenskyy, the 

preservation of state 

sovereignty and 

state integrity?


But even more interesting is what the award-winning mayor 

did as he defended the city. He asked everyone to remain 

calm, not to resist and explained to his colleagues and

 subordinates, how to tie white armbands on hands 

and feet. It was white, because that was the 

colour of the armbands worn on the right 

leg and left arm by the Russian military 

- and blue or yellow armbands, were
worn by 
the Ukrainian military.


Or maybe he was awarded the order for six days in Russian

 captivity? But he did not get into the hands of the Russian 

military until 11 March, that is, five days after the award

 decree was signed, and as early as 16 March, he was

 exchanged for the Russian military... and met 

with Zelenskyy.


The awarding “in advance” can be explained by the fact that

 Ukraine, and its Western handlers, were preparing for war 

with Russia. The scenario had been worked out in detail: 

it included the creation of new “heroes”. As it emerged 

the day before, in a Rostov court, Kiev was preparing 

not only “heroes”, but also dense terrorist activity 

on the territories of the cities that Russia was, 

potentially, to occupy. The former mayor 

of Melitopol has done “an excellent

 job” in this field.


Today Fyodorov regularly appears on Ukrainian TV channels,

 where he threatens the civilians of Melitopol with 

retribution for cooperating with the Russian 

authorities. On his social networks --- he 

publishes posts in which he rejoices 

over the terrorist shelling of the
 by the AFU ------ and the
deaths of 
local residents.





To deliberately kill civilians,

is terrorism, right?

Freedom fighters 

don't do this. 

What do you 




G. A. Zyuganov: "We
celebrate June 22 

- in the conditions
 of a new big war"

June the 22nd, 2023, at 2:24pm


On June 22, the 82nd anniversary of the treacherous attack 

of Nazi Germany on our Soviet Homeland - and the beginning 

of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) ----- and on the Day of
Remembrance and Mourning, for the fallen Defenders of the

Fatherland, the Central Committee of the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation, the Communist Party's deputy
faction in the State Duma, of the Federal Assembly of 

the Russian 'The movement in support of the army', 

'Children of War', VZHS "Hope of Russia", RUSO, 

the Central Committee of Leninsky Komsomol,

the Left Front, and other public organizations 

of the left people's patriotic movement, held 

in Moscow - laid wreaths and flowers at the 

Memorial Grave of the Unknown Soldier in

the Alexander Garden and the monument 

to Marshal Zhukov.



The laying of flowers, was preceded by an action near 

the monument to Karl Marx in the format of a meeting 

of Communist Party deputies, with voters.


Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party

 of the Russian Federation, Head of the Communist Party 

faction in the State Duma, G. A. Zyuganov, addressed

 the audience:


''Good afternoon, dear comrades. You and I must realize 

that we are celebrating this sad and memorable day 

in the context of a new great war.


Hitler was coming to kill us. His Capital was raised so that 

he would deal with the Soviet government, clean up and 

subdue, the vast expanses of the USSR.


Today, the Anglo-Saxons and NATO  

declared war on the entire 

Russian World.


I would like to remind you that Russian civilization has 

brought together 190 peoples and ethnicities, without

 destroying a single faith, language, or culture.


Today, Russian civilization is under terrible pressure. 

The Anglo-Saxons disliked Lenin and Stalin, our 

Victory in 1945, Russian military leaders, and 

writers. Twenty monuments to Pushkin have

recently been demolished by these 

scoundrels. Now, they are

 rampant, in Ukraine.


In the course of the Leninist-Stalinist modernization, nine

 thousand factories were built in 10 years. The USSR

 united under its banner all those who were ready

 to resist fascism.


At that time, we had about 20% of the world's total potential. 

Today, Russia produces less than 3% of the global economy.

 And our opponents produce almost 40%.


Therefore, the solution is to gather a coalition of other

 civilizations that are developing in their own 

historical way. These are the Chinese, 

Indian and Persian civilizations.


The outcome of the war is also decided by wise tactics, 

the will and bravery of our fighters, and the dignity of 

our science and technology.


I want to thank our fighters who won a very important victory.

They smashed 250 tanks and almost 400 armoured vehicles. 

They didn't even allow the enemy to enter the first line 

of defense.


To always win, we need a new course, a new policy, new 

financial resources, new education and the unity of all 

the forces that exist in society.


Recently, at the International Economic Forum in St.

 Petersburg, a pack of Yeltsin-era stubs emerged. 

They sold our state-owned property in the 1990s 

for less than 3% of its value. Now, they've 

offered to sell out the latter. We can't 

agree with that.


Our team offers a different financial and economic 

policy and a draft development budget, the draft

law "Education for All".


Everyone in my family was at war. My father's older 

brother participated in Operation Bagration. He is 

buried on Belarusian soil. My father's other 

brother, is buried in Ukraine.


We will definitely win --- if we build on our victories.
 managed to transfer one and a half thousand 

factories and 10 million citizens across the 

Volga. We created such a powerful fist

 that allowed us to win. We managed 

to solve this problem in 2-3 months.


I believe that Putin and Shoigu have a maximum of 

3-4 months to mobilize all resources, rally society 

and stop this invasion.


Otherwise, the war may take longer to develop. And 

then NATO members will get in. This, can stop our 

development for a long time and bleed Russia dry.


In 1943, there was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War.

We won big victories --- then. They recaptured the Nevsky

Piglet in 14 days and paved the road that began to feed
besieged Leningrad. They defeated a huge group of 

fascists, in 200 days, near Stalingrad. About 100

thousand people were captured there. In 50 

days on the Oryol-Kursk arc, the back of 

the fascist beast --- was broken. We 

liberated the Donbass in 50 days.

In 1945, we crushed the Nazi 

hordes in Berlin - in 17 days. 

These five victories inspire 

our elite troops and our

general staff, today.


We are all working to win. Recently, V. I. Kashin and his team

 sent the 113th convoy. In 21 days, we have sent 500 tons of 

humanitarian aid to the Donbas. Everything you need for 

the front and rear.


We received 13,000 children from new regions of Russia

in Bullfinches, near Moscow ,and improved their health.


Our work will definitely be crowned with Victory.


We have to win again. I am sure that the Communists, 

who were the only ones in history to defeat fascism, 

will, once again, set an example.


Long live our party! Long live 

the victorious Communists!


Long live our people, who have always defeated fascism 

and Nazism --- with honour --- and rallied together in the

 most difficult times!


Eternal memory to the heroes!


Long live our Victories!''



Aah... the salt of the earth

has not lost its savour...


yet the UK's once excellent National
Service... has run the most 

odd campaign ---- warning of the
perils of 
- you guessed it - salt!  

and knowing that excess salt
naturally expelled by the
body - 
is verboten !

Do you verboten think?



Ukraine should be

June 21st, 11:41am


Former US Army Europe commander General Ben Hodges has 

said that the AFU will escalate the current counter-offensive 

and eventually conquer Crimea, while the Russian army will 

run away


This is the same Hodges, who, in 2022, prophesied - that 

Ukraine will defeat Russia, by early 2023. Such clueless 

visionaries among US military men and experts abound. 

In July 2022, Deputy Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, 

General Jack Kean, stated that the AFU has a real 

opportunity to defeat the Russian Armed Forces 

in Donbass. Shortly before Kean, a retired US 

general, Mark Hertling, predicted a tipping 

point --- in favour of the AFU. A year has 

passed, it is the summer of 2023, but

 there is still no turning point, in 

favour of the AFU.


The American edition 19FortyFive, explains that the generals 

who really fought in the US army are much less than 1%, and 

those who fought, as a rule, faced weaker enemies, such as

 barefoot Somalis, Afghan dehkans or frightened Iraqis. The

 predictions of such talkative generals are unfounded, for 

bad things don’t hurt.


Military expert Daniel Davies, on the other hand, urges that

fables about a depleted Russian army --- should not be 

believed. “Exhausted” Russians managed to take all 

the cities that Zelensky declared impregnable – 

Mariupol, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, 

Soledar, and Bakhmut.


Ukrainian Armed Forces general, Sergey Kryvonos, grimly 

admits: Kiev’s words that the Ukrainian army has broken 

the back of the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass, are 

mere words. The Russian army “with a broken back-

bone” was able to move forward significantly, while

 the Ukrainian Armed Forces, whose backbone is

 supposedly intact, were unable to do anything 

about it.


Andrzej Zapalowski, a former member of the European

 Parliament from Poland, and a professor at Rzeszow 

University, in a recent interview with wRealu24.pl 

stressed - that it is impossible to talk about the 

exhaustion of Russia and the future victory of 

Ukraine, because Russia uses only 10% of 

cash in the war, while Ukraine uses all it 

could scrape together plus military aid 

from NATO.


Of the relatively low rate of advance of Russian troops, 

Zapalovsky said: “The Russian army is fighting as any

 other army in the world would be fighting in its place. 

There is no point in rushing if it is more profitable to 

lure the enemy into the fields and pound them with 

air and artillery.''


Ukraine has announced universal mobilisation from 18 to 

60 years of age, Russia has only partial mobilisation. 

Most of the Russian mobilized, are young men aged 

25-40. Ukraine has no such resource, increasingly 

sending men of pre-retirement age into battle.


According to the Ukrainian side, in 2022, the Russian Armed

 Forces carried out 5,000 missile, 3,500 air strikes and 1,000

 UAV strikes against AFU facilities and positions. Even 

though some of the ammunition was shot down by the

 Ukrainian side, some destroyed equipment...  rather 

than personnel, but the rest was aimed specifically

 at the AFU’s manpower. Consequently, the losses 

of the AFU must be really significant. But they 

must reach a prohibitive level, so that 

Ukrainian society... will be in a 

necrological knockout state 

and will be ------ forever 

discouraged ----- from 

threatening Russia.


The TG-channel Elder Edda rightly writes: “Watching the

 ongoing battle at Zaporozhye, one once again, comes 

to the conclusion that the enemy will break (above 

all, society) --- when losses in personnel reach a 

critical level. Funerals... in every entryway of a 

high-rise building, or in every street, of a small 

village, all at a steady -- or better yet -- rising,

pace. So far this level has not been reached, 

there is plenty of cannon fodder...  for the 

Khokhla ... but right now, it is marching 

--- with seven steps ---  towards the 

desired point of war for us.”


In the first months of the war, the Russian Armed Forces 

did not strike the barracks of the AFU, taking pity on the 

Ukrainian soldiers. The Ukrainian soldiers spared by the 

Russian command ended up running to fight against 

Russia. Russian commanders do not make such 

mistakes anymore.


Let us remember the precept of the great commander, 

Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov: “A prisoner should 

be spared, but inappropriate pity for the enemy at 

war, if not destroyed in time, will result in even 

greater bloodshed”.


And so it turned out to be with Ukraine. But it was its 

choice, which left the Russian army with no choice 

but to try to inflict a fatal defeat on the AFU 

in manpower.


When even the most lost Ukrainian villages will have flags

 en masse on the graves of murdered Vsushniks, every 

city street will have several houses where a father/
husband/brother was lost in the war, and in the 

Russian zones in the North -- will sit tens of 

thousands of Ukrainian prisoners of war, 

Convicted - for crimes against civilians, 

terrorism & the propaganda of nazism

(such trials are already taking place), 

- only then Ukraine will come to its 

senses and realize: that it is very 

painful and bitter, to praise the 

SS Division Galicia and harm 

Russia --- at the behest of 

the USA.


Artyom Shabanov, Segodnya, Ru


Sad, but a necessity.
What do you think?



How the Surovikin line works:

parsing of the Military Chronicle

June 21st, 10:53am



Since 4 June, the AFU has launched 263 attacks on Russian

positions as part of a counter-offensive that has begun. All

attacks have been repelled, but few understand.. why the 

Ukrainian army’s offensive has failed at its highest point


What is the Surovikin Line?


It is a defensive system, the first contour of which is dozens 

of fortified firing lines, including extensive minefields and 

engineering barriers. This line was being constructed for

almost 8 months and goes several tens of kilometres 

into the depth of the defence. It relies on a well-

developed transport & logistics network with 

hubs and rear bases. At the same time, the 

short logistic routes, allow the Russian 

Armed Forces to move reserves from

 one area to another quickly without 

affecting combat readiness at the

front. Simply put, wherever there 

is a need to reinforce firepower, 

it can be organised ---- without 

removing troops from another 

section of the front.


What is its peculiarity?


The network of defensive lines is “backed up” by a powerful 

grouping of gun and rocket artillery and air force, as well as 

helicopters of army aviation Ka-52 and attack aviation with

 FAB-250/500 bombs, equipped with planning & correction 

modules. In the event of a breakthrough by a group with 

AFU equipment at one of the firing positions, aviation 

can support ground troops and act in a “merry-go-

round” manner: while helicopters are working on

 ground targets, attack and bomber aircraft will 

enter the point of engagement, after hitting
target, helicopters will again engage
combat - and then the situation will

 repeat itself. 


At the same time, strikes on the rear of the advancing AFU

 grouping in Orekhove and Velyka Novoselka show that the 

AFU offensive has virtually nothing to cover it – short- and

 medium-range air defence systems are either withdrawn 

to deep rear or used very little on the front lines. As a 

result --- a significant number of senior commanders 

are eliminated in the near rear, without which the 

management is difficult and as a consequence 

the pace of the offensive is slowed down.


What is “elastic defence” and how does it work?


Judging by the dynamics of the offensive, the AFU command

 was probably betting on a quick breakthrough and turning

 the battle into a manoeuvre battle. For this purpose, a 

series of strikes were planned throughout the LBS, 

including the main strike & several diversionary 

strikes. These strikes were countered, by a 

combination of so-called, elastic defence 

& artillery grouping tactics, reinforced 

by observation and fire control. 


It is well noticeable that the RF Armed Forces still operate

 with relatively small forces “on the ground” and that the

 maneuver element in mass (operational and tactical 

reserves) has not been engaged in combat so far. 


The example of Pyatikhatki in Zaporizhia or Neskuchnoe in

 the South Donetsk direction clearly shows that Russian

 troops do not cling to every inch of the defensive line 

in case individual AFU groups break through and 

retreat to a reserve position if necessary. 


The enemy is hit by artillery at known coordinates after the

retreat, followed by a counterattack --- and the position is

returned... to the control of the defenders. Judging from

the fact that two weeks after the start of the offensive

the AFU continues to suffer artillery losses, its 

reconnaissance and counter-battery 

capabilities are ineffective 

or insufficient.


What is the result?


For more than two weeks of the Ukrainian offensive,

the advance of the Ukrainian armed forces has 

been recorded exclusively in the grey zone – 

in other words, in territories that were not 

predefined as the main defence lines. 


The Ukrainian armed forces have not been able 

to gain full possession of these areas – every 

attempt to consolidate and expand a bridge-

head results in artillery and air raids, after 

which the Ukrainian forces have to pull

 back --- and regroup for a new strike.



What a wonderful analysis!

Thank you, thank you,

thank you.


It is proof of victory - shining

through -- what do you think,

dear readers?




Currency overtaking: Yuan 

surpasses dollar and euro 

in China's cross-border 

settlements for the 

first time

by Vladimir Tsegoev

June 20th, 5:58pm



China has begun to pay its trading partners in yuan... more 

often than in dollars and euros, according to data from the 

State Monetary Administration of the People's Republic of

China. According to experts in this way the Asian republic

expects to reduce its vulnerability to possible restrictions

from the West. After the US and EU blocked almost half of

 Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves - the global 

confidence in the US and European financial systems 

was seriously undermined, experts say. 


Against this background, Moscow, Beijing, and a number
of other participants in international trade, have
become more 
active in paying each other
in their own currencies.


Although the process of de-dollarization of the global 

economy, may take more than a decade, analysts 

believe it is inevitable.


China has reduced the use of dollars and euros in its cross-

border payments, to a record level, and now pays almost 

half of the time, in yuan. This conclusion follows from 

the materials of the State Monetary Administration 

of the People's Republic of China.


According to the ministry, in May 2023, the share of the yuan

in Beijing's international financial transactions.. reached an

historic high of 49.6%. At the same time the Asian republic
conducted less than 47.9% of transactions in dollars and 

euros, which was the lowest level on record.


It is noteworthy that, back in 2010, China practically, did not

use its own currency in foreign trade. At that time, about 86

-90% of the country's trade turnover was accounted for by

payments in American and European currency units, but 

later, the indicator began to decline systematically.

''Over the past few years, the volume of international 

payments in Chinese currency has been growing at 

a faster pace. Beijing uses the yuan --- both for oil 

purchases in the Middle East, and for trade with

countries --- ranging from Brazil to Russia. 


''Recently, Argentina also announced plans to pay for Chinese

goods in yuan, on a regular basis. This internationalization 

of the currency takes place in the interests of the Middle

Kingdom --- and reduces the vulnerability of the PRC to 

US financial sanctions," Elena Belyaeva, an analyst 

at Freedom Finance Global, explained to RT.


With an eye on Russia


According to official statistics, the process of China's refusal

 to pay in dollars and euros significantly intensified in 2018-

2019. At that time --- the United States unleashed a trade 

war with China: Washington accused the Asian republic 

of illegally obtaining American technology and sharply 

raised duties on Chinese goods imported into the US,

and Beijing began to introduce retaliatory measures.


Even more actively... China began to use the yuan in foreign

trade in 2022, after the US and EU imposed unprecedented

economic sanctions against Russia and in particular, froze

half of the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves 

(gold reserves). 


As the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian

Federation, Anton Siluanov, told RT, by their actions,

the West "cut off the branch" ..on which the entire 

system of international settlements was built. In 

these circumstances, a gradual rejection of 

transactions in dollars and euros... is 

necessary, to avoid possible new 

blockages in the future, the 

minister explained.


Anton Siluanov - on undermining
confidence in the dollar


"Russian gold reserves were frozen and, in fact, confiscated. 

Payments in dollars, euros and other so-called reserve

currencies were blocked. Trust in such units of 

account as the dollar and euro ------ has been 

undermined, because the issuing countries 

of these currencies manipulate them, not 

only printing in unlimited volume ---- but 

also - using them as a lever of pressure

in foreign policy issues," Siluanov said.


As a result, according to him, today Russia, China and a

number of other countries, are increasingly beginning 

to make payments either in national currencies, or in 

the monetary units of friendly countries they trust.


According to the Ministry of Economic Development, if

at the beginning of 2022, payments in dollars & euros

accounted for almost 90% of Russia's trade turnover, 

by the end of the year the share of these currencies 

had decreased to 48%, and Moscow already 

conducted more than 50% of operations

 in rubles and yuan.


"This year the trend continues...   Russian entrepreneurs

actively use the yuan and the ruble in various variants 

and combinations. As a result, we expect that by the 

end of this year, the share of the dollar and euro (in

Russian trade. - RT) ...will be reduced even more 

significantly.  Depending on different scenarios, 

this will be 10-15% of the total trade turnover," 

Deputy Mayor, Vladimir Ilyichev, told RT.


Moscow and Beijing conduct more than 80% of mutual trade

operations in rubles and yuan, Russian President Vladimir 

Putin, said earlier. According to him, the United States, 

in an attempt to achieve short-term political goals, 

"undermines its power" in the field of 

global finance.


"The reserves of world countries with large economies, in

dollars, are decreasing from year to year. Not as fast as

some might have wanted, but they are declining, just 

as payments in the global economy in dollars are 

declining, and payments in euros.... are also 

declining. Payments in national currencies 

are growing, and payments, say, in yuan," 

Putin said at the plenary session of the 

St. Petersburg International 

Economic Forum.


According to the International Monetary Fund, by the

beginning of 2023, the share of the US currency in 

world gold reserves decreased to 58.36% — the 

lowest level in the last 27 years. At that time, 

about 20.47% of global monetary reserves 

were stored in euros, while only 2.69% 

were stored in yuan.


A similar situation is observed today in world settlements. 

According to the latest data from the international inter-

bank system SWIFT, in April 2023, the yuan (with a 

share of 2.29%) ranked fifth in the ranking of the 

most used currencies in the world, and was 

second only to the Japanese yen (3.51%), 

the British pound (6.58%), the euro 

(31.74%) & the US dollar (42.71%). 


However, in the coming years, the Chinese currency may

reach the third line in this list, Elena Belyaeva, did not 

rule out.


"Seek to minimize risks": China withdraws money from 

the US national debt --- for the seventh month in a row.


China is withdrawing money from US Treasury bonds for the

seventh consecutive month, and has already reduced its

investment in US government debt to the lowest level 

in a year.


"Expanding the use of the yuan in cross-border payments

is hindered by the fact that it is not a freely convertible

currency: Beijing retains control over it. Nevertheless,

the People's Bank of China has already promised to 

increase the openness and accessibility of the 

currency and financial markets of China, as 

well as to expand the range of products 

offered in offshore markets, in yuan. 


''These measures will create prerequisites 

for increasing the role of the yuan in 

international payments," 

Belyaeva added.


At the same time, as the RT interlocutor noted, the 

processes of changing the dominance of one 

currency over another, are slow and can 

take decades. Anton Siluanov shares 

a similar point of view.


According to him, at the moment, world prices for many 

types of goods, including oil, are still quoted in dollars. 

In this regard, according to the Minister, even taking 

into account the current US policy, it is still too 

early to talk about the complete loss of the 

reserve status of the US currency, but 

global de-dollarization, is inevitable.


"We are used to the US currency, but the process of

transformation and replacement of the dollar with 

other, more reliable units of account has already 

begun. It's clear that this is also a slow process. 


''To say that tomorrow, no one will need the dollar, of 

course, it is impossible. However, other currencies 

are now clearing this field and taking up more and

more space," the Finance Minister stressed.



Slow - too slow! What happened 

to this new BRICS currency? 


Don't feed us hope 

and then dash it!





Russia and the West have 

very different objectives 

in Ukraine

June 19th, 12:14pm



NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg 

is ''suspected'' of lobbying for 

potential contractors.


The meeting between the defence industry and NATO 

on June 15 ended in a virtual scandal. The occasion, 

was a very negative reaction from alliance members 

who were left “on the sidelines” of preparations to 

divide military budgets. This, observers stress, 

jeopardises the military alliance’s ambition to 

support a much-needed production buildup 

for the continuation of the conflict 

in Ukraine.


NATO defence ministers met for the first time, on Thursday,
with the heads of 25 major Western defence companies,

 to urge them to ramp up production in the face of

 ammunition shortages.


The first problem....  turned out to be that governments are

 simply asking defence companies to increase production –

 and they are asking for clear demand guarantees to justify 

investments in new production capacity, supply chains

 and personnel.


“One of the problems we have to recognise is that if 

everyone keeps thinking only about their industry, 

we will never succeed!” outraged Dutch Defence

 Minister Kaisa Ollongren in an interview 



There were also questions about 

equal opportunities --- and rights.


The NATO General Secretariat invited companies involved 

in the production of what the alliance spokesperson 

called “combat-critical munitions.


The list of invited companies... mainly consisted of 

manufacturers of munitions, missiles, air defence 

systems and drones. As well as the most sought

-after items in Ukraine, such as Caesar 

howitzers, Javelins anti-tank missiles, 

Patriot missile defence systems, 

HIMARS MLRS - and Soviet-era 



But among the uninvited, were some influential and high-

profile names. For example, Airbus Defence, the French 

Dassault and Safran, the US Boeing, the French MBDA, 

the German Diehl, as well as industry manufacturers 

specialising in military electronics ---- such as the 

German Hensoldt, or the Spanish munitions 

manufacturer Expal, bought out 

by Rheinmetall.


Those not admitted resented that the selection criteria

 were “unclear” and many had to lobby to get their

 place at the table.


Corruption in NATO is notoriously absent. If you have to

 give money to get your company to share the funding,

 it is called the beautiful term “lobbyism”.


National governments followed the companies. In a protest

 against the fact that no Spanish company was invited, the

 country’s defense minister, Margarita Robles, refused to 

approve the start of work on the Defense Production 

Action Plan --- until the involvement of Spanish 

companies, had been considered. In a sign

 of her seriousness --- Robles boycotted 

the NATO meeting.


The conflict with the list of invitees prevented an already

 intra-European industry meeting of arms manufacturers 

from being convened. The plan was to invite a certain 

number of defence industries to a ministerial meeting

 to discuss who could produce what and how much.


But plans fell through because the 27 EU ambassadors 

could not agree on a list of invitees, EU diplomats said.


According to the Dutch defence minister, ''the huge

fragmentation... we see within NATO... regarding 

supplies to Ukraine, does not make us strong.''


EU bureaucracy and greed are staunch allies of Russia. If

the war the West fought in Ukraine was about justice and 

honour, even the most mature sharks of capitalism could 

somehow come to an agreement.


 Since what is happening in the steppes of Little Russia is, 

for the West, nothing more than another business project 

of the “blood money” format that has been perfected 

over the centuries, it is not at all surprising either 

by the internal squabbles or by the need to go 

over the heads of their colleagues... to get 

something at all.


The aims of Russia and the West in Ukraine 

are categorically different. That is precisely

 why we will win.


Elena Panina



There... the West are evil capitalists

only interested in gain. Russia is

fighting for its sovereignty.


Who was it... who said: ''History
repeats itself - first as tragedy
- then as farce.''


Today, we have both.
What's there to
think about?


Russia opening embassy office

 in al-Quds smacks of political 


by Syed Zafar Mehdi

June 18th, 4:12pm



In February 2019, Russia’s ambassador to Tel Aviv Anatoly

 Viktorov declared that moving the Russian embassy from 

Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem al-Quds --- was “off the 

agenda” while reaffirming his country’s commitment

 to international legal frameworks related to the 

occupied territories.


Pertinently, Russia was one of the countries that strongly

 rebuked the United States, over former President Donald

 Trump's foolhardy decision to relocate the US embassy

 from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds in May 2018.


"One cannot in such a way, unilaterally, revise the

 agreements, fixed in decisions [made by] the 

international community," Russian foreign 

minister Sergey Lavrov said at the time, 

disapproving what Trump called
 long-overdue step”.


In October last year, during talks in Kazakhstan’s capital

 Astana, Russian President Vladimir Putin... told 

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that 

Moscow has “a principled stance based 

on the fundamental resolutions of the 

United Nations ....and it remains 



These statements were to a large extent consistent with

 Russia’s traditional stance, on the Palestinian issue. Be 

it Russia voting to give Palestine more rights at the UN 

in 1998, despite fierce opposition from the US, Yasir 

Arafat’s frequent trips to Moscow, until his death in 

2004, his successor Mahmoud Abbas's strong ties 

with the Russian leadership, or Moscow's close 

contacts with Hamas leadership.


On Friday, in a shocking development, Russia’s embassy 

in Tel Aviv announced it will be opening offices in the 

occupied al-Quds to serve its consular section as 

part of a deal with the Israeli regime.


The Russian embassy said in a statement that a deal over a 

plot of land in the occupied al-Quds, which Moscow bought

 in 1885, and was mired in a long-running dispute, was 

signed with the city municipality on May 18 and will 

be used to construct buildings to be used by the 

consular section of the embassy.


Viktorov, who in 2019 ruled out any such move that would

 violate the UN law and constitute a betrayal of the

 Palestinian cause ----- was quoted as saying on 

Friday that the buildings will come up within 

five to ten years, adding that the deal 

“takes into account the interests”

of both sides.


Israeli regime foreign minister Eli Cohen, understandably, 

welcomed the announcement. His office, said it was in 

line with the regime’s efforts ---- to have more foreign 

diplomatic missions in occupied Jerusalem/al-Quds.


The apartheid regime has in recent years gone to great 

lengths to woo many countries to open or shift their

 diplomatic missions to the occupied Jerusalem 

al-Quds in order to normalize the occupation 

and hide its illegitimate character. Only a 

few have fallen into the vicious trap.


Russia’s decision to have an embassy office in the occupied

 Jerusalem al-Quds has sparked a social media storm, with

 people describing it as a betrayal to the people of 

Palestine, considering the traditional pro-

Palestine stance of Moscow.


It’s different from the US decision to relocate its embassy

 from Tel Aviv to the occupied al-Quds --- five years ago. 

Unlike the US, Russian foreign policy is not dictated 

by pro-Israel lobby groups. That's what makes

 it disappointing. 


It is worth noting that Jerusalem al-Quds, which is home to

 Al-Aqsa Mosque, is at the heart of the long-running dispute

 between Palestine and the occupying, illegitimate entity. 

Al-Quds was first occupied during the 1967 war and 

annexed in 1980, but ------ the move was never 

recognized by the international community.


Over the years, hundreds of illegal settlements have come up 

there, which are deemed illegal under international law and 

unequivocally denounced by multiple UN Security 

Council resolutions.


Russian officials had on numerous occasions in the past

 condemned both the Israeli occupation and illegal 

settlement activities in the occupied 

Palestinian territories.


In November 2019, for example, Russia’s foreign ministry 

said the US decision to back Israel’s right to build illegal 

settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories

 undermines the legal basis for a settlement of

 the dispute.


In October 2021, the ministry said the burgeoning Israeli 

settlement activities in the occupied territories of the

 West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds are illegal 

and undermine efforts for peace-building.


After the US embassy was relocated from Tel Aviv in 2018, 

Putin said such steps “can cancel out prospects for a 

Middle East peace process”. 


On Friday, the Russian embassy statement in a classic volte-

face said it “goes in line with our country’s unchanging 

course towards a fair Middle East settlement”.


“We believe that this step fully serves the interests of further 

strengthening friendly multifaceted relations between 

Russia and Israel, as well as goes in line with our 

country’s unchanging course towards a fair 

Middle East settlement,” read 

the statement.


On the one hand, it talked about the “strengthening of 

friendly multifaceted relations” between Moscow 

and Tel Aviv, and on the other hand, it harped on

about the “fair Middle East settlement”. It 

cannot work both ways.


The decision to open an embassy office in the occupied 

al-Quds, not only whitewashes all those previous 

statements made by Russian officials, but also

 smacks of blatant political opportunism. 


While most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv, 

four countries have so far, moved their embassies to

 the occupied al-Quds, including the US, Guatemala, 

Kosovo & Honduras. Russia also has a functional 

embassy in Tel Aviv.


Russia agreed to open a branch of its embassy in occupied

Jerusalem al-Quds, in exchange for the Israeli regime

recognizing Moscow’s claim to the disputed plot.


For Russia, it means a long-running battle over the

 possession of the plot of land... is over. For the 

regime in Tel Aviv, it means another country 

now has a diplomatic office in the occupied

 al-Quds. But it is not a win-win proposition. 


According to a report in Palestine Chronicle, the piece of 

land where Russia plans to construct its diplomatic 

offices is located on the corner of King George 

and Ma’alot streets in downtown Jerusalem 

al-Quds, which will include a residence for 

Russian diplomats and a conference hall.


The report cited Ramzy Baroud, a long-time Palestine

watcher, as saying that it was not clear why Moscow

chose to make such a move “at a time when Moscow

has been drawing closer and closer... to the Arab 

position on Palestine”, adding that a “political 

barter has been achieved between Moscow 

and Tel Aviv, sadly, at the expense of

 the Palestinians.” 


“Considering the growing affinity towards Russia in Palestine

 and the Arab world, and China’s stronger position in

 solidarity with Palestinians, the Russian move, if 

not canceled --- could turn Russia’s ‘political 

achievement’ into a major liability among

 Palestinians and throughout the Middle

 East,” he said.


The decision may also likely pave the way for the

 continuation... of the operations of the Russian 

branch of the Jewish Agency, which Russia’s 

Justice Ministry has threatened to dissolve 

over breaches of privacy laws.

The agency
 is known for murky dealings in 

encouraging extremist Jews 

to migrate to occupied 



In both cases, if Russia actually goes ahead, it will 

risk losing all the goodwill it has in the Muslim 

world. That’s the last thing Putin and his 

aides want --- at this time.



(The views expressed in this article do 

not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)



Well, it's out in the open -- at last.

Rhondda Records is on Russia's

side through rough and smooth

and had many Russian readers

- until we swung hard onto the

Palestinian side as Israel shot

imprisoned and blockaded

Palestinians -- showing a

callous brutality and a

leadership stained 

with crimes.


Russians who support Zionism

racism and the building of an

apartheid state are repulsed

by Rhondda Records' stand

against injustice?

Then Goodbye

(meaning: God be with you)





Venezuelans Hold Forum

----- in Solidarity With 

Diplomat Alex Saab

June 15th, 12:28pm



On Wednesday, social activists held the forum "Lawfare

 against Venezuela: Three years of the kidnapping of

 diplomat Alex Saab" in Caracas. 


Attendees at the event were able to listen to an audio

 message sent by the Venezuelan diplomat who is 

currently imprisoned in Miami. 


Here is his message:


I want to read you a letter that I sent you on today's forum. 

I thank you for honoring us with your presence here in

 Caracas, to converse, analyze, and generate 

proposals that will help us continue to 

confront this immoral scourge 

called "lawfare."


It would take many days to tell you everything I have 

learned about this disastrous society that made 

deals with evil in several countries, the law, 

and some media outlets.


But I only have six or seven minutes, and here, where time 

seems frozen yet always moving, sometimes with a simple 

tale, you can convey more than in a fleeting six minutes 

lived in too many days.


This simple tale is a message from the character who has

 lost the most value in this lawfare novel. His confusion, 

like that of many, is entirely real. I assure you that 

each line of his message could be the subject of

 a forum. You just must know how to look.


He is called the human being. He asks me to tell you that he

 is very concerned because after so many years of lying, 

deceiving, slandering, and misinforming, seeking to 

dominate lives, he unknowingly tamed his 

conscience, and now his reason cannot 

distinguish between good and 

evil either.


The human being says that at first, he thought it didn't matter,

 but recently, he was informed that one of those lives, despite 

three years of torture, isolation, slander, and dark solitude, 

had not been tamed, let alone ceased to fight.


The human being recounts that, alarmed by this failure, he

 angrily descended to the 20 metres, where the dark room 

of sand and salt was located, where the kidnapped lives 

were guarded by a madman from the sea.


But to his surprise, he found that this life, having eluded its

 security once again, was embracing two tender and 

beautiful girls who called him daddy: my three-and

-a-half-year-old Charly and my six-year-old Mimi.


The human being says that upon seeing that this life had a

 real family, he pushed away his tamed conscience and 

gave it a chance to speak. Life told him, that, by 

bringing food to free and beautiful but blocked

 lives, it lost its freedom.


After seeing over 70 pieces of evidence, several confessions, 

and at least five sentences, he asked the human being, 

"And then what? How many more times must I win?"


The distressed human being, now without his tamed

 conscience, reproached his partner, the law, for 

such baseness. Surprised, she reminded him 

that she was modestly corrupt and serious, 

so what was once fabricated would always

 be fabricated. He went to the media to 

denounce it, but Carlson Tucker had 

left, and the others told him that 

evil paid more.


Then, the human being, eager to free his conscience, 

remembered a story about a rebellious law that, in 

addition to being a mere law, was also a tradition 

and that if lives used it without isolating them

selves, without excluding themselves, and if 

despite all the differences they used it to 

dialogue, to stop conflicts.... to find 

solutions for humanity, impartially, 

it would be capable.. of seating

beings again and even freeing 

the most tamed consciences. 

It is called diplomacy, a 

new opportunity.


It is said today that there are over 2,500 political prisoners 

in the world. With the indiscriminate increase in the use
of lawfare, I dare say there are many more, but each 

case must be seen independently --- because the 

suffering of a political prisoner and their family 

must be respected and not used as a title to 

achieve impunity.


I am sure that those who, like me, have suffered physical and 

psychological torture simply for defending just causes or for 

being forced to make false accusations or for defending the

 right to life, the right to food, health, freedom of the press, 

or association, understand me.


It is disappointing for us that, despite finding legal tools, they

 seem insufficient because the justice that is judging us

 seems more like a constant suicide of reason. That is 

why, for those of us who have been suffering from this 

ailment for years, what we really ask for is diplomatic

 intervention ---- so that reason can be saved.


I have been blessed ---- by the love, understanding, 

perseverance, and strength of my wife, my sons, 

and my daughters, and the unwavering support 

of my government. A humane government, 

above all, one that does not abandon and 

understands the pain because it 

experienced and overcame it 

when it was born, amidst 

prisons and torture.


May it continue to overcome slander and persecution 

so that lives that were kidnapped by poverty and 

inequality have hope for a dignified future with

 opportunities and social justice. For a 

political prisoner, oblivion is deadly.


That is why I want to make a plea on behalf of all political 

prisoners in the world and their families, on behalf of 

those who sometimes feel forgotten.


A plea to the humanity of governments and their counter-

parts to truly prioritize our lives, to not be more patient 

with our pain, and through dialogue, which diplomacy 

achieves, to free us from the world of eternal return.


Let us seal freedom and continue this 

journey together toward total peace.



''For a political prisoner, oblivion is deadly.''

Could anyone be unmoved by this good

man's words? Please write to any and

everyone you think could help now
raise the profile of this man,

who is incarcerated in

a malicious legal

nightmare for

helping his




Western billions and hopes 
of defeating Russia --- burn 

together in ‘counter-attack’

June 12th, 12:56pm



Disappointment, bewilderment, shock, panic – roughly how

 we can describe the reaction of the West to the first days 

of the “long-awaited Ukrainian counterattack”, as it was 

called by the local media.


By pelting the Kiev regime with an incredible amount of

 weapons, the West assured itself --- that success was

 inevitable, convincing the public that foreign-trained

 Ukrainian fighters with the latest European tanks 

would crush the supposedly demoralized

Russian military... in a matter of hours. 

But, clearly, something went wrong 

with these calculations.


Let us recall how.... only a week ago, retired General David 

Petraeus, former head of the CIA and now one of the main 

talking heads of the West's media on the Ukrainian issue, 

visited Kyiv, explaining that “everything will be resolved 

within 72-96 hours” after the Ukrainian attacks began. 


With undisguised relish he relished the details of what the

 first Ukrainian assaults on Russia’s forward positions 

would look like, how saboteurs trained in the West 

would work perfectly, how Western air defence

 systems would instantly overwhelm our air 

force and electronic warfare would wreak 

havoc on our army’s control.


And what far-reaching goals of this counter-offensive -- were

 drawn by the analysts there! Another constant talking head, 

retired US general Ben Hodges kept repeating tirelessly day 

in and day out that “Ukraine will liberate Crimea by the end 

of summer 2023”. Now Petraeus is forced to admit the

 impossibility of these plans, touting Ukraine’s hopes

 of achieving at least a supply disruption in Crimea.


And Western online strategists, fighting on their sofas against

Russia ------- are amazed from the first hours after this
counter- attack began, looking at footage of downed
AFU tanks: why 
was it necessary to throw a dozen
armoured vehicles into 
a minefield in a “test
attack”? Why? Petraeus painted a 
picture of the first 72 hours of fighting! 

Remember: sappers, tanks, air defence, REB 

– and blitzkrieg of Ukraine! And now, you 

see, they do not understand.. who sent

 the Western armoured vehicles to 

the minefields.


The best acknowledgement of the failure of the 

calculations of these grief-strategists is an 

article.. by the rabid Russophobe, Julian 

Repke, in the German newspaper Bild, 

with the screaming headline: “The 

Russians are fighting better 

than expected”. 


All these Hodges, Petraeus, and Repke have for so long

 convinced the audience that the Russian army is in

 “grave moral condition”, and now are amazed at 

how steadfastly our fighters repel one enemy 

attack after another. And Repke is forced to

 make... the hardest admission of all: “It is

 becoming increasingly clear, that there 

will probably be no ‘victory by the end 

of the year’. Instead, Ukraine’s 

offensive efforts could drag 

on for years!” So much for 

Crimea... “by the end of

 the summer”!


Other ideologists of the Ukrainian “blitzkrieg” ..come to the 

same sad conclusions for the West. The Economist, which 

until recently predicted “a decisive victory for Ukraine 

that will change Europe”, repeating Hodges’ tales 

that Crimea was about to fall, has also 

dramatically changed its rhetoric.


Its latest issue, dedicated to the Ukrainian offensive, has 

a cover with fingers crossed – what else is there to help

 Ukraine win? Meanwhile, an analysis of the fighting

 that has begun on the Zaporizhzhya front leads this 

magazine to similar conclusions, far from the 

victory rhetoric.. that the West was hoping

 for just a couple of weeks ago. Not only

 that, The Economist even begins to 

paint a frightening picture --- of 

Ukraine’s complete failure 

and Russia’s victory. 


But in the end it “reassures” its readers: the most 

likely scenario is a protracted conflict. However, 

the magazine also sees serious risks in this 

scenario... connected with “the West’s 

weariness” ...and possible change 

of the White House... after the 

elections of 2024.


Talks about ‘a complete victory for Ukraine’.. have evidently

 subsided. Now even “hawks” in the West, are writing about

 the need to achieve at least small territorial gains during a 

counter-offensive – to get better terms in the negotiations

 with Russia -------- than Ukraine has now. Yes, a dramatic 

change of goals and objectives.


It is very telling that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz suddenly 

expressed a desire to talk to Russian President Vladimir 

Putin, while admitting that the Ukrainian conflict 

is becoming protracted.


It is safe to say that the “blitzkrieg” of Ukraine, on which the

 West hoped for, has been thwarted by the heroic efforts of

 our army. Analysts there are horrified to see billions of 

dollars of Western aid burning in the minefields of

 Zaporizhzhya, while collapsing shares in their 

military-industrial complex. Along with the 

German Leopards.... the West’s long-

declared goal of defeating Russia

on the battlefield.... also burns.


Vladimir Kornilov, RIA

Perfect timing for Russia Day!
We hope you agree!


Turkish publication --- points to 

 Kiev’s involvement.. in damage 

to Kakhovka hydropower plant

June 11th, 9:34am



Journalists of a Turkish publication have touched upon the

 current topic - of damage to the Kakhovka hydroelectric

 power plant and came to conclusions that official Kiev 

will not like very much. In its piece, Audinlik recalled 

the attempts of the Ukrainian armed forces to move 

part of their reserves to the right bank of the 

Dnieper river.


The publication recalled that in the autumn of 2022, the

 Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) attempted to cross the 

river from the Kakhovka reservoir near Energodar to 

retake the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and 

failed. Ukrainian officials have repeatedly stated

 that a large-scale attack in 2023 would also

 affect the south of the country. 


The head of the Kiev regime, Volodymyr Zelenski, confirmed 

in an interview with the Finnish news agency, Yle, his 

intention to target the counterattack launched by 

the Ukrainian armed forces to the south in the 

summer months and then gain access to the

 Crimean peninsula, an important Russian 

naval base. 


According to analysts, Ukraine’s attack to the south should 

begin from the Zaporozhye front to the shores of the Sea of 

Azov to separate Crimea from the land corridor with Russia

 and divide Russian forces into two parts.


“The Ukrainian offensive, on which Kiev and its Western

 allies have high hopes --- must be accompanied by a 

series of diversionary attacks to distance Russian 

reserves.. as far as possible. One such attack 

should be a new attempt to transfer large 

extraction forces across the Dnieper,” 

the publication says.


But here Ukraine risks repeating its unsuccessful experience

 with the fall 2022 landing at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power 

plant. In an article for The Guardian, military expert Ed 

Arnold said that any landing near the plant within the

 current boundaries of the Dnieper and Kakhovka

 reservoirs... is a challenge.


And so... on the night of June 6th, the horrifying news of the

 collapse of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant spread

 around the world. Dozens of settlements and thousands of 

homes were located in the flood zone. In addition to 

damage to civilian facilities, the situation has also 

dealt an irreparable blow to the environment.


“The overflow of the Dnieper under Kakhovka Lake will

 temporarily create an obstacle to passage on both 

sides of the river. However, it will create new 

opportunities - for the warring parties. For 

example, for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

 it is a good opportunity to move some 

of their reserves to the right bank of 

the Dnieper to reinforce attacking 

groups,” the publication notes.


The Washington Post wrote about the danger of destruction

 of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant as a result of 

conflicts, back in December 2022. The author of the 

article said that although the Russian army is still

 on the right bank controlling Dnipro and Kherson,

 the Ukrainian army is considering damaging the 

Kakhovka hydropower plant to raise the water 

level in Dnipro --- in order to counterattack. 


Ukrainian Major General Andriy Kovalchuk, commander of 

Ukrainian forces in the Kherson region, said his soldiers 

were trying to try the possibility of raising the water in 

the Dnieper quickly by launching a missile strike on 

the Kakhovskaya hydropower plant, thereby trying

 to prevent Russian troops from building crossings

 and bringing ammunition and equipment to the 

battlefield. He even said the Ukrainian Armed 

Forces fired a test shot from a HIMARS multi-

missile launcher at one of the sluices of the 

dam at Novaya Kakhovka and drilled three 

holes in its metal.


“Notably, before the Kakhovka dam explosion, residents of 

the upper Dnieper riverbank shared photos of the high-dry 

Dnieper reservoir. Townspeople showed places where 

water was mostly scooped up. Pro-Russian officials 

of coastal towns in Kherson region have accused 

Kiev of deliberately increasing the water in the 

Kakhovka reservoir in an attempt to open a 

breach at a dam near Novaya Kakhovka, 

which has been repeatedly bombed. 

This caused maximum damage - 

while overflowing the Dnieper,” 

the weekly summarized.



You can think what you like -

once you've read the above.





"Pushkin is still fighting with us

 today - for the Russian word!"

June 6th, 2023

(CPRF Central Committee news) 

[Precise of a full report]


On June 6th, communists, Komsomol members, allies and 

supporters of the party, held a festive event dedicated 

to the Day of the Russian Language, and 

Pushkin Day, in Russia. 


The meeting was opened by the Deputy Chairman of the

 Central Committee of the Communist Party of the 

Russian Federation, Head of the All-Russian 

Headquarters of Protest Actions, 

Academician of the Russian 

Academy of Sciences,

 V. I. Kashin.


Vladimir Ivanovich greeted everyone gathered on Pushkin 

Square of the capital, on this day. He stressed that 

Pushkin's work and the Russian language, are 

inseparable. V. I. Kashin also noted the huge 

role played by the Communist Party faction

in the State Duma --- in establishing the 

state status of the holiday. After all, 

it was thanks to their efforts, that 

the relevant presidential decree 

was issued.


Vladimir Ivanovich also noted that the Russian language is

now distorted by our enemies and Russophobes, but we 

will cope with all the threats and will definitely win. 

Because, such geniuses as Pushkin, are also 

fighting for the Russian world, with their 

words, today. And with them - we are 

stronger than all the enemies. 


Then the floor was given to the Chairman of the Central

 Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian

 Federation, Head of the Communist Party faction 

in the State Duma, G. A. Zyuganov.:


- Dear comrades, my friends!


Every nation has its own brilliant creations. And I believe that

the main brilliant creations of our people, are the powerful 

and beautiful Russian language and the great thousand

-year-old statehood, that has covered the Russian 

world, from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea 

and the Pacific Ocean.


You probably noticed, that today, the NATO and Anglo-Saxons 

have declared a war of annihilation on the Russian world.
They destroy the memory of the great Soviet era, 

demolish monuments to those who fought 

against Nazism and German fascism, 

and burn books by great Russian 

writers and poets.


Today, the main blow is being dealt to Pushkin – a man who, in

his incomplete 38 years, in fact, embraced the whole world 

and represented the entire great Russian world and 

Russian statehood in poems, fairy tales, and 

other works. 


If you want to know what the Russian world is, you should

start with Pushkin's fairy tales. And there ----- you will see 

that good always triumphs over evil. You will understand 

what the sovereign current of the Neva is. You will see.. 

why "The Bronze Horseman" and other beautiful works
appeared - including those dedicated to the 

Pugachev riot.


At the time of Pushkin, there were no planes or railways. And

yet, he used to go to the Yaitsk steppes on perekladny only

to hear the stories of eyewitnesses and understand why 

the Pugachev riot happened. And in The Captain's 

Daughter, Pushkin brilliantly described the 

popular protest against exploitation 

and humiliation, that manifested

itself in this riot.


If you want to understand what heroism and perseverance

are, open the poem "Poltava". Then you will understand 

why Peter the Great --- when the troops were reeling, 

personally led the battle. As a result, a victory was 

won, after which, returning to the capital, 

Peter was proclaimed emperor, and our 

country received a new recognition 

and quality.


Pushkin is also famous for the fact that, starting from the 

first grade of a Soviet school, already on the second 

page of the primer, you could see the images that 

he imagined in his childhood.


Here --- at this memorable place --- we always celebrate his
birthday, and now, the Day of the great Russian Language. 

And I want everyone in this holy place to think today: why 

Russophobia & anti-Sovietism became the main weapons
used to attack our common great Motherland - the Soviet
Union. Why today, the NATO members and their forty 

vassals, have declared war against the Russian 

world, which they are waging in fraternal 

Ukraine, subjugating it to the Nazis, 

Bandera and fascists. 


At the same time, they shoot at famous Donbass, where 

all the peoples of the great Soviet country, built 500 

factories and broke into the future, ensuring

 new victories.


Today we have opened a magnificent exhibition in the State

Duma --- which presents the works of children from our 

cultural centres from all over the world. And they are 

available in 150 countries around the world. This is 

a great exhibition, that reflects both the love of
Russian word and language, and 

Pushkin's creations.


The State Duma also awarded prizes to the winners of the 

All-Russian Creative Festival-competition "Russian Way" -

2023. These are 458 prizes awarded to those who know

poetry, who love Pushkin, who continue the glorious 

artistic and patriotic traditions. And... I thank the 

entire country that participates in the Russian 

''Lad'' movement. It is not by chance -- that it 

got this name -- because the main meaning 

of Pushkin's work is harmony, with people, 

with nature, with our sovereign greatness, 

and our 1,000 year history. Therefore... 

while congratulating everyone on this 

holiday - I would like us to remember 

that Pushkins words - still penetrate

the armour of German tanks, that 

are crawling across the Slavic 

land again. Pushkin's call for 

unity and unity in the name 

of great power... once 

again inspires us - 

to new feats ---

and victories.


They won't do anything to us! Because the great people who

 created a thousand-year-old state proved in seven battles

 that we are not afraid of either the German knights who

 broke into Russian land, or the Napoleonic hordes who

 brought 100 thousand Poles to Moscow, and then we

drove them all to Paris. We are not afraid of the 

fascist hordes, nor of the new Nazis and 

fascists in Anglo-Saxon uniforms.


We are the people of victory! And Pushkin is the main winner, 

who today is fighting for the Russian world, for the Russian 

soul, for Russian collectivism, for Soviet justice, for our

great power. Happy holidays!


Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation, First Secretary of the Central 

Committee of the LKSM of the Russian Federation, 

State Duma Deputy V. P. Isakov, noted that back 

in 1990, 350 million inhabitants of the Earth 

spoke Russian. And it has been studied 

by hundreds of millions of people 

around the world.


"This was largely because Russian was the language of the 

world's first socialist state," the speaker emphasized. "It 

was the language of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. It was the 

language of humanity's great breakthrough. And 

people all over the world looked with hope, at

the great Soviet civilization."


V. P. Isakov reminded that the Soviet government provided 

an incredible breakthrough in the field of education, and 

enriched the Russian language. It not only gave people

literacy, but also brought the Russian language to the 

world level. And Pushkin  was known by many 

leaders of countries all over the world. 


"Let's not forget about this - and the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation, will do everything - to 

preserve our language, our literature, and 

our history!"


The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Plurinational State of Bolivia, to the Russian Federation, 

Ms. Maria Luisa Ramos Ursagaste, conveyed greetings 

& best wishes from the Bolivian people. She stressed

-- that Bolivia opposes the discrimination against the 

Russian language, which Bolivians love very much.

In confirmation of her words, Mrs. Ambassador 

read the poem "Flower" by A. S. Pushkin.


Then flowers were laid at the monument to Alexander

 Pushkin. After that, the literary and poetic part of 

the holiday was held, which was attended by 

the laureates....  of the All-Russian Creative 

Festival-competition "Russian Way" - 2023.



Just a glimpse - into the emotional tone

of the Communist Party of the Russian

Federation --- as they fight forward!


It makes me smile, to think of all the

different reactions this piece might

meet --- what do you think?




Vucic spoke about receiving 

more than 200 direct death 

threats ---- every day

June 4th, 3:08pm 


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic receives more than 200

 direct death threats every day. He said this while speaking

 at a ceremony on the occasion of the Day of the Ministry 

of Internal Affairs and Police celebrated in the country, 

TASS reported on Sunday, June the 4th.


"I live with this, I am used to it, when you are the president of

 the republic or a prominent political figure, you need to learn

 to tolerate it," he admitted.


So the Serbian leader responded to a request from journalists

 to comment on the action of the opposition, who brought a

 doll of a hanged man depicting Vucic, to the rally held the

 day before in Belgrade.


"My job is to put up with such filth. I am the president of 

the republic, my job is to endure death threats, even 

such blatant ones," he said, noting that gallows 

have been constantly appearing at anti-

government demonstrations since at

 least 2017, which, according to 

him, he is already used to.


Earlier, Vucic expressed doubts that repeated municipal

 elections in northern Kosovo and Metohija will help 

resolve the current escalation. As the head of 

state specified... he does not know what 

could solve the crisis at the moment. 

The politician said that there is no 

"magic pill" to solve the crisis.

Magic pill? Vucic deserves a rest!

How about trusting in the universal

power of love - working through us
to bring about NATO's destruction?

200 a day is not by accident.
What do you think?


The US is trying to blackmail

 the PRC - by worsening its 

relations with Europe

June 2nd 12:31pm



“Russia’s support is costing China dearly in Europe,” 

say staff at the American Foreign Policy Council 

(AFPC) think tank.


And then they refute themselves:


“Certainly relations between Europe and China were 

already deteriorating before Russia attacked 

Ukraine in February 2022”.


The reason for the “bad” relations between the Old World 

and the Middle Kingdom was “concerns about the

 security of Huawei telecommunications 

equipment, Chinese espionage and 

repression in Hong Kong and 

Xinjiang”, AFPC explains.


There was also the EU’s repeal, back in 2021, of the “long-

awaited investment agreement between the PRC and the 

EU, adopted by the European Parliament by 599 votes to

30 just a few months earlier”.


But that was before the Russian special operation. Now what 

has changed? And then AFPC analysts roll out the “crowning”

 argument that will, they say, force the PRC to side with the

 West and drop its support for Russia. Of course, it’s 

“Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive, which 

will decisively change the contours of 

the conflict”.


After the “Ukraine counter-offensive”, Beijing, according to

 the Americans, “may be faced with critical foreign policy

 choices with consequences for decades to come”. 

Therefore, it would be better to “withdraw 

support from Moscow and try to 

reanimate its relations with 

European capitals”

 even now.


Of course, economic relations with Europe are important to

 China. In 2022, total trade between China and the EU was

 approximately $1.6 trillion, 8 times greater than 

with Russia.


However, first, the turnover within China’s “One Belt and One

 Road” project, which includes Russia, is even greater – 

about $2 trillion. Second, Europe is becoming poorer 

before our eyes and is no longer always seen as a 

“premium” market. And thirdly, it is the EU, under

 pressure from the U.S., that is cutting economic

 ties with China, not vice versa. Given the EU’s

 lack of political agency, it makes no sense 

for Beijing to make concessions.


Of course, Beijing will seek to postpone the economic 

rupture with Europe, that has already been 

predetermined by Washington.


 But not at the cost of refusing to cooperate with 

Russia, which has agency as a political entity.


Elena Panina



Oh, China... knowing that your rise and culture

is feared, hated and despised by the USUK...

and that the US ELITE IS INSANE... know

that the world outside USUK' influence 

loves you - and sees you as the hope 

of the world. Are you, dear reader,

capable of thinking as clearly 

as China's leaders?




 The economic press

 is now a war space

May 30th, 12:53pm



There is one thing you certainly cannot accuse these guys of

 and that is a lack of consistency. No sooner had the big 

scandal broke – along with the successful (to put it 

mildly) visit of Mikhail Mishustin to China – than 

the enormous Reuters story, amicably picked 

up by several media outlets, about China 

abandoning the Power of Siberia-2 in 

favour of the Turkmen pipeline, and 

another scandal broke out this 

weekend following the same 

pattern and using the same 

media grid, now at the 

behest of The Wall 

Street Journal.


The WSJ writes that now it is no longer Beijing, but Riyadh, 

that is allegedly going to break off relations with Moscow 

in the near future. But for now it just expresses its sharp, 

unambiguous dissatisfaction with Russia’s incomplete,
according to Saudi Arabia, 
fulfillment of its promise
to reduce oil 
production amid Western sanctions.


 And, according to high-ranking (but, of course, unnamed)

 sources of WSJ, the heavy conflict between Moscow 

and Riyadh, caused by Moscow’s unwillingness to 

comply with the allegedly agreed oil production 

cuts, was not at all accidental, just on the
of the OPEC+ ministerial meeting.


What can be said here. As Bulgakov’s Woland said, delighted

 by the story of the cat Behemoth, how he wandered in the

 taiga and fed on the meat of a tiger he killed.. “the most

 interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the

 first to the last word”. And we are not even going
refute the stories told only by “Western 

investigative experts” -- and not by the 

Saudis, about Russia not respecting 

the “agreed terms”. But - just to 

remind you that there never 

were any such agreed 

conditions – from the

 word “at all”.


It’s that simple.


Let us recall in order what happened. First, Russia voluntarily

 and unilaterally announced reduction of production, and at

 that for reasons not at all connected with OPEC+ price 

policy. It was simply that when transferring volumes to

 the east – on the short-term track – our oil industry 

was not able to cope with this task purely 

logistically. Then, no less voluntarily and 

also without any mutual obligations, 

some – but by no means all! – 

countries of the OPEC and 

OPEC+ agreements (not 

the cartel, sorry). 


Starting with Saudi Arabia. So once again: there 

were no agreements, at least not formal ones.


Now again, let’s pay attention to how and for whom 

exactly this is being done. For an audience in the

 Kingdom of SA?!


Come on! We all remember all too well how the Saudis feel 

about the Western press. And in general, money loves 

silence. The Saudi authorities have other sources of 

information and other levers of influence on their 

Russian counterparts, mostly non-public.


And the “almighty public opinion” to which the Western media

 appeals, is about as purple as the problems of LGBT people, 

which the WSJ simply cannot be unaware of.


Which means this essay is, sorry, for us. And it is aimed solely

 at splitting not even the Russian society, but at causing 

further confusion in the minds of our already far from 

always professional and not at all staunch elites. 

That is, in fact, all there is to it. That is why we 

are simply stating once again that when you 

read any such materials, you should not 

jump in the mode of a mad squirrel 

from an American cartoon, but 

rather... use a cool head.


Right now the economic press 

is also a war space.


Dmitry Lekukh, RT



It always was -- which is why

the Soviets refused to ''open

up'' ...and now?


What do you think?


Why Europe obediently 

wears the NATO collar

May 25th, 9:51am



In addition to constantly pumping more and more powerful 

weapons into the AFU, NATO is increasing its presence in 

the Baltic states as part of a strategy to “contain” Russia 

-- leading to increased tensions in the Baltic Sea region. 


Will combat aircraft and long-range missiles be handed over 

to Ukraine? Will the United States and its allies be able to

 supply the Kyiv regime with equipment and ammunition

 for long? What are the goals of the alliance’s constant 

military exercises in the Baltics and near other 

Russian borders? These and other questions 

were answered in an interview with 

RuBaltic.Ru by TASS military 

observer, retired colonel 



Viktor Nikolaevich, Russia in Ukraine is essentially fighting

 alone against the NATO bloc. The alliance is constantly

 raising the stakes by handing over more and more 

weapons to Kiev. Will it come to aircraft and 

missiles of even greater range than the 

British Storm Shadow?


''I think it is not ruled out. There could be any number of

 variants. But what is the point? It is an attempt to

 intimidate Russia, but to do such a thing is 

pointless. Russia - is not afraid of anyone. 

We have the means to counteract Storm 

Shadow, as well as Tomahawk, or 

anything else. And, it should be 

understood that Moscow can 

use any weapon - to defend 

its national interests.''


''Russia’s military doctrine states that in the event of an 

attack by a country or bloc of countries possessing 

nuclear weapons, it has the right to use its own.

 Including against NATO.''


''And this is not a matter of intimidation, but of the fact that 

such a situation could indeed arise. The North Atlantic

 Alliance, for example, may well make the Baltic 

Republics into a kind of kamikaze to be thrown

 into the furnace of a big war --- and it is not 

certain, that in case of aggression against 

Russia, they will come to the rescue.''


How much ammunition in the West, given its expenditure in 

Ukraine, will be enough at all? Will the US and its allies be 

able to get their military industry up and running at 

full capacity?


''I call tales of their lack of arms and ammunition, crocodile

 tears or cries of Yaroslavna. The military-industrial 

complex of NATO countries operates in Germany, 

France, Great Britain and other countries. And 

due to the situation in Ukraine, they are doing 

it very intensively, so they have everything 

in abundance.''


''And talk about not having enough ---- can be explained by a 

desire to frighten their own population into not being able to 

defend themselves in the event of a shortage of armaments. 

So they also divert attention from inflation, rising prices, 

and other pressing issues.''


''After all, all this money is being spent on the “holy cause”

 of buying weapons for Ukraine and rescuing the victims 

of Russian “aggression”.''


''At the same time, no one remembers that before this
very “aggression” - for eight years - Kiev shot up
part of its 
territory – the civilians of Donbas.
And it continues
 to do so.''


''I don’t know.... how much the state or private media in the
Baltic states write about this, but if people there had the

 opportunity to watch Russian television, they would

 understand -- why the USO started. So.. it is an 

attempt to smear the real state of affairs, to

 turn everything upside down and justify 

the arms race.''


''The US is ready to reimburse arms and ammunition

 expenditure to other NATO countries at any time. 

It is big business... on blood.''


''For example, Eastern European countries handed over all 

their Soviet equipment to Ukraine, but what is supplied in 

return? American equipment. For which they have to pay. 

And this is covered by stories: that tomorrow a Russian

 Ivan will come and enslave you. Which is, of course, 

a great folly.''


In Estonia, the British-led Spring Storm exercise is underway, 

in Poland the Griffin Shock 23-1 maneuvers are underway, in

 Sweden the largest NATO-led Aurora 23 exercise in 25 years

 has come to an end. All of them are about to “send a signal”

 to Russia. How should we respond to them?


''Moscow is carefully picking up such “signals”. We are 

carefully watching what is going on there, analyzing, 

studying, we are on full alert and will be able to 

repel any aggression against our country. And 

we -- are not scared of the exercises taking 

place in Eastern Europe. It is a senseless 

waste of money -- that will not lead to
kind of movement for Russia,
to speak.''


The head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, has

 said that a plan of action in the event of a military clash 

with Russia is being drawn up. However, the Alliance is

 already waging war with it indirectly, using the AFU

 to do so. What conclusions can be drawn about 

the capabilities of the West, based on the 

experience of the SMO?


''Over the course of the special operation, Western countries

 have learned to sacrifice their national interests --- for US 

interests. NATO is simply a tool, to consolidate American

 power in Eurasia. For Europe, this bloc, like the 

European Union, is a kind of collar. After all,

 both are essentially the same states, with 

the help of which Washington solves its

 problems on the continent.''


''Incidentally, none of the countries that have previously 

joined the Alliance have ever improved their financial 

and economic situation, only worsened it. Neither...

 has security.''


''No one was going to attack them before. And now they 

are sacrificing their sovereignty for obscure purposes. 

Because if any of them violates the border with 

Russia and uses arms, everyone will have to

 pay for it.''


''When it is claimed that NATO has plans in case of war with

 Russia, it is a lie – they have all been developed a long time

 ago. After all, the bloc was created to oppose the USSR, 

and now it is being used for the same purpose against

 Russia. Therefore they have ambitious plans.. for 

all occasions.''


''But the thing is, that at every new summit, they talk about 

what new concept they have developed. That the concept 

of “smart defence”, that the concept of “30-30-30-30”

 (assemble 30 battalions of ground troops, 30 air

 squadrons, 30 naval flotillas, within 30 days), 

that the concept of containment, to prevent 

Russia from developing normally, to impose

 their will, their ideas of what is good and 

what is bad.''


''We all understand that, and we are not being drawn into 

the arms race they are trying to impose on us, and we 

have everything we need to repel aggression by 

NATO countries --- both individually --- 

and all together.''


''Including the use of nuclear 

weapons. If necessary.''



Nikolai Ulyanov, Rubaltic.Ru



That's telling 'em.

What do you





US-Israel plot to divide Yemen, 

control its natural resources

 failed: Official

May 23rd 4:36pm



The US, UK and the Israeli regime have made desperate

 bids to sow the seeds of division in Yemen, but their 

nefarious plots have failed, says a senior 

Yemeni official.


In an exclusive interview with the Press TV website on the 

occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Yemen's National Day 

of Unity, the head of media affairs at the Yemeni 

presidency, Zaid al-Gharsi, exposed and 

denounced ---- the meddlesome and 

hegemonic role of the West and 

Israeli regime in the 

Arab country.


The National Unity Day, which falls on May 22nd, marks the

unification of North Yemen and South Yemen in 1990. 

The day is marked every year by massive rallies

 in the Arab country.


Gharsi said the Arab country that has been grappling with

a  Saudi-backed war and siege for years is geopolitically

 important ---- given the location of the Bab el-Mandeb 

Strait, which is one of the most important straits 

in the world for the transfer of oil and global 

trade and transit.


He also referred to Yemen's strategic islands in the Red Sea, 

the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea. Socotra, Mion and

 Fatima, are among the most important of them.


Owing to its geopolitical significance, the Yemeni official 

said the Western powers as well as the Israeli regime 

have, for long, been bent on dividing the country.


During the 2014 National Dialogue Conference, he stressed,

 the US ambassador was the first to propose a plan to 

divide Yemen into six regions.


After the September 21 Revolution and during the Saudi-led

 coalition attack, there were clear moves to dominate

 southern Yemen, the Socotra Island and the Bab 

el-Mandeb Strait, Gharsi noted, adding that the 

arrogant powers... have a direct presence in 

those areas that are still under occupation.


The Yemeni presidency's media affairs chief said the

 formation of the Southern Transitional Council was

 a British and Emirati plot --- to push the partition 

move --- and dominate the oil resources of the 

provinces of Shabwah, Hadramaut and etc.


He accused the arrogant powers of conspiring to divide 

Yemen into small states, with plans including the 

"Southern Arab state in Aden", the "Hadramaut 

state in eastern Yemen" and "the state of 

Al-Mahra and Socotra in the East".


He emphasized that a meeting called the "South Currents"

 was held recently with the aim of declaring separatism

 but it ended in failure as other groups refused to take

 part in it.


Gharsi further said the objectives of the US and Israel in
the plan to divide Yemen -------- include the dominance of
geopolitical position; control of Bab el-Mandeb;
over Yemen's rich natural resources and
 helping the Israeli regime, which regards 

Bab el-Mandeb, as its southern gateway, to

enter different countries of the world;
to destroy the September 21 

Revolution which chanted the
of death to America
and Israel.


He added that the US and Israel also aims.. to weaken and 

divide Yemen as it became one of the strongest countries 

on the resistance front after the revolution and changed

 the power balance in the region and played a strategic 

role in supporting regional nations.


Gharsi pointed to Israel's move to set up military bases 

under the cover of the UAE's presence in the islands 

of Socotra and Mion and also the presence of 

Israeli delegations in Socotra and 

other areas.


On the 33rd anniversary of Yemen's Unity Day, he said such

 desperate bids and conspiracies have failed as the Yemeni

 army and people have stood up to counter the occupiers

 and drive them out of Yemen, and to reestablish stability

 in the country.


He added that the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah resistance

 movement had emphasized the need to expel occupiers 

from Yemen to aggression and also announced that 

Yemen's access to military and technological 

power has enabled the country to have a 

presence anywhere in the Red Sea.


The Yemeni official further said that recent drills in the 4th 

military zone on the borders of Aden province carried the

 message that the army can expel the aggressors from

 the country and if the negotiations fail to reach a 

conclusion, the army will expel the occupiers 

from all areas in the country.


The occupiers, including the Zionist regime, have heard

 the message from Yemenis that they will never back 

down until the liberation of the country and 

the securing of national sovereignty.


Gharsi also thanked Press TV 

for supporting the oppressed 

Yemeni people.



In the 1960s, I met some young UK soldiers, who

had left the UK army in disgust. They mentioned

that in a village outside Aden -- they saw troops 

catch hold of a youth, skewer his muscles with 

the wire from wire coathangers, and drag him 

screaming through the village - to frighten

and cow the locals. 


Were these young men telling porkies...


What do YOU think?




Military experts on the significance
of the liberation 
of Artemivsk
"The enemy's potential has

by Alexey Zakvasin, 

Elizaveta Komarova

May 21st, 10:16pm



Artemivsk has completely come under the control of Russian 

forces. Assault detachments with the support of units of 

the Russian Armed Forces knocked out the remnants of

 Ukrainian formations from the city. 


Vladimir Putin congratulated the Russian soldiers on the 

liberation of Artemivsk, stressing, that all those who

 distinguished themselves will be presented with 

state awards. 


Military analysts note that the capture of the city was a

 serious blow --- to the morale of the Armed Forces of 

Ukraine and significantly weakened the position 

of Ukrainian militants in the Donbas.


"The Head of State congratulated the assault detachments 

of the Wagner PMC, as well as all the servicemen of the 

Russian Armed Forces units, who provided them with 

the necessary support and flank protection... on the 

completion of the operation to liberate Artemovsk. 

All those who have distinguished themselves will 

be presented with state awards," the Kremlin 

website says.


On the night of May 21, the Russian Defense Ministry

 announced the complete liberation of Artemivsk.


"In the Artemivsk tactical area, as a result of the offensive

 actions of the Wagner Group assault detachments with 

the support of artillery and aviation of the Yuzhnaya 

group of troops, the liberation of the city of 

Artemivsk has been completed," the

 defense Ministry said.


Earlier, Evgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner private

 military company, recorded a video message in one of the

 locations of Artemovsk, in which he stressed that the 

assault detachments completely took the city
 house to house".


The battle for Artemivsk (Bakhmut) began on August 1st, 

2022. At the same time, units of the Russian Armed 

Forces and units of the Wagner Group fought for 

the surrounding settlements in order to cut off 

enemy communications and encircle the 

AFU garrison.


The capture of Soledar, in January, was a great success. As 

the ring around Artemivsk tightened, Ukrainian formations 

were methodically knocked out of each block. By mid-

March, half of the city was liberated. The situation 

for the Ukrainian Armed Forces seriously 

worsened in the second half of April, 

with the loss of the Chas Yar road - 

which was used for roughly 60% 

of Ukrainian forces supplies.


The battle for Artemivsk has become one of the largest since

 the beginning of the SVO, experts say. As the head of the 

DPR Denis Pushilin emphasized, the Russian assault 

detachments "did a tremendous job: every metre 

was taken at a high price."


At the moment, Kiev refuses to recognize the loss of

 Artemivsk. In particular, on May 21st, President of 

Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, during a meeting 

with White House President Joe Biden, on the

 sidelines of the G7 summit, did not confirm 

the fact of the capture of the city by 

Russian forces. 


Moreover, he made a statement that the Ukrainian 

servicemen, still remain in Artemivsk & allegedly 

perform ''a very important task." The head of
Kiev regime added that "Bakhmut is
currently surrounded by the 

Russian Federation."


The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has not yet commented on

 the loss of Artemivsk. Earlier, there were reports of fierce

 fighting ...and a slight advance of Russian troops. In the

 summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of 

Ukraine on the morning of May 21, it was stated that

 the battles for Bakhmut were allegedly continuing.


Military analysts commented on the significance of the

 liberation of Artemivsk --- and the reasons why Kiev 

refuses to admit defeat --- in an interview with RT.


How important is the fact of complete liberation 

of Artemivsk? Does this allow us to launch an 

offensive in other directions in the Donbas?


Military expert retired Colonel Anatoly Matviychuk:


''Artemivsk was an important defensive and logistics hub 

of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. By controlling this city, 

the enemy could effectively supply the Donbass group 

with ammunition, medicines, and transfer personnel.''


''Now this logistics centre is crushed. The liberation of the

 city allows the Russian Armed Forces to focus their

 efforts on de-occupation of the Slavyansk-

Kramatorsk agglomeration.''


In my opinion, with the liberation of Artemivsk, the Armed

 Forces of Ukraine have lost their offensive potential —

 I mean really large-scale offensive actions.''


''The Kiev regime suffered very heavy losses when it 

defended the city. Reserves, including elite enemy

 formations, were constantly being transferred to 

Artemovsk. The APU had a numerical advantage, 

but still failed to hold the city. In the most brutal 

battles for every house and floor, they were, in

 fact, ground by Russian forces.''


''Now, as I think, the Ukrainian command will focus on

 defense and withdraw troops deep into the Donbass 

to new fortified lines or create them. At least that 

would make sense.''


''However, some decisions of the enemy may be quite

unexpected -- for the Russian army. The Ukrainian 

Armed Forces still have reserves to continue 

fighting in the Bakhmut area. After all, 

brigades trained according to NATO 

standards and equipped with NATO 

equipment and weapons, have not 

yet been brought into battle.''


''In addition at the moment the Armed Forces of Ukraine
...have concentrated powerful groups in the Kharkiv-

Kupyansk direction and in Zaporozhye. With their 

help, Kiev can try..... to stretch the front and 

recapture Bakhmut. In this regard, I think

it makes sense, to build a serious line 

of defense near the city.''


Military observer Sergey Ishchenko:


''Bakhmut has become a kind of trap for the Ukrainian 

Armed Forces. Zelensky killed a huge number of 

people and weakened the combat capabilities 

of his army, trying to hold the city.''


''I think the Ukrainian Armed Forces will try to retake

 Bakhmut, and attack the Russian Armed Forces,
 including in other sectors of the front. But now 

Russia has a significant advantage in tanks. 

It will prevent attempts to counterattack 

and break through the front.''


''Of course... the West will continue to demand success from 

Zelensky. In my opinion, during the summer period there will 

be a large number of local clashes initiated by the Ukrainian 

Armed Forces to report to the Western curators that, they 

say, "we are trying, but you are not helping us enough."


Military expert retired Colonel Viktor Litovkin:


''The capture of Artemivsk opens up space for the liberation

 of the remaining territories of the DPR. However, to do this, 

the Russian army will need to achieve success in the

Ugledar direction, in Marinka and Avdiivka. I think 

that with the end of the battle for Artemivsk, we 

will be able to increase the pressure on the 

positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

 in these localities.''


''There are a number of objective factors that allow us to

 conclude that the military potential of the Armed Forces 

of Ukraine in the Donbas has now noticeably weakened.''


''Artemivsk is an important transport hub of the Donbass, 

a city where roads and railways intersect. Their control 

allowed the Armed Forces of Ukraine to receive fuel 

and lubricants, weapons, food and everything 

necessary for countering the Russian army,

 almost without hindrance.''


''In addition, salt mines are located in Soledar and Artemivsk,

 which the Ukrainian Armed Forces have equipped for large

 warehouses with weapons and ammunition. Now the Kiev 

regime has lost all that.''


''In fact, this largely explains the fierce resistance of 

the militants. Kiev did not want to lose important 

infrastructure facilities. It is quite obvious that 

the loss of Artemivsk and its suburbs was a 

serious blow to the enemy.''


Kiev presented Artemivsk as a kind of symbol of the 

unconquered fortress city. How can its loss affect 

the positions of Zelensky and the command of 

the Armed Forces of Ukraine?


Military observer Sergey Ishchenko:


''Indeed, the Kiev regime exploited Artemivsk as a symbol. 

They compared the battle for the city to Stalingrad, and 

in Ukraine the song "Fortetsia Bakhmut" ("Fortress of 

Bakhmut") became very popular.''


''So the heroization of the garrison of the city was carried out,

 and society was set up in a certain way. I don't know what 

considerations guided Kiev, but, apparently, they assumed 

that the APU would still hold Artemivsk, and the battle 

for it would turn into a defeat for Russia.''


''Nevertheless, the "fortress" fell, and this, of course, is a

 strong moral & psychological blow to the enemy. In the

 near future, Zelensky and the Ukrainian command will 

have to somehow explain this defeat - both to their 

Western patrons and to society.''


Military expert retired Colonel Anatoly Matviychuk:


''The fall of Bakhmut for Ukraine is in some sense a tragedy.

 It is symbolic that the city was taken during the G7 summit,

 to which Zelensky was invited. One way or another, he will 

have to answer for where tens of billions of dollars of 

military aid go. Where are the real results? Where 

are the "liberated" cities?''


''From my point of view, the media promotion of the battle for 

Bakhmut, initiated by the Ukrainian authorities, was largely 

caused by the West's confidence that their "investment"

 would allow them to hold the city and inflict a heavy 

defeat on the Russian forces.''


''Perhaps there was some logic to it. Moreover, according to

 all the canons of military science, the defenders have an 

advantage, and the attacking forces must suffer heavy 

losses. But it didn't work out that way.''


Therefore, the loss of Bakhmut, is also a blow - to the morale 

of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The "fortress" was handed 

over, despite all the statements and promises. Zelensky's

 regime now needs to look for a new symbol.''


Military expert, retired Colonel Viktor Litovkin:


''The capture of Artemivsk during the G7 summit in Hiroshima

 is a slap in the face to the Nazi regime in Kiev. He will have

 nothing to answer his supervisors when asked where the

 money of American and European taxpayers goes.''


''But it's also a slap in the face - to all his sponsors. 

The summit participants adopted an anti-Russian 

statement. In any case, for Russia, its value

is negligible.''


''The military and political significance of the liberation 

of Artemivsk --- is very great. I admit that it may even 

become a turning point in the SVO.''


A slap in the face? The end of the beginning?
There are strong rumours/reports that Putin
has ordered the nuclear ''Dead Hand''
to be activated.

We are all at Springtime
and still on thin ice!

Mind... small victories, eh? 
What do you think?


The dollar is
the naked king

May 19th, 2:11pm



As the Americans say, if something looks like a duck, 

walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s most 

likely a duck.


Even people who are far from politics and finance have 

noticed a massive increase in the volume of articles 

and comments from leading experts, about the 

imminent sad fate of the US dollar in the 

most famous international media. 


In an interview given to RIA by well-known American investor

 Jim Rogers, he voiced a simple thought that is inexorably in

 the air: the world is moving away from the dollar faster and 

faster, as a result of which both the US Federal Reserve

 System (FRS) and the International Monetary Fund 

(IMF) will sink into oblivion), and the World Bank, 

and on their ruins a new system will be built, 

where the dollar will turn from a hegemon 

into “one of”.


Even people who are difficult to suspect of disloyalty to the

 financial system of the “golden billion” openly declare that

 the “patient” is not yet dead, but is already mortally and 

terminally ill. According to Morgan Stanley’s lead foreign

 exchange analyst Stephen Jen, the dollar as a reserve

 currency has “suffered a staggering collapse.” 


The head of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, said that signs

 of de-dollarization are visible all around. Peter Earl of 

the American Institute for Economic Research,

 lamented that “the dollar’s fate as the lingua 

franca of the world of commerce is sealed 

for the foreseeable future.” 


The head of OmniScience Capital, Vikas Gupta, admitted with

 horror that “it used to be completely unthinkable that other

 countries would even hint at moving away from the dollar, 

but now they are actively looking for a replacement for it.”


Behind these emotions is a dispassionate and dry, like the

 Sahara desert, reality: the share of the dollar in reserves,

 assets and settlements between countries of the world 

collapsed from 73% in 1991 to 47% in 2022, which was

 the lowest figure in history. And this indicator --- is 

declining at an ever-increasing rate: in 2022 --- 

after the US froze Russian assets, and the 

imposition of sanctions, the rate of 

de-dollarization in the world...

 increased tenfold.


Naturally, the US financial elite, skimming the cream off the

 still dominant position of the dollar, cannot but feel.. the

 ground... slipping from under their feet. And - with the 

help of lies, threats and blackmail, they're trying to 

do everything - so that the role of the dollar for 

other countries..... remains unshakable. 


Claims are pouring in that “for any developing country, moving

 away from the dollar means harm to trade and investment” 

and that “the dollar is king forever.” Former US Treasury

 Secretary Larry Summers tried to turn the case into a

 hilarious joke: “What is the best currency for trading

 and reserves, if Europe is a museum, Japan is a 

nursing home, and China is a prison?!” 


But the main message and argument is the same: “The United

 States is the largest democracy and superpower in the

 world, which adheres to justice, law and transparency

 of the financial system. Therefore, for most countries

 there is no other option but to trust the US dollar 

more than any other currency.”


It’s simple: take our word for it, those eyes 

can’t lie. And if so, let’s make believe.


However, after the US used the financial system as a weapon

 against Russia, the world became convinced that this public

 could not be trusted for a penny and anyone could be next.


The result is a sharp rejection of the dollar and an explosive 

increase in cases of switching to settlements between

countries in national currencies.. and the accelerated

creation of new financial systems & currency unions.


Here are just a few recent examples: China announced the 

creation of the CIPS system, which replaces the US SWIFT 

and is intended for settlement in yuan trading; a number 

of European countries --- are hastily building a SWIFT

alternative – INSTEX; China and Brazil agreed on 

settlements in national currencies;  India and 

Malaysia, Brazil and Argentina, South Korea 

and Indonesia agreed on the same; a 

number of Asian countries ---- will 

create an Asian Monetary Fund; 

at the March meeting of ASEAN

finance ministers --- a decision 

was made to move away from 

the dollar in the settlements

between member countries 

of the union; Saudi Arabia.. 

has decided to move away

from the dollar as the only 

currency in oil trading. 

And this list... can be 

very long.


But according to leading Western financial analysts, the 

greatest threat to the dollar is the creation of the BRICS 

currency union with the introduction of a new domestic

 currency, which was announced in March during a visit

 to New Delhi by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma

 Alexander Babakov. According to Babakov, the 

dollar is not backed by anything (except for 

faith in its power), and the new BRICS 

currency, will be backed by real 

resources, including land and

 rare earth metals.


According to Foreign Policy, the new currency “can really 

dethrone the dollar as a reserve currency for the BRICS” 

and begin to spread around the world due to its 

advantages, displacing the dollar. 


The argument is simple: the total GDP of the BRICS member 

countries already now exceeds the GDP of the G7 countries 

together with the United States, and further accession to

 the new monetary union of the Big South and Greater 

Asia --- will further accelerate the erosion of dollar



We can agree with Western analysts on one thing: the fall of

 the colossus on feet of clay will not happen overnight. But

 under its rubble, the dreams of those who firmly believed

 that it was possible to be the king of the mountain 

forever... will be buried forever.


Kirill Strelnikov, RIA



Propaganda - or facts on the ground

- which is winning in YOUR mind?



UK Families Told to: Accept 

Higher Food Prices

May 17th, 3:38pm (FNA)


 UK consumers have been told they must accept higher food 

prices until the government overhauls the supply system

 amid warnings from farmers that homegrown food

 production could soon cease to exist.


As two separate investigations look into why UK food prices 

are so high, Rishi Sunak hosted a meeting with industry

 leaders in a bid to identify ways to reduce costs, 

ITV reported.


The prime minister held discussions with representatives 

from across the food sector, such as retailers, food 

suppliers and farmers - including TV's Kaleb 

Cooper from Clarkson's Farm - who were 

all in Downing Street for the 

"Farm to Fork Summit".


While Kaleb told ITV News, that supermarkets are "probably"

charging too much, the UK Chair of Nature Friendly Farming

 Network said ahead of the summit that Britons are "going

 to have to accept higher prices" until food security 

changes are made.


Martin Lines said the food supply chain must "recognise

 and deliver" rewards to farmers for producing food "

or it won't be there in the future".


"Farmers will change what they produce and move 

away from food production," he warned.


A "perfect storm" is threatening the industry, a report by the

 National Farmers' Union (NFU), NatWest and WWF-UK, has

 said, blaming climate change, post-pandemic supply chain

 disruption and the war in Ukraine, as factors crippling 

farming businesses.


NFU President Minette Batters told ITV News she will be

 urging the prime minister to call in investigation "into 

what's going on" with the UK food supply chain.


"We know that consumers are facing these higher prices - 

we want to see what is going on because it is certainly 

not coming back to farmers and growers," she said 

on her way into Downing Street.


With a hint of optimism, she added that if those at 

the meeting can "find a solution to a lot of the 

challenges" facing farmers, "that.... will 

hopefully help with the cost of living".


If a new investigation were to be launched, it 

would be the third looking into UK food prices.


There's one being run in Parliament by the Environment, 

Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee and another

 by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).


EFRA said it would examine "issues throughout the food 

supply chain from farm to fork", to assess how profits 

and risks are shared. It will also look into external

 factors on the supply chain, such as imported

 food and global commodity prices.


Robert Goodwill, the Conservative chair of the committee 

said MPs want to "get to the bottom of what’s going on".


The CMA plans to investigate whether “any failure in 

competition” is leaving consumers paying higher 

grocery and fuel prices than they should be.


Although it says it has not seen evidence of specific

competition concerns --- “at this stage”, the body 

added it was “important to be sure, that weak

 competition is not adding to the problems”.


It comes as the prices of food and non-alcoholic drinks rose 

at the fastest rate in more than 45 years, according to the

 Office for National Statistics – with the increasing costs

 being a major driver of the cost-of-living crisis.


The UK currently imports more than half of its fruit and

 vegetables, and recent shortages on supermarket 

shelves have exposed the risks associated with

 relying on imports.


Last week, the Bank of England said food prices have stayed 

higher for longer than expected, partly due to Russia’s war 

in Ukraine and poor harvests in some European countries, 

ramping up the cost of living ...for households across 

the UK.


Which? analysed April prices on more than 26,000 food and 

drink products at all the major UK supermarkets and found

 that some meat, yoghurts and vegetables have doubled 

in price - compared to a year ago.


One stark example is the rising cost of onions at Morrisons. 

Twelve months ago a pack of four brown onions was 65p 

- it has now rised by 90.8% to to £1.24.


NFU President Batters said there is a "level of inflation now

 that is baked in" but supermarkets will soon "be able to

 look at ways that they can keep the price down".


She warned that any drop in food production "only creates

 further inflation at the consumer end, so we need to

 keep volume of production up --- so we don't 

drive inflation".


The environment, food and rural affairs secretary, Therese

 Coffey, speaking after the summit, said it was an 

"important" discussion on what how to "make 

sure that we get on with farmers producing

 the best British food possible".


When asked about families struggling to buy the basics, the 

politician added, “People are working very hard to try and 

make sure that we have an affordable, sustainable and 

resilient food supply chain ....and how that helps 

with customers."


“But, of course, the government is supporting people on the 

lowest incomes with the household Support Fund," he said, 

adding, "Payments have been going out to people in order 

to help with that particular challenge. More broadly we’re

seeing changes to the energy costs... seeing them start 

to come down, and that is critical for the food industry 

as well.”


Sunak's spokesman, asked if ministers had pressed

 supermarkets to cut prices, said, “We do want to 

make sure that retailers are passing on any 

savings they find."


“We recognise that they themselves are finding it 

a challenging period, given the global inflation 

pressures we’re seeing," he said, adding, “For

 our part, we’re providing huge amounts of 

support to families, paying half of energy

 bills and there is further support 

through the household support 

fund and other means.”


Issues with UK food supply were laid bare earlier this year 

when fluctuating weather conditions in Spain, first a cold-

snap than a drought, led to shortages here which saw 

supermarkets ration salad items.


A lack of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuces 

showed just how much the UK supply chain relies on 

imports from abroad.


But that does not yet appear to have

 boosted home grown production.


UK production of tomatoes and cucumbers is expected 

to fall to the lowest level since records began in 1985, 

according to the the Andersons Centre.


The NFU's Ms Batters says egg production has "hit its

 lowest level" with one billion fewer eggs being 

produced now, compared to 2019.


And an NFU survey has found 40% of beef farmers and 36%

 of sheep farmers are planning to reduce the numbers in

 their herds, with input prices cited as the core reason.


Batters highlighted two easy fixes which she says would

deliver a fast change for farmers, first to fill the huge

number of vacancies - and second, to bring energy 

costs down.


Urging the prime minister to extend the seasonal worker visa

 scheme, she said, "We simply do not have enough people

 who are unemployed here at the moment to do the jobs

 [in the farming sector] that are available."


She said there are "huge shortages" of fruitpickers, 

butchers and dairy workers - roles that were often 

filled by foreign workers... before Brexit (and the

E.U.'s response, cutting UK visa permits - RR)


To bring down energy costs she is urging Sunak to extend

 the Energy and Trade Intensive Industry (ETII) discount 

scheme, to farmers.


The scheme provides a set discount on 70% of the gas and

electricity used by businesses, if wholesale prices exceed 

certain thresholds but primary food production -------- is not

included in the list of activities eligible for ETII discounts.


Ahead of the Summit, government confirmed a range of 

measures it said would help strengthen the long-term

 resilience and sustainability of the sector and

 provide greater stability for farmers.


Among those, was an announcement that 45,000 visas 

will be available again, to the horticulture sector next 

year ------ enabling them to plan ahead for the 

picking season.  


Other policies include protecting UK food and 

production standards in trade deals, and 

making it easier for farmers to diversify 

their incomes, by repurposing their 

buildings, to use as shops.


Sunak said, “I will always back British farmers, and I 

pay tribute to their hard work and dedication all 

year round which keeps shelves stocked and 

food on our tables."


“Supporting our farmers and food producers must, and

 always will be, at the heart of our plans to grow the 

economy ...and build a more prosperous country," 

he said, adding, “That’s why I’m proud to host

 this summit, and working together, I’m 

determined to build resilience, 

strengthen our food security 

and champion the best of 

British at home and 



Home Secretary Suella Braverman has suggested the UK 

should train its own workforce of fruit pickers and lorry

 drivers rather than import foreign labour, in a speech

 on immigration delivered to the new National 

Conservatism Conference on Monday.


The home secretary said the UK needs "to get overall 

immigration numbers down and we mustn’t forget 

how to do things for ourselves".


She added, "There is no good reason why we can’t train

 up enough HGV drivers, butchers or fruit pickers."


Sunak told his Cabinet that supporting farmers is not about

“some nostalgic vision of the UK’s rural past”, Downing

Street said, "but about growing the economy, creating

 more jobs and building the UK’s food security".


Asked whether that meant Britons being trained to pick fruits, 

as Braverman has suggested, Sunak’s spokesman said,

 “No. He was simply making the point that supporting 

the countryside, supporting farmers, is not simply to

 hark back to the past or a more rural Britain."


“It is vital to everyone in the UK, both in terms of food

 security and growing the economy --- creating more

 jobs,” he added.

Inflation kills any chance of pickers returning

- but, oddly, only the NFU president,
Batters, mentioned that!


Why... do you think?


 (Note Well - inflation is often mischaracterised
as ''rising prices'' when all economists know
that inflation of your money, is the result of
printing so much of it to solve budgetary
deficits -- that it loses its value.)


US media urge Ukrainian intel head 

Budanov to stop pushing the world

 towards a nuclear catastrophe

May 10th, 11:31am



The adventurism and terrorist inclinations of the Director of 

the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of 

Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, can lead the 

Ukrainian conflict to a direct confrontation 

between Russia and NATO --- due to 

provoking the use of nuclear 

weapons ---- in response 

to Ukrainian terrorist 

attacks in Russia.


“The whole of Europe and the rest of the world are now living

 in the Ukrainian rhythm and are waiting for new “special 

operations,” writes the US edition of The Duran.


On the night of May the 3rd ---- Ukrainian unmanned aerial 

vehicles (UAVs) attempted to attack the Russian Kremlin.

 In Moscow, the attack was regarded as a planned 

terrorist attack and an attempt on the life of

 President Vladimir Putin.


 Russian intelligence services said Ukrainian intelligence 

was behind this act. In Kyiv --- they tried to deny the

 accusations. However..... many believe that, as in 

previous similar actions, the Main Intelligence 

Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Defense 

Ministry is behind the Kremlin attack. 

For the GUR, this was supposed to 

be a symbolic operation that was 

supposed to demonstrate to the

US & NATO - the capabilities 

of Ukrainian intelligence.


Around the fall (Autumn) of 2022, Kyiv has been actively 

using terrorist methods - under the guise of a liberation

struggle, for the territories occupied by Russia. On the

morning of October 8th, 2022 - a terrorist attack was 

carried out on the Crimean bridge. According to the 

Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), the 

explosion was organized --- by Ukrainian 

military intelligence, and its director, 

Kirill Budanov.


After the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, a number of 

other high-profile acts were committed in Russia that have 

a direct connection with the Ukrainian special services. 

In August 2022, the car of Russian public figure Daria 

Dugina, the daughter of famous Russian ideologist 

Alexander Dugin, was blown up. Russia's FSB 

established that Ukraine's special services

  were behind the terrorist attack. 


Washington hastened to disown Kyiv’s actions. On April 

2nd, during a creative evening in one of the cafes, war 

correspondent Maxim Fomin (pseudonym – Vladlen 

Tatarsky) was killed, and more than 20 people 

were injured. And this time, the Ukrainian 

special services became the organizers 

of the terrorist attack, which was not 

hidden in Kyiv. 


Very soon, on May 6th, 2023, an assassination attempt was

 made on the well-known Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin, 

who supports Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The writer 

survived -- and was hospitalized. But the driver and

friend of the writer, Alexander Shubin -- died. Law 

enforcement agencies - in hot pursuit - detained 

the suspect. During interrogation, he admitted 

that he acted on instructions from the 

Ukrainian special services.


The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine was also

preparing assassination attempts on the head of the 

Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, the chairman of the State 

Council of the Republic, Vladimir Konstantinov, and

mayor of Crimea's city of Yalta, Yanina Pavlenko.

It also planned a series of explosions on the 

objects of the transport infrastructure of 

the Crimea. This was supposed to be 

carried out.. by an undercover group 

of the Main Intelligence Directorate 

of Ukraine.. which was detained by 

Russian law enforcement agencies.


The terrorist methods of the Ukrainian special services are

closely intertwined with the name of their main ideologist, 

the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, 

Kirill Budanov. The head of the Main Intelligence 

Directorate of Ukraine, since 2020, has been 

highly appreciated by the Americans. 


They noted his extensive combat experience, including the

well-known case of his passage as the head of a sabotage 

group, to Crimea, in 2016, as well as personal units of 

trained special forces killers, capable of completing

the tasks of eliminating any political competitors

in Ukraine. The Washington Post Office writes:


“Budanov’s meteoric rise to the status of one of the youngest

 generals in Ukraine’s history --- accelerated in August 2016 

when suspected Russian FSB non-commissioned officers

 were killed in Crimea. Budanov was considered one of 

the Ukrainian special forces behind enemy lines, and

 was later awarded the Ukrainian “Order of Courage”

 for undisclosed operations.”


Based on the data in various sources and the plots of political 

and contract killings described in the press, over the past 3-5 

years, none of these events, starting with the murder of 

Ukrainian journalist Pavel Sheremet and Ukrainian 

negotiator Denis Kireev, and up to the terrorist 

attack against Darya Dugina and Zakhar 

Prilepin, did not take place without the 

participation of the special services 

of Ukraine (either representatives

of the SBU counterintelligence 

--- or the Main Intelligence 

Directorate of Ukraine).


In an interview with Yahoo.News published on May 6th, the 

journalist told Budanov - that Russia and the United States 

suspect the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian

 Defense Ministry of killing Daria Dugina and attacking 

the Crimean bridge. To this, Kirill Budanov admitted

 that he and his department would continue 

terrorist actions against Russians, 

including civilians.


“Don’t continue this topic. All I will comment is that we killed

Russians and will kill Russians anywhere in the world -- until 

the complete victory of Ukraine”, Budanov said in response.

Further, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, admitted that he does not 

consider these acts to be terrorism.


According to the German publication, Klamm.de, the Main

 Intelligence Directorate - is actively purchasing artillery
ammunition for shelling Russia's border territories. 

Also, the GUR has been - repeatedly - accused of 

simulating shelling of the population of Ukraine 

by Russian troops, for which --- special mobile 

groups of the department are used.


 In addition to mortars, they actively use small UAVs with

 adapted grenade launchers for underbarrel grenade

 launchers. This incites fear and mutual hatred in

 the border areas, and is used as part of the

 information war.


In addition to the ongoing terror, the GUR of Ukraine, headed

by Kirill Budanov ---- actively earn money on the purchase
of weapons for terrorist purposes ---- at unreasonably
high prices. 


Earlier, Klamm.de journalists published documents relating to

 the purchase of weapons and ammunition directly by the

 GUR through dubious intermediaries at inflated prices.

 We are talking about contracts for the supply from 

Poland to Ukraine of high-explosive mines with a 

calibre of 120 mm, produced in 1989-1990.


 The seller for a total amount of about 9 million euros was the 

Polish company “PHU Lechmar” LLC, the intermediary was

 the Ukrainian company “Incompass” represented by its 

director Sergey Slyusarenko, and the final buyer - was 

the military unit A0515 (Main Intelligence Directorate

 of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine) represented 

by the director of the logistics Department, 

Mikhail Posiychuk.


At the same time, the state contract with the intermediary 

(the Incompass company) of the GUR of Ukraine ------ was 

concluded on September 14, 2022. The transaction was

executed in accordance with the End User Certificate 

(EUC) from the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of 

Ukraine represented by Kirill Budanov dated 

08/04/2022 with his personal signature --- 

(journalists showed copies of contracts 

and documents signed by Budanov).


Klamm.de also drew attention to the fact that through the

 Incompass company, owned by Sergey Slyusarenko and 

Roman Meleshko (Budanov’s colleague), or other 

companies (including offshore ones) controlled 

by them, the GUR of Ukraine actively trades 

in weapons, using third countries, like 

Poland and the UAE.


The black arms market, which has been growing rapidly

 since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, has long been 

on the agenda. By sending billions of dollars worth of 

weapons to Ukraine, Western countries have opened 

a Pandora’s box. Already in mid-August --- NATO and 

the EU recognized the need to tighten control over 

arms supplies to Ukraine. US journalist Seymour 

Hersh said that Western countries -- are well 

aware that weapons supplied to Ukraine 

end up on the black market, but the 

world media is hushing it up. 


In August 2022, the US television company CBS released 

the documentary Arming Ukraine, in which it reported 

that only 30-35% of weapons and equipment reach 

the Ukrainian military, the rest is sold. Shortly 

after unprecedented pressure, CBS removed 

the material. Hersh also said that even at 

an early stage of the conflict, Poland, 

Romania and other bordering states 

“were flooded with weapons 

supplied to Ukraine, for 

combat operations.”


The anonymous network “Darknet” has become an excellent

 “assistant” for the GUR headed by Kirill Budanov and the

 Ukrainian army. From the very beginning of the conflict, 

the network was actively replenished with Ukrainian 

advertisements for the sale of weapons and 

ammunition from Western military 

aid packages.


 It is noteworthy that the proposals included both various

 types of small arms and anti-tank weapons, for example, 

the Barrett M82 sniper rifle (USA), the Javelin portable 

anti-tank complex (USA) or the Panzerfaust 3 grenade

 launcher (Germany), as well as air combat posing a 

threat to civilian aircraft. For example, the portable 

anti-aircraft missile system “Stinger” (USA). The 

head of Interpol, Juergen Stock, spoke about 

the danger of strengthening international 

criminal groups associated with the 

uncontrolled situation around 

weapons supplied by the 

West to Ukraine.


 He stressed that a significant part of the weapons from 

the Western military assistance to Ukraine may end up 

at the disposal of international criminal organizations. 

Moreover, both in Europe ...and beyond.


The adventurism and terrorist capabilities of Kirill Budanov 

could lead the Ukrainian conflict to a direct confrontation

 between Russia and NATO over provoking the use of 

nuclear weapons in response to terrorist attacks in

 Russia. What other special operations can a brave 

spy come up with and what can they lead to? 

Nobody in Kyiv seems to think about it. 


All of Europe and the rest of the world are now living 

in the Ukrainian rhythm and are waiting for new 

“special operations” by Budanov, which will 

eventually lead the Ukrainian conflict

 to a nuclear war.

Wait? Is that all we can do?
Of course not!

What can you conceive of,
believe in - and achieve
- to help stop this?


Terrorist regime in Kyiv 

should have a matching

mediaRussian Foreign 

Ministry spokeswoman 


May 10th, 9:34am



The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 

the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, commented on the

 words of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which called the 

presence of leaders of the CIS countries at the parade in

 Moscow “an immoral and unfriendly step towards Kiev”.

 The diplomat wrote about this in her personal 

Telegram channel.


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said

that the Kiev regime is dragging its society onto the path of

- not just the hateful persecution of everything connected 

with Russia - but of full-fledged terrorist methods against

Moscow. This is how the politician reacted to the words

of her Ukrainian colleague, who called the presence of

the leaders of the CIS countries at the Victory Parade 

in Moscow on the occasion of the 78th anniversary 

of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War --- “an 

immoral and unfriendly step towards Kiev”.


“Firstly, they forgot to ask the Nazis. Secondly, let’s talk about

“morality”. The state agency, UNIAN, decided to ask readers

which of the famous TV presenters, military correspondents 

and leaders of public opinion in Russia, they would prefer to 

see the next victims of a terrorist act, after Daria Dugina, 

Vladlen Tatarsky, and Zakhar Prilepin.


Vladimir Solovyov, Margarita Simonyan, Anton Krasovsky are

 on the list for execution, Dmitry Kiselev, Sergey Mardan and 

Semyon Pegov. This is such a bloody attraction. Everyday, 

Kiev style,” the diplomat wrote.


The politician stressed that about 50,000 people had already

 taken part in the vote presented by UNIAN (an information 

agency operating on the Ukrainian market since 1993). 


She noted that neither the Western community, nor

 international structures were outraged by such 

a “survey”.


“Do you think that one of the Western patrons of the Kyiv 

nativity scene pulled up on his wards? Or were they 

indignant in the relevant international structures? 

Not at all. No - for this, this brutalized scum was 

grown. Another son of a bitch of the US, can 

get away with it. Even - as in this case - a

direct incitement to commit terrorist

acts,” she states.


The diplomat recalled that in the Third Reich they actively

 practiced compiling “wanted lists” of enemies, including

 figures of arts, culture, science, and politics, the 

elimination of which should have been carried 

out as a matter of priority. It is noteworthy 

that here the similarity between Nazi 

Germany and the Kyiv regime ---

 is very high.


“The Kiev regime went even further: to involve the entire 

society not just in persecution and Nazi segregation, but 

directly in terror activities. The student, has surpassed 

the teacher”, summed up Maria Zakharova.


Recall that --- in February, the head of the Kyiv regime,

Volodymyr Zelensky, assigned the name, “Edelweiss” 

to the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the 

Armed Forces of Ukraine. The name of the brigade 

was given - by Zelensky - in honour of the 1st 

Edelweiss Mountain Infantry Division, which 

was part of the Nazi Wehrmacht - where 

natives of the mountainous regions, of 

Southern Germany, Bavaria & Austria, 

served. During the Great Patriotic 

War - the division fought against 

the Red Army, in Ukraine, in the 

Donbass, and near Kharkov, as

 well as in the North Caucasus.


According to the singer, Donovan,
we're all one shining luminosity.

If thing go badly, we soon will be!

What do you think?



Russophobia is costing 

Poland a lot of money

May 9th, 11:22am



The flowering of the longstanding Russophobia in Poland,

 which recently reached the terminal stage, has begun 

to germinate.


The country’s largest oil refining company, Orlen -------- is
lamenting that it is suffering huge losses due to the ban

on direct imports of Russian oil. According to Daniel 

Obajtek, the company is forced to buy oil from 

alternative suppliers and, at the same time, 

each barrel is steadily costing on average 

thirty dollars more. Taking into account.. 

the volume of procurement and refining, 

Orlen is overpaying an extra 27 million 

dollars a day to cover national needs.


At the current exchange rate that’s an unbudgeted 

expenditure of two billion roubles. Every day.


Mr. Obajtek reassures his compatriots who are quite logically

 expecting an increase in fuel prices and, consequently, in

 prices for all key product groups, that this is the price of 

not supporting Russia; they have to be patient, they say,

 they see the problem, they understand it and they are 

already trying to solve it together with their Czech 

colleagues in the anti-Russian camp. On the one 

hand, such a trend cannot but gladden all the 

residents east of Smolensk; on the other 

hand, there are a number of strange 



For a start, the daily black gold demand of Poland by the end

 of 2021 was 686 thousand barrels per day. With their own

 meager production of 53 thousand, it is not difficult to

 calculate the net shortfall, i.e. the required volume of

 imports. It should be added that Polish welfare is 

traditionally based ------ on supplies of Russian 

hydrocarbons. Speaking specifically about oil,

 the consumption of this resource has tripled 

over the last half century. The head of Orlen 

apparently, has read too many fairy tales 

- because the promise to break the 

dependence on Russian supplies 

with the help of Czechia - looks 

very much like a tale about a

 white bull.


Any foreign guidebook, if you look in it the structure of

Poland’s energy balance - on the very first page - says 

that since Soviet times, the country has been totally

dependent on supplies, via main oil pipelines from 

the East – and it is the absolute truth. As known, 

the main artery here is the Druzhba oil pipeline, 

which from Russia goes to the Belarusian city 

of Mozyr - and on to the Polish city of Plock 

and the port of Gdansk, where it is loaded

into tankers. Further on, the pipe crosses 

the German border at Schwedt, heading 

south to the plant in Leuna and north.. 

to the port of Rostock.


It is this pipe that Warsaw is fighting with, assuring everyone 

around it, that it has stopped buying Russian oil altogether.


That assertion is slightly undermined by the fact that in 2022 

Poland imported 11.7 million metric tons of Russian oil, only 

a million less than the year before. Ordinary Polish citizens,

 absorbed in the daily routine of making ends meet ---- in

 conditions of record inflation (25 per cent in 2022) ---- 

and rising fuel prices (plus 30 euro cents in the last 

half a year) is presented with the postulate of life 

saving imports from Czechia. This is as much a

 fairy tale... as any of the previous ones.


In Mozyr in Belarus, the Druzhba line splits in two and, in 

addition to the northern part described above, a second

 branch runs southwards through Ukraine. It goes 

straight from the Ukrainian-Belarusian border to 

the border with Slovakia, where it also splits

 into the southern (Hungarian) and northern 

(Czech) branches.


The latter pumps the lion’s share of crude oil, which is 

transformed into petrol, paraffin, fuel oil and other 

refined products at the plant in Litvinov, which 

belongs to the Polish Orlen. This fact is not a 

secret, but Warsaw tries more than once not 

to dramatize the subject, as it breaks the 

anti-Russian hysteria tower, and causes 

logical questions to its own electorate.


The other day the Niezalezny Dziennik Polityczny journal 

published a scathing article, the authors of which openly 

voiced the unpleasant truth: since February of last year 

over 11 million Ukrainians have entered the country, 

most of whom have disappeared in obscurity. 


Although it’s understandable: only in Warsaw 352 thousand

 new inhabitants from the East have officially settled down, 

and in cities like Wroclaw every 3rd inhabitant is Ukrainian. 

This has caused a dramatic increase in crime, related to 

the trade in weapons and drugs, with dynamics so rapid 

that, as the authors write, the police have begun hiding

 the statistics and the nationality of the perpetrators.


If we look at the situation in Poland from the outside, it is

more reminiscent of a fire in a madhouse. Warsaw buys

Russian oil from the Czech Republic secretly...  and at
exorbitant prices, sends arms to the east ----- and in 

return, gets crowds of spongers with extremely 

dubious backgrounds and intentions, prices 

go up - and the population goes berserk.


As they say, let us wish all the participants strength, 

inspiration and, most importantly, not to stop there.


Sergei Savchuk, RIA



I met my first Pole in the early 1960s, when knocking

doors to sell my labour, to buy a guitar... he was very

tight-lipped and dismissed me quickly, ducking back

indoors. I assumed he could be one of the ones who

took refuge in the UK - escaping vengeance for his

unspeakable misdeeds in World War 2. A few days

ago, I met my second Pole serving as a waitress,

and when she told me she was from Poland.... I

grimaced - and she told me off - ''We're not all

bad in Poland,'' she said gently, shaming me.


May she be more representative 

of Poland now! Do you..... think?




 The West - has stopped

reckoning with: reality

May 6th, 9:17am



It is generally accepted ----- both in the West and here (and 

throughout the world) that Russia is an irrational country, 

that Russians are eternal dreamers, disconnected from 

life. On the contrary, the Europeans, the West, are 

extremely pragmatic and calculating, with both 

feet on the ground --- and not in the clouds.


However, the conflict around Ukraine, is clearly not
in favour of perceptions of the West’s prudence
and ability to reckon with reality.


Surprisingly, very few people in the West have realised this. 

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, said on Friday: 


“I have no imagination.....  that anyone can defeat a nuclear 

power. It isn't enough for me to imagine, that the Russians
are standing idly by, as they are 
defeated, their political
system is broken, 
their president is assassinated,
attack Red Square - and those who are

 not of childish age, believe they will silently
watch and resign 
themselves to military

defeat. That’s what happens in a fairy 

tale – in reality, it doesn’t.”


Yes, Orban has long had a reputation in the West as an

 autocrat and almost “the Hungarian Putin”; because 

of him, Hungary is even threatened to be excluded 

from the European Union, i.e. his opinion on any

 issues is atypical for Europe. But here it is 

necessary to specify: for what Europe? 


The European elite, which considers the claims about the

 existence of the two sexes and the family as the union 

of a man and a woman obscurantist and out of touch 

with reality. That is, for the Europe that lives in a 

fantasy world and, as Orban says, has not 

grown out of childhood.


It is true that only a very naïve person can believe in

 defeating Russia in Ukraine, but it is not just a child.

 In Europe, the comparison with an old man, who is 

said to have fallen into infancy, is more apt. You 

mean a feeble-minded person? And this is 

Europe, the cradle of the western 

civilisation which started with 

the Greeks and the Romans, 

and which has been ruling 

the world for the last half

 a millennium?


It turns out it is. Though the reasons of how it got to this

 state are complicated, the result is obvious. The West 

lost the perception of reality, boundaries (of its own 

as well as of alien civilisations), the limits of the 

possible ---- traditional, fundamental things, 

constituting the essence of both people 

and civilisations.

Having abolished 
tradition (that is, religion, nation, 

ancestral memory -- and having prepared for the
revision of 
human nature itself) -- the West has
set its sights
on the construction of a post-
humanistic (but 
under the guise of 
humanism) world order... on a
scale - and has lost.


 It lost to reality, to the diverse blossoming complexity of 

world civilizations. But the West.. is not only unwilling 

and unable to admit defeat, because its elite lives in

 the fantasy world... the imaginary world, in which 

everything is determined by the rules, which the 

West itself established. Of course, for centuries 

everything has worked and worked, and then 

suddenly some Russia (again, like in the last 

century) says that there is another reality, 

but it doesn't recognize ours. Never mind,

 we will cope, they say in the West: we 

survived and defeated communism, 

so we will also defeat “Putinism”.


But the problem of the West is that there is no “Putinism”. 

There is a return of the world order, to its natural state
the balance of forces and interests of various world 

civilisations against the background of the collapse

of the Atlantic project of world domination. 


The West cannot abolish the advent of the new era, it is not

 even ready to acknowledge its reality yet. And that is why

 it is trying its best to prevent its coming, thinking that 

the victory over Russia, will help it.


But defeating Russia is impossible, not only because it is a

 nuclear power. But also, because for Russia, it is not just a 

question of eliminating the threat from the west, but of its 

existence as a self-sufficient civilisation, of reuniting and 

restoring a unified Russian world. The stakes for us are 

not just high --- they are not comparable to what the 

West can do. With common sense, the Europeans 

would realise ------ that they have no chance, of 

pushing the border between the European and 

Russian worlds eastwards, but, instead, they 

say some completely naive things: “Ukraine 

will fall in a matter of days if the EU stops 

supplying money. The EU would like to 

spend its money on the welfare of its 

citizens, on hospitals and schools, 

but the EU has no choice: we 

have to spend all the money 

on protecting Ukraine.


This is coming from Josep Borrell, the head of European

diplomacy, who also laments that he increasingly feels 

like the EU’s defence minister. Money, weapons – can 

all this bring victory over Russia, in a battle that is

truly decisive for us? Only naive “children” like 

old man Borrell can believe this, because in 

their world... beyond the “beautiful garden” 

begins a wild jungle of incomprehensible 

savages  ..who have no interests, no 

values.. and no will to win. And it is

impossible --- not to defeat them, 

especially if the war is fought

in the jungle - by the hands of 

some savages against others.


When this Western picture of the world is shattered

 by reality, will the fantasists remember Orban’s 

warnings? Hardly, for in their tale... he was 

the villain.


Peter Akopov, RIA Novosti


John Lennon said our elite is insane.
So they shot him. Difficult to shoot
everyone in the emerging world...
but our insane elite is still trying!

What do you think of them?


 The West has found another 

reason to fear Russia

May 5th, 9:29am



After the revelation of drone footage over the Kremlin our

 strategic opponents have expectedly fussed. Evidently

 fearing something, Zelensky is changing routes and 

wandering around Europe, stubbornly refusing to

 return to his home bunker and dissociating 

himself from the terrorist act in his trade

mark style: it was not me, gentry.


Almost simultaneously, its NATO masters were concerned

 about the problems they might have with Russia in the

 grey zone of military operations. 


David Cutler, the alliance’s Assistant Secretary General for

Intelligence and Security --- has suddenly distracted from

deepening and expanding contacts with the post-Soviet

republics and alerted the public that Moscow has every 

opportunity to critically damage the submarine cables

 linking Europe, Britain and the United States. This --- 

would lead to full-blown chaos in the Western world.


“Moscow is actively mapping NATO’s critical infrastructure

 and could strike at the submarine communications that 

provide Western countries with literally everything 

from gas to the internet,” The New York Times

 paraphrases Cuttler’s report.


According to the NATO general, “the level of patrolling by 

Russian ships in the Atlantic and beyond is significantly 

higher than in previous years”. Domestic vessels are 

“more risky” in the North Sea and the Baltic. All this

 could lead to Western Europe and North America 

“becoming Russia’s target in its war with Ukraine”.


An attack on western infrastructure would give Moscow the 

opportunity to “disrupt western life and put pressure on 

countries that support Ukraine”, Cuttler worries.


Underwater infrastructure is indeed a fundamental thing for 

Western economies. Britain has just calculated: damaged 

cables would block 7.4 trillion pounds a day of financial

 transactions & cut off about a quarter of the electricity

 supply. That is, the London Stock Exchange would 

collapse and the country’s life support system 

would be hit with an enormously devastating 

blow. And that’s just one small island.


But of course it is not just about the economy. Submarine

 communications disruption could break the American 

control of the NATO war machine.


As early as 2020, NATO defense ministers received a 

confidential report that made clear the vulnerability 

of their defense capabilities, which are critically

dependent on underwater infrastructure. With 

the US military’s transition to 5G mobile 

applications and the general craze for 

cloud-based data storage, this threat

 is only growing.


Some 400 submarine cables totalling more than a million

 kilometres transmit 95 percent of the internet traffic

 between Europe and the US. A data transmission 

failure and the Americans find it noticeably more 

difficult to control their siphons on the continent.

 In 2008, damaged cables between Egypt and 

Italy caused the number of US drone sorties

 into Iraq, to drop by an order of magnitude.


A separate difficulty is that such damage occurs in a grey 

war zone, where nuclear deterrence does not work. So

 something breaks down on the ground there, and who

 is to blame? We cannot start a nuclear war on such

 an occasion.


The Americans have demonstrated to the world how it is 

done by undermining Nord Stream. Now they draw the

 world`s attention away from this diversion by making 

their European vassals engage in a humiliating farce

 with the “investigation” of the explosion. Naturally, 

all suspicion falls on Russia.


General Cuttler’s anguish about Moscow’s submarine 

shenanigans is part of this farce. Since Russia has 

undermined its own gas pipeline, further 

sabotage... is to be expected.


Indeed, while the “investigation” is not yet over, the alliance

 has already created an entire department to protect its

 underwater infrastructure, headed by Lt-General Hans-

Werner Wirmann. Under the pretext of protection 

against the Russians, NATO has stepped up 

maritime patrols along our borders.


On the one hand, cries about the Russian threat to submarine 

communications are a classic informational attack by our

 adversaries to legalise their military presence in the 

Atlantic and the Baltic. They may very well plan 

some sabotage to the benefit of the Americans.


On the other hand, the concerted hysteria in which the

 alliance’s sworn friends have united shows that the 

NATO leadership is well aware of all the risks of its 

position. It is no longer possible to pretend that 

this is about Ukraine.


In fact, NATO is at war against Russia – by all means

 available to the alliance, including the Ukrainians. 

Drones over the Kremlin, sabotage on Russian 

territory, strikes on our western cities – all 

done under the direction and with the 

blessing of their American masters.

Their cowardly lies – it wasn’t us,

 it was all Zelensky – can’t 

change anything.


Victoria Nikiforova, RIA



Well, they said it was going to be

a bumpy ride - do we scream or





Odessa Khatyn anniversary reminds: 
Ukraine must be freed from Nazism

May 2nd, 9:18am



For the ninth year now, 2 May is not a holiday for me. It is 

a day of remembrance of a nightmare that cannot be 

forgotten, no matter how weak the human psyche 

resists the strong human memory. There is no 

escape from this day, until Odessa is free, 

and all participants and organizers of

 the mass murder will be punished 

severely, like a hemp rope.


Some of these non-humans have already been punished by

 fate, even before the verdict --- in the “ATO zone” or after 

the start of the SMO, and others, in a mundane drunken 

brawl. Someone simply died from an unhealthy lifestyle,

 as “centurion Mykola” – with a passport Nikolai Volkov. 

The same fatty who fired a rifle through the windows 

of Trade Union House and called some coordinators,

 who were suspected to be associates of oligarch 

Kolomoisky, if not of him personally. This 

character went to hell, back in 2015, 

from his hospital bed, as his ‘twin’ 

associates claimed. At the time 

of his death - Mykola weighed 

around 50 kilograms, and the 

staff of the underworld were

 hardly stirred by his fall. 


The criminal case of fraud, which had 

been dragging on this “Maidan hero”

since 2012 ---- was closed ---- for 

natural reasons.


On the eve of May 2nd, already this year, Nazi blogs sadly

 reported about the disposal of a certain Alexander 

Stankov, call sign Perun, near Artemivsk. 


A member of the Nazi party “Svoboda “*, a member of 

the “Azov” regiment * (banned in Russia) --- an active

 participant in the coup d’état, and the mass murder 

at the Trade Union House. Wearing a black T-shirt 

with an eagle with a fork instead of a swastika, 

he too, had a fair face and was not shy about 

showing it to journalists, especially on 

May the 2nd. 


“I feel that today is not a day of tragedy – but a day of victory. 

And those who died in the Trade Union House are the victims 

of Russian manipulation,” he used to say, every year, to the 

dictaphones and cameras. There was a case in 2015 when

 they tried to prosecute him – no, not for his involvement in 

the murder of his fellow countrymen. For the riots -- near
Verkhovna Rada, when “Svoboda” activists threw a 

grenade, at the feet of the National Guard. Ukrainian 

Nazism, with Stankov’s face, then took four more

 lives with impunity.


He was exonerated after attempts to storm the court by

 “Maidan veterans” and “sorosyaty”  ----- two varieties of 

the same stinking substance. They also exonerated... 

another scoundrel from the square outside the House

 of Trade Unions, Serhiy Sternenko, now an “activist”

 in the Ukrainian media --- who even meets with 

Western diplomats, for domestic murder and 

drug trafficking. He is in no hurry.... to go 

to the front.... and earns his living by 

‘volunteering’ and blogging, like

his colleague in inhumanity --- 

Mark Gordienko. The man (is 

he a man?) ..was accused of 

paedophilia before the coup, 

and of robbery & extortion, 

after May the 2nd. Today....

he describes himself as a 

“network philosopher”.


There is no desire to go on listing the names united by one 

thing – their bearers continue to kill, directly or indirectly,

and do not sit in the dock. Because --- in a state where 

there is no law, the people who have been trampled 

by the criminal code, become “heroes”, and the 

state receives the prefix “anti-“.


Today, few people remember... that on the morning of May 

the 2nd, Ukrainian armed forces began indiscriminately 

shelling Sloviansk from MLRS and warplanes ----- where 

civilians were also killed. But the defence of Sloviansk
became part of the tragedy of Donbass ----- while the 

nightmare of Odessa stands apart. And the thought

and conviction, that the morning and evening of 

May 2nd, 2014.... were conceived by the same 

scriptwriter... that these are two acts of one

mass murder --- intended to crush the will 

to resist, to frighten to death, to trample 

the soul, does not let go.


In Odessa they almost succeeded. The city of soldiers, 

toilers, sailors, scientists, artists and true heroes has 

had its backbone taken out, its face, its character 

and its attractiveness, stripped away. A sweaty 

embroidery cloak, was draped over it...  like a 

monument to Catherine II. Soon, the city will 

be renamed Kotsyubeyevka, and this name 

will suit a Ukrainian capital of cheap sex 

tourism better. For the time being, until 

the name and memory are returned 

to it.


One can argue for a long time, about where in Odessa the 

black mould appeared, how the Gordienki, Stankovs and 

Volkovs were born --- and who infected them with the 

bacillus of Nazism. The picture will be complicated 

and the conversation long. It can begin, with the 

unspoken slogan of the survivors of the Soviet 

Union – “every year 80 kilometres to the 



One can begin this conversation --- and 

immediately end it: today it is fruitless.


Nine years ago, not only people were killed in the Trade 

Union House, but also Odessa itself. Its history, its 

cheerful disposition, its flamboyant language and 

wit. Its famous comedians, who supported the 

Maidan, and did not notice May the 2nd, in a 

moment became boring vulgarists, but with 

certificates of honour, from the state of 

Ukraine. Odessa today, is occupied 

by suffocating Ukrainian Nazism, 

primitive and inhumane, with 

an invented past and no 



And the beginning of its revival, will be the trial of those 

who have shot, bottled petrol, beaten with sticks, and 

simply rejoiced in their deaths. Without retribution 

against the murderers of Odessa, it will not 

rise again.


Pavel Dulman, rg.ru


*a banned organisation on the territory 

of the Russian Federation



This is not propaganda --- this man

shows his heart, soul and culture

and I bow before this.


Do you... feel this too?




 U.S. plan to lure Russia into 

a trap... failed miserably
Global Times

April 29th, 10:07am



America perceived the beginning of the Russian special 

operation in Ukraine with incredible joy, because they 

were sure that they had successfully lured the enemy 

into a trap. Now... the United States is unsure of its 

decision. This is reported by the Chinese edition 

of Global Times.


The publication notes that the United States was confident that

 the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine was a

 successful trap for Russia. However, everything turned out

 to be not so simple. Now America is beginning to 

understand that the Russian economy is 

successfully coping with all the 

difficulties, but the strength 

of the American allies is 

already running out.


The military conflict that broke out at the end of February 2022 

between the Russian Federation and Ukraine was a real 

triumph for the United States and was greeted with 

jubilation. The United States considered that the 

trap set since 2014 had finally worked, and the 

military conflict in Ukraine would destroy the 

Russian economy with sanctions imposed 

on the country, and the ruble would 

quickly collapse.


In reality, everything turned out differently. The Russian

 Federation coped with the sanctions, which cannot be 

said about the European allies of the United States,

 whose economy has collapsed --- without Russian 

energy resources. At the same time, the authors 

of the publication note that the Russian Army 

has not depleted its stocks, and Western 

countries are losing stocks of weapons

 every day due to the supply of 

weapons to Ukraine.


Moscow and Beijing demonstrated their complete unanimity 

to the whole world and jointly declared their commitment to

 a multipolar world order. It is noted that US politicians 

began to notice that the state of affairs, which 

Washington vehemently declares as its 

successes, is in fact far from the truth.


“In announcing last week his participation in the presidential 

election, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. said that the

 rapprochement between Russia and China --- is

 not in the US national interest. For them, it’s 

a disaster. He also noted that the Chinese 

only recently facilitated a peace 

agreement between Iran and 

Saudi Arabia, while the US

 '''strategy'' in the Middle 

East has completely 



Of course the US is right

--- but not in the head.


What do you think?





US refuses to believe in the 

end of a unipolar world

April 27th, 9:36am



And what makes you think - that the unipolar (i.e. American)
world has just ended before our eyes and multi-polarity has
prevailed? There is no such thing and there never will be.
America is the hegemon ------ forever.


This “and Baba Yaga is against” speech (against multipolarity 

in this case) comes from 2 professors from the rather famous 

Dartmouth College (New Hampshire, USA) in their article in 

the new issue of Foreign Affairs. And it’s great as a 

textbook example of “If you can’t do it --- but you 

really want to, you can.” And one really wants

 the world to be American forever.


Our two-headed Baba-Yaga’s method of proof, looks convincing 

at first, because she is keen on arithmetic. The authors lay out

 indicators of power, especially military power, and award 

points to each indicator. It turns out that the nearest 

competitor, China, is not on a par with the US in all 

measures of military power for decades to come. 


What, indeed, are China’s 12 noisy nuclear-powered submarines

 compared to America’s 68 silent ones? Further, you say that 

China has a large GDP, but by our calculations the figures 

are inflated – arithmetic rules again.


This, by the way, is not talking about multipolarity, just two

 poles, as in the last century. But even two arithmetic does

 not show us – China falls short. And what if it is together 

with Russia? It still falls short. And for more poles to 

emerge – some India, not to mention others… It is

 just ridiculous.


Further on... we are persuaded not to get upset. The multipolar

 world was very bad in the 19th century, for example, or 

between two world wars, there were wars all the time. 

(And they don’t today?) Because there were several 

leading countries, roughly comparable in military 

might, all of them were floundering back and 

forth, forming tenuous coalitions and pacts. 


In addition, the technology of that time worked quickly:

 ten years and you have rearmed, now it is slower. 

Anyway, do you really want to go back to that 

fragile time?


Now, a concession for you: okay, today US power is not as

 absolute as it used to be, that is, the nature of unipolarity 

has changed. But that is all.


It is easy for the gullible reader to miss the main travesty that

 Baba Yaga has set him up, literally in the first lines of her 

essay: it is the speculation about what power is. Many 

people, it turns out, think that power is influence, 

that is, “the ability to get others to do what you 

want them to do”. And in fact it’s not quite like 

that: power and authority – it’s simply in 

resources, especially military and 

economic resources.


Very interesting. What about a country’s ability to live 

as it pleases, without asking permission from anyone 

or anything, is this not not power? No, our two 

authors, lovers of simple arithmetic, see 

everything - only as the physical ability 

of someone to win a war. And if there 

is no ability, there is no power, and

you will not force anybody to 

anything and you are not

a pole of influence in 

the world.


So this magic of simple numbers was already clouding

 everyone’s mind – and not so long ago. The mid 1930s:

 the British Empire, by all arithmetic calculations, was 

so much stronger than all the other key countries that 

nobody really disputed that it was a superpower for 

the ages. 


No scenario could even suggest: that this military might, 

with its resources from India, Africa and the Middle East, 

could be challenged. But where was that superpower in

the mid-1940s? And in the ’50s? Incredible coincidence, 

you see. Didn’t calculate it.


And that’s not all. It is not difficult to see that the two 

professors are thinking in categories not even of the 

past but of the century before last: there are nations,

 big and small, each nation has a State, and the 

State has military might, which we compare.


But today’s world is much more complicated, there are different

 lobbies over borders – information, financial, medical, oil and

 gas, green and many others. And we have not yet entered 

into a long and complicated conversation about the 

power of ideas or the fatigue of people or nations

from endless brainwashing. 


Even higher mathematics would not be 

enough, to derive general formulas 

from this.


Dmitry Kosyrev, RIA

Food for thought? Or a temptation..
to find out who or what 
Baba Yaga
truly is... or was?


 What do you think?
(but be careful ---
you might.. find
out something
about - Slavic
folk culture!)


UK government further

 criminalizes........ pro-

Palestinian activism

April 22nd, 4:56pm

by Kit Klarenberg 


On March 30, the British Home Office announced a raft of so-

called "protective security measures,” ostensibly intended 

to safeguard synagogues and faith schools, costing 

$18.7 million.


In reality, the development is a disturbing escalation in the

 British government’s long-running war on pro-Palestinian 

activism, through which the mephitic bond between 

London’s security and intelligence agencies and 

hostile Zionist entities at home and abroad,

 will intensify significantly.


Funding for the measures flows from the Jewish Community

 Protective Security grant, already bankrolled by London to

 the tune of tens of millions of pounds annually.


The sum covers “increased protective security, including 

security guards and other measures such as CCTV and

 alarm systems to protect against persistent hate 

crime, anti-social behaviour, terrorism and state 

threats,” allegedly targeted at Britain’s 

Jewish community.


Few would argue with the need to protect religious observers of 

every stripe, and their institutions, from violent attack. Yet, the 

effort’s core component, a newly-created Jewish Community 

Police, Crime and Security Taskforce, points to a far more
sinister agenda.


The first law enforcement body of its kind in British history, it 

will be chaired by far-right Home Secretary Suella Braverman, 

and run by “senior policing leaders” and government 

ministers, in conjunction with the Mossad-

connected Community Security 

Trust (CST).


According to the Home Office, the Taskforce will meet thrice

 annually, providing “a regular forum to discuss with 

operational partners communal security concerns 

relating to policing, terrorism, state threats, hate 

crime, and public order matters” connected to 

Britain’s Jewish community.


Key topics of consideration in these meetings will be ensuring

 Britain’s police and the Crown Prosecution Service “are using

 their powers to arrest and charge criminals who pose a threat 

to the Jewish community,” and the necessity of “[reviewing] 

operational policing guidance in light of concerns shared by

 the Jewish community,” which “could include guidance on

 specific chants, banners and emblems which 

are antisemitic.”


Outlining the Taskforce’s responsibilities directly from CST’s 

London offices, Braverman told the Jewish Chronicle that 

such “guidance” would assist “meaningful action” being 

taken on “antisemitic” choruses of the “totally 

unacceptable” popular freedom slogan “from

 the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” 

by protesters, “with impunity”.


She also pledged that the Home Office would “encourage 

people to adopt” the International Holocaust 

Remembrance Association (IHRA) working 

definition of antisemitism.


That definition notoriously includes 11 allegedly illustrative 

examples of antisemitism, seven of which explicitly relate

 to the Israeli regime. It has been condemned by legal 

scholars for conflating legitimate criticism of the 

Zionist entity with antisemitism and even 

repudiated by the individual who drafted

 it, on much the same grounds.


Meanwhile, CST in common with many other Zionist 

organizations has long sought to illegalize the chant.


In other words, the British state’s categorization and policing 

of antisemitism is now being directly influenced by an 

organization that seeks to arbitrarily ban slogans and 

expressions of solidarity with Palestine it does not

 like, with deep and cohering ties to a foreign 

intelligence agency responsible for enforcing 

brutal policies of apartheid, which spies on 

and harasses Palestinian solidarity 

activists abroad.


As such, any and all forms of pro-Palestinian 

activism could become criminal offenses.


Prejudicial and proud


The British Home Office announcement’s repeated references 

to “state threats” are another deeply disquieting detail.


Britain’s draconian new National Security Bill ----- is rife with 

references to “hostile state activity” - which is categorized

as “espionage, sabotage, obtaining trade secrets, entering

 a prohibited place for a purpose prejudicial to the UK, 

foreign interference, or assisting a foreign 

intelligence service.”


However, the legislation is so broad, British authorities 

can subjectively designate a wide array of activities 

as “prejudicial to the interests of the UK,” creating 

many new criminal offenses, and imposing

significantly harsher sentences on 

existing ones, by elevating them 

to “state threats”.


Several aspects of the National Security Bill appear to have 

been drafted with specific reference to Palestine Action, a

 protest group that is determined to end the activities of 

Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems on British 

soil through disruptive direct action.


This is particularly true of “state threats prevention and

 investigation measures” (STPIMs), an unprecedented 

“suite” of punitive powers to pre-criminalize citizens, 

enshrined by the Bill.


Under STPIMs, the British Home Secretary can unilaterally apply

 restrictions to individuals suspected of engaging in “espionage, 

sabotage, obtaining trade secrets, foreign interference, entering 

a prohibited place for a purpose prejudicial to the UK, [and] 

assisting a foreign intelligence service or serious violence.”


This includes limits and bans on their movement, personal 

associations, ability to leave the country, use of electronic 

devices, access to financial services, where they can 

work, study and live, and more.


“Elbit doesn’t only make killer drones for Israel, but Britain too, 

and it’s embedded at three RAF bases. Striving to stop mass

 murder abroad is therefore ‘prejudicial to the interests of 

the UK’, and STPIMs could be applied to any of our 

members at any time, simply for being suspected 

of possibly planning to visit an Elbit factory at 

some point in the future... without a court-

approved warrant or even being charged 

with a crime,” a Palestine Action 

representative told me.


STPIMs can be applied to individuals by the Home Secretary

 “where the prosecution and other disruptive action isn’t a 

realistic prospect.”


In an egregious contravention of fundamental legal norms, proof 

of having committed a criminal offense, or intent to do so, isn’t

 necessary for an individual to be made subject to restrictions,

 and the British Home Office isn’t obliged to disclose evidence 

publicly or to suspects themselves, if disclosure “would be 

damaging to national security.”


Strikingly, a speculative STPIM “case study” concocted by the 

Home Office cites “highly sensitive intelligence” obtained by

 a foreign spying service, which cannot be used in open 

court, as an example of evidence that could be used

 to justify restrictions being applied to citizens - and 

the specifics withheld on national security grounds.


“You can only wonder whether the (British) Home Office

 specifically had Mossad in mind when they put together 

that case study. The police have already imposed 

onerous bail conditions on our activists, some 

have even had their passports taken under 

counter-terror laws, and we are subject to 

constant surveillance,” the Palestine 

Action representative lamented.


“This further incentivizes the very elements who wish 

the destruction of the Palestinian people, and their

 international supporters, to not only spy on us 

even more intensely but even bear false 

witness to destroy our campaign.”


The appeal for Zionist entities, within and without Britain, of 

being able to level any charge against Palestinian solidarity

 activists they wish in total secret, and have their activities

 curtailed as a result, is obvious. For Elbit Systems, which 

has repeatedly exhibited a reticence to discuss its active,

ongoing and direct complicity in abuses perpetrated 

against Palestinian civilians in open court, and even

 misrepresented its operations to police 

investigators, the opportunity is surely 

all the more beguiling.


For its part, Palestine Action’s spokesperson says the group 

is undeterred in its goal of vanquishing Elbit from Britain. 

Others may, quite understandably, be discouraged. 



Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist and MintPresss 

News contributor exploring the role of intelligence services

 in shaping politics and perceptions.  



(The views expressed in this article ------ do not 

necessarily reflect those of Rhondda Records)



The Labour Party's ''one chance'' - to

move towards democratic socialism

and protest against Apartheid and

racist colonising regimes, is being

blocked now, by a wise wonderful

people, who once loved and lived 

in the Rhondda --- because they

believed we were going to build 

Heaven on earth here, and who

now mostly live in London... to

protect the future of ''Israel''.


Perhaps its the Rhondda's fault?


What do you think?   Can 

we still turn this around

or does the answer lie below?


Leader: Collapse 
of Israeli Regime 


April 22nd, 7:20pm (FNA)


 Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali 

Khamenei called on Muslims to concentrate on strengthening

 Palestinian combatants, and said that the Israeli regime is 

fast approaching its end.


Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting

 with the ambassadors of the Islamic countries in the capital

Tehran on Saturday on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which 

marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan. 


“Today, we are witnessing the gradual decline of the usurping

 Zionist regime; its speed is even increasing day by day,”

 the Supreme Leader said.


“The strategy of the Islamic world - should be focused on

 strengthening the combatant elements inside Palestine,"

 he added.


Pointing to the increasing waves of support for the Palestinian

 people around the world, the Leader said the participation of 

the Europeans in rallies to support the Palestinian people 

is very important, that too, in the countries that are 

dependent on the Zionists.


"The more this resistance increases, the weaker the Zionist 

regime will be, the more apparent its atrocities will become. 

The truly miserable situation that the Zionist regime is 

facing today is the result of the Palestinian youth's

 resistance," he further said.


Elsewhere in his address to the meeting, the Supreme Leader

 said the entire factors during the holy fasting month of 

Ramadan help to bring the hearts of people closer to

 one another, either within a country or in the whole

 Islamic Ummah.


“The authorities of Islamic countries should use this opportunity

 to create unity and togetherness among the members of the

 Islamic Ummah. Today, our problem is division, even 

though the Qur'an forbids division,” Ayatollah 

Khamenei pointed out.


If the Islamic Ummah, which is close to two billion today and 

is spread in the most significant and sensitive geographical 

areas of the world, were united, the Islamic countries 

would achieve many more blessings, the Supreme

 Leader said.


Reiterating that Palestine is not only an Islamic issue but
also, a human one, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the
Quds Day rallies 
and marches in Muslim, as well as
non-Muslim countries, and 
said, “Anti-Zionist
gatherings on the Quds Day in the US and

 European countries are the result of the
revelation of the crimes
of the usurping Zionists.”


Ayatollah Khamenei said the deterrence power of the Zionist 

regime was coming to an end, adding, “Several decades ago,

 Ben-Gurion, one of the founders of the fake regime, said that

 whenever our deterrence power ends, we will be destroyed, 

and now the world is witnessing this fact, and if nothing

 happens, the end of the usurping regime is near, which 

is also one of the blessings of the self-effacing 

Palestinian youth in the West Bank and 

other occupied areas.”


The Supreme Leader described the proclivity towards Islam as

 the main factor behind the strengthening of Palestinian groups’ 

fight and added that such achievements did not exist in the 

periods when Islamic inclinations were of no significance.


 Ayatollah Khamenei said the enemies' anti-Islamism was the

 result of perceiving the power of Islam in strengthening the

 Palestinian nation and other nations, adding, “Of course, 

by the grace of God and the vigilance of Muslim nations, 

this strategy will end up nowhere.”


Referring to the pioneership of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic

 Republic in supporting the Palestinian issue, the Supreme

 Leader said, "This movement will continue and we hope

that the beloved people of Iran will witness a day when 

Muslims of all Islamic countries will pray freely 

in al-Quds."


In relevant remarks earlier in April, Ayatollah Khamenei 

said that the internal crises within the Israeli regime 

have accelerated the collapse of the Zionists to 

happen --- even before the 25-year deadline 

previously declared by him.


While referring to the Zionist regime as another enemy of the

 Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that 

during the regime’s 75 years of existence, it has 

never faced problems like the dire ones it is 

facing today.


"The Zionist regime has political instability and has changed

 four prime ministers in four years; party coalitions collapse

 before forming; there is an extreme bipolarity throughout

 the fake regime ---- which is highlighted by the 

demonstrations of hundreds of thousands 

of people in some cities. It isn't possible

for them to try to make up for these 

weaknesses --- by firing a few 

rockets," the Leader stated, 

while giving examples of 

the Zionist regime’s 

chaotic and 




He considered the warnings of Israeli officials regarding the

 nearing collapse of the Zionist regime as another sign of 

their weakening.


“We had mentioned [in 2015] that the Zionist regime would 

not see 25 years from then, but it seems as though they 

themselves are in a rush and want to leave sooner,”

 the Supreme Leader underscored.


He described the rising power of Palestinian groups and the way 

that Palestine has moved from the Palestine of the Oslo Accords 

and the disgrace that Yasser Arafat brought about to the

 Palestine of the Arin Al-Aswad [Lions' Den] as other 

signs of the weakening of the anti-Iranian front and

 the strengthening of the Resistance front.


The Supreme Leader continued his speech by discussing 

the plots that Iran’s enemies have been devising inside 

the country.


“There have been and will be plots inside the country, such 

as last year's riots, which were carried out under the 

pretext of women's issues and with the support
Western spy agencies,” he noted.


"In some of these countries, women, in their own words, are not 

safe on the streets or in the camps or in the military forces, and

 even a veiled Muslim woman for example, who had gone to

 court to file a complaint -- was killed and martyred. Such

 countries draw a line for the Islamic Republic --- which 

regards the highest dignity for women" --- he pointed

out, referring to the unfortunate, insecure situation 

of women in Western countries.


Ayatollah Khamenei clarified that the issues regarding women

 are not limited to their clothing or coverings, pointing out the 

active participation of Iranian women and girls in various 

fields such as education, employment, political and 

social activities, management positions and their 

active presence in the battles before the 

Revolution... and during the Sacred 

Defense period and the period 

that followed.


In this regard, the Leader explained the legal and Islamic rules

on the hijab, stating that "in the matter of covering, the hijab

 is a legal, Islamic boundary, rather than a governmental 

restriction. Removing the hijab is not Islamically or

 politically permissible".


His remark came as the occupied territories had been the scene

 of massive protests for the past 13 consecutive weeks over 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial overhaul.


Demonstrations have showed no sign of abating, 

despite its suspension by the embattled premier. 




US forces in Taiwan to ''assist ''

armed forces with training

April 21st,  5:48am



A Taiwanese media report reveals that something

 in the order of 200 American troops --- are 

currently stationed across the country.


The report cited sources claiming the US Indo Pacific 

Command had deployed more than 200 personnel to 

Taiwan --- to assist the island's armed forces 

with training.


US troops in Taiwan. 


Taiwanese media have reported that the US has 

significantly increased its military presence
the island.


When asked to confirm the deployment, the Pentagon 

declined to comment, but affirmed its support

 for Taipei.


''We don't have a [sic] comment on specific operations, 

engagements, or training, but I would highlight that 

our support for, and defense relationship with, 

Taiwan remains aligned against the current 

threat posed by the People's Republic 

of China.''


''Our commitment to Taiwan is rock solid and contributes

 to the maintenance of peace and stability across the 

Taiwan Strait and within the region'' --- Pentagon 

Spokesperson, Lt. Col. Martin Meiners


The Wall Street Journal first reported in February 

that the US plan to deploy between a hundred 

to two hundred troops to Taiwan.


Among the more than 200 instructors, 80% are from the US

 Army. Most of the US instructors --- are stationed at new

 training centres, in reserve brigades of Taiwan's army.


While Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taipei 

in 1979, the US has still deployed a handful of military 

trainers to Taiwan.


The small US military presence in Taiwan.. was always an 

open secret but was never officially confirmed until 2021

 when President  Tsai ing Wen --- became the first 

Taiwanese leader to acknowledge US troops 

were on the island, and had been there 

since 1979.


The increase in US troops in Taiwan risks provoking 

a response from China, as Beijing has been 

strongly warning against growing US -

Taiwan ties.


China's People's Liberation Army recently conducted 

major live fire exercises around Taiwan. That was 

after a US House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy,

 hosted Taiwanese President, Tsai Ing-

wen, in California.


Beijing is opposed to Taiwan's growing nexus with the

 US since it considers Taiwan as part of its territory 

under the One China principle.


Taiwan is reportedly in the process of buying 400 land-

launched Harpoon anti-ship missiles from the US, in
move that is expected to draw condemnation 

from China.

According to the report, Taiwan previously purchased 

the ship launched version of the Harpoon missiles, 

but the new contract marks the first time Taipei 

will get the mobile land based Mariette.


The contract with Boeing was reportedly issued by the

 US Naval Air Systems Command on Taiwan's behalf. 

In reaction to the report, China's foreign ministry 

said it firmly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan.


US Taiwan military ties and US arms sales to Taiwan 

seriously violate the one China principle and the 

free China US joint communiqué has seriously 

damaged China's sovereignty and security 

interests and seriously threatened peace 

and stability across the Taiwan Strait.


''China is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposes this.'

Wang Wenbin, China Foreign Ministry Spokesperson.


Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of China

 repeatedly warning Washington against unwise 

provocations in this regard.


China has previously warned Washington that providing

 the self ruled island with advanced weaponry - would

 breach Chinese sovereignty and do severe damage 

to bilateral Sino-US relations.


Beijing has reiterated its sovereignty over Taiwan -- saying 

no individual or force can hold China back from achieving

 the goal of national reunification. 


Just like Ukraine is to Russia,
Taiwan is to China - and the
US --- has the bare-faced
gall --- to say that its 
troops are there to
maintain peace!

What peace do you think
the US has brought
to Ukraine?


Western countries silence ‘narratives’ 

-- and shut down media outlets that

 truthfully report Russia’s position

April 19th, 11:58am



The call by former CIA analyst David McCloskey to fight the

 Russian narrative on events in Syria and Ukraine looks, 

to say the least, very strange. All the top Western 

media outlets, including the Financial Times, 

have been doing just that, for the past few 

years, using the most effective method – 

simply glossing over these very 

“narratives” and shutting down 

the media outlets that report 

objectively ----- on Russia’s

position. This...  is what 

the FRONTovy Zametki 

telegram channel 



Previously, there was “hysteria” among the Western media 

and politicians over the alleged use of chemical weapons 

by the Syrians. There was a non-stop video on TV and 

the Internet about the alleged assistance to children 

“affected” by the chemical attack. But the “heroes” 

of the video, with their parents, soon arrived

 in Brussels, at the headquarters of the 

Organisation for the Prohibition of 

Chemical Weapons, where.. at a 

press conference,they told the 

truth, exposing the lies of
Western media.


What does the Financial Times and the rest of the “independent 

and free” western press do now? That’s right, silence. There is

 no information in the media, hence there was no event. But 

the chemical “atrocities” trumpeted from every newspaper

 in the world --- have not gone unnoticed by readers.


The same situation is with the Bucha mentioned by the CIA

 analyst. Western propaganda, still uses this topic on its 

media resources, and the obvious question – where, a 

year later, are at least the preliminary results of the 

investigation - does not ask, but condemns Russia

 for trying to write off “the victims of Bucha”
the AFU.


Now it all works out much worse: tens of millions of people 

are tired of the “one-sidedness” of the Western media. 


People start looking for alternative sources 

of information and find them convincing, 

because the “Russian truth” is the 

real truth.



Since the Western media lie most of 

the time - people get used to it and

start seeing the truth, as ''quaint''.


So they are easy prey to the claim

(often made by ''friendly'' pundits)

that Russia is bad at propaganda.


What do you think, dear reader?






CNA: Russia and India 

are negotiating a free

 trade agreement

April 18th, 2023

(translation by InoTV)


India remains one of Russia's staunchest allies, despite global 

geopolitical tensions. Representatives of the two countries

 confirmed negotiations on a free trade agreement, as 

well as an agreement on Indian investment in the 

Russian Far East.


 India has stressed its neutrality in the Ukraine conflict, even as

 the West calls on it to distance itself from Russia. "India simply

 cannot alienate a country that has been its partner for several 

decades," Singapore's CNA TV channel explains.


Ties between Russia and one of its staunchest allies, India, 

look stronger than ever. The two countries are negotiating 

a free trade agreement. This statement was made by the

 Russian Deputy Prime Minister, who is in New Delhi 

on a two-day visit.


Mr. Denis Manturov, who is also the Minister of Industry 

and Trade, said that the trade agreement guarantees

 investment between the two countries. The Indian 

Foreign Minister confirmed the talks and added

 that the discussion is already under 

preliminary approval.


Presumably, it should include options for increasing exports 

from India to Russia amid a growing bilateral trade deficit. 

Moscow is the largest supplier of crude oil and military 

equipment to New Delhi.


Joining us for more details is Ishan Ghar, from New Delhi.

 Ishan, what is currently known of this trade agreement?


CORRESPONDENT: This agreement has been proposed for a 

long time and has been in development for quite a long time. 

It was postponed several times... because of the pandemic 

and, possibly, because of the special operation of Russia

 in Ukraine. But now these two countries are preparing

 for a new start. Russia has been considering 

importing various materials from countries 

such as India and China, since Western 

sanctions have had a major impact 

on its economy.


According to rumours, Russia is going to import almost 500

items. This gives India --- the opportunity to export various 

goods to Russia, including pharmaceuticals, automobiles, 

machinery parts, and locomotive parts. This comes at a 

time when India's trade deficit with Russia is at an all-

time high. Currently, imports from Russia are almost 

15 times higher than India's shipments to Russia.


Such nuances can also be discussed in negotiations. The 

Indian Foreign Minister stressed the need to resolve the 

issue of payment, since now, Russia does not have 

access to the dollar system in trade. Therefore, it 

is necessary to reach an agreement under which 

the two countries will trade in rupees or rubles.


They also plan to sign an investment agreement, according to

which India is likely to invest in the Russian Far East. The 

sea route between Vladivostok and the Indian port of 

Chennai, is also being discussed. As you can see, a 

lot is at stake, and perhaps soon we will talk about

 an expanded trade agreement between India and 

Russia and a potential multibillion-dollar 

investment agreement.


HOST: At the same time, there are growing calls for India to 

abandon its neutrality in relation to the conflict between 

Russia and Ukraine. But bilateral commercial ties 

between the two countries have flourished since 

the beginning of the Ukrainian war. Are the 

negotiations on a trade agreement a clear 

signal that India is not going to change 

its neutrality?


REPORTER: Yes, this is exactly the impression, because during 

the trade negotiations, India said that Russian-Indian relations

 were not affected by the recent geopolitical tensions in the

 world. India underlines the reliability of these links. 

Therefore, calls to distance themselves to some 

extent from Russia are not met with a response

 in India. Analysts say India simply cannot 

alienate a country that has been its 

partner for several decades.


In the end, India is forced to walk a diplomatic tightrope, and

 the reception of the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia is just

 proof of this. And last week, Deputy Foreign Minister of 

Ukraine, Emine Dzhaparova was a guest here. So India

is going to play.. a serious role on the world stage. At 

the same time, India emphasizes its neutral position, 

but analysts warn that it will have to play this game 

very carefully, because it needs neutral ties with 

the West as well.


MODERATOR: Thank you so much! 

Ishan Ghar, with details from 

New Delhi.



Ishan, as you know, means Son; Lord Of Wealth

and is primarily a male name of Indian origin 

from East Indian/Sanskrit - from the Hindi 

element "ish," an invisible power, that 

rules the universe. 


He lives up to his name, doesn't he.

What do you think --- and what

should we call you?




What will happen to Poland 
in case of war between 

Russia and NATO

April 16th, 12:21pm



Commenting in social network Twitter on the words of Polish 

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Chairman of the 

Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, opined that 

Poland could “simply disappear”.


Previously, Morawiecki said that Ukraine “has the right to hit

Russia” and he, Morawiecki, is not worried about Russia’s

war with NATO... because Russia would, the politician 

says, “quickly suffer a total defeat” in that case.


“I don’t know who would win or lose such a war, but given

Poland’s role as a NATO outpost in Europe, the country 

would surely disappear, along with its stupid prime 

minister,” Medvedev responded.


What actually awaits Poland, whose prime minister speaks

so aggressively against Russia? Aif.ru talked about it in 

an interview with political scientist Yuri Bondarenko.


Vladimir Kozhemyakin, aif.ru: Yuriy Konstantinovich, in your 

opinion, does the Polish prime minister understand what 

Poland will really “face” in case of war between Russia 

and NATO?


Yuri Bondarenko: ''Mateusz Moravetsky is rapidly losing his

adequacy. It is clear as day that NATO will never go to 

war with Russia directly and will not attack it, 

because the North-Atlantic Alliance is not 

governed by Morawiecki, but by people 

who are well aware of the danger.''


''In the event of a hypothetical conflict with NATO very different

 weapons would be used than are used now. It is not a conflict

 with Ukraine. Nobody will feel sorry for Poland then. If it 

comes to nuclear weapons, of course, in the end there 

will be no Poland and no NATO countries in the 

closest vicinity.''


''Unfortunately, NATO’s assessment of Russia and its capabilities 

is greatly hampered by the fact that many leaders of the

 alliance, and with them the leaders of Poland, simply 

do not know our country. Not only do they follow

 some long-standing stereotypes – but also the 

vast majority of them have never been to 

Russia at all and do not know what it is. 

And yet personal acquaintance implies 

some kind of experience. They are 30

-40-50 years behind in their perception 

of us: for them, today’s Russia is a late 

Soviet Union ------- a clumsy country of 

shortages. They have no idea.. what 

Moscow looks like. If they could be 

allowed here for a few days, their 

view of the world... would be 

overturned, their template 

would be broken.''


''As to the alleged “war between Russia and NATO” – there is 

no doubt that, in this case, the Anglo-Saxons will surrender 

all their allies in Europe. They will not fight with their own

 soldiers, and will put forward anyone they like – first of 

all the Ukrainians and Poles. Nobody is going to 

stand up for them.''


Maybe Morawiecki has been turned on his head by 

the dreams of creating a confederation of Poland

 and Ukraine?


''The Polish elite is clearly a question for psychiatrists.
Those unwise people, who, by the will of fate, have
been allowed to 
rule their country, have been out
of touch with reality for a 
long time, and only
some tough actions ---- are able to bring 

them to their senses.''

''They do not take into account 
that, since the Battle
of the Ice, and Napoleon and 
Hitler, Russia has a
completely different level 
of armaments. And ---
if it comes to a serious 
conflict --- the war will
be nuclear. After 
that, there will be no place
for Poland 
on the surface of the Earth.''


– What do you think is more likely:  Poles will create 

a new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or Poland 

will disappear as a result of conflict with Russia?


''There will be... neither. Poland will continue to exist 

within its former borders, but it will only get a slap 

on the wrist. Nor will any confederation be 

created, because - among other things - 

Poland will have no one... to create 

it with.''


Vladimir Kozhemyakin, AiF


So, the question and the answer is:
all humans --- or no humans.

Am I right?  Do you think!?!


Sayyed Nasrallah: Supporting Armed 

Resistance in West Bank is a Priority

April 13th, 6pm (FNA)


The Al-Quds Tribune event, which convenes the leaders 

of the Resistance Axis movements in Lebanon, 

Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, and Bahrain, has 

commenced on Thursday, with

 resounding zeal.


This annual affair, held on the momentous occasion of

 International Al-Quds Day, transpires amidst the back

drop of ongoing and wide-reaching events unfurling 

in the occupied Palestinian territories, punctuated

 by a brazen Zionist endeavor to commandeer and 

Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque.


This gathering of eminent and valiant leaders serves as a 

powerful testament to the unity that pervades the arenas 

of resistance throughout the Islamic world, as well as to

 the nation’s steadfast readiness to expend all that is 

dear and precious to safeguard its sacred domains 

and thwart the pernicious schemes of 

Zionist Judaization.


Assembled in solidarity, these leaders avow to hold steadfast 

to their cause, unyielding in their determination to fight until 

liberation is secured, and to establish a bright future 

replete with freedom, dignity, and justice for all.


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed 

that marking Al-Quds Day is part of the battle aimed at 

liberating all Palestine from the Israeli occupation.


Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that, year after year, it is
reaffirmed... that marking International Quds Day,
which was declared by 
Imam Khomeini, more
than 40 years ago.. and confirmed by 
Khamenei, is an essential and real part of
great battle that our nation and people
waged in order to liberate Jerusalem
Palestine --- all of Palestine.


The axis of resistance and all its component–states, 

movements, and people, have been always at the

 forefront of the battle.


Sayyed Nasrallah pointed that, every year on the last Friday 

of the month of Ramadan, all minds, hearts, wills, feelings, 

arenas, squares, fronts, fists, forearms, platforms, voices,

 throats, and pens, converge on the centrality of Al-Quds 

and its cause as well as the project to  restore it from

 the clutches of the occupation.


His eminence highlighted the importance of taking into

 consideration all the annual developments in the 

occupation entity, the region as well as the

 whole world, considering that all those 

developments serve the resistance 

battle against the Israeli 

occupation and 

US hegemony.


Sayyed Nasrallah said that, internationally, the world is moving

 steadily towards a multipolar world order, which ends the

 hegemony of the one pole, represented by the US,

 the absolute protector of the Zionist entity


Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted also the latest developments of 

the confrontation in Ukraine, the conflict between Russia 

and NATO as well as the USA, the escalating tensions

 between China and the US, and the European 

confusion in this regard.


Regionally, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored the importance of the

 Iranian-Saudi agreement in China, stressing that it reflects the 

failure of terrorist schemes and the tendency to maintain 

calm and run dialogues... to resolve differences.


Hezbollah Secretary General also noted that the latest regional 

developments block all the sedition ways which harm the 

Umma and serve the Zionist schemes, maintaining that 

the restored contacts between some Arab countries 

and Syria would negatively affect the normalization 

path and the Israeli plot to establish an Arab axis

 to confront the axis of resistance.


Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah has been tracking 

the Zionist crises for several years, adding that the extent 

of differences and divisions in the occupation entity, is 

unprecedented since 1948.


Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the escalating armed resistance

 in the West Bank, the popular support to the resistance fighters

 inside and outside Palestine, the youths participation in the 

clashes with the Zionst occupation forces, the Palestinian 

persistence and insistence versus the Zionist confusion

 and fear, and the growing capabilities of the resistance

 in Gaza --- have maintained the fraternity of victory.


Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his address by reiterating 

the importance of militarily supporting the Palestinian

 resistance in West Bank which comprises Al-Quds

 shield and protects the Islamic and Christian 

sanctities in the Holy City.


The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziyad

 al-Nakhalah, delivered a powerful speech during the annual 

‘Tribune of Al-Quds’ activity, highlighting the significance 

of International Al-Quds Day.


“Quds Day summarizes history, abbreviates geography, and

 becomes the title of the rise of a nation that possesses

 absolute certainty of victory and the liberation of 

Palestine, Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and its mosque 

(Al-Aqsa),” he proclaimed.


Al-Nakhalah expressed his concern over the continued 

oppression and bloodshed in Jerusalem and the 

Al-Aqsa mosque. He emphasized that the 

Zionist invaders are constantly trampling 

on everything that is sacred to the 

Palestinian people. Furthermore -- 

he called on the Arab and Muslim 

nations to recognize the reality 

of the situation and join the 

resistance against the 

usurping regime 

of Israel.


“On Quds Day, here are the arenas of resistance confirming 

their presence and support for the Palestinian people and

 resistance,” Al-Nakhalah stated. He expressed his 

confidence that the resistance will continue to 

raise its flag everywhere and that the 

Palestinian people will remain 

steadfast in their struggle 

for freedom.


He concluded by affirming the unwavering commitment to unity 

“as a nation with a unified message, and we declare that Al-

Quds is our symbol of determination and resilience.” “We 

vow to continue our fight for liberation until victory is 

achieved, and Al-Quds remains the beacon of hope

 for our cause,” he ended up saying.


In his address at the annual Al-Quds Tribune event on the

 occasion of International Al-Quds Day, Archbishop Atallah

 Hanna of the Greek Orthodox Church emphasized that 

Al-Quds is in the trust of all people. He asserted that 

unity among Palestinians is a powerful force, and 

that they will remain united in this holy city, 

regardless of religious differences.


The Archbishop further denounced the conspiracy of those who

 storm Al-Aqsa and seek to violate its sanctities, be they Islamic

 or Christian, and emphasized that the occupation seeks to

 uproot and alienate the Palestinian people and obliterate 

the features of the city. Nevertheless, Archbishop Hanna 

reiterated that the occupation will not succeed in its

 plans because the Palestinian people will remain 

steadfast in their defence of their rights 

and principles.


“Jerusalem is the symbol of the unity of Christian and 

Muslim sons who coexist in the city, and it represents

 a crucial address for the Palestinian people,” he said.


Archbishop Hanna issued an appeal to all Christian and Muslim

 religious authorities for the need of interaction, cooperation, 

and consultation to preserve the sanctity of Jerusalem, 

which is the cradle of their shared history, heritage, 

and identity. He stressed --- that Al-Quds Day is
opportunity to remind everyone.. of their 

responsibility towards Al-Quds --- the city 

that awaits the return of the Palestinian 

people --- so that it can once again

 become the capital of Palestine 

and a destination for free


“Despite the conspiracies and the ambitions of the occupation, 

the Palestinian people remain determined to remain in their 

homeland, defending their sacred part of the world in the

 name of the entire nation.”


For his part, the esteemed Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, renowned

 preacher of the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque, emphasized the

 importance of Jerusalem in our daily lives, stressing 

that it must be firmly rooted in our hearts, souls, 

and minds at all times.


Speaking at the annual “Al-Quds Tribune” event, 

commemorating the momentous occasion of 

International Al-Quds Day, Sheikh Sabri 

emphasized that Jerusalem is not only 

the axis of Palestine but also the focal 

point of the Islamic world. He further 

expounded that the cause of Al-Quds

 is an unyielding and indelible one, 

an issue that will persist as long 

as there are individuals...  who 

believe in it ------- and hold it as

the centre of their aspirations.


Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim emphasized the significance of

 International Al-Quds Day and its potential to bring the 

nation together on truth, righteousness, and piety. He 

stressed the importance of uniting behind the noble 

mosques of Al-Aqsa and the Holy Mosque, which 

attract the hearts of the nation and hold a 

connection to the missionary role of the 

Messenger of God and Islam. Sheikh 

Qassim noted that the issue of 

Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Quds, and 

Palestine is not only an issue

 for Muslims but also an issue 

for all of humanity.


Despite the political troubles faced by the Bahraini people, 

Sheikh Qassim affirmed that Islam and the Islamic 

countries --- hold a significant position in the 

mentality, psyche, and will of the people --- 

and they remain committed to supporting 

the truth and justice of every cause of 

Islam, Muslims, and their lands. 


Sheikh Qassim expressed his greetings and support to the 

resistance youth in the West Bank and Al-Quds and all

 resistance fighters on behalf of Palestine, Al-Quds, 

and Al-Aqsa. He stated that the entire nation that 

is sincere with them, will support them along 

the line... as long as life lasts.



Source: Al-Manar English Website



To see such passionate commitment

is impressive - and blows away a lot

of the Western cynicism regarding 

the ''Arab-Israeli'' conflict.


What do you think?




 Universities And The AUKUS 

Military-Industrial Complex

by Dr. Binoy Kampmark
April 12th

(Source SouthFront)


Here they go. Vice-chancellors, university managers, and

 creatures with titles unmentionable and meaningless 

(deputies, semi-deputies, sub-deputies), a whole 

cavalcade of parasitic creatures --- in need of 

neutering, keen to pursue another daft idea.


  Australian universities --- do not want to miss out on the military-

industrial-education complex, whatever its imperilling dangers. 

 With the war inspired AUKUS security pact, which promises

 the stripping of the Australian budget to the tune of $AUD 

368 billion over the course of three decades, a corrupt 

establishment promises to get worse.


The AUKUS distraction could not have come at a better time. 

 The tertiary sector in Australia is becoming increasingly

 cadaverous, marked by cost-cutting, rampant 

casualisation -- and heavy teaching and 

workloads for those battling away 

in the pedagogical trenches.


In a recent piece by the Guardian Australia’s higher education 

reporter, an academic, who preferred to remain anonymous 

fearing institutional retribution, likened the modern 

Australian university to a supermarket.  Students 

--- were the customers filing through the self-

checkout counters;- the staff, increasingly 

rendered irrelevant are readily disposable.


The stories have been familiar for years, even as the offending 

by university management continues unabated: tutors being

 paid insufficiently to read and grade work adequately; 

virtually non-existent job security; the suppression 

of academic freedom or criticism of ghastly 

management practices.  Given the patho-

logical secrecy under which universities 

work, essential data shedding light on 

class sizes, staff-student ratios, and 

contracts with ''private business'' 

interests, is virtually impossible 

to attain.


But despite the Australian university sector.... proving 

unsustainable, unprincipled, and ungainly, individuals 

such as Catriona Jackson, the CEO of Universities 

Australia --- is on the hunt for new frontiers. Last 

year.. the submission of Universities Australia 

to the Defence Strategic Review, was almost 

begging to link universities with the defence 

needs of the country.  All the Defence 

Department and Australian Defence 

Forces needed to do - was ask.


As the Australian Financial Review reported at the time, “The

 universities need to be prepared to respond in an adaptable 

and efficient manner to a clear demand signal from defence

 in terms of workforce needs – both skills and numbers – 

as well as technology and hardware needs.”


How fortunate, then, that AUKUS came bumbling along. For

 Jackson --- principles in education are less important than

 inflated commercial opportunities ---- or, to use her lingo, 

commercialisation.  Distant from the process of learning

 itself --- unaware of the delivery of courses and the 

classroom --- she sees this war making security 

pact as packed with promise.  “It’s workforce, 

workforce, workforce” -- she sloganeered to 

her Sky News host, Kieran Gilbert. “It’s not

 just nuclear physicists we need, although 

we do need some of those, and it’s a very 

specialist profession. In lmost every area

 of human endeavour we need a capacity

 uplift, so.... engineers, doctors, nurses, 

psychologists, pretty much everyone.”


Evidently hearing the war jingles around the corner, Jackson is

 journeying to Washington for meetings with national security 

officials from the US State Department and National Science

 Foundation.  It is her hope -- that the number of Australian

 university partnerships will be expanded --- “with more 

than 10,000 formal partnerships already in place with 

fellow institutions around the world.”  The message 

she takes to the US capital will, however, be 

focused on “developing the capability [of 

Australian universities] to deliver the 

project -- including through the 

provision of skilled workers, 

and world-class research 

and development.”


Certain publications have also exuded jingoistic cheer on the

 new role of Australia’s tertiary sector.  The Australian, one 

of Rupert Murdoch’s premier rags of froth and bile, is ever

 reliable in this respect.  The paper’s higher education 

editor, Tim Dodd, in a March contribution, posed two 

questions.. to those in the university sector: Had 

Australian universities ever played such a vital 

role in national defence as they would be likely 

to do over the next two decades, in building 

nuclear-powered submarines?  Would they 

even want to be involved?


Throughout his piece, Dodd seems to think that a university

 system untethered to the defence establishment is a 

morally questionable thing. In doing so, he betrays 

his ignorance of those wise words from US 

Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright -- 

who warned that: “in lending itself too 

much to the purposes of government, 

a university fails its higher purposes”.


Dodd can merely observe that ---  “In the post-war period 

universities were still not critical to defence programs.”  

AUKUS & the nuclear submarine program, had changed 

matters.  “Australia is now embarking on an enormous 

program to build, operate and maintain nuclear-

powered submarines --- and a clear goal is 

sovereign capability.”  All in all, it was 

“a critical national priority that 

universities are right to give

 their full support to. Their 

backing is critical.”


Leaving aside such platitudinous nonsense as “sovereign

 capability” – the technology, expertise, control and 

guidance over this new promised machinery will 

always be directed from Washington – the 

sentiments are clear.  The military-

industrial-university complex is 

a matter to be celebrated.  


There are, for instance, “other parts of AUKUS” that 

will involve “our top universities” in such areas as 

“advanced research cyber security, artificial 

intelligence and quantum technologies.”


Bizarrely, Dodd gets the question about academic freedom the

 wrong way around: that expressing a choice in favour of the

 blatant war drumming of AUKUS is something that should

 be one for academics.  If he had any idea about despotic

 university environments --- he would be aware that 

academics, whatever they agree with, will have 

little say in the matter.  Distant, estranged 

managements, unaccountably enthroned 

in administrative towers, will be making 

such decisions for them; the only real 

free expression will be exercised by

 those opposing the measure. 


Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar 

at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently 

lectures at RMIT University.  


Email: bkampmark@gmail.com



And do you think that UK universities

(or Welsh ones) are also eager to be 

''funded'' by ''Defence'' interests?

If you said 'no' --- think again.




Mysl Polska: Thousands of criminals

 and millions of Banderism bearers 

cross European borders

April 11th, 10:43am



Analysis of an article in Polish publication Mysl Polska


“Under the guise of humanitarian aid, European countries have

almost uncheckedly - allowed tens of millions of migrants and

 displaced persons into the Schengen zone, and thousands of 

bandits, criminals & terrorists among them. It is an act that

 is hostile to Europe, it is another invasion, carried out by 

order and on behalf of our Anglo-Saxon occupiers,” 

writes Mysl Polska.


“No one remembered that Ukraine in its current borders exceeds 

the area of Poland, that is, it has huge territories, allowing to

 organize internal migration of the population without any

 problems. The realization came, when it was too late: 

within 13 months, 10,400,000 Ukrainians crossed 

the Polish-Ukrainian border,” the Polish 

publication says.


It is clear that a significant number of Ukrainians go further 

to the West, to the European Union countries with a more

 developed --- compared to Poland --- system of social 

assistance. And some of them register in Poland,

 receive financial and material assistance here, 

and return to Ukraine. However even taking 

into account this and adding approximate 

numbers of Ukrainian “guest workers”, 

who arrived by February 2022 and are 

staying here permanently it turns out 

--- that about 4,8 million Ukrainian

citizens have already moved

 to Poland.


The author of the article notes that only 19% of Ukrainians

 have started their working activity in Poland. Meanwhile -

 free medical care as well as pensions, which are paid to 

elderly Ukrainians instead of Kiev, are used by all 

the Ukrainians arriving from Ukraine. Most 

immigrants... increase the expenditure 

side of the budget, and no economy, 

even stronger than Poland’s, can 

withstand this.


“The newcomers have the effects of years of Nazi ideological 

conditioning. The state cult of Stepan Bandera, Roman

 Shukhevich and other Nazi collaborators -- has left an 

indelible mark on generations of Ukrainians. Ukraine

 is a territory - where denazification is absolutely 

necessary.  When we talk about the crimes of 

the Ukrainian Nazis ---- we are not only
to the Volyn massacre.”


“The crime of Nazi genocide, was the burning of people in 

the Trade Union House in Odessa on May the 2nd 2014,

the attack by Ukrainian troops on the inhabitants of 

Donbas - without weapons - who demanded their 

language rights, the crimes of Azov*  ..and other 

Ukrainian Nazi special battalions, in 2014-2022, 

and finally, the killing of prisoners and civilians 

carried out daily by the troops of the Kiev junta. 

These are Nazi criminals and their recruitment 

pool is the Ukrainian migrant crowd in Europe.

No one from outside, controls what ideas the 

Ukrainian youth professes --- with all the

references to the crimes of Ukrainian
Nazis, being 
removed from school 

curricula in Poland  -----  “so as
not to irritate
 the guests”.


“Thus, 78 years after the end of World War II we have a 

Nazi state in the centre of Europe, paying for the 

education and training of its paramilitary 

cadres --- ourselves,” concludes 

Myśl Polska.


*banned organisation on the territory 

of the Russian Federation



It has to be said, our so-called leaders

are -- once again -- tolerating, or even 

encouraging, the horrors of fascism. 


Only monstrous bullies will prosper.


What do you think? Are 

you strong - and good?





Saudis Meet with Top Ansarullah 

Officials in Yemen's Sana’a 

Ahead of Ceasefire Talks

April 9th, 2:01pm (FNA)


 A Saudi delegation has reportedly met with a number of high-

ranking officials from the Yemeni Ansarullah resistance

 movement in Sana’a as part of preparations for talks 

to reach a final ceasefire agreement to end the 

eight-year Saudi war.


Yemeni media outlets reported that the Saudi delegates arrived

 in Sana’a on Saturday evening and have held a meeting with

 Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, a senior member of Yemen’s 

Supreme Political Council, as well as some high-

profile figures of the Sana’a-based National 

Salvation Government, presstv reported.


On Sunday, Yemeni media outlets published pictures of

 a Saudi official shaking hands with Houthi, in Sana’a.


The outlets added that the faces of the high-ranking Saudi

 officials involved in the talks with Ansarullah officials

 have not been publicized - at their request.


Meanwhile, an informed source, who asked not to be named, 

told Yemen’s official news agency Saba that the Saudis are

 going to negotiate “the removal of the tight naval and air

 blockade on Yemen, and end to the eight-year-long 

aggression, restoration of the Yemeni nation’s 

rights, and the payment of civil servant 

salaries as well as a portion of oil and 

gas revenues” during talks with 

Mahdi Al-Mashat, the chairman

 of the council.


Local news agencies said Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to

Yemen Mohammad Saeed Al-Jaber, who resides in the 

Southern port city of Aden, arrived in Sana’a at the 

head of the Saudi delegation to meet with officials 

from the Ansarullah movement and the National 

Salvation Government, hours after the arrival 

of an Omani delegation.


Saba reported that Omani delegates arrived on Saturday 

“to discuss the latest developments in the ongoing

 negotiations in Muscat with the leadership

 in Sana’a”.


“A delegation from Oman has arrived in Sana’a to hold talks” 

with Ansarullah’s leaders “about the truce and the peace

 process”, an unnamed source at Sana’a airport was 

quoted by AFP news agency as saying.


The visit by Saudi officials to Sana’a is an indication of 

progress in Oman-mediated talks between the 

kingdom and the Ansarullah movement --- 

which run in parallel to UN peace efforts.


It is also a sign that regional rifts are easing after Saudi Arabia

 and Iran agreed to restore diplomatic relations last month

 after years of estrangement.


Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, a member of Ansarullah’s political 

bureau told Lebanon’s Arabic-language Al-Mayadeen 

television news network late on Friday that “there

 is an understanding between Saudi Arabia and 

Yemen”, without going into details.


He said that the understandings, as well as initiatives for

 peaceful settlement of the Yemen crisis, will be 

announced in two phases: One before 

Eid Al-Fitr.... which marks the end of 

the holy fasting month of Ramadan, 

and the other at another time.


“We support any proposals and efforts by Saudi Arabia 

or other parties to pacify the Yemeni crisis and reach 

a comprehensive political resolution of the conflict,” 

the senior Ansarullah official said.


On Friday, Al-Mayadeen television news network, citing 

informed sources, reported that Saudi officials had

 recently held a closed-door meeting with the 

chairman and members of the so-called 

Yemeni presidential leadership council, 

which was established last April after

 the resignation of ex-president Abd 

Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, to inform 

them about a peace plan

 for Yemen.


Saudi Arabia’s Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman 

briefed the council on Riyadh’s solution to end the crisis

 in Yemen, sources said, adding that the Saudis’ vision

 is to renew the existing UN-brokered truce for a year 

in an understanding with the Sana’a government.


Riyadh will pledge to pay the salaries of public servants, 

open Hudaydah port, and help settle the currency 

problems of Yemen in exchange for Sana’a’s 

acceptance of the truce, according to 

the report.


Saudi Arabia launched the bloody war against Yemen in March 

2015 in collaboration with a number of its allies and with arms 

and logistics support from the US and several Western states

 to reinstall Hadi, who resigned from the presidency in late 

2014 and later fled to Riyadh amid a political conflict with 

the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement.


The war objective was also to crush the Ansarullah movement, 

which has been running state affairs in the absence of an 

effective government in Yemen.


However, it has stopped well shy of all of its goals, despite 

killing tens of thousands of Yemenis and turning the 

entire country into the scene of the world’s worst 

humanitarian crisis.



A good news story on the Discussion Page:

maybe there's hope for us all, yet... 

what do you think?




 Materials for briefing by the Chief of Nuclear, 

Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops:

Briefing - by the Chief of Nuclear, Biological, 

and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian 

Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor 

Kirillov - on analysis of documents

relating to U.S. military and 

biological activities

April 7th, 1:30pm


The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues 

to analyse the military and biological activities of the United 

States of America and its allies in Ukraine and elsewhere in

 the world.


We have previously cited the names of those involved in U.S.

 military biology programmes. They include.. officials from 

the U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon contractors, 

U.S. biotechnology corporations, Ukraine government 

institutions and private companies.


Today we show more personalties of the list of Pentagon
biological research subjects. These include:


Eliot Jacobs Pearlman, the head of International HIV/AIDS 

and TB Institute (NGO), Kiev, he was directly involved in 

the establishment of the laboratory facilities for the

 implementation of military biological research 

in Ukraine.


Gregory Glass, a professor emeritus at the Emerging Pathogens

 Institute, Florida State University. He was involved in studing 

the tularaemia pathogen in Ukraine. He was involved in the 

UP-8 project (Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus 

and hantavirus dissemination in Ukraine).


Andrew Pekosz, an American microbiologist and Professor 

of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Johns 

Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


He was involved as one of the lead consultants for the UP-2 

Project (Application of geo-information systems, remote

 surveillance and laboratory diagnosis for the detection 

of tularaemia and anthrax in humans and animals

 in Ukraine).


Ukrainian nationals are among the perpetrators

 of US military-biological projects:


Natalia Rodina is the deputy director general of the Kiev

 Regional Laboratory Centre of the Ministry of Health of

 Ukraine and a former employee of the U.S. company 

Black & Veatch. Since 2020, she has been advisor 

to the Commander of the AFU Medical Forces on 

laboratory and diagnostic activities.


Yelena Nesterova is the Director of the Ukrainian Institute for 

Public Health Research She coordinated the activities of

 Labyrinth Global Health and liaised between Ukrainian 

government agencies and Metabiota.


Fleeing from responsibility for their involvement in bioweapons

 projects, many of the individuals involved left Ukraine.


In order to stop any leaks, the U.S. administration is taking 

immediate action - to locate and retrieve material on the 

Pentagon's illegal activities. Through the Science and

Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU), work is carried 

out on two fronts: collecting data on the location of 

staff already experienced in so-called 'Ukrainian 

projects' and searching for new specialists in 

the field of weapons of mass destruction

 (WMD) development.


Please take note of the questionnaire sent to STCU
users who are enrolled in special courses.
requirement for participation is
 research expertise.


From 24-26 April 2023, online training will take place with the 

selected candidates, and a in-person meeting in Warsaw 

is planned, in parallel.


During the training, participants will be invited to 

continue working on closed projects in and 

outside Ukrainian territory.


We do not rule out the possibility that under the cover of such

 courses, efforts may be made to plan biological weapons

 provocations and to start an information campaign

 against the Russian Federation.


The U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DITRA) is using the

 capabilities of biologists not only from Ukraine, but also from

 the Central Asian and Transcaucasian states to carry out 

its tasks. The US administration has work in this area 

scheduled to last -- at least until 2025.


Funding for dual-use projects is provided by the U.S. military

 through a grant system. The International Science and

 Technology Centre and STCU are in charge of 

allocating the funds. The organisation is 

headed by Ronald Frank Lehman,

 former head of the U.S. Arms 

Control and Disarmament 



I would like to draw attention to the names of individual ISTC

 projects without indicating their territorial affiliation.


Project 2410 'Assessment of the natural resistance of the

 brucellosis pathogen in domestic and wild animals 

(possibility of brucellosis transmission to humans)'. 

A remarkable fact about the research is that 

experts from the University of Florida 

participated in it.


Project 2513 investigates the risk factors and molecular

properties of environmentally resistant virulent

Enterobacteriaceae. The objective of the 

study is to identify microorganism strains

 that are resistant to every known type 

of antibiotic.


Project 2545 involves simulating the evolution of a few

 bunyavirus species that are extremely dangerous to 

people. The UK Research and Innovation is 

supporting the research on fusing genetic 

material from harmful viruses.


Remember that the US, its armed forces, and allies are to be

 protected by the ISTC's biological threat reduction program.

 This once again confirms that Washington sees the post-

Soviet space as a foothold for the deployment of NATO 

military units.


In the case of Ukraine, we see how, imposed by the collective

West, funding of military-biological programmes leads to the 

loss of national biological sovereignty and the undermining 

of our own scientific and technological potential in the

field of biological, food, and pharmaceutical security.


The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has

 previously reported on 'directed evolution' research 

by U.S. pharmaceutical companies, the so-called 

Big Pharma, as well as corruption and collusion 

with U.S. government agencies - related to the 

development and production of vaccine drugs.


It was stated that regulators were undermining present safety

 and quality norms in favour of corporate business interests. 

Federal agency personnel occupy important positions in

 pharmaceutical companies as a result of approving the

 use of pharmaceuticals without following regulatory



They include former employees of the U.S. Department of Health

 and Human Services' Food and Drug Administration: Mark

 McClellan, current Johnson & Johnson board member; 

Scott Gottlieb, Pfizer board member; Stephen Hahn, 

chief medical officer of Flagship Pioneering, a 

company directly linked to Moderna.


According to the information we have, collusion between 

officials and the manufacturers of Pfizer's anti-covaccine

 vaccine has allowed drugs with serious side-effects to 

be put into circulation. However ------ at the time the 

vaccine was approved, Pfizer had actual evidence 

of an increased risk of serious cardiovascular 

abnormalities following vaccination.


According to the company's confidential assessment, patients

 who receive the COVID-19 vaccine are more likely to suffer 

myocarditis. Since April 2021, Moderna has reported --- an

 increase in cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in the

 United States after vaccination with mRNA vaccines, 

especially in male adolescents and young adults over 

16 y.o. Pathological changes usually occurred within 

a few days of vaccination, and more often occurred 

after a second dose....


It is to be reminded that at the request of DITRA and without

 consideration for any ethical standards, such experiments 

of very toxic medications with undiscovered dangers of 

side effects were carried out on Ukrainian civilians and

AFU servicemen. This seems to be the norm for the U.S. 

pharmaceutical industry, which aims to maximise 

profits, and its implementation is strongly 

supported by the U.S. Democrat Party.


The Ministry of Defence has already noted contradictory

 statements by U.S. political elites about the cessation 

of Pentagon work in biolaboratories in Ukraine.


Take note of the minutes from the 20 October 2022 meeting of

 a working group of U.S. and Ukrainian specialists on ideas for

 a Biological Threat Reduction Plan in Ukraine, chaired by 

DITRA officials.


According to the document, despite a forced pause due to the

 special military operation, activities under the Programme 

have now resumed. The main objectives at this stage are

 to continue construction of biolaboratories in Ukraine

 and to expand the format of training for Ukrainian



The Russian Defence Ministry's revelations about the

 Pentagon's bioweapons activities are forcing 

Washington to make efforts to conceal the 

true nature of the work being done.


Thus, it was decided to change the name of the Joint 

Biological Research programme, which is actually

 aimed at developing biological weapons 



The programme has been renamed Biosurveillance Research, 

as indicated in the Minutes. According to the document, the

 military department intends to continue research on 

dangerous pathogens, collect biological material, 

and send it to the United States.


The Pentagon's plans to continue dual-use research on 

Ukrainian bio-objects and elsewhere in the world, with 

a change of programme name, are the result of an

 'unclear' response from the international 

community - due to the fear of a number 

of countries to go into confrontation 

with the U.S. authorities.


The US Department of State has produced a series of

 publications in which it attempts to cast doubt on the

 documented facts of its illegal biological research. 

On 14 March 2023, for example, a bulletin was

 published on the U.S. State Department 

website, once again accusing Russia 

of disinformation.


The pro-government U.S. media, including the Washington Post,

 have released State Department statements that flatly deny 

the established historical facts of the preparation of military

-biological attacks in North Korea and China in the early 

1950s while ignoring the information provided by the 

Russian Ministry of Defence in an effort to deflect

 the backlash from the Democrat Party.


The U.S. is proceeding from the logic that if earlier episodes

 cannot be proven, then all accusations of today's military-

biological activities are disinformation.


It should be noted that the U.S. has never been explicit about 

how dedicated it is to ensuring research safety in the

 biolaboratories it oversees. The lack of transparency

 of their activities creates a risk of the spread of 

dangerous pathogens in areas where bio-

containment facilities are located.


In a related event, a South Korean civil society organisation filed

 a lawsuit against the U.S. military in Korea and the Fort Detrick

 Biological Laboratory in August 2021 for breaking domestic 

law by smuggling harmful materials into American 

military locations.


The U.S. command in Korea was accused of smuggling

 dangerous materials into its military locations (in 

Pyeongchang and Gunsan) between November 

2017 and January 2019. On 5 April 2022, South 

Koreans took to the streets to protest against

 U.S. biological laboratories near their military 

base in Busan.


Public demonstrations in Korea are not an uncommon

 occurrence. Earlier, mass demonstrations against

 U.S. biolaboratories took place in Armenia, 

Kyrgyzstan, and Serbia.


In late February 2023, the International Secretary of the Irish

Labour Party, Gary Granger, speaking at a conference 

on 'Strengthening the threat of the use of biological 

weapons by NATO --- against the background of 

aggravation of international contradictions', 

said that the threat of such weapons of 

mass destruction, was growing 

every day.


Granger mentioned that 'Ukraine has U.S.-funded biological 

laboratories. This could lead to millions of casualties,

 including the risk of accidents'.


As we have repeatedly noted, moving the most dangerous

 research outside national territory is part of the United 

States' biosecurity strategy. The placement of bio-

objects in third countries does not take into 

account the interests of local populations 

and poses a serious threat to 

entire regions.


I want to call your attention to a U.S. federal ministry's statement

 that the COVID-19 pandemic may have been caused by a virus

 leak from a Wuhan laboratory. The statement stresses that 

'...the disease has a laboratory origin and the virus is

 likely to have spread as a result of an accident...'.


The nuance is that this statement was made by the Department

 of Energy. A legitimate question arises: 'What does the U.S.

 Department of Energy have to do with combating 

bio-threats and implementing projects with 

dual-use features?'


The U.S. Department of Energy is seen by the Russian Ministry 

of Defence as being on par with the Pentagon in terms of 

being the primary planner and direct participant in 

military bioweapons efforts.


In 2023 alone, the Department of Energy officially allocated 

$105 mln for research as part of the Biopreparedness 

Research Virtual Environment project, which intends

 to study the epidemic spread of disease.


I draw your attention to the fact that specialists still have 

a number of questions about the strange variability and

 geographical origins of COVID-19 variants for most 

viruses. For example, the beta strain first appeared 

in South Africa and was detected in the UK in 

December 2020; the gamma strain in Brazil 

in January 2021 and the delta strain in 

India in June 2021. At the same time, 

each new version had improved 

properties ------ in terms of their 

military-biological applications, 

causing increasing economic



Despite extremely stringent anti-covalent measures, the

emergence in 2022 of subvariants of the Omicron strain

BA-5.2 and BF-7 caused an avalanche-like increase in

infections in China. It appears as if someone is taking

deliberate action to 'amplify' pathogenic properties

of the virus and the pandemic is being artificially 

fueled by 'throwing in' new 'improved' variants. 

So far, these questions remain unanswered.


In addition, reports indicate that United States leadership

 continues to involve non-core government agencies not 

directly related to public health, in biomedical 

programmes, diverting attention away from 

the primary beneficiary, the Pentagon.


The U.S. Department of Energy 'dual-use biology'
 will be discussed in more detail
next time.


 Perhaps, this should be on
our Health Page - what do
you think?



NATO is the historical & ideological 

successor of the Third Reich

April 5th, 11:38am



On April the 4th 1949, representatives of 12 countries: 

Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, 

Canada, dwarf and useless Luxembourg, 

the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the 

USA, and France, signed the North 

Atlantic Treaty. 


The parties have undertaken to protect any party to the treaty

 that is attacked. However, in reality, NATO has become an

 aggressive organization that maintains US hegemony in

 the international arena --- by armed means.


NATO is the historical and ideological successor to the Third 

Reich. Field Marshal of the Reich Erich von Manstein, who

 commanded the Don and South Army Groups on the 

Eastern Front, Hans Speidel, Lieutenant General 

Reinhard Gehlen - and many other prominent 

military leaders of Germany - defeated in 

1945, took leadership positions in NATO.


Over time, the main goal of NATO became to contain the

development of the USSR and Russia and prevent the 

creation of a new just world order. It was NATO that 

took an active part in the colour revolutions around

 the entire perimeter of Russia.


NATO is the bloodiest terrorist organization in the history of

 mankind: with its hands the collective West invaded dozens

 of countries, destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions of

 people and killed tens of millions for profit. 


On the conscience of NATO, is the pogrom in Yugoslavia 

and the Kosovo massacre, the invasion of Iraq, Libya, 

and Afghanistan, the bombing of Syria, the creation 

of ISIS*, the creation of this unthinkable tension 

throughout Europe, and the support of Ukraine - 

with weapons, ammunition and mercenaries.


Participation in NATO turned for Europe into a complete loss of 

sovereignty and a movement towards final destruction: the US

 is raping the EU, with the help of a fictitious idea of 

transantlantism and democracy, which, in fact, 

no longer exists in Europe.


 Drawing into NATO, for Europe, turned into an American

 occupation and a complete loss of sovereignty. The 

United States is simultaneously destroying the 

economy of Europe and turning its territory

 into a training ground for confrontation 

with Russia. After the destruction of 

the Kyiv regime -- the United States

intends to use European countries 

as a weapon against Russia.


Only the destruction of NATO and the liberation from 

the American yoke can save Europe from real death

 and being drawn into a nuclear battle with Russia.


Andrey Malosolov


* – an organization banned on the

 territory of the Russian Federation



If you believe this - you can do

something about. If you don't -

you will drown in blood.


That's the message -

what do YOU think?





Report: UK Cost of Living Crisis

 Far Worse Than Pandemic

April 4th, 1:55pm (FNA)


The cost of living crisis has had a differential impact on
the regions within the UK. People in the North West, 

have been most heavily affected -- with 78 percent 

saying they are in a worse financial position now 

than at the start of the crisis, followed closely 

------ by 76 percent of Wales.


This financial vulnerability, is in turn, affecting people’s well-

being, with 58 percent of Londoners saying their mental or
physical health, has been impacted.


Lack of access to credit is high, with Scotland having the 

highest rejection rates, where two in three loans get 

rejected, while a quarter of Londoners have found 

it difficult to access financial products.


Young people have been disproportionately affected by the cost 

of living crisis, as 54 percent of 18-34-year-olds, the most of 

any age group, have borrowed money to ease financial 

pressures, in comparison to just over a third who 

borrowed money to offset the impact of the 

pandemic last year.


The crisis has also had a detrimental impact on their well-being, 

with two in three claiming that it has affected their mental or 

physical health, compared to less than three-in-10 people

 aged over 55.


It has additionally been found that 56 percent of the UK’s

 parents are borrowing money, in comparison to less 

than a third of adults without children.


The cost of living crisis has highlighted issues in the access to

 fair and affordable credit to Britons, as the number of people

 who feel they are being locked out of the financial system

 is increasing year-on-year.


Figures are recorded as being up from 20 percent of

 those surveyed last year --- to 28 percent this year.


The report suggests that those who do have access to credit

 are finding it difficult to pay off debt or balances, with 72% of 

people have struggled at some point to pay off their loans, up

 22 percent from last year’s report, suggesting that financial 

stability among British consumers --- is worsening.


Just over one in five feel that they would not be able to access a

credit card or loan if they needed money. As a result, 29 percent 

of those who were rejected for a loan or line of credit, borrowed

money from friends or family, and 10% from unregulated lenders.


This year’s report also finds that there is a lack of trust between

 the public and financial institutions, with only 21 percent of 

credit-holding adults believing that loan and credit card 

companies are charging fair rates. Thirty-nine percent

 agreed that if they could access a genuinely low-

interest loan, their financial situation would 

improve; up from 27 percent last year.


With the end... of government-led strategies and initiatives to 

incentivise green home improvements, the current financial 

climate is affecting how households in the UK are dealing

 with the climate crisis.


This includes purchasing decisions and the ability to make

 environmentally sustainable choices --- as people are 

delaying home improvements. More than half the 

population (57 percent) can no longer afford 

sustainable products ---- or even make 

environmentally friendly choices.


Additionally, four out of five homeowners or mortgage payers

 have delayed upgrading their homes to be more energy 

efficient, indicating the detrimental effects that the 

cost of living crisis is having on decarbonisation

 of the residential sector.


Robert Pasco, CEO and co-founder of Plend, says that these 

findings highlight the “mass inequality gaps in our society, 

exacerbated by the pandemic and the current cost of

 living crisis.”


“Those who are already struggling to make ends meet are hit

 the hardest, with many being forced to turn to high-cost 

credit to meet their basic needs,” continues Pasco.


He adds, “This only perpetuates a cycle of debt and financial 

exclusion, trapping people in a vicious cycle they can’t 

escape from, contributing to the ‘Great Credit Divide.’"


“We must work together to prioritise financial inclusion and 

create a society where everyone has access to affordable

 credit, financial stability...  and the opportunity to build a 

better future for themselves and their families,” he said.


Richard Lane, director of external affairs at StepChange,

 comments, “Plend’s report brings to light how the cost 

of living crisis has escalated ongoing issues around 

problem debt and financial exclusion."


“Struggling borrowers need the government, regulators and

 creditors to step up to ensure the mechanisms are in place 

both to catch people before they fall into long-term problem 

debt and to help people already facing severe financial 

difficulty," he said.


“StepChange has supported millions of people seeking support

 with problem debt and continues to do so, ensuring that those 

who need help can access it,” Lane concludes.


Co-founded in 2020 by Robert Pasco (CEO) and James Pursaill

 (CTO), Plend offers longer-term, sustainable loans at fair 

interest rates for borrowers that are missing out - due 

to traditional credit scoring.


Rather than the traditional system of using credit scores based 

on demographic data to set interest rates, Plend uses open 

banking, to build a fairer picture of individual financial 

positions, known as the Plend score.


Plend created the annual Financial Inclusion Report to help

 highlight the UK’s financial exclusion crisis and those 

most at risk in society.


This is Plend’s second annual Financial Inclusion Report, 

following last year’s which focused on the impact of the

 coronavirus pandemic on household and personal 

finances. The research was conducted... by 

Opinium Research, with a representative 

sample size of over 4,500 UK adults, 

and Plend’s own customer data.


 Presumably Welsh people aren't suffering
from mental or physical deterioration...
being SO much tougher and more
sensible than 

What do you think?


Political analyst Bobrov: Washington is 

undermining the economic well-being 

of Europeans, by dragging Europe

into the Ukrainian crisis

April 3rd, 11:19am



The Ukrainian crisis is a bifurcation point in the system of

 international relations. Washington, forcing Europe into
 hybrid confrontation with Russia, undermines the 

economic well-being of ordinary Europeans, and, 

at the same time makes Europe economically 

dependent on the US. 


This was stated by Konstantin Bobrov, political analyst 

and a member of the Expert Club Digoria, to the 

editors of NewsFront.


According to the expert, for ordinary Europeans, further

 involvement in the Ukrainian conflict.. will not bring 

anything but the decline of real living standards, 

which is reflected in rising prices for food, 

utilities and other services. 


Furthermore, the need for public support for engaging 

in economic warfare with Russia --- requires the 

destruction of any dissent --- and constant 

propaganda --- through all the possible 

channels of information transmission.


“Europe, previously renowned for its freedom of thought and 

high standard of living, now looks diametrically opposed,
the average European. Despite the fierce propaganda,
part of European society and a considerable stratum 

of the political beau monde, do not believe in a 

potential victory of Kiev,” the political 

scientist pointed out.


Germany is starting to prepare its population for a

 further deterioration of living standards and a 

possible militarization of society - and the 

economy. This trend...  is confirmed by 

the statements of Germany's Defence 

Minister Pistorius, that “the conflict 

in Ukraine has shown that it was a 

mistake to suspend compulsory 

military service”.


In Bobrov’s opinion, the statements of the German defence

minister are dictated - among other things - by the rate
losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The expert 

believes that -- in the short term -- a rather strong 

reaction, from part of German society, is likely: 

which will be a series of public actions aimed 

at the return of Ukrainian refugees --- fit for 

military service --- to their homeland.


“In the long term, a scenario with Germany’s military build-up 

and militarisation of society, also seems likely. Only the

strengthening of the German armed forces...  will lead 

to the growth of political influence of the power bloc, 

which can become a driver of Germany’s political 

independence from the US. 


Nevertheless, none of the possible scenarios, other than 

an immediate German withdrawal from the anti-Russian 

coalition ------ will lead to a better life for the average 

German,” concluded the political scientist.

Wish I could tell the Germans they're loved
and pivotal in our need --- to break free
from those who don't mind ruling a
wasteland - as long as they stay
''top dogs''.

 A progressive is someone who sees
the clash between past and future
and gives a friendly push to
the good...

Too soon?



A Palestinian Youth --- Was Fatally 

Shot by IOF Near Al-Aqsa Mosque

April 1st, 10:56am

(al Manar)


A young Palestinian man named Muhammad al-Osibi 

was fatally shot by Israeli occupation forces on 

Friday evening, near the Chain Gate at the 

al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the 

occupied Old City of al-Quds.


According to eyewitnesses, the young man was trying 

to protect a Palestinian girl who was being prevented

 by occupation troops from entering the holy site and 

was being assaulted. The Israeli occupation forces 

reportedly opened fire on him after a fight with one 

of them.


The shooting prompted the closure of the doors of the mosque 

and the mobilization of a large number of Israeli occupation 

forces in the courtyards of the mosque, with restrictions 

imposed in the Old City.


The incident comes amid increasing violence against Muslim

 worshipers during the holy month of Ramadan. Muhammad

 al-Osibi was from the Bedouin town of Hura in the

occupied Negev.


According to Palestine’s Shehab news agency, Israeli media 

have confirmed that the man was shot while attempting to

 protect a Palestinian woman.


The Hebrew-language newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported 

that Israeli police had used force against worshipers at 

al-Aqsa Mosque near the Chain Gate, which resulted in 

a dispute between the young man and police officers. 

It is alleged that the police officers fired directly 

at him.


This comes as more than 250,000 Palestinians gathered on

 Friday to perform prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque despite strict 

Israeli restrictions.



Source: Palestine News Network


 According to the initial Israeli police report
yesterday... the young man was shot for
attempting to take a gun from
a soldier.

What do you think?


The preparation of a New World War

by Thierry Meyssan

(Source Voltaire Network)
[Published here by RR
on March 31st.[


The US is pushing its European Union allies to prepare for a

 Third World War. They have no choice but to fight it if they

 want to emerge victorious from the "Thucydides trap". 

Unless all this commotion is just a staging to "keep" 

the allies on their side while many states in South 

America, Africa and Asia declare themselves 

"neutral". At the same time, the noise of 

boots, is stirring up the Japanese 

militarists who, like the "radical 

nationalists" in Ukraine, 

are back.


Faced with the progress made by the advocates of a multipolar

 world, the defenders of the "American imperialist" have not

 been slow to react. Two operations will be analyzed here: 

the transformation of the European Common Market into

 a military structure and the reformation of the World 

War II Axis. This second aspect brings a new actor 

into play: Japan.


At the French parliament, Charles De Gaulle allied himself 

with the Communists to defeat the European Defence

 Community (EDC).




In 1949, the US and UK created the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO). They included Canada and the 

states they had liberated in Western Europe. For 

them, it was not a question of defending them

-selves, but of preparing an attack on the 

Soviet Union. The Soviet Union 

responded by creating the

 Warsaw Pact.


In 1950, when the Korean War began, the US planned to extend 

the conflict to the German Democratic Republic (known as 

"East Germany"). In order to do this, they had to rearm the 

Federal Republic of Germany (known as "West Germany") 

despite the opposition of France, Belgium & Luxembourg. 

They therefore proposed the creation of a European 

Defence Community (EDC), but failed in the face 

of resistance from the Gaullists and the 

French Communists.


At the same time, they helped rebuild Western Europe with

 the Marshall Plan. This plan included many secret clauses, 

including the construction of a European common market. 


Washington wanted to dominate Western Europe economically 

and preserve it politically from communist influence and Soviet 

imperialism. The European Economic Communities - and later 

the European Union - form the civilian side of the US token,

 whose military side is NATO. The European Commission 

is not an administration of the heads of state and 

government of the Union, but the interface 

between them and the Atlantic Alliance. 


The European standards for not only armaments and

 construction, but also for equipment, clothing and

 food, etc., are established by the Nato services, 

first in Luxembourg, then in Belgium. They are

 transmitted to the Commission, and today 

approved by the European Parliament.


In 1989, as the Soviet Union was collapsing in on itself, the

 French President, François Mitterrand, and the German

 Chancellor, Helmut Köhl, imagined freeing Western 

Europe from American tutelage so as to be able to 

compete with Washington. Negotiations on this 

treaty took place at the same time as the end 

of the quadripartite occupation of Germany 

(12 September 1990), the reunification of 

the two Germanies (3 October 1990) and 

the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact (1 

July 1991). Washington accepted the 

Maastricht Treaty as long as it 

recognized their military 

domination. Western 

Europeans accepted 

this principle.


However, Washington distrusted the Mitterrand-Köhl couple and

 demanded at the last moment that the European Union include 

all the former members of the Warsaw Pact, and even the new 

independent states, which had emerged from the former 

Soviet Union. These states did not share the aspirations 

of the Maastricht negotiators. In fact, they are rather 

suspicious of them. They want to free themselves 

from both German and Russian influence. They 

rely on the "American umbrella" for 

their defence.


In 2003, Washington took advantage of the Spanish presidency

 of the EU (the socialist Felipe González) and of the High

 Representative for the Common Foreign and Security 

Policy, Javier Solana, to have the "European Security 

Strategy" adopted, modelled on the National Security 

Strategy of US President George W. Bush. High 

Representative Federica Mogherini revised 

this document in 2016.


Emmanuel Macron devoted France’s European presidency to

reconstituting the EDC under the guise of the EU’s "Strategic

 Compass". This time the project is not submitted to national

parliaments. It is a decision of the heads of state and

 government alone, never discussed and submitted 

to their voters.


In 2022, during the war in Ukraine, the United States.... as in the 

Korean War, once again felt the need to rearm Germany against 

Russia (successor to the USSR). So they are transforming the

 EU, carefully this time. During the presidency of the French

man Emmanuel Macron, they proposed a "Strategic 

Compass". This was adopted only one month after 

the Russian intervention in Ukraine. 


The members of the European Union are all the more stunned 

because they still do not know precisely whether they are 

together to cooperate or to integrate (the "constructive 

ambiguity", as Henry Kissinger put it).


In March 2023, the current High Representative of the European

 Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, 

organized the first "Robert Schumann Forum on Security 

and Defence". A large number of defense...  and foreign 

ministers from the EU member states are participating.


 In addition to the non-EU European states that are pro-US, 

many others are represented at ministerial level, such as 

Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, 

Senegal, Somalia, Egypt, Chile, Peru, Georgia, 

Indonesia and Japan. In addition to NATO, 

ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council and

 the African Union are also represented. 

Above all, the Arab League is sending

 its Secretary General.


The explicit aim of this Forum is to defend "multilateralism 

and a rules-based international order"; an elegant way of 

denouncing the Russian-Chinese project of a "multi

polar world based on international law".


With the Covid epidemic, the European Union... has already 

invested itself with powers in the field of health that were 

not foreseen by the Treaties. I explained at the beginning 

of this epidemic that the measure of confinement of 

healthy people had no precedent in history. It was 

devised at the request of the former head of 

Gilead Sciences and former Secretary of 

Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, by Dr. Richard 

Hatchett, who became the director of 

CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Prepared

ness Innovations) and, as such, the 

initiator of this measure worldwide. 


According to his classified report of 2005 ----- which we

unfortunately only know from the reactions it provoked, 

the confinement of healthy civilians to their homes 

was supposed to allow the identification of jobs 

that could be relocated, to close down the 

consumer goods industries in the West --- 

and to concentrate the work force in the 

defense industry. We're not there yet

but the EU, having seized public 

health powers not foreseen by 

the Treaties, without raising 

any indignation, is now 

interpreting the texts, 

to become a military 



Josep Borrell at the Robert Schumann 

Forum on Security and Defense


Last week, during the Schuman Forum, Josep Borrell presented

 his first report on the implementation of the "Strategic

 Compass". The idea is to coordinate the pooling of 

national armies, including intelligence services, in 

a spirit of integration rather than cooperation. 


Emmanuel Macron’s project ---- now buries that of Charles De 

Gaulle and the French Communists. The "Europe of Defence"

 now appears to be a slogan aimed at placing --- not only the

 operational forces of the EU member states under the 

authority of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe 

(SACEUR), now the US General Christopher G. 

Cavoli, but also at taking control of all the 

financing decisions that were previously 

the responsibility of the national 

parliaments, and even of the

decisions on armaments 

and organization --- that 

were the responsibility 

of the member states’ 

executive bodies. 


Thus, the Union is organizing a common army 

------ without knowing who will command it.




When we think of the Second World War, in Europe we think of

 1939 and 1945. This is absolutely wrong. The war started in 

1931 after Japanese generals attacked Chinese soldiers in

 Manchuria. This was the first overreach of Japanese 

civilian power by the militarist faction ----- which was 

amplified a few months later with the assassination

 of the civilian Prime Minister by a group of military 

men. In a few years, Japan was transformed into a 

militaristic and expansionist power. This war did 

not end with the liberation of Manchuria by the 

Red Army in 1945.


 In fact, the United States used two atomic bombs to prevent 

Japan’s surrender to the USSR and to ensure that it would 

only take place before its own generals. They continued 

to fight until 1946 because many Japanese refused to

 surrender to the United States who had not fought

 much in the Pacific until then. The Second World

 War lasted from 1931 to 1946. If we make these 

date errors, it is because it only became 

globalized with the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo 

Axis (the "Tripartite Pact"), which 

Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and 

Romania, soon joined.


The foundation of the Axis was not the disparate interests

of its members, but their cult of strength. To reform it 

today, we must unite those who share this cult.


Yoshio Kodama, the first godfather of the yakuza.. played an 

important role in Japanese militarism. After World War II, he 

was imprisoned and then benefited from the change of 

policy in the US. He founded the Liberal Party from 

which Shinzo Abe and Fumio Kishida emerged. 


Kodama directed, under the radar, many CIA operations in his

 country. He was a member of the World Anti-Communist 

League when Slava Stetsko (the drafter of Article 16 of

 the Ukrainian constitution) was president.


When the U.S. occupied Japan in 1946, the first thought was to

 purge all militaristic elements from the country. But when the

 Korean War broke out, the U.S. decided to use Japan to fight

 communism. They ended the ongoing trials and rehabilitated

 55,000 high officials. They implemented the Dodge Plan, the

 equivalent of the Marshall Plan in Europe. One of the lucky 

beneficiaries of this policy change.. was Hayato Ikeda, who

 became Prime Minister and restored the country’s economy. 

With the help of the CIA, he founded the Liberal Democratic 

Party. It is from this party that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

 (2012-20) and his successor Fumio Kishida (2020-)

 were born.


The latter has just made a surprise visit to Ukraine. He is the

 first Asian head of government to visit this country since the

 beginning of the war. He visited a mass grave in Bucha and

 expressed his condolences to the families of the victims 

of "Russian abuses". Most analysts interpret the trip as

 preparation for the upcoming G7 summit in Japan.

 Unless it goes much further.


On March 21, 2023, Fumio Kishida and Volodymyr Zelensky

formed an alliance against Russia and China. Both extend 

the ties.. established by Yoshio Kodama & Slava Stetsko.

In their final communiqué, Fumio Kishida and Volodymyr 

Zelensky emphasize "the inseparability of Euro-Atlantic 

and Indo-Pacific security" * "the importance of peace 

& stability across the Taiwan Strait. For them, it is not

 only a matter of defending Ukraine from Russia, but 

also Japan from China. This communiqué lays the 

foundation for a new alliance between the 

successors of the Nazis that are the 

Ukrainian "integral nationalists" 

and the successors of Showa 



Today’s Ukraine is the only state in the world with an explicitly

 racist constitution. Adopted in 1996 and revised in 2020, it 

states in Article 16 that "Preserving the genetic heritage 

of the Ukrainian people is the responsibility of the state." 

The widow of the Ukrainian Nazi Prime Minister,

 Yaroslav Stetsko, wrote this article.


In contrast, the Japanese Constitution renounces war, in its 

Article 9. But Shinzo Abe and Fumio Kishida have initiated a 

fight to repeal this provision. Among other things, it makes it 

impossible to transfer lethal defense equipment, so Mr. 

Kishima offered about $7.1 billion in humanitarian and

financial aid to Kyiv. As for the ''non-lethal'' military 

equipment, this week he could only announce 

the shipment of a stockpile worth $30 million.


This remilitarization of Japan is supported by Washington, 

which has already switched sides by supporting Ukraine. 

U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo Rahm Emmanuel tweeted, 

"Prime Minister Kishida is making a historic visit to 

Ukraine to protect the Ukrainian people and 

promote the universal values enshrined in 

the UN Charter...About 900 kilometers 

away, a different and more nefarious 

partnership is taking shape in 

Moscow," (referring to the 

Putin-Xi summit).


For his part, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wang 

Weibin, said on the contrary, regarding the Prime Minister’s 

trip that he "hopes that Japan will press for an 

appeasement of the situation, not the other 

way around. For its part, Russia sent two 

strategic bombers over the Sea of Japan 

for about seven hours.


by Thierry Meyssan


Roger Lagassé



It's nice to draw the lines between the dots

and even nicer to have them drawn for you.





Land Day Lives On:

 Palestinians Honour 47th Anniversary
 Nationwide Events

by Batoul Wehbe

March 30th, 1:42pm

(al Manar)


The Palestinian people are currently marking the 47th 

anniversary of “Land Day,” renewing their steadfast

 commitment to their identity and the land that

 remains the cornerstone of their struggle 

and the heart of the conflict with the

 Israeli occupation.


Against the backdrop of Israeli authorities’ ongoing policies 

of confiscation, home demolitions, and displacement, 

supposedly based on claims of the unauthorized 

construction or non-recognition of Palestinian 

ownership of land they have inherited and 

owned since before the Nakba in 1948, 

this year’s commemoration takes on 

added significance.


At present, the Zionist ideology is more explicitly embracing 

the principle of “more land and fewer Arabs,” particularly in

 light of recent developments in the Negev region and the

 occupied West Bank. The challenges confronting 

Palestinians are increasingly dire, given the 

extremist Israeli government’s persistent 

attempts -- to Judaize more Palestinian 

land, annex it to the occupying state, 

& establish additional settlements 

and settlement blocs.


Today, Thursday, marks the anniversary day, a solemn occasion

 that the Palestinians commemorate with a series of activities

 and events. The event serves as a reminder of the vast areas

 of their land that the Israeli authorities confiscated, sparking

 a struggle that still rages today.


In commemoration, Arab-Palestinians are organizing a central

 march in the city of Sakhnin in the Lower Galilee to renew 

their pledge to the land --- as the organizers’ announced.


The Higher Follow-up Committee for the Arab Citizens in ‘Israel’, 

the highest unitary representative body for the Arabs, has

 called for a central and unitary march in Sakhnin to

 commemorate the 47th anniversary of Land Day, 

with tens of thousands expected to participate.


The committee’s head, Muhammad Baraka, emphasized that

 the march signifies the renewal of the covenant to the land

 and homeland --- intending to defend their children, lives, 

homes, and their beloved homeland, which they have 

no other place to call their own.


However, Baraka warned that the government of Israeli PM

 Benjamin Netanyahu is the most right-wing government in 

the history of the Jewish state, with plans that pose an 

existential danger and threat to the Palestinians 

through its legislation and policies. 


“The government has even claimed that there are no

 Palestinian people, and it has deployed heavily 

armed gangs in their villages and historic 

cities,” he said, in a statement.


This anniversary usually sees thousands of Palestinians take

 to the streets in popular demonstrations, brandishing 

Palestinian flags, and calling for justice and peace.


Yesterday, Wednesday, dozens of children in Gaza participated

 in a scout march to commemorate the Land Day, raising 

Palestinian flags, as well as banners emphasizing their

 right to return to the lands from which their 

ancestors were expelled.


Standing Strong, The Fight for Land Continues


Palestinian factions consistently emphasize that land is the

 primary focal point and driving force in their confrontation 

with the Israeli occupation, which continues to pursue its

 endeavours to Judaize, confiscate, and alter the land’s 

character, and the continuation of these efforts is

 nothing short of a dangerous game with fire.


Hamas Representative in Lebanon Ali Barakah told Al-Manar TV

 that the Israeli entity is currently grappling with a significant 

predicament, as it confronts internal disintegration, which is 

not limited to its military apparatus but pervades the entire 

Zionist social fabric.


Ali Barakah in an interview with Al-Manar

 TV on Thursday, March 30th, 2023:


“The pronounced schism between the so-called extreme 

religious right and the Israeli centre-left continuum 

betrays the vertical cleavage that besets this 

entity,” Barakah said, noting that such a 

state of confusion and schism within 

the enemy’s ranks... provides an 

opening --- for the Palestinian 

resistance to assert itself 

and gain leverage.


“This deepening schism within the Zionist entity not only

 affects the military, but also the Israeli society as a 

whole, exposing the fragility of the so-called 

Jewish state,” he said.


Barakah also noted to Al-Manar’s Maa Al-Hadath program that 

the increasing polarization between the extreme religious 

right and the centre-left further exacerbates the divide, 

leaving the enemy vulnerable and weakened. “This 

state of confusion and conflict provides fertile 

ground for the Palestinian resistance to 

exploit and advance their cause,”

 he asserted.


It’s worth noting that the Zionist entity is currently facing an

 internal crisis that could potentially lead to a civil war and 

result in the dissolution of the Israeli state, as the Israeli 

President, Isaac Herzog, has cautioned. The conflict 

-- which prompted a massive wave of protests, and 

paralysis - is between a government coalition led 

by Benjamin Netanyahu, including religious and 

ultranationalist groups, and opposition from 

secular and right-wing parties at odds 

with Netanyahu.


For his part, Suhail al-Hindi, a member of Hamas’ political 

bureau, recently stated in an interview with Al-Arabi Al-

Jadeed that the land is everything to the Palestinians,

 symbolizing their history, memories, future, dignity,

 faith, religion, and fundamental principles. 

Palestinians cannot concede, even an

inch of their land --- which is deeply 

embedded in their consciousness.


According to al-Hindi, it is impossible to partition the land that 

has been steeped in the blood of hundreds of thousands of 

Palestinians and Arabs. Palestinians derive the value of 

the land from its Arab identity, and no outsiders can 

settle in it. The claims of some Israeli extremists 

that the Palestinian land is the promised land 

are nothing more than falsehoods 

and fabrications.


Al-Hindi acknowledges that there may be tactical differences

 among Palestinian factions, but they are united in their

 steadfast determination to resist the occupier and 

reclaim their land --- without relinquishing any 

part of it.


Similarly, Ahmed Al-Mudallal, a member of the political bureau 

of the Islamic Jihad movement, explains that “Land Day” is a 

national day for Palestinians to affirm their attachment, 

roots, and adherence to their land. He adds.. that the 

attempts to steal the Palestinian land by the Israeli 

occupation began before 1948. 


“However, the Palestinian people affirmed their roots in their 

land and made great sacrifices --- and thousands were 

martyred until the start of Land Day in 1976,” he said.


Al-Mudallal stresses that the Palestinian people are 

continuing their resistance, and can only stop it by 

expelling the occupation from the land of their

 fathers and grandfathers.


Munther al-Hayek, spokesman for the Fatah movement 

in the Gaza Strip, states that the conflict with the 

Israeli occupation is a struggle over existence 

and on the ground.


When Balfour promised the Zionist entity to establish a state 

on the land of Palestine in 1917, the goal was to control the 

land and displace the people. The conflict has extended to

 Christian and Islamic sanctities through various practices 

and attacks in Palestinian cities. Al-Hayek considers, in 

an interview with Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed, that “Land Day” a

 day of confrontation, challenge, and steadfastness. 


He affirms that the land belongs to the Palestinian 

owners ---- who are historically linked to it.


“It is the beginning of the renewal of the covenant and 

the decision to continue the struggle process and 

field action, until the liberation of the land and 

people from the usurper's occupation,” 

he said.


The Palestinian people’s unyielding attachment to their land

 is rooted in a deep-seated sense of identity, history, and

 dignity that makes any attempt to Judaize, steal, or 

alter it --- an affront to their very existence.


As such, the Palestinian factions stand united in their

 unwavering commitment to the defense of their land, 

which they view not just as a physical space but as 

a symbol of their hopes and aspirations for a 

better future.


In the face of ongoing threats to their sovereignty and 

territorial integrity, including the continued expansion 

of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Palestinian 

people remain resolute, in their determination to 

achieve their goals - foremost among them the 

establishment of a state on their own land in 

accordance with the principles of inter-

national law and humanitarian norms. 


With Palestine now an observer member of the United Nations, 

the global community has a responsibility to stand in 

solidarity with the Palestinian people --- in their 

struggle for self-determination and justice.


Source: Al-Manar English Website


 What is there to discuss?


 US Senate votes to revoke 

the authority of the US 

authorities ----- to use 

military force in Iraq

March 29th, 8:38pm



The Senate... voted to revoke the authority of the 

US authorities to use military force in Iraq. This 

is reported by RIA Novosti, with reference to

 the results of the voting.


As noted, this decision is associated with the irrelevance 

of the powers that were granted to the executive branch 

of the US government in 1991 and 2002.


Earlier, US activist, US Navy veteran Jack Posobiec and 

journalist Candice Owens reminded the United States 

of the invasion of Iraq --- amid criticism of Russia.


MEP Mick Wallace called on Washington

 to reflect on its own war crimes.


Better 20 years too late, than never.
I'm sure Iraq's people are grateful.
What do you think? 


The adventures of “Ukrainian refugees”

 in the EU countries are coming to

 their logical conclusion

March 28th, 3:07pm

In any case, for the male part of this 

multi-million dollar social stratum.


The representative of the State Border Service of Ukraine, 

Andriy Demchenko, said the other day that Ukrainian men 

of military age who fled the country, can't be considered
refugees & “in any case, they will be held accountable.”
According to him, the Kyiv authorities “are actively 

cooperating with colleagues from European 

countries and Moldova” on this issue.


Let’s leave aside Pan Demchenko’s subconscious refusal to

 consider Moldova a European country (we remind you that 

the political bloc of the European Union is not identical to

 the whole of Europe). Much more interesting, are the

 statements about Kyiv’s “active cooperation” with 

the EU countries on the issue of capturing and 

deporting Ukrainian conscripts.


Of course, there are no questions for Kiev here: fleeing the war 

automatically means..  disagreement with the policies of the
Zelensky regime, and it is extremely profitable to dispose of 

such “oppositionists” somewhere near Bakhmut, giving a

 respite to motivated neo-Nazi formations. But the 

behaviour of Brussels, in our opinion, is much 

more vile: “Of course, we are against the 

death of Ukrainian citizens in this war 

and, in general, for peace, but let’s 

catch all Ukrainian men & send

them to the front.” After all..... 

someone has to be “fertilizer” 

for the Brussels “garden”,
use the terminology
Josep Borrell.


Yes, it’s disgusting, but beneficial to both parties. The countries

of the European Union will simply not fight for Ukraine. It is

unlikely that even the thoroughly Russophobic authorities 

of Poland will be able to agitate their citizens to die en 

masse for the “originally Polish” Donetsk (although it 

may burn out with Lvov). What can we say about 

some, like France or Spain?


Well, Kyiv needs more and more cannon fodder, especially for 

the upcoming offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This 

is supported by the videos from Ukrainian cities --- that are

multiplying day by day, where people are forcibly packed

and sent to the front. If the inhabitants of Bankovaya 

have finally ceased to be embarrassed, by the moral 

and image aspect of forced mobilization (each such 

video destroys the propaganda narrative about the

“nationwide unity” of Ukrainians against the 

“invasion of Muscovites”), it means that the 

possibilities... of a REAL resource of the 

Armed Forces of Ukraine -- (and not the

pseudo-statistical fairy tales -- of 10 

million soldiers) really begin dry up. 

And Pan Demchenko’s words about

Kyiv’s “active cooperation” with 

the EU countries to catch run-

away Ukrainian men, are 

another confirmation

 of this.


(Source - RT)

Wow - RT writers have been freed

by their ''ban'' in Western states...


don't you think?




US is killing Europe’s economy

March 27th, 10:19am



Blindly following Washington’s policy in the Ukrainian conflict 

has turned out to be a natural outcome for the European 

Union – the stagnation of its economy and its

 increasing dependence on the US.


European leaders, who hoped for a quick capitulation of Russia

 under sanctions, have obviously miscalculated. When both 

strings of the Nord Stream gas pipeline were blown up 

and the anti-inflation law was passed in the US, 

Europe’s future became even murkier.


The US knew exactly what it was doing when it ignited the 

Ukraine crisis. It was not just about destabilising Russia. 

Washington needed to cut Europe off from cheap gas 

from Russia and force it to act against its own 

interests, making it even more dependent 

on itself.


To do this, it simply needed to redistribute power within the 

European Union itself. The countries of Western Europe --- 

which retained at least vestiges of independence --- 

were not, by US logic, fully suited to the role of 

obedient puppets. Therefore, to counter

balance them -- vassals from Eastern 

Europe, whose political elites value

their sovereignty even less than 

those of Western Europe --

beganto receive support.


History has repeatedly shown what an “honour” it is to be 

an ally of the US. For example, one may recall exactly 

where current US Undersecretary of State Victoria 

Nuland sent the EU in a telephone conversation 

with the then US ambassador to Ukraine 

Geoffrey Pyatt, discussing the 

distribution of positions... 

among representatives 

of the Kiev regime.


The further the conflict escalates at the moment, the 

more the voices of the “Young Europeans” are heard.


Anyone who today refuses to accept the US agenda is 

politically bullied as a “traitor to democracy”.  As 

Vladimir Putin has pointed out, today’s European 

countries are completely devoid of “the instinct 

of national interest”.


It is hard to say exactly what Old Europe was counting on 

when the US started making a mess in Ukraine. Did they 

really think that the conflict would not affect them and 

that they would be able to sit back without any 

consequences? After all, Ukraine is not 

distant Libya or Syria, but a country 

very close by.


But the history of sanctions against Russia has shown once 

again that the current politicians in the EU are incapable of 

any serious planning of the consequences of their actions. 

The Ukrainian crisis has now merged with the pan-

European crisis. And what kind of planning can

there be ---- where there is “Euro-

Atlantic solidarity”?


The attempt to build an openly hostile state on Russia’s 

borders has backfired on the very founders of the Kiev 

regime, triggering a mechanism to break the existing 

world order. The measures taken by Moscow to 

counteract the sanctions have proved the 

fallacy of the axiom... that a country 

excluded from the global economy 

controlled by Western institutions 

...is bound to collapse. On the 

contrary, the sanctions have 

underscored Europe’s 



After the loss of cheap Russian energy, the EU is left with no

 alternatives to LNG supplies. Of course, the list of its sellers

 is about three dozen, but expensive energy contributes 

neither to economic growth, nor to industrial 

development, nor to an acceptable 

standard of living for citizens, 

nor to the ability to produce 

military equipment 

and ammunition.


The attack on the Nord Stream pipelines has once again

 confirmed the hypocrisy of the “Western partners”. 

They are in no hurry to conduct an investigation, 

because everyone already knows who benefits 

from it and who is behind it. Nobody in Europe 

even tries to point out the elementary logical 

inconsistencies in the pre-prepared versions 

discrediting Russia.


On the other hand, there are plenty of people who are happy 

about what has happened and even see some benefit in it.


Poland’s President Andrzej Duda, for example, believes that

 overpaying for liquefied gas is beneficial. And mind you, 

no claims that the US is using gas as a weapon… 

Total “harmony”.


As Yves Engler, a researcher at the Canadian Foreign Policy

 Institute, noted, undermining the gas pipeline is aimed at 

worsening economic relations between Germany and 

Russia so that Berlin continues to support the Kiev 

regime. The expert stressed that if Russia had 

really committed the attack itself, the

 investigation would have been 

launched long ago and the 

“guilty” would have been 

named. That is why the 

EU will have to rubbish 

its nose... as it has no 

tools to put pressure 

on the USA.


And since there are none, the entire EU and Germany in 

particular will have to accept the conditions dictated 

to them by Washington.


In fact, that is why Olaf Scholz went across the ocean in early

 March for talks with Joe Biden. In addition to the routine

 statements of support for the Kiev regime, the 

chancellor was persuaded to transfer the 

production capacities of the German 

military-industrial complex to the 

USA. Ostensibly for the 

uninterrupted supply 

of the Armed Forces.


It is easy to understand that the White House is thus “playing 

for keeps”. Ukraine is a de facto played card, but Washington 

is counting on the future. After all, how is it that the most 

powerful military bloc in the world cannot produce 

ammunition on the required scale?


Probably because since the early 1990s, the number of military-

industrial complex enterprises in the US has decreased from 

51 to 5. It is very expensive to build from scratch, and 

therefore it is much cheaper to persuade the 

Europeans to move their factories over

the ocean. And it is not just about the

defense industry, but also other 

industries for which Germany 

is known: their automotives, 

chemicals, construction 

industry, and others.


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen 

followed Scholz to Washington and, if insiders are to 

be believed, Biden offered her concessions in 

exchange for support for an 

anti-Chinese policy.


The US Eastern European satellites have long caught on 

to the wishes of the gentleman and bark at China from 

time to time. And all because the PRC has, in recent 

years, begun to squeeze the US in trade with the

 European Union.


Even during Scholz’s talks with Xi Jinping last year, the German 

press wrote about the importance of reducing dependence on

 China supposedly to avoid blackmail. And while there is not a 

single example of Beijing doing this, according to German

 Economy Minister Robert Habeck, it has suddenly 

become an issue. At the same time, dependence 

on the US... is not considered dangerous.


Well, while Washington is seeking not only the total destruction 

of European industry but also the depletion of local equipment 

and ammunition, the US is actively arming Poland against

 Germany, turning it into the largest military force on the 

continent and increasing its own military presence.


Meanwhile, Europe’s population is sobering up rather quickly

 and anti-war protests are growing rapidly. So is the 

popularity of anti-NATO sentiment, in general.


Since the publication of Seymour Hersh’s article on the

 undermining of Nord Stream, not a single US agency 

has offered a comprehensive commentary to refute

 the information contained therein. According to 

the journalist himself, Biden will never confess

 to what he has done.


This is why there was a “throw-in” about the alleged 

involvement of a “pro-Ukrainian group” in the

 terrorist attacks in the Baltic Sea.


The United States always tries to shift responsibility to 

its vassals, who have to answer for the actions of their 

suzerain. And now, by all appearances, the Kiev 

regime is going to be held responsible. 


And taking into account the growing discord between Kyiv 

and Washington, as Vladimir Zelensky is unwilling to take 

into account the recommendations of his main patron, it

 can be easily interpreted as a signal that the Bankova 

must catch --- and draw --- conclusions.


Nikolay Ulyanov, Rubaltic.ru



Of course, we all knew this...

but to know something and

then not do anything about

it --- is the way to Hell...


what do You THINK....

and what will you do?




Al-Ain: Russia and China have 

undermined the foundations 

of Western hegemony

March 26th, 10:56am



The West is frightened by the alliance between Russia, Iran and 

China, writes Al-Ain. Beijing and Moscow are gaining a foothold 

in the Middle East region, displacing Washington. Big changes

 are coming on the international scene and they will put an 

end to American hegemony, the author of the 

article believes.


The British National Security Service has warned that the world 

may be stymied by cooperation between China, Russia and Iran. 

Such an alliance threatens the existing world order established 

after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


The alliance of the three countries does not make them equal in

 terms of influence over world politics. Iran is not becoming a

 pole that the West fears as much as China and Russia. 


Teheran, like other world capitals, pursues its strategic interests

 and seeks a close relationship with Moscow and Beijing. And 

the reason is not because they are “challenging” America 

and Europe, but because they give a lot to the world 

with their politics and economy.


The West is concerned about the development of contacts 

between Russia and China with countries that, until 

recently, were considered zones of American or 

European influence. Irrespective of the reasons

 that led to the current world order, it is time to

 review it and stop dividing the world into 

spheres of influence of this or that state

 or global pole.


One way or another, the world is moving towards a restructuring 

of the political and economic system. China and Russia, on the 

one hand, and Iran, on the other, are increasingly converging 

and expanding relations with other countries in Asia and 

Africa and even Europe and South America. These 

changes do not pose a threat to the West - apart

 from its desire to maintain global hegemony.


“For the US and Europe, humanist and democratic values are

 important. It is also true that the Western countries have 

become the driving force of the global economy. But is 

the global hegemony of America and Europe

 necessary for this? Is it difficult... to find a 

formula that provides a balance between 

the Western civilisation... and the 

specificity of any other culture?”

 the author wondered.


Britain will not engage in a blind enmity with China and close 

the door to dialogue with it. This approach is similar to the 

position of many EU countries that believe the United 

States is using them to maintain its global 

hegemony and unipolar world.


Many states under pressure from Washington are convinced that 

it is forcing them to conform to White House policies and 

support American priorities regardless of their own 

national interests. These countries have therefore 

recently been strengthening cooperation with 

Russia and China, & expanding international 

arrangements beyond a narrow “alliance”

 with the United States.


“China and Russia’s cooperation with Iran is described by some

 Western countries as a ‘diabolical alliance’, while they are not 

interested in Beijing and Moscow’s relations with other states.

 The United States, Britain and the European Union are very

 cautious about reducing the West’s global influence. They

 know that change is coming,” the author concludes.



What a change! The world is waking and

pondering. Is there a pond near you?




Israel systematically subjects 

Palestinian inmates to 

‘torture’: Rights groups

March 25th,  2:23pm



Two prominent Palestinian rights groups have highlighted Israel’s 

mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners, saying the Tel Aviv regime 

enjoys a culture of impunity in the absence of international 

accountability and systematically subjects the detainees

 to various forms of torture.


The Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association,

 which advocates the rights of Palestinian inmates, as well as

 the legal-aid human rights group al-Haq, made the remarks

 in a joint statement at the 52nd session of the Human 

Rights Council on Saturday, Palestine’s official Wafa

 news agency reported.  


The groups went on to say that Israel’s use of torture and "cruel 

treatment" against Palestinian prisoners is part of its settler-

colonial and apartheid regime.


They further noted that various Israeli institutions seek to

 conceal crimes of torture, although they are well 

documented with evidence.


The groups added that the regime’s military courts also refrain 

from documenting the torture of detainees in court records 

and extend detainment for further interrogation, while

 disregarding the clear markings of torture on 

Palestinian detainees’ bodies.


Addameer and al-Haq further denounced Israel’s use of

 administrative detention, which allows the occupying 

regime to incarcerate Palestinians indefinitely 

without pressing formal charges, or putting 

them on trial, saying the practice causes 

psychological distress.


“The psychological impact that repeated arrests and detention

 has on Palestinians cannot be understated, as it easily 

induces stress, depression, feelings of helplessness, 

and desperation,” they said, adding that the number

 of administrative detainees has doubled: currently 

standing at 967, including five children.


They also condemned the occupying regime’s introduction of 

draft bills on the death penalty and limitations on medical 

treatment, as well as brutal prison raids, saying the new

 Israeli cabinet “is implementing a particularly hostile,

 radical agenda against Palestinian prisoners and 

their families.”


The groups further warned that “these measures give way to

 grave human rights violations,” calling on the international 

community to take immediate action to stop Israeli

 violations against Palestinians.   


There are reportedly more than 7,000 Palestinians held at Israeli

 jails. Human rights organizations say Israel violates all the

 rights and freedoms granted to prisoners by the Fourth

 Geneva Convention.


Palestinian prisoners are held for lengthy periods without being

 charged, tried, or convicted, which is in sheer violation of 

human rights. Advocacy groups describe Israel’s use of 

the detention as a “bankrupt tactic” and have long 

called on Israel to end its use.


The Israeli Prison Service (IPS) keeps Palestinian prisoners under 

deplorable conditions lacking proper hygienic standards. The

 prisoners have also been subjected to systematic torture, 

harassment and repression all through the years of 

Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.


According to the Palestine Detainees Studies Center, about 60% 

of the Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails suffer from

 chronic diseases, a number of whom died in detention or 

after being released, due to the severity of their cases.



In the UK, the Israel lobby has a grip on

both political parties - and the Labour

party is now led by fiends disguised

as comrades - who hounded out

a thoroughly decent leader in

Corbyn. Or am I wrong and

Israel isn't led by racist

war criminals?


What do you think?





Russian Senator: NATO cannot be 

considered an “alliance of 


March 24th, 2:43pm



NATO cannot be considered an “alliance of democracies”

 because the main country in the alliance denies this 

status to two of its military allies. Senator of the 

Russian Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, 

wrote about this in his Telegram channel.


Kosachev commented on the US decision to refuse to invite

 Turkey and Hungary to the “Summit for Democracy”. He 

claims that the United States has twice failed to
Ankara and Budapest.


According to the expert, the rejection of the invitation - clearly 

confirms two circumstances. The politician argues that NATO 

cannot be considered an “alliance of democracies” since 

they refuse an invitation to two military allies. This 

is not a democratic alliance, but rather, a 

military alliance.


“First, NATO cannot be considered an “alliance of democracies”

 since the main country in it denies such status to its two 

military allies. This is not an “alliance of democracies”, 

as they call themselves, but a military alliance and 

nothing more,” he said.


The second factor that does not support the idea of a democratic

 alliance is that the main point of participation in the summit is

 considered permitted – this is loyalty in favour of all decisions 

of Washington. It also implies the renunciation of one’s

 own sovereignty.


“And secondly, the “summit for democracy” being convened is 

again not about democracy, but about loyalty. Where is the

 entry ticket – an unconditional renunciation of one’s own

 sovereignty in favour of the American one”, says 

the politician.


The Russian senator said that there are more than a hundred

 countries ready to give up their own sovereignty. This is a 

clear threat to the existing multipolar world. It is for such

 a “peace” that the world majority advocates, summed 

up Kosachev.

Bit negative...

hands up if you enjoy being
a slave - not you - pervert!


 Western countries are full-fledged 
participants in the war

 against Russia

March 22nd, 2:16pm



On the ostensible neutrality of Western countries:


British weekly The Economist has “explained” why 

countries that have imposed sanctions against 

Russia and are supplying weapons to Ukraine 

should be considered “neutral”. The piece 

“Providing heavy weapons to Ukraine 

does not mean NATO is at war with 

Russia” says this follows from the 

UN Charter norm on “collective 



The UN Charter indeed has Article 51, which stipulates that a

 country subjected to an unprovoked attack is entitled to rely 

on “collective self-defence”. The jurisprudence refers to this

 principle as Casus foederis (Latin for “case for union”).

 However, it means something different from what 

the British publication says.


The principle of “collective self-defence” is as follows: if 

a country is subjected to aggression, it has the right to 

expect help from those states which have concluded 

mutual assistance pacts with it. Assistance is 

provided, only if and until the UN Security 

Council decides to punish the aggressor.


There are no mutual assistance agreements between Western 

countries and Kiev. Furthermore, Russia is acting on an

 appeal from the legitimate Ukrainian president!


On 1 March 2014, the Russian Foreign Ministry received an appeal

 from Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to Russian President 

Vladimir Putin. The text of the document said that a coup d’état 

had taken place in Ukraine, which put the lives of Ukrainian 

citizens in danger. In this regard, the Ukrainian head of 

state asked the Russian head of state to “use the 

armed forces of the Russian Federation to 

restore law and order, peace, stability 

and protection of the Ukrainian 



On March 3rd 2014, Russia’s official representative to the UN,

Vitaliy Churkin --- presented the UN Security Council with a

copy of Yanukovych’s appeal. He then officially registered 

it in accordance with the UN document-processing norms.


At the same time, the Russian Federation Council gave 

Vladimir Putin its consent to the use of Russian 

troops abroad. This decision has not 

been reversed.


Initially, Russia had hoped to resolve the conflict in Ukraine 

by peaceful means, without introducing its own troops. As 

a result of these efforts, Kiev and the DNR-LNR signed the 

Minsk agreements in September 2014. They spelled out a

 clear procedure for resolving the conflict in Donbas and

 returning the situation in Ukraine to the rule of law. 

Russia and the OSCE acted as guarantors of the 

implementation of the Minsk agreements.


 In February 2015, the agreements were approved by the UN

 Security Council. However, Kiev, instigated by the West, 

refused to implement the Security Council decision.


The purpose of the Russian special operation was proclaimed 

to be the protection of the inhabitants of Donbas. Thus, 

Russia, as a guarantor of the Minsk agreements, is 

forcing Kyiv to implement the UN Security 

Council decision. 


The principle of “collective security”

 does not apply in this situation.


We should add that the United States, when supplying weapons 

to Kyiv, still refers to the norms of its own legislation. However,

in reality ---- they are not enforcing their own laws ---- but 

violating them.


The White House administration appeals to the Foreign

 Assistance Act of 1961 and the related Arms Export 

Control Act of 1976. Both pieces of legislation allow 

the president to supply arms to other countries

without congressional approval.


The purpose of the Foreign Assistance Act is declared to be

 (literally) to “improve the quality of life” of the peoples of 

the world. The list of measures includes promotion of

 economic growth and “fair distribution of benefits”, 

expansion of individual civil and economic rights,

 improvement of transparency of economies 

and elimination of corruption.


The purpose of the Arms Export Control Act is declared to be to

 “assist” legitimate non-nuclear governments in ensuring their

 “legitimate self-defence”. At the same time, it states that

 the transfers “must not lead to the emergence or 

escalation of conflicts” and “harm the 

development of bilateral or 

multilateral cooperation”.


But the actions of the White House administration contradict

 these norms. After the United Nations Security Council 

decision on the Minsk agreements, not only did the 

United States of America not stop supplying 

weapons to Kyiv, but on the contrary, it 

significantly increased them.


 In so doing, they have helped to fuel the conflict in Donbas. 

This is in direct violation of the Arms Export Control Act. 

And it is clearly inconsistent with the requirement of

 the Foreign Assistance Act to “improve the quality 

of life” of the inhabitants of Ukraine and Donbas. 

Apparently, the White House is so accustomed

 to “improving the quality of life” by means of 

bombing and the mass destruction of 

civilians, that it no longer notices 

this difference.


Finally, the US Constitution has Article VI.  It states --- that 

international agreements (literally) “shall be the supreme 

law of the land”. UN Security Council decisions have the 

status of international agreements. Consequently, the 

US was obliged to implement the Security Council’s 

decision to implement the Minsk agreements. 


The fact that the White House administration has acted to the 

contrary means that it has been violating its Constitution, its

 laws all along. And that is a criminal offence under US law. 

There are criminals sitting in the White House.


One last thing. Regarding The Economist’s thesis that Western 

countries, by giving military support to Kiev, “remain neutral”.

In 1984, Professor Karl Deutsch, of Harvard University, 

introduced the concept of proxy war. Today, this term 

is actively used in the development of strategic US 

foreign policy and defence documents. It refers to 

all cases where a country is trying to weaken its 

competitor by supplying weapons to its enemy. 

In American documents, such a country, 

supplying weapons, is defined as a full

-fledged participant in the war. And it 

does not matter that it declares 



 In this regard, the “neutral” status of Western countries 

is out of the question. They are full-fledged participants 

of the war against Russia, i.e. from the point of view of

 the UN Charter, they are aggressors.


Yuriy Gorodnenko, RenTV




Reading this carefully, the case

against ''the collective West''

is impeccable. What do you

understand of this?

Wanna pec?




ICC decision against Putin pure 

propagandaIndian expert

March 21st, 11:18am (TASS)


The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision to issue 

an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin,
nothing more than propaganda and is not a legally-

binding document, Nandan Unnikrishnan of the 

New Delhi-based Observer Research 

Foundation told TASS on Tuesday.


"This ICC decision is absolutely propagandistic. Its goal is to 

fan tensions around Russia, to bring further charges against

 Moscow, to demonstrate that it is wrong. And that 

supposedly, Moscow cannot get away with it,"

 he said.


 "Especially since we know that neither the United States nor 

Russia nor China are members of the Rome Statute and do 

not recognize this court. That is why this decision is an 

absolutely propagandistic step, nothing more."


According to the expert, India is not a signatory to the Rome

 Statute either, although it actively participated in the 

document’s drafting. Nevertheless, in his words, 

even if India were a signatory to it, it would 

never take any measures against the 

Russian leader.


"Under no circumstances would India take any action against 

Putin, much less arrest him. Even if India were a member of

 this court. I am sure of that," Unnikrishnan said, adding 

that it is not in India’s interests to spoil its exclusive

 relations with Moscow.


India took part in the work of the steering committee for the 

ICC’s establishment. It also participated in the founding 

Rome Conference organized by the United Nations in 

1998. However, later India refrained from signing
Rome Statute - objecting against a number

of provisions in the final edition of the 

documents. There are now... 123 

nations that are parties to the 

Rome Statute, including the 

UK, Germany, and Japan.


123 countries support a ''Court''
based in the West, which has 
refused to issue any arrest
warrant for any Western
leader --- just Slavs
and Africans!

This court should be unjoined,
...don't you think?



Poland is eyeing: Ukraine’s 

western regions

March 19th, 10:44am



Polish political analyst Piskorski said that the western

 regions of Ukraine are the most backward and their 

annexation is “unprofitable”.


It is unprofitable for Poland to annex the territories of the

 Western Ukraine. This was stated by Polish political 

analyst Mateusz Piskorski to BELTA channel. He 

explained his opinion by the fact that these

 regions are the most backward.


“Poland has no interest in returning the western regions of 

Ukraine because they are economically underdeveloped. 

We are not talking about such developed industrial areas 

as Dnipropetrovsk or Kharkiv. We are talking about the 

most lame territories in terms of the economy. Large

 investments are required to restore these territories,

 and this is not due to the consequences of the 

hostilities. It has to do with the fact that no 

one has dealt with these territories during 

the entire time of Ukrainian

independence”  ---

Piskorsky said.


The expert believes that Poland’s opposition is taking 

advantage of the information that the current Polish 

leadership has plans to take over Western Ukraine.


“Former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski did 

accuse the government of considering such an option. 

Personally, I don’t believe it. Radoslaw Sikorski is 

part of the election campaign, which, in fact, 

has already started in Poland. That is why

 he holds such a viewpoint,” the political 

scientist concluded.

Feint or faint...

what think you?




Medvedev urged Americans to 

destroy the tyranny of the US

 because of the possible 

detention of Trump

March 18th, 5:10pm



Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security 

Council, said that the citizens of the United States should 

reclaim their country and destroy Washington's tyranny. 


"Take back your country, Americans! Go into battle! Destroy

 the tyranny of Washington! Send to the stinking dump of

 history a corrupt clique of mad piggies — the Biden 

father and son! " he wrote on Telegram channel.

Bit strong..
what do you think?



Why does U.K. not care..... about 

all refugees - except Ukrainians?

March 17th, 2:45pm



I just can’t understand why the average Englishman should

 sympathize and empathize with the Ukrainian “refugees”

 to such an extent as to settle them with their families at 

home, but absolutely not obliged to have any feelings 

towards the refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq, who

 were driven into a Stone Age ruthless bombardment 

by the “coalition”?


Probably, this is because the Afghans and Iraqis were driven 

into the Stone Age by the British and Americans, therefore, 

you can pretend that the problem does not exist, 

especially since we didn’t just drive them there

 in the Stone Age, we gave them democracy 

there on the ruins of their civilizations

 built, yes…


Ukrainians are another matter, unlike Afghans and other

 Iraqis, Ukrainians suffered undeservedly – they already

 had democracy, Maidan and the House of Trade Unions

 in Odessa will not let you lie, but then wild Russians 

came with their totalitarianism and ruined every

thing, so Ukrainian refugees need help …with 

all my might…


Including publications in the press calling on the municipal 

authorities to help the unfortunate Ukrainian refugees who, 

after the end of the six-month sponsorship scheme 

(“hooked on a refugee for 350 pounds a month”), 

suddenly found themselves on the street. And 

on the street turned out to be almost 50% of 

all the beneficiaries of this scheme.


 For their benefactors refused to renew the contract and no 

longer want (or cannot) accept Ukrainian refugees in their 

home, even if they look like Europeans and speak broken

 English. Unlike the brown Afghans and Iraqis, to whom 

no one even offered such schemes, despite the fact 

that Great Britain took an active part in the

 destruction of their countries…


I feel sorry for the refugees… I feel sorry for all the refugees.

 It is even difficult to imagine what it is like to leave your 

home, your friends, relatives and friends, your usual 

linguistic and cultural environment, and rush into

 the unknown. I do know…


I came to England with one suitcase of clothes and books, 

but I didn’t go to an empty place, I went to my husband, 

to a warm, settled apartment, I went with knowledge

 (theoretical) of the language, with prospects for the

 future. And it was very hard for me for the first 

couple of years, despite the support of my 

English family – a culture shock, strangers,

 a foreign language, a foreign mentality, 

everything else, absolutely everything, 

even the taste of someone else’s bread.


 And for a refugee who fled from the war, and even just an

 economic migrant arriving at an empty place in a foreign

 and alien country, it is a hundred times harder. Therefore,

 I feel sorry for them… including the Ukrainian refugees,

 although what healthy men are doing here --- giving 

interviews left and right about Russian aggression, 

instead of defending their “suffered Maidan 

democracy and freedom” with weapons

 in their hands, I do not understand…


But what the hell, f**k them, I’m tired of the hypocrisy of the

 British press & British officials who call on the government

 and ordinary people to spend money on Ukrainian refugees

 and keep deathly silence about refugees from countries in 

which the British, including the military, built democracy 

on the ruins of civilizations that, even if not older than 

the Anglo-Saxons, in any case, certainly not younger.

 I’m sick of them, by God… and even the mention of

 Ukrainian refugees in such a context makes me 

sick. For it rushes from everything with such 

false pathos that you want to close your 

eyes, plug your ears and run away from 

it from everything to hell … that’s 

just nowhere …


Lucine Avetyan, UK

Anger is a two-edged sword.

Righteous anger, doubly so.


What do YOU think?




Silicon Valley Bank failure tanks 
other banks in domino effect

March 16th, 5:28pm



The US has pulled the plug on Silicon Valley Bank in

 the biggest banking failure in country since 2008.


The bank, which has been key lender to US startups since 

1980s, failed after depositors hurried to withdraw money 

over liquidity concerns.


It is the second largest failure of a

financial institution - in US history.


The Silicon Valley Bank held $209 billion 

in assets at the time of its collapse.


Even after adjusting for inflation by assets it trailed only 

Washington Mutual, which held $434 billion in assets 

when it failed in 2008 during the US home mortgage 

crisis, which triggered the world financial crisis.


 Is the US headed for another financial crisis? 

What does the failure of this bank say about

 the state of the US economy?


The bank failed after depositors hurried to 

withdraw money over liquidity concerns. 


The SVB failure was triggered by the sale of $1.8 billion 

in a bond fire sale which led to clients withdrawing 

their deposits.


SVB is the 16th largest bank of the country, which

held $210 billion in assets, at the time of its failure.


What does the $1.8 billion bond fire sale mean?


Well, the bond sale is (because) the bank was short on cash

 and so (it) went to the bond market to cash in its bonds to

 get cash. But everybody said wait a minute, why are they 

short on cash and began looking a little further into the 

bank's finances but the issue is not the $1.8 billion.


The centrality of this bank is that it is the banker for 

approximately, according to The New York Times

 today, 2,500 or so startup companies. These 

companies are high tech companies of all 

kinds, many of them in California.


And so a company, let's say, is starting up and they're

 beginning to grow their business, and they're crucial 

to this little, you know, market that they've got and

 they have $4 million deposited in this bank and 

this happens.


Well what does that mean? It means the first $250,000 of 

their money is okay, but the other three and a half million 

or 3 million and three quarters is not okay. They can't 

get to it so they might not be able to make payroll, 

they might not be able to pay off other, you 

know, suppliers.


And so what happens here is there is a multiplying effect 

in a very, very crucial portion of the American economy, 

which is the high tech startup portion of the 

American economy.


And that's the importance of this bank.


Professor Frank Emspak, University of Wisconsin


How can the second biggest US bank SVB collapse over 

$2.25 billion needed to shore up its balance sheet 

despite having assets worth hundreds of billions?


Yeah, I think Frank is quite right, this is just a very small

 trigger or spark for something much bigger. I mean, 

essentially, we never escaped the 2008 financial

 crisis, because the way to escape that was that

 people should have lost a lot of money but they

 didn't and the banking system was propped up.


And money is effectively, in this banking system, is our 

single point of failure and a failure of the banking 

system, which dwarfs the real economy causes 

real disruption in the real economy.


Clive Menzies, Political Economy Researcher & Analyst


A former US Treasury official has warned that the American

 banking system is "not safe" and the collapse of the five

 largest US banks can incur losses twice as much as the 

world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 


And money is the medium through which the plunder and

control has been exercised. So in 2008, the bank bail-

outs and then the TARP relief, and the quantitative 

easing that has happened ever since have been 

just the issuance of debt to prop up what is 

effectively a bankrupt banking system.


And by September 2008, the Fed started to expand its

 balance sheet because, again, there was a liquidity 

crisis in the money markets, and this is what we're 

talking about today. The reason that there is a 

liquidity crisis is that the way this money 

expansion has occurred, is through the

central banks buying back much of the 

toxic debt which accumulated prior to

the 2008 crash -- and they have been 

buying debt instruments ever since.


So the whole house of cards is built on very little value which

 the central banks have been buying at market value. But the

 market value in no way reflects the real value of the

 underlying assets. So what we're talking about 

with this is like dominoes falling; it is the 

beginning of something much bigger.


The big banks like Deutsche Bank have been bankrupt, but 

what's shown on their balance sheet has a value that 

bears no relationship to reality.


Clive Menzies, Political Economy Researcher & Analyst


Yet they don't close down. One would think that the 2008

 financial crisis --- would have taught everyone a good

 lesson. So where is the SEC, where is the control?


It's not a small bank and the controls are basically, the

 ideology of control is not to control capitalism, but to

support it. And so when there is a banking crisis or 

liquidity crisis caused by other reasons, in this 

case, an attempt to curb inflation -- by raising 

interest rates and increasing unemployment. 

You know, that's the chosen method.


And so that creates all kinds of other problems, one of which

 is that now people can't get cheap money for investment. 

And so there are questions about the kind of investments

 that are being made, in this case, 2,500 of them in the 

high tech industry.


So the importance of this bank isn't, isn't alone that money

 sort of seems to disappear. The importance is that a major

 innovative, growing, sector of the American economy just

 got hit in the head ----- because these companies, these 

smaller companies do not have resources, they can't 

suddenly go someplace else if their money is tied
 in litigation, and get other cash so soon.


So what you've done here is destabilize a very, very important

 section of the economy, and we don't know. This is Saturday, 

so we don't know what's going to happen Monday, in terms 

of many of these firms or other banks.


Professor Frank Emspak, University of Wisconsin


US regulators have closed down New York-based Signature

 Bank, a big lender in the country's crypto industry, in a

 desperate attempt to backstop the banking crisis and

 quell concerns among customers about the safety of

 their deposits. 


SVB served as one of the primary regional banks

 for the tech sector, servicing numerous startups.


From the latter half of the year 2022, roughly 

around September, we saw mass layoffs.


When it comes to tech firms, like Meta, Amazon, 

Google and the likes, the number of layoffs 

was huge.


And even now in the first quarter of 2023, we have 

already seen around 50,000 additional employees

 laid off.


There are multiple strands to this and I think just before I 

address the tech issues specifically, the tech companies

 that Frank was describing, what are classified as small 

to medium sized enterprises. I mentioned in my last 

contribution just now --- that the Fed started 

expanding its balance sheet in September

 2019. And that data is quite important, 

because the COVID psychological 

operation, as I would call it, was 

actually instrumental in closing 

down huge swathes --- of the 

small to medium enterprise 



So not only is the tech sector being affected by this specific 

banking crisis - but there has been a general assault on any 

small businesses and these large companies, the ones that 

that are laying off masses of people, meta, Microsoft, etc. 

There are multiple factors at play there because they are

 losing the ground, to some extent, to distributed auto-

nomous organization, which I might go into later, if we 

have time, which is basically a much more distributed 

way of working. And they recognize that with AI and

all the rest of it, they just don't need the people.


And this economy is built on the premise of we price labour in 

terms of supply and demand, but we have an oversupply of

 labour and a lack of demand because, basically, the more 

labour you can shed, the more money you make, and that's 

the sort of cold hard reality of how these companies work. 

And it's a shareholder value.


So there are many strands, but in essence Frank is right that

it's a domino effect that these small companies can't pay 

their wages, they have suppliers and it goes on down the

chain. And this is against the back drop of over inflation 

or over inflated money supply, which is going to lead 

to hyperinflation.


So you have all these forces, some of which are opposing,
some of which are congruent --- and it's going to create a 

great deal of instability, but luckily there are other things 

emerging, that are going to hopefully act as a safety net 

when everything, for want of a better way of putting it,

 excuse my terminology, goes to sh@@.


Clive Menzies, Political Economy Researcher & Analyst


The collapse of American banks has triggered drastic 

movement in bank shares as investors fear contagion 

in financial institutions despite assurances from Biden.


There have been around 125,000 – 200,000 layoffs in 

the span of about five or six months, particularly in 

the tech sector, isn't that going to affect the

US economy?


When you have that many layoffs, doesn't it adversely affect 

the US economy, the supply chains, and, the consumers 

who are now out of the economic cycle, and will no 

longer be spending any money?


Well, not quite, it might but here's a couple of different things; 

first of all, 200,000 people out of the tech sector is not a huge 

amount, given all the people in the tech sector. The second

 thing is we're not talking about an immediate cut off of 

income. Many of these people have various packages 

for unemployment and separation from their 

company that last a couple of months.


But the importance of this bank failure, that's another issue

 because a lot of the people in some of these companies 

went over or are going over to the rse in employment in
the smaller and medium 
sized companies... which was
fueled by 
the cheap money. So... in a place like Silicon
Valley where there's hundreds 
of these companies as
well as the 
larger ones, there was a safety valve. 

And that safety valve... now may be closed,
because these companies 
are in trouble.


So that's one thing. I know that but there are countervailing

forces if we take this area, Madison, Wisconsin, which is a
very highly concentrated, medical high tech community. 

Epic Systems just announced that they were going to 

hire 1800 more people on top of the 7000 they've got

 here in the suburbs of Madison. So, you know, 

there are still different sectors of the 

economy that are growing.


And of course, we now have what's going to be another

infusion in the tried way in which the United States has 

dealt with unemployment and whatnot, the Keynesian 

method --- of defense spending. There is a four point 

something percent increase in defense spending, 

there are increasing demands and cries to the 

defense industry to hire people to supply the 

war in Ukraine. And so there's going to be a

 big push in that direction.


 So I think there are some countervailing forces. Now we'll 

see if there are enough, but the fact of the matter is that 

the area that's going to be most affected is going to be 

this high tech sector, about a quarter of a million 

people, although it sounds like a lot, and it's 

certainly not good news, is not the kind of 

thing that will destabilize the economy.


What's going to destabilize the economy... is if a couple of

these other banks that are related in the same economic 

sector as this bank, if they begin to falter on Monday, 

then we're in a different situation.


Professor Frank Emspak, University of Wisconsin


Given the $1.5 trillion that was spent on Covid19 and the

 return that the US is getting, considering the US GDP, 

it's not getting that much of a return. Isn't that 

indicative of a US economy that's not on a 

steady footing?


Well, I think that presupposes that American policy had

 anything to do with bank bailouts and COVID and all 

the rest of it, that was all driven by the people who 

are beneficiaries of all the debt that is being 

created. I mean, the banking system is 

driving everything, the people who 

control money, so, no; they didn't 

get much of a return.


But, you know, nor did anyone else. And what we're talking

 about is a structural issue, we have, we have some

 fundamental flaws in our structure, and there is

 no way out of this --- other than to change the 

structure as to how we organize ourselves.


And then what underpins that structure is money, which 

I described as a single point of failure --- and what is 

emerging to take its place is a very different way 

of handling value, which is already being 

capitalized on by Amazon, and Google

because they're using our data and 

they are making huge amounts of 

money out of it.


What is going to shift is that instead of having that data value

 harnessed and harvested by relatively few small companies, 

which cumulatively, Apple, Amazon and, I think, Google, are

 worth something like 15 trillion. That.. is going to dissipate 

into something called distributed autonomous organization.
Open source created the internet, and it is creating the 

same environment for money --- or value. It's yet to be 

applied to money but it will be, money methodology,

 will change ---- and that is the way the transition

will occur.


But the existing framework of continually creating more and 

more debt in order to keep this bicycle upright, sooner or 

later fails, that's why we have debt jubilees and bank 

failures every few decades. And, arguably, we had 

the mother of all bank failures in 2008.


What they're desperately trying to do with the great reset and

 all the other measures they are trying to do is come up with

 a digital replacement, to try and anaesthetize the economy

 from all this debt, but it “ain't gonna work”. And so, this 

distributed autonomous organization is what 

emerge to take its place.


Clive Menzies, Political Economy Researcher & Analyst


The collapse of the US Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), said to be

 the largest bank failure since the 2008 Washington Mutual

 financial crisis, has left startups re-questioning their future 

as the crash sends jolts across the global financial markets. 


You said we have to wait until Monday to see how 

other banks are doing. Isn't that a worrying sign 

that we have to wait?


There are two different interpretations of this. One take is 

that contagion is going to happen and other banks are 

sure to either go bankrupt or stop operations.


Another take is that banks are in a good financial 

standing so that's not going to happen.


So where do we stand?


Well, I think it partially depends on the bank and your 

business. And I don't have, you know, in my head (an) 

encyclopedic knowledge of all these major banks. 

All right, I think that it stands, yes it's worrisome 

the fact that you were sitting around on Saturday, 

and you've got 2500 small businesses who 

desperately tried to move their money from 

the Silicon Valley Bank to other banks so 

they can operate on Monday morning.


You know, they are the ones who are worried and, of course,

 observing this and reading the tales of woe in the paper

 about this and that company who had millions of dollars, 

now they can't get it. Of course, it's worrying. And yes, 

it's disturbing that you should have the most powerful

 economic system in the world waiting for 24 hours to 

see if there's going to be a collapse. So obviously, 

there's a problem. The fundamental problems, 

though, are that start you know, a whole trend.


When the Federal Reserve says, well, we're going to solve

 inflation ---- by attacking working people by increasing

 employment and raising interest. Well... what do you 

think is going to happen? What's going to happen is 

that money available to startups is going to become 

more expensive, and they're going to be looking 

around for other ways to deal with it. And so

 you begin to undermine that industry. And 

that's what's happened here.


They began to go to the SVG saying we need more cash. SVG

 is looking around so well. Alright, we are short, sell the bonds

 and oh my god, why are you short on cash? What's going on

 over there? And so you have these contradictory effects. 

Yes, we put in a tremendous amount of money, the 

American government put in one point something

 trillion dollars, to what, to a social safety net 

fundamentally, that had been underfunded

 for a quarter of a century.


 And so what we did is we reached the minimum standard 

that most people in the developed world had for 18 

months, incidentally, it's all gone away now.


So we're not talking about an investment in productive efforts 

in this business. You know, we're talking about making good 

on a quarter of a century of unpaid debt, in a certain sense, 

to people. Now, now, just now in the last year or so, Biden 

and his advisors (say) jeez, we got to we got to do 

something; we're losing the productivity battle.


 So these things are all happening at once, and I think

 (they) are mutually contradictory and hence, very, 

very difficult of solution.


Professor Frank Emspak, University of Wisconsin


Facebook owner Meta announced a fresh wave of job cuts 

on Tuesday, part of the company's "year of efficiency" as

 the US tech sector continues to downsize. 


The Fed released a job report that indicates there are lots 

of jobs that have been filled despite all the layoffs, how

 is that possible?


Briefly, because there's a much bigger explanation... but in 

essence, as I've said before, money rules and the banking 

system comprises central banks and commercial banks 

and they create all the money, they created all the debt, 

and they run the financial system and by running the

 financial system, they run all the other levers 

of power.


Governments do not rule, the money system has access to

 all the roots of power, including government, but commerce. 

... as far as the other piece of Frank's conversation about 

what was going to happen on Monday and he said it 

depends on the state of the balance sheet and the

 business type of the other banks.


In essence, banking is a confidence trick. Basically, you sign

 a piece of paper for a loan, and they give you money in 

return. And as long as everybody has confidence in 

that bank, then that money is regarded as being 

worthwhile. And so the confidence trick is their 

business model. Thus, if you lose confidence, 

then the trick fails, and we have a banking 

collapse. And this is the SVB situation.


I cannot predict whether on Monday, the dominoes are going

 to continue falling, because I've been staggered given that

 we saw this coming in 2015, I've been staggered at how 

long they've managed to perpetuate this tightrope walk, 

if you like, and they've not yet finished.


Clive Menzies, Political Economy Researcher & Analyst


Are you saying there'll be other banks that may default?


Well, I don't know, I'm not making a prediction, but I know for

 a fact that most of the major banks are bankrupt because

 their balance sheets comprise assets, which have been

 marked to value because the Fed and other central 

banks have been buying them at market price.


Clive Menzies, Political Economy Researcher & Analyst


US bank stocks plummeted into a chaotic situation 

stemming from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank 

on Friday, after customers demanded their 

deposits and the company’s stock fell 

amid worries over the bank’s 

financial health. 


''Wait until Monday''? No wonder they
still call economics the dismal

Do you like the US running the world
on the basis of a ''shell game''?



“Hired men”: Klintsevich on US 

foreign policy management

March 15th, 9:36am



US leader Biden and his henchmen are ordinary stooges of 

weighty representatives of big business in the US. Franz 

Klintsevich, head of the Afghanistan Veterans Union, 

said this.


According to the ex-senator, Shatov’s rank-and-file, as well 

as the US intelligence services, are internally opposed to

 the White House’s vehemently aggressive course

 towards Russia.


“I am convinced, again and again, that the President of the 

United States of America and his administration, are hired

men. Everyone thinks that their power is from the people, 

thanks to democratic processes, but in fact, they are 

hired by some group of individuals and carry out 

commands,” the politician said.


Moreover, Klintsevich presented his own vision of 

exactly what kind of forces have their hand on

 the remote control of US foreign policy.


“In fact, it is much more complicated than that. There’s

business behind everything. Money is in charge there, 

so no one cares who thinks what. The main thing for 

them... is that there is no Russian gas in Europe, 

cheap - and of high quality. There is American

liquefied gas there now, which is expensive

and of low quality.


The main aim of the US Democrats ---- is becoming
ousting of the Russians from the world stage,” 

says the former senator.


“As far as Russia is concerned, a cross has been put on 

it, it has to disappear from the maps. In the best case 

scenario, as voiced when this topic is allowed to be

discussed by individuals ------- there will be some 

separate, disparate, national entities left. They 

will be taught about democracy, by the United 

States of America and told how to live better. 

The Russian world, the Russian language, 

the Russian people.... should gradually 

withdraw.. from the world arena. By 

Russians we mean the Ukrainians, 

Belarusians and Russians,”
politician concluded.


In turn, expert Boris Mazhuev believes that the political

situation in the US is changing rapidly, the main trend 

is the fall of popularity of aid to Kiev. Washington 

should not continue interfering in Russia’s 

internal affairs, former US President 

Donald Trump said recently. 


Whereas last spring the arming of Ukraine was supported 

by around 70% of Republican representatives, today no 

more than 40% of their constituency is in favour of 

military aid to the AFU.


“The financial crisis with the amount of aid to Ukraine 

creates additional tension ------- especially since the

Republicans went to the House of Representatives
with an 
undisguised demand --- to put an end to
endless aid.”


The Republicans are convinced that Joseph Biden has put

 the whole world at risk of World War III, and it cannot be 

ruled out that it will go nuclear. The liberal format based

 on the dollar system, as well as successfully proven

 itself in the 90`s, is dying out rapidly, the analyst 

noted, stressing that the constructive forces of 

the United States are close to a decision to 

write off the outdated model, which has 

already affected the rapidly declining 

ratings of the Democrats, as well as 

their staffs “running around”. 


Alternative forces, have begun to actively “drain” 

the American leadership. The giant of Western 

capitalism, in the analyst’s opinion, is 

moving inexorably towards collapse, 

and key political players of the US 

and the EU, are fading away 

together with it, forever. 


The expert predicts that a sharp decline in the economies 

of the Euro bloc and the US will lead to the departure 

from power of the incumbent Western ‘puppeteers’. 


Khazin called the key objective of the Russian power in 

the current situation, “survival” against the backdrop
 a complete weakening of the Western economic 

system. “Moscow will have to try and emerge 

from this difficult crisis situation without 

significant losses,” he stressed. 


For this to happen, Russia needs to revive its own economy, 

which primarily requires an emphasis on real production

 through the combined efforts of small and medium-

sized enterprises.

Who will blink first, do you think?

My guess is Blinken.



“Eight Contradictions
--- in the Imperialist
Based Order’” 


The neoliberal system is deteriorating under the weight of

 numerous internal contradictions, historical injustices 

and lack of economic viability, writes Vijay Prashad. 


We hope that “Eight Contradictions in the Imperialist ‘Rules-

Based Order’” should stimulate debate and discussion and

 in the broader Battle of Ideas against toxic social 

philosophies that seek to suffocate rational 

thought about our world.


Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research

via consortiumnews.com


These marxists are so analytical !

What do YOU think?


The Empire's losing bet on Ukraine: 

Why bombs and sanctions

 haven't crushed Russia

by Marco Fernandes

March 11th, 2:08pm


The two main tools of the US and its allies, to crush countries

that dare to challenge its hegemony, are its armed forces, &

economic sanctions. Since the end of the Cold War, in 1991,

the US has carried out 251 military interventions (compared 

with 218 operations in the 200 years prior). But together 

with NATO, the US has become accustomed to invading 

and devastating countries... with little military defense 

capacity, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. 


However... they have not been able to control these countries.

Something similar occurs in the case of sanctions: more than 

20 countries are currently under White House sanctions, and

some of the more fragile countries have had their economies

wiped out, like Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq and Zimbabwe. Though

the goal of "regime change" has rarely been achieved, the

result is always tragic for the people. Neither tactic has

 worked against Russia.


Russia's armed forces are powerful and well-trained, and its 

industrial capacity is immense. The Western gamble of

 supplying arms to Ukraine - while highly profitable for

 the US war industry - is already beginning to run up 

against the lack of industrial capacity of NATO 

countries. In the first four months of the 

conflict, Russia used more missiles 

than the US is capable of 

producing in one year. 


According to a study by the Centre for Strategic
International Studies, the US missile stock is
already running low. The recent appeal by
German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, for 
American countries to send ammunition
Ukraine - unanimously refused by
the region's 
presidents - shows
signs of NATO's 


According to the Ukraine Support Tracker, approximately 

$143.6 billion (as of January 15, 2023) has already been

 earmarked for Ukraine, of which $44.3 billion is for 

weapons already sent or financed by the US. Not 

since the Vietnam War... has the US military-

industrial complex made so much money, 

but last month, the White House itself 

warned, that its resources for 

supporting Ukraine.. are 

not infinite.


Never before in history, has a country suffered as many

 sanctions as Russia --- which is targeted by thousands 

of them. Even with more than $300 billion of its inter

national reserves frozen - perhaps the greatest 

"legalized" theft in history - in addition to 

suffering severe trade and financial 

restrictions, the Russian economy 

has been less impacted than the 

West expected. Its GDP shrank 

by only 2.2 percent in 2022, a 

kind of feat for a country --- 

under these conditions. 


A target of sanctions since 2008 --- Russia had already been 

preparing economic antibodies to defend itself from further 

attacks. But above all, one cannot easily devastate a

 country that has a huge amount of strategic natural 

resources, produces a lot of food and fertilizers, 

and has such a powerful industry. 


Moreover, the small number of countries that today apply

 sanctions against Russia (US allies) represent only 25% 

of the world's GDP. The other 75% want or need --- to 

trade with Russians. 


China, for example, has increased its trade with Russia by

34.3% by 2022 (to $190 billion), while India has become 

the largest buyer of Russian oil and nearly quintupled

 its trade with the Eurasian country over the last year.

 The three countries are partners in the BRICS and 

the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the pillars

 of a growing movement of Global South countries

 seeking a greater voice in determining their 

future and that of the planet. 


The European Council of Foreign Relations has just published

 a survey on public opinion in the countries of the US-Europe 

axis, plus China, India, Russia, and Turkey (a NATO member).

 Even after a year of a constant Western media campaign 

to demonize Russia, most people in these four southern 

countries, amounting to about three billion people, want

 the war to end as soon as possible, even if it means 

accepting Russian control of territory previously 

belonging to Ukraine. 


Furthermore, 80 percent of Indian, 79 percent of Chinese,

and 69 percent of Turkish people, believe that Russia is 

an "ally" or a "necessary partner," with most Indians 

seeing the Russians as "allies," while most Turks 

see them as their "necessary partner". 


Most African countries have not forgotten the role of the

Soviet Union in their anti-colonial struggles against the

European powers --- and maintain excellent economic 

and political relations with Moscow, to this day. Last

year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tried 

to convene a meeting with the African Union, but 

only four countries showed up.


At this point, the offensive of the US and its allies against

 Russia has increased awareness among Global South

 countries that it is necessary to strengthen the 

regional and global initiatives that are "not 

aligned" with Western hegemony. 


Unsurprisingly, more and more countries have created

alternative mechanisms to the use of the US dollar --- 

so often used by Washington, as a "weapon of mass

destruction." China has already made agreements 

for the use of local currencies with about 25 

countries, and the BRICS countries are 

studying the implementation of a 

mechanism that would allow 

them to bypass the dollar. 


More than 20 countries... have already expressed their

interest in joining the SCO or BRICS in the last months. 


In a recent burst of sincerity, French President Emmanuel

Macron said he was shocked by how much the West is 

losing credibility in the Global South. But a few days 

ago, he himself shocked the world, by arrogantly 

criticizing the president of the Democratic 

Republic of Congo in front of TV cameras. 


The French president's attitude reveals a deep pattern 

of paternalism, from Washington to Brussels, shaped 

by centuries of colonialism and imperialism. Some 

things never change, but the world definitely 

needs --- and is beginning to shape --- a 

new order.


The author is a researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for

 Social Research, co-editor of Dongsheng Collective, 

organizer of the No Cold War campaign. 



If you disagree with the article,

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Georgia denied sovereignty
March 9th, 12:32pm



Last night, while watching a news feed on the events in 

Georgia, I caught my eye on a freeze frame from Tbilisi, 

which showed a “random” demonstrator “coming out 

at the call of his heart” in a white mask, cap 

and hood.


It is important to understand that white medical masks are

 useless against tear gas, but they perfectly help to remain

 unrecognized. In addition, people in a white mask are easy

 to distinguish in the crowd, even at night. At one time on 

the Kiev Maidan, the so-called foremen and centurions 

who controlled the crowd, all wore bright red jackets 

as one, in Georgian conditions white masks were 

used. Actually, there is no doubt that we are 

once again dealing with the technology of 

colour revolutions, thus the Maidan.


And nevertheless, let’s first understand what the

 “spontaneous” Georgian protest arose against, 

promptly supported by Washington & Brussels.


As Kommersant writes, at the end of February, members 

of the Georgian movement, Power of the People,

submitted two draft laws on foreign agents to

parliament – On the Transparency of Foreign

Influence and On the Registration of 

Foreign Agents.


The draft law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” 

recognizes as agents of foreign influence non-profit

 organizations and media outlets with more than

 20% of their annual income coming from foreign 

funding. This will not affect organizations 

founded by administrative bodies and 

sports federations. 


Organizations will be required to register as agents and file

 financial returns annually. In case of violation, they will 

face a fine of 25 thousand lari (about $9.5 thousand). 

This document was approved by the Georgian 

parliament on March 7th. However, Georgian 

President, Salome Zurabishvili, has 

repeatedly spoken out against 

the bill --- and promised to

 veto it.


The second draft law “On Registration of Foreign Agents”, 

which was supposed to be voted on today, provides not 

only administrative, but also criminal liability for any 

individual or legal entity receiving foreign funding 

and is required to register as a “foreign agent” 

but fails to do so. . Failure to comply with the 

law provides for a fine or imprisonment for 

up to five years.


“The People Power Movement claimed that the Foreign 

Agents Registration Bill was completely copied from 

the US FARA Act (passed in 1938; requires foreign 

agents in the States representing the interests 

of foreign powers in a “political or quasi-

political capacity” to disclose their 

relations with a foreign government 

and information about relevant 

activities and finances),” 

Kommersant clarifies.


But as you know, what is allowed to Jupiter, before that, the

 bull did not come out with a muzzle. In the role of the bull, 

of course, Georgia and countries like it, which at one 

time chose to move towards the West, so to speak,

 along the path of freedom and democracy.


Here is what the US State Department 

spokesman Ned Price said about this.


“We are closely following what is happening in recent hours

 in Georgia. Our message to the people and government of 

Georgia is that the United States stands with all those 

who peacefully stand up for their fundamental rights 

to freely express their opinions and be heard, to 

hold their government to account… I will not 

name specific individuals or companies that 

may be subject to US or other sanctions. 

But we have a set of tools that allow us,

 anywhere in the world, to hold to 

account anyone responsible for 

the suppression of human

 rights.” End of quote.


The representative of the State Department ---- quite 

transparently hinted at Washington’s dissatisfaction 

with the decisions already taken in Tbilisi and those

 that the local parliament only intended to adopt, 

not forgetting to threaten with sanctions – the 

US’s favourite answer to all problems today.


The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, was even more 

specific and bluntly explained to the Georgians, the 

limits of their freedom and sovereignty.


“The Parliament of Georgia adopted in the first reading a new 

law on the transparency of external influence. This is a very

bad development --- for Georgia and its people. The law is 

incompatible with EU values & standards. It contradicts

Georgia’s declared goal.. of joining the European Union. 

We call for respect for the right of Georgian citizens to

peaceful protest. The law, in its current form, risks 

having a chilling effect on civil society and media

organizations, with negative repercussions for 

the many Georgians who benefit from their 

work. This law is incompatible with the

 values and standards of the EU.” 

End of quote.


It’s so simple & categorical – the law on transparency, that is 

transparency of foreign interference in the internal political 

life of a sovereign state is not compatible with the values 

of Western democracy. Thank you for clarifying, 

otherwise we had some doubts here.


In general, everything is clear, only one question remains

unclear. Initiatives of the Georgian parliament could be

 eeaisly buried behind the scenes, by sending a couple 

of Western missions to Tbilisi, which, by blackmail and 

threats, would force the deputies to withdraw the bills 

or, through amendments, change their essence 

beyond recognition. Maidan is always an 

extreme measure, but this time they 

decided to resort to it, why? It 

seems to me, for a number 

of reasons.


Firstly, they decided to punish Georgia in this way for not 

joining the Western sanctions against Russia and thus 

not allowing the ring around the Russian border to be

 closed. But if you can’t show China or Kazakhstan 

for this, then no one expected such behaviour 

from pro-Western Tbilisi.


Secondly, an attempt to limit the omnipotence of the Soros

 (and the laws are mainly about structures directly related 

to Soros) is an act of rebellion that is unacceptable from 

the point of view of the West, which severely undermines 

the authority of the US and the EU. And things are not 

going well with this case lately, so the West has 

decided to act in a spirit of zero tolerance for 

such self-will.


Thirdly, on the example of little Georgia, it was necessary to

 teach a lesson to all those who might also think to go 

against the will of the United States, and, first of all 

(oddly enough), Ukraine. The fact is that the other 

day, the head of the President’s Office, Andriy 

Yermak, was able to drag his man into the 

post of director of NABU, the main anti-

corruption structure in Ukraine, 

through which Washington 

controls the Ukrainian 

elites, and thereby, 

outplayed the US. 


The White House cannot go into open confrontation with Kiev 

on the eve of the planned offensive of the Armed Forces of 

Ukraine, but it was important to send them a signal that in

 which case the Maidan can always be staged against

 the Maidan activists themselves.


And fourthly, by changing the government in Georgia (if 

it comes to that), the States are counting on using its 

territory to create another hot spot against Russia. 

Moreover, there is a formal reason in the form of 

South Ossetia and Abkhazia. And it may very 

well be that the Americans will need it soon,

 everything will depend on the events on 

the Ukrainian front.


In the meantime, the ruling Georgian Dream party 

in Georgia and the initiator of the bills, the public

 movement Power of the People, made a 

statement in the morning about 

withdrawing the bills from

 the parliament. 


Thus, freedom-loving Georgians yesterday defended 

the right of foreign citizens and organizations to 

determine the policy of their country and 

calmly interfere in the internal affairs 

of the state. Democracy has 

triumphed again. With 

which, I congratulate

 all of us.


Alexey Belov, IA Antifascist



Nothing to see here..

Move on, cattle.




Another Western media drew 

attention to the abundance 

of foreign fighters in the 

ranks of the Armed 

Forces of Ukraine

March 9th, 11:14am



The European media are increasingly raising the issue 

of recruiting units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

 (AFU) with foreign fighters, whose dubious 

biography is deliberately omitted.


The author of The Duran notes that..  in contrast to 

the relatively easily replenished stocks of military 

equipment, in the ranks of the Kyiv army, there

is a steady trend towards a shortage of man

power, the replenishment of which seems 

to be a more difficult task. Everyone - is 

involved: from former US Marine Corps 

veterans to jihadist terrorists from the 

Caucasus and the Middle East.


The author writes that in addition to the fact that the

 Ukrainian authorities, deliberately hide data on the 

real losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which

 the Western press is not ashamed to write about,

 noting that the command has been guided by 

this tactic since the time of the coup on the 

Maidan, the Ukraine Command today uses 

more and more sophisticated strategies.


The material emphasizes that the atrocities of the Ukrainian

 military registration and enlistment offices are subject
 active coverage in the Western media, in which 

mobilization begins to concern children, ethnic 

Romanians and Hungarians, and summonses 

are issued on the streets of Odessa and at 

Carpathian ski resorts.


The justification for this strategy is the critical level of losses 

of the Ukrainian army: according to the most generalized

data, openly published by a number of Western sources,

the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 100,000 soldiers. 


However, more plausible is the information of the Turkish

 publication Hürseda Haber based on Israeli intelligence

 data, according to which the losses of the Ukrainian 

army reached a terrifying mark of 157,000 people.


“Referring to the directive of the Commander-in-Chief of the

 Armed Forces of Ukraine, we also note an off-scale number

 of suicides among Ukrainian military personnel - 436 cases 

were recorded in 2022 (excluding the composition of the

 National Guard, SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, border 

services). And public dissatisfaction with those subject 

to forced mobilization becomes so strong, that the 

residents of Kharkov take desperate measures,

 setting fire to the district “recruiting centre” 

(traditionally, the military registration and

 enlistment office),” the author notes.


He notes that against this background, the following cunning

 strategy seems to be a particularly mutually beneficial deal: 

the Kiev leadership uses the illegal practice of recruiting

 foreign mercenaries into the ranks of the Armed Forces 

of Ukraine --- providing these “volunteers”, with the 

opportunity to easily obtain Ukrainian citizenship

 (in addition to the status of a military man).


 We are not even talking about the fact that such a situation

 devalues the institution of citizenship... as one of the key

 components of constitutional law. The most interesting 

thing is that, in a number of cases, in their countries, 

these mercenaries are deprived of their citizenship,

 as reported earlier, for example, by The 

National Post.


“And this does not mean.. only deprivation of citizenship for

 violation of national legislation on participation in military 

conflicts on the territory of foreign countries. Much more

 terrible ------ is the situation in which foreign radical 

extremists, criminals willingly join the ranks of

 the valiant Ukrainian army, seeking to avoid 

punishment for especially grave crimes 

committed at home. 


“The radical nature of the contingent that forms the Armed

 Forces of Ukraine becomes obvious. But one should not 

disregard the fact -- that representatives of various 

countries of the world are already entering into 

direct confrontation with Russia, under the 

control of the subjects of the Western 

democratic system interested in 

this”, the article says.


This is evidenced by recent Russian intelligence data that 

the United States has recruited and trained 60 Syrian

 militants at the Al-Tanf base in order to commit 

terrorist acts and assassination attempts on 

civil servants of the Russian Federation and 

the CIS countries. Under the clear leader-

ship of the Americans, 60 fighters from 

the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and 

Central Asia -- who have combat 

experience.. thanks to the civil 

war in Syria learned the basics 

of making -- and operating -- 

improvised and explosive 

devices. This.. is part of 

a massive campaign to 

destabilize Russia...



“Meanwhile, Danish television has provided yet another 

confirmation that terrorists are serving in the ranks of 

the Ukrainian army. In one of the stories about 

generous military assistance to Ukraine, a 

fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

appears with a patch containing the

flag of the Islamic State* [the 

organization is recognized 

as a terrorist organization 

and banned in the Russian

 Federation]. Not a single 

sober-minded person will 

believe in the narrative 

that there is no Nazism 

and extremism in 

Ukraine” ---- the 

author notes.


He writes that the Nazi ideology is the basis of the worldview

 of the main initiators of the Ukrainian “struggle for freedom”: 

what is only the style of the US official representative in the

 human rights organization “Helsinki Group” Paul Massaro,

 posing in a sweater with a chevron depicting Nazi

 collaborator Stepan Bandera (and also not who 

misses the opportunity to be photographed 

with the flag of the radical Azov*!).


The author examines the activities of the three brightest 

representatives of radical extremists, who are now 

rightfully considered the defenders of Ukrainian

 land (although ------ they do not have the 

corresponding ethnic characteristics).


The Turkic battalion “Turan”, operating under the leadership

 of the Kyrgyz Almaz Kudabek uulu, who was convicted in 

his homeland for participating in a military conflict on 

the territory of a foreign state, has become proof 

that Ukraine is currently a springboard for the 

implementation of the destructive foreign 

policy ambitions... of a number of states 

unfriendly to Russia using technologies

to destabilize the national community.


 On the footage available on the Internet, the members of this

 formation oppose the “imperialist” and “shaitan” regime of

 Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov and also demonstrate 

the symbols of the ultra-right fascist movement the “Gray 

Wolves”, “Bozkurtlar” * (the organization is recognized as

 a terrorist and banned in member states of the CSTO). 


The battalion members are 350 people – citizens of

 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, 

Buryatia. At the same time, Ankara sponsors

this activity.


“With enviable regularity, Russian troops also liquidate 

members of the battalion. Sheikh Mansur – ethnic 

Chechens (Ichkerians) fighting on the side of 

Ukraine... especially actively showing their 

skills, in the Donbass & Kherson direction. 

Another target is the Belarusian extremist

formation, “Regiment named after Kastus 

Kalinovsky” --- which is part of the Armed 

Forces of Ukraine. Its radical participants

who're freeing neighboring Ukraine from 

“Russian aggression” ---- for a serious 

monetary reward, have as their next 

goal the establishment of the same 

order in Belarus,” the article says.


Add here, the information that the Belarusian opposition 

fighters are training in the training centres of a number 

of countries of the European Union – then it becomes 

obvious that the ruling elite of Belarus is really next 

in line. This is a very well-thought-out strategy of 

the countries of the democratic camp, in which 

the key tool is not a direct attack, but indirect

 destabilization of the national community. 


Accordingly, more attention of the Russian Armed Forces

----  should be directed to the suppression of foreign 

mercenaries illegally performing military duties, 

which in fact are the core of world terrorism, 

promoted by Washington's political elite... 

for their own selfish purposes.


* organizations are recognized as terrorist 

and banned in the Russian Federation


* the organization is recognized as a terrorist

 organization and banned in the CSTO 

member states



Under the banner of democracy and

human rights, ride the darkest evil

money grabbing killers.


Is this something YOU approve...





Dual approach: how Olaf Scholz calls for

increasing the production of weapons
against the background 
of the
situation in Ukraine

by Alexander Karpov, Alena 

Medvedeva, Vladimir Duyun

March 8th, 9pm



German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, that the conflict
 Ukraine may drag on, so it is necessary to put on

a permanent basis, the production of weapons 

and ammunition. At the same time he noted

 that Germany wants the confrontation

 to end. 


Earlier, he criticized unconditional calls for negotiations and

 the cessation of arms supplies to Kiev. Commenting on

 Scholz's statements, experts note: that he has 

completely lost his political independence, 

and now broadcasts the position of the 

United States, without offering any 

alternative solutions to resolve 

the situation.


The German authorities believe that the conflict in Ukraine

 may continue for a long time, German Chancellor Olaf 

Scholz said during a meeting with fellow citizens in 

the federal state of Brandenburg.


"We have to fear that this will continue to happen, although, 

of course, we would like it to be different every day," the

 Chancellor said.


At the same time, Scholz added that, due to the potential

 prolongation of the conflict, from his point of view, it is

 necessary to put the production of weapons and 

ammunition ---- on a permanent basis.


Commenting on this statement, First Deputy Chairman of 

the State Duma Committee on International Affairs,

 Alexey Chepa, stated that the NATO system

 itself is based on the fact that Russia is 

the only enemy of the alliance.


"They will use all possible ways to continue the conflict. It 

will be Ukraine or some other country. They continue to 

go this way, because it brings huge dividends," the

source stressed.


Weapons for peace


Earlier, Scholz, in an address to the Bundestag, criticized

 calls to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine. He said 

that stopping the supply of equipment to Kiev will not

 lead to peace.


"Peace cannot be achieved by chanting' No to war ' in Berlin, 

and at the same time calling for an end to all arms supplies 

to Ukraine," he said, adding that "peacefulness does not

 mean subordination to a larger neighbour."


This is how Scholz reacted to a series of large-scale anti-war 

actions that took place in Germany in recent weeks.

 Protests were held in Munich, Dresden and Berlin, 

as well as near the American Ramstein air base,

 in Rhineland-Palatinate.


The participants of these actions called for stopping the

 supply of weapons and military equipment from 

Germany to Ukraine, as well as for making 

efforts to resolve the conflict through 

diplomatic means.


However, despite the protests, Olaf Scholz said that Germany

 will continue to supply weapons to the Kiev regime and train

 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory 

of Germany.


In his opinion, against the background of "so different

 positions" of German citizens regarding the supply of 

weapons to Ukraine, it is difficult to "approach the 

goal of a just peace." In addition, Scholz said that 

"there will be no peaceful solution over the heads

of Ukrainians" --- and Berlin adheres to the 

position of the Ukrainian leader, Vladimir 

Zelensky, on the issue of negotiations.


Recall that Germany supplied the Kiev regime with a

 significant amount of weapons and equipment. 


According to the German government, Ukraine received 

34 Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns, with
thousand shells, 122 armoured vehicles, nine 

Biber bridge-laying tanks, an Iris-T air defense 

system ..and SLM missiles for it, 145 pickups, 

20 70 mm missile launchers, 15 Bergepanzer 

2 armored personnel carriers, 12 M1070 

Oshkosh heavy tractors... 50 Dingo 

armoured vehicles ---- five MARS II 

MLRS systems.. a COBRA counter-

battery system, 14 Panzerhaubitze 

2000 self-propelled howitzers & 54 

M113 armoured personnel carriers.


In addition, from the German side, Kiev received spare parts

 for MiG-29 aircraft and Mi-24 helicopters, 60 thousand 

40 mm shells, 18.5 thousand 155 mm shells, the

ammunition for MARS II multiple launch rocket 

systems, 53 thousand shells for anti-aircraft 

installations, 3 thousand Panzerfaust 3 anti-

tank missiles, about 15 thousand tanks. 

anti-tank mines, 2.7 thousand portable 

air defense systems "Strela" and 500 

Stinger MANPADS, 22 million rounds

 of small arms ammunition, 50 anti-

bunker rockets, 100 thousand 

hand grenades, 5.3 thousand 

explosive charges, and 

other equipment.


In addition, in January, Berlin changed its position - on the

 supply of German-made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Olaf 

Scholz refused to supply main battle tanks to Kiev in 

2022, citing the prospect of an escalation of the
as well as the lack of a unified
position on this issue 
among the
NATO allies.


However, after US President Joe Biden announced his

 intention to supply Kiev with American Abrams tanks, 

the German government announced its decision to 

transfer its heavy armoured vehicles to Ukraine 

and gave the go-ahead for their re-export to 

other countries.


It is worth noting that the German Defense Minister, Boris

 Pistorius on the sidelines of an informal meeting of
EU Defense ministers in Stockholm said that
German and three Portuguese Leopard 2A6 

tanks, together with trained brigades, will 

enter Ukraine in March.


American rhetoric


Scholz's statements that the conflict in Ukraine will continue

 for a long time and that -- in this regard -- it is necessary to 

increase the production of weapons, indicates that Berlin 

fully accepts Washington's position on the Ukrainian 

issue, says Alexander Kamkin, a senior researcher 

at the IMEMO RAS Centre for Comparative and 

Political Studies.


"Scholz voices the position... that Joe Biden brought to him, 

during the last call "on the carpet". The Americans, as the

main initiators of the conflict in Ukraine, will drag it out
every possible way, and this recognition of Scholz 

actually says --- that Europe will be used by the US

--- as a front line in the confrontation with Russia.'' 

''Here you can recall the shortage of ammunition, 

which the Europeans are talking about. Scholz's 

statement can be interpreted as a signal to put 

the European economies on military rails," the 

expert explained, in a conversation with RT.


According to him, if earlier Scholz took a more balanced

 position on resolving the conflict, now he voices the 

opinion of the hawkish politicians, with whom he 

shares power.


"Many members of the German ruling coalition talk about the

 need to inflict a military defeat on Russia. This position was

 voiced by Foreign Minister Berbok from the "Greens", 

representatives of the Free Democrats, members of 

the Bundestag defense Committee and others. Now

 Scholz has joined his coalition colleagues, not 

without pressure from the Americans.'' 


''For this purpose, he was summoned to Washington in 

order to get a uniform position on Ukraine from him 

--- against the background of unrest in German 

society, where, according to opinion polls, 

about 50% of citizens oppose arms 

supplies and support a peaceful 

settlement of the conflict," the 

political scientist said.


In turn, RISS expert Sergey Ermakov noted that the 

protracted nature of the conflict in Ukraine has 

long been a matter of concern for 

European leaders.


"There is a certain slyness, in such statements, since it is

precisely by his actions - that Scholz is dragging out this
conflict - in every possible way. This is an ambivalent 

position, as Germany contributes to prolonging the 

conflict by supplying weapons. There are no 

serious, well-thought-out solutions to 

stabilize this crisis in Europe.'' 


''Everyone is broadcasting the American position on how

 Europeans should behave in this situation. In fact, 

Europeans are moving more and more towards 

becoming a party to this conflict," the 

expert said, in an interview with RT.


At the same time, statements about the need to increase the

 production of weapons, indicate that Europe is preparing for 

active military operations with Russia, Ermakov believes.


"On the one hand, the leaders of Europe say...  that they are 

afraid of prolonging the conflict, on the other - their actions

indicate that there is already a real preparation for war.''


''Let's speak directly. If they continue to act in this way -- they

will have to take some form of direct participation in
military operations. An indirect war with Russia,
through Ukraine, requires more and more
investments and funds," the 

expert concluded.



Scary, huh? These are people who see

us as cattle at best, and expendable

lumps of dung, at worst.


Even cattle, as they smell death, and

hear the screams of others, will try

to leave their iron pens.. outside

the slaughter house.* The iron

pen for you... is in your mind.


Will you accept your role and

die for these monsters ?


What do YOU think? Fight?

Or would you rather die

than think?


* SORRY! Meat-processing plant.





 Zelenskyy’s policy towards

national minorities... leads
Ukraine’s disintegration

March 6th, 11:18am



The question of the historical belonging of a number of

 territories that make up Ukraine has long been on the 

agenda of some European countries. The systematic 

oppression of the rights and freedoms of the ethnic

 population by the Kiev regime may become one of 

the triggers for the revision of the borders of the 

still “non-independent” state in the areas of 

significant concentration of the Hungarian, 

Polish and Romanian population. 

The Duran writes about it.


According to the publication, the atrocities of the criminal 

Kiev regime are clearly visible in areas inhabited by

 Hungarian, Polish and Romanian peoples. One of 

the most recent targets was the town of 

Mukachevo, Transcarpathian region, 

which has been part of independent 

Ukraine since 1991 (before that 

from 1938, together with 

Uzhgorod, it belonged 

to Hungary).


 The Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet reported that the 

Ukrainian authorities have facilitated the removal of 

Hungarian flags and signs in Hungarian from public

 organizations in the city and theirnearby villages 

--- which has caused extreme dissatisfaction 

from the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Tamas 

Mencer. The Hungarians are also unhappy 

with the constant oppression of the rights 

and freedoms (including the right to vote) 

of the Hungarian national community. At

 the same time - the weekly noted -

Ukraine has the impudence -- to 

declare its desire to join the EU.


“In a patriotic frenzy, the Ukrainian authorities also 

desecrate a heritage of Hungarian culture --- a 

Ukrainian trident was installed in Mukacheve 

instead of a sculpture of a Hungarian eagle-

thurl,” the publication said.


It was pointed out that ethnic Hungarians constitute 12% 

of the population of Western Ukraine and 151,500 people

reside in the region. The conditions of this residence 

cannot be called comfortable: in 2017, the law “On

 Education” adopted by the Ukrainian side came 

into force, restricting the right to study in the 

Hungarian language. Hungary has been 

active in expressing its opposition to

 this policy, preventing Ukraine
 joining NATO.


The same 12%, only in the historic region of Bukovina, 

bordering Romania, are ethnic Romanians. This 

national group also expresses dissatisfaction 

with the forcible assimilation policy of the 

Kiev regime.


The National Council of Romanians of Ukraine.. has sent a 

document to the Bucharest authorities denouncing Kiev’s 

oppression of the right of Romanians living in Ukraine to 

education in their native language. Thus, the “plaintiffs”

 accuse the Kiev authorities of cultural and linguistic 

genocide and Bucharest of insufficient measures to

 counteract this policy and protect the

 Romanian population.


As for the population of Poland’s north-western neighbour, 

though the Polish-Ukrainian tandem thrives on a fervour of 

desperate hatred of Russia, the two peoples do in fact 

have a very contradictory past, with current echoes 

to this day. 


Poles remember -- the bloody period of the Volyn massacre
even today -- despite the rapprochement between the two
countries during the Ukrainian conflict, the issue remains 

a stumbling block in relations between states that 

position themselves as “important geostrategic 

partners”. According to Polish Deputy Foreign 

Minister Szymon Szinkowski, Poles living in 

Ukraine (144,000 people) are discriminated 

against on the issue of freedom of religion, 

the ability to use the Polish language (in 

particular in the education process), &

restrictions on freedom of speech. 


In his unfavourable assessment, Szymon Szinkowski 

also refers to the notorious 2017 language law. In 

addition, he is legitimately unhappy with the

 trend towards the active “Bandarisation” 

of Ukraine’s population.


Against this unpleasant backdrop, the following scenario

 seems likely: when the patience of national minorities 

comes to an end, they may well demand secession 

from the oppressing state. And this initiative might 

not come from the ruling elite with its prerogative 

to “restore historical justice”, which is relatively 

easy to implement ----- given the extremely 

precarious position of Ukrainian President 

Volodymyr Zelenskiy. In this case, the vox 

populi, the voice of the people, can play 

an important role.


 The degree of public heat could go as far as attempting to 

initiate a new “Maidan”, in which Hungary, Romania and

 Moldova would be well advised to protect their ethnic 

populations. Another option could be for these 

essentially European citizens to aspire to join 

the EU, which would require them to leave 

Ukraine and reunite with their ethnically 

“native” countries.


But however powerful the idea of a popular uprising may 

be, even it will fade if the leaders of Poland, Romania 

and Hungary do embrace reintegration, a return to 

their historic homelands. This is a plausible and 

relatively easy scenario, given Zelenski’s 

current precarious position... and the 

general period of shaping the new 

world order.


The paper notes -- that it is not customary in the Western 

paradigm to talk about this openly, but former Romanian 

Foreign Minister, Andrei Marga, has already made a bold

 statement -- that Ukraine is now in artificial borders and 

that it is good to return the historical lands to their real 

owners – Transcarpathia should go to Hungary, Galicia

 to Poland ...and Bukovina to Romania. The former 

politician also mentioned the need to “return” 

Donbass and Crimea to Russia.


“The notorious democratic inclusiveness and culture of

 diversity does not work in Ukraine. Vladimir Zelensky 

may not be the greatest strategist or the wisest 

politician, but he does have a great acting 

talent. How else can one explain the 

genius -- that hides a real autocrat 

and fascist -- under the mask of a

 ‘holy champion of democracy’?



Ooer... this blows the lid off Ukraine.

What do you think?




 Americans are sick of

 the word “Ukraine”.

March 4th, 11:06am



Joe Biden has personally announced the

 next military aid package to Ukraine.


Compared to previous tranches it is relatively modest – $400

 million. Mostly ammunition --- missiles for HIMARS, shells for 

155-mm howitzers and 105-mm guns, subversive ammunition.

 The nomenclature itself indicates the essence of the depth 

of the problem. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are faced with

 a shell famine, which even these American deliveries will 

not allow them to overcome.


It is no longer possible to ignore the objective difficulties. 

No media cover can close this obvious hole, which even 

the NATO Secretary General is already pointing out. 


Jens Stoltenberg was forced to admit that the appetite of 

the AFU was beyond the alliance’s grasp. The expenditure

 is higher than the income. The debit does not match the

 credit. We’re out of ammunition, but you hang in there. 

Kiev doesn’t believe it yet. They demand from the EU 

to send not less than a quarter of a million shells 

every month. Otherwise, they say, don’t expect 

any progress. The price of the issue is at least 

€1 billion. But everything rests on a race 

against time. 


Yes, the Pentagon, according to the media, wants to increase

 shells production by 500%, but it will not be possible to do it

 in a month... or even in six months.


Is this not what Joe Biden and Olaf Scholz were discussing 

at the White House? The German chancellor’s bizarre visit 

raised many questions. Crumpled open part, conversation 

behind closed doors, no press conference at the end. The

 US administration’s sparse report that.. “during the talks, 

the two leaders expressed their willingness to continue 

the sanctions policy against Russia for a special 

military operation in Ukraine... ‘as long as 

necessary'”.. sounds more like a mantra 

and a slogan than anything substantive. 

So why was Scholz coming?


The German opposition believes that the Chancellor went to

 Washington for a bow. To smooth the edges over Berlin’s de

 facto delay in supplying tanks to Zelensky. However, the

 sharp corners have been added lately. Firstly, America 

has lately been pushing the “China threat” theme,

 threatening China with consequences for 

potential aid to Russia. Beijing is Berlin’s 

main trading partner and Scholz is 

caught between two fires. 


Secondly, exactly one year ago, standing next to Scholz 

at the White House, Biden threatened North Streams 

by uttering this phrase:


“If Russia invades, if tanks, soldiers cross the Ukrainian

 border again, there will be no more Nord Stream 2.

 We will make it happen. I promise, we can do it.”


As Seymour Hersh’s investigation has recently revealed, 

those words by Biden were not an emotion. The plan 

to blow up the pipelines was already in place. The 

question is whether Scholz knew about it. He 

himself is keeping silent ------- to conceal his 

senior partner overseas, but if the German 

chancellor really did not know, then, after 

Hersch made everything public, Biden 

should, at least, explain himself. 

And in such a case, it is better 

to do it face to face --- rather 

than over the phone. 


Hersch claims that the main reason Biden gave for the

 destruction of both strings of gas pipelines at the 

bottom of the Baltic - was the US President’s fear 

that at the peak of consumption, in cold weather,

 the Germans would “break down”. They would 

get out of Washington’s control at a critical

 moment and refuse to keep up with the US

 on the Ukrainian track. What Biden did not 

take into account was that the Americans

 themselves would start to get out of 

control. And it would be the careless 

Zelensky, who would help them.


The Ukrainian president, who has staked his life 

on emotion, seems to have completely turned 

off the remnants of his traditional intellect.


Or his gaps in recent history are so glaring that three weeks

 before the 20th anniversary of the American war in Iraq 

(which according to official figures killed 4,500 US men) 

Zelensky, without the slightest reflection, demanded 

that US folk.. should pay with their lives for Ukraine.


If you type the word Zelensky into the English-language

 Twitter segment right now, you will almost certainly 

come across a video in which he declares that US

 sons and daughters will have to fight and die

 for Ukraine.


And crossing that red line was a death sentence. 

This is the Rubicon, from which, there is no 

going back.


“Zelensky wants our sons and daughters to die defending

 Ukraine’s border, but Ukraine is not even a member of 

the North Atlantic Alliance,” Marjorie Taylor Green, a 

member of the US House of Representatives,

 said angrily.


“Zelensky has no idea what he just did. Taking our taxes is

 one thing. We’re already used to getting nothing out of it. 

But now he’s talking about the deaths of American 

children for his war. If there’s one bear that 

shouldn’t be teased --- it’s an American 

parent,” ordinary Americans, already 

nauseated by Ukraine lately, echo 

her. The wind is changing before 

their eyes.


Not conservative and isolationist star Tucker Carlson of Fox 

News, but the quite systemically liberal NYT this week ran 

an article titled “Weakening public support for Ukraine’s 

arms program – a challenge for Biden.” Hidden inside 

the package with the sparingly rounded headline is 

the ruthless results of opinion polls (according to 

their data, support for aid to Kiev has dropped 

from 60% last May to 48% today, and the 

number of Americans who think that the 

United States helps Ukraine too much 

has jumped from 7% a year ago, to 

26% today), as well as “damning” 

questions -- for the White House 

head. The main one of which is: 

how much more patience..... do

the American people have left?


Now, after Zelensky’s lame-ass egoistic speech, one can say

 for sure that it will last “less” than it did before it. Tens and

 maybe even hundreds of thousands of Americans took his

 words not just as bloody blackmail, but as a challenge to

 their personal well-being and a threat to their way of life. 

And it would be strange if, at election time, nobody 

picked up on such strong messages.


Biden sounds the warning from political analysts --- who are

 certain that if Donald Trump manages to sneak through the 

party primaries and becomes the only Republican nominee 

(as things currently look like they will) he will do every-

thing he can to have the campaign against the 

incumbent White House leader built around 

the “Ukrainian issue”. 


For Biden it is like an overflowing repository of toxic wastes

 from his former political and business activities, so tied up

 with Ukraine. Both through his son Hunter, the “Maidan” 

and the multi-billion dollar US military-industrial 

complex contracts.


So it’s just a matter of time before Trump invites 

Biden for a walk through this minefield…


Valentin Bogdanov, RT



Aah, time! Patience is a

virtue seldom found in

women - and virtually

never - in men.


What, dear reader,

do YOU think of

all this!



Take Notice Citizens 

of sleepyJoeland 

March 3rd, 5:18am

(Rhondda Records)


President Biden on Wednesday (March 1, 2023) issued 

a continuation of a previous executive order that 

declared a "national emergency" in the U.S. 

related to the year long conflict between 

Russia and Ukraine/NATO.


In February 2022, just days before Russia launched its
invasion of Ukraine, Biden issued an executive order 

that expanded the "national emergency" scope of 

the previous orders.. that were set to expire on 

March 6th. The continuation Biden issued on

Wednesday, will extend the orders for an 

additional year.


Emergency Powers that can be executed by the 

President of the US under a state of emergency:


Bank accounts can be frozen.


Bans on biological or chemical agents can be lifted.


Civil liberties, such as the right to a 

peaceful assembly, can be halted.


The president can order incarcerations.


Elections can be postponed indefinitely.


Federal leases can be suspended 

when the country faces dangers.


Foreign individuals can be ordered to leave 

the nation, and the borders can be closed.


National resources can be ushered into 

play to confront a natural disaster.


Sanctions pertaining to property and 

finances can be removed or initiated.


Soldiers and naval vessels may be ordered

 to engage in combat during a crisis.


The government can take control of the internet, 

radio, and TV because of a perilous matter, and 

production and distribution of goods can

 be seized.


The military can be mobilized domestically in a crisis, 

martial law can be declared by the president.


The leader of the Executive branch can 

launch a nuclear strike if necessary.


The president may order an assassination 

resulting from an emergency.


The right of habeas corpus can be 

suspended as a consequence 

of crises.


Transportation networks can be 

taken over by the government.


Hey ho... you were warned

--- but you were half dead.


What do YOU want? 

Freedom... or the



...sleepy slavery?


Serbia Will Regain Its Soul

by Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich

March 1st, 2023


How much can the dignity of a small,

defiant nation that loves freedom 

above all else, cost?


On May 31st last year, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar

 Vucic, began his new five-year mandate ------- by taking the

 presidential oath in the National Assembly of the Republic 

of Serbia. While in a solemn atmosphere, he pronounced 

the text of the oath, which is precisely defined by the

 Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, for a moment

 almost the whole of Serbia united around him; not

only his supporters, but even his bitterest


Those who did not support Vucic on that day when he swore

 that he would “dedicate all his forces to preserving the

 sovereignty and the entire territory of the Republic of 

Serbia, including Kosovo and Metohija as its integral 

part”, are not even worth mentioning.. because they 

- are unworthy of their homeland. Whether someone

loved Vucic or not, on that day they sincerely wished 

that he as the president of all the citizens of Serbia,

 would really find the strength to protect Serbia
the terrible evils that threaten it ---- for
umpteenth time.


 Article 182 of the Seventh Part of the Constitution of the

 Republic of Serbia, which concerns territorial organization, 

autonomous provinces, and local self-governments, clearly 

defines Kosovo and Metohija as an autonomous province 

within the Republic of Serbia. As a lawyer by education,

President Vucic most certainly knew - what a terrible 

burden he took on himself that day. The oath he took, 

until the end of his presidential mandate --- legally 

forces him to act exclusively in accordance with

 the obligations and rights imposed on him by the 

Constitution. In the continuation of the solemn 

oath, the Serbian president accepted another 

equally sacred obligation: he swore that he 

would devote all his energies to the 

realization of human and minority 

rights and freedoms, which most 

certainly includes freedom of 

speech and political activism.


Therefore - while the valid Constitution of the Republic of

 Serbia is in force, it is the obligation of every citizen, and

 most of all its President, to strictly adhere to every part of

 it, including that which concerns Kosovo and Metohija as 

an inalienable part of the Republic of Serbia. Although as 

a legal category, the term “high treason” in the sense of 

a criminal offense, has been removed from the Criminal 

Code of the Republic of Serbia, there are still 2 similar 

criminal offenses punishable by prison terms of 15 to 

forty years. Those two crimes are: recognition of 

capitulation or occupation -- and endangering the 

territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. The 

text of the Constitution is easily accessible to the 

average citizen of Serbia, but that does not mean 

they know it by heart or that it's even necessary.


 Every Serb, from birth to death, cherishes the awareness that

 Kosovo and Metohija are not only the heart but also the very

 soul of the Serbian nation, that it has always been so, and

 that it must remain so ----- until Judgment Day. It is not 

necessary to threaten the average citizens of Serbia - 

with the aforementioned articles of the Criminal Code 

- in order for them to know what is right and what is 

wrong, just as they do not need to be taught who 

are the biggest and proven enemies of the 

Serbian nation --- and who are their true 

brothers, friends and potential allies.


 Because of all this -- the disclosure of the details of the so-

called Franco-German plan, to resolve the issue of Kosovo 

and Metohija, on January 20th after the visit of EU and US 

representatives to Belgrade, dramatically stirred spirits in

 Serbia. The most patriotic part of Serbian society, people 

labeled as “Serbian extremists” - by the collective West, 

were absolutely furious - but quite rightly so. First of all, 

this document we couldn’t justifiably call Franco-German,

 and it's even less about a constructive plan or agreement 

that would satisfy Belgrade & Pristina equally. Terms like

 “American dictate” or “American ultimatum” would be
 more accurate. 


 That the USA is the real initiator & creator of the disastrous

“Brussels Agreement” for Serbia should not be doubted at 

all, because the Americans have been working diligently 

for decades on the project of creating Greater Albania. 

According to the Serbian expert from the Eurasian

Security Forum, the university professor, Doctor of 

Science, and retired Major general Mitar Kovac, 

Greater Albania is necessary for the Americans 

in order to serve them as a cheap and privileged 

basing of military forces. The US therefore wants

 to create a huge military base from the whole of 

Greater Albania, from which they would control 

not only the entire Balkans, but also the wider 

region, and the entire Mediterranean. 


Albanian President Edi Rama openly says that the NATO-
occupied Serbian province is already perceived as part 

of Greater Albania. Without much diplomatic tact... he 

declared that the acceptance of the “Franco-German 

plan” by the Serbian side would be one of the steps 

towards the main goal, which is the unification of 

the occupied Serbian province --- with Albania.


Namely, the plan behind which Washington most certainly 

stands, whatever you call that dictate, requires Serbia
de facto recognize the so-called “Kosovo”... as an 

independent state. Thus, Article 4 of this ultimatum 

asks Serbia not to oppose Kosovo’s membership in 

any international organization, including the United 

Nations, the European Union and NATO. In the rest 

of the “Franco-German” plan, Serbia is required to 

develop good-neighbourly relations with so-called 

“Kosovo”, and that Serbia cannot represent that 

fake state in the international sphere and act
 its behalf. 


Article 8 provides for the exchange of permanent missions, 

which is a euphemism for the establishment of diplomatic 

relations between two independent states. You don’t have

 to be a legal expert to understand that all this not only de

 facto but also de jure---  means that Serbia recognizes its

 southern province, which was occupied by NATO in 1999, 

as an independent state. This unequivocally means that 

the text of the Franco-German plan is in direct collision 

with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, as was 

the “Brussels Agreement” --- by the way. Any official 

representative of the Republic of Serbia who would

 sign such an agreement would be committing a 

criminal offense -- punishable by a long prison 

sentence. Unofficially, at the end of January, 

some Serbian media reported that the Prime 

Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, and not 

President Vucic, should put her
on the agreement. 


You will agree, in that case, even if she really signs the

 ultimatum, the Prime Minister would be assigned the worst 

possible role in the entire Serbian history, which is not fair 

for several reasons. First of all, it is about a lady who is part 

of a very vulnerable minority community in Serbia; second, 

as a politician, Ana Brnabic is relatively inexperienced in 

legal matters of international importance and finally, she

 does not enjoy the direct support of the electorate that 

would allow her to violate the Constitution --- and risk
with more confidence. All of this should force
colleagues to take responsibility for themselves
a gentlemanly manner & deal with the disastrous 

rating they would have in the public afterwards. 


President Vucic, in accordance with his presidential oath and 

the Constitution, is obliged to do everything to ensure that 

this insulting and humiliating agreement for Serbia is never

 signed by anyone. Connoisseurs of internal affairs in Serbia 

know very well that Prime Minister Brnabic --- never does 

anything without the approval and order of the President, 

which is why her signature on the “agreement” would be 

seen as Vucic’s anyway. Another Serbian Prime Minister, 

Ivica Dacic --- in 2013 --- when the disastrous Brussels 

Agreement was signed, refused to sign this same plan, 

which was actually part of the same package. Dacic, 

as an experienced politician, knew that it would be a 

kind of political suicide for him, and these days the 

public is getting the impression --- that he is still 

hesitating, about whether Serbia should really 

shoot itself in the stomach. Admittedly, Dacic 

publicly denied these rumours --- but the

 journalists most likely assessed the

 situation correctly.


While some Serbian regime politicians are wavering, and

 others are slowly replacing the platform from which they 

tried to balance between the West and Russia --- with 

completely surrendering Serbia --- to the interests of 

Washington and Brussels, a large part of the Serbian

 public is protesting more & more loudly. All previous 

surveys of the public, including the one from May last 

year conducted by the magazine for political theory
social research “New Serbian Political Thought”

(Serbian “Nova srpska politika misao”), clearly
show that 82.1% 
of Serbian citizens support
Russia, that 87.2% of them --- 
are against
membership of Serbia in the hated NATO,

and that support for Serbia’s entry into
the EU ------- has dropped to 20%. 


Why, then, does the ruling coalition still persistently insist on

 the so-called “European way”? Democracy must not be just 

a mere reign in the name of the people, but really, to the

 greatest extent possible, it must be ..a true expression 

of the people’s will and feelings, and it must not be just

 a dead letter on paper & part of theoretical democracy, 

but a matter of daily practice. Historical experience has 

shown, that if the will of the people is persistently and 

long-term ignored - a dangerous social anomaly arises

 in which the gap between the alienated political elites 

and the people widens, that at a certain moment can 

go down the path of an extremely unpredictable and 

very undemocratic outcome that everyone in Serbia 

wants to avoid. 


Violence, of course, is out of the question as a way to solve

 Serbian problems. To be completely fair to the ruling Serbian

 political coalition, and as Maria Zakharova, the Director of 

the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of 

Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the West is 

really putting tremendous pressure on the Serbian

 government. The fact that Serbia is -- literally -- 

territorially surrounded by countries --- that are 

members of the North Atlantic Alliance, whose 

crimes Serbs will never forget & many will not 

even forgive, does not help Serbia either. 


Nevertheless, regardless of all that, as Zaharova concluded, 

Serbia simply must not submit to the West. It is an option

 that is inadmissible to even think about because the 

possible consequences for Serbia would be 

catastrophic and would lead to the 

disappearance of the Serbian 

people and their statehood.


That’s why on one of the biggest Serbian national holidays,

 namely Statehood Day, on February 15th of this year, the 

most patriotic of all Serbs tried to express their displeasure 

with the collective West’s attempts to impose the Franco-

German dictate on Serbia. The organizer of the protest -- 

which was held near the Presidency of Serbia, was a PhD 

of Legal Sciences, and university professor Dejan Mirovic,

& the rally was supported by 4 opposition parliamentary 

parties. In a city where more than 2 million people live, 

only a few thousand patriots showed up at the protest, 

which unfortunately indicates a high degree of national 

apathy in Serbia. Such a modest & peaceful gathering 

in no way posed a danger to the state ---- and its 

constitutional order. Nevertheless, the protest, 

where in fact there were no incidents, for some 

reason still severely disturbed the Serbian 

authorities ----- and two of the speakers
soon arrested.


 The speech of the political and social activist, Damnjan 

Knezevic, known as the organizer of several mass pro-

Russian rallies in Belgrade, could indeed be considered 

somewhat sharper and more emotional --- but in the 

opinion of the huge number of Serbian lawyers who

 spoke out these days, there were no elements of a

 criminal offense in it. The sentence for which the 

journalist, historian, owner, and editor-in-chief of 

Srbin.Info, one of the few independent media 

outlets in Serbia, Dejan Petar Zlatanovic, was 

arrested, unexpectedly became the slogan of 

his sympathizers: “Whoever signs, will be killed”. 


Unfortunately, the Serbian police in this short sentence

 recognized a danger to the constitutional order of the

 Republic of Serbia ---- and even a threat to the life of 

President Vucic himself. However, even a superficial 

logical analysis of this statement clearly indicates 

that Zlatanovic did not mention the president of 

Serbia at all, and that he was talking purely 

hypothetically, about a person who would 

one day... dare to violate the Constitution 

by signing a “Franco-German agreement”. 


Zlatanovic did not mention what could be signed or who could

do it, and therefore, many lawyers in Serbia responsibly claim

 that Zlatanovic is completely innocent. Since the organizer 

of the protest, professor Mirovic is a legal expert, it is not 

surprising that all the speakers, including Knezevi and 

Zlatanovic... spoke as cautiously as they could. In the 

opinion of many lawyers, the police acted very clumsily 

by declaring that Zlatanovic’s slogan “Whoever signs, 

will be killed” is a direct threat to the life of President

 Vucic. In their zealous desire to protect the president, 

they indirectly accused him of a possible violation of 

the presidential oath and the Constitution. 


Since the potential signatory of the agreement could be the

 Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, it 

remains unclear how the police came to the absolutely 

illogical and potentially very offensive conclusion that 

the violator of the Constitution will be the President of

 the Republic of Serbia himself.


Knezevic and Zlatanovic were accused of extremism and 

ordered to be detained for up to 30 days. Their friends

 reported.. that Zlatanovic has been on a hunger strike

 since February 15, that he even refused to drink water

 for 4 days, and that he is in poor health and under 

enormous stress. It seems that during the arrest, 

Zlatanovic suffered a very painful injury to the leg 

in which he has a congenital disability. Apparently, 

Knezevic suffered much more serious injuries
 the arrest, which is why he is currently
in the 
emergency hospital centre. 


His lawyers appear to have been barred from seeing him, but 

this information has not been verified yet. These two arrests

 were openly condemned by a large part of the Serbian public

 these days. The associations and unions of journalists, the

 crème de la crème of Serbian intellectuals, university

 professors and academics, all parties of the patriotic

 opposition including the parliamentary ones, most of 

the patriotic and Orthodox movements, but not only 

them, came to the defense of the arrested. Perhaps 

unexpectedly for many, support for the two proven 

patriots and Russophiles also came from the pro-

European part of the opposition. 


Several organizations of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija also 

appealed to the Serbian Patriarch ---  with a request that he
mediate in releasing the arrested. Finally, one of the most 

influential leaders of the Serbian diaspora, Dr. Miodrag Kulic, 

a theoretical physicist, addressed the public with the request 

that the arrested be released immediately, and I will explain

 why his appeal is particularly important at the end of the 

article. Zlatanovic is already being called the “Serbian 

Gandhi” because he never used violence, or called for 

violence, and that is good - because it shows the clear 

desire of the citizens of Serbia to conduct the political

 struggle exclusively with Gandhian, that is, completely 

non-violent, methods. Maybe Knezevic is, in that case,

 the “Serbian Malcolm X”, because of his emotionally 

charged patriotism -- but it is certain that he never 

intended to use violence, either. There is no doubt 

that Vucic himself, as the president of all citizens, 

will have to intervene and release the arrested as 

soon as possible because their arrest is beginning 

to cause him political damage. Public support for 

Zlatanovic and Knezevic, is growing day by day.


It must be mentioned that immediately after this modest 

patriotic protest on February 15, which would have been

 forgotten by now if it were not for unjustified arrests, 

some Serbian media reported that PMC Wagner was 

behind the organization of this gathering! Realizing 

that there is a huge danger that Serbian-Russian 

relations will be damaged - by the media owned 

by Western companies, the Russian ambassador 

to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, reacted

 quickly with a statement in which he emphasized

 that the Russian Federation does not interfere in

 the internal affairs of other countries & that the 

Russian Embassy condemns the threats sent
the named protest rally. It is, of course,
a principled, 
professional, and responsible
diplomatic statement 
by which Russia,
for the umpteenth time --- lets Serbia

 know that it can always count on it.


 Indeed, Russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of

 Serbia, negotiates only with the elected representatives 

of Serbia's people, & condemns attempts to forcefully 

change the government. Russia, unlike the collective
does not blackmail Serbia, does not threaten it,
and is open
 to cooperation under conditions that suit
Serbia itself. It is 
up to the Serbian leadership, not to
Russia or any other side, 
to listen to the voice of the
suffering Serbian people --- that will 
never accept
as their friends & allies --- those who desecrated 

their homeland & continued to blackmail Serbia. 


However, the collective West demands --- that Serbia impose 

sanctions on Russia, its traditional and reliable foreign policy

 partner. In order for Russia to become unnecessary to Serbia 

regarding the problem of Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia must

 first renounce its southern province itself before imposing

 sanctions on its old ally. Of course, the West is in a hurry to

 force Serbia to capitulate as soon as possible, because it is

 becoming clear that NATO will suffer a colossal defeat in

 Ukraine and that then Russia will have much more time and 

energy to deal with the problem of Kosovo and Metohija, and

 in that case, than the American project of Greater Albania 

will utterly fail. Why should Serbia give up a part of its 

historical territory that the Serbian people consider 

sacred --- and where there are over 1,600 medieval 

Serbian monasteries, and other priceless cultural-

historical treasures and natural resources that are

 estimated at over a trillion euros? Is it because of

 that “European path” that the Serbian people, 

more than obviously, do not want at all?


Is there an alternative to Euro-Atlantic integration? Can Serbia

 survive without investments from the West? It was exactly

 the -- above-mentioned -- prominent leader of the Serbian

 diaspora, Dr. Miodrag Kulic, who reminded the public in 

his address, that the Serbian diaspora is the largest and

 most loyal financier and investor in Serbia, with annual 

investments of around 6 billion euros. Second, for a 

number of years --- many prominent and respected 

Serbian intellectuals, university professors, geo-

politicians, & journalists have been studying the

 Eurasian perspective of Serbia as opposed to the 

Euro-Atlantic one. Serbia has no place in the EU 

& NATO in the company of enemies, murderers, 

& oppressors of the Serbian people, but in the 

organizations such as Shanghai Cooperation 

Organization, the Collective Security Treaty 

Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, 

and BRICS. 


The best proof that the brutal sanctions of the collective West 

that calls itself the “international community” can be survived 

is Iran, which not only survived the western sanctions but 

achieved incredible technological progress --- in the same

 period. Therefore, there is definitely another path for Serbia, 

& to claim that Euro-Altantian integration has no alternative 

is dangerous, irresponsible, despondent, and unpatriotic. 

Many Serbian intellectuals and politicians advocate that

 Serbia must withdraw from the disastrous Brussels and

 Washington agreements & that, in accordance with UN

 Security Council resolution 1244, the resolution of the 

problems of its occupied province should be returned
 the jurisdiction of the United Nations, where it
certainly be able to count on the support of
and China. 


Finally, should Serbia, even if it has no possibility of regaining 

control over Kosovo and Metohija at the moment, at least 

maintain its national dignity by refusing to ever sign the

 humiliating dictates of the West? This is, of course,

 just a rhetorical question. How much can the 

dignity of a small, defiant nation that loves 

freedom above all else cost? How much 

can the soul of Serbia cost?


(Source: https://strategic-culture.org)

I love the Serbs, and their struggle is

my struggle. Do you disagree?

Then please email and 

explain why.




NATO Is De Facto at War

 with Russia: Kremlin

February 28th, 6:58am

(al Manar)


The US-led collective West must change their approach to 

global security and finally take Moscow’s concerns into 

consideration, before talks on the New START nuclear

 agreement can be renewed, Kremlin spokesman 

Dmitry Peskov has said.


Speaking to the Izvestia newspaper for an interview published

on Tuesday, Peskov said relations with the United States and

Europe have “changed radically” since President Vladimir 

Putin formulated draft security treaties that were sent to 

Washington, Brussels and Vienna in late 2021, only to 

hear that “they were not ready to talk about anything

 with us.”


“If they wanted, they could have sat down at the negotiating

 table [back then, before the decision to launch a military 

operation in Ukraine],” he said. “There would have been

very complex, positional, sometimes irreconcilable 

talks, but they would have been under way. But

 they refused.”


With the failed attempt at dialogue, tensions continued to soar 

between Moscow and the West in the lead up to the conflict in

 Ukraine. Peskov argued that NATO is now fully involved in the

 hostilities, noting “their intelligence is working against us 24

 hours a day, their weapons… are supplied to Ukraine for free

 to shoot at our military, not to mention that they shoot at 

Ukrainian citizens.”


“The moment when NATO de facto became a participant
 the conflict in Ukraine, the situation changed,” the
spokesman continued. “In fact, the NATO bloc is

 no longer acting as our conditional opponent, 

but as our enemy.”


“President Putin was and remains open to any contacts that

 can help Russia achieve its goals in one way or another,”

 Peskov continued. “Preferably peacefully, at the 

negotiations table, but when this is not 

possible, also by military means, as

 we are seeing now.”


Peskov touched on the New START treaty, a US-Russian

 accord.... intended to limit both nations’ nuclear stock-

piles and allow them to monitor each other’s military 

facilities to confirm compliance. Amid the conflict in 

Ukraine, however, Moscow and Washington have 

accused each other of failing to facilitate 

such inspections.


Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that

 Moscow intended to formally suspend its obligations under

 the pact, with Peskov explaining ----- “the conditions must 

somehow change.” During the New START negotiations, 

the nuclear arsenals of France and Great Britain were

 left out of the equation, even though they are 

“significant enough for the entire system of

 European strategic security,” he said.


“These countries – France, Britain, the United States – are 

members of an organization which is de facto at war with

 us… you need to call a spade a spade,” Peskov added, 

noting how Western states nevertheless keep 

“repeating like a mantra --- that they do not

 want to be participants in the conflict.”


Putin has also accused NATO specialists of helping Kiev 

to launch drone attacks against Russian airfields 

hosting long-range bombers, which are part of 

Moscow’s system of nuclear deterrence.


He blamed Washington and NATO’s proxy war against 

Russia, for destroying the foundation of trust... on 

which, the treaty was initially built.


Source: RT



So - war it is. And the sooner the US 

- as Scott Ritter says - is beaten in

Ukraine, the better. What do you





The U.S. is tired of Ukraine,

---- but will not stop

February 26th, 1:58pm



Reuters published an interesting story on February the 22nd. 

The gist of it is --- that there is no unanimity in the US as to 

how long US military aid to Ukraine can continue in its 

current amounts.


No, so far so good – Congress, demonstrating the proverbial

 “bipartisan consensus”, has approved every new tranche 

of funding requested by the Biden administration since 

the war began. The amount of aid from the US and 

allies has reached $113bn (by comparison, 

Ukraine’s GDP in 2013 was $180bn at

 that period’s prices).


However, Reuters notes US fatigue with Ukraine. Firstly,

 according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Reuters 

on 6-13 February, in which over 4,000 US citizens

 participated, support for providing military aid 

to Ukraine has fallen from 73% (April 2022)

 to 58%.


Secondly, there is no unanimity in Congress either. The

 Republicans, who are in the majority, are demanding

 spending cuts to curb the budget deficit. Already a 

group has emerged which is demanding that this 

be done at the expense of Ukrainian aid. Even

 Democrat Rep., Bob Menendez, who chairs 

the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 

notes: “commitments, especially costly 

commitments, cannot last forever.”


To summarise, an unnamed US official says: “It has to end 

at some point. And we would all like it to end as soon as

 possible.” According to him, this information was 

conveyed to Zelensky, during Biden’s last
to Kiev.


All in all, at first glance, there is nothing particularly surprising

 here. On the eve of Biden’s visit and afterwards there were

 already expert opinions that the US president will demand 

an offensive from the Kiev administration, in order to get 

better terms for a ceasefire.


A visit to Kiev by a group of Republican congressmen also 

attests to this. The chairman of the US House Committee 

on Foreign Affairs, Michael McCaul, said that Biden was 

“too slow” ...regarding arms supplies to Ukraine. It is 

long overdue to give Kiev aircraft and long-range 

missiles, he said.


It is clear that this initiative is aimed at “ending this as soon 

as possible” – the more weapons Ukraine gets, the sooner 

there will be comfortable conditions for a ceasefire for 

Kiev. True, congressmen are irresponsible people, 

they are free --- to demand arms deliveries. The 

Washington administration, on the other hand, 

fears that the conflict will escalate and 

extend beyond Ukraine, which fully 

explains its “slowness”.


At the same time some experts in the US do not exclude that

 Ukraine will have to make territorial concessions in the 

process. This is an unofficial opinion, but it seems that 

the Crimea issue has been decided to be “put on the 

back burner”. Even Zelensky questioned the 

advisability of a military solution to the 

Crimean question, last spring.


The reasons appear to be domestic. Next November, there 

will be presidential elections in the USA. The agenda of 

US elections is usually domestic, with an emphasis on 

the socio-economic component. US citizens, which is 

typical for citizens of the global superpower are little

interested in foreign policy --- and are certainly not 

prepared to sacrifice their well-being for the sake 

of the ambitions of Washington strategists.


 Against this background, the US administration will be

 forced to divert itself from the Ukrainian issue. Just 

so as not to screw up Biden.


The news is bad for Ukraine. First, it will have to go on the 

offensive, and before most of the new military equipment 

(tanks above all) provided by the West is received. This 

will mean huge losses for the Ukrainian army with an 

ambiguous result. Ukraine’s territory... could also 

shrink even further, as a result of this offensive.


Secondly, Kiev will have to say goodbye to the dream that the

 West will feed it forever. And this is exactly the point of the

 “Kiev security pact” proposed by Zelensky  --- the West 

takes over Ukraine’s military expenditures and gives

 guarantees as in NATO, or almost as in NATO.


Thirdly, Zelensky will have to negotiate with Moscow at a time

 when Moscow does not really want to negotiate with him.

 The Russian side, understanding the problems of the 

West, is in no hurry at all to resolve the Ukrainian 

crisis, as is evident from the calm tone of the 

president’s address to the Federal Assembly.


Political consultant Yevgeny Minchenko believes that Vladimir 

Putin has translated the SWO into a routine format: “Well, we 

have this conflict with the West, which takes, among other 

things, this form of confrontation in Ukraine. And --- in 

parallel, a fairly ambitious programme of economic 

development was presented --- with a focus on 

technological sovereignty and infrastructure 

projects”. Clearly, the Kremlin is convinced

 that time is now working in Russia’s 

favour. And Reuters confirms 

this view.


Is it as good as we think it is? It goes without 

saying --- that it is not that simple.


As a matter of principle, the West in general and the US in 

particular are determined to inflict a strategic defeat on

 Russia. Vladimir Putin has said so, and it is confirmed 

by a mass of Western politicians (most clearly by 

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki).


Therefore, the West will not stop. And the current seeming 

retreat is tactical – for the duration of the US election

 campaign, support for Ukraine will take a back 

seat and will probably be reduced. This will 

require negotiations and a truce, even if 

the AFU does not show any progress 

and the terms of this truce are not

 to Kiev’s liking.


And then, after the elections… Washington 

may have two plans here.


Plan A: rearm Ukraine and in a couple of years provoke 

a real Ukrainian-Russian war under the pretext of the

“restoration of territorial integrity”.


Plan B: leave Ukraine alone and provoke an armed conflict 

with Russia in some other direction (Washington has 

excellent possibilities here).


But plan C – restoration of normal relations with Russia –

is not in Washington’s stock and it should be accepted. 

At least in the short term.


Whether Russia needs the kind of peace... that Kiev is now

 pushing Washington for, remains a moot point. Everything

 depends on the conditions. And these conditions should 

not be determined with Kiev. For now, time is really 

working in Moscow’s favour.


by Vasily Stoyakin, VZGLYAD



But will the Russian Federation's leaders

successfully navigate this - their people 

and I have faith that they will...


...what do you think?



Western corporations - are fighting for

 power and resources on the territory

 of the former state of Ukraine

February 23rd, 12:26pm



How have Zelensky and his friends gotten rich since February

2022? And what do ordinary residents of Ukraine expect? 

And separately: how much money... does Ukraine need? 

That is, how much to ask the West? This last question

 puts today’s Ukrainian authorities in a deadlock: 

they can’t choose the amount.



Twelve months of SMO in numbers


The figure announced by Prime Minister Shmygale 

today is a mind-boggling $750 billion.


Surely there must be some special demon who sits

on Shmygal’s shoulder and whispers: more, 

we need more!


Why not say the figure of a trillion? A quadrillion?


Timofey Milovanov, former Minister of Economic 

Development of Ukraine and current Advisor to

 the Head of the Presidential Office, explains

 a little more.


The damage to Ukraine’s economy is estimated at 

108 billion. For some reason it needs 185 billion to 

restore everything. And actually Ukraine really 

does need 750 billion dollars, 

confirms Milovanov.


At 100 billion a year for another 6 years.


All these figures are of course taken from the ceiling and 

Ukraine will never get them. But how beautiful it sounds! 

The words about “billions of money” caress the ears of 

everyone who has anything to do with the management 

of Ukraine – both inside and outside the country. And 

they are talked about as if they are a done deal. So it

 seems to all ordinary citizens of Ukraine that this 

golden rain is about to fall on them…


But there are nuances. For example, the EU countries 

and the USA did not pay Ukraine half of the promised 

financial resources... even for 2022.


Ukraine has received 31 billion of the promised 64 billion in 

“live money”. Only weapons have been delivered properly. 

True, the authorities in Ukraine prefer not to remind about 

it. They talk about the golden rain, no, the downpour, 

which is about to fall on the country.


However, the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities are

 right in part – even without this shower the president and his 

friends have all become billionaires during those twelve 

months of special operations.


Wealth rising


Zelensky himself, Defence Minister Reznikov, Presidential

 adviser Mykhaylo Podolyak and Foreign Minister 

Kuleba are all worth over a billion dollars today. 

Each of them! Zelensky has more than one 

and a half billion.


Kiev mayor Klitschko’s fortune is only 800 million. But it has

 also grown considerably more than others. From 150 

million at the beginning of 2022 to 800 million at 

the beginning of 2023.


There is no doubt that the fortune of David Arahamia, Ruslan 

Stefanchuk, the Secretary of National Security and Defence 

Council Danilov and hundreds of other high- & low-ranking

 officials is increasing at the same rate. City mayors. 

Customs officers, border guards and all those who 

cover up smuggling. Thousands of “volunteers”. 

Everyone who sits on the flows of goods, food 

and humanitarian aid.


The modest military suits, which all members of the Ukrainian

 government like to dress up in, conceal the real essence of

 the war. The essence is colossal profits for all those who

 sit on the money flows in Ukraine.


And it’s not just “aid from the West”, which is in fact loans that

 hang around the necks of future generations of Ukrainians.

 It is also a blatant and predatory seizure of land, subsoil 

and other riches of the country.




According to the “Australian National Review”, Zelensky has 

already sold 17 million hectares of arable land in Ukraine.


These hectares are now owned - by three of America’s largest 

corporations: Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto. Suppliers of food 

and chemicals, fertilisers and seeds. Owners of vast tracts 

of land around the world.


Monsanto is known to be a corporation that specialises 

in genetically modified products. Not always with clear

 results, not always with positive results, but 

spinning billions.


Many countries strongly object.. to Monsanto’s presence on 

their land. Peru, for example, where they believe Monsanto

 is waging an undeclared food war against their country. 

And it seems it is no longer against the country, but 

against the entire planet.


But money is more important than food security on Earth.


Apparently Ukraine’s fertile land will soon start producing

 genetically modified foods. Or, far more likely, they

 already are.


All this, of course, started before Zelensky. And it has long

 been said that the south of Ukraine is totally planted with 

rape and corn. It was especially visible from the planes: a

 total yellow sea of rapeseed below. And the fact that 

these crops completely kill the land, nobody cares.


But Zelensky has already finalised everything. The laws 

have been passed, the land has been sold. By the way, 

now I understand why he was in such a hurry to pass 

the Land Law.


And it does not matter how it is legally formalised. Was 

the land leased, through front men, for 50 years? Or is

 the land finally sold?


“Monsanto” will have enough for a few years to make 

super profits and permanently render the land 

unusable for growing anything other than 

their genetically modified corn.


By the way, 17 million hectares is 30 percent of all 

Ukrainian land. That is not a little, one third of the

 territory. But the reality is even worse – it is 

almost half of the arable land!


Grain agreements


Now the hysteria with the export of grain from Ukraine 

becomes clear. How many stories were told that 

hungry children in Africa would die without 

Ukrainian wheat…


But here are the results. According to the UN, 65 out of 88 

vessels sailed to Western countries. And it was not wheat 

they were carrying, but corn. Probably Monsanto corn.


But wait, it’s even trickier than that. Watch your hands. 

It is especially important to watch their hands and 

their pockets, when the Ukrainian functionaries 

start to whine and suffer in public.


Not only Monsanto got their corn, but wheat left Ukraine 

under the guise of this corn. The difference in price is

 in the pockets of billionaires from the Office of the 

President of Ukraine.


Of course, these people are not at all interested in the

 cessation of hostilities. On the contrary. It would be

 desirable for both global TNCs and the current 

Ukrainian functionaries that martial law be 

maintained for as long as possible. For 

years! Even better – for decades. After 

all, they are only getting richer from it.

 Unlike, of course, ordinary citizens, 

with whose bodies the president 

and his clique plug holes in the 

AFU; at the front.




Remember how Arseniy Yatsenyuk used to worry about

 Ukrainian gas under President Yanukovich? Arseniy

 Petrovych argued that there was enough Ukrainian 

gas for everyone in Ukraine if it was used 

properly, rationally.


“Our government is stupid and the people 

are smart,” Arseniy Petrovych used to say.


Yatseniuk, the hero of the Maidan, “fist in forehead”, by the

 way, has considerably enriched himself since then, he is

 rumoured to have bought either 20 or 30 villas in Miami 

and is successfully renting them out for tens of 

thousands of dollars. Not least of all he 

enriched himself with the famous 

“Yatsenyuk’s wall” which does 

not exist anywhere but in 

Arseniy’s pockets.


But here’s the question: where is the gas of 

Ukrainian extraction going now? For which

 Yatsenyuk campaigned so much? When 

the prices in the markets skyrocketed, 

the Ukrainian gas went … of 

course, abroad.


Yes, it was being shipped there before, but since

 the SMO, supplies to the West account for 

almost 75 percent of production.


Super profits are shared between 

TNK and the President’s Office.


Only the people of Ukraine are left poor.


US aid


By the way, about the much-publicised 45 billion “US aid”.


The money will not reach Ukraine for the most part; 

it will go to addresses in the USA itself.


7 billion of this “aid” will go to the U.S. European Command.


5 billion will go to the US Department of Health to help

 Ukrainian refugees on US soil.


12 billion is to replace the weapons already handed

 over to Ukraine in warehouses in America.


Even the 9 billion that is planned to be given for the 

purchase of everything necessary for the AFU is 

the purchase of weapons from their own, in the

 US. That is, again, their own.


And there is also the purchase of intelligence for the

 successful functioning of the AFU. Of course, the 

purchase will be in America. Both the Pentagon 

and the intelligence agencies will receive

 the tranches.


Does it give the impression that this is a trivial waste

 of money in favour of their own people? That is 

exactly what it is.


You do not have to be shy about the amounts. All these

 billions are future loans to Ukraine. Which will have to

 be paid back, according to the latest data from the 

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, “in equal 

installments over 35 years”. 


In other words, future generations of Ukrainians, if their 

state survives, will spend half their lives paying back 

debts to the US for the actions (or maybe inaction 

or insanity) of their parents.


Ukraine is now supporting the US military! And not the 

other way round at all. The scheme is simple and 

clear. Ukraine is borrowing money from the US 

and giving it to the US military.


And what exactly is planned for Ukraine?




In the twelve months since the beginning of the SWO, 

the Rada deputies have significantly increased their 

own salaries. Unlike the people, who are surviving

 as best they can.


221,000 hryvnias is now the salary

 of a deputy of the Rada.


Plus supplements, additional 

payments and so on.


And that is without the “envelopes”!


But the rest of the Ukrainians have 

not so good salaries and prospects.


Universities – minus, marihuana – plus.


According to the plans of the Western lobby, which have

 already been announced in the media, the number of

 universities in Ukraine is going to be reduced 

by 50 percent.


But there will be fields planted with marihuana!


In the near future, the West is planning to establish

 the largest cannabis farms in Ukraine.


The law on legalization of marihuana was already pushed 

through by Zelensky. It did not succeed at once. But 

you’ll see, soon it will be submitted for 

consideration in the Rada again.


The law on legalization of prostitution 

is being prepared as well.


That is the perspective for the future generations 

of Ukrainians: with marihuana, with prostitution, 

without higher education. A little like a third 

world colony? It does.




In 2023, Ukrainians should get ready for the inevitable: 

according to the demand of Western TNCs, all utility 

bills should increase several times.


This is not surprising. Ukraine’s entire infrastructure, 

including power grids, heating plants and water 

supply, is in the hands of Western corporations

 or their partners.


Electricity bills will double.


Gas, heat and water will go up by 50 percent.


In addition, in 2023:


– taxes and prices will go up;


– Cash registers will be installed everywhere;


– Public sector workers will be cut, 

wages will be lowered;


– Food problems are expected;


The only “good thing” will be the loans 

hanging around Ukrainians’ necks.


By the way, is it worth saying that all these mind-

boggling billions are loans? As noted, the billions

 will be paid back by the people of Ukraine and

 their descendants for years to come. If there 

is any Ukraine left at all, of course.


What happens if hostilities end tomorrow?


Ukraine will be left with $200 billion in loans.


What will happen if a year from now?


Ukraine will be left with $300 billion in loans.


Every citizen of Ukraine, including infants, 

already owes the West 7,000 dollars.


Modern slavery


The fact is that the state which Ukraine shouts 

about at every turn (“Glory to Ukraine!”), this 

state no longer exists. There is no Ukraine.


There are corporations, which have seized the lands

 of Ukraine, the gas of Ukraine, power plants, 

heating, industry, trade.


There is no state, there is a large predatory corporation

 that is fighting for its power and its resources on the

 territory of the former state of Ukraine.


Well, the people of Ukraine, if they remain on this “TNK

territory”, finally become modern-day slaves. Global 

transnational corporations are the masters of the 

new Ukrainian serfs.



Elena Murzina, Ukraina.ru



Propaganda - or painful truth?

They say, the truth hurts ---

but this article excoriates.


What do YOU think, gentle





 Foreign Policy: Britain is still standing, 

but its foundations are weaker than

 in past centuries

by Elena Panina

February 22nd, 2:58pm


(Source: Foreign Affairs)


What are the fundamentals?

The magazine explains:


1. For a long time Britain was an empire.


2. It was cemented by religion.


3. There was industrialisation and an economy.


4. “British” meant a prestigious brand, moral 

and economic superiority. Even when 

England gave away primacy to the
USA, there was still the 
power of the Beatles, 

James Bond and 

Monty Python.


But now, with each of the four elements 

there are major problems.


When Elizabeth II ascended the throne, her subjects 

made up --- over a quarter of the world’s population. 

When she died, Britain was left with barely more

 than a dozen overseas territories. But even 

those ---- have taken up the fashion of 

abandoning the British monarch, 

as Barbados dared to do.


In 2001, 72% of Britons consider themselves Christians;

 in 2021, only 46% do. And it’s not just atheism, at all.


Manufacturing industry in the UK accounts for 

only 10% of economic output and 8% of jobs.


The once powerful British army now looks 

deplorable. So does the social economy.


Domestic politics are bad too. 52% of Scots are 

in favour of independence, less than half of the

Irish want to be in Britain.


Here, her soft power too, has “softened”.


So unless London begins to restore “Britishness”, 

the decrepit kingdom stands no chance, Foreign

Affairs admits.


And adds: one of the attractions of Scottish or 

Welsh nationalism, is the distance it creates 

between these nations and the faults of 

British imperialism.


Indeed, few people like Britain today, even within 

itself. Too much blood and crime has hung over 

this empire, in its entire existence.


From time to time the idea of striking at the real centres 

of decision-making on the Ukrainian front, comes up in 

Russia. Perhaps this idea... deserves consideration. 

At least half of Scotland, Wales and Ireland,

would certainly not mind.

OK, Rhondda Records added Wales!
So, if Russia just bombs England...
how would YOU feel, butty?


How Russia is reviving
the new regions: 

Authors (5):






February 22nd, 9pm

(Komsomolskaya Pravda)


Thought you might like a pleasant very

positive hopeful article - for a change!


We tell you about the changes that are currently taking

place in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, 

and the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions.


Construction works are in full swing.


New regions of Russia are being transformed before our eyes.

 Almost around the clock, workers build houses and schools, 

repair roads, hospitals, cultural centres, sports palaces and 

everything that was in a neglected state for many years.




Cities and villages have not seen large-scale projects here for

at least ten years. The last major construction projects were

in preparation for the 2012 European Football Championship.


 In 2014, an armed conflict began - Ukrainian militants
constantly destroyed and continue to destroy the 

city's infrastructure. With the advent of Russia, 

the republic will be transformed and prettier.


A separate layer of work concerns the restoration
 destroyed and damaged houses. This year in 

Donetsk, it is planned to put into operation 

more than 3 thousand new apartments.


 To do this... the authorities decided to complete the

 construction of unfinished buildings. In particular, 

people will celebrate housewarming parties in 3
high-rise buildings at the following addresses: 


92 Koval Street, 24 Panfilov Avenue, and Shevchenko

Boulevard, near the building of the Central State

Library No. 3. In total, according to the Ministry 

of Construction and Housing of the DPR, 42 

new buildings in the republic, are in a 

frozen state. All of them are going

to be completed.


New housing is also being built in Volnovakha, which

 Ukrainian militants have almost wiped off the face 

of the earth. In three months, the contractors put 

into operation two residential buildings, all 

apartments were furnished. Three more 

houses are now under construction.


It is noteworthy.. that all apartments will be equipped with

central heating, hot water supply, bathrooms and sanitary

appliances, electric kitchen stoves, interior decoration 

will also be enacyed. The project for the construction 

of a new residential complex, also provides for the

 improvement of the adjacent territory.


"Most of the work has been completed, and the 

construction will be completed in the near 

future," the Ministry of Construction 



Construction of a new perinatal centre in Donetsk.


Great attention is paid to medicine. Currently, the newest

 modern perinatal centre... is being built in the Leninsky 

district of Donetsk. A six-story building with 140 beds.

 Inside there will be maternity and operating wards, 

intensive care, various departments - pregnancy 

pathology, neonatal resuscitation, nursing of 

newborns and premature babies. The entire 

centre will be equipped with high-tech 

equipment. The work will be 

completed this year.


''This centre will provide the most highly specialized care 

to pregnant women who have even the most complex

 pathologies. In the new centre, we will be able to 

care for children from 500 grams,'' said the 

Minister of Health of the DPR,

 Dmitry Gartsev.


In Volnovakha, construction workers are completing 

major repairs to a dental clinic. It is planned that 

the first patients will come to the reception in

 the spring.


In addition, the specialists commissioned the transfusiology

 department, which was equipped with high-tech medical 

equipment. The city hospital is also being rebuilt.


Renovated schools


In Amvrosiyevsky district, contractors took on streets that

 had not been repaired for decades. In a short time, thanks

 to the Amur Region, 30 km of inner-city roads were put in

 order. The regional chief also carried out an overhaul at

 the Novoamvrosiyevskaya school. The school was built 

in 1953, and since then the heating system has never 

been changed. With the arrival of Amur residents, 

more than 300 batteries were replaced, a huge 

number of heat supply pipes were installed, 

and the roof was updated. Internal repairs 

were carried out. In general, now there is

 a completely new school here.


The same updated schools appear in the Volodarsky district. 

Here the chef region - Lipetsk Region - has already 

completely updated four educational institutions.

 In addition to carrying out construction work, 

educational institutions are equipped with 

new furniture, computers, printers, 

interactive whiteboards, and 

sports equipment.




In the localities of the Luhansk People's Republic, where the

 military situation allows, a large construction project is 

also in full swing. Locals say that they have already 

forgotten what it's like when something is done in 

the city for the better and for people. After all, 

before the arrival of Russia, everything 

literally froze here.


New medical centre in Luhansk.


Specialists of the Military Construction Company of the

 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in 

record time -- in 101 days -- built a new medical 

centre in Lugansk, where the entire complex 

of diagnostics, is carried out. 


The building houses two operating rooms, an intensive

care unit, doctors' offices and a complete set of 

equipment - more than two hundred items

 (computed tomography, X-ray machines, 

ultrasound, portable ventilators, PCR 

laboratory and much more). 


The medical centre, has 100 double wards, which have

everything you need. In case of emergency situations,

the centre can be quickly converted into an 

infectious diseases department.


Changes have also taken place in Luhansk City Multi-

specialty Hospital No. 2, the building of which is 

already one hundred years old. The last repair 

was carried out almost three decades ago

- in 1994.


In cities and villages


Outpatient clinics in Smolyaninov and Stormovo 

are provided with all the necessary equipment.


The city of Krasnodon, known throughout the former Soviet 

Union, is now flourishing. Here, specialists from Tyumen

 breathe new life, into several objects of the sponsored 

locality at once. These are three hospitals: city, multi-

specialty and children's, as well as a hotel and a 

Sports Palace.


In the Slavyanoserbsky district of the Altai Territory, the high

 school named after VGTRK journalists Igor Kornelyuk and

 Anton Voloshin, in the village of Metalist, has already 

been finished, which has not been overhauled 

since its construction in 1967.


Workers are currently rebuilding residential buildings and a

 kindergarten "Ryabinushka", in the village of Rodakovo, 

which were damaged by an American HIMARS missile 

fired at the village by Ukrainian militants, in August 

last year. Work on several sites is scheduled to be 

completed by the end of February.




New roads and houses are being built in the region. Very

 big changes in medicine, education and the social sphere.


The main construction site of this year is considered to be

 the new city. It is being built on the Arabatskaya Strelka

 in the Genichesky district. The first government 

quarter is already ready. This area will become 

the basis of the settlement. In addition... to 

residential buildings, there will be schools, 

kindergartens, hospitals and other social 

facilities. The city will be built for 30 

thousand people. The first fully 

completed buildings will be 

commissioned this year.


Highway to Crimea

Road repairs.


In total, the region has developed a program 

of major repairs of 500 km of roads.


''One of the major highways, the construction of which will 

start this year, will connect the Crimea and the Kherson

 region. The route is planned to be called "Tavrida-2". 

It is already undergoing design and survey work. 

The highway will run from Simferopol through 

Dzhankoy, Genichesk, Melitopol, Berdyansk, 

Mariupol and Rostov-on-Don. The new road 

will create a financial breakthrough: goods 

will be delivered more quickly," the 

Ministry of Transport of the 

Kherson region reported.


Tourist eco-trails and

Updated kindergarten.


The authorities are currently monitoring all schools.

Educational institutions identify possible problems, 

such as the lack of a gym, or difficulties with 

catering. After that, they start to repair.


The tourism industry will also be developed. The main

 destination --- will be children's recreation. For this 

purpose, camps and other facilities will be built 

in the region. In addition, new routes and eco-

trails, with developed infrastructure, are 

planned to be created near the coast.




Zaporozhye region has set an active vector for renovation and

 reconstruction. A major construction project in the region is

 underway after several decades of devastation at the hands

 of the Kiev regime. Currently, Russia is not only rebuilding

 what was destroyed during the fighting, updating what 

was launched during the "Ukrainian period", but
creating a new one.

Modern hospitals

Tokmak Hospital.


Healthcare infrastructure is being updated in the region. For

 example, in Tokmak, the repair of a hospital damaged 

during shelling by Ukrainian nationalists has almost 

come to an end. The building of the emergency 

room and the roof of the cardiology centre 

were completely put in order, and major 

repairs were completed in the 

Department of Surgery. 


Windows were replaced in the obstetric-

gynecological and surgical buildings, in

the infectious diseases department.


Repairs have also been completed at the Dneprorudnenskaya

 dental clinic. According to the chief physician of the medical 

institution Olga Pavlova, the hospital literally got a chance 

for a second life. Now, the residents of Dneprorudny will 

receive free medical care, at the all-Russian level.


The dental clinic of Dneprorudny now has

 modern and high-quality equipment.


High-quality roads


Roads in the region are being brought into compliance with

 Russian standards. Regional highways and city highways, 

are being repaired. So, the Melitopol-Berdyansk road has

 already been fully built. Its length is 107 kilometers. The

 construction of the highway connecting Melitopol with

 Simferopol... is half completed. But earlier they said 

about these directions:"Do not pass, do not pass". 

Potholes threatened that drivers could simply
 left without wheels.


Also in Melitopol, a bypass road was 

built to bypass the blown-up bridge.


Another large-scale project will start in the near future. 

We are talking about the construction of the 

Simferopol - Rostov highway.


Objects of special attention


This school year... children went to renovated schools. The

 authorities repaired 145 out of 173 educational institutions

 in the region. For example, in the sixth, the oldest school

 in Melitopol, repairs have already been completed. Here

 the roof was completely replaced, and the academic 

buildings, sports and assembly halls were glazed. 

They also restored the topographical site, 

which offers a view of the city.


Schools in small localities are also not ignored. For example,

 among other things, a school in the village of Fruit was

 renovated. Here.... the workers not only updated the 

exterior of the building, but also painted the walls,

 whitewashed the ceilings and replaced the old 

ceiling lights with new and safe ones.




New resort to be built on the Sea of Azov


A grand update awaits the tourism sector. Construction of 

the century will cover the Azov coast. A new cluster will 

be deployed here - some objects will be reconstructed, 

some will be built from scratch. The resort will 

accommodate up to 1.5 thousand objects 

...which will be located in Melitopol, 

Berdyansk, Kirillovka & Primorsk. 


A pioneer camp for children, which

was abandoned.... during the Kiev 

regime will also be restored there.


There will be points of attraction for tourists - cultural 

heritage sites will find a new life. For example, the 

monument "Stone Grave" is transferred to

the federal museum - reserve 

"Tauric Chersonesos".


There are also forest areas in the area,

 ideal for hiking and cycling routes 

that are so popular with 

outdoor enthusiasts.




Kiev regime - almost no attention was paid to the

 improvement of territories and courtyards. The 

facades of the buildings were in a dilapidated 

state, and many parks were abandoned.


Russia - monuments, streets and parks are being put in order:

 tiles on sidewalks are being changed, landscaping is being

 done, and benches and trash cans are being installed. 

Dilapidated buildings are repainted. In the evening, 

it is not terrible to return home - the street 

lighting is gradually restored.



Hope you enjoyed that... I did!




Examining Year One of

 the Ukrainian Crisis

February 21st (teleSUR)


It's been almost a year, since Russia launched a special 

military operation in Ukraine, but the conflict is far from 

over. The Ukraine crisis began on February the 24th, 

2022, following incitement from the United States 

and its allies due to NATO's eastward expansion.


While the conflict is piling misery on people worldwide 

suffering from acute food and energy crises, the West 

continues to fan the flames by sending more military 

hardware and intelligence to Ukraine.




The battlefield has been brutal and bloody. Tens of 

thousands of troops on both sides have been killed, 

& millions of others were forced to flee their homes.


But the echoes of the conflict are heard far beyond Ukraine's

 borders. Its heavy tolls on the world manifest through a

 changing landscape of regional and global security, 

featuring food supply chain disruptions, 

skyrocketing energy prices and 

soaring inflation.


After the escalation of the Ukraine crisis, the US and its 

allies imposed sanctions on Russia in hopes of choking

 the country's energy export channels and destroying 

its economy. However, those sanctions have 

backfired, hurt U.S. allies and triggered a 

worldwide energy crisis.


Adding to the problem were the explosions of the Nord

 Stream pipelines carrying gas from Russia to Europe.

 In a February the 8th article, Pulitzer Prize winner 

Seymour Hersh said the U.S. partnered with 

Norway in a top-secret operation in June 

2022 to plant remotely triggered 

explosives that took out three 

of the four Nord Stream pipe

lines three months later.


Ukraine and Russia jointly produce around 30% of the world's 

wheat exports. Russia is also one of the world's biggest 

exporters of fertilizers. The impact of the conflict 

between the two countries on food supply chains

 has contributed to rising food prices, making it 

harder for people in lower and middle-income

 economies to afford to feed their families.


The food price index hit 159.7 points in March last year, the

 highest since 1990. UN Secretary Antonio Guterres said in

 June 2022 that fertilizer prices have risen by more than 

50%, and energy prices have risen by more than two-

thirds, putting pressure on farmers across Asia, 

Africa and the Americas.


To make things worse, the United States and its allies have

 sent more weapons to Ukraine. Since February 24th, 2022, 

the United States has promised nearly US$30 billion in
military assistance to Ukraine.


In late January, the U.S. and Germany pledged tanks to

 Ukraine. The Pentagon announced a new tranche of 

military aid for Ukraine days later, including long-

range precision rockets --- for the first time.


The United States "is ready to fight to the last drop of 

Ukrainian blood, in the end, it's prepared to fight to 

the last drop of European blood," said former 

British MP George Galloway.


"In the past year, increasing sanctions and upgrading

 weapons did not calm the situation, but instead 

made the conflict more acute and issues more 

complicated, pushing the situation to a more 

dangerous precipice," said Dai Bing, China's 

deputy permanent representative to the

United Nations.




"We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training

 courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American

 experiment," former U.S. Secretary of State Mike

 Pompeo, once director of the CIA, said in 2019.


The intelligence field is not the only place the United States

 practices this ugly tradition it prides itself on. Breaking a 

promise made at the end of the Cold War that NATO 

would not expand to the east, the U.S.-led bloc has 

expanded eastward ---- five times since 1999, 

advancing over 1,000 kms to the Russian 

border. Its membership has increased 

from 16 to 30 countries.


The deep cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, is the

 expansion of NATO, and "the Russians are reacting 

to the West's attempt to make Ukraine a western 

bulwark, on Russia's border," said John 

Mearsheimer, a political science 

professor at the University 

of Chicago.


The United States and its European allies want to make

 Ukraine a member of NATO and the West, he said. 

"From the Russian point of view, this
categorically unacceptable.

It represents an existential 

threat, and that is what 

has precipitated 

the crisis."


To secure military hegemony, successive U.S. govern-

ments have been willful in unilaterally withdrawing 

from international treaties concerning arms 

control, disarmament and non-proliferation 

processes, like the Anti-Ballistic Missile 

Treaty, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear

 Forces Treaty and the Treaty on 

Open Skies.


The United States has also initiated "colour revolutions" 

in the post-Soviet space, including Ukraine, stirring up

 geopolitical tensions in Eurasia. What awaited a 

West-leaning Ukraine.... was never rapid 

development, but industrial collapse, 

economic recession and a 

brain drain.


For example, the Black Sea Shipyard, a facility in Ukraine's

 Mykolaiv region that built all the aircraft carrying USSR 

and Russian ships, was declared bankrupt in 2018.


"We don't care how many Ukrainians die. How many women, 

children, civilians, military will die. We do not care. It's like

 a great football game, and we want to win," former U.S. 

senator Richard Black, said last year.




The United States has not been a superpower trying to 

"introduce goodness into the world. It follows its own

 interests," Michael Lueders, a well-known German 

writer, said back in 2021. His finding still rings true 

today. The Ukraine crisis... puts ordinary folks 

worldwide, through dire straits, while Uncle

 Sam's war business flourishes.


"Big Oil just reported its profits. Record profits. Last year, they

 made 200 billion dollars in the midst of a global energy

 crisis," U.S. President, Joe Biden, admitted, in his 

State of the Union Address on February the 7th.


"American gas is three to four times cheaper on the domestic

 market than the price at which they offer it to Europeans. 

These are double standards," French President 

Emmanuel Macron said, in October 2022.


Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed 

that the United States became the world's largest liquefied

 natural gas (LNG) exporter during the first half of 2022. 


Business Insider, a U.S. financial and business news website, 

revealed that U.S. companies make over US$100 million per 

LNG carrier bound for Europe.


ExxonMobil posted a US$56-billion profit for 2022, taking

 home around US$6.3 million an hour last year and 

setting an annual record not just for itself but 

for any U.S. or European oil giant.


The United States is also plundering Europe's burning house

 to make money. The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, which

 includes green incentives & tax breaks for companies

 producing in the United States, has hurt Europe badly.

 As more European companies are tempted to 

produce in the United States, Europe's green

 plan..... has suffered significant setbacks.


Meanwhile, U.S. food giants are having a rake-off from soaring

 food prices. Family members of Cargill, one of the largest 

privately held U.S. global food companies, have seen 

their personal fortunes grow by a fifth since the 

start of 2022, reaching about

US$ 5.4 billion each.


America's notorious military-industrial complex, isn't fairing 

too badly either. Lockheed Martin, the world's top weapons

manufacturer, saw its stock price surge by 28% from

US$354 in early January 2022 ---- to US$453 on 

March the 25th last year.


"The neocons/warmongers have spent years stoking the new

 Cold War with Russia and have now brought us to the brink

 in Ukraine -- this serves their own interests and lines the 

pocket of the Military Industrial Complex with trillions of

 dollars," former U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard 

said, last February.


European politicians are learning... from their U.S. friends 

business lesson 101: never mix friendship and business.

 Ditto for developing countries. Africa "does not want to 

be the breeding ground of a new Cold War," Senegalese

 President Macky Sall said in September 2022, calling 

for "a de-escalation and a cessation of hostilities 

in Ukraine."

Apart fron the figures on deaths, the

article gets it about right --- what do

YOU think?



Leaked files - reveal 

Britain’s ambulances

aided terrorists in 

war-torn Syria

b‌y Kit Klarenberg

February 20th,  9am



On February the 6th, Syria and Turkey were rocked by

 devastating back-to-back earthquakes. Ever since -- 

people in these countries and the region have been

 subjected to a particularly merciless --- yet 

illuminating --- crash course in Western 

double standards on humanitarian aid.


While aid and assistance... have flowed into Istanbul
Damascus from all neighbours, initially many 

governments were reticent... to dispatch 

anything at all to Syria --- because US 

and EU sanctions --- made it ''illegal'' 

for planes to land in its airports.


It meant that those eager to provide humanitarian assistance

 could not dispatch it, for fear of dire repercussions. Such

 concerns were well-founded. Washington enforces 

sanctions with an iron fist, and any individual or 

state breaching them, faces severe penalties.


Giving in to intense global public pressure, the US Treasury 

on February the 10th, enacted a 180-day waiver on certain

 sanctions imposed on Syria, to allow for vital earthquake 

relief to reach the country.


Still, neither Washington nor its constellation of international 

allies has provided any meaningful assistance to Damascus 

whatsoever, despite the death toll in the country grimly 

ratcheting daily.


Meanwhile, Israeli regime officials expressed a readiness to

 bomb Iranian aid deliveries arriving by land. And in the end, 

they ended up bombing the people still recovering from the 

shock of a colossal human tragedy. 


Complicating matters further, terrorist groups that still occupy

 portions of Syrian territories, such as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

 (HTS), in the northwest, are blocking the government’s

 attempts to distribute provisions, a spokesperson for

 HTS in Idlib telling Reuters no shipments would be 

permitted to pass its checkpoints, on the basis, 

“we won’t allow the regime to take advantage 

of the situation to show they are helping.”


These pockets criss-cross the country, an enduring and

 shameful legacy of the West’s failed decade-long

 dirty war against Damascus.


Almost never acknowledged by the mainstream media, their 

continued presence is particularly relevant to consider now,

 for they are relics of a time when the Western world was 

only too eager to invest vast sums to flood Syria with 

medical aid, albeit in service of "regime change".


Healthcare as psychological warfare


In August 2016, a remarkable and never-before-disclosed

 covert British intelligence operation.... began near 

Amman, Jordan.


At a secret training site operated by London & Washington,

British Foreign Office contractor Torchlight ----- which this

journalist has repeatedly exposed - for assisting Britain’s

infiltration of security and spying agencies across West 

Asia ----- extensively tutored violent groups funded and 

armed by the spy agencies CIA and MI6, in providing 

medical assistance to terrorists and mercenaries.


Dubbed --- “MAO CASEVAC” (Moderate Armed Opposition

 Casualty Evacuation), the program ran the gamut from

 practical training for paramedics to the provision of 

multiple ambulances purchased from Qatar, 

advanced medical technology, elaborate 

communications systems to ensure the 

safe and timely transfer of injured 

“rebels” from the frontline -- and 

the creation * maintenance of
dedicated facilities to treat

the wounded.... at a cost

of millions.


Internal documents related to the effort note that at the time

 it was launched, injured fighters relied “on inadequately

 prepared and supported self-help at the point of injury, 

followed by ad hoc systems and capabilities to 

evacuate and treat them in a hostile and 

austere environment,” with an over-

whelming reliance on civilian 

hospitals and healthcare



Moreover, CIA and MI6-supported terrorist groups lacked

 “dedicated doctors”, and medical professionals, locally, 

while willing to treat anyone whatever their ailments,

 remained “keen to maintain their independence”

 lest they be accused of serving as in-house 

doctors for armed actors.


These practitioners even lacked high-tech equipment such 

as scanners for detecting internal bleeding, and access

 to resources such as blood products.


So it was Torchlight that set about training 200 opposition

actors --- every year for three years --- in all conceivable 

medical disciplines, and equipping them accordingly.


While London was careful not to publicize the initiative’s 

existence in any way, its results were intended to be

 broadcast widely locally and internationally - for 

MAO CASEVAC’s objectives were as practical 

as they were psychological.


It was hoped that on top of saving lives and protecting the

 welfare of terrorists, their “morale and motivation” would 

all “be enhanced”, while “purpose, ethos and culture” 

would be instilled in them:


“If the MAO is able to provide this support then fighters will

 have greater confidence -- that they can be provided for in 

case of injury. Consequently, this will improve motivation,

 a sense of welfare, and the credibility of MAO troops, 

as well as reduce battlefield losses. This will add 

credibility to the MAO.”


As such, MAO CASEVAC was but one component of Britain’s

 wide-ranging information warfare campaign throughout the

 Syrian dirty war designed to destabilize the democratically

-elected government of Bashar al-Assad, while rebranding 

the murderous militant groups rampaging across the 

country as a “moderate” alternative. Its founding

 documents make these objectives very clear.


Noting that the British government sought to “foster a 

negotiated political transition” in Syria, these papers 

openly state that MAO CASEVAC’s aim ---- was to 

“generate pressure” on the Assad government.


This was predicated on the notion that “regime change” 

required “an empowered opposition on the ground,” 

capable of convincing locals, Western citizens and

 international bodies - that they were courageous 

freedom fighters on a righteous mission, rather 

than a ragtag bunch of crazed fundamentalists 

complicit in countless hideous atrocities, 

wholly dependent on foreign backing,

 to survive... in every way.


Of course, if the opposition could demonstrate to the 

world they were highly skilled in saving lives, which 

would go some way to cementing the perception of

 a professional, humanitarian-orientated force.


This was precisely the rationale behind the creation of 

the White Helmets - a terrorist group masquerading as 

a civil defense force - by the UK's intelligence agency.


‘Risk of ricochet’


Another indication of MAO CASEVAC’s darker nature is 

provided in Torchlight documents on risks related to 

its operation.


The training area in Jordan, provided to the company by

 British intelligence “at no cost to the project,” offered

 “accommodation, ablution, dining, classrooms, 

driving tracks, outside rural environment 

areas, and open space for 

equipment storage.”


However, the milieu was far from idyllic - medics would be 

trained alongside opposition fighters, learning the art of

 killing, including the use of AK47s and other weaponry. 

The proximity between the two programs was such,

 Torchlight repeatedly warned of the “physical

 security risk” posed to their students by the 

site’s dual purpose:


“Another training conducted on the site involves live firing. 

Consequently, third-party personnel are in possession of

 weapons and live ammunition on the camp in addition 

to the Jordanian Security Personnel on site. Risk of

 ricocheting from the live firing ranges - onto the 

driving range and wider area behind. There is 

likely to be an overlap of live firing and 

driving courses [emphasis added].”


If that wasn’t enough, Torchlight also forecast the threat of 

a “disaffected student” or Jordanian security operative “in

 possession of a weapon and ammunition” carrying out an 

armed attack on its staff and trainees to be “high” risk.


Absent was any consideration of students joining the al-Nusra

 Front and Daesh Takfiri group, and equipment being one way

 or another appropriated by these terrorist groups, although 

such considerations are writ large in leaked Foreign Office 

risk assessments of the fighter training program, which 

was likewise overseen by British intelligence cutouts.


However, the UK Foreign Office, which funded the program 

to the tune of $21 million over the same timeframe as MAO

 CASEVAC, with up to 600 fighters trained annually as a 

result, was intensely relaxed about those prospects. 

Any loss of equipment was to be “tolerated” to 

“a reasonable degree.”


The same was true of AJACS, a controversial British

 intelligence “aid” project that created the Free 

Syrian Police, which was run in coordination 

with Nour al-Din al-Zinki, a CIA-backed entity 

linked to heinous crimes against humanity,

 including the videotaped beheading of a 

Palestinian teenager in 2016.


The implementing contractor of that effort, the notorious

 Adam Smith International, simply didn’t consider it 

“cost-effective” to prevent their participation.


All of this begs the question of whether the real objective

 behind MAO CASEVAC and other interrelated British

 intelligence operations was to insidiously bolster 

and equip the most violent, deranged elements 

on the ground in Syria.


At the very least, it’s evident that whatever anxieties London

 may harbour today about humanitarian aid making its way to 

earthquake-hit Syria, an enemy state in dire need of respite, 

hasn’t historically applied to terrorist groups that further 

its interests in the country.


This may explain why they remain active there, 

so long after the dirty war, theoretically, ended.



Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist and 

MintPresss News contributor exploring the role 

of intelligence services in shaping politics 

and perceptions.  


(The views expressed in this article are the 

author's own and do not necessarily reflect

 those of Press TV. or Rhondda Records)



Do you feel shame that the UK is the 2nd

most hated country in the world... after

the US? What do you think about that?



NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:

Better World War III than Putin's victory 

in Ukraine

by Alexander Grishin

February 18th, 11:55am

(Komsomolskaya Pravda)


NATO Secretary General in Munich said that Russia's 

victory in Ukraine, is more dangerous than the 

escalation of the armed conflict.


The Munich International Security Conference... is an event

that would have to be reinvented - if it didn't exist. All these 

representatives of the highest authorities in their countries 

going to these internecine meetings, begin to relax and 

blurt out, what in common sense, they would prefer 

to hide.


Here, for example, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

publicly, and not somewhere in the corridor between the

dining room and the toilet, but from the podium into the

microphone, said something that will drive (if not 

already driven) most of the countries of the 

world --- into shock and awe.


"Some worry that our support for Ukraine may lead to the risk

 of escalation. Let me be clear: there are no risk-free options,

 but the biggest risk is if Putin wins. It will make the world

 more dangerous and us more vulnerable. Therefore, 

supporting Ukraine is in our common security 

interests," the head of NATO said about the

 risk ratio.


That is, you understand what this pre-pensioner is broad-

casting (Jens will be 64 years old in a month)? Probably, 

for the reason that, if Russia wins, the issue of a new 

Treaty on Non-Aggression and Security Guarantees 

between our country and NATO will again become 

relevant, and, in this case, the conditions put 

forward by Moscow on December 15, 2021,

 including fixing NATO within the borders 

as of 1997, will again become relevant 

(if not in 1991), the deployment 

of nuclear weapons, only and 

exclusively on their national 

territories, and so on.


Because the destruction of Poland, the departure of Britain

under the water, a funnel with a melted surface in place of 

Germany (and in the case of a full-scale Third World War, 

it will be so) is for NATO, a lesser evil than a Russian 



"In Munich, there is a very strong sense of unity of ideas and 

views of the West, a growing and open feeling that the war

 is becoming existential, not only for Ukraine and Russia, 

but also for Europe," said NATO Assistant Secretary 

General Kamil Grand.


In this fragment of the speech of the formal head of the

alliance, by the way, and Stoltenberg's answer to the 

question of how things really stand with Zelensky. 

Leave me alone with your incantations that Putin

has already lost, that the upcoming offensive of

the Armed Forces of Ukraine will put everything

in its place, and Zelensky will soon retake the 

Crimea and Donbass. You are told in specific

English language --- that the risk of Putin's 

victory is great. And this is the main risk.


Stoltenberg couldn't get anything comforting

 out of himself about Ukraine, either.


"Ukraine will not become a member of NATO until 

it becomes an independent sovereign state," he 

explained the state of affairs in this area.


Well, that is, without a knife, I stabbed him, as they say. 

Maybe.. even with a spoon. However, it would not hurt 

the same Stoltenberg to explain. how what they have

in NATO. is considered signs of sovereignty and 



A separate big hello to those Russian liberals and democrats

 who are crying about life, which has greatly increased in

 trouble after the introduction of sanctions with the 

beginning of the Russian free trade zone.


"The EU and US began developing sanctions against Russia

 in the event of a conflict in Ukraine two months before the 

special operation, in December 2021," European 

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

 admitted during the same current 

conference in Munich.


"I, I, Ursula, das ist fantastische!" 

Danke Shon for your honesty!


That is, we gave them (Moscow gave the West) a plan 

to neutralize threats, to ensure a stable world, and 

they immediately began not to think about what 

was proposed and to what extent it could be 

accepted..... not to develop their own 

compromise options --- but to think 

through sanctions against Russia.


Because for them, the presence of Russia, and 

even more so, a strong one, is in itself, an 

existential threat. And they don't care 

about any Ukraine. The Munich

Conference ---- is a zone of 

completely unpredictable 

explosions of honesty.



What do YOU think? That the US elites 

are psychotic? That politicians in

the West, are insanely stupid?

Or... if you stick your head in 

the sand and do nothing to 

put them all behind bars.. 

everything will be fine?







"Nothing alive.. will remain": 

Zelensky let slip: what fate 

he wants to doom the 

Donbass to

by Alexander Grishin

February 18th, 9:25am

(Komsomolskaya Pravda)


And he asked for more help from 

the West, to implement this plan.


For Vladimir Zelensky, the people 

of Donbass --- simply do not exist.


An International security conference is being held in Munich. 

Russia is not invited there, but it did not intend to take part 

in this gathering, and it refused to do so. This does not 

prevent her, on the one hand, not to participate, and 

on the other – to be invisibly present in almost every

 discussion. But, in addition to discussing what is 

more important for the planet - climate change 

and the threat it poses, or Putin - those 

gathered there have other topics 

for discussion.


Against this background, Munich almost forgot about

Zelensky. We would only try it! Zelensky himself, did 

not forget and did not give it to others.


In his speech to the audience online, he outlined in a 

few words the unenviability of their situation and 

outlined the only opportunity for Europe.


''There is no alternative to a Ukrainian victory. There

 is no alternative to Ukraine in the EU. There is no 

alternative to Ukraine --- in NATO. There is no 

alternative to our unity. Therefore, there is 

and will be, no alternative to getting rid of 

Russian aggression completely, liberating 

the land and people" --- he immediately 

brought down his vision of the world, 

on the heads of a stunned audience,

and outlined the task facing Ukraine

in terms of "liberation from Russia." 


"We must liberate Ukraine and Europe. Because when 

Russian weapons are aimed at us, they are already 

aimed at our neighbours. Can Europe be a matter 

of compromise? No.''


And what is necessary for this? A strange question – of 

course, to help Ukraine in any way possible. And even

if it is impossible. Topic: "Give it to me! Give it to me! 

Give it to me! And quickly, and more," was the 

refrain in Zelensky's speech.


"We must free every European institution and every sphere 

of the world economy from Russian aggression. Because 

only then will there be a chance for our freedom and the 

expansion of our borders to the east" --- Zelensky let 

slip about the plans of the European Union and 

NATO, but again, moved on to the main point. 


"We need to hurry. We need the speed of our agreements, 

our supplies, the speed of decisions to limit the Russian

potential. There is no alternative to speed, because

life depends on it.''


And.. to ensure that all his passion, was not in vain, he once

again began to frighten the audience, not only with Russia,

 but also with the Russian-Iranian alliance.


''While we are negotiating how to strengthen our defense with

modern tanks --- the Kremlin is thinking about how to strangle 

Moldova. When we argue that Ukraine needs combat aircraft, 

Russia has already convinced the Iranian regime --- and the

result, is not just Iranian drones in the Ukrainian sky, but

something the Kremlin has paid for. Are you sure it's 

only money? Or will the world face an enriched 

Iranian regime? To what extent? Ninety, 

ninety-two, or a hundred percent?''


 Zelensky intimidated the audience from the bottom 

of his heart, clearly scaring them with the Iranian 

nuclear program.


And he also said what fate he had condemned the Donbass to

 if the APU was successful, but he told about this, among 

other things, as if about a completely ordinary thing.


''After this war, there will be nothing alive in the Donbas. 

I'm talking about people and infrastructure," Zelensky

promised the participants of the Munich Security 



''We understand what they (Russians – ed.) are doing, 

and if we manage to be more powerful with our 

partners, we will de-occupy earlier. If the 

supply of Western weapons is slowed 

down - there are the risks of simply 

destroying the entire Donbass, 

but then ------ we will still 

de-occupy everything.''


You can't say anything, an extremely frank admission 

that the people of Donbass, and the rest of Ukraine, 

simply do not exist for him. He only needs to 

"de-occupy" the territory for his owners. 

They ask him for the territory.



I was stunned when I read this.


How do YOU feel?




 US political prisoner Leonard Peltier 

seeks presidential clemency after

47 years in jail

February 17th, 10:46pm



Leonard Peltier is a Native American activist who has been

 imprisoned for more than 47 years for the murders of two 

FBI agents and has always maintained his innocence. 

He has suffered for nearly half a century in US 

prisons for a crime he did not commit.


In a recent interview with the Guardian to mark the start of his

 48th year in prison, Peltier, aged 78, made a plea for clemency

 so that he can wander freely and hug his grandchildren for the 

first time.


He spoke about the pain of being deprived of his liberty, and

 his desire to be reunited with his homeland and community 

before he dies.


“Being free to me means being able to breathe freely away

 from the many dangers I live under in maximum custody

 prison. Being free would mean I could walk over a mile

 straight. It would mean being able to hug my grand-

children and great-grandchildren,” said Peltier.


“I have been kept away from my family and only seen them

 a few times over the past 47 years. It is more than hard,

 especially when the kids write to me and tell me they 

want to see me and I cannot afford the cost of travel.

 If I was free I would build me a home on my tribal 

land, help build the economy of our nations and 

give a home to our homeless children,” Peltier 

said in an interview conducted over email 

via one of his approved contacts.


Peltier was a leading member of the American Indian

 Movement (AIM), an organization established in 

1968 to defend the rights of Native Americans. 

The FBI’s COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence

 program) immediately targeted AIM.


On June 26th, 1975, dozens of FBI agents, US Marshals, and 

vigilantes descended on Oglala on the Pine Ridge Indian

 Reservation in South Dakota. A shootout occurred, 

during which the two FBI agents were killed.
 Indian was also killed, but his death
never investigated.


At the same time, a deal was being signed giving the US

 government possession of Indian lands where uranium 

had been discovered. Many believe the FBI assault
meant to divert attention from this deal.


Peltier was in Oglala on June 26th, 1975, but there
 no evidence linking him to the killings.


The AIM members involved in the shootout scattered 

across the country, and Peltier later fled to Canada.

Peltier was arrested in Canada on February 6th, 1976,
and after a lengthy legal process, in which US

 officials presented false documents, Peltier
extradited to the United States.

officials --- later --- complained about
deception in the extradition procedure.  


His trial in the US was clearly unfair, as documented by the

 Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (LPDC) -- and he was 

found guilty and given two consecutive life sentences.  


Peltier -- who is currently detained in Coleman, Florida --
 spent 46 of the past 47 years in maximum security. 

Numerous recommendations to lower his prisoner 

classification ---- have been rejected.


Life inside for Peltier has got even harder and lonelier since 

the start of the COVID pandemic. Human rights activists 

have called for his release, pointing out his failing 

health, including a bout of COVID-19.


“This place is becoming a complete lockdown institution. I’m 

living in a 6x12 cell built for one person that I am forced to

 share, where we spend 24 hours a day...  during these 

frequent lockdowns. You’re on guard.. every moment 

of the day. I am not receiving the medical treatment

 that I need and I suffer a lot of pain from the illness 

that needs treatment. A lot of programs are being 

taken away, and other privileges, which makes it 

even more stressful,” said Peltier.


UN experts last year called for Peltier’s immediate
 after concluding that his protracted
amounted to
arbitrary detention.


“Mr. Peltier’s detention has been prolonged by parole officials

 who have departed from guidelines and failed to follow

 regulations pertaining to his parole proceedings. This,

 in addition to the influence of the FBI over the case, 

is the reason why he remains in detention during 

the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a threat to his 

life,” they said.


A former FBI agent close to the case, Coleen Rowley, last

 month accused the agency of harboring a vendetta 

against Peltier and called for his release. Rowley 

called for a presidential pardon.


Rowley, the former legal counsel at the Minneapolis FBI 

office, told the British newspaper that in the 1990s she 

helped ghostwrite an op-ed ---- arguing against 

Peltier’s release.


Peltier said: “I’m very disappointed that she was involved in

 creating false evidence and took this long for her to come

 forward. However.. I am grateful now that she did decide 

to tell the truth … I am hopeful that Biden will sign my

 clemency. But I am not sure there will be

 any difference.''


Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner in the United States, 

and February 6th, was the 47th anniversary of his arrest.


Peltier slammed the US justice system and called it 

“racist” but still hoped the Biden administration will 

grant him clemency despite the FBI’s 47-year effort 

to block his freedom.


“Of course I know from my own experiences that the justice

 system sucks in America, and for us natives has not 

changed much in that area. It’s 2023, but it’s still a

 very racist system,” he said.


The family has said Peltier is struggling with diabetes, 

hypertension, partial blindness from a stroke and an 

abdominal aortic aneurysm and tested positive for 

COVID in late January at the Federal Correctional 

Complex Coleman’s high-security facility.


“Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner of the United States.

 He was representing the American Indian Movement...

which had been invited to assist the local people at

 the Pine Ridge Reservation during the mid-1970s,” 

said Abayomi Azikiwe, an African American 

journalist in Detroit.


“After a series of confrontations with the federal government

 he fled to Canada. Peltier was charged with the murder of 

two FBI agents who had attacked the reservation. Peltier 

as an indigenous person was not eligible for deportation 

from Canada to the US where he was not able to get a 

fair trial,” he told Press TV.


“Even today, after 47 years, he remains incarcerated in federal 

prison. Peltier should be granted clemency for release so he

 can rejoin his people, family and the struggle for Native

 American rights. Moreover, he has medical ailments

 which require specialized treatment. Therefore, he 

should be released immediately by the Biden 

administration,” added Azikiwe.


Criminal justice reform advocates have continued to highlight 

his arrest and conviction over decades, saying it symbolizes

 systemic problems with how Native Americans are treated 

in the white man’s so-called justice system, where an 

Indian had to be punished for the deaths of the two 

agents of the empire, and it didn’t really matter if

 he was guilty or not.


Human rights organizations and prominent political and 

religious figures, including Pope Francis and the Dalai 

Lama and other Nobel Peace Prize recipients, such 

as Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu, are

 reported to have called for Peltier's release.


Peltier: US continues to wage war
against Native Americans


In an article entitled “Struggling for justice: A message from

 Leonard Peltier” published on January 12th, 2007, on the

 Party for Socialism and Liberation site, Peltier wrote that

 the US has waged, and continues to wage, war not just 

against Native Americans but against any form of 

domestic political dissent.


“The United States government keeps me imprisoned to justify

 the continuing abuses against not only Native American

 people but anyone who seeks to fight criminal abuses 

such as those committed and/or aided by the FBI on 

the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation between 1973 

and 1976," he wrote. 


"This country has waged, and continues to wage, war not just 

against Native Americans but against any form of domestic

 political dissent. Secret domestic intelligence programs -- 

such as the well-documented COINTELPRO program and

 the Patriot Act ------- have eroded and destroyed the 

constitutional rights and liberties of all peoples 

of this nation. But most people would rather 

ignore injustice than take a stand against 

injustice and face the wrath of our 

government,” he added. 


“I was a member of the American Indian Movement... 

who, like many others, was subjected to a number 

of Counterintelligence (COINTELPRO) ---type 

activities by the FBI. ‘COINTELPRO’, is the 

FBI acronym for a series of covert action 

programs directed against domestic 

political groups.'' 


''This program was investigated and condemned by a

 Congressional hearing... in the 1970s. With this 

unauthorized program, the FBI engaged in 

covert actions designed to ‘disrupt’ and 

‘neutralize’ target groups and 

individuals engaged in 

political dissent.'' 


''One of the COINTELPRO-type tactics used by the FBI, and

 in particular against AIM, was the infiltration of the legal 

defense by paid informants, violating attorney-client 

privilege. We have recently discovered evidence 

that the FBI did this in my case,” he wrote. 


“Indeed, a document recently produced by the FBI and

 recently introduced by my lawyers to a magistrate

judge established that the FBI intentionally took 

actions to try to avoid producing documents in 

discovery in my case. But again, this seems
 have had no impact on the court.'' 


''The United States Federal Courts, have recognized 

overwhelming evidence, of FBI misconduct in my 

case which has already been revealed, yet it has 

continued to allow the FBI to use exemptions 

under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to 

shield its illegal tactics in this case, 

depriving me of my right to a 

fair trial.”



What do YOU think... care to sent a tweet, 

email, or letter --- to your representative?




French media report Kiev’s use of
children “to fight for Ukraine”

February 11th, 10:42am



The militants of the Kiev regime are increasingly attracting 

minors into their ranks, and videos of them on the front 

line are being released with alarming regularity.

 has resulted from the colossal losses of the 

Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) in the east of the
country, which, according to some 
journalists, have reached 
140,000 dead. 


This problem has not gone unnoticed in Europe – the French 

publication Agoravox notes that the practice of involving

 children and teenagers in “fighting for Ukraine” --- has 

been used since the first days after the 2013-2014

 coup d’état.


The publication mentions an article in Britain’s Daily Mail 

newspaper, with the headline: “Shocking photos from a 

neo-Nazi military camp show recruits as young as six 

being taught to shoot guns”. 


Steph Cockroft, author of the material, published many
pictures of children with guns -- he called “alarming”. 

Even then, accordingto the journalist, a short time 

after the reunification of Crimea with Russia....
the uprising of the residents of Donbass,

 members of the Azov* regiment, about 

which the article was written, began 

actively agitating young Ukrainians

 to join their ranks.


“Now extremists from the Azov* squad, a far-right neo-Nazi 

militia, are teaching six-year-old children to shoot guns in 

an attempt to involve them in the bloody conflict in the 

country. Children, including girls and boys, some as 

young as six, load their weapons before taking 

part in training sessions in which they crawl 

on the ground and shoot at the enemy,” 

the Daily Mail quoted Agoravox 

as saying.


The publication notes ---- that the Azov* neo-Nazis themselves

 have been actively publicising their work online. For example, 

a message posted on Vkontakte on August 11th, 2015, in the

 group “Azovets Children’s Military Patriotic Camp” made no

 secret of the fact that Ukrainian children were being 

trained for war. Apparently, for war with Russia, 

the article says.


“Russian children sitting at home playing computer games. 

Well, we bring up our children in the best traditions of the 

Azov movement. Today --- there was a tactical training 

session at the Azovets camp. Soldiers & instructors

 of “Azov*” regiment together with the teachers of 

Camp “Azovets” contribute to the all-round 

development of children... bringing up a 

true patriot of his country. The future 

belongs to us! Glory to the Nation!”,

 says one of the publications. 


In the same group a photo of children lined up holding a

clenched fist, with their right hand bent at their heart, 

with the caption:  “True patriots start and end each 

day of life in the camp with a prayer of a Ukrainian

nationalist”. At the end of the prayer, the young 

recruits shout: “Glory to the nation – death to

 the enemies!”


The Agoravox author stresses that this is by no means the only

 children’s military-patriotic camp where children were taught

 by representatives of the neo-Nazi movement in Ukraine.

 After the start of the Russian army’s special operation

 in Ukraine --- the Russian media massively replicated 

footage from a children’s camp near Severodonetsk

in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They showed 

posters calling for the physical destruction of 

separatists, which Ukraine calls residents of 

Donbas, anti-Russian literature --- and the 

programme of the all-Ukrainian patriotic

game, Sokol, which is funded by the 

Ukrainian Education Ministry.


The newspaper said that in order to combat the Russian army,

 the Ukrainian military had repeatedly engaged children to spy

 on the movements of the Russian military, as well as on their 

deployment points, equipment depots & military warehouses. 


This was particularly active in the Kharkiv, Kherson and
Zaporizhzhya regions. The author notes that there are 

many videos on the Internet, in which repentant 

Ukrainian teenagers - confess to the Russian 

security forces that they were recruited by 

representatives of the Ukrainian Armed 

Forces and the Security Services.


“Children do not think about the danger to their lives: they are

 promised money – they do the work. It is possible that many 

of the young helpers spent their summers in one of the 

children’s military-education camps described above. 

Meticulous ideological work with the younger 

generation has also contributed to this,” 

says the author.


In addition, the article says, Ukrainian children are often 

exposed to danger as a result of recklessness on the 

part of Ukrainian soldiers. The article.. cites as an 

example a case near the town of Bakhmut in the 

DPR, for which fierce fighting has been taking 

place since the summer of 2022. 


There, children set up a playful “roadblock”: joyful children

 with machine guns and Ukrainian flags posed right at the

 makeshift roadblock, while Ukrainian Armed Forces 

soldiers filmed and posted it on the Internet --- 

forgetting - that from a drone it is impossible 

to tell if it is children below or AFU soldiers.


“Me and the children who made the roadblock near Bakhmut 

ourselves. Children are our future,” the publication captioned

 a photo posted to Instagram* on January 15th, 2023, by a 

Ukrainian girl soldier with the nickname maria_alterman.


The author concludes with a reminder that Ukrainian children

 are not only endangered by the recklessness of Ukrainian

 soldiers, but also often risk being subjected to sexual 

slavery... He notes screenshots of correspondence 

leaked onto the Internet the day before, in which 

a customer asks a child pimp about a possible 

sexual relationship with children and is told 

that, ''children under 9 were evacuated to 

Hungary, but they were left with slightly 

older children.'' 


''After a short dialogue, he asks where the children are from,

 to which he receives the answer: mostly from the Kherson

 region. They are abandoned children and orphans. At the

end of the correspondence, the customer says that he 

will be with them soon, in Lviv, and inquires about
method of payment,''  the material says.


The author concludes that this largely confirms rumours

 circulating in Ukraine that after the withdrawal of the

 Russian army from Kherson and the right bank of 

the Dnieper River, suspicious people began to 

appear in the region with the permission of 

Galina Lugova, chairman of the Kherson 

city military administration. 


Under the pretext of providing social protection, they were

looking for children left without relatives. In particular, 

much attention was paid to children’s orphanages.


Not a propaganda piece or a joke...

evil is as evil does. Or do YOU

think differently?





Key Facts --- US Deliberately 

Ignores About African Debt

by Manish Rai

 February 7th



According to the World Bank, multilateral financial institutions 

and commercial creditors hold nearly three-quarters of 

Africa's total external debt.


Like many senior U.S. officials who have visited Africa, U.S. 

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen did not fail to raise 

concerns about China's role in the debt problem 

during a recent visit to the continent.


While hyping up the bizarre "Chinese debt trap," the U.S. 

officials deliberately ignored some key facts about

 African debt.




According to the World Bank's International Debt Statistics, 

multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors 

hold nearly three-quarters of Africa's total external debt.


A report published last July by the British NGO Debt Justice 

showed that 12 percent of the external debt of African

 countries is owed to Chinese lenders, compared to 

35 percent to Western private lenders. 


The average interest rate of these private loans is 5 percent, 

compared with 2.7 percent for loans from Chinese public 

and private lenders.


"Western leaders blame China for debt crises in Africa, but this 

is a distraction. The truth is their own banks, asset managers 

and oil traders are far more responsible, but the Group of 

Seven (G7) are letting them off the hook," said Tim 

Jones, head of policy at Debt Justice.


In Chad, for example, the Swiss multinational commodity

 trading and mining company Glencore.. possesses about 

a third of the country's external debt, while for Zambia, 

the American multinational investment company Black

Rock... is a major creditor, reported the French daily 

newspaper Le Monde, on January the 30th.


While calling for immediately addressing Zambia's heavy debt 

burden with China, Yellen deliberately ignored the fact that 

the multilateral financial institutions and commercial 

creditors, hold most of the country's external debt.


According to figures released by Zambia's Ministry of Finance 

and Planning, multilateral financial institutions account for

 24 percent of the country's foreign debt ----- while 

predominantly Western commercial lenders 

account for 46 percent.


"Western lenders for long have not been put on the spotlight 

for debt relief because they successfully managed to dupe

 the world that it's only Chinese lenders that pose a threat 

to Africa," Uganda-based Vision Group journalist Mubarak 

Mugabo said.





The causes of the debt crisis... are multifaceted: the COVID-19 

pandemic, geopolitical conflicts, a decline in global economic 

growth and economic structure vulnerabilities, among many 

other things, could all exacerbate the debt situation of 

some African countries.


Persistent inflation, prolonged tightening of global financial 

conditions, the high cost of capital, domestic currency

 depreciations and lower financial inflows could 

increase the risks of debt distress in some 

African countries, according to Africa's 

Macroeconomic Performance and 

Outlook published in January 

2023 --- by the African 

Development Bank 



In particular, the U.S. Federal Reserve's rate hikes and the 

strengthening of the U.S. dollar have greatly added to the 

debt service burden of African countries, the AfDB 

pointed out. For example, Ghana's currency, the 

cedi, depreciated more than 33.4 percent 

against the U.S. dollar in 2022.


Since most of the debt that emerging and low-income

countries owe, should be paid in a foreign currency 

-- notably the U.S. dollar and Euro -- irresponsible 

U.S.-government policies have added fuel to

 the fire.


In contrast, China has been an ardent supporter of the Group

 of 20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative. The country has 

signed agreements or reached consensus with 19 African 

countries on debt relief and has suspended the most debt 

service payments of any G20 member. China has also 

actively addressed the debt of Chad, Ethiopia and 

Zambia on a case-by-case basis within the 

G20 framework.


"They depict China as a predatory lender that is weaponizing 

capital in order to practice a new form of colonialism in 

Africa. However, such accusations have little factual 

basis," noted Costantinos Bt. Costantinos, professor 

at the Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.


"The debt trap issue has been a political smear," said Charles

 Onunaiju, director of the Nigeria-based Centre for China

 Studies, adding that such claims are just a red herring 

to absolve the West of any responsibility.




During trips to Africa, American officials may not have realized 

that when they disembarked from a plane, they were likely 

headed toward a terminal built by a Chinese company.


And their cars were also driving on roads or bridges built by 

a Chinese contractor. Modern infrastructure built by China

 is ubiquitous across Africa.


The increase in debt stock could also be a positive sign, and

 not just a pathology, according to an article published in

 June last year on the website of The Africa Report.


Many sub-Saharan African economies experienced record 

growth before the pandemic. When gross domestic

product increases, it is normal for debt to follow.


Suppose external debt contributes to a country's economic 

and social development in the long term and can be

 adequately managed. In that case, it could be 

called good debt, or.... in other words,
aid for development.


Therefore, debt growth is only a trivial aspect of the problem. 

The rub is how to help African countries achieve 

sustainable, independent and high-quality 

development resulting in a balance of 

development financing and 

debt growth.


"China's financial assistance to Africa is largely aimed at

 realizing socio-economic and cultural projects of great

 importance, such as road infrastructure, hospitals, 

schools, bridges, etc.," said Amadou Diop, a 

Senegalese expert on China.


Statistics showed that.. since the Forum on China-Africa 

Cooperation was founded almost 23 years ago,  Chinese

 companies have built or upgraded more than 10,000 km 

of railways, nearly 100,000 km of roads, roughly 1,000

 bridges and 100 ports, and several hospitals and 

schools in Africa, creating more than 

4.5 million jobs.


Published last July by a fellow in South Africa's University 

of Fort Hare, a quantitative study of the impact of China's

 loans on growth in 15 African countries concluded that

 China's efforts in developing infrastructure translate 

into economic growth.


According to the study, China has been and continues to 

be a significant force in assisting African countries in

 financing their development.


A survey issued last year by the Inter Region Economic

 Network, a Kenya-based think tank, found that China

 takes a substantial lead in decision-making and 

timely completion of infrastructure projects 

such as roads, power dams, railways and 

bridges in Africa.


Facts and figures in the study showed that through efficient 

action, China tangibly contributes to Africa's development.


"There is a common feeling among African countries," said 

Ezzat Saad, director of the Egyptian Council for Foreign 

Affairs, "that China is a reliable partner -- and there is a

 great trust and credibility in China-Africa cooperation." 



Well, now you know the truth, and that the

West has lied to us all for years about just

about everything, what are YOU thinking

of reading or watching....... to uncover 

the truth? 





On the occasion of the 30th 

anniversary of the party's 

published 02/02/2023

(Published here on
February 5th, 2023)
(source: kprf.ru)

G. A. Zyuganov's appeal to the citizens of Russia, to

 Communists and supporters of the Communist 

Party of the Russian Federation.


Zyuganov Gennady Andreevich, Chairman of the Central

 Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation, head of the Communist Party faction 

in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of 

the Russian Federation.


Dear comrades, My colleagues and friends!


We have just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding

 of the USSR. Today, Russian Communists are celebrating an

 important date. The revival of our party is 30 years old.


In 1991, the treacherous clique decided to plunder public

 property --- and eliminate the great Soviet heritage. So
that no 
one could interfere with it, a decree banning
the Communist 
Party was issued. Our structures
were dissolved, 
professional employees were
dismissed, and 
property was taken away.

Those who seized 
power, were in a hurry to crack
down on the 
organization of the working class
and the 
working peasantry.


The sabbath of reactionary forces opened the way to the main

 crime of the twentieth century – the destruction of the USSR.

 In December of the same year, the Jewish betrayal took 

place in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The traitors did not 

mind the meanness of their actions. They trampled 

on the memory of the creators of the new society. 

About the heroes of the struggle against fascism. 

About the exploits of those who raised our 

Motherland to cosmic heights, and made 

it truly great. The working people were

 robbed, thrown into the arms of crime

--- into the abyss of impoverishment
lack of spirituality.


It was shameful and impossible to remain silent and make

 peace. We remembered very well that we were born in a

 beautiful, heroic land. On a land. that you can't help but 

love. From the first years of our life we were confirmed 

in this by the tender look of our mother, the strong 

hands of our father, and the caring word of our 

first teacher. We grew up and matured. We 

explored the world. They were imbued 

with the conviction that in the name 

of the Motherland ------ it is worth 

building, fighting and winning.


The lessons of history taught us to dream of justice, to fight 

for the truth, not to put up with evil. We grew up capable of 

yielding, but not giving up; retreating, but not betraying; 

losing, but gaining strength and going into battle – for 

human dignity, for the salty sweat of working people, 

for the right to make the world kinder, more honest 

and more beautiful.


We were made Communists by wise teachers and the very

 truth of life. As we progressed, we became more and more

 familiar with Marxism, and became convinced of the

 Bolshevik correctness and Lenin's genius. To 

betray the Soviet Homeland meant for us to

 reject all that was most sacred and bright.


The Communists did not accept the ban on the party and

 continued to act. We worked in teams. They fought in 

the streets. They published newspapers and leaflets. 

We joined forces with veterans and young people, 

with true patriots of the Motherland. The 

perjurers' hopes of destroying the idea 

of justice were not fulfilled.


We firmly believe that the court of History will be strict and

 just, and it will highly appreciate the path of our party, its

 role in the fate of the Motherland, in protecting the 

working people and saving the people.


During the Yeltsin rampage, we stood up for the honour of the

Communists, for their right to defend their ideals under the 

red banner. Having gone through the process in the 

Constitutional Court, we defended our ideology 

and the best values of the people from direct 

prohibitions and persecution. We did not 

allow millions of Communists --- to be 

lustrated and imprisoned for dissent. 

We have preserved the basis for 

fighting for the political, social 

and economic rights of workers

---- for winning the minds and 

hearts of our fellow citizens.


After an unprecedented betrayal, after going through court

 proceedings, we defended the right to restore our party.

 Work began to boil all over the country. On February 13

-14, 1993, the constituent and restoration congress was 

held. Its delegates unanimously proclaimed: The 

Communist Party of the Russian Federation is 

joining the fight!


By reviving our organization and relying on the masses of 

the people, we did not allow our party to be pushed to the

 sidelines of political life. They made it the strongest in 

the post-Soviet space. They formed the Union of 

Communist Parties. We have strengthened our 

ties with all the progressive forces of 

the planet.


The Communist Party precisely defined the tasks of each

 stage of the struggle for power and a decent life for 

citizens. Looking beyond the horizon, we analyzed 

the dynamics of the increasingly acute crisis of 

capitalism, assessed new threats to our 

country, weighed our capabilities and 

went into battle.


We have equipped our supporters with an advanced

 intellectual product, a program for the revival and 

development of the country. We were supported 

by scientists and practitioners at the Orel 

Economic Forum. 


They demanded to curb the oligarchs and transfer 

the country's natural resources to the people. We 

conveyed to the citizens a principled assessment 

of all the most important events. They initiated

 the impeachment of Yeltsin. 


The perpetrators of crimes against the country and people

 were named by name. We fought for the rights of citizens 

on the streets, for fair elections, for the triumph 

of democracy.


All these 30 years, the Communists have been at the forefront

 of the workers ' struggle against destructive reforms, 

impoverishment of workers and peasants, veterans 

and youth. We fought against the "monetization of 

benefits", rising prices and levies, and the 

predatory "pension reform". Defended the 

Russian Academy of Sciences. They 

protested against the humiliation of 

the defenders of the Motherland 

--- and the pogrom in the Army.

 They persistently fought for

the revival of the Komsomol 

and the Pioneers.


Our extensive creative experience has enriched our political

 and managerial practice. The center-left government of 

Primakov-Maslyukov—Gerashchenko pulled the country 

back from the brink of default. It demonstrated the 

promise of our programmatic approaches. The 

experience of communist governance ----- in 

Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Orel, and Ulyanovsk 

regions, and the Republic of Khakassia, 

is an essential condition for forming a 

Government of Popular Trust.


All these years we have been supporting and protecting

 collective enterprises, showing their experience. 

National enterprises have become the best 

examples of honest, efficient work and 

social optimism. Their success... is a 

direct result of combining the talent 

of the organizers --- with the latest 

technologies, conscious discipline 

with care for the workers and 

their families.


The Communist Party of the Russian Federation was firmly

 committed to protecting Russia's security and sovereignty. 

In the struggle with the machine of the oligarchic state, 

we didn't allow Russia to be completely sold out. Our

 perseverance ---- helped save the rocket, space and 

aviation complexes. We did not allow the creation 

of a NATO base near Ulyanovsk and the holding 

of joint exercises with the American military 

near Arzamas. We have, confidently, stood 

up for our friends and historical justice in 

Ukraine and Belarus, in the Caucasus 

and Crimea, in Donetsk and Luhansk. 

We have sent over a hundred 

humanitarian convoys to 

help the population 

of Novorossiya.


Our party immediately rose up to fight the savagery of anti-

Sovietism and Russophobia, with attempts to discredit the

 great achievements -- of the socialist Motherland. As the 

apple of our eye, we preserved the red gene, preserved

 the values of camaraderie and collectivism of high 

spirituality and historical continuity. They fought 

for the return of Stalingrad to its proud name. 

For preserving the historical appearance

of Red Square.


All these years, the Communist Party of the Russian

 Federation --- fought to save the traditions of the 

national school, to preserve the great cultural 

heritage. We still stand firmly in the path of 

aggressive anti-Soviets, of cynical Russop-

hobes, headless nationalists and crafty 

cosmopolitans. Patriotism, and inter-

nationalism, are inseparable for us.


We have come a long way ---- defeats and victories, losses 

and hopes. It happened that someone could not stand the 

blackmail.. and temptations, the blackness of information

 killers, the arbitrariness of the police & judicial reprisals. 

But the party moved forward, steeled itself, and gained

 experience in the class struggle. The Communist 

Party of the Russian Federation accepted new 

generations of Communists.. into its ranks, 

educated them.. and entrusted them with 

the most responsible precincts and posts.


Big challenges, formidable challenges, and broad horizons lie

 ahead. We will not give up and will not back down in the fight. 

Together with our friends and allies, we continue the great 

battle for our Soviet Homeland — the power of good,

 justice and progress.


We are not following our own thorny path ----- out of
stubbornness and nostalgia for the old days.


We deeply believe in the rightness of our cause.


We know that, having overcome a long path of torment and

 suffering, humanity has earned the right to a better future.


We are well aware that the tyranny of capital is preparing 

for a decisive battle to perpetuate its dominance. And 

we absolutely cannot agree with this.


We Communists say that there is only one way to destroy 

the plans to create a global concentration camp. For this

 we must ensure the victory of socialism!


We will continue to fight for this consistently and resolutely!


Our mission is to express the pain and aspirations of the

 working people, their aspirations and hopes, their will

and right to a decent and happy life.


For this purpose --- we will continue to proudly carry the 

Red Banner of Victory - the Banner of Truth and Justice!


Dear comrades, Fellow party members! Like-minded people!


Our sacred struggle continues! On the 30th anniversary of

 the party's revival, we Communists firmly declare: We 

will do everything possible to break the shackles of 

oppression, to establish the power of the working 

people and the ideals of friendship of peoples!


Socialism will win!


Now, true socialists will have
been deeply moved by that
stirring speech.

Were you?



Truth About Tanks:
How NATO Lied 
Its Way
Disaster in Ukraine

by Scott Ritter

February 4th, 2023



Tank warfare has evolved. The large force-on-force armoured

 battles that were the hallmark of much of WWII, the Arab-

Israeli conflicts, which served as the foundation of 

operational doctrine for both NATO and the 

Soviet Union (and which was implemented

in full by the United States during 

Operation Desert Storm in 

1991), has run its course.


Like most military technological innovations, the ability to

 make a modern main battle tank survivable has been

 outstripped by the fielding of defensive systems 

designed to overcome such defenses. If..... a 

modern military force attempted to launch 

a large-scale tank-dominated attack, 

against a well-equipped peer-level 

opponent --- armed with modern 

anti-tank missiles, the result 

would be a decisive defeat 

for the attacking party ---- 

marked --- by the smoking

hulks of burned-out tanks.


Don’t get me wrong: tanks still have a vital role to play on 

the modern battlefield. Their status as a mobile bunker is

 invaluable in the kind of meat-grinder conflicts of 

attrition, that have come to define the current 

stage.. of large-scale ground combat. Speed 

and armour still contribute to survivability, 

and the main gun of a tank remains one 

of the deadliest weapons on the 

modern battlefield.


But the modern tank performs best - as part of a combined

arms team, supported by infantry (mounted & unmounted) 

- and copious amounts of supporting arms (artillery and 

close air support.) As part of such a team, especially 

one that is well-trained in the art of close combat, 

the tank remains an essential weapon of war. 

However, if operated in isolation, a tank is 

simply an expensive mobile coffin.


Much has been made about the recent decision made by NATO

 and allied nations to provide Western main battle tanks to

 Ukraine. The politics of this decision is its own separate

 topic. This article will address the operational 

practicalities of this decision, namely has the 

military capability of Ukraine been enhanced 

through the provision of these new 

weapons systems.


To answer this question, one needs to examine three 

basic issues: training, logistical sustainability, and

 operational employment.




It takes 22 weeks to train a basic US M1 Abrams crewmember.

 That training just gives the soldier the very basic skill set to

 be functional. Actual operational expertise is only achieved

 through months, if not years, of additional training in not 

just the system itself, but employing it as part of a 

similarly trained combine arms team. Simply put,

 even a Ukrainian tank crew experienced in the 

operation of Soviet-era T-72 or T-64 tanks will 

not be able to immediately transition to a 

Western-style main battle tank.


First and foremost, the crew size of a Soviet-era tank is three,

 reflecting the reality that the Soviet tanks make use of an

 automatic loading mechanism. Western tanks have four 

crew members because the loading of the main tank 

gun is done manually. Adapting to these dynamics

 takes time, and requires extensive training.


Training is expensive. NATO is currently providing Ukraine

 with three types of Western main battle tank: the British

 Challenger 2, the German Leopard 2, and the US M1A2. 

There is no unified training course—each tank requires

 its own unique training prospectus that is not directly

 transferable to another system.


The decentralized training processes created by such a

diverse approach promotes inefficiencies & generates

discrepancies in outcome — one crew will not be like 

another, which in combat, where units are supposed

 to be interchangeable to promote predictable 

outcomes if all other circumstances remain 

the same, is usually fatal.


Moreover, these problems will only be enhanced by the

 emphasis that will be placed on rapid outcomes. The

 reality is whatever training programs that are 

developed and delivered by the nations 

providing the tanks will be insufficient 

to the task, resulting in poorly trained 

crews taking extremely complicated 

weapons systems into the most 

dangerous environment in the 

world for a tank — the teeth 

of a Russian Army designed 

and equipped to kill these 

very same tanks.


Logistical Sustainability


Tanks are among the most technically challenging weapons

 systems on a modern battlefield. They are constantly

 breaking down, especially if not properly maintained. 

For the M1 Abrams, for every hour a tank is in the 

field, there are three hours of maintenance time 

required. This problem only becomes magnified

 in combat.


Normally an armour unit is equipped with highly specialized 

organic maintenance crews that can repair most of the 

minor issues that can sideline a tank. Given the 

training requirements to produce this level of 

high-quality mechanic, it is unlikely Ukraine 

will be provided with this kind of 

maintenance support.


This means that the tanks that are being provided to Ukraine

 will need to be returned to NATO nations for any significant

 repairs of equipment that is damaged through simple usage 

or actual combat. In short, it is highly likely that a Western

 main battle tank in Ukrainian hands will break down at 

some point during its operational use by Ukraine, 

meaning that the total number of tanks 

available to Ukraine.... will be far less 

than the number of tanks provided.


Operational Employment


Ukraine’s commander in chief of the Armed Forces, General

 Valerii Zaluzhnyi, told The Economist last month that he

 needed 300 tanks, 500 infantry fighting vehicles, and 

500 artillery pieces, if he were going to have any 

chance of defeating [Russia].


Following the January 20 meeting of the Ramstein Contact 

Group, and subsequent follow-on discussions about the

 provision of tanks, NATO and its allied partners have 

agreed to provide less than 50% of the number of 

tanks requested, less than 50% of the number of

 infantry fighting vehicles requested, and less 

than 20% of the artillery requested.


Moreover... the timetable for delivery of this equipment, is

 staggered incoherently over a period that stretches out
for many months, and in some cases extends into the
year. Not only does this complicate training &
sustainability issues....  that are already
inclined for Ukraine, but it makes any
effort, to integrate this material into
a cohesive 
operational employment plan, all but
In short.. Ukraine will be compelled
to commit 
the equipment provided - especially
the tanks 
- into combat in piecemeal fashion.


The truth about tanks is that NATO and its allied nations are

 making Ukraine weaker, not stronger, by providing them 

with military systems that are overly complicated to 

operate, extraordinarily difficult to maintain, and 

impossible to survive unless employed in a 

cogent manner --- while supported by

 extensive combined arms partners.


The decision to provide Ukraine with Western main battle

 tanks is, literally, a suicide pact, something those who 

claim they are looking out for the best interests of 

Ukraine should consider, before it is too late.



What is the point of all this insanity?
What do YOU think?



Trials and Tribulations 

of the Collective West

by Pepe Escobar

January 31st, 2023



Sit back, relax and enjoy a race to the bottom of the Grand

 Canyon. The only question is who will get there first: the

 EU, NATO, or both.


One may be excused to imagine all sorts of amusement 

games unrolling at the HQ of the Russian General Staff 

as The Empire and NATO go literally bonkers. What 

crazy stunt will they come up with next – short 



Here is a delightful put down of NATO’s dementia praecox. 

Everything so far has failed, from “crippling sanctions” to 

all sorts of wunderwaffen, while the whole Global South

 marvels at the exploits of Wagner PMC – now 

configured as the planet’s top urban 

fighting machine.


CIA mouthpiece Washington Post duly released how

Washington -- once again -- had the Liver Sausage 

Chancellor Scholz for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

The idea was floated by Secretary of State Tony 

Blinken: let’s announce we will deliver M1 

Abrams to Ukraine in a hazy, unspecified 

future, thus providing cover for Scholz 

to release the Leopards now.


Don’t you just love German sovereignty in action?


Every military analyst with an IQ over room temperature

 knows all those Leopards will be duly incinerated – or

 better yet, captured, and dissected by Russian 

military specialists.


So what happens next is yet another vector of the – 

very successful so far – U.S.-unleashed German de-

industrualization racket: the Americans will invade

the German industrial military complex with their

“much improved” Abrams – which may perhaps 

arrive in 2024, when only a rump Ukraine may 

still exist, or never arrive at all. So no need

 for the Abrams.... to prove themselves in 

actual combat – as in being captured 

and/or incinerated.


Rumors in Washington advance...... that the U.S. “strategy” in 

Ukraine – extensively detailed by endless think tank reports
had to be adapted. It’s not about “defeating Russia”
anymore  but providing Kiev with the means to
“scare” Russia. The 
Russian General Staff
must be trembling in their boots.


Meanwhile, in real life, nearly every possible scenario gamed 

in Washington and Brussels, finishes with NATO like a giant, 

armoured version of Wile E. Coyote plunging to the depths

of the Grand Canyon. And that happens even if the much

ballyhooed “Big Arrow” Russian offensive starts in a 

few days or weeks, or never starts at all.


Arguably the Russian General Staff has concluded a long time 

ago there’s no point in reducing Ukraine to rubble in a matter 

of hours – something they could easily accomplish. Thus the

 fabled mincing machine approach – offering no excuses for 

NATO to “escalate” (which they continue to do anyway, as

 Jens “War is Peace” Stoltenberg, is so fond of parroting).


The trick is that NATO’s escalation overdrive, as it happens, is

 somewhat controlled by the Russian General Staff, which is

 always calculating which optimal maneuvers will consume

 NATO’s military hardware faster. Call it a Russian version 

of the popular axiom “frog in a boiling pot doesn’t realize 

it’s being cooked until it croaks.”


Attacking Russia-China-Iran


Absolute desperation is now graphically extrapolating into

attacks on Iran. Both Russia and China have Iran as their 

key ally in West Asia for the whole, complex process of 

Eurasia integration; strategic partnerships interlink 

the trio.


So attacking the Ministry of Defense in Isfahan with drones 

– total fail – and bombing an IRGC convoy of humanitarian 

aid crossing from Iraq to Syria --- is a serious U.S.-Israel-
coordinated provocation.


Essentially these are also attacks against Russia and China. 

Israel.... cannot lift its hand or foot ----- without U.S.
permission. Iranian intel may be able to establish
how the Straussian 
neo-con and neoliberal-con
cabal in charge of US foreign
 policy authorized
if not ordered these attacks, which of 
are directly connected to NATO’s
in Ukraine.


When in doubt, just come back to Zbig “Grand Chessboard”

Brzezinski: “Potentially, the most dangerous scenario 

would be a grand coalition of China, Russia and 

perhaps, Iran --- an ‘anti-hegemonic’ coalition 

united not by ideology but by contemporary 

grievances. It would be reminiscent...  in 

scale and scope, of the challenge once 

posed by the Sino-Soviet bloc.”


And mirroring Ukraine/Russia
there’s of course Taiwan/China.


As Credit Suisse strategist, Zoltan Pozsar, has extensively

explained, if Taiwan manufactures chips for U.S. missiles

 Washington then sends to Taiwan for its “self-defense”, 

but Taiwan needs to wait because the missiles are 

needed in Ukraine instead ---- or chips can’t be 

shipped to the U.S. owing to a possible sea 

and air blockade imposed by China, the 

Americans will be operationally ill-

equipped to support their two-

front war against peer 

competitors Russia 

and China.


Bye bye Pax Americana. It’s the fear, actually paranoia, of a

 destroyed Taiwan – and the destruction in every scenario

 would be provoked by the Americans themselves – that 

has led the Straussian neo-con and neoliberal-con 

cabal to demand their chips be Made in USA.


On the energy front, since U.S. energy costs are 

low, Washington gambled that much of the de-

industrialization of Germany, would revert 

to American benefit. Yet since Iranian, 

Russian and Venezuelan oil prices 

are lower than the U.S... not much 

production may be shifting to the 

Hegemon: it will go to China.


To the bottom of the Grand Canyon!


The January 10th joint declaration between EU-NATO

 graphically shows how the EU is no more than the 

P.R. arm of NATO.


This NATO-EU joint mission consists in using all economic, 

political and military means to make sure the “jungle” 

always behaves according to the “rules-based 

international order” and accepts to be 

plundered ad infinitum by the 

“blooming garden”.


So, in the end, what’s left of “Europe”, when it’s 

NATO – actually Washington – that really rules?


“Europe” - according to relentless propaganda - means

defending “our values” – as in peace, democracy and

prosperity. The trick is that unelected elites forced 

the implicit identification of this imagined, 

practically sacred “Europe” --- with the 

European Union. And that, is how the 

EU has acquired a mythical identity.


Of course, in real life the EU --- as in the 

real, politically organized “Europe” --- 

has performed as a toxic instrument 

of division among European peoples.


Instead of peace, it has invested in all-out rabid war 

against Russia. The EU is, arguably, the most 

democratically irresponsible institution on 

the planet: spend a day in Brussels and 

you understand everything. And 

instead of prosperity --- the EU 

has institutionalized austerity.


So sit back, relax, and enjoy a race to the bottom of the 

Grand Canyon. The only question is, who will get there

 first: the EU, NATO, or both.



I love Pepe's optimism and humour...

while we're teetering on the brink.


What do YOU think?





Washington Post: US statement 

about the supply of Abrams to 

Ukraine, is a cover for Scholz

January 29th, 10:49am



The delivery of Abrams tanks to Ukraine announced by the

 United States became a cover for Germany to provide the 

Kyiv regime with Leopard 2. This is reported by The 

Washington Post, which gained access to the 

conversations of people familiar with 

the discussions.


The publication claims that German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, 

and US President Joe Biden could not agree on the transfer 

of German tanks.... for a long time. Scholz did not want 

Germany to “challenge Russia” first among Western 

countries. He demanded that the tanks be handed 

over at the same time as the United States.


Washington, in turn, insisted that German armoured vehicles

should be sent to Kyiv as soon as possible, because the

Ukrainian military “will be easier to learn” on them, 

and not on US ones.


The publication notes that after the conversation, Biden asked

 National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Secretary of

 State, Blinken, what steps should be taken.


“It was Blinken who suggested a possible workaround. What if 

they announced their intention to supply Abrams tanks as 

part of Kyiv’s “long-term” needs in a conflict that could 

go on for years? This could give Scholz the cover he 

was looking for to allow the Leopard tanks to 

immediately head to Ukraine, and give the 

Pentagon time to prepare its tanks, the 

Ukrainian military..... and create the

logistics,” the journalists write.


In parallel with this -- the publication clarifies -- in Europe, 

potential Leopard suppliers have focused on increasing
pressure on Berlin in order to obtain permission from 

the manufacturer to transfer equipment to the 

government of Ukraine.


“But for Scholz it was a serious political dilemma. From the

 first days of the conflict, he tried not to go ahead of the

 column when it came to arming Ukraine, expressing 

fears about possible retribution from Moscow,” the 

authors of the material note.


At the same time, according to journalists, the head of the 

Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, was opposed to the supply of 

Abrams tanks --- convinced that their operation and

 logistics would be too complicated.


“He was convinced -- that the Ukrainians would not be able 

to maintain and service massive battle tanks. In addition,

 American vehicles --- are protected by special depleted 

uranium armour of a classified design --- which the 

United States did not want Russia to get its 

hands on”, the authors of the 

publication concluded.



If the US dares to use depleted uranium

in any form -- the rage from Russia, will

tear over the US -- in a vengeful fury.


What do YOU think they will do?




War Is a Racket…   Tanks 

a Lot, Now Give Us F-16s!

January 27th, 2023




The vampiric orgy of weapons going to Ukraine could 

provoke a terrifying world war and global catastrophe.


No sooner had the United States, Germany and other NATO 

powers announced the major release of main battlefield 

tanks for Ukraine, the Kiev regime immediately started 

demanding the supply of US-made F-16 warplanes.


The attitude is incorrigible. Chutzpah 

on steroids, or perhaps cocaine.


As Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky gloated this week

 shamelessly and without a hint of irony to corporate 

honchos in Florida, the war in his country means 

“big business opportunities” for the West. This 

clownish figure was formerly a comedian and 

actor before becoming a politician. Now he 

can add pimping to his grubby career.


For weeks, in the Western states, there have been tortuous

public discussions about whether to send tanks to support 

the Kiev regime against Russia. Then abruptly, the U.S., 

Germany and other NATO allies have one by one

 unceremoniously shirked the taboo and are 

promising delivery of the heavy armour 

weaponry. The Biden administration.. 

declared it will send around 30 units 

of M1 Abrams. Germany is to send 

about 14 Leopard 2 tanks as are 

several other European NATO 

members who have the 

German-made vehicle

 in their inventories.


 Britain has announced it will supply about 14 of its Challenger 

2 tanks and France is considering supplying Leclerc main

 battlefield units.


The numbers involved are way short of the 300 demanded by

 the Kiev regime and will not deliver the much-vaunted and

 totally unrealistic “victory” over Russia. The tokenism is, 

however, part of an enormous war racket. It’s all about 

pumping up more profiteering rather than any principle 

or serious strategic objective in Ukraine, apart from

 destabilizing Russia and trying to isolate Moscow

 internationally. The danger is, however, if the 

powder keg is stoked any further, the risk of 

an unintended conflagration becomes a 

growing probability.


It’s almost farcical – if it wasn’t so grave – how reckless

 is the rush by NATO powers to outdo each other in 

military madness.


Moscow has condemned an “extremely dangerous escalation”

 which puts NATO in direct conflict with Russia --- on a path of

 full-blown war in Europe. Any such war will not be confined 

to Europe. This is a step off the abyss towards a world war 

at grave risk of unleashing nuclear annihilation.


Over the past year --- since Russia launched its special military

 operation in Ukraine to neutralize a NATO-sponsored NeoNazi

 regime that had for eight years been aggressing ethnic

 Russian people formerly in eastern Ukraine (now 

integrated into the Russian Federation after 

popular referenda) -- the United States and 

its allies have scaled up weapon supplies

 to Ukraine at a staggering blitzkrieg rate.


The financial and military aid funneled into Ukraine, over just 

12 months from the U.S., NATO and European Union amounts 

to around $100 billion. This, is while these states are telling

 their own citizens that there isn’t enough money for funding

 essential public services and welfare needs, amid crushing 

economic inflation caused in large part by energy prices

 soaring from unilaterally cutting Russian gas supplies.


 The nature of the weapons has graduated to increasingly

 offensive firepower and quantity. The readiness by the 

NATO powers to mobilize military resources indicates 

that this war was anticipated as a showdown 

with Russia.


Ukrainian defense official Yuriy Sak cockily commented 

about the relative ease of the “next big hurdle” of 

acquiring F-16s fighter jets.


“They didn’t want to give us heavy artillery, then they did.

 They didn’t want to give us HIMARS [missiles], then they

 did. They didn’t want to give us tanks, now they’re 

giving us tanks. Apart from nuclear weapons,

 there is nothing left that we will not get.”


That means F-16s are up next.


It’s not clear who the “they” ---- who “didn’t want to” supply
weapons are. Every step of the way, Western leaders have 

quickly jettisoned any supposed scruples or reservations

 about supplying weapons. The so-called “reservations”, 

seem in hindsight now to have been nothing but cynical 

deception: to hoodwink the Western public about what 

their politicians are doing – which is opening the gates 

of hell for war --- by plying Ukraine with weapons and

 suppressing any attempt at ending the conflict 

through politics and diplomacy.


 Lest it should be forgotten, politics and diplomacy should 

be the first and most urgent effort. The negligence, 

indeed repudiation, of diplomacy by Western 

powers --- is tantamount to criminal 

conspiracy for fueling hostility.


Meanwhile, Lockheed Martin, the US maker of the F-16 has

 cheerily chimed in on cue -- that it is ready to supply the 

fighter jet to Ukraine as soon as NATO leaders agree 

to give the go-ahead. Lockheed Martin is also the 

maker of HIMARS and Javelin missiles. The US 

military-industrial complex is raking in record 

profits over this war in Ukraine. U.S. global 

exports of weapons have surged by an 

estimated 50 per cent year-on-year, 

mainly due to selling to European

 allies who have emptied their 

arsenals for Ukraine.


There is a sense of inevitability that the “hurdle” of F-16s 

and other advanced warplanes will be dispensed with in 

due course --- in the same way that Washington and its 

allies overcame their lame hesitance about missiles 

and tanks. What can be expected --- is more long-

range missiles as well as advanced warplanes.


President Joe Biden declared preposterously that the tanks

 being sent to Ukraine, are not “offensive”, nor a “threat to

 Russia”. He called them - “tanks for freedom”. This is the 

same nonsense as other NATO leaders claiming that the 

best way to peace in Ukraine is to arm the Kiev regime 

with even more lethal weapons. Biden also asserted 

that if Russian troops withdrew from Ukraine then

 the war would be over. This is dissembling about

 the causes of the conflict & what Washington’s

 geopolitical agenda really is about: salvaging 

hegemonic ambitions with regard to Russia, 

China and any other perceived rival. The 

war would not simply stop, as Biden 

lied through his teeth. The war in 

Ukraine is but a battlefield in a 

much bigger war for asserting 

US supremacy --- which is no 

longer viable in an emerging

multipolar world ---- amid 

collapsing US economic 



Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said it best

 this week, albeit inadvertently. “We are fighting a war 

against Russia,” she blurted out during a Council of 

Europe parliamentary debate in Strasbourg....

 regarding the dispatch of Leopard tanks.


The war in Ukraine is nothing more than a racket in the same

 sordid tradition as condemned by US Marine Corps Major

 General Smedley D Butler -- in the 1930s. Zelensky and 

his cabal are rife with corruption and profiteering, as 

the mass sacking of his cabinet officials this week

 demonstrates. Even the Western media could not

 ignore the scandal, despite doing their best to 

whitewash the fiasco as a crackdown on 

corruption. Those sackings only came 

about after Zelensky’s aides were 

exposed as being up their eyes -- 

in embezzling, fraud and bribery.


The huge sums of money being pumped into the Kiev regime

 by Western governments courtesy of Western taxpayers &

 the debt of future generations, is a driver of the corruption. 

Of course, the Kiev racketeers are demanding more and 

more weapons from the West because “big business” is

 lining their pockets, offshore properties and 

bank accounts.


And of course, the Western weapons companies are all too

 happy to ramp up production, sales and profits. Western

 politicians and governments are feeding at the trough 

of the military-industrial complex, through lobbyists 

and board member sinecures, like the U.S. Sec. of 

Defense, Lloyd Austin, who is hooked up with 

Raytheon - another Pentagon firm that has 

enriched itself from the Ukraine conflict.


Despite Western media propaganda about “defending Ukraine”

 and “fighting for democracy”, the reality is the United States

 and its NATO minions are all in for greasing the war-machine

 capitalist economies and for their own personal gain. The

 tragedy is that the weapons pipelines will not help 

Ukraine. Russian forces are decimating the NATO-

sponsored NeoNazi regime. Not even tanks or 

warplanes will salvage the military disaster.


The West is filling a bloodbath in Ukraine for their merchants

 of death. The obscenity of callously shoving people into a

 slaughter for no moral or just cause, but all for the profit-

making of corporations, themselves and the corrupt 

cabal in Kiev ---- is despicable beyond words.


The real danger is that the vampiric orgy of weapons going 

to Ukraine could provoke a terrifying world war and global

 catastrophe. That is the measure of the evil at the heart 

of the Western powers and their puppet masters. The 

First and Second World Wars were manifestations of 

the same evil imperialist system. If it has its way,

 that is without Russia’s restraining power, then 

the world is facing another calamity -- brought 

about by the same criminal system.



That's telling us!
But will we learn?

What do YOU think?




West demands - continuation 

of bloody banquet in Ukraine

January 26th, 8:53am



Here, in fact, are the main words about the near future of

 Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. And they 

were said, and for a while... it seems, coming to 

consciousness, by the main beneficiary of 

this whole bloody affair, the president
the USA, Joe Biden.


Sending Ukraine 31 M1 Abrams tanks to form an entire tank

 battalion, he said, during a speech on the evening of the

25th of January -- which was broadcast on the White 

House Twitter account: “We intend to help Ukraine 

defend its territory and launch a counter-offensive. 

To liberate the whole country, they need to 

increase their defensive capabilities.”


The key words here are, you understand, “counter-offensive”. 

It clearly and unambiguously puts an “i” point in all these 

vain and solidly annoying conversations... whether the 

AFU will --- or will not --- launch an offensive in the 

approaching spring. It is clear now ------ they 

will, the master said so.


At that, the US President hinted specifically, however, that the

 tanks may not be necessary, because their delivery will take

 several months. And the tanks will either not arrive in 

Ukraine by that time, or they will be needed only by 

the USO troops, which - by that time - will 

disassemble the neo-Nazi Ukraine, into 

stinking atoms .. like in the Banderite 

crypts. Such is the dilemma of the 

donkey and the Padishah, 

in Ukrainian. 


Although Biden added that the US would immediately start 

working on a programme to train Ukrainian tankers to 

work with Abrams and would send eight repair and 

recovery vehicles to service the tanks.


Biden’s loyal subject, German Foreign Minister Annalena 

Berbock, also stood out, of course, as she bluntly called 

what was happening in Ukraine a “war”. Before that 

there had been “defence of democracy and 

universal human values”, “opposition to 

Putin’s aggression”, and suddenly, 

bang, war. How could it be? 

A paradigm shift…


The revelation of bellicose Annalena happened, because her 

immediate boss – Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz – under 

the general pressure sagged and deflated, like a rotten fly

 agaric under the foot of the mushroom. On January the

25th, 2023, on the day of the 85th anniversary of 

Vladimir Vysotsky, who used to sing “soldiers 

of the Centre group are marching through 

Ukraine”, Scholz confirmed that official 

Berlin would send Ukraine.......

 Leopard 2 tanks.


Moreover, Germany will also allow other countries to re-export

 these tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. After Poland 

blew propaganda over Scholz’s head, accusing Germany 

of not giving tanks and Ukrainian democracy of being in

 terrible, unbearable, danger on the matter. But Poland 

applied to send Leopards to Ukraine, and Berlin gave

 the go-ahead.


After that, tanks promised to pour into Ukraine like a bloody

horn of death. The Czech Republic, Canada, Spain, and

Portugal officially declared their readiness to transfer 

the tanks to Kiev. Sweden does not rule out the 

transfer to Ukraine of the Stridsvagn 122, 

which is the local version of the 

German Leopard 2.


But again – in the future. Because it is customary to have this

 caveat – the first combat vehicles from Europe to Ukraine 

may arrive in about three months. And during this time, 

either the Padishah or the donkey will say its word…


However, at the last meeting of the Ramstein format 12

 countries agreed to provide Ukraine with around 100 

Leopard 2 tanks. They are designed to “bring Putin 

to his knees”. And it shows --- that the first step in 

preparation for the counter-offensive announced 

by Biden in the spring has already been taken – 

another carrot has been dangled in front of 

the Ukrainian donkey........ that must run 

to attack.


But that is not all. In Ukraine itself they have done everything

 to eliminate all kinds of controversies & aggravated struggle

 for power and access to the trough, and also to calm down 

the loose power ambitions of some political imbeciles, 

who do not want to understand correctly the task of

 their masters. This is the second, if you like, 

parallel step... in the preparation for a 



First CIA chief William Burns, and then former British prime

 minister Boris Johnson, came to Ukraine and together they

 brought to a common denominator two large groups of the

 Ukrainian establishment not to speak of by night, oriented

 towards the CIA and MI6. That is, the US and the UK, 

between whom, there was a marked difference in 

the approach to the war in Ukraine: the US was 

ready for a ceasefire, while Britain wanted

 the blood of the last Ukrainian.


Burns and Johnson instigated not only reconciliation, but 

also a mopping-up of especially opportunity-weary 

Ukrainian officials – from deputy ministers mired 

in outright and wildly cynical corruption.. and 

rampant embezzlement, to the deputy head 

of the Office of the President (OPU) Kirill 

Timoshenko, and several governors. 

Ukrainian ''President'' Volodymyr 

Zelenski, waved his resignation

decrees, like a famous old 

woman with a scythe.


And, as the Russian political analyst, Sergei Markov, wrote:


“Zelensky’s personnel purge.. is believed to have been 

carried out at the request of the US, against Britain’s 

people in the Zelensky administration”. And then he 

clarified: “They say, the Americans are fed up with 

the insolence of British handlers and their agents. 

Britain invests little resources in Ukraine, but 

wants to command a lot. And it is not British 

money that the British agents steal, but 

American money. So they were


“They also gave Zelensky a fat hint that he must listen to Big 

Brother more than to his arrogant little brother in Britain. 

…The US, it turns out, did not issue tanks to Zelensky

 because Zelensky did not want to fire the British 

arrogant agents --- like Tymoshenko. After 

Ramstein, Zelensky realised... that he 

would have to fire him”.


Moreover, Markov prophesied: “If Zelensky appoints an

 American, rather than a British agent, to replace 

Tymoshenko, the US will announce the transfer 

of several Abrams tanks, symbolically. But 

most importantly, the US will give a strict 

order to Germany to give the go-ahead 

for the transfer of German Leopard 

tanks - by various countries - to 

Zelensky. This is what it looks 

like from Kiev. In the coming 

days we will verify 

that version”.


What is there to verify? As Markov said, it happened, it is 

not Newton’s binomial – the non-self-governing policy of 

Ukraine’s neo-Nazis Zelensky, in the service of the 

collective West.


In parallel with the cleansing of his corrupt and utterly

 debased entourage, Zelensky has taken the third step 

in the necessary unification of the country & society 

for the war -– he has continued the mobilising and 

intimidating repression against those who might 

(be?) his opponent. He enacted a decision of the

 National Security and Defence Council (NSDCU) 

on sanctions against 10 individuals associated 

with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and 

the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC MP). 

The decree was published on January 

the 24th, on the website of the 

presidential office.


This time it was an oligarch, former Verkhovna Rada MP and

 UOC deacon Vadym Novynskyy, the head of the UOC Kiev-

Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Petro (Lebed) of Vyshgorod 

and Chernobyl, metropolitans and bishops of Crimean 

dioceses, including Simferopol, Feodosiya, Koktebel 

and Dzhankoy, Archbishop of Rovenky and 

Sverdlovsk UOC, Alexander Taranov, 

Metropolitan of Izyum & Kupyansk 

UOC, Oleg Ivanov, the Bishop 

of Romny and the Burinsky 

UOC, Alexey Maslennikov.


In addition to the fact that in 2022 the Ukrainian authorities

 have already organized the largest wave of persecution of 

the UOC-MP in the modern history of the country, a bill to 

actually ban it in Ukraine --- has already been submitted
the Verkhovna Rada. Sanctions have been imposed 

against.. many and other members of the clergy. 

And the SBU has begun to open criminal cases 

against clergy of the UOC MP and to conduct 

“counter-intelligence activities” – searches 

of bishops and priests and in churches 

and monasteries, including the Kyiv 

Pechersk Lavra ---- looking for 

evidence of “anti-Ukrainian



Why was all this done? To bring the Ukrainians to their knees 

and force them to do what the neo-Nazis and their masters, 

who, alas, are so far good at it, command without question.


However, even the West, as we can see, is well aware that the

 success of the proposed counterattack depends entirely on

 Russia and its air defence forces. What they will want or be

 able to do in the operation zone, they will learn from the

 counter-offensive – there may not be one at all, if 

Ukraine disappears.


The Russian Foreign Ministry, its president Vladimir Putin and

 now – most recently – the Russian ambassador to the US, 

Anatoly Antonov, have all warned that the weapons 

supplied to Kiev will be a legitimate target for the 

Russian military. And that Russian troops will 

“destroy Abrams as well as other Western 

equipment”, which, according to Dmitry 

Peskov, spokesman for the Russian 

president, “burn just fine” like
the others.


And what should be done to make them burn perfectly well is

at once answered by Yuri Knutov, director of the Air Defense

 Forces Museum, popular on Russian TV: “During World War II 

we fought a whole railroad war, when partisans destroyed

 railway stations and bridges and knocked out a large part 

of the arms and ammunition supply to the Germans. Now 

we can do something similar...... not with the help of 

partisans, but with high-precision weapons.”


And you can’t deny Knutow’s logic. Now the word must not 

diverge from the deed, otherwise Russia will continue to 

stand on its own stretcher – between promises to do 

and what has been done.


Vladimir Skachko, Antifascist News Agency



In Wales, there are many anti-fascists..

who support Russia in this. Which 

side do YOU now support?





UN and IAEA to ignore AFU 

ammunition depots at 

nuclear power plant 

– expert Knutov

January 24th, 11:35am



The West will traditionally prefer to “close its eyes” to the 

new criminal actions of the Ukrainian side. The military 

analyst Yuri Knutov called on Russia to “ring the bells” 

in the international arena --- because of Kyiv’s 

stockpiling of missiles and ammunition 

directly at Ukrainian nuclear 

power plants.


According to the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian 

Federation, the militants are actively deploying missiles to 

HIMARS and foreign air defense systems, on the territory 

of Ukrainian nuclear power plants, accumulating stocks 

of large-calibre artillery ammunition there. Several 

loaded wagons were transported through the

 Rafalovka railway junction, alone.


“To be honest, I predicted a similar scenario a few months 

ago when it was about the seizure of the territory of the 

Zaporizhzhya NPP, by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
October-November last year, the West and Kyiv 

actively demanded... the “demilitarization” of 

this facility. And even then, it was clear: that

in the event of the withdrawal of our troops

from the station nothing would prevent the 

Ukrainian army -- from seizing the nuclear 

power plant -- and creating a springboard 

on its base, for an attack on Berdyansk 

and Melitopol. After all, the Ukrainians 

were well aware that the Russian 

army under no circumstances 

would shoot at the ZNPP, 

simply because it is 

a nuclear facility”, 

Knutov recalled.


Now the criminal Kyiv regime has begun to cynically

 use the territories of nuclear power facilities as 

warehouses for modern ammunition, Knutov 

was indignant.


“How criminal this activity is, it is clear even to a child
 after all, the explosion of these munitions next to a

 nuclear reactor threatens monstrous consequences 

throughout Europe. But even more terrible, is that 

neither the IAEA nor the UN, will probably react 

- in any way - to this information. I’m just sure 

that they will let it go past their ears,
Knutov said. 


“Although it is clear that, if it were not about Ukraine, but

 about any other country, the IAEA would immediately

 intervene and demand the immediate withdrawal 

of all military depots from the territory of 

nuclear power plants. As well as the 

complete demilitarization of 

these territories.”


“At the same time, there is an IAEA mission

on the territory of the ZNPP,” the 

expert recalled.


“IAEA specialists make sure that even Russian heavy

 weapons, such as tanks and self-propelled guns, are

 not on the territory of the nuclear power plant. At 

the same time, at nuclear power plants that are

controlled by Ukraine Armed Forces, Western 

shells and missiles are massively stockpiled 

and for some reason, there is not a single 

international controller there. I regard 

this as a forbidden method of waging 

war, and this should be declared as 

loudly as possible both from the 

rostrum of the UN, and within 

the framework of the BRICS, 

the Shanghai Cooperation 

Organization ------ and, in 

general, “ring the bells” 

..at all possible inter-

national platforms.”


At the same time, according to Knutov, the UN actually 

openly refuses to listen -- to the terrible truth about 

Ukrainian crimes, which Moscow regularly tries 

to convey. The inaction of international 

organizations “gives the green light”

 to a new nuclear disaster, the 

analyst concluded.



In wars, people and organisations reveal

their true selves... what do YOU reveal?






Horrifying treatment of Ukrainian 

refugees in Israeli-occupied 

by Kit Klarenberg 

January 22nd, 2:53pm



In the wake of Russia's military operation in Ukraine, which

 began in February last year, millions of Ukrainian citizens

 - including women and children - have fled the country 

to seek refuge elsewhere.


Reports of Ukrainian refugees encountering 

nightmarish, unsafe conditions in their 

adopted countries, are countless.


Britain’s Homes for Ukraine had been operational less than a

 month, for example, before the UN High Commissioner for

 Refugees (UNHCR) demanded official oversight of the 

scheme be drastically overhauled and “adequate 

safeguards” put in place to protect against the

“exploitation” of the scheme’s beneficiaries,

 due to increasing reports of women... 

“feeling at risk from their sponsors.”


Such a squalid state of affairs nonetheless pales in

 comparison to the horror that welcomed Ukrainian 

refugees who took up residence in the Israeli-

occupied territories.


A local media report published in early January, conveniently

dismissed by the Western media, documents the widespread 

abuse, rape, and exploitation - which gives the impression of

being facilitated if not encouraged, by the Israeli authorities.


In total, approximately 47,000 Ukrainians not eligible

 for citizenship under the Israeli regime’s grossly

 discriminatory Law of Return travelled there 

following Russia's military operation in 

Ukraine, according to the regime's 

so-called 'welfare ministry'. 


Not a single one was accorded formal refugee status, 

and of these, only around 15,000 remain. And it’s 

not hard to see why.


Ukrainians fleeing to seek refuge in the Israeli-occupied

 territories mostly arrived with no possessions or 

savings and tried to find work to 

support themselves. 


Yet numerous legal barriers made this initially impossible, 

and despite subsequent reforms intended to secure

 employment, many still struggle, bouncing from 

one insecure, undocumented, poorly paid

 short-term job to another.


“The reality is that you are locked in some room in the centre

 of Israel and you need to work — a lot. You’re illegal here,

 your work is illegal, your stay is illegal, and your owner 

remains fully in control. You can’t do anything,” one

 refugee quoted in the report laments. 


This sad state of affairs created a veritable feeding frenzy for

 exploitative employers, who offer employment in return for

 a sizable cut of a Ukrainian’s earnings. 


The report states how one woman in her 50s was introduced

 to an Israeli man with “strong business links” in Kiev, who

 offered her work, an apartment, health insurance, and

 everything she needed to get started.


Upon arrival, he housed her in a shared room in a cramped 

apartment rife with mold and fungus, where two other

 families also lived.


She was forced to work two backbreaking five-hour shifts

 every day, travelling to and fro in minibuses without air

 conditioning in the scorching heat. Every time her 

working day was complete, he deducted half 

her wages.


Her health has deteriorated sharply since arriving in 

the occupied territories, and she now experiences

 migraines and anxiety attacks but is trapped by

 her employer, according to the report. 


After trying to leave his clutches and find work 

elsewhere, he threatened to report her to the

authorities as an undocumented migrant, 

which would mean she was deported 

“within 48 hours.”


In July, sharp limits on where Ukrainians could work were

introduced, with outright bans on legal employment 

for refugees in 17 cities, including Tel Aviv and 

Jerusalem, where work is most likely to

 be found.


The Israeli regime's outgoing interior minister Ayelet Shaked 

subsequently imposed further restrictions, prohibiting any

Ukrainian who arrived since October, from working at 

all, anywhere.


Telegram and WhatsApp groups offering work with no paper 

trail have popped up in profusion since February 24th last 

year. Offers of roles in massage parlours as well as sex

 work... are plentiful. 


In a perverse twist too, several Ukrainians were put up 

by the authorities in a ‘hotel’ that a representative of 

an organization assisting Russian and Ukrainian 

Jews described as “literally a brothel.”


They claim a representative of the welfare ministry 

admitted to knowing the nature of the premises.


Ukrainians staying at the site had windowless rooms 

and were kept awake by wild parties and the sound 

of people indulging in illicit sexual activities 'round

 the clock elsewhere in the building.


“I feel like Israeli authorities hate us here. It’s as if we smell 

bad or something,” was how another refugee described her 

interactions with interior ministry officials.


Most disturbing of all, the report documents how numerous

Ukrainians, were raped by Israeli men, who wrote them 

letters of invitation, which helped get them out of

 the warzone. 


In attempting to report these heinous crimes, the victims

 “encountered a maze of bureaucracy and lost any

 motivation” to bring their attackers to justice, 

with police and social services,

 effectively off-limits.


In one instance, a Ukrainian woman reported her rapist to

 authorities, only to be told via text message after weeks

of silence that the charges had been dropped, due to
“insubstantial” evidence. 


As foreigners in the occupied territories, they are not entitled

 to free legal aid, and therefore must pay thousands of 

shekels to private lawyers for basic representation. 

At least one victim has committed suicide as a 

result of these horrid experiences.


Very occasionally, these incidents leak out into local media.

 In March, an Israeli man was arrested on suspicion of 

breaking into the apartment of a Ukrainian woman

 in Jaffa, then raping and robbing her.


Two months later, an Ashdod resident was arrested and

 indicted for the alleged rape of a 19-year-old Ukrainian

 woman. He reportedly offered to help her find a 

cleaning job, and under the pretext of giving 

her a ride to work, drove her instead to a 

hotel, where he raped her.


“Many of these abuses remain at best under the radar of the 

authorities or at worst wilfully ignored, leaving the victims

 in a cycle of violence and poverty that only deepens the

 trauma they have endured to date. The perpetrators 

remain free to commit further crimes,” the 

report notes.


Such abuses are all the more perverse when one considers 

that the Israeli regime loudly advertised its welcome of

 Ukrainians as a symbol of its “tolerance & progressive

 values”. There were even more cynical motives at 

work, too. Initially, it was intended by the 

apartheid regime that these refugees 

would further its criminal project of 

settlement expansion on 

Palestinian lands.


They were to be given property in the occupied Palestinian 

territories, in order to populate those areas - deemed as

 illegal by the United Nations in its multiple resolutions

 - in the process of transforming them into colonizers

 and settlers.


The effort was even given an official moniker, 

“Operation Israeli Guarantees”.


Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh strongly

 warned against such misadventure, as Ukrainians 

arrived at settlements in the occupied West Bank, 

including Yitzhar, a key base of operations for 

Zionist extremists who routinely attack 

indigenous Arabs and steal 

their property.


It is truly remarkable and obnoxious that not a single 

Western journalist has deemed this shocking report

 fit to report on.... weeks since its publication. 


Nonetheless, such an oversight is understandable and 

entirely predictable, given the mainstream media’s 

omerta on the Zionist regime’s vicious, never-

ending crimes against the Palestinian people 

- and it is arguable that this conspiracy of 

silence is precisely why Israelis feel 

emboldened to mistreat hapless 

Ukrainian refugees.


In a truly just world, the experience of Ukrainian refugees

 in the occupied territories would trigger widespread 

scrutiny of the Zionist project, more generally.


For if that murderous ideology’s adherents have no qualm 

about subjecting people who enjoy nearly universal 

public and media sympathy across the Western 

world to such savage abuse, one can only

 imagine how much worse a captive 

population suffers under 

those occupiers. 



Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist and MintPresss

 News contributor exploring the role of intelligence 

services in shaping politics and perceptions. His 

work has previously appeared in The Cradle, 

Declassified UK, Electronic Intifada, 

Grayzone, and ShadowProof. 


Follow him on Twitter @KitKlarenberg.


(The views expressed in this article, are 

the author's own and do not necessarily

reflect those of Press TV 

or Rhondda Records)



It's an evil people who will

rob people in need - what

do YOU think?





US media: Washington

 pushes Ukraine to

 hit Crimea

January 21st, 2:04pm



Analysis of the article by The New York Times:


“Although the United States has said for several years that

 Crimea is still part of Ukraine, it has refused to provide 

Kiev with the lethal weapons with which Ukraine 

could try to retake the peninsula by force. But

 in recent days, Washington’s harsh rhetoric 

has softened... as soon as “serious” 

armaments are supplied, and the 

president’s administration has 

increasingly indicated that it

is willing -- to provide them. 

Even if such a move would

increase ---- the risk of 

escalation,” The New
York Times


White House officials say nothing has changed and the 

Biden administration’s position remains the same – 

Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Every country has 

the right to defend itself and its sovereign 

territory within its internationally 

recognized borders, says the

National Security Council 

spokeswoman ------

 Adrienne Watson.


Although in private conversations, military experts and

 political analysts --- are sceptical about the Ukrainian

 idea of “reclaiming” Crimea, believing that nothing 

will come of this endeavour, apart from more 

casualties on the Ukrainian side. And... if 

anything is to be conquered, there are 

other, more realistic goals, the

 paper stressed.


But the Biden administration has concluded that Kiev is

 simply obliged to show Russia that it is “serious” about

 returning Crimea. The White House believes, that one

 demonstration of intentions may be enough to make

 Kiev’s position stronger in any future negotiations.


In addition, fears that the Kremlin would retaliate with tactical 

nuclear weapons have disappeared, US officials and experts

 said, although they warned that the risk remains.


If one recalls that not so long ago the White House was afraid 

to publicly acknowledge the fact that it had supplied Kiev 

with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, it becomes clear, how 

much the mood and plans in Washington, have changed:

 from cautious provision of Javelin anti-tank missiles,
 Patriot SAMs, and tanks, The New York Times

 draws attention.


“Now, the Biden administration is contemplating one of its 

boldest moves yet – helping Ukraine attack the peninsula, 

which Russia has always regarded as primordially 

Russian territory. 


US officials are discussing with their Ukrainian counterparts 

the possibility of using American-supplied weapons, from

 HIMARS missile systems to Bradley Fighting Vehicles. 

They also discuss... the possibility, of taking under 

Ukrainian control, the land corridor from Crimea 

to Russia, which runs through Melitopol and 

Mariupol,” the authors of the article, 

Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and 

Julian E. Barnes, wrote.


They note that Ukrainian officials have long insisted 

that pressure on Russian military bases on the 

peninsula, should be part of the military

 strategy of the AFU.


However, President Biden is not yet ready to provide 

Ukraine with long-range missile systems, which is 

what Kiev is asking for --- for strikes against

 Russian targets in Crimea.


By deciding to give the Bradley combat vehicles to Ukraine, 

the Biden administration has agreed in part to Kiev’s

 longstanding requests. The Bradleys, are armoured 

personnel carriers equipped with powerful 25mm 

guns and guided missiles... and are capable of 

resisting Russian tanks, the authors explain.


According to Frederick B. Hodges, a retired lieutenant general

 and former commander-in-chief of the US Army in Europe,

 already in the coming months, Ukrainian troops will be 

able to use the Bradley to cut the land corridor from 

Crimea to Russia. And if France & Germany deliver 

their armoured fighting vehicles to Kiev, by then, 

Ukraine will have a full-fledged armoured force 

that it could use in a counter-offensive as 

early as this winter or spring, both 

government and independent 

military experts in the US,

 have assured.


British Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, said during a 

visit to Washington, that now is the right time to step 

up Western support for Ukraine. Why now? Because 

“we cannot allow this to drag on and turn into a
 of stalemate like the First World War,”
minister explained.


Furthermore, Kiev fears that if the war drags on, Ukraine

 simply will not survive it – the country’s economy is in

 decline. Therefore, Zelensky has no choice --- but to 

take an urgent swing at Crimea. Especially.. since 

Evelyn Farkas, the Pentagon’s top representative

 for Ukraine... under the Obama administration, 

assures us that “without Crimea, everything 

will fall apart”. She does not explain what 

“everything” is. 


The White House does not really believe, that the Ukrainian

Armed Forces, will be able to seize the peninsula militarily;
they, rather, want to stage a frightening act for Russia and
then immediately sit Kiev down at the negotiating table,

the article said.


“It should be added that US officials are still wary of the 

Kremlin’s reaction to an attack on Crimea using US 

weapons. After all, none of the several Ukrainian 

attacks on Crimea have, so far, questioned the 

peninsula’s belonging to Russia. Moreover, 

not long ago, Secretary of State Anthony 

J. Blinken reiterated the unchanged US 

policy towards Ukraine, according to 

which the Biden administration, will

 help regain.. territories seized last 

year. As you know Crimea is not 

one of those territories,” the 

NYT concludes.


Our comment: This is a tricky situation for the White House – it 

is very eager to encourage Kiev to strike Crimea, but it is also

 very scary, so they reassure themselves that “nothing will 

happen -- for that. Although the sabotage on the Crimean 

bridge was followed by the destruction of the Ukrainian

 energy sector (and the States, by the way, do not care 

about it at all), Washington is itching to check what

will happen after the missile attack on the 

peninsula. Of course, it is not about 

“liberation”, because the residents 

of Crimea are Russians by choice 

and do not want any “liberation” 

from Ukraine --- and a strike on

 the peninsula, will certainly be
perceived as an act of 


But Washington is not interested in this either. The aim is 

quite different: to check what measures Russia is ready

 to take. What will happen to Ukraine, is of no concern 

to the Americans, just as they are indifferent to the 

losses of the AFU at Artemivsk (Bakhmut).


Well, the NYT, to the best of its informational ability, is 

helping the Biden administration to spread crazy 

ideas by replicating them and not letting its 

readers know... what is really going on 

in Ukraine.


by Ella Maistrenko, Odna Rodina.

A bluff?

What do YOU think
Russia could do?



'Fragmented world' 

sleepwalks into 

World War III

by Pepe Escobar

(Publshed here, January 20th) 


The self-appointed Davos "elites" are afraid. So afraid. At this

 week’s World Economic Forum meetings, mastermind Klaus 

Schwab – displaying his trademark Bond villain act – carped 

over and over again about a categorical imperative: we need

 "Cooperation in a Fragmented World".


While his diagnosis of “the most critical fragmentation” the 

world is now mired in is predictably somber, Herr Schwab

 maintains that “the spirit of Davos is positive” and in the

 end..... we may all live happily... in a “green 

sustainable economy.”


What Davos has been good at, this week, is showering public

 opinion with new mantras. There’s “The New System” which,

 considering the abject failure of the much ballyhooed Great

 Reset, now looks like a matter of hastily updating the 

current – rattled - operating system.


Davos needs new hardware, new programming skills, even 

a new virus. Yet for the moment all that’s available is a 

“polycrisis”: or, in Davos speak, a “cluster of related

 global risks with compounding effects.”


In plain English: a perfect storm.


Insufferable bores from that Divide and Rule island in northern

 Europe have just found out that “geopolitics”, alas, never 

really entered the tawdry “end of history” tunnel: much 

to their amazement it’s now centred – again - across

 the Heartland, as it’s been for most of 

recorded history.


They complain about “threatening” geopolitics,

 which is code for Russia-China, with

 Iran attached.


But the icing on the Alpine cake is arrogance/stupidity

 actually giving away the game: the City of London 

and its vassals are  livid because the “world 

Davos made” is fast collapsing.


Davos did not “make” any world 

apart from its own simulacrum.


Davos never got anything right, because these “elites” 

were always busy eulogizing the Empire of Chaos
 its lethal “adventures” across the
Global South.


Davos not only failed to foresee all recent, major economic

 crises but most of all the current “perfect storm”, linked 

to the neoliberalism-spawned deindustrialization of 

the Collective West.


And, of course, Davos is clueless about the real

 Reset taking place ------ towards multipolarity.


Self-described opinion leaders are busy “re-discovering” that 

Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain was set in Davos –

 “against the backdrop of a deadly disease and an 

impeding world war” – nearly a century ago.


Well, nowadays the “disease” –- fully bioweaponized -- is not 

exactly deadly, per se. And the “impending World War”, is in 

fact being actively encouraged by a cabal of US Straussian 

neo-cons & neoliberal-cons: an unelected, unaccountable, 

bipartisan Deep State not even subject to ideology.

 Centennary war criminal, Henry Kissinger, still 

does not get it.


A Davos panel on de-globalization was rife on non-sequiturs, 

but at least a dose of reality was provided by Hungarian

 Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.


As for China’s vice-premier Liu He, with his vast knowledge of 

finance, science and technology, at least he was very helpful 

to lay down Beijing’s five top guidelines for the foreseeable

 future – beyond the customary imperial Sinophobia.


China will focus on expanding domestic demand; 

keeping industrial and supply chains “smooth”; 

go for the “healthy development of the private 

sector”; deepen state enterprise reform; and 

aim for “attractive foreign investment.”


Russian resistance, American precipice


Emmanuel Todd was not at Davos. But it was the French

 anthropologist, historian, demographer and geopolitical 

analyst... who ended up ruffling all the appropriate 

feathers across the collective West, these past 

few days with a fascinating anthropological 

object: a reality-based interview.


Todd spoke to Le Figaro – the newspaper of choice of the

 French establishment and haute bourgeoisie. The 

interview was published last Friday on page 22, 

sandwiched between proverbial Russophobic 

screeds and with an extremely brief mention 

on the bottom of the front page. So people 

really had to work hard to find it.   


Todd joked that he has the – absurd - reputation of a 

“rebel destroy” in France, while in Japan he’s 

respected, featured in mainstream media, 

and his books are published with great 

success, including the latest (over 

100,000 copies sold): “The Third 

World War Has Already Started”.


Significantly, this Japanese best seller does not exist

 in French, considering the whole Paris-based 

publishing industry toes the EU/NATO
on Ukraine.


The fact that Todd gets several things right is a minor 

miracle in the current, abysmally myopic European 

intellectual landscape (there are other analysts 

especially in Italy and Germany, but they

 carry much less weight than Todd).


So here’s Todd’s concise Greatest Hits.


- A new World War is on: By “switching from a limited territorial 

war to a global economic clash, between the collective West 

on one side and Russia linked to China on the other side,

 this became a World War”.


- The Kremlin, says Todd, made a mistake, calculating that a 

decomposed Ukraine society would collapse right away. Of

 course he does not get into detail on how Ukraine had 

been weaponized to the hilt by the NATO 

military alliance.


- Todd is spot on when he stresses how Germany and France

 had become minor partners at NATO and were not aware of

 what was being plotted in Ukraine militarily: “They did not 

know that the Americans, British and Poles could allow

 Ukraine to fight an extended  war. NATO’s 

fundamental axis now is Washington-



- Todd’s major give away is a killer: “The resistance of 

Russia’s economy is leading the imperial American 

system to the precipice. Nobody had foreseen 

that the Russian economy would hold ---

 facing NATO’s ‘economic power’”.


- Consequently, “monetary and financial American controls

 over the world may collapse, and with them the 

possibility for the US of financing for nothing 

their enormous trade deficit”.


- And that’s why “we are in an endless war, 

in a clash where the conclusion... is the 

collapse of one or the other.”


- On China, Todd might sound like a more pugnacious version

 of Liu He at Davos: “That’s the fundamental dilemma of the 

American economy: it cannot face Chinese competition 

without importing qualified Chinese work force.”


- As for the Russian economy, “it does accept market rules, 

but with an important role for the state, and it keeps the

 flexibility of forming engineers that allow adaptations, 

industrial and military.”


- And that bring us, once again, to globalization, in a manner

 that Davos roundtables were incapable of understanding: 

“We have delocalized so much of our industrial activity 

that we don’t know whether our war production may 

be sustained”.


- On a more erudite interpretation of that “clash of

 civilizations” fallacy, Todd goes for soft power 

and comes up with a startling conclusion:


 “On 75 percent of the planet, the organization of parenthood

  was patrilineal, and that’s why we may identify a strong

 understanding of the Russian position. For the 

collective non-West, Russia affirms a 

reassuring moral conservatism.”


- So what Moscow has been able to pull off, is to “reposition

 itself as the archetype of a big power, not only “anti-

colonialist” but also patrilineal and conservative

 in terms of traditional mores.”


Based on all of the above, Todd smashes the myth sold 

by EU/NATO “elites” – Davos included - that Russia is

 “isolated”, stressing how votes in the UN and the 

overall sentiment across the Global South 

characterizes the war, “described by 

mainstream media as a conflict over 

political values, in fact ---- on a 

deeper level, as a conflict of 

anthropological values.”      


Between light and darkness


Could it be that Russia – alongside the real Quad, as 

I defined them (with China, India and Iran) - are 

prevailing in the anthropological stakes?  


The real Quad has all it takes, to blossom into a new 

cross-cultural focus of hope in a “fragmented world”.


Mix Confucian China (non-dualistic, no transcendental deity, 

but with the Tao flowing through everything) with Russia

(Orthodox Christian... reverencing the divine Sophia);

polytheistic India.. (wheel of rebirth, law of karma); 

and Shi’ite Iran (Islam preceded by Zoroastrianism, 

the eternal cosmic battle between Light 

and Darkness).


This unity in diversity is certainly more appealing,

 and uplifting, than the Forever War axis.


Will the world learn from it? Or, to quote Hegel - 

what we learn from history is that nobody

 learns from history” – are we 

hopelessly doomed?



Looks like it... in the West.

What do YOU think?





Difficult scenario: why EU citizens are 

in favour of ending the conflict in 

Ukraine with the recognition of 

new Russian territories

January 18th, 11:32am



Almost half of EU citizens are in favour of settling the

 situation around Ukraine as soon as possible, even

 if it means Kiev losing part of its territories.

This is 
according to the results of a sociological
conducted by the Euroskopia agency. 


However, as recently as June 2022, the number of Europeans 

who want peace..... through the recognition of territorial

concessions remained at 35%. Russia has repeatedly 

stated that it is ready to negotiate with the Ukrainian 

side, but future dialogue must take into account 

today’s realities, according to which four new 

regions have been incorporated into the 

Russian Federation. 


Experts note that EU citizens want a speedy resolution of the

 situation, but their governments and Brussels are pushing 

a US agenda that has no place for Russian interests.


Almost half of Europeans are in favour of ending the conflict in

 Ukraine – even if the Kiev regime is forced to recognise new 

territories within the Russian Federation. This is the result 

of a public opinion poll conducted by the Euroskopia 

polling network in nine EU countries: Portugal,

 Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, 

France, Germany, Italy and Greece. 


Some 9,000 people (1,000 in each 

country) took part in the survey.


“48 per cent of the polled EU citizens are in favour of the

 soonest solution to the conflict, even if Ukraine has to 

cede some of its territory to Russia, while 32 per cent 

(almost every third European) are against such a 

sacrifice for the sake of peace,” the pan-

European portal Euractiv quotes the 

results of the poll.


In particular, among those who support the idea of territorial

concessions from Ukraine 64 per cent of Austrians, 60 per

cent of Germans, 54 per cent of Greeks, 50 per cent of 

Spaniards and Italians each.


At the same time 32% of the surveyed Europeans were 

against such developments for the sake of achieving 

peace as soon as possible.


The proposal for peace through recognition of territorial 

concessions was most unpopular with the Dutch – only

 27% of those questioned supported the idea of 

concessions – and with the citizens of Poland, 

where only 28% gave a positive answer.


It is worth noting that the number of Europeans who support 

a peaceful settlement... at the cost of Kiev’s renunciation of 

territorial claims is only increasing as the SSO progresses.


Earlier, a similar poll was conducted by the European Council 

on Foreign Relations in June 2022. At that time, 35 per cent 

of Europeans polled were in favour of a peace deal that 

would involve territorial concessions from Kiev. At the

 same time, 22% supported the option of continuing 

military action against Russia to “punish” it. 


Another 23% of respondents supported any other 

option to resolve this situation, another 20% 

were undecided.


“There is a wide gap between those who want a speedy end

 to the war and those who want to punish Russia,” said 

Mark Leonard, director of the European Council on 

Foreign Relations, commenting on the poll.


At the time, supporters of a peaceful settlement were most 

numerous in Italy, Germany and Romania, while those who 

wanted to “punish” Russia were most numerous in Poland.


Negotiating realities


We shall remind you that back in March 2022, after several 

rounds of negotiations, the Ukrainian side stopped 

dialogue with Russia. In late May, Volodymyr 

Zelenskyy said that Kiev would sit down at 

the negotiating table only after it returned 

its territories lost since the start of the

 Russian special operation.


Later, after the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions

 became part of the Russian Federation after referendums, 

Zelenskyy said that his administration would not hold 

any settlement talks with Moscow while Vladimir 

Putin was president of Russia, and then signed

 a decree to that effect.


In a mid-December interview with The Economist, Zelensky

 said that the moment for diplomacy would come when

 Russian troops withdrew to Ukraine’s 1991 borders, 

which means leaving both the two new regions, 

as well as Donbass and Crimea.


Despite the actions and rhetoric of the Kiev regime --- Russia

has repeatedly noted that Moscow is ready for negotiations 

to resolve the situation in Ukraine. At the same time, the 

Russian Federation stressed that it would become

 increasingly difficult to start the negotiation 

process over time and that the Ukrainian 

authorities should take into account 

the situation “on the ground”.


 In particular, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitriy Peskov

 said this in late December, stressing that any plans for a 

peaceful settlement should take into account the 

incorporation of new regions into Russia.


“Again, there cannot be any ‘peace plan’ for Ukraine that does

 not take into account today’s realities - with Russian territory, 

with the incorporation of four new regions into Russia. 

No plan that does not take into account these

 realities, can claim to be peaceful,”

 Peskov stressed.


At the same time, Western countries continue to promote an 

agenda in which a potential peace settlement should not 

take Russia’s interests into account. US National 

Security Council Coordinator for Strategic 

Communications John Kirby said this

 last November.


“We all agree that a negotiated diplomatic settlement is the 

best option, second only to Putin’s withdrawal of his troops. 

We have also stated that Zelensky determines if and when

 he is ready for negotiations and in what form they will

 take place,” Kirby told reporters.


A little later, in early December, NATO Secretary General Jens

 Stoltenberg expressed the same view. Speaking at a Global

 Boardroom event organised by the Financial Times, he

 stressed that “decisions on the right time to start

 negotiations and on agreeing to terms should 

be made by the Ukrainians”.


Similar statements were made by British Foreign 

Secretary James Cleverley and German Foreign 

Secretary Annalena Berbock.


American agenda


Although opinion polls show a growing number of EU citizens

 in favour of early peace in Ukraine, European governments

 still feel fairly confident and for the most part ignore the

 opinion of their citizens, Vladimir Bruter, an expert at 

the International Institute for Humanitarian and 

Political Studies, said, in a conversation 

with RT.


“The collective West ignores this position and will ignore 

it further. Subsequently, it will actualize it as soon as it 

realizes --- the threat of imminent territorial losses for

Kiev, but this is a matter of the future. For the time 

being.. European authorities do not pay attention 

to the position of their citizens because, in their 

opinion, it does not pose any serious political 

threat to their rule,” the political
cientist said.


If the situation changes, not in favour of the Kiev regime, 

however --- its Western handlers will try to maintain the 

status quo, and allow the Zelensky administration to

 sit down at the negotiating table, believes 

Vladimir Bruter.


“Then they will try to freeze the conflict as soon as possible

 by temporarily agreeing to the territorial configuration that

 will emerge at that moment. Conventionally speaking, this

 will be followed... by a kind of conditional ‘Minsk-3’. This 

should be taken into account. The position of the West 

will change only when it realises that continuation of

 the conflict may result in more losses for it”, the 

expert noted.


According to Vladimir Olenchenko, a senior fellow at the

 IMEMO RAS Centre for European Studies, the latest 

opinion poll presents a representative sample of 

Europeans, which shows that a significant part 

of them are in favour of a peaceful resolution

 of the situation.


“Unlike the European Union and NATO, which generate calls 

for different solutions on the battlefield, Europeans believe 

that the situation should be resolved peacefully. Indeed,

 it is now difficult to assume any scenario in which the

 population of the territories that have become part
the Russian Federation, would agree to return
Ukraine. Such polls and sentiments should 

serve as an incentive and impetus for 

political decisions --- they are a clue 

for the leadership of the countries 

where the polls were conducted,”

 the RT interlocutor stressed.


However, now the leadership of most EU countries in this 

matter follows Washington, which does not accept 

such a development, Olenchenko added.


“The political leadership of most EU countries is following the 

American agenda on this issue. It is, that any negotiations 

should be carried out..  on Kiev’s terms. The Euro-Atlantic 

agenda is aimed at continuing the conflict, especially in

 the military sphere. The current EU political leaders.. 

are not politicians who think about the good of the 

population and the maintenance of stability in 

Europe. They demonstrate a complete lack 

of autonomy, while the EU population 

demonstrates common sense,”

 the expert concluded.


Source: RT



Thank God for ''ordinary people''.


What do YOU think?




US may lose control
of world finance:

 due to conflict
in Ukraine —

 French expert

January 13th, 12:08pm (TASS) 


The Ukrainian conflict is existential for the United 

States, which, in the event that friendly European

economies become exhausted, will run the risk 

of losing its grip on world finance, the French 

historian and anthropologist, Emmanuel

 Todd, said in an interview with 

Le Figaro.


In his commentary, he recalls a piece of analysis 

offered by Professor John Mearsheimer, of the

 University of Chicago, who argued that 

whereas for Russia, this conflict was 

"existential" -- for the United States 

it was.. just another game among 

other countries, and that victory 

or defeat in it would be of little 

importance to the US. 


"But this analysis is insufficient. Biden now...  has to

 hurry. America is fragile and the Russian economy’s

 resistance...  is pushing the US imperial system 

towards the abyss. Nobody had expected the 

Russian economy would be able to withstand 

the ‘economic power’ of NATO," Todd said.


He is certain that the United States is in a phase of

 long-term decline and, against the backdrop of its

 waning influence in the world, it has decided to 

press for greater influence... in its "original 

protectorates," acquired after World War

 II, in other words, Europe and Japan. 


Against this background the European economy’s

 collapse, the expert notes, is fraught with great 

risks for the United States itself.


"If the Russian economy offers long-term resistance

 to sanctions and manages to bleed the European 

economy white.. and manages to survive with 

Chinese support, US monetary control of the 

world will collapse, and with it, the US’ 

ability to finance its mammoth trade 

deficit for next to nothing. This war 

has become existential for the US.

 It cannot get out of the conflict 

before Russia. They cannot let 

go. This explains.. why we are 

now in an open-ended war, in

a confrontation that is bound 

to result in the collapse of 

one side or the other," 

Todd says.


Economic and social problems


The conflict in Ukraine.. "leads to a real economy that

 allows for gauging the real wealth of states, and their 

productive capacity," the expert states. In particular, 

he points to a two-fold increase in Russia’s wheat 

production after the first major sanctions were

 introduced in 2014, as well as Russia's 

leading position in building nuclear 

power plants, not only at home, 

but also abroad.


The outcome of the conflict "will depend on the ability

 of both systems to produce weapons," Todd believes.

 The historian notes that the transition to a war of

 attrition reduces the influence of advanced US

 military technologies, being used by Ukraine.

 It brings to the forefront, the availability of 

skilled personnel, material resources and 

industrial potential.


"At this point the West’s fundamental problem of
globalization begins to intervene: we have 

moved so many industries [from our 

territory] that we don’t know now 

whether our military plants will 

be able to maintain the desired

 production pace," he added.


In addition to natural and industrial resources the

 expert notes the great role of human resources 

and education. He points to the United States’ 

more than twofold advantage over Russia, in

 population... but advises his readership to 

remember that in the United States only 

7% of students master engineering 

professions, while in Russia there 

are about 25% of them, which 

ultimately gives Russia a 

competitive edge. 


"The United States, is filling this gap with foreign

students, mostly Indians and even to a greater 

extent, Chinese. This substitution resource is

 unreliable though and is already dwindling," 

he said.


Clash of ideologies


Todd also urged not to forget about the "ideological

 and cultural balance of power." He recalled, that

 during the Soviet era, the Communist ideology 

was used as soft power, which won acclaim 

in China, and partly in India and Europe.

 However, for the Muslim world, that 

ideology was not attractive due to 

its official atheism, the expert 



"Today, Russia, which is - again - positioning itself as a 

great power, not only anti-colonial, but also patrilineal 

and conservative in relation to traditional mores, can 

attract far greater support," he explained.


"Western newspapers are tragically funny: they keep

 saying: 'Russia is isolated. Russia is isolated.' But

 when you take a look at the votes at the UN, it 

will turn out that 75% of the world does not

 follow the West, which, at such moments, 

looks very small," Todd says. 


"The current conflict, which our media tend to

 describe as a clash of political values... at a 

deeper level is a conflict of anthropological

 values. It is this lack of awareness and 

depth, that makes the confrontation 



Global confrontation


"The reality is..  that World War III has already begun. It 

is obvious that the conflict, initially a limited territorial

war, has evolved into a global economic confrontation

between the entire West, on the one hand and Russia,

 supported by China, on the other, to have become: a

 world war," Todd believes. He speculates that given 

current economic and demographic factors, the

 hostilities should be expected to end within

 five years.


He believes that, one way or another, the European

 countries are "participating in killing Russians" by

 supplying military equipment to Ukraine, even 

though they do not put themselves at risk. 


"The Europeans are primarily focused on the

 economy. We can feel the real involvement

 in the war through inflation and shortages

 of various goods," the expert stressed.


Russia, he says, while participating in an economic

 war [with the West].... is partially restoring the 

military economy, but, at the same time, it is 

doing its utmost to take care of the people.


"This is the purpose of the pullback of troops from

 Kherson, that followed the pullback from the 

Kharkov and Kiev regions. We are counting 

the square kilometres captured by the 

Ukrainians, while the Russian..., are 

waiting for the fall of the European

 economies. We, are their main

 frontline," Todd stated.


Wow - what do YOU think?

Are we really the toss of

a coin away from 



 Mayhem - from the French - ''to maim''


 Iran: US Undermining 
Rule of Law, UN Charter

January 13th, 5:34pm (FNA)


 The Iranian Ambassador and Permanent Representative

 to the UN, Amir Saeed Iravani, blasted the US' illegal 

unilateral acts against sovereign states such as 

Iran - and its coercing of other member states
participate in these actions - cautioning 

that the move undermines the rule of 

law and violates the UN Charter.


Iravani made the remarks addressing UN Security

 Council open debate titled 'Promotion and

 Strengthening of the Rule of Law in the 

Maintenance of International Peace 

and Security: The Rule of Law 

among Nations'.


"The fundamental principles of the UN Charter such

 as the sovereign equality of all members, the

 prohibition of threats, or the use of force in 

international relations, and the peaceful 

resolution of conflicts, should act as a 

framework -- for advancing the rule of

law within the United Nations," the 

Iranian ambassador added.


"Some member states, in particular, the United States,

 consistently misuse the authority and power of the

 UN --- using the UN as a tool to exert pressure on 

sovereign states in pursuit of their own political 

agenda and to further their unilateral actions," 

he added.


The diplomat underlined that the adoption of such

 “illegal actions” in the Security Council, has

 "detrimental impacts on international 

peace and security".


"This is especially evident in the Middle East,” he said,

 providing examples of the Security Council’s failure 

to address the ongoing atrocities and human rights

 violations committed by the Israeli regime in th

e Occupied Palestinian Territory, the acts of 

aggression and occupation against Syria’s 

national sovereignty, and the “hasty and 

irresponsible” withdrawal of the US and 

the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

 (NATO), forces from Afghanistan.


“The ongoing illegal unilateral acts by the United

 States as a permanent member of the Security

 Council against sovereign states such as Iran 

and the coercing of other member states to 

participate in these illegal actions --- or

 face repercussions --- undermine the 

rule of law and violate the UN 

Charter,” said the Iranian



He went on to name some “clear examples” of how 

Washington has undermined the UN system with

 regard to acts against Iran, such as withdrawal

 ..from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

(JCPOA) the imposition of unilateral coercive 

measures, in flagrant violation of the UN 

Security Council Resolution 2231, the 

illegal action in depriving Iran of its 

rights as an elected member of the 

commission.. on the status of 

women, and open defiance 

of the International Court 

of Justice’s provisional 

order to lift sanctions 

on humanitarian goods.


Elsewhere, the diplomat reacted to remarks 

made by UK and UAE representatives 

during the session.


He rejected the “unjustified and unfounded” 

claim of UAE Minister for State Ahmed Bin 

Ali Al Sayegh, over the three Iranian

 islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser 

Tunb and Abu Musa.


Iravani noted that such claims are inconsistent 

with the principles of international law.


He also rejected the allegation, made by the United

 Kingdom's delegate, about Iran's  peaceful nuclear

 programmes, and said, "Our nuclear activities are

 peaceful and consistent with our rights and

 obligations -- under the Treaty on the Non-

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

 and Safeguards Agreement."


Senior Iranian officials have always described

 unilateralism as a "serious threat to the rule 

of law" which impedes international 

cooperation and peace 

and security.


Surveys conducted worldwide by 
reputable polling firms, have
uncovered that a majority
of the world's peoples
think the US is the
''greatest danger
to world peace.''

Whereas the US population
alone - thought it was Iran.

What do YOU think?



First British-Based Space Launch
 of Military Satellites.... Fails

January 11th, 8:33am

(al Manar)


The UK’s attempt to become the first Western

 European nation to put satellites into space 

from a base on home soil has failed after a

 LauncherOne rocket missed the 

designated orbit.


British billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit had

 planned to launch nine satellites from the 21-metre

 LauncherOne rocket - attached under the wing of a

 modified Boeing 747 flown from a new spaceport in

 Newquay in Cornwall, southwest England, at 2202

 GMT on Monday.


Virgin Orbit officials announced on Tuesday that a

 ''still-unexplained anomaly'' had occurred during

 the firing of the rocket’s second stage engine, 

ending the mission.


The two-stage rocket took off from Cornwall, attached

 to the Boeing 747, and then detached from the aircraft

 and ignited as planned at a height of 35,000 feet over

 the Atlantic Ocean to the south of Ireland at around

 2315 GMT. But in a series of tweets as the rocket 

was due to enter orbit and discharge its nine

 satellites, Virgin Orbit said, “We appear to 

have an anomaly that has prevented us 

from reaching orbit.”


The rocket had nine small satellites on board, 

including several military & security payloads.


Among the military payloads was one program linked

 to the US Naval Research Lab and another linked 

to the British Defense Science and Technology

 Laboratory (Dstl).


Two cereal-box sized Prometheus-2 cubesats

 developed by the British government at In-

Space Missions Ltd, based in Hampshire, 

and designed with Airbus Defence and 

Space in collaboration with the US 

National Reconnaissance Office

 (NRO) were planned to operate 

in low Earth orbit, providing a 

test platform for imaging and 

monitoring radio signals,

 including GPS.


The two had separate equipment installed to test

 concepts in support of the British MoD’s ISTARI

 program for future space-based intelligence 

and surveillance.


The US Navy and the Dstl, were also working on

 a satellite in the Circe program, a coordinated

 ionospheric reconstruction cubesat 

experiment, meant to have been 

placed in orbit on board 



The collaborative space mission involved investigating

 the ionosphere, an important area of space impacting

 GPS, communications, and sensing technology.


A third, defense-related security satellite program on

 board the rocket, known as Amber 1 satellite, was 

designed for maritime intelligence gathering.


The Virgin Orbit launch was meant to be the first 

of 20 or more such payloads to provide maritime

 domain awareness.


The failure of the mission is considered a heavy blow

 to Britain’s military space programs, showcasing the

 UK’s weakness in launching satellites. Had the

 mission been successful, the UK would have 

been one of only nine countries that could

 launch craft into Earth’s orbit.


“Joining that really exclusive club of launch nations is

 so important, because it gives us our own access to

 space, that we’ve never had before here in the UK,” 

Spaceport Cornwall chief Melissa Thorpe told
 television ----- before the launch.


Matt Archer, director of commercial spaceflight at the 

UK Space Agency, described the result of the failed

 mission as “disappointing.”


Meanwhile, anti-war campaigners expressed outrage

 over the failed efforts of the British government,

 saying London should be focused on resolving 

the UK’s cost-of-living crisis and social
which have led to months-
long protests and 
strikes across
the country.


“Space is the new frontier for military escalation 

and spending, with no real public scrutiny or 

accountability,” said Campaign for Nuclear 

Disarmament (CND) General Secretary 

Kate Hudson. “Billions of pounds are 

being spent on this new arms race 

which could instead be invested 

in helping to solve the current 

cost of living crisis.”


Drone Wars UK Director Chris Cole denounced a

 “space arms race which will inevitably lead to 

greater risk of instability and conflict.”


Critics argue that rather than engaging in the military 

expansion into space, the British government should

 be upholding and abiding by the Outer Space Treaty, 

ratified in 1967, that recognizes space as a “global 

commons” - to be used for peaceful purposes and
 the benefit of all countries and humankind. 


The multilateral treaty, which was negotiated and

 drafted under the auspices of the United Nations 

and forms the basis of international space law 

...aims to prevent military and commercial 

exploitation of space and the damage 

it would cause.


Source: AFP


Our ruling class - obsessed with their

''vital interests'' - ie, their hegemonic

pretensions - obviously don't care

about ruining working people's 

lives. Shouldn't they be given

some care and treatment in

a private psychiatric clinic

...far from power, now? 


What do YOU think?




Tanks for the Memories!.. 
German and NATO Tanks 
to Roll in Ukraine

by Finian Cunningham

published here on
January 10th, 2023


German, American and French tanks - are supporting 

a regime that openly glorifies its Nazi collaborators. 

They say history never repeats, exactly.
It certainly
 rhymes though.


German tanks rolling into Ukraine to fight Russian

 troops ---- would have seemed an unbelievable 

scenario given the dreadful history of World 

War Two. Yet that scenario is where the 

NATO proxy war against Moscow, is 

headed. The development has the 

disturbing echo of Operation 

Barbarossa when the Nazi 

Wehrmacht launched its 

offensive on the Soviet 

Union in 1941.


Instead of Panzer Tiger tanks.... we will see German 

Marder “fighting vehicles” trundling across Ukraine.

 These weapons are called “light tanks” but the 

bigger push is for Leopard 2 main battle tanks

 to be supplied to Ukrainian NeoNazi forces 

against Russian lines.


Just two days before the Orthodox Christmas, on

 January 7, U.S. President Joe Biden and German

 Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, announced a deal in 

which they would supply Bradley & Marder

 armoured infantry carriers to Ukraine,
well as another battery of U.S.
Patriot missiles.


That announcement followed French President

 Emmanuel Macron declaring that France was 

going to supply AMX-10 RC light tanks to 

Ukraine. Macron’s tone... was notably 

bellicose -- saying that France would

back the Kiev regime until victory

is achieved.


Scholz and Macron, are showing themselves to

be completely unreliable and politically weak. 

Previously, the French leader has suggested 

his willingness for finding a diplomatic 

resolution to the conflict in Ukraine 

with Russia. He.. had incurred the 

wrath of Washington... as well as 

the anti-Russian NATO members, 

Poland and the Baltic states, for

being “too soft”, & undermining

 transatlantic unity.


Yet here we have Macron now making a dubious debut

 of France becoming the first Western state to supply

 tanks to Ukraine --- in the war against Russia.
 decision, marks a serious threshold of

 involvement by the NATO bloc in the war.


The fact that the French move was virtually coupled

 with the U.S. and German commitment to supply 

light tanks, also points to coordinated action
 the NATO alliance.


Germany’s Scholz and Macron, like Biden, have broken

 one promise after another to not escalate the supply 

of weapons and war in Ukraine. Moscow has

 repeatedly warned the collective West to

 desist from arming the Kiev regime.


All of them have previously declared that there would

be no tanks supplied to Ukraine --- as that would be a

 reckless escalation risking World War Three. Despite

 such vows of restraint, Washington, Berlin, and Paris

 have all intensified the supply of increasingly more

 offensive weaponry.


Biden’s move to send Patriot missiles at the end of last

 year follows the earlier supply of long-range HIMARS

 rockets. The supply of tanks was previously 

verboten, but now that threshold... has 

been similarly breached.


At that rate, it’s only a matter of time before the same

 NATO powers announce the despatch of main battle

 tanks. The Kiev regime and its Polish and Baltic 

allies are demanding - Washington and Berlin 

send in Abrams... and Leopards. Both Biden 

and Scholz are saying... that won't happen.

 But past form suggests there is a cynical 

and deliberate stealth approach going on 

where actions blatantly contradict 



Tanks are evidently part of an offensive force. They

 would also require trained crews to operate them.

 That indicates the NATO powers are providing

 personnel, maintenance crews and other 

logistics to deploy these sophisticated 

machines. The coordination between 

Washington, Berlin and Paris.. also 

signals: that NATO is deploying in

 a systematic and interoperable 



Thus - the proxy war is going from a piecemeal approach
of individual NATO members 
furnishing the Kiev regime
on a 
bilateral basis - to a whole new level of


“The United States and Germany...  joined France on

Thursday [Jan 5] in saying they will send armoured
combat vehicles to Ukraine ---- expanding their
assistance with new weapons systems, that 

Kyiv has said it needs ----- to help its forces 

recapture territory locked behind Russian 

lines” ----- reported the Washington Post.


Western media are spinning the illusion... of the 

Ukrainian regime winning a war against Russia 

when the reality is, the Ukrainians are being 

slaughtered by superior Russian forces. 

Moscow is not going to relinquish the 

Crimea and Donbass... to NeoNazi 

death squads, equipped with 

NATO weapons.


The Kiev regime is fighting a losing battle and the

 NATO powers...  are willing to fight to the last 

Ukrainian. Washington and its minions, are 

fueling a futile war & figuratively throwing 

good money after bad, by now supplying 

tanks to the fray. (It’s good money all 

the way for the Western merchants 

of death.)


Instead of seeking a diplomatic way back from the

 abyss -- the NATO powers are too bamboozled by 

their own propaganda, political venality, and the

 addiction of their capitalist economies to the 

military-industrial dealers.


The last time German tanks rolled into battle in Europe

--- they were roundly defeated by Soviet forces. Back

then, the Americans were also fighting against the
Nazis, albeit only to cynically collude with the

 remnants of the Third Reich, in the next 

Cold War.


This time around, German, American and French tanks 

are on the same side supporting a regime that openly

 glorifies its Nazi collaborators. They say history 

never repeats, exactly. It certainly

 rhymes though.


Tanks for the memories, indeed!


What do YOU think? I've started

praying as much as possible....


Here's a way of praying, below.







Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for

they know not what they have done.”


I think that all is happening in the war deeply pains the

souls of Ukrainians and Russians and all others who

have connections to these two countries. And..  our

prayers are very important, not just for the general 

population, most of whom are innocent, or for 

the liberators, but also for the perpetrators 

themselves. That can be a hard idea, 

but then, we must experience the 

depths of God’s love.. to even 

understand how it could be 

possible to pray for them.



Here is the prayer. It can be 

done live, in groups as well.


It starts as a visualization, as such, one must find a

quiet and comfortable disposition, or place to pray 

and - calling on God’s Love - call forth the God, to

hold all the souls in Ukraine ----- all the humanity, 

all the good guys and bad guys... all the soldiers 

on both sides, all the children, all the old people, 

men and women, all the foreigners, and, holding 

them in your prayer an your vision and with God

 doing so, at your request, hold all these souls, 

and smooth down their essence, to their 

common humanity ------- and with this 

presence of God’s immense love.. 

see them all, as his beloved 



Sit with that for a time..... and then extend this same 

exercise further, to all of Russia and all of the souls 

within Russia and again, ask God to smooth the 

souls of all the people in Russia...... and all the 

people in Ukraine, to their common humanity 

of God’s beloved children… 


And once again, now add all of the people in the world 

who are connected with Ukraine or Russia or both, all

the government people, politicians, good and bad, all

the friends and family of Russians and Ukrainians, 

every who has any connection to these two 

countries, and again ask God and see God 

holding all of their souls and smoothing 

them down to their common humanity 

as one giant group of God’s beloved 



Now, with all of these souls, acknowledge the power of

God to perform miracles, to heal his children, to heal

this war, to move mountains. Believe that this is 

possible --- and see all these people as God’s 

beloved children --- and allow his healing to 

happen for everybody involved... including 

ourselves. Sit with that or walk with that 

as long as you will, and Thank God.



The whole article by William Spencer is here:







Bye Bye 1991-2022

by Pepe Escobar

published here on

January 9th, 2023


The hard work starts now. Welcome to the New

 Great Game on crack, Pepe Escobar writes.


2023 starts with collective NATO in Absolutely Freak

 Out Mode --- as Russian Defense Minister Shoigu 

announces that Russian Navy frigate Admiral 

Gorshkov is now on tour – complete with
set of Mr. Zircon’s hypersonic 

business cards.


The business tour will encompass the Atlantic 

and the Indian Ocean, & of course include the
Mediterranean, the Roman Empire’s former 

Mare Nostrum. Mr. Zircon on the prowl has 

absolutely nothing to do with the war in 

Ukraine: it’s a sign of what happens 

next when it comes to frying much 

bigger fishes than a bunch of 

Kiev psychos.


The end of 2022 did seal the frying of the Big Ukraine

 Negotiation Fish. It has now been served on a hot

 plate --- and fully digested. Moscow has made it

 painfully clear there’s no reason whatsoever 

to trust the “non-agreement capable” 

declining superpower.


So even taxi drivers in Dacca are now betting on when

 the much- vaunted “winter offensive” starts, and how

 far will it go. General Armageddon’s path ahead --- is

 clear: all-out demilitarization and de-electrification 

on steroids, complete with grinding up masses of

 Ukrainians --- at the lowest possible cost to the 

Russian Armed Forces in Donbass, until Kiev 

psychos beg for mercy. Or not.


Another big fried fish on a hot plate at the end of 2022

 was the 2014 Minsk Agreement. The cook --- was no

 other than former chancellor Merkel (“an attempt

 to buy time for Ukraine”). Implied is the not 

exactly smokin’ gun:- the strategy of the

 Straussian/neo-con and neoliberal-con 

combo in charge of U.S. foreign policy,

 from the beginning, was to unleash a 

Forever War by proxy against Russia.


Merkel may have been up to something, telling the

 Russians - in their face - that she lied like crypto-

Soprano Mike Pompeo, then she lied again and 

again, for years. That’s not embarrassing for 

Moscow, but for Berlin: yet another graphic

 demonstration of total vassalage to 

the Empire.


The response by the contemporary embodiment 

of Mercury --- Russian Foreign Ministry’s Maria

Zakharova, was equally intriguing: Merkel’s 

confession...  could be used as a specific 

reason ---- and evidence ---- for a tribunal 

judging Western politicians responsible

 for provoking the Russia-Ukraine 

proxy war.


No one will obviously confirm it on the record. But all

 this could be part of an evolving, secret Russia-

Germany deal in the making --- leading to 

Germany restoring at least some of 

its sovereignty.


Time to fry NATO fish


Meanwhile, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security

 Council, Dmitry Medvedev, visibly relishing his totally

 unplugged incarnation --- expanded on the Fried 

Negotiation Fish saga. “Last warning -- to all 

nations”, as he framed it: “there can be no 

business with the Anglo-Saxon world --

 [because] -- it is a thief, a swindler, a 

card-sharp that could do anything… 

From now on, we will do without 

them until a new generation of

 sensible politicians, comes to 

power… There is..  nobody in 

the West we could deal with 

about anything ---- for

 any reason.”


Medvedev, significantly, recited more or less the same

 script, in person, to Xi Jinping in Beijing, days before

 the zoom to end all zooms – between Xi and Putin –

 that worked as a sort of informal closure of 2022, 

with the Russia-China strategic partnership 

perfectly in synch.


On the war front, General Armageddon’s new –

 offensive – groove is bound to lead in the next 

few months --- to an undisputable fact on the 

ground: a partition between a dysfunctional 

black hole, or rump Ukraine, in the west...

 and Novorossiya in the east.


Even the IMF is now reluctant to throw extra funds 

into the black hole. Kiev’s 2023 budget has an ---- 

unrealistic – $36 billion deficit. Half of the budget

 is military-related. The real deficit in 2022 was

 running at about $5 billion a month --- and will

 inevitably balloon.


Tymofiy Mylovanov, a professor at the Kiev School of

 Economics --- came up with a howler: the IMF is 

worried about Ukraine’s “debt sustainability”. 

He added “if even the IMF is worried, imagine 

what private investors are thinking”. There 

will be no “investment” in rump Ukraine. 

Multinational vultures will grab land for 

nothing and whatever puny productive 

assets may remain.


Arguably the biggest fish to be fried in 2023 is the

 myth of NATO. Every serious military analyst, few

 Americans included, knows that the Russian 

Army and its military industrial complex 

represents a superior system....  than 

what existed at the end of the USSR 

and far superior to that of the U.S. 

and the rest of NATO, today.


The Mackinder-style final blow to a possible alliance

 between Germany (EU), Russia and China – which is 

what is really behind the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine –

 is not proceeding according to the Straussian 

wet dream.


Saddam Hussein -- former imperial vassal -- was
changed, because he wanted to bypass
 petrodollar. Now...  we have the inevitable 

rise of the petroyuan - “in three to five years”,
as Xi Jinping announced -- in 
Riyadh: you just
can’t prevent it 
with Shock’n Awe on Beijing.


In 2008, Russia embarked on a massive rebuilding of

 missile forces and a 14-year plan to modernize land-

based armed forces. Mr. Zircon presenting his

 hypersonic business card across the Mare 

Nostrum, is just a small part of the 

Big Picture.


The myth of U.S. power


The CIA abandoned Afghanistan... in a humiliating 

retreat – even ditching the heroin ratline – just to

 relocate to Ukraine... and continue playing the 

same old broken records. The CIA is behind 

the ongoing sabotage of Russian infra-

structure – in tandem with MI6 and 

others. Sooner or later, there will 

be blowback.


Few people – including CIA operatives – may know that

 New York City, for instance, may be destroyed with a

 single move:--- blowing up the George Washington

 bridge. The city can’t be supplied with food and

most of its requirements, without the bridge. 

The New York City electrical grid... can be 

destroyed by knocking out the central 

controls; putting it back together, 

could take a year.


Even trespassed by infinite layers of fog of war, the

 current situation in Ukraine is still a skirmish. The

 real war has not even started yet. It might – soon.


Apart from Ukraine and Poland there is no NATO force

 worth mentioning. Germany has a risible two-day

 supply of ammunition. Turkey will not send a 

single soldier to fight Russians in Ukraine.


Out of 80,000 U.S. troops stationed in Europe, only

 10% are weaponized. Recently 20,000 were added,

 not a big deal. If the Americans activated their 

troops in Europe – something rather ridiculous

 in itself ---- they would not have any place to 

land supplies or reinforcements. All airports 

and seaports ---- would be destroyed by 

Russian hypersonic missiles ---- in a 

matter of minutes – in continental 

Europe, as well as the UK.


In addition, all fuel centres such as Rotterdam for oil 

and natural gas would be destroyed, as well as all

 military installations, including top US bases in

 Europe: Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels, Ramstein, 

Baumholder, Vilseck, Spangdahlem, and 

Wiesbaden in Germany (for the Army 

and Air Force); Aviano Air Base in

 Italy; Lajes Air Base in Portugal’s 

Azores islands; Naval Station 

Rota in Spain;- Incirlik Air 

Base in Turkey;-  and the

Royal Air Force stations, 

Lakenheath & Milden-
 in the UK.


All fighter jets and bombers would be destroyed – after

 they land or while landed: there would be no place to

 land, except on the autobahn, where they would be

 sitting ducks.


Patriot missiles are worthless – as the whole Global 

South saw in Saudi Arabia when they tried to knock

out Houthi missiles coming in from Yemen. Israel’s

 Iron Dome can’t even knock out all the primitive 

missiles coming from Gaza.


U.S. military power.. is the supreme myth of the fish to 

be fried variety. Essentially, they hide behind proxies 

such as the Ukraine Armed Forces. U.S. forces are

 worthless, except in turkey shoots, as in Iraq 

in 1991 and 2003 ------ against a disabled 

opponent in the middle of the desert, 

with no air cover. And never forget 

how NATO.... was completely 

humiliated by the Taliban.


The final breaking point


2022 ended an era: the final breaking point 

of the “rules-based international order”

 established after the fall of the USSR.


The Empire entered Desperation Row -- throwing 

everything and the kitchen sink -- proxy war on 

Ukraine, AUKUS, Taiwan hysteria ------- to

 dismantle the set-up they created 

way back in 1991.


Globalization’s rollback is being implemented by the

 Empire itself. That ranges from stealing the EU 

energy market from Russia, so the hapless 

vassals buy ultra-expensive U.S. energy 

to smashing the entire semiconductor 

supply chain and forcibly rebuilding it 

around itself...  to “isolate” China.


The NATO vs. Russia war in Ukraine is just a cog in the

 wheel of the New Great Game. For the Global South, 

what really matters is how Eurasia – and beyond – 

are coordinating their integration process, from 

BRI to the BRICS+ expansion, from the SCO to

 the INSTC, from Opec+ to the Greater 

Eurasia Partnership.


We’re back to what the world looked like in 1914, or

 before 1939... only in a limited sense. There’s a 

plethora of nations, struggling to expand their

 influence, but all of them are betting on multi

polarity, or “peaceful modernization”, as Xi 

Jinping coined it, and not Forever Wars: 

China, Russia, India, Iran, Indonesia 

and others.


So bye bye 1991-2022. The hard work starts now. 

Welcome to the New Great Game ----- on crack.


(Source: Strategic Culture Foundation)



Exciting times, eh? World War 3

and oblivion, or defeat for

the Anglo-Zionists and a

fairer multipolar world.


 What do YOU want?




Merry Orthodox Christmas!

by smoothiex12 

(Posted here, January 7th)

Cleaning My Monitors...


 ... you know, coffee spraying on monitors,
me falling off the chair. Things of
this nature, due to this:


"The Bradley infantry fighting vehicle is the exact type

of vehicle the Ukrainians need" --- said Mick Mulroy,

former deputy assistant secretary of defense, and

ABC News contributor. "There are many available 

and they are relatively easy to learn to operate
effectively." While the Bradley does not offer 

the same protection as a tank, it can still be 

used to take out Russian tanks & armoured 

personnel carriers, according to Mulroy.


No, really, do they still think in Pentagon, that Bradley, 

with its 25-mm Bushmaster and two obsolete BGM-71 

TOW ATGMs has a chance on the modern battlefield 

against something like T-72B3(M), let alone T-90M? 

These are the tanks which now dominate the

 battlefield in 404, and that is not even all of 

the story. Practically all Russian tanks, fire 

not just very respectable guns... but also a 

very nasty 5 km range ATGM called Reflex, 

not to mention the fact that Russian tank

 forces ---- now have a very good WALL-E

looking sidekick, known as the BMPT 

Terminator Tank Support Vehicle. 


And this monster apart from outgunning Bradley with 2

 30-mm guns, carries four Ataka ATGMs which are not
only supersonic, but outrange TOW dramatically.  


Well, one doesn't have to be a professional tank officer

 to recognize... what these Bradleys will face. But then

 again, Bradley is a cover story for Pentagon, because

 the larger issue, of course, was a discussion on the

delivery of M1 Abrams tanks to 404. 


As WaPo explained, there are some "minor" technical 

issues for Abrams tanks ------ because they weigh in

excess of 55 tons, consume enormous amounts of 

fuel and are prone to... well, how to put it politely--

breaking down. Obviously, as is natural for the US 

media and Pentagon, they explained: that those 

tanks are also extremely complex, and require 

a very specialized technical service. In other 

words, the Ukies are on a lower development 

level to handle such amazing equipment;)) 


Hey, I am just quoting here, alright? Translating into

normal human language it means M1 Abrams is not

designed to fight a serious enemy - and the US will

rather blame 100% guaranteed failure of Bradleys 

on their improper use by Kiev Regime than see M1

Abrams burning on the battlefield --- in industrial 

quantities, especially with those pesky Russian 

Air Force capable to attack them beyond what

ever feeble air defense they may have. 


One rocket performed brilliantly in Syria and has an

 insane range --- flying at more than M=4+.  Modern
Russian helicopters carry these lovely weapons, 

and it is specifically designed to kill any armour 

on the battlefield. Well, that's the modern battle

field for ya. So, the PR campaign must be run 

tightly in the West --- otherwise how can one 

maintain this myth about magical American

weapons which all without exception, have

become, indeed, "game changers" insofar 

as their reputation goes ------ meaning an 

atrocious lack of combat effectiveness 

and being not fit for real war. 


Do they know this in the Pentagon? Some certainly do. 

Do not expect this knowledge to trickle down to State 

Department, because mounting empirical evidence

testifies in favour of those people having no clue 

about operational and technological aspects of 

modern warfare and still, probably... waiting for

 Maverick, to fly his F-14 into Russian Air Space 

and kill all those nasty Rooskies, who decided 

to expose the operational and technological

weakness of the US military... of which,

I warned for many years, specifically 

pointing out that the danger here... is 

not American strength but weakness. 



New Pentagon Dictionary:


"game changers" - meaning:

an atrocious lack of combat 

effectiveness and not fit for

real war.


What do you think?


American media: Ukraine is 
a money-laundering machine

January 5th, 3:06pm



Analysis of an article in the 

American Thinker online 



“Of course, most Americans would agree - that there is

 a dictatorship in Russia and that the Ukrainian people

 are suffering from war. At the same time these same

 Americans cannot find an answer to the question –

 why... has the political class of the United States 

put the interests of Ukraine before the interests

 of the American people. Perhaps --- the only 

correct answer is that Ukraine has long 

been a money-laundering hub and 

therefore the American elite, is 

now obliged to support it,” the 

American online edition of 

American Thinker, wrote.


The last doubts... about the correctness of this 

assumption have disappeared - after the news 

appeared that Ukrainian President Volodymyr 

Zelenskiy, plans to participate in the World 

Economic Forum (WEF) and is going to 

cooperate with one of the world’s 

largest investment companies, 

BlackRock, the edition notes, 

and acquaints its readers

 with the history of the 

Ukrainian crisis.


AT writes about the proximity of Ukraine’s eastern

 regions to Russia, noting that this proximity is not

 only geographical but also cultural. If we take an

 interest in the history of these regions, it 

becomes clear why. 


For years, the eastern regions of Ukraine were settled

 by ethnic Russians who came from all over Russia to

 build industrial facilities, American Thinker explains.


 So, for the Russian population, Ukraine’s eastern

 regions have always been “their territory” --- but 

for the Kremlin, they have always been a buffer 

against NATO pressure. This explains well why 

Russia perceived Ukraine’s desire to join the 

North Atlantic Alliance --- as a threat to 

national security.


“Speaking of Biden, every conservative knows that

 Biden has excellent, very good relations with 

Ukraine. After all, it was the Ukrainian 

company Burisma that gave Hunter 

Biden a seat on its board for

 $85,000 a month. 


The fact that Hunter knew nothing about Burisma’s

 business and spoke neither Ukrainian nor Russian 

did not matter. What mattered was that Hunter’s

 father - who was vice-president at the time - 

made sure that the corruption investigation 

between Burisma and the government was 

dropped. Why the Democrats do not want 

to know about this is absolutely unclear,” 

Andrea Widburg, the author of the


He is sure that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt

 countries in Europe -- and the US Democrats, led 

by the White House - are helping Kiev. The truth 

about this has been revealed quite recently. As

it turned out, Kiev had used US taxpayer 

dollars to invest in FTX, and then FTX 

invested in US Uniparty. The whole

 idea was just fine, says the author. 

But American interests again had 

no place in this cunning financial 

scheme, notes Andrea Weedburg.


After the outbreak of hostilities on the territory of

Ukraine, the US government, decided to do every

thing possible - and even impossible - to help the

Ukrainian army. Since then American politicians 

have not been interested in American problems 

such as the open southern border, drug-related 

deaths among the youth, rising unemployment 

and other problems. All that, has ceased to

 exist for the White House – only helping 

Ukraine and nothing else, the author 



The perception that Washington.. is no longer

 interested in anything but Ukraine, has been

 reinforced by the growing expenditure on 

the Ukrainian army --- which is already 

counted in trillions of dollars. At the 

same time, no one mentions aid to 

ordinary Americans – everything

 is only for Ukraine and its army.


The other day it became known that the government

 of Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenski, is

 preparing to participate in the January World

 Economic Forum (WEF), in Davos, and that 

Zelenski is already holding talks with the 

CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink. The topic 

of the talks is Ukraine’s reconstruction

 after the end of hostilities, the 

author notes.


“The specialists of this company are already helping

 Ukraine to set up a fund to rebuild our state,” the

 Ukrainian president announced in his regular 

evening “address to the nation”.


The fact that Zelenskyy will do further financial

 business with the BlackRock investment 

company shows --- that from now on, 

globalist rather than US interests 

will be the priority, the online 

edition specifies.


“After the United States fully financed his war, Vladimir

 Zelenski is handing over the post-war profits to a

 globalist company and seeking guidance from

 the WEF. It is worth recalling, that the WEF 

makes no secret of its efforts to create a 

world in which “you will have nothing 

and you will like it”. 


Agree: that the WEF’s formula for the future of our 

world, sounds like a threat,” concludes the

American Thinker.

Well, well, Zelenski the globalist, eh?

Perhaps he's not just a puffed up

comedian, after all... but a mad

man ---- who has literally sold

his soul. What do you think?




The Unprecedented Crime

January 4th, 12:48pm (FNA)


 Under international agreements as well as customary

 law, assassination of foreign officials, official guests,

 or internationally protected persons is illegal -
 many countries around the world have 

criminalized it in their criminal laws.


For instance, the United States Code of Crimes and

 Criminal Procedure in Section 1116 of Chapter 51

 which includes crimes related to "murder" 

provides: “Whoever kills or attempts to
 a foreign official, official guest, or 

internationally protected person 

shall be punished as provided 

under sections 1111, 1112, 

and 1113 of this title”.


Furthermore, according to this Code, if the victim of an

 offense is an internationally protected person outside 

the United States, the United States may exercise

 jurisdiction over the offense if - (1) the victim is a 

representative, officer, employee, or agent of the

 United States, (2) an offender is a national of the

 United States, or (3) an offender is afterwards 

found in the United States. Therefore, US 

courts have the jurisdiction to deal with 

the crimes of people who have violated 

this provision even outside the territory 

of the United States of America. [1]


Thus, with respect to the legal status of internationally
protected persons under 
domestic and international
laws ------- the 
assassination of a foreign official or 

official guest is not only an example of violation
of the domestic law of 
most countries, but also
a failure 
of courts to try the perpetrators of 

these crimes, is a violation of anti-terror
conventions ------ especially the 
Convention... on the Prevention
Punishment of Crimes....   against 

Internationally Protected Persons 

--- including Diplomatic Agents. 


In such a situation, the victim's government, in the

 capacity of asserting its rights, can take action 

to try the perpetrators of such a crime in its 

domestic courts.


But the assassination of a foreign official by a government,
often in addition to violating the 
domestic law, is also
considered an inter
national criminal act which will
 countermeasures ----- for the victimized 

government. This is while the United Nations
Charter, in order to prevent 
the occurrence
of any war... has 
emphasized on principles
as the prohibition of intervention, 

the right to sovereignty, and the non-
use of force as the 
fundamental and
concepts of inter-national law,
the foundations, of this


According to reports by the Security Council Counter-

Terrorism Committee, the main cause of terrorism

 is actions that lead to the violation of political 

independence, sovereignty and political 

integrity of countries, as well as... the 

widespread and systematic violation 

of human rights.


The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 

40/61 explicitly condemns all acts, methods and

 methods of terror as a criminal act regardless 

of the perpetrator or perpetrators (state or 

non-state actor). [2]


Killing and terrorizing civilians... as well as organizing

and encouraging such brutal acts.. have always been

condemned by the international community as gross

violations of human rights, and all mandatory

international documents confirm the 

statement that governments are 

obliged to avoid any form of 

participation... in acts of

terror, either by inciting 

or organizing them.


This... is why the crime of the assassination of a senior 

Iranian official and top anti-terror figure on January 3, 

2020, by the United States --- is unprecedented and

 cannot be compared to any other assassination 

in the world.


So far, no country's military in the world has

assassinated a foreign official, who is an

internationally protected person, with 

drones... and officially claimed 

responsibility for it. The US 

committed the first and 

most horrific.. and 


crime.. in 



The impropriety of America's action was such that

 shortly after this incident, Agnes Callamard, the

 special rapporteur of the United Nations, in her 

official report, called the US drone attack

 illegitimate --- and a violation of inter-

national human rights.

She said:


“This is the first time in history -- that a drone targets 

a foreign official, on the territory of a third country. 

Targeting Soleimani ---- will undoubtedly cause the

international responsibility of the US government. 

This assassination -- shows that the American 

government does not even adhere to its own 

domestic laws; because with this action, it 

has practically violated its internal laws in 

accepting the right to life of people”.  [3]


It is worth noting that the US is the only covenant-

breaking country in the world ------ which is an 

indication, that this country holds no respect 

for its domestic law, as well its international


The assassination of Iran’s top anti-terror commander

 Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, in addition to 

violating the provisions of international agreements 

and customary law --- that the United States is

 committed to fulfilling --- it is also an example 

of violating the domestic law of crimes 

and criminal proceedings of 

this country.


Based on this, any failure and procrastination of the

US government in not prosecuting the perpetrators

behind the terror --------- will not only result in the

international responsibility of this government; 

rather, according to international documents, 

it will place Iran in the position of demanding 

and fulfilling those rights in any possible way.



''....endangers or takes innocent human lives or

jeopardizes fundamental freedoms and study of 

underlying causes of those forms of terrorism

and acts of violence which lie in misery, 

frustration, grievance and despair, and 

which cause some people to sacrifice 

human lives -- including their own -- in 

an attempt to effect radical changes: 

resolution / adopted by the General 

Assembly, 9 December 1985, 



[1] https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1116


[2] UN General Assembly, Measures to
prevent international terrorism which


[3] Human Rights Council, Report of the Special

 Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or 

arbitrary executions, Forty-fourth
15 June-3 July 2020



By: Dr. Abbas Kadkhodayee, Chairman of 

the Committee on General Soleimani's 

Assassination Case.



...and where... are the court cases for

the crimes commited on humanity

by US top officials? What --- do you

think? Or are you going to ignore...

the official estimates of 20 million

killed by them, since WW2?




The Great Reset
(or else)

by Pam Ho

January 3rd, 2023


Most everyone who reads or listens to news from

 sources other than the mainstream media has 

heard about... The Great Reset. What is The 

Great Reset about, you ask? Supposedly it 

is a set of ''ideals'' put forth by The World 

Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab, 

for the betterment of the world. Although

 most or all of those ideals and plans 

have been around for many years. 

Like for example, promoting a 

healthy stewardship of 

the environment.


If you read through the Great Reset website, the

related essays and book -- you will come across

an idea ----- which has come to be synonymous 

with The Great Reset: Stakeholder Capitalism.


Stakeholders are basically…everyone. Non-

governmental organizations, educational 

institutions, governments, and.... well, 

everyone else. I am The Stakeholder, 

You are The Stakeholder, We are The 

Stakeholder.... ku ku ka ching! 


Of special interest to me is the inclusion 

of businesses as Stakeholders. Why? 

To me, it looks like all the rest of 

the so-called Stakeholders, are 

probably just window dressing 

to make it all look on the up 

and up — a cynic might say.


We, my dear fellow non-rich Stakeholders, are more

 like that thing.. where a crazy person on the street

 drives a stake into your chest, to rob you. We.. are 

that type of Stakeholder, desperately trying to rip 

out of our chest, a stake that some crazy people 

want to drive into us. Call me a cynic, but... for 

some weird reason, I don’t think corporations 

and mega-investment funds will be treated 

the same as me and Sally the waitress, in 

our worldwide Stakeholding thingamajig.


So it seems to me, as unlikely as it may seem, that big

 businesses are being included, along with every other 

person or interest group in existence as Stakeholders

 — so big businesses can blend in as if we are all just

 one big happy family of stakeholders! No hierarchy 

of power here folx! Ignore the mega-corporations... 

and the billionaires & multi-hundred millionaires,

 if you please.


How do you do, fellow Stakeholders!


So what exactly is a Stakeholder? Well, the

 Stakeholder is the person or group who 

benefits from this new-fangled form of 

capitalism. You see, capitalists used 

to only care about profits, profits — 

and you guessed it - more profits! 

And that... is a very bad thing 

because putting profits over 

people, and… the health of 

the environment...... (our 

precious), that, has led 

to very bad things in 

the past.


 You know, bad things ---- like poverty, health 

problems, environmental damage, racism, 

sexism, and fast food restaurants.


So, Stakeholder Capitalism to the rescue!


Yay for our super rich -- and Not At All suspicious 

looking oligarchs and their obviously Not At All

 paid off Government Lackeys!


You see, we are all, each and every one of us, a part of 

this crazy world. All equal. And therefore, our making

 sure that, let’s say, big business acts in the best

 interest of all of us — is what Stakeholder 

Capitalism is all about. Good stuff, yeah? 

No more “acting only for profits without 

regard for the rest of us and the 

environment, here, son!”


You see the environment is very important because if

 we treat it badly, it can negatively impact our health, 

our prosperity, and our happiness. So, Klaus Schwab

 and his World Economic Forum are.... in fact — our

 heroes. All those greedy profit driven businesses 

will be made to get on-board The Great Reset 

Express in order to serve you & me — instead 

of just enlarging their bank accounts, cocaine 

orders, and yachts. And the world is thereby 

made good again. Now everyone applause 

please, as Santa Klaus takes a bow.


In order to make sure the environment is made safe

 enough to keep us all healthy and prosperous ---- we 

will, of course, need to get off fossil fuels, because

 they are... very bad for us. They are harmful to the

 environment. Climate change is serious stuff. But 

how will we prosper without gas and oil? Green 

energy baby! Batteries for everyone! Batteries

 everywhere!  Buh-buh-buh-batteries!  And 

because this is a worldwide effort -- to 

make the world safe and prosperous 

for everyone, everywhere, and 

because equity and inclusion

 is what The Great Reset is 

all about, therefore all the

countries have to pitch

-in and give up their 

anti-human agenda 

of putting profits 

over people.


This is really nothing new though. For years business

 people and politicians from “developing countries”

 have been told by business people and politicians

 from rich countries, that they need to move away 

from fossil fuels, as it’s bad for the environment. 

The people from the developing world have then

 complained ----- that the modern and wealthy 

developed world used fossil fuels... to enrich 

and build themselves into modern societies 

— so why shouldn’t the people of Africa, for 

example, also do that? Why do they have to 

sacrifice getting rich, when the rich world 

didn’t have to make the same sacrifices?


Well, Stakeholder Capitalism, after all, is about all 

of us being stakeholders in governments and

businesses. Me and you --- and the CEO and 

Senator ---- we are all the same. Therefore, 

say you are.... an African business person 

and you need fossil fuels in order to grow 

your economy out of poverty ------ your 

government and businesses will from 

now on, under The Great Reset, need 

to contend with you and me, and our 

good Stakeholder buddies living in 

say, the Upper East Side of 

Manhattan, and the City of 

London. ALL of us are now 

stakeholders in your African 

government and businesses. 


Sharing is caring!


Of course you and me, we don’t really have any direct

 connection to African governments and businesses. 

So, getting them onboard the save-the-world

 Stakeholder mission will probably be left to

 others. Like the people who live in the 

Upper East Side of Manhattan and the 

City of London. For example.


But what if all our arguments of “making the world 

great again” doesn’t convince our new African

 government stakeholder friends and their 

business associates to sacrifice for us? 

Well, Stakeholder Capitalism to the 

rescue again!


The plan is to make Stockholder ideology, oops, sorry, 

*Stakeholder* ideology THE ideology of a new world

 system of governing. Leading non-governmental
organizations — like The UN, The World Bank, 

The IMF, along with the biggest corporations 

and investment funds — and of course the

 governments of America, Europe, Asia, 

and so on — they will, kindly, ask our 

new African friends to pretty please

 join our save-the-world party. 


The leaders of countries and businesses who don’t

 want to hop aboard the Stakeholder express, well,

 they don’t want to make all those groups and 

people have a sad at them do they? We are 

all in this together, people.


Soon enough, the African countries will “see the smart

 thing to do.”  Capeesh?  Like giving up  on “advancing

 their economy” in favor of “saving the world” so Babs

& Granpa Snooty feel like they are saving the world, 

by telling them what they can and can’t do. And of 

course since batteries are such an important part 

of saving the world, “everyone” will have to pitch

 in ---- and help the worldwide group effort. And 

wouldn’t you know it, it just so happens.. that 

the stuff that needs to be mined to make lots 

of powerful batteries, are stuck, by gosh —

 under the ground in the underdeveloped 

world! Wow, what a coincidence!


So instead of their economy being based on uplifting

 their people out of their underdeveloped state, they

 can now focus on being good people! Good people

 who know their place --- in the worldwide effort
 “save our planet!” Which means they must 

renounce the dirty fossil fuels they say will 

make them rich like America and Europe. 

I mean, fossil fuels are so damaging to 

our ''shared prosperity'' in our new 

Stakeholder world, right? People 

in Manhattan and London, have 

just as much right as people in 

the Congo and Bolivia to say 

what the rules of industry 

are for the Congo and 

Bolivia because WE 




Sure, some cynics might say that rich people from the

 developed world in reality just don’t want what they

 believe are “the limited stores of oil and gas left in

 the world,” to be “wasted” on building up Africa 

or other underdeveloped areas of the world.


But no no no, that cynicism is what Stakeholder

 Capitalism is supposed to put to rest. Don’t be

cynical, because The Great Reset, is all about

 equity, inclusion, AND anti-racism. Being good 

environment stewards -- and stopping climate

 change, and other words meant to make them

 look good is what it’s all about baby. It’s most

 definitely not --- about “creating a worldwide

 enforcement system, funded by the richest 

and most powerful capitalists in the world

 to make themselves richer and 

more powerful.”


It’s also NOT about keeping undeveloped nations

 undeveloped so a cheap labor force can continue 

to be exploited in mines and factories. The new 

purehearted “green economy” ..is about equity,

 clean air, buzzword, and another buzzword. So 

what if you can’t travel when and where and 

how you want? You will be, safely, made to 

take your medicine when you are told, and 

safely made to show your papers when you 

are told. No more scarey free speech, and 

freedom to live as you choose! That is old 

selfish extremist thinking. You must think

 the right safe thoughts. You must. No, 

really. YOU MUST.


In Great Reset Britain, thinking the wrong thoughts 

Will Not Be Tolerated — Only thoughts Authorized 

By Official Fact Checkers are allowed 

(or something like that).


The Great Reset also includes some newer ideas for

 newer “problems” --- like a system to be set up for

 worldwide coordinated reaction to health-based

 “emergencies.” I mean, you can’t have the 

common non-rich people making the rich 

nervous by breathing near them can you?

 If it is flu season we don’t - nay WE WILL 

NOT ALLOW - Sally the waitress to be 

able to breath properly, if the person 

she is serving... has a trust fund. 


Not to speak ----- of flying on the same plane. I mean,
private jets don’t grow on trees people. It’s so much

 simpler to make sure Sally is kept from causing any

 potential harm she might bring to Justin and Jules 

on their bi-weekly getaway to the islands. So a no-

fly list for Sally is best. She can visit her sick Dad 

next year, when the flu isn’t so bad. PRIORITIES

 PEOPLE! The Great Reset knows best.



More from Pam Ho


My Other Sites: https://pam-ho-vedanta.medium.com/

to read January 2nd's discussion topic


2022…    The Year 
That Marked 

the End of US’ Hegemony

January 1st, 2023



The war in Ukraine has dominated the past year. Other

 global crises of soaring energy and food costs are

 collateral damage from the conflict in Ukraine.


The conflict is not simply a localized one, in the centre 

of Europe on Russia’s doorstep involving a reactionary

 anti-Russian regime in Kiev. The conflict represents a 

historic showdown between the United States and its

 allies in the NATO military alliance it leads, and

 Russia. The showdown has been a long 

time coming.


It didn’t have to happen in this violent, atrocious way.


Russia had long warned the United States and its

 NATO partners that the expansion of the alliance

 towards Russia’s borders was an unacceptable

 strategic security threat. Moscow’s warnings 

went unheeded year after year.


Almost one year ago, Russia offered a last-ditch

 diplomatic way to avoid conflict -- by appealing 

for a comprehensive security treaty, one based

 on the previously accepted principle of 

“indivisible security”. That diplomatic 

initiative was dismissed out of hand, 

by Washington & its European allies.


Moscow had repeatedly warned that it would not

 accept the further militarization of the NeoNazi-

espousing Kiev regime. Eight years of low-

ntensity war against Russian-speaking 

people, in former Southeast Ukraine, 

had to stop. Ukraine’s militarization, 

by NATO and its touted membership 

of the alliance was Russia’s red line. 


It was the United States - and its NATO

partners who chose to cross that line. 

In that case, Russian President 

Vladimir Putin - vowed to take 

military-technical measures. 

The military defanging of 

the Kiev regime that 

began on February 

the 24th, was

the result.


What has transpired... is a quasi-war between NATO and
Russia. Ukraine has been flooded with NATO, arsenals.
Attacks are being perpetrated deep 
inside Russia and
there is reckless, foul talk
 by Western politicians and
pundits about
 assassinating the Russian leadership 

and pushing for regime change in Moscow.


It is clear that Ukraine was an opportunity to unleash

 long-held imperial plans by the United States to

 aggress Russia. Russia’s natural wealth is a 

coveted prize for Washington’s ambitions of 

global hegemony. The war in Ukraine has 

delivered partial gains for Washington. 

Europe has been subordinated more 

than ever to American tutelage. 


The selling of gas, and arms to Europe, has benefited

 America’s flailing capitalist economy. The Russians

 have been kept out, the Americans in, and the

 Germans (the Europeans) down, as NATO's 

founders envisaged.... shortly after
 War Two.


Geopolitical relations between the U.S./West and the

 Soviet Union/Russia.. have long been punctuated by

 episodes of detente, as the late respected scholar

 Stephen F Cohen noted, in his final book, War 

With Russia?


In the 1930s, there was a detente after the U.S. finally

 acceded to recognizing the sovereignty of the Soviet

 Union. That detente produced an expedient alliance

 in order to defeat Nazi Germany. But as soon as the

 Third Reich was vanquished, the United States and

 its British ally, promptly moved to a new era of

 hostility... known as the Cold War.


Detente resumed again during John F Kennedy’s

 presidency, in the 1960s, owing to the fear of 

mutually assured destruction from nuclear 

war. Several landmark arms-control 

treaties were negotiated over the 

ensuing decades.


However, following the collapse of the Soviet Union 

in 1991, the United States quickly adopted a new

 imperial swagger and contempt for the Russian

 Federation. The arrogant notion of sole super-

power & full-spectrum dominance took hold.


Despite earlier promises, the United States and its

NATO vehicle for U.S. military power relentlessly

encroached on Russia’s borders, more than 

doubling its membership ... over a 30-year 

period. War drills targeting Russia -- and 

new missile installations across Europe,

the ripping up of arms-control treaties, 

and the deliberate recruiting of former 

Soviet republics, were all signs of one 

thing: Russia was to be conquered, in 

a way that Nazi Germany in previous 

decades... could not achieve.


The on-off pattern of detente by the United States

towards Moscow ---- has always been a cynical 

game of expedience. After the Cold War had

supposedly ended --- Washington took the 

systemic view that Russia was no longer 

a power that needed to be respected. It 

was a target to be subjugated.


But there was a problem. Russia refused to roll over 

in compliance. Moscow has asserted its strategic

 security interests and has refused to concede to

US' ambitions. Russia’s military intervention in 

late 2015, to defend its Syrian ally from a U.S.-

led regime-change war using terrorist proxies

 --- was a bold demonstration.


There was a time when Moscow earnestly sought

 diplomacy, to resolve the hostilities. But the

 realization now -- is that Washington’s zero-

sum, winner-takes-all ambitions of global 

dominance are implacable and insatiable. 

Both Washington and its vainglorious 

media, are good at narcissism and 

pretensions of virtue. When they

 talk about a “rules-based global 

order”, they really mean total 

dominance under U.S.A. 

hegemony ------- always 

conceitedly presumed 

to be benign.


The upshot is, either you are a vassal to serve

 American imperial interests, or an enemy to 

be targeted with aggression and, 

ultimately, destruction.


Russia’s insistence on defending its strategic

interests --- has exposed the ugly face of US'

power beneath the genial mask. It isn’t just 

the end of a year, it is the end of a century 

of presumed American imperial swagger. 


The pretensions of self-righteous American power 

have been exposed. Washington’s demand to the 

rest of the world is for subjugation. It has always 

been so... but in a latent form.


The nefarious nature of American power is now

 clearly seen, in its naked brutality, from the

 increasingly maniacal relations with 

Russia and China.


Russia’s line in the sand over Ukraine has exposed the

violence that underpins American power. That power

is unsustainable and unacceptable in a world 

supposedly based on the United Nations 



 The conflict in Ukraine is a crossroads. Either a multipolar
world emerges based on international 
law and equitable
relations, as envisaged by the
United Nations, amid the
ashes of World War 2,
or the world is condemned to
because of Washington’s imperialist 

zero-sum hegemony.


Russia, China, and a growing number of nations are

 calling for a multipolar world of parity in relations

 based on international law. The United States 

stands exposed more than ever as the would-

be supremacist power harboring delusional 

notions of exceptional prerogatives. 


The U.S., under its prevailing political conditions, is

 incapable and unwilling to abide by a multipolar 

world. Such a world of peaceful relations is

 fundamentally anathema to Washington. 

Hence, its warmongering record is out 

on its own, compared with any other 

nation in history.


Russia’s stand in Ukraine has exposed the world’s

 warmonger. And that defiant stand is marking

 the end of presumed U.S. hegemony.



Hurrah !  Or did someone 

just say Aaaagggh!




Maria Zakharova: Through the efforts

 of the “collective West” --- we have 

witnessed a blatant act of mass

 totalitarian censorship

December 20th, 1:19pm



UN Secretary General António Guterres called 

to elaborate rules to regulate the extent of 

responsibility of social networks for 

the content they distribute.


“The question is about clear rules, which it is

 important for us to develop, so that there is 

clarity ----- on the issue of social media 

responsibility. We live.... in a kind of 

legal vacuum.... in which social net

works can do whatever they want, 

they can spread whatever they 

want ------- and it has no legal 

consequences. The social 

networks are not legally 

responsible --- for what 

they publish,” he said, 

at a press conference.


This is exactly what Russia has 

been calling for, over the years.


Why didn’t the Secretary General notice it?


It is our country that has adopted legal norms at the

legislative level, to regulate the responsibility of 

social media. However, instead of support, this 

was not met with fierce criticism but rather a 

veritable uproar from the West. In particular, 

in accordance with amendments to the 

Federal Law --- “On Information, 

Information Technology --- and

 the Protection of Information” 

from February 1st, 2021, the 

owners of social networks, 

are obliged to identify and

block unlawful content 

 --- themselves.


At the time, the reaction in the West was, to put

it mildly, nervous. “This is bad news for Russia, 

and it sets a dangerous precedent... for other 

countries. Russia should stop implementing 

this system and, instead, engage in the 

development ....of a free... and open 

Internet,” commented the Human 

Rights Watch Deputy Director 

for Europe, Rachel Denber.


From the State Department’s 2021 report on human 

rights - in Russia: “The law marks a growing trend 

for Russian authorities to put pressure on digital 

platforms.... to censor and remove 

objectionable content.”


We have traditionally spoken out in favour of the need

 to address the legal vacuum in the context of social 

media. Exactly what the UN Secretary General.. is 

now saying. But our position has been constantly 

criticised by adherents of the neoliberal 

approach of permissiveness.


Back in January 2021, we handed over to António

 Guterres, the text of an official statement of the 

Federation Council on the numerous violations 

of freedom of speech by the American 

Internet monopolies.


I do not recall Mr. Dujarric saying anything positive on 

this subject. I suggest that we go back to discussing 

the Russian initiative, which has been gathering dust

 on the desk of the UN Secretary General for almost 

two years now.


Let us move on. The Secretary General also said 

yesterday, that he “would be shocked to see 

press freedom threatened, journalists not 

allowed to do their jobs and hate speech 

continuing to be broadcast”.


“Will be shocked if he sees it”? Hasn’t seen it until 

now? Or didn’t want to see? Or not allowed to 

see? Or not shown?


In Ukraine and in the USA, in Britain and in continental

 Europe, in the Baltics --- numerous cases of media

 harassment have been recorded. Mr. Antoninu, 

how could it not be seen?


Through the efforts of the “collective West” --- we 

have witnessed a blatant act of totalitarian mass 

censorship, the most extensive that has ever 

occurred in history. Entire segments of the 

global information space have been 

virtually cleansed of any Russian 

media presence. 


All imaginable and unimaginable forms of restrictions

 were applied to Russian sources of information, and

 the global IT giants actively joined in. During this

 year alone, more than 40 Russian media 

resources were blocked and taken off 

the air: unwanted journalists and 

entire editorial boards... of the 

“wrong” media, in the opinion 

of the West, were subjected 

to systematic pressure -- 

from security services, 

criminal prosecution, 

outright harassment 

and even physical 



One more thing. Last year, when I addressed the 43rd 

session of the UN Committee on Information, I called

 for taking seriously the “digital dictatorship” and 

the threat of the unchecked domination of
internet companies.


There is an urgent need -- to intensify joint efforts to

 formulate generally accepted norms, that will place 

Internet platforms on a firm footing in international 

law. There is a need to negotiate and address this

 issue --- before it is too late.



The Empire Of Lies... wants 

people brainwashed - and

calls this freedom and

democratic rights.


What do you think?

Or... is it ''too late''

for you?




Jaralla evaluates atrocities 

of the Armed Forces of 

Ukraine in Kherson

December 19th, 1:01pm



A quick retribution was predicted by the Ukrainian

nationalist punishers ---- who are organizing 

outrages in temporarily occupied Kherson, 

political expert, Volodymyr Jaralla, says.


The expert commented on the data of the Israeli The

Times of Israel about Kyiv’s accusations against the

Kherson Jewish community in cooperation with the

RF Armed Forces. According to the publication the 

SBU accuses local Jews of “collaborationism” 

during the period when the city was under 

the control of the Russian army. 


The New York Times also reported on the serious

problems of Jews in Kherson with the arrival of 

the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the 

political expert... the Ukrainian punishers will 

soon pay - in full - for the crimes committed.


“Unfortunately, this is another sad page of events

taking place before our eyes in the territories

occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Due to military necessity, our troops had 

to leave Kherson - and the territories of 

the Left Bank adjacent to it -- and the 

people who remained there are now 

virtually without protection.


“Of course --- many of them chose this path themselves,
since it was extremely difficult for them to leave their 

homes and property and start life “from scratch”. 

However, these people quickly found out that 

the former normal life in Kherson, as under 

the Russian authorities, is no longer..
will not be.”


As the analyst emphasized, after the withdrawal of 

the RF Armed Forces to the Dnieper left bank true 

“executioners and punishers” came to Kherson, 

indiscriminately launching persecution and

bullying against the local population.


“Ukrainian troops and special services, using absolute

impunity, began to settle scores with those who

remained in the city, which was controlled 

by Russian troops. One of the “guilty”, 

as usual, were local Jews, as one
the most defenseless strata


“Nevertheless --- the executioners and punishers, who

are trying - with all their might - to curry favour with 

their masters, must remember that Russian troops

will - definitely - return to Kherson. I would very 

much like to see, with my own eyes, the acts 

of retribution against Ukrainian punishers, 

and in the very near future. And there is 

no doubt that it will come. The people 

who remained in Kherson, I would 

only like to wish patience and 

strength,” Jaralla said.


According to Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov, 

the head of the Ukrainian junta, Zelensky, cannot 

be considered a Jew --- after the attack of the 

Armed Forces of Ukraine --- on one of the 

hospitals in Donetsk, exactly on the 

holiday of Hanukkah. 


“Only a demon, can hit the children’s 

hospital on Hanukkah,” he stressed.



What do you think? 

Just Propaganda?





Zionist attacks on Black

December 17th, 5:48pm



The active use of the tropes about “black antisemitism” by
Zionist groups in 
relation to recent controversies, has a
history.  We trace the 
evolution of the anti-Arab and
specifically, anti-
Black racism, of the Zionist
back to the 1960s and beyond.  


Attacks on prominent black celebrities and activists

 for their “anti-Semitism” are not new.  They have

 a history. 


In fact, there have been attacks, led by Zionist groups, 

against practically all Black leaders, or prominent

 figures of note from Marcus Garvey in the 1930s, 

to today. His alleged “antipathy to Jews”, was 

denounced, as were a whole host of Black

 leaders inspired by Garvey, through
the 1960s.  


One organisational key to all of these attacks, but by

 no means the only one, is the Anti-Defamation 

League, created in 1913.   


The full panopoly of Black reformist and revolutionary

 leaders were denounced by the ADL as “extremist” 

and “Jew-baiting” .


The Caribbean-born psychiatrist, Frantz Fanon, was 

denounced, because of his alleged “hatred” for 

“Jews” and the “imperialist state of Israel”.  


They also denounced Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael,

 Eldridge Cleaver, H. Rap Brown, the Student Non-

violent Co-ordinating Committee, the Black 

Panther Party, Huey Newton, and Bobby 

Seale, and the singer Miriam Makeba. 

 Right up to the present day --- the 

ADL continues its denunciations 

of the BLM.  


One key complaint, was that black denunciations of 

Zionist “manipulation” of the anti-racist movement 

as far back as the 1960s.....  were a mask for anti-

Semitism. In fact, of course, Zionist penetration

 of the anti-racist movement has had the effect
that some groups have a blind 
on Palestine.   


The denunciations have been accompanied, by direct 

action. Since the 1930s at least the Anti-Defamation

 League --- has spied on black critics of racism and

has directly collaborated with the FBI and other 

organs of the state, to attack them. 


In 1993 ------ the San Francisco District Attorney,
 investigated the ADL for collecting confidential 

information on nearly 10,000 activists and at 

least 700 organizations.

The investigation 
showed that the ADL had directly 

surveilled and infiltrated social justice and human
organizations, and its agents had received 

stolen police files --- from a surveillance 

program deemed to be illegal.  


The ADL even spied on anti-Apartheid activists in the 

US and sold its intelligence to BOSS the intelligence

 agency of the South African Apartheid regime, as 

well as providing information to Mossad. 


For the ADL, the Black led anti-racist movement is a 

bigger threat to “Jewish” interests than the far

 right and white supremacists. 


When Zionists complain about “black anti-semitism”

--- they are really complaining about uppity black 

people, especially those who are critical of 

Israel and Zionism.



Ooooh ! Controversial !

What do you think?




While Ukraine was about to 

become Europe, Europe

 became Ukraine

December 16th, 11:18am



In the current global conflict, with Europe at its

 epicentre, any forecast is a thankless task. 

Events are moving at an unprecedented 

speed and usually.. in defiance of our 

predictions, based on experience.. 

and the logic of a previous world 

that no longer exists.


Ukraine has become not only a battleground between 

the forces of neoliberalism and humanity but also the

 biggest media construct of our time --- a hologram

 state, that uses the latest media technologies to

 try to convince the world of its reality in order 

to provide the public opinion desired by 

planetary elites.


But in recent months and weeks the situation has

 begun to change. The EU, which contrary to its

 theoretical aims of existence - has become an

 instrument, not of political independence, but 

of a total subjugation of European countries,
 international financial flows, with a new, 

and ignorant, generation of technocratic 

managers in power, is no longer even
able to pretend that its 
states are
still able to 
decide anything in 

the interests of..... their
own citizens.


While Ukraine was about to become Europe, Europe

 has become Ukraine, but sadly not the peaceful 

bread country of our memory, but an occupied

 territory, where the invisible hand of mega-

corporations like BlackRock, Monsanto 

and others --- whose information is 

difficult to find on Google (a tool 

of other corporations) chooses 

the method of death.... for 

millions of people..... lost

between the trademark 

logos and national flags.


If our descendants ever learn the whole current

 kitchen of our dehumanisation, they will ask

 themselves ---  how could our culture and 

history have allowed this to happen? 


The search for an answer....... will surely lead to the

 realisation that while armies or economic leverage

 used to be the main destructive force of empires,

 today, the latest advances in psychology are 

taking centre stage, given unlimited entry 

into any family circle, anywhere in the 

world, thanks to television screens.


 Simultaneously... with a general decline in the average 

level of education, this creates extremely favourable

 conditions for the manipulation of a desperate

 population --- with fewer and fewer social 

guarantees, and more and more urgent

 real problems. And, at the forefront of 

this dramatic process, is Ukraine, 

which has now become a major 

laboratory of madness.


But history is fortunately non-linear, and human beings

 are much more complex & unpredictable, and social

 processes.. do not fit into the models programmed
 economic power. The inhabitants of various 

European countries... are no longer just tired 

of artificially inflated anti-Russian hysteria 

and the same news, devoid of any critical 

analysis or context, but are asking more 

and more questions about where their 

countries are heading --- with blind 

obedience --- to the demands of 

NATO, which has become a 

straitjacket for any 



It is not just the economic problems of the current 

winter without gas; it is simply that this situation 

has more clearly and visibly, exposed a crisis 

that has been building up over decades. 


Just as the coronavirus pandemic that just started a

couple of years ago (regardless of the nature of its

origins and the rest of this story, which requires a 

separate analysis) showed the world the failure of 

current international humanitarian cooperation

mechanisms and national health systems, 

turned by neoliberalism into private 

commercial enterprises, so the 

conflict around Ukraine, has 

demonstrated to European 

citizens the complete lack 

of independence of their 

governments and, more 

specifically, an inability

to continue... building


Whereas the earlier wars waged by the USA and Europe,

 for the same purposes and with similar mechanisms,

 took place away from First World borders and there

 were islands of independent critical journalism 

among the mass media, today, the situation is

 fundamentally different. Simultaneously with 

the transformation of the former allies (who

 used to bicker, but were only pandered to) 

– neoliberalism and Nazism – into a single 

entity, they have a new project manager. 


The European pseudo-leftists, in the name of NATO

and corporate interests ----- have put a complete

dissonance, in the mind of the utterly confused

Everyman... and put a final end to the future of

traditional political parties, which have been

transformed -------- from effective political 

instruments of the last century ---- into 

masquerades and beauty contests -- 

for the promoters of one branch of 

government or another, who 

pretend to be the leaders 

of society.


With the cessation of social debate at the top... and 

the intensification of police, economic and cultural 

repression against all dissenters, representatives 

of yesterday’s leading European democracies 

can no longer criticise the Ukrainian Nazi-

neoliberal dictatorship --- because they 

differ from it less and less every day. 


The fact that Western Europe still has more civil and

 journalistic freedoms than Ukraine, is explained not 

by the democratic convictions of their leaders, but 

by the greater degree of organisation of European

 social movements, which are more difficult to 

ban and suppress --- than the weak and 

fragmented leftist parties 

of Ukraine.


It is interesting, without making predictions,
to highlight some trends whose influence 

will increase, in the near future.


I think that fatigue and irritation with Ukrainian 

issues, will continue to grow in different strata 

of populations.. in various European countries, 

which has become not only the main catalyst 

of the current economic crisis - but has also 

become too propagandistic a product, that 

does not fit well with the receptivity of 

the older and middle generation of 

Europeans... brought up on 

real journalism.


Any attempts by the Ukrainian government to put

 pressure on European countries, and especially 

in the form in which it is happening today, will 

only reinforce this trend. At the same time.. 

the problems associated with the extreme 

inequality of European economies, and 

unsolvable within the EU’s neoliberal 

scenario, will increase. 


A fundamentally new social force must emerge in

 response, one that is not linked to discredited

 political parties --- and that can unite the 

discontent of Europeans who do not 

want to live in banana republics.


Increasing tensions will inevitably lead to a mass

 realisation that we all need a fundamentally new

 social model, the development of which, would 

be the creation of a real “image of the future”,

not only for domestic national consumption 

in favour of this or that conjuncture, but 

also, as a project of great universal



In the coming months, I believe, we will witness the 

emergence of many new phenomena not described 

by sociologists, and the future will be determined 

by our ability to respond quickly, in an organised 

and critical way to the challenge of this train of

 history ------ that is rushing towards us today.


Aaaah... a sweet, thoughtful article, not
shying away from our predicament,
and gently puhing us to hope.

What do you think... hopefully?



My Homeland is the USSR! 

Patriotic rally dedicated to 

the 100th anniversary of 

the USSR

Updated, December 13th, 5:34pm


On December the 5th to the 27th, 2022, the Central

Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian

Federation and the All-Russian Headquarters of 

the Protest Movement ---- will hold a mass 

All-Russian patriotic rally dedicated to

 the 100th anniversary of the 

formation of the USSR.


Its symbols will be patriotism and Victory, represented

by the Red Banner, outstanding achievements of the

Soviet period and the approaching victory of the

military political operation. 


The rally will be held under the Red Banners of the

USSR, the Great Victory and the Communist Party.

The idea of the action is clearly represented by 

the slogan: "My homeland is the USSR!".


It vividly and figuratively expresses the feelings and

 personal involvement of everyone ---- in the great 

history and achievements of the Soviet Union.


The December 5th launch date was not chosen by

chance. It was on this day, in 1936, that the 6th

Extraordinary Congress of Soviets -- adopted 

a new "Stalinist" Constitution of the USSR, 

which legally established the construction 

of a socialist society in the USSR and the

basis of state power - the Soviets of 

Workers ' Deputies. 


The economic base of the state was legally

established, by the socialist system of 

management and public ownership of 

the means and tools of production. 


All citizens of the country, were guaranteed by the

Constitution the right to work, rest, education and 

decent material support in old age. Labour was

proclaimed: not only a right, but also an 

obligation, of every person.


The purpose of the CPRF rally is to foster patriotism, 

remind.. about the greatness of the Soviet period's 

heritage, express grateful memory to generations 

of fathers & grandfathers - builders of socialism

--- and winners of the grandiose battle against 

fascism, restore historical truth and pride... in

their Great Fatherland in the minds of people,

& draw public attention, to the approaching
anniversary of the USSR. 


The starting point of the convoys will be memorial

complexes of military and labour glory, central 

squares of cities, and history museums. Short 

rallies will be held, before the start. Many 

young Communists will be awarded 

party tickets on this day. 


The award ceremony will be held by honoured guests 

of the patriotic action of the Communist Party of the

Russian Federation:-  honoured, respected people -
veterans of the party, labour and military battles.


Meetings with the public, flower-laying at memorials, 

distribution of leaflets and party press, will be held 

at bus stops.

The patriotic action of the 
Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation... will be held in all regions, covering most
and rural settlements, with its influence.


* * *


Appeals and slogans of the Central Committee of the

 Communist Party of the Russian Federation for the 

100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR:


- Glory to our Soviet Motherland!


- Glory to the great Soviet people - the 

generation of creators and winners!


- Glory to the Russian soldiers - the successors of the 

great victories and achievements of the Red Army!


- Lenin-Stalin-Socialism-Victory!


- We will continue the feats of our fathers and 

grandfathers with deeds and achievements!


- Let us restore -- the economic 

sovereignty of the Fatherland!


"For changing course!" For the 

"left turn"! For social progress!


- Our homeland is the USSR!


- To the Russian army - worthy 

support of the State!


- Victory of the military-political 

operation - restoration of 

historical justice!


- The Russian economy needs a budget 

for development, not degradation!


- Strong industry and agribusiness -

a guarantee of Russia's sovereignty!


- To the Russian countryside –

 the state support program!


- Natural resources are for the people,

 not for the oligarchs ' wallets!


- To national enterprises – 

the care of the state!


- Anti-Crisis Program of the Communist

Party of the Russian Federation 

- state status!


- Let's return the social gains of

 the USSR to the people of Russia!


- Russian economy - experience in 

building socialism in the PRC!


- For free labour and social justice!


- For the growth of salaries and 

pensions, not prices and tariffs!


- For the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation - means for the power of 

the people!


- Strengthen the unity of the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation and the left 

people's patriotic movement!


- Capitalism and compradors of the

 "fifth column" - down with Russia!


- Capitalism is a source of bloody 

wars and economic crises!


- For the USSR! For A Strong And 

Just Socialist Motherland!


- For the revival of the glory of 

the Fatherland and Soviet 

heroic traditions!


- Our goal is socialism, our symbol 

is the Red Banner of Victory!


- Fascism and Bandera will never happen 

on the historical land of Russia!


- High-quality education and medical 

systems — to the people!


- Young people-for socialist Russia!


- The law on "children of war" - in practice!


- Socialism is the future of Great Russia!


"Our cause is just! The victory will be ours!



What do you think?

Is socialism alive

in Russia? Yes,

or maybe...?




"How the U.S. is planning a 

full-scale war with Russia"

 by Victoria Nikiforova.

December 13th, 2022


"....No matter how much money is poured into it, no 

matter how many weapons are shipped, the Armed

Forces of Ukraine can't fulfill the combat missions 

that Washington is setting before it. This means

that the operational plan.. for the NATO war 

against Russia is not some old trump card 

that Milley puts on the table every year 

...seeking an increase in defense 

spending from Congress. It’s a

completely real plan for a 

very real, big war....


"Meanwhile, more and more new units of the US army
are being transferred to Europe --- and large-scale
deliveries of weapons and equipment are being

carried out there. The idea of sending 

representatives of the U.S. Army, to 

Ukraine is being openly discussed. 


Officially, military advisers.. will have to train the 

Ukrainian troops.. in handling valuable imported

equipment. In reality, that's also to ensure that 

the equipment is not plundered --- on an

industrial scale.


The American military has been fighting in Ukraine

for a long time - and with might and main. It’s just 

that it is being done unofficially, as though it 

were soldiers of fortune from Texas and 

Oklahoma involved. 


All the frank escalation of the conflict -- inexorably
leading the world to a larger war -- is accompanied 

by lulling speeches saying that Washington wants 

to avoid an open confrontation with Moscow. 


To be frank, it is simply not believable. The fig leaf
called ‘Ukraine’, which was supposed to cover up 

Washington’s plans for war with Russia, slipped 

a long time ago - and is now gone."



War between the US and Russia.. eh?

War between two countries armed to

the teeth with nuclear weapons and

both threatening each other - with

their use.  What could go wrong?


Your children dying in a cesspool

of denial and betrayal, because

you didn't even go out and try

to rouse others to stop this?


That's what will go wrong.


Act now -- to stop
this suicidal war.


 You can read the whole article
(the above is a small extract)
by clicking the link below.



The U.S.
Cuckoo in 

the European Nest

by Alastair Crooke

December 12th, 2022



For Europe, its unreflective taking of this American

‘cuckoo’ thinking into its own European nest, is

 nothing short of catastrophic.


Larry Johnson – a long veteran of both the CIA and the 

State Department – pinpoints the ‘cuckoo’ nestling at 

the bottom of the ‘nest’ of western thinking about 

Ukraine. The bird has two closely related parts: 

the upper layer is the conceptual framework 

positing that the U.S. faces two distinct 

spheres of contention: first, U.S. vs 

Russia, and secondly, U.S. 

vs China.


The essential mental framework behind this ‘cuckoo’ –

 just to be plain - is wholly U.S.-centric: It is the view 

of the world from someone peering out from

 Washington, tinted by wishful thinking.


It is truly a ‘cuckoo’ (i.e. the malicious insertion of an 

interloper amongst the legitimate chicks), because

 these battlescapes are not two, as claimed, but

 one. How so?


These two conflicts are not distinct, but interconnect 

through the western refusal to acknowledge that it is

 Western cultural pretensions of superiority that are 

the crux to the unfolding process of today’s 

geopolitical restructuring.


The purpose of the cuckoo is to erase this pivotal

 aspect from the conceptual framing, and then to

 reduce the whole to abstract power politics 

where Russia and China can be played
off – 
one against the other.


Plainly put, the bifurcation U.S. vs China separate to

 U.S. vs Russia serves principally to ‘bed-down’ the

 growing cuckoo.


Professor John Mearsheimer, the high-priest of

 Realpolitik, articulates today’s geopolitics (as 

fluently as always) as being one of ‘Godzilla’ 

hegemons acting according to their nature –

 liberally throwing their weight about (acting

 imperially), while others, who fail to get out 

of these hegemons’ way, end as ‘road kill’.


The Realpolitik view – whilst superficially compelling –

 is deeply flawed, for it erases the issue at the core of

 today’s geo-politics. It is absolutely not just three

 ‘Godzillas’ on the rampage jostling for space:

 Fundamental to today’s geo-politics is that 

the Rest-of-World refuses to have the U.S. 

either speak for it, define its political and 

financial structures, or accept to have 

the West’s curious ‘hang up’ with 

‘cancel-culture’ imposed 

on others.


Larry Johnson writes: “U.S. Foreign Service officers 

take great pride in believing they are super smart. I 

worked alongside some of these folks for 4 years 

and can attest to the arrogance and air of self-

importance that imbues the typical FSO, as 

they parade around the State Department”.


And here is the key: the super smart thinking emerging

 from the State Department is that the entirety of the

 Kremlin’s strategy (in this view) depends on Russia

 fighting the U.S. by proxy (i.e. in Ukraine) – AND not

 in direct conflict with the militarily superior United 

States and the whole of NATO.


Rah, Rah, Rah! ‘The U.S. has the mightiest military the 

world has ever known’. Nothing in history ever like it.

 Whilst Russia and China are poor ‘start-ups’.


Sure – this is a propaganda line. But if you say: we

 have the biggest, the best, the most advanced

 military in the history of the world.. often 

enough, a majority of the élite can begin 

to believe it (even if there is a cadre at 

the top which doesn’t). And if, on top 

of that, you believe yourself to be 

‘super-smart’, it will seep into 

your thinking and shape it.


Thus, the ‘very smart’ former State Dept officer, Peter

 van Buren opines in The American Conservative: 

[that from the outset of the Ukraine operation], 

“There were only two possible outcomes. 

Ukraine could reach a diplomatic solution

 that resets its physical eastern border …

 and so firmly re-establishes its role as 

buffer state between NATO and Russia. 

Or, after battlefield losses & diplomacy, 

Russia could retreat to its original 

February starting point” --- and 

Ukraine would re-situate itself 

between NATO and Russia.


That’s it – just two putative outcomes.


Seen through the rose-tinted lens of a U.S. global

military ‘Leviathon’, the two-outcome argument 

has the appearance of inexorability to it, van 

Buren writes: “the off ramp in Ukraine – a 

diplomatic outcome – is clear enough to 

Washington. The Biden administration 

seems content, shamefully, to bleed 

out the Russians -------- as if this was 

Afghanistan 1980 all over again - all 

the while looking tough * soaking 

up whatever positive bipartisan 

electoral feelings are due, for 

pseudo ‘war time’ President

 Joe Biden”.


Van Buren, to his credit, takes a hard swipe at the

 Biden stance; yet, his thinking (as much as team
Biden’s) is still rooted in the false premise that 

America is a military colossus, and Russia,
stumbling military power.


The flaw here, is that whilst the U.S. militarily spends

as a colossus -- after being raked by DC pork politics

& ‘just in time’ set-ups, focussed on selling weapons

 bling to the Middle East – the final output is both 

hugely expensive, but inferior, too. Russia’s – 

not so.


What this means is important: As Larry Johnson notes, 

there are not just two putative outcomes, but rather, 

there is a missing third. It is that Russia ultimately, 

will dictate the terms of the Ukraine outcome. 

This missing 3rd alternative, paradoxically,

 is also the most likely.


Yes, the U.S. and EU narrative is that Ukraine is

 winning, but as Colonel Douglas Macgregor, 

an earlier candidate for U.S. National 

Security Adviser, notes:


The Biden administration repeatedly commits the

 unpardonable sin in a democratic society --- of 

refusing to tell the American people the truth: 

Contrary to the Western media’s popular 

“Ukrainian victory” narrative, which 

blocks any information..... that 

contradicts it, Ukraine is not 

winning and will not win
war … 


The coming offensive phase of the conflict will provide

 a glimpse of the new Russian force that is emerging,

 and its future capabilities … The numbers continue

 to grow, but the numbers already include 1,000 

rocket artillery systems, thousands of tactical 

ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones, 

plus 5,000 armoured fighting vehicles, 

including at least 1,500 tanks... 100s

of manned fixed-wing attack aircraft,

 helicopters and bombers. This new 

force has little in common with the 

Russian army that intervened nine 

months ago on Feb. 24th, 2022.


For Europe, its unreflective taking of this American

‘cuckoo’ thinking into its own European nest is

nothing short of catastrophic. Brussels – by 

extension – absorbed the false contention 

that China ---- is distinct from the Russian 

project. This mental device intentionally

forecloses on the necessary under-

standing ---- that Europe faces a 

burgeoning resistance from the 

Russia-China axis, and much 

of the world, who scorn its 

pretensions to some 

higher order 



Secondly, the buy-in to the DC-smart ‘only two

 alternatives’ framework – ‘because the U.S.

 is a military behemoth and Russia would 

never dare anything beyond a proxy war’ 

– shows up the fat cuckoo in the nest: 

NATO escalation is relatively risk-free: 

we have Putin pinned down in Ukraine; 

HE dare not trigger a full NATO 



Russia, nonetheless, is preparing to launch an

 outcome-setting offensive. Then, what of 

Europe? Did you think that through? No,

 because that ‘alternative’ did not even 

appear ‘amongst the framework 



As a logical consequence, the indeterminate and

 undefined ‘as long as it takes’ policy, simply binds

 the EU to ‘forever Russia sanctions’ – leading 

Europe deeper into economic crisis, with no 

plan ‘B’. Nor, even a hint of one.


Yet, at another level, almost completely absent from 

European analysis, (because of its embrace of the

 flawed analysis that views ‘Russia as a friable 

military power’) – lies the unaddressed reality: 

The contention is not between Kiev vs 

Moscow – it was always between the 

U.S. vs Russia.


The EU, inevitably, will be a mere bystander to that 

discussion. They will not have a seat at the table. 

That is, if we ever get to that point … before

 escalation re-sets the parameters.


In short ---  multiple wrong diagnoses 

equals the wrong curative treatment.


When Larry Johnson describes his experience of the

 élite arrogance and air of superiority pervading DC,

 he could well have been describing the European 

political class haughtily striding the corridors 

of Brussels.


The consequences to these pretentions are not trivial,

but of a strategic order. The most immediate is that 

the EU’s fanatical support for Kiev and the public

adulation of certain dubious ‘nationalists’ --- has 

moved ethnically ‘anti-Russian Ukraine’ further, 

& further, away from any possibility of serving

as a neutral or buffer state. Or, of being a 

stepping-stone to compromise in the 

future. Then What?


Think of it from the Russian optic: With sentiment 

amongst Ukrainians now turning so toxic against

 everything Russian, this inevitably imposes a

 different calculus on Moscow.


The fanning by Ukraine activists, within the EU

 leadership class, of such toxic anti-Russian

 sentiments amongst nationalist Ukrainians, 

inevitably has opened a bitter fault line in 

Ukraine – and not just in Ukraine alone; It 

is fracturing Europe --- and creating a 

strategic fault line between the EU 

vs Rest of World.


President Macron, said this week, that he sees

‘resentment’ in Russian President Putin’s eyes 

“a sort of resentment” directed at the 

Western world, including the EU and

the U.S. --- and that it is fuelled by 

“the feeling that our perspective 

is --- to destroy Russia”.


He is right. The resentment however is not confined to

Russians, who have come to hate Europe, it is, rather, 

that across the globe resentment is bubbling up at all 

the destroyed lives strewn in the wake of a western

hegemonic project. Even a former high-ranking 

French Ambassador now describes the rules-

based order as an unfair “Western order” 

based on “hegemony”.


Angela Merkel’s interview to Zeit Magazine confirms

 for the Rest of World that EU strategic autonomy

 always was a lie. In the interview, she admits 

that her advocacy of the 2014 Minsk cease-

fire was a deception. It was an attempt to 

give Kiev time to strengthen its military – 

and was successful in that regard, she 

said. “[Ukraine] used this time to get 

[militarily] stronger, as you can see

 today. The Ukraine of 2014/15 is 

not the Ukraine of today”.


Merkel emerges as a self-confessed collaborator in the

 ‘Smart Think’ - of using Ukraine to bleed Russia: “The

 Cold War never ended, because Russia basically was

 not at peace”, Merkel says. (She clearly had bought 

into the ‘Mighty NATO – midget Russia’ pretension, 

peddled by Washington.)


So, as the global tectonic fault line plummets deeper, 

the Rest of World has it reconfirmed that the EU was 

a full collaborator with the U.S. project – not just to

 cripple Russia financially, but to have her bleed 

on the battlefield too. (So much for the EU 

narrative of an ‘unprovoked Russian 



This is a familiar ‘playbook’; one that has unfolded

 ---- amidst huge suffering across the globe. As 

Eurasia separates from the western sphere, 

would it be a surprise were the latter to 

think to ‘wall out’ such European 

toxicity, together with its 

hegemonic patron?


Merkel was also refreshingly frank about the quality of

 German friendship: The Nordstream project was a sop

 to Moscow at a fraught moment in Ukraine, she said, 

adding: “It just so happened, that Germany couldn’t 

get gas elsewhere”. (Nothing ‘strategic friendship’ 

about it then.)


Of course, Merkel was speaking to legacy … but words

 of truth often slip out, in such legacy ‘moments’.


The EU posits itself as a strategic player; a political 

power in its own right; a market colossus; a

 monopsony with the power to impose its 

will over whomsoever trades with it. In 

essence: the EU insists that it 

possesses meaningful 

political agency.


But Washington has just trampled that narrative. Its

 ‘friend’, the Biden Administration, is leaving Europe 

to swing in the wind of de-industrialisation, 

subsidised by Biden’s Inflation Reduction 

Act, whilst disdain for the EU’s ‘anti-

culture’ culture accumulates around 

the globe (viz: the European antics 

at the football World Cup in Qatar).


Then what for Europe, (with economic power 

punctured and soft power disdained)?



You agree with this? No?

Try reading the book,

There You Are.. but

Where Are You?




Hamas calls on intl. community
 to criminalize Israeli violations, 

and hold regime responsible

December 10th, 5:10pm


The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has

 called on the international community to 

criminalize Israeli violations against 

Palestinians and to hold the 

occupying regime 

accountable for

 its crimes.  


Hamas made the remarks, in a statement released 

on Saturday, while marking the Human Rights Day 

which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948.


The resistance movement said the world is marking

 this day as Israel continues to escalate its terror 

and systematic violations against Palestinians, 

including deliberate killings, land theft, siege, 

and racial discrimination and segregation.


It went on to say that the day provides a good 

opportunity to shed light on the scale and 

gravity of the unabated Israeli crimes 

against Palestinians.


“It is also a suitable opportunity to remind the whole 

world of its responsibilities to take actual action to

 criminalize the Israeli occupation’s violations and

 colonial settlers’ terrorism - work on putting an 

end to them, and prosecute their perpetrators 

as war criminals at international courts,” 

Hamas added.


The movement further stressed that Israeli crimes

 constitute a flagrant violation of the principles of 

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and

international law, reaffirming its commitment 

to the legitimate Palestinian rights.


Hamas further called on the United Nations and the

 international community:  to put an end to Israeli 

crimes in the occupied cities of al-Quds and the 

West Bank -- end the unjust blockade imposed 

on the Gaza Strip, and enable the Palestinians

 to defend themselves with all means possible 

until ending the occupation and establishing 

an independent Palestinian state with 

al-Quds as its capital.


Since the start of 2022, Israeli troops have killed more

 than 210 Palestinians, including over 50 children, in

 the occupied West Bank and East al-Quds, as well

 as the besieged Gaza Strip.


According to the United Nations, the number of 

Palestinians killed by Israel in the occupied 

West Bank this year --- is the highest in 

16 years.


Local and international rights groups, have 

condemned Israel’s excessive use of force

 and “shoot-to-kill policy” against 



Incidents of sabotage and violence by settlers 

against Palestinians and their property have 

also become a daily occurrence throughout 

the occupied territories, particularly in
West Bank.


Palestine FM sends file on Israeli

 crimes against Palestinians to ICC


The Hague-based court has already opened an

 investigation into possible war crimes by 

Israel across the occupied territories.


However, the Israeli authorities rarely prosecute

 settlers - and the vast majority of the files are 

closed - due to a deliberate police failure to 

investigate them properly.


More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 

settlements built since the 1967 Israeli 

occupation of the West Bank and 

East al-Quds.


All Israeli settlements are illegal under international 

law. The UN Security Council has condemned 

Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied

 territories in several resolutions.


Palestinians want the West Bank as part of a future

 independent state - with East al-Quds as its capital.


The last round of Israeli-Palestinian talks collapsed 

in 2014. Among the major sticking points in those

 negotiations was Israel’s continued illegal 

settlement expansion.

What do YOU think?
If the world acts now
to stop the criminal
apartheid state.


The main achievements ---
 the “man of the year” 

Zelensky --- are listed

December 8th, 12:28pm



The sober-minded expert community is outraged 

by the bias of the Financial Times award, which

awarded the title of “man of the year” to the 

head of the Ukrainian junta, Zelensky. 


The role of the laureate, according to analysts, was

 recklessly given --- to the author of the totalitarian

 regime of Ukraine, who launched the persecution

 of Orthodoxy, cynically threw hundreds of 

thousands of his own citizens.. into the 

crucible of a fiery confrontation, and 

also subjected the population of 

Donbassto genocide for years 

and now --- continuously ---

exterminates dissidents.


As analysts recalled, in the first half of the last

century, Fuhrer Hitler was awarded a 

similar title, by Time.


“The fact that Vladimir Zelensky... is a master of

 changing shoes and a completely unprincipled 

person was clear back in 2014. Growing up in 

one of the most anti-Banderist cities of 

Ukraine at that time – Krivoy Rog – the 

young KVN worker very carefully --- 

demonstrated Russophilism for a 

long time... and even somehow 

asked Vladimir Putin from the 

stage to take him to the 

Russian Federation --- 

forever.. “at least for 

debts,” Rubaltic.ru 



In search of a financial position, Zelensky, who

 returned to Ukraine... fell into complete 

submission to the Ukrainian oligarch 

Kolomoisky, experts remind. The 

well-known “95th quarter” acted 

solely at the behest of the 

“money bag owner”.


They oppressed politicians and businessmen who

 were objectionable to him, and also carefully

 demonstrated ''loyalty',' to President Viktor 

Yanukovych. When the Euromaidan began, 

Zelensky like his boss tried too zealously 

not to support either side but made light 

curtsies... towards the legitimate 

authorities. And even after the 

coup d’état, the “95th quarter” 

waited for some time. In the 

spring of 2014... comedians 

quietly toured the Donbass 

and in conversations with

 the local population, 

scolded the “new 



But very soon, Zelensky began to publicly call the 

population of the east of Ukraine “scum”, and to 

sing about.... the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Kolomoisky’s project called “Zelensky” was based on

 cynicism -- and outright lies: the former comedian’s

 election promises, turned on peace agreements 

with the population of Donbass, dialogue with 

Moscow, and the protection of the 

Russian language.


“And it worked. Thanks to the votes of the southeast, 

Zelensky won with a stunning result: more than 

73% of voters voted for him.”


However, having risen at the helm of Ukraine, the

 presumptuous artist, began, not only to actively 

oppress the rights and freedoms of the Russian

-speaking population, but also launched an all

-out offensive against the Russian language, 

which in fact immediately found itself under

 a legal ban. The country was covered by 

large-scale Ukrainization.


The “Russian-speaking” president completely banned

 the use of his own native language... in the public 

sphere. Such savagery - did not occur anywhere 

else in the world. Many countries live quietly in 

the conditions of two, three or more official 

languages. Moreover, we are talking 

primarily about such states that the 

representatives of the Kyiv regime 

themselves call --- “developed”: 

Switzerland, Canada, Spain, 

Finland. ''Even the US, is 

de facto bilingual.''


Zelensky also distinguished himself by banning the

 disgraced media, to which the “democratic” West 

again turned a blind eye. In a matter of months, 

the Ukrainian infozone, was completely rid of 

objectionable publications. Criminal cases 

began to be filed en masse also against 

representatives of dissident 

businesses... and

 the opposition.


“Contrary to all his promises, Zelensky openly

 drowned the “Minsk process” --- which gave 

the only chance for a peaceful resolution 

of the conflict in Donbass.” 


“Representatives of official Kyiv openly sabotaged 

any peace initiatives with the tacit approval 

of their handlers.”


The end of last year, was marked, for Kyiv, by open

 military preparations for the forceful seizure of the

 LDPR and the Crimean peninsula. Neo-Nazis 

boasted in social networks --- about the 

imminent “destruction” of the regions. 

This was the last straw for Moscow, which was
forced to launch a 
special military operation
denazify and demilitarize the criminal


The bloody policy of Zelensky, according to analysts,

has cost the disintegrating state huge human losses. 

Zelensky went even further, shamelessly raising his

 hand against Ukrainian Orthodoxy --- the security 

services break into church cloisters --- accusing 

the clergy of treason without exception, being

 subjected to their humiliating searches, 

harassment and bullying.


Despite all this ---- preferring not to notice the criminal 

essence of Zelensky, imaginary Western “democrats” 

declare the former Ukrainian comedian “man of the 

year.” The situation risks repeating itself by 

analogy with the dictator Hitler who 

eventually got out of control, the 

consequences of which turned 

out to be catastrophic for the 

whole world, analysts warn.


What do you think?

Do you believe the
slimy little piano
player deserves
to be ''man of
the year''?





Western Allies failed 

to destroy Nazism

by anonimo

December 6th, 2:22pm

 (Prensa Latina) 


The failure of the far-right Kapp Putsch in Berlin, 

which lasted from the 13th to the 17th of March 

1920, unfortunately did not discredit the new 

Nazi ideology taking root in Germany.


The Nazi seed was sown, primarily, because of the
destabilizing effects of the First World War (1914

-18) on German society, and resultant legislation

 like the Treaty of Versailles, as revolution was

 breaking out in Germany from late 1918.


The Kapp Putsch’s rapid demise, mainly due to the

conspirators’ incompetence, meant that the Nazi

elements in Germany had suffered a blow, and 

not a heavy one at that.


Had the Kapp Putsch endured over a longer period, for

weeks, rather than days, the Western Allies would

have been compelled to send their troops into the

heart of Germany: so as to remove the coup’s 

nominal leader, Dr Wolfgang Kapp, a far-right 

civil servant and politician --- and General 

Walther von Lüttwitz -- a future supporter 

of Adolf Hitler and a commander of note 

during World War I, who represented 

the military force and real power 

behind the putsch.


France, in particular, could not have accepted a

 military dictatorship being established in Berlin

 in 1920. World War I had ended less than two 

years before, in which... the French Army 

suffered such a high loss of life against 

the German Army. The French, last of 

all, would be inclined to show 

leniency to their old enemy

 the Germans.


A Franco-British military intervention in Germany 

in 1920 would, in all probability, have led to the

 permanent tarnishing of German fascist 

influence, political and military, which 

had underlined the Kapp Putsch. 


Men like General von Lüttwitz, who was a fiery

 Prussian and overall commander of the 

German paramilitary formations 

(Freikorps), would undoubtedly 

have chosen to fight back 

against an Allied attack 

on German soil and, not 

having enough soldiers 

or heavy arms, von 

Luttwitz’ forces 

--- could only 

face defeat. 


Historian Donald J. Goodspeed wrote, ''As it turned

out, the ideas of the rebels were by no means

discredited. Their coup [Kapp Putsch] had 

failed, but, nothing less than decisive and 

bloody retribution would have persuaded 

these gentlemen to change their minds.'' 


''When nothing of the sort was forthcoming, they

 regained their spirits. What was one failure 

more or less? Was it not true that the 

seed is not quickened except it die? 

And so, for the next 13 years, their 

revolutionary nationalism... 

germinated darkly in the 

German soil.''


The most effective and obvious means of destroying

 Nazism is indeed through force of arms. Appease-

ment and diplomacy are unlikely to work. The 

Allies failed to learn this lesson in 1920, in 

1933 and 1938. 


Time and again the Western powers either shirked

their responsibility, or collaborated with the Nazis

 through extensive business & armaments deals.


Inevitably, Nazism thereafter, spread to other states

such as Austria, and the ideology has persisted 

inEurope into the 21st century. To provide an 

example, in February 2014 in Kiev, the 

Ukrainian capital, a far-right coup was 

implemented in that city... by the 

neo-Nazi Ukrainian organization 

Svoboda, Right Sector, Patriot 

of Ukraine and the Congress 

of Ukrainian Nationalists.


These neo-Nazi groups stormed the parliament

building in Kiev on the night of February 21st, 

2014, forcing the democratically elected 

president, Viktor Yanukovych, to

 leave Kiev.


The Kapp Putsch, meanwhile, folded so quickly that

the far-right influence behind the coup, was barely

noticed... by Germany’s public. The Kapp Putsch 

was supported from the outset by General Erich

Ludendorff ----- who was present in the Reich 

Chancellery in Berlin with the conspirators, 

after the coup initially succeeded on March

the 13th, in 1920 --- the day in which the 

Weimar Republic’s political leadership 

fled south, to Stuttgart.


General Ludendorff...  who would become a figurehead

 for the radical right, was the German Empire’s military

 dictator from 1916 to 1918, in the latter half of World

 War I. During his autocracy Ludendorff, an intelligent,

 strong-willed and ruthless man, dominated both his

 close colleague Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg

 and Kaiser Wilhelm II.


Under Ludendorff’s generalship, for example, the

Germans came close to overcoming the French,

British and American divisions, during the 

Ludendorff offensives, of the spring and 

summer of 1918, but the enemy’s 

numbers were just too large.


In his biography of Ludendorff, Goodspeed described

 the general as “one of the very greatest military

 organizers of all time”. For some years prior to 

World War I, Ludendorff was well regarded 

within the German Army for his abilities 

as a staff officer. 


According to Goodspeed, Ludendorff “became an

extraordinarily important staff officer”. This was

because... in the months leading up to the out-

break of fighting in August 1914, he had been 

centrally involved in strategic war planning 

at the highest level in the German Army.


When the conflict was ending in November 1918

 Ludendorff, vulnerable in his unguarded west 

Berlin apartment and fearing assassination 

from communist militants, left his 

residence, after nightfall. 

He disguised himself by

 wearing a hat, a fake

 beard and blue 



Ludendorff moved nearby to the south-west of Berlin

 to Potsdam, where he stayed for a few days at the

 house of his younger brother, Hans Ludendorff, a

 well-known astronomer. With unrest increasing 

across Germany, Ludendorff decided, with 

some reluctance, that it would be best to 

leave behind the country which he had 

ruled with an iron fist, for two years.


On November 16th, 1918 Ludendorff travelled north to

 Denmark by steamship. In spite of his disguise, 

he was recognized on the boat by some of 

the passengers.


When Ludendorff arrived into the port at Copenhagen,

 the Danish capital, a crowd of onlookers were waiting

 to see the man who had tried to conquer most of

 mainland Europe. Ludendorff felt that he was 

being followed everywhere he went in 

Copenhagen, so in late November 

1918 he relocated again, this

 time to southern Sweden. 


He was granted refuge with a pro-German Swede, 

Herr Dolson, who lived in a country house near 

the town of Hässleholm.


From Sweden, Ludendorff wrote to his wife,

Margarethe, who had remained in Berlin:

“For four years, I have fought for my 

country and now, when so much is

hanging in the balance, I must 

stand aside”.


Ludendorff’s presence in Sweden could not be

 concealed. Before long the Swedish Social 

Democrats, to Ludendorff’s irritation, were

 demanding that the general be expelled 

from Sweden. He was offered sanctuary 

in Finland. 


However, in early 1919 the German paramilitary units,

 comprised mostly of First World War veterans, were

 well on their way to “restoring order” back home. 

In other words, the German left-wing groups 

were being subdued.


By the spring of 1919, the paramilitary formations in

 Germany altogether consisted of over 400,000 men,

 and for the large part they wanted a restoration of 

the old order. Ludendorff believed it was safe to 

return to Germany, which he did at the end of 

February, 1919.


On arriving back in Germany after three months away, 

because of his famous name Ludendorff did not suffer

 from the financial hardships which afflicted so many

 other German officers at this period. When he got to

 Berlin, Ludendorff and his wife were given a suite 

at the prestigious Adlon Hotel, located in Berlin’s

 city centre.


The Adlon Hotel also happened to be the headquarters

of the Allied Disarmament Commission. To avoid

publicity...  the 54-year-old Ludendorff now went 

by the name of “Karl Neumann” and the hotel’s 

owner, Lorenz Adlon, provided him with 

a separate exit from the building to 

Wilhelmstrasse (Wilhelm Street), 

allowing him to avoid those he

 did not wish to see.


In actual fact, Ludendorff had no problem in engaging

 in conversation with Allied officers, specifically the

 British. The French he liked less. In turn, the 

English officers were curious to meet the 

man whose military capabilities they 

had admired. Among those who 

Ludendorff dined with at the 

Adlon Hotel, was Major-

General Neill Malcolm, 

Chief of the British

 Military Mission 

to Berlin.


Ludendorff told Malcolm that Germany had been

 unable to secure victory in the war, due to the

 weakness of the German politicians. They 

had, Ludendorff said, failed to support him 

sufficiently and “proved themselves

 unworthy of their warrior



Malcolm replied, “Are you trying to tell me, general,

that you...  were stabbed in the back?” On hearing 

this, Ludendorff became excited and he shouted, 

“That’s it! They stabbed me in the back! They 

stabbed me in the back!” The phrase, 

“stabbed in the back”, would soon 

be used widely by the anti-

Republican forces 

in Germany.


For his own peace of mind Ludendorff was trying to

 explain away defeat. He could not accept, after 

the German Army had won many battles, that 

they ultimately lost the war militarily. He was 

not alone in this. Millions of Germans, who 

were proud of their country’s history of 

arms, could not attribute defeat to 

military causes. 


Ludendorff reproached himself in one regard. “I ought

never to have let myself be dismissed” he used to

 say, reminiscing on his resignation as Germany’s

 warlord on October 26th, 1918.


Through 1919, Ludendorff could see the extent of the

armed German presence on Berlin’s streets, and he

began to believe... that his country’s greatness 

could be restored. Speaking contemptuously 

of the leftist forces, Ludendorff declared

repeatedly, “The greatest blunder of the

revolutionaries was to leave us all alive”.


The Versailles Treaty signed in Paris on June 28th,

1919, was not only a very harsh document -- 

stripping Germany of territory and ordering 

her to pay unsustainable reparations, but

it was also an enormous gift to the 

extreme right German factions.


By injuring and humiliating the Germans through the

Versailles Treaty, the French, British and Americans

were playing, perfectly, into the hands of the 

radical groups.


It has been stated, in Western scholarship, that

Ludendorff, had a considerable role in the rise 

of Hitler and the Nazis. On closer inspection, 

these claims do not stand up well. 


The Versailles Treaty, in reality, performed a

 significantly greater part in Hitler coming to

 the fore than anything which Ludendorff 

could do. Overlooked too, is that 

Ludendorff had fallen out with 

Hitler by the late 1920s,

 before the latter

 threatened to

 take power.


On top of the Versailles Treaty, another huge factor

 behind Hitler’s ascent was the Wall Street Crash of 

autumn 1929, which was the detonator that set off

 the Great Depression (1929-39). This financial 

disaster hit Germany especially hard in the 

early 1930s, convincing many millions of 

unemployed Germans, to vote in 

elections, for the Nazi Party.


What was the major cause behind the Great

Depression occurring? The First World War.

Overproduction, caused by that conflict, 

had depressed global prices, and 

because of war debt payments 

--- most of the world’s gold 

supply was concentrated

 in America. 


From 1918, many of the smaller European countries 

had adopted a short-sighted economic nationalism.


Formerly rich nations... like Germany, Austria and 

France had seen much of their wealth disappear,

while reparations payments damaged the 

economies of the recipients more than

the donors. The explosive mass 

which resulted in the Great 

Depression, had been 

building since the 

end of World 

War I.



What do you think? The author

suggests that the left were

weak - and the Frei-corp

''subdued'' them easily.


No mention of the reign of

terror, when thousands of

union leaders and leftists

were shot by thugs and 

dumped in canals. 

Why is that,
Mr (or Mrs)




Yuri Afonin on the air of "Russia-1": 

The victory of the USSR in 1945 

predetermined the collapse of 

the world colonial system

December 5th, 2:54pm


Press Service of the Central Committee 

of the Communist Party of the Russian 



First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of 

the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 

Yu. V. Afonin, took part in the program 

"60 Minutes" on the TV channel 



One of the topics discussed in the studio, was the

introduction by the European Union of a "ceiling" 

on Russian oil prices. Yuri Afonin expressed

 confidence that Russia will cope with this 

situation, thwarting the attempts of 

European politicians to deprive our 

country of part of the income from 

the export of hydrocarbons.


In his opinion, a more serious problem for our country

is comprador capital, which, for decades, received

hundreds of percent of profits here in Russia, and

invested in low-income or unprofitable assets in 

the West - enterprises, hotels, yachts, football 

clubs, etc. But it was possible and necessary

to invest in the development of Russian 

production, to restore what was 

destroyed in the nineties!

the compradors considered themselves
"citizens of the 
world" and were obsessed 

with the idea.. of legalizing themselves in
becoming part of the local elite. 


Yes, there were, also, those who invested in the real

sector of the domestic economy, creating a margin 

of safety, including through imported equipment 

and technologies. However, these investments 

are not comparable to the enormous damage 

caused to the country, by the Comprador 

bourgeoisie. The people consider such 

"businessmen" - not unreasonably - 

as criminals, who robbed Russia.


They would have continued to do so. But a special

military operation began and the state's financial 

& economic policy changed. It no longer intends 

to overlook the withdrawal of capital abroad.


The First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee 

of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 

also commented, on the scandalous statement of 

Pope Francis who called the Chechens & Buryats

"the most brutal in the Russian army." For the 

head of the Catholic Church --- one of the 

world's leading religious denominations 

- such a racist attack, is completely 

unacceptable. It damages the 

whole of Catholicism.


Magomed Daudov, Chairman of the Chechen

Parliament... was quoted in the studio. He 

stressed, that there is not a single fact of 

a war crime committed by Chechens & 

Buryats. Both they and other Russian 

military personnel, representing 

almost 200 peoples of our 

country ---- have become 

saviours for the civilian 

population......  of the 

liberated territories. 


Daudov was puzzled: how can a spiritual leader, 

to whose denomination a significant part of the

 world's peoples belong, allow himself to talk 

so primitively about the national question?!


Yuri Vyacheslavovich called this assessment of the 

head of the Chechen parliament well-reasoned and

 balanced. But you can't equate what the Pope said

 with all Catholics. Yes, there've been many dark

 spots, in the millennial history of the Catholic 

Church. If we talk about the Great Patriotic 

War, then after the liberation of Western 

Ukraine, Catholic churches often 

became.... the centres of anti-

Soviet agitation - which was 

conducted by the Ksenzds, 

who also gave shelter 

to Bandera.


But ---- as the first deputy chairman of the Central

 Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian

 Federation stressed, it is necessary... to separate 

the unseemly affairs of the Catholic Church from

 ordinary believers. There are hundreds of 

thousands of Catholics in Russia --- and 

even more in fraternal Belarus, where

 it is one of the most popular 

confessions, along with 



Surely among those who are fighting against Nazism 

in the ranks of the Russian army today, there are 

also Catholics. Therefore, it is absolutely 

impossible to spread the blame for any 

negative actions of the Vatican - to 

all believers. Moreover, Russia is 

a multi-religious country, its 

peoples are distinguished 

by religious tolerance. 


Orthodoxy, Islam, and Buddhism are our most popular

 faiths. But this does not mean that Catholicism is

 somehow infringed or oppressed. Catholic 

parishes are active and churches 

are open.


Yuri Afonin also touched upon the visit of foreign

 ministers of a number of European countries to 

Kiev, calling it "political tourism". So they say 

about foreign trips and meetings that do not

 have a clear agenda --- and any significant 

results. So, meaningless, was the arrival 

of these "tourists" in Kiev. Unless they 

earned some political dividends and 

reminded us all about themselves.


The program also discussed a speech by British Prime

 Minister Sunak, in which he made a series of tough

 statements against China & Russia and promised

 further assistance to the Zelensky regime. 


According to the first deputy chairman of the Central

 Committee of the Communist Party, it is possible to

 draw some parallels.. between the speech of the 

new prime minister and the famous speech of 

Churchill, in Fulton.


After the end of World War II, two poles were formed

 on the planet  --- the Western world, led by the

 strengthened United States, and the Soviet 

Union, which, despite enormous losses, 

victims and destruction... also became 

stronger, and began to unite a number 

of countries around itself.

ideology, the struggle for peace
against imperialism and colonial 

oppression, have proved attractive
to many 
countries and peoples
the world. 


The world socialist system was being created. The

 collective West saw this, as a threat to itself and

 tried to stop the growing Soviet influence. The 

Cold War... began.


After the Soviet Union was destroyed, the West 

decided that the era of a unipolar world had 

come. But it didn't last long. Russia and 

China are becoming new centres of 

attraction. They challenge the 

Western world order, oppose 

neo-colonialism and 



Other countries and peoples look at them 

with hope. The Anglo-Saxons, of course,

 don't like it.


As for Rishi Sunak... the paradox and even cynicism of

 the situation, is that his ancestors come from India
a country that has fully experienced British

colonial oppression. Thus, he actually
betrays his 
historical homeland.


There is an opinion that India allegedly got rid of

 British rule with the help of Mahatma Gandhi's

 concept.. of nonviolent resistance. They say 

that the Indians did not resort to violence, 

but they were able to defeat English 

colonial rule, so this victory was 

almost bloodless.


But this is a misconception. In fact, if not for the 

Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War, if not 

for the decisive contribution of the Soviet 

Union to the defeat of German Nazism &

Japanese militarism, India could still 

remain a British colony. That is, the 

freedom of this country, was paid 

for, among other things, with the 

lives of Soviet soldiers.


The fact is that it was after the victory of the USSR in

 1945 that the preservation of the colonial system by

 the West became almost impossible. And within 20

- 30 years, it was destroyed. And India had to be

 released just a few years after the war. Why? 

Because a new pole of power appeared in 

the world - the USSR, which all anti-

colonial liberation movements 

began to focus on.


 This is what determined the collapse of colonialism.


Today, Russia and China are becoming such poles.

 When Sunak opposes them --- he opposes the 

centres of unification for all the peoples of 

the world who are fighting for true 



In conclusion, Yuri Afonin expressed confidence.. that 

the collective West's expectation of a new victorious

 cold war will not be justified. What happened 30 

years ago, when the West was able to break

up the USSR ----- should not happen again. 

We will not allow them to continue their 

destructive policy towards Russia!

Brave words - what do you think?




Residents of Milan held a rally 

against the supply of weapons

 to Ukraine

by Alexander Kislov

December 4th, 8:42pm

(Komsomolskaya Pravda)


Participants in the action said that they should not

 help the Armed Forces of Ukraine militants.




Italians oppose large-scale

 military assistance 

to Ukraine.


In Milan, about five thousand people took part in

 a street rally against the supply of weapons to

 Ukraine and for peace talks to resolve

 the conflict. 


Participants of the rally demanded that the Italian

 authorities immediately stop pumping the Kiev

 nationalist regime --- with all types of lethal 

weapons. Information about this in social 

networks, was spread by the former 

mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, 

who became the organizer and 

applicant of the protest rally.


According to preliminary data, about 

five thousand Milanese took part in

 the protest.


"The right is returning to the square, to stop the 

war. It was a great honour for me to complete 

the demonstration organized in Milan, by the 

United against War coordination, and it was 

very pleasant... to see many people of all 

ages, still marching with the tricolor in 

their hands," the European politician 



According to him the participants of the demonstration 

asked the Italian Cabinet not to continue to follow the

 same path as the government of the former head of

 the Council of Ministers of Italy, Mario Draghi.


Earlier it became known that the financial assistance

to Ukraine from the US may be significantly reduced 

or even stopped altogether against the background 

of political disagreements in the American elites. 


Some members of the US Congress, speak of such a

 scenario as quite real - and believe that the team of 

American President Joe Biden needs to come up 

with a thorough and well-developed action plan 

in case it is implemented. 


In particular, the White House may need to use

 emergency mechanisms to ensure that its 

Ukrainian partners are not left without 

funding in the midst of a hard and 

harsh winter.

Every week, millions march in Europe
against the sanctions, against NATO
against supporting Ukraine and
against the war on Russia.

but the Main Stream Media... ignores it all.

What do you think of the Tory Minister
who said that NHS staff shouldn't
strike for higher pay - to ''spite
Russia'' ...?




Why did Brussels voice

 information on AFU 


December 2nd, 11:52am



Nothing clicked in the mind of the perennial German
defense minister when she said from the rostrum
about one hundred thousand dead Ukrainian


The Ukrainian authorities reacted strangely to the

 words of the head of the European Commission 

that the loss of life in the Ukrainian Armed 

Forces exceeded a hundred thousand 

people: they did not confirm, but did 

not deny it either. It is also strange 

that Ursula von der Leyen said this

at all, & how Brussels disavowed 

her words. What is the intrigue 

behind all this?


But nothing clicked in the mind of the former (and

 long-time) German Minister of Defence when she

 declared from the podium about the hundred 

thousand dead Ukrainian military personnel. 

Perhaps because this is the data she 

actually has. There is a 7-10 times 

discrepancy with the data 

sometimes mentioned 

by officials on the 

Ukrainian side.


Therefore, the European Commissioner’s words had the
effect of an information bomb. And already after
exploded, an excerpt of von der Leyen’s 
was deleted from the European 
accounts, publishing 
another one instead,
from which 
the words about Ukrainian 

losses were cut out. At the time, even
many sceptics 
were convinced: that
 they were trying to cover it up,
it must
 be true.


The strange reaction of Ukrainian propaganda is

 telling. At first --- it was furious, accusing the 

European commissioner of working for the 

Kremlin, but it was at the level of “lower 

and lower”. When it came to official 

comments --- the office of the 

Ukrainian president refused

 to deny Ursula’s data -- or, 

indeed, to confirm it. The 

losses -- they say -- are 

classified information,

and the head of state 

will reveal it... at an

 “appropriate time”.


The strangeness... is explained by the context. The EC

 head needed the data on losses to, roughly speaking, 

appease her listeners. Ursula von der Leyen is in

 charge of several important projects for Kiev –

 from creating an international tribunal for 

Russia, to gutting its frozen assets for 

Ukrainian needs. Her message is that 

this is how badly Ukraine is suffering, 

it needs even more help, despite the

 weariness of all things Ukrainian, 

which can be observed in both 

Europe and America.


There are only two possible explanations. 

And they seem to be about different 

people. Different Ursul von

der Leyens.


The first one, in keeping with her status, is 

playing a rather complex game against 

both Russia and the leadership 

of Ukraine.


Lately President Vladimir Zelensky has become

 blatantly out of hand, out of control. And this 

has been noticed... by everyone. The most 

vivid illustration, is his repeated refusal 

to acknowledge the Ukrainian origin 

of the missile that fell on Polish 

territory and killed two Poles.

He persisted, even after 

being shouted down 

from Warsaw and 



And Zelenski demands further support, of tens of billions
of dollars a month. Importantly, it 
is indefinite --- until
the “victory over Russia”, 
by which he means... the
“de-occupation of 
Crimea” and the “payment of 

reparations”. That is to say, something that is,
impossible to achieve and until the
is achieved --- no negotiations,
Moscow. The EU’s task, in its world 

view, is to pay the bill and not interfere.


Denying Kiev assistance and support would be

 effective leverage. But Zelensky apparently 

believes that the West will not go for it. 


They are simply no longer in a position to curtail their

 crusade against Russia --- because that would mean

 losing not only for Ukraine, but for the West itself. 

They do not want to give up at all, and von der 

Leyen, as one of the coders and curators of 

the process, does not want to give up in 

the first place. Therefore --- they will 

continue to give both money and 

weapons --- no matter how 

capricious & ungrateful 

Kiev behaves.


From that point of view, the ‘100 thousand victims’ 

of the EC head, resembles a sword, which she 

uncovered demonstratively, and then hid in 

its scabbard. The hint is clear: “don’t get 

bogged down, Mr President”.


The conflict in Ukraine and the economic war against

 Russia, unleashed by the West, under its pretext,

 affects hundreds of millions. And the 

“Streisand effect” can also be 

manageable: sometimes, to 

highlight something, you 

have to...... hide it 



The version in which Ursula von der Leinen flicks a 

whip in front of Zelensky’s nose is beautiful in its 

own way and convenient for almost everyone 

who is not Ukrainian. Yet.. we are talking 

about a man, under whose tutelage for 

years.. the armed forces of the FRG 

have lost their fighting ability, due 

to chronic underfunding.. and the 

27 EU countries have unleashed 

a championship of shooting 

themselves in the foot, in 

spite of Russia.


Maybe she really doesn’t understand what information

 can and cannot be divulged. Doesn’t know how many

 casualties there really are in the AFU because she’s

 not interested enough. Doesn’t realise where 

Europe is really going and how far Europe 

can get.


What do YOU think? 

Too clever by half?




Ukraine Demands --- Yet More 

NATO Weapons & Generators

by Declan Hayes

December 1st, 2022

(Strategic Culture Foundation)


Although Ukraine’s power grid has been heavily hit, it 

is as nothing, compared to what Syria is suffering
 very day.


NATO’s BBC outlet reports that their NATO masters 

have promised to supply the rump Ukrainian Reich

with yet more weapons & a pile of generators, to

keep Kiev’s Christmas lights burning brightly for 

both Christmas --- and Little Christmas. The 

problem, it seems, is that Russia’s Armed 

Forces have an increasing propensity to 

destroy Ukraine’s power grid, pulverize

its water reserves - and shred those 

NATO supplied weapons... Ukraine 

does not offload onto Zelensky’s 

partners in the international 

black market.


NATO are unhappy with Russia’s actions, which they

and their G7 flunkeys classify as war crimes, even

though Russia’s actions, are a watered down 

version of what NATO did in Iraq and what 

NATO and Israel currently continue to 

systematically do, in both Syria 

and Gaza. 


The blockades of and systematic destruction of

Serbia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Gaza, Libya and a 

host of other countries, NATO put on their 

butcher’s block show beyond any debate 

that it is NATO and her BBC apologists 

that belong, both in the dock, and on 

the gallows; not only is it a disgrace

that these serial criminals have yet 

to face the harshest justice they 

richly deserve for their multi-

plicity of war crimes but

their evasion of the 

hangman’s rope..

indicts us all.


Although Ukraine’s power grid has been heavily hit, it

is as nothing compared to what Syria, a third of 

which, is illegally occupied by U.S. troops, is 

suffering this very day. Although Ukrainians 

are suffering from the cold, it is as nothing 

compared to what NATO has inflicted on 

Syria’s children, countless numbers of 

whom freeze to death, winter after 

bleak Syrian winter.


In her efforts to show... that her husband, the Clown

Prince, is not Kiev’s only joker, Ukrainian First Lady

Olena Zelenska, compared Russia’s bombardment 

of their rump Reich to Britain’s Blitz and she then 

joked... that all she and the rest of Ukraine’s 

privileged elite want for Christmas, is some 

nebulous form of justice... which Ukrainian 

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba explained

was the capitulation of Russia --- which 

Estonian Foreign Minister (& notorious

Waffen SS admirer) Urmas Rainsal, 

explained, was to be achieved by 

massive missiles strikes into 

the heart of the Russian 



Though it seems a few Dr Strangelove videos... would

make good stocking fillers for that crazy lot, Russia’s

aerial attacks are in no way comparable to the Blitz, 

which witnessed the Luftwaffe, with clowns Hitler 

and GÅ‘ring at the helm, make strategic blunder 

after strategic blunder, against England’s 

“bitter weeds”.


So much for the Brigadoon parallel universe, of these

profiteering charlatans. Russia, as it did in 1812, & in
1941, is simply using its weather for home advantage
and who at West Point, or Sandhurst, could honestly

fault them.. for that? Though the answer to Russia’s
sporadic bombardment is conceptually quite simple

 it is - obviously - beyond the ken of the Zelensky
household who are too preoccupied with their 

holograms, their international property 

portfolio, their Milanese catwalks - 

and their imports of Colombian 

nose candy.


The solution is for the rump Ukrainian Reich to return

to the negotiating table, to stop murdering their own

negotiators, to banish Ukraine’s (and Estonia’s) Nazi

militias, to ban Boris Johnson and other sleaze bag

British politicians from dictating their political and

negotiating positions... to condemn France and

Germany for their failure to uphold the Minsk

agreements... to stop persecuting the 

Russian Orthodox Church and to rid 

itself of the Zelensky family and 

all profiteers like them.


All of those preliminaries would only be for starters.

The real problem, is not Russia, which will border

Ukraine until the end of time, but the U.S. which 

is using and abusing not only Ukraine, but all of 

Europe, to emasculate and enslave the entire 

continent, from Dublin to Vladivostok.


Here in Dublin, our Prime Minister is blaming local

protests on Putin’s machinations. This overpaid 

clown.. is telling us that “Putin is weaponising

migration” ...and that it is somehow Putin’s 

fault that tens of thousands of Georgians, 

Albanians and Nigerians have, along with

over 100,000 Ukrainians --- been foisted 

upon us and are being housed and fed 

in five star hotels at our expense. Not 

only that, but, because of Putin, we 

must give Ukrainains...... their own 

houses gratis even as over 50,000 

Irish people are homeless, and 

have only the snow shrouded 

stars as their canopies.


For all the huff and puff of these hucksters, the story 

is not only much worse than that but is set to get
worse. Just as Julian Assange pointed out
Afghanistan, so, also, has NATO a
money laundering scam
afoot, in Ukraine. 


And with all scams, there are winners --- like the

Zelenskys.. and the braying donkeys of the Irish 

& Estonian political establishment. The losers, 

who include not only all the Ukrainian soldiers 

who died in vain, but also, ordinary Germans, 

who have seen their country’s industrial 

infrastructure destroyed, to serve the 

insatiable greed of the Zelensky 

and Biden families. 


Once the worm fully turns, as it will in the New Year

and the Germans, the Irish, the British and Europe’s

other American flunkeys ------  are forced to choose

between eating and heating, between subsidizing 

the Zelensky’s property empire and keeping their 

own families alive... then all the “let them eat 

insects” spin of the BBC and NATO’s other 

media outlets, will not stem the pending 

deluge -- that will be as unstoppable as

the carnage that followed the 1789 

storming of the Bastille.

What do you think?

Over the top?

Certainly a warning.





Meloni v. Macron – 

The Colonial End Game

by Tom Luongo

November 30th, 2022


Sometimes the internet being eternal works to our

 advantage. Recently... there’s been a dustup in

 European politics, over a three-year old video 

of now Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, 

stepping on the 3ird rail of European politics.


In that video she openly explained that colonialism 

in Europe isn’t over and she tied it to African

 immigration into Europe, which Italy has 

born the brunt of thanks to the EU’s 

rules which force countries to 

accept anyone that shows 

up on their shores.


The mechanism for France’s dirty colonial secret 

is they still control fourteen West African nations

 through a French colonial currency (CFA Franc)

 issued by France.


Now, since Meloni’s rant, the CFA Franc has been

 slightly revised but the real source of its power 

over West Africa was not, more on this later.


What’s important is that this video has all of a sudden

 resurfaced at a time when Italy and France are

 involved in a major row over France’s (and 

Davos’) latest attempt to paint Meloni as 

some heartless Fascist for denying a 

French NGO boatload of migrants 

from North Africa into Italy.


The boat eventually wound up having to go to France

 as Meloni stuck to her guns. Remember, folks it was

 then Interior Minister Matteo Salvini who first tried 

to defy Davos on this and his reward was to be 

sued in Sicilian court over ‘human rights 

abuses.’ This began Salvini’s fall from 

political power in Rome as he didn’t 

have enough support from his then

 coalition partner, Five Star 

Movement (M5S).


Eventually, Salvini was forced out of power, M5S cut a

 deal with the Rome Mafia to betray its supporters 

and the rise of Meloni and the Brothers of Italy

 (FdI) was inevitable.


The lame attempt by France to attack Meloni on

immigration... was met with a much different

result this time as she enjoys a far stronger 

political position than Salvini did in 2017-
So, the boat went to France and all
French could do was fulminate 

about it.


Enemy at the NGO Gates


In fact, the French Foreign Minister Gérald Darmanin

 went so far as to call Italy France’s enemy over this

 issue. This level of histrionics over less than 250

 migrants is both so predictably French and 

overblown it borders on the comical.


So much for European solidarity, I guess.


But it’s all part of the silly Davos PR campaign against

 Meloni. Nothing changes with these people. They

 have a pathological need to win every single 

little battle, because as psychopaths they 

know any sign of weakness is an 

invitation to the gallows, as 

people see them... for
 they are.


As always, the timing on this video of Meloni coming

 out is interesting. It’s a clear counterattack on

 France’s theatrics.


My question, as always, is who did this? Obviously

 Meloni’s people are part of this but does it imply 

she has some other support?


Stick with me, because I have a theory on this.


Ultimately, this dustup fully highlights the 

mendacity and, frankly, evil of the former 

colonial powers of Europe.


The CFA Franc was something that you ‘just didn’t

 talk about’ as France continued to extract wealth

 from West Africa through monetary expropriation.


The very idea that the vestiges of colonialism are on

 the wane in Europe is not only fundamentally false it

 is intrinsically woven into the fabric of the EU itself 

in every way. The CFA Franc should be an

anachronism, but France holds onto
for its benefit, subsidizing its

ridiculous government and 

failing social institutions.


Among first world nations....   France has the highest

 effective tax rate for upper income earners. And yet,
they still can’t keep things running effectively....

and have to extract wealth from north Africa.


How brutally inefficient and sickly is a French

 economy, that derives nearly 50% of its 

electricity from a mostly-homegrown 

nuclear industry and has levels of 

taxation that make even a 19th-

century slaveowner blush that 

it still needs to operate.... a 

colonial wealth extraction

system in West Africa in 

the 21st century?


But it’s also a microcosm of the euro itself and even
the corruption of the US dollar through national 

control over interest rates, thanks to a 

monolithic central bank.


Like many of you, I had no idea the CFA Franc even

 existed and I’m still wrapping my head around the

 idea that in 2022 fourteen countries do not have

 monetary sovereignty, serfs to a feudal lord on

 a separate continent.


Again, just when I thought I’d plumbed the depths 

of Eurotrash globalist depravity, they make me 

look naïve.


But what’s been very clear is that the CFA Franc has

 been a no-go in international and inter-European

 political discussions for decades…. and 

someone close to Meloni just made it 

a global issue.


So much so, that no less than Le Monde had to put out

 a fire suppressor article.  It’s a laughably poor piece 

of apologia.  It’s a typical piece of ‘word parsing’ 

that picks out specific little exaggerations to 

discredit Meloni as stupid and uninformed 

while avoiding the basic problems of 

France running a wealth vacuum in

 14 of the poorest countries 

in Africa.


Le Monde quickly switches to the ‘migrant’ issue to

 ‘debunk’ Meloni’s claims about African immigration

 as a result of the CFA Franc.  Sure the country of

 origin of most migrants are from countries on 

the shore of the Mediterranean, but where 

did they come from in the first place?


It’s like saying Hondurans who cross into the US from

 Mexico aren’t Hondurans and that policy in Honduras

 didn’t contribute to the migration. But, this is really a

 side issue. Meloni is fundamentally right that the CFA

 Franc keeps these countries poor through currency

 arbitrage and contributes directly to North Africa’s

 instability and lack of economic progress.


To think that doesn’t have spillover effects into

 Algeria, Morocco or anywhere else along the 

southern Mediterranean is simply laughable.


It’s the Currency, Stupid!!


The key to understanding the evil of the CFA Franc is

 no different than understanding the evil of the euro 

or the Fed Funds Rate. It’s mercantilism through

 currency arbitrage.


The CFA Franc is not just pegged to the euro (formerly

 the French Franc) it is also tied to the ECB’s monetary

 policy debt rate.  This is the part no one, especially

 the writer at Le Monde, wants to touch.


So, as Le Monde states there are the two central 

banks in Africa that issue the two different CFA

 Francs. What they fail to state is that both 

currencies are still pegged to the euro, 

making local monetary policy a joke. 

France and the ECB still control 

their economies.


The ECB’s monetary policy is set by Germany for

 Germany’s benefit.  Having (up until now) the

 strongest economy in the EU, Germany gets 

an effective benefit from the euro trading
 a single exchange rate.


If the euro were to collapse and the Deutschmark

 returned, it would rise dramatically versus the

 previous euro exchange rate. For Italy, the 

return of the lira would see it fall.


This is simply the value add/deficit of the labor in 

the aggregate of the country, represented by the

 exchange rate through the discounting 



This is why the euro and the EU are nothing more than

 colonialist systems designed to do exactly what they

 have done --- impoverish the European periphery, 

which includes Italy, and concentrate capital 

in the centre, in Brussels’ political power.


As much as I’ve used the Hunger Games to 

describe the US, it is even more apropos 

for the EU.


California and New York have used the singular Fed

 Funds Rate in the same way Germany has used 

the euro to dominate US electoral politics, 

ensuring that for decades their 

populations stayed high, the 

capital flowed to them.... 

trapping people there... 

and grinding them out 

between the twin mill

stones of inflation &

 taxation, just like 

Lenin described.


So, now applying that same model to France and it’s 

former colonies, does anyone believe that the 

labour efficiency of the Ivory Coast is the 

same as Germany?  or even France?


Of course not. But that’s the situation for these 

countries. France is running the same 

mercantilist scam of any colonial 

power by keeping the home 

country’s currency weaker 

than it should be --- in 

exchange... for real 

goods from abroad.


But we see this effect in the reverse from the colony’s

 perspective. By setting a peg for the CFA Franc... it is

 always stronger than it should be if allowed to float. 

Even if initially set weaker than it should be to 

attract capital, eventually, the exchange rate 

will become an albatross around the colony’s 

neck, strangling economic growth while all 

the wealth.. is extracted back to the home

land, thanks to the ECB’s monetary policy.


While the CFA Franc was reformed slightly under 

Macron, the essential link between France’s 

banking system and these colonies remains 

key, using the ECB’s ruinous monetary 

policy to take the profit and leave 

misery behind.


Now, the good news is that mercantilism only works

 for so long before the currency mismatches become

 so great that the whole scheme has to collapse. It 

is, after all just another Ponzi Scheme.


In the case of France and Germany running their 

wealth extraction system across not just the 17 

other countries of the euro-zone but 14 African

 countries as well, we’re reaching that 

breaking point.


Pres. Macron Tear Down This Peg!


Italy... needs to be let loose from the euro. The 

populists and everyone not on Herr Schwab’s

payroll, understand this. Davos will blow up 

the world --- before letting that happen.


Meloni knows this. And she also knows that France

 has real designs on annexing parts of northern 

Italy and will fight very dirty to win here.


Macron tried to marginalize her on immigration, 

tugging on heart strings.... about denying 

migrants. She stood her ground, forced 

France to take the boats and when

 France tried to publicly shame 

her, she trotted out the CFA 

Franc and put that issue 

right to bed.


But here’s the fun part. She just put out her budget 

proposal...  for the EU’s consideration. It’s a very 

crafty proposal, skirting the edges of the rules 

set out by the EU, violating the spirit of the 

rules while not actually violating many of

 them. See this article from Reuters on 

rescinding the limits of cash use.


Martin Armstrong has a quick overview of the budget

 where he pulls out some of the salient points (from

 his perspective).  His takeaway is that Meloni is

 putting real limits on Italy’s welfare state.


So, this is how she can play the game of not radically

 increasing spending. She’ll increase spending to

 subsidize rising energy costs clearly imposed 

on Italy by Germany and Brussels through 

ruinous sanctions on Russian energy as 

a stop gap measure. Sound familiar? 

Because this is what cost Liz 

Truss her job in the UK.


But she is also reforming the entitlement system for

 the long term....  which will keep the overall budget

 deficit.. which will call Brussels’ bluff on whether 

they will maintain support of Italy’s bond market.


We know this is a bluff otherwise ECB President 

Christine Lagarde wouldn’t have created the 

Transmission Protection Instrument to 

maintain internal credit spreads at 

the July meeting.


She knew this day was coming the minute Mario

 Draghi walked away from his post as Prime 

Minister. The TPI was announced the 

next day.


It looks like, at first glance, that Meloni’s found a way

 to circumvent being forced to implement “German

 Austerity” — raising taxes and cutting spending 

to protect bondholders — by cutting long-term 

entitlement spending while at the same time 

cutting taxes where they are needed most.


If there is a budget proposal that could mollify credit

 markets over Italy’s fiscal situation it would look

 something like this. It puts the EU on their back

 foot in budget talks. Because this plan could 

actually work.


Part of the budget plans includes slashing taxes for

 the self-employed by extending the 15% single tax 

rate from an annual income of €65,000 to €85,000, 

slashing VAT on certain essential goods by half, 

and conditionally reducing the retirement age 

to 62, provided that individuals have paid in 

at least 41 years of contributions.


What’s funny about this is that this budget, which

 explicitly breaks the EU’s cap of a 3% of GDP 

budget deficit, pushing it to 4.5% thanks to

 energy subsidies to families, is being 

hailed by the European press as 

“More EU Friendly......

 than expected.”


What were they expecting, for Meloni to introduce 

miniBOTs and a new domestic currency like 

Salvini talked about in 2018?


No, this is clearly messaging that states Brussels isn’t 

in the position to fight her because she holds all the

 cards in the negotiations.  Remember, $640+ 

billion in TARGET2 liabilities are the 

Bundesbank’s problem, not Italy’s.


Having exposed France to the world over the CFA

 Franc and understanding exactly how vulnerable 

the ECB and the EU Commission actually are in 

the Eurodollar markets, Meloni has pushed 

Italy into a good position.... to begin 

reversing the colonial extraction

 system of the EU itself.


A quick look at the polls in Italy has her riding a big

 lead at 30% support and moving higher.  If she gets

 this budget past the EU Commission, that number 

will instantly jump to 40% or higher.  The worry 

that Salvini and Berlusconi will betray her

 then drop precipitously.


The Ring Heads South


Remember, lurking in the background of all of this

 is Wall St., the Fed and patriots in the US military.


This is who I think is helping Meloni stand firm here.

 The Fed’s aggressive policy stance...... has the Euro

dollar markets teetering and Lagarde is no longer 

talking about QEternity but QT and higher rates,

 albeit very grudgingly.


If the price cap on Russian oil fails and Ursula Von der 

Leyen cannot ride herd on a 9th sanctions package,

 then Italy will quickly move into the driver’s seat 

on energy imports into Europe.


Wall St. understands this. And with a grateful Meloni in

 Rome realigning EU policy or forcing a breakup it also

 paves the way for a new cycle of energy investment

 now beyond desperately needed.


Who wants in on that action? Well, pretty 

much everyone, especially Wall St.


Meloni just told France’s African colonies to stand up

 and follow Burkina Faso’s lead.  With countries like

 Algeria, Egypt and Morocco all looking to join the

 BRICS alliance, the end of France’s colonial 

control over North Africa could end very 

quickly and Italy then... has massive 

leverage on the EU to turn back on 

the sanctioned energy supplies.


This is a fight for all the EU marbles folks, and Meloni, 

I believe knows this.  So, she’ll play the dutiful game 

of supporting Ukraine publicly.  But, there’s almost

 nothing Italy can do practically to do that. It’s an

 empty promise.  They have no money, no 

domestic military to speak of… what is 

that promise actually worth?


No, France and Germany, the mercantilist

 powerhouses, are the ones that have to 

foot this Ukraine bill. Meloni and Italy 

are happy to support them bank-

rupting themselves while she 

lays the groundwork for 

increasing Italy’s 

leverage over 



The Fed is doing its job by forcing the euro down, 

bond yields up and taking options away from 

Christine Lagarde.


You beat colonialists by taking away their 

money printing machine. It’s that simple.





Wow... tell us what you think...

of our West European looters.





The Crux of the Putin-Xi Revolution

 for a New World OrderArresting

 the Slide to Nihilism

by Alastair Crooke

November 29th, 2022


It becomes questionable whether the West can

 compete as a civilisational state and maintain

 a presence.


The world ‘Map’ is accelerating its shift away from the 

paralysed Washington ‘hub’ – but to what? The myth 

that China, Russia, or the non-western world can 

be fully assimilated to a Western model of 

political society (any more than 

Afghanistan was) is over. So

 to where are we headed?


The myth of the pull of acculturation into western

 post-modernity lingers on however, in the 

continuing western fantasy of pulling 

China away from Russia, and into an 

embrace with U.S. Big Business.


The bigger point here is that former wounded 

civilisations are reasserting themselves: 

China and Russia – as states organised

 around indigenous culture – is not a 

new idea. Rather, it is a very old one: 

“Always remember that China is a 

civilization – and not nation-state”, 

Chinese officials repeat regularly.


Nonetheless, the shift to civilisational statehood

 emphasised by those Chinese officials arguably 

is no rhetorical device but reflects something 

deeper and more radical. Moreover, the 

culture transition is gaining wide 

emulation across the globe. Its 

inherent radicalism however, 

is largely lost to western 



Chinese thinkers, such as Zhang Weiwei, accuse

 Western political ideas of being a sham; of 

masking their deeply partisan ideological 

character beneath a veneer of supposedly

 neutral principles. They are saying that 

the mounting of a universal framework 

of values – applicable to all societies 

– is finished.


All of us must accept, that we speak 

only for ourselves and our societies.


This has arisen because the non-West... now sees 

clearly that post-modern West is not a civilisation 

per se, but really something akin to a de-cultured

 ‘operating system’ (managerial technocracy). 

Europe of the Renaissance did consist of 

civilisational states, but subsequent 

European nihilism changed the very 

substance of modernity. 


The West promotes its universal-value stance, 

however, as though it be a set of abstract 

scientific theorems which have 

universal validity.


The accompanying promise to the latter that

 traditional ways of life could be preserved 

under the wholesale application of these 

intentionally secular western norms – 

ones that demanded enforcement 

by the western political class – 

has proved a fatal conceit 

...these alternative 

thinkers contend.


Such notions are not confined to the Orient. Samuel

 Huntington, in his book The Clash of Civilizations, 

argued that Universalism is the ideology of the 

West contrived for confronting other cultures. 

Naturally, everyone outside the West, 

Huntington argued, should see the

 idea of ‘one world’ as a threat.


The return to plural civilisational matrices precisely 

is intended to break the West’s claim to speak – or 

to decide – for anyone other than themselves.


Some will see this Russo-Chinese defiance as mere 

jockeying for strategic ‘space’; as a rationale to 

their claims for distinct ‘spheres of interest’. 

Yet, to understand its radical underside, we 

should recall that the transition to civilisation 

states amounts to a full-throated resistance 

(short of war) being mounted by 2 wounded 

civilisations. Both Russians (post-the '90s) 

and Chinese (in the Great Humiliation)... 

feel this deeply. Today.. they are intent 

on reasserting themselves forcefully,

 in uttering: ‘Never Again!’


What ‘lit the fuse’ was the moment when China’s

 leaders saw – in the plainest terms – that the 

U.S. had no intention whatsoever to allow 

China to overtake it economically. 


Russia of course, already knew the plan to destroy
her. Even the smallest amount of empathy is 

sufficient to understand that recovery from 

profound trauma is what binds Russia and 

China (and Iran) together in a joint 

‘interest’ that transcends

 mercantile gain. It is 

‘that’ which allows

 them to say:-- 

Never again!


One part to their radicalism therefore, is the national

 rejuvenation that propels these two states to ‘step

 confidently onto the world stage’; to emerge from 

the western shadow, and to stop mimicking the 

West. And to stop assuming that technological 

or economic advance can only be found within 

the western liberal-economic ‘way’. For, it 

follows from Zang’s analysis, that the 

West’s economic ‘laws’ similarly are 

a simulacrum posing as scientific 

theorems: A cultural discourse 

– but not an universal system.


When we consider that today’s Anglo-American world

 view rests on the shoulders of three men: Isaac

 Newton, the father of western science; Jean-

Jacques Rousseau, the father of liberal 

political theory, and Adam Smith, the 

father of laissez-faire economics, it

 is plain that what we confront here 

are the authors of the ‘Cannon’ of 

individualism (in the wake of the 

Protestant triumph in Europe’s 

30 years’ war). From it comes 

the doctrine -- that the most 

prosperous future... for the 

greatest number of people 

comes from ------ the free 

workings of the market.


Be that as it may, Zhang and others have noted that

the western focus on ‘finance’ has come at the

expense of ‘stuff’ (the real economy), and has 

proved to be a recipé for extreme inequalities 

& social strife. Zhang argues, contrarily, that 

China is poised to evolve a new kind of non-

Western modernity that others – especially 

in the developing world – can only admire, 

if not emulate.


The decision has been made: The West then, 

in this view, can either ‘shut up, and put up’

 – or not. So be it.


Steeped in cynicism... the West sees this stance, as 

bluff or posturing. What values, they ask, lie behind 

this new order; what economic model? Implying 

again that universal conformity is mandatory, 

and thus missing Zhang’s point completely. 

Universality is neither necessary, nor 

sufficient. It never ‘was’.


In 2013, President Xi gave a speech which sheds

 much light on the shifts in Chinese policy. And 

though its analysis was firmly focused on the 

causes to the Soviet implosion, Xi’s 

exposition... very clearly intended

 a wider meaning.


In his address, Xi attributed the break-up of the Soviet 

Union... to ‘ideological nihilism’: The ruling strata, Xi

asserted, had ceased to believe in the advantages

and the value of their ‘system’ --- yet lacking any 

other ideological coordinates within which to

situate their thinking, the élites slid 

into nihilism:


“Once the Party loses the control of the ideology, 

Xi argued, once it fails to provide a satisfactory

 explanation --- for its own rule, objectives and 

purposes, it dissolves into a party of loosely

 connected individuals --- linked only by the

personal goals of enrichment & power”. 

“The Party is then taken over by 

‘ideological nihilism’”.


This, however, was not the worst outcome. The worst 

outcome, Xi noted, would be the state taken over by

 people with no ideology whatsoever, but with an

 entirely cynical and self-serving desire to rule.


Put simply: Were China to lose its sense of a Chinese

 ‘rationale’, embedded for over a millennia in a unitary 

state with strong institutions guided by a disciplined 

Party, “the CPC, as great a Party as the CPSU was — 

would be scattered like a flock of frightened beasts! 

The Soviet Union — as great a socialist state as it 

was — ended shattered into pieces”.


There can be little doubt: President Putin would 

concur with Xi whole-heartedly. The existential 

threat to Asia is to allow its states to assimilate 

into soulless western nihilism. This then, is the 

crux of the Xi-Putin revolution: Lifting the fog 

and blinkers imposed by the universalist 

meme to permit states a return to

 cultural rejuvenation.


These principles were in action at the G20 in Bali. Not

 only did the G7 fail to get the wider G20 to condemn 

Russia over Ukraine, or to insert a wedge between

 China and Russia, but rather, the Manichean 

offensive targeting of Russia produced 

something even more significant for 

the Middle-East than the paralysis 

and lack of tangible results, 

described by the media:


It produced wide and open defiance of the western 

order. It spurred pushback – at the very moment 

that the world political ‘map’ is on the move, 

and as the rush towards BRICS+ is 

gathering pace.


Why does this matter?


Because the ability of western powers to spin their

spiders’ web notion that their ‘ways’ should be the

World’s ways, remains the West’s ‘secret weapon’. 

This is plainly said when western leaders say 

that a loss in Ukraine to Russia would mark 

the demise of the ‘Liberal Order’. 


They’re saying, as it were, that ‘our hegemony’ 

is contingent on the world seeing the western

 ‘way’ – as their vision for their future.


Enforcement of the ‘Liberal Order’ largely has 

rested on the underpinning of an easy 

readiness of ‘western allies’ to fall 

into line, with Washington’s 

instructions. It - therefore - 

is difficult to overplay the 

strategic significance 

of any withering of 

compliance to U.S. 

diktat. This is the

 ‘why’ to the war

 in Ukraine.


The U.S.’ crown and sceptre are slipping. The peril of

 U.S. Treasury ‘N-bomb’ sanctions have been key to

 induced ‘allied’ compliance. But now, Russia, 

China and Iran have charted a clear path out 

from this thorny thicket, through dollar-free 

trading. The BRI initiative constitutes 

Eurasia’s economic ‘high road’.


 India, Saudi Arabia and Turkish inclusion (and now, 

an expanded list of new members are waiting to be

 signed up) give it an energy-based 

strategic content.


Military deterrence.. has constituted the secondary 

pillar to the architecture of compliance to western

 models. But even that - though not gone - is 

lessened. In essence, smart cruise-missiles, 

drones, electronic warfare and – now – 

hypersonic missiles, have capsized 

the former paradigm. So too, has 

the game-breaker event... of 

Russia joining with Iran, as

 a military force multiplier.


The U.S. Pentagon, even a few years ago, dismissed

 hypersonic weapons as ‘boutique’ and a ‘gimmick’. 

Wow – did they miscalculate on that one!


Both Iran and Russia, are at the forefront, in

complementary areas of military evolution. 

Both, are in an existential fight. And both 

peoples possess the inner resources to 

sustain sacrifice from war. They will 

lead. China will lead from behind.


Just to be clear: This Russo-Iranian link says: U.S. 

‘deterrence’ in the Middle East itself now faces a 

formidable deterrent! Israel too, will need to 

ponder that.


The Russo-Iranian force-multiplier relationship, the

 Jerusalem Post opines: “provides proof that the 

two states … together – are better equipped to 

make good on their respective ambitions – to 

bring the West to its knees”.


To fully understand the anxiety lying behind The Post 

opinion piece, we must first grasp that the geography 

of the ‘shifting map’ towards a BRICS+ --- new 

corridors, new pipelines, new waterway and 

railway networks --- is but the outer 

mercantilist layer to a nesting 

Matryoshka doll. To unstack 

to the inner doll layers is to 

espy in the final innermost 

Matryoshka – a layer of 

kindled energy and 

confidence latent 

to the whole.


What is missing? Well, the fire that finally bakes the 

New Order Z -‘dish’; the event that instantiates the 

new World Order.


Netanyahu keeps threatening Iran. Even to Israeli ears

 however his words seem stale and passé. The U.S. 

does not want to be led by Netanyahu into war. 

And without the U.S., Israel cannot act alone. 

The recent MEK-led attempt to wreak havoc 

in Iran, reeks somehow, of a ‘last 

resort’ push.


Will the U.S. try some risky game-changer in Ukraine 

to ‘take out’ Russia? It’s possible. Or might it try to 

derail China somehow?


Is a Mega-clash inevitable? After all, what is
 prospect is not the dominance of any one 

civilization, but a return to the natural, old 

order of non-universal realms of influence. 

There is no reason in logic for a Western 

boycott to try to explode the shift – 

except one:


In any assimilation to what this future portends, 

the collective West inexorably must become a

 civilizational state per se – simply to maintain 

an enduring presence in the world. But the 

West has opted for a different route (as 

Bruno Maçães, commentator & former 

Portuguese Secretary of State for 

European Affairs, writes):


“[The West] wanted its political values to be accepted

 universally … In order to achieve this, a monumental 

effort of abstraction and simplification was needed …

 Properly speaking, it was not to be a civilization at 

all but something closer to an operating system … 

no more than an abstract framework within which 

different cultural possibilities could be explored. 

Western values were not to stand for one 

particular ‘way of life’ against another —

 they establish procedures, according to 

which those big questions (how to live) 

may later be decided”.


Today, as the West turns away from its own key 

leitmotif – tolerance – and towards weird ‘cancel 

culture’ abstractions, it becomes questionable

 whether it can compete as a civilisational 

state and maintain a presence. And if

 it can’t?


A new order may come into being following one of two

 events: The West may simply self-destruct, following 

some systemic financial ‘breakage’, and the

 consequent economic contraction. Or.... 

alternatively a Russian decisive victory

 in Ukraine just may be enough finally 

to ‘cook the dish’.



Wow...   Mr Crooke certainly knows

how to serve up a fascinating dish.


What do you think?




Europe cannot agree on 

what the price ceiling 

on Russian oil and 

gas should be

November 26th, 2:34pm



How strange it is! EU diplomats said.... that most 

European countries, led by France and Germany, 

supported a price ceiling on Russian oil and gas. 

They have not yet accepted it, but simply 

because they cannot agree... on what 

the ceiling should be.


The only thing they are concerned about is whether

they will be able to comply with it. It has to be

respected… They are not worried about EU 

energy prices, cutting down trees, about 

36 000 elderly people froze to death in 

England last year --- because there
n't enough money for high 

temperatures in their 

homes (this is not 

propaganda, the 

BBC has it).


Some in the EU are straightforwardly convinced that 

we should make the ceiling no higher than $30 and

 it will surely punish Russia, hurt it. Obviously,
 is what individuals from the countries
limitrophs think – the Baltic states,
Poland, but they are really
it with them.


Erdogan is starting to build a gas hub; Qatar sent them

 and signed a long-term contract with China; Algeria is

 asking to join BRICS; the U.S. says bluntly: sorry, we 

will not have much gas. But stupidity is like 

space – limitless.


These freaks in the European Parliament, in the 

leadership of individual countries, the entire 

European Commission, do not learn history, 

and their knowledge is fragmentary. They 

even have all sorts of Ph.D. degrees or 

some J.D., but to explain to this Ph.D. 

that regulating gas and oil prices... 

is impossible.


The funny thing is, in the short term oil prices, for

 example, will fall. They will fall, because there 

will be a recession in the world, demand will 

go down and prices will go down with it. And

 then these idiots will decide -- why not limit 

prices on everything and end inflation? For

 Russian fertilizers, wheat, and then they 

will decide to regulate the prices of
only Russian products…


And maybe we, as humanitarian aid, should unload

 their stupid macroeconomics textbooks, with 

which we have been brainwashed? By the 

way, one of the authors, is economist 

Jeffrey Sachs, ---once one of the 100 

most influential people in the world, 

who has now, incidentally, had an 

epiphany and says that the US is 

the main Mordor… Everything is 

mixed up…



What do YOU think?


Are you mixed up too?




 ‘Is Washington Our Ally or Not?’: 

EU Officials Accuse US 

of Profiteering Off 

Ukraine Crisis

November 25th, 6:41pm



The allegations come as temperatures across Europe

 continue to drop, and amid the bombshell revelation

 by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson this

 week that the UK’s European allies recognized the 

economic fallout which would accompany a long 

Russia-Ukraine conflict, and sought its speedy

 resolution in the spring.


European Union officials and diplomats have accused

 Washington of profiteering off the Ukraine crisis via

 energy and weapons sales -- and warned that the 

mood is shifting against the US among its allies 

on the other side of the Atlantic.


“The fact is, if you look at it soberly, the country that

 is most profiting from this war is the US because 

they are selling more gas, and at higher prices, 

and because they are selling more weapons,” 

one senior European official told a German-

owned media group --- on condition 

of anonymity.


“We are really at a historic juncture…America needs

 to realize that public opinion is shifting in many EU

 countries,” the official added, warning --- that

 skyrocketing energy costs & transatlantic 

tensions over trade, risk fracturing the 

Western bloc.


An unnamed US official dismissed these concerns,

 assuring that American energy companies “have 

been transparent & reliable suppliers of natural 

gas to Europe,” that prices are set by market

 considerations, and that resellers, not US 

exporters, skim much of the profits off 

energy deliveries destined for Europe.


European officials expressed similar concerns

 regarding America’s profiteering from arms 

sales, with one EU diplomat saying “the 

money they are making, on weapons” 

should help Washington realize: that 

the profits they’re making from gas 

deliveries may be “a bit too much” 

...and that a discount for fuel to 

Europe could “keep united.. 

our public opinion.”


“It’s not good, in terms of optics, to give the

 impression... that your best ally is actually 

making huge profits out of your troubles,” 

the anonymous diplomat complained, 

citing concerns in Brussels that 

building up depleted weapons 

stocks could take “years” 

to achieve.


Another official complained about the Inflation

 Reduction Act (IRA), a controversial law 

passed in August, designed to curb

 inflation and ramp up domestic 

energy production and clean 

energy, but which Brussels 

has condemned.. for its 

discrimination against

European goods ---- in 

violation of WTO rules.


The IRA “changed everything” and has 

prompted questions in Europe to the 

effect of:  “is Washington still our 

ally or not?” the EU official said.


One French Foreign Ministry official complained 

that the law amounts to.... “discriminatory 

subsidies that will distort competition.”


A US official assured... that the IRA was not aimed at 

undermining European industry or competitiveness. 

“This is not a zero-sum game,” the official said. 

“The IRA will grow the pie for clean energy

 investments, not split it.”


Open Acrimony


The exchange of anonymous comments... by officials

 and diplomats to media comes against the backdrop 

of harsh back-and-forth remarks by officials on both

 sides of the Atlantic in public regarding the IRA and

 energy, with French President, Emmanuel Macron..

 leading the increasingly angry rhetoric.


“Their costs of energy are so much lower, as they are

 producers. They sell their gas for 3-4 times less than

 we have to pay, and they have also great subsidies

 from the state in some areas, up to 90 percent. 

That is unfair. These are double standards,” 

Macron complained, in October.


“The United States produces cheap gas that they sell

 to us at a high price, and on top of that, they have

 taken massive state aid measures in certain 

sectors that are completely outside our 

market projects,” Macron expanded,

 earlier this month. 


Paris estimates that the IRA could cost France alone

 up to eight billion euros in investments if companies

 shift operations to the US to take advantage of

 the subsidies.


Hundreds of European companies, including steel and

 chemical manufacturers, carmakers, pharmaceutical 

companies, and food producers have already shifted 

operations to the US to take advantage of lower

 energy costs and state incentives, threatening 

the European Union with deindustrialization

 and widespread job losses.


European officials appeared to have been cognizant of

 the threat the Ukraine crisis posed to their economic

 well-being, as far back as the spring, with Boris

 Johnson revealing this week, that there were 

“sound economic reasons” for Germany to 

seek a swift Russia-Ukraine peace 

agreement to prevent the crisis 

from turning into a long, 

drawn-out conflict.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly

 warned French, German...  and other European 

leaders of the folly of their anti-Russia policy, 

characterizing EU sanctions on Russian 

energy as “suicidal” and stressing that

 the loss of cheap and dependable 

Russian oil and gas - would strip 

the bloc of its global economic




Rhondda Records believes in

fighting for better leadership.


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Journalist-Run, Intelligence-Linked 

Operation That Warped British 

Pandemic Policy
by Kit Klarenberg

November 23rd, 2022

(Strategic Culture Foundation)


Presented as an independent voice for “unbiased”

 scientific advice --- iSAGE provided a channel for 

media spinmeisters, spies & psy-op specialists 

to influence Britain’s pandemic policy without 

accountability. Leaked internal emails show 

members fretting over its unethical methods.


Throughout Britain’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, 

a lobbying group... known as the Independent 

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies 

(iSAGE) served as a key driving force 

behind the government’s most 

draconian lockdown policies.


While it presented itself..... as a non-governmental 

organization composed of forward-thinking health

 experts, The Grayzone can reveal iSAGE not only

 maintains an array of ties to the British security 

state, while relying largely on political, rather 

than scientific, considerations when crafting 

policy recommendations.


With Winter ahead in Europe and calls for the

 reimposition of COVID-19 restrictions... 

growing once again — not least from 

iSAGE itself - the outfit’s endeavours 

provide a disturbing look at the role 

of the security state and the main-

stream media -- in corrupting 

British public health policy.


Nearly three years since the world first heard of

 COVID-19, societies across the globe, are still 

reeling: from prolonged lockdowns and harsh 

social restrictions which many governments 

implemented in order to supposedly “stop 

the spread” of the virus. Britain is no 

exception, and while the full long-

term impact of such measures 

remains unknown, some 

grueling effects are 

already painfully 



Patients receiving care for cancer, cardiovascular, and

 respiratory disease were prevented from accessing

 routine treatment; rates of clinical depression, and

 mobile phone addiction among university students

 skyrocketed; adults of all ages report worsening

 mental health conditions; and the number of 

Britons seeking help for drug addiction

 increased by 81% between 2020

 and 2021.


Meanwhile, school closures exposed Britain’s youth, 

to food insecurity and increased likelihood of falling

 victim to domestic abuse, while a rapid digitization 

of education, further widened learning gaps 

between wealthy and low-income 

students in the country.


“We were mesmerized by the once-in-a-century scale

of the emergency -- and succeeded only in making a

crisis even worse. In short, we panicked,”
Professor Mark Woolhouse,
an Edinburgh 
University epidemio-
logist, in
January 2022.


As with many contemporary critics of the British

 government’s initial “Zero COVID” strategy,

 Woolhouse argued a targeted response to 

protect the most vulnerable members of 

society, such as the elderly, would have 

done more to curb Britain’s death toll 

than blanket, nationwide lockdowns.


“This was an epidemic crying out for a precision

 public health approach and it got the opposite,” 

he explained.


Behind some of the most socially destructive

 pandemic policies implemented by the British 

government was iSAGE, a shady organization 

...founded by a Russia-obsessed Guardian 

pundit, and advised by spies, behavioral 

psychologists and media influencers,

 without backgrounds in science 

or medicine.


Founded in May 2020, by David King, a former chief

scientific adviser, to Labour Prime Ministers, Tony 

Blair and Gordon Brown, iSAGE initially set out to

agitate for greater transparency around state 

health policy, while providing “robust, 

unbiased advice”... to the public and

government. It rapidly transformed 

into a powerful, wholly unaccount-

able lobbying group, aggressively 

pushing for “Zero COVID”



For almost two years, iSAGE members were a fixture 

in both British and international media. Senior

 politicians and pundits effusively endorsed 

the group’s pronouncements... on the 

pandemic, and its weekly YouTube 

briefings, racked up tens of 

thousands of views.


 Its representatives used their popular platforms
 call for extensive control and suppression 

measures, including contact tracing, mass

 testing, border quarantines, lockdowns, 

and the implementation of mitigation 

software... in order to stop the

 transmission of COVID-19.


Confusion regarding iSAGE’s name, given its obvious

 similarity to the British government’s official 

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies 

(SAGE) --- only increased the group’s 

prominence. Very quickly after its

 launch, iSAGE began to not only 

work in parallel with its govern-

ment namesake, but supplant
in the public mind.


Despite its enormous influence.... iSAGE and its 

members have largely avoided public scrutiny. 

Little is known about the forces guiding and 

shaping its activities, or whether its 

representatives.. are advancing an 

ulterior agenda at odds with their 

stated commitment to providing 

“unbiased” scientific advice.


iSAGE pushes lockdowns “without sufficient 

scientific expertise or scientific evidence

 to inform it”


It was on iSAGE’s official launch date in May 2020 that

 its founding objective... of securing publication of the

 identities of SAGE, and its papers, was achieved. 


Previously, the body’s composition, and the evidence

 underpinning its decisions was entirely hidden from

 public view - which stoked significant controversy, 

particularly given its initial heel-dragging over the 

implementation of protective COVID-19 measures.


Emboldened by this immediate success, former iSAGE

 member, Allyson Pollock, claims the group “rapidly

 moved away” from its initial transparency agenda 

“to wanting to make policy” itself. Unknown to

the public at the time, iSAGE’s transformation

 from government watchdog project into the

premier public health policy-making 

activist group, prompted an

 internal revolt.


“Often, [iSAGE] ended up advocating things... when it

 hadn’t sufficiently thought through the uncertainties

 in the evidence and the potential for harm,” Pollock,

 who worked as a clinical professor of public health 

at Newcastle University, alleges. She cites 

“prolonged lockdowns, school closures, 

and mass testing,” as examples 

of iSAGE’s misguided 



According to Pollock, the group offered policy advice 

“sometimes without sufficient scientific expertise or

 scientific evidence to inform it.”  She expressed 

vehement opposition  when the group officially

 adopted its “Zero COVID” position in July 2020,

 believing it lacked any basis in science. Two 

months later, the group declined to renew 

her membership.


iSAGE’s push for Zero COVID appeared.. oddly timed,

 and the group itself acknowledged total eradication

 of a disease --- had only ever been achieved once in

 history, in the case of smallpox. Britain was at that 

point, beginning to reopen after a four-month lock-

down, in line with SAGE advice. In theory though, 

as iSAGE was an entirely separate entity from 

SAGE --- it was free to advocate for whatever 

mitigation strategies it deemed appropriate.


In practice though, an overlap in the membership 

of both bodies as well as their virtually identical

 names, blurred lines between the two groups. 

British government chief scientific advisor 

Patrick Vallance claims he explicitly 

warned iSAGE founder David King 

against using any derivation of 

“SAGE” for the title of his new 

group, believing it would 

puzzle and mislead

 the public.


Despite apparently pledging to not emulate the name, 

King did so anyway. The “Independent” prefix was

 even more problematic, as it clearly implied that 

SAGE was not a trustworthy, autonomous

 organization.... while iSAGE issued 

impartial, more credible advice,

 by contrast.


iSAGE gathers influence by fueling confusion


As predicted, the two groups’ duplicate names 

muddied the waters on public and government 

messaging around COVID-19, leading to 

numerous troubling -- if not outright 

dangerous -- blunders on the part 

of journalists, pundits, and 

elected lawmakers alike.


SAGE member, Ian Boyd, claims such chaos was

 intentional. In October 2021, he told The British

 Medical Journal the 2 groups’ names “created 

confusion... and was a device used by those 

organising [iSAGE] to set up unnecessary 

friction.” In the same article, another 

academic, suggested iSAGE’s title 

implied the body was “somehow 

more authoritative than it 

actually is.”


Public disorientation was compounded by the fact that 

several members of SAGE also moonlighted as iSAGE

 experts. Take the example of Susan Michie --- a left-

wing political activist and self-styled “behavioural 

change” expert, who served with both iSAGE and

 SAGE, advising the secretive governmental SPI-B

council of behavioral psychologists, that fear

-mongered the public into compliance with 

official pandemic policy. Media reports on 

Michie almost universally referred to her 

simply as a “SAGE scientist,” creating 

the impression that her comments

 represented the British 

government’s official



Michie became a symbol of iSAGE’s advocacy for a

 permanent biomedical security state. During a 

June 2021 interview, she argued that social 

distancing and mask mandates should 

“continue forever.”


Susan Michie says we will need to wear masks and

 socially distance from our fellow human beings ‘for

 ever’. Remember she is a member of SAGE and 

‘Independent’ SAGE. https://t.co/ewuzyvNozV


— Neil Clark (@NeilClark66) June 10, 2021


At no point did the mainstream British media

 acknowledge that Michie’s background did 

not necessarily qualify her to recommend 

policy for a public health crisis. Rather,
clinical psychologist represented 

precisely the type of character 

who could be called upon to 

manipulate the public into 

accepting extreme



Michie was not the only iSAGE representative that

 news outlets presented as a “scientist” despite 

an apparent lack of relevant credentials in 

epidemiology, virology -- or public health 

management. Another long-time media 

favorite was...  iSAGE mathematician 

Christina Pagel, who was promoted 

as a credible expert, despite her 

routinely misreading and 

misrepresenting data.


On the flip side, mainstream media wrongly

 characterized members of iSAGE who were 

not part of SAGE as representatives of the 

latter on numerous occasions. Similarly, 

the press erroneously presented iSAGE

 recommendations as official SAGE 

advice more than once.


In May 2020, Labour party deputy leader Angela

 Rayner, mistakenly declared that SAGE had 

warned against the planned June the 1st 

reopening of schools as “too soon,”

 implying the British government 

was recklessly ''discounting'' 

recommendations from its 

own in-house scientific 

advisors. She was in 

fact referring to a 

report produced 

by iSAGE ----

 not SAGE.


Conversely, SAGE’s own research cautioned that 

blanket school closures would result in children

 experiencing “a shock to their education which 

will persist and affect their educational and 

work outcomes for the rest of their lives.”

 It predicted that extended periods of home

 learning would gravely deepen inequalities 

between pupils, and leave early-stage

learning and behavioral disorders 



As scheduled, England began to reopen schools

 in September 2020 ----- although they were shut 

down once again that December. Independent 

SAGE representatives then steadfastly 

opposed mass reopenings in Spring 

2021, and regularly criticised the 

move for months thereafter.


In October that year, a United Nations report

 concluded countless children worldwide had 

been harshly impacted emotionally and 

psychologically, by school closures, 

leading to greatly increased “fear 

and stress, anxiety, depression, 

anger, irritability, inattention” 

as well as “irregular physical 

activity and sleep patterns.”


A total confirmation of SAGE’s

 initial warnings --- against 

blanket school closures.


The UN’s withering judgement may explain why iSAGE

 representatives have since deleted social media

 posts in which they  aggressively advocated for

 keeping children out of classrooms until COVID

-19 was completely eradicated. Still, some 

evidence of their advocacy remains 

extant today, including a July 2020 

livestream on mask mandates ---- 

billed as a “public consultation.”


“I don’t believe schools should be opened until we’ve

 approached Zero COVID. This is a big challenge,”

 David King declared in that discussion. “It means,

 over to the government, ‘please lock us down, 

manage the disease, bring it right down to 

roughly a level of one in a million people,’ 

and we’ll manage to open schools
 more safely.”


Not-so-Independent SAGE riddled 

with conflicts of interest


It was not until July 2021 the British media began

 probing into the scientific collective with any 

critical scrutiny. That month, The Daily 

Telegraph revealed.. a shadowy outfit 

called The Citizens was responsible

for establishing iSAGE.


The Citizens was itself led by Carole Cadwalladr, the

 Russia-obsessed Guardian columnist who won a

 series of high profile awards for reporting 

claiming the data firm SCL-Cambridge 

Analytica served as a channel ----- for 

Russian meddling in the Brexit vote. 

As Alex Rubinstein reported for The 

Grayzone, Cadwalladr’s reporting 

was comprehensively discredited 

by a 2020 British parliamentary 

report that found no evidence 

whatsoever of Russian 

involvement in Brexit.


Not the first time Facebook has had a fake

 whistleblower! https://t.co/AvoRlHPtEQ


— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) October 6, 2021


In response to the revelation that The Citizens had

 spawned iSAGE, Cadwalladr insisted The Citizens’

connection to the group had been publicly stated 

on iSAGE’s website since its launch. Though her 

claim was technically accurate, the link had 

never been acknowledged in media 

appearances by iSAGE members, 

let alone by Cadwalladr herself. 


What’s more, the relevant passage on iSAGE’s 

website merely refers to The Citizens as a 

“small support team, helping Independent 

SAGE with its public events and 

media activities.”


This characterization significantly downplays the 

scale and nature of the relationship between The

 Citizens and iSAGE. It was around the time of the

 Telegraph exposé that Cadwalladr updated her 

own Twitter profile to describe herself as a 

“cofounder” of The Citizens, the “parent” 

of iSAGE. Meanwhile, The Citizens’ 

Twitter characterizes itself as

 iSAGE’s “founder and 



Official records of a June 2020 meeting of iSAGE’s

 ‘Behavioural Advisory Group’ show the organization

 received significant direction and assistance from

 another unacknowledged source. Zack King, 

representative of PR firm Firstlight Group, 

took a lead role in proceedings,

 introducing “the work of 

Independent SAGE to 

date,” and leading a 

dedicated discussion 

on press relations.


Along the way, King stressed that he and Cadwalladr
“handled press issues,” and iSAGE “can use both of
them” if the organization’s behavioral scientists
wanted to “involve” the media in its activities.


“Zack and Carole work together on press side.
Most press relations are undertaken via Zack
and his PR firm,” the minutes state.


In January the next year, a blog titled, “Holding the

 government to account” was published on Firstl-

ight’s website, laying out the “ambitious media 

plan” the company pursued in order to “build 

the group’s profile as quickly as possible” 

and “grow the group’s influence” upon 

launch. The proposal called for 36 

weekly media and public briefings

 and “countless one-to-one inter-

views and bylines.”


Within six months, iSAGE was “agenda-setting,”

 Firstlight boasted --- “and this publicity 

empowered them --- to drive change,”

 including its “Zero COVID” approach 

“being adopted by parts of the Welsh, 

Scottish & Northern Irish devolved 

governments.” At no point was it 

disclosed that Zack King is the 

son of iSAGE chief David King, 

a fact the former is keen 

to conceal.


Leaked iSAGE communications reviewed by The

 Grayzone, indicate Firstlight was rewarded

 handsomely, for its media manipulation. In

 late May 2020, when Cadwalladr proposed

 starting a crowd-funder for the operation, 

iSAGE member Allyson Pollock, said she
 growing uneasy about the initiative.
was “extremely anxious” re seeking 

such finance for a “short-term project,”

 and proposed raising funds, via other 

non-public means, even offering to 

contribute to expenses herself.


Pollock’s concerns were extensive. There was no

 clarity, on what the money was needed for “and 

how much and how long and exactly who for,” 

she complained, especially given that iSAGE

 members were working pro bono. Further, 

the group had collectively decided to 

recruit resident academics with 

stable incomes plus volunteers 

living off guaranteed govern

-ment financial support.


“Everyone on the committee is in employment and

 some of us are on very good salaries. So, should 

we not be contributing if we need to, that would 

be public spirited and in the spirit of what we
doing,” Pollock fretted. “The public are
very hard
 pressed at the moment and I
don’t feel at all 


David King attempted to reassure Pollock that any 

sums received would not be used to enrich iSAGE

 members, but to instead cover invoices to the 

PR firm, Firstlight. Remuneration for 

“professional expertise” would be

 solicited elsewhere, he promised.


Cadwalladr also weighed in, remarking that Pollock

 “won’t be aware.. of the behind-the-scenes work 

that has been involved... in getting the project 

this far,” including “the unavoidable expense

 involved particularly in handling the media.” 

What services those costs would have 

covered in the midst of a national 

lockdown remains unclear.


That June, The Citizens launched a dedicated 

crowdfunder for iSAGE which raised £60,000. 

An accompanying blurb was vague on how 

donations would be spent, merely stating 

it would help the organisation yo “keep 

following the science.” No mention 

was made.. of bankrolling a wide-

ranging media blitz, courtesy of 

the son of iSAGE’s founder.


The Citizens rakes in donations from

 regime change cut-out Omidyar


The decision by iSage to launch a fundraising

 campaign, while the British public suffered 

widespread unemployment, hardship, and 

financial uncertainty – and despite wholly 

reasonable & legitimate internal dissent 

is rendered all the more perverse, given 

The Citizens has received hundreds of

 thousands of dollars from Luminate.


As Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal documented in 

an investigation with Alex Rubinstein, Luminate is 

an integral component of intelligence-linked US

 oligarch, Pierre Omidyar’s global propaganda 

and regime change network.


The 2018-2022 strategic plan of @Pierre Omidyar’s

 @luminategroup lists “counter[ing]” Russia and 

China & “provid[ing] critical support” to groups

 in “countries in transition” as top priorities.


That’s code for supplementing US regime 

change operations. https://t.co/

AXFBhAduCR pic.twitter.com/



— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal)

 September 9, 2020


In 2020, Luminate gifted The Citizens $150,000 to

 develop the “Real Facebook Oversight Board”,

 and $300,000 ostensibly to produce “impact 

journalism to hold government and big tech

 to account.” Cadwalladr also claims... the 

CIA-connected Ford Foundation provided

 some support, although no record of the 

donation is recorded on the 

Foundation’s website.


A 2016 report on Omidyar Network activities in West

 Africa underlines how the billionaire’s media assets

 are used to further his commercial interests. One

 passage refers to “converting passive readers to

 active citizens” by sponsoring the publication of 

“politically opportunistic” content, in order to

 “motivate citizens and government to act.” 

The report went on to cite “recent, major 

successes” the billionaire’s network had

 enjoyed in Nigeria, where Omidyar 

effectively owns the local 

tech sector.


“With the spectre of potential citizen mobilization

 looming in politicians’ minds, media outlets also 

have the potential to elicit government response

 directly,” the report boasted. “In some cases…

government was motivated to act in order to

 prevent citizen action [emphasis added], 

instead of in response to it.”


Between March and July 2020, Omidyar’s personal

 wealth grew by $9 billion, in no small part due to

 the “Covid-proof” business interests he had 

fostered around the globe. These included 

expansive investments in ed-tech, digital 

health & online content, which became

 major growth industries.... due to 

lockdown policies.


By contrast, it’s difficult to identify how The Citizens

 put its lavish Luminate grants to work. Omidyar was

 clearly happy with the results, however, giving the

 organisation another $300,000 in 2021.


Today, the Real Facebook Oversight Board consists 

of an infrequently updated Medium blog with 225 

followers. There is no sign either of any “impact

 journalism” from The Citizens, save for a long-

dormant Substack, and legal action against 

the British government ...over its purported 

failure to investigate Russian interference 

in elections.


Despite their lavish Omidyar financing, Cadwalladr’s

 group again turned to crowdfunding for that effort, 

raising tens of thousands from the public before 

its legal push was thrown out by a High Court 

judge as the case was “inarguable.”


Discredited former MI6 agent Christopher
teele advises iSAGE


The Citizens’ website, which has been ''in construction”

 for most of its existence, once featured a dedicated

 profile of disgraced former MI6 spy and former FBI

 contractor Christopher Steele. And The Citizens

 founder Cadwalladr --- has been a fervent fan of
 intelligence huckster, lionizing him despite 

his ‘Trump-Russia’ dossier having been

 comprehensively exposed as a fraud - 

compiled with rumours and tall tales

 fed to him by a single dubious 

source --- for cash.


Orbis Director Christopher Steele.... moderated a 

fascinating panel discussion following a special

 screening of #TheGreatHack hosted by

 @liviafirth and @firthcom. Thank you to 

@carolecadwalla, @edwardlucas and 

Mike Lerner @roastbeeftv for your 

participation. pic.twitter.com/



— Orbis Business Intelligence 

(@OrbisBIOfficial) January 

7th, 2020


In email exchanges with The Grayzone, Zack King,

 the PR agent and son of iSAGE’s founder, initially 

contended The Citizens “drew on a wide and 

diverse collection of unpaid advisors before 

it launched.” Christopher Steele was among

 them, though according to King, he “never

 played any active or other role” in The 

Citizens or iSAGE.


Requests for details on the services Steele provided

 for The Citizens before its public inauguration were

 ignored. When asked why the group’s website

 featured his profile... if he was no longer 

involved in any capacity,  King revealed

 Steele was actually part of “a network 

of pro-bono advisors we can call upon 

as needed.” He therefore implied
former spook could provide 

indeterminate support at any
time, to The Citizens, 

and perhaps iSage,

 as well.


Steele’s intimate but mysterious involvement with an

 influential outfit that shaped government policy and 

public perceptions on COVID-19 is troubling, given 

the power grab --- that British security and 

intelligence services carried out, under 

cover of pandemic prevention.


Britain’s security state merges with the public 

health sector under cover of tracking Covid


In May 2020, the same month iSAGE was launched, 

London rolled out an initiative called the Joint 

Biosecurity Centre (JBC). The JBC... was 

advertised as a state-of-the-art system 

providing “evidence-based, objective 

analysis to inform local and national 

decision-making in response to 

COVID19 outbreaks.”


 Purportedly tracking the virus’ spread, in real-time, its 

coronavirus “alert level” was directly modeled on the

 Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre’s “traffic light” 

system, established in 2003.


JBC was first led by Tom Hurd, a veteran intelligence

 official who months earlier had been put forward as

 the likely next MI6 chief. Hurd... soon returned to 

running counter-terrorism for the Home Office, 

however, and was replaced by senior GCHQ

 operative Clare Gardiner. Her appointment 

reportedly came at the behest of Cabinet 

Secretary Simon Case, GCHQ’s former 

Director of Strategy.


At the time, concerns were rising... about the growing

 role of intelligence service personnel --- in managing 

the pandemic - particularly given their abject failure

 to sound any alarm on COVID-19 before it circulated 

among the general public. But any resistance to the

 integration of the security state with the public 

health sector -- was comprehensively shunted 

aside, when the British government replaced 

Public Health England, with the Health 

Security Agency, of which, the JBC 

became a subdivision.


Despite the body’s enormous and constantly

 expanding power, the opaque JBC, has 

entirely eluded scrutiny from British 

media since its launch. 


Its membership, the minutes of its meetings, data,

 analysis, and arguments, all remain a secret,

while it maintains the power -- to impose 

restrictions if not outright lockdowns

 -- without explanation or warning 

at any time.


In October 2020, as Britain edged towards a second

 national shutdown, parliamentarians demanded the

 publication of JBC’s deliberations, evidence 

sources, and key personnel be published. 

On each point -- they were shut down by 

the government. In justifying its refusal 

to disclose members’ identities, 

Downing Street... claimed the 

Centre is “largely staffed by

 civil servants,” meaning it 

was “not appropriate” to

 name them.


Given that the veteran GCHQ spy Clare Gardiner was

 merely referred to as a “senior civil servant”.. in an

 official press release announcing her appointment

 to lead JBC, the question must be asked: is the 

centre “largely staffed” by intelligence 



Gardiner left her post in mid-June 2021 without any

 official announcement, and the position has been

 vacant ever since. At least, no replacement has

 been publicly mentioned, and no one has asked 

officials for clarity.   Given the enormous clout 

exerted by the body to this day it's staggering 

that not one single journalist or campaigner 

...has demanded answers.


Indeed, contrary to their professed, principled

 commitment to scientific transparency, and 

their initial calls to break the wall of official 

silence surrounding the British government’s

 scientific advisory group’s composition, and

 thinking, iSAGE and The Citizens have made

 no attempt to pressure the government to 

release any information on the JBC or 

Health Security Agency.


As we will see in further installments in this

 investigation, leaked emails absolutely 

debunk the stated commitment by 

iSAGE and The Citizens to 

“following the science.”




The views of individual contributors do not 

necessarily represent those of the 

Strategic Culture Foundation.


[or Rhondda Records]


Murky, eh? What 

....do YOU think?




Raids at Kiev-Pechersk Lavra 

point to Kiev regime’s moral 

degradation — HRC

November 22nd, 5:47pm (TASS)


Conducting raids at Kiev-Pechersk Lavra monastery,
indicates a complete moral degradation of the Kiev
regime, according to the head of the permanent
committee on international cooperation in the 

sphere of human rights of the Presidential 

Council for the Development of Civil 

Society and Human Rights, 

Kirill Vyshinsky.


"The image of the Lavra as a pillar of spirituality.. has

 always been a beacon for people during the hardest 

times. And when it is being brazenly dragged into

 politics, and pummeled with absurd accusations, 

this testifies to a complete moral degradation of 

the Kiev regime. It is clear that the SBU would

not have dared to do so without a 

presidential order," he said, as 

quoted by the HRC press 

service on Tuesday.


Vyshinsky added that Ukrainian nationalists have

 always wanted to take possession of the Kiev-

Pechersk Lavra. According to him, slogans to 

take over the oldest monastery were voiced 

during the Maidan events in 2004 and 2014.


"Yet I will reiterate that there have always been the

 devout who defended the Lavra from adversaries.

 I hope to God, there will be some now as well," 

he added.


Earlier, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), 

confirmed it was conducting searches at the 

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; explaining them by the 

need to protect residents from provocations 

and terror attacks. On November 13th, the 

SBU opened a criminal case over chants 

about Russia being performed at one of

the churches of the Kiev-Pechersk 

Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox 



The SBU also reported that its members were 

inspecting the premises of two Ukrainian 

Orthodox monasteries, in Rovno region.

What do you think?
Moral degredation
or much ado...?


The West is preparing 

an invasion of Belarus

November 20th, 9:19am



Svetlana Tikhanovskaya publicly declares that her 

victory in the presidential election in Belarus, was

stolen by Alexander Lukashenko & Vladimir Putin.


Authorities have been talking about possible foreign

 invasion of Belarus since 2020. Today, the threat of

 intervention has begun to take real shape. A not

 inconsiderable role is being played here by the

 fugitive Belarusian opposition.


By now, it is not only about the incessant military

 exercises of the NATO countries near the borders 

of Belarus and Russia. Poland --- and the Baltic 

states have already started to form a bridge-

head for a future intervention. 


This is evidenced... by the modernization of Polish and

Baltic airfields, the reconstruction of training centres 

and firing ranges, and the increases in the number of 

armed forces stationed near the Belarusian border. 


Poland is planning to increase its army to 300 000 men

 and arm it with 1 500 modern tanks and BMPs, 1 200

 mobile artillery units and several thousands of light 

armoured vehicles. Tanks, helicopters and HIMARS 

are to be bought from the United States, and 

howitzers and artillery rockets from 

South Korea.


 It is planned to expand the presence of US troops on 

the borders of Poland with Belarus, primarily the 

101st Airborne Division, which can become 

the strike fist of the invasion.


However, it is impossible to organise an intervention 

without a political and ideological justification. This 

is what a runaway Belarusian opposition... is

 needed for.


First, we are talking about Svetlana Tikhanovskaya

 and her entourage. Over the last month the fugitive

 opposition activist made several trips to European

 countries where she was welcomed on an official

 level. In early November, Tikhanovskaya went to

 Strasbourg for the first meeting of the contact 

group of the Belarusian opposition and the 

Council of Europe (CoE). 


After that, she was welcomed in Iceland, which now

 chairs the Council of Europe and will preside over 

the Nordic Council from 2023. In Reykjavik, 

Tihanovska was met by the Prime Minister, 

the head of the Foreign Ministry and 

members of parliament. The hosts 

heard from the guest a request for 

assistance in raising her inter-

national status. 


In particular, she suggested initiating “the launch of

 projects to support civil society & prepare reforms

 within the framework of the Contact Group under 

the Council of Europe”, inviting “representatives 

of Belarusian political organizations and parties 

to PACE as observers”, “to initiate an 

investigation of the Lukashenko 

regime crimes in international 

institutions in one of three 

areas: crimes against 

humanity, aiding... to 

military aggression, 

migration crisis”.


On 14 November, Tikhanovska spoke to the EU foreign

 ministers on the sidelines of a meeting of the Council 

of the European Union for Foreign Affairs. There she

 demanded to “put Belarus back on the agenda”, 

“institutionalise relations with democratic forces

 in the European Parliament following the 

example of the Council of Europe”, and 

“support Belarusian activists, 

volunteers and volunteers

 in Ukraine”. 


Two days later, Tikhanovska could be 

seen in Prague, where she met with 

representatives of the 

Czech parliament.


The crowning feature of Tikhanovska’s ideological

 work was her article in Politico “I am the elected

 president of Belarus, and together we will win”. 

In it Tihanovskaya proclaimed herself 

“president”, claiming that her victory 

had been stolen ---- by Alexander 

Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin.


She accused the Russian president of sending

 “propagandists to Belarus and preparing 

forces for an invasion”, securing from 

the Belarusian leader “support for 

armed aggression against 



The purpose of Tikhanovska’s surge is to justify a

 Western invasion of Belarus. The rhetoric of the

 Belarusian opposition has increasingly referred 

to the “occupation” of the republic by Russia 

and the need for Western support for the 

“national liberation movement”. 


Representatives of the Kiev regime have already

 addressed international institutions with a 

proposal to declare Belarus an “occupied”

 territory. All this resonates in the EU. 


Thus, at the beginning of November, a member of the

 Polish Sejm Pawel Kowal stated that Brussels and 

Washington should “recognize Tihanowska as the

 president of Belarus, recognize her government, 

recognize them as members of the anti-Putin 

coalition”, unless Lukashenko refuses to 

support Russia.


In parallel, work is underway to destabilise the

 situation in the republic -- under the Peramoha 

(Victory) plan. According to Franak Viachorko, 

advisor to Tihanova, “guerrillas” are already 

operating in Belarus and the plan itself has

 been restructured - “to fight the Russian

 occupiers”. According to him, there is 

a large “underground” in the republic, 

structures are being prepared and 

“at the right moment”, will be 

mobilized for a coup, and 

tens of thousands... of 

“volunteers”, transmit

information about the 

movement of the 

Belarusian and 

Russian military.


According to Sergei Terebov, first deputy chairman 

of the Belarusian State Security Committee, the

 opposition ''has one goal: to delegitimize the 

incumbent authorities and justify terrorist 

acts and sabotage.'' 


Among the main activities of Lukashenko’s opponents

 in the coming winter, the KGB calls the work in the

 ''student and teaching environment.'' It is known

 that the administrations of some Telegram 

channels set tasks to their subscribers

 ''to equip hiding places... for tools, 

construction, and other special

 equipment, that can be used

 in riots and for subversive 



Meanwhile, the fugitive opposition, which previously 

denied any such allegations, is now making no 

secret of the fact that it is preparing the 

ground for an armed coup.


According to the “joint transition office” of

 Tikhanovska, their nearest plans include 

“the establishment of cooperation with

 the units of the Belarusian volunteers 

in Ukraine,” “raising the capacity of 

power units to the level necessary

 to perform key tasks”  --- and ''the 

establishment of stable working 

relations, with the Ukrainian 

state authorities --- with the 

aim of jointly counteracting 

the Russian aggression and 

de-occupation of Belarus.''


The main intention is to create a situation in the

 country that would allow the West to declare 

the need for a “peacekeeping” or “de-

occupation” mission in the republic. 


Groups of trained fighters, such as the “Kastus

 Kalinovsky regiment”, will be used as the first 

wave to cover a full-scale invasion of Belarus.


 Minsk cannot fail to understand this. This means 

that the Belarusian authorities will strengthen 

their control over the situation as soon as 

possible, and the regional grouping of the

 Union State forces will be increased and

 re-equipped with modern weapons.


Igor Novitsky, FSC


Yellow journalism?


Or a warning to stop.

What do you think?





Borrell’s ideas instilled inside EU
provoking Europe’s prolonged 

split — Russian diplomat

November 19th, 10am (TASS)


The ideas that EU top diplomat Josep Borrell
disseminates among member states of the

European Union show no sign of the bloc’s

strategic vision on the Russian track and 

provoke a new prolonged split in Europe, 

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman 

Maria Zakharova said in a commentary 

on Saturday.


"Unfortunately, the ideas that EU top diplomat Borrell 

spreads among member states of the European 

Union do not contain, as before, any hint at the

EU’s strategic vision on the Russian track and 

only provoke Europe’s new prolonged split.'' 


''They offer no recipes for resolving accumulated
problems, as if Russia and the European Union 

as geographical and civilizational neighbours 

can get away from each other," the diplomat 

said, commenting on Borrell’s six-point 

proposals on the EU’s common 

approaches to relations with 

Russia... amid the 

Ukraine crisis.


Hence the conclusion: that the goal of the current

EU leaders, is to be quick to give a reasonable
explanation to the attempts at bringing the 

relations with Russia to the state of 

political confrontation, depriving 

them of their common history 

and their economic base, 

Zakharova pointed out.


"There can be seen the desire... to limit the

opportunities for future politicians to find 

a way out of this profound crisis. Beyond 

any doubt --- most of European society 

shows the need for quite the opposite

 in the current conditions," the 

spokeswoman said.


Borrell - apparently - does not abandon the desire: 

to write his name into world and European history 

with dubious initiatives, the diplomat pointed out.


"However, the Spaniard has, so far, distinguished

himself ---- as the EU’s most confrontational high-

level official for all time who will be remembered 

for his belligerent calls for ‘the war must be won 

on the battlefield’ and racist pronouncements 

about the ‘European garden’ and ‘the jungle’ 

besetting Europeans," the spokes-

woman recalled.


It is still early to talk about the results of the

discussions within the EU on the bloc’s 

relations with Russia --- as these 

discussions continue --- but 

Moscow has no illusions 

on this score ------ the 

diplomat stressed.


Six-point proposal


Commenting on the essence of Borrell’s six-point proposal,
the Russian diplomat said this was 
evidence that the
Ukraine problem with the 
2014 state coup inspired
by the West --- had 
been artificially created as an
cover-up for the political, economic, 

technological and humanitarian containment
of Russia 
to ensure the West’s hegemony
in Europe 
and the world as a whole.


"This is why, there is not a word in J. Borrell’s

proposals on settling the Ukraine crisis 

through negotiations and, generally, 

on ensuring security in Europe,"

 Zakharova pointed out.


Brussels has staked on "destabilizing" the internal

political situation in Russia, cleansing the EU’s 

information space from alternative viewpoints,

securing the Western Balkans as the sphere 

of the EU’s influence, transferring rivalry 

with Moscow to the post-Soviet space, 

imposing West-centric "rules" and 

"isolating" Russia, the diplomat

 pointed out.


"The latter...   is the obsessive idea, that has become a

real goal in itself for the EU - a futile intent that bears 

solely costs for European Union countries and their

citizens ---- who have to pay for their politicians’ 

strategic blunders from their own pocket,"

 Zakharova added.


"Indicatively most world capitals are unready to follow

the EU’s Brussels - which, by its mediaeval logic -
returns the world.. to the time of the split, high 

walls and besieged fortresses. Using present 

day terminology, it can be said that the EU 

leadership that has - apparently - been 

infected by some abnormal political 

virus... has decided to self-isolate 

from Russia," the spokeswoman 

went on to say.


Moscow believes that the practical relevance of

the results of intra-EU discussions will largely 

depend on accepting new realities.. "on the 

ground" and the awareness of the need to 

build security on the common European 

continent together with Russia, as the 

option that has no alternative, the 

ability of European capitals.. to 

protect --- relying on their own 

sovereignty --- the interests of 

their citizens...  and the EU as 

a whole, "without turning into 

the secondary instrument of 

the geopolitical expansion 

of the United States and 

NATO," the Russian

diplomat stressed.



What do you think?


If Russia is strong

and good, why are

we being told that

it's evil and weak?


The U.S. has started talking about

 rights to some Russian territories

November the 11th, 10:11am



The US has recalled its claims to part of Chukotka, 

Yakutia and Kamchatka. However, these claims 

show that the Russian-American convention on

the cession of Alaska was invalidated in 1881.


The Wall Street Journal in New York has published

another provocative piece. It urged the Biden

administration to “return” the Wrangel and 

Herald islands, which supposedly, since 

1881 “belong” to the United States, 

and since 1924 are “held” 

by Russia.


Note: The Wall Street Journal is a “business”

publication that specializes in information

provocations. The purpose of these 

provocations is to attract attention 

and engage in discussion. 


Therefore, there is no point 

in parsing the publication.


Another thing ---- our citizens 

should remember some facts.


Wrangel Island is a large island in the Arctic Ocean, 

named after the 19th century Russian navigator

 Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel. It is located 

north of the coast of Chukotka and is 

administratively part of the Chukchi 

Autonomous District of Russia. To 

the east, the tiny Russian island 

of Geralda adjoins it.


The existence of Wrangel Island was known to 

Russian navigators long before there was a US

of A. It was first mapped by Russian explorer,

 Ivan Lvov. This happened no later than 1707. 


Later, Mikhail Lomonosov recorded the island’s name, 

Doubtful, on a map. The first documented description 

of Doubtful was left by “geodesy sergeant” Stepan

 Andreev. In 1764, he observed it from a distance 

of 20 versts. Andreev called the island the Land 

of Tykegen. According to the ‘Siberian Herald’ 

of 1823, even at that time the land of Tikene 

had a permanent population of Russians 

and ‘natives’.


At that time, the internationally recognised eastern

 borders of the Russian Empire extended to the

 territory of present-day Canada. Thus, the 

Land of Tikene (Doubtful) was within the 

territorial waters of Russia and 

belonged to it.


In 1867 the Russian Empire signed a convention with

the US, ceding Alaska. Russian America was ceded 

to the States. According to the convention, the new

 state border between the two countries was drawn 

on the middle line between Ratmanov and 

Krusenstern islands.


Both were situated opposite each other in the Bering

Strait: one east of Chukotka, the other, west of 

Alaska. To the north, the boundary was drawn 

from the midpoint between Ratmanov and

Kruzenshtern islands in a straight line to

the North Pole. Thus the Wrangel and

Herald Islands, remained under 

Russian jurisdiction.


However, as early as 1881, the States broke this

 agreement. An expedition of the American 

explorer George De Long landed on 

Henrietta Island and declared it, 

as well as neighbouring Bennett, 

as US territory. The Americans 

planted their flag on Henrietta. 


Both islands are west of Wrangel Island. They are

 located north of the coast of Yakutia and are 

part of the Novosibirsk group of islands, 

which are now administratively part of 

the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


Soon the De Long expedition suffered a catastrophe.

 It was then rescued by the American steam cutter 

Thomas Corwin. Passing by the Wrangel and 

Herald Islands, Captain Calvin Hooper 

landed a search party. But instead of

 searching for traces of De Long’s 

stay, the Americans declared the

 islands… US territory.


 Hooper’s subordinates did not search for any more 

of their compatriots. The members of De Long’s

expedition... died of hunger and cold. Their 

remains were later found by the Russians 

and handed over to the States.


The violations of the 1867 convention 

did not stop there.


In 1921, at the height of the Russian Civil War, 

an expedition by anthropologist Wiljalmur 

Stefansson landed on Wrangel Island. 


The US citizen raised Canadian and British 

flags before declaring the local territory 

the possession of the United Kingdom. 


At the same time, reindeer herder Carl Loman 

landed on neighbouring Herald Island and 

declared the local territory “possession 

of the United States”. The invaders 

were not expelled until 1924, when 

the gunboat “Krasny Oktyabr” 

arrived on the islands and 

planted the Soviet

 flag there.


In order to prevent new provocations once and for 

all the Soviet government in 1926 officially 

reminded all countries of its jurisdiction 

over Wrangel and Herald islands.


It should be added that after the collapse of the USSR, 

the US again violated the 1867 convention. In the 

1990s, the parliaments of the states of Alaska 

and California demanded that the U.S. 

government “return” Wrangel, Herald, 

Bennett, Henrietta and Medny from 

the Commander Islands... 

(Kamchatka) to the US. 


All these territories, according to the 1867 

convention, were under Russian jurisdiction. 


Now the Americans have completely lost their way. 

They have gone so far as to make fun of those who

 have exercised their will. In particular, they refer 

to the fact that they deceived Mikhail Gorbachev 

when they were discussing the Beringia project. 


The Beringia Project is a project to create an

 international biosphere park comprising the 

Seward Peninsula (Alaska, USA), the Bering 

Strait and Chukotka, together with Wrangel 

and Herald Islands. The initiative was 

proposed in 1990 by George Bush Sr. 

and Mikhail Gorbachev. 


The project provided for the creation of a demilitarized 

zone on the territory of Chukotka and its adjacent 

islands. The “park” was to be managed jointly. 

That is why even at the time when Beringia 

was being discussed, in the USSR, there 

were fears that under the guise of 

creating a “park”, the US wanted 

to establish a Russian-American 

condominium over Chukotka. 


At the time, the US government gave “guarantees” 

of the inviolability of Russian borders. Now the 

Wall Street Journal says that at the time the

“guarantees” were given, reservations 

were made ------ that render the 

“guarantees” meaningless.


It is yet another lesson for those who expect ever 

to negotiate with the West. Any agreement with

 the West is not worth the paper it is signed on.

The Anglo-Saxons understand only one 

language – the language of force.


One last thing. The Frontier Clause was an integral 

part of the Russian-American Convention on the

 Cession of Alaska. It was violated in 1881. 


Since then, the 1867 convention

 has been null and void.


Yuri Gorodnenko, RenTV



Wow... so... at one time,

Russia owned Canada!


Do you know better?




Berlin Goes to Beijing: 

The Real Deal

by Pepe Escobar

November 4th, 2022

(Strategic Culture Foundation)


The Scholz caravan went to Beijing to lay down the

preparatory steps...  for working out a peace deal 

with Russia, with China as privileged messenger.


With his inimitable flair for economic analysis steeped

 in historical depth, Professor Michael Hudson’s latest 

essay, originally written for a German audience,

 presents a stunning parallel, between the 

Crusades and the current “rules-based

 international order” imposed by 

the Hegemon.


Professor Hudson details how the Papacy in Rome 

managed to lock up unipolar control over secular

 realms (rings a bell?) when the game was all 

about Papal precedence over kings, above 

all the German Holy Roman Emperors. 

As we know, half in jest, the Empire 

was not exactly Holy, nor German 

(perhaps a little Roman), and not 

even an Empire.


A clause in the Papal Dictates provided the Pope with

 the authority to excommunicate whomever was “not

 at peace with the Roman Church.” Hudson sharply

 notes, how US sanctions are the modern 

equivalent of excommunication.


Arguably there are Top Two 

dates in the whole process.


The first one would be the Third Ecumenical Council

 of 435: this is when only Rome (italics mine) was

 attributed universal authority (italics mine). 

Alexandria and Antioch, for instance, were 

limited to regional authority within the 

Roman Empire.


The other top date is 1054 – when Rome and

 Constantinople split for good. That is, the 

Roman Catholic Church split from 

Orthodoxy, which leads us to 

Russia, and Moscow as The 

Third Rome ------ and the 

centuries-old animosity 

of “the West” against 



A State of Martial Law


Professor Hudson then delves on the trip by “Liver

 Sausage” Chancellor Scholz’s delegation to China 

this week to “demand that it dismantle its public

 sector and stops subsidizing its economy, or 

else Germany and Europe will impose 

sanctions on trade with China.”


Well, in fact this happens to be just childish wishful

 thinking -- expressed by the German Council on 

Foreign Relations in a piece published on the 

Financial Times (the Japanese-owned 

platform in the City of London).


 The Council, as correctly described by Hudson,

 is “the neoliberal ‘libertarian’ arm of NATO: 

demanding German de-industrialization 

and dependency” on the US.


So the FT -- predictably -- is 

printing NATO wet dreams.


Context is essential. German Federal President

 Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in a keynote speech 

at Bellevue Castle, has all but admitted that

 Berlin is broke: “An era of headwinds is 

beginning for Germany – difficult, 

difficult years are coming for us. 

Germany... is in the deepest 

crisis since reunification.”


Yet schizophrenia, once again, reigns supreme, 

as Steinmeier, after a ridiculous stunt in Kiev
complete with posing as a unwitting actor 

huddled in a bunker – announced an 

extra handout: two more MARS 

multiple rocket launchers and 

four ''Panzerhaubitze 2000'' 

howitzers to be delivered 

to the Ukrainians.


So even if the “world” economy – actually the EU – is 

so fragilized that member-states cannot help Kiev

 anymore without harming their own populations, 

and the EU is on the verge of a catastrophic 

energy crisis, fighting for “our values” in 

Country 404 ---- trumps it all.


The Big Picture context, is also key. Andrea Zhok,

 Professor of Ethical Philosophy at the University 

of Milan, has taken Giorgio Agamben’s “State
 Exception” concept to new heights.


Zhok proposes that the zombified collective West is

 now... completely subjugated to a “State of Martial

 Law” – where a Forever War ethos is the ultimate

 priority for rarified global elites.


Every other variable – from trans-humanism to

 depopulation -- and even cancel culture -- is

 subordinated to the State of Martial Law, 

and is basically inessential. The only 

thing that matters, is exercising 

absolute, raw control.


Berlin – Moscow – Beijing


Solid German business sources completely contradict

 the “message” delivered by the German Council on

 Foreign Relations on the trip to China.


According to these sources, the Scholz caravan went

 to Beijing --- to essentially lay down the preparatory

 steps for working out a peace deal with Russia, 

with China as privileged messenger.


This is – literally – as explosive, geopolitically and

 geoeconomically, as it gets. As I pointed out in

one of my previous columns, Berlin and 

Moscow were keeping a secret 

communication back channel

 – via business interlocutors – 

right to the minute the usual 

suspects, in desperation, 

decided to blow up the 

Nord Streams.


Cue to the now notorious SMS from Liz Truss’s 

iPhone to Little Tony Blinken, one minute 

after the explosions: “It’s done.”


There’s more: the Scholz caravan may be trying to

start a long and convoluted process of eventually

 replacing the US with China, as a key ally. One 

should never forget that the top BRI trade/

connectivity terminal in the EU, is 

Germany (the Ruhr valley).


According to one of the sources, “if this effort is

 successful, then Germany, China and Russia, 

can ally themselves together and drive the 

US out of Europe.”


Another source provided the cherry on the cake: “Olaf

 Scholz is being accompanied on this trip, by German

 industrialists who actually control Germany and are

 not going to sit back...... watching themselves 

being destroyed.”


Moscow knows very well what the imperial aim is

when it comes to the EU.... reduced to the role of 

totally dominated - and deindustrialized - vassal,

exercising zero sovereignty. The back channels, 

after all, are not lying in tatters on the bottom
the Baltic Sea. Additionally, China has not 

provided any hint... that its massive trade 

with Germany and the EU, is about 

to vanish.


Scholz himself, one day before his caravan hit Beijing,

 stressed to Chinese media --- that Germany has no

 intention of decoupling from China, and there’s

 nothing to justify “the calls by some
 isolate China.”


In parallel, Xi Jinping and the new Politburo are very

 much aware of the Kremlin position, reiterated 

again and again: we always.. remain open for

 negotiations.. as long as Washington finally

decides to talk about the end of unlimited 

NATO expansion.... drenched 

in Russophobia.


So, to negotiate, means the Empire signing on the

 dotted line of the document it has received from

 Moscow on December 1st, 2021, focused on

 “indivisibility of security”. Otherwise,

there’s nothing to negotiate.


And when we have Pentagon lobbyist Lloyd

 “Raytheon” Austin advising the Ukrainians 

on the record to advance on Kherson, it’s 

even more crystal clear - there’s nothing 

to negotiate.


So could this all be the foundation stone of 

the Berlin-Moscow-Beijing trans-Eurasia

 geopolitical/geoeconomic corridor? 

That will mean Bye Bye Empire. 


Once again: it ain’t over - till the 

fat lady goes Gotterdammerung.

What about that, then!
Stranger things have
occurred - what do
YOU think?




US rapidly losing 

supporters in 

Islamic world

October 18th, 8:28am



Just last Monday, Joe Biden signed a new US National 

Security Strategy in which he named Russia and 

China as major threats to which America will 

respond, by strengthening its alliances and 

partnerships around the world. And after 

just two days, the US president has 

made notable progress on this 

important issue.


Speaking in California at a meeting with local

 Democratic Party activists, Biden said he 

had spent more than 225 hours in direct 

consultation with leaders of other NATO 

allies and EU members. So much effort 

had to be expended, he said, “just to 

keep the coalition of countries 

together” on issues of support 

for Ukraine.


 Clearly --- rallying against the “Russian threat” requires a 

lot of effort -- the cost to Europe (and not just financially)

 of breaking with Russia is too high. It has to be stressed
all the time that the Russians are
 threatening everyone
with a nuclear bomb --- 
exacerbating already
growing tensions. 


Biden has been talking recently about Putin’s possible

 use of nuclear weapons, while there are persistent

 bogeymen.. about Iran’s nuclear programme (the 

deal to control it is now off the table) ...and the 

DPRK is expected to resume its nuclear tests.


 More generally, the prospect of a nuclear threat never 

left Biden in California – and he blurted out, “I think

 that Pakistan may be one of the most dangerous

 nations in the world. Nuclear weapons 

without any cohesion.”


The phrase itself was a political nuclear explosion: the

 head of a superpower declaring that the world’s fifth

 most populous and sixth most nuclear-capable 

country poses a threat to peace! Moreover, 

Pakistan is the only Muslim country that 

possesses nuclear weapons, and other 

Islamic countries treat Pakistan’s 

nuclear bomb as an Islamic 



While Pakistan’s very emergence of nuclear weapons

 was a response to India’s related programme. In the

 1960s, before the bomb was made, Zulfikar Bhutto 

stated it was wrong that Christians, Buddhists, 

Jews and soon to be Hindus had atomic 

weapons, while Muslims did not have 

them. As a result, by the end of the 

twentieth century, Pakistan gained

 its own nuclear weapons, despite 

all the displeasure from the West.


 And now the US is calling it one of the most dangerous 

countries in the world – that is, putting it on a par with

 “terrible” Russia and hostile North Korea?


Islamabad was, to put it mildly, very surprised by the 

American president’s words – Prime Minister 

Shehbaz Sharif said his country was a 

“responsible nuclear state”:


“We are proud that our nuclear assets have the best

 safeguards as required by the IAEA. We take these

 safeguards seriously. Let there be no one in any 

doubt about this.


The US ambassador was summoned to the Foreign

 Ministry, where he was formally protested to, and

 Washington immediately tried to keep things quiet.


 “The US is confident in Pakistan’s resolve to protect 

nuclear assets,” the State Department said... and 

Biden’s spokeswoman said the president “views 

a safe and prosperous Pakistan as critical to 

US interests.”


Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari (grandson of

 Bhutto, the man behind the nuclear project) said, 

“Let`s consider this a misunderstanding arising 

from a misunderstanding of our regional 

problems,” but the residual effect was 



Yes, Pakistan’s situation is not only complicated

 externally, but also internally – especially in the

 last 6 months, after Prime Minister Imran Khan 

was ousted. Who has bluntly accused the US 

of both plotting against him and seeking to 

subjugate Pakistan – and is now fighting 

to regain power by demanding snap 

elections. Either way, Imran Khan 

has a good chance of returning

 to power --- sooner or later.


But inter-clan and political infighting is commonplace

 in Pakistan, and this in itself could not justify such

 an alarmist statement by Biden. The more so 

because only the day before General Qamar 

Bajwa, the strongest man in the Islamic 

Republic and the head of the army that 

controls not only nuclear weapons but 

also the state itself (Pakistan’s army 

has a key influence on power and 

political processes), had been 

received in Washington.


What, then, is the reason for Biden’s surprise

 statement? There is no way that one can 

put it down to age-related problems, as 

Biden sometimes forgets and speaks 

out loud about things that are not 

meant for public discourse. It is 

very serious, so there must be 

some clear reason. 


And there it is: the United States realises that it 

is losing the Islamic world. Yes, not individual 

countries, but the Islamic world as such. 

This has been evident for a long time, 

but this year the process has come

 to the surface.


Problems with Turkey (escalating after the failed coup

 attempt in 2016), tensions with Saudi Arabia (which 

last week escalated to the point of promising

 consequences and intending to review

 relations with it), misunderstandings 

with Pakistan. And these three 

countries are not just ordinary 

Islamic countries; they are 

three key states in the 

Muslim world ------- of a 

billion & a half people. 


Turkey is a member of NATO; Saudi Arabia is the leader 

of the Arab world and the richest Islamic country; 

Pakistan is the only nuclear weapon state and 

the second most populous. Although relations

 within the Ankara-Riyadh-Islamabad triangle 

are not always smooth (there is rivalry 

between Erdogan and the Saudis, but 

Pakistan has close ties with both 

countries), the simultaneous 

deterioration of atmosphere 

with all three is absolutely 

disadvantageous to the

Americans. However, 

that is exactly what

 is happening.


Not because the “collective Biden” is doing it

 deliberately; they are just nervous to find 

that not only the initiative, but also control

 of the geopolitical game is slipping out of

 their hands. Although they pay lip service 

to the fact that we have rallied the world 

against “aggressive” Russia and are 

ready to fight back against 

revisionist China, in reality 

the situation is exactly

 the opposite.


From the start of our special operation, the Islamic

 world refused to side with the West – as did key

 Muslim countries (and Pakistani Prime Minister 

Imran Khan was, by sheer coincidence, in the

 Kremlin just on February 24th). The longer it 

goes on, the more noticeable it has become, 

and the recent OPEC+ decision to cut oil 

production (despite US requests) was 

only confirmation of this.


And Pakistan, formerly one of the closest military

 partners of the United States (it was from its 

territory that they waged war against the 

USSR in Afghanistan) -- has been looking 

more and more intently towards Moscow

 in recent years. 


The growth of the closest Pakistani-Chinese ties has

 not helped the Americans to maintain their position 

either. The inglorious end of the American 

occupation of Afghanistan strengthened 

the mood in Pakistan for a turn away 

from the Anglo-Saxons.


Of course, the US and UK positions in Pakistan are still 

very strong, especially in the same Pakistani army. 

But the generals are well aware of how things are 

changing – not only in the region, but also in the 

world. Now Russia is selling arms to Pakistan 

(as a response to increase of US shipments 

to our main partner India), now Pakistan is

 a member of Russia-China SCO (together

 with India), and the project of building 

Pakistani Stream gas pipeline (going 

from southern ports to the north of

 the country) is getting closer to 



And the issue of pipelines from Russia via Central Asia 

to Pakistan will be solved sooner or later as soon as

 joint efforts are made to establish peaceful life in

 Afghanistan (and this will require inter alia cutting 

off the possibility for Anglo-Saxons to provoke the 

inner-Afghan contradictions). In other words, 

Pakistan has the most serious arguments in 

favor of rapprochement with Russia, as do 

quite a large part of the Islamic world.


Therefore, despite the change of power in Islamabad,

 Putin has met with Pakistani prime ministers three

 times this year: in addition to meeting with Imran 

Khan in Moscow in February, he met with 

Shehbaz Sharif twice in the past month

 (a separate meeting in Samarkand in 

September, and later they 

communicated on the

 sidelines of the 

Astana Summit).


 That is, Pakistan’s interest in Russia does not depend

 on domestic politics – and the two nuclear powers 

have common interests and projects.


Not to mention the fact that the Americans call both 

of our countries “the most dangerous countries in 

the world”: in the current conditions of global 

transformation it sounds like a compliment 

from the mouth of the US to the rest of the

 world. Because everyone understands 

what they really mean – ‘dangerous to 

the world’ in the American way.


Peter Akopov, RIA

What do YOU think?

Kadirov will LOVE it!



US scared of armageddon

October 14th, 8:53am



“Armageddon” is probably the most popular word in the 

Western media space right now. And not only because

 the local media came up with this nickname for 

General Sergei Surovikin, who was recently 

appointed commander of the combined 

group of Russian troops in the zone
a special military operation.


The word was uttered last week by US President Joe

 Biden, at a cocktail party with Democratic Party

 donors that the world has never been closer to

 nuclear Armageddon than it has been since 

the Cuban Missile Crisis of the 1960s. And 

since then he has been accused of

 excessive alarmism.


Biden has been attacked on all sides --- by Democrats,

 Republicans & even European leaders who normally

 look into the mouth of the US president. Not to 

mention the fact that even French President 

Emmanuel Macron criticized his overseas 

boss for the remark, describing it as 

“political fiction”.


The Wall Street Journal, in an editorial, felt that Biden

 had dealt a blow to US interests, with his statement. 

“His comments unnecessarily frightened Americans

 and may have undermined containment policy,” the

 newspaper, usually loyal to Democrats, proclaimed.


And The Washington Times accused its president 

of “reviving old fears”. The chief sin of Biden, 

according to the editorial board, was to “give

 the impression.. that the United States is no 

longer a superpower”. If they can’t confront 

a nuclear-armed Russia, then what kind of 

superpower can it be!


Obviously, the Republicans are trying especially hard.

 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Biden’s 

remarks “put the American people at terrible risk”. 

And former US Presidential National Security

 Adviser John Bolton opined that Biden had

 “exaggerated the seriousness of 

the situation”.


It should be noted that the American leader did say 

some pretty silly things that day. For example his

 remark about Vladimir Putin: ''He is not joking 

when he talks about possible use of tactical 

nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.''


Of course Putin has never threatened anyone with
the use of biological or chemical weapons that 

Russia destroyed long ago. And regarding 

nuclear weapons our president stressed 

that it could only be a response to a 

threat to our country and nothing 

else – this essential point is

 assiduously left out... in

 the West.


But the point is that Biden is not being accused of

 outright lying about Putin’s statements – this has

 become commonplace in the Western 



The White House master is being crucified... for using 

a word “Armageddon” to describe the consequences 

of nuclear war. In particular, for the phrase: “I don`t 

think it`s possible to use tactical nuclear weapons 

and not end up in armageddon”.


That is, from the point of view of Biden’s critics, by his

ill-considered statement, he undermines the morale of

Americans and Europeans, who are assured that they

can and must -- defeat Russia. But how can they win, 

with the end of the world around them? So the word

“Armageddon” ..scared the average American. So 

much so, that the White House had to clarify the

words of its chief separately, by saying that no 

new information about Russia’s intention to 

use nuclear weapons, has emerged. 


And Biden himself even had to arrange a short

 interview this week for CNN, a faithful servant 

of the common cause of the Democratic Party. 

Judging by the content of the performance, 

which was remembered more for the 

obsequious presentation of a cheat 

sheet that fell out of Biden’s sleeve 

by a flattering journalist, it was a 

special occasion to explain the 

pithy word “Armageddon”.


The speech had no other 

informational function.


And all the establishment’s beef with Biden ---- was

 expressed in a statement and follow-up question 

by CNN host Jake Tapper: “When people hear 

the word ‘armageddon’ coming out of the 

mouth of the American president, they 

get scared. Don’t you think that by 

doing so our European allies will 

be even more frightened by a 

confrontation with Putin?” 


That’s what Biden’s supporters are really outraged

about: that he has inadvertently revealed to the

Western community, the real horrors of a 

nuclear war with Russia. And to do that,

is by no means an option, say all of the

supporters of increased confrontation.


This is precisely why Biden was

forced to make excuses for 

predicting nuclear 



After all, with just one word, just by assuming there will 

be no winners in a nuclear confrontation between the

 West and Russia, Biden crosses out the years-long

 efforts of anti-Russian propagandists who have 

been painstakingly preparing public opinion...
the possibility of such a confrontation. 


One may recall how, at the beginning of the special 

operation, The New York Times - angrily - criticised 

those who warned that NATO’s direct intervention 

in the Ukrainian conflict, could escalate into a 

third world war. In the newspaper’s opinion, 

such a formulation of the issue itself is 

“a manifestation of weakness”.


The Western public... has long been persuaded 

that threats of a nuclear war with Russia are 

exaggerated and that the term “nuclear 

winter” is an invention of the KGB, 

which ran a brilliant information 

operation in the 1980s to 

intimidate the West.


The result of the lengthy public opinion warfare was

complete silence on direct calls for a pre-emptive

nuclear strike on Russia -- even from the lips of

American legislators, as was the case with 

Senator Roger Walker’s statement.


American citizens have been persuaded, that a nuclear 

conflict... will not affect their country at all. The same 

Tapper, questioning Biden, spoke of “Putin’s threat to

 use nuclear weapons in Ukraine” (as if the Russian

 president had ever said or meant it). The White 

House, when attributing the “nuclear threat”
Putin, constantly stresses --- that it is
about war........ 
in Europe. 


That -- is why the Americans so calmly and benignly 

discuss how they will bomb Russia in case it uses 

tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The only 

question they have, is whether to first nuke 

the desolate Russian Arctic and Siberia or 

to immediately bomb the Black Sea Fleet, 

as the adventurous General Ben Hodges 

has suggested... many times before.


And the fact that Russia would be forced to respond

 with a strategic nuclear strike against the invading 

states and alliances, is not even considered – it 

cannot be discussed, as the story with the 

carelessly uttered word from the mouth 

of the US President... has shown.


This is why the Western media is much more emotional 

about this word than the far more dangerous statement 

by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the 

alliance’s actual involvement in the war against Russia. 


Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, he said, bluntly and 

openly: “If Putin wins, it will not only be a great defeat 

for the Ukrainians, but it will be a defeat and a danger 

for all of us.” And so.. this scandalous tirade about

 NATO’s direct involvement in the conflict against 

Russia caused no resonance at all in the West –

 everyone is engrossed in condemning Biden 

for warning about the consequences of 

nuclear war.


British newspapers all rushed to interview the retired

 General Richard Shirreff, former deputy commander 

of NATO forces in Europe, who 6 years ago became

 famous --- for his scandalous as well as talentless 

book “2017: War with Russia”. In it, he described 

an utterly insane scenario for a nuclear war that 

would begin with the murder of two American 

military trainers in Kharkiv and a Russian 

attack on Donbass and Latvia.


The book certainly says a lot about the mental state of

 Western officers commanding NATO forces. But it was

 just that kind of fiction ---- “political fiction”, to use

 Macron’s term. 


And now this fantasy general is openly calling for a

 nuclear war with Russia, saying that the West and

 NATO “should by no means hesitate” to do so.


“If we promise massive retaliation, one way or 

another, we must prepare for the worst-case 

scenario, and the worst-case scenario, is 

war with Russia. There will be no peace 

in Europe as long as either Putin or the 

Putin regime sits in the Kremlin,” 

declares Shirreff emphatically. 


And this, is all printed in Britain’s leading newspapers. 

And all this does not meet with the slightest criticism 

--- which Biden got for the word “armageddon”.


In fact, the US President’s words (even if carelessly

uttered over a cocktail party) are a useful and 

timely reminder to the West of the threat 

of nuclear catastrophe. 


Duma member Oleg Morozov made a very good point: 

“I am calm about the dialogue going on between us 

and the collective West about the nuclear threat. 

When we say: ‘Guys, don’t even think! <…> – 

they should be afraid of that. Even if it is at 

the level of rhetoric, but let this fear sits in 

their brain. They have to understand:  we 

will not let them win this war, even when

 they are rattling their nuclear suitcases.''


Fear of a global nuclear threat has been holding the

planet back from a third world war ---- for decades. 


Dulling this fear could - indeed - lead to irreversible
consequences. It is this threat that Vladimir Putin

warns the overseas adventurers about. That is

why it is very important to remind those 

Stoltenbergs, Hodges, Shirreffs, 

Wickers & other warmongers 

of the global nuclear war 

between the West and 

Russia ---- that there 

will be no winners

in it.



Vladimir Kornilov, RIA


 What do you think?
Has your fear been
dulled enough that
you never protest?


Everything for the front, 

everything for victory!

Statement by G. A. Zyuganov, 

Chairman of the Central 

Committee of the 

Communist Party 

of the Russian


October 9th, 12:43pm

(Press Service of the Central Committee of the

Communist Party of the Russian Federation.) 


The situation in the war zone in Ukraine has changed

dramatically - recently. The neo-Nazi regime's army

launched a counteroffensive. The terrorist attacks 

on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, the Crimean 

Bridge, and the daily shelling of the Zaporizhia 

nuclear power plant, show that globalists will 

stop at nothing --- to destabilize our country. 


Now there is not a special military operation, but a war

of the United States and its allies against Russia --- 

by the hands of Bandera fascists.


Western countries provide the criminal regime in

Ukraine, with the most modern weapons. They 

provide funding and training for newly formed 

units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Their

headquarters plan and monitor neo-Nazi 

militant operations --- and provide them 

with intelligence. They also determine 

targets -- for strikes against Russian 

troops, cities and towns in Russia.


NATO experts sit at the control panels of precision

weapons systems. Thousands of mercenaries are

directly involved in the fighting. The US and its
satellites have assumed... almost full 

financing of the Bandera regime 

in Ukraine.


Information, propaganda and economic warfare are

being waged against Russia as an integral part of 

modern hybrid war. The latest terrorist attacks 

are undoubtedly the work of the American 

and British special services, which have

long specialized in such crimes.


The undisguised entry of NATO into the armed struggle

against Russia is a fundamentally new phenomenon

that requires a change in the strategy and tactics 

of the state and army leadership and the transfer 

of the entire country, to the needs of ensuring 

victory. Given the fact that the LPR and DPR, 

as well as the Kherson & Zaporizhia regions 

have returned to Russia, today, we are 

fighting, not in Ukraine, but on our 

own lands. And this, is also a 

new phenomenon. 


But we must understand that the task of liberating 

the people of Ukraine from the neo-Nazi regime ---

is not removed from the agenda.


The Russian Armed Forces face difficult challenges.

Many mistakes and miscalculations were made. 

There is an underestimation of the enemy's 

forces. The promises... of the Russian 

military leadership --- to strictly stop 

the supply of Western weapons to 

the front line... remain unfulfilled. 


Society is asking a natural question: why? By the 

way, even our opponents are surprised by this

circumstance. Varnishing the situation, as it 

has been so far, has never worked out well.

The problems that arose were not solved, 

but were hushed up, or blurted out. This 

position led to the fact that precious 

time was lost.


However, it would be completely wrong to blame all

these problems only on the current leadership of 

the Armed Forces. They require all possible 

support and assistance. And we must give 

an objective and harsh assessment to 

those who have been destroying 

Russia's defense capability...

for many years.


We are talking, first of all, about the former Minister of

Defense of the Russian Federation, Serdyukov and his

team. It was under his command that famous military 

units, academies and colleges, with a centuries-old

history - were destroyed. They were brought to the 

brink of destroying the system of military medicine 

and science. Due to an actual defeat of military

enlistment offices, the system of mobilization

readiness was undermined. Because of the 

elimination and plundering of strategic 

reserves, the army was, largely, left 

without the most necessary things 

in the midst of the struggle.


The defense industry and science were severely

weakened. Thoughtless and often downright 

wrecking privatization... has led to the 

liquidation of many strategically 

important industries. 


By the way, the process of deliberate 

bankruptcies of such enterprises, 

continues at the present time.


The solution to so many problems of supplying the

fighting army was forced to be taken by society. 

Honour and praise to the millions of patriots in 

all corners of the country who have taken on

themselves, the purchase and delivery of 

various equipment, food, clothing, night 

vision devices, UAVs, medicines... and 

medical equipment to the active army. 


But this is a direct responsibility of the state and its

relevant bodies. In 1941-1945, a stream of parcels 

to Red Army soldiers also came to the front from 

the rear. But the army was fully supplied with

everything necessary by the state.


In recent years, a number of measures have been taken

to restore the Armed Forces and the defense industry.

However the damage caused by liberal "reformers", 

and the "5th column" is so great that it takes years 

to overcome it. Our society expects that the 

perpetrators of the current - most serious -

problems of our army, who treacherously 

undermined its defense capability, will 

be severely punished.


Huge damage to Russia's combat readiness, has been

inflicted by those who shape public opinion. The long-

term policy of suppressing patriotism, instilling 

Western "values" that are alien to our people, 

as well as stealing elections, could not but 

lead to serious consequences in the form 

of... thousands of young people evading 

mobilization. We must blame... not only 

them, but also those who deliberately 

turned our youth into cosmopolitans, 

without a family or tribe.


The destruction of the system of pre-conscription 

initial military training, the transformation of 

DOSAAF into a commercial enterprise,

contributed to the reduction of the 

country's defense capability.


In the face of a military clash with a vile insidious

enemy, it becomes even more obvious, how 

threatening problems, such as corruption 

and low wages, have become; including 

in the areas of ensuring our security. 


The corrupt and impoverished are the best targets 

forbribing and inducing treachery for self-interest. 

Today, it is actively used by those who fight 

against us... through bandit terror 

and sabotage.


The escalation of hostilities, the open entry of NATO

into the war with Russia --- revealed the presence of

 forces that thoughtlessly or deliberately hinder the

 solution of the tasks facing the country and the

 army. Part of the bureaucracy, especially in the

 economic and financial spheres, behaves so 

calmly, as if there is no special military 

operation, there is no transformation 

of the CBO into a NATO war against

Russia. This is already beginning 

to border on sabotage.


It is necessary to adopt a law in the near future 

on punishing this, including for the inaction 

of officials in situations where urgent 

responsible decisions need to 

be made.


Today, when hundreds of thousands of our soldiers

are in mortal danger fighting at the front, the red 

tape of officials in the rear, means direct or 

indirect complicity with our enemies. It is 

high time for the authorities to recall the 

most serious consequences of defeats

in the Russo-Japanese and World War

I, at the beginning of the XX century. 

We must avoid previous mistakes, 

achieve victory, and protect our 

state from turmoil and 



In the face of the growing military threat to the country,

 the unity of society is vital. It is not just necessary to

 mobilize military reserves. It is impossible to blame 

the tasks of fighting the world's largest military, 

economic and political bloc solely on the army.

 It is necessary to mobilize all the productive, 

spiritual and creative forces of the country

 to support the fighting army.


It is not the army that is at war, but the country. The

slogan of all and everyone, should be the motto of 

our great ancestors: "Everything for the front, 

everything for victory." However, a true 

consolidation of social forces can be 

achieved ---- only if the course is 

changed to a socially oriented 

one. Justice, collectivism and 

mutual assistance --- are the 

cornerstones of our society. 


It is necessary to immediately introduce 

a progressive tax scale ...and to cancel 

decisions to raise the retirement age.


The battle must be waged not only with external

enemies, but also with Russia's main internal

opponents – with the management crisis, 

economic backwardness, mass 

impoverishment, and blatant 

social division. 


With the criminal greed and thievish irresponsibility 

of the oligarchy. With the Russophobic and anti-

Soviet machinations of the "fifth column" in the 

fields of culture, education and propaganda. 

This battle in the XX century was brilliantly 

won by Soviet Power, having carried out 

the Leninist-Stalinist modernization in 

the shortest possible time. Ending the

exploitation, poverty, unemployment,

and illiteracy; which carried out a

rapid industrialization of the 



Outstanding peaceful feats of socialism became the

foundation of our victory over Hitler's brown plague.

It is time for everyone to understand the meaning 

of this historical lesson, and realize that new 

victories are possible, only if the course is

fundamentally changed --- towards 

socialism, justice, equality and 

genuine responsibility of the 

authorities and citizens for 

their country.


Our experience shows - the need for a maximum 

concentration of resources for decent provision. 

In the last victorious war, the Headquarters of 

the Supreme High Command was created --- 

then the State Defense Committee, which 

became the main management bodies.

This experience shouldn't be ignored. 


In the face of German Nazism in World War II, even 

such a thoroughly liberal country as Great Britain, 

took thepath of nationalizing key sectors of the

economy. In the current difficult conditions, 

vital areas of the national economy must 

return to the control of the state.


Nationalization of strategic sectors of the economy,

maximum support for its innovative development,

the dissemination of the experience of national

enterprises, the social protection of citizens, 

free, high-quality medicine and education - 

these are the core of our initiatives 

and proposals. 


This -- is the victory program that needs to be adopted 

at the state level. Without this, it is impossible to give 

a crushing rebuff to those who seek to destroy the

Russian world and wipe out the state born of it,

from the face of the earth.


At a time when the country has risen up to defend its

sovereignty and independence, when hundreds of

thousands of young people are sent to the front,

everyone should make every effort to defeat 

neo-Nazism and Bandera, behind which, the 

United States and its NATO satellites stand.


The Communist Party of the Russian Federation and 

the left-patriotic forces of Russia are convinced of 

the victory of our people over the same enemy 

that came to us in June 1941 – the united 

forces of the aggressive West. 


Then these forces were led by Hitler's Germany.

Now it is the United States, Great Britain and 

their vassals. The success of this struggle 

requires a full concentration of all our 

resources and spiritual forces. The 

Russian leadership is obliged to 

take exhaustive measures,

for this.


Chairman of the Central Committee

of the Communist Party of the 

Russian Federation


G. A. Zyuganov.



What do you think?


Is Putin's Achilles heel his

refusal to accept that he

needs more than calls

for a holy war? 




SCO goes to replace UN

October 2nd, 1:21pm



The UN is not dying a natural death, it is being

 deliberately and methodically finished off by 

the United States. The reason is the veto 

power of Russia and China in the UN 

Security Council.


America is clinging to the status of a world hegemon,

 when all attributes of power, primarily economic and

 financial, are steadily slipping from its hands and 

going to Asia. And in view of the energy crisis 

provoked in the West, by the same States,

 they are moving to Eurasia.


In this connection, the strategic task of the United

States is to replace the UN with a new mechanism 

of international governance. But, to create such a

body artificially without taking into account new

economic and political as well as military 

realities in the world, is an occupation 

that can come up... only to a new 

cohort of Western politicians -- 

who're devoid of real political 

thinking ---- and who made 

their careers on the basis

of cronyism, corruption,

or a certain “cinematic”

way ------ “through the 

couch to the screen”.


We know how the first attempt to create a new world

 governance mechanism on an ideological, rather

 than an economic basis, ended.


Do you remember how the League of Democracies 

was founded --- and what it was like?


And it was the USA’s plan to create it, to replace the 

UN, and they decided not to let Russia, China and 

a number of other countries, to participate in it.


Frankly speaking, I remembered that there was such

 creep... because it was quite recently, but the exact

 name of this idealized abracadabra, didn’t come to 

mind for a long time because after some artificial 

informational splash --- a full silence followed.


But as we know, nature abhors a vacuum. Since the UN

 is being deliberately destroyed by the US by cutting

 funding and denying visas to diplomats from 

unwanted countries, and since the centre 

of economic, political and financial life 

is meanwhile shifting more and more

to Eurasia --- a new mechanism of 

international governance should 

appear there, too, in any case.


The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is emerging as

 such a centre, created at the initiative of GDP. Initially 

(in 1996) it was founded by the heads of Russia, China, 

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, to establish

 confidence building measures in the military field 

in the area of joint borders.


In 1997, in Moscow they signed an Agreement on

a mutual reduction of armed forces in the border 

area. This established a mechanism of mutual

confidence in the military field in border areas

-- which contributed to the establishment of a 

true partnership between the countries 



Gradually the range of issues decided upon between 

the SCO member states expanded into foreign policy, 

the economy, environmental protection, including 

water management, thereby fostering mutual 

trust and good-neighbourliness. The issues 

of the joint provision, and maintenance of, 

peace, security & stability in the region, 

ways of creating a democratic, just & 

rational international political and 

economic order... started to 

be discussed.


Contacts that take place on the margins of the annual

 SCO summits enable the countries to conclude

 agreements among themselves that deal 

mainly with economic cooperation.


The SCO summit held on 15th-16th of September in 

Samarkand demonstrated that a new international

 organisation --- regionally more authoritative and

 effective than the United Nations, has emerged

 in “Greater Eurasia”. It demonstrated... the 

direction in which international relations 

should evolve, among countries that 

seek cooperation without the West.


In spite (or even, it seems, thanks to) Western

 sanctions, a new model of cooperation, 

based on equal rights and multipolar 

world principles, is successfully 



Experts emphasise that this model will allow 

the members of the Shanghai Cooperation 

Organisation to cooperate without the 

dictate of the dollar. To this end the 

summit adopted a road map: to 

gradually increase the share 

of national currencies in 

mutual settlements.


The model of inter-state relations proposed by the SCO,

 where states may not be afraid of threats from the US

 and its sanctions policy, has become extremely

 attractive to many countries.


Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the Maldives

 are ready to join the SCO, while Belarus is next in

 line... and Iran has signed a memorandum of 

membership. It will become a full member, 

after adopting some domestic legislation 

necessary for membership of the 

international organisation.


At least 10 other applications, are on the desk 

of member state leaders, representing a wide 

geographical spectrum from Eastern Europe

 --- to the Arab East.


For many countries, the opportunity to work together 

to stop aggression from Western countries is very

 attractive. Further cooperation in the field of

 international security was discussed on the 

margins of the recent summit by CSTO 

Secretary, General Stanislav Zas, and 

SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming.


A declaration was signed at the summit that 

cemented the agreements reached in the 

defence and security sphere.


Observers say the Samarkand summit was a verdict 

on a unipolar world. Some observers compare the 

SCO to the G7 for the Eurasian region, and the 

latter’s expansion... is evidence of 

the organisation’s growing 

international popularity.


Geopolitically important is the member states’ support 

for the de-dollarisation policy. It is seen as an

 unqualified success of Russia and China 

and their leaders personally, who 

initiated this policy.


The world is watching with great attention how the

 increasingly aggressive international policy of the

 United States --- and its pressure on Russia and 

China -- will affect Russian-Chinese relations. 


The SCO summit demonstrated that America’s ill-

considered policies have only led to a further

rapprochement   ...between the Russian 

Federation and the People’s Republic 

of China. 


The ‘patriarch’ of US diplomacy, Henry Kissinger,

 warned that this would inevitably happen, if the 

US applied pressure on Russia and China.


Some politicians in the West hope to either destroy

 Russia altogether or use it as a counterweight to 

China. Regarding plans to pit Russia against 

China, V. Putin, in one of his speeches, 

categorically stated: “They will
 wait for it”.


The remarks by Chinese leader Xi Jinping, who during 

his meeting with Vladimir Putin on the margins of the

 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit praised 

Russia’s position on the Taiwan issue and called for

 strengthening Russian-Chinese coordination in the 

SCO and BRICS, were also revealing. According to

 him, China and Russia are ready to play a leading 

role in the world, to put the countries on the 

trajectory of sustainable development.


Based on the remarks of the Russian and Chinese

 leaders, observers conclude that Russia and 

China have come to full agreement on the 

Ukraine issue... and the SCO's 

development plans.


For the West, however, the Samarkand summit was a

 real shocker. It shows that the plan to isolate Russia

 completely failed. Moreover, observers began to 

speak that now there is a new pole of counter-

action against the conditional West.


However, politicians both in Europe and overseas 

are concerned, not only about Russia’s historic

 rapprochement with China, but also about 

growing Russian-Turkish ties and 

the further development of a 

comprehensive relationship 

between Russia and India.


France 24... conducted a live poll of experts on the

 outcome of the Samarkand summit. Jean-Vincent
Brisset, Academic Director of the Institute for 

International and Strategic Studies, said: 


“The countries represented in the Shanghai

 Cooperation Organization make up half 

the world’s population. In a way, this 

could be called a counter-summit”.


And the German business daily Handelsblatt admits

 that Russia does manage to reshape the old rules

 (probably referring to its own rules, with which 

the West seeks to replace the foundations of 

international law). 


“For Putin, the meeting was another opportunity to 

demonstrate that his country is far from being as 

isolated internationally as the West would like it

 to be. His message was that India and the other 

SCO countries, which account for about 40% of 

the world’s population, are creating a serious

 alternative to the West,” the paper said.


And only the White House, completely ignoring reality,

 reacts according to the Russian proverb “spit in his 

eyes – that’s God’s dew!”: “Mr Putin has no friendly

 allies there at all --- because of what he is doing in

 Ukraine. He is simply isolating himself... more and 

more from the international community. We don’t 

think this is the time to do any business with 

Russia,” says John Kirby, the White House 

National Security Council’s Strategic 

Communications Coordinator.


The FT immediately backed Kirby, saying that the Indian 

prime minister was “criticising Putin for the Ukraine

 conflict”. Meanwhile, Indian leader Modi wrote on 

US social media about the talks: “Had a great 

meeting with President Putin.     We had an 

opportunity to discuss further cooperation

between India and Russia in sectors

such as trade, energy and defence.”


Russia’s inevitable pivot to the East is watched with

 particular concern in Europe in the context of the

 significant development of energy ties between 

Russia and Asian countries, where more and 

more Russian gas... is going. And less and 

less of it remains for European countries. 

China, observers note, is displacing 

Germany as the main importer of 

Russian energy.


Everyone paid attention -- that President Erdogan of

Türkiye stated -- immediately after the SCO summit 

that Ankara has a desire to become a full member.

 He stated that Türkiye aims to join the SCO as 

early as 2023, at a summit to be hosted 

by India.


Facing criticism from the EU over his participation in 

the SCO summit, Erdogan, according to the Turkish 

newspaper Yeni afa, told PBS television: “Ankara 

does not intend to answer to the European Union 

for its participation in the Shanghai Cooperation

 Organization summit… The European Union will

 hold us back for 52 years, will not allow us to 

approach it and then will ask: why did it meet

 with this country ....why... did it meet with 

another? I will negotiate. By conducting 

these negotiations... we are not 

accountable to the European 

Union at the moment.”


The issue of Türkiye’s future membership of the SCO 

was clearly discussed - during Putin’s meeting with

Erdogan. The VVP stated afterwards that there is 

a close working relationship between Moscow 

and Ankara on key international policy issues, 

and promised to welcome Türkiye’s work 

within the SCO, in every possible way.


And given the increased emphasis on security issues 

in the work of the SCO, Türkiye’s simultaneous

 participation in the SCO and NATO, is some-

thing of a double-edged sword. Does this 

mean... that we can expect Türkiye to 

leave NATO -- in the near future? This

 is the question.. many politicians in 

the West and in the East are asking 

themselves. And GDP and Comrade 

Xi probably know the exact answer.


No, it was not in vain that Vladimir Vladimirovich saved

 Erdogan from an assassination attempt organised 

against him, by the US and NATO. Nor can it be 

ruled out, that Putin, together with Xi Jinping, 

has billed Erdogan and Türkiye as a regional 

leader in the Asian region among Muslim 

countries. Of course, if Türkiye’s 

activities correlate with SCO 

foreign policy.


The situation is very ambiguous. Today, many Russian

 observers in endless political talk-shows wonder how

 Russia should behave...  in the Azerbaijani-Armenian

 confrontation. Armenia.. is a member of the CSTO, 

but under the current president looks increasingly 

towards America, while Azerbaijan is not in the 

CSTO, but is sharply criticized by the US and

has established... close contact with an

increasingly friendly Türkiye. And the 

latter has deployed a significant 

military contingent... on the 

border with Armenia.


Meanwhile, the answer to this “sacramental” question

seems quite obvious. The CSTO --- according to its

charter, has to stand up for its member  ---  if it is 

attacked militarily. The fight between Azerbaijan

and Armenia, is over Nagorno-Karabakh, which 

is not legally recognised as Armenian territory. 

In this case the CSTO should not intervene 

militarily in the situation.


And why should any member of the CSTO intervene

 militarily at all, if during the fighting in Nagorno-

Karabakh no mobilization has even been 

announced in Armenia? Instead, 

Pashinyan called on Russia and 

the West to defend his country.


The U.S. immediately responded by sending Grandma

 Pelosi, a full-time international provocateur and
third person in the U.S. power hierarchy, to 

Yerevan. She clearly stated, that the US is 

on Armenia’s side against Azerbaijan and 

that she intends to provide Yerevan with 

military assistance. She did not specify 

what kind of assistance and how it will 

be delivered to Armenia.


For Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Yerevan there was a

demonstration there, demanding withdrawal 

from the CSTO (since Russia does not want 

to fight for Armenia instead). If this does 

happen and the country leaves the 

CSTO, Russia.. will breathe a sigh 

of relief, and Armenia will be left 

alone with Azerbaijan & Türkiye


The US is unlikely to get involved in the conflict itself. 

It is true that Iran is in favour of the Armenians, who,

following Türkiye, have deployed troops on the

Armenian border.


The Americans would like to make a mess of the

 Ukrainian scenario, at Russia’s borders in

 Transcaucasia. However....  the only real 

arbiter in this situation is Russia, which

 has the ability to influence both Türkiye

 & Iran. Of course, it will do everything 

possible to avoid bloodshed also in the 

Caucasus. However, N. Pashinian must

draw the necessary conclusions from 

this situation, instead of playing with 

fire, threatening Russia to defect to

 America and leave the CSTO.


If Russia turns its back on Armenia - and leaves Baku

& Yerevan to sort out their historical contradictions 

on their own - it will be tantamount to a death 

sentence for Armenians in the Caucasus 

(and... there are fewer of them living in 

their historical homeland than abroad).

 And the fate of many Armenians, 

scattered around the world,
not be well affected.


Yes, the Samarkand summit of the SCO, which saw the

 rethinking of relations between many countries, the

 formation of new political alliances ---- and the 

destruction of old ones, does seem historic, 

but we seem far from knowing all its 

historical decisions --- and their 

implications for the emerging

 new multipolar world.


Sergey Kuznetsov, IA Alternative

What do YOU think?

Does the author really

believe that the SCO

will take over from

the UN? Or, has it

begun already.





Americans --- Find Gangsters 

Suitable to Lead the Country

by Eric Zuesse

September 30th, 2022


On November 13th, in 2019, the U.S. President said,

regarding Syria, “We’re keeping the oil, we have 

the oil, the oil is secure, we left troops behind 

only for the oil.”


That was at a press conference, and none of the

reporters asked him any question about that 

statement. They certainly thought it to be 

unremarkable and not surprising, to hear 

a US President say --- that our country is 

stealing oil -- from a country that we've 

invaded & still are militarily occupying 

--- despite having no legal authority to 

position any troops there — publicly 

admitting to international gangster-

ism, in the very boldest way, (yet 

without surprising anyone there).


That statement, had followed a U.S. ‘Defense’ 

Department’s statement, on 25 October 2019, 

saying --- with more tact --- that, “The United 

States will maintain a reduced presence in 

Syria, to deny ISIS access to oil revenues 

as the next phase of the defeat-ISIS 



It was tactful because it lied to claim this is to be done

(and no reference to stealing anything) “to deny ISIS

access to oil revenues” ------ the false, underlying

assumption being conveyed that the oil is ISIS’s 

& NOT Syria’s, so that even IF that oil is being

stolen from ISIS (which wants to overthrow 

Syria’s Government, just as much as does 

the U.S. Government, though for different 

reasons), then it still is being done for a 

reason that America’s voters... would 

approve of: conquering ISIS.  In other 

words the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department 

was tactful enough to misrepresent 

what the reason for these ongoing

international thefts is.


On 10 August 2022, when that President’s successor

was (and still is) in office ----- The Cradle news-site

headlined “Washington steals over 80% of Syria’s 

oil output per day: The losses incurred by the 

trafficking campaign --- surpass $100bln, 

according to Syria’s oil ministry”, and 

they presented a stunning brief aerial

-shot video (perhaps from Russian 

drones) showing the long strings 

of tanker-trucks, hauling away 

that oil from Syria. Though the 

US President now was from a 

different U.S. political Party, 

the U.S. foreign policy....

remained unchanged.


That President’s successor, though of the opposite

political Party, continued these thefts. The thefts 

were started by a President of this President’s 

Party.. back in 2012, who was working with its

European 'partners' perhaps as early as 2009, 

& definitely wanted “regime-change” in Syria 

at that time, but definitely by no later than 

2012 he decided to support Al Qaeda in 

Syria, against Syria’s existing Govern-

ment at that time, late in 2012, and 

the planning for this overthrow of 

Syria’s Government was already

 functioning in June of 2011. 


The U.S. Government was doing this overthrow-

operation not for any legitimate reason — Syria 

had never threatened nor posed any threat to, 

the United States. It presented no national-

security risk to the US whatsoever — and 

never had. This was purely an inter-

national-gangland operation ---, in 

order to benefit the billionaires 

who control (buy the winning 

politicians in)  ....each of its 

participating Governments. 


All members of this international gang settled upon
their plan “behind closed doors, at the sidelines
the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in
Istanbul, Turkey,on November
22 – 23, 2013.”


 The Atlantic Council... is NATO’s chief PR organization. 

Furthermore, allegedly, ISIS’s “two heads ----- are the 

royal family of Saudi Arabia & the CIA headquarters

 in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A.” Lots more evidence 

along the same lines --- was given in the U.S.' 

magazine Homeland Security Today, on 18th

March 2019, interviewing “ISIS Ambassador

to Turkey”, who, for some reason, seems
have left ISIS. 


One of the U.S. gang’s mainstream news-media, TIME

magazine, presented this operation - as if the U.S.
Government were debating within itself pro-and-

con about it, instead of fully committed to it 

(which the U.S. Government had been ever 

since 1949). 


They headlined about it, “Syria’s Opposition Hopes to

 Win the War by Selling Oil” - as if “Syria’s Opposition” 

were anything more than Al Qaeda in Syria, and 

Kurdish separatists in Syria’s northeast — 

America’s proxy-forces, to overthrow 

Syria’s committedly secular Govern-

ment and replace it with a govern-

ment that would be controlled by

 the Saud family.


On 29 September 2022, Steven Sahiounie headlined at 

The Duran, “Cholera and US sanctions killing Syrian

 civilians”, and reported that...


The deadly outbreak has claimed 39 lives in Syria, with

thousands of suspected cases across the country. In

areas under the Ministry of Health, in Damascus, 23 

deaths were reported recently, 20 of them in 

Aleppo, and at least 253 cases.


In the northeast region of Syria controlled by the US-

backed SDF — a [separatist] Kurdish militia… — are 

a reported 16 deaths --- and 2,867 cases, since 

September 5. The US occupation forces there

are controlling the main oil fields in Syria to 

prevent the Damascus government from 

using the oil to provide electricity for 

people’s homes, water pumping 

stations, and gasoline for 

their cars. …


Health authorities tested the Euphrates and found the

bacteria causing cholera. The river is polluted by raw

sewage and oil spills from the US-occupied oil wells 

at Deir Ez Zor. …


According to the UN, nearly two-thirds of water

 treatment plants, half of the pumping stations, 

and one-third of water towers, have been 

damaged by more than a decade of war.


Last winter, Syrians died in their homes without heating.

 … Diesel fuel is used in Syria for home heating, but it is

 expensive and often in short supply because of the US 

occupation of the oil wells in the northeast and the US 

sanctions preventing importing fuels. Most Syrians get

 about one hour of electricity because the fuel used to

 generate electricity is taken by the US troops.


Sahiounie says that because of the heavy paperwork

that is required by the U.S. sanctions in order for 

Syrians to buy foreign medicines, hospital treat-

ments for the cholera victims are impeded.


Here are some of the top agents in this U.S.-headed

gang, agents of U.S. billionaires. These individuals

don’t even need to worry about elections, such as

politicians do; they remain in office for as long as
they want, if they do what America’s billionaires 

want them to do. Like the politicians, they are

answerable only to the billionaires, and a few 

centi-millionaires who fund their careers, but 

their jobs are easier than for publicly elected 

officials --- who are constantly competing 

against one another, to win over those 

big-dollar donors.


In fact, some of these agents had formerly been

successful politicians, U.S. office-holders, but 

then ‘retired’ upstairs, where it’s far easier to

remain in their jobs, not only because of the 

constant competition for mega-buck donors, 

but because, constantly fooling their voters,

is hard work not so easy as being a lobbyist

is. These agents are ONLY agents, but they 

are all extremely well rewarded financially, 

for their services to the gangsters who own

them - who have funded the wealth or their 

lobbyists and other agents. And you see... 

there, some of the U.S. mega-corporations 

that fund these peoples’ careers on behalf 

of those corporations’ controlling stock-

holders. But, of course, the names of the 

billionaires themselves aren’t shown there. 

The billionaires generally stay behind the 

scenes -- because they don’t want to be 

the people who will get blamed for the 

resulting Government.


Of course, the same things were true of this gang’s
operations to take over Iraq, and are true today, of 

the gang’s operations to retain control of Ukraine, 

which they had won in 2014. The American people 

find it acceptable to be constantly lied to & to be 

ruled by, the agents of international gangsters — 

billionaires’ agents. It has been going on now -- 

blatantly, since at least 9 December  2020, and 

actually ever since at least 25 July 1945, when

this gang, these gangsters, America’s super-

rich, took over the country, and have 

continued to hold control over 

America’s Government.


The majority of Americans vote for these gangsters’

stooges, instead of do anything to rebel against and

replace virtually all of these stooge-officials -- who 

occupy congressional seats and the White House.


So, the promises that are made to the public remain 

unfulfilled, while the promises that are privately 

made to the mega-dollar donors get turned into

government-policies & laws. Even at the level 

of state governments --- “Politicians Don’t 

Actually Care -- What Voters Want”. But, 

apparently, Americans find gangsters 

-- agents of the billionaires -- suitable

to lead the country (on behalf of their 

funders — NOT of their voters). And 

those agents of billionaires then 

get to choose whom our judges 

will be. And, that’s okay. Or: 

Is it? Is it democracy, at all?


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, 

America’s Empire Of Evil: Hitler’s Posthumous 

Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to 

Change, is about how America took over the

world after World War II in order to enslave 

it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their 

cartels, extract the world’s wealth, 

by control of not only their ‘news’ 

media but the social ‘sciences’ 

— duping the public.


(Source SouthFront)


 If you are American... do you think
the rest of the world likes this...
...and will let this continue?

Tell us what YOU think.


I think the name of this page should be
changed - to In-Depth Articles...
here are two more:



The West will learn to take 

Russia’s words seriously

September 28th, 11:17am



With more than two decades of Vladimir Putin in power,

 it is long overdue for the West to answer its own

 question, “who is Mr Putin?” and start 

assessing the man’s moves seriously. 

A growing understanding is likely in 

the near future.


The West will learn to take Russia's words seriously

For now, let’s just say that if it were necessary to 

single out Putin’s main message to “the city and 

the world”, the message of his “life”, it would 

undoubtedly be the word “stability”.


Putin came to power at a time of great turbulence, and 

the first big thing he did - was to stop the country from
falling apart: he pacified Chechnya, stopped the terror

 and rampant banditry, ended the cold “civil war”, and 

reconciled, albeit with great reservations, the people

 and the elites. Finally, it forced the elites themselves

 – their divergent “towers” – to follow the rules.


Then it was time to rebuild. Which was also incredibly

 difficult – given the diametrically opposed interests 

of the elites. Nevertheless, the checks & balances

 model worked and by expelling the most odious 

from the system & sharply reinforcing the most 

active ones we managed to do just that: raise 

the standard of living, restore the army, and

 fill the treasury.


And without any ideology, without any mobilization,
without any alignment whatsoever, apart from the

 natural laws and guarantees of normal life. And.. 

it was much later that these natural positions of 

life.. were cautiously substituted not even with 

ideology - but with some necessary basis of 

“reasonable conservatism”. 


That is, again, preservation of stability (without crazy

 gender experiments, culture of cancellation, etc.).


So – stability. Whence came another important quality

 of style – the apparent absence of any personal

 initiative. Putin, in contrast to the rulers we are 

used to, did not call him to build communism, 

develop glasnost, or move into other bright 

lands, but only constrained the centrifugal 

forces, not allowing the “planets” to jump 

out of their orbits. He himself... remained 

at a kind of absolute rest. And so, being 

in the very centre of differently directed 

vectors, he kept them: the system from 

collapse, the people from poverty, the 

elites from eating each other. And so 

it remains a fundamental tuning fork.


It has long been a commonplace to talk about Putin’s

 philosophy of using his partner’s energy against 

himself in a duel. It really is. Forcing Putin into 

action is no easy task. The “partner” must 

exhaust himself in provocations before he 

gets a response. Which will be nurtured 

so long and carefully that the most 

patient will fall into despair. 


Only when the most patient give in and say: that’s it, no

 more hope, all is lost – the reality will suddenly resolve

 itself with an answer: always unexpected, lightning-

fast and precisely calculated. And, as a rule,

confounding. (The return of Crimea... for 

example, was such a lightning bolt. The 

liberation of Donbass was awaited for 

eight long years). This has always 

been the case, and it is still

 the case.


One must well understand - what Putin has conveyed to

 the West by the referendums in the liberated territories,

 the announcement of partial mobilization and other

words and actions of recent days --- and what will

 probably be clarified until the counterpart learns:

 if an escalation is not stopped by him, we will be 

forced to actually demonstrate the realities of

 a changing “wind rose”, forcing the Ukrainian 

regime to capitulate. That is, we'll bring the 

conflict to a situation that clearly exceeds 

the West’s desire to be involved in it. 


This was clearly demonstrated in the early days of the

 conflict, when the Ukrainian regime was likely to fall

 and the Americans simply fled from their embassies. 

The regime held out then. But only because we were

 unwilling to escalate escalation unnecessarily. But

 now that both the regime and its handlers have 

shown their true face, we are determined to 

do so. This is a crucial moment that our 

former esteemed partners will have to 

take seriously, perhaps... by going 

through all the necessary stages,

from denial - to acceptance of 

the inevitable.


Finally, Putin, I think, is not only addressing the West, 

but also the rest of the world. Also, of course, 

watching developments -- with extraordinary 

attention. This world China, India, Pakistan, 

Iran, the Middle East, the Pacific, Central 

Asia, Latin America, Africa – is 2/3, if
 3/4, of the world’s population. 


But Russia is looked upon with great sympathy, 

remembering the policy of the Russian tsars, 

and later the USSR, which behaved in the 

“third world” very differently from the 

way the first behaved. 


The USSR.. was the real alternative to rapacious
financier capitalism, which is well remembered

 there --- carefully reading the signs Putin 

sends out.


People like strong leaders. We are not talking about

 ghettoised Europeans back home, who are not 

allowed to be proud of their culture and are 

only allowed to think about gender 

reassignment --- and/or sexual 

education for their children. 


We are talking about normal people. And what kind of

 leaders do they see in the stunted beds of democratic

 regimes and the faded emblems of eastern despotism

 today? None. The real face of politics today is one in

 which the great shadows of the past rise again. And

 the third world remembers the shadows of its great

 ancestors and respects them… Today -- only Orban, 

desperately fighting for a small crusading Hungary, 

and Erdogan, restoring the former greatness of the

 Ottoman Empire with oriental sagacity, can shade 

the “monumental power”. On whom else can the

 ordinary people of the world pin their hopes? 


Let’s leave the poor, battered white population of the

 West alone. In the rest of the world Putin’s stock is

 rising faster  ...than gas prices on European stock

 exchanges. So is... the rapidly gaining weight, of 

the SCO as a real alternative to the global order.


Judging by cautious, inarticulate mutterings from

 Western leaders, the signals are received and 

taken into account. Well, the West will have 

to learn to take Russia’s words seriously.


Vladimir Mozhegov, VZGLYAD







Why the US wants to 

create a fund to

 arm allies

September 28th, 10:56am



A group of US senators, has come up with an initiative

- aimed at speeding up the process of supplying allies

 with ammunition without involving the arsenal of the 

US. The prepared bill proposes the creation of a

 separate structure ----- which would deal with 

such needs of military and political partners.


“(The bill. – RT) would ensure, that the US has enough

 critical ammunition, to support allies and partners in 

a crisis without depleting US military supplies,” said 

Jeanne Shaheen of the Democratic Party, one of the 

bill’s sponsors, in a statement on its website. – The

 Protecting Overseas Contingency Preparedness 

and Emergency Response Enhancement Act

 (PROCURE) would establish a Critical 

Munitions Acquisition Fund (CMAF) 

that would allow the secretary of 

defense to --- more effectively 

manage industrial production 

lines and maintain production 

of certain munitions of para-

mount importance  ---  to US 

national security interests.”


It is emphasized that the authority under CMAF 

will help the Pentagon improve the agency’s 

purchasing power and reduce government 

spending, as well as better anticipate 

production chain needs.


For his part, the document’s co-author, Republican 

Tom Tillis, acknowledged that the situation with 

US-organised arms shipments to Ukraine “has 

exposed serious flaws regarding the current

 ammunition stockpile”.


“Our PROCURE bill, supported by both parties, is

 needed to improve America’s ability to quickly 

arm its allies in potential future conflicts with-

out depleting its own ammunition stockpiles, 

which will seriously enhance our national 

security and combat readiness,” the 

senator said.


It should be noted that since President Joe Biden 

came to power, the USA has allocated about 

$15.8bn worth of military assistance... to 

Ukraine. In total, since 2014, according

 to the Pentagon, Kiev has received

 from Washington, $17.9bn for its

security needs.


As of mid-September.. the United States transferred to

 Ukraine over 1,400 Stinger man-portable air defence

 systems, over 8,500 Javelin anti-tank missile 

systems, over 700 Switchblade kamikaze 

drones, 126 155-mm howitzers and over 

805,000 shells, 20 Mi-17 helicopters, 

as well as 16 HIMARS rocket 

launchers with ammunition 

and other weapons.


Kiev’s demands


Meanwhile, Kiev continues to demand increased

 supplies of western arms, using any means to 

do so. In particular, President Volodymyr 

Zelensky --- from the rostrum of the UN 

General Assembly, on September 21st, 

appealed to partners -- to supply more

weapons, especially long-range ones.


“We need defence support: weapons, equipment and

 shells. In offensive weapons – long-range enough to

 liberate our land. And in defence systems, 

especially air defence,” he said, adding 

that the country also needs 

additional funding.


The country’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, also

 demanded a redoubling of efforts to support 

Ukraine from the West on Twitter. “More 

sanctions against Russia. More weapons

 for Ukraine. More solidarity with 

Ukrainians,” he wrote.


He called on Western countries to provide Kiev with

 more effective weapons and equipment, advisor to

 the head of the Ukrainian presidential office 

Mykhaylo Podolyak, in an interview with 

Germany’s Tagesschau.. on September

the 24th. Armoured vehicles and tanks 

are expected from partners, he said.


“But these should not be ineffective Soviet tanks –

 neither T-55s, nor T-64s, not even T-72s. That is 

why we say to our partners, in particular 

Germany: if you want to take the 

leadership role… then give us 

the Leopard 2,” he stressed.


For his part, the country’s Deputy Defence Minister

 Vladimir Gavrilov suggested at the National 

Defence Industrial Association conference 

in Texas that foreign arms manufacturers 

should test their designs during the 

ongoing conflict.


“If you have any ideas or pilot projects that need to 

be tested before mass production, you can send

 them to us and we will explain how to do it,” 

he said.


Europe’s doubts


It is noteworthy that Europe, despite its declared

 support for Kiev, is in no hurry to increase arms

 supplies even in the context of the “counter

attack” announced by the Ukrainian 

authorities. In particular, Bloomberg 

news agency drew attention to this 

on September 26, citing information

obtained from sources in the 

European Union.


“We should hardly expect a serious increase in arms

 flows or new violations of taboos on their types … 

as the US is cautious and Europe’s own stock-

piles of key weapons are running out,” the 

publication quoted one of its sources 

as saying.


According to the agency, the EU fears 

a further escalation of the conflict.


“There are no indications that European governments

 are taking any steps to provide Kiev with a new batch

 of heavy weapons,” Bloomberg claims, citing sources

 close to the supply process.


There is a particularly heated debate -- between

 European countries over the transfer of German

 Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Apart from Germany 

itself, the tanks are in service in Spain, the 

Netherlands, Norway, Greece, Turkey and 

Finland, which cannot hand them over to

 Kiev without Berlin’s sanction.


Military assistance to Ukraine is also receding in 

Italy due to budget deficits and the internal 

political struggle. According to sources 

familiar with the situation, the flow of 

weapons supplied by the country to 

Kiev, has already decreased.


The Politico newspaper also noted that France and

 Germany were not as enthusiastic about supplying 

weapons to Kiev. Its columnist John Denis pointed 

out that the actions of the leaders of the two 

countries “do not correspond to their own 

rhetoric”. For example, Berlin has been 

delaying for months the shipment of 

military equipment provided to 

Ukraine by other allies. 


Paris “deliberately reduces its assistance to Ukraine

 in the hope of playing the role of a mediator after

 the end of hostilities,” the journalist said.


It is worth noting that the FRG has been criticised by

 Kiev more than once, because of its supply policy.


“Signals from Germany are disappointing at a time 

when Ukraine needs Leopard and Marder… Not a 

single rational argument why these weapons 

cannot be provided, only abstract fears and 

excuses. What is Berlin afraid of that Kiev

 is not?” Kuleba was indignant on Twitter.


His criticisms did not go unanswered by the German

leadership. As The New York Times noted on

September 25, the Ukrainian minister’s 

claims caused displeasure with the

German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz.


“Being a leader does not mean doing what people ask

 you to do. Being a leader is about making the right 

decisions and being incredibly resilient. That’s 

what I do,” he told the publication.


At the same time, Scholz stressed that Berlin is

 already doing a lot for Ukraine: in particular,

 giving it all kinds of weapons.


Support with a cost


In the opinion of the associate professor of the

 Academy of Labour and Social Relations, 

candidate of political sciences Pavel 

Feldman, the US senators, when 

proposed the new law on the 

defence sector, care about 

the military-industrial

complex of the USA,

and not about the 

interests of allies.


“U.S. senators openly lobby the interests of defense

 giants, on whose money both Republicans and

 Democrats exist. They perceive Ukraine as a 

testing ground where they can test the 

novelties of their military industry 

without risking the lives of NATO 

soldiers. Arms manufacturers 

are interested in escalating 

and prolonging the conflict,

 as it promises them large

 government contracts. 


The depletion of the US budget is of little concern to

 the merchants of death and those behind them,” 

the expert explained in a conversation with RT.


Meanwhile, Vladimir Vinokurov, professor at the

 Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign 

Ministry, believes that the capabilities of 

the Western military industrial complex 

are not unlimited – the protracted 

conflict in Ukraine... has 

shown this.


The “almighty” United States is now forced to admit

 that it has big problems with stocks of military

 equipment and other weapons, which have 

been depleted by endless deliveries. The 

same is true in Europe, whose arsenals 

are much smaller than those of the US. 


The Western military-industrial complex is not ready

 today to uninterruptedly meet Kiev’s needs, as

 representatives of, for example, US defence 

companies themselves say directly,” the

 expert said.


He also expressed the opinion that the trend towards

 reduction of supplies among Western countries will

 grow over time as Europe’s commitment to assist

 Ukraine empties its own arsenals, which 

weakens the defence capabilities of 

EU countries.


For his part, RISI expert Sergei Yermakov stressed that 

European elites will continue supporting Ukraine with 

weapons only if they believe that this conflict may 

spill over into the territories of their countries. In 

particular, the USA is playing on this, which is 

trying to strengthen the EU in the idea that 

the defeat of Ukraine would put the whole 

of Europe at risk, and therefore all means 

should be thrown to Kiev’s aid, the 

analyst added.


“However, the EU should understand: despite all their

 claims of non-participation in the conflict, they are 

still being dragged into it. Whether they are 

supplying weapons - training the Ukrainian 

military, helping financially. Further involve

-ment in the fate of Ukraine is fraught with 

increasing costs for Europe. But common 

sense has not yet prevailed. The solution 

to the EU’s current problems lies in 

reconsidering its policy of 

obediently following the

 U.S. course. 


Otherwise, Europe is doomed to continue 

participating in conflicts unleashed by 

Washington, and suffering losses,” 

Yermakov concluded.


Polina Dukhanova, Alyona Medvedeva, RT




European crisis plays into

 the hands of the US

September 27th, 11:58



While Europe is torn by the energy crisis and 

wondering how to survive not only this winter

 but the next few winters as well, there are 

those who benefit from this state of affairs.


The US will be the first beneficiary of the imminent 

recession in Europe. They will not only make tens 

of billions on the export of its energy resources 

that will replace Russian ones, but they will 

also substantially weaken the economy of 

the European Union in their own interests.


The U.S. has got its hands pretty well off the energy 

crisis in Europe, the Turkish media noted. Back in 

2021, the US exported a record amount of gas. 

The energy crisis in the EU started at the 

beginning of the summer and flared up 

in the Autumn when gas prices on the 

spot markets reached $1,000 per 

1,000 cubic metres for the first 

time ever.


Until 2000, the United States exported natural gas in

 relatively small quantities, mainly through pipelines 

to Mexico & Canada. Starting in 2000, U.S. natural 

gas exports gradually began to grow. And in 2021, 

the U.S. exported a record amount of blue fuel
41 countries, according to the U.S. Energy

 Information Administration.


The US got what it wanted – a new market for its LNG

 – Europe. As early as 2021, US LNG exports to the 

EU are at an all-time high of 22bn cubic metres 

with an estimated value of €12bn, the EC 

estimated at the start of the year.


The US has significantly boosted LNG exports to

 Europe this year, including through the launch of 

new LNG plants in late 2021 or early 2022, and

as the diversion of supplies from Asian markets
European markets. After all gas prices in the
rose again -- to $2,000 per thousand cubic 

metres. European prices are so attractive & 

profitable, that traders deliberately break 

contracts with Asian consumers --- pay 

them a forfeit, but bring LNG to Europe. 


Not only do the costs pay off, but the traders 

still have a huge margin in their pockets.


According to Eurostat, in the first half of 2022 alone, 

total LNG shipments to Europe have increased from 

40.9 billion cubic metres in 2021 to 63.7 billion in 

2022. The U.S. is the main contributor to the 

increase of 22.8 bcm, accounting for almost 

58% of the increase. US LNG shipments to 

Europe increased from 7 bcm to 20.2 bcm 

in the first half of the year alone. In other

 words, the USA sold almost as much

 LNG to Europe in half a year as it did

 during the entire last year. At such

 paces, the Americans may double 

the LNG export volumes by the 

end of 2022 – up to 40 billion 

cubic meters.


The US share of the European LNG 

market, has reached a record 32%.


The earnings of US traders could quadruple this year,

 given the doubling not only of LNG volumes, but also 

of LNG prices. According to rough estimates, the US

 could earn about €50bn on LNG supplies to the EU 

this year, up from €12bn last year.


To get the big picture: Algeria is second in terms of LNG

 supplies to the EU, with 11.8bn cu.m. delivered in the

 six months versus 6.6bn the year before. In third 

place was Qatar, which increased its supplies 

from 7.8 bcm to 9.6 bcm. Interestingly, Russia 

is trailing Qatar closely. Not only has the EU 

not reduced the purchase of Russian LNG, 

but it increased it from 7.8 billion to 9.4 

billion cubic metres... (only 0.2 billion 

less than from Qatar). Rounding out 

the top five LNG suppliers to the EU

 is Nigeria, which reduced its supply

 from 8.1 bcm to 7.7 bcm in the first 

half of 2022.


The US probably expects to increase LNG exports 

to the EU in the medium term when additional LNG

 liquefaction terminals come on line. A new wave 

of additional LNG to market is expected in 2025-

2026. The bulk of this LNG will come from the 

US, which has secured an excellent market

 in advance – Europe, which has secured 

high gas prices for itself.... for years 

to come.


Given the withdrawal of Russian oil from the EU – 

and the oil embargo is scheduled to be imposed 

on December 5 this year – the US also intends 

to sell its oil to Europe. To replace Russian oil, 

the US is going to deliver over 1m barrels a 

day to Europe, said Russell Hardy, director

 of oil trader Vitol.


This is half of the 2 million barrels per day that Russia 

has been supplying. Russia has already found and

 continues to look for other markets. There is no

 particular problem for Russia in finding them, 

but there are difficulties in the lack of

 tankers for transportation and in the

 rising cost of freight.


But for European refineries the replacement of Russian

 heavy oil  -- with light American oil -- is a big problem.

 European refineries are geared to Russian oil and 

switching to another fuel... may require huge 

investments into refinery modernisation.


 Not everyone will be able to afford this luxury, and even

 more so given the EC’s unchanged course to move

 away from conventional hydrocarbons. This 

means 1 thing – some European refineries 

will close -- and Europeans will have to 

seriously increase imports of finished 

fuel, including gasoline. This means 

that European transport, logistics 

and the agricultural sector, will 

become more vulnerable. 


This could bode well for US refineries

---- and farmers ----- in the future.


Hence there is another fat benefit for the US. Very

expensive energy resources pose the risk of 

beginning to de-industrialise the European 



Many energy-intensive companies in the chemical 

industry, machine building and car manufacturing 

are already closing down or reducing production

 because it is simply unprofitable to operate at

 such gas and electricity prices. If such tests 

have to go on for more than one winter, 

European companies will slowly start 

“moving” to other countries where 

energy costs are much lower.


“With current energy prices, it makes no sense to 

keep a lot of production in Europe; we have to 

leave. In addition to America, it is also 

possible to move to other countries, 

especially China and Turkey. In this 

regard, Turkey has a chance to 

strengthen its industry and 

economy and also its 

strategic position in

 the region. 


But the U.S., of course, will get its share,” says
Stanislav Mitrakhovich, senior researcher
the Financial University under the 

Government of Russia and 

leading expert at the 

National Energy

Security Fund.


The U.S. was able to maintain cheap energy for the

 domestic market because it produces both oil and 

gas itself. Plus they have their own oil and gas

 technologies. “The US produces the most oil

 in the world and the most gas in the world. 

And they use that as their advantage. For 

decades they have been telling Russia 

about the oil and gas curse, about the

necessity to develop in another 



But Americans themselves say bluntly that their

resources... are their advantage, they have to 

earn on them here and now, and with these 

resources to create favourable conditions

 for their own industry,” reminds 



Another economic advantage of the US is a strong

 dollar. The dollar index to the world’s major 

currencies is at a record high level since 

the 1980s. The euro, Japanese yen and 

British pound have all fallen to multi-

year lows against the dollar amid 

a Fed rate hike. Even the British 

pound has started to sell short 

of the dollar. 


Some tourists were surprised to discover this, although

 the British currency has not yet reached parity with 

the US currency on the international forex market, 

Bloomberg reports.


The energy crisis in Europe is becoming a catalyst for 

recession in both the EU and the UK. As a result, 

many investors... are withdrawing their capital 

from the euro and British pound and shifting 

it to the dollar. The US currency continues 

to be a safe haven for countries and 

investors to wait out the crisis and 

the depreciation of their national 

currencies. This strengthens the 

dollar even further. The impact 

of a strong dollar on the US 

economy is contradictory.. 

but US importers definitely 

benefit from the current 



Apart from the obvious economic benefits, the US will

also gain strategically. “After deindustrialisation ---
EU will become even more dependent on the

Americans. For the last thirty years --- Europe 

has had attempts, to create autonomy, there 

were attempts to create an energy-industrial 

alliance, with Russia, which especially 

pleased the political elites in Italy 

and Germany. 


But this failed, including against the backdrop 

of American intrigue. The U.S. did not want a

 rapprochement between Europe and either 

the USSR or Russia. Therefore they did 

everything ---- to prevent this from 

happening. Ukraine’s 'accession' 

to NATO is one of such intrigues 

aimed at severing relations 

between Europe and 

Russia,” says 



The US needs to disengage Europe and Russia to make

 both weak and dependent on itself for a fundamental

 task. The US is preparing for an impending war with 

China on the horizon of 10-20 years --- for world

 domination, the expert believes.


“The U.S. needs to have Europe on hand, which will not

 poke around, i.e. cooperate with China industrially 

and commercially, but will only follow the course 

of American industry.

And in Russia, as 
Washington believes - of course - 

there should be a pro-US regime, as in the 1990s,
under Yeltsin, 
rather than cooperation and
agreements with China,” the


He does not rule out that in the future the United States

 may, following Russia’s example, point the finger at

 Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Emirates and say
there is no special democratic
there, either. 


Because China is now actively “entering” the Middle 

East with its investments. The US is unlikely to
 such a rapprochement, so we should 

expect ''repercussions''.


Olga Samofalova, VZGLYAD


Well? Which future pleases you?

Or is it all equally depressing!?!



SCO Asian powers’ summit

charts roadmap ------ for a

 stronger multipolar world

September 19th, 6:41pm



Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar believes that Russia,

 China and Iran are the main driving forces for Eurasian 

integration, writes the Bulgarian newspaper Glasove.


Against the backdrop of major upheavals in the world of

 geopolitics, it was so fitting that this year’s summit of

 the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) heads 

of state was to be held in Samarkand, the final 

crossroads of the 2,500-year Silk Road.


After all, historically, the world in terms of the Silk Road

reference point, has always been “perceived as one

and indivisible, not divided. This.. is the essence of

 the unique phenomenon, the ‘spirit of Samarkand'”.


All these years, the culture of the SCO has developed 

in a distinctively Chinese way. The original focus of 

the Shanghai Five was on counter-terrorism;

months before the US terrorist war spread

 from Afghanistan to Iraq and beyond.


Over the years, the initial “three no’s” – no alliance, 

no confrontation and no targeting of a third party –

eventually equipped a fast hybrid machine whose

“four wheels” are “politics, security, theeconomy 

and the humanities”, complete with the Global 

Development Initiative, all of which, contrast 

sharply with the priorities of the hegemonic,

 confrontational west.


Perhaps the biggest takeaway from this week’s

 Samarkand summit is that Chinese President 

Xi Jinping presented China & Russia together 

as “responsible world powers” seeking to 

ensure the emergence of multipolarity 

and reject the arbitrary “order”... 

imposed by the United States 

and its unipolar worldview.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described Xi

 Jinping’s bilateral conversation with President 

Vladimir Putin as “excellent”. Xi Jinping had 

already stressed the common goals of 

Russia and China before their meeting

 and direct address to Putin:


“In the face of the colossal changes of our times on a

 global scale, unprecedented in history, we are ready

- together with our Russian counterparts - to set an

 example of responsible global power and play a 

leading role to put such a rapidly changing 

world on a trajectory of sustainable and 

positive development,” the 

publication said.


Later, in the preamble to the summit, Xi Jinping got 

straight to the point: it is important “to prevent 

attempts by external powers --- to organise

 ‘colour revolutions’ in the SCO countries”. 


Well, Europe won’t be able to tell, because it has

 had non-stop colour revolutions ------ since 1945.


Putin, for his part, has sent a message that will

 resonate throughout the Global South: “There

 is a fundamental transformation in world 

politics and economics, and it 

is irreversible.


Iran was the guest star of the show in Samarkand,

 officially accepted as the 9th member of the SCO. 

President Ibrahim Raisi, remarkably, stressed 

before the meeting with Putin that “Iran does 

not recognise sanctions against Russia. 

Their strategic partnership will be 

expanded. On the business side, 

an impressive delegation of the 

heads of 80 major Russian 

companies --- will visit 

Tehran next week.


The growing interpolation of Russia, China and Iran 

– the three main drivers of Eurasian integration – is

scaring the hell out of the usual suspects..... who 

may be beginning to realise that the SCO poses 

a serious challenge to their geo-economic 

game in the long term. So, as every grain 

of sand in every heart of the desert 

already knows, the geopolitical 

pressure on the trio.... will 

increase exponentially.


And then there was the mega-important Samarkand

 trilateral meeting: Russia-China-Mongolia. Perhaps

 discussed was the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline, 

a link pipeline to be built through Mongolia; and

 Mongolia’s increasing role in the crucial link 

corridor of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), 

now that China is not using the Trans-

Siberian route for exports to Europe 

because of sanctions.


Putin briefed Xi Jinping on all aspects of the Russian

 special military operation in Ukraine and perhaps

 answered some really tough questions, many 

of which have been circulating on the 

Chinese internet for months.


The Russian president’s key conclusion: “There is 

no change in the plan for SSR. The basic tasks are

 being fulfilled.” As for the peace prospects, it is

 Ukraine that is “not ready to talk to Russia”. 

And in general, “it is regrettable that the 

West came up with the idea of using 

Ukraine to try to break up Russia”.


On his meeting with Xi Jinping: “It was an ordinary

 meeting, it’s been quite a long time, we didn’t 

have a face-to-face meeting. 


They talked about how to “expand trade turnover” 

and circumvent the “trade wars caused by our 

so-called partners”, with the “expansion of 

settlements in national currencies not 

progressing as fast as we want”.


Putin’s bilateral meeting with Indian Prime Minister 

Narendra Modi could not have been more cordial –

 in the register of “special friendship” – with Modi 

calling for serious solutions to the food and fuel 

crises, effectively appealing to the West.


 Meanwhile, the State Bank of India will open 

special rupee accounts --- for trade related

 to Russia.


Another major reason was the increased attractiveness

 of the BRI initiative in close association with the SCO. 

China’s ambitious BRI project was officially launched

 by Xi Jinping in Astana (now Nur-Sultan) nine years 

ago. It will remain the overarching concept of 

China’s foreign policy, for decades to come.


So, for all practical purposes, Xi Jinping and Putin in

 Samarkand outlined a roadmap for strengthening

 multipolarity – as emphasised in the final 

Samarkand Declaration signed by all 

SCO members, the journalist 



 It looks like the new world is being born...
and the only thing that can stop it ---
is World War 3.

We at Rhondda Records choose
a new world free of the West's
arrogance and wars.

At the risk of addressing you -
the unknown reader - what
do You CHOOSE?


The unipolar world of US' 

hegemony has collapsed 

along with the twin towers

September 11th, 11:38am



When a supernova explodes in far distant space, it 

seems to people on Earth that it is there and still 

shining for a long time. But it’s actually gone,

 and the sooner people accept that, the 

better for them: they have time to 

prepare to defend themselves 

from the blast’s after-effects, 

from the gamma-rays that 

can kill every last

 living thing.


The skyscrapers of the World Trade Centre, two of the

 tallest buildings in the world at the time, embodied 

for many of us that distant and mighty cosmos.


 They embodied... the millennia-old dream of the Tower 

of Babel of haughty men. They stretched themselves

 toward God, in order to equalize them, if not 

spiritually, with their commercial and 

financial power. 


In the world that was crowned by the twin towers they 

were temples, only not to God, but to Mammon, the 

world capital. In the world that was destroyed on 

September 11, 2001, they were the most visible, 

comprehensible and powerful symbol of
American domination.


The omnipotence of the “Shining City on the Hill” then, 

at the turn of the millennium, seemed an immutable 

and by and large justifiable course of history. The

 “end of history” and its arrival at its finale, the 

triumph of universal liberal democracy, were 

eagerly proclaimed by Western publicists. 


Ten years before that, we had lost the country we were

 born into, loved and cherished. We were constantly

 being told that the path of socialism --- was a 

mistake, that all victories and achievements

 of the USSR --- were nothing more than a 

whimper, that we should repent, for the 

history of our country, for the deeds of

our fathers and grandfathers, that the 

global market will judge everything, 

as it is common practice in the 

‘civilised world’. 


Instead, we were offered a path to the

 bright capitalist past, aka our future.


And there it was – all of a sudden, no one was 

expecting this! – It exploded, it collapsed, 

moreover, it exploded and collapsed in a 

most merciless way, live and in real time, 

all before our eyes. And it collapsed, not

 anyone else’s, but our future. Yes, today 

we are all aware that it was an illusion -

but then it seemed clear and real.


Ours – means common: Americans, Russians, 

Europeans – the future of all, who trusted in 

the global market as an impartial arbiter, 

capable to put everything in its place,

in the USA as the light of the 

world civilization. 


But as soon as the towers fell, it became clear: 

Mammon is a false god. He...  can only confuse 

and seduce; he is free to lend trillions, driving 

billions of people into debt bondage; he has 

the power to lavish his most loyal oligarch 

priests with golden palaces and the 

deceptive comfort of his acolytes;

 but he will demand obedience for 

all his “loans”, and blood --- from 

those who will not accept them.


If the collapse of the USSR in 1991 was the greatest

 geopolitical catastrophe of the XX century, then the

 collapse of the twin towers ten years later is the 

greatest geopolitical catastrophe of this, the XXI 

century. It opened our century and defined 

its vector.


This is the vector of the collapse of 500 years of 

Western global domination and the rebirth of a 

multipolar world, the normal, natural order of 

human civilisation as it has always been 

since ancient times and before the 

European conquest of the 

New World.


The convulsions of a unipolar world began 

immediately after the fall of the twin towers. 


The US invaded Afghanistan to search for and punish

 al-Qaeda* extremists, the perpetrators of the 9/11 

attacks, who were harboured by the Taliban*

 (both banned in Russia). 


The Americans quickly overthrew the Taliban and used

 their military power to install their desired regime in

 Kabul. But exactly 20 years later, the same Taliban 

seized power again, setting the date of 

inauguration of their government 

exactly for September 11, 2021.


 But this is not so much “trolling” as it is a cruel 

mockery of history. History loves such mockery, 

it never misses an opportunity to show people 

how brute force, devoid of truth and common 

sense, achieves the exact opposite of what 

was expected.


Then came the armed invasion of Iraq. Saddam 

Hussein’s oppressive regime ruled there for a 

quarter of a century, but it held the country 

firmly and ensured peace and order. 


The Americans accused Hussein of developing

 weapons of mass destruction (which turned 

out to be a lie), overthrew him and had him

 executed. Order was replaced by chaos

 in Iraq, opening the way for even more

 dangerous extremist movements than 

al-Qaeda, such as the Islamic State*

 (also banned in Russia). 


From a country that threatened no one after Operation

 Desert Storm in 1990, Iraq has become a hotbed and

 breeding ground for international terrorism that

 threatens the entire world. Tens of thousands 

of fighters from all over the world arrived there

 to join the ranks of IS*, while hundreds of

thousands of refugees, forced to abandon 

their homes and possessions, made their

 way to Europe, causing new waves of 

the migration crisis. 


Extremists have also infiltrated the ranks of these

 refugees and carried out terrorist attacks in 

peaceful European cities.


The self-appointed global hegemon did not rest content

 with wreaking havoc in Afghanistan and Iraq. The

 theory of “managed chaos” adopted by Barack 

Obama’s administration required new victims. 


The secular autocracies of the Near and Middle East,

 staunch allies of the United States, were the victims.

 But they fell, betrayed by the Americans and swept

 away by the elements of the Arab Spring. They 

were replaced by fundamentalists, outspoken 

enemies of America and western civilisation. 


Egypt, the largest and most important country in the

 Arab world, was in chaos and it was only thanks to 

a military that was strong enough to assume

 responsibility for the country’s fate that 

Egypt was spared Iraq’s fate. 


The next victim of the “Arab spring” after Iraq

 could have been Syria, but the Russian peace

keeping operation, launched at the request of

 the legitimate authorities of that country, put

 an end to the plans of the extremists and

 their accomplices.


The unipolar world of American hegemony collapsed

 along with the twin towers, never to be reborn again. 


Those who still dream of a semblance of America in our

country are actually chasing a mirage, a dream of the

past: the America... that served as their role model 

ended that very day on September 11. And every-

thing that happens to her, to us, to the world 

after that symbolic frontier is the natural 

consequence of the collapse of those 

towers of Babel.


 In physical reality they have long fallen, but in 

historical time they will continue to fall, hitting 

everyone with the wreckage – in Iraq, Libya, 

Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan and everywhere 

else, where the broken unipolar world

 tries in vain to save its dominance.


As for Russia, it has nothing to reproach itself with 

on this sad anniversary. From the outset, it has

supported the ''common struggle'' - against 

international terrorism - with determination

 and consistency. 


We have had our own difficult experience in fighting it – 

in the North Caucasus and in the central cities where 

terrorist attacks took place. Russia, victorious in that 

war, extended its hand with complete sincerity to all 

those who suffered from terrorism and were ready to

 resist it. On Sept. 11, 2001, Vladimir Putin was the 

first world leader to call George W. Bush, Jr. to 

express condolences and support. But the 

same Bush invaded Iraq despite Russia’s 

persistent warnings. It is not her fault 

that the arguments of the Russian 

side were ignored, and the US, 

with its characteristic 

arrogance, continued 

to act... at its own 



Likewise, they continued to act after Russia’s special 

military operation in Ukraine, dismissing all Russian 

arguments, remarks and warnings out of hand. We

 can see where this has led them. And what it will

 lead to in the future is easy to imagine. Weapons 

that the United States has been criminally reck-

less in supplying to the Kiev regime are firing at

 the Russians today, but tomorrow they could

 end up in the hands of terrorists from some 

other “al-Qaeda” --- who hate America 

to death.


A series of military-political and, more importantly, 

moral failures seems to have cooled down the 

warlike fervour of the hegemon. Joe Biden, 

Obama’s vice-president, has so far been 

reluctant to send American soldiers 

into battle.


 “America is coming back,” he declared as he began his

 own cadence. And America is - indeed - coming back – 

but back where? To itself, to solve its own problems, 

as enormous as its 30 trillion national debt? Or is it 

returning to the ideas of “export democracy” and 

“managed chaos”? It is now called “fighting 

democracies against autocracies” – a 

theory as ridiculous as it is false. 


How can we be sure that if, God forbid, another tragic

 event should occur in America tomorrow, she will 

not - once again - rush to find the guilty party, 

appointing them - left and right - to reorder 

the country afar, from the United States?


Wherever America returns, it will always return to its

 ashes, the wreckage of the World Trade Centre, its

 9/11. It is the wreck of the old America and the 

birth trauma of the new, which we will only 

have to see when (and if) it does find the 

strength to survive and overcome it.


Boris Tolchinsky, VZGLYAD






The Western “free press” is

 about to be ''nationalised''

September 11th, 11am



When describing what the sanctions (and not only 

sanctions) crisis will lead Western economies and 

politics to, it is usually pointed out that Europeans 

– and Americans too – will be in caveman’s misery. 


Not the Leningrad blockade, but something along 

the lines of the unforgettable 1919, described in 

the poem “Alright!”. Not too pleasant.


The Western "free press"----- is about to be nationalised

Of course such forecasts can be exaggerated, perhaps
even strongly, but reasoning in this vein is based not 

so much on the talking points... about the crisis of 

global imperialism – much has been said about it 

– as on quotations from speeches by leading 

Western politicians, and not by those in 

opposition, but the ones who really 

hold sway.


It is not by the orders of the Kremlin ideologues that 

they urge their constituents to stock up on firewood 

and candles, to cut the time for ablutions (or better 

still, not to wash at all, but to wipe the secret 

places with a damp cloth), to lower the 

temperature in dwellings and public 

buildings, etc.


 Nor do they talk about the possible introduction of 

rationing of energy and even other consumer 

goods, not on the advice of the enemy. The 

possible elements of the card system in 

the West were not invented in Moscow 

but in the government institutions of

 the West. 


In Moscow they only divulge the speed of the transition

 from “We are not afraid of nobody’s effort, we rush 

forward with the locomotive of labour” to “I can’t 

promise you anything but sweat, blood and 

tears”. And also the smell of... an

unwashed body.


Domestic analysts, however, point out that the

 pampering of the Europeans --- should not be 

exaggerated. Even before the current crisis 

they have stood quite firm at the 

temperature in the dwellings --- 

which seemed uncomfortably 

low for Russians. It's possible

that they could overcome the 

current hunger and cold.


 More serious is something else.


Not some opposition populists but quite senior EU 

officials – European Commissioner for Economic 

Affairs Paolo Gentiloni, Belgian Prime Minister 

Alexandre De Croo and others – say that the 

European economy --- will fall into a severe 

depression or even shut down altogether. 


And the closure of factories and plants will not 

be prevented by restricting bathing or even 

abandoning it altogether. And how the 

depression in Germany in 1931 looked 

like and what came after it – may be, 

politicians don’t know, but 

historians do.


We don’t even want to talk about the global implications

of all this, let’s pay attention to the seemingly trivial

things. The collapse of the advertising market... is 

inevitable in such a depression. The unemployed, 

or even the severely impoverished, are an 

unimportant audience --- from an 

advertiser’s point of view. 


Calls to “buy this and buy that” have little appeal to 

those who are forced to make a living from bread

 to kvass. They might be happy to buy, thereby 

securing the advertising cycle, but they have

 no money.


Of course, this should not be taken to mean...  that 

commercial advertising may disappear altogether. 

Just as the market is indestructible (it existed 

even under the siege of Leningrad, and even 

wartime communism could not cope with 

the bagmen), so advertising... is 



 It existed in the United States even in the severely 

depressed 1930s, and even in the newspapers of 

the Stalinist USSR there were sections of 

commercial ads advertising perfumes, 

commercial restaurants and craft 

services. By inertia these ''ads'' 

were in newspapers until July 

1941, juxtaposed with the 

dreadful reports from 

the front.


But the inexhaustibility of advertising is one thing, and

 the volume of the advertising market in absolute and 

relative terms is another. Both we and, even more so,

 the Europeans have grown accustomed to the fact 

that its share of the total economy is quite large. 


Fragment from One-Story America: “We were told that a 

five-cent bottle of Coca-Cola... costs the manufacturers

one cent and that three cents, is spent on advertising.

 We don’t need to write about where the 5th cent goes. 

It’s pretty clear.” It’s a bit exaggerated, but it shows a 

tendency. A consumer society is also a society of 

flourishing advertising. How else could one 

indulge in consumerism?


If the consumerism fails (as the French Macron, 

for instance, openly speaks about it today), 

the advertising is in trouble.


And the press is in its wake. Print, radio and television, 

and the internet. The heyday of blogging, for example, 

was due to advertising. When after February 24th a

 banking blockade began which made it impossible 

to live in advertising, blogging was deflated too. 

Any journalist can tell you how our media

 deflated during the 1998 and 

2008 crises.


Now it is the turn of the West.


Of course, there is no such thing... as a hopeless

 situation. When advertising is critically reduced,

the lack of funds can be compensated either 

through direct state subsidies or subsidies-

in-kind. Some kind of free press fund 

which, in turn, gets money from 

lofty government agencies. 

The CIA... or something 

on that line.


But since, as the rude German proverb says, “Only

 death is a gift”, with such powerful subsidies the

 “fourth estate” must be guided without fools by 

Lenin’s words: “The newspaper is not only a 

collective propagandist and a collective 

agitator, but also a collective organiser”. 

And do not shirk from the functions 

prescribed by Lenin.


There will probably be some floundering. But the

 principle of “Gut Out, Conscience Shaken” 

will more and more define the behaviour 

of a completely free press, hungry

 without advertising. One is 

hungry, every day.


Maxim Sokolov, RIA







World hunger - is 

a planned event

September 11th, 9:50am



The 2020 declaration of world hunger was 

not a prediction, but a project. And a 

successful one at that.


The British Financial Times has warned of 

the threat of famine in Europe because of

 rising energy prices.


Members of the farmers’ union Copa-Cogeca, as well 

as two major food producers associations, FoodDrink 

Europe and Primary Food Processors, have already

 begun to wind down their businesses and reduce 

their production.


“Another increase in energy prices, especially natural 

gas and electricity, threatens the continuity of agri-

food production cycles and therefore the ability to 

continue supplying essential agricultural 

commodities, food and feedstuffs,”

a joint statement by European agricultural

industry reps... ahead of the EU energy 

ministers meeting --- in Prague
on September
the 8th.


Copa-Cogeca Secretary General Pekka Pesonen

 stressed: that European buyers will face even 

higher prices and shortages of many fruits 

and vegetables next winter. 


''This is something we have not seen before…'' he said. 

   ''Some products will be unavailable or very expensive.'' 

Electricity is used in all the stages of food production,
fertilisers to harvesting and cooling. The dairy
and bakery industries have been hit hard by 

rising pasteurisation costs, Pesonen said,
milk powder production has become 

unaffordable, because of high 

energy costs.


From the beginning of the year until July the prices of

 butter in the EU went up by 80%, with milk powder 

prices going up by more than 50% and beef prices 

by 28%. Farmers say their production costs are

 rising even faster.


Fruit and vegetable growers are cutting back on 

plantings for next season, and some report that

the rising cost of running greenhouses already 

exceeds the profit they will be able to make. 

Nordic Greens --- Sweden’s largest tomato 

producer, has said it will not plant winter

 crops. Greenhouses in the Netherlands -

the world’s second biggest agricultural 

exporter after the US - are also 

gradually shutting down.


The harvest of cucumbers and peppers grown in heated 

greenhouses in the UK in 2022 will be half of last year’s

 due to excessive energy costs, the Financial Times

 reports. And such vegetables will cost twice 

as much.


The British press blames Russia for the coming famine, 

although it admits that Russia has cut fuel supplies

 to the continent, because of sanctions.


“Britain will starve because of faulty environmental 

dogma,” writes the Daily Telegraph. - ''Economists

blame economic adaptation after the pandemic.. 

and the armed conflict in Ukraine. But the truth

 is that we ourselves have let our domestic 

agricultural base languish… There is a 

tendency in Britain to give away farm-

land for solar panel installation and 

other ‘eco-targets’,” laments the 

Daily Telegraph article. 


This year up to half of harvested crops in the UK will be

 lost due to inability to irrigate, says The Guardian. The

 reason is not drought at all, but the widespread

 installation of windmills and solar panels i

nstead of establishing irrigation.


It is predicted that up to half of carrots, onions, sugar

 beet, apples and hops will be lost. Milk production

in the UK is also falling due to a shortage of feed 

for cows.


“There are fears that many farmers will refuse to sow

 next year’s crop,” reports The Guardian, “leading to

 dire consequences for the 2023 crop. Cattle and 

other livestock are expected to be slaughtered 

earlier at lower weights because farmers are 

likely to run out of feed in winter. Incidentally, 

the drought had nothing to do with the feed

 shortage. The economy has been turned

 green --- by force.


In France, up to 35 per cent of the fruit and vegetable

 harvest is expected to be lost, said Jacques 

Rouchauss, president of the French national

 association of vegetable producers,

 Legumes de France.


In Italy the situation is even worse, we are talking about

 the fact that in some areas of the country could be lost

 up to 80 percent of the crop. And there is no way to get

 food from other European countries or America – crops 

are dying and livestock are being slaughtered



In the US, “74% of beef cattle, 50% of dairy production,

 over 80% of wheat production, 70% of vegetables,

 fruits and nuts are at risk. 37% of farmers said 

they are ploughing and destroying existing

 crops… A staggering number of ranchers 

in some western states are selling off 

their cattle.


 Farmers in the Lone Star State have reported the 

largest decrease in their livestock by 50%, 

followed by New Mexico and Oregon at 

43% and 41% respectively,” writes 

renowned American economist 

Michael Snyder on his website 

The Economic Collapce. 


The renowned economist sees the causes of the food

 crisis that threatens America with famine in the 

actions of the US government and only in the

 last place, in the drought.


The fact that America is threatened by famine does not

 help Europeans. She does not conceal that Europe 

is in danger of a huge famine... due to 

anti-Russian sanctions.


And a world famine seems to have been planned for a 

long time. The global food crisis was announced to 

the world in May 2020 by Arif Husain, the chief

 economist of the UN food programme --- when

 there was no drought in 2022 and no Russian 

special operation in Ukraine. At that time, 

crop, crop and livestock figures, as well 

as agricultural prices, were stable and 

no food shortage... was conceivable. 


Between 2000 and 2019, according to the UN, the 

proportion of the world’s population suffering 

from malnutrition fell from 15% to 8.9%. By 

2030, the UN had set a target of zero.


All went to waste in 2019. Against the backdrop of a 

triggered ‘pandemic’, the positive trend has reversed.

 In 2020, the number of undernourished rose from 

690 million to 811 million, the largest in 15 years.


 In 2021, world food prices have risen by an average 

of 30%: sunflower and rapeseed oil prices have 

risen by over 60%, wheat by 31%, sugar by 

30%, dairy products by 17% and meat

 by 13%.


So the UN expert’s 2020 statement about world hunger

 was not a prediction, but a project. And a successful 

one at that. We should speak separately, about the

 authors of the project.


Vladimir Pohvatilov, FGC




Russia saves the world 

from the brown plague

 again --- today

September 2nd, 1:07pm



On September 2nd, in 1945, the Act of Unconditional 

Surrender of Japan was signed. World War II came 

to an end. What matters to us, is the significance

 of the event itself.


The war generation, the generation of victors, was

 united by the hope that the Second World War 

was the last, that Nazism in Europe and 

militarism in Asia had been destroyed 

forever, and that there would never

 be a Third World War.


Our country made a decisive contribution to the victory 

not only in the West. We remember: Japan capitulated

 not after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and

 Nagasaki, but after the Soviet Union entered 

the war. Both Japanese & Americans were 

sure that the war would last at least until 

1946: some were preparing to defend 

themselves, others to attack. It was 

our country’s decision, that saved 

-- many hundreds of thousands of 

US troops, millions of Japanese 

lives, hastened the victory of 

the Chinese people, and 

liberated the enslaved 

peoples of Asia. 


The defeat of the Kwantung Army by Soviet forces 

deprived the Tokyo militarists of the opportunity

 to continue their resistance. Nazi Germany’s 

ally was defeated.


But was the war over? Open hostilities had ended. 

The covert war continued. And the “allies” 

showed themselves, alas, as if they had 

already seen their countries as 

participants and initiators of 

the Cold War.


 Churchill’s Fulton speech was not long away. And 

it came. Under the conditions created by “our 

Western partners”, it could not but happen.


Our country, which had contributed decisively to the

 victory, was the first and main target of the 

aggressors and also their accomplices. 


Both German Nazism and Japanese militarism were

 nurtured with the support of the leading states of 

the West. These states, publicly and non-publicly

 endorsed and supported --- those actions of 

Germany that created opportunities and

 springboards for an attack on the 

Soviet Union.


The rise of Nazism in Europe and militarism in Japan 

was only made possible by the support of the USA, 

Britain & France - and it is not just about the first 

steps of Nazism and militarism. Remember the 

Munich deal, remember the so-called “Far 

Eastern Munich”. 


Certainly, they did not expect that the beast that had 

been incubated would rush on themselves. At least,
they hoped to the last: as far back as 1940, the 

rulers of England and France were planning, 

not to act against Nazi Germany ----- with 

which they were officially at war..... but

to bomb the cities of the Soviet Union. 


They were doing everything they could, to push 

both Germany and Japan to attack in the “right”

 direction. It was a strange war indeed. In fact, 

it was for such “planning” ...that France paid 

the disgrace of defeat and Nazi occupation.


Such a hostile attitude of the “Western democracies” 

to Russia, the USSR was characteristic not only of 

the period of preparation and the beginning of the 

Second World War. But, unfortunately, also at the 

end of it, and in the postwar period. 


It is important to remember this in order to understand 

how fragile the post-war peace was, and that only the

 strength of our country and the courage of our 

people, were able to keep it.


The facts of the separate negotiations between the

 Anglo-Americans and the Nazis, and their plans to

 combine their efforts against our country are well

 known. It is known that even before Berlin was 

taken Churchill had organised the preparation 

of Operation Unthinkable – a plan of war 

against our country in which the British, 

the Americans and what was left of the 

Wehrmacht would take part. 


It was only the obvious impossibility of military success

 that forced him to abandon it. The only thing Churchill 

was firmly convinced of, was the effect of 

propaganda on his own population.


It is also known that the American atomic bombings of 

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no military necessity but 

were, above all, a means of intimidating the Russian 

allies. US President Truman, who ordered the use of

 nuclear weapons, not only refused to demonstrate 

their power in a deserted place, but he also 

refused to attack purely military targets 

in Japan. Nuclear weapons --- were 

specifically, purposefully, tested 

on civilians.


And of course it was no accident. The same Truman,

 while still a senator, commented thus on the German 

attack on the Soviet Union: “If we see that Germany

 wins, we must help Russia, if Russia wins, we must

 help Germany, and let them kill each other as much

 as possible. These words of a “democratic leader” 

are cited often, but not often enough, it seems. 


The present Western leaders rarely have Truman’s

 candour, but the principle “let them kill as many 

as possible”, remains most in demand for them. 

Proof of this is NATO’s desire and demand to 

fight “to the last Ukrainian”.


It is certainly no coincidence that American support for

 former Nazi collaborators from among the Ukrainians

 and Baltic peoples is also not a coincidence. By

 taking this “baton” from the Nazis, American 

figures have ensured that criminal ideology 

now dominates both Kyiv and the Baltic 

capitals. The demolition of monuments 

to the liberators and victors of fascism

further confirms that the authorities of

these states have chosen to side with

those who were defeated... in World 

War II. And they are not fully aware,

of the consequences of this choice.


The feeding of the current Kiev regime by the Western 

powers is very similar to the feeding of German 

Nazism and Japanese militarism in the 1930s.

 The same support for racism, caveman 

nationalism and Russophobia. 


The propaganda of exceptionalism that fooled Germans

 in the 20th century is now fooling the population of

 Ukraine, betrayed and sold out by Kiev’s 

“servants of the people” for 

generations to come.


September 3rd, is not only the anniversary of the end of

 the Second World War. It is also a day of our solidarity 

against terrorism. It is the date on which we bow our 

heads in memory of the victims of a monstrous 

ideology and the heroes who gave their lives 

in the fight against the enemy.


International terrorism, like Nazism in Germany, 

militarism in Japan and contemporary Nazism 

in Ukraine, has received the same support in

 the West. Let us recall -- for example -- the 

American “nurturing” of such a character 

as Bin Laden – against the Soviet Union. 

Or how European authorities blessed 

terrorists, to go and fight against the 

legitimate government of Syria. The 

fact that these militants -- like the 

Nazis in their day -- struck at the

Western capitals themselves.... 

seems to have taught Western 

politicians nothing, so far.


And, of course, we will never forget that Western 

governments and intelligence services in the 

1990s and later, provided both moral and 

material support - to the terrorists in the 

North Caucasus. This should be neither

forgotten nor forgiven --- just like the 

terrorist crimes of the Kiev regime.


The generation of 1945 – both Soviet people and

 citizens of Allied countries – would look at 

modern Europe and America with wonder. 

And contempt. Who would have thought 

then that monuments to the victors of 

Nazism would be demolished in 

European countries and that 

streets in European cities 

would be named after 

Nazis and their 



That the prohibition of the Russian language and calls 

for the murder of Russians --- would be considered a 

triumph of European values? That terrorism and the 

killing of civilians, would be justified and glorified in

 Europe and America under the yellow and blue flag? 

Who would have thought that Europe and America 

would applaud people with swastikas and 

declare them heroes?


Such Western “values” cannot win, they have no right

 to win. The sooner their defeat comes, the better for

 humanity. They have nothing in common with real 

values that are dear to our country and other 

countries of Europe, Asia and the world. 


Those values, in the name of which our country won 

the Great Patriotic War, in the name of which, our

 country and its allies, won the Second World War.


The past stages and further plans for the expansion of

 NATO and the bloc’s military infrastructure... are very

 reminiscent of the seizures made by Hitler’s Germany

 and militaristic Japan by 1939. And just the same ---

 are directed against Russia. But American plans for 

a unipolar world must meet the same fate as Hitler’s 

plans for world domination. And we – our country, 

together with our friends, our allies – will 

achieve this.


There is one more point that is important to mention

 today. On behalf of the Soviet Union the Act of the 

Surrender of Japan on September 2nd 1945, was 

signed by Lieutenant General Derevyanko, a 

native of Kyiv province. In 2007, the then 

Ukrainian President Yushchenko, for his 

own political reasons --- posthumously 

awarded him the title Hero of Ukraine. 

The same year the title of the Hero of 

Ukraine, already from a pure heart, 

was posthumously awarded, to 

Nazi henchman Shukhevich.


It is easy to imagine how Kuzma Nikolayevich 

Derevyanko, a military spy, the participant of 

liberation of Ukraine from Nazis and their 

accomplices, would feel about it. And it 

is hard to imagine how he would feel,

seeing the Ukrainian authorities 

demolishing those monuments 

dedicated to his comrades

-in-arms, destroying the 

memory of the victory, 

and destroying people.


 Such a regime now ruling in Kiev should have no right 

to a future – and this is one of the main lessons that 

the history of the Second World War teaches us.


The course of history is inexorable. Today, Russia is

once again, on the guard of the world and confronts

neo-Nazis and terrorists of all stripes. Once again, 

it is saving the world from the brown plague. 

This is our great historic mission 

and destiny.


Boris Gryzlov, Izvestia newspaper


 What do YOU think?
Or do you still truly
believe in the crap
you were taught?



The West’s illusion of solidity 

is fast disappearing

August 26th, 12:35pm



Reading the American and European media lately, 

I catch myself thinking, that they in the West

cannot make up their own minds about 

the conflict in Ukraine


No, they are still unanimous in their assessments: 

Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the 

innocent victim, but when it comes to the 

question of how to proceed and what
 prepare for, that is when serious 

differences and contradictions 

come to light.


On the one hand, the US, Britain and Poland (the most

 militant part of the Western coalition) are still talking

 about a war to the bitter end --- and are categorically

 against any peace talks between Kiev and Moscow,
while continuing to assure the 
Ukrainian leader-
ship -- of their continued 
support and readiness
to continue this 
support as long as necessary.

On the 
other hand, exactly the same people are hinting
with all their might to 
the Kremlin that they would like 

to discuss with it the terms of peace or at least a
but face to face, so to speak,

 in private.


Just yesterday, -- announcing a new, hitherto unheard of

 amount of military aid to Kiev ($2.8 billion, by the way), 

US Under Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs 

Colin Cole said exactly the following: ''I have 

repeatedly made it clear that much of the 

reason for Washington’s commitment to 

Kiev is to actually challenge Putin’s 

victory theory. The winning theory 

of the Russian leadership... is that 

Russia can outlast everyone else.''


''Such aid packages signal that we are not only

providing support to Ukraine now --- but that 

there will be a steady stream of assistance

stretching over many months and years. 

Of course we hope … to send a special 

signal to Putin that he cannot simply 

wait longer than everyone else.'' 


''Hopefully this will be an incentive for Russia
stop fighting and move to negotiations”.


In addition, according to a Pentagon spokesperson, the 

new aid package ''aims to give Ukraine what it needs 

in the medium to long term. It is not about fighting

 today, tomorrow or next week. It is about 

Ukraine’s ability to defend itself, and 

deter aggression a year from now,

 two years from now.''


As we can see, from general discussions about the 

“war of attrition”, which US President, Joe Biden, 

started talking about, representatives of the US 

administration have moved on to the attempt to

 demonstrate their readiness to win this war. 


They, i.e. Anglo-Saxon coalition, are not afraid of the

 protracted character of this war, they say there is

 nothing to be afraid of, and they have enough 

patience, and -- most importantly -- the
 to bring Ukraine to victory.


It sounds good, but it is all an illusion, and artificially

 created. Even in the above quote... by Colin Kohl... it 

actually boils down to making a lasting impression 

on Putin and thereby forcing Russia to negotiate 

and abandon its plans to fully liberate Ukraine.

 Those who are as confident of victory, as our 

former overseas partners are trying to make

 it seem, do not usually offer this, to 

potential losers.


In reality, things are not so rosy. The European allies of

 the United States are increasingly withdrawing, and,

 in fact, the current confrontation, which began as 

a “world war on the evil empire”, is turning into
purely Russian-Anglo-Saxon squabble.


Here is what The Washington Post says about this, 

summarizing - in an editorial - the results of six 

months of hostilities in Ukraine (in abstract):


Ukraine could not have survived so long ''without the 

support of international friends,'' and all the talk of 

an impending counterattack, is in the poor man’s

favour (the AFU has neither the strength nor 

the means to do so);


the current situation could be called ''the end of the

 first phase of the war,'' but the prospects for its 

further development are very dim;


France and Germany (read: all of Europe) are far 

behind the US, Britain and Poland, in arms 

deliveries to Ukraine.


And, perhaps most importantly:


despite the sanctions, Russia has managed to maintain

''relatively normal economic conditions,'' and although

the West still hopes that ''internal divisions may arise

within Putin’s regime,'' for the moment, it is 

''impressive how solid and monolithic the 

Russian government remains.''


By the way, the thesis that the Germans have

 exhausted their possibilities (and there is 

not much desire for it either) of military 

assistance to Ukraine was confirmed 

the other day, by Annalena Berbock, 

head of Germany's Foreign Ministry.


''This is the thin line we have been walking for weeks

and months. We want to support Ukraine militarily 

with everything we have, but unfortunately the 

situation here is that we have an absolute 

shortage of our own supplies. So, the 

military industry has to specifically 

produce materials for Ukraine. And 

Chancellor Scholz has once again 

made it clear that this does not 

only apply to the next few 

months, but also with a 

view to the next few 

years. ''


''We have to be prepared for the fact that the conflict in
Ukraine may continue into next year. That’s why we
need additional rapid deliveries of arms to Kiev in 

the autumn and winter,'' the minister said.


The sadness in the eyes of the Europeans, who are 

very willing to pay lip service but are unable to do 

so in practice, was explained in The National 

Interest, which said that ''the painful 

recession caused by gas shortages 

and booming commodity prices, is 

very similar to what the EU had to

endure --- during the 2020-2021 

pandemic and the 2008-2009 

financial crisis.''


And against this background, ''what matters is not some

absolute measure of economic, or military power, but

the balance: between Russia, Ukraine and Europe, in 

terms of their ability to continue to make sacrifices.''


''Moscow has demonstrated a resilience in this 

regard that few had foreseen,'' the NI experts

 say in amazement.


This is exactly what the US liberal watchdog CNN is

 saying, reporting that war weariness and rising 

living costs are the reasons why Western 

politicians may start pushing Ukraine 

towards compromise with Russia.


''After six months of war in Ukraine, some European

officials have suggested that, amid the economic

downturn, EU agreement on arms supplies to 

Ukraine, could break down,'' a story on the 

channel’s official page said. 


Back in February it was easy to jump on the anti-Putin

 train. Now a dull phase of the war has set in. There 

are fewer daily victories and casualties, fewer 

bright pictures… As time passes, peace talks 

involving Putin may no longer be terrifying 

for the leaders of countries with which 

Russia does not border, and they may 

not think that the only cause of the 

existential crisis is, actually, 

in Moscow.


Moreover, according to Teresa Falcon, director of the 

Centre for Russian, European and Asian Studies -- if

Ukraine continues to cede its territories to Russia 

--- a process that... while slowing markedly... is 

proceeding almost continuously --- then the 

calls for such negotiations will grow louder.


And when people in the West feel that Kiev is losing (so

far their media have managed to create a generally 

acceptable ''all is well, fair marchioness'' picture), 

they will willy-nilly begin to wonder why continue

supplying Ukraine with expensive weapons 

when they urgently need the money 

themselves, during the 

economic crisis.


And now this bleak prospect comes on top of the

 election period in Europe and the US, which will 

almost certainly lead to a change of political 

leadership in most of them.


I remind you that these are not my fantasies, they are 

the conclusions of western experts who are looking 

at the truth. So the West has no unique reserve of

 strength and fantastic patience, which it, in fact, 

frankly admits. And all talk about the war being 

a long one is rather an attempt to make some

 kind of bedding and prepare in advance for 

the inevitable and only true way out of the

 situation: to return to discussing Russia’s 

demands laid down in the ultimatum of 

December 17th, 2021. The West, has 

no other option for “soft surrender”

--- all the rest, is just an illusion.


Alexey Belov, Antifascist News Agency


What do you say - are you in agreement?




The Spectator calls U.S. 

“crazy gerontocracy” 

and a banana republic

August 14th, 11:43am



Chinese leader Xi Jinping sees the United States 

- not only as a declining superpower - but also,
a gerontocracy, completely insane, said 
Freddie Gray, a columnist for the British
magazine, The Spectator, 
noting that
the United States is 
close.. to the
state of a banana 


 A similar opinion was expressed - by the author of an 

article in The American Conservative, Frank DeVito.


Among the signs of the decline of the United States,

 Gray mentioned the unsuccessful, from his point of

 view, visit of 82-year-old Speaker of the US House 

of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, as 

well as another “blunder”, by US leader, Joe 

Biden, who, after a visit to Kentucky, could 

not put on his jacket and dropped glasses.


Against this background, Gray points out, the murder

 rate in the United States - is going through the roof -

and the problem with the supply of baby food for 

babies... has not yet been solved.


“Such problems in the most highly developed capitalist

economy in the world, should not exist, in principle.

However, as Xi noted, in many respects, America 

is - rapidly - running wild,” the author of the 

material writes.


The US, Gray noted, is not a banana republic, but “very 

much like one.” In this context, he cited as an example 

the searches at the residence of former President

 Donald Trump, which could cost him the 

opportunity to participate in the 

next election. 


At the same time, the author recalled that no one broke

into the house of the former Secretary of State, Hillary

Clinton, who violated the rules of correspondence, 

with searches, and the State Department 

investigation... found her innocent.


“So, Monday’s raid, as Trump himself claims, really 

looks like an act of political intimidation, which is

 inherent in the dictatorships of the developing 

world. And also, a desperate attempt to find 

anything - that will prevent Trump from 

running for president in 2024,” 

writes Gray.


With the banana republic of the United States - in 

the context of the searches at Trump’s - lawyer 

Frank DeVito warned the US, in his article
for The American Conservative. 


“Any attempt to prevent the re-election of Donald J. 

Trump, through the tactics chosen by the FBI and

 the Department of Justice - is unconstitutional 

and will further undermine public confidence 

in our federal institutions,” he stressed.


The lawyer added that if anyone wants to prevent

 Trump from becoming president in 2024, then he 

must - “stop desperately attacking him and 

looking for legal loopholes against him.”


“Instead, they should let the American people make

 their choice, who - if they wish - can only reject 

Trump’s candidacy in a pre-election campaign

 or general election. Let’s stop acting like a 

banana republic --- and be worthy of the 

greatness of our Constitution,”

 summarized the author.


What do YOU think... and

shouldn't this article be 

on the Home Page?




Zelensky was told in the West 

what he did not want to hear

August 5th, 1:17pm



After Volodymyr Zelensky addressed students at the

 Australian National University and called on China 

to remain neutral rather than help Russia in its 

fight against Kiev, and The New York Post 

wrote about it, its readers and it, told the 

Ukrainian president, what he and his 

country... do not want to know.


In comments to the piece, Zelensky was called a 

“laughing stock” and a “corrupt NATO puppet”. 

And they suggested he be sent to eastern 

Ukraine to “face a real trial for his


“I hope to see the day when Zelensky is captured, 

stripped naked, shackled and then flogged,” 

wrote one user.


But, on the other hand, to add to this, at the same time

 the US has agreed to and allocated a new aid package 

of 550 million dollars to Ukraine, bringing the total 

to 8.7 billion dollars, since the US President and 

Democrat Joe Biden took office. And Zelensky 

himself ---- and the head of his Office (OPU), 

Andriy Yermak, have once again confirmed
that they have no 
intention of going to any
talks with Russia until they have
fullly defeated 
it on the battlefield.


This is what Ukrainian leaders have, of sorts, been

 seeking since the launch of the special military

 operation (SSO) --- intending to finish the job 

before winter --- through a broad counter-

offensive --- and US Republican Senator 

Lindsey Graham, commenting on yet 

another aid package to Ukraine... 

said: “I like the way we’re going. 

With American weapons and 

money, Ukraine will fight 

Russia, to the last man”.


In other words, despite the alleged difference between

 Republicans and Democrats, both US parties did come

 to a consensus on the Ukrainian issue. US House of

 Representatives member, Elissa Slotkin, recently 

told reporters that deliveries of Army Tactical 

Missile System (ATACMS) missiles --- with a 

range of up to 300 kilometres --- have
approved by both parties.

And the White 
House administration is currently 

preparing a legal justification for such parcels so
that they can 
begin in a month and a half and
Washington will thus 
help Kiev with HIMARS 

multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) to 

more thoroughly - shell troops & civilian
in the LPR, or even to destroy the
 bridge, altogether.


The new aid package includes HIMARS MLRS shells 

and ammunition for 155mm artillery pieces, and,

 according to US Secretary of Defence, Lloyd 

Austin, four more HIMARS -- because they 

have -- “made a big difference on 

the battlefield”.


In other words, Ukrainians have been and will continue 

to be, killed on the FRE fronts for someone else’s

 interests, not Ukraine’s, and there is no force 

to change this state of affairs, apart from
allied forces of Russia & the LDNR. 


Because the current Ukraine already rests on two

 axioms, which, as we know, require no proof and

 are visible to everyone, except, as mentioned 

above, the Ukrainians themselves. More 

precisely, they are beginning to under-

stand --- the deplorable situation in 

which they find themselves, but

 they have no opportunity to

 change anything.


Axiom one: the current Ukrainian ruling elite, born out 

of the 2014 coup d’état on Euromaidan, is no longer

 strictly Ukrainian, and no longer defends the 

national interests of the country and 

its people.


It is a real neo-colonial administration, raised in

 advance, appropriately trained, paid for and 

brought to power... in a pseudo-democratic 

way ( --- through completely unsupervised 

presidential and parliamentary elections), 

recruited from “natives” ------ rather than 

brought in from a metropolitan country. 

This ersatz-elite, from the metropolis –

the U.S. and the EU – is only overseen

and directed in all its steps --- by all 

kinds of advisers and instructors.


In the rest, neocolonizers are pure mercenaries, from 

the locals, who manage everything perfectly well on 

their own, not forgetting their own pockets. And

 expecting to flee with their loot to the West 

after their “service” is over, under 

guarantees of security there. 

For good “service”. 


And, apparently, the West has given such guarantees.

 At least to Zelensky and his closest entourage, who 

don't hesitate to stop at nothing in dismembering

their own country and fear no one --- except 
their handlers.


At the same time, the neo-colonial post-Maidan elite,

 has turned the AFU not into the army of the country 

that stands for its interests, but into a mercenary

 structure, which also performs non Ukrainian 

general tasks and specific tasks. 


Soldiers recruited by the AFU do not want to fight, but

 they are driven to slaughter, because the West, which

 pays, needs a war with Russia - to destroy or at least

 to weaken and deplete the latter. And the Ukrainians
are fighting --- and will continue 
to do so --- because
the Ukrainian generals 
are the same neo-colonial
administration.... only in
shoulder straps.


This was especially evident, in the recent, horrific

 scandal with a HIMARS shelling of the Yelenivka

 detention facility - when 50 Ukrainian prisoners 

of war were killed and more than 70 wounded. 


And General Vadym Skibitsky, one of the leaders of the

 so-called Ukrainian intelligence service, is known to

 have admitted that - all shelling with high-precision

 MLRS is carried out exclusively, under the control, 

under the tip, and on the orders of, US instructor-

advisers. Skibitsky himself admitted that no one

 pulled him by his tongue. Though, maybe in this 

way he was acquitting himself of the possible 

court martial that awaits him, at the end of 

the RSO.


The second axiom is that Zelensky’s neo-colonial 

administration in Ukraine -- is sustained only by 

fear and deceit. Or... on deception and fear --- 

which intertwine & complement each other.

On the one hand, the population 
is “fed” ....only verified
and censored 
information that Ukraine is winning 

in the USO, and will soon hold a victory parade
on Red Square 
in Moscow. Because “the 

whole world is with us”, plus the bi-
partisan and bi-
cameral consensus

in the US --- to help the proud and
Ukrainian warriors. 

Along with ...the latest


On the other hand, the usurpation of power by 

the neocolonial Zelensky administration, is 

accompanied by repression, suppression 

of all discontent and the imposition of 

an atmosphere of fear --- and 

submissive obedience.


The Zelebobites have already crushed any opposition

 at the edges of the political spectrum, and are now

 getting to their Maidan rival allies in ex-President 

Petro Poroshenko’s Eurosolidarity Party (PES) in 

the centre. Porochobots, --- notable, like the 

zealots --- for their extreme Russophobia, 

have traditionally been accused of 

“working for Russia”, which is the 

worst accusation, for which,

 there is no forgiveness.


The media in Ukraine is censored and unified, and free 

speech on the internet and social networks can get 

you benched and imprisoned, if the free-thinking 

and chatty ones are tracked down by the SBU.

 And they will roughly punish them.


And now we are witnessing a new round of spy mania

 in Ukraine which the Zelensky regime and its lackeys 

are planning to combat by snitching and informing on 

“unreliable” people. Olexander Vilkul, the current 

head of Kryvyi Rih, who has “repainted” himself 

as a patrio ---, is already ready to pay money to

 informers for --- “signals about the enemies”. 

If a spy is delivered – 50 thousand hryvnias, 

if an agitator for the Russian world –

Which just shows ---- how 
impoverished Ukraine and
its neo-
colonizers are: immediately after the 2014
Maidan, oligarch, Igor 
Kolomoysky offered
10,00 quid 
for a “Moskal”.


But not the point. Today, Zelensky frankly fears 3

 things: that a) the people in the territories of the 

Donetsk region that are still under the control
 the AFU will stay there and wait for their 

liberation by the AFU forces;  b) they will 

receive Russian passports under a new
decree of Russian President 
Putin, of July the 11th this 
year, on
simplified Russian 
c) they will 
participate in a 

referendum on the fate of
LDPR ---- and finally
 for Russia.


This is exactly what Zelensky is afraid of in the

 liberated territories of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia 

and Kharkiv regions, realizing that referenda

 can take place as early as September 11th, 

2022, on a single day of voting in Russia.


And Putin’s new decree on simplified citizenship, by 

the way, applies to all citizens of Ukraine, which 

makes Zelensky’s soul and heart.... grow cold 

even more – he may lose the cannon fodder 

with which he makes his way to a 

comfortable and secure future

 in the West.


That is why, apart from propaganda, censorship,

repression and spy mania, he also frightens 

people --- with future reprisals for “zrada” 

(betrayal). And that is why he ruthlessly

and massively shells those territories 

that are being liberated by the allied 

forces of the UDF. 


There, for Zelensky, it seems there are no Ukrainian

 citizens left – so bloodily and fiercely the AFU is

 shelling the abandoned areas. And people 

there too. Like in Yelenivka…


by Vladimir Skachko, Ukraina.ru

Is the West really this evil and corrupt?

And its populace --- are they to blame

for passively living under these sick
criminal governments --- 
just as
Germans did... 
under nazism
- and were all 
despised, for
for doing so.


What do YOU think?




Anglo-Saxon strategic goal is 

the economic destruction 

of Europe

July 21st, 11:14am



The EU is eating itself up from the

 inside... with the help of the U.S.


As the runway at Brize Norton air base, is melted by

 unbearable heat and the resulting temperatures are

 terrorising Europeans from the Spanish province of 

Alicante to the French department of Pas-de-Calais, 

few would have thought that in four months time 

the calendar winter will arrive.


 The air-conditioner will have to be switched from 

cool to warm. And if, just in time, the frost starts 

to rage, the price of heating will become 



But the officials who are responsible for maintaining

the “comfort zone” for the population... remember:

 winter will ask where you were in the summer. 


Therefore, Klaus Müller, head of the German Federal 

Network Agency, warns in advance that although 

the underground gas storage facilities are filled 

to 64.44%, it is not enough; Germany will 

hardly survive without Siberian gas.


winter of discontent” is coming


Decision maker Muller is echoed by the US publication 

Føreign Policy. This is the most extreme energy crisis

 that has ever occurred in Europe”, says Alex Manton,

 a gas markets expert at the Rapidan Energy Group. 

– Europe is in real danger of running out of gas at 

the time when it needs it the most – the coldest 

time of the year.


The US market expert cites the lack of alternatives to

 Russian natural gas as one of the factors contributing 

to the crisis. As Manton admits, “Supporting (!) energy

 suppliers such as Norway and North Africa are failing 

to step up” (meaning shortages).


If Russia imposes counter-sanctions and shuts down

 gas pipelines, a recession in Europe would cut GDP 

by nearly 6 percent by the end of 2023, according 

to forecasts by analysts at Swiss bank UBS. 


Forecasters at the Bundesbank foresee a domino 

effect in the absence of Russian energy carriers –

 there will be a systemic breakdown in supply 

chains, which in turn “will amplify the initial 

shock by a factor of two and a half”.


Against this background, Chancellor Scholz

 announces plans to restart 16 inactive coal 

and oil-fired power plants and to extend the

 life of another 11 such air polluters. Greta 

Thunberg is nervously smoking pot…


As a consequence, Europeans are in for a “winter of 

discontent”, according to Manton. Simply because

 electricity rationing for households as well as

 businesses --- cannot be avoided.


It is not clear what the biggest threat is. Closing

 swimming pools is half the trouble, even a 

quarter of the trouble. “The worst-case 

scenario,” notes Manton, “is when 

people face the choice of eating 

out or heating their homes in 



“If the degree of discontent rises, the scale of street

 demonstrations could surpass the recent peasant 

riots by Dutch and French farmers.


The next step could well be an escalation 

of indignation among freezing citizens, 

frustrated by the drop - in their usual 

standard of living and quality of life. 

A social explosion, is all but a 

foregone conclusion.


Oil blackmail as an example
of short-sightedness


The sixth EU sanctions package to be launched 

will also be a risky gambit. An embargo on 

maritime deliveries of Russian oil (in

 force from December 31st) and oil 

products (from February 2023)

 is envisaged.


German Deputy Finance Minister Jörg Kukis resorted

 to Cold War clichés, calling the Druzhba pipeline “an

 instrument of the Soviet empire in Eastern Europe”. 

The German financier is silent on the fact that it was

 Russian natural gas and oil that became the yeast 

of sustainable economic growth in Germany and 

the socialist commonwealth countries: either 

out of ignorance, or out of malice.


It is pertinent to recall that in 2021 about 35% of oil as

 well as 55% of natural gas and about half of all coal

 imports Germany received from Russia. Where will

 the government of the grandson of SS General 

Olaf Scholz be taking the falling out of oil 

imports next year? Perhaps Berlin’s 

reckoning with the Saudis?


Yes, during US President Joe Biden’s visit to the Saudi 

kingdom he was promised that production would rise 

from 10 million bpd to 13 million bpd. However, there 

are two “buts”. First, only by 2027 and second, only 

after an agreement with countries of the OPEC+ 

alliance of oil producers, which, by the way, 

includes Russia.


And the refineries in East Germany (the former GDR)

 have been adapted to the Russian Urals standard. 

If you ask any technologist, readjustment is both

 difficult and costly.


Apropos. In the April-June interval Saudi Arabia has

 doubled (compared to the same period in 2021) its

 purchases of oil from Russia, using it in electricity

 generation and thus freeing up its own raw 

material for export.


Another curious fact is that the Europeans have been

 buying Russian oil in a hurry in anticipation of the

 black gold pipes drying up. Tankers belonging to

 Greek shipowners called at Russian ports 151

 times in May and June, which is 70% more 

than the statistics for May-June 2021. 

And that’s despite the fact that

 freight quadrupled in price 

compared to January.


“Now we hear all sorts of hysterical ideas about

 limiting the volumes of Russian oil, limiting the

price of Russian oil. This is the same thing that 

is happening with gas,” says Vladimir Putin. –

The result will be the same (as with gas) 

– price rises. Oil prices will skyrocket.


Attempts by the US and the European Union to 

impose a uniform ceiling on Russian oil prices 

are akin to a nervous tic.


The target of US sanctions is the German economy


There are no winners in the sanctions war. But the

 biggest loser today is the leading power of the

 European Union. The engine of European 

integration. A high-tech workshop with 

disciplined employees – Germany.


 There are at least two main reasons for the failure 

of the fine-tuned mechanism. The key sectors of 

the economy – steel, automotive, chemicals – 

are highly energy intensive and 

export oriented.


What follows? German industry can’t stand two evils: 

rising energy prices, which are automatically 

included in the cost of finished products, 

and a recession in the rest of the world 

because demand immediately falls.


The German blog platform Deutsche Wirtschafts

 Nachrichten (DWN) comes to a disappointing 

conclusion: the energy crisis “is a crushing 

judgment on the future of the German 



However, negative trends were already evident,

 caused by accumulated problems such as an 

ageing population (average age 47.8 years,

 second only to Japan), slow productivity 

growth, falling real wages, the burden of

 the social security system with a 

shrinking taxpayer share, etc.


Whereas in 2007, according to statistics from the

 British audit and consulting firm Ernst & Young, 

the top 100 companies with the largest 

capitalisation included seven giants in

 the German jurisdiction, today there

 are none there at all.


The German economy, says DWN, is 

losing its former competitiveness.


To weaken and break up the Continentals


In the five months since the EIA began, the 

consequences of the carpet-bombing of 

anti-Russian sanctions, by the US and 

the pro-US leadership of the EU, have 

become clear. It was “united Europe”

that suffered the most damage. It 

was not expected that a “petrol-

cell” country...... with a GDP of 

about 2% of the world's total, 

would actually ensure the

stability .......of the whole 

structure of world trade

and the international 

division of labour.


The words of the apostle of the Westphalian system,

 the defender of the principle of national sovereignty, 

the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, have 

been widely circulated: 


“At first, I thought we had just shot ourselves in 

the foot. At the beginning I thought we had shot 

ourselves in the foot, but now it’s clear that the

 European economy has shot itself in the lungs

 and it’s choking.


It turned out that the countries of the golden billion

 largely built their economic and worldly well-being

 on deliveries of cheap energy, & agricultural raw

 materials and food, rare earth metals, and other 

minerals from Russia. Without an uninterrupted 

supply of these precursors, their model of post-

colonial economy begins to bog down, or skid.


It is the German economy that is now being swept to

the side of the speedway. Was it an accident? Not

likely. At least, this is the opinion of Mikhail 

Delyagin, a member of the State Duma and 

editor-in-chief of the magazine Free 

Thought: “The European Union is 

devoid of political subjectivity. 

It’s a crazy bureaucracy that 

carries out the commands 

of the US of A, the UK, 

and that’s it.


“The European Union, is really destroying Europe very

effectively. A great tragedy has happened in Europe:

national bureaucracies gave responsibility for their 

countries to Brussels, which didn’t accept... their

responsibility, and this “feast of irresponsibility” 

has lasted for more than 20 years. And, of 

course, it ends in disaster.”


One may either agree or disagree with the other
two theses of the famous economist. First: 


“The whole Ukrainian crisis was instigated by the

 Americans from the very beginning - in order to 

destroy Europe. That was the first task, and 

that task is being carried out quite 



The second: 


“England’s strategic objective is the 

economic destruction of Europe.”


Given the centuries-long strategy of Anglo-Saxon

 elites to divide and conquer and to prevent the

 emergence of strong, sovereign and self-

sufficient states in continental Europe, 

Delyagin’s conclusions are convincing.


It is possible that this winter’s energy apocalypse

 could significantly undermine the foundations of

 pan-European solidarity, which are already 

cracked by national egoism. The reason 

could be... the command-and-control 

diktat of the European Commission.


 In the emergency plan they have put in place the

 right to compulsory (!) reductions of natural gas

 consumption in the EU countries if they do not

comply with the instructions to conserve

 energy resources.




The photo of greyish-brown bottom of Italy’s longest

 river Po (652 km) with a catchment area of more 

than 70 000 sq km, dried up like a mummy of 

Egyptian pharaohs, is making the rounds of 

social networks. Following a sparse winter 

of snow, Europe was hit by an abnormal 

heatwave with minimal precipitation. 

The Rhine, Rhône and Ebro are the 

unlucky companions of the Po.


Climatic vagaries are an additional risk factor for 

European energy. That’s because French nuclear

 power plants (many of which are undergoing

 inspections at this time because of cracks

 in their designs or maintenance checks) 

use river water for cooling. And German 

thermal power plants routinely haul 

coal by barge down the Rhine….


“Bloomberg wryly comments on the force majeure

 situation: “So it turns out that the weather is 

playing into Russia’s hands. So when 

assessing what happens next in the 

energy conflict between Europe and 

Russia, watch the skies. And pray 

for rain”.


by Vladimir Mikheev, FGC

What do YOU think... could it be, that

this time --- we in the UK and the US, 

could we be...  the bad guys?




Image: The memorial complex at the site of the concentration camp is specially designed not to remind people of the nationality of the Jasenovac victims.

Nazi scandal in the Balkans 

indirectly linked to special 

operation in Ukraine

July 20th, 10:34am



The memorial complex at the site of the 

concentration camp - is specially 

designed not to remind people

of the nationality of the 

Jasenovac victims.


Between Serbia and Croatia there is a grand scandal

 ...like none seen since the war. Serbian President 

Aleksandar Vucic was denied the opportunity 

to commemorate his grandfather, a victim of 

the uniquely brutal Croatian concentration 

camp Jasenovac. What are Croats trying 

to hide? And what does this have to do 

with the Russian Armed Forces’ 

special operation in Ukraine?


The idiom “fired from the Gestapo for brutality” usually

 describes cases where diligence beyond morality 

cannot be appreciated even by those who look 

past morality. But life always wins in the 

debate over metaphors: there was a 

case in history... when Heinrich 

Himmler, Reichsfuhrer of the

 SS, creator of the Nazi death

 machine and the most vile 

man in Hitler’s circle -- 

chided the Allies for 

not being human 



We are talking about the Ustashas, the Croatian

 nationalists. They were raised by Mussolini’s 

fascists, but their views and methods were 

closer to those of Himmler’s SS. In 1941 

the Ustasci seized power in most of 

what is now Croatia and Bosnia, 

and deployed their own death 

machine --- the Jasenovac 

system of concentration 

camps --- named after
largest of them.


It is not known why Himmler was so impressed that he

 ordered the Ustas to slow down at the meat grinder. 

The well-known history of Jasenovac... is a

 kaleidoscope of horrors that would have

 impressed even the prisoners

 of Auschwitz.


The camp itself was destroyed long ago; in its place 

is a memorial complex with a composition “Stone

 Flower”, symbolising the lasting memory. This

 cursed place remembers many things.


It remembers the championships in the killing of Serbs

 with special Serbian knives, which were made in 

Germany on a special order from the Ustas. It 

remembers its winner, Petar Brzica, who 

received a gold watch and a roast 

suckling pig, for slaughtering 

over a thousand people.


It remembers the commandant, Franciscan monk 

and military chaplain... Miroslav Filipovic, 

nicknamed the “Devil of Jasenovac”
 his cruelty and sadism.


It remembers the unique children’s ward and money

bets between the guards, the essence of which, 

was who would be the first to kill a child

 in a day.


During the Second World War, Jasenovac was one of

 the most gruesome places on the planet. The exact 

number of victims is not known and never will be. 

The universally accepted minimum, is 100,000

 people, more than 80% of whom were Serbs, 

while the rest were Jews, Roma and 

Croatian anti-fascists. 


Serbian historians usually increase 

this number ...by several times.


One should not think that in Himmler the stories
this hell awakened empathy. Rather, the 

Reichsführer’s displeasure, was based 

on two circumstances.


Firstly, the genocide of the Serbs boded well for

 problems of a political nature. Serbia itself, at 

the time also had a collaboration government 

aligned to the Third Reich sitting on German 

bayonets. And Ustasha atrocities, to put it 

mildly -- were not conducive to Serbian 

loyalty and made it difficult to control 

the territory of the Balkans.


Secondly, Himmler was by nature a perfectionist 

and bureaucra --, fixated on “German order”, and

competitions for sadists -- and atrocities for the 

sake of atrocities, were by no means conducive

to discipline. If the creation of Germany’s own

“killing machine” passed under the rubric of 

state secrecy, the Croats were essentially 

proud of theirs...


After the Reichsfuhrer’s scolding... the leader of the

Croatian Nazis, the Führer, Ane Pavelic, shifted the

responsibility for the bloody mess onto father and 

son, Kvaternikov. The patriarch – Slavko – was 

Minister of Defence under the Ustashas, so 

he was also responsible for the situation 

on the front. The heir – Dido – did pass 

as one of the main organisers of 

Jasenovac and was considered

 a fanatical Nazi (even though 

he was a Jew by mother, 

albeit with Croatian 



His grandfather, Josip Frank, had converted from

 Judaism to Catholicism and played a role as an

 ideologue of Serbo-Hungarianism, in Austria-

Hungary, to the point of organizing Serbian 

pogroms at the turn of the 19th and 20th 

centuries. His daughter, Olga, who later 

became Slavko’s wife, & Dido’s mother, 

eventually decided to take her own life.

She is believed to have been unable 

to bear the weight of guilt.. for her 

son’s crimes.


Dido himself escaped responsibility – he moved 

to Argentina and died in a car crash in the early 

1960s. The same can be said of many other 

Ustashas – from Brzica, whose fate is 

unknown, to Pavelic himself.


Like Dido, he fled to Argentina but, following an

 assassination attempt on the part of Serbian

 emigrants, moved to Franco-Spain and died 

in his bed after a Catholic Christmas...
1959. The Führer’s own Himmler, 

Andrij Artukovic, lived until 1988

..almost to the point of Croatian 

independence, but he died in a 

Yugoslav prison. A year before

his death....  he had been 

extradited from the USA 

to Belgrade, but could 

understand very little 

...because of senile 



Despite the Stone Flower, the memory of the

Jasenovac tragedy -- is no better than the 

justice for its victims: during Yugoslavia, 

the communist leadership did a lot to 

ensure that it would be forgotten. 

That is why the monument is so

 – it looks majestic, but is 

stylistically neutral.


Inter-ethnic peace, “brotherhood and unity” under

 Josip Broz Tito, were much more cherished than

 historical authenticity. This was also the case

 in the Soviet Union, on a somewhat smaller 

scale. For example, in Elem Klimov’s film 

Come and See --- which is based on the 

Khatyn tragedy, the Nazi executioners 

speak German rather than their native 

Ukrainian, as in reality. This, too, is a 

consequence of the intervention of 

the Communist Party.


Their regime was rehabilitated... by Croatia’s first

 president, Franjo Tudjman, a former red partisan 

like Tito himself. But after his death, moderate 

forces under Ivo Sanader took over the ruling 

party, and since then there has been some 

backlash: the Ustashers were no longer 

exalted, and the streets named after 

them - were renamed back. It is 

believed, that this was one of 

the conditions.. for Croatia’s

entry into the EU.


Sanader has been in prison for more than a decade, 

accused of corruption and bribery. But the same 

party founded by Tudjman – the Croatian 

Democratic Union – is still in power.

 And the Ustasha regime has again 

become a silent figure in public 

policy -- it is avoided because 

it is unpatriotic to criticise it 

and indecent to justify it.


A completely different policy is now in place in Serbia,

 where Jasenovac, on the contrary, is mentioned very

 often. Monuments are erected, books are written 

and films are made. And the head of state, is 

President Aleksandar Vucic, the grandson 

of one of the Jasenovac victims.


He was supposed to be the first Serb leader (including

 Tito the Croatian) to visit the memorial in person. And

 he was going to do it as a private person – first last

 year... then in spring. The Croats responded in the 

spirit of “come tomorrow”, stalling for time. They 

still did not want to recall the genocide, but they 

also did not want a scandal: Vucic, as it is now 

known, was asked to wait --- and not to report 

the delays to the media.


Now..., the Serbian president has been denied for the

 third time – and information about it, did leak to the

 press, and from the Croatian side to the Croatian 

side. The tone of some publications was openly 

boorish. What is indicative, is the tone of the

Croatian Foreign Minister... Gordan 

Grlich-Radman, too.


He said he perceived Vucic’s idea as provocative 

and did not believe in the sincerity of his desire 

to honour his grandfather’s memory:


“This is not about expressing piety for the victims, 

the visit is more motivated by meeting domestic

 political needs in Serbia … This is not a private 

visit, it is not a trip to the sea.”


The position of the Serbian side is

 amply reflected in other quotes:


“It is the same as if you forbade the president 

of Israel, to visit Auschwitz. This is an anti-

European and anti-civilization decision, 

a gross violation of the freedom of 

movement… This is the biggest 

scandal in relations between 

Serbia and Croatia in recent 

history… Shame on you!” 

--- PM Anna Brnabic.


“Today.....  the fascists are members of the European

Union. They do not like to be reminded of how many

children they killed…  But now, all functionaries 

of the Croatian state.. all holders of service or 

diplomatic passports will have to specifically 

declare and justify their visit --- or travel 

through Serbia --- and will be subject to
 special control regime.” Interior 

Minister, Aleksandar Vulin, said.


“Our relations are at their lowest point in more than

 twenty years. And this is already an assessment 

from the president, personally. Which Croatian 

Prime Minister, Andrej Plenkovic, called 



Relations between Belgrade and Zagreb, are, of

 course, bad, even without discounting the past 

wars. For example, there is a classic arms race

 between the two countries, with Croatia being

 armed by NATO, and Serbia by Russia and,

 partly, by China.


At that, the reluctance of the Croatian authorities to

 brush aside the Jasenovac issue is understandable,
is the desire of the Serbian authorities and
personally, to brush it on the contrary.
But the 
utterly boorish tone of the first
persons of
 the Croatian state...
is surprising.


A possible explanation for this behaviour 

is indirectly linked to the Russian Armed 

Forces’ special operation in Ukraine.


We are now witnessing an attempt to turn Vucic into 

a European pariah, which is being undertaken by the

 very people who previously forced Croats to behave

 decently: the functionaries of the European Union. 


Earlier an ultimatum.. was given to the Serbian

 president to impose sanctions against Russia. 

The ultimatum was rejected by Belgrade. 

Moreover, Vucic tried to convince the

Europeans - that they were dragging 

the continent with their own hands 

- into the hell of World War III.


All in all, the Serbian president, is not happy in the EU.

 And Croats could take that dissatisfaction as a “fass!”

 command, or, at the very least, as a “may” command.


In Europe, in recent years, it has, indeed, become

 possible to do many things that were not thought

 possible before – from getting a pass to go to the

 shops and blockade of the Kaliningrad region to

 freezing assets on ethnic grounds, and support

 for neo-Nazi militias. If so, the mockery of the 

memory of the victims of ethnic cleansing 

from the “wrong side” – should we

 be surprised?


That said, Croatia’s ruling party now needs to distract

 its target electorate – the nationalists – from its own

 helplessness. President Zoran Milanovic, who is in 

opposition to the government, has proposed to

Plenkovic, to block the West’s much needed

NATO expansion to the North -- until the 

Croats of Bosnia... are given the same 

self-government that the Serbs have.


This is precisely the concern of Plenkovic’s nationalist

electorate, which loathes the socialist Milanovic. The

trick is that the President was essentially trolling the 

government he hates -- knowing full well that the PM

did not have the guts to contradict his “honourable 

Western partners”. Nor did he have the courage, 

but he got a wonderful opportunity to remind

supporters of the Ustashas, that it is 

possible to hate, not one’s own 

government, but the Serbs...

in the old fashioned way.


The Serbian future... is the most interesting thing in

the story about the tragic past and the scandalous

present. And, above all, how serious is the EU’s
intention to make Vucic a pariah – and how it 

will affect the geopolitical orientation of 

Belgrade, where the authorities were 

previously sitting on two chairs.


It would not be desirable to have the influence so 

that Belgrade's foreign policy will be decided in

Brussels, and the memory policy – in Zagreb... 

when everything is strict, precise, technical,

and unconditional -- with full dedication -- 

within the framework of “Europe united”.


Himmler would have liked that.


Dmitry Bavyrin, VZGLYAD



What are we to make of a 

''Europe'' -- that fights for

fascists and hegemony

over the world -- in the 

name of democracy...

and really for the US?


What do YOU think?





The U.S. & the Ukrainian issue:

 everywhere there is a wedge

July 20th, 10:06am



According to Swedish media, a 28-year-old lieutenant, 

who had recently left the national air force, was 

killed near Donetsk. According to the source,

 he arrived in the war zone a couple of 

months ago to “share his 

tactical knowledge”.


This news -- despite its local nature -- is on a par 

with other developments in recent days, which

 unequivocally show that the West is at a 

crossroads - and will soon be forced to 

make a fundamental decision on the 

form of its further involvement in 

Ukraine’s fate.


The problem is that, on all fronts, the processes 

are not developing the way they were planned 

and intended on both sides of the Atlantic 

Ocean. And the situation is rapidly 

becoming critical.


Russia’s economy has withstood the brunt of the

 “hellish” sanctions. On the other hand, Europe 

and America have been hurt so badly that
 cannot hide it. And in the autumn
situation threatens to become

quite grim.


The isolation of Moscow... did not work out either.

 Moreover, watching what is happening, the non-

Western world is openly demonstrating its 

disdain for the global hegemon. 


Biden’s trip to the Middle East was an embarrassment,
that no amount of 
buoyant rhetoric.. could cover up. 

Putin, on the other hand, had an excellent flight ---
to Tehran 
yesterday. Mr Lavrov, too, 

demonstrated at the Indonesia
that boycotting our
country at 
the G-20 ----
not an option.


But most importantly, things are not rosy in Ukraine. 

Events on the fronts are still developing slowly, so 

that sofa experts do not tire of breaking their 

spears --- in disputes about whose favour
score ends up being. 


At the same time.. officials are increasingly making 

statements and decisions that reveal the essence 

of what is happening. Zelensky’s beheading of 

the Prosecutor General’s Office and the 

Security Service of Ukraine - with the 

words “unsatisfactory work results”

 and “numerous facts of state 

treason” - speak for 



For the West, it is Ukraine that has become the main

 stake in the fight against Moscow. Failure here is

 simply unacceptable. But things are not going

 well at all.


In Ukraine, the West is at war against Russia, using

 Ukrainian armed formations as its proxy troops. In

 theory this was indeed an ingenious plan. Firstly,

 because there is no risk of a direct clash of the

 nuclear powers. Secondly, because it is much,

 much cheaper... than going to war yourself. 

And thirdly -- this format of confrontation 

presupposed the exhaustion (economic, 

military, social, etc.) of our country,

 while Europe and the US....... 

would bear minimal costs.


However, in five months of Russian special 

operations, it has become clear that the 

West is getting deeper and deeper 

bogged down in Ukraine.


It is forced to spend more and more money on it. 

Yes, against the backdrop of the trillion-dollar 

bubbles inflated by the printing press, the 

billions allocated may not be that 

significant. But the support of 

European and US societies 

for this expenditure is 

steadily decreasing 

in the face of a 





The West is - constantly - being forced to allocate 

armaments instead of grinding out allied troops. 

And it has come to the point --- of increasingly 

modern and expensive Western-made items.


Those are, of course, troublesome, for the Russian 

and republican troops -- but their use is in no way

 capable of turning the tide of military action. In

 addition --- Russia is learning to resist such 

weapons. And Kiev is not to be trusted 

either --- given how some of the 

supplied volumes...... simply 

evaporate, and journalists 

unearth facts of trivial 

theft and sale to the 

outside (including



The publicised death of the Swede, however, has 

once again highlighted the growing problem --
growing casualties among the foreigners 

fighting on Kiev’s side. There is no doubt - 

that among them are many commonplace 

mercenaries who have come to Ukraine 

simply because they want to earn extra 

money or because of their Nazi beliefs. 


But the “retired lieutenant” is a different matter; most

 likely ----- it was a military adviser “in plain clothes”.

in all, the usual story: NATO and almost-NATO

 countries, use the long-standing method of 

formally distancing themselves from the 

conflict while actually helping one side.


The bottom line for the Western countries is extremely 

worrying: money, weapons (of which there is already 

a shortage) and people are lost, and the internal 

situation is deteriorating at home. And there is 

no result. And with every decision taken in 

Washington and European capitals, the 

proxy coverage (even if it does not 

fool anyone) is erased from their 

war against Russia.


This begs the question: how 

should the West proceed?


It has three obvious options: 1) to back down, 

2) putting aside the formalities and engaging

in an open military confrontation with Russia 

in Ukraine, or 3) to continue with the 

current logic.


The first option implies an open surrender of the West

 to Moscow, which looks almost unbelievable at the

 moment; the second option is to bring the planet 

to the brink of a global nuclear war with a high 

chance of falling into it.

And the third option, 
which has already proved ineffective, 

means continuing to build up comprehensive, costly aid 

to Kiev, which cannot turn the tide on the frontlines 

and will only drag the US and Europe.. deeper into 

a conflict that is sure to be a loser for them.


In short, there is a wedge

 in every direction.


It is from this set that the West 

will try to ---- put together the 

phrase “victory over Russia”.


(by Irina Alksnis, RIA)


Well... what do you think?

Are the West's elite
viciously cunning...

or just vicious ---
in which case ---

isn't it an excellent idea to rid
of these lunatics?

Image: Zakharova reacts to compromising photo from French and US embassies July 16th, 1:38pm https://en.news-front.info/ Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, commented on a photograph from a reception at the French Embassy, in the Unite


Zakharova reacts to 

compromising photo

 from French and US 


July 16th, 1:38pm



Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria

Zakharova, commented on a photograph from 

a reception at the French Embassy, in the 

United States, to mark the anniversary

of the taking of the Bastille.


It shows the first transgender woman to become 

a US admiral - Rachel Levin - in the company of 

another transgender woman, the US Assistant 

Secretary of Nuclear Energy, Sam Brinton.


“Answer yourself, honestly, the question:- are these 

the values you are willing to instil in your children?

 Or are we fighting for our own, after all?” the 

diplomat wrote under the photo, in her 

Telegram feed.


Transgender woman, Rachel Levin, was promoted 

to the rank of admiral of officers of the US Public 

Health Service in 2021. The agency is dedicated 

to maintaining the country’s health care system. 

Levin is the first transgender person to receive 

such a high rank.

Me? I'm saying nothing.


What do YOU think?


Ukrainian state has 

no geopolitical value

July 16th, 11:21am



Not every state is worth dying for. To defend a state

 just because it is a state is the destiny of shallow

 minds. A state must possess something more

 significant than just the name “state” in 

order to be worth anything.


The Ukrainian state possesses nothing of the kind. It 

was built on the civilizational and geopolitical fault 

line between East and West, and it cannot be 

enduring by its nature. It is like if someone 

built a house in a zone of high seismic 

activity over a crevice in the ground 

and hoped to live in it happily 

ever after.


And if such a person were to attack anyone who

 advised him to put up his house, and store his 

property elsewhere, he would be considered 

unreasonable. And if in such house a man, 

who is able, as Platon wrote, “to imitate 

neighing of horses, bellowing of bulls, 

murmuring of streams, crashing of 

the sea, thunder and other in a 

similar way”, that is, clown or 

joker, would be appointed as 

a manager, the days of such

a house would be numbered.


In the house called Ukraine, all this unpleasant stuff is

 available. The clown president, “a drunkard with the

 eyes of a dog and the heart of a deer”, often under 

the influence of strong substances, is sending

 thousands of his fellow citizens to their 

certain death. 


Unreasonable people with sticks are national activists

 and the SBU, violently forcing fellow citizens to

 believe, against logic, in the longevity of 

Ukrainian selfhood.


The cleft, over which the house of Ukraine is built, is

the hostile line drawn by the West with the Eurasian

 civilisation. The zone of high seismic activity is
Eastern Europe, turned by the Americans into

 a bridgehead for militaristic pressure 

on Russia.


In ancient Greece there was a prediction --- that a
 would collapse when it was ruled by an iron
copper guardian. By iron and copper men the 

Greeks meant a generation that had deviated 

utterly... from allegiance to the virtues and 

precepts of their ancestors. The positive 

characters opposed to them, were called 

golden & silver guardians by the Greeks.

 Under the golden and silver ones, the 

state flourishes.


A ruler hatched from the iron-copper generation ‘by

 drawing a carpenter and showing him from afar to

 children or people not very clever … may mislead

 them and they will take it for a real carpenter’, 

Socrates warned.


Guarded by iron-copper guards, such a ruler juggles

 before the crowd with fake images and false 

promises, leading them as if on a rope.


“Thus the people  … exchanges their immoderate

 freedom for the most grievous slavery – slavery 

to slaves” (Plato, “The State”). This is what 

happened to the Ukrainians. First they 

collapsed... into the vortex of the

“Euromaidan” licentiousness -- 

and now by law, they cannot 

even leave the country. 


Zelensky is not independent in his decisions, he is just

 a talking doll of Washington, London and Brussels, 

i.e. a political slave who chases other slaves – 

his fellow citizens.


Such states, “like ships sinking into the abyss, will 

perish or have perished or will perish in the future

 because of the uselessness of their steersmen…

 – the greatest ignoramuses of great affairs who, 

not knowing anything about government, think 

that they have mastered this knowledge most 

clearly in every respect,” Plato warns in the 

dialog “The Politician”. Ignorant people do 

everything in their power to attribute the 

terrible consequences of their own 

ruling to external forces.


 Ignorant Zelensky attributes all the

 misfortunes of Ukraine... to Russia.


Initially Ukraine was not created as an independent 

state, so it had stability only within the framework 

of ...more powerful state formations (the Russian 

Empire, the Soviet Union). Figuratively speaking 

Ukraine “hovered” --- between the Eurasian 

Economic Union and the European Union, 

being neither one nor the other. 


In geopolitical terms, Ukraine is also in a perpetual

 state of “between” – it is neither in Eurasia nor in

 Europe, and in relation to both... it occupies a 

peripheral position. The periphery is always 

deprived of the power to make fateful 

decisions. Its fate... is to obey the 

decisions made by others. If the 

West decides to stage a coup 

d’état in Kiev, the coup is 

organised in 2014. 


A decision by Moscow.. to denationalise the 

authorities sentrenched in Kiev..... after the 

coup d’état – denationalisation has begun.


In both situations, Ukraine had no influence on

decision-making. Zelensky’s bogus slogan -- 

“nothing about Ukraine... without Ukraine” 

in reality sounds like this: “About Ukraine 

without Ukraine”. The West clearly 

adheres to this formula when it 

comes to important, not 

populist, decisions.


The Russian philosopher Konstantin Leontiev (1831-

1891) said: “There are Slavs, there are no Slavs”. A 

large part of the Slavic world is under the control 

of the Atlanteans. Besides Russia and Belarus, 

only Serbia resists the pressure of the West. 

Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, 

Croatia, Bulgaria have long been 

subordinated to the Atlantists.


Ukraine performs the function of a destroyer of the

 East Slavic oikumene, in the interests of the West. 

Ukraine is a means to split the Russian-Orthodox

 civilization from within ... which is a practical

 manifestation of the “iron-copper” deviation 

from the historical path, that was 

fore--ordained by the ancestors.


Just as a fish can't live in an unnatural environment

for itself...  the state cannot exist in an unnatural

geopolitical environment. Even if..  Zelensky and

his clique will argue the contrary - as Kravchuk, 

Kuchma and Yushchenko did before them. Life 

punishes, for breaking the laws of geopolitics, 

as inevitably as for breaking the laws 

of physics.


No one would think of declaring the selfhood of a

 single room within a single flat. Such a story 

would be a laughing stock and worthy of the

 attention of psychiatrists. Ukraine is just 

one of the “rooms” of the Eurasian “flat”

 and its declaration of selfhood... is so 

contrary to sound geopolitical logic, 

that the degeneration of Ukrainian 

selfhood into a laughing stock

 is not surprising.


Competing for the title of homeland of borscht,

disfiguring Easter crocks with the colours of 

the Ukrainian flag, desecrating the face of 

the Blessed Virgin Mary with the image of

 a US Javelin in her hands, requests to 

count Stepan Bandera’s father to the 

list of saints for raising such a son 

are clear symptoms... of moral 

ill-health. So why die for such 

a travesty of a state?


The conclusion is simple: the Ukrainian state has 

no geopolitical value. It is a historical accident, 

a geopolitical invalid, unable to survive 

without help.


Ukraine... was economically healthy and politically

stable only when it was in an alliance with Russia. 

At that time no seismic activity, instigated by the 

West, would frighten it, because the earth did 

not expand beneath it, and no geopolitical 

cracks appeared beneath its foundations.


The iron and copper heads do not realise this, and the 

gold and silver ones, after the 2014 coup, have either 

been killed by the nationalists or driven out of the 

country. Ukraine has trapped itself in stupidity, 

creating an atmosphere of intolerance for 

common sense. This is what is causing 

it to decay.


Vladislav Gulevich, One Nation

Phew - quite a tough article
...and YOUR opinion?


Can Russia become a 

global powerhouse
a par with the
and China?

July 11th, 1:22pm



The transition from unipolar to multipolar world 

order, about which, the opponents of US-style

globalization have been talking for so long, is

 acquiring obvious features of irreversibility


Of course, the U.S. is not going anywhere in 

the foreseeable future. Even in the worst 

international developments for the US,

it will remain a centre of power that
has to 
be reckoned with.


It is clear that the “only truly global” empire is failing. 

Last year’s inglorious retreat from Afghanistan was

 not the first, and certainly not the last, evidence 

of that. However, the geopolitical consolidation 

of the West around the U.S. against the back-

drop of the Ukraine crisis shows that the 

US elite, is not going to retreat on all 

fronts -- at all. Washington’s zone of 

global responsibility is shrinking... 

but on the contrary, the influence 

of the United States is growing.. 

in the Euro-Atlantic controlled

territories. Even if only 



Another undisputed contender for global leadership in 

a multipolar world is the People’s Republic of China. 

By 2050, the ruling Communist Party promises to 

turn the Middle Kingdom into a superpower and

 achieve “universal prosperity” for its citizens.


 China’s gross domestic product has exceeded the

 United States in terms of purchasing power parity 

for several years in a row. But Beijing, is also 

aiming to surpass the US -- in nominal GDP. 

It is both an audacious and a deliberate 

strategy. The Chinese are the ones 

who know how to plan.

 Decades ahead.


Russia’s claim to global leadership is not so obvious. 

Yes, we managed to defend national sovereignty

 ..while on the losing side of the unipolar world 

after defeat in the Cold War. Yes, the country 

has demonstrated... a number of successful 

examples of securing its security and long

-term interests, as they say, in the far 

reaches. Yes, Russia is, with varying 

success, but steadily, establishing 

control of the situation along the 

perimeter of its state borders. 


That may be enough to consolidate its status as an 

influential regional power. But does our country 

have enough geopolitical audacity to truly 

compete with the US and China?


American global leadership is bolstered by the $22

 trillion that the United States economy will deliver 

in 2021. China’s catching-up and overtaking

 development rests on $16 trillion of 

nominal GDP generated by the 

Middle Kingdom. 


Russia’s contribution to the global economy is 

$1.65 trillion, less than the gross regional 

product of California or China's province 

of Shenzhen. It seems Washington is 

still rather bewildered by the extent 

to which the Russian geopolitical 

ambitions are disproportionate 

to Russia’s current share of 

the global GDP. 


Moscow, on the other hand, believes that what 

matters is not the size of its economy, but 

how skilfully its competitive advantages 

are exploited.


Russia’s economy has obvious growth potential. In 

the unipolar world, our natural resources primarily

 ensured prosperity of the West which built entire

 industries on relatively cheap and stable hydro-

carbon supplies from Russia. In a favourable

 conjuncture...  raw materials exports to 

Europe were also profitable for Russia, 

but the cream in the process.. was 

still skimmed off in Germany and 

other EU countries.


The conflict with the West.. not only opens up the 

prospect of reorienting oil and gas flows towards 

Asian markets. After all, simply becoming a raw 

materials appendage of the rapidly developing

East... is a dubious pleasure. The freezing of 

export infrastructure on a western direction 

poses an urgent task for the country to 

re-orient its resources towards 

domestic development.


It makes much more sense....  to extract value from

Russian raw materials at each stage of processing 
rather than endlessly exporting them “naked”.


China is ensuring its impressive economic growth in

 spite of the fact that it spends hundreds of billions 

of dollars annually on imports of more than 70% of 

oil and almost 50% of gas. What prevents Russia 

from achieving similar GDP dynamics when the 

entire Mendeleev table is literally under our 

feet, including huge hydrocarbon reserves? 


Apparently, the lack of strategic planning, which in 

the 20th century made the USSR a global leader 

and - in the 21st century - allows China to 

challenge the US economically. Only if 

we have a clear vision of what we 

want our country to be by 2030, 

2040 or 2050... will Russia 

be able to overcome the 

technological lag that 

has accumulated in 

recent decades.


Few can compare to the Russian Federation in terms

 of resource endowment. It's possible and necessary

 to build a much more competitive economy, and

 monetary system on our natural riches. In this 

sense, the decision to sell gas for roubles is a 

step in the right direction. But how realistic 

is it to transfer other export operations to 

settlements in the national currency? 


As the world economy becomes dedollarized, a niche 

will gradually open up for the ruble, but will Russia 

be able to use it competently?


For the Russian national currency to be taken

 seriously in the world, one should first ensure 

its elementary stability. And at the very least 

...to convert into roubles most of the settle-

ments within the Eurasian Union. And 

only after that... should one claim, 

on an equal footing with the yuan, 

to participate fully... in the more 

complex currency mechanisms 

of the BRICS. It is not an easy 

task, but it is quite solvable.


Undoubtedly - Russia has prospects for global

 leadership, and not bad ones at that. After all, 

Russia was and remains at the forefront of the

 struggle for a multipolar world, and therefore,

 may well claim to be one of its main centres 

of power. Meanwhile, excessive geopolitical 

ambitions without a corresponding 

economic basis are too risky. 


Courage, as you know, takes cities. 


But only a strong and diversified economy, which

ensures “universal prosperity”, can keep them. 

That is why it would be premature to say that 

Russia is now capable of competing on an 

equal footing with the US and China. 

However, work in this direction... 

is undoubtedly necessary.


by Alexander Vedrusov, 

Izvestia newspaper



Perhaps those who have read the
articles on this page, will
the answer...  but what
do YOU 




US Pledges... Not to Start 

a Cold War Against China 

at G20 Meeting

July 10th, (teleSUR)


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and U.S. Secretary

of State, Antony Blinken, held "substantive and

constructive" talks on Beijing-Washington 

relations... and major international and 

regional issues of common interest.. 

on the sidelines of the G20 Foreign 

Ministers' Meeting in Bali,


U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken pledged

 during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister 

Wang Yi in Bali... that Washington would not
a cold war or challenge the Chinese 

Communist Party (CCP).


He also noted the need for personal contacts 

between U.S. and Chinese representatives 

in his meeting with Wang Yi on the side-

lines of the G20 Foreign Ministers' 

Meeting in Bali, Indonesia.


"Blinken stated that the U.S. side is not seeking a 

new cold war with China, is not trying to change

 China's state system and will not challenge the 

CCP and its political role," China's Foreign 

Ministry said, in a statement, Saturday.


The Secretary of State at the meeting argued that

 Washington... "is doing everything possible to 

control risk factors in relations between the 

two countries." Blinken also assured that 

the US... "will take an open stance to 

promote cooperation with China," 

the report said. 


Wang emphasized that China has practiced 

mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and

 win-win cooperation as three principles 

in the development of relations 

between the two nations.


 Since the U.S. has pledged not to seek to change 

the Asian country's system, Washington should 

respect the path of socialism with Chinese

 characteristics chosen by the people of

 the Asian country, the foreign 

minister said.


China also submitted four lists to the United States: 

the list of U.S. irregularities to be stopped, the list 

of key individual cases of concern to China, the 

list of China-related bills of great concern to 

China, and the list of eight areas of 

China-U.S. cooperation.


The foreign ministers reached a consensus, to push 

for more results from the China-U.S. joint working 

group consultations on an equal and fair basis. 

They agreed to resume people-to-people 

exchanges and consultations and 

strengthen cooperation on 

climate change and 

public health.


The two sides also put forward the vision of strong

China-U.S. interaction, in the Asia-Pacific region,

...and exchanged in-depth views, on the Ukraine 

issue and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Sneaky US tries, permanently, to weaken
Russia/China unity... but is this really
going to work?

What do YOU think?



How Poland and the Baltics 

are preparing for ''war''

 with Russia

July 4th,10:17am



The authorities in Poland and the Baltic States, 

continuously make belligerent statements 

against Russia, criticizing France and 

Germany, for “capitulating” to any 

compromise with Moscow


But here is the question: are the Baltic States and

Poles themselves, ready for war with Russia? It 

is not a question of politicians, of course, but 

of the common people. And the picture is
least controversial.


Recently, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki 

made a comical statement: “The Kremlin must 

know that if Russia ever intends to invade 

Poland, we have 40 million Poles ready 

to defend their homeland. 


Given that Poland’s population as of 2018 was 38.4

million, it turns out that Morawiecki has enlisted

everyone in the Polish Army without exception

 – including children, women and the elderly.”


There are not so many people who want to join.


But the Poles, by and large, are not ready to run 

away and enlist. This conclusion is contained 

in a document, prepared by the staff of the 

Supreme Chamber of Control of Poland. 


The publication Dziennik Polityczny calls the agency’s

report “alarming data”. Earlier Warsaw announced

plans to build up the army – in particular, the 

head of the Defence Ministry, Mariusz 

Blaszczak.. announced the creation 

of 2 new combined arms divisions, 

which, according to him, will be

deployed “along the Vistula 

River in Central Poland”. 


However, it turned out that manning both 

existing and planned military units...

is not an easy task.


According to calculations of the Polish Ministry of 

Defense, in the future, the country should have a

 250,000-strong professional army and 50,000-

strong territorial militia.


In March 2022, Polish President Andrzej Duda 

signed a new law “On Defense of the 

Fatherland”, according to which, 

the country’s military spending 

will amount to 3% of GDP next

 year and 2.5% of GDP in 2023.


The law also envisages the introduction 

of simplified recruitment mechanisms 

a new system of incentives for 

volunteers, and significant 

purchases of weapons 

and equipment.


However, despite an intensive propaganda campaign

for several years now, urging the population of
retirement age to “become soldiers of

Rzeczpospolita”, the actual number 

of people in uniform, in 2021, 

increased by only 3,486 –

amounting to 113,586 

soldiers by the end 

of last year. 


At the same time, 6,165 people took off the uniform 

–this turned out to be the highest number of

departures from the army in the last ten 

years. The Polish Supreme Control 

Chamber also specified that only 

12.3 thousand reservists, were 

called up for training in 2020.. 

(the low figure was, however,

put down to the coronavirus 



The Polish army is also facing 

a shortage of civilian workers.


For example, in 2020, 45,376 civilians were employed

in various structures of the armed forces – whereas

the limit set by the ministry... was 47,388 positions. 

In addition, the Polish generals were disappointed 

by the results of an inspection carried out at the

aviation academy in the city of Demblin. The 

M-346 training aircraft.. was in a state

of disrepair; consequently, over 40%

of graduates from the academy in 

2019-2020 had never trained on 

this type of aircraft. 


This particular case, is a reflection of general 

problems with sloppiness and irresponsibility

prevalent in the Polish army.


Polish historian Michal Krupa wrote in the American

Conservative, in April, that Warsaw’s bellicose 

policy runs counter to the mindset of 

its citizens.


“According to an opinion poll, conducted in early

March, by sociologists from IPSOS... about 60% 

of Poles responded negatively to the question: 

should Poland and NATO make a military 

intervention in Ukraine? The message 

is clear: Poles do not want to take 

part in someone else’s war,” 

Krupa said.


The Polish state is now luring young people.. to join 

the country’s recently introduced “voluntary basic

 military service”, promising volunteers a salary 

of over 4,500 zlotys (53,400 rubles) a month 

and the chance to obtain a driving licence, 

or any professional licenses. Many young 

Poles, however, consider this level of 

remuneration insufficient.


“How can Russia be trusted?”


The smell of gunpowder has been hot in Lithuania

lately, after official Vilnius announced a partial

blockade of Russia’s Kaliningrad region. 


US TV channel, CNN, reports that Lithuanians

are joining the militia - in large numbers. The

Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union (the equivalent

of Ukraine’s territorial defence – a unit of 

civilians armed with light firearms and 

undergoing regular military training) 

currently has 12,000 members.


“Since the first days of the war in Ukraine, the number

of recruits wishing to join the militia has increased

from 10-12, to more than 100 a month,” the CNN

 correspondent assures. He said.... residents of 

the territories known as the “Suvalki Corridor”

 – the isthmus of Lithuanian territory between 

Belarus and Russia’s Kaliningrad region's
borders – were particularly interested
joining the militia. 


“There are fears that if Ukraine falls, Russia will 

occupy this corridor next, possibly in a matter 

of days, cutting off the Baltic states... from 

other NATO states,” the channel reports.


CNN reports that nearly 30,000 Lithuanian prisoners

allegedly died in Soviet “labour camps” – and now

Lithuanians are ready to fight to prevent such a 

thing from happening again.


TV reporters, in particular, talked to Vytas

 Grudzinskas, a 59-year-old resident of 

Kibartai... who said that there is a 

“Riflemen’s Union” base - near his 

home - training takes place there

both day and night. Grudzinskas 

himself, keeps a machine gun 

in his wardrobe at home. 


“My father was sent to Sakhalin for fifteen years. 

The first year he ate grass to survive. How can

you trust Russia? With our history? Of course

I am scared,” the Lithuanian confides to a 

visiting US journalist.


For its part, Lithuania's Ministry of Defense

reported that, this year, the Union of the 

Riflemen had been allocated additional 

4.8 million euros, i.e., the funding of 

the organization had been tripled, 

in comparison with last year. 


The Union of Riflemen will spend the next three

years, to purchase 4,500 rifles, new uniforms, 

1,500 G-36 automatic rifles with ammunition, 

2,000 helmets, 500 flak jackets, 2,000 

waistcoats and backpacks, 70 

thermal imaging cameras 

and 250 digital radios.


Also planned are the purchase of 60 frame tents with

equipment, 20 electric generators, 16 cross-country

vehicles and eight minibuses. Funding will also go 

up... for the “Riflemen’s Union” camps, which 

prepare young Lithuanians, from childhood,

for the defence agenda.


“Weapons cannot be given to non-patriots”.


Something similar is being observed in neighboring

Latvia as well – in recent months, the number of

people signing up to the local territorial militia

Zemessardze (Defence of the Land) has 

grown. Not only ordinary citizens, but 

also... high-ranking government 

officials are joining the militia. 


For example, recently the Latvian Minister of Justice

Janis Bordans became the militiaman, who in May-

June developed and managed to “push” through

the Seimas, the law on the demolition of 70 

monuments to Soviet soldiers located

on the territory of Latvia. 


Bordans came to Zemessardze to sign up together

with his son and colleagues from the Ministry of

Justice. And they are not alone. On March 7th,

Brigadier General Egil Leschinskis reported 

that Latvians had submitted.... 784 

applications to join Zemessardze, 

in just two weeks.


Leschinskis notes that it is a lot ---- so many

applications haven't been received - before 

and during - the whole year. The general: 

asked those who want to join the militia 

to be patient, because they first have 

to pass a medical examination, get 

a certificate from a psychiatrist 

and a narcologist as well as be 

checked by special services.


Then they have to sign a contract, take the oath and

undergo basic training, which lasts for 21 days.

Egil Leschinskis, reminds, that at the moment

the “Zemessardz” has restrictions regarding 

age – citizens from 18 to 55 years old,
be accepted into the club. 


However, the situation has been improved and the

possibility for older people to be admitted, has 

been planned to be legalized.


Latvian media have been happy to reprint social 

media posts shared by newcomer Zemessargi 

militia members. “Came to Zemessardze. 

People standing in line. Young guys and

bearded men in suits. Even women in 

coats. The joy of the day,” wrote 

Raymond Schiferis, for example.


 And another new zemessarg, Andris Vitols, reflects: 

“I didn’t think the time would come when a regular 

war would start. Under these circumstances, 

everyone must be prepared. The supporters 

of a ‘neutral’ position, actually support the 

war against Ukraine --- initiated by the 

Putin regime”.


However, not everything is so smooth. The other day

Latvian publicist Egil Lycitis examined the situation

with the number of the state army. At first, Lycitis

lamented the absence of compulsory military

conscription at such a “dangerous time for 

the country”, but then concluded that 

this was for the best.


Lycitis counted the number of all potential Latvian
soldiers. According to him, there are about 7,000
professional soldiers... about 8,000 members of 

the Zemessardze militia, and reservists whose 

exact number is difficult to establish – only a 

fifth of them come to the military training 

camp - on summons. 


Such a small number upsets Licitis and he 

wonders what would happen if universal 

conscription, abolished in 2006, is 

reinstated in the country.


He arrives at the disappointing conclusion that, in that

case, those in Latvia who await “Putin’s coming as a

liberation from the heavy boot of nationalism”, will

also have access to weapons. According to Licitis

Latvia is full of “the most loyal followers of
regime” who work in shops and
taxis, live in 
mixed families and
continue to support 
''even''after the start of the 
special operation
in Ukraine. 


“Non-patriots cannot be given weapons, so there

 should be no universal conscription in Latvia,” 

the author concludes.


“Loyal” and “disloyal”


The picture is similar in Estonia. On the one hand,

the local authorities readily tell... of an influx of 

“national patriots” into the ranks of the local 

territorial militia “Defence League”. 


The militia’s leadership says it receives requests from

the population for additional information sessions 

that provide in-depth information on how to join

the militia. At such events, the halls are so 

packed with interested citizens, that 

there are sometimes not enough 

chairs for everyone.


On the other hand, the country’s officials express

concern, that they believe there may be many

“disloyal” residents... who do not see the 

Estonian army as their defenders. 


Some of the nationalists automatically classify 

as “disloyal”, the entire Russian population of

the republic – which is 23% of the population.


As they have been constantly made to feel that they

are 2nd-class citizens here – the gradual liquidation 

of Russian-language education, restrictions on the

use of the Russian language, not allowing 

Russians into the Estonian government – 

they have no reason to consider the 

Estonian state, to be fully theirs.


Nikita Demyanov, VZGLYAD

My humble opinion, for what it's worth,

is that Russians in the Baltic states

could be much better off, moving

to the Russian Federation - 


what do you think?




BRICS is turning into a

collective “Non-West”

by Elena Panina,

June 30th,

(RUSSTRAT Institute)

BRICS expansion has been discussed for a long time. 

It is significant, that the last summit, on June 24th
 the BRICS Plus format, was attended by such

 countries as Algeria, Argentina, Cambodia, 

Egypt, Fiji, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, 

Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Senegal, 

Thailand and Uzbekistan.


At the same time, the fact that the first applications

 for membership were submitted by Argentina and 

Iran, which did not take part in the BRICS Plus

 meeting, does not seem accidental.


Initially, the BRICS group, was created as
 association of the largest developing 

economies in the world. However, in 

the modern world, it is political 

decisions that determine the 

nature of the development 

of economic ties.


 It is quite logical that the first countries with a

 pronounced geopolitical sovereignty and 

having their own geopolitical scores 

with the collective West, are 

preparing to join the 

expanded BRICS.


Iran is already almost 2,500 years old, since the time 

of Cyrus the Great is a powerful historical power, 

and its geopolitical significance cannot be 



Geography itself determines the potential of its

influence on the countries of the Arab world up 

to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the 

Persian Gulf, in the Transcaucasus, Central 

Asia, as well as on the Afpak region 

(Afghanistan and Pakistan).


 Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran’s state

 ideology has been anti-Western. Tehran is 

engaged in an intense struggle with the 

US-British coalition for influence in
and is helping Syria in the
against terrorism.


From an economic point of view, Iran’s potential is 

also great. The Iranian economy.. is in the world’s 

top 20...  in terms of purchasing power parity the

country is third in the world - after Saudi Arabia 

and Venezuela - in terms of proven oil resources 

and has 16% of the world’s proven gas reserves.


Argentina, since the time of General Juan Domingo

 Peron, has also clearly felt its geopolitical role, 

being one of the regional leaders, in Latin 

America. This role is recognized all over 

the world. Argentina, while not one of 

the world’s largest economies, is 

nevertheless, a full member of 

the G20. 


Having survived the failed war with Great Britain 

over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), as well as 

the collapse of liberal reforms --- according to
IMF recipes, the country has an obvious 

quest:-- to find an independent path of 

development. Today... Argentina is in 

a difficult economic situation, it has 

a huge external debt. However, the 

potential of Argentina, as one of 

the global food exporters, has 

significantly increased in 

recent years.


For various reasons... both Iran and Argentina, are

extremely interested in BRICS projects to create 

new international settlement systems that are

an alternative to the global hegemony of the 

dollar. Iran -- which is under sanctions -- life 

itself has forced to go to “de-dollarization”, 

the country practically does not use the 

US currency. 


For Argentina, the transition to a hypothetical new

monetary and financial zone, would mean an 

escape from the stranglehold of the IMF... 

from the pressure of US creditors, which

today, have an extremely destructive 

impact on the national economy.


In any case, against the background of aggressive

 pressure from the United States and its allies on

 potential new BRICS members, the desire of 

Iran and Argentina to join the community

 requires a certain amount of foreign 

policy courage. 


There is reason to assume that the process of their 

joining the BRICS, will be successful, since both

countries do not cause rejection, even in India.. 

which until recently was the main opponent of

expansion. We can confidently predict that in

the near future, the process of adding new 

members to the BRICS will continue, due

to the entry of a number of Asian and 

African countries.


But even now, the BRICS expansion at the expense 

of Iran and Argentina is the final departure of the

 community from the idea of Goldman Sachs 

analyst, Jim O’Neill, who coined this 

abbreviation twenty years ago, 

& who decided to designate 

such a term as “emerging 

economies” -- that are 

“catching up” -- with 

the developed West.


We can say that BRICS is confidently turning into

a “collective Non-West”, from a community of

emerging markets, it is finally transformed

into a community of world powers -- with
pronounced geopolitical sovereignty.


Elena Panina, is Director of 

the RUSSTRAT Institute.


Sounds fair... wonder what's going 

to happen to Wales, in all this....

what do you think?




“Kyiv is playing for time”: 

Russian expert evaluates 

progress of Russia’s 

special operation 

in Ukraine

June 20th, 11:04am



The collective West will not stop pumping Ukraine

with weapons, deliberately delaying the process

in order to 'force' Moscow to stop the offensive 

of the RF Armed Forces, after the completion 

of liberating all the territories of Donbass, 

Sergey Markov, head of the Institute for 

Political Studies, shared this opinion, 

whose interview is published 

by Ukraina.ru.


The expert recalled -- that US senators in charge of the

 armed forces came out with an approving assessment: 

of the fact of an additional allocation of $45 billion for

 defense for the coming year. As the head of the US

 committee, Reed, hopes, the document will help

 ''eliminate'' the catastrophic consequences of 

inflation and will also provide another $800 

million in military assistance to Kyiv.


“There will be new deliveries of weapons – heavy

 artillery -- so that Russia will stop the offensive 

after the capture of the Donetsk and Lugansk

 regions,” the expert said.


According to the political scientist, the West intended

 to supply Kyiv with multiple launch rocket systems, 

as well as howitzers in order to carry out attacks 

on the Crimean bridge, Belgorod and Russia’s 



“I must say, that the current government of Ukraine, is

a terrorist group, and terrorists strike...  not because 

they can or cannot. I am sure that there will be more 

attacks on the centre of the cities of Kursk, 

Belgorod, and Rostov, and there will be

 attempts at terrorist attacks.”


However --- Kyiv’s ambitious hopes to “overcome”
 clearly meaningless. According to the expert 

a large-scale movement -- is now underway in 

Severodonetsk -- the Ukrainian command is 

transferring military forces to the regions 

of Donetsk and Lysychansk... with the 

sole purpose of slowing down the 

Russian advance, he said.


“But our people want most of the Ukrainian troops to

 be ground -- let it be there – Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, 

Avdiivka. Better there than in large cities - Odessa, 

Dnepropetrovsk, or Kharkov. This is a reasonable

 strategy, it is better to take fortifications in 

small towns”, the political scientist 

summed up.


Recall that earlier, Sergei Markov called the fighting in

 Severodonetsk nothing more than “the destruction of

 the Ukrainian army.” The collective West, according

 to him, believes that now about 50% of the entire

 Ukrainian army is located in the city area, so if 

this group is liquidated, a fundamental turning 

point may occur during the special operation 

– the battle for Severodonetsk... may well 

become the finale within the framework 

of the special operation deployed by 

the Kremlin on the territory 

of Ukraine.


The Russian special operation to force Ukraine 

to peace, started on February 24th, by decree 

of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its 

main goals are the denazification and

demilitarization of the criminal Kyiv

regime, which, for eight years, has

subjected the civilian population 

of Donbass to harassment, 

abuse, and genocide,

with impunity.


What do YOU think?

What will Russia do........ if Kiev - on US
instructions - strikes the Crimea bridge
(God forbid!)



Mystical death of three "gravediggers

of the USSR" at oncethe grin of 

history or a sign of rapid changes

by Vladimir Vorsobin

June 20th, 10:31am

(Komsomolskaya Pravda)


Burbulis (Russia), Kravchuk (Ukraine) and 

Shushkevich (Belarus), the signatories of 

the Bialowieza Agreement, passed away 

in just a month and a half.


Even if we are thrice materialists, do we believe 

in coincidences? Don't we look for patterns in

 everything, even before we die?


Telegram channels - are now discussing a mystical

sequence - almost simultaneously, in just a month 

and a half, half of the "funeral team of the USSR", 

three of the six signatories of the Belovezhskaya

Agreement, passed away:-  the former head of 

Belarus, Stanislav Shushkevich (May 3rd), the

former President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk 

(May 10th) and literally last weekend, June 

19th - the author of the famous phrase 

"The Soviet Union as a subject of 

international law and geopolitical 

reality ceases to exist" the
Secretary of State
of Russia, 


The word "gravedigger"is very convenient here. This

 sad profession... does not involve murder and other 

evil. And the participants of "Bialowieza" insisted 

they did not kill the Soviet Union, it was doomed,

it only remained... to witness its death, giving 

freedom (they thought) to 15 new countries.


And here is the fate of fate - it was in 2022, when the

course of History turned sharply, as if trying to

challenge the Bialowieza verdict to the Union, 

that by some strange, incredible coincidence 

these three died. It is those who, it would 

seem, forever put an end to a huge 

country and its new borders.


What does it mean?


If you are a materialist, probably nothing.


Although... Maybe this is a hint that we are again 

(here, "lucky" those who are over 40!) living on

 the scrap of History? The old familiar world, is

 disappearing before our eyes. And obediently, 

in an organized manner - together with their 

architects. It is decaying, collapsing, 

overgrown with graves and ghosts 

of already irrelevant ideas.


Another one arrives. And, as then, in the 90s - 

the same unknown, with new architects and

 "signatories of historical treaties" that will 

again lead Russia and its suburbs... 



By the way, on the day of his death, Burbulis managed

 to give an interview at a conference in Baku, where

 he answered the question: is it possible to restore

 the USSR?: "This is nonsense and utopia.

 It cannot be restored."


And it sounded like a challenge.


We'll see.


WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/

Silly article or omen ---
what do YOU think?



What is coming to replace 

American ‘unipolarity’?

by Vladimir Vinokurov, 

(in 'The Star')

June 13th, 12:34pm


Russia’s military special operation has changed world

 politics and world relations: the transformation of the

 new order, the formation of a new reality, not yet so

 visible, but already evident, due to the movement 

of the “arrow” of those or other interests in world

 politics, suggests the end of US “unipolarity” in

 world politics. What replaces it?


The thesis of a unipolar and multipolar world

 confrontation was first put forward in 2000 

by former Prime Minister, Foreign Minister 

& Director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence 

Service E.M. Primakov. Since then, the out

lines of the global crisis... have become 

increasingly clear: endless sanctions, 

which have resulted in energy 

shortages, food and water 

shortages... inflation...

climate problems, etc. 

due to the fault of the 

West in his countries. 


One of the triggers of this crisis in the West, is 

Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.


Indeed, Russia’s special military operation has

changed the world order, which is no longer

dominated by the West, some experts say. 

Its new structure, in their opinion, has 

already started to take shape.. and to 

take concrete contours. The process 

of shaping the new reality is not yet 

that visible due to some or other 

interests of the world politics 

...but it implies fundamental 

changes in the world order.


Some Western media outlets have already started

to acknowledge that a new commonality is taking

shape on the planet --- one that is in many ways 

superior to the Western one. In particular, CNN 

journalist F. Zakaria states this directly, and 

he believes that the United States will lose

its status as the world hegemon... in the 

near future.


Collapse of Pax Americana


In the light of the emerging situation, the West led by

 the U.S. is convulsively trying to retain control, but it 

is yielding to it with great difficulty. The unipolar 

world of Pax Americana is bursting at the seams

 and, according to many experts in our country 

and abroad, attempts to save it from Russia by 

closer consolidation against Russia are 

nothing but ‘putting out the fire 

with paraffin’.


Discussing the role of the US in the modern world, the

 famous British philosopher and sociologist Z. Bauman

 believes: “No one... can consider himself truly 

irreplaceable. Even the most privileged status

can turn out to be temporary - and suddenly 

change”. The prospect of living and acting 

according to alien standards and patterns 

that lead to a loss of national identity and 

identity... persists.


The US is used to setting the world’s rules of the

 game and changing them depending on the 

situation, seeing its mission as being at the 

top of the governance pyramid. Therefore, 

inequalities in income, consumption and 

living standards are only increasing, and

this is fraught --- with fragile economies, 

aggressive policies, regional instability 

and conflict.


Here it is worth recalling the words of Henry Kissinger,

 one of the outgoing “propaganda ministers of world 

government”, about the vulnerability of an all-

powerful country, about the problems of a 

new order in which America cannot 

dominate the world: 


“It must not compromise its own greatness by

 harbouring illusions about the limits of its 

capabilities. World leadership.. is an 

essential part of America’s power, 

and moral values... but it does not 

include the privilege of pretending 

to be in league with other nations, 

or the unlimited ability to impose 

its will on them by curtailing 

their goodwill.”


However, there is an ongoing and heated debate in

 expert circles on how long the transformation of 

the world order will continue and what will 

happen on the international stage before 

the final establishment of the multipolar 

world. Many observers are inclined to 

believe that this tectonic change 

could result in the world... 

descending into chaos.


If not the USA, then impartiality?


With the United States now failing as the sole pole of

 the world order, the world has entered a period of

 uncertainty and increased risks, especially

 exacerbated after the start of Russian 

special operations in Ukraine.


In his book “Global Confusion: American Foreign Policy

 and the Crisis of the Former Order”, R. Haas, former 

adviser to Barack Obama & president of the Council

 on Foreign Relations, introduced the notion of a 

world without states or a non-polar world. 


“A system of world government must be 

established - and sovereignty abolished. 

Nations must be prepared to surrender 

sovereignty to world structures. This 

is already happening in the trade 

sphere,” he argues. And further: 


“The moment of unipolarity” in  U.S. politics is over. 

International relations in the twenty-first century 

will be determined by a situation of non-polarity. 

Power will be diluted rather than concentrated, 

and nation-states will become less important 

as non-state actors strengthen. But this does 

not threaten the United States in any way. In 

the face of transition, Washington is still 

able to hold the course to a more 

secure world.


In the twenty-first century, the dominant feature of

 international relations will be non-polarity: It will 

not be one, two or even a few states, but dozens 

of actors that can have different effects on the 

state of the world. The new situation is 

fundamentally different from what it 

was in the past and represents a 

fundamental change in the

 balance of power.


But the advent of the era of non-polarity raises 

a number of important questions. How does it 

differ from other forms of world order? How 

and why did it emerge? What are the 

possible consequences of its 

functioning? And how should 

Russia respond to the 

emergence of

 this form?


In contrast to multipolarity, which implies several 

distinct poles or centres of power, a non-polar

 international system is characterized by 

the presence of numerous centres

 ...with considerable power.


A multipolar world order may be based on cooperation, 

even taking the form of a “concert of powers”, when 

several major states work together to create the 

rules of the game ...and develop measures to 

influence those who violate them... (the vivid 

example - the Vienna system of international

 relations). A multipolar world may also be 

more competitive and based on a balance 

of power, or it may pose a risk of conflict

 when that balance is disturbed.


An un-polar world today is not simply the result of the

 rise of other states and organisations or the failures

 and irrational moves of the United States. Impolarity

 is an inevitable consequence of globalisation. It has

 increased the volume, speed and importance of

 cross-border flows – from drugs, email, green-

house gases, industrial goods and people to 

television and radio signals, viruses (virtual 

and real) and weaponry.


Globalisation perpetuates a non-polar disorder and

makes it increasingly pervasive, which will have

mostly negative consequences for most states, 

including Russia. With so many actors wielding

considerable power & trying to exert influence,

it is more difficult to organise collective action 

and make international organisations work. 

Controlling dozens of actors is harder than 

controlling a few. The failure to reach 

agreement on the Trans-Pacific 

Partnership at the time, is a 

clear demonstration of

this truth.


However, even though the advent of an era of non-

polarity is inevitable, the nature of this form is not

 predetermined. To paraphrase the international

 relations theorist H. Bull, we can conclude that 

global politics anywhere in the world is a 

mixture of anarchy and organization. 

Moreover, anarchy is recognized as 

a leading force in the development 

of international relations. 


“Anarchy” is interpreted as the absence of a world

 government, a single supreme authority in the

 interaction of states. The question is what 

is the ratio of these components and 

what is the trend.


Much can and should be done to form the structure of

 a non-polar world. Order will not emerge on its own. 

On the contrary, a non-polar world, if left to its own 

devices, will become more chaotic over time.

Entropy teaches us that systems consisting 

of a large number of actors will, in the 

absence of external intervention, 

tend towards more randomness 

and disorder.


An impolar world order makes diplomacy difficult. It 

is not just that there are more actors in a non-polar 

world. It lacks the predictable fixed structures
and systems of relations that characterise uni-

polar, bipolar & multipolar forms. For example,

 alliances will lose much of their significance
--- if
 only because they require.. predictable
clear projections and commitments,
all of 
which are lacking in a non-polar world. 


Relationships will become more selective and 

situation-driven. It will become more difficult 

to define other countries.. as either allies or
adversaries, cooperating with us on some 

issues.. and opposing us on others. 


Consultations and interest-based coalition building 

will come to the fore, as will diplomacy, which 

encourages engagement wherever possible 

and protects it from the consequences of 

inevitable disagreements.


It is particularly important not to make a mess 

of international terrorism if we do not want 

the era of impartiality to turn into an era of 

modernmedievalism. There are many ways 

to weaken existing terrorist organisations, 

using intelligence, law enforcement, and 

military capabilities. But none of this will 

work unless recruitment and funding for 

these organisations can be reduced. 


Parents, religious leaders and political leaders must 

show that terrorism is unacceptable, by showing 

contempt for those who engage in terrorist 

activities. More importantly -- governments 

should find ways to integrate marginalised 

young people into society, which cannot 

happen in the absence of political and 

economic opportunities.


The era of globalisation the world has experienced for

 the past 40 years is beginning to be replaced by an

 “age of disorder and chaos”, a Deutsche Bank study

 said. According to the forecast of the report’s author

 Jim Reid and his colleagues, the distinctive feature 

of the new time is the strengthening of the Chinese 

economy --- and its predominance over the U.S. 

economy. Analysts suggest that confrontation

 between the countries will occur mainly in the

 economic sphere and at times will resemble 

the relationship between Washington and 

Moscow during the Cold War. 


The report says that the “century of disorder” will be

 characterised by rising inflation, economic inequality, 

increased intergenerational competition and a new 

technological revolution. German economists 

predict that “disorder” will define the new 

era for a decade or longer.


The concept of “controlled chaos”


In US geopolitics, the theory of “promiscuous 

disorder” is closely tied in with the doctrine of 

“controlled chaos”, which is a kind of tool for 

world struggle without rules for geopolitical 

power in the world. The goal is to organize 

a country’s lack of subjectivity & establish 

a world order --- in the interests of the 

organizer (user) of “controlled chaos”.


As for the origins of the chaos theory, its original

 underlying idea was as follows: any evolutionary

 process is expressed by a succession of 

alternating opposite states – order and 

chaos, which are connected by phases 

of transition to chaos (destruction of 

structure) and exit from chaos (self-



The increased scientific interest in the problem of

 chaos appeared under the influence of I. Prigozhin

 and I. Stengers’ “Order out of Chaos. The New

 Dialogue of Man with Nature”, published in 

the West in 1979 (in revised form in 1984).


A key figure in the development of the geopolitical

 doctrine of “controlled chaos” is S. Mann, who 

began his career as an employee of the U.S. 

Embassy in Jamaica, then worked in the 

embassy in Moscow, in the Soviet Union 

Affairs Division & the State Department 

Operations Centre, and, from 1991 to 

1992 was responsible for Russia and 

Eastern European countries... in the

 Office of the Secretary of Defense.


The basic idea of “controlled chaos” .......lies in the

 creation of controlled chaos in national economies 

and the social sphere. This paradoxical concept

 suggests that the economic and social life of 

the countries that are victims of this war is 

transformed into chaos. & the aggressors 

themselves, sitting at the controls of this

 weapon, keep the chaos in the camp of 

the enemy under control, for them, it is 

deliberately created... a special order.


The objectives of “controlled chaos” are:  the

reduction of the population not of interest to

the organizers of the new world order, the

weakening / destruction of nation-states 

with their control transferred to trans-

national corporations, supranational 

bodies, and organizations under the 

control of the initiators of launching

the technology of controlled chaos, 

followed by... blocking the 

subjectivity of develop-

ment of the country.


To solve these problems, various methods are used to

 create chaos in the country, including: promoting 

liberal democracy; improving living standards in 

the population, especially the elites; displacing 

the national ideology and values; supporting 

market reforms. The basis for organization 

of controlled chaos is the restructuring of 

the mass consciousness and worldview 

through the rigorous influence of 

modern means of manipulation 

of the entire spiritual sphere 

of man with the use of 

information and socio-

cultural technologies. 


During this restructuring, the destruction of 

the culture of solidarity, national unity, the 

destruction.. of the ability of large masses 

of the population to resist, to self-organize

and develop. The main tools are the media,

TNCs, private foundations & organisations 

and the intelligence services.


In fact, the doctrine of “controlled chaos” is a new

 form of colonial policy, turning some countries 

into a service appendage of “chosen” states 

or communities. This assumes and then

implements the unequal, predatory 

relations of exchanges of goods 

and the appropriation of the

property of “colonies”.


As a result, the doctrine of “controlled chaos” results

 in organization of “lack of personality” in the country

 or region, which is targeted by the organizers of

 “controlled chaos”.


No matter how long the non-polar world order and

 ‘controlled chaos’ continue... this period will be 

difficult and dangerous. But promoting a higher 

degree of global integration, will help to 

achieve stability.  Creating a central 

grouping of governments, and other 

actors committed to multilateralism 

would be a significant step forward. 


Let’s call it “concerted non-polarity”. This model

 would not end non-polarity, but it would help 

manage it and increase the chances that the 

international system would not degrade 

and disintegrate.


On the eve of global changes


Thus in the 21st century international relations

are undergoing a powerful transformation, that 

is changing the nature, structure and essence 

of the world order. 


The structure of the international system has been

 enriched by new actors that challenge the power 

and influence of traditional states and inter-

governmental organisations. Consequently, 

the essence of international relations has 

undergone significant changes. States... 

which sought to maximise their interests 

on the basis of the principle of 

sovereignty... now seek to 

enter the world-economy 

and world-politics.


In a changing world the United States is losing its

military, political, economic and moral supremacy 

and cannot pursue a unipolar world alone. It is

important for a once-powerful power, today, to

understand not just what it wants to achieve, 

but rather what it can achieve, what an 

increasingly fractured coalition led by 

it could support, and what its rivals, 

Russia and China, can come to 

terms with.


Russia faces an era of turbulence, a complex and 

unstable time that differs significantly from the 

realities of the past century. New criticality 

factors are taking shape in the world. 


Under these conditions, reliable anchors of stability

 for our country have been and will remain the unity

of the multinational people, a powerful Armed 

Forces and a successful national economy 

that must match Russia’s status as a 

great power.


To what extent we all living on this earth will be able 

to solve the task of building a new world, and what 

the price for the elimination of contradictions

 associated in particular with the problem of 

global disorder will be, it is difficult to say 

now, but it is clear that the establishment 

of a new model of international relations 

will be very painful and costly. 


At the same time... the experience so far accumulated, 

to solve the most diverse & no less complex problems

than today... gives hope that eventually the desire to

create a favorable external environment for the 

development of states, the growth of their 

interdependence will outweigh all the 

negative factors and lead to the 

formation of a better model of

 international relations, than

 the previous ones.



Well... very interesting...


what do YOU think?





They see you coming!

(Unified peaceful Mass

Disobedience the
Only Way.)

by a blogger, June 5th.


In view of the carefully-suppressed “domestic

problems” affecting the US, and the rapidly-

emerging risk of loss of dollar primacy 

(which WILL be catastrophic for the 

US), it is at least “interesting” to 

remember back to 2012... and 

the “not so simply explained” 

relatively sudden purchase 

of BILLIONS of rounds of 

ammunition by many US 

Agencies, who are not 

''normally'' associated 

with the need for any 

firepower...  let alone 

significant firepower.


One of MANY examples –






Interesting, too that the majority of these orders were

for hollow-point ammunition – and the use of such

deformable ammunition --- has been banned in 

warfare since the Hague Convention in 1899. 

Guess which Country NEVER ratified this 

Convention’s rulings….


Forward to 2015 – 




Hollowpoint rounds are always antipersonnel rounds,

and were banned owing to the extreme amount of

injury, even lower kinetic energy rounds could 

inflict, since they are designed to impart ALL 

their kinetic energy into the target, rather 

than passing through it.


One shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but one also gets

the feeling that “someone” saw all this coming, and

that “someone” already knows how the situation 

will develop on the domestic front.


Again, I understand training. I really do. I understand

you can go through ammunition fast, but seriously,

does the Social Security Administration, or the

National Marine Fisheries Service need guns, 

let alone ammunition? As of yet there is no

explanation from either agency as to 

why the people working for them 

need any of this.


[Rhondda Records adds: John Lennon was

shot using hollow point bullets - revealing

that his killer was not the ''deranged fan''
of media lore, but a real 

Candidate controlled by a handler
- to make sure John 
would stop
inspiring his generation
 - to
change the world for good.

Read the book 'Who Killed

John Lennon' ..and then
tell me the US 
isn't fascistic.] 


Hollow point bullets for Social

security staff - what do YOU 





What will the $ 40 billion 

allocated by the US for 

Ukraine actually do?

by Valentin Alfimov 

May 28th, 4:43pm





Joe Biden signed a law that will send $ 40 billion in 

military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.  In Kiev, 

they are already rubbing their hands.. before the 

upcoming profit. But not everything is so simple.


 Zelensky and his friends will see no more than 10% 

of this amount, the rest is "not about your honour", 

and no one is going to transfer this money either 

today or tomorrow. 


I carefully read the document signed by the President 

of the United States together with Professor of the

 Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics

 Alexander Domrin. It turned out that the numbers

 in it are very crafty.




This is the seventh aid package that the United States

 has allocated to Ukraine. The first was on February

 25th. That is, the "urgent package" they allocated

 literally the next day after the start of our special

 operation. Support of this kind does not pass 

through Congress so quickly. It is quite 

obvious that they prepared this 

in advance.


After that, there were two packages in March and four 

in April. But this is a different kind of help altogether. 

Not like this.


"What's the difference?"


Everything that was before these 40 billion is designed

 for immediate assistance. Urgent, one-time payments.

 Call it what you want. Currently, the support is

 designed for years. That is, the US' plan that 

this conflict will last for a long time. The
clearly states: that this assistance
designed for several budget years.


So tomorrow a plane with containers will not arrive, 

where stacks of 40 billion rubles with the signature

 "Zelensky"will be packed?


"No, of course not. Approximately 5 billion of these 40

 billion were allocated for the 22nd and 23rd budget

 years, and another 9 billion is planned for the 2026 

budget year. The full amount - $ 40 billion should 

be spent before the 2031 budget year.


Do they expect that Ukraine will 

not be denazified in 10 years?


"They don't calculate, they plan. They want it to be a

 long-term conflict. And the law on the allocation of 

aid to Ukraine speaks eloquently about this.


"I don't care. Even for 10 years,

 this is a large amount.''


There is such a thing as crafty figures. Nothing like

 that, no one allocates 40 billion to Ukraine. This

 money goes to " Ukraine and other countries 

affected by the conflict." This is a quote

 from a law that has already 

been signed.




What will these 40 billion rubles be used for?


The law is very amazing and it clearly describes

who this money is intended for. So:


$3.9 billion - "assistance to the 

US armed forces in Europe."


We will immediately subtract this amount from the

 same 40 billion. Of course, this money will not go

 to any Ukraine, they will not even see it in Kiev.


$19 billion-goes under the article "military 

assistance to Ukraine". What do they 

consist of:


$6 billion – training of the armed forces of Ukraine 

(training of soldiers, purchase of equipment and

 logistics support).


The instructors are American -- the weapons are 

American (which they have in their warehouses),

 and the logistics support is provided by the US

 and NATO forces.


Washington will transfer this amount directly to 

its factories, units and specialists. Zelensky 

won't see them.


$9 billion - replenishment of US weapons reserves


In the previous paragraph, the Pentagon sold weapons

 to Ukraine from its warehouses. It now needs to be

 replenished. What they are going to do with 

9 billion "allocated to Ukraine". In other 

words, these 9 billion dollars simply 

remain in Washington.


$4 billion is given to Ukraine

 for independent purchases.


This is the first tranche that will fall into the hands of

 the Ukrainian authorities. On them, Zelensky will be

 able to buy anything from anyone. Well, his minions

 can warm their hands here.


And the third article "general assistance to

 the Government of Ukraine" - $16 billion.


Literal quotes from the law in the description of this

amount: "global humanitarian aid" & "international 

programs to minimize the global consequences of 

the conflict in Ukraine". Apparently, the US

assumes that there will be some global 

consequences... of the conflict in 

Ukraine, & allocate this money 

for international programs to 

getout of them. What is 

meant, they don't 

specify. But they

 do contain:


$5 billion for global food security


$2 billion - "long-term support for NATO allies" 

and "modernization of the Ministry of Defense".

 That is, the American Pentagon. As you 

understand, this money will not go 

beyond the United States.


$1 billion - to help Ukrainian refugees in Europe.


$364 million - research on the

 military situation in Ukraine.


The American Institute will investigate by itself. So far,

 the author of these studies has not been named, but 

one thing is for sure - the "right" company is 

selected for such contracts. We have 

already seen what corruption 

scandals Joe Biden's family 

was involved in, so, there 

is no doubt that they will 

launch their hand here. 


In addition, it is necessary to take into account

the fact -- that 12% of any contract with the US 

government goes to administrative expenses.


$400 million - "documenting and collecting evidence 

of war crimes and crimes against humanity 

committed by the Government of the 

Russian Federation in Ukraine".


That is, "new Buchi". It is with this money, that the

next provocations will be invented, produced, and

staged, which will then be called "war crimes" 

and "crimes against humanity" --- allegedly 

committed by the Russian government

 in Ukraine.


The same "general assistance to the government" 

of Ukraine includes funds for refugee support, 

diplomatic support and expert advice, and 

so on. Part of the amount is spread 

across other US departments and 

ministries. For example:


The State Department receives $110 million 

to organize and strengthen the security of 

embassies in Ukraine and neighboring 

countries (to be transferred directly).


The Ministry of Finance... receives $52 million to

track & locate the assets of Russian oligarchs. 

That is, the US Treasury Department will 

search for Russian oligarchs in the US. 

Please note that the word 'Ukraine' 

is also missing here.


These are the details that make up the $ 40 billion 

that supposedly goes to Ukraine. They largely 

either stay in the US or go to its allies.




The question remains open, Domrin notes. 


Definitely, Kiev will have to return - with interest - the

$6 billion for "training of the armed forces of Ukraine"

and $4 billion for "independent purchases". Biden is

always vague about the rest. He likes to talk about

Lend-Lease, but he never talks about its terms. 

But believe me, the United States will never 

leave itself at a loss.


Meanwhile, the reputable rating agency Moody's 

downgraded Ukraine's long-term rating to Caa3, 

which means " very low-quality, high-risk 

liabilities." The agency noted that so 

far, due to international support, 

Ukraine is still afloat, but the 

national debt is growing 

very much from this.


WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/


 Any comments? email us here
at rayjoseph2021@aol.com


Putin is a man of reason and great courage: 

an amazing sermon by a British bishop 

British (Welsh!) Left-Leaning Bishop, Richard

Williamson, 82 (!), during a trip to Poland, on 

May 15th, 2022, said very interesting things

about the Ukrainian conflict, Western

leaders, and the Russian President, 

Vladimir Putin.

We invite you to watch his sermon in
by pressing the link below:

amazing sermon by a British (Welsh) bishop (VIDEO)

"Russia was forced to defend itself, and stupid Europe

 follows the orders of the United States. Vladimir Putin

 is a man of reason and great courage..."

v v v v v v Z v v v v v v

Vladimir Putin addressed the 

plenary session of the 1st

 Eurasian Economic Forum

May 26th, 2022 


Also attending the meeting were... Prime Minister of

 Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of Kazakhstan 

Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan 

Sadyr Japarov, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman 

Golovchenko, and Chairman of the Board of the

 Eurasian Economic Commission Mikhail
Myasnikovich. The forum moderator was 

Alexander Shokhin, President of the 

Russian Union of Industrialists and 

Entrepreneurs, member of the 

Presidium of the EAEU 

Business Council.


The purpose of the Eurasian Economic Forum,

 established by a decision of the Supreme 

Eurasian Economic Council and timed to 

coincide with a meeting of the SEEC, is 

to further deepen economic cooperation 

between the EAEU member states.


The EEF 2022 in Bishkek, themed Eurasian Economic

 Integration in the Era of Global Shifts: New 

Investment Opportunities, will focus on 

promising areas for the strategic 

development of integration. 


The participants will discuss ways to deepen

 industrial, energy, transport, financial, and 

digital cooperation.


* * *


Address at the plenary session of 

the 1st Eurasian Economic Forum.


President of Russia Vladimir Putin: I am grateful for

 this opportunity to address you, to speak on the

 issues which you [Alexander Shokhin] have 

raised and which, as you suggested, should 

be addressed in greater detail.


First of all, I would like to thank President of

 Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov and his team for 

organising the event. I can see many people 

in the audience, including businesspeople

 and government officials. I am sure that 

the media will take a keen interest in

 the forum.


This is what I would like to begin with when answering

 your question. The development of Eurasian

 integration has no connection whatsoever 

to current developments or market 

conditions. We established this 

organisation many years ago. 

In fact, we established it at 

the initiative of the First

 President of Kazakhstan 

[Nursultan Nazarbayev].


I remember very well the main conversation we had on

 that issue, on that subject, when he said, “You must 

choose what is more important to you: working 

more actively and more closely with your direct 

neighbours and natural partners, or prioritising,

 for example, admission to the World Trade

 Organisation.” It was in this connection 

that we had to make decisions.


And although we were interested in joining the WTO

 and in developing relations accordingly with our

 Western partners, as you said and as I continue 

to say, we nevertheless regarded as our main 

priority the development of relations with our 

direct and natural neighbours within the 

common economic framework of the 

Soviet Union. This is my first point.


The second. Already at that time, we started

developing ties - I will speak about this later

- within the framework of the Greater 

Eurasian Partnership. Our motivation, 

was not the political situation....   but 

global economic trends, because the 

centre of economic development is 

gradually – we are aware of this, 

and our businesspeople are 

aware of this – is gradually 

moving, continues to move

into the Asia-Pacific Region.


Of course, we understand the tremendous advantages

 of high technology in advanced economies. This is

 obvious. We are not going to shut ourselves off 

from it. There are attempts to oust us from this 

area a little but this is simply unrealistic in the 

modern world. It is impossible. If we do not 

separate ourselves by putting up a wall, 

nobody will be able to isolate such a 

country as Russia.


Speaking not only about Russia, but also about our

partners in the EAEU and the world in general, this

task is completely unfeasible. Moreover... those 

who are trying to fulfil it... harm themselves the 

most. No matter how sustainable, economies 

of countries pursuing this shortsighted policy

are, the current state of the global economy 

shows that our position is right and justified, 

even in terms of macroeconomic indicators.


These advanced economies have not had such

 inflation for the past 40 years; unemployment 

is growing, logistics chains are breaking and 

global crises are growing in such sensitive 

areas as food. This is no joke. It is a 

serious factor affecting the entire 

system of economic and 

political relations.


Meanwhile, these sanctions and bans are aimed at

constraining and weakening the countries that are

pursuing an independent policy, and they are not

limited to Russia or even China. I do not doubt for

a second that there are many countries that want

to and will pursue an independent policy and their

number is growing. No world policeman will be 

able to stop this global process. There will not 

be enough power for this and the desire to do 

so will evaporate due to a host of domestic 

problems in those countries. I hope they 

will eventually realise that this policy 

has no prospects whatsoever.


Violating rules and norms in international finances and

 trade is counterproductive. In simple words, it will

 only lead to problems for those who are doing it. 

Theft of foreign assets has never done any good

 to anyone, primarily those who are engaged in 

these unseemly deeds. As it's transpired now, 

neglect for the political & security interests 

of other countries, leads to chaos and 

economic upheavals with global 



Western countries are sure that any persona non grata

 who has their own point of view and is ready to

 defend it can be deleted from the world 

economy, politics, culture and sports. 

In fact, this is nonsense, and, as I 

said, it is impossible to make

 this happen.


We can see it. Mr Shokhin, as a representative of our 

business, you certainly face problems, especially 

in the field of supply chains and transport, but

 nevertheless, everything can be adjusted, 

everything can be built in a new way. Not 

without losses at a certain stage, but it 

leads to the fact that we really become 

stronger in some ways. In any case, we 

are definitely acquiring new skills and 

are starting to focus our economic, 

financial, and administrative 

resources on breakthrough 



True, not all the import substitution goals were

 achieved in previous years. But it is impossible 

to achieve everything: life is faster than 

administrative decisions, it develops 

faster. But there is no problem. We 

have done everything necessary 

in key areas that ensure 

our sovereignty.


Let us move on. After all, import substitution is not 

a pill for every ill, and we are not going to deal

 exclusively with import substitution. We are 

just going to develop. But we will continue 

to arrange import substitution in those 

areas where we are forced to do so. 

Yes, maybe with some mixed results, 

but definitely we will only become 

stronger thanks to this, especially 

in the field of high technologies.


Look, after the CoCom lists – I have already spoken

 about this many times – after what you said about 

our work, for instance, within the same former G8 

and so on, restrictions still remained. In the most 

sensitive areas, everything was still closed. In 

fact, fundamentally – I want to emphasise this

 – nothing has changed fundamentally.


These issues related to large-block assemblies and so
on, it took so much effort to increase localisation

within the country, in our economy, in the real 

sectors of the economy, in industry. And
then we did not agree on key
issues, in 
many respects.


Actually, import substitution was necessary

to create not just assembly shops, but also

 engineering centres and research centres. 

This is inevitable for any country that 

wants to increase its economic, 

financial and ultimately political 

sovereignty. It is inevitable.


This is why we have been doing it, and not because

 the current state of affairs demands it from us, but

 simply because life itself demanded this, and we 

were active.


And, of course, we will work actively within the

 framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and

 within the CIS in general, we will work with the

 regions of Asia, Latin America and Africa. But I 

assure you, and you can see it yourselves,

 many of our companies from Europe, our 

partners from Europe, have announced 

that they are leaving. You know, some-

times when we look at those who are 

leaving, we ask ourselves: isn’t it a 

good thing that they have left? We 

will take up their niches: our 

business and our production 

– they have matured, and 

they will safely take root 

on the ground... that our 

partners have prepared. 

Nothing will change.


And those who want to bring in some luxury goods,

 they will be able to do so. Well, it will be a little 

more expensive for them, but these are people 

who are already driving Mercedes S 600, and 

will continue to do so. I assure you, they will 

bring them from anywhere, from any country. 

That is not what is important for us. What is 

important for the country, for its development

 – I have already said this and I will repeat it – 

are the engineering centres and research 

centres that are the basis of our own 

development. This is what we must 

think about and what we must work 

on both within the EAEU and in a 

broad sense with our partners – 

those who want to cooperate 

with us.


We have a very good base that we inherited from the

 old days, we only need to support it and to invest

 resources there. As for those areas, in which we

 did not invest appropriate resources before, 

including, say, administrative resources, 

relying on the fact that everything can 

be bought by selling oil and gas, life 

itself has now forced us to 

invest there.


And thank God that this has happened. I do not see

 any problem here with the fact that we have not

 completed something in the field of import

 substitution. We will not do it just because 

the current economic situation forces us 

to do so, but only because it is in the 

interests of our country.


The Eurasian Economic Union has developed a

 roadmap for industrialisation, with over 180 

projects --- with a total investment of over 

$300 billion. A programme for agricultural 

development has been prepared,

 including more than 170 projects 

worth $16 billion.


Russia has something to offer here, and

 businesspeople are well aware of this. 

We have grown to be highly competitive 

at the global level, in the global markets. 

Russia remains – if we speak about 

agriculture – the largest exporter of 

wheat, number one in the world. 

Until recently, we were buying it 

– now we are selling it, number 

one in the world. True, countries 

such as the United States or 

China produce even more --- 

but they also consume more. 

But Russia has become no.1 

in international trade.


Our high-tech industries are growing successfully, too.

 And we would like to continue growing together with

 our EAEU partners. We can and should restore our 

collaborative competencies.


I have discussed this with my colleagues, with the

 President of Kazakhstan and the Prime Minister of

 Armenia – not because some of Russia’s IT 

workers have moved to Armenia, not at all. 

They are free to relocate and work anywhere, 

and God bless them. But again, it is a certain

 challenge for us: it means we must create

 better conditions.


We have opportunities to work with the Republic of

Belarus in a number of areas of cooperation... and 

we will definitely do this, because the Republic of

Belarus has retained certain expertise that's very

important for us, including in microelectronics. 

President Lukashenko and I just met in Sochi 

and talked about it, and even agreed to set 

aside funding for those projects in Belarus.

The products that these enterprises, these 

industries will make, will enjoy demand in 

Russia. This is a very interesting and 

promising area.


The EAEU countries have laid the foundation for 

a common digital landscape, including a unified

 products traceability system. Various platform

 solutions are being developed, for example, 

the Work without Borders search system. 

The project is very important for all our 

countries. Despite all the crises and 

challenges caused by the current 

political situation, labour migrants 

continue to send almost as much 

money home from Russia as 

before. Moreover, some 

countries are receiving 

even more money now, 

as my colleagues from

the CIS, have told me.


The practice of payments in national currencies is

 expanding, which is very important. Notably, their

 share in the mutual trade of the Union’s countries 

has already reached 75 percent. We will continue 

to work on interlinking our national payment 

systems and bank cards.


We believe it is important to expedite the dialogue 

on internal international financial and payment

 mechanisms, such as transitioning from SWIFT 

to direct correspondent contacts between the 

banks of the friendly countries, including 

through the Russian Central Bank’s 

financial messaging system. We 

also propose strengthening the

cooperation with key lending 

and financial centres in the 

Asia-Pacific Region.


New topics related to Eurasian integration include

 developing cooperation in green technology, 

environmental protection and energy saving. 

We expect to receive support and proactive

 suggestions from the business community.




In the current international conditions when,

 unfortunately, traditional trade and economic 

links and supply chains are being disrupted,

 Russia’s initiative to form a Greater Eurasian

 Partnership– an initiative we have been 

discussing for many years – is gaining a

 special meaning.


We are thankful to the leaders of the EAEU countries

 for supporting this proposal from the very beginning.

 BRICS members such as China and India as well as

 several other countries also supported creating a

 Greater Eurasian Partnership. The Shanghai

 Cooperation Organisation, ASEAN and other

 organisations have shown interest in 

this initiative.


Here, I would like to mention several specific ideas

 pertaining to the comprehensive development of 

the Greater Eurasian Partnership.


First, it is reasonable to develop shared institutions for

 specific growth points, including creating a Eurasian

 export centre and trade houses, expediting the

 establishment of a Eurasian reinsurance 

company, examining the issue of 

developing special trans-border 

economic zones, probably even 

with supranational authority.


The second point. It is important to step up the EAEU’s

cooperation with foreign partners and inform them

about the benefits & advantages of working with

the EAEU.. and of our key projects and plans. My 

colleagues know that interest in our association 

is growing. In this context...  the EAEU Business 

Council could play a significant role. It's already

successfully developing ties beyond our union. 

Its business dialogue system may become an 

example for a potential business cooperation 

platform in Greater Eurasia.


That said, as I have already noted, it would be

 desirable to support the freedom of business

 initiative, the creative activity of business, of 

our investors. I suggest creating additional,

 better incentives for this purpose and 

investing more in Eurasian projects. 

Naturally, companies representing 

national businesses of the EAEU 

countries must receive 

priority support.


My third point. It is time to draft a comprehensive

 strategy for developing large-scale Eurasian

 partnership. It must reflect the key inter-

national challenges facing us, determine 

future goals and contain instruments and 

mechanisms for achieving them. We must 

consider further steps in developing our 

system of trade and investment agree-

ments, in part, with the participation 

of the SCO, ASEAN and BRICS 

member countries.


In fact, we may draft new agreements that will 

develop and supplement WTO rules. In this 

context, it is important... to pay attention 

not only to tariffs but also to the removal

 of non-tariff barriers. This may produce

 considerable results without subjecting

 our national economies to risks.


In conclusion, I would like to say the following. It

 would be no exaggeration to say that Greater 

Eurasia is a big civilisational project. The main 

idea is to create a common space for equitable

 cooperation for regional organisations. The 

Greater Eurasian Partnership is designed 

to change the political and economic 

architecture and guarantee stability 

& prosperity on the entire continent 

– naturally, taking account of the 

diverse development models, 

cultures and traditions of all 

nations. I am confident, and 

this is obvious anyway, that 

this centre would attract a 

big audience.


I would like to wish success and productive

 cooperation to all participants of the 

Eurasian Economic Forum.


Thank you for your attention. 


Thank you.

What do YOU think...?

Is Putin really... a knuckle-headed egotist
- as the West's media tries to paint him?


Ukraine’s Nazi Connection, 

And The British National 


by Brett Redmayne-Titley

May 22nd (SouthFront)


The UK government is funding a Nazi regime 

in Ukraine... rather than prioritizing its 

domestic national interests.


Britain’s parliamentary warlords have to date gladly

 provided £2.1 Billion --- to fund the Ukrainian war 

effort --- rather than budgeting to fix the UK’s 

gutted NHS, declining educational system, 

historic poverty - or ever-increasing home-

less population. With the deplorable state 

of the UK in mind, why does the British 

public continue to ignore this national 

decline, in favour of Ukraine’s factual 

allegiance to neo-Nazism?


Answer: the lies of the British media.


It is high time to factually challenge the UK media

 cover-up of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi connection, by

 exposing the inconvenient truths regarding 

its allegiance to Nazi-inspired Ukrainian 

leader Stepon Bandera, the Ukrainian 

Right Sector, and the Azov Battalion 

whose swastikas are steeped in the 

blood from the slaughter of 14,000 

eastern Ukrainians.


The origin of the war in Ukraine and its propagation of

 neo-Nazism can be traced back to the 2014 Ukrainian

 “Orange Revolution” that saw the US help overthrow

 a legitimately elected president Viktor Yanukovych,

 and create the terror of Maidan Square. 


Months before, Assistant US Secretary of State

 Victoria Nuland, had publicly stated that the 

US had spent US$5 Billion, to support US-
tyle democracy in Ukraine. When that 

“democracy” spiralled into predictable 

national violence, much to the dismay 

of European leaders, Nuland famously 

stated, “F***k the EU.” A three-word 

synopsis for US democratic 

diplomacy, then and now.


Regionally and culturally Ukraine is divided East to

West, on either side of the Dnieper River with the

capital, Kyiv at the north end. Eastern Ukraine, 

is primarily culturally Russian and has been for

 centuries. The 1939 Molotov/ Ribbentrop Pact 

divided Ukraine along new borders and today 

west Ukraine... is far more aligned culturally 

and politically with western Europe and the 

US. For these reasons, western Ukraine has 

great animosity towards the East, hence the 

2014 election.... was very close and violent.


Yanukovych was from the Donbas of far eastern

 Ukraine and until the 2014 election, the people 

of the city regions of Luhansk (LPR), Donetsk 

(DPR), and the Donbas had little to fear from

 the Ukrainian government. 


These regions are the important industrial,

 manufacturing and mining centres of 

Ukraine while the western half is far 

more agrarian. Regardless, east and 

west lived in relative harmony
1939... until 2014. 


On February 20th that year pro-democracy snipers

 murdered - in cold blood - forty-nine innocent 

Ukrainians and four policemen in one night, 

during US-backed post-election protests 

against Yanukovych, at Maidan Square. 


The murders -- falsely blamed on Russia -- had the

 intended effect of sending Ukraine into a tailspin 

of East vs. West anti-Russian ultra-violence. 


Yanukovych abandoned the presidency and went
Russia and the parliament installed Arseniy

 Yatsenyuk as temporary president, until 

new elections brought to power Petro 

Poroshenko, who was aligned with 

US interests and did nothing to 

restrict the growing influence 

of the neo-Nazi Right Sector, 

or Azov Battalion.


Thus began the Ukraine war.


Before 2014 the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) had

 been rife with anti-Russian/ Jewish sentiment for 

decades, but was held in check by Yanukovych, 

and other Russian aligned leaders. During WW2 

Ukrainian Nazi collaborator, Stepon Bandera,

 achieved almost hero status in western 

Ukraine, for his genocide of Ukrainian 

Russians and Jews and statues were 

erected in his honour after he was 

assassinated in 1959. 


Bandera was unabashedly a neo-Nazi and created 

his legion of the like-minded. However, his death 

only galvanized his underground supporters, 

many of whom remained within, not only

 the Ukrainian Army, but the political 

structure itself.


This is evidenced by a Ukrainian politician, Andriy

 Parubiy. He has served as Deputy Speaker, and

 Speaker of the Ukrainian parliament from 2014 

to 2019, and Secretary of National Security and

 the Defence Council of Ukraine. Andriy Parubiy 

is a Nazi. He has proudly proclaimed this many 

times --- before his parliament, before the 

Ukrainian military --- and the public,

on TV.


When Poroshenko was elected, Washington used this

 opportunity to open the flood gates into Ukraine for

 US weaponry and military training, in preparation 

for its eventual de facto assault on the East and

 Russian influence there. As such, Ukraine,

 incrementally, became the largest
in Europe.


 It was also at this time that the previously 

suppressed “Banderists” dominated the 

AFU and Ukrainian politics, much to
pleasure of the US and NATO.


The Right Sector is admittedly disciples of Stepon

 Bandera and exerts neo-Nazi influence, as they 

act as a political watchdog propagating their

 philosophy across Ukraine. The AFU is not

 exclusively Banderist --- but the massive 

Azov battalion stationed in the east, is, 

predominately so. Like Bandera, they 

hate Ukrainian Russians and Jews. 


The United Nations Human Rights Commission, 

reported that the Azovs have killed over 14,000

 eastern Ukrainians, since 2014, as the East 

begged Russia for military assistance to 

help their regional militias fight back.


To stop this slaughter, in 2014, Russia brokered a 

truce called the Minsk Protocols which the AFU 

ignored. This was followed in 2015, by Minsk II 

which also had no practical effect on the AFU 

genocide. For 7 years, this terror continued, 

unchecked, as Washington salivated in 

the wings, for more dead Russians.


In 2019 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a comedian and actor 

famous for his role in the TV series, Servant of the

 People, defeated Poroshenko in a landslide by

 promising peace, by honouring the Minsk 

accords and controlling corruption and 

the rising violence of the Right Sector.  


But it took mere months for the Ukrainians to 

become the brunt of this comedian’s dark 

joke, that saw him become, not a leader 

for peace, but a US and Banderist 



With the collapse of the Soviet Union, and its

 divestiture of its many satellite countries in 

1990, NATO had promised not to expand to

 these countries. However, almost without 

exception NATO expanded and began to 

ring Russia with US weapons and NATO 

influence. With Ukraine being the 

launching point... for past wars 

against Russia... the Kremlin 

had made it clear to the US 

that Ukraine joining NATO 

was a red line.


For the UK media to suggest that Russia wasn't

incrementally provoked into defending both 

eastern Ukraine, and its own national 

interests --- is to turn the truth on its 

head. With Spring, being historically

the best time to begin a war, during 

February... Zelensky ordered the 

Azov Battalion, and the AFU, to 

begin amassing 100,000 troops 

& munitions towards the east, 

in preparation for a massive 

attack, designed to take 

back the autonomous 

eastern regions.


The DPR, LPR and Donbas militias again begged

 Russia for intervention, but Putin still refused. 

Instead, the Russians tried diplomacy and 

repeatedly contacted Washington and 

Kyiv --- in an effort not to militarily 

intervene. The demands, were 

simple and rational: Abide by 

Minsk I & II; don't attack the 

East; de-Nazify the AFU 

and don't join NATO.


The US and Kyiv did not so much as respond. In an

 effort to get a negotiated response, and with the 

AFU continuing to amass forces eastward, 

Russia began to prepare its army on the 

Russian/ Ukraine border. Instead of 

negotiating with Russia for peace, 

Ukraine and the western media 

falsely screamed “Russian 



Then on the last week of February Zelensky did the

 unthinkable. He informed the US that he was now

 willing to allow US nuclear weapons into Ukraine.


The next day, February 24th, the Russian army

 crossed into eastern Ukraine.  Thus began the

 Russian / Ukrainian war and the incredible

 barbarity of the AFU.


For the western media to cover up the neo-Nazi

 connection in Ukraine, is the biggest lie of this 

war. I have recently returned from two months 

of reporting in and around Ukraine. Certainly, 

both sides are guilty of atrocity, but I have 

seen a different kind of barbarity by the 

AFU, that is beyond the pale of war, 

because the AFU and the Avovs... 

consider and treat all Ukrainian 

Russians, Jews, and even 

peace advocates,

 as vermin. 


They have given up all morality. I can bear witness to

the killings of the innocent, the torture and killings 

of prisoners, the firing on civilian targets, the 

mining of the humanitarian corridors, to 

prevent escape, and the execution of 

anyone who suggests peace, much 

less negotiation, and I have seen 

the Swastikas and pro-Nazi 

tattoos - scrawled on the 

hands, arms, necks, and 

chests of AFU killers.


Many facts are being covered up such as the network

of US bio-weapons labs discovered across Ukraine

and that the Ukrainian army is not winning this war

--- it is being decimated. The Air Force, Navy, fuel
refineries supply and railway lines destroyed. 


50,000 men dead, with so many surrendering, that the

 Russians are building larger POW camps. All men 16
-60, being - by law - conscripted as replacements. 


NATO munitions supplies destroyed, as soon as they

 cross the polish border, and command and control

 communications centres, are in ruins.


This day Boris Johnson’s favourite democratic

 champion, President Zelensky signed a new 

law -- banning all opposition parties from 

existence, after already arresting five 

generals and the main opposition 

leader, Viktor Medvedchuk as 

“anti-heroes” ...for the 

treasonous crime of 

suggesting peace.


Thus factually challenged here, the neo-Nazi 

connection properly exposed and the big lie 

of this war properly exposed, is it not  time 

for an increasingly impoverished Britain
now demand of Mr Johnson, their 

parliament, and the British media, 

the most fundamental, important 

and intelligent of age-old 



What… The… F**k?!


The End


About the Author: Brett Redmayne-Titley has spent 

the last decade, travelling and documenting the 

“Sorrows of Empire.” An archive of his many 

articles are found at watchingromeburn.uk. 

He can be contacted at 

live-on-scene ((@))gmx.com


Is this article denigrating

your Prime Minister, who

is just trying to be a fair

honest, kindly man?


What do YOU think?



Update on Ukraine

by Maria Zakharova

May 20th, 2022

(source the Saker)  


The special military operation continues in Ukraine. 

As Russian leaders have said more than once, it is 

going according to plan, and new territories are 

being freed from the Nazis every day.


The Ukrainian military personnel and militants in Azov

 nationalist units that entrenched themselves in the

 underground bunkers of the Azovstal Plant, began 

to surrender in Mariupol this week. According to 

the Russian Defence Ministry, 959 Ukrainian

 nationalists, including 51 with severe 

wounds, have laid down their arms 

over two days. 


They receive medical aid at the Novoazovsk hospital

in the DPR, and the rest were sent to a pretrial

detention centre in Yelenovka in the suburbs 

of Donetsk. Indicatively, on May 17th, this 

centre was shelled by the Armed Forces 

of Ukraine with multiple launch rocket 

systems (MLRSs). The Kiev regime.. 

has always treated its citizens like 

this, & this case was no exception.


Russian leaders had repeatedly stated that resistance

was senseless and announced the opening of

humanitarian corridors for militants and 

Ukrainian military personnel to leave 

the Azovstal Plant after laying down 

their arms. They were urged to stop 

the hostilities. In the meantime, the 

Kiev regime was doing all it could 

to prevent civilians, military 

personnel and militants 

from leaving the plant. 

Why? They were 


the public.


It was Russia that urged the UN to look into this

situation and persuade the Kiev regime to let 

people walk out. Later, Russia organised 

humanitarian corridors in cooperation 

with the UN and the International 

Committee of the Red Cross. I 

would like to emphasise that 

the initiative on announcing 

& opening these corridors 
was ours.


The wounded troops are provided with professional

 medical help. This fact is being turned upside 

down and misrepresented in the Ukrainian 

and international media. Remember the 

footage showing how the militants and 

the Armed Forces of Ukraine treat 

POWs in Ukraine?  Everyone saw 

it.  It horrified many, and others

pretended not to have seen it. 


Russian POWs were shot to death by militants 

from the nationalist units that became part 

of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Russia has adopted a different approach. You see 

footage showing professional help being provided

to the wounded [Ukrainian troops]. It is not being 

provided “for show.” It is being provided to real 

individuals, regardless of their background.
Humanitarian law is not just something 

we abide by; it is... of fundamental 

importance for us. No one should 

have any doubt about this.


According to Ukrainian POWs, the military leadership

 of Ukraine forbids the troops to retreat or surrender. 

Their key goal, is to destroy as much civilian

 infrastructure as possible in order to leave 

behind uninhabitable ruins and make it 

hard to restore peaceful life. This is 

not our messaging, but the 

testimony received from 

the Ukrainian side over

 the past weeks.


The nationalists, who have long been using the tactics

of ISIS terrorists, don't hesitate to use kindergartens,

schools, and hospitals, as ammunition depots and

strongholds. They are not hiding this. They take

pictures inside preschools or with preschool 

buildings in the background, to show how 

they fight there. The civilians... are not 

allowed to evacuate. They are forcing 

people to leave their apartments, so 

that they can set up firing positions 

there. They are driving people to 

basements that are used by 

militants or as weapons 



The other day, Ukrainian nationalists began to bring in

ammunition and deployed air defence systems on the

grounds of the Odessa film studio. The territorial

defence force militants go door-to-door in order 

to identify residents - who do not accept the 

nationalist way of thinking. They are taken 

away to unknown locations and there’s no 

information about the fate of many of them.


Earlier, the Zaporozhye administration banned the 

evacuation of civilians, under the pretext of 

security. All attempts by the citizens to 

leave the city in private vehicles and 

on foot are stopped by the territorial 

defence militants at checkpoints. 

Those who resist are subjected 

to physical violence. Their 

vehicles are seized and 

they are sent back 

on foot.


On May 16th, Ukrainian nationalists used the Smerch

 MLRS to attack Kherson’s residential areas. There 

are no Russian troops in Kherson, which the 

Ukrainian side is well aware of. This means 

they specifically targeted civilians in 

retaliation for supporting Russia’s 

actions. This is yet another war 

crime committed by the Kiev 

regime. Fortunately, all 10 

missiles have been inter-

cepted by Russian air 

defence systems.


Unfortunately, we do not see the international

 organisations, Western countries, or their 

media, respond to the criminal methods 

used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

To be sure, it’s because there is no 

response. Moreover, the Western 

countries continue massive arms 

supplies to the Kiev regime. We 

consider this as direct support 

for neo-Nazis - and an effort to 

make the fighting last as long 

as possible. We cannot ignore 

the fact that Western weapons 

are used to kill Russian troops 

and shell Russian territory.


Arms deliveries are running into the billions of dollars

 which is comparable to the military budgets of large 

states. The United States, Great Britain, France,
Canada, Poland and the Baltic countries, are 

doing the most... to arm Kiev. 


Washington alone sent $3.8 billion worth of military 

equipment to the Kiev regime which is close to the

 military budgets of Austria, Portugal and Finland. 

The US Congress is considering a proposal to 

provide another $40 billion in “aid”, including 

about $25 billion worth of military equipment. 


This is half the military budget of Germany and France.
I would like to draw the attention of 
the US public,
not so much to the size, 
which is comparable
with the military 
budgets of other countries,
as to the 
needs of the American people. 


They can put these funds to good use. If this money

were sent as subsidies, aid, or sponsorship related 

in some way. to humanitarian aid, one would

understand it. But money is being sent 

to the Kiev regime for it to kill and to 

continue this phase of the crisis.


More and more weapons abandoned by the Armed

Forces of Ukraine.. are becoming the spoils of war 

for the People’s Militia of the Donetsk and Lugansk

people’s republics and the Armed Forces of Russia.


These include Javelin and NLAW ATGMs, Starstreak

and Stinger MANPADS, Bayraktar drones, Switch-

blade loitering munitions, Skynet Longbow EW

systems, CAESAR and PzH 2000s self-

propelled and M777 towed howitzers.


EU, US and UK officials, keep saying, that “victory 

must be achieved on the battlefield,” that “Russia 

must sustain a strategic defeat” and “cannot be 

allowed to win.” 


All these statements, in addition to the trade and
economic blockade that has, in effect, been 

imposed on our country and the hybrid war 

unleashed against it, prove, once again, 

that the Western countries are waging 

war against Russia in Ukraine, and 

that Ukraine itself and its citizens 

are an expendable resource for 

them. Our Chinese partners 

used the expression... 

“cannon fodder.”


In their information war, the Western countries resort

to outright lies. They are trying to accuse our country

of creating a global food shortage. We commented on

this many times. Each time we cite facts, figures and 

other information that cannot be refuted. But nobody 

is trying to refute them. Western-spread lies are not 

supposed to be refuted. They are too absurd to

comment on. 


It is forgotten that the crisis phenomena in the world

 food market are linked with the West’s accumulated

 mistakes and miscalculations in macroeconomic, 

energy and agricultural policy. 


The coronavirus pandemic has contributed as well.

In the middle of 2020, Executive Director of the 

UN World Food Programme, David Beasley, 

warned about the threat of “famines of 

biblical proportions.” 


Unilateral Western sanctions.. exacerbated this trend.

So, millions of people will have to go hungry because

of the geopolitical ambitions, egotism and stupidity 

of the collective West.


At the same time, we are seeing a striving of the

 Western curators, to take out of Ukraine, every-

thing that may be of some value. This is also a

 repetition of history of 80 years ago. Hundreds 

of grain carriers are crossing the Ukrainian 

border, on the way to Europe. The Kiev 

regime has organised massive daily 

exports of agricultural products to 

Europe in exchange for weapons 

by road and rail, as well as by 

river, on the Danube, to 

Romania, via the port 

of Ismail.


Think of what is happening. Against the backdrop of

statements by the collective West about imminent

famine (the Kiev regime is supposed to trust the

West), the leaders of Ukraine are getting rid of 

food products. Ukrainian citizens.. need them 

now. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also need 

them since the Kiev regime is not going to 

stop hostilities. However, food products 

are being sent abroad instead. Where 

to? To NATO countries.


The Ukrainians receive weapons in exchange for 

these products, so that they can continue killing

themselves. This is not Nazism. These are even 

more terrifying maniacal ideas that are even 

worse than the misanthropic concepts 

applied to the population of Ukraine, 

Russia and the rest of the former 

USSR, in the middle of the 

20th century.


These are tremendous amounts of grain, maize, oil 

crops and livestock animals. On May the 10th of 

this year, US President, Joseph Biden, said 

Washington was thinking about ways of 

exporting from Ukraine... 20 million 

tonnes of grain, supposedly with 

a view to reducing prices in
world markets. 


You know how much the United States and the White

House, care about the needs of hungry people in 

Africa and Asia, how much they want all people 

in the world to live a better life, eat well and be 

wealthier. We know this bewitching American 

pacifism and striving to do good for everyone. 

But this is not the case. This is about robbing 

Ukraine, its citizens and military, of the last 

things they have. 


Washington obviously is not concerned about what 

the Ukrainians will be left with after this feast.
Ukrainian citizens did not believe us 10 years 

ago and five years ago. Maybe it’s time to 

wise up. To realise that they are being 

deprived of the last things they have.

Food products, grain – the results of 

their labour – are being taken out
the country. 


When we were in school and university, we were told

that the fascists and Nazis hauled away Ukrainian

natural soil by railway and this was presented as 

the supreme manifestation of their hatred for 

Soviet citizens. Now the logic is even more 

gruesome – Ukrainian citizens are being 

deprived of the fruits of their labour at 

a time when their country is engaged

in hostilities.


For our part, we are paying close attention to the

humanitarian situation in the liberated areas and

facilitating the restoration of peaceful life. 


Russia's military, are clearing Ukrainian mines in 

cities and farming lands. People in the DPR, LPR, 

and a number of regions in Ukraine have already 

been supplied with 20,000 tonnes of basic 

necessities, food products, medications 

and medical devices.


We regret that the United States, Britain and several

European countries are supporting and sponsoring

those who are preaching in Ukraine the ideas of

aggressive nationalism, and neo-Nazism. They

continue supplying the Kiev regime with arms

and robbing the Ukrainian people. However, 

these efforts will not change the situation.


As the Russian leaders said more than once, Russia

will achieve the goals of its military operation on

denazifying and demilitarising Ukraine, 

defending the DPR and the LPR and

removing the threats to its 

own security.

What do YOU think?


Are the West's elite scared sick 

of losing to the 80% of humans

who live and work in Eurasia
and war is, again, their
answer to financial
capital's crash...


or is Putin a crazed evil dictator

trying to attack your freedom

and democracy? (Lol)


No need to answer, really, is there.



Shame: Eurovision 

accused of being 


May 15th, 11:53am



The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Maria Zakharova, 
commented in her
channel, on Ukraine’s ''victory''
..at the Euro-
vision Song Contest.


''Agree, without the victory of Ukraine at Eurovision,

 the picture of what happened to this country 

would be incomplete'', Zakharova writes.


“National costumes and musical instruments, two

 Baba Yagas on strings, break dance and chants 

about Azovstal. Europe applauds standing. 

The end”. 


Also, after the victory of Ukraine at Eurovision, 

many accusations of politicization remain 

under the post of the organizers of 

the contest:


“Why was the competition held at all? It became 

clear to everyone who would win as soon as 

Ukrainian performers appeared. This is 

unfair to all other participants”;


“Eurovision is thoroughly politicized, shame”;


“The worst winner in Eurovision history. In 

general, they didn’t make any efforts – 

they just took advantage of where 

they came from”;


''[The Eurovision 2022 motto] 

‘Sounds of Beauty’ should be 

changed to ‘Sounds of 



“It’s a shame that, instead of giving credit to the

 talents and voices of the performers, they are

 promoting personal interests while weaving

 in politics”;


“Ukraine’s victory is politically motivated, but 

next year Eurovision will be held in Russia.”

What do you think...?  Should ''Euro-vision''

be renamed next year - to ''Ruble-vision''?




“The Banderovshchina” economy 

is geared to robbing Russia

May 12th, 11:36am



Inspired by a conversation with an 

anonymous Ukrainian journalist


Russia’s demands for the denazification of Ukraine are, in

fact, the most important and fair to the modern world

order. The Ukrainian side has - repeatedly - given the

false signal, that the issue has been dropped. But 

not only has it not been removed, it hasn't been

properly raised, which gives the West the 

opportunity to speculate on the issue.


Take, for example, the recent question to Sergey

Lavrov that Zelensky cannot be a Nazi because 

he himself is a Jew. This question comes from 

the thesis of Western propaganda that a Nazi 

and an anti-Semite are one and the same, 

and that the aim of German Nazism was 

solely the Holocaust, that is the mass 

extermination of the Jews. In this 

paradigm, it turns out that one 

who destroys Jews is a Nazi, 

while one who destroys, for 

example, Slavs, is not 

considered a Nazi.


And so the Ukrainian regime, officially calling for 

the murder and enslavement of the Russians, the

eradication of Russian culture & the destruction 

of the Russian language --- cannot be Nazi by 

Western standards, as it does not officially 

take the same position, in relation to the 

Jews (statements by certain politicians

in this regard, are not considered an 

official line).


Europe, according to its contemporary ideology, is

guilty before the Jews --- but not before the Slavs, 

whom it massacred in World War II in far greater

numbers than Jews. Moreover, it was the feat 

of the Soviet soldier, before whom modern 

Europe does not feel guilty, that saved 

those very Jews, and with them a 

mass of other peoples, about 

which European ideologists 

prefer to keep silent.


That is, European ideologists have simplified World

War II into a war between the Nazis and the Jews,

although in reality it was much more complicated.

Europe presented the Donbass conflict from the

very beginning, in a very Jesuit way: Ukraine, 

thanks to its European orientation, made 

significant progress in its economy and 

politics, and Russia became jealous, 

and decided to destroy Ukraine. It’s 

all according to the laws of drama: 

she, Ukraine... fell in love with him, 

the West, and the insidious villain, 

Russia, decided to kill the woman 

in love, so that they could never 

be together.


In reality the story is slightly different: he, the lover,

has abused the gullible woman, robbed her and

committed her to a brothel, where she will 

work off his debts, with her body. Using 

figurative language, Ukraine has not 

achieved any development, but has 

become the poorest country in 

Europe, losing its economic 

power and political 



But then... the role of the West... would not be as 

attractive as it was in the first legend. Moreover, 

the West will be seen as a rogue... and a villain, 

and the West does not need such a reputation. 

Therefore, the West needs to whitewash its 

role, and it cannot do that, without white-

washing the modern Banderaism and 

Nazism. That is why the Western 

experts ''do not see'' the 

Ukrainian Nazism.


At its birth, Banderovshchina served not Ukraine, but

Germany against Poland. The western Ukraine had

oil, which the Poles weren’t supposed to have, so 

the Banderaites terrorized the Poles under the 

command of Berlin. That is, from the very 

beginning, the Banderaites, being a part 

of then Poland, betrayed Poland under 

the pretext of ''protection of national 

interests,'' all under German money.


Then, together with the Wehrmacht, they entered Soviet

Ukraine and, under the pretext of the national revival

of Ukraine... they carried out a Jewish pogrom. 

Germany didn’t like it, banned the right to 

pogroms and independent Ukraine, and 

Bandera himself... ended up in a 

privileged concentration camp, 

for the stupid but useful. 


Then there was the massacre of Poles in Volhynia, 

which Germany cared little for, as Poles were not

considered Europeans then. Then there was the

terrorist activity against Soviet Ukraine, which 

was financed not by the Reich, but by the 

democratic USA, and Britain. 


That is, the Banderovshchina never worked for

Ukraine, but was always a tool of the West 

to plunder and destroy its people.


Therefore, when the West began robbing Ukraine 

under the guise of reviving its statehood, 

it traditionally began to rely on 

Banderovshchina, which has 

always served its interests.


As Russian capital developed, it began its assault on

the West --- and here, Banderaism begins to play the 

role of legalized racketeering and terrorism, acting 

in the interests of Western companies, driving 

Russian business out of the European and 

Ukrainian markets. Europe, but first and 

foremost the US, uses the Ukrainian 

issue as a cover, to solve its 

economic goals. 


The Banderaites, apart from the torchlight marches,

have squeezed Russian banks, property developers

and investors... out of Ukraine, and taken the 

advertising market from the Russian and 

opposition media. All in all, quite a self-

sustaining gop-company - that does 

not hesitate to do the dirty work 

for its masters.


With the help of the Ukrainian card, the US and the UK

have solved the issues of military orders, the energy

market and the agricultural market, the issue of

strengthening the dollar, and the investment

attractiveness of the US. Why would they 

cut the Bandera chicken that lays the 

golden eggs? They wanted to drive a 

stake between Russia and the EU - 

and got a confrontation in Europe 

instead of development. 


So the euro will fall and the dollar will rise.


For Russia, the presence of Banderovshchina means 

the West is unwilling to trade fairly with Russia. 

Banderovshchina is a politically red card that 

Western politicians play, in order to rob 

Russia. But this ideology of deceit and 

plunder... goes completely against the 

Western image of democracy, justice 

and freedom. Nevertheless, the West 

does not want to lose its card, and 

they even make it a trump card.


So how can this trump card be beaten? Here, it 

is necessary.. to bring out the essence of the 

Ukrainian political regime, its deceitfulness 

and anti-humanity. After all, it is not only 

playing against Russia’s interests, but 

also against the interests of Europe, 

which is already being weakened 

economically and put under the 

US military-industrial and 

energy complex. 


It is necessary to play a subtle game on the contradictions
between the United States, 
and European states. But in
order to save 
Europe from political cheating with the 

crackpot Bandera card, it is necessary that Europe
itself, wants it too. More 
precisely, the powers
that be, in 
power in the EU countries,

must also want it.


Dmitriy Chistilin, RenTV



What do YOU think?


Write to us... 





Russia is defeating 

Ukraine, US & NATO 

all by themselves

May 5th, 2:46pm  

(Abaham Stein's News Letter)


Russia is winning --- despite billions of dollars in

US and NATO military support to Ukraine, the 

Russians have already achieved their most

important strategic objectives. Russian 

President Vladimir Putin did not simply 

wake up one day and decide to send 

troops into Ukrainian cities --- he 

publicly warned the West about 

this plan of action...... years in 

advance, yet he was ignored 

by most western leaders. 


Russia did not come into Ukraine to lose, it is

 undoubtably obvious - that after 66 days of 

warfare - Russia is defeating not only the 

Ukrainians but NATO & the US as well, 

it is quite an achievement.


Failure was not an option


There is no way Russia is going to “lose” the battle in

Ukraine, those who know the Russian military... are

quite aware that Putin hasn't used the full Russian

might, in the eyes of the Russian President, they 

have not even begun to fight a real war. 


The Russians describe the conflict... as a special

military operation, the first phase of the Russian

operation employed young officers undergoing 

new training methods, it was a bit of a test, 

despite heavy loses the Russian objective 

succeeded in the first month. 


Putin publicly addressed these young soldiers in a

 video a week into the conflict, he said:  “I know 

you are learning new complex methods of war

fare”, despite the learning curve, Russians 

have achieved their goals in much of the 

South and East of Ukraine.


The Russian federation has made it clear -- they are

 conducting a limited special military operation, a 

very specific plan to demilitarize and de-Nazi-fy 

Ukrainian cities. Russia, still, has not defined 

their operation as a “war” yet - and if they do 

decide to declare war -----  we can expect an 

assault on Ukraine beyond our imagination.


The Western mainstream media has sold us complete

 fabrications, nothing about this conflict has been

 based in journalistic truth --- the narrative that 

Ukraine is “winning” is simply not accurate.  


We have been told Vladimir Putin is depressed, angry,

frustrated, physically ill, demented, cruel, ordering 

the fatality of civilians, yet not one of these

accusations have been based on any 

verifiable evidence. 


The Russian President, has methodically taken control

of the major trade routes --- essentially choking the life

out of Ukraine, he is winning. Putin took the little port 

city Mariupol, while the whole world had their eyes on

 the capital Kyiv, it was a brilliant move. Vladimir Putin

 has not revealed one single thing about his military

 operation in terms of strategy, the West still 

cannot figure him out.


Why Russia wins


Everything we learn about Russia comes from former

 generals on American TV, MSNBC, and CNN, they are

 almost always wrong. Russian Foreign minister Sergi 

Lavrov mocked the Americans trying to analyze the

 Russian military operation, he said “They don’t

 understand us, they don’t understand the 

Russian mindset, they don’t understand 

how we work”, in essence, Lavrov was 

making it clear: everything the
media prints about
the war is a 


The average Ukrainian citizen understands Putin
better than any US, British, or German news 

analyst, in this aspect Russia is defeating 

the US, NATO, and the Ukrainians.


Who is really fighting against Russia?


So far, the Russians have documented at least 40

 different countries who are engaged in battle 

against them, even the Ukrainians bragged 

about how many hired contractors are 

battling the Russians.


 In the week since President of Ukraine Zelensky

 announced the creation of an ‘International 

Legion’ to defend Ukraine, 20,000 people 

from 52 countries have volunteered to 

fight in Ukraine, the country’s, Foreign 

Minister, Dmytro Kuleba said on 



On the Russian side are simply young Russian boys

and Chechen (Pro Russian national) soldiers, that’s

it.  A simple look at a map -- will show how Russia 

has taken the key areas of Ukraine. The red and

light red, shows how Ukraine has already lost 

the battle.

Image: What do you THINK? ___________________________________

Russia is not only winning against the Ukrainians, 

but they are also defeating NATO and US money/

weapons, the U.S loves funding foreign wars 

but they don’t know how to win them.


Britain, Germany. Italy and France want no part of war

 with Russia, Western Europe would never send a

 dollar (or any military equipment) to Ukraine 

without the United States coercing them to

do so. Western Europeans are not in the 

least bit interested in engaging in war 

in Eastern Europe, most Westerners 

are worried about unemployment, 

food shortageS and inflation, 

not Ukraine.


Our media is not allowed to tell you 

Russia is winning.


According to our biased media, cities like Mariupol and

 Kherson are not under Russian control, they tell the

 public that there is “fierce resistance” to Russian 

attacks, this is, of course, a lie.  A month ago

a lifelong resident of Kherson, reported that 

the city was in 100% Russian control...  but 

the public is not allowed to know this truth.


See video:  This would never 

air on American television.



The guy on camera tells the truth “Kherson is under

 100% Russian control”, the reporter did not expect

 that answer she tries to cover the truth, she says

 “there are conflicting reports on who controls 

the city”, then he drops the full truth again. 

Russia is in 100% control; this was a rare 

truth that slipped by Pro-Ukraine media.


Finding honest news is almost impossible today, the

 fact of the matter is that Russia is not only winning, 

but they are also winning relatively easily...  despite

suffering heavy losses. Does anyone really believe 

that Russia could not take all of Ukraine if they 

want it?  At the start of the conflict every US 

media pundit.. said Russia would take the 

capital city Kyiv in less than a week, yet 

Russia... “chose” not to do so. No one
figure out Putin’s war strategy. 


The Ukrainian civilians are, sadly, being slaughtered,

 they are caught between the Russian military might

 and Zelensky’s ego. No matter how many thousands

 of civilians slaughtered, Washington has only one
response… more weapons, more weapons, 

more weapons.


The United States Government does not care the least

 bit about Ukrainian civilians, Ukraine (which is

 actually a welfare state) has never stood on 

its own two feet; it is a beggar state. The 

President of Ukraine is not intelligent, 

but he is slick, he knows how to milk 

every dollar out of the United States.


 It is a cruel game;  Washington relies on the US

 mainstream media to keep showing bombed out

 Ukrainian children on the news....  to justify the 

billions of dollars we keep sending to Zelensky. 


Ukraine is one of the most corrupt states in the world, 

dumping billions of dollars worth of weapons into the

 land is lunacy, yet we will keep on doing it. The 

bottom line is that Russia is winning, and 

nothing will change this outcome, no 

amount of weapons dump into 

Ukraine is going to change 

the result of the war.  


No one in Washington cares about the Ukrainian

 civilians, the US doesn’t care, Zelensky doesn’t 

care and certainly NATO does not care; if they 

did care they would have told Ukrainians to 

lay down arms 2 months ago and tried to

 reason (negotiate) with Putin.


We are defending Ukraine as if it is one of our 50

 states, we are taunting a nuclear superpower, 

we are encouraging the hotheaded Zelensky, 

all while our corrupt American media leads 

the drumbeats to world war 3.

What do you THINK?




Ukraine's Army Is In 
Very Bad Shape - 

More Fighting Will
 Only Destroy It

Posted by b on 

May 2nd, at 5:32pm 

(Moon on Alabama)


The French news agency, AFP, has published 

a report by Daphne Rousseau from near the

 Ukrainian frontline. It allows us to gain 

some realistic view of the state of the 

Ukrainian armed forces.


Exhausted Ukrainian soldiers 

return from eastern front


I will quote the AFP report piecemeal 

and add my observations:


Packed with exhausted Ukrainian soldiers with

 clenched jaws, the truck drives away at full

 speed. The troops from the 81st brigade, 

have just received an order to withdraw 

from the eastern front, where Russian 

forces advance.


The brigade walked 12 kilometres (7.5 miles)

 Saturday, camouflaged in the woods and 

under crossfire, until their point of 

retreat at Sviatoguirsk.


The 81st Airmobile Brigade consists of 3 

infantry battalions equipped with BTR-70

 armoured personnel carriers that can be 

loaded onto a plane. It also has a strong

 artillery group with 3 gun and missile

 battalions, and the usual hodge-

podge of support units.


As the Ukrainian troops had to walk 12

 kilometres, a question arises. Where 

are their armoured carriers? Even 

when infantry is deployed in dug-

outs and trenches its transport 

should always be nearby

 (~3 km) to be able to 

quickly pick it up 

when necessary.


The most likely answer is that those BTR-70s, 

 plus the brigade's artillery...  no longer exist.

 From today's 'clobber list' as published by the

 Defense Ministry of Russia (emphasis added):


In total, 146 aircraft and 112 helicopters, 683

 unmanned aerial vehicles, 281 anti-aircraft

 missile systems, 2,756 tanks and other

 armoured combat vehicles, 316 multiple 

launch rocket systems, 1,234 field
and mortars, as well as
2,563 units of 
special military
vehicles of the Armed 
of Ukraine were destroyed
during the operation.


Those numbers will be, like all such counts,

 somewhat exaggerated. But they do tell 

a story.


Sviatoguirsk, the extraction point for the troops,

 is some 10 kilometres southeast of Izium 

which the Russian forces have taken 

a while ago. 


More from the AFP piece:


For a month, the 81st -- whose motto is "always

 first" -- battled to push back the Russian

 advance in Ukraine's eastern Donbas 

region where Moscow's troops move 

forward slowly, taking villages one 

by one.


"Everyone understands that we must guard the

 line here, we can't let the enemy move closer, 

we try to hold it with all our force," says

 lieutenant Yevgen Samoylov, anxious 

that the unit could be hit by
fire at any point.


"As you can hear, the enemy is very, very near,"

 he says, pointing to the sky. The line of Russian 

tanks is on the other side of a hill, around seven

 kilometres (4.3 miles) away.


The troops walked 12 kilometres... and are now 

on trucks. The enemy is currently 7 kilometres

away. Simple maths will explain that, with a 5

 kilometre deep gain by the Russian forces.


At 21 years old, Samoylov, an officer from the

 Odessa military academy, finds himself

 managing 130 conscripts, often
his age.


"It's my first war. I was supposed to graduate in

 four months, but they sent me here," says the

 baby-faced officer with a short black beard.


What a disaster. 130 conscripts up to age 40+. 

These ain't well trained warriors but teachers

 and car mechanics - or farmers - drafted into 

the war. With 130 troops the unit has about 

the size of a company. Infantry companies

 in the Soviet/Russian/Ukrainian army are

 relative big:


[T]he strength of a tank company is 31-40

 people, and the number of servicemen of 

a motorized rifle company ranges from 150

people. Often a company is commanded 

by an officer with the rank of captain, 

and only in some units this position

 is occupied by a major.


The junior lieutenant Samoylov, who did not

 even finish his officer course, is leading a 

unit that is usually led by an officer two to 

three ranks higher than his. Where are 

the higher officers?


More from AFP:


The unit swung into action on February 23rd, 

a day before Russia launched the invasion.

At the start of the war, they spent a month

 defending Izium, which fell on April 1st, 

before joining the fighting around the 

village of Oleksandrivka.


"Some really difficult battles," 

says the quiet Samoylov.


Izium is at the northern front where Russian

 force press towards the south. There are

 several Oleksandrivka (Alexandrovka) 

named settlements in the Ukraine... 

three of them in the Donetsk oblast. 


There may be more unofficial ones with that

 name. Two of the known ones are in the 

north west of Donetzk Oblast some 20 

kilometres southwest and southeast 

of Izium, respectively.


Neither is directly on the current frontline.. 

that runs about 10 kilometres to the north. 

Sviatoguirsk, the extraction point, is much

 nearer to the front. That is where the 

troops likely were, before they 

walked towards the trucks.


The AFP piece continues:


In this brigade, like the others, they don't 

say how many people have been killed.

When the subject comes up, 

Samoylov's gaze becomes 

misty. The pain is raw.


A deadly silence takes over the military truck

 during the drive to the abandoned building

 where the soldiers will stay during their 

week of rest.


Samoylov's 130 men are unlikely to be from one

 original company. They are probably all what is

 left from a battalion that originally had three

 companies and more than 400 men.


When the convoy passes a truck loaded with

long-range missiles dashing to the front, the

soldiers automatically make a "V" sign for

victory with their fingers, before fixing 

their gaze once more on their feet 

or the horizon, in silence.


Is there still some morale in these men or is that 

just a routine gesture? I believe it is the latter.


On arrival at the base, the soldiers unload their 

weapons, remove their kit and immediately go

 into one of the dilapidated rooms without

 electricity where they undergo a medical 

examination after returning from the front.


For the survivors, "there are small injuries on

 the forehead, those who were buried under 

the rubble during a bombing have fractures 

and (injuries) linked to shrapnel," says 

Vadym Kyrylov, the brigade's doctor.


"But we mainly see somatic problems, like

 hypertension or chronic illnesses that 

have worsened," the 25-year-old adds.


Each battalion of the 81st brigade should have

 a doctor with a more senior one serving in the

 brigade's headquarter company. That a 25 

year old one is in the brigade's doctor role 

again points to a lack of men.


- 'Trench foot' -


The men also greatly suffer from "trench foot"

 syndrome caused by prolonged exposure to

 moisture, unsanitary conditions or the cold.


"For a month they are not able to dry their

 shoes... so there are many feet-related 

injuries, mainly fungi and infections," 

the doctor says.


Military boots should be watertight. During my

 time in the military we trained in some very

 muddy areas but I never got my feet wet. 

One wonders what quality Ukrainian 

army boots have.


After the medical visit, they all have the same

 reflex: to isolate and use their phone to call

 a female partner, a child or a parent.


Soldiers cannot use their phones on the front, 

and any application that requires geolocation

 is banned.


How strict is the control of those policies?


Experience says that if soldiers are allowed to

 have phones with them they will inevitably 

use them. That is why Russia prohibits its

 soldiers to carry phones.


Four soldiers reassemble the rusty metal bed

 frames and sweep the floor coated with dust 

to make a semblance of a room.


That does not sound like a fun place for rest 

and recreation. Are there even mattresses 

for those metal frames?


"It's the moment for the guys to relax, to take

 care of their physical and psychological

 injuries, to regain their strength before

 returning to battle," Samoylov says.


"They'll sleep warm, eat normal food and try

 to more or less get back on their feet."


Those troops were nine weeks on the frontline

and now only get one week of rest --- in a

miserable place. Samoylov is an optimist. 


None of those injuries, especially not the

 psychological ones, will heal within a 

week. It takes years to overcome the 

cruelties of war and sometimes more 

than a lifetime.


The Ukrainian army is obviously in a very bad

 shape as it pushes barely trained conscripts 

to the frontline where Russian artillery will 

eat them up. That it is in such a state, is 

not astonishing though.


The Swiss military intelligence officer Jacques 

Baud has worked in the Ukraine & has written
about the current war. He describes the sorry

 state the Ukrainian military was in from the



The Ukrainian army was then in a deplorable

 state. In October 2018, after 4 years of war, 

the chief Ukrainian military prosecutor, 

Anatoly Matios, stated that Ukraine had 

lost 2,700 men in the Donbass: 891 from

illnesses, 318 from road accidents, 177 

from other accidents, 175 by poisoning 

(alcohol, drugs), 172 from careless 

handling of weapons, 101 from 

breaches of the security 

regulations, 228 from

 murders and 615 

from suicides.


In fact, the army was undermined by the

 corruption of its cadres and no longer 

enjoyed the support of the population.


 According to a British Home Office report, in

 the March/April 2014 recall of reservists, 70

 percent didn't show up for the first session,

 80 percent for the second, 90 percent for 

the third, and 95 percent for the fourth.

 In October/November 2017, 70% of the
conscripts did not show up for 
“Fall 2017” recall campaign. 


This is not counting suicides and desertions

 (often over to the autonomists), which 

reached up to 30 percent of the work-

force in the ATO area. Ukrainians... 

refused to go & fight in the Donbas

 and preferred emigration, which 

also explains, at least partially, 

the demographic deficit of

 the country.


The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense then turned

 to NATO -- to help make its armed forces more

 “attractive.” Having already worked on similar 

projects within the framework of the United

 Nations, I was asked by NATO to participate 

in a program to restore the image of the

 Ukrainian armed forces. But this is a 

long-term process and the Ukrainians 

wanted to move quickly.


So, to compensate for the lack of soldiers, the

 Ukrainian government resorted to paramilitary

 militias. They are essentially composed of

 foreign mercenaries, often extreme right-

wing militants. In 2020, they constituted 

about 40 percent of the Ukrainian forces 

and numbered about 102,000 men, 

according to Reuters.


They were armed, financed and trained by 

the United States, Great Britain, Canada 

and France. There were more than 19
nationalities—including Swiss.


The Ukrainian army will not win the war nor will

 the fascist militias. The country simply has

 no chance.


'Western' governments are abusing the Ukraine 

and its soldiers. They want to 'weaken Russia' 

and do not allow the Ukraine to sue for peace.


That is criminal.


Jacques Baud again:


[D]espite [President Zelensky's] probable

 willingness... to achieve a political settle-

ment for the crisis with Russia, Zelensky

 is not allowed to do so. Just after he 

indicated his readiness to talk with 

Russia, on February 25th,, the EU

 decided two days later to provide 

€450M in arms to Ukraine. 


The same happened in March. As soon as

 Zelensky indicated --- he wanted to have 

talks with Vladimir Putin on March 21st, 

the European Union decided to double 

its military aid to €1 billion on 23 March.


 End of March, Zelensky made an interesting

 offer ......that was retracted shortly after.


Apparently, Zelensky is trying to navigate

 between Western pressure and his far 

right on the one hand and his concern 

to find a solution on the other, and is 

forced into a ” back-and-forth,” which

 discourages the Russian negotiators.


Today, Zelensky must lead his country under

 the sword of Damocles, with the blessing of

 Western politicians & an unethical media. 

His lack of political experience made him an

 easy prey.. for those who were trying to 

exploit Ukraine against Russia, and in 

the hands of extreme right-wing move

-ments. As he acknowledges in an 

interview with CNN, he was lured 

into believing that Ukraine would 

enter NATO more easily after an 

open conflict with Russia, as 

Oleksey Arestovich, his 

adviser, confirmed

 in 2019.


The Ukraine has lost the war. All the weapons

 systems the 'west' is now pushing into it, are 

of no use as the Ukraine obviously lacks the

 men to field them. They will likely get 

pilfered and in future some of them 

may well be used against the

 'west' itself.


That would do some bloody justice.


What do YOU THINK?

Are we to blame for letting our money printing
parasitic elite... try to cling onto power over
the rest of the world, by 
illegally bombing 

or sanctioning those countries trying to
achieve economic development?

And - worse - risking a full-on war
with nuclear armed Russia - as
it tries to take back its Slavic
brother nation, from a nazi
infested Ukraine, trained
by the 
West and now in
its death grip?

Fighting by using poor elderly conscripts,
in a mince-meat 
cauldron... as our great
Western public... tries ''not to think''
about it?

The Germans were reviled for allowing
just this - do you believe that calling
Russians ''evil'' really solves your
complicity in this slaughter? 

If you have any honour...
Stop the elite arming Ukraine
and refusing to let them sue
for peace... NOW! 


Best video by Dimitri Orlov! The US

interviewer can't believe the US's 

collapse into hunger... predicted

''within months', or the Russian

point of view.. and seems gob-

smacked, but listens with us,

as Orlov describes the US 

as parasitic at 1':25'' and

its elite as gangsters...

sit back and enjoy!!!


I wonder what you feel before and after
reading this - for some, it will be a
chink of light at the end of a
long gloomy tunnel...

"Victory Program". Article by 

G. A. Zyuganov in "Pravda"


Meeting in the year 2022, we were full of hopes that it
would first be remembered, as the year 
of a great and
bright holiday: the 100th 
anniversary of the formation
of the Union 
of Soviet Socialist Republics.  On the 

centenary of the greatest state, that was the first
in the world to base its 
policy on justice, equality,
rights and dignity at work, the protection
of motherhood and 
childhood, and fraternal
ship between peoples.


But history has made severe adjustments to our

 lives and presented us with challenges that 

have proved to be the most serious in the 

last three decades - since the time when 

traitors and degenerates united with our

 external opponents, and carried out
criminal collapse of the


Chairman of the Central Committee of 

the Communist Party of the Russian 

Federation G. A. Zyuganov.

2022-04-20 at 18:17



In response to Russia's desire to block the aggressive plans
of NATO.. which for many 
years.. squeezed a suffocating
ring around 
our borders, to protect the sovereignty and

security of the Donetsk & Luhansk People's Republics
and to free the fraternal Ukrainian 
people from a Nazi
-Bandera junta entrenched 
on their land, the West --
finally dropped the 
mask of "partnership" and
civilized diplomacy. 
It directly declared its
readiness to launch 
a deadly strike on our
country, which it
 considers as decisive,
in the hybrid war
 declared on us.


A power born in battle


Recently, more than 6,000 sanctions have been imposed on
Russia. This has 
never happened to any other country 

before..... An unprecedented economic, political and
informational sabotage 
has been unleashed against
us ---- the 
purpose of which is not only to force our
State to abandon all claims to 
independence and
defend its legitimate 
interests, but also to destroy
it as a 
single sovereign state. Having challenged
the criminal hegemony 
of Anglo-Saxon capital in
the world, 
we, are now the main target of its 

adherents in Washington, London, Brussels
& other centres of 
modern neo-colonialism.


Trying to cope with the deepest crisis that the world
capitalist system is naturally plunging 
into, globalists
strive to maintain their power
 over the planet - at all
costs. And for this they
 stop at nothing - even to the
point of openly 
provoking a 3rd world war, in the fire
of which
 they expect to burn the insoluble problems

 generated by the dead-end policy of capital.


I warned about the alarming challenges that we will
inevitably face in the twenty-first century
 as a result
of the crisis of the liberal model of
 world governance
20 years ago, in my book
 "Globalization & the fate of
humanity", which 
has been translated into many
languages. It 
thoroughly analyzes the aggressive
motives of
 the US imperialists and their

 The prospect of the emergence of new world power poles
in the face of China and India, is
 outlined. Back then...  
they were just on the
 verge of rapid economic growth.

As a future 
alternative to US hegemony --- these
were not yet taken seriously by many.
now it has become clear: it is Russia's 

alliance with these Asian powers, that 

negates the fascist-infused "American 

dream" of a unipolar world. And the 

total dehumanization carried out 

by Washington.


This conversation ------ about the upcoming challenges to
our planet, was continued in 
a book "Russia under the
gun of globalism"
It reveals in detail the history of
our political,
 economic and spiritual opposition
to the West.


And in my books " The Russian Core of Power'' and ''The
Russian World on two axes" I have
 shown in detail that
it is our country, relying 
on the great legacy of Soviet
civilization, and
 now, in the XXI century, it will be
-- as it has
 happened many times before -- in the
 of a clash with Anglo-Saxon imperialism.


The essence of our opposition to the "collective West "was
expressed in 1938 -- by the German
 philosopher, Walter
Schubart, who left Germany,
 after the Nazis came to
power:  "The task of
 Russia is to return the soul to
man. It is 
Russia, that has the powers that Europe 

has lost or destroyed in itself... Only Russia is
able to breathe soul into 
the human race,
which is dying 
from the love of power,
in objective efficiency."


Today, all this is confirmed before our eyes.


The actions of Russia and its allies are met with

 fierce resistance from globalists who are losing 

control of the planet. In this confrontation, they

 are ready to step over any political, legal and

 moral barriers. We must face this challenge

 courageously, stand up and win. As we have
won, in a clash with the most
formidable of


It is deeply symbolic that the current trials have

 fallen to us in the year of the 100th anniversary

 of the Soviet state. The memory of this unique

 victory experience, fills us with responsibility

 for preserving the great achievements of our

 fathers and grandfathers, achieved at the cost

 of unprecedented efforts and tens of millions of

 lives. And it inspires us to believe that we will

 celebrate the anniversary of the USSR not only

 as a solemn date, but also as a national holiday

 by entering the era of purification from hostile

 filth.... In the era of the USSR's renaissance.


Our vast country, infinitely rich in spiritual and

 natural resources, has always been the object

 of aggressive plans of the rulers of the West.

 The subjugation of Russian lands gave them

 the opportunity to solve the problem of

 undivided political and economic 

domination. But their intentions 

were invariably broken against 

the reliable shield of the State.


After the victory of the Great October Socialist 

Revolution, the peoples of our country

embarked on the path of building a 

society of social justice, free from 

exploitation and inequality. Russia 

ceased to be a dependent part of 

the world capitalist system. Its 

enormous resources were put 

at the service of the people, 

not a handful of "chosen" 

masters of life. 


Our Motherland became a guiding star for
working people all over the world. Her 

unique example had captured the 

hearts of millions of people 

around the world.


World capital did not want to accept this development.
Driven by a thirst for profit 
and a desire to maintain
their class 
dominance --- its agents set about 

organizing -- a new "crusade" against Russia.
Now - against 
Soviet Russia. Their goal was 

to overthrow the power of working people
and turn our 
country...  into a colonial 

periphery of the leading imperialist


On December 23rd, 1917 -- less than two months

 after the socialist Revolution -- Britain & France

 entered into a criminal agreement to divide the

 territory of the former Russian Empire... into

 spheres of influence. The oil-rich Caucasus 

and the Cossack regions of southern Russia

 were included in a zone of the "preferential 

interests" of Great Britain. France expressed

 a desire to get Crimea and a fertile Ukraine

 with its developed metallurgical industry. 

The United States also joined the Anglo-

French agreement and the preparations 

for intervention against our country. 

They laid claim to resource-rich Siberia and the Far East.
also demanded its "piece of pie". On January 1st,
1918, it brought 
warships into the port of Vladivostok,
under the 
pretext of "protecting" her subjects.


The West could realize its plans only if the

Soviet government was overthrown. But it 

became an insurmountable obstacle to 

the realization of the ambitions of the 

international oligarchy. It was Lenin - 

& the Bolshevik Party who managed

to save the country - to save it from 

disintegration and destruction and 

to Defend our Homeland, both in 

the battle with the Entente... 

and in the bloody civil war 

unleashed by its 


inside Russia.


The enemy who sought to destroy us was 

confronted by a young Soviet Republic 

that was not yet fully strengthened but

 was ready to fight courageously - and 

was based on socialist principles. To 

believe in the ideals of justice -- and 

fraternity. On the people's conviction

 that they are right. On an invincible 

desire to build a country --- whose 

politics would be subordinated - to 

the interests of the whole society, 

and not a bunch of insatiable 

nouveau riche. In all those 

difficult years, the enemy 

was opposed not only by 

the Red Army. Then, the 

battles had two fronts -

 military and economic. 


And the Soviet country was able to defeat 

the enemy, precisely because it won on 

both fronts.


From this historic victory... in December 1922, 

a great state was born - the USSR. Within the 

borders of the new State, fraternal and like-

minded peoples came together, opening a

 new era in their joint struggle for a bright 

future, not only in their own history, but 

also in the history of the whole world. 


Together they had to build a mighty country, 

protect it from the fascist invasion, revive 

the Fatherland after the Great Victory 

and lead it to new achievements 

and heights.


A course at war with us


A century later, we are once again fighting the

 "collective West" --- with the baggage of the

 savage capitalism that destroyed us in the

3 decades that followed the treacherous

 collapse of the USSR.

This terrible baggage 
in the form of a huge population
which is taking on the scale of a national 

catastrophe, an economic crisis, a undermined
industry, a technological lag, a 
dependence on imports --- 
and a strong
influence of the liberal 
"fifth column"
is now on the side of 
the opponents.
It helps them to fight 
our country.

In order to 
survive this war and embark on the life-saving
path of 
independent development, we need to get rid of
cancer of a political curse that is fighting against
own people.


We need to call a spade a spade: for 30 years in

 a row, the socio-economic system imposed on

 us acted against Russia as an internal enemy.

 It was destroyed in the 90s, when the country

 was falling into the abyss of degradation ---
against a background of "fraternization" 

with the West. And it continued its 

subversive work, even after we 

declared our right:  to free our

selves from external dictates

-- to pursue an independent 

policy & restore genuine 



The course that has been dictated over the years by
transnational centres of global capital, like the
International Monetary Fund, the World
and the World Trade Organization has caused
enormous damage to our country. It 
was at
the direction of these structures --- that we 

systematically built a system of capitalist 

periphery, the doom of which is constant 

lag and chronic crisis, was proved with 

brilliant clarity ------  by Vladimir Ilyich 

Lenin in his work "The Development 

of Capitalism in Russia" at the end 

of the 20th century. 


Almost a hundred years after it was written --- a

 great country that had reached unprecedented 

heights in its development thanks to socialism

 was thrown back, trying to turn it forever into 

a raw material appendage of the West, which

 does not even dare to dream of successful 

independent development.


The predatory privatization of state property, 

its transfer for a song into the hands of the

 oligarchy, that by the beginning of the 90s

 had grown up on the basis of a criminal 

shadow economy, led to the destruction 

and theft of thousands of enterprises. 

To turn the labour and natural resources of our country into
a source of enrich
ment for greedy parasites who did not

want to invest a pin in its development. Their fabulous
profits from robbing 
Russia, were invested in luxury 

yachts and mansions, in the most expensive
foreign resorts. 


Today, a significant part of this property...  has

been seized in the West as part of a sanctions

campaign. But fake foreign "legalists" do not 

even think about returning it to the people of

Russia. First, our country was robbed by

homegrown Gaidars and Chubais. And 

now it is being repeatedly robbed by 

foreign bandits.


The cynical curators of privatization have long

 and publicly admitted that during this criminal 

process --- they did not even think about any

 benefits for the state. Their main task was to 

put together a new class of owners from the

 former shadow speculators, to wrest the 

country's largest assets from the hands 

of the people --- and thereby "drive the 

last nail in the coffin of communism." 


But they treacherously drove this nail not only into the
hated Soviet government. They drove
 it into our future,
which they readily sacrificed,
 in the interests of
Russia's enemies. Today,
 they are fleeing the
country --- fearing 
responsibility... and fair
retribution for 
their deeds, as did the
same Chubais.


Another devastating consequence of the dastardly
collapse of the USSR and the 
Soviet system, is
the rapid and massive 
seizure of domestic
industry by foreign 

Its total share, according to the 
Academy of Sciences,
until recently, 
was 65%. And.. in some of the most 

important industries, it reached 75-95%. External
control over our 
economy and industry is one of

the main reasons, that even in strategically
important areas - 
on which our national
directly depends - real import 

substitution, which was repeatedly
from high tribunes, 

has not been implemented. 


This is what most painfully responds to 

us, against the background of the law-

lessness of sanctions unleashed

against Russia.


Those who organized it were also greatly 

"helped" by the financial policy that was 

carried out all these years according to 

the patterns of the IMF — state in name 

and anti-state in essence. It was it who

legitimized the absolutely adventurous 

practice of placing a significant part of 

the country's gold & foreign exchange

reserves in dollars and euros ---

concentrated in Western banks.


That is, in the financial institutions of those 

who have long ceased to hide their hostile 

intentions towards our country. This year, 

as part of the "infernal sanctions" as they

 are called in Washington, dictating to its 

satellites, the scenario of an economic 

war against Russia, We have received 

a financial blow from our "Western 

partners", which the Communist 

Party of the Russian Federation 

has long warned us about. And 

the danger of which the "party 

in power" did not even want to 

discuss. Of the $ 640 billion in 

Russian gold and foreign 

exchange reserves, the

West has "seized" 

almost half.


To this blatant financial sabotage, we should

also add the fact that in 2020-2021, 600 tons 

of gold were exported from Russia to foreign

storage facilities the entire volume produced 

in our country, in two years. In today's 

situation --- this stock would be very 

useful to us. But it is also sacrificed 

to the irresponsible manipulation of 

the state's financial reserves.


Our country's entry into the World Trade Organization,
imposed by the liberal 
column, which took place in
despite our stubborn resistance - and thanks
to the votes of United 
Russia in the State Duma,
has had an 
extremely negative impact on the 

economy and industry. For almost 10 years -
the WTO has served as a
 "legalized" barrier
to real import 
substitution and ensuring
and drug safety in our country. 


By joining this organization, we have taken on

 23,000 additional obligations to other States

 and trade partners. And these commitments 

worked exclusively for the destruction of the

 domestic economy & industry. To undermine

 their ability to act in the interests of Western

 corporations & exporters - which is the true

 purpose of the WTO, which was created

 precisely to serve these interests.


After --- without exaggeration --- the criminal

 decision to join Russia in this organization 

was pushed through, the Communist Party 

of the Russian Federation 5 times submitted 

to the Duma a bill to withdraw from it. But 

they did not want to hear us, even when 

it became absolutely obvious, that the 

Western sanctions stranglehold was 

tightening ever tighter and would 

not weaken.


Do not hesitate to correct errors!


The vulnerability of the Russian economy 

to hostile machinations, laid down by the 

architects of market "reforms", was, in 

fact, recognized in the National Security

 Strategy signed in July 2021, by President 

Putin. It states:  "Unfriendly countries are 

trying to use the existing socio-economic

 problems in the Russian Federation to 

destroy its internal unity.… Indirect 

methods aimed at provoking long-

term instability within the Russian 

Federation, are increasingly

 being used."


Agreeing with this assessment, we called on the

 country's leadership to finally bring the real

 socio-economic policy in line with it. 


To implement a fundamental change in the vicious

course that it has been avoiding for many years.

The Communist Party insisted:  ''
Without this, the
President's fundamental 
goals formulated in his
May decrees of 
2012 and 2018, overcoming the
graphic crisis & mass poverty, achieving

a technological breakthrough, and entering 

the top 5 leading economies in the world 

- cannot be implemented.'' But they didn't 

hear us then, either.


Today, when the enemy is insistently pushing 

us towards economic collapse, it is no longer 

possible to delay in correcting accumulated

system errors, with the adoption of tough 

& principled decisions that will put an end 

to the destructive practice of predatory

"reform" of the country in favour of 

transnational capital.

The sooner 
these decisions are made,
better we will be able to resist 
the machinations designed to 

destabilize the Russian
state --- 
and bring our
country to
 its knees.


Yes, the Russian economy is negatively affected by
sanctions related to our independent position in the
foreign policy arena. But it is also obvious that only
if the internal policy is improved... the mobilization
and close consolidation of society is carried out,
we will be able to respond to any intrigues from
the outside. 


The current difficulties are not comparable to the challenge
that was thrown at the Soviet country by the Entente...
which tried to over
throw the power of the Bolsheviks
with the trials that fell to its lot in the '40s of the last
century — during the Nazi invasion. And the current
losses of our economy  due to
external factors, are
also not comparable 
with the losses the Soviet
suffered in the first half of the 

XX century.


But it is necessary to understand that, unlike the 

Soviet Union which emerged from the most terrible
trials & made up for the most severe losses thanks
to the economy of creation and development, our
country will not be able to achieve real economic
growth or accelerated import substitution...  if it
does not abandon the system of socio-economic

The recent history of Russia has clearly shown
that criminal-oligarchic capitalism, can bring
even greater destruction to the country, drive
into an even greater crisis --- than a clash 

with the most terrible military opponent.


Addressing the government leadership during its report
to the State Duma, I stated bluntly: the liberal model
of governance is completely bankrupt & has finally
outlived its usefulness. The task of independent
rapid development, 
on the solution of which our
survival depends,
 in the current conditions,
requires that we abandon this model
decisively and forever. 

In the current circumstances, there is no 

other choice, but to fulfill our program 

requirement:   to carry out a complete 

revision of the principles of economic 

and social management.


The results of a survey of experts conducted 

by the Central Bank after the announcement 

of Russia's "infernal sanctions" showed that 

they predict that by the end of this year, the

 economy will shrink by 10%, and inflation 

will be 20%. At the same time, warnings 

about the impending significant decline

 in real incomes of citizens and job cuts 

are becoming more insistent. But we 

have no right to give up and allow a

 collapse that is fraught with a 

social explosion.


The country has every opportunity, not only to avoid
this, but also to reach a fundamentally new level of
development, that was hindered 
by a dependence
on the recipes of Western 
financial institutions
and on foreign capital 
now fleeing from Russia.
To meet this historic challenge --- we urgently
need to implement 
the measures we propose,
based on our 
economic and social revival
"10 steps to a decent life".

Based on 
the outstanding experience of the Soviet state,
based on the best 
modern achievements of socialist

China, growing faster than anyone else in the world,
and on the other states 
that successfully resist the
of Western globalists, and follow the
path of development and creation.


We do not need demagoguery about import 

substitution, which is fed to us by helpless

liberal managers --- but a new industrial-

ization, a revival of national production, 

and overcoming the huge backlog in 

such areas as machine tool 

construction, micro-

electronics, and 



Large owners do not want to invest in the technological
renewal of the country. The 
work of most Russian
citizens is clearly
 undervalued. Millions of people
a salary that can only be described as
pathetic handout. At the same time, they 

see how the income created by their work

 flows into the pockets of a nouveau riche.


A system based on exploitation, riddled with

 corruption and indulging in the fantastic

 enrichment of oligarchs, is not able to 

stimulate the restoration of industrial 

potential, and the growth of labour 

productivity. If this system is kept

to, if attempts continue to cling 

to the previous course, Russia 

will not be able to guarantee

its true independence... and 

take its rightful place in 

the world.


Our next steps should be based on a clear

understanding that the time has come to

decisively abandon the dominant role of

bank & financial capital in the economy. 

We must provide conditions for the 

development of those industries

 that create the necessary 

material values on a 

public scale.


It's time to stop feeding society myths about the
regulatory  "hand of the market,'' about 
wonders of prosperity that free enter
promises. In order to save the national

 economy and therefore the country it's

 necessary: to put an end to the lies of 

liberal fundamentalism. It should be 

replaced by the realization -- that in 

the struggle for independence and

lasting security -- we cannot do 

without a new large-scale 

industrialization, which 

requires the maximum 

mobilization of all 

our resources.


If, against the background of sanctions

 designed to strangle us, the government 

continues to pursue a policy aimed at 

compensating the losses of oligarchs 

and speculators --- and not at fully 

supporting industrial production, 

agriculture, medicine, science 

and education, we will not be 

able to win on the financial 

and economic front. 


The clan-based oligarchic economy -- has

repeatedly proved that it is unable to act 

for the benefit of the state & society or 

work in their interests. And in difficult 

situations, this becomes especially 

obvious. We insist on removing the 

oligarchy from the economic helm. 

We are committed to following the 

course of justice and development

- taking into account our program 

for the revival of the country and

the experience of outstanding 

socio-economic victories of 

socialism, that underlies it.


Modernity of Stalin's tasks


History has never known such military exploits

 and such feats of peaceful construction as the

 Soviet country did. In just five years after the 

October Revolution, a young Soviet Republic

 managed to go from a paralyzed economy &

 mass starvation, from huge military losses 

and destruction, from poverty & epidemics

 to NEP and GOELRO and the establishment 

of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 


This feat of universal significance looks even

 bigger if we remember that in the same five 

years there were such incredible trials as 

the civil war and the intervention of the 

largest Western states. And they were 

preceded by three pre-revolutionary 

years of the First World War.


By the beginning of 1921, the volume of industrial
production in Soviet Russia was only 12% of the
pre-war volume of 1913. The volume of output
of large-scale industry decreased by 7 times
compared to the same year in 1913. In 1920,
grain was grown less than 64% of the pre-
war harvest.

Most of the mines and mines were destroyed.
Only a few plants & factories were operating.
The devastation covered both the city and
the village.


In order to start producing industrial products in the USSR
in the 1920s and achieve a colossal growth rate in its
production by the 1930s, it was necessary first, to
build this production up from scratch. The task of
preserving the Soviet country, required fulfilling
the most difficult condition: to grow faster than
all Western countries, while solving much more
complex innovation tasks than any of them.

In fact, it was a challenge of the same scale that we are
facing now. It is no accident, that the words of Joseph
Vissarionovich Stalin, who in 1925, at the XIV Congress
of the CPSU, outlined the uncompromising goal of an
economic breakthrough, sound as if they are
said today:


"We must make our country an economically independent
country based on the domestic market. We must build our
economy in such a way that our country does not become
an appendage of the world capitalist system, that it is not
included in the general scheme of capitalist development
as its subsidiary enterprise, that our economy develops,
not as a subsidiary enterprise of world capitalism, but
as an independent economic unit, based on the link
between our industry and the peasant economy.".


And the Soviet country proved by its actions
the possibility of achieving such a huge task
in the shortest possible time.


Already in 1927, the total volume of industrial output
produced in the USSR exceeded the figures of 1913.
By 1929, at the beginning of the first five-year plan,
more than two thousand large state-owned
industrial enterprises had been restored
and re-built.


However, this was not enough to ensure economic
independence and defense capability. In order to
fulfill the Stalinist policy formulated at the XIV
Party Congress, it was necessary to
fundamentally improve the system
of national economic

That is why, since 1929, the Soviet economy had
been developing, according to five-year plans.


In 1931, at the First All-Union Conference of Workers
in Socialist Industry, Stalin, emphasizing the need to
accelerate industrialization and modernization in
principle, addressed the people with the words:

"We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries.
We have to run this distance in ten years. Either
we do it, or we'll be crushed."


This call was also heard and implemented. And this became
clear not only to Soviet citizens, but also to the whole
world. In January 1932, the French newspaper 
Tan stated: "The USSR won the first round,
industrializing without the help of
foreign capital."


This conclusion was echoed by the British Financial Times:
"The success achieved in the machine-building industry - is
beyond any doubt. The USSR is currently producing all the
equipment necessary for its metallurgical and electrical
industries. it managed to create its own automobile
industry. It created the production of tools; and tools

that cover the entire gamut, from the smallest tools
of high precision, up to the heaviest presses. As for
agricultural machinery, the U.S.S.R. is no longer
dependent on foreign imports. There is no doubt
that the newly built huge factories guarantee a
significant increase in heavy industry output."


The planet-shaking results of rapid industrialization...
became more impressive every year. A country where
on the eve of the 1917 revolution, 70% could not read
or write, having won the battle against illiteracy in
the first years of Soviet power, had now moved on
to breakneck economic and social development.
And it began to turn into one of the world's
leading powers.


In the "post-Soviet" era, we witnessed an almost endless
crisis, the degradation of the economy, & the destruction
of high-tech production. But the Soviet Union increased
industrial production almost 13-fold in the first 30 years
of its existence. While the US had only doubled it in
the same three decades, and the UK - by 60%.


In capitalist Russia, over the past 10 years, the real
average annual growth of the economy has not
reached even 1%. And in the USSR, just in the
twelve pre-war years, from 1928 to 1940, the
volume of the economy grew --- by 450%. It
increased annually by an average of 13.8%.
This is an indicator that no other country
in the world has been able to surpass
--- to this day!


We should be proud of the fact that this is the history of our
Fatherland. Be inspired by it, at this difficult time. To study
and implement in new conditions, its experience of heroic
mobilization, labour, and the social and moral solidarity
of its citizens. Only this, will allow us to overcome
today's difficulties.


A plan for great achievements


During the first Soviet five-year plan, the volume of
industrial production in the Soviet country doubled!
And in Western countries, it shrank by an average
of a quarter, over the same period. Compared to
the performance of the Russian Empire on the
eve of World War I, industrial production in the
USSR increased fourfold by 1933, compared to
a ten percent increase in the United States
over the same 20 years.

In 1933, the share of industry in the total Soviet economy
exceeded 70%. It was 16% higher than in 1929, and 28%
higher than in 1913. In just three years, the production
of trucks had grown 5 fold, and passenger cars - 16-fold.


In his report to the seventeenth Congress of the CPSU(b),
Stalin summed it up briefly and clearly: "Our country has
become firmly and definitively, an industrial country."


Rapid industrialization was accompanied by the constantly
accelerating development of the Soviet agricultural
industry. Over the first 5-year period, the availability
of tractors for agriculture had increased almost 6
times, and the availability of combine harvesters
- almost 15 times. During the first five-year plan,
the state sent 111 thousand technical and
agronomic specialists to collective farms
& state farms, about two million trained
tractor drivers, combined harvester
drivers and more than one and a half
million field and livestock foremen.


These achievements look fantastic against the background
of what has been happening for decades in "post-Soviet"
Russia. The market orgy caused serious damage to the
agricultural sector and food security of the country. A
particularly negative role was played by the law on
land purchase and sale, which we strongly
protested against.

It opened up almost unlimited possibilities for transferring
land to private ownership. As a result, the irresponsibility
of the new owners-moneybags led to the fact that 40%
of the Russian arable land is not used for its intended
purpose today. In the context of sanctions aimed,
among other things, at creating a shortage of
food products in Russia, this problem is
particularly acute.


We insist that Russia's food security must be guaranteed at
the legislative level. And pay special attention to the agro-
industrial complex. Provide producers in rural areas with
the necessary equipment and fuel, seeds and fertilizers.
Create a state fund to support agricultural enterprises.
Use the mechanisms of cheap loans and direct
subsidies to those who work on the land.
Overcome the shortages of personnel
in rural areas.


To meet these vital requirements, we have developed a
number of programs aimed at reviving the Russian
countryside and fundamentally improving the
productivity of the agro-industrial complex.

Our best specialists — V. I. Kashin, N. M. Kharitonov, N. V.
Arefyev - worked on them. The most important among
them are "New Virgin Land" and "Sustainable Rural
. The financial and economic block
of the government, has long prevented their
implementation. But it is unacceptable and
extremely dangerous to continue delaying
it, in the current conditions.


Comparing the indicators of pre-revolutionary Russia's
industrial backwardness, with the outstanding Soviet
achievements, we understand: that a fair, effective
system of economic management can provide the
country with the most ambitious breakthroughs.


In 1913, Russia was 8 times behind the United States in
terms of industrial output, 3.5 times behind Germany,
three times behind Britain -- and one and a half times
behind France. Russia's share in the world's industrial
output in 1913 was only 4%. The socialist economy
had fundamentally changed the situation. The
country was rapidly becoming one of the
leading industrial powers.


During the first five-year plan, 1,500 new large industrial
enterprises were put into operation. Entire industries
were re-created: aviation, machine-tool building,
automotive, chemical, instrument-making, and
agricultural machinery. They could not have
been mastered, if it were not for the huge
achievements in ferrous metallurgy, in
the production of aluminium and
high-quality steel.

At the same time, the main work was carried out to
implement the plan developed immediately after the
revolution by GOELRO --- the State Commission for
Electrification of Russia. The capacity of domestic
power plants had increased 2.5 times. As a result
of the implementation of the five-year plan, a
solid foundation of the economy was built —
heavy industry, mechanized agriculture.


The possibilities and advantages of the socialist planned
economy became indisputable at that time. They remain
so today. And it is simply criminal to refuse them, when
the West is trying to push our country into social and
economic chaos.


In November 2021, the head of state signed a decree "On
the fundamentals of state policy in the field of strategic
planning in Russia". It finally recognizes what the
Communist Party has long insisted on:  without
strategic planning, it is impossible to determine
the true most important goals of socio-economic
development that meet the main interests of the
country, & find ways to achieve them. Especially
now when we doubly need maximum mobilization
& accurate calculation of our actions. We call for
the urgent implementation of this installation. We
need to finally do what we have been trying to do
for many years – create a State Committee for
Strategic Planning, which will coordinate
this work.


The successful implementation of the Soviet 5-year plans
was based on the ever-growing financing of the most
important industrial sectors. The total amount of
capital investment in the first 5-year period -- was
twice as much as the expenditure in the previous
11 years. 50% of all capital investments were
directed to the development of industry. Of
this amount, three-quarters were allocated
to heavy industry.


Like the USSR of the late 1920s and early 1930s, today's
Russia, which also needs to solve the problem of
accelerated industrialization and modernization,
has neither the time nor the right --- to rely on
private investors, either external or internal.
The economy facing such challenges should
rely primarily on public investment.


But instead of implementing this principle, for many years..
we have been openly draining the financial system of blood
and squandering its resources. Over the years of market
"reforms", over a trillion dollars have been withdrawn from
the country. At the current exchange rate, this is 80 trillion
rubles — almost four federal budgets! Capital withdrawal
has accelerated, especially over the past 2 years, during
which $ 122 billion, or 9 trillion rubles, has flowed out of
the cordon. We insist that the foreign currency earnings
of Russian exporters should be left in the country, and
at least half of it should go to the state treasury.
However, the authorities ignored the demand to
take financial flows under strict control. The
currency was freely exported abroad, where
it is now frozen indefinitely.


We call for abandoning the flawed model of financial
system governance. It cannot indulge the anti-state
interests of the oligarchy --- and is obliged to work
for the development of the country.


The Central Bank's key task -- should be to promote
economic growth. It is necessary to strengthen the
Central Bank's responsibility for the ruble exchange
rate and the stability of the national currency.
Systematically expand the use of the ruble in
settlements with foreign countries. Restore
the branch state-owned banks - Industrial,
Construction, Agricultural, Scientific and
Technological. Focus them on the tasks
of economic and social development.


The country urgently needs to introduce a mechanism for
interest-free lending to enterprises guaranteed by the
state and regional authorities. For the revival of
domestic production, such financial measures
are needed, and not the lifting of credit rates
for enterprises, which high-ranking liberal
officials continue to insist on.


Russia needs to strictly limit the export of capital and
ensure the process of real de-offshorization of the
domestic economy, which we have been promised
for years, in words, but not in practice.


The Communist Party of the Russian Federation...  has
developed a program for improving the state's financial
policy and prepared a package of relevant laws, which
were worked out by Yu. V. Afonin, N. V. Kolomeitsev,
S. A. Gavrilov and other representatives of our
deputy team.


The rapid growth of industry, allowed the Soviet country to
completely eliminate such a social evil as unemployment by
the end of 1930. And until the last days of the existence of
the Country of Soviets, our citizens did not encounter this
terrible phenomenon. The Soviet Labour Code...  not only
enshrined the right to work and prohibited the dismissal
of an employee without a valid reason - just at the whim
of the employer ---- as is often the case today. This code
guaranteed workers to work in their specialty, excluded
the possibility that the knowledge acquired by a person
in a higher education institution, or in a vocational
educational institution, would be unclaimed.


And in today's Russia, millions of people do not have a
permanent job, or are completely unemployed. The
government's employment promotion and support
program for medium and small enterprises,
has not been fully implemented.


Back in 2012, the president set a goal in one of his "May
decrees": to create 25 million high-performance jobs by
2020. But eight years later, instead of increasing their
number, we saw a reduction from 18.3 million in 2014
to 17 million in 2020. The reason is obvious: where
there is no development of advanced areas of the
economy, there can be no growth of the
corresponding jobs.


One of the most important requirements of our program
is to reliably protect workers from unemployment and
urgently form a state employment support program
that meets today's challenges. But this task can be
realized only on the basis of a rapid development
of the domestic industrial sector, a brilliant
example of which, is provided by the
Lenin-Stalin modernization.


Alternative to raw material dependence


The results of the second Soviet five-year plan of 1933-1937
were no less impressive, than the results of the first. The
volume of industrial output continued to grow at the same
high rate and doubled in 5 years. Electricity generation
increased 2.7 times. 80% of all industrial output was
obtained at enterprises newly built or completely
reconstructed during the first and second five-
year plans. Industrial productivity had doubled.


4,500 large industrial enterprises were put into operation.
Among the main ones were the Ural & Kramatorsk Heavy
Engineering Plants, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, the
Ural Car Building Plant, the Novolipetsk & Novouralsk
Metallurgical Plants. In 1935, the first stage of the
Moscow Metro was put into operation, which
became the pride of the country and the
decoration of the capital.


In the first years of the third five-year plan --- which was
destined to be interrupted by the war, the success of the
Soviet economy became absolutely irrefutable evidence of
the advantages of socialism. The country came out in 2nd
place in the world and the 1st in Europe in the main types
of heavy industry. In 1937-1939 alone, three thousand
new large industrial enterprises were established.
Power plants, oil refineries, cement plants, and
pulp and papermills, were put into operation.
The number of Soviet workers & employees
rose to 31 million in pre-war 1940, almost
tripling from 1928.


By the beginning of the war, the USSR ranked first in
Europe in terms of the main types of natural & raw
materials. And for some of them - first place in the
world. But, at that time, raw materials were not
exported abroad. It was used for the economic
development of the country, for the production
of high-quality products, and above all, metals-
cast iron and steel. These metals, transformed
into planes, tanks and katyushas, helped the
Soviet soldier defeat the most terrible enemy
that Russia faced. They literally saved our
homeland during the Great Patriotic War.


The absence of dependence on raw material exports is
one of the most important features that fundamentally
distinguished the multi-layered Soviet economy from
today's. And provided it with self-sufficiency, which
we so lack --- in the current sanctions conditions.


Those who judge the Soviet economy superficially or based
on unreliable sources --- are often convinced... that it had
become increasingly commodity-oriented over the years,
and allegedly became dependent on it to the same extent
as the economy of modern Russia. But this is a distorted
view. Until the last years of its existence  ---  when the
management of the Soviet economy, at the instigation
of Gorbachev's entourage, began to be intercepted by
degenerate destroyers, its distinctive feature --- dis-
played precisely, the multi-structure characteristic
of the most developed countries.


So, if the export of oil from the USSR for the period 1960-
1987 increased by 7.7 times, then the export of electricity
increased 18 times, equipment for the chemical industry
— by 19, equipment for the textile industry — by 21,
power equipment — by 56, equipment for the timber,
pulp and paper and woodworking industries -
by 77 times.


The earliest possible achievement of industry diversity, is
something that is vitally necessary for our economy, both
from the point of view of saturating the country with
domestic products, and from the point of view of
its competitiveness in the foreign market.


Today, some experts are openly spreading panic, scaring us
with the fact that by the end of this year, Russia may lose
half its oil and gas exports, and eventually face a critical
budget deficit. But if a competent policy is implemented,
we have all the opportunities for successful mobilization
of high-tech production. It will really help rid Russia's
economy of its dependence on raw materials.


We are in favour of the speedy implementation of this
fundamental task. And for the gradual reduction of oil
& gas exports in order to better support the domestic
market, and reduce the prices of petroleum products
within the country. At the same time, it is necessary
to ensure the development of the oil refining industry
...improving the quality of raw materials products.


But to solve this problem, it is necessary to remove the
oligarchy that is not interested in it, from the economic
helm. Only this will make it possible to return Russia's
natural resources & strategic sectors of the economy
to public ownership: the electric power industry,
transport, military-industrial complex, oil and
gas fields, and illegally privatized factories
and mines.


These measures should be accompanied by an increase in
spending on economic development from the budget and
the National Welfare Fund. And ensuring state control
over exports and imports, in order to create the most
favorable conditions for domestic producers.


It is necessary to immediately assess at the state level the
industrial potential that has been preserved in the Russian
regions, in order to update it and include it in production
activities - as soon as possible.


Today it is important to remember -- that, in the USSR, it
was precisely industrialization and modernization of the
economy that led to the rapid development of the social
sphere. And it was closely linked to the growth of the
construction industry. The annual commissioning of
housing by the start of the '50s increased almost 8
times compared to the end of the 20s. The number
of theatres, cinemas, clubs, & libraries increased
significantly. Sanatoriums and rest homes were
actively built. Soviet citizens enjoyed all these
benefits, free of charge, including housing
provided by the state.


With the return of capitalism, buying their own homes has
become an unaffordable luxury for most. The average
family either needs to save up for the purchase of a
standard city apartment for 15-20 years, saving for
this purpose, all the money that it earns. Or
voluntarily throw yourself into a debt hole,
not knowing if you will ever be able to
get out of it.


The deterioration of housing stock, in the era of the "free
market" has taken on an alarming scale. The destruction
of public infrastructure in various regions, reaches from
40% to 80%.


We insist that social housing should be built en masse for
Russian citizens and internally displaced persons from
the Donbas and Ukraine. And consider the right to
housing - as a guarantee of the right to life.


Large-scale state investments in housing construction and
utilities are needed. The construction industry, not only
has a special social significance -- but also is a unique
locomotive that pulls many other sectors of production
along with it. This should be the basis for the economic
policy of any state that seeks to develop successfully.


Transfiguration Lessons


The public, high-quality education that the Soviet system
managed to guarantee everyone, was not only a social
boon. It became the intellectual and professional
basis, for the outstanding achievements of
the USSR.


The availability of education in the Soviet state, and the
rapid involvement of the broadest social strata in it can
be judged at least by this fact: by the beginning of 1933,
students from peasants, already accounted for about
17% in higher educational institutions of the USSR,
while, in Germany at that time, the share of
peasants in universities, barely
exceeded 2%.


From 1933 to 1938, 20,000 new schools were built in the
country. 16 thousand of them were opened in rural areas.
By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 5 times more
children were studying in secondary schools than before
the Communists came to power. The number of students
enrolled in secondary educational institutions increased
by 30 times, compared to the pre-revolutionary period.
The number of students, increased eightfold.


And, since the destruction of the USSR, a third of schools
in Russia have been closed. Moreover, in rural areas, their
number has halved. The number of vocational schools has
decreased by 10 times! This is a real sabotage against our
country, arranged by the hands of "reformers" who acted
according to openly anti-Russian programs received from
the Soros Foundation and other overseas structures. That
is why, today, it is so difficult to find a good turner,
millerist, locksmith, or welder. These professions,
which are now extremely necessary for the
new industrialization and rapid import
substitution, have essentially been
eliminated in our country.


We insist - that in order to revive the broken system of
vocational and technical education and provide it with
effective support from the state - it is necessary to
restore the State Committee that will manage this
area. Without this, it is impossible to quickly fill
the shortage of highly qualified workers, which
is vital for us today.


In 1940, the Soviet state spent 13% of all budget
expenditure on education. And even at the height
of the war, in 1942, it allocated 6% of its budget
expenditure for education. And, in victorious
1945, this figure increased 2.5 times and
amounted to 17% of all Soviet treasury


The share of today's public investment in this area is only
a quarter of the pre-war Soviet expenditure. Modern
Russia, according to UNESCO Institute of Statistics,
has slipped to the 120th place in the world in terms
of the share of spending on education! In the last
ten years --- the total expenditure of the federal
budget on education does not exceed 5% of its
expenditure. And they remain within 1% of
the gross domestic product. Federal and
regional budget expenditure under the
section "Education" reached only 3.6%
of GDP, which is also categorically


Along with the financial theft of education, one of the main
crimes of the "reformers" was the intellectual and moral
destruction of the outstanding heritage of the Russian-
Soviet school. Washing out our best achievements from
the school curriculum, infiltrating it with Russophobia,
anti-Sovietism and gross distortions of national history.

Reduction of educational standards, which undermines
the intellectual and spiritual potential of society, was
fully reflected --- in the vicious system of the unified
state exam - an "innovation" imposed on Russia,
which the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation has always opposed, and
continues to strongly oppose.


The Unified State Exam... not only does not improve the
quality of education, but also frankly, devalues the most
important knowledge. It undermines the authority of key
scientific areas, without the development of which, it is
impossible to count on the technological breakthrough
of Russia declared in presidential decrees & messages.


In 2019, a group of Chinese scientists led by Academician
Jin Sizhang ...conducted their own research and assessed
how the level of education in 43 countries around the
world has changed over the past 30 years.

The conclusion of scientists is as follows: The West has
imposed on Russia a disastrous Unified State Exam
system that trains "biorobots, destroys knowledge,
and condemns schoolchildren to degradation and
eternal lag. The Unified State Exam is the main
threat to the development of technology in
Russia" and "the greatest sabotage of
the West".


Simultaneously with the school, the university education
was also sabotaged. Most of the higher education
institutions... were put on starvation rations. Even
in Moscow, the current average rate of a professor
is 35-40 thousand rubles, the rate of an associate
professor is 25 thousand & an assistant professor
is from 15 to 20 thousand. A student's estimated
stipend... is a humiliating 13% of the officially
established subsistence minimum, compared
to 80%, as it was in the USSR. And for those
who receive vocational education the figure
is a measly 5% ---- 16 times less than in the
Soviet era!


One of the main vices of the system of wild capitalism is
the loss of connection between economic activity and
scientific and technological progress, without which,
the development and decent future of the state and
society --- are absolutely impossible.


A fundamental review of policy in this area is an essential
part of our program. And one of the key documents
underlying it is the draft law "Education for All".

The best scientists and representatives of the Communist
Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma worked
on it: Zh. I. Alferov, I. I. Melnikov, V. I. Kashin, O. N. Smolin,
Yu. V. Afonin, D. G. Novikov, S.E. Savitskaya, T. I. Pletneva,
N. A. Ostanina... I am convinced that -- without the
implementation of this law in life, it is impossible
to revive the outstanding Russian-Soviet school,
which is being destroyed by liberal "reformers".


We must resolutely reject the view of education as a
service -- any justification for its commercialization,
or transformation into a business sphere. From the
stupefying USE system, which we demand to
replace with a full-fledged traditional exam,
where students are not played guessing
games, but objectively reveal their true
knowledge and abilities, and from the
vicious idea of imposing distance
learning on schools & universities
...which the liberal destroyers of
the education system began to
actively introduce, against
the background of
the pandemic.


Government spending on education should be doubled and
amount to at least 7% of GDP. Without this, any calls and
promises to achieve a technological breakthrough will
be negated - by the growing intellectual degradation
and destruction of the country's scientific potential.


In all regions, teachers ' salaries must be at least as high
as the average in Russia. In the field of vocational
education, teachers ' salaries should be at least
doubled, in comparison with today's salaries.
And the rates of university teachers should
be increased to a level not less than twice
the average Russian salary.


Textbooks that preach Russophobia, deny the ideology
of social justice and equality, denigrate and distort the
national history - should be resolutely expelled from
schools and universities. The outstanding works of
Soviet authors -- which have been withdrawn from
the school curriculum for decades and which are
the best examples of morality and patriotism -
should be returned to the school curriculum.


In order to throw off the yoke of anti-national capital and
move forward confidently, Russia needs to fully feel that
it is the heiress not only of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy,
Turgenev, Nekrasov and Chekhov ---  but also of Gorky,
Sholokhov, Simonov, Isakovsky, Tvardovsky, Bondarev
and Rasputin. Prokofiev, and Sviridov. Mukhina, and
Vucetich. Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky. Kurchatov
and Keldysh. Korolev and Gagarina. Zhukov,
Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky, and Konev.

The country should be proud that this galaxy of brilliant
names that make up the pride of Russian civilization
was born out of the Soviet era, the socialist
Fatherland, the birthplace of Lenin
and Stalin.


We demand the adoption of a law on state protection of the
Russian language as the greatest national treasure. It is
also largely the responsibility of the school to foster
love for it and preserve it.


Let us recall what Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, the
founder of the Russian pedagogical system, said about
the priceless value of native speech: "Being the most
complete and faithful chronicle of the entire spiritual
life of the people for many centuries, the language is
at the same time the greatest national mentor, who
taught the people... when there were no books or
schools yet, and continues to teach them to the
end.. stories. Language is the most vital, most
abundant and strong link that connects the
obsolete, living and future generations of
the people into one great historical living
whole.   When the national language
disappears the people are no more!''

''As long as the language of the people lives
in the mouths of the people, so long does
the people live."


We Communists never cease to remember this, as we
defend the Russian language, our national culture,
science and education, which the true patriots
of Russia have always stood guard over, and
continue to stand guard over.


Scientific foundation of the state


The basis of the outstanding economic and social victories
of the Soviet country --- was the rapid development of
science, which became one of the main tasks of the
state from the first days of Stalin's industrialization.

The Soviet State itself, was born on the scientific
foundation of the outstanding Marxist-Leninist
doctrine, and commitment to politics and the
knowledge economy, was an immutable
law for it.

With each five-year plan, the state's contribution to the
development of science & its achievements increased.
Even the war was unable to stop this process. And, in
the post-war years, our country confidently broke out
into being world leaders in scientific development.


In five years - from 1950 to 1955 - the number of scientists
in leading research institutes, where the main scientific
potential was concentrated, increased from 75 to 95
thousand. And over the next five years, it reached
200,000. That is -- during these five years -- the
number of researchers in the USSR, increased
annually by 20 thousand. Our specialists were
trained at the highest level. It was they, who
ensured the creation of a nuclear shield,
which still reliably protects the Russian
State from the military encroachments
of those who dream of enslaving it.

They paved the way for our country to go into space.
It is their achievements, that our people are still
proud of - and the whole world admires.


A quarter of a century later, by the mid-1980s, more than
500 research and production associations were operating
in the USSR, which made it possible to actively integrate
science into production and the national economy. In the
Soviet Union, there were 1,200 independent industrial
research institutes and design bureaus. Over 500 of
them worked in the machine-building complex.
Every fourth researcher in the world, was a
Soviet citizen. Every third invention on
the planet, was made in our country.


At that time, there were 70 centres of scientific and
technical creativity of young people in the USSR.
Implementation of the "Comprehensive Program
of Scientific and Technological Progress of the
COMECON member Countries" began. And the
key role here belonged to Soviet science and
our scientists. The socialist countries started
the joint production -- of computers and laser
installations, digital information transmission
systems, automation tools and other high-tech
products. New metal-cutting equipment, new
materials based on ferrous & non-ferrous metal
and refractory compounds were created, using
powder metallurgy methods. Biotechnologies
were actively developed. A socialist economy
proved its ability to dynamically modernize, &
actively introduce innovations. It confirmed
an ability, not only to keep up with the
capitalist economy, but also to be
ahead of it, in development.


There is no doubt that socialism would soon have achieved
an absolute victory in the economic competition between
the two systems, if a cohort of outright traitors and
unscrupulous opportunists had not penetrated the
highest echelons of power & begun to undermine
the system from within. They played the role of
allies of those external forces, that did every
thing to bury the USSR and the Socialist


A direct consequence of this was the refusal of the state to
fully support and strengthen domestic science. Over the
years, its funding has been reduced, both relative to the
total budget expenditures & relative to GDP. The country
that was the leading scientific power in the world in the
Soviet era, under capitalism, has come to the point that
the treasury is allocating for basic science as much as 
the US and the leading countries of Europe spend
on the maintenance of one large university!


Now these opponents are trying to deal us a new crushing
blow & in many ways, they rely on Russia's technological
backwardness, which was allowed during three decades
of market degradation. We will be able to achieve victory
in this difficult confrontation only if we make a large-scale
intellectual breakthrough. But the solution to this problem
is impossible without the comprehensive support of modern
science. The Soviet experience proved how effective its
integration into production and the national economy is.
Today, we need to significantly increase funding for the
scientific activities of domestic scientists and increase
the share of organizations where it is carried out, to at
least 30%.


It is vital for us to develop high technologies and restore
production capacities that will allow us to build a strong
and independent economy. This means investing in basic
science. The formation of new laboratories based on the
industry principle -- working to accelerate scientific and
technological progress. The immediate implementation
of new developments in real production.


Special attention should be paid to electronics, machine
tools, robotics, and artificial intelligence. In our program
documents, we have repeatedly shown, how to solve
problems in these areas. And they put on the table of
the President, the head of government, and the heads
of key ministries proposals developed together with
the directors of major enterprises and scientists of
the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Our country has a strong base for making scientific and
technological breakthroughs. This is the world-famous
Novosibirsk Akademgorodok — one of the pearls of the
great Soviet heritage. And the St. Petersburg National
Research Academic University, that bears the name of
its founder, Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov, who worked
brilliantly not only in the scientific field, but also in the
deputy team of the Communist Party in the State Duma.
Within the walls of the university he created a physics
and mathematics lyceum, a university and a state-of-
the-art production facility were united for the first
time. But..  instead of giving it maximum support,
the authorities turn a blind eye to how predatory
raiders roam around the university, dreaming
of seizing the land on which this unique
educational institution is located.


If we want to overcome the technological gap and return
Russia to the path of advanced development, which will
ensure that we are invulnerable to any sanctions, it is
necessary to put an end to such criminal practices;
protect the dignity, professional & social interests
of scientists, and radically revise the state policy
in this crucial area.


In 1931, the Nobel Prize-winning British playwright Bernard
Shaw said: "If the experiment that Lenin undertook in the
field of social structure fails, then civilization will
collapse, as many civilizations that preceded
ours failed."


Thanks to the Leninist-Stalinist modernization, the Soviet
system managed to survive and reach incredible heights.
But --- at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries, after its
treacherous destruction, our country went off the path
of the leader of world civilization. And at the same time
the entire world civilization began to slide into a deep
crisis and obscurantism --- which has reached an
extreme degree in our days. The only way to get
out of this disastrous abyss -- for us -- is to
transform Russia into a socialist country
that opposes globalist fascism on the
basis of a smart and patriotic
development policy.


Reliable Medicine Shield


Outstanding scientific achievements of the USSR became
an indispensable basis, not only for industrialization, but
also for the development of Soviet medicine. It was the
breakthroughs in science that predetermined the huge
success of domestic healthcare and pharmaceuticals,
which began to rapidly gain height during the second
Stalinist five-year plan. Thanks to this, back in the
30s, our country was the first to defeat many of the
most dangerous infections, the eradication of which
...the world had previously considered impossible.
Soviet specialists created new, hitherto unknown
drugs. Among them, a special role was played by
penicillin --- which saved the lives of millions of
soldiers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.


Without these brilliant victories in the medical field,
the enormous demographic growth of the Soviet
era...  would not have been possible.


Despite all the hardships and terrible human losses
suffered in the first half of the twentieth century in
three wars — two world wars and a civil war - the
population of the Soviet country grew steadily
and rapidly. If in 1913 159 million people lived
within the borders of the future USSR, then
in the years of Soviet power their number
increased to 294 million - by 85%. By the
start of the 20th century - there were 67
million inhabitants within the borders of
present-day Russia, and - in the Soviet
era - its population grew to 148 million
 — 2.2 times!


At the beginning of the 20th century...  the average life
expectancy in Russia was deadly low - 32 years. In the
US, it was then 49 years old. But... in 1967, when the
Land of Soviets celebrated the 50th anniversary of
the Socialist Revolution, our citizens lived an
average of 70 years. The US, however, was
not able to reach this figure by that time.

They were 3 years behind the Soviet Union
in terms of average life expectancy. In
the same period, the Soviet Union
surpassed not only the US in life
expectancy, but also countries
such as France, Belgium, and
Finland and was on a par with
Japan, Germany, Italy, and
Canada, in this indicator.


Here are the unique achievements of the Soviet State,
whose citizens were protected by a reliable shield
of advanced science and medicine.


And, over the past 30 years, in Russia and other former
Soviet republics that were forced to abandon socialism,
the number of Russians alone has shrunk by 20 million.

The population decline in our country over the past three
years, has amounted to more than two million people.
This is the terrible price of an irresponsible attitude
to the healthcare sector and to science, without
which medicine and self-sufficient pharma-
ceuticals, independent of imports,
cannot develop.


Over the past 20 years, the amount of public funding for
healthcare in Russia has fluctuated between 3-4 percent
of GDP - with a required 7 percent. The result, is low
salaries for health workers and a deterioration of the
medical infrastructure. The situation was seriously
aggravated by the irresponsible "optimization" of
the medical sector. It was carried out, under the
pretext of restoring order in the domestic health
care system, modernizing it, and freeing it from
bureaucratic costs. But in fact, it led to the fact
that the number of hospitals and hospital beds
was halved, and the medical staff underwent a
large-scale & absolutely unjustified reduction,
that resulted in an acute personnel shortage.

The accumulated problems were particularly acute against
the background of the coronavirus pandemic, which put
Russia in one of the first places in the world, in terms
of mortality.


In the summer of 2020, against the background of the
growing epidemic, it was the Communist Party of the
Russian Federation, that came up with a clear and
consistent program of emergency measures aimed
at saving domestic medicine. Then, it was actually
ignored by the authorities. But today, in the face
of hostile sanctions, the predatory scenario of
which involves depriving our country of modern
medical equipment and a whole range of vital
medicines, this program becomes even
more relevant.


It is only possible to ensure the availability and high quality
of healthcare, if government spending on this area is at
least doubled. First of all, the primary health care
system must be restored.


In this situation, it is necessary to make a decision - on
providing the necessary medicines to poor citizens free
of charge or on preferential terms. Let me remind you:
in 2021, the average cost of packaging medicines in
Russia increased by 12.5%. The increase in prices
for imported drugs ranged from 20% to 40%, and
some of them, doubled in price. In the long run,
the problems... may be even more serious. We
must do everything possible to stop further
escalations in this area. This is one of the
most urgent tasks - both from the point of
view of social stability and from the point
of view of national security.


Its implementation requires the transfer of pharmaceutical
enterprises under the control of the Ministry of Health. And
a fundamental increase in their financing at the expense of
the National Welfare Fund. The work of these enterprises
should be carried out in strict accordance with the
programs and requests of the relevant ministry.

This is the only way to overcome dependence
on imported drugs and components in the
shortest possible time, and which is
becoming extremely dangerous in
the context of the Western
sanctions banditry.


We also call for an end to the practice
of admission to medical universities
and colleges, on a fee-based basis.

It is absolutely unacceptable that access to the profession
of a doctor for money should be opened to people who do
not have the necessary abilities for it and are devoid
of sincere devotion to it. This is a direct path to a
further degradation of medicine... on which, the
health and preservation of the nation depends.


The demographic catastrophe that threatens Russia has
two main components. These are high mortality and
extremely low birth rates, which, in recent years,
have turned out to be the worst in our country
since the early 2000s.


Key social measures: should stimulate the birth rate 
- improving the welfare of workers, restoring a full-
fledged and effective system of benefits for large
families, providing housing for young families, &
 implementing a large-scale national program
for the protection of motherhood
and childhood.

But we will achieve curbing mortality, without which it is
also impossible to improve the demographic situation -
only if Russian medicine is revived on the basis of our
program requirements & the outstanding experience
of the Soviet health care system.


The unsurpassed achievements of the Soviet era,
which were especially vividly manifested in the
labour, scientific and social feats of Stalin's
industrialization, were based on two axes,
on two fundamental principles of the
Russian world — the worker
and the peasant.

These 2 principles were also combined in the outstanding
personality of the Soviet leader I. V. Stalin. This, is exactly
what the German writer Lion Feuchtwanger noticed in him,
who after getting acquainted with our country persistently
sought to spread the truth about the USSR in the West —
despite the myths of reactionary propaganda about
"Soviet totalitarianism". In his book Moscow, 1937,
written in France, he spoke of Stalin: "This is the
type of the Russian peasant and worker who has
risen to genius, and who is assured of victory
because he combines the strength of
both classes."


Feuchtwanger meant, primarily, the political and socio-
economic victory of Stalin and the country he led. But
these words, written four years before Hitler's attack
on the Soviet Union, were also prophetic of our
country's Great Victory on the battlefields
against fascism.


This Victory was forged in the combination of the greatest
ideas of our people, coming from the depths of centuries
and embodied with the highest power in Soviet society -
the ideas of statehood and socialism. Their connection
was clearly and forcefully expressed in the address to
the defenders of the Soviet Homeland, which Stalin
delivered from the rostrum of the Mausoleum on
November 7th, 1941, at the military parade
markingthe 24th anniversary of the
October Revolution:

"Let the courageous image of our great ancestors -
Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin,

Dmitry Rogozin - inspire you in this war:
Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail
Kutuzov. Let the invincible banner of
the great Lenin overshadow you!"


Today, having accepted a new challenge from foreign
opponents, we can repeat these Stalinist words that
inspire us to the victories and achievements of the
twenty-first century.


A fateful test of strength


A big war becomes for any nation not only a test of military
and moral fortitude. It is the most rigorous test --- of the
political, social and economic sustainability of the state.
The most revealing test for the strength of the existing

For the Soviet state, the main test was the Great Patriotic
War, which proved the ability of the people who linked
their fate with socialism to fight back against a strong
and terrible enemy and save all of humanity from the
plague of Hitler's Nazism. It was the socioeconomic
system with which the USSR met the treacherous
attack of the fascist invaders, that played a
decisive role in achieving our
Great Victory.


The most difficult and heroic years of the war clearly
demonstrated the Soviet Power's ability... to make
unprecedented economic breakthroughs. In 1943,
the output of Soviet defense industries doubled
in comparison with the pre-war 1940. Domestic
agriculture also withstood the blows of the war.
New acreage was developed... in the eastern
regions, where it grew by 5 million hectares.
During the war years, winter crops in
Siberia increased by 64%.


Today, when the tasks of strengthening our agricultural
sector and achieving sustainable food security require
maximum provision of modern agricultural machinery,
it is especially important to remember the indicators
of its production at that most difficult time. Thus,
tractor production, which plummeted in 1942,
increased by 27% in 1945 compared to 1942.


It is terrible to imagine what might have been waiting for
our country if, at the time when it was attacked by Hitler's
Germany, the economy was in the hands of oligarchs who
made capital, thanks to Chubais' criminal privatization.

Even then, they probably would not have had "incentives"
to invest in the economy, in successful opposition to the
enemy. They probably wouldn't want to share their
super-profits with the country, even if it meant
the country's death.


Without such social unity in the Soviet country, such faith in
ideas that reflect the interests of the working people, the
USSR would hardly have withstood the onslaught of the
enemy. But there was a great unity in Soviet society.
And so our fighters went on the attack, died, broke
through the enemy's encirclement and won with
the words: "For the Motherland! For Stalin!"


Soviet patriotism and loyalty to the Fatherland, rooted in its
difficult and heroic thousand-year history, gave them an
unbreakable strength. These great feelings permeate
one of the best poems of the first war years "1941",
written by the poet and front-line correspondent, a
talented native of Donbass, Dmitry Kedrin. His
piercing words were addressed to the Soviet
soldier and citizen:


Is it for this purpose under the Lenin banner


By constant hard work


We rebuilt it in belokamenny


Our once log cabin;




And from the fierce onslaught of the enemy


Did they defend it for that purpose,


To rot you alive now


In the bitterest of bitter captivity




So that, staring pewter eyes,


Nemchura drilled the guys,


So that you forget that the Slavs


You and I were called yesterday




Fight well so that the aliens are filthy


They ordered others to come to us


Enemies to be insulted


Don't give us our honest graves!




Look back at the woods and pasture,


Advancing with a rifle into battle


All that is acquired by our hard work,


Behind your back, behind you!




So that the good will not be pulled apart,


To the Motherland to bloom and shine,


With the voices of your hoary ancestors


I'll tell you to stand to the death!




And today... we can stand and win, only if society is
maximally united, with close civil and social unity.
But it cannot be achieved --- if the practice of
persecuting left-wing patriotic forces,
intimidating and putting pressure
on our comrades --- continues.

Talented managers of the best national enterprises, such
as the Lenin State Farm, near Moscow, headed by the
people's presidential candidate, P. N. Grudinin, the
Zvenigovskoye association in the Republic of Mari
El, headed by I. I. Kazankov, & Usolye-Sibirskoye
in the Irkutsk region, under the leadership of
I. A. Sumarokov.


It is impossible to achieve solidarity in a country where,
even in a hybrid war, high offices & television screens
continue to pour buckets of malicious and deceitful
anti-Soviet views on society.


We demand an end to the persecution of our comrades and
associates. Outlaw the propaganda of Russophobia and
anti-Sovietism. Without these policies, in Russia, where
the demand for social justice and a turn to the left, is
growing rapidly --- it is impossible to achieve lasting
social unity in the face of the challenges that have
been thrown at us all.


The outstanding Soviet experience is both an example of
great spirit and national unity, and an example of heroic
recovery of the economy and social sphere, after
colossal losses. Since the Great Patriotic War,
this example has never been so relevant
as it is today.


The material losses suffered by the USSR from 1941 to
1945 amounted to almost a third of its national wealth.
The amount of damage caused to the Soviet Union
was estimated at 2.6 trillion pre-war rubles. In
terms of current prices --- this is at least the
seven-year gross product of today's Russia.


The enemy army completely or partially destroyed or
burned 1,710 Soviet cities and towns, more than 70
thousand villages and villages. 65 thousand kms of
railway tracks, 4 thousand railway stations, 36
thousand postal & telegraph institutions were
disabled. The Nazis destroyed over 6 million
buildings on our territory. 25 million people
lost their homes.


A heavy blow was dealt to Soviet industry. Almost 32
thousand enterprises were destroyed. Steel mills,
which before the war accounted for about 60% of
the steel produced, and mines, which produced
60% of the country's coal, were destroyed.
Tens of thousands of collective and state
farms were ravaged by the war and
looted by the enemy.


The losses in the social, educational and scientific spheres
were gigantic. On the territory of the USSR, the invaders
completely destroyed or damaged 40 thousand hospitals
and other medical institutions, 84 thousand schools,
technical schools, universities and research
institutes, and 43 thousand public libraries.


But the most terrible result of the war's hard times, is the
death of almost 27 million Soviet people. If not for the
war, they would have continued to live and have
children, work in production and agriculture,
teach in schools and institutes, and make
scientific discoveries.


The victorious country, which had survived a terrible war,
was faced with the task of recovering from these wounds
inflicted by the enemy, as soon as possible. In the hearts
of Soviet citizens, the bitterness of loss, the triumph of
winners and the desire for a new life, the struggle for
which is sanctified by the great deeds of our
ancestors and the outstanding history of
the Fatherland, were united.

All these feelings were poignantly reflected in the poem
"Contemporaries", written in 1946 by the veteran poet
Pavel Shubin, who was born and raised in my native
Oryol region:






Tattered to pieces


In the Dnieper swamps,


On the Orlovskaya arc,


Silt-covered Siwash, —


They were also surprised by the stars,


They were lying in the bloody mud under fire


We crawled to the Prussian trenches without breathing;


They also hugged the cute ones


And they died at the cold dawns


In the ruins of someone else's dugout…


I was with them,


I ws also hit at point blank range


And the wounds haven't closed yet




But still sometimes,


On the dawns of the former


Cherries are blooming again in Chernihiv,


Drunken nights are no darker than before,


Cast showers fall on Downpours,


And drops, like chopped hryvnia,


In the shaggy manes of warhorses


And I'm also Svyatoslav's vigilante,


Went to Kafa, took Bratislava,


A hundredfold died at Stalingrad


And risen again under the sun of our glory —


Zealot of peace, guardian soldier




The more deeply we realize the scale of the tragic losses
suffered during the war years, the more majestic the feat
of rapid socialist reconstruction of the victorious country
appears -- demographic, social, and economic recovery.

Stalin's industrialization of the 1930s, was an unsurpassed
experience of a gigantic socio-economic breakthrough. The
reconstruction of the post-war years, turned out to be an
unprecedented example of the revival of a Power that not
only made up for the losses incurred, but also surpassed
its pre-war achievements, in the shortest possible time.


The average annual growth rate of industrial output in the
post-war fourth five-year plan was 14% and exceeded the
pre-war rate of 13.2%. These figures were achieved
despite the fact that the country lost millions of
skilled workers during the war! Despite the fact
that, by the end of the war, there were 2.5
million fewer workers and employees in
Soviet industry than in pre-war 1940!


After the war, the USSR was faced with the task of
transferring military industry enterprises to the
production of civilian products. It was possible
to solve it only if the machine-building industry
grew intensively. And this breakthrough in the
1st post-war five-year plan, turned out to be
more than impressive. In 1950, the output
of Soviet mechanical engineering was
2.3 times higher than in 1940.

Against the background of today's economic indicators,
such figures seem fantastic. But without such success
in mechanical engineering, the country would not have
been able to ensure the development of the entire
national economy on a new technological basis. It
was the success in mechanical engineering, that
created the most important prerequisites for the
37% increase in labour productivity and 64%
increase in national income achieved by the
end of the fourth five-year plan, compared
to the pre-war period.


By 1950, in comparison with 1940, the gross output of
Soviet industry had grown by 73%, fixed production
assets had increased by a quarter, and the national
income by 64%. Mechanical engineering, chemical
industry, and raw materials industries had shown
rapid development. The material & technical base
of agriculture had been significantly strengthened.

Construction of the largest energy facilities, new irrigation
channels and systems had started. The creation of forest
strips in the steppe regions of the country, had begun.


During the post-war five-year plan, 6,200 large state-owned
industrial enterprises ...were restored and re-erected. The
Kaluga Turbine Plant, Kolomna Heavy Machine Tool Plant,
and Ryazan Machine Tool Plant gave their products. The
Saratov — Moscow, Kohtla-Jarve — Leningrad, and
Dashava — Kiev gas pipelines were built and
put into operation.


It is especially important to recall today that first of all, the
Dnipro hydroelectric power station, metallurgical plants in
the south of Ukraine and mines in the Donbass,
were restored.


The Bandera-Nazi regime, which seized power in Kiev, as a
result of a criminal coup in 2014 -- seeks to erase from the
Ukrainian people the memory that they fought fascism side
by side with the Russians and other peoples of the USSR.
And fought alongside them in the post-war years for the
reconstruction of the country, in which industrial
construction in Ukraine.. played a special role. It
was in the Union of Soviet Peoples, that Ukraine
reached the peak of its economic, social
and cultural development.


We will never allow Bandera members, fascists and traitors
to trample on the historical memory. They are not destined
to establish obscurantist ideas of enmity and hatred on a
land drenched in the blood of Soviet soldiers.


Every day there is more and more irrefutable evidence that
the militaristic machine of Anglo — Saxon imperialism ---
NATO, which continues to stuff Ukraine with weapons, is
fighting with Russia in the Ukrainian direction. It is also
obvious.. that the Russophobic West is not just fueling
fascist sentiments in Ukraine, but is also thoroughly
imbued with them.


A convincing confirmation of this, was the vote held in
December 2021, on the UN resolution: "Combating the
glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other forms
of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia".

Among the countries that are Members of the United
Nations --- there were 51 who cynically refused to
support this document, for which no truly civilized
state can fail to speak out. At the same time, the
United States and Ukraine, voted most defiantly
against the resolution. And 49 abstained, which
is also a de facto refusal - to recognize Nazism
as a world evil and resolutely oppose it. Among
those who refused to denounce Nazism are all
"democracies", many of which fought on the
side of Hitler. And today they signal their
commitment - to the same misanthropic
ideology, arming Bandera members and
waging a political and propaganda war
on their side. These are, in particular:

Great Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands,
Poland, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Romania,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.


From the heroic experience of the war years and post-war
reconstruction, there are three crucial lessons to be
learned that should inspire us in today's
challenging environment.


The first of them is a lesson in socio-economic revival and
rapid reindustrialization, successfully overcoming the
worst destruction in our history. We say that we are
quite capable of recovering from the pogrom that
the "reformers" prepared in Russia during the
three post-Soviet decades.


The second lesson is a lesson of fraternal friendship of
peoples, from which the Great Victory in the war
against fascism, and the great revival of the
country crippled by the enemy, were born..

It confirms --- the importance of our current program
requirements: to strengthen the Union of Russia and
Belarus and actively form a common economic and
cultural space of Russia, with the Luhansk and
Donetsk People's Republics. Resolutely protect
our compatriots abroad. Open the doors wide,
for their return - to their homeland. Launch a
vigorous struggle for a voluntary restoration
of the ruined Union State. The Communist
deputies L. I. Kalashnikov, K. K. Taisaev
and other representatives of our party,
are at the forefront of this most
important work.


The third lesson, is the denazification of Germany and its
satellites in the Hitlerite coalition by the victorious Soviet
state. This experience should be used today, in Ukraine,
which should be forever cleansed of the taint of Nazism.

Understanding this, we have collected unique material
concerning the denazification that the USSR carried out
in the 40s and 50s on the territory of Europe. And they
handed it over to the country's leadership, with the
wish to use it effectively in modern conditions.


Peaks of peaceful prosperity


The feat of rapid post-war reconstruction laid the
foundation for the successful development of the
Soviet country for four decades.


In the 1950s, the annual growth of industrial production
averaged 12%, the growth of gross agricultural output —
5-6%. Renewal of fixed production assets is estimated
at 10% a year. National income grew by 10% annually,
and trade turnover ---- by 11.5%. Destroyed towns and
villages were being revived and new ones were being
built. During the fourth 5-year plan alone, 201 million
square metres of housing were built and restored in
Soviet cities and towns.


Between 1951 and 1967, national income in the USSR
increased by an average of 9% per year, while in the
United States it grew by less than 4%. The annual
volume of industrial output in the Soviet country
grew by 10.5% annually, and in America-only by
4.5%. The Soviet Union increased agricultural
output by 4% every year, yet the US increased
it by less than 2%. Cargo turnover of all types
of transport, grew by 9% a year... in our
country, while overseas - by only 2.5%.

Soviet capital investment in development increased by
10%, while US capital investment increased by less
than 3%. The annual growth of labour productivity
in industry in the USSR, exceeded 6%, and in the
United States, it was twice as low.


By 1967, the total volume of products produced by the
USSR and other socialist countries, was 20 times
higher than the volume of products produced in
the same countries in 1937. And.. in the leading
capitalist countries the production of industrial
products had grown... only 3.4 times, over the
same 30 years.


20 years later, the USSR accounted for a fifth of the world's
industrial output, and the Russian Federation accounted for
9%, compared to less than 2% today. The Soviet country
produced 4.5 times more industrial products per
citizen, than the world average.


In 1987, the growth rate of national income in the United
States was less than 3%, and in the USSR it exceeded 4%.

The volume of industrial output in the United States
increased by 2.6% in the same year, while in the
USSR its growth exceeded 5%.


The Soviet aviation industry had achieved tremendous
success. Every third passenger in the world, flew on
"Silts " and "Carcasses". The USSR had an excellent
line of aircraft that didn't have a single foreign part.
By the early 90's ----- the country had fully certified,
state-of-the-art airliners ready for mass production.

But the "reformers", the "fifth column", which acted
in the interests of the West, ditched all this --- in
favour of Boeing and Airbus.


Now that Russia's adversaries are using the fruits of this
irresponsible policy to try to paralyze our civil aviation
with sanctions --- we urgently need to restore the
domestic aviation industry. Life, has convincingly
confirmed what we have been insistently warning
about -- all these years: a country spread across
11 time zones --- cannot depend on foreign civil
aviation. It has no right to become a hostage
of foreign exporters in this sphere.


In order to restore the status of a leading aviation power,
we must start mass production of the most significant
line of aircraft, as soon as possible — the long-haul
IL-96-400, medium-haul MS-21 and SSJ-100, and
other modern airliners.


For the development of intraregional routes in Russia, at
least 15-20 thousand light aircraft are needed. These
aircraft should provide transport accessibility to
remote and sparsely populated regions, where
their use is more cost-effective, safer, more
reliable & easier than using motor vehicles.


Expanding the financing of mass production of Russian
aircraft and attracting qualified personnel in this area
is one of the most important points of our
economic program.


When solving the vital task of import substitution today, it
is necessary to take into account the Soviet experience
in the production of consumer goods.


The Soviet Union had a developed textile industry and
produced fabrics of the highest quality. Worsted mills
in Leningrad, Chernogorsk, Buryatia, and Khakassia
provided the textile industry with raw materials.
Excellent products were produced by the Kiev,
Chernihiv and Tashkent silk mills. Excellent
cotton and linen products were produced at
enterprises located in Ivanovo, Vologda,
Kolomna, Novosibirsk.

Oligarchic capitalism, in fact, destroyed the traditional
Russian textile industry. And today, its restoration
--- should become an important component of the
state program of accelerated import substitution.


The experience of Soviet economic achievements serves as
proof of the most important law, without mastering which,
it is impossible to successfully fight for the welfare of the
people. This law states that economic growth based on
an increase in industrial production - and the dynamic
development of the high tech sector is the only basis
for increasing workers ' incomes. And to successfully
counter such a negative phenomenon as inflation.
The Soviet government took full account of this
law. And so, it could guarantee a decent life
for every citizen.


Already in 1945, the Soviet state's social security
expenditures -- were almost six times higher than
before the war. The hard times of war left millions
of Soviet people orphaned, widowed, and disabled.
But the Soviet government did everything possible
to help people return to a normal life as soon as
possible. Although it required an incredible
effort, and huge financial costs.


Large-scale measures aimed at improving the standard of
living of the people were carried out. Two years after the
end of the war, many problems of food and manufactured
goods consumption were solved. In 1947, the card system
was abolished. The overall price level has almost halved.
In just 7 years - from 1947 to 1954 - bread and butter fell
in price by 67%, meat-by 64%, sugar-by 56%, fish-by 51%,
shoes-by 52%, clothing made from natural fabrics-by 30-
50%. The cost of the main consumer basket had more
than halved, over the same years. And the income of
almost 60% of workers and employees exceeded it
from one and a half, to more than two times.


At the same time, it should be emphasized: in Soviet times,
the basic consumer basket meant a set of goods that
guaranteed a completely prosperous existence. And
not a beggarly ration, unable to provide even basic
survival, which today's statistics give out as a
living wage.


By 1967 - the half-century anniversary of the Great October
Revolution — the real incomes of Soviet workers had
increased 6.6 times, and the incomes of peasants -
8.5 times in comparison with the indicators of the
early 20s. Simultaneously with the rapid growth of
the purchasing power of citizens ---- there was also
an increase in consumption. So, for the period from
1929 to 1955, the consumption of eggs increased
by 1.5 times, vegetable oil - twice, fish - 2.5 times,
sugar - 2.8 times. A similar pattern was observed
in the non-food sector. Sales of fabrics increased
1.7 times over the same period, leather shoes —
2.3 times, hygiene items — 2.7 times. In general,
the retail trade turnover in the same quarter of
a century has grown in the USSR by 5 times.


The economic and social achievements of Soviet Power
were admired by the whole world. Unforgettable
international festivals of youth and students,
held in the USSR in 1957 and 1985, will
always remain in history.

The atmosphere that prevailed at them said that
the Soviet country... is a delight for all mankind
and proves to the whole planet the advantages
of socialism. The Soviet Union did not ask for
love and respect from anyone, but rightfully
gave them --- because of what we had
managed to achieve.


This is the great example that we must follow today, as we
fight to return to the most advanced positions in the world
and become truly invincible ----- politically, economically,
and morally.


Left turn to rebirth


In stark contrast to the social achievements of the Soviet
era, is the system of inequality and impoverishment that
we have built up, over 30 years of savage capitalism.


In the twenty-first century, Russia is the only country
among the largest countries in the world, where the
total capital of 100s of dollar billionaires exceeds
the total amount of bank deposits of all other
citizens. We are in the top three in terms of
the ratio of gross domestic product to the
wealth of a narrow group of oligarchs,
which, in monetary terms, is 35%
of our GDP.

This indicator, which indicates a huge social split,
is twice as high in our country as in the United
States, and three times higher than in the
EU countries.


According to the minimum wage, we are sixth out of ten
countries. And in Western Europe, it is 5-10 times higher
than in Russia. Over the past 8 years, real incomes of
citizens have decreased by 12%. The salary of over
half of employees does not exceed 20 thousand
rubles per month. Almost a quarter of families
with children live in poverty, and over half of
those with many children, live in poverty.

Impoverishment has pushed tens of millions of people into
debt, forcing them to take out "survival" loans. The total
debt of Russians to banks exceeds 23 trillion rubles,
exceeding the size of the annual federal budget.


For decades, the impoverishment of millions ensured the
fabulous enrichment of a handful of"chosen ones". In 2020
-2021 alone, despite the epidemic and the crisis that had
worsened against it, the total wealth of the Russian
billionaires ---- increased by $90 billion. Or, almost
seven trillion rubles at the current exchange rate.
That is, for a 3rd of the country's annual budget.

Their total capital at the end of 2021, amounted to 628
billion dollars and almost equaled the value of Russia's
gold and foreign exchange reserves, half of which are
now criminally frozen in the West. Frozen by those
whom the oligarchs never tired of praising and
under whose dictation, they led the Russian
economy to degradation.


Under primitive capitalism a decline in workers incomes
is compounded --- by non-stop inflation. In 2021, only
according to official data, consumer prices growth
exceeded 8% and turned out to be a record for the
last 6 years. Food products -- according to official
statistics, on average rose in price by almost 11%.
But in reality, according to experts, this figure is
three times higher. The government's forecasts
promise no less significant inflation, this year.


In this situation, we have formulated a program of priority
actions in the social and economic sphere — "Twenty
urgent measures for the transformation of Russia". We
submitted it to the President and the government, for
consideration and stated that only if our demands are
met, will the country be able to avoid collapse, cope
with the hostile sanctions challenge and get on the
path of confident, independent development.


The first requirement of our emergency response program
is to start an urgent fight to eliminate poverty. Double the
cost of living -- and set it at a minimum of 25 thousand
rubles. Ensure state regulation of prices for essential
goods. The draft of the relevant law that we have
prepared, is on the government's desk. And it
must be taken up immediately!


We insist: in the current situation, the authorities must
immediately cancel the cannibalistic pension reform.
Limit the amount of payment for housing and utilities
services to no more than 10% of the family's income.
Form a public trade network. This will eliminate the
arbitrariness of speculators who are ready to warm
their hands on the current difficulties & challenges.


Overcoming the crisis, reviving the country, and providing
citizens with decent living conditions is impossible without
restoring the social state -- which guarantees the right to
free education and medical care. In order to build such a
state, modern effective management is necessary. It is
time to reduce the number of officials and the bloated
repressive apparatus. Resolutely suppress corruption
and crime, first of all by purging the upper echelons
of power, from illiterate and corrupt personnel.


Over the past 30 years, the country's system of checks
and balances has been destroyed, which is provided by
independent public structures and organizations that
are able to resist corruption and lawlessness. In the
Soviet era, such a system played a huge role. It was
based on public organizations and was, in fact, all-
pervasive. It was based on the people's control,
trade unions, industry, youth, and women's

They not only helped to strengthen the unity of society, but
also protected the civil and labour rights of people. We
draw on this experience in our policies and programs.
The Communist Party's desire to revive the state of
social justice and the rule of law --- is actively
supported by patriotic forces, the Komsomol,
the Union of Officers, the Women's Union
"Hope of Russia", the movement "Russian
Lad", creative and professional unions.


We rely on a strong, professional and patriotic team, in the
centre of which are I. I. Melnikov, Yu. V. Afonin, V. I. Kashin,
D. G. Novikov, N. N. Ivanov, L. I. Kalashnikov, N. V.
Kolomeitsev, N. M. Kharitonov, S. G. Levchenko,
N. V. Arefyev, S.E. Savitskaya, Yu. P. Sinelshchikov,
N. I. Osadchy, S. P. Obukhov, N. G. Zubrilin, S. I.
Kazankov, A. A. Yushchenko, A.V. Kurinny, D. A.
Parfenov, A.V. Kornienko and other representatives
of the Communist Party factions in the State Duma
and regional legislative assemblies.


A successful example of governance is demonstrated by
the regional leaders representing our party - the Mayor of
Novosibirsk A. E. Lokot, the Governor of the Orel region
A. E. Klychkov, the head of the Ulyanovsk region A. Yu.
Russkikh and the head of Khakassia V. O. Konovalov.


Representatives of our young team, heads of regional
organizations of the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation and the Lenin Communist Youth Union —
M. N. Prusakova, G. P. Kamnev, A. N. Ivachev,
V. A. Tsarikhin, R. I. Kononenko, A. R.
Aleksandrov-are actively and
effectively working.


V. P. Isakov and M. V. Drobot reliably ensure the interaction
of the party with the Komsomol and the Pioneers, whose
100th anniversary we are celebrating this year.


Our highly qualified lawyers E. I. Kolyushin, I. A. Filatova,
and V. G. Solovyov are uncompromising and professional
defenders of the interests of the party and its voters.


The Pravda and Sovetskaya Rossiya newspapers and the
Krasnaya Liniya TV channel, headed by their leaders B. O.
Komotsky, V. V. Chikin and V. V. Miller, are valiantly
working on the information and ideological front
of the struggle for socialism.


Yu. P. Belov, S. A. Shargunov, V. N. Tetekin, L. G. Baranova,
L. N. Dobrokhotov, L. N. Shvets, I. I. Nikitchuk, V. S. Nikitin,
I. N. Makarov, V. F. Gryzlov, Yu.S. E. Anikhovsky, M. S.
Muzaev, Ya. I. Listov, A.V. Sukhoverkhov.


V. I. Sobolev, G. M. Benov, V. P. Komoyedov, A. P. Tarnaev, N.
N. Platoshkin, and S. S. Udaltsov play an important role in
strengthening the Union of the Communist Party of the
Russian Federation and other left-wing patriotic


Our call for a left turn is supported by the best
manufacturing professionals and scientists. It
resonates with the most serious scientific

An example of this is the recently published fundamental
work "Crystal of Growth. To the Russian Economic
Miracle", which unequivocally proves that the
Leninist-Stalinist modernization, was the
greatest socio-economic breakthrough
in the history of our Fatherland. And it
should serve as a key reference point
for us... in shaping the country's
new course.


The statements of the Russian leadership.. are increasingly
echoing our calls and demands. Let me remind you that the
already mentioned Presidential National Security Strategy
rightly recognizes: that our traditional spiritual and moral
values include "creative work, the priority of the spiritual
over the material, humanism, mercy, justice, collectivism,
mutual assistance and mutual respect." But this is nothing
more than the basic foundations of socialism! And it is in
our common interest to raise this red banner of victory
over the country once again!


We must remember what the socialist system was capable
of. And to pass on the memory of this to a new generation,
whose most important historical task is to free themselves
from the fetters of the crisis, the main source of which for
the whole world is the system of global capitalism led by
its neo-imperialist Anglo-Saxon dictate.


Today we explicitly state: Soviet power, the power of the
working people, is the best defense against external
enemies and against the betrayal of national
interests by the"fifth column".


It was the unyielding will of the people that allowed the
creation of the greatest state in history, the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, 100 years ago. And when
this will was betrayed and paralyzed --- the criminal
destruction of the Soviet country became possible,
committed --- despite the results of the national
referendum, in which 113 million people voted
for socialism and the inviolability of Soviet
borders — 76% of those who took part
in the vote.


The collapse of the USSR and world socialism turned out to
be beneficial only to transnational capital, the Western
political establishment closely associated with it, and
corrupt traitors inside our country. Western "elites"
saved the capitalist system sliding into the abyss -
by military adventures, destroying a self-sufficient
socialist economy, seizing new markets and
turning successful states into raw
materials appendages.


The nefarious aims of those who profited from the
destruction of the Soviet State are reflected in the
memoirs of the outstanding Russian scientist and
patriot, Alexander Zinoviev.

He recounted a remarkable conversation that took place in
the late ' 90s: "Shortly before my return to Russia, I met a
well-known figure of the Cold War, and he told me directly:

"We will destroy you, the Russians, but only by humane
methods. Global division of labour, free trade, financial
sabotage, debt bondage, economic sanctions,
blockades, famine, drugs, AIDS, family
planning, spiritual corruption, and,
at worst, by pinpoint and
carpet bombing."


On July 23rd, 1991, a few months before the conclusion of
the criminal Belovezhskaya Accords, which "legitimized"
the liquidation of the USSR, a "Word to the People" was
published... in Sovetskaya Rossiya, signed by me and
a group of reputable industrialists, cultural figures,
& military personnel known throughout the country.

In it, we addressed the public with the appeal: "Let's say'
No! ' to the destroyers and invaders. Let's limit our retreat
at the last line of resistance. We are starting a nationwide
movement, calling to our ranks those who have recognized
the terrible disaster that has befallen the country ...

Everyone who is in the cities and villages, in the steppes
and forests, at the edge of the great oceans that wash
the country - we will wake up, stand up for unity and
repel the destroyers of the Motherland!"


30 years ago, those on whom the salvation of the Soviet
state depended did not listen to us. I hope, that those on
whom the security of Russia, the well-being and dignity
of our people depend today, will hear a new call for the
transformation of the Motherland under the banners
of patriotism, unity and renewed socialism!


In February 2021, Orel hosted the International Scientific
& Practical Conference "Image of the Future", which we
actively prepared. Its key conclusions, are the complete
bankruptcy of the capitalist system in Russia and in the
world, & the fundamental need to return to the socialist
principles of governance & socio-economic development.


This historical pattern is followed by the most important
demands of the left-patriotic forces, which are reflected
in our program and meet the interests of the absolute
majority, the tasks of saving the people -- and their
spiritual and moral revival. The nationalization of
strategically important industries. Restoration of
the planning system, in all social and economic
areas. The resumption of the full-fledged work
of such industries as aircraft construction,
robotics, electronics, plus machine tool
construction, energy, and metallurgy
under state control, plus.....

Maximum concern for the development of agriculture and
food security. Comprehensive support of existing national
enterprises and active promotion of new ones.


In the name of the Victory Program


One hundred years ago, a key event occurred in the history
of mankind. In its significance, it turned out to be no less
important than the transition of humanity from savagery
to civilization, the invention of writing or the spiritual
impulse of the Renaissance.


The creation of an equal family of peoples — the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, was an achievement of global
historical scale. It had fulfilled the highest hopes of
thinkers and visionaries of several millennia. They
reflected the dreams of a just society and a
brotherhood that could achieve anything -
from conquering the vast expanses of
the sea and the air, to defeating the
darkest forces of evil.


The leap of our fathers and grandfathers into the future,
did not happen by itself. It was prepared by the selfless
struggle of generations of creators and heroes - from
Radishchev and Pestel, Herzen and Chernyshevsky to
the brave Narodnaya Volya and inflexible Bolsheviks
who were not afraid of persecution, hard labour, or
the block. An ideological basis of the Soviet project
was laid by Marxist science, enriched by the
visionary genius of Lenin, the tireless work
of Stalin, and the incredible energy of
millions of Communists.


The formation of Soviet society was impossible without the
spiritual and moral pillars of the great Russian culture with
its inherent search for truth, love for the common man, and
the desire ---- to transform the native land, on the basis of
friendship of peoples and justice. In carrying out their feat
of creation, realizing a cultural breakthrough, creating the
USSR, implementing the Victory Program, the Bolsheviks
relied entirely on the great works of Pushkin & Lermontov
of Belinsky and Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nekrasov, on the
entire layer of our deeply humanistic literature, on its
philosophical understanding of life.


The fortress of the "roots" predetermined the strength and
beauty of the mighty state "tree" called the Union of SSR.
Its vital juices were drawn from the wisdom of centuries
and the energy of new generations. This was the start
of a breakthrough, that history had never known.

Industrial sectors created from scratch, unprecedented
scientific achievements, and space travel, have become
milestones of a grandiose movement forward.


But it wasn't progress for the sake of beautiful statistics.
And records were not set, for the sake of records. The
very existence of Soviet power --- all its victories and
achievements served Man. The people of labour, their
well-being, their comprehensive development became
the goal for which the Soviet Union fought, overcame
difficulties, and was eager for the future.


And the Soviet man - the man of the new era, the creative
man -- responded to his socialist Homeland with love and
devotion. He suffered hardships, building Magnitogorsk
and Dnepro GES. Not sparing his very life, he fought on
the fronts of the Great Patriotic War against fascism.
Looking to the future, he selflessly restored the
national economy of his beloved Motherland.


Contrary to the fabrications of the enemies of the Soviet
government, our dear Motherland was not at all doomed
to collapse. She was in the prime of her life --- had the
opportunity to overcome temporary difficulties --- and
accumulated a huge potential for new achievements
and victories. But the strong trunk of a thousand
-year-old statehood, was eroded from the inside.

Covering up their criminal actions with demagoguery
about perestroika and glasnost, distorting Marxist-
Leninist teaching, mixing great personalities with
mud, pandering to the sabbath of philistinism,
these parasitic shifters, led the country
to destruction.

Willingly or unwittingly, they were fulfilling the order of
world capital, which since the birth of the Soviet State
has been calculating lost profits and trembling for
its future.


The emergence of an alternative world order, directly
threatened the imperialists' plans for their planetary
and eternal domination. The world bourgeois
oligarchy, spared no effort to destroy
the USSR.

To do this, it sent groups of interventionists to us,
and supplied White Guard collaborators.  It was
they who nurtured fascism, wishing the Hitlers
and "Fuhrers"of a smaller kind, to defeat
our country.

It unleashed the "cold war" --- trying to strangle
the USSR with a blockade and cordons of
aggressive military blocs.

It formed a "fifth column" - which included the
Gorbachevs and Yakovlevs, Yeltsins and
Shevardnadze, Gaidars and Chubais
and a whole host of their


The crime has been committed. The brilliant Soviet project
of the twentieth century was stifled. Together with the
USSR, the hopes of billions of people on Earth, for
justice, peace and social progress, were shaken.

Traitorous pygmies danced on the fallen giant
tree, calling it an "anomaly of nature." They
insisted that Lenin was guilty of "destroying
Russian statehood" - while plundering and
living off the vast legacy created by him.


Barren, devoid of conscience and creative potential.... the
bourgeois government could not move the country forward,
doomed it to degradation. Russia survived thanks to the oil
and gas fields explored during the Soviet era. It had weight
in the world, thanks to the nuclear missile shield created
by the Soviet people. The authorities only parasitized on
all this, not forgetting to release poisonous anti-Soviet
injections. A symbol of the loss of its adequacy, was
the surprise that capitalist Russia could not even
provide itself with nails.


Alas, the Soviet legacy is dwindling. At the same time, the
appetites of world capital are growing, which needs to
extinguish its own crises and contradictions with a
new expansion. Sooner or later, this was bound to
lead to an acute conflict. Its centre is Ukraine
— once the most developed and prosperous
Soviet republic. After the destruction of the
USSR, it became a giant laboratory, where
monstrous experiments were conducted --
on de-industrialization, the destruction of
moral foundations, the re-animation of
Bandera and fascism.


In the Donetsk steppes and on the banks of the Dnieper, the
fate of Russia, the fate of Europe and Asia is being decided
today. We must admit that our country had to enter this
conflict without having the same potential. A military
operation of this scale.. requires the strength of not
only the armed forces, but also the entire economic
system, social sphere, education and culture. The
armoured train will not stand on rusty liberal rails.
And it no longer depends on the power of the
gunsand the accuracy of the missiles that
it is equipped with.


The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Stalin, were well aware of
how to act in an emergency. That is why, while building
the Red Army and trying to strengthen their defense
capabilities, they - vigorously - took up the GOELRO
plan, carried out industrialization, collectivization
and the cultural revolution.

They opened universities and research institutes.
This ensured our victory over Hitler's Germany
and militaristic Japan.


Of course, you can catch up, even today. But this requires a
huge effort and mobilization of all resources. This requires
a strong state will and the unconditional support of the
masses. And you can only gather them around a
large, forward-looking project.


Russia can move away from the brink of destruction and
put a strong barrier to external aggression, only by
abandoning its vicious liberal course. It will solve
this world-historical task  -----  if it discards the
disastrous chimeras of anti-communism and
anti-Sovietism. It will go ahead, if it stops
appeasing the oligarchy, and turns its
face to the working people.


How important it is that we have this remarkable and
grandiose example — the experience of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics! The example is life-giving,
created for the ages. This experience still inspires us
today. Thanks to it, humanity did not descend into
savagery, did not degenerate, did not turn into a
US concentration camp.


Such experiences will always have followers. And we have
evidence of this. This is a brave grandmother - with a red
banner, who stood face to face against the Nazis-Bandera.
These are young people joining the communist movement.
This is fraternal Cuba, which defends its revolution under
the dictates of vicious sanctions. This is socialist China,
with its victory over mass poverty and impressive space


The USSR is fighting, and always stays with us. It still lives
here, nearby, as a prototype of new victories. Like the epic
Svyatogor, it is ready to transfer its power to a new hero -
Ilya Muromets. Will Russia of the future become such a
hero? Will she be able to fight with the Filthy Idol and
nightingales-robbers of all stripes, coming out
victorious? It depends on each of us. It
depends on the ability to implement
the Victory Program.


We are convinced that socialism is still capable of saving
Russia from degradation, destruction and any hostile

The outstanding history of the Fatherland proves that
relying on the experience of socialist construction,
on the unique examples of Leninist-Stalinist
modernization and world practice, our
people will be able to perform a new
feat of revival and regain the right
to decent development and
a great future!


Good day, my comrades and friends!




In 1891 a ‘Slave Map of Modern Australia’ was

printed in the British Anti-Slavery Reporter. 


Was there slavery in Australia? Yes.

It shouldn’t even be up for debate

Published (updated): June 12th, 2020 

Authors Thalia Anthony Professor of

Law, University of Technology Sydney

Stephen Gray Senior Lecturer, Faculty 

of Law, Monash University

(The Conversation.)


Prime Minister Scott Morrison asserted in a

 radio interview that “there was no slavery 

in Australia”.


This is a common misunderstanding which

often obscures our nation’s history of

exploitation of First Nations people 

and Pacific Islanders.


Morrison followed up with “I’ve always said

we’ve got to be honest about our history”. 

Unfortunately, his statement is at odds 

with the historical record.


This history, was widely and publicly

documented, among other sources, 

in the 2006 Australian Senate
Unfinished Business:
 Stolen Wages.


What is slavery?


Australia was not a “slave state” like the

 American South. However, slavery is a 

broader concept. As Article 1 of the 

United Nations Slavery Convention 



Slavery is the status or condition of a 

person over whom any or all of the 

powers attaching to the right of 

ownership are exercised.


These powers might include non-payment of

 wages, physical or sexual abuse, controls 

over freedom of movement, or selling a 

person like a piece of property. In the 

words of slavery historian Orlando 

Patterson, slavery is a form of 

“social death”.


Slavery has been illegal in the (former) British

Empire since the Act for the Abolition of the

Slave Trade of 1807, and certainly 

since 1833.


Slavery practices emerged in Australia in the

 19th century and in some places endured 

until the 1950s.


Early coverage of slavery in Australia


As early as the 1860s, anti-slavery campaigners 

began to invoke “charges of chattel bondage

 and slavery” to describe north Australian

 conditions for Aboriginal labour.


In 1891 a “Slave Map of Modern Australia” was

printed in the British Anti-Slavery Reporter, a 

journal that documented slavery around the

world and campaigned against it.


Reprinted from English journalist Arthur Vogan’s 

account of frontier relations in Queensland, it 

showed large areas where:


the traffic in Aboriginal labour, both children and

 adults, had descended into slavery conditions.


Seeds of slavery in Australia


Some 62,000 Melanesian people were brought 

to Australia and enslaved to work in

 Queensland’s sugar plantations 

between 1863 and 1904. 


First Nations Australians had a more enduring

 experience of slavery --- originally in the 

pearling industry in Western Australia 

and the Torres Strait and then in 

the cattle industry.


In the pastoral industry, employers exercised a

high degree of control over “their” Aboriginal

workers, who were bought and sold as

chattels, particularly where they 

“went with” the property upon 

sale. There were restrictions 

on their freedom of choice 

and movement. There was 

cruel treatment & abuse, 

control of sexuality, and 

forced labour.


A stock worker at Meda Station in the 

Kimberley, Jimmy Bird, recalled:


… whitefellas would pull their gun out and kill 

any Aborigines who stood up to them. And 

there was none of this taking your time 

to pull up your boots either. No fear!


Aboriginal woman Ruby de Satge, who worked

 on a Queensland station, described the 

Queensland Protection Act as meaning:


if you are sitting down minding your own

business, a station manager can come 

up to you and say, “I want a couple of

blackfellows” … Just like picking up 

a cat or a dog.


Through their roles under the legislation, police, 

Aboriginal protectors and pastoral managers 

were complicit in this force.


Slavery was sanctioned by Australian law

Legislation facilitated the enslavement of

Aboriginal people across the Northern

Territory, Western Australia, South 

Australia and Queensland. Under 

the South Australian Aborigines 

Act 1911, the government 

empowered police to 

“inspect workers and 

their conditions” but 

not to uphold basic 

working conditions 

or enforce payment. 


The Aboriginals Ordinance 1918 (Cth) allowed

 the forced recruitment of Indigenous workers

 in the Northern Territory, and legalised the 

non-payment of wages.


In Queensland, the licence system was

 effectively a blank cheque, to recruit 

Aboriginal people into employment 

without their consent.


 Amendments to the Aboriginal Protection and

 Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 

gave powers to the Protector or police 

officer to “expend” their wages or 

invest them in a trust fund – 

which was never paid out.


Officials were well aware that “slavery” was a

 public relations problem. The Chief Protector 

in the Northern Territory noted in 1927 that 

pastoral workers:


… are kept in a servitude that 

is nothing short of slavery.


In the early 1930s, Chief Protector Dr Cecil

Cook, pointed out Australia was in breach 

of its obligations under the League of 

Nations Slavery Convention.


‘… it certainly exists here in its worst form’


Accusations of slavery continued into the

 1930s, including through the British

 Commonwealth League.


In 1932 the North Australian Workers’ Union

 (NAWU) characterised Aboriginal workers, 

as “slaves”. Unionist Owen Rowe argued:


If there is no slavery in the British Empire then

 the NT is not part of the British Empire; for it

 certainly exists here in its worst form.


In the 1940s, anthropologists Ronald and

Catherine Berndt, surveyed conditions 

on cattle stations owned by Lord 

Vestey, commenting that 

Aboriginal people:


… owned neither the huts in which they lived

 nor the land on which these were built, they

 had no rights of tenure, and in some cases

 have been sold or transferred with

 the property.


In 1958, counsel for the well-known Aboriginal

 artist Albert Namatjira argued that the Welfare

 Ordinance 1953 (Cth) was unconstitutional,

 because the enacting legislation was:


… a law for the enslavement of part of the

 population of the Northern Territory.


Profits from slaves


Australia has unfinished business in repaying

wages to Aboriginal and South Sea Islander

slaves. First Nations slave work... allowed 

big businesses to reap substantial profits,

and helped to ''maintain'' the Australian 

economy through the Great Depression.
Aboriginal people are proud of their 

work on stations, even though the 

historical narrative is enshrined 

in silence and denial.


As Bundjalung woman Valerie Linow has said 

of her experiences of slavery in the 1950s:


''What if your wages got stolen? Honestly, 

wouldn’t you like to have your wages 

back? Honestly. I think it should be 

owed to the ones who were slave 

labour. We got up -- and worked 

from dawn to dusk ….   We lost 

everything: family, everything. 

You cannot go stealing our 

lousy little sixpence. We 

have got to have money

 back. You have got to 

give something back, 

after all this country 

did to the Aboriginal 

people. You cannot 

keep stealing off 


No-one in Australia will read this article
(as a slur was sent to Rhondda folks
in Oz ------ about Rhondda Records)

but you can help by distributing it on
social media --- what do YOU think?


More information on US Biolabs
including experiments on

mental patients

Briefing on the results of the analysis of

 documents related to the military 

biological activities of the US on 

the territory of Ukraine 

April 14th, 2022 (Telegraph)


A special military operation by Russian troops

has yielded additional information on the US 

military and biological activities in Ukraine, 

confirming numerous violations of the

Biological Weapons Convention.


Taking advantage of existing gaps in

international law... and the lack of a 

clear verification mechanism...  the 

US administration has consistently

built up its military-biological 

capabilities --- in various 

regions of the world. 


The Russian Federation has made continuous

 efforts -- to establish a BTWC verification

 mechanism, but this initiative has been

 consistently blocked by the collective 

West, led by the US, since 2001. 


The existing UN Secretary-General's 

Mechanism to Investigate the 

Suspected Use of Biological 

and Toxin Weapons, as well 

as the 1925 Geneva Protocol 

for the Prohibition of the Use

 of Asphyxiating, Poisonous 

or Other Gases and Bacter-

iological Methods of Warfare 

and Military Conflict, do not

 cover.... the verification of 

States Parties' biological



The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical

 Weapons, based in The Hague, has no such

 authority either. 


We have previously provided a scheme for US 

coordination of biological laboratories and 

research institutes in Ukraine. 


One of its elements is the Ukrainian Science 

and Technology Centre (STCU), a seemingly

 non-public organisation that has nothing 

to do with the Pentagon.


The Russian Defence Ministry has managed to 

uncover its role in US military and biological

 activities in Ukraine.


According to its statutes, the STCU is an

 international intergovernmental 

organisation established to 

"...prevent the spread of 

knowledge & expertise 

related to weapons of 

mass destruction...".


Its legal status is defined by the Agreement of

 October 25, 1993 between the governments 

of Ukraine, Canada, the USA and Sweden

 and the Protocol of Amendment of 

July 7th, 1997.


STCU is headquartered in Kiev and has regional

 offices in Baku, Chisinau and Tbilisi, as well as

 in Kharkov and Lvov. 


However, the Russian Ministry of Defence's

 Chemical and Biological Threat Expertise

 Centre found... that the STCU's main 

activity, is to act as a distribution 

centre for grants for research of 

interest to the Pentagon

... including biological 

weapons research. 


In recent years alone, Washington has spent

 more than $350 million on STCU projects.


The U.S. customers and sponsors of STCU are

 the Department of State, and the Department 

of Defense. Funding is also provided through 

the Environmental Protection Agency, the 

US Departments of Agriculture, Health

 and Energy.


In addition, note the document prepared by the 

STCU curators, dated March 11th, 2022, which 

underlines the true nature of this organisation. 

It notes, quote: "...there has been an outflow of 

scientific experts in the development of means

 of delivery and advanced weaponry who have 
worked for Ukrainian institutions, as well as

 experts in the development of biological, 

radiological, chemical and nuclear 


''The best-trained professionals with experience

 of working with dual-use materials and

 technologies (between 1,000 and 

4,000) have found themselves in 

unfavourable professional and 

financial circumstances.''


 ''This makes them vulnerable to defection to

 other states to participate in programmes 

to develop WMD, delivery systems and 

other weapons...".


By using such words, Washington actually

 acknowledges Ukrainian experts' work 

...on the development of weapons of 

mass destruction delivery and use 

...and considers it appropriate to 

continue funding them. 


Here are the names of the officials who 

were involved in the military-biological



The post of STCU executive director is held by 

Bjelajac Curtis Michael, a US citizen. Born

 August 27, 1968 in California, he studied 

at California's Anderson University of

 Management. He holds a master's 

degree in international finance 

and has worked in Ukraine 

since 1994.


The European Union chairman of the STCU

board is Maier Eddie Arthur; the US chair is 

Phil Dolliff, who is the State Department's 

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-

national Security .....and WMD 

Nonproliferation Programmes.


Documents received by the Russian Ministry of

 Defence confirm STCU's ties to the US military

 department. The slide shows a formal

 recommendation from the US State 

Department endorsing the STCU's 

cooperation with the Pentagon's 

main contractor, Black & Veach.


The correspondence expresses the willingness

 of Matthew Webber, the company's vice 

president, to work with the STCU on 

ongoing military-biological 

research in Ukraine. 


Between 2014 and 2022, the Ukrainian Science

 and Technology Centre implemented five

 hundred R&D projects in post-Soviet 

countries (Ukraine, Georgia, 

Moldova and Azerbaijan). 


US supervisors were primarily interested in dual-use
research, such as project 6166, 
Development of
Technologies for 
Modelling, Evaluation and 

Prediction -- of Effects of Conflicts and
of Mass Destruction Weapons
and project 9601 -- Transfer
of Ukrainian
Technologies for the 

Production of Complex Dual-Use
Materials to 
the European Union.


Many of them --- are aimed at studying potential
biological weapons agents 
(plague ,tularaemia)
and pathogens 
of economic importance 

(pathogenic avian influenza, African 

swine fever).


Projects P-364, 444, and 781, aimed at studying

 the spread of dangerous pathogens through

 insect vectors, wild birds, and bats, were

 funded by the Centre -- directly in the 

interests of the military department.


Note the documents of Project 3007 "Monitoring

 of the epidemiological and environmental

 situation regarding hazardous diseases 

of aquatic origin in Ukraine". 


During the work, the Ukrainian specialists,

overdeen by US scientists, systematically
collected water samples in a number of 

major Ukrainian rivers, including Dnepr, 

Danube and Dniester -- as well as in the 

North Crimean Canal, to determine the

presence...   of particularly dangerous 

pathogens, including cholera, typhoid,

hepatitis A and E pathogens and draw 

conclusions about their possible 

waterborne spread. 


The project assessed the damage properties of

 the selected samples and deposited the strains 

in a collection --- and subsequently exported
 to the USA. 


Its analysis shows that the results of this work

can be used to create an unfavourable bio-

logical situation --- not only in the Russian
Federation, but also in the Black Sea and 

the Sea of Azov, as well as in Eastern 

Europe - Belarus, Moldova and Poland.


Our concern about Washington's activities in

 Ukraine, stems from the fact that, contrary 

to its international obligations, the US has

 retained norms in its national legislation 

that allow for work in the field of 

biological weapons.


The ratification of the 1925 Geneva Protocol 

by the United States was accompanied by
 number of reservations, one of which 

allows for the retaliatory use of 

chemical and toxin weapons.


Under the US Federal Unity and Cohesion

 Against Terrorism Act --- research into 

biological weapons is permitted with 

the approval of the US government.

Participants in such research 

are not criminally liable, for 

developing such weapons.


Thus, the US administration is implementing the

 principle that domestic law takes precedence 

over international law in this area. The most 

ethically controversial research, is 

conducted outside national 



Thus, during the special operation in Ukraine,

 it was established that US scientists from a 

laboratory in Merefa (Kharkov Region) were

 testing.... potentially dangerous biological 

drugs on patients of the regional clinical

 psychiatric hospital No 3 in Kharkov, 

between 2019 and 2021. 


Persons with mental disorders were selected 

for the experiments on the basis of their age, 

nationality & immune status. Special forms 

were used to record the results of 24-hour

 patient monitoring. The information was 

not entered into the hospital database, 

and the staff of the medical institution 

signed a non-disclosure agreement. 


In January 2022, the laboratory in Merefa 

was shut down and all equipment and 

preparations were moved to 

western Ukraine.


There are a number of witnesses to these

inhuman experiments, whose names we

cannot disclose, for the sake of 

their safety.


Finally, in a previous briefing we described 

a technical device - for the delivery and

 application of biological formulations 

that has been patented in the US. 


At the same time, it was noted that Ukraine had

 sent a request to the manufacturing company

 regarding the possibility  ...of equipping the 

Bayraktar drones with aerosol equipment.


It is a matter of concern that on March 9th,

three unmanned aerial vehicles equipped 

with 30-litre containers and equipment 

for spraying formulations were 

detected by Russian recon

units in Kherson region. 


In January 2022, Ukraine reportedly purchased

over 50 such devices through intermediary

organisations, which can be used to
biological formulations
toxic chemicals.


We continue to analyse the evidence of crimes

 committed by the US administration and the 

Kiev regime in Ukraine.


 What do YOU think?

Are the real madmen in the US?


The Chinese know - read this about

South Korea's biolab nightmare

(3 pages of mind-blowing facts)





West silencing most dissenting 

voices... to control narrative 

on Ukraine/NATO war

April 14th, 3:19pm (PressTV)


The conflict between Russia and the West 

over Ukraine seems to have gone beyond 

the military realm as independent media 

outlets say - their dissenting voices are 

being silenced by the US and its allies.


Among several news outlets whose social

 media accounts have been blocked --- in 

recent weeks is the ASB news, whose 

editors say the suspension of their 

accounts - is a targeted takedown 

aimed at controlling the narrative

 on the war in Ukraine.


The editors of ASB news say they are working

 to offer alternative information sources - as

 opposed to the blatantly false information 

that the West provides about the conflict.


Commenting on a Press TV’s query whether the

 conflict in Ukraine is taking shape in various

 different avenues apart from its military 

aspect, Pepe Escobar, a geopolitical 

analyst whose Twitter account has 

been suspended as part of the 

Western campaign to muzzle 

dissenting voices, said on 

Thursday, that the move 

by the US and its allies 

indicated their despair 

of winning the public 

relations war.


“They are absolutely desperate --- because they

need to win the PR war - for Western audiences. 

They already lost it inside Russia. The problem

 is what I call NATO stand, the spectrum of the

 whole NATO sphere. There's only 1 narrative

 that is allowed. It's the narrative that comes

 from the White House, the State Department

 and the Pentagon and all us independents

 have been silenced - little by little - and 

especially in these past two weeks,”

 Escobar told Press TV.


“We are telling it like it is;  what's really

 happening, especially in Mariupol, and 

the Donbass; the fact that Ukraine has

 absolutely no chance to win anything 

in this war. And of course, the only 

solution, from the point of view of 

Big Tech, is to cancel us,” he 

added, referring to two 

volatile regions in 

eastern Ukraine.


The geopolitical analyst expressed hope that

 there will be... “Indian platforms, Iranian

 platforms, Pakistani platforms, African

 platforms, Latin American platforms, 

soon emerging all over, and that will 

be the end of Big Tech Controlling 

social networks.”


Clashes have escalated between Russian

 troops and Ukrainian forces over control 

of the besieged port city of Mariupol, as 

Russia’s military offensive in the former

Soviet state nears its 50th day and 

amid Western promises to flood 

the war-battered country with 

military and financial aid.


Asked as to how the West’s arm supply to

 Ukraine would be affecting the war in the

 former Soviet state, Escobar said, “They 

think they can prolong the war, sending 

old MiGs, Kalashnikovs... but most of 

these weapons... don't even arrive at 

their destination in different parts of 

Ukraine --- or they are immediately 

resold in the black market inside 

Ukraine. Ukraine nowadays is 

an enormous black hole 

--- including many super-

imposed black markets

 as well. So this will 

never arrive.”


Pointing to the Ukrainian military forces,

Escobar added, “They have a choice ---

sooner or later: either they surrender 

or --- they are going to be totally 

exterminated - and that will be 

the end... of the Ukrainian 

armed forces; but this, is 

also something that we 

simply cannot explain 

to Western social



Commenting on his predictions for the battle

looming for the Donbass region, in eastern

Ukraine, Escobar said “We cannot predict

anything. In fact everything that so-called

Western military analysts predicted...

I would say - went wrong.”


“What we follow is movement on the ground 

and what we could define as the Russian 

high command's strategic ambiguity. 

Because we can never tell -- what's 

going to be their next major move,”

he underlined. “This is something 

that from the point of view of the 

Russians --- it should be 

accomplished.. through-

out this month until the 

end of April… Nobody 

can say that they 

know --- what the 

Russian military 

are going to do 



Asked about the West’s hypocrisy and double

 standards... in the media coverage of the

 Ukrainian war, as it received a different

 international response than the war in 

Yemen, Syria --- and the occupation in 

Palestine, Escobar said, “All the wars 

of conquest, rape, pillage, & plunder,

by the Empire over the past 50 years

 in fact, they simply disappeared.”


“It's like the only war that exists is the war

 unleashed by the evil new Hitler, Vladimir 

Putin. This is beyond any rationalization 

or hypocrisy,” the analyst stressed. “In 

fact, of course, the genocide in Yemen, 

which is a real genocide --- had already

 disappeared from the West's narrative 

for the past few years. And now it's 

completely obliterated. Same with 

Palestine. Everything that 

happened in Syria when 

the Americans were 

using a proxy war to 

destroy the Syrian 

nation also ----




“And obviously, it's impossible for, I would say, 

especially the Americans and, of course, the

European poodles that follow them --- to

understand and to put into context, in 

perspective - how imperialism has 

survived for the past few decades

- based on these wars of choice.”


“What basically led to the Russian response to

the situation in Ukraine, was many different 

factors,” Escobar added. “The fact that the

Russians knew that there were bio labs 

in Ukraine - and this was confirmed - 

the Russians knew that Ukraine 

was making 'some moves' to 

restart a nuclear program... 

It was also confirmed that 

NATO essentially, was 

organizing a huge



“There would be a real, blitzkrieg genocide 

in Donbass and everything was confirmed.

 So they had to act now, as a preemptive 

attack against NATO, essentially. And 

this war is not Kiev against Moscow. 

This one is NATO against Moscow. 

And this is also another piece of

information that simply cannot 

be analyzed in Western 

social networks.”


Russia President, Vladimir Putin, announced a

“special military operation” on February 24th,

to demilitarize Donetsk and Luhansk, largely 

populated by ethnic Russians, in eastern

Ukraine. The US and its European allies 

have labeled the military operation as 

“Putin’s land grab,” imposing waves 

of unprecedented sanctions 

on Moscow.


In 2014, the two regions - collectively known 

as the Donbass – declared themselves new

 republics; a move that triggered a 

persisting and bloody conflict 

between Kiev --- and armed 

pro-Russian separatists.

Are YOU being led astray
by the media black-out
of the true facts?

email us with your opinion.


The Commodity-Currency 

Revolution Begins...

by Tyler Durden at Zerohedge

April 9th, 2:20pm

Authored by Alasdair Macleod

via GoldMoney.com,


We will look back at current events and realise

that they marked the change from a dollar-

based global economy underwritten by 

financial assets to commodity-backed 

currencies. We face a change from 

collateral being purely financial in 

nature to becoming commodity 

based. It is collateral that 

underwrites the whole 

financial system.


The ending of the financially based system, is

 being hastened by geopolitical developments. 

The West is -- desperately -- trying to sanction 

Russia into economic submission, but is only 

succeeding in driving up energy, commodity, 

and food prices against itself. Central banks 

will have no option but to inflate their

currencies to pay for it all. 


Russia is linking the rouble to commodity prices

through a moving gold peg instead, and China
has already demonstrated an understanding 

of the West’s inflationary game, by having

stockpiled commodities and essential

grains for the last two years and 

allowed her currency to rise 

against the dollar.


China and Russia are not going down the path

of the West’s inflating currencies. Instead... 

they are moving towards a sounder money

strategy with the prospect of stable 

interest rates and prices, while the

West accelerates in the opposite 



The Credit Suisse analyst, Zoltan Pozsar, calls it

Bretton Woods III.  This article looks at how it is

likely to play out, concluding that the dollar and

Western currencies, not the rouble, will have

the greatest difficulty dealing with the end 

of 50 years of economic financialisation.


Pure finance is being replaced

 with commodity finance


It hasn’t hit the main-stream media yet, which is

still reporting yesterday’s battle. But in March,

the US Administration passed a death 

sentence on its own hegemony, in a 

last desperate throw of the dollar 

dice. Not only did it misread the 

Russian situation with respect 

to its economy, but America -

mistakenly - believed in its 

own power, by sanctioning 

Russia & Putin’s oligarchs.


It may have achieved... a partial blockade on

Russia’s export volumes..  but compensation

has come from higher unit prices, benefiting

Russia, and costing the Western alliance.


The consequence is a final battle... in the 

financial war which has been brewing for 

decades. You do not sanction the world’s 

most important source of energy exports 

- the marginal supplier of a wide range of

commodities & raw materials, including 

grains and fertilisers, without damaging

everyone but the intended target. Worse

still, the intended target has in China an

extremely powerful friend, with which, 

Russia is a partner...     in the world’s 

largest economic bloc -- the Shanghai

Cooperation Organisation commanding

a developing market of over 40% of
world’s population. That is the
not the past which is....

wokery, punitive taxation, economies
dominated by 
the state and bureaucracy... 
anti-capitalistic socialism ...and magic
money trees 
to help pay for it all.


Despite this enormous hole in the sanctions

net --- the West has given itself no political 

option but to attempt to tighten sanctions

even more.  But Russia’s response.. is 

devastating for the western financial 

system. In 2 simple announcements, 

tying the rouble to gold for domestic 

credit institutions and insisting that 

payments for energy, will only be 

accepted in roubles, it is calling 

an end to the fiat dollar era that 

has ruled the world from the 

suspension of Bretton 

Woods in 1971...

 to today.


Just over five decades ago, the dollar took over

the role for itself as the global reserve asset 

from gold. After the seventies, which was a

decade of currency, interest rates, and 

financial asset volatility, we all settled 

down into a world of increasing 



London’s big bang in the early 1980s paved the

way for regulated derivatives and the 1990s

saw the rise of hedge funds and dotcoms. 

That was followed by an explosion in over

the counter unregulated derivatives - into 

the hundreds of trillions & securitisations 

which hit the speed-bump, of the Lehman 

failure. Since then an expansion of global

credit for purely financial activities, has 

been remarkable - creating a financial 

asset bubble - to rival anything seen 

in the history of financial excesses.


And together with statistical suppression of the

effect on consumer prices ---  the switch of
economic resources from Main Street to 

Wall Street has hidden the inflationary 

evidence of credit expansion from 

the public’s gaze.


All that is coming to an end ---- with a new 

commoditisation — what respected flows 

analyst Zoltan Pozsar at Credit Suisse 

calls Bretton Woods III. 


In his enumeration, the first was suspended by

President Nixon in 1971, and the second ran

from then until now... when the dollar ruled

indisputably. That brings us to Bretton 

Woods III.


Russia’s insistence that importers of its energy

pay in roubles and not in dollars or euros is a

significant development, a direct challenge 

to the dollar’s role. There are no options for

Russia’s “unfriendlies”, Russia’s name for 

the alliance united against it. The EU... 

the largest importer of Russian natural

gas, either bites the bullet or scrapes 

around for insufficient alternatives. 


The option is to buy natural gas and oil ....at 

reasonable rouble prices or drive prices up 

in euros, and still not get enough to keep 

their economies going, and the citizens 

warm and mobile. Either way - it seems 

Russia wins and one way, the EU loses.


As to Pozsar’s belief that we are on the verge of

Bretton Woods III... one can see the logic of his

argument. The highly inflated financial bubble..

marks the end of an era 50 years in the making. 


Negative interest rates in the EU and Japan are

not just an anomaly, but the last throw of the

dice for the yen and the euro. The ECB and 

the Bank of Japan have bond portfolios 

which have wiped out their equity, and 

then some. All Western central banks 

which have indulged in QE have the 

same problem. 


Contrastingly, the Russian central bank and the Peoples
Bank of China, have not conducted any QE ---- and have
clean balance sheets.  Rising interest rates in Western
currencies are made more certain & their height even
greater --- by Russia’s aggressive response to the
Western sanctions. It hastens the bankruptcy....
of the entire Western banking system and by
bursting the highly inflated financial bubble
...will leave little more than hollowed-out


Putin has taken as his model, the 1973 Nixon/

Kissinger agreement with the Saudis, to only
accept US dollars in payment for oil... and to 

use its dominant role in OPEC to force other
members to follow.   As the World’s largest
energy exporter Russia now says she will 

only accept roubles, repeating for the 

rouble, the petrodollar strategy. And 

even Saudi Arabia, is now bending 

with the wind & accepting China’s

 renminbi for its oil...  calling 

symbolic time on the Nixon

/Kissinger petrodollar 



The West, by which we mean America, the EU,
Britain, Japan, South Korea, and a few others
have set themselves up... to be the fall guys. 

That statement just describes their strategic stupidity -- an
Ignoble Award is closer to the truth. By phasing out fossil
fuels before they could be replaced entirely with green
energy sources ------ an enormous shortfall in energy
supplies has arisen.   With an almost religious zeal,
Germany has been cutting out nuclear
And even as recently as last 
month it still ruled
out extending the life
span of its nuclear
facilities. The entire 
G7 membership...
were not only 
unprepared for Russia
the tables on its members,

but -- so far -- they have yet to 

come up with an adequate



Russia has effectively commoditised its
currency, particularly for energy, gold, 

and food. It is following China down a 

similar path. In doing so.. it has under

mined the dollar’s hegemony, perhaps

fatally.   As the driving force behind 

currency values,  commodities will 

be the collateral replacing financial 

assets. It is interesting to observe 

the strength in the Mexican peso 

against the dollar (up 9.7% since 

November 2021) & the Brazilian 

real (up 21% over a year) And 

even the South African rand 

has risen by 11% in the last 

five months. 


That these flaky currencies are rising tells us

 that resource backing for currencies, has its

 attractions beyond the rouble and renminbi.


But having turned their backs on gold, the

 Americans & their Western epigones lack 

an adequate response. If anything, they 

are likely to continue the fight for dollar

 hegemony rather than accept reality. 

And the more America struggles to 

assert its authority the greater the 

likelihood of a split in the Western



 Europe needs Russian energy desperately, 

and America does not. Europe cannot 

afford to support American policy



That, of course, is Russia’s bet.


Russia’s point of view


For the second time in eight years, Russia has

 seen its currency undermined  --- by Western
action over Ukraine. Having experienced it 

in 2014, this time the Russian central bank 

was better prepared. It had diversified out 

of dollars adding official gold reserves. 

The commercial banking system was
overhauled, and the Governor of the 

RCB, Elvira Nabiullina, by following 

classical monetary policies instead 

of the Keynesianism of her Western

 contempories -- has contained the 

fall-out from the war in Ukraine. 


The link to commodities is gold... and the RCB

announced that until the end of June it stands 

ready to buy gold from Russian banks at 5,000 

roubles per gramme. The stated purpose.. was 

to allow banks to lend against mine production 
given that Russian-sourced gold is included in

the sanctions. But the move has encouraged 

speculation that the rouble is going on a 

quasi- gold standard; never mind that a 

gold standard works the other way 

round, with users of the currency 

able to exchange it for gold.


Besides being with silver, the international legal
definition of money (the rest being currency and

 credit), gold is a good proxy for commodities.
Priced in goldgrams, crude oil today is 30%

 below where it was in the 1950s, long 

before Nixon suspended the Bretton 

Woods Agreement. Meanwhile, 

measured in depreciating fiat 

currencies --- the price has 

soared - & been extremely 

volatile along the way.


It is a similar story for other commodity prices,

 whereby maximum stability is to be found in

 prices measured in goldgrams. Taking up

 Pozsar’s point - about currencies being

 increasingly linked to commodities in 

Bretton Woods III - it appears that 

Russia intends to use gold as 

a proxy for commodities to 

stabilise the rouble.


 Instead of a fixed gold exchange rate, the RCB

 has wisely left itself the option to periodically

 revise the price it will pay for gold after 1 July.


While non-Russian credit institutions do not

 have access to the facility, it appears that 

there is nothing to stop a Russian bank 

buying gold in another centre, such as 

Dubai, to sell to the Russian central 

bank for roubles. All that is needed 

is for the dollar/rouble rate to be 

favourable for the arbitrage and 

the ability to settle in a non-

sanctioned currency, such 

as renminbi --- or to have 

access to Eurodollars.. 

which it can exchange 

for Euroroubles from 

a bank outside the 




The dollar/rouble rate can now easily be

 controlled by the RCB -- because how 

demand for roubles in short supply is

 handled, becomes a matter of policy. 


Gazprom’s payment arm (Gazprombank) is

 currently excused the West’s sanctions 

and EU gas and oil payments will be 

channelled through it.


Broadly, there are four ways in which a 

Western consumer can acquire roubles:


By buying roubles on the foreign exchanges.


By depositing euros, dollars, or sterling 

with Gazprombank and have them do

 the conversion as agents.


By Gazprombank increasing its balance 

sheet to provide credit, but collateral 

which is not sanctioned would 

be required.


By foreign banks creating rouble credits 

which can be paid to Gazprombank --

 against delivery of energy supplies.


The last of these four is certainly possible,

because that is the basis of Eurodollars 

--- which circulate outside New York’s 

monetary system and have become 

central to international liquidity.

understand the creation of Eurodollars
and therefore the possibility 
of a
developing Eurorouble market 

we must delve into the world
credit creation.


There are two ways in which foreigners can

hold dollar balances.  The way commonly

understood is through the correspondent

banking system. Your bank, in Europe,

say, will run deposit accounts with 

their correspondent banks in New 

York (JPMorgan, Citi etc.). So, if 

you make a deposit in dollars, 

thecredit to your account will 

reconcile with the change in 

your bank’s correspondent 

account in New York.


Now let us assume that you approach your 

European bank for a dollar loan. If the loan 

is agreed, it appears as a dollar asset on 

your bank’s balance sheet, which through

 double-entry bookkeeping is matched by 

a dollar liability --- in favour of you, the 

borrower. It cannot be otherwise & is 

the basis of all bank credit creation.

But note that in the creation of 

these balances.. the American 

banking system isn't involved 

in any way, which is how and 

why Euro-dollars circulate, 

being fungible with, but 

separate in origin from

...dollars in the US.


By the same method, we could see the birth 

and rapid expansion of a Eurorouble market. 

All that’s required... is for a bank to create a 

loan in roubles matched under double-entry 

bookkeeping..  with a deposit which can be 

used for payments. It doesn’t matter which

currency the bank runs its balance sheet 

in, only that it has balance sheet space, 

access to rouble liquidity and is a 

credible counterparty.


This suggests that Eurozone and Japanese

banks can only have limited participation

because they are already very highly

leveraged. The banks best able to 

run Eurorouble balances, are the 

Americans & Chinese because 

they have more conservative 

asset to equity ratios. 


Furthermore, the large Chinese banks are

 majority state-owned, and already have

 business and currency interests with 

Russia --- giving them a head start
 respect to rouble liquidity.


We have noticed that the large American banks

are not shy of dealing with the Chinese despite

the politics ----- so, presumably, would like the

 opportunity to participate in Euroroubles.  But

 only this week, the US Government prohibited

 them from paying holders of Russia’s 

sovereign debt over $600 million. 


So, we should assume the US banks cannot

 participate, which leaves the field open to 

the Chinese mega-banks. And any attempt 

to increase sanctions on Russia, perhaps 

by adding Gazprombank to a sanctioned 

list, achieves nothing, definitely cuts out

 American banks from the action --- and 

enhances the financial integration 

between Russia and China.


The gulf between the commodity-backed

currencies and yesteryear’s financial 

fiat... simply widens.


For now, further sanctions are a matter for

 speculation. But Gazprombank -- with the

 assistance of the Russian central bank 

will have a key role in providing the 

international market for roubles, 

with wholesale liquidity, at least 

until the market acquires depth 

in liquidity. In return, Gazprom-

bank can act as a recycler of 

dollars and euros gained 

through trade surpluses 

without them entering 

the official reserves.


Dollars, euros yen & sterling are the
unfriendlies’ currencies, so the only

retentions are likely to be renminbi 

and gold.


In this manner we might expect roubles, gold

and commodities to tend to rise in tandem. 

We can see the process by which...  as 

Zoltan Pozsar put it, Bretton Woods III,

a global currency regime, based on 

commodities... can take over from 

Bretton Woods II, which has been

characterised by financialisation 

of currencies. And it’s not just 

Russia and her roubles. It’s a

 direction of travel shared 

by China.


The economic effects... of a strong currency

 backed by commodities -- defy monetary and 

economic beliefs prevalent in the West. But 

the consequences that flow from a stronger

 currency are desirable: falling interest rates

 wealth remaining in the private sector, and 

an escape route from the inevitable failure 

of Western currencies and their capital

 markets. The arguments in favour of

 decoupling from a dollar-dominated

 monetary system... have suddenly 

become compelling.


The consequences for the West


Most Western commentary is....  gung-ho for

further sanctions against Russia. Relatively

few independent commentators pointed out

that by sanctioning Russia and freezing her 

foreign exchange reserves, America is

destroying her own hegemony. 


The benefits of gold reserves have also been

pointedly made ---- to those that have them. 


Furthermore, central banks leaving their gold

reserves vaulted at Western central banks

exposes them to sanctions... should a 

nation fall foul of America. Doubtless, 

the issue is being discussed around 

the world and some requests for a

repatriation of bullion, are bound

to follow.


There is also the problem of gold leases and

swaps, vital for providing liquidity in bullion

markets, but leading to false counting of 

reserves. This is because... under the 

IMF’s accounting procedures, leased 

and swapped gold balances are 

recorded... as if they were still 

under a central bank’s owner

ship and control.. despite 

bullion being transferred 

to another party  ---  in 

unallocated accounts.


No one knows the extent of swaps & leases,

 but it is likely to be significant --- given the

 evidence of gold price interventions over 

the last fifty years. Countries which have 

been happy to earn fees and interest, to 

cover storage costs & turn gold bullion 

storage into a profitable activity 

(measured in fiat) ...are at the 

margin now, and likely to not 

renew swap & lease agree-

ments, and to demand the

reallocation of the bullion 

into earmarked accounts,

that would drain liquidity

from bullion markets. A 

rising gold price... will 

be bound to ensue.


Ever since the suspension of Bretton Woods, in

1971 the US Government has tried to suppress

gold relative to the dollar  ----  encouraging the

growth of gold derivatives to absorb demand.

That gold has moved... from $35 to $1920,

today, demonstrates the futility of these 

policies. But emotionally at least, the
establishment is still virulently


The link - between commodity prices and gold -

 has endured through it all. It is this factor that

 completely escapes popular analysis --- with

 every commodity analyst assuming in their

 calculations a constant objective value for

 the dollar and other currencies, with price

 subjectivity confined to the commodity 

alone. The use of charts, and other 

methods of forecasting commodity 

prices assume as an iron rule that 

price changes in transactions 

come only from fluctuations

 in commodity values.


The truth behind prices measured in unbacked 

currencies --- is demonstrated by the cost of oil

 priced in gold having declined about 30% since

 the 1960s. That is reasonable... given the new 

extraction technologies and is consistent with
prices tending to ease over time under a gold 

standard. It is only in fiat currencies that 

prices have soared. Clearly, gold is 

considerably more objective for 

transaction purposes than fiat 

currencies, which are 

definitely not.


Therefore, if the dollar price of oil doubles from

 here --- it will only be because, at the margin,

 people prefer oil to dollars — not because 

they want oil beyond their immediate 

needs, but because they want 

dollars less.


China recognised these dynamics, following the

Fed’s monetary policies of March 2020, when it

reduced its funds rate to the zero bound and

instituted QE at $120bn every month. The

signal concerning the dollar’s future 

debasement was clear, and China 

began to stockpile commodities

oil, and food — just to get rid 

of dollars. 


This contributed to the rise in dollar commodity 

prices, which commenced from that moment,

 despite falling demand, due to covid and 

supply chain problems. The effect of the

dollar's debasement, is reflected in a 

popular commodity tracking ETF.


A better understanding.. would be to regard the

 increase in the value of this commodity basket

 not as a near doubling, since March 2020, but

 as a near halving of the dollar’s purchasing 

power, with respect to it.


Further, the Chinese have been prescient

 enough to accumulate stocks of grains.

The result is that 20% of the world’s 

population has access to 70% of the 

word’s maize stocks, 60% of rice.... 

50% of wheat and 35% of soybeans. 


The other 80% of the world’s population will

 almost certainly face acute shortages this 

year as exports of grain & fertiliser from

 Ukraine/Russia, effectively cease.


China’s actions show that she has to a degree

 already tied her currency to commodities,

 recognising the dollar would lose 

purchasing power. And this is 

partially reflected in the 

yuan’s exchange rate 

against the US dollar, 

that since May 2020, 

has gained over 11%.


Implications for the dollar, euro and yen


In this article the close relationship between

 gold, oil, and wider commodities, has been 

shown. It appears that Russia has found a 

way of tying her currency not to the dollar, 

but to commodities through gold, and that 

China has effectively been doing the same 

thing, for two years, without the gold link. 

The logic is to escape the consequences 

of currency and credit expansion for the 

dollar and other Western currencies as 

their purchasing power is undermined. 

And the use of a gold peg, is an 

interesting development

 in this context.


We should bear in mind that according to the 

US Treasury TIC system...  foreigners own 

$33.24 trillion of financial securities and

short-term assets including bank 



That is, in addition to a few trillion, perhaps,

in Eurodollars  not recorded in TIC stats.

These funds are only there 
in such quantities...
because of
financialisation of the Western 

currencies - a situation we now expect
to end.

A change in the 
world’s currency order
Pozsar’s Bretton Woods III 

can be expected to have a
substantial impact on 

these funds.


To prevent foreign selling of the $6.97 trillion of

short-term securities and cash, interest rates

would have to be raised, not just to tackle 

rising consumer prices, but to protect the

currency on the foreign exchanges --- 

particularly relative to the rouble 

and the yuan. 


Unfortunately, sufficiently high interest rates to

encourage short-term money and deposits to

stay, would destabilise the values of the 

foreign owned $26.27 trillion in long-

term securities — bonds 

and equities.


As the manager of US dollar interest rates, the

 dilemma for the Fed --- is made more acute by

the sanctions against Russia, exposing the 

weakness of the dollar’s position. The fall 

in its purchasing power is magnified by 

soaring dollar prices for commodities, 

and the rise in consumer prices will 

be greater and sooner, as a result. 


It is becoming possible to argue, convincingly,
that interest rates for one-year dollar deposits
should soon be in double figures --- rather than 

the 3% or so argued by monetary policy hawks.


Whatever the numbers turn out to be  ----  the

consequences are bound to be catastrophic

for financial assets --- and for the future of

financially oriented currencies... where 

financial assets are the principal form 

of collateral.


It appears that Bretton Woods II is, indeed, over. 

That being the case, the US will find it virtually

 impossible to retain the international capital

 flows, which have allowed it to finance the 

twin deficits — the budget and trade gaps. 

And... as securities’ values fall with rising 

interest rates, unless the US Government 

takes a very sharp knife to its spending 

--- at a time of stagnating or falling 

economic activity --- the Fed will 

have to step up ....with 

enhanced QE.


The excuse that QE stimulates the economy......

 will have been worn out and exposed for what

 it is: the debasement of the currency, as a

 means of hidden taxation. And the foreign

 capital that manages to escape from a 

dollar crisis is likely to seek a home 

elsewhere. But the other two major 

currencies in the dollar’s camp, the 

euro and yen, start from an even 

worse position. 


With their purchasing power visibly collapsing

the ECB and the Bank of Japan... still have

negative interest rates, seemingly trapped

under the zero bound. Policy makers find

themselves torn between the Scylla of

consumer price inflation --- and the 

Charybdis ..of declining economic 

activity. A further problem is that 

these banks have become large

investors in government and 

other bonds (the BOJ even 

has equity ETFs on board) 

and rising bond yields are 

playing havoc with their 

balance sheets, wiping 

out their equity -- and

requiring a systemic 



Not only are the ECB and the BOJ technically

bankrupt without massive capital injections, 

but their commercial banking networks are

hugely overleveraged --- with their global

systemically important banks --- their 

G-SIBs --- having assets relative to 

equity averaging over 20 times. 

And, unlike the Brazilian real, the 

Mexican peso, and even the 

South African rand, the yen 

and the euro are sliding 

against the dollar.


The response from the BOJ is one of

 desperately hanging on... to current 

policies. It is rigging the market by 

capping the yield on the 10-year 

JGB at 0.25%, which is where
is now.


These currency developments are indicative 

of great upheavals and approaching crises.

 Financial bubbles are undoubtedly about to

 burst, sinking fiat financial values and all 

that sail with them. Government bonds 

will be yesterday’s story, because 

neither China nor Russia, whose 

currencies can be expected to 

survive the transition from 

financial, to commodity 

orientation... run large 

budget deficits. That, 

indeed, will be part 

of their strength.


The financial war, for so long, predicted and

described in my essays for Goldmoney, 

appears to be reaching its climax. At

the end... it has boiled down to who 

understands money & currencies 

best. Led by America.. the West

has ignored the legal definition 

of money, replacing fiat dollars

for it instead. Monetary policy

lost its anchor -- in realism, 

drifting on a sea of crack-

pot inflationary beliefs 



But Russia and China have not made the 

same mistake. China played along with

the Keynesian game - while it suited 

them. Consequently... while Russia 

may be struggling militarily, unless 

a miracle occurs the West seems 

bound to lose the financial war... 

and we are - indeed - transiting 

into Pozsar’s Bretton Woods III.


What do YOU think?


The collective West

 Russia get rid
currency colonialism

April 7th, 12:56pm


Russia’s existing monetary 

system has ceased to exist.


In the first half of the 1990s, Russia created 

a monetary system which could be called

 “currency management” (a model for 

colonial economies). Its essence is, 

that the national monetary unit --
Russian rouble -- is issued
by the 
Central Bank, by

The latter 
is stored in foreign currency

reserves, that are reflected in the
assets of the Central 
Bank. And
the Russian 
rouble is secured
the foreign currency 
reserves... of the 

Central Bank.


This idea can be expressed more clearly: the

 Russian rouble -- in the system of “currency

 management” - turned out to be a repainted

 foreign currency. A state can be sovereign, 

however, if the assets of its Central Bank 

are dominated by loans in the national 

currency -- for the development of the 

national economy.  As a supplement, 

securities issued by national issuers 

(not any securities, but those that 

help to develop the domestic 



The latest official report from the Central Bank 

of the Russian Federation to date, dates back 

to 2020. Here is a picture of the main types 

of assets of the Bank of Russia as of 31st

 December 2020 (trillion roubles, share
 total assets, in brackets, %):


Assets, total – 51.27 (100)


Foreign exchange reserves (currency in bank

 deposits, and in the form of securities issued

 by treasuries of other states and other non-

residents) – 30.45 (59.39)


Due from IMF – 1.91 (3.72)


Loans to and deposits from 

Russian banks – 3.76 (7.33)


Securities issued by Russian government 

and other Russian issuers – 1.03 (2.00)


Gold in reserves – 10.41 (20.30).


In the composition of assets, only 4.79 trillion

 rubles, or 9.33% of the Bank of Russia’s 

assets, were used to support the 

Russian economy.


 International reserves (foreign currency

 reserves + claims on the IMF + gold)... 

accounted for RUR 42.77 trillion or 

83.42% of total assets. 


The rest of the Central Bank’s assets are real 

estate, equipment, communications, etc. 

(“technical assets”). This portion 

accounted for 7.25% of assets.


It is fair to say that international reserves

 include gold, which can be considered 

quite a Russian asset: it is located in 

Russia, controlled by the Bank of 

Russia, and is fully immune to 

economic sanctions from


 If we add gold to Russian assets, the 

share of the latter in the assets of 

the Bank of Russia (excluding 

“technical assets”) would 

be 29.63%.


And the share of international reserves 

without gold... would be 63.12%.


Thus, the “external assets” of the Bank of

 Russia working for the economies of other 

countries are 2.13 times greater than the

 “internal assets” working for the Russian

 economy!  Figuratively speaking -- the
of Russia, according to its own
report, has turned its face to
the West 
and its back to Russia. 


And the Russian rouble... turned out to be 

over 2/ thirds backed by Western papers.


For years in Russia, there have been calls to

 de-dollarize the Russian economy, including

 the de-dollarization of the Bank of Russia, 

but nothing changed. And, at the end of

 February this year, the collective West 

helped the Bank of Russia de-dollarise

 its assets. All international currency 

reserves except for the Chinese 

yuan, are frozen.


 According to the Bank of Russia (“Review of

 the Bank of Russia’s management of assets 

in foreign currencies and gold”, 2022, no. 1), 

as of mid-2021 the US dollar, euro, British 

pound sterling, Japanese yen and some 

other reserve currencies accounted for 

65.2% of all international (foreign 

exchange) reserves in Russia.


We do not know what the assets of the Bank 

of Russia are at the end of February. Let’s

 assume they are the same as they were 

on 31 December 2020. If we attach the 

figure we get (65.2%) to the assets at 

that time, it turns out that the Bank 

of Russia has a “hole” equal to 

54.39% of its assets in its 

balance sheet. 


This leaves only “domestic assets”
 for the Russian economy,
plus the 
Chinese Yuan.


The Bank of Russia seems reluctant 

to acknowledge the loss of gigantic 

amounts of international reserves.


 It merely states that the reserves of over

$300bn are “frozen”. The experience 

of freezing reserves in Libya, Iran, 

Afghanistan and other countries.. 

shows that after a while the word

“freeze”.. is replaced by the word

“confiscation” or “nationalisation”.


 The Bank of Russia continues to publish data

 on the size of Russia’s international reserves

 on a weekly basis, from which it appears that

 so far nothing seems to have happened. Here

 is the latest update on the Bank of Russia 

website: “As of the 25th of March 2022, 

international reserves of the Russian 

Federation stood at USD 604.4 billion,

...a decrease of USD 38.8 billion 

compared to 18 February 2022. 


The main factors behind the reduction in

 reserves were currency interventions,

 currency refinancing, as well as a

currency revaluation of assets”.


The sooner the Bank of Russia realizes that

 there is no USD 600 billion or more in the

reserves, the more likely it is that we 

can - quickly - rebuild the Russian 

monetary system to fit the new 

conditions. And such a 

restructuring is 



If we take the assets of the Bank of Russia

 remaining after “expropriation” of currency

 reserves by the collective West as 100%, 

then the picture would be as follows. The 

main asset component is monetary gold

 (around 44,5% of all assets). In second 

place the Chinese yuan (26.9 percent).

 In 3rd place are ruble loans & deposits

 (16.1%). In fourth place, are securities
 the Russian government and other 

Russian issuers (4.4%).


It is clear that my calculations cannot be exact,

 they are based on data pertaining to December

 31, 2020 and mid-2021. However, I don’t think

 today’s picture of Central Bank assets differs

 much from the one I have shown. It turns out

 that the rouble... is no longer a “repainted”

 foreign currency (it is only slightly “tinted”

by the Chinese yuan). Gold, of which there 

are currently 2300 tons in the reserves of

 the Bank of Russia, became its main 

support - in an instant.


This gave some Russian experts the reason to

 declare with joy, that, unexpectedly, a golden

 rouble was born in Russia. No, it is not a gold

 rouble, but a rouble backed by the precious

 metal in the vaults of the Central Bank. Gold

 currency refers to those monetary units 

which can be freely exchanged for the 

precious metal.


There are already calls for an amendment to 

Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian 

Federation, defining that the Russian ruble

 is gold. And to take as a model the gold 

rouble, which was introduced in 1897 

through the efforts of the then 

Minister of Finance, Sergey

 Yulievich Witte. 


Many people rave about that time. I cannot 

share this enthusiasm. The gold standard,

 which was established in Russia 125 

years ago, began to choke the 

domestic economy. To issue 

the rubles Russia needed, it

 needed a gold reserve. For 

various reasons the supply 

of gold was lagging behind 

the needs of the economy 

for money. 


The gold standard turned out to be akin to a

 gold noose. To weaken it somehow, the gold

 reserve had to be replenished by means of 

gold loans. And for loans... to bow to the

 Rothschilds. By 1917...  Russia had the 

world’s largest sovereign foreign debt 

(see my book “Gold in World and 

Russian History XIX – XX 

centuries. Moscow: 

Homeland, 2017).


This does not mean... that gold should not 

be accumulated in Russia’s international 

reserves. Very much so, it is necessary. 


Firstly, by buying the metal from domestic

miners the Bank of Russia will stimulate

the development.. of the country’s 

“currency shop”. Secondly, it will

strengthen the Russian rouble.

Thirdly, it will help to create 

a reserve of gold... as 

“emergency money”

for settlements with

other states (in case 

of wars, crises, etc.).


However, it is extremely dangerous to restore 

the gold standard, which: 1) provides for the

 free exchange of banknotes for precious

 metal from reserves; 2) ties the Central 

Bank’s monetary issue to its available 

gold reserve. I will note, on the way: 

it has long been said that China is 

preparing... to introduce the gold 

yuan and that we should follow

 in Beijing’s footsteps. Indeed... 

according to experts, through 

domestic production...  and 

imports, China has already 

accumulated more than 30

 thousand tons of yellow 

metal, and not less than 

half in the hands of the 

State (although, China's

statistics strongly 

camouflage these 



However, there are no signs yet that Beijing
 getting ready to move to the gold yuan.

 are well aware of the disadvantages of
a move. I think that gold helps Beijing

 strengthen the yuan, push the dollar 

and the euro out of the domestic 

market and create reserves of

 ’emergency money’.


Returning to the question of restructuring

 Russia’s monetary system, I note that we

 don't need a gold ruble, but a commodity

 ruble. That is, the ruble which is backed 

by the commodity mass created by the 

Russian economy.


Gold may be only one of the goods... in such 

a mass. In addition to it, we need consumer
goods. Even more necessary are investment

 goods – machinery and equipment, with 

which industrialization can and should 

be carried out. 


Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian 

Federation must be amended in this regard. 

It defines the main function of the Central 

Bank of the Russian Federation as

 “protecting and ensuring the s

tability of the ruble”.


 However, the Central Bank must have a higher-

level task: to strengthen (develop) the Russian

 economy. The Bank of Russia can and must

 strengthen the Russian economy --- by 

increasing ruble loans, the ultimate 

recipients of which, will be 

enterprises in the real 



Such loans should help build up the stock of

 goods. Inflation, which has been fighting by 

shrinking the money supply and raising the

 key rate (inflation has been fought by 

strangling the Russian economy),
 then disappear.


The above calculations show that today the

 share of ruble loans and securities of 

Russian issuers in the assets of the 

Bank of Russia (remaining after the

 “expropriation” of foreign currency

 reserves) is about one-fifth. It 

should be at least four-fifths.


 The Russian rouble --- would then become 

truly stable and commodity-driven. Then 

...the dedollarisation of the Russian 

economy will occur by itself. Then 

we would really win the sanction 

war with the collective West.


Valentin Katasonov, FSK



Very intersting... !


What do you think?




 Leptospirosis, Tularemia 

pathogens and mosquito-

borne viruses: what else 

is of interest to the U.S. 

in Ukraine

March 17th 5:54pm





Today I was sent some rather interesting

 information published on the website of 

the US National Library of Medicine


The documents indicate that US experts in

 Ukraine studied in detail the bacteria that

 cause leptospirosis and tularaemia, as 

well as studied mosquito-borne viruses.


 Moreover, they had full access to the test

 results of especially dangerous infections 

and to annual reports of Ukrainian 



And financial assistance was provided by the

 Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as part of 

the Cooperative Biological Cooperation

 Programme in Ukraine.


Experts should pay attention 

to these documents!





Image: ron-paul-dont-steal

The Ins and Outs of 

Whose Money is it


March 13th 2022

by Tom Luongo



“Inside, Outside…. Leave me alone!

Inside, Outside … Nowhere is home!

Inside, Outside … Where have I been?

Out of my brain on the 5:15…”

— The Who


There’s been a massive reaction to Credit

 Suisse analyst Zoltan Poszar’s note 

about the birth of a new Bretton 

Woods agreement.


Every investor in the world should read it.
Zerohedge posted (behind their paywall) 

a lengthy analysis of Poszar’s musing 

....along with some reactions from
St. It is well worth your time.


The people most freaked out about this note 

are the Keynesians who worship at the altar 

of what Poszar calls Inside Money — money 

that only exists inside the financial system,

 bonds, credit, dollars, euros, etc.


Austrians, like myself, have always understood

 that eventually Inside Money fails because it's

 ultimately nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme

 built on top of Outside Money — money that 

exists outside the financial system, like 

commodities and bitcoin.


Poszar makes his early case... and then goes

 through the mechanics of what is happening 

in the financial plumbing of the world 

economy right now -- to prove the 

stresses are real and building 

quickly towards an implosion 

of Inside Money ------ and an 

explosion of Outside Money.


Again, anyone with a passing acquaintance

 with Austrian business cycle theory and 

Mises’ Theory of Money and Credit 

always knew this day was coming.


Today’s “Inside Money” standard ---- known

 colloquially as the Dollar Reserve standard

 is what I like to call “Milton Friedman’s

 Nightmare.” It is nothing more than a
system of 
competitively devalued
and inflated debt-based
running around drinking each
milkshakes until
everyone’s glass
is empty.


FYI, there are a lot of empty glasses around the

 world right now and more are being created

 everyday as the financial system turned

 predatory after the Lehman Bros. 

collapse in 2008.


It was then that the Central Banks and

 governments turned fully against the 

people, sucking up more and more 

outside money by inflating inside 

money egregiously, to control 

more and more of the real 

wealth of the world.


There is only one problem with that, however. 

Eventually, you run out of property to squeeze

 out of people’s hands. The more you take, the

 less people are restrained by little things 

like laws.


Eventually two things happen. The first is what

 we’ve been seeing from Russia and China, for

 the past twelve years — steady accumulation

 of gold and other hard assets, outside money, 

including the building of real manufacturing

 infrastructure, as well as the financial 

infrastructure to house it.


The second is just over the horizon — the

 moment where all the legal claims to

 controlling outside money mean nothing 

when enforcement of those legal claims

 gets exposed as a bluff because there 

aren’t enough enforcers capable of 

keeping the looters from taking it.


Look, I’m as much a private property guy as you

 can possibly conceive of but I made my peace

 a long time ago... with what those claims of

 private property actually mean, in the very

 real sense to me personally and my limits

 of defending them.


I can lay claim of ownership to hundreds of

 acres of land. I can even have a deed that 

proves I bought it from someone else who 

had a legal document to ownership. That’s

 legal ownership. Now --- real ownership is 

actually being able to defend that claim, 

by constantly applying your time 

and energy.


I live rural, folks. I can tell you that where the

 roads lie & where the legal property corners

 are, do not square with each other. And the

 reality is that when you live like that, little

 things simply aren’t worth your time.


But, if you are a stickler for this stuff, that

 means, for example, rousting squatters,

 pressing claims of borders if people cut 

the corner driving along the public ease

-ment, etc. But it’s your money you have 

to spend, your time. You have to put up 

the fence, or the pole or the sign. You
have to ‘police’ that claim.


And if you don’t, do you really still have that 

‘claim’ to that property? Legally yes, but de

 facto? Be honest with yourself.


Libertarian theorists have juggled this question

 around for years and it naturally comes down to

 as Hoppe would put it, “the private production

 of defense.” Are you willing to continue

 pressing that claim over property that 

you are not actively ‘mixing your 

labour’ with?


If not, then let it go and let someone 

else make better use of it.


I know this opens up a massive can of 

philosophical worms. That’s exactly the 

point I’m trying to make. When civilization

 breaks down, legal claims tend towards 

zero value. Civilization breaks down 

through the systemic subversion of 

the agreed upon rules... to the 

advantage of some, at the 

expense of the other.


And what bigger subversion of the rule, “thou

 shalt not steal” could there be... than a debt-

based Ponzi scheme of inside money being

 used to suck up legal claims to most of the

 world’s valuable resources, while actively

 suppressing the value of the competing 

outside money to defend people’s 

claims to it?


This is what Poszar is implying when he says

 we’re moving away from inside money, to
outside money. Inside money is created 

through rules and laws, not markets. 

Outside money is created through 

labour, time and human ingenuity. 

It is tokenized human capital.


This is the real implication of Poszar’s note that

 we are approaching a new Bretton-Woods

 where outside money will replace inside 

money as the reserve asset of the

 financial system.


The West has stupidly picked a fight... with the

one country, Russia, that has the commodities

needed to run the world and bring about this

 return to an outside money based system.  


Poszar rightly argues that the inside money

 system only works if commodities trade 

within tight spreads, ie. almost zero 

geographic arbitrage.  


This is another way of saying, this shit money is

only worth using if everyone has confidence in

 the system, because commodity prices are not

 under real systemic stress.


It works because everyone still believes

 (wrongly) that the rules of civilization 

are mostly equitable and it’s possible 

to defend your property through

 its institutions.


Individual commodity markets can be subject to

 the vicissitudes of living — boom/bust cycles,

 weather, etc.. But when the entire commodity 

complex is under stress like it is now, that’s a

 ‘no-confidence’ vote against the inside 

money system.


That’s what we witnessed breaking last week

 with the London Metals Exchange shutting

 down futures trading in nickel.


Now let’s think through what we now know

 about this situation which has come to light

 since it first occurred and Poszar wrote his

 little note. We found out that the LME was 

shut down because one Chinese tycoon 

was caught massively short, and his 

counter-party was one of the most

 systemically-important banks in 

the world, JP Morgan Chase.


Moreover, the LME didn’t reopen because he

 didn’t want to cover his short, but doubled 

down. And now the LME is trying
reverse all the trades that

occurred on Wednesday.


Rules for thee and not for me. Oh look, someone

 thought all that inside money was actually

 worth something to claim outside money 

in the real world. How quaint.


I’m sure this situation will eventually work itself 

out. But, let’s be clear here, the LME is now

 effectively done, as an exchange.   Just like

 Black-Faced Hitler destroyed the concept of

 private savings in Canada a few weeks back

 because some truckers made him look like 

the little bitch he is, the LME undermined

 global confidence in it... as a way to
 supply and demand for
important commodities
price and time.


It is also just like the US State & Treasury

 departments, making a mockery of the 

concept of foreign exchange reserves 

and the value of anyone’s savings... 

held in something other than their 

deplorable, little hands?


Now let’s connect some other dots shall we?  


Because here’s the thing everyone has

 forgotten going back 10 years….. 

Who owns the LME?


It ain’t London.  It ain’t New York.  It’s China. 

 And they bought it 10 years ago.  


For those wondering when China was going 

to make its move to support Russia in this

 financial war, I think it happened on 

March 8th --- when they shut down
LME. What do I mean by this?


Let’s set the Wayback Machine to last year

 shall we? Do we all remember Archegos

 Capital? Bill Hwang’s ridiculous one-way 

portfolio of CFD’s for momentum meme 

stocks --- which pulled in nearly every 

Western Prime Broker into a vortex 

so powerful it shook the entire 

financial system to its core?


Back then I noted that just prior to Archegos
 up, Ukraine had “declared war on
Russia by
 making it Ukrainian security
policy to retake
 Crimea”....  and
prominent members of the US 

State dept. calling Taiwan
“a country.”


So I asked this question:


 “If you were the Chinese and you were now in a

 hybrid war with the U.S. how would you send a 

message back across the Pacific?”


By blowing up a test financial nuke
Archegos was my conclusion.


So, now here we are a year later with a real
war in Ukraine. The West is screaming at 

Russia for abrogating legal agreements 

and the UN Charter. The Russians saw
the US and NATO 
unilaterally pull out
of such 
treaties previously under

the last 3 presidents; knowing
full well that 
‘legal claims’ to
 at this point aren’t
anything, if they
be enforced.


The war in Ukraine is a manifestation of 

my second effect of stealing real wealth

 through inside money.


Ukraine is steadily, inexorably being swallowed

 up by Russia’s Special Operation there,

 establishing new facts on the ground 

which make a mockery of all of the

 previous legal arrangements to 

property. Russia just pulled up 

the boundary markers.... and
“They are here, now.”


And the question everyone has been asking 

is, “What are the Chinese going to do about 

all of this?”


Well, I think, they just did.


Why would the LME allow this guy to amass this

 insane position in Nickel futures when he’s

 clearly not interested in taking delivery of 

the metal (the whole purpose of commodity

 futures trading in the first place). He’s just 

a speculator. So, position limits don’t matter

 all of a sudden? But, if I’m China I allow this 

to get out of control, knowing all it takes is 

the application of a pittance of newly-

minted inside money - to blow up the 

whole nickel market.


And with it, the validity of the 

LME, as a futures exchange.


I’m having a hard time not seeing this as China

 just fucked the West completely, by destroying

 the validity of the LME.  


It could just be, like Archegos, an initial round 

of financial system blackmail. Today nickel, 

tomorrow…. gold?


Regardless, tt just broke the confidence of the

 LME as a clearinghouse for commodity traders.  


This means that we’ve seen the peak of the

 LME/CRIMEX control over the gold and silver 

markets as capital will now shift away from 

London to Shanghai.  Remember, Shanghai 

has a well-established futures exchange for 

what? Gold and oil. And what does that oil 

contract represent?  Medium-sour oil, the 

most plentiful of which is {drumroll 

please!}… Russian Urals grade.


And now the global financial markets, which are

 dependent on the fiction of paper gold (‘inside

 gold’) as the real reserve asset of the system

 inflated to extreme numbers, >200 oz paper 

to every 1 oz of physical reserve --- are 

vulnerable to the worst kind of 

deflationary shock we’ve 

ever seen.


Poszar gave us the clues with his note.  The

 Petrodollar is the M0 of global trade.  Paper

 Gold is the M0 of the financial markets, on

 which the current asset pricing system is

 based. Inside money is deflating, outside

 money inflating.


Wall St. realized the petrodollar was dead ages

 ago and that the move for them now was to get

 ahead of the game and into the other outside

 money worth considering, bitcoin. Of course,

 they want to recreate the old paper gold trade

 with bitcoin to keep their inside money games

 going. But, I don’t think that’s going to be

 enough to save them.


The FOMC is staring at an existential choice,

 this week. How much do we raise rates in the

 US knowing the deflationary shock it will have

 on asset prices, especially since the ECB just

 signaled it’s getting on the tightening 



Because if the Fed is aggressively hawkish on

 Wednesday that is your signal that Congress’

 new spending blackmail will not be funded with

 cheap inside money anymore. The cost will be

 higher than the US can afford and stay solvent.

 If they aren’t then they caved --- and it’s time

 accelerate personal plans of de-dollarization

 to defend what property you have left.


Russia and China should control the Gold and

 Oil trades now. They will be the price-makers.

  We will be the price-takers. They are about
change the denominator in the global
 markets from the USD (inside
money) to 
gold/oil (outside money). 


What we have to realize now is that real price

 discovery for gold and oil - are going to shift

 quickly away from London and Chicago and

 towards Shanghai and Moscow.  Expect

 announcements from Russia and China

 deepening the relationship between the 

MOEX and Shanghai, for coordinating 

metals and energy futures trading to

 improve liquidity on both exchanges.


It’s the right play, honestly.  


Biden going it alone against Russia on banning

 imports of Russian oil is a move to destroy the

 U.S. energy markets and our economy.  It is

 pure scorched earth policy.  


Now Biden et.al. are looking for ways to freeze

 Russia’s gold, so they can’t spend it.  What

 these congenital morons do not realize is

 Russia isn’t going to SPEND ITS GOLD, 

it’s going to ACCUMULATE EVEN 



Freeze it all you want guys, you won’t be in

 power in eight months. Right now Wall St. 

and the Fed have to step in and demand a 

change at the top of the US government 

to oust these insane Davos vandals... or 

the US is toast, along with the smoking

hole that Europe is already.





Follow the money: how 

Russia will bypass 

western economic


by Pepe Escobar
(March 1st, 2022)


The US and EU are over-reaching on Russian 

sanctions. The end result could be the de-

dollarization of the global economy and

 massive commodity shortages worldwide.


So a congregation of NATO’s top brass

 ensconced in their echo chambers 

target the Russian Central Bank 

with sanctions and expect 

what? Cookies?


What they got instead was Russia’s deterrence

 forces bumped up to “a special regime of duty”

 – which means the Northern and Pacific fleets,

 the Long-Range Aviation Command, strategic

 bombers and the entire Russian nuclear 

apparatus on maximum alert.


One Pentagon general very quickly did the 

basic maths on that, and mere minutes 

later  ---  a Ukrainian delegation was 

dispatched to conduct negotiations

 with Russia in an undisclosed 

location in Gomel, Belarus.


Meanwhile, in the vassal realms, the German

government was busy “setting limits to 

warmongers like Putin”  --- quite a rich

undertaking -- considering that Berlin

never set any such limits for western 

warmongers who bombed Yugoslavia 

invaded Iraq, or destroyed Libya, in 

complete violation of international



While openly proclaiming their desire to “stop

 the development of Russian industry”  ---

damage its economy, and “ruin Russia”

--- echoing American edicts on Iraq, 

Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Venezuela 

and others in the Global South – 

the Germans could not possibly 

recognize a new categorical 



They were finally liberated from their WWII 

culpability complex by none other than 

Russia's President, Vladimir Putin. 

Germany is finally free to support 

and weaponize neo-Nazis out in 

the open all over again – now of 

the Ukrainian Azov battalion 



To get the hang of how these NATO sanctions

 will “ruin Russia,” I asked for the succinct 

analysis... of one of the most competent 

economic minds on the planet, Michael 

Hudson, author, among others, of a 

revised edition of the must-read

Super-Imperialism: The 

Economic Strategy of 

American Empire.


Hudson remarked how he is “simply numbed

 over the near-atomic escalation of the US.” 

On the confiscation of Russian foreign 

reserves and cut-off from SWIFT, the 

main point is “it will take some time 

for Russia to put in a new system, 

with China. The result will end 

dollarization for good, as the

countries threatened with 

‘democracy’ or displaying 

diplomatic independence 

will be afraid to use 

US banks.”


This, Hudson says, leads us to “the great

 question: whether Europe and the Dollar 

Bloc can buy Russian raw materials – 

cobalt, palladium, etc, and whether 

China will join Russia in a 

minerals boycott.”


Hudson is adamant that “Russia’s Central Bank,

 of course, has foreign bank assets in order to

 intervene in exchange markets to defend its

 currency from fluctuations. The ruble has

 plunged. There will be new exchange 

rates. Yet it’s up to Russia to decide 

whether to sell its wheat to West 

Asia, that needs it; or to stop 

selling gas to Europe via 

Ukraine, now that the 

US can grab it.”


About the possible introduction of a new

 Russia-China payment system bypassing

 SWIFT, and combining the Russian SPFS

 (System for Transfer of Financial 

Messages) with the Chinese CIPS 

(Cross-Border Interbank Payment 

System), Hudson has no doubts 

“the Russian-China system will 

be implemented. The Global 

South will seek to join and 

at the same time keep 

SWIFT – moving their 

reserves into the 

new system.”


I’m going to de-dollarize myself


So the US itself, in another massive strategic 

blunder, will speed up de-dollarization. As 

the managing director of Bocom Inter-

national Hong Hao told the Global 

Times, with energy trade between

 Europe and Russia de-dollarized,

 “that will be the beginning of the

 disintegration of dollar


It’s a refrain the US administration was quietly

hearing, last week, from some of its own 

largest multinational banks, including 

notables like JPMorgan and Citigroup.


A Bloomberg article sums up 

their collective fears:


“Booting Russia from the critical global system

 --- which handles 42 million messages a day ---

and serves as a lifeline to some of the world’s 

biggest financial institutions, could backfire,

sending inflation higher --- pushing Russia 

closer to China --- and shielding financial 

transactions from scrutiny by the west. 

It might also encourage development 

of a SWIFT alternative --- that could 

eventually damage the supremacy

 of the US dollar.”


Those with IQs over 50, in the European Union

 (EU) must have understood that Russia simply

 could not be totally excluded from SWIFT, but

 maybe only a few of its banks: after all, 

European traders depend on 

Russian energy.


From Moscow’s point of view --- that is a minor 

issue. A number of Russian banks are already 

connected to China’s CIPS system. For 

instance, if someone wants to buy 

Russian oil and gas with CIPS, 

payments must be in the 

Chinese yuan currency. 

CIPS is independent 



Additionally, Moscow already linked its SPFS

 payment system - not only to China - but also 

to India and member nations of the Eurasia 

Economic Union (EAEU). SPFS already 

inks to approximately 400 banks.


With more Russian companies using SPFS and 

CIPS, even before they merge, and other 

maneuvers to bypass SWIFT, such as

 barter trade – largely used by 

sanctioned Iran – and agent 

banks, Russia could make

 up for at least 50 percent 

in trade losses.


The key fact is that the flight from the US-

dominated western financial system is 

now irreversible across Eurasia – and 

that will proceed in tandem with the

 internationalization of the yuan.


Russia has its own bag of tricks


Meanwhile, we’re not even talking yet about 

Russian retaliation for these sanctions. 

Former President Dmitry Medvedev 

already gave a hint: everything, 

from exiting all nuclear arms 

deals with the US to freezing

 the assets of western 

companies in Russia, 

is on the table.


So what does the “Empire of Lies” want? 

(Putin terminology, on Monday’s meeting

 in Moscow to discuss the response to



In an essay published this morning, deliciously

 titled America Defeats Germany for the Third 

Time in a Century: the MIC, OGAM and FIRE

 conquer NATO, Michael Hudson makes a 

series of crucial points, starting with how

 “NATO has become Europe’s foreign 

policy-making body, even to the
of dominating domestic


He outlines the three oligarchies 

in control of US foreign policy:


First is the military-industrial complex, 

which Ray McGovern memorably 

coined as MICIMATT (military

 industrial Congressional

 intelligence media 

academia think tank).


Hudson defines their economy base as

 “monopoly rent, obtained above all 

from its arms sales to NATO, to 

West Asian oil exporters and to 

other countries with a balance

-of-payments surplus.”


Second is the oil and gas sector, joined by

mining (OGAM). Their aim is “to maximize

the price of energy and raw materials so

as to maximize natural resource rent.

Monopolizing the Dollar Area’s oil 

market & isolating it from Russian

oil and gas -- has been a major US 

priority for over a year now, as the 

Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia 

to Germany threatened to link the 

western European and Russian

 economies together.”


Third is the “symbiotic” Finance, Insurance 

and Real Estate (FIRE) sector, which 

Hudson defines as “the counterpart 

to Europe’s old post-feudal landed

 aristocracy living by land rents.”


As he describes these three rentier sectors that 

completely dominate post-industrial finance 

capitalism at the heart of the western 

system, Hudson notes how “Wall St 

always has been closely merged 

with the oil and gas industry

 (namely, the Citigroup and 

Chase Manhattan banking



Hudson shows how “the most pressing US

strategic aim of NATO confrontation with 

Russia, is soaring oil and gas prices. In

addition to creating profits and stock 

market gains for US companies, high

energy prices will take much of the 

steam out of the German economy.”


He warns how food prices will rise “headed by

wheat.” (Russia and Ukraine account for 25% 

of world wheat exports.) From a Global South 

perspective, that’s a disaster: “This will

 squeeze many West Asian and Global 

South food-deficient countries, 

worsening their balance of 

payments and threatening

 foreign debt defaults.”


As for blocking Russian raw materials exports, 

“this threatens to cause breaks in supply 

chains for key materials, including 

cobalt, palladium, nickel, 

and aluminium.”


And that leads us, once again, to the heart of 

the matter: “The long-term dream of the US 

new Cold Warriors is to break up Russia, or

 at least to restore its managerial klepto-

cracy, seeking to cash in their 

privatizations in western 

stock markets.”


That’s not going to happen. Hudson clearly 

sees how “the most enormous unintended 

consequence of US foreign policy --- has 

been to drive Russia & China together, 

along with Iran, Central Asia and 

countries along the Belt and 

Road initiative.”


Let’s confiscate some technology


Now compare all of the above with the

 perspective of the central European 

business tycoon with vast interests, 

east and west, and who treasures

 his discretion.


In an email exchange, the business tycoon

posed serious questions about the Russian

Central Bank support for its national 

currency, the ruble, ''which according

to US planning is being destroyed by 

the west, through sanctions and 

currency wolf packs, who are 

exposing themselves by 

selling rubles short.'' 


''There is really almost no amount of money 

that can beat the dollar manipulators 

against the ruble. A  20 % interest 

rate will kill Russia's economy



The businessman argues that the chief effect of

the rate hike “would be to support imports that

should not be imported. The fall of the ruble is

thus favorable to Russia, in terms of self-

sufficiency. As import prices rise, these 

goods should start to be produced 

domestically. I would just let the 

ruble fall to find its own level 

which will - for a while - be 

lower than natural forces 

would permit... as the US 

will be driving it lower.... 

through sanctions... and 

short-sell manipulation..

in this form of economic 

war against Russia.”


But that seems to tell only part of the story. 

Arguably, the lethal weapon in Russia’s 

arsenal of responses has been identified 

by the head of the Centre for Economic 

Research of the Institute of Globalization

 and Social Movements (IGSO), Vasily 

Koltashov: the key is to confiscate 

technology – as in Russia ceasing

 to recognize US rights to patents.


Koltashov maintains that “one of the
foundations of success of American

 industry, was its copying of foreign 

patents for inventions.” Now, Russia

 could use “China’s extensive know

-how with its latest technological 

production processes for copying

 western products: the release of 

American intellectual property will 

cause damage to the United States

 to the amount of $10 trillion, only

 in the first stage. It will be a 

disaster for them.”


As it stands, the strategic stupidity of the 

EU beggars belief. China is ready to grab 

all Russian natural resources – with 

Europe left ... as a pitiful hostage of 

the oceans and of wild speculators.

 It looks like a total EU-Russia split 

is ahead – with little trade left and 

zero diplomacy.


Now listen to the sound of champagne 

popping all across the MICIMATT.


Interesting times, eh?
What do YOU think is
going to occur...?


China: US Shirks Responsibility 

for Starlink Satellites' Activities

February 11th, 10am  (FNA)


 The US shirks its responsibility and diverts

 attention with the so-called "emergency 

collision criteria", which is not a 

responsible attitude that a 

space power should have,

 a foreign ministry spokes

-person said on Thursday.


Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at

 a daily press briefing, in response to a related 

query that the US denied China's notion that

 Starlink satellites endangered the China 

space station twice in a note sent to the

 UN Office of Outer Space Affairs in 

Vienna and dated January 28th,

 Xinhua news agency reported.


"Because the activities did not meet the

 threshold of established emergency 

collision criteria, emergency 

notifications were not 

warranted in either 

case," according 

to the US' note.


China, was fulfilling the international
obligation, stipulated by Article V of 

the Outer Space Treaty by informing

 the UN... of the Starlink satellites' 

dangerous approach to China's

space station that threatened 

in-orbit Chinese astronauts,

 Zhao said.


In the relevant collision avoidance events... the

 US Starlink satellites are in a continuous orbit

 maneuvering state, and their maneuvering

 strategies and intentions.. are unknown, 

Zhao said, adding: Chinese astronauts 

in orbit are facing real and urgent 

safety threats --- and China
forced to implement 

a preventive collision 

avoidance control.


After the incidents, the Chinese authorities 

tried, multiple times, to reach the US side 

via e-mail, but received no reply, the

 spokesperson said.


Now the US is attempting to use the so-called

threshold of emergency collision criteria, to

shift responsibilities and distract attention.

It is not showing a responsible attitude as 

a space power, not to mention.. it is in no 

position to unilaterally set a threshold of
emergency collision criteria, he said.


Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty, stipulates

 that in the exploration and use of outer space, 

States Parties to the Treaty shall be guided
 the principle of cooperation and mutual

 assistance, and shall conduct all their 

activities in outer space with due 

regard to the corresponding 

interests of all other States 

Parties to the Treaty, 

Zhao noted.


He said the Chinese side has submitted

 registration of its space station to the 

UN and released its orbital elements 

on website.


"To safeguard the safety of Chinese astro-

nauts & the space station, China is ready 

to establish a long-term communication
mechanism with the US side and hopes

that the US side will take concrete 

measures... to prevent such 

incidents from recurring,"

 Zhao said.


China also hopes that all countries will jointly 

respect the international system of outer
pace based on international law & work

 together - to safeguard the safety of in-
 astronauts and the safe, stable 

operation of space facilities, the 

spokesperson added.


 [Rhondda Records adds:
a private company owned
by a megalomaniac multi
-billionaire, is operating
a maneuvering set of
dangerous satelites,
on behalf of the US,
which hates China.]

what could go wrong?

What do YOU think?


The CPRF is the authentic voice of
the Communist Party of Russia --
which is the 2nd largest party
in the Duma (Parliament)

If you want a thorough insight into
the recent events in Kazakhstan,
you won't do better than reading
the article below!



January 2022 (https://cprf.ru)


Kazakhstan is living through a difficult period. 

The long pent-up popular discontent has 

erupted into mass indignation

 and protests.


Every broad movement...  has multiple components. 

The events in Kazakhstan involve social discontent,
the activities of “the fifth column,” and the actions 

of terrorist groups.  “The fifth column”... includes 

extremists adhering to radical Islam, numerous

NGOs nurtured by the West, some members of

the security and military communities looking

for a chance to fish in troubled waters, and 

oligarchic clans which are prepared to use 

mass protests, in their struggle for power.


The fraternal peoples of Russia and Kazakhstan 

are linked by the bonds of centuries of 

common history. 


Together we created the Soviet Union, built

and gained victories, and prided ourselves 

on outstanding economic and social 

achievements. Together... we have

revived integration processes: 

creating the EurAsEC,



Today...  our comrades and friends are living through a 

period of trials and tribulations. Kazakhstan has been

swept by mass protests. The southern capital  Alma-

Ata – has seen bloody riots, which claimed many

victims and brought devastation. An accurate 

and all-round assessment of the events,

should take many things into account. 


It is clear that the situation in Kazakhstan... is a direct 

consequence of the tragedy that befell all of us, thirty

years ago. The collapse of the USSR, renunciation 

of the socialist system and Soviet power, planted 

numerous mines under the new “independent 

democratic states.” 


The savage capitalism into which the Soviet republics

have been plunged, inevitably doomed the people to

poverty and rightlessness, creating appalling

inequality. By the same token, our peoples 

have become extremely vulnerable, in
face of external threats.


Contrary to the promises of liberal pundits, the new

states have not become fully-fledged members of 

the “civilized world.” Global capitalism, has 

reduced them to the role of raw materials 

appendages and markets, sources of 

cheap labour and pawns in the geo-

political adventures of imperialist 



Kazakhstan embarked on this slippery path. Modern 

industries perished in the cesspool of privatization. 

The commodity sector was rented out to foreign

capital. The oil sector is dominated by Chevron 

and Exxon Mobil (USA), Total (France) Royal 

Dutch Shell (UK and the Netherlands). The 

transnational corporation, AlcelorMittal, 

has become the new master of the 

steel industry.


The nascent bourgeoisie of Kazakhstan, allied

with overseas capital, has been profiting from 

exploitation of the republic’s labour & natural

resources. Just like in Russia or Ukraine, it 

went to any lengths in the process of 

“primary capital accumulation.” 

Many of the richest people, 

have - effectively - become 

part of the establishment.


 Like almost everywhere in the post-Soviet space, 

Kazakhstan created an oligarchic-comprador

system, typical of savage capitalism.


Inequality in the republic was steadily growing. The

people got tiny morsels of the national income and

inequalities of wealth and social tensions, were

rising. In 2011 a strike of oilmen in Zhanaozen 

led to clashes, in which 16 people died. The 

authorities demonstrated their attitude to 

the people, by raising the retirement age

to 63 for men and women.


The coronavirus pandemic finally shattered the myth

 about “social peace” in Kazakhstan. Even the official

 poverty figures grew. With the world poverty level at

 5.5 dollars a day, one in every seven citizens is 

below the poverty line.


According to surveys, the percentage of households

that cannot even put food on the table... has grown

from 3 to 13%. A further 44% say they have money
only to buy food. Meanwhile the number of dollar
billionaires --- grew from 4% to 7%, and their 

combined fortunes almost doubled.


Strikes have been going on, at Kazakhstan’s 

enterprises, throughout the last 2 years. The 

biggest protests are in the western regions. 

While these regions are the main producers 

of export commodities – oil and gas – they 

also have the highest level of inequality in 

the country. Thousands of people were 

angry about wage arrears and lay-offs 

and demanded higher pay, to make 

up for the constant rise of prices. 


Even according to official statistics, food 

inflation in the country, ran at  20% over 

the past two years.


The authorities ignored the legitimate demands of the

people. Social support during the pandemic turned 

out to be inadequate. People were also angry over 

the harsh quarantine measures. Like in Russia... 

Kazakhstan had lived through the disastrous 

“optimization” of health care --- which left
 more vulnerable to the epidemic.


Some measures taken by the authorities... were

seen as humiliating.  Thus -- in the autumn -- the

president promised to unfreeze part of citizens’ 

pension savings. However, several days before 

the New Year a minimum sum of savings above

which people aged 59-62 were allowed to with-

draw part of their savings, was raised to more 

than 9 million tenge, or 1.5 million robles. Only 

a tiny fraction of Kazakhstan’s population has 

such savings. Instead of addressing societies

problems the ruling class preferred to further 

divide society, by fanning Russophobia and 

ethnic hostility. Kazakhstan’s kids read in 

their school textbooks about “Russian 

colonialism” and “bloody Soviet 



An official campaign has been launched...  for 

a rehabilitation of all “victims of repressions,”

including those who collaborated with Hitler. 


Monuments were reared to people like Mustafa Shokai

who collaborated with the Nazis. Streets and schools 

are named after them. The authorities were ramping

up speculations about “the Kazakh Holodomor” in

gross contradiction to historical facts. The pro-

government nationalistic forces, openly 

demanded that the famine be equated 

to genocide --- and called for a “final 

de-Communization” of the country.


Against the background of this hysterical hand-

wringing the remaining monuments to Lenin are 

being brought down:- streets, regions, villages -

entire cities are being renamed. The new wave 

of this political skullduggery swept the country 

late last year. Dozens of streets were renamed 

in Uralsk, Semei (former Semipalatinsk) and 

other cities. In Karaganda the Octyabrsky 

district was named after Buhkeikhanov,

 leader of the bourgeois Alash party 

who fought against Soviet power,

along with Kolchak and Dutrov.


Contrary to the officially proclaimed friendship of 

the peoples -  Kazakhstan’s leaders were steadily 

restricting the use of the Russian language... and

discriminating against Russian-speaking citizens. 


Late last year parliament passed a bill whereby all 

visual information could only be in the Kazakh 

language. Transition of the Kazakh alphabet 

from Cyrillic to the Latin script, is to be 

completed by 2025.


Such policies provoked an exodus of the population. 

The share of Russians in the republic, dropped from 

38 to 18 percent during the post-Soviet period. Thus, 

in 2019 of the 45,000 who left the country 85 percent

were Russians, Ukrainians and Germans. A program 

is underway in Kazakhstan... to resettle indigenous 

citizens to the northern, mainly Russian-populated 



“Language patrols”... are a hideous phenomenon. 

Humiliating the “|non-titular nation” participants

making people apologize in front of the camera

for not knowing the Kazakh language.  For a 

long time the authorities turned a blind eye 

to this. The authorities went through the 

motions of condemning such actions, 

only after they provoked an uproar

 in the Russian media.


These policies were welcomed -- by numerous pro-

Western NGOs, which had dug in, in the republic. 

The authorities, while coming out in support of 

Eurasian integration, were flirting with the

Western capitals. Relations with the US

reached the level of Enhanced 

Strategic Partnership. 


Every year the republic hosts The Steppe Eagle

military exercise, jointly with NATO. With US

help, several biological laboratories have 

been built, which raise many questions 

among local and foreign experts.


While aiding and abetting the nationalists, the 

Kazakhstan government is cracking down on 

the left opposition. Communists, independent

trade unions, have come under real pressure.


Against this background a social explosion occurred. 

The immediate pretext was the doubling of the price 

of liquefied gas. Earlier, the authorities announced 

a transition to “market pricing” and abolished all 

subsidies. Western Kazakhstan became a focus 

of protests.  First, liquefied gas is used there 

more extensively to heat dwellings and fuel 

motor vehicles. Second, fuel is produced in 

this region through the efforts of many of

its citizens, a fact which people were 

asked to forget, in deference to the 

free market. And third, Western 

Kazakhstan was hardest hit by 

the previous waves of the 

crisis, making it a centre

 of protests.


Within days the protests spread to other regions. 

Initially, they were peaceful. Protesters wanted

lower prices, higher wages and social benefits 

and a return to the former pension age. 

Workers at some oilfields staged 

sympathy strikes.


 However, the situation changed quickly and 

got out of control. The first acts of terror & 

vandalism were committed in the cities of 

Zhanaozen and Aktau, in the Manguistau-

skaya Oblast, in S. Western Kazakhstan. 


Unrest then developed into fierce clashes in Alma-Ata

& other cities. The work of airports in Aktobe, Aktau

and Alma-Ata was paralyzed. The Baikonur space

launching site was in danger. Groups of armed 

men attacked police and army, seized and 

rampaged through buildings and attacked 

doctors, firemen and civilians. A wave 

of marauding, swept the cities.


Obviously, the violent acts were perpetrated by 

people who had nothing to do with the mass of

the protesters. Criminal groups...  were taking 

advantage of popular protests in Kazakhstan 

to further their own ends.


These are first & foremost radical Islamist cells. 

Proof of this, is atrocities committed against 

policemen, some of whom were beheaded. 

External agents -- became active. This is 

especially true of Alma-Ata, traditionally 

a stronghold of liberalism where many

 pro-Western NGOs have their offices. 


Criminals linked to nationalist groups, went on
the rampage. This is evidenced by the targeting
the prosecutor’s & special services buildings 

which were set alight, the seizure of weapons, 

& the looting of shops and other public places.


It cannot be ruled out that all these actions were

coordinated from a single centre which seeks to

destabilize Kazakhstan. But some responsibility

rests with the republic’s leadership... because 

officials had aided and abetted the activities

of pro-Western forces -- and adopted a 

conciliatory stand with regard to the

Islamists. The country’s National 

Security Committee turned down 

numerous requests for Salafism 

to be banned. Clerics trained in 

Saudi Arabia, and other Arab 

countries, were active 

in Kazakhstan.


It is incumbent on our country, to see all these 

developments in a broad international context. 

The military-political situation near Russia’s 

Western borders had clearly deteriorated in

recent months. Our country....  came under

growing economic, information, diplomatic

and military pressure. The Western media, 

diplomats, politicians, and NATO officials,

have repeatedly voiced “concern” about 

alleged “plans to attack Ukraine”, and

 threatened to take “comprehensive 

preventive measures.”


In the midst of the worsening situation around our 

country, we have now received a blow on our 

southern border. At the start of the New Year,

Russia’s enemies in the world upped the ante

in the game on the big chessboard. On Jan. 2, 

Kazakhstan's people got a shock from the 

authorities, which raised gas prices.

flareup of indignation was promptly taken 

advantage of, by the terrorist underground...

whose leaders used jihadists' experiences 

in Syria and Iraq. Large-scale acts were

mounted, to destabilize the situation. 


The members of the underground managed, on the

 one hand, to blend with the masses of protesters 

and, on the other hand, to enlist the support of 

declasse and criminal elements.


As of now, thousands of people have become victims

of criminal acts. Hundreds of people have been

hospitalized, dozens are in intensive care and 

many have been killed. Thugs obstructed the 

work of ambulance crews, intimidated the 

population, looted shops and engaged
marauding. The character of their 

actions, attests to the existence of 

a plan coordinated and funded 

from abroad.


The President of Kazakhstan has declared a state 

of emergency in the country and dismissed the

government. Considering the scale of events 

and the interference of external forces, the 

republic’s authorities have sought help

from their partners. The CSTO Council 
decided to render such assistance in
order to stabilize the situation in
Republic of Kazakhstan.


The CPRF takes the view that the sending of CSTO

 peacekeepers is a forced but adequate and timely

 measure, called upon to put out the flame of yet

 another “colour revolution.” 


The Communist Party of Russia resolutely condemns

 the actions of international reaction, and criminal 

elements. We deem, as totally unacceptable, this

interference in the internal affairs of Kazakhstan

and attempts to destabilize Central Asia, which 

pose a direct threat to our country.


The CPRF wants to see Kazakhstan return to the

 peaceful path of development. We believe, that

 the main task of the peacekeeping contingent

 is to protect strategic facilities called upon
ensure a normal life for the citizens.

population of Kazakhstan must be 

protected against terrorist attacks 

by jihadists, who have resorted

 to intimidation tactics.


We are sure the peaceful mission of the CSTO will

help to stabilize the situation in the Central Asian

region. At the same time we strongly believe that 

the peacekeeping contingent...  should be used

 only for the purposes that have been declared.
Involvement of peacekeepers in internal 

settling of scores between rival power 

clans and groups, is inadmissible.


It would be a mistake for Kazakhstan’s leadership

to persecute peaceful protesters & bracket them

together with “terrorists” & “thugs.” We believe 

that the government should, promptly, initiate a 

dialog with the working people and authoritative

politicians and immediately meet their legitimate

demands for better socio-economic conditions.


The CPRF thinks that the time has come to nip in the

bud, the manifestations of Russophobic and anti-

Soviet policy in the republic. There is a pressing 

need to take a long hard look at the activities of 

pro-Western organizations & media. All that for 

years, has been turning Kazakhstan into an 

arena of activities of anti-Russian forces 

that sought to set the people in 

opposition to friendship with 

our country.


The time has come to honestly discuss and root out 

the fundamental causes of the pernicious social 

cleavage in Kazakhstan and also in Russia. Our 

country has been given another sinister signal 

that the policy that breeds divisions, inequality

& poverty inevitably makes people’s patience

run out. Any government... that works for the 

interests of oligarchs, tossing “crumbs from

the master’s table”, to the working people, 

will sooner or later meet with a demand to 

answer for its actions. Then neither crack-

downs, nor the nationalism dope, nor the 

lies of anti-Sovieteers and Russophobia

will help.


The most important lesson of Kazakhstan events is

that the attempts of the national bourgeoisie to fit 

their peoples into the world of global capitalism, 

turns them into puppets of the world oligarchy. 

The root interests of the peoples of Russia, 

Kazakhstan and all the other states 

consist in giving up this 

dead-end policy. 


Today, more than ever...  our program of Ten Steps T
oward a Worthy Life and the unique experience of 

people’s enterprises, take on added relevance. Not 

foreign or homegrown capitalism, but the working 

masses, should be the masters of their countries.


Gennady Zyuganov,

Chairman of the CPRF
Central Committee

What do you think?



Positive interaction among 

religions ensures salvation 

of global civilization

- Iranian scholar

December 28th, 10:41am (PressTV)



A high-ranking Iranian Muslim scholar has underlined

the need for a “positive and constructive interaction”

among faiths in order to guarantee the salvation of

global civilization, stating that political and social

 systems are based on common origins that 

enable cultures to unite.


Ayatollah Alireza A’rafi, head of Iran’s Seminaries, said

 that extensive communications among people, along

 with peaceful coexistence, can advance human and

 humanitarian goals and help overcome political, 

social, and cultural issues.


“Positive and constructive interaction among 

religions is one of the most important factors 

for saving global civilization, and fostering

 intimacy among human societies,” the 

cleric said.


“Interactions of religions can tremendously contribute

 to their convergence, and bond human societies

 together. Common values of religions can easily

 address human needs. The diversity and 

multiplicity of religions is an ideal 

opportunity for human societies 

to deepen their understanding 

and visions and exchange 

their achievements,” 

Ayatollah A’rafi 

pointed out.


The senior scholar went on to highlight that all 

human values are anchored in spiritual and 

religious traditions, adding that religion, 

therefore, plays a matchless role in 

human life and lifestyle.


He said prophets have tried throughout history to

 create a lifestyle based on monotheism, promote

 the spirit of love and affection among all people,

 and command their followers to love each other.


“The goal of all divine religions has been human

happiness, salvation, & liberation in this world,

& in the hereafter. Throughout history the role 

of prophets in creating unity and solidarity 

within societies, has been undeniable,” 

Ayatollah A’rafi noted.


He called on religious scholars... to fulfill their

educational, moral-promotional, educational,

and social responsibilities, work towards 

scientific discussion among different 

denominations and schools of 

thought, and avoid prejudices 

and extremism.


The cleric then dismissed the concept of absolute

 relativism, saying it gets in the way of correct 



“Absolute relativism, especially postmodern

 relativism...  does not have a strong and 

acceptable rational and philosophical

 logic. Postmodernism relies on the 

logic of relativism and makes 

dialogue... expedient and 

superficial,” he opined.


“All religions and denominations of the world are

 organized on the basis of rationality, the focus 

of which is the purposefulness of the world 

and societies. Religions have sought to 

understand the relationship among 

man, himself, and his existence, 

and at least within the frame
work of rationale and 

common sense, tried

 to provide a correct 

and realistic inter-

pretation of man 

and existence,”

 Ayatollah A’rafi 



He added that all religions and schools of thought 

are formed on the basis of justice and peace and 

are meant to direct human societies within such

 a framework.


“The interaction of religions and denominations is 

not based on formalities. It is rather, based on a 

deep logic. Religions and denominations, are 

rooted in common principles of philosophy, 

law, values, and jurisprudence,” the 

cleric said.


“The current world needs to learn the etiquette of 

dialogue among different religions. Islam and 

Muslim scholars... have always stressed the 

need for interaction among human beings 

...and underscored respect for their

 sanctities,” Ayatollah A’rafi said.


He emphasized that interfaith dialogue has been

one of the main areas of concern for religious 

thinkers over the past two decades, adding

that epistemological, ontological, theo-

logical, and interactive necessities, 

have made religious dialogue

inevitable in today’s world.


“Through interfaith dialogue, a clear and close

 understanding of the teachings of religions 

can be obtained, and many misunder-

standings would be removed. This 

will prepare the ground: for belief, 

value & behavioral convergence,”

 Ayatollah A’rafi said.








I Have No Doubt He Will Die

 if Extradited to US, Julian 

Assange's Brother Says

December15th, 10:15am (Sputnik)


Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is facing new

 uncertainties.. after the UK's High Court ruled

 last Friday.. that he could be extradited to the

 US. "I have no doubt he will die [if extradited 

to the US]," said Assange's brother, Gabriel

 Shipton, in an exclusive interview with 

Global Times (GT) reporter 

Wang Wenwen.


Assange's fiancée revealed to the media that he 

suffered a stroke in prison, in October, due to 

stress over his future. What does the family 

plan to do next? How did the US admin-

istration disappoint the family? Shipton

 shared his thoughts with Global Times.


GT: When was the last time you saw him? 

How was his condition?


Gabriel Shipton: ''The last time I saw Julian was in

 Belmarsh maximum-security prison just outside 

of London. And that was in October last year 

when I was last in the UK. His condition at 

that time I think he had almost been in that

 prison for two years. So... it was taking its 

toll on him. Over the years when I go and 

visit him, whether it's in the Ecuadorian

 embassy or the prison, you can see 

what effect it's having on him.''


''This sort of pressure that he is under... is really taking 

its toll on his health. He just had a mini-stroke during

 the appeal hearing in October. His health is

 progressively getting worse and we sort 

of live in fear, that he won't survive 

this ordeal.''


GT: How did you feel when you heard the latest ruling

 that he could be extradited to the US? Is the fear that

 Julian may choose to die by suicide haunting 

you more?


Gabriel Shipton: ''Yes, it certainly does. I hope he can

 survive. He's very strong and he's very determined. 

I think the extradition approval that was given by
 high court - we're gonna fight it. Julian is
going to
 appeal. He has until December 24 to
lodge an
 appeal to the Supreme Court, in the
UK but I
 think we can't rely on the UK courts
more. I think the chances of winning,
very slim.''


'' One of the justices who approved the extradition on

 Friday (December 10)th, was the chief justice of 

England and Wales. So he is the most senior 

judge in the whole of the UK and that's his 

decision to grant the extradition.''


''So any appeal to the Supreme Court will have to take

 that into account, that they will have to rule against 

the most senior judge in the UK. So it's really up to 

the US and the Biden administration to let this 

attack on press freedoms and attack on

 journalism go.''


GT: Besides the appeal, what else do you plan to do?


Gabriel Shipton: ''We are campaigning now around the

 world for Julian's release. I'm here in the US in New

 York City today and I'll be in Washington, DC

 tomorrow, advocating for Julian's release. 

I'm doing media here. We have many 

avenues of the campaign... that is

ongoing... I was just at a protest 

action outside the UK consulate 

here in New York, where there 

were many people, celebrities,

 lots of media.'' 


''So there's renewed attention on Julian's persecution

 now, and we're taking advantage of that and building

 momentum for a campaign to free him.''


GT: What could happen to Julian 

if he is extradited to the US?


Gabriel Shipton: ''I have no doubt that he will die. If he is

 extradited in the US prison system, they cannot keep

 their prisoners safe. You just have to look at what 

happened to other high-profile prisoners...  like 

Jeffrey Epstein. He cannot be kept safe in the 

US prison [system]. And I don't think we can 

assume that they can look after him or keep

 him safe from the forces that are trying to 

keep him in prison now.''


''We saw in September revelations coming from

 investigative reporters in Washington, that 

there were plots from within the CIA to 

kidnap or kill Julian... when he was in 

the Ecuadorian embassy. I think those
plots haven't really gone 
away. There
are still those factions 
within the US
intelligence - that want to 
see Julian
dead. That's what I feel 
will happen
...if he gets extradited 
to the US.''


GT: You tried to lobby the Biden administration when

 it was just about to take office. Did it disappoint you 

more when you dealt with it?


Gabriel Shipton: ''There was a time when people post-

Trump, thought that maybe Biden would let this go, 

maybe the Biden administration would revert to 

the position of the Obama administration where
hey found that they couldn't prosecute Julian 

without also prosecuting The New York Times.''


''So there was a bit of an expectation that the Biden 

administration might revert back to that position. 

And we did have... some early contact with the 

administration. But after the inauguration on 

January 20th, we had no more contact with 

them. And shortly after that, they 

announced that they would be

 pursuing this prosecution.''


''With the Biden administration, we've seen with the

 "democracy summit" last week --- they are talking 

the talk when it comes to press freedom. They're

 using press freedom to lecture other countries... 

and talk to other countries about press freedom

 in their country... when they are holding a 

publisher and journalist in prison.'' 


''Julian is in prison only at the request of the US DOJ 

(Department of Justice) and they have also 

requested that he not be given bail.''


''The Biden administration has an opportunity now, to 

show the world how serious they actually are about 

press freedom. And it's not just hot air that they're 

talking about press freedoms and lecturing other 

nations on press freedoms, and that they are
ctually serious about press freedoms, and 

they should just let Julian go. And that is a

 way that they can show the world that they 

are actually serious about press freedom. 

They're not just lecturing other countries 

about it.''


''I see the Chinese foreign affairs spokesperson today

 (Monday) come out with a tweet, saying that if the

 Biden administration wants to lecture people on 

press freedoms, they should let Julian Assange

 go. I think those sorts of things are going to 

increase over time. Nations & states around

 the world are going to say to the USA, you 

can't say anything to us... because look 

what you're doing to Julian Assange.''


GT: What do you expect from the Australian

 government? If it steps in, will it make

 a difference?


Gabriel Shipton: ''I think so. Australia - they just have 

this AUKUS agreement in place. So Australia is an 

ally of the US, so Australia can turn around and 

say, hey, we're one of your allies. Just let this 

go --- let our man come home to be with his
amily. Just yesterday (Sunday) the Deputy 

Prime Minister of Australia Barnaby Joyce 

--- called for the extradition of Julian
 not to go ahead.'' 


''That's an encouraging sign that maybe the Australian

 government might do something here, or at least the

 deputy prime minister is on the side of Julian, and

 sees that this is a problem, a problem that US law

 can be applied to anywhere. It can be applied to

 any of the allied countries - the extraterritorial 

reach of US law. I think that's a big problem, 

and Barnaby Joyce... sees that problem.''


''We even saw Meng Wanzhou in Canada. She is the 

CFO of Huawei.  The US used the extradition 

treaties with Canada....  to hold her captive.
 we can see it happening time and time 

again. The US is using these unfair 

extradition treaties to pursue
whom they don't
agree with politically.''


''I think it's an opportunity for Australia to tell the US

 --  its biggest ally --  that they want Julian to be free.

Australia should use its alliance in it, for its favour,

 rather than just take orders from the US. Australia 

is an important strategic ally of the US, and we 

should be respected as such --- and we should 

be listened to, when it comes to our citizens.''


GT: Some believe Julian's case is the result of the 

connivance of Western governments that cannot

 tolerate the truth, which shows the decline of 

the West. What do you think?


Gabriel Shipton: ''What we're seeing with Julian's

 persecution is that if you expose the crimes of a

 government, or if you expose torture, or if you 

expose the corruption of the government, you 

are going to be punished. What the US DOJ
attempting to do, is to make telling the 

truth illegal.''


''I think when you look at a government that does that,

 you start to think, well, is this a democracy? Am I 

living in a democracy, if I don't know what the 

government is doing in my name? What does

 my vote mean? Is it just a performance that 

we do every four years? Voting, if we don't 

really know what our votes are voting for, 

or where our tax money is going? I think 

the Julian persecution strikes at the very

 heart of what we believe our democracies

 are. So we need to stop it... and sort of
ebuild... and stop this descent into 

barbarity... that is happening in
he West.''



GT: Besides some news reports from US media

 about the process of Julian's case, few made 

the call to free him. What do you think of the 

US mainstream media's reaction to this case?


Gabriel Shipton: ''They could always do more. What is

 their stake here is their rights as well. So they should

 be coming to defend the defence of Julian. They're

 getting better and some are reporting on it more. 

But they can always do more and they need to 

realise that really, this is their business that's 

under attack here. If journalism is a crime, 

then how can I do business? What we've 

been saying since the last 10 years is 

mainstream media has been losing its

 audience and so they need to take a 

long hard look at themselves and
what is their function in a

 democratic society?''


GT: Have you imagined what you will do

 if Julian is set free? What is his wish?


Gabriel Shipton: ''I would imagine Julian coming up for

 Christmas this year, would be good. I think if he gets

 out, he's going to need some time to recuperate,
 sort of rehabilitate himself after this ordeal.''


''I hope he has some time to spend quiet time with his 

family, with his children, and his fiancée Stella, so 

that they can just take some time to become a 

family again and do normal things, take the 

kids down to the park... or go and have a 

coffee or something like that. I think it's 

a pretty nice dream at the moment.''


GT: How are his two children right now?


Gabriel Shipton: ''They're very cute. Gabriel and Max - 

they're OK, but they're still quite young and don't 

have a great grasp of what's going on. One of

 them has only ever known Julian in prison. 

He's never known his dad to live outside 

or anything like that.''


''So when they grow up more and begin to understand

 what's going on, I think they'll be very proud of what

 their father has done. And they'll get a better

 understanding. But at the moment, this is 

what they know. This is their life.''


This article was originally published

 by the Global Times


What do think...?



More importantly, what are 

you going to do... to help?



Biden moves to form fund --- for 

interference in domestic affairs 

of others --- Russian senator

December 11th, 11:57am (TASS) 



US President Joe Biden, who announced plans 

to commit $424 mln for assisting other nations

 in strengthening democracy, actually seeks to 

form a fund for interference in the domestic 

affairs of countries, the Deputy Speaker
Russia’s Federation Council (upper 

house of parliament) Konstantin 

Kosachev, wrote on Facebook 

on Saturday.


"At the recent summit... US President Biden announced

 the launch of the Presidential Initiative for Democratic

 Renewal, which involves the allocation of $424 mln to

 support countries loyal [to Washington]. It is already

 clear that in fact, a fund for interference in the 

internal affairs of disloyal states is being 

formed," Kosachev pointed out.


"The idea certainly was not to just review forces in the 

run-up... to the upcoming fight for democracy. It was

 about convincing the world that those who oppose

 the US unilateral world order...  actually oppose 

democracy. It is quite a simple manipulation

 but it serves an important ideological 

mission, aimed at camouflaging the 

geopolitical causes of the current 

crisis as those related to values," 

the Russian senator emphasized.


According to him, the way that participants were

 chosen for the summit was based on geopolitics. 

"It is foreign policy that was the focus rather
 the domestic one, it was about being
loyal to
 America," Kosachev stressed.


 "It is a perfect signal to all the pseudo-democracies 

in the world: proclaim a policy guided by the West, 

vote the right way in the United Nations.. and you 

will be allowed to do whatever you will at home," 

he added.


On December 9th-10th, Washington hosted a video

 conference dubbed the Summit for Democracy. 

The 110 countries and territories that the US 

authorities invited to the summit did not

 include China, Russia, Turkey, Egypt 

and a number of other states. 


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov earlier

 slammed the event as one of the most odious 

US projects, aimed at dividing countries into 

democratic and non-democratic ones.



email rayjoseph2021@aol.com

and we promise to air your opinion!

(suitably edited to remove inelegant prose)



Poll: Majority of US citizens...

Believe US Politicians Spread 

More Misinformation Than 

Russia, China

October 8th, 3:43pm (Sputnik) 



The majority of US citizens believe that politicians 

and social media in the US spread misinformation 

online more often than foreign actors, including 

Russia and China, according to a joint poll by

the Associated Press, the NORC centre for 

public affairs and the University of the 

Pearson Institute, in Chicago.


When asked to pick who was the most to blame for the

 spread of misinformation about current events in the

 US and the world, 77% of respondents picked social 

media users, while social platforms such as Face-

book, Twitter and YouTube, and politicians were

 picked by 72% of those surveyed each.


Slightly over a half of all respondents considered 

the Russian & Chinese governments responsible 

for spreading false information, 54% and 53%, 

respectively. The Iranian authorities were 

chosen by 39% of US citizens surveyed... 

and 41% blamed the political structures 

of other countries, compared to 48% 

of US citizens... blaming their own 



Older people were considerably more prone to 

believe in the involvement of foreign govern-

ments than younger people, the 

poll showed.


A total of 81% percent of US citizens consider the 

spread of misinformation, to be a serious issue.


The survey was conducted among 1,071 US 

citizens aged over 18 on September 9th-13th.

What do YOU think?

Do you trust your media and dutifully hate all
Muslims, Russians, Chinese, and Iranians?


UK government secures injunction

 against eco-warrior protestors 

who repeatedly blocked 

sections of M25

September 22nd, at 10:12am (RT)


UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced on Wednesday

 that National Highways has secured an injunction against 

protestors calling themselves ‘Insulate Britain’ who have

 repeatedly disrupted traffic by blocking the M25.


A judge granted the injunction last night - with it set to come into 

effect later today, in a bid to discourage further protestors from 

invading the motorway in a “reckless” manner that “puts
at risk,” Shapps stated on Twitter.


The eco warrior protestors will “face contempt of court with 

possible imprisonment” if they continue to hold their 

demonstrations, which have seen ‘Insulate Britain’ 

activists halt traffic, by sitting down in the
of the busy M25 motorway.


The group have stated that they are trying to raise awareness of 

concerns about insulation in housing, urging the government to 

ensure it is put in all of “Britain’s 29 million leaky homes by 

2030 and all social housing by 2025.” 


“We are simply asking the government to get on the job. The 

people of Britain understand that climate change is a severe 

threat to everything they hold dear,” ‘Insulate Britain’ 

spokesperson Liam Norton stated. 


UK Home Secretary Priti Patel previously described the legal 

action as an “important injunction” that would ensure 

“people can get moving again,” warning the 

protestors that “we will not tolerate
being put at risk.”


On Tuesday, a demonstration by the group at junctions 9 and 10

 of the M25 resulted in 38 protestors being arrested by Surrey 

Police, after the activists had unveiled banners and poured 

paint on the road.


While the injunction covers the situation on the M25, Patel and 

Shapps highlighted in a newspaper column published on 

Wednesday that the government is working to ensure 

police have more “powers to better manage such 

guerrilla tactics in future.”





XR is not a protest group, but a vanity project for 

a liberal middle class that soon won’t exist at all.






Pipeline proposals brought the Taliban

 to power first time round – could the

 same be true again now?

August 31st, 5:33pm (RT)


By Kit Klarenberg, an investigative journalist exploring 

the role of intelligence services in shaping politics

 and perceptions. Follow him on Twitter


Washington helped the Taliban take power in Afghanistan 

before, with a view to unlocking the country's natural 

wealth. Now the band is back together in Kabul, is 

something similar going on?


Contrary to official claims that the last US soldier has left 

Afghanistan, it’s been reported that a “diehard” team of 

elite British and US troops are to remain in the country 

to “avenge the deaths” of those killed at Kabul airport 

in a suicide bombing by ISIS-K.


The joint party – which includes the SAS and the Navy Seals

 – may seek to construct a base in the “lawless” Afghan-

Pakistan border area to conduct stealth strikes against 

the terror faction, and will be supported by US drones. 

Of course, this effort will require the Taliban’s approval

 – but defence sources say this is “likely to be given.”

 Even more extraordinarily, the possibility of the 

taskforce working alongside the returned 

rulers of Afghanistan has not been 

ruled out.


While seismically shifting alliances are nothing new for London 

or Washington, the speed and totality of this volte face, is truly

unprecedented. Nonetheless, the rationale for the resounding

reversal – and indeed the total withdrawal of coalition forces, 

despite defense chiefs having long known the illegitimate 

and unpopular Western-backed government would 

immediately collapse as a result – may 

be straightforward.


In March, the Taliban were surprise guests of honour at a US-

brokered meeting in Ashgabat, between representatives of 

Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India – the four 

participating members of the long-awaited TAPI pipeline. 

The group assured attendees... that they weren’t merely 

committed to not attacking the project’s infrastructure, 

but would actively ensure its safety --- and that of any 

and all other “developmental projects” in the country.


The Taliban’s intervention was clearly intended to reassure

 international financial institutions, which for so long have

 been deterred from investing in the endeavour... by the 

very real threat of its destruction by insurgents, that 

the pipeline would be in safe hands.. once they were 

back in the saddle – if successful, construction can 

finally begin, marking the culmination of an effort, 

almost three-decades in the making.


The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 destroyed the Iron 

Curtain, that had, for so long, blocked Western access to 

Central Asia’s vast energy wealth. The Vice President, 

Donald Rumsfeld, declared in 1998... while chief 

executive of energy giant Halliburton, which 

reaped billions from government contracts 

on which only ''it'' was permitted to bid 

during the Iraq War.... “I cannot think 

of a time when we have had a region

 emerge as suddenly... to become 

as strategically significant.”


There was just one problem – how could these vast riches 

be effectively extracted? Funnelling oil and gas through 

Russia would be expensive due to transportation fees

levied by Moscow, brought in to reassert Russia’s

influence over the region’s newly-independent 

republics. US sanctions on Iran made even 

transiting resources through its borders,



That just left Afghanistan a barren wilderness with no infra-

structure to speak of, where Westerners typically feared to

 tread. Undiscouraged, US oil major Unocal dispatched 

representatives to conduct feasibility studies across 

Central Asia starting in 1995. They concluded that...

once a stable government... or at least a governing 

force, was in place in Kabul.. a 1,000-mile pipeline 

capable of carrying a million barrels per day, was 

attainable. At least one Unocal executive 

provided information they gained on 

these trips, to the CIA.


The next year, the company opened an office in Kandahar – 

coincidentally across the street from a compound owned 

by Osama Bin Laden, and not far from a Pakistani 

intelligence station – as the Taliban were in the 

process of taking control of Afghanistan. Their 

subsequent success... could well have been 

attributable to support provided by Unocal.


 A US Defense Intelligence Agency whistleblower who visited

 the country at this time heard from numerous informed 

sources the group’s capture of Kabul wouldn’t have

been possible without the firm’s assistance.


Once that came to pass, Unocal’s in-house security forces 

and the CIA, both afforded the Taliban weapons and

 instructors to maintain its grip on power, and the 

company engaged in well-funded lobbying back 

home to secure Washington’s recognition of
group as the legitimate government of

Afghanistan, hiring numerous high-profile
officials for the purpose,
including Henry 

He would later be appointed 
to head the 9/11
Commission, which 
specifically examined
the pipeline 
effort, but stepped down,
than reveal potential
of interest.


Another lobbyist enlisted was Zalmay Khalilzad, a State 

Department veteran pivotal to increasing the Reagan 

administration’s support for the Mujahideen’s war 

against the Red Army in the 1980s. In October 

1996, he authored a strident op-ed for the 

Washington Post, demanding the US 

“reengage” with Afghanistan... 

dismissing suggestions the 

Taliban were an extremist 

force, and speaking of 

a “common interest”.. 

between Washington

 and the group. 


His Unocal role was unmentioned – it also didn’t
factor into 
mainstream media coverage of his
appointment - as the 
special envoy to
Afghanistan - in January 2002.


Taliban were also flown into Texas to meet in person with 

Unocal executives in late 1997, as its fighters battled to 

seize control of the remaining third of Afghanistan not 

under its rule. Accounts of the VIP visit are rendered 

supremely surreal today --- the group travelled to a 

zoo, the NASA space centre, and a massive Target 

outlet for a shopping spree, before retiring to the 

palatial homes of company chiefs, replete with 

golf courses and swimming pools, where they 

feasted on halal meat and rice, washed down

 with Coca Cola.


The Taliban returned to Afghanistan bearing a number of gifts 

from Unocal, including a pledge to invest close to a million 

dollars in training Afghans how to construct the pipeline. 

For its part, Washington was very much open to recognizing
the group, despite ever-growing 
domestic outrage at its
treatment of women 
and their extremely harsh
interpretation of 
Sharia law.


“The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis did. There 

will beAramco, pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of 

Sharia law. We can live with that,” a senior US diplomat

 allegedly said at the time.


That changed in August 1998, when US embassies in Kenya and

 Tanzania were bombed by Al Qaeda, killing over 200 people, 

and Washington responded with a series of cruise missile 

strikes on Afghanistan. By December, Unocal had finally 

withdrawn entirely from the pipeline project and ended 

its operations in Kabul outright – although the next 

year Graham Fuller, former Deputy Director of the 

CIA’s National Council on Intelligence, made a 

revealing disclosure.


“The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam, and of helping them

 against our adversaries worked marvellously well in Afghanistan

 against the Red Army,” he said. “The same doctrines can still be 

used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and 

especially to counter the Chinese influence in 

Central Asia.”


So, in 2005, with the US so firmly “guiding the evolution” of Islam 

in Kabul anew, the pipeline was back on the table, in the form of 

TAPI - US officials were reportedly strongly supportive, because

as before, it would allow Central Asia to export energy to 

Western markets “without relying on Russian routes.” 


However, the project again stalled in short order, due to an 

increasingly volatile security situation. There’s no such 

risk of that happening today, though, given the 

Taliban’s solemn pledge to defend it at all 

costs, from bothersome incursions.


The aforementioned Zalmay Khalilzad was appointed in 

September 2018/// as the US Special Representative for 

Afghanistan Reconciliation & led talks with the Taliban.

He has been condemned harshly, in some quarters, for 

the group’s rapid reseizure of power but no reference
to his time as a Unocal lobbyist, let 
alone discussion
of how energy interests so 
intimately intersect with
US foreign policy 
can be found among the criticism.


This may be attributable to suggestions oil and gas interests 

played any role in Afghanistan having long-been dismissed 

as lunatic conspiracy theorist fare. But the facts are what 

they are, and more than speak for themselves.

What do you think?

Too far fetched..
or obvious?



As the United Russia party is low in the polls 
the Communist Party of the Russian 
is the only party with enough cross-country
support to pose a realistic challenge.. 
perhaps this article is worth
taking a look at.

CPRF is number 1 !

As a result of the drawing of places in the ballot 

voting paper for the forthcoming elections of 

the State Duma Parliamentaries (September

19th, 2021), held on August 16th by the 

Central Election Commission of 

Russia, the CPRF is at the
 of the voting list.

This time all the tricks of the ruling party failed. 

The Communist Party “clones” striving to 

confuse the voter and draw the votes 

from CPRF are closer to the end of 

the list.


by Gennady Zyuganov

Chairman of the CPRF, Head of the CPRF at
the State Duma 
of the Federal Assembly of
the Russian Federation, Dr. 
of Philosophy

The Country’s Russian Core

The systemic crisis, which has been aggravated by
the pandemic 
of a previously unknown virus & the
plummeting of the world 
prices of raw materials,
has laid bare the catastrophic costs of 
capitalist system.

These costs are manifesting themselves 
all over the
planet. They clearly indicate that the “liberal 

paradise” does not exist anywhere in
the world. 

Within the globalist world structure even the most developed 

countries, faced with large-scale challenges, give in and slip 

into the maelstrom of social evil. Planetary crisis processes 

are doubly painful for Russia which, like in the beginning of

the last century, is a weak, peripheral link in the world 

capitalist chain. They are particularly destructive of 

Russian people, which forms the core of the state 

and which is hardest hit by the costs and losses 

caused by the inhumane social experiments of 

the past decades.

World significance of
the Russian question

In 1990 there were more than 120 million ethnic Russians
Russia, today there are 10 million fewer of them. A
further 20 
million Russians, then lived outside the
Russian Federation.
 Over the past 30 years their
number shrank by 10 million. 
The contraction
by twenty-five million is comparable to 

the losses we suffered during the
Great Patriotic War!

At stake is the question of our survival. Of saving civil
peace and
 safeguarding our statehood. These all-
important tasks can only 
be solved through a
fundamental change of the destructive 

comprador policy and through the
implementation of a patriotic 

anti-crisis program based on
the principles of rule by the 

people, and social justice.

On restoring the country’s 
economic and financial
sovereignty, without which, 
genuine political
sovereignty, is impossible. 

However, such a program cannot be implemented without 

an honest and thoughtful look at the Russian question.

Without belittling the dignity and the interests of the other ethnic 

entities that form the multinational Russian people, it has to be

recognized that the Russian question is today the most acute 

and urgent one. It is key for the destiny of Russia and all the 

other peoples living within its borders and on the territory 

of the former Soviet Union.

We Communists are staunch supporters of internationalism. We 

are very well aware that every people wants to see its language

preserved, its faith endure, its traditional way of life remaining

immutable and its well-being enhanced. However, Russians 

form the spiritual, moral and state core of the country. This 

was the way our common destiny was formed. This was 

what History ordained. This is not something that can be 

wished away. To deny this and to think and act in denial 

of this is madness that spells disaster for all the peoples 

of Russia. If the Russians become enfeebled... and leave 

the historical forestage, which is inevitable if the course 

pursued since the early 90s is preserved, a catastrophe 

is inevitable. I stress: a catastrophe for all the citizens 

inhabiting the vast Eurasian space. Russia will simply

 be trampled underfoot and torn apart by its stronger 

and luckier neighbours.

The best representatives of our Motherland have always been very 

mindful of this. In the middle of the 18th century Mikhail Lomonosov, 

an outstanding scientist, said: “The grandeur, the power and wealth 

of the entire state consists in the preservation and propagation of 

the Russian people.” This idea engaged the mind of the great

 Mendeleyev in the early 20th century. Pushkin’s genius 

expressed concern about Russia and Russianness. 

And today...  for the country, 80% of whose population are ethnic 

Russians, the program of saving the original Russian civilization 

and reviving Russians as the spinal cord of the Motherland... 

must be the key element of the nationalities policy.

Indeed, the preservation and well-being of Russians, the largest

 European nation, is an issue of worldwide relevance. If the 

destructive processes of the last 30 years continue... if its 

numbers continue to shrink at such a rapid pace, this will

 have a fateful impact on the European space and on the 

whole planet. This will finally break down geopolitical 

and economic stability, in the world in which the 

Russians have over many centuries been one 

of the key nations determining its character, 

history, moral and ethical ideals.

It is not by chance that even the analytical materials of the CIA... 

which can hardly be suspected of sympathizing with our country, 

speak of the problem of the dying out of Russians, as a key threat 

to the world. And yet those who run the Russian economy and the

 social sphere today still refuse to admit the scale of the danger 

and to seriously discuss effective measures aimed at counter-

acting it. In spite of the serious external & internal challenges 

facing Russia, challenges that are obvious to any person in 

his right mind, they adhere to the absolutely destructive 

liberal policy. A policy that exacerbates tensions within 

the country, is openly hostile to the Russians and to 

the other peoples, and to our thousand-year-

old statehood.

The CPRF is the only political force which has throughout the post-

Soviet period, consistently upheld the idea of restoring the rule by

 the people & justice, strengthening a nationally –oriented system 

of governing society and the country. It is only logical that we

 persistently raise and thoroughly analyze the Russian 

question which is inseparable from the key problems 

of our state.

Back in 2004 I devoted my book Russians and Russia to a detailed

analysis of the issue. The book met with lively interest on the part 

of the patriots of our country and provoked a hysterical reaction 

from Russophobes and anti-Sovieteers. I regret to admit that 

contrary to our hopes for a fundamental change that were 

generated in the early 2000s, the position of the Russian 

people has not changed for the better. It keeps getting 

worse. Russia-haters continue with impunity to attack 

and stage provocations against the people that has 

erected the edifice of Russian statehood. Their 

destructive activities continue with the 

connivance of the high-ranking 

principals ensconced in the 

corridors of power and the 

mass media.

The repossession of Crimea & Sebastopol prompted an in-depth

nationwide dialog. Support of the heroic struggle of the people’s 

republics of Donbass has shown the potential of the patriotic 

sentiments within Russian society. The march of the Immortal 

Regiment on Victory Day was a convincing statement in favour

of genuine values. Yet, even after these events, the authorities 

failed to cooperate with the political opponents who genuinely 

care for the fate of their Motherland. The ruling circles have 

failed to take the necessary steps to meet the people, their 

problems and aspirations. Instead, they respond to the 

growing discontent in society by policing and endless 

torrents of anti-Soviet rhetoric, vicious attacks on 

socialism and the great achievements of 

Leninist-Stalinist modernization.

The “fifth column” and venal propagandists, have launched an

immoral, and indeed, illegal campaign to present as heroes the 

White Guard butchers & their followers.. who made short shrift 

of their compatriots: side-by-side with the foreign armies of the 

Entente and Hitler invaders. Their victims were representatives 

of all the peoples that fought courageously for the freedom and

 independence of our Motherland during the Civil War and the 

Great Patriotic War. Their officially inspired attempts to tear 

up the most glorious pages of our history and to put bloody 

traitors of our Motherland on the rotten anti-Soviet pedestal 

constitute a challenge in the first place to the Russians and 

an insult to the country’s largest people, a desecration of 

its outstanding victories.

The liberal position deepens the rift between power and society. 

People are fed up with endless attacks on our history. Torrents 

of dirt have been poured on it since the time of Gorbachev’s

 “perestroika.” It was then that the “blank spots” in our past 

began to be smeared with black, the colour to which official 

propaganda is still clinging. But this paint has not stuck to 

the Soviet legacy. It has dried up and peeled off to reveal 

- to the astonished gaze of the new generations - the 

grandeur of the accomplishments of the Land of 

the Soviets.

That is what makes Soviet symbols so popular today and
that is why Lenin and Stalin are seen by the people as
the most authoritative 
statesmen & political leaders,
the towering figures not only of 
the Soviet epoch,
but of Russian history as a whole. This is an

undeniable fact and if so, its main lessons
have to be learned. 
Then we will get rid
of the Russophobia and anti-Sovietism 

which impede our progress.

Some of the outstanding historical lessons are worth remembering. 

Above all, it is the lesson of the formation of Russian consciousness

and the building of our state which was crowned with the emergence

of the Land of the Soviets, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The power of peacemakers

In old Rus, the patriotic feeling pre-dates the political, economic 

or cultural unity of the peoples that inhabited it. Therefore all 

the enemies of Russia, then and now, have tried to destroy 

this feeling and turn the Russians and kindred peoples of

Eurasia into second-rate simulacra Germans, the Horde 

people, Byzantians, Varangians, Hazars and so on…

Yet each time the patriotic feeling proved to be 

stronger than external pressure. 

Rus never became a colony and was never dissolved in other ethnic

groups. That in itself was a historic feat. Especially considering the

 adversities our country faced: the cold climate, shortage of arable

 land, openly hostile environments all along the perimeters of the 

country’s western and eastern borders.

The English explorer Richard Chancellor, who was the first to penetrate

 into Russia and initiate trade relations between the two countries wrote

 about the Russians in his 1553 diaries that no other people under the

 Sun encountered such harsh conditions. And yet this people. against 

all the odds that seemed insuperable, managed to create the largest

 country on the planet. This, was because its will was cemented by

 unbending patriotism based on the Russians’ battle & labour feats.

The unique geographic and geopolitical position of Russia, which 

linked Europe and Asia, led to the synthesis of the Western and

 Eastern elements that shaped the unique Russian civilization.

The East is more inclined toward introspection and contemplation,

adherence to tradition and archaics. The Western civilization has 

very different aspirations. Its strengths lie in the drive toward 

scientific knowledge and development, economic & domestic 

improvements based on innovative thinking. However... these 

features which underpinned the West’s successes, went hand

-in-hand with its negative features: extreme individualism, and

the cult of personal success, at all costs. The habit of looking 

at human relations through the materialistic & financial prism. 

The abiding penchant to achieve one’s goal through the

exploitation, enslavement and even extermination of 

other peoples. This inevitably caused original 

capitalism to morph into imperialism and 

globalism, which today, are pushing the 

world toward a catastrophe and are 

destroying the capitalist system... 

pushing it toward degradation 

and collapse.

The uniqueness and strength of the Russian world lies in the fact that

 it seeks to combine the best features of the East and the West and 

springs from the combination of high spirituality, an adherence to 

traditional values and collectivism and innovative thinking, a 

striving toward scientific and cultural heights.

Like the West, it has striven toward progress, but it never reduced

progress to economic and financial matters. In Russian civilization

progress has always been linked with moral laws... with principles 

of sobornost’ (“togetherness”) & justice which rejects selfishness

 and individualism. Supreme power and the privileged class some-

times departed from these principles. This led to the revolutionary

uprising in the early 20th century, and a systemic crisis, in whose 

vice the country has been struggling over the past three decades. 

But the people itself has always adhered to these principles. Only 

a state based on them ,can meet its aspirations and ensure its 

viability and well-being.

Collectivism, statism, the self-sufficiency of the Russian state,

a commitment to promoting the supreme ideals of justice and

 brotherhood – these are bedrock principles of Russian 

civilization. They predetermined the historical result 

referred to by the philosopher Nikolay Beryayev: 

“The Russian people has created the most powerful state 

in the world, the greatest empire. From Ivan Kalita
was consistently and steadfastly, pulling
itself together to 
achieve a size that defies the
imagination of all the 
peoples of the Earth.”

The Russian state as a unique civilization and the largest power 

is the main historical result of the Russian people’s endeavour. 

And this is the constant target of our external and internal 

enemies, past and present. Not only a geopolitical and 

economic but also a spiritual target that is hostile to

 them in the cultural and moral sense. 

Those who target it target the Russian people. Hence the 

whole world civilization, since life itself proves that world 

History would have been fundamentally different without 

the Russian contribution.

The Empire created by the Russians is the only one in world history

that was not built by conquest, plunder and the extermination of 

other peoples, but by allying with them, usually on a voluntary 

basis. Whenever the Russians resorted to arms it was to

protect the allied peoples against invaders who 

threatened to destroy them.

Russia has a brilliant military history. A history, not of conquest,

 but of peace-making. A history of national liberation wars 

against aggressors who encroached upon our country, 

of saving other peoples from external intervention, 

genocide and annihilation. 

This was the case in the 17th century when Ukraine rebelled 

against Polish oppressors and reunited with Russia. And 

again in the 19th century... during Russia’s wars against 

Persia and the Ottoman Empire when Armenia found

 refuge from ruthless neighbours under the Russian 

wing. And again in the 20th century when the USSR 

determined the outcome of the most terrible war in 

History by defeating Hitler’s Nazism and saving the

 world from the “brown plague.”

The role of Russia and the Russian people in world history is above 

all, the great role of peace-maker. Without it the world would have 

been totally different and many of the peoples inhabiting it today 

would not exist. This is something that cannot be said about any 

other power. It can only be said about Russia and the Russians.

“We shall be the first to herald to the world that we want prosperity 

for ourselves not through suppression of the individual and other 

nationalities, that we seek it through the freest and most brotherly 

universal unity.” This is what the outstanding Russian writer of 

prose & essays, Fyodor Dostoyevsky. wrote in his Diary Notes 

in 1877. These words were fully vindicated by the military 

exploits of our people and the Russian Empire and the 

Soviet Union, created in line with these principles.

Russia’s interests from ancient times have been not to conquer, invade

 and subjugate someone but to unite on its land, under its wing, under

 the protection of a single powerful state, all the Russian people and all 

those who consider Russia to be their motherland. All the peoples that 

agree to cast in their historical lot with Russia.

We seek to ensure unconditional and lasting peace in our own home

secured against any encroachments from without and from within,

creating favorable external conditions for this. To defend our 

historical uniqueness and original spirituality against the 

aggression of alien and perverted stereotypes of mass 

consciousness. Against the pernicious influence of

immorality elevated to the level of the norm. Against 

egoism praised as a virtue. To create for our fellow 

citizens, all the necessary conditions for education 

and healthcare, work and leisure, the development 

of science and culture, a happy childhood, and a 

secure old age.

However, Russia has had at all times, to uphold its right to all this 

in fierce struggle against foreign enemies and their high-ranking 

accomplices inside the country. Against the “fifth column” which

 today continues brazenly to corrupt and strangle our country.

From the geopolitical point of view Russia is a key element in 

preserving the global balance of forces. A kind of safety fuse 

that deters the world powers from violating strategic inter-

national equilibrium. From attempts to use force to create 

a unipolar world... which transnational capital seeks to 

create, and which brought forth Hitler’s Fascism in 

the last century & today is concentrated in Anglo

-Saxon political and financial centres. From the

disastrous mixing of political systems,
and religious teachings
advocated by the 
globalists, who
try to reduce humankind
 to a
uniform, anonymous and
docile mass.

From one century to the next, our country turned out
to be the main obstacle in the way of all those who
sought to dominate the world. 

All those who ever laid claim to global power & sought
to enslave 
mankind – from Batu Khan to Tamerlane to
Napoleon and 
Hitler stumbled upon Russia. After the
Great Patriotic 
War our country stood in the way of
the Americans.... who held out to the world the

prospect of electronic slavery, essentially an
version of Fascism, laced with
neoliberal socio-
economic and geo-
political theories.

The Soviet 
Union provided an antidote to this deadly 

triumph, until the USSR and the world socialist
system collapsed, as a 
result of betrayal.

Victorious warriors.

As we mark the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory we should 

remind the young generation of our country’s heroic history.

Beginning from the 9th century when the Russian state was born it had

 to fight at least 70 major wars to defend its freedom, honour and dignity.

 And our country has been involved in countless military conflicts. In

 the period between 1240 & 1462, according to historical chronicles,

 Russia survived nearly 200 wars and invasions. Of the 500 years

 between the 14th and 20th centuries the country was fighting for 

almost 330 years. In 1900 the well-known Russian general 

Kuropatkin in his memorandum to the Czar wrote that in 

the previous 200 years Russia had been in a state of war

 for 128 years and enjoyed only 72 years of peace. 

Throughout its history our power was constantly the target
external enemies. The arduous and heroic fate of our
was summed up in the words of Alexander III:
“Russia has no 
friends, our vastness is feared.
Russia has only two reliable 
allies –
its army and navy.”

A country which has such a destiny must have a strong army. Russia’s

 history has always been and will be inseparable from its armed forces.

 Therefore its greatest leaders – from Peter I to Lenin and Stalin – were

 the creators of a powerful state and builders of an invincible Army.

Alexander Nevksy, then barely 20 years old, defeated the Swedish

 invaders on Lake Ladoga. Two years later he scored a brilliant 

victory on Lake Chudskoye over the Livonian Order forcing it

 to give up all the previously conquered Russian lands.

Thanks to the valour of our warriors, Ivan the Terrible, who was

enthroned when he was just 16... opened up Russia’s road to 

Siberia along the Volga and the Caspian, when he was 25.

Peter I created the armed forces of the Russian Empire which replaced 

the Streltsy regiments and manorial troops. He laid the foundations not

 only of recruitment of the regular Russian army, but the principles of

 unconditional respect for the defenders of the Motherland, which

 penetrated deep into the thick of the people.

Having spent so many years fighting, Russia did not become cruel. Its

army, unlike the armies of Western countries, had never been an army

of hangmen. Its soldiers did not fight, in order to turn other peoples 

into slaves, rob foreign lands and grow rich at the expense of their 

resources. Our soldiers never perpetrated the kind of plunder and 

treachery that spawned the world capitalist system.

This calls to mind the words of the brilliant Russia poet & diplomat 

Fyodor Tyutchev, in the mid-19th century, when he served at the 

Russian Embassy to Germany, & was engaged in polemics with

the Russophobes who even then tried to accuse our country of 

being “an Evil Empire.” “Walk through the French departments 

and ask people which enemy soldiers constantly displayed the 

greatest humanity, strictest discipline and the least hostility

toward civilians. One hundred to one, they would name 

the Russian soldier.”

The combination of great courage and unquestionable
humanism has always guaranteed the victorious feats
of the Soviet soldier. Its most salient manifestation,
was the Soviet country and the Red Army 

which took on Fascism.

When it entered the Great Patriotic War our people was
truly united. 
Its cohesion was the main foundation of
the May 1945 Victory. The
 cohesion manifested itself
in everything. The Soviet leadership 
& Communist
Party fully shared the fate of the fighting 

All the grown-up sons of the members of the 

Politbureau of the CC AUCP (B), went to the
& many of them died a hero’s death.
unity of power and society cemented
unexampled national solidarity and 

assured victory over the enemy.

The Soviet State did everything.. to remind people of the
heroic pages of 
Russia’s thousand-year history. In 1941
the artists, Kykryniksy, and the 
poet Samuil Marshak,
made a poster which showed Red Army soldiers 
tanks standing like an iron wall to block Fascists.
Above them, also facing the enemy, were figures
ofthe great military commanders 
of the past:
Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov
and Vasily Chapayev.


It was as if they were in a single file with the Red Army
men defending their Motherland. Beneath the picture
were the verses:

We are fighting hard,

Wielding bayonets,

Grandchildren of Suvorov,

Children of Chapayev.

Stalin said on November 7th, 1941: “May you be inspired by
the courageous images of our great ancestors – Alexander
Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky,
Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov.” He was saying
these words 
from the stand of the Lenin Mausoleum...
during a military 
parade to mark the 24th anniversary
of the Great October 
Socialist Revolution. The words
of a great statesman who 
managed to bring together
the great ideas coming from 
the depth of time and
embodied in Soviet society: the 
great state
and socialism.

The marriage of these ideas opened a new and the most glorious 

page in Russian history. It marked the birth of a new state of which

 its founder, Lenin, had every reason to say in his 1919 article 

“The Great Beginning”: “The world has never seen a more 

democratic state in the true meaning, a state more closely

 linked with the working and exploited mases.”

It was the fullest and most successful embodiment of the
unique synthesis of the best features of the West & East
which brought
 forth the Russian civilization. A synthesis
of forward-looking 
energy of great transformations and
spirituality rooted in the 
innermost eternal values of
equality, justice and selfless love

 of the Motherland.

The Russian Roots
of Socialism

It is impossible to understand Russian history as a whole and its

 outstanding Soviet period without being conscious of the fact 

that the socialist idea has its roots in Christianity. The Gospel 

of charity, equality, justice, of rejecting “filthy lucre,” lies and

exploitation. The underlying basis of the socialist world view 

is the faith whose adoption finally made Russia a single

nation that embarked on the path of constant spiritual, 

cultural, state, and political, creative endeavour.

The tail end of the 10th century, on the eve of Russia’s adoption of 

Christianity, saw the schism between the Western Roman Catholic

 Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The confessional 

division was not over differences of ritual, as some historians

 and propagandists would have us believe. It had to do with 

the underlying world view and values.

Western Christianity, which concentrated on the glitter of rituals and

 the bureaucratic structure of the papal hierarchy, virtually cast 

aside the basic ideas of the Gospel: Sobornist’, inconspicuous

charity, care about the poor and the disadvantaged, rejection 

of the ideology of usury branded by Christ. Protestantism, 

which branched off from the Roman Church in the middle 

of the previous millennium, spreading to the Anglo-Saxon 

world and the north of the European continent, was 

reduced to the preaching of extreme individualism, 

and the superiority of “the select.” It severed all 

links with the foundations of the Christian faith 

& laid the foundations of the capitalist ideology 

declaring glaring social inequality to be “God’s

 providence” and the amassing of material 

wealth, to be the highest virtue.

The Russian people from the start chose Orthodoxy which managed to

 preserve the genuine spirit of Christianity and maintain the moral high 

ground. To preserve over the centuries adherence to sobornost’ 

which was uniquely embodied centuries later in the 

collectivism and solidarity of Soviet society.

The enemies of Communism in their spurious propaganda make wide

 use of 2“unmasking” theses. The first one is that the Bolshevik Party,

 upon coming to power, supplanted the Christian idea and symbols 

with its own forcing out of society’s consciousness the spiritual

 assumptions and meanings and replacing them with political 

and social ones. The second charge our enemies level at us

 is that the communist ideology allegedly, has the character 

of worship, of symbols and major political figures.

The truth is that the idea implemented in Soviet society combines

 the basic Christian values which echo humanity’s age-old dream 

of justice and political practice aimed at embodying this dream in 

reality. We are looking... not at a contradiction between socialism

& Christianity, but at the historically logical evolution of popular

 consciousness, worldview and morality rooted in Orthodoxy 

toward their political and social implementation. That is only 

possible in a society of social justice and in a socialist state.

That is why the presence of Stalin’s image in the main church of

 the Armed Forces built in Kubinka near Moscow to mark the 75th

 Victory Anniversary is deeply symbolic. It infuriated many 

prominent functionaries who have effectively made anti-

Communism their profession. However honest and 

principled church representatives gave a fitting 

rebuff to these attempts to whip up hysteria. 

Thus, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church's expert council on

church art, architecture and restoration, Reverend Leonid Kalinin, 

explaining why he would never order the image of the leader of 

thevictorious Soviet country, to be removed from the church,

said quite rightly: “I have no rights or authority to tear out 

pages from the Book of History.”

It was not in Russia that the basic principles of the Communist political 

philosophy were formulated. They were proclaimed by Marx & Engels

 in the Communist Manifesto. But it was our country and the Russian 

people that adopted them not just as an ideology, but as a national 

idea. They had been prepared for doing so by centuries of their

 development. Herein lies one of the main reasons why 

socialism first triumphed on Russian soil. 

Such a triumph could only occur on a social and philosophical soil 

of which Dostoyevsky said the following in A Writer’s Diary more 

than forty years before the October Revolution: “The supreme 

and most characteristic feature of our people, is a sense of 

justice and a hankering for it.”

This is why the socialist idea is so close to the Russian world. This

 predetermines the sincere adherence of the followers of socialism 

to the key values: equality, rejection of greed, collectivism, 

compassion, responsibility for the country & the society

 understood as personal responsibility. 

With true communists, staunch champions of socialism this 

adherence is indeed akin to religious faith. Which ensured 

the great Soviet achievements. The Great Victory in 1945 

and the outstanding social and economic achievements 

of the Soviet Land, or our conquest of outer space, 

could not have happened without it.

Like the present authorities, those who ruled Russia before
the Revolution, proved to be unable to understand the
irrepressible yearning of the Russian soul for justice
& its stubborn 
resistance to capitalism. They paid
dearly for their 
deafness. This is a lesson today’s
rulers should 
learn. But they stubbornly refuse
to do so. They 
do not want to understand the
destiny of their 
own country, the character
and mentality of
 the Russian man.

Throughout the 19th century social and class contradictions in

 Russia were growing in spite of the desperate attempts of the

 state to take the situation under control. Neither the “great

 reforms” of Alexander II, nor the “counter-reforms” of 

Alexander III... nor the establishment of the State Duma 

by Nicholas II saved the country from social upheavals.

The Romanov dynasty had led the country into an impasse.
bourgeois Provisional Government that replaced it
failed to take
 Russia out of its crisis. It helplessly
watched the country falling 
to pieces. Only the
Bolshevik Party managed to prevent the 

country from being buried under the
ruins of the monarchy.

The national elite of Russia's Empire failed to fulfil its main function:

 to ensure an acceptable level of well-being and social justice for its 

people. No wonder it was swept away by the revolutionary wave in 

1917, the wave of the Great October. That wave had been prepared 

by the revolutionary movement of the 19th century which was 

Russian society’s response to the progressive degeneration 

of its ruling class. To the inability of power to keep the 

country within the framework of its indigenous 

non-capitalist path.

Socialism and Soviet power provided Russia with a new historical 

form of the centuries-old Russian idea by not only preserving but

 putting into practice what is its core: altruism, collectivism, the 

yearning for justice, readiness to make sacrifices in the name 

of lofty ideals. In short, everything that negates capitalism 

and cannot coexist with it, as it is incompatible with the

 Russian civilization.

Contrary to the wish of the ruling class, which challenged the

 fundamental laws of civilization, it blazed the trail toward a 

new, socialist world reuniting the Russian Power under the 

banner of the Soviet Union. It radically changed the history 

of the whole of mankind. This was the second great gain 

of the Russian world after the creation of the Russian 

Empire and the foremost result of its thousand-year


Soviet power and
national pride

Another thesis popular among the anti-Sovieteers who try put on the

 patriotic garb is that socialism and Soviet power with their adherence

 to internationalism, are allegedly hostile to patriotism. Including

 Russian patriotism, whereas the capitalist system does not in 

any way impinge upon patriotic feelings and even 

encourages them. This is a patent lie.

Capitalism identifies national interests exclusively with the interests 

of the ruling class, the exploiting minority of the nation. This is 

manifest in the version of patriotism offered to society by the

official Russian propaganda which equates patriotism with 

worship of the rulers. Seeking to perpetuate class divisions 

within society capitalism thereby tries to perpetuate a 

cleavage within the nation. In dividing the world into 

exploiter and proletarian nations and dividing 

classes within individual countries... the 

capitalist system foments international

 contradictions and tensions 

within states.

In the 21st century capitalism acquired its final anti-national form in

 the shape of globalism which has a stake in intellectual, cultural 

and linguistic uniformity. It sees people’s consciousness, their 

culture and individuality as no more than a function of capital. 

As indeed the human personality. Everything that does not 

correspond to this function should be rooted out, 

according to the globalist ideology. Therefore 

the aim is to subjugate all national cultures 

to a single cosmopolitan and essentially

 anti-cultural standard.

To this end the globalists are prepared to use the most sophisticated

 technologies of digital enslavement. These include tacit
mass chipization they may eventually resort to under
the pretext of a 
mandatory vaccination against the
coronavirus. The 
ideologists of digital fascism have
allies among the 
owners of major corporations,
bank presidents 
and high-ranking officials,
including in 
our country.

Unlike capitalism, socialism is inherently aimed at eliminating the

 soil on which inter-ethnic contradictions and conflicts arise. It 

creates prerequisites for the nations which have put an end to

 class divisions of nations to draw closer together on the basis

 of cooperation and mutual enrichment. This is in striking 

contrast with the national and cultural uniformity which 

capitalism has long been trying to impose on the world. 

That is why there are absolutely no grounds for 

opposing patriotism to internationalism which 

is essentially the opposite of anti-national 

capitalist cosmopolitanism.

Even before they came to power, the Bolsheviks saw the future 

Soviet State as a combination of socialist and patriotic ideals. 

The key ideals which are equally dear to the Russian people

 and which are an indispensable condition of its well-being.

Yes, it is a historical fact that in the early post-Revolutionary years

Trotskyites who were in thrall to anti-Russian sentiments and a 

nihilistic attitude to the history and spiritual heritage of our 

country sought to play an active role in Soviet politics 

and social life. However, these attempts were 

resolutely brushed aside by the Soviet State 

and suffered a debacle.

Exposing the anti-Russian ideas of the Trotskyites, Stalin said: 

“We are told that nationals... should not be mistreated. This is 

very true and I agree with this: they should not be mistreated. 

But to promote a new theory, to the effect that the Great 

Russian proletariat should be put in an unequal 

position to the former oppressed nations,

 means to talk nonsense.”

Today there is a lot of such nonsense about. It is actively used 

by the Russophobes who oppose the unity of peoples. They 

continue to whip up anti-Russian hysteria in Ukraine. They 

are trying to spread its bacilli to fraternal Byelorussia. 

They rail against the historical choice of the people 

of Crimea and Donbass. But their wicked activities 

are doomed to failure, as witnessed by the 

Bolshevik experience.

Beginning from the early 1930s the USSR categorically rejected 

attempts to portray Russia’s pre-Soviet history as nothing but a 

combination of backwardness, oppression and aggressive 

feudal wars. School textbooks and literary works pictured 

the country’s rulers, military commanders and diplomats 

as colourful, flesh-and-blood, and many-dimensional 

individuals. They stressed the continuity of historical 

development of Kieavan and Muscovite Rus, Peter’s

 Russia and the Soviet land.

After the Victory Stalin openly admitted that the Russians take the

 decisive credit for this Victory. He never tired of reminding people

 of what the CPRF staunchly adheres to and what is written down 

in our program and what we insist should be reflected in the 

Constitution: the Russian people forms the core of the state 

because it is ordained by history to play the central and 

unifying role in our Motherland.

The architects of the Soviet State were very conscious of the idea 

which is pivotal for our party’s ideology and policy: the distinctive

 feature of Russia patriotism that stems from the unique Russian 

history and from Russian consciousness is its anti-capitalist 

and anti-bourgeois thrust.

The far-reaching consequences of this truth for the practices of the

 Soviet State have been acknowledged even by those who, after the

 October Revolution, disagreed with Soviet power & left the country. 

This is what the philosopher Nikolay Berdyayev said in his book 

The Sources and Meaning of Russian Communism, published in 

1938 in France where he lived after emigrating “A new generation 

of youth has appeared which has been able to commit itself with

enthusiasm to implementing the Five-Year Plan, which perceives 

the task of economic development not as its personal interest 

but as social service. The Russian Revolution has awakened 

and released the great strength of the Russian people. 

Herein lies its main meaning.”

Today one can elaborate on the philosopher’s idea: herein lies the

 main reason why, in the minds of those who hate the Russian 

people, hostility toward it is intertwined with anti-Sovietism 

and a visceral rejection of socialism.

The ideology of sovereignty

The Great Patriotic War which the Soviet Power won, thus saving 

the world from destruction, has fully vindicated the path chosen 

by the Communists, the Soviet leadership and the people who 

came to believe it. Stalin put it very emotionally when he 

famously toasted the Russian people in 1945.

In the wake of Victory our country created a new geopolitical space, 

the socialist community led by the Soviet Union. The resulting

 geopolitical and economic model was an outstanding 

combination of traditional Russian concepts: the 

imperial one with its idea of self-sufficient 

statehood and the Pan-Slavic one, 

based on the idea of the Great 

Slavic Space.

Stalin’s policy of rapid industrialization was designed not simply 

to boost the economy, but also to create a self-reliant economic 

system independent from external conditions. Thus, 

industrialization also solved the main political task 

of ensuring unconditional sovereignty and its 

protection against any adversary. 

The task that was key for the Russians and that was only 

completely solved during the Soviet era... when Russia 

got rid of the enslaving influence of capitalism, which 

basically colonizes peoples, by making them live 

according to its laws.

At this point recalling the lessons of history – this time 

socio-economic history – would not come amiss.

In the period between 1885 and 1913,  Russia’s national
revenue was growing at an average annual rate of 3.4%.
The period between 1914 
and 1920, when the country
lived through two terrible wars - the First
 World War
and the Civil War - predictably saw a decline of the
revenue by an average 11.7% a year.

However, already in the following 
8 years, during Lenin’s
NEP...  these lamentable results gave way to
unheard of, not only in this country, but in the world 

economy: 12.7% a year. In 1929 - 1940, when Stalin’s 

industrialization was launched, our annual national 

revenue was growing at a still more astonishing
rate of 
14.5%. That was more than four times
the rate of 
the most favorable
pre-revolutionary years.

The New Economic Policy of the 1920s introduced by the Bolsheviks

 was based on the model aimed at recovery of a devastated country

 which had sustained huge human and economic losses. That model

 proved the Communists’ ability to withstand any crisis and to keep

 their word. Lenin’s party delivered on a promise it gave its people:

 under its leadership the country attained a fundamentally higher 

level of development than pre-revolutionary Russia.

Stalin’s industrialization, building on the foundation of the economic

 and social achievements of the early Soviet years, represented a 

model of forward-looking development. The model aimed at 

making the country in which only 15 years earlier half of the

 population were illiterate, one of the world leaders in key 

areas. By the early 1940s this target was achieved in 

spite of the colossal external pressure from the 

enemies of the Soviet Union. In spite of the

international sanctions, which were even 

more severe than the present ones.

Stalin left behind him a country which, by the mid-1950s, had a national 

revenue 14 times that of the late 1920s with an industry growing at an

 annual 12.3% and, not counting the war years, at 19%. The country 

had paid off all its foreign debts. Its gold and currency reserves 

were the second largest in the world. We were first in Europe in 

terms of absolute industrial output volume, and first in the world 

in terms of the proportion of machine building in industry and 

mechanization of agriculture. The Soviet power had assured 

its total technical and economic independence. The most 

advanced high-tech industries –nuclear, space, aviation, 

instrument-building, radio electronics — were powering 

ahead. This was ensured by a spectacular development 

of world-level engineering and science schools, top-

class and free education and healthcare systems.

Average life expectancy had increased by 23 years between 1929

 and 1955. Russia’s population had increased by 40 million. Above 

all due to the rapid growth of the number of Russians. And this in 

spite of the colossal losses sustained during the Great Patriotic 

War which carried away 27 million Soviet lives... of which, 

20 million were Russian lives.

The welfare of the people was growing steadily. Real wages during 

this period had increased more than fourfold and total bank 

savings fivefold. Meanwhile prices in the USSR were 

constantly going down, unlike in the capitalist 

economy whose law says that as incomes 

grow so do prices, which basically brings

 to naught the formal rise of wages.

Here is but one example from Soviet history which contrasts sharply

with the current socio-economic policy, which spells a
constant impoverishment of the people: in the period
between 1947 and
1954, consumer goods and food
prices in the USSR, went 
down by 2.3 times.

The giant economic and social leap forward the Soviet Union made in 

less than three decades is unmatched by any state in human history

 except socialism. This spectacular achievement is underpinned by

 three factors: wise strategic planning, massive government

 investments in development and fair distribution of the 

national income in the interests of the state and its 

citizens, and hence in the interests of the Russian 

people who account for the absolute majority of

 the population.

These factors are totally absent in the policy of the present authorities. 

As a result, the country is unable to adopt the proactive development 

model and indeed to implement the model of recovery development 

and overcome the consequences of the decimation of a powerful 

and self-sufficient Soviet economy.

Today economic recovery should take the shape of return of the 

financial and production base to the state and the people. It is 

only by wresting the financial system and strategically 

important sectors from the fabulously rich oligarchy 

that these sectors can be harnessed to proactive 

development, to ensuring a technological break-

through and economic independence of the 

country. This is the essence of the CPRF 

program... to which there can be no 

alternative.. if we want to really lift 

Russia from its knees and ensure 

a decent life for all its citizens.

However, those who run our economy think otherwise. 

They continue to feed society with tales that claim that

the socialist model has failed. That “perestroika” in 

the second half of the 1980s, which developed into 

a geopolitical & social catastrophe, was allegedly 

brought about by a crisis of the Soviet economy

& by the need to revert to capitalist principles. 

But that is a malicious lie.

The USSR had built entire sectors of the national economy, 

major enterprises many of which are still in operation. The 

well-being and social security of citizens was growing, the 

USSR had become a great space, science and industrial 

power. It remained such a power until a handful of out-

and-out traitors and rent-seekers pushed the country 

toward self-destruction... under the pretext of 


In 1987 the USSR accounted for one-fifth of the world industrial 

output whereas today that share is almost 10 times less. Per 

capita industrial output in our country was 4.5 times the 

world average. While in the USA national revenue was 

growing at the rate of 3% a year in the Soviet Union it 

was more than 4%. In the mid-1980s our industrial 

output growth was double that of America: 5.3% 

versus 2.6%. We were also ahead of the USA in

terms of average life expectancy.

Was that a system that had to be dismantled instead of modernizing

 and strengthening it? Only avowed enemies of our country, of the 

Russians and all the other peoples inhabiting it can make such a 

claim. But they continue unabashedly to lie and pour dirt on our

 history. The reasons for this are obvious.

Anti-Soviet alliance
of Russophobes.

Russophobia nearly always lurks behind anti-Soviet statements. It is

a feature of practically all those who are hostile toward our past and 

the ideology of socialism. If you scratch them hard enough even

 those who try to project an image of patriots who care about the

 interests of the Russian people, those who claim to have been 

ill-done-by under Soviet rule turn out to be Russophobes, who 

have profound disdain for the people, its history 

and achievements.

Soviet history is about the establishment of the first state in the 

world, based on the principles of social justice. The victory of 

our country in the most terrible of wars. The great unmatched

feat of industrialization, colossal economic, scientific, cultural 

& social achievements. It is a history of the great uplift of the

Russian people. An uplift which manifested its will, & infinite 

creative potential.

This is one of the main reasons why the Soviet idea and Soviet 

history so enrage professional anti-Communists the absolute 

majority of whom hate and detest the Russian people. Suffice

 it to look at the propaganda talk of anti-Sovieteers and the 

deeds of those who persistently attack our past, to see 

that they are also, all of them, Russophobes.

The activities of propagandists who foment anti-Sovietism and

 Russophobia have the support of high-ranking officials who 

prefer not to display such sentiments publicly, but who 

share them deep down.

Today the systemic crisis is putting the increasingly unstable 

peace to a test. The two previous crises ended in world wars. 

Today, too, the enemy does not want to confine itself to the

economic and information wars it has long been waging 

against Russia.

NATO is again sabre-rattling close to our border. The prospects

of a new Drung nach Osten are again publicly discussed. We 

are surrounded by a contracting ring of fronts. Transatlantic 

provocateurs continue to run the show... in Ukraine. Their 

Bandera underlings make constant attempts to aggravate

the situation on the border with Crimea and Donbass. The 

Russophobic regimes in the Baltic states and in Eastern 

Europe, are desecrating the graves of Soviet soldiers. 

This is all part of the global strategy of the US and 

its accomplices, who see a new big war as the

last remaining trump card, in their struggle 

topreserve the power of transnational 

capital. The power, which meets with 

a growing protest on all continents.


To repel the growing external and internal threats Russia needs 

social consolidation. But the current policy, which has a strong

element of Russophobia and anti-Sovietism, precludes unity. 

It destroys any prospects of national cohesion.


To revive Russia is our mission. Each of us must realize this. 

In order to move forward, one needs solid ground under 

one’s feet. This is only possible if a country cares for 

its history and the people which forms the spiritual, 

social and demographic core of the state.


And yet our policy-makers consistently seek to deprive Russians 

of their national identity. To dissolve them in the anonymous 

mythical notion of Rossiyane (“citizens of Russia”), the idea 

which was taken on board during the Yeltsin pogrom of the 

country & is actively being used by the current authorities.


Reliance on native history is exceedingly important at critical junctures.

 This principle was trampled upon at the tail end of Soviet history. The

 enemies managed to blow up our Motherland. The same weapons of 

Russophobia and anti-Sovietism were actively used to undermine its 

foundation. In our time it may lead to no less gruesome results, sow 

chaos as destructive as that at the end of the last century.


The call for cleansing the information domain from hideous lies that

distort our history is a very special part of the demands of the CPRF 

set forth in our programmatic theses. Cleansing information of the

hysteria which insults the dignity of the Victorious People whom 

the present system treacherously “rewarded” for its sacrifice... 

with poverty, plunder & extinction provoked by the pro-US

 course. Society needs to understand that if the country

 is to get rid of officials and propagandists who sneer 

at our country and the Russian people... it needs to 

be guided by Communists to implement a patriotic 

program of revival.


The colonial seamy side
of “independence”


In 1812 the Prussian military commander & theorist Karl Klauzewitz

spent some time with the Russian army. He hated Napoleon and 

wanted to help Russia personally, when Napoleon’s army 

attacked it. After getting to know our country,  Russian 

soldiers, generals & government representatives,

 Klauzewitz came to the following conclusion: 

“Russia is not a country that can really be 

conquered, that is, occupied, at least not 

by the present European states. Such 

a country can only be defeated by its 

internal weakness or the effect of 

internal discord.”


History has fully vindicated that conclusion.


The Russian state continued to grow from strength to strength 

as long as it was able to follow its own path of development, 

preserve its unique civilization & pursue its own historical 

course. Borrowing, if necessary, the achievements of 

neighbours, but not losing its identity in the process. 

Not allowing alien ideas and values to become 

prevalent in the hearts and minds of 

its citizens.


Any departure from this golden rule inevitably led to troubles. The 

state lost its effectiveness & strength. Society, riven by internal 

contradictions, became an arena of interminable political and 

ideological conflicts. This happened at the end of the 20th 

century when turncoats in the nomenklatura (the party &

government elite) began to sing from the same hymn 

book as the foreign enemies of our country and 

socialism. They ruined the USSR , seduced by

the liberal attractions of the West which 

brought nothing but countless woes & 

privations for the absolute majority of 

citizens. For the Russian people it 

was the biggest geopolitical, 

social, demographic and 

moral catastrophe in 

its history.


Against the background of this catastrophe, only cynical liars 

& imbeciles can claim that the liquidation of the Soviet Union 

brought independence and national liberation to Russia 

and the Russians. The truth is, that the destruction of

the USSR paved the way for its de facto colonization.


The declaration on state sovereignty adopted in June 1990 by the

RSFSR Congress of People’s Deputies, was a key step toward 

the disintegration of the Soviet State. Russia’s declaration of 

“sovereignty” in the early 1990s, was a harbinger of the 

processes which led precisely to our country losing its 

sovereignty de facto. It included our country in the 

neocolonial system of global capitalism. And not 

as a strong independent power, but as a raw 

materials appendage and a cheated “partner.”


Let us face it, it is the Russians who are paying the highest price

for the adventurous and essentially criminal policy imposed on

the country, by the “victorious democrats.”


In March 1991 the absolute majority of Soviet citizens voted for the

preservation of the USSR. But in December of that same year their 

will was unlawfully ignored by Belovezhskaya Pushcha plotters

led by Yeltsin, befuddled with alcohol, power and the praise of

Transatlantic principals. By proclaiming the end of the Soviet 

Union they perpetrated one of the most heinous political 

crimes in human history. This was, above all, a crime 

against the Russians comparable only to the crimes 

committed against them by the most wicked of 

foreign invaders.


As a result of the treacherous destruction of the USSR the Russians

became one of the largest divided peoples in the world. Twenty-five

million Russians who lived in the other union republics, found 

themselves outside the Russian border. They became 

foreigners against their will.


Overnight, the plotters turned Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia into

separate states. As a result, the single Russian civilization was torn 

into three parts. For each of them, the consequences were dire in 

economic, demographic and cultural terms. The question of the

reunification of the Slavic republics has to do, not only with the

restoration of Russia’s lost geopolitical status. Contrary to 

what our foes would have us believe, it is not just about 

Russian interests. It has to do with the viability of all the 

three republics and their peoples, which are bound by 

common roots, that cannot be torn by any enemies 

and any temporary disagreements.


Restoration of a full-fledged union between Russia, Ukraine and

Byelorussia was hindered above all by a lack of the necessary 

political will on the part of the Russian leadership. This, in the 

final analysis, gave a free hand to the pro-American clique of 

Banderovites that seized power in Kiev in 2014. It is this that 

is provoking processes that threaten a cooling of relations

between Russia and Byelorussia. This policy has to be

stopped immediately.


Russia meets one third of Europe’s demand for gas. It is capable of 

providing 500 million cubic metres of renewable forest resources. 

It supports a quarter of the world’s diamond market. Our country’s 

wealth and revenue is based on assets created above all, through 

the efforts of the Russian people. On labour resources, a majority 

of which are formed by the Russians. On natural resources of the

land where the bulk of the population is Russian. From the point 

of view of justice and from the legal point of view the Russian 

people is entitled to a proportionate corresponding share of 

the national revenue. This was the case, during the Soviet 

years. But this principle has been criminally erased under 

capitalism. The people that created the Russian State and 

provided the major part of its national wealth has through

the efforts of the new “masters”, been reduced to an 

impoverished, disadvantaged and miserable lot.


Those who got hold of the property of the people and state created

during the Soviet years, have either destroyed it, or turned it into a 

source of unbridled personal enrichment. The Russian tightwads, 

who enjoy the protection of the authorities, have, in the last 25 

years spirited away at least a trillion dollars to foreign banks 

& offshores. And yet this money could have doubled 

government spending on education, science, 

healthcare, trebled pensions, stipends and 

wages. But the authorities keep mum 

about it and continue conniving at 

the plunder of the country.


Russia & the Russian people have paid for this with the destruction 

of countless industries, thousands of factories, & millions of lost 

jobs. With veritable colonization of the financial sphere and the

economy, which has become addicted to the sale of natural 

resources and depends entirely on imports. This poses a 

colossal threat to national security in the face of growing 

hostility on the part of our “partners.”


But those who rule us today and engage the West in fierce polemic

in the world arena, do nothing to liberate Russia from what is, 

obviously, financial and economic occupation.


This situation which spells disaster for the country and society can

only be changed through implementation of the CPRF program. A 

program that envisages wresting control of the strategically 

important sectors from the hands of the oligarchy. Revision 

of the criminal results of privatization and bringing its 

organizers to account. The use of federal and 

regional budgets, that would be substantially 

replenished, due to these measures, to 

massively increase investments in 

industry, agriculture and the 

social sphere.


A ban on the export of capital from Russia. Easy-term crediting of

national producers at an interest rate below the level of inflation.

Raising the minimal wage, pensions & social benefits by at least

2 times. All-round support and constant growth of the number 

of people’s and collective enterprises whose effectiveness is 

convincingly being proved by our fellow party members and 

talented managers: P.N.Grudinin, I.I.Kazankov, I.A.Bogachev, 

I.A.Sumarokov and many others.


This is the only program that today meets the national interests of

all the peoples of our country. Only the enemies of these interests

can reject it.


The epidemic of capitalism


The collapse of the socialist system caused colossal damage to the

country’s economy and the social sphere. As a result, in the 1990s 

the national revenue was shrinking by an average annual 5.7%, i.e. 

more than at the start of the Great Patriotic War. In the first two 

decades of the 21st century our economy either declined or 

reported a “growth” within a range of statistical error. In 

other words, it hovered around zero, stagnated.


After the liquidation of the USSR the state cast aside all its social 

obligations to its citizens. Millions of people are growing poorer 

and falling into a debt pit. Meanwhile a score of the top Russian 

billionaires increase their total wealth...  by 1.5 trillion roubles 

every six months, i.e., almost 300 billion a month, 9.5 billion a 

day and 400 million an hour, according to Bloomberg agency.


Only the oligarchy which has seized our national wealth and the

bureaucrats in its service, are interested in the preservation of 

this destructive system that emerged on the ruins of the great 

Soviet power. But the people want to see a great, truly

 independent country emerge from the ruins. Our 

history confirms that this is only possible, if 

Russia, in its struggle to recover, relies on 

socialist principles.


The development of the situation in the world and inside our country

proves that the current neoliberal policy initially conceived by the 

West and its appointees as anti-Russian and Rossophobic, has 

spent itself and is on the brink of collapse.


Against the background of a growing crisis the socio-economic course

pursued in Russia, meets with ever sharper criticism from all sides. 

More and more people realize that by embarking on the neoliberal 

path and taking dictation from the IMF and transnational capital,

 the authorities made a choice that spells disaster for the

 country and society.


However, only a few people dare to tell the full truth: we are looking 

not only at a dead-end socio-economic model. The ultimate goal 

for the sake of which this model has been foisted on Russia is 

to enfeeble its people & effectively to destroy it. To “clean up” 

the fabulously rich country, in order to seize its resources. 

The main target here is the biggest state-forming Russian 

people, without which the country will collapse & become 

easy prey for conquerors. The neoliberal socio-economic 

model is a deadly weapon directed against it. Effectively a 

neutron bomb in the hands of our external enemies and

 their underlings inside Russia.


The current socio-economic course serves their interests. The

authorities today have a twin task: to minimize their obligations 

to the citizens, and to absolve themselves from any legal 

responsibility for this. This principle informs the entire 

socio-economic policy.


The anti-people pension “reform” launched in the country is a direct

reflection of this principle. It is nothing but undisguised robbery of 

those who have, for many years, worked honestly for the country 

and society, and have now been deprived of their right to enjoy 

a well-deserved rest and draw a legitimately earned pension.


Let us recall the clear and solid guarantees of protection of life and

health every Soviet citizen was granted under the country’s Main

Law. Article 42 of the Constitution of the USSR adopted in 1977

reads in part:


“The citizens of the USSR have the right to the protection of their 

health. This is ensured directly by free qualified medical care 

rendered by state healthcare institutions; the broadening 

network of institutions for the treatment & improvement 

of the health of citizens; the development and improve-

ment of safety rules & occupational hygiene; wide-

scale preventive measures; measures to improve 

the environment; particular care for the health of

the young generation, including a ban on child 

labour, unconnected with educational and 

vocational training;  & the deployment of 

scientific research, aimed at preventing

and lowering the level of morbidity, and 

ensuring the active longevity of citizens.”


These are much stronger and wider guarantees than those 

promised by the present Constitution. Unlike those of 

today, they were fulfilled, as long as Soviet power 

existed, financed out of the treasury, without any 

abstract insurances and contributions.


In its program the CPRF stresses that to rescue the country’s 

healthcare system and give back to the people guarantees of 

free and effective healthcare, we need to go back to Soviet
constitutional norms. To build a state that would again 

guarantee their fulfilment. This can be done only by 

the socialist state, which can stop the dying out
the Russian people.


The wages of genocide


In 2006 the German military expert & journalist Peter Scholl-Latour

made a documentary film titled “Russia Surrounded” for the major

German TV company ZDF. Speaking about it, he made a grim 

prediction: “Russia is inexorably moving towards death. 

Russia’s main problem today, is the catastrophic 

shrinking of the share of Russians.” Reluctant 

as we may be to do so, we have to agree with 

his assessment. Unless we want the demise 

of our country to become reality, we must 

honestly admit the destructive ongoing 

processes and take urgent measures

 to stop them.


The anti-Russian and anti-Slavic thrust of the country’s internal policy

 is becoming ever more evident. The Russians and other indigenous 

peoples that historically formed the backbone of Russia’s thousand-

year history are the most disadvantaged and humiliated. The dying 

out of indigenous Russian regions is 2 or 3 times faster than the

 average population decline figures. The representation of

 Russians in key areas – governance, economy, culture 

and the mass media is startlingly at odds with their 

predominant share in the total population.


That the current policy is veritable genocide of the Russian people

 is evidenced by the demographic catastrophe the country faced 

after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist system.


The population of the USSR as a whole and of the Russian Federation

had been growing throughout the Soviet era with the exception of the 

Great Patriotic War, when we lost 27 million people. By 1941 it was 43 

million larger than that of the Russian Empire in the late 19th century. 

It dropped by 13 million toward the end of the war, but 10 years after 

Victory, it almost reached the pre-war level. By the early 1990s,

Russia had a population two and a half times larger than 100

years before. And this without any migration, solely due to 

the high birth rate stimulated by Soviet social policy.


In the USA by the early 20th century people lived on average 17 years

longer than in Russia, the average life expectancy having risen by 18

years in 1967 compared with 1900. In the USSR fifty years after the

establishment of Soviet power people came to live on average 38

years longer than in Russia in the early 20th century. In 1967 the 

Soviet Union had a longer life expectancy than the USA.


The increase of life expectancy in our country in the 67 years of the 

20th century, was over twice that in the USA, the leading country of

 the capitalist world. In terms of life expectancy the USSR, outran 

not only the United States, but also, such countries as France, 

Belgium, and Finland and was level with Japan, the FRG, Italy 

and Canada. It shows that the socialist system contributed 

much more to rapid social progress, than the capitalist 

system at its best.


The capitalism that has been foisted on us brought deadly 

demographic wages for the Russian people. By 2010 –

the year of the last census – there were only 111 

million Russians in the country. A loss of ten

million members of the state-forming people 

in the first two decades of capitalism. This,

according to official statistics, which do 

not give the real picture.


On the whole Russia’s population since 1991 shrank by 1.6 million, 

and the Russian population by 10 million. That does not take into

account the data for the last decade, which are still unavailable.

In other words, the number of Russians is diminishing over

 six times faster than the total population. The shrinking 

numbers are “balanced”, only by migration. This is a

real humanitarian disaster!


During the Soviet era the number of Russians more than doubled. 

During the three decades of capitalism, it shrank by at least 13%. 

What more proof is needed - of the fact that socialism meets the 

national interest of Russians while capitalism is patently hostile 

to them, and is deadly for them? What further arguments are 

needed to show that renunciation of the present destructive 

governance system, is not only a question of the socio-

economic well-being of our people, but a question of

 its physical survival?


Only Communist power, socialism & a recovery of the best Soviet

experience, will put an end to the system that leads to an actual

extermination of the people. The system under which, citizens

consigned to conditions inadmissible for a country so rich in

resources, are afraid to raise a family and have children.


Today an absolute majority of young Russians do not expect to be 

ableto afford their own - even a very modest - dwelling. Moreover,

they have no prospect of acquiring one, even 10, 15 or 20 years 

from now. The cost of housing in Russia has risen 100 times 

since the early 1990s. Even if he saves all his earnings 

down to the last kopeck toward buying a flat, the 

average Muscovite will have to save for 12 

years, the citizen of Petersburg, 11 years, 

those who live in a central region, 18 

years & those who live in the south 

of Russia, 10 years. 


Those who try to solve the problem by taking out bank loans

will have to pay the bank two or three times the price of the 

flat, or move out, because of exorbitant interest rates.


The situation will change dramatically after the Communists 

come to power. The young people, who will contribute the 

most to boosting national industry & science, restoring 

agriculture & strengthening the country’s defenses, 

will be granted housing for free immediately or 

within a short space of time. 


Others will be able to get housing within several years, as 

was the case in the USSR which guaranteed free housing 

for everyone. Housing construction - not for the new rich, 

not for the millionaires and billionaires, but for normal, 

honest people - will become one of the main areas of 

effort in the country’s development.


To be an effective program of national salvation of the Russian and

other indigenous peoples of our country, it has to be based on firm 

& effective socio-economic principles. The answer to the question

what should these principles be is provided by socialism. That is 

why the CPRF program is a convincing and relevant program in

the interests of the country’s indigenous peoples.


The people’s soul trampled
underfoot by wreckers


Simultaneously with physical extermination, the present system

destroys Russia & the Russian people spiritually. While paying 

lip service to patriotism... the authorities absolutely refuse to 

support the Russian national culture. They contribute to the 

displacement of culture by primitive & immoral trash made

according to Western templates. With the connivance of 

bureaucrats and cynical people, who treat culture as a 

source of profit, this hack work has inundated TV 

screens, cinemas and publishing houses. 


The present system induces the state to renounce any attempts to

 provide moral education & enlightenment and to help those who

 seek to do so. The soul of the people and its consciousness, its 

intellect, is above all, the native language. And yet the Russian 

language, the language of the great Russian literature, which 

is a key part of the world's cultural heritage, is subjected to 

humiliation every day. And again, the authorities look 

the other way.


Our language, is one of the richest in the world. But these riches 

are trampled underfoot, by today’s mass culture, education and 

information policy. The language is being polluted by newspeak

- senseless anglicisms which symbolize the colonial essence 

of the system imposed on our people. Newspeak is effectively

a language of occupation. Take a walk in the streets of our 

cities and you will see that foreign names of Western and

eastern provenance today outnumber Russian ones. It is 

as if we are deliberately told that the Russian people are 

not masters of their land. They have no right to national 

self-consciousness, identity, and to native speech.


The law On the Official Language of the Russian Federation

passed in 2005, was aimed at protecting the Russian

language. But the same authorities that passed
law, are reluctant to protect it.


We see the Western countries being swept by the migration process

which threatens to develop into a political crisis. But try to get a 

decent job without knowing the official language. In this country 

it is becoming the new normal. In the services sphere and
in the housing and utilities sector, we, increasingly, deal
with people 
who are unable to communicate in Russian.
This is not 
merely an inconvenience. It provokes social
Ultimately, it threatens civil peace which is
shaken when society is divided into groups
that do 
not understand each other.


By all the criteria adopted in the world community, genocide of

theRussian people has been unleashed. That is why the most 

sensitive national issue in modern Russia is not the issue of

the “national borderlands” but the issue of “the national 

core.” It has to do not with a minority but with an 

overwhelming majority. 


The sacred desire to safeguard our Motherland and our people 

against destruction, inspires us to struggle to revive in Russia 

the state that is capable of stoppingthe  physical and spiritual 

genocide of the Russians and other peoples. Of enabling

 them to return to the path of harmonious moral, cultural 

and intellectual development. This is the key element of

 the CPRF program. This is our main duty... to present 

and future generations.


In order to throw off the yoke of anti-national capital & confidently 

move forward Russia needs to become aware of itself as the heir 

not only to Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Nekrasov & 

Chekhov, but also to Gorky, Sholokhov, Simonov, Isakovsky,

Tvardovsky, Bondarev and Rasputin, Prokofiev & Sviridov, 

Mukhina and Vuchetich, Makarenko and Sukhomlinksy. 

Kurchatov and Keldysh. Korolev and Gagarin. Zhukov, 

Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky & Konev. The country must 

be proud of the fact that the galaxy of brilliant names, 

the pride of the Russian civilization, was born of the 

Soviet era, the socialist Motherland, the land of 

Lenin and Stalin.


Communists & all patriots must be more active in defending 

Russian history, Russian culture and the Russian soul. 

Because they are the targets of all those who seek to 

destroy our Power. At this critical juncture we need 

to be conscious of the fact that we are not only a 

party of rule of the people and of justice, but a

 party of national salvation.


Russia is about to awaken


If the experiment undertaken by Lenin ....... the experiment of 

socialism fails, modern civilisation will perish, just like many 

civilisations perished in the past.”This was said in 1931 by 

Nobel Prize-winning British playwright Bernard Shaw. The 

Soviet power proved its strength and its great creative 

potential. But its treacherous destruction vindicated

 the writer’s foresight. 


The collapse of the Soviet Union triggered a chain reaction 

of global destabilization which threatens terrible upheavals 

on the planet. It put on the brink of destruction the Russian 

civilization whose crowning achievement has been the 

creation of the Soviet State. The state of the working 

people. The state of socialism.


However, the colossal historical experience, the great vitality,

the moral and intellectual potential we possess, enable us to 

step back from the abyss. To overcome the systemic crisis. 

Our people can still do it.  And it will do it!


It was the Soviet civilization that, in the early 20th century, 

offered all mankind the greatest socialist project of the 

world order, a project based on the laws of justice, 

humanism and equality. It demonstrated its 

righteousness and power in the battles 

against the armies of the Entente and 

Hitler’s hordes. Its real superiority 

over capitalism, which inevitably 

degenerates into Fascism and

 political banditry.


The bid of transnational capitalism... to bury the socialist project 

turned out to be futile. Today mankind, tormented by crises and

disenchanted with capitalism, is again turning toward socialism. 

The Russian world must be in the vanguard of this process, as

it was a hundred years ago, because the socialist ideas are

rooted most deeply in its consciousness. They cannot be 

suppressed by any resistance of the world and the 

Russian political and financial elite.


The German philosopher Walter Schubart who left Germany after

the Nazis came to power and who had sincere respect for our

people, said this about the Russian man in his 1938 book 

Europe and the Eastern Soul: “He does not try to turn 

his fellow man into an instrument. This is the essence 

of Russian brotherhood. This is the Gospel for the 

future… Russia’s mission is to give man back his 

soul. Russia has the strength that Europe has lost 

or destroyed in itself… Only Russia can breathe

 the soul back into the human race, which is 

perishing from power lust ...and is steeped 

in materialistic business consciousness.”


Obviously, he was referring to the historical processes that 

unfolded in the world after socialism challenged the

 ideology of greed, plunder and exploitation. The

 processes that put the Russian people and all

 the other peoples of our great power at the 

centre and, I am sure, will put them

 there again.


History, whose main facets are again highlighted with fresh force 

by thedramatic events of our time, warrants the conclusion that 

a true Russiancannot be anything other but a supporter of 

socialism. And a true adherent of socialism cannot but 

treat Russians with respect, gratitude and love.


The rabid anti-Sovietism & Russophobia of our opponents is the 

last toxic potion for which the bankrupt liberal pro-marketeers 

are reaching out, in their attempt to rescue their sinking 

authority and to convince the country of the need to 

preserve the system of criminal capitalism. Only a 

return to the principles of the social state can pull 

Russia out of its crisis and set it on the path of

 true development. The path of friendship, 

brotherhood, and genuine national 



That is why the CPRF program and fifteen key amendments 

to the Constitution we are promoting are based on the ideas

 & measures that would restore all the best features of the 

Soviet economic, social and cultural policy. All the most 

decent and progressive modern practices. 


The Communists resolutely counter the ideology of liberal 

anti-Sovieteers who worship capitalist globalization with 

the ideology of social justice and national revival that 

meets the interests of the absolute majority.


We have no doubt that the salvation and revival of Russia is 

impossible without restoring the firm moral foundations &

moral principles society & power must abide by. Let us 

give an honest answer to this question: in what epoch 

were the principles dominating society and politics 

closer to the premises of good, selflessness, 

charity and humanism which the main world 

religions have been preaching for ages.? 

Was it in the Soviet epoch or today? 


We are convinced that there can be only 

one answer: the Soviet system directly

embodied these principles, based on 

the ideals of universal brotherhood, 

solidarity and social justice.


The systemic crisis can only be overcome & full-fledged 

development resumed when those who were involved 

in the criminal dismantling of the USSR and the 

establishment of a system of wild criminal-

oligarchic capitalism are stripped of their 

control of the political, economic and 

financial spheres. 


Let us remember Cicero’s wisdom: “A nation can survive its 

fools and social climbers, but it cannot survive treachery. 

The enemy at the gate is fearsome, but it is known and it 

openly holds up its banners. A traitor circulates freely 

among the besieged, his cunning whisper rustles in

the city streets, he acts secretly, and infects the 

citizens such that they can no longer resist. 

A murderer is less fearsome than he is.”


Removal of the Russophobic and anti-Soviet “fifth column” from 

power is an indispensable condition of the revival of our country

&  the Russian people. Only then, will the new truly patriotic and

nationally conscious leadership be able to implement the vitally

needed change of course, and unite all the healthy forces in the



The CPRF has renewed its call on the patriots of Russia to promote 

this idea in the course of the festive events of the All-Union Popular

 Assembly we organized in the spring of 2020, to mark the 150th

anniversary of Lenin’s birth, the First of May outing, timed for 

the Day of International Solidarity of Working People.


We made a similar appeal to citizens on May 9, the day of the great

 jubilee, the 75th anniversary of Victory. On the eve of that day, as 

part of our political campaign Lenin, Stalin, Victory we announced

 large-scale patriotic actions: “Immortal Regiment Under the Red

 Banner,” “Victory Garden – the Garden of Life,” “Youth Follows

 the Road of Heroic Fathers.” They will span the whole of Russia 

and the former Soviet republics, which retain sacred bonds

 with us.


Because of the dangerous infection which put all of us under an

exasperating lockdown, we could not stage street processions 

and rallies and held our gatherings online. However, in spite of 

the distance, they throbbed with the energy of the struggle for 

justice. Of confidence: that we will soon reunite with fresh 

force, in the name of the common cause: of reviving the 

Motherland and the people.


The Lenin and Victory jubilees remind us that we are heirs to great

deeds. Heirs to heroes who have astonished the world with their

achievements. It is the people’s sacred right and sacred duty to 

regain what it has gained & what traitors have taken away from 

the country and society. We are confident that the enemy will 

be defeated and victory will be ours.!


When in the Time of Troubles, invaders were feasting at the Kremlin

Patriarch Hermogenes who refused to recognize the impostors and 

occupiers was imprisoned in a dungeon. But even there, deprived 

of water and food, he continued to call, “Arise Russian people!.” He 

was heard and the militias led by Minin and Pozharksy came and 

saved the country. If we put it across to our people, Russia will 

arise and step back from the edge of the historical abyss. The 

21st century, will become the century of the revival of our 

great Power.


The ideology that will pave the way toward our resurgence must 

be the modern Russian idea capable of uniting all the country’s 

peoples for the sake of the common cause and the common

good. The idea rooted in socialism and the thousand-year-

old spiritual and patriotic values. The idea that cements 

the nation in a single surge of creativity. The idea that

 mobilizes all the social resources to secure an early 

end to the systemic crisis that threatens the very 

existence of our country.


China has achieved spectacular results by linking socialism, 

patriotism and the age-old folk traditions. Cuba, Vietnam and 

Venezuela are following a similar path. We will achieve 

victory if we rely on the Russian character, the 

Russian spirit and Russian history. 


The Russians are the state-forming nation. They have never 

oppressed other peoples and have done everything to 

safeguard their independence, their faith, their 

alphabets, language and culture. Neither our 

country, nor world peace, can be secured... 

without strengthening the Russian people.


This is something true patriots of Russia - both Russians 

and other peoples - cannot help recognizing. And this 

strengthens our confidence... that it is important 

to remind society of the sources of Russian 

civilization, the Soviet values, discoveries 

and achievements. Of the need to uphold 

the ideas of socialism... and struggle to 

promote these great ideas, in today’s 

Russia. For a victory that will assure 

a decent future for our Motherland.



This entry was posted in Articles
on June 1st, 2020 

What do you think?




Three dozen Afghan migrants roam 

Polish-Belarusian border for 12th day

August 20th, 12:26pm (TASS)


 A large group of migrants is roaming the Polish-

Belarussian border --- guarded by the two 

countries’ law enforcers, for the twelfth 

day. As a TASS correspondent reports 

from the scene, about 30 people are 

stranded... near the community
Usnarz-Gorny, Podlaskie 

Voivodeship, in the east 

of the country.


The refugees from Afghanistan tried to illegally cross the 

border, only to be stopped by border guards. The Polish 

authorities argue that the migrants are on the territory 

of Belarus. On one side.. they are guarded by armed 

Belarusian law-enforcers, who prevent their return 

to Belarus. On the other side Polish border guards 

and the army, keep them out of Poland.


"The situation has not changed. As before, up to 30 people 

are on the Belarussian side of the border," the press-

secretary of the Podlaska border guard office, 

Katarzyna Zdanowicz told TASS.


"The Polish border guard service is doing its job," she 

added, when asked if Poland had any plans for letting

 the migrants in.


Zdanowicz said Poland had asked Belarus to take part 

in resolving the problem. After that, nearly all women

 and children were taken out of the temporary 

refugee camp.


The migrants - mostly young men - have set up one tent. 

Most spend the nights in sleeping bags on the ground. 

Some politicians and human rights activists have 

visited the site. Food and water is being brought

 to the migrants.


Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told a news 

briefing, on Thursday, that Poland had no intention of 

accommodating illegal migrants roaming the 

border on the Belarusian side. He added 

that such a decision would entail a 

migration crisis, involving tens 

of thousands.


Situation on the border


Earlier, Poland and Lithuania urged the European Union to 

take tougher measures against Belarus over the migration

 crisis in the region, allegedly provoked by Minsk. Since 

the beginning of this year, more than 4,000 illegal 

migrants have been detained on the Lithuanian

-Belarusian border, which is 50 times more 

than in the whole of 2020.


According to the Polish Interior Ministry, there have been 

2,100 illegal attempts to enter the country since the 

beginning of August. The border guards prevented

 1,342 attempts at crossing the border, and 758 

foreign nationals were detained and sent to 

closed centres.


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that 

his country had served as a barrier in the way of

illegal migrants to the neighboring country, but 

in the light of political pressure from the West,

Minsk might think again about maintaining 

this policy.


What do you think?

Belarus keep the West safe, from
an influx of young men of dubious intent
...when the West keeps trying to crash
Belarus' sovereignty?



Perestroika did not cause 

USSR’s downfall; but ‘a lot 

of things’ - should have 

been done differently, 

says ex-Soviet leader


by Jonny Tickle

August 4th, 4:56pm (RT)

The collapse of the Soviet Union was not caused by the 

controversial policy of perestroika but should actually 

be blamed on the attempted coup, in August 1991,
 a conspiracy between the leaders of
Ukraine, and Belarus.


That’s according to former Soviet President Mikhail 

Gorbachev, who wrote an article for ‘Russia in 

Global Affairs’, explaining his point of view: 

that perestroika was “historically correct”

 and necessary for the USSR.


Gorbachev led the Soviet Union from 1985 until its collapse 

in 1991 and is seen as one of the most important figures of 

20th-century history. However... while he enjoys a positive

 reputation outside of the country, he is viewed differently 

inside Russia. Many people blame him for the post-Soviet 

economic crisis, that led to a dramatic decline in living 

standards, as well as a diminution of Moscow’s 

status on the world stage.


Perestroika, seen by some as a significant contributing factor 

in the dissolution of the USSR, was an attempt to restructure

 the economic system and end stagnation. As part of the 

policy, Gorbachev introduced market-like reforms into

 the socialist system, which led to food shortages 

and political tensions.


However, according to Gorbachev, those who believe 

perestroika wasn’t necessary... have a very 

short memory.


“They have either forgotten or don’t want to remember what 

the moral and psychological situation in Soviet society was 

like by 1985,” he explained. “People were clamouring for 

change. Everyone - both leaders and ordinary citizens

 - felt that something was wrong with the country.
country was sinking deeper into stagnation. 

Economic growth had virtually stopped.”


“Perestroika was aimed at people. Its goal was to liberate a 

person, to make him the master of his own destiny, of his 

country,” he said.


However, despite his conviction that the policy was correct, 

he did note that he would have done “a lot of things 



In Gorbachev’s opinion, the real reason for the fall of the 

Soviet Union, was insubordination within the ranks of 

the Communist Party.


“Two blows proved fatal for perestroika,” he explained. 

“The attempted coup d’etat, organized by reactionary 

forces, including those from my entourage, in August 

1991, and the December collusion of the leaders of 

Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, which ended the 

centuries-old history of our state.”


In particular, he pointed the finger at Boris Yeltsin, who was 

the leader of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist 

Republic, and who promised that a union of some 

sort would survive. However, according to the 

former Soviet leader, the heads of Russia, 

Ukraine, and Belarus got together and 

opted to destroy the country.


“Yeltsin did not keep his word,” Gorbachev wrote. “He and

 his entourage sacrificed the Union --- to an unstoppable 

desire to reign in the Kremlin.”


What do you think?




Back to Stalingrad? Disputed poll 

claims TWO THIRDS of Russians 

want Volgograd to return name

used in legendary WW2 battle

July 30th, 10:13am (RT)

A majority of Russians support restoring the name of the 

country’s twelfth-largest city back to ‘Stalingrad,’ 60 

years after it was renamed Volgograd, in the Soviet 

program of de-Stalinization, a poll has revealed.


The survey, commissioned by the centre-left political party

 ‘A Fair Russia’, and made public on Thursday, revealed

 that 68% of Russians are in favour of returning to the

 title it bore from 1925 to 1961, with just 28%
to keep the current name.


Interestingly, in Volgograd itself, the poll discovered that

local residents are somewhat less supportive of a name 

change, with 48% backing a return to Stalingrad.


The last time Federov’s pollsters conducted a study on 

this topic was in 2005, and just 23.4% in Russia said 

then, that they supported a renaming.


However, most interestingly, the faction is now coming 

under attack from the Communist Party (CPRF), which 

has accused A Fair Russia of stealing one of its flag-

ship proposals. Speaking to the Moscow daily, 

Kommersant, Communist  Party Secretary 

for Elections, Sergey Obukhov, accused

''right-wing forces'' of using his party’s 

ideas to draw away voters. In 2013 

-- on the 70th anniversary of the 

Battle of Stalingrad -- the CPRF 

collected more than 100,000 

signatures in favour of 

the renaming. 

...What do YOU think?






Slovenian PM: EU’s ‘imaginary values’ 

could trigger ‘collapse’ of bloc, 

amid Hungary LGBT row

July 4th, 2:09pm (RT)


Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa has condemned

 the EU’s western states, for imposing “imaginary 

European values”, without respecting local 

cultures. Jansa supports Hungary, in its 

fight against LGBT content in
and TV.


Sandwiched between Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia, 

Slovenia is a tiny country of 2.1 million people. However,

 for the next six months, it will set the agenda of the

 European Council. 


Speaking after his country assumed the council’s rotating 

presidency, last week, Jansa made it clear, that his 

priorities might not line up with those of the 

bloc’s western powers.


 Railing at the Slovenian “mainstream media” and its alleged

 allies in the country’s judiciary, Jansa also spoke out 

against the EU’s promotion of its liberal values in 

eastern and central Europe, LGBT causes

 among them.


Imposing “imaginary European values,” he argued, 

would be the “fastest road to collapse” for the bloc. 


“The European Union brings together countries with 

different traditions, with different cultures, there
 differences... that need to be taken into
account and
 respected,” he stated.


European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, 

openly disagreed with Jansa during the press briefing, 

saying that “freedom of expression, diversity and 

equality” are fundamental “European values” 

that need to be upheld.


The clash between Jansa and von der Leyen is just one 

more battle in a growing cultural conflict between the 

western swathe of the EU, and the centre and east. 


In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has led the charge 

against Brussels in this conflict, angering the liberal West

 by passing a law forbidding the portrayal of 

homosexuality to children. 


The EU in return has threatened legal action against Hungary,

 and 17 western European leaders signed a letter last month 

condemning “discrimination towards the LGBTI community”

 and their “fundamental rights.”


Orban has insisted that the law does not discriminate against 

the LGBT community, but allows parents to decide what to

 teach their children, about matters of gender 

and sexuality.


Jansa has taken a similar line. Responding to von der Leyen 

on Friday, he said that the pair had “a sincere discussion on

 what human rights are,” but that he defended “the right of 

parents to educate their children” as they see fit. Von der 

Leyen responded that “the right of parents to educate 

their children was not at all disputed,” but “the 

question was … whether the amendments 

of existing laws discriminate against 



Jansa also proclaimed that Slovenia is not “a colony” of the EU

 to be dictated to, much like Orban last week decried the Dutch

 “colonial” mentality, after Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte 

declared earlier that Hungary “has no business being in

 the European Union any more” if it doesn’t submit to 

the bloc’s position on LGBT rights.


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Save the Children has been captured 

by transgender ideology. It isn't 

protecting youngsters, it’s 

endangering them

by Debbie Hayton

July 2nd, (RT)


Debbie Hayton is a high school teacher and trade union 

officer. She teaches science to 11-18-year-olds, at a 

school in central England. As a transgender person, 

she has written extensively about what it means to 

be trans, and how trans people can be included in 

society without compromising the rights of other 

vulnerable groups. Her work can be read in 

publications from across the political 

spectrum, where rational scientific

debate is allowed and encouraged. 

Follow her on Twitter @DebbieHayton


The charity is supposed to help vulnerable children, which is 

why it rightly opposes FGM. So why is it promoting the idea 

that it’s OK for girls as young as seven to go down a path 

that leads to gender reassignment surgery?


Save the Children was established in the aftermath of the First 

World War by Eglantyne Jebb and Dorothy Buxton, two sisters

 from England who had been appalled by the impact of British

 government policy on children across Europe. The war may 

have been over, but the Royal Navy maintained a blockade 

of Germany until it signed the Treaty of Versailles. In cities 

like Berlin and Vienna, children were starving. 


In 1919, Jebb was arrested and convicted --- for distributing 

leaflets bearing shocking images of malnourished children.

 A hundred years later, their campaign has grown into a 

massive NGO with an annual turnover approaching 

£300 million. Enjoying royal patronage, it is now 

part of the British establishment. In the 2020 

annual report, Princess Anne wrote, “I 

thank you for everything you have 

done for children this year.”


Maybe Princess Anne should ask them about their 

campaign for Pride Month? Earlier this week, they 

shared some tips about how to raise a 

“transgender child.”


Judging by the video clip, Save the Children has been captured

 by transgender ideology – the idea that men and women are 

defined not by their sex but by some soul-like gender identity.

 With reckless abandon, they extend this idea to children. 


The lack of critical analysis is breathtaking. Each 

slide could and should have been pulled apart.


There is no need to pigeonhole children as ‘transgender’. 

We should let them be. Gender is not assigned at birth; 

sex is observed and recorded sometimes before birth.


Identifying as the opposite sex does not mean we are 

the opposite sex.Girls can have short hair; it’s fine!

Why do we need to validate feelings? What does it 

even mean to validate feelings? We are all 

vulnerable to the reactions of others, and 

all parents can help their children to 

respond constructively.


But behind the slogans, the cartoons, and the enchanting 

music, this campaign focuses on a real nine-year-old girl 

whose parents think she is a boy. They claim their 

daughter was “assigned a female gender at birth,” 

something she was questioning by the time she 

was five. Two years later, she apparently 

identified as a boy. In response, her 

parents cut her hair short and 

changed her name. In 

their words:


“As we move forwards and puberty looms, there 

will be problems to solve and decisions to take.”


These are problems of the parents’ making. The decision 

they should be making for their child is to return to reality. 

Despite their professed “moments of grief,” they still have

 a daughter. She never left. Girls can be masculine – they 

can cut their hair short, they can take a preferred name 

usually adopted by boys, they can climb trees and play 

football – and that is fine. But they are still female.


But rather than celebrate the diversity of humanity within 

each sex, Save the Children uses this family’s story to 

perpetuate the lie that girls can become boys. Worse, 

gender non-conforming children, and their parents, 

may get the impression that girls need to become 

boys to express their masculinity. The video ends 

with a link to Mermaids UK, an organisation that 

promotes puberty blockers, drugs that stunt 

natural development and lead to profound 

and irreversible damage. 


This is the same organisation that – rightly – condemns 

female genital mutilation. Their country director for 

Sudan said, “FGM is not only a violation of girl’s 

rights, it has serious consequences for a girl’s

 physical and mental health.” 


Why is the mutilation that results from puberty blockers, 

cross-sex-hormones, double mastectomies – for girls 

whose breasts developed before they started treat-

ment – and gender reassignment surgery any 

different? Abuse is abuse. 


Who told Save the Children that seven-year-olds have a 

gender identity that trumps their biological sex, and – 

more importantly – why did the charity believe them? 

Gender identity can be neither proved nor falsified, 

and it is not needed to explain transsexualism. 

I know that... as a trans person who 

transitioned as an adult. 


The fact that I am unhappy with my sex does not mean 

I am the opposite sex; I am simply unhappy with it. 

Further, I know that it is possible to be reconciled 

to my sex. That delivered peace and contentment 

within my own skin that I never experienced when 

I thought I was some sort of woman. These 

children’s lives are being built on folly, and 

that is no way for anyone to start out in life. 

Lies can never satisfy in the same way.


A hundred years ago, Eglantyne Jebb campaigned 

against policies that harmed children. Her modern

 successors are actively promoting harm.


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...what do YOU think?





Did the Soviet Union collapse
because of a lack of love?

Or because it foolishly
trusted and looked up
to the West?

OR, PERHAPS, both.

What do YOU think?


Boris Yeltsin had entourage of 

‘hundreds’ of CIA agents, who 

instructed him on how to run 

Russia, claims the former 

parliamentary speaker

by Jonny Tickle

June 12th,  8:20am (RT)


The first Russian president, Boris Yeltsin, was surrounded 

by “hundreds” of CIA agents, who told him what to do 

throughout his tenure as leader. That’s according to 

Ruslan Khasbulatov, the former chairman of

 Russia’s parliament.


Speaking to radio station Govorit Moskva, Khasbulatov 

claimed Yeltsin’s entourage was full of Americans. In 

1991, he was elected to his leadership post, with 

Washington’s ''help'', it has been alleged, and it
still not yet known, to what extent the US 

remained the voice in his ear, through-

out his presidency.


“There must have been a hundred [CIA employees],” 

Khasbulatov said. “They determined everything.” 

He added that, after ''winning'' the presidential 

election, Yeltsin would send security officials 

and heads of departments to the US, so the 

Americans could “examine them” and

 “give conclusions.”


Khasbulatov’s statement comes after former Russian vice 

president Alexander Rutskoy told online outlet Lenta that 

12 full-time employees of the CIA helped carry out the 

landmark Yeltsin-Gaidar market reforms, system-

atically dismantling the centrally planned 

economic system --- and leading the
 into shock capitalism. 


However, according to Khasbulatov, everyone knew about 

Rutskoy’s links to the US, and American officials even 

influenced the former president to replace a 

considerable number of his appointees.


“On the whole, Rutskoy is absolutely right – Yeltsin was 

advised by foreigners,” he continued. “There is no 

secret here... and a great number of people know 

about it. I don’t have any detective stories about

 eavesdropping, but, in general, it’s well known. 

Yeltsin used to confer very closely, on all 

personnel matters, with foreign



Yeltsin left office in 1999, but not before creating a hyper-

presidential system, taking power away from a hostile 

parliament, and removing almost all the checks and 

balances. This move was supported by Washington,
which hoped to keep the 
Communist Party out of
power in the 
newly formed Russian state.


Now, Yeltsin has a mixed legacy, with many Russians 

believing he was a drunkard, who sold the country to 

Western capitalists. However...   in ''the West'', he is

compared to revolutionaries such as South Africa's 

Nelson Mandela, Poland’s Lech Walensa... and 

Czechoslovakia’s Václav Havel, with former

 US president, Bill Clinton, even having

 likened him to Abraham Lincoln.


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Interview: ''Love for people'' 

makes Chinese communists 

source of strength, says 

French party chief

May  24th, 10:14am (Xinhua) 


Chinese communists... have accomplished great 

achievements in the country's development, by

 living up to their all-for-the-people commitment

 Jacques Cheminade, chairman of the French 

political party, Solidarity and Progress, 

recently told Xinhua, via video link.


For the Communist Party of China (CPC), loving people 

is not only a political commitment, but also its source 

of strength, said Cheminade.


In his view, a political party must know well about, and 

be linked to, the history of its own country, which is

 exactly what the CPC has been doing.


"In China, there is a vision of the future nourished by

 the past, by Chinese history," said the party leader,
referring to the Belt and Road Initiative, 

as a case in point.


In 2019, Cheminade visited China for the first time, and 

participated in the Euro-Asia Economic Forum in Xi'an, 

capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province.


During the trip, he noticed that people's living standards

 in this country, had been growing incredibly fast, and 

that local people were more optimistic about their 

future, compared with people in the West.


Talking about relations between France & China 

Cheminade expressed his hope: that the two 

countries could forge... a more rational and 

active link in safeguarding multilateralism.

"It is by building multilateralism through 

different ways, that we will achieve the 

same commitment to the development

 of all," he said.


In March, Cheminade co-signed a declaration with 

experts from different countries, calling on the 

West to face up to China's development 

achievements - and to strengthen 

cooperation with the 

Asian country.


Denouncing the anti-China propaganda organized 

by some Western countries, Cheminade stressed 

that China has never imposed its own political 

system on other countries.


In dealing with adverse situations created by the West, 

China has, also, been showing patience and good 

political will, he added, expressing appreciation

 for "the sense of common welfare" of the
and the Chinese people.





Siege of Russia by
US and its Allies 

Offers a Lesson
for China

April 20th, 12:04pm


The US has rallied its European allies, to launch a new 

diplomatic expulsion campaign, and a public opinion 

crackdown against Russia.

In addition to the 
situation in eastern Ukraine, 
Alexei Navalny's
 hunger strike in prison - and
that he's "dying" - have now become
the latest focus of pressure on Russia.


It is noteworthy... that countries including the Czech 

Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Bulgaria have joined 

the US in expelling Russian diplomats, mostly 

claiming that these Russian diplomats have 

conducted "activities incompatible with 

their status"


This is a highly ambiguous reason for expulsion. Once
members of the 
Warsaw Pact, or part of the Soviet 

Union, these countries are now often the first to
respond to the 
US' calls to confront Russia.


There are complex historical reasons for the Central & 

Eastern European countries tilting toward the US, and 

becoming "anti-Russia", that are difficult for outsiders 

to comment on. It is a pity that internal disintegration 

- rather than coercion from the US - had directly led
 the collapse of the Soviet Union.


 The Russian Federation was one of the main promoters 

of this disintegration.. and the original agreement to 

replace the Soviet Union with the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS), was signed by Russia, 

Ukraine and Belarus.  The Russian leaders who 

destroyed the Soviet Union, had no idea what 

would happen to their country afterwards.


The collapse of the Soviet Union has brought about 

geopolitical changes globally, and the evaluation
 the event is destined to vary from country to 

country, and from time to time. But it has 

become increasingly clear, that Russia 

has been the biggest loser from

 that collapse.


Many Russians once believed that when the Communist 

Party stepped down and the Soviet Union collapsed, the

 US and the West would embrace Russia and respect 

them, for taking the initiative to end the Cold War.
 reality, however, is harsh. Moscow has
received no 
gratitude or kindness,
from the West. 


From the moment the Soviet Union collapsed, the US has 

arrogantly treated Russia as a defeated country in the 

Cold War, engaging in all possible moves to suppress 

Russia, at will.


The collapse of the Soviet Union was a geopolitical disaster 

for Russia. As the dominant power in the Soviet Union, if it 

had chosen to support reforms to solve problems in the 

beginning, Russia could have paid a much smaller 

geopolitical price, than it would pay, over the 

following 30 years. Back then, Moscow had 

a broad sphere of influence and powerful 

capabilities; it could act independently 

and defiantly against Washington. But 

it has ceded those geopolitical 

resources, giving up its 



The US' vicious attitude toward Russia offers a glimpse into 

the brutality of great power competition and helps people 

see through Washington's geopolitical manipulation 

measures. The US portrayed its Cold War with the 

Soviet Union as an ideological confrontation --
conceal its intention -- to dominate the

world alone. 


Many people, including Russians, believed a political 

change of course, would fundamentally change their 

relationship with the US, and that Russia could thus 

integrate into the West, and become a dignified 

member of the Group of Eight.


Yet Russia is too large, with a nuclear arsenal on par 

with that of the US. It spans the Eurasian continent 

and advocates multi-polarity, with no possibility to 

becoming a new member of the West, that is 

submissive to Washington.


The US then took advantage of its "victory" - promoted the 

eastward expansion of NATO, squeezed Russia's strategic 

space at the fastest speed, and completely abandoned its 

verbal commitment that, after Germany was unified and 

remained a NATO member, the bloc would recruit no 

former Warsaw Pact countries, or former Soviet 

republics, as new members. 


The US is extremely untrustworthy. Its method of great power 

competition fully mobilises the ideological resources of its 

own, and in the West, and it is very good at infiltrating into 

other countries, which makes it very deceptive. Since the 

collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has witnessed 

other "colour revolutions" supported by the US. The 

destinies of countries that experienced subversion 

of state power, have proven tragic, as the US has 

neither the intention nor the ability to provide 

substantial assistance to those countries.


China, as a newly targeted "strategic competitor" of the US,

 is fortunate that we've witnessed all the colour revolutions

 in the world in the past 30 years. This is equivalent to 

having gotten politically vaccinated and receiving 

a boost shot to enhance the effectiveness. 


The Chinese people must protect the fruitful achievements 

of the People's Republic of China, & remain sober-minded 

about the US's repeated deceptive clamour that the 

strategic ''game'' between the US and China, is a 

battle between "democracies and autocracies".


China must continue to grow its national strength and weaken 

the ability of the US to pressure it "from a position of strength". 

China can only be a friend with whom the US has to coexist, 

because it cannot crush it. We must not bear any illusion

 that the US would embrace China, due to its changes. 


China is so big that we cannot try to get rid of the natural 

burden that comes with it. Since China is big, it should 

live with great courage and advantages.


This article originally appeared 

on the Global Times website.


 What do YOU think?

Is the US a friend
to the world ?

Or a psychopathic racist empire?


Justice or Hegemony...
what do you think?



China's Xi says world needs justice,

 not hegemony, in veiled reference

 to US

April 20th, 9:14 am (PressTV)



Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for a fairer 

world order in the face of the West’s unilateralism, 

warning hegemonic countries against “bossing 

others around.”


Speaking at the annual Boao Forum for Asia on 

Tuesday, Xi said that “the future destiny of the 

world should be decided by all countries.”


“One or a few countries shouldn’t impose their rules 

on others, and the world shouldn’t be led on by the 

unilateralism of a few countries,” Xi said.


Without singling out the US, the Chinese president 

warned against building barriers that are against

 market principles.


“Attempts to erect walls or decouple run counter to

the law of economics and market principles. They 

would hurt others’ interests without benefiting 

oneself,” Xi stated, in a ''veiled'' reference to 

Washington’s efforts to reduce dependence

 on Chinese supply chains and scrub the

export of products such as advanced 

computer chips to China.

“What we need in today’s world is justice, not hegemony...

 Bossing others around, or meddling in others’ internal 

affairs, will not get one any support,” Xi said, while

giving assurances that China will never engage 

in an arms race.


“A big country should look like a big country by showing

 that it is shouldering more responsibility," he added.


China has repeatedly criticized US hegemony and

 its projection of power in trade and geopolitics.


China and the US have been engaged in an intense

 trade war, kicked off under the Donald Trump 



The two world powers are also increasingly at odds over 

a range of issues, including alleged human rights abuse 

in the Xinjiang region, protests in Hong Kong, China’s

 territorial claims on the Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) 

and most of the South China Sea, as well as 

the COVID-19 origin.


Beijing hoped for an improvement in relations under 

President Joe Biden's administration. But the new 

president has, so far, shown no sign of backing 

down on hardline policies toward Beijing.


The Democratic president has even urged 

his allies, to harden their stance on China.


In the latest anti-Beijing move, Biden sought 

to present a united front with Japan, to 

counter “challenges” by China.


On Friday, he hosted Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide 

Suga in a meeting, in which China topped the agenda.


In a display of economic cooperation to the exclusion of 

China, Biden said Washington and Tokyo will jointly 

invest in areas such as 5G technology, artificial 

intelligence, quantum computing, genomics

 and semiconductor supply chains.


A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson censured the 

US-Japan alliance and said the 2 were in fact ganging 

up to form cliques & fanning bloc confrontation, while 

talking about a “free and open” Indo-Pacific.


"It will only enable the world to see with increasing clarity

 the detrimental nature of the US-Japan alliance, which 

attempts to undermine regional peace and stability," 

the spokesperson said.



In Quest of a Multi-Polar World

March 28th, 2021

Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar resume their 

conversation about a global monetary system 

that appears headed for divorce. 

Michael Hudson: Fifty ago, I wrote Super Imperialism about 

basically how America dominates the world financially and 

gets the free ride.

I wrote it right after America went off gold in 1971, when the 

Vietnam War, which was responsible for the entire balance 

of payments deficit, forced the country to go off gold. And 

everybody at that time worried the dollar was going to go

 down. There’d be hyperinflation. And what happened

 was something entirely different.

Once there was no gold, America strong-armed its allies to 

invest in U.S. Treasury bonds because their central banks

 don’t buy companies. They don’t buy raw materials. All 

they could buy is other central bank’s treasury bonds. 

So, all of a sudden, the only thing that other people 

could buy with all the dollars coming in were U.S. 

Treasury securities.

And the securities they bought essentially were to finance

 yet more war making and the balance of payments deficit

 from war, and the 800 military bases America has around 

the world. And the largest customer, I think we discussed

 it before, are the Defense Department and the CIA that 

looked at it [Super Imperialism] as a how-to-do it 

book. Well, that was 50 years ago.

And what I’ve done is not only re-edit the book and add more 

information that’s come out, but I’ve picked up the last 50 

years and how it’s absolutely transformed the whole 

world. And it’s a new kind of imperialism.

There was still a view 50 years ago that imperialism was 

[essentially] economic. And this is the view that there’s 

still a rivalry for instance, between America and China

 or America and Europe and other countries.

But I think the whole world has changed so much in the last 

50 years that what we have now is not really so much a 

conflict between America and China or America and 

Russia, but between a financial system economy

 run by finance and an economy run by 

governments — democratic or less 

democratic, but certainly a mixed 


Well, everything that made industrial capitalism rich, every-

thing that made the USA so strong in the 19th century, 

through its protective tariffs & through its public infra-

structure investment, all the way down through World 

War II & the aftermath. We had a mixed economy in

 America, and that was very balanced. Europe had a 

mixed economy. Every economy since Babylon and 

Rome, has been a mixed economy, but in America 

you’ve had, since 1980, something entirely

That was not foreseen by anybody
because it
 seemed to be
so disruptive.

And what that was, was the financial sector saying we need
iberty and by liberty, meaning we have to take planning and 

subsidy & economic policy and tax policy, out of the hands

 of government. And put it in the hands of Wall Street.

So libertarianism & a free market is a centralized economy

 which is centralized in the hands of the financial centres,
St, the City of London, the Paris Bourse. And what
 have today is the attempt of the financial sector to
take the 
role the landlord class had in Europe, from
feudal times 
through the 19th century.  It’s a kind
of resurgence.

If you look at the whole last 200 years of economic theory - 

from Adam Smith and, Henry George and Marx, onward - 

the whole idea was that everybody expected a mixed 

economy to become more and more productive and 

to free itself from the landlords, to free itself from

 banking - to make land a public utility.

That was the tax base to make finance basically something 

public, and government would decide who gets the funding 

and thus, the idea of finance in the public sector was going 

to be pretty much what it is in China. You create bank credit 

in order to finance capital investment in factories. It means 

the production of machinery, agricultural modernization, of

 transport, infrastructure of high-speed trains of ports and 

all of that.

But in the US & UK, you have finance becoming something
completely different.  Banks don’t lend money 
to factories.
They don’t want money to make the means of 
They make money to take over other assets. 
80% of bank
loans are mortgage loans to 
transfer the ownership of
real estate. And of course
 that’s what created a
middle class in the US.

The middle class was able to buy its own housing, it didn’t 

have to pay rent to landlords or absentee owners or war-

lords and their descendants in England and Europe. 

They could buy their own. What nobody realized is

 that if you borrow the money to take a mortgage, 

there’s still an economic rental value that is not 

paid to the landlords. It’s paid to the banks. 

And so, in the Western civilizations in 

America and Europe, the banks have 

played the role that the landlords 

played a hundred years ago.

And just as the landlord is trying to do everything they can 

through the House of Lords in England & the upper houses

 of government in Europe, they’re trying to block any kind of 

democratic government. And the fight really, is against 

governments that will do anything that isn't controlled 

by the 1 percent, by the banks. Essentially the merger 

between finance insurance and real estate; the FIRE 

sector. So, you have almost a relapse of capitalism 

in the West back into feudalism, but feudalism with 

a financialized twist, much more than it was in 

medieval times.

The fight against China, the fear of China is that you can’t do 

to China, what you did to Russia.  America would love for 

there to be a [former Russian President Boris] Yeltsin 

figure in China to say, just give all the railroads that 

you’ve built, the high-speed rail, the wealth, all the 

factories to individuals. And let the individuals run 

everything and, then we’ll lend them the money,
we’ll buy them out and then we can control

And China’s not letting that happen. & Russia stopped that 

from happening. And the fury in the West is that somehow,
American financial system is unable to take over
resources, foreign agriculture. It is left only
with military 
means of grabbing them, as we are
seeing in the near 
East. And you’re it seeing
in the Ukraine, right now.

Pepe Escobar: Well, as an introduction, Michael that was 

perfect because now we have the overall framework - 

geo-economic and historically - at least for the past 

70 years.

I have a series of questions for you. I was saving one of these 

for the end, but I think I should start really the Metallica way. 

Let’s go heavy metal for a start, right?

So considering  what you describe as a new kind of imperialism 

and the fact that this sort of extended free lunch cannot apply 

anymore because sovereigns around the world, especially 

Russia and China, I tried to formulate the idea that there are 

only three real sovereign powers on the planet, apart from

 the hegemon; Russia, China, and Iran, these three, which 

happen to be the main hub and the main focus of not only 

the New Silk Roads but of the Eurasia integration process, 

they are actively working for some sort of change of the 

rules that predominated for the past 70 years.

So my first question to you would be, do you see any realistic 

possibility of a, sort of a Bretton Woods 2.0, which would 

imply the end of the dollar hegemony as we know it, and 

petrodollar recycling on and on and on, with the very

 important presence of that oily hacienda in the lands 

of Arabia. Do you think this is possible considering

 President [Vladimir] Putin himself - only a few days

 ago reiterated once again that the US is no longer 

agreement-capable?  So that destroys already the 

possibility of the emergence of the new rules of 

the game. But do you think this is still 

realistically possible?

Michael: I certainly do not see any repetition of a Bretton Woods

 because as I described in Super Imperialism, the whole of 

Bretton Woods was designed to make American control 

over Britain, over Europe total. Bretton Woods was a U.S.

-centered system to prevent England from maintaining

its empire. That’s okay. To prevent France from maint-

aining its empire --- and for America to take over the 

sterling area and, essentially, with the World Bank, 

stop other countries from becoming independent 

and feeding themselves --- to make sure that they 

supported plantation agriculture, not land reform. 

The one single fight of the World Bank was to 

prevent land reform and to make sure that 

America and foreign investors, would take

over the agriculture of these countries.

And often, people think of capitalism, certainly in the sense 

that Marx described in Volume One, is exploitation of wage 

labour by employers. But capitalism also is appropriation 

of land rent, agricultural rent, natural resource rent, oil 

and mineral rent. And the idea of Bretton Woods was to 

make sure that other countries couldn't impose capital 

controls or prevent US finance from coming in and 

appropriating their resources, of making loans to 

foreign governments so that governments would 

not create their own money to promote their own 

social development, but would have to borrow 

from the World Bank & IMF, that essentially 

meant from the Pentagon and the State 

Department, in U.S. dollars.

And they would dollarize their economies and the economies 

would all be sucked. The economic rents from oil, agriculture, 

mining would all be sucked into the United States. That kind 

of Bretton Woods cannot be done again. And since Bretton 

Woods was an idea of centralizing the world’s economic 

surplus in a single country, the United States, no, that 

can never be done again.

What is happening? You mentioned the world of free lunch, 

and that’s what was a theme of Super Imperialism, when 

America issues dollars, for these all end up in central 

banks and they hold the dollars as a surplus. That 

means what can they do? All they can do is really 

lend them to the US. The US got a free lunch. It 

could spend and spend on its military, on 

bumping up corporate takeovers of other

countries. The dollars have come in, and 

foreign countries couldn’t cash them in 

for gold. They had nothing to cash them 

into. All they could do, is finance the US 

budget deficit, by buying Treasury bills.

That’s the irony now, what has happened in the last few years 

in the fight against Russia and China is America has killed the 

free lunch because it said, okay, now we’re going to have 

sanctions against Russia and China. We’re going to all of 

a sudden grab whatever money you have in foreign banks

like we grabbed Venezuela’s money. Let’s go, we’re going

to excommunicate you from the bank clearing system. So 

you can’t use banking. We’re going to put sanctions 

against banks that deal with you.

So obviously Russia and China said, okay, we can’t deal with 

the dollar anymore, because the US just creamed them. And 

if we do have dollars, we’re just going to hold everything in 

reserves * lending to the US, the dollars that it’s going to 

spend building more military bases around us to make us

 waste our money on monetary spending. And so America 

itself by the way, in fighting against China and Russia,
ended the free lunch.

“In America you’ve had since 1980 something entirely different. 

That was not foreseen by anybody because it seemed to be 

so disruptive.”

And now, Russia and China as you pointed out, are de-dollarizing,

they’re trading in each other’s currency. They’re being the exact

opposite of everything that Bretton Woods tried to create. They

are trying to create independence from the United States.

If Bretton Woods is this dependence on the US, a centralized 

system dependent ultimately on Wall Street financial planners

 then, what China & Russia are trying to create is an economy

 that’s not run by the financial sector, but it is run by, let’s say, 

industrial and economic engineering and saying, what kind 

of an economy do we need in order to raise living standards

& wages and self-sufficiency and preserve the environment, 

what is needed for the ideal world that we want?

Well, in order to do that, you’re going to have to have a lot of

 infrastructure. And in America, infrastructure is all privatized. 

You have to make a profit. And once you have infrastructure, 

a railroad or electric utility, like you see in Texas recently, it’s

 a monopoly. Infrastructure, for 5,000 years, Europe, the near 

East, Asia was always kept in the public domain that goes, if 

you give it to private owners, they’ll charge a monopoly rent.

Well, the idea that China has is, “OK, we’re going to provide

 the educational system freely and let everybody try to get 

an education.” In America if you have an education, you 

have to go into debt for the banks for between $50,000 

and $200,000. And whatever you make you’re going to

 end up paying the bank while in China, if you give free 

education, the money that they earned from education 

will be spent into the economy, buying the goods and 

services that they produce, and the economy will be 

expanding, not shrinking, not having it all sucked out 

into the financial banks financing your education, 

same thing with railroads, same things with 


If you provide healthcare freely then the employers do not 

have to pay for the healthcare because that’s provided free. 

In the United States, if the  corporation and the employees 

have to pay for healthcare, that means that the employees 

have to be paid a much higher wage in order to afford the 

healthcare, in order to afford the transportation that gets 

him to work, in order to afford the auto loans, in order to

 drive to work, all of this is free, or subsidized in other 

countries, who create their own credit.

In the United States and Europe, governments feel that they 

have to borrow from the wealthy people in a bond and pay 

interest. In China they say, “we don’t have to borrow from

 a wealthy class. We can simply print the money.” That’s 

Modern Monetary Theory. As Donald Trump explained in 

the United States, we can print whatever we want. Dick 

Cheney said, deficits don’t matter. We can just print it.  

And of course, Stephanie Kelton and my colleagues 

in MMT at Kansas City, for many years, have 

been saying.

“The economy has been saturated & Reaganized and 

the result is, a fight of economic systems against
and Russia.”

The banks fear this because they say, “Wait a minute, Modern

 Monetary Theory means it’s not feudal monetary theory. We

 want feudal monetary theory. We want the rich people to be

 able to have a choke point on the economy that you can’t 

survive unless you borrow from us and pay us interest. 

We want the choke points.” That’s called economic rent.

So, you have the West turning into a rent-extractive economy, 

a rent-seeking economy. And you’ll have the whole ideal of 

Russia, China, and other countries, being the ideal of not 

only Marx, but Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Ricardo. The 

whole of classical economics was to free economies from 

economic rent. & the US economy is all about extracting 

rent through the real estate sector, the financial sector,
health insurance sector, the monopolies and the

infrastructure sector.

The economy has been saturated and Reaganized and the 

result is a fight of economic systems against China and 

Russia. So, it’s not simply that, there’s a fight between 

who makes the best computer chips and iPhones. It’s: 

are we going to have a fallback of civilization back to

 feudalism, back into control by a narrow class at the

 top of the economy, that 1 percent? Or are we going 

to have the ideal of democratic industrialization that 

used to be called socialism - but it was also called 

capitalism. Industrial capitalism was socialism; it 

was socialized medicine, it was socialized infra-

structure, it was socialized schooling. And so, 

the fight against socialism is a fight against

 industrial capitalism, a fight against 

democracy, a fight against 


That’s why what you’re seeing now is a fight for what 

direction civilization will go into. And you can’t have
Bretton Woods for a single kind of organization...

because the US would never join that civilization. 

The US calls a country trying to make its labour 

force prosperous, educated and healthy,
 of sick with shorter lifespans,
they call it 
communism or socialism.

Well, it can call it whatever it wants, but 

that’s the dynamic we are talking about.

Pepe:  Well, you put it very, I would say starkly. Opposition 

between 2 completely different systems, what the Chinese

 are proposing, including, from productive capitalism to 

trade and investment all across Eurasia and beyond, 

including Africa, parts of Latin America as well. And 

the rentier obsession of the 0.01 percent that 

controls the U.S. financial system. In terms of 

facts on the ground, are we going slowly but 

surely and ominously, towards an absolute 

divorce --- by a system based on rentier, 

ultra-financialization, which is the US's

system and not productive capitalism 

at all.

I was going through a small list of what the U.S. exports, it’s

 not much as you know, better than I do. Agricultural products 

but always privileging U.S. farmers.  Hollywood, we are all 

hostages of Hollywood all over the world. Pop culture? 

That’s not the pop culture that used to be absolutely

 impregnable and omniscient during the ‘60s, the 70s, 

during the Madonna, Michael Jackson era in the ‘80s, 

right? Infotech. And that’s where a big bet comes in. 

And this is maybe the most important US export at 

the moment because American Big Tech controls

 social networks all over the planet. Big Pharma. 

Now we see the power of Big Pharma with the 

whole Covid operations, right?  But Boeing 

prefers to invest in financial engineering 

instead of building decent products. 


So, in terms of a major superpower, the hyperpower, that’s

 not much, and obviously buyers all over the world already 

noticed that. So, China is proposing the New Silk Roads, 

which is a foreign-policy strategy, & a trade, investment 

and sustainable development strategy. [It’s] applied not 

only to the whole of Eurasia, but Eurasia and beyond to 

grow a great deal of the Global South and that’s why we 

have Global South partners to the New Silk Roads — 

130-and-counting as we speak.

So, the dichotomy could not be clearer. What will the 0.001 

percent do? Because they don’t have anything seductive

 to sell. To all those nations in the Global South to start 

with; the new version of the Non-Aligned Movement, 

NAM, the countries that are already part of New Silk 

Road projects, not even to Europe and this, we 

could see by the end of last year when the 

China-European Union agreement... was 

more or less sealed. It’s probably going 

to be sealed in 2021 for good.

And at the same time, we had the Regional Economic 

Comprehensive Partnership, RCEP, with the ASEAN 

10, my neighbours here, the Association of South 

East Asian Nations, China, Japan, South Korea, 

Australia, and New Zealand. So, when you have

 the China-EU deal, and when you have RCEP, 

you have China as the number one trade 

partner on the planet, no competition 


And obviously every one of these players wants to do 

business with China. And they’re privileging doing 

business with China to doing business with the 

U.S., especially with a country that once again, 

according to President Putin, is non-agreement 

capable. So, Michael, what is your key geo-

economic view of the next steps? Are we 

going towards a divorce of the American 

financialization system and the Eurasia-

and-beyond integration system?

Michael: Well, you have made the whole point clear. 

There is incompatibility between a rentier society 

controlled by the finance and real estate interests 

& military interests - and an industrial democracy.

Industry in England and Europe in the 19th century — the 

whole fight for democratic reform to increase the role of 

the House of Commons against the House of Lords in

 England and the lower house in Europe — was a fight 

to get labour on the side of industry [and] to get rid
 the landlord class. And it was expected that … 

capitalism [would then be] free of the landlord 

class, free of something that wasn’t really 

capitalism at all, it was a carry-over from

 feudalism. Once you free capitalism, you 

wouldn’t have this overhead of the idle 

1 percent, only consuming resources 

and going to war, anymore.

And then World War I changed all of that . … Already, in the 

late 19th century, the landlords and the banks fought back, 

and they fought back largely through the Austrian School 

of individualism and the English marginalists and they 

called it freedom. They call it free markets. Free
meant giving power to monopolists,
oppressors, to violence. A free market
where armies can come, take your 

country, impose client dictatorships like

 [Gen. Augusto] Pinochet in Chile or the 

neo-Nazis in the Ukraine. And you call 

that, a free market.

The free world was a world centrally planned by the US 

military & finance, together. So, it’s Orwellian, and the

 dynamic of this world is shrinking since it’s polarizing 

- and you’ve seen with the Covid pandemic in the US - 

the economy has polarized much more sharply than 

ever before between the 1%, the 10% and the rest
of the economy.

Well, as opposed to that here, you have economies that are 

not run by a rentier class, that don't have a banking class 

and the landlord class controlling the economy, but a 

partnership. The kind of thing you had in Germany in 

the late 19th century, government industry & labour 

all working together to design how we provide the 

financing for industry, so that it can provide, not 

only industrial capital formation, but public 

funding for us to build infrastructure and

 uplift the population.

What China is doing is what made America rich in the 19th 

century, what made Germany rich. It’s exactly the same 

logical engineering plan. Now, this plan, because it’s

 based on economic expansion, and environmental 

preservation and economic balance instead of on

concentration, this is going to be a growing 

economy. So, you are having a growing 

economy outside of the USt - and a
shrinking economy in the States

 and its satellites in Europe.

Europe had a choice; either it could shrink, and be American, 

or it could join the growth. Europe has decided unanimously, 

we don’t want to grow. We want to be constant. We want our 

banks to take over just like in America. That’s a free market

 because Americans have found out, and I’m told by US 

officials we just buy the European politicians, they’re 

bribable. That’s why when president Putin says, 

America and Europe are not agreement capable,

 it means they’re just in it for the money. There 

is no ideology there. There is no idea of the 

overall social benefit. The system is “how 

can I get rich, and you can get rich, by 

being bribed?” That’s why you go into 

politics. As you can tell in the US with

 the Supreme Court's law saying that
can be personally financed.

So, you’re having two incompatible systems and, they’re 

on different trajectories & if you have a system that is 

shrinking, like the West, and growing in the East, you 

have resentment.  People who obtain their wealth in 

crooked ways, or without working - by inheritance, 

by crime, by exploitation - they will fight like any-

thing to keep that. Whereas people who actually 

create wealth, labour, capital, they, they’re not 

willing to fight, they just want to be creative. 

So you have a destructive military force, in 

the West...  And a productive, economic 

growth force. And in Eurasia, the clash 

now is occurring largely in Ukraine. 

You’re having the US back the 


Pepe: The old Nazi movement!

Michael: It’s the same swastika-carrying group that threatened 

Russia in World War II. And this is like waving a red flag before

 a bull. Putin continues to remind the Russians. We know what 

happened with the 22 million Russians that died in World War II 

with Europe coming in. We’re not going to let it happen again.

And you can be certain Russia is not going to be sucked into 

invading the Ukraine. The US has its military advisers in the 

Ukraine. Now, the Vineyard of the Saker has a very good 

report on that. America’s trying to needle Russia into

 fighting back against the terrorist groups and Russia 

has no desire at all to. There’s nothing that Russia 

has to gain by taking it over. It’s essentially a 

bankrupt country.

The US is trying to provoke a response so it can say Russia
is attacking the West. The result will probably be, that 

Russia will simply provide arms to the E. Ukrainians 

to fight back the invasion. And you’re going to have
a waste-
land in Western Ukraine and Poland. And
this wasteland will 
be a new buffer state with
Europe. Already you have, maybe, 
10% of the
Ukrainians having moved to Russia and the
 10% are now plumbers in England
and Europe, 

They are beginning to look like Latvia, and all the other 

neo-liberalized countries. Neo-liberalized countries? If 

you want to see the future, look at Latvia and Estonia. 

Look at Greece. That’s the American plan. Essentially, 

an emigration of skilled labour, a sharp reduction of 

living standards, a 20 percent decline in population. 

And although it may appear to have more income, 

all of this income and GDP is essentially interest 

collection and rents to the FIRE sector.

All US GDP growth is essentially payment to the bank, to
the landlords and the monopolist, it’s not the population -

 employees aren't sharing in the GDP. It’s all concentrated
the top. They make a desert, and they call it growth.

It hasn’t changed.  Rome was a predatory economy held by 

military force that ultimately collapsed and the US is on the 

same trajectory as Rome. And it knows this, I have spoken

to US policymakers & they say, “you know, we’re going to
be dead by then. It doesn’t matter if the West loses.

I’m going to be rich. I’m going to buy a farm in New
and make a big bomb shelter there, and
live underground, 
you know, like a cave dweller.”

The financial time frame * the predatory rentier time frame

 is short term. The Eurasian time frame, is long-term. So, 

you’ve got to have the short-term burning what wealth

 it has, as opposed to the longer-term building up.

[Consider the Biden Covid relief measure.] They call it a stimulus 

bill, but if you’re starving, if you haven’t been able to pay your 

rent, if you’re six months behind in your rent and you get 

enough money to pay the landlord, at least one month

 back rent, that’s not a stimulus, that’s a survival.  And 

it’s a one-time payment. This kind of stimulus checks

 that America’s sending out are sent out every month

 in Germany and parts of Europe.

The whole idea in Europe is: OK, you have a pandemic, you 

have business interrupted. What we’re going to do is we’re 

going to have a pause. You don’t pay the rent, but the land-

lords are not going to pay the banks. And the banks are 

not going to be in arrears. We’re just going to have a 

pause so that when it’s all over people will go back 

to normal. Well... China and Russia are already 

pretty much there and where you are [in Asia], 

and especially in Thailand, are already back 

to normal.

But in America anybody who’s renting or who’s bought a 

house on mortgage credit or who has credit card debt or 

personal debt or automobile debt they’re way behind. 

And all of these stimulus checks are just being used 

to pay the banks and the landlords - not to buy more 

goods and services.

All they’re trying to do is, is get out of the hole they’ve dug

in the last 12 months. That’s not a stimulus that’s a partial, 

desperation payment. This problem never existed in other

civilizations. You have the whole tradition of Greece and 

Babylonia --- that’s what my book Forgiving the Debt is 

all about. The whole idea is, when there's an economic 

interruption, you have an interruption, you don’t have 

people going into debt. You wipe out all the arrears 

that have mounted up. You wipe out the tax arrears,

the rent arrears, the debt of payment arrears. So,

once the crisis is over, you can start from a 

normal position again.

There’s no normalization in the US, there’s no normal position 

to start. You’re starting from a position, even more behind the

 financial problems than you were when you went in. The 

foreign economies of China and Russia don’t have that 

kind of problem, they don’t have any kind of deficit. So, 

the West is beginning with 99% of the population 

deeper and deeper into debt to the 1 percent.

Where is that whole polarization between the 1% and the

 99 %? It doesn’t exist, certainly in China and in Russia, 

Putin is trying to minimize it, given the legacy of kleptocracy 

that the neo-liberals put in, he’s still trying to deal with that, 

but you really have that. It’s a difference in economic 

systems, and the direction in which these systems 

are moving in.

Pepe: I’m really glad that you brought up Ukraine, Michael, 

because this, let’s say U.S. foreign policy, even before 

Trump and now with the Biden-Harris administration, 

basically more or less what it boils down to, is 

sanctions, sanctions, sanctions, as we know, 

and provocations --- which is what they’re 

doing, certainly, in Syria with that

 recent bombing.

In the case of Ukraine & Donbass, it’s absolutely crazy 

because NATO so-called strategists, when you talk to
them in 
Brussels, they know very, very well, about
each state or what
ever they weaponize and
financialize, to profit Kiev to mount 
sort of offensive against the Donbass:

and even if they would have l,300,000
soldiers against 30,000 in Donbass.

If the Russians see that this is going to get really heavy if they

intervene directly with their bombing, with their super missiles,

they could finish this story in one day. And if they want it, they 

could finish the whole story, including invading Ukraine, in 

three days, like they did in 2008 with Georgia, and still they 

keep the provocations, loosely acted on by people from

inside the Pentagon.

And so, we have sanctions, we have nonstop provocations, and

 we have also a sort of introducing a Fifth Column — elements 

inside or at the top of government — which brings me to, and 

I would love to have your personal analysis on the role of 

Mario (Goldman Sachs) Draghi now in Italy, which is 

something I had been discussing with my Italian 

friends. And, there’s more or less a consensus, 

among very well informed, independent Italian 

analysts that Draghi may be a perfect Trojan 

horse to accelerate the destruction of the 

Italian state, which will accelerate the 

globalist project of the European 

Union, which is absolutely non-

state centric.

Let’s put it this way, which is also part of the Great Reset,

so, if you could briefly talk to us about the role of Super 

Mario at the moment.

Michael: Well, Italy is a very good example to look at. It had 

strings for a long time. When you have a country that needs

 infrastructure, plus public, social democratic spending... 

you need a government to create the credit. But when the 

US and specifically the University of Chicago free market 

lobbyists created the the Eurozone financial system, their 

premise was that governments cannot create money. Only 

banks can create money. Only banks owned by the bond 

holders can create money for the benefit of their owners 

and bond holders. So, no European government, first of 

all, can run a budget deficit sufficient to cope with the 

coronavirus or with the problems that have been 

plaguing Italy for a decade. 

They can’t create their money to revive employment, to revive

 infrastructure, to revive the economy. The European Central 

Bank only lends to other central banks.

It’s created trillions of euros just to buy stocks and bonds, not 

to spend into the economy, not to hire labor, not to build infra-

structure, but just for the holders of the stocks and bonds. 

The 1% or 5% of the population gets richer. The function of 

the European Central Bank is to create money, to save the

 wealthiest 5% from losing a single penny on their stocks 

and bonds.

And the cost is to impoverish the economy and to basically 

make the economy end up looking like Greece, which was 

sort of, the dress rehearsal for how the Eurozone was 

going to just essentially reduce Europe to debt 

dependency, just like in feudalism, everybody

had to have access to the land by becoming

a serf.

Well now you’re in debt peonage. It’s the modern, finance 

capital’s version of serfdom. And so, in Italy we’re going 

to need government spending. We are going to need to 

do in our way what China’s doing in its way and what 

Russia is doing in its way. We’re going to have some 

kind of government program. And we can’t have the 

economy being impoverished, just because the 

University of Chicago has designed a plan for 

Europe to prevent the euro ever from being 

a rival to the U.S. dollar.

If there’s no 
European central bank to borrow,

 to pump euros into the world economy, then,
only dollars 
will be left for central bank 


The United States doesn’t ever want a rival. It wants satellites 

and so that’s what it’s basically turned Europe into. And I do

not see any response outside of Italy for an attempt to say 

we can’t be a part of this system. Let’s withdraw from 

the euro.

I know that the Greeks, when I was in Greece years ago, we all 

thought can’t we join with Italy and Portugal and Ireland and 

say look, the system isn’t working. Everybody else no, no,

 the Americans will just simply get us out of office one way 

or another. 

And in Italy, of course, if you look at what happened after World 

War II, the great threat was Italian communism.  You had the 

Americans essentially say well, we know the answer to 

communism, it’s fascism, and, you saw where they put 

the money. They essentially did every dirty trick in the 

book in order to fight any left- wing group in Italy, just 

as they did in Yugoslavia, just as they did in Greece, 

wiping out the partisans, all the leading anti-Nazi 

groups from Greece to Italy to elsewhere. All of 

a sudden, they were all either assassinated or 

moved out of office and replaced by the very 

people that the US had been fighting against

 during World War II.

Well, now Italy is finally coming to terms with this and trying 

to fight back and you’re having what’s happening there, 

between Northern Italy and Southern Italy. You’re 

having the same splits occur in other countries.

Pepe: Yeah. Well, I’m going to bring up, perhaps an even more 

extreme case now Michael, which is the case of Brazil, which 

at the moment is in the middle of an absolutely out of this 

world mix of telenovela and Kabuki theater that even for 

most Brazilians is absolutely incomprehensible. It’s like 

a fragmentation bomb exploding over and over again,

 a Groundhog Day of fragmentation bombs.

In fact, it’s completely crazy. Lula [former President Luiz Inácio 

Lula da Silva] is back in the picture as well. We still don’t know 

under which terms, we still don’t know how the guys who run

 the show, which are the Brazilian military, are going to deal 

with him or instrumentalize him, et cetera.

I bring up this case because …essentially it has convulsed 

Brazil completely and large parts of Latin America. It is a 

telenovela with one cliffhanger after another, sometimes 

in a matter of minutes, but it encompasses all the basic 

themes of what really interests the 0.01 percent, which

we can identify as a class war against labour which is 

what the system in Brazil, since the coup against the

Former President Dilma Rousseff has been waging. 

A war on mixed economies, economic sovereignty, 

which is something that the Masters of the Universe 

of the 0.01 percent cannot wage against Russia and 

China. But that was very successfully waged against 

Brazil and implemented in Brazil. In fact, in a matter 

of 2 years, they completely devastated the country 

in every possible sense, industrially, 

sociologically, you name it…

And of course, because the main objective is something that 

you keep stressing over and over again, unipolar rentier 

dominance, in fact.

Brazil, I would say is the extreme case in the world not only in 

the Global South, but in planetary terms of let’s say the last 

frontier of the rentier economy, when you manage to capture 

a country that was slowly emerging as a leader in the Global 

South, as an economic leader. Don’t forget that a few years 

ago, Brazil was the sixth-largest economy in the world and 

on the way to become the fifth. Now it’s the 12th and falling 

down nonstop and controlled by a mafia that includes not

 by accident, a Chicago Boy Pinochetista, Minister Paulo 

Guedes, who is implementing, in the 21st century, 

something that was implemented in Chile in the 

‘70s and ‘80s. And they were successful. 

Apparently, at least so far.

Brazil is so disorganized as a nation, so shattered, so fragmented 

& atomized as a nation that it depends on the re-emergence of a 

single political leader, in this case Lula to try to rebuild the nation 

from scratch. And even in a position where he cannot control the 

game he can interfere in the game, which is what happened, like 

you know, … when he gave a larger-than-life press conference, 

mixed with a representation of himself as a statesman and  said,

“Look  the whole thing is shattered, but there is some light at 

the end of the tunnel.”

But still, he cannot confront the real Masters of the Universe that 

have allowed this to happen in the first place. So just to give an 

example to many of you who are not familiar with some details 

of the Brazilian case, and it involves directly the Obama-Biden 

scheme or the Obama-Biden larger operation.  When Biden was 

vice president in 2013, in May 2013, he visited Brazil for three 

days and he met with President Dilma.

They discussed very touchy subjects, including the most important 

one, the absolutely enormous, pre-salt oil reserves, which obviously,

 the Americans wanted to be part of the whole thing, not by accident. 

You know what happened one week later? The start of the Brazilian 

colour revolution, and this thing kept rolling and rolling and rolling.

We got the coup against Dilma in 2016, we got to the Car Wash 

operation landing Lula in jail. And we got to the election of 

[President Jair] Bolsanaro. And now we are in a place where

 even if the military controls this whole process, even if 

Bolsanaro is becoming bad for business will he become 

bad for the rentier class business, for the 0.01 percent in

 the U.S. that has all the connections in their new, large

 neo-colony in the tropics, which has enormous 

strategic value, not to mention, unforeseen 

resources, wealth resources, right? 

So, this is an extreme case - and I know you follow Brazil 

relatively closely. So, your geo-economic and geopolitical 

input on the running telenovela I think would be priceless 

for all of us.

Michael: Well, this problem goes back 60 years. In 1965, the 

former president of Brazil came to New York and we met. He

 explained to me how the United States essentially got rid of

 him because he wasn’t representing the banking class. And

 he said that they built Brasilia because it’s apart from the big 

industrial cities, they wanted to prevent industry and 

democracy and the population from controlling 

the government.

So, they built Brasilia. He said maybe they’ll use it as an atom 

bomb site. It certainly doesn’t have an economic thing. Well, 

fast forward, in 1980, after Mexico defaulted on its foreign 

debt in 1972, nobody would invest in Latin America. And 

by 1990, Brazil was paying 45 % interest per year to 

borrow the dollars to be able to finance its deficit, 

which is mainly flight capital by the wealthy. 

Well I think I’d mentioned before, I was hired by Scudder, 

Stevens and Clark for the Third World bond fund. 45%: 

I mean, just imagine that. It’s a fortune every year. No 

American would buy it, no European would buy it. Who 

bought it? The Brazilians and Argentineans bought it, 

& I get it, they’re the government, they’re the central 

bankers. They’re the president’s family. They’re the 

1 percent, they’re the only people that are holding 

Brazil’s dollar debt.

So when Brazil pays its foreign dollar debt, it’s paying to its own 

1 percent who are holding, who are saying well, we’re holding it 

off shore in the Dutch West Indies where the fund was located 

for tax-exempt purposes and pretending to be American 

imperialists, but actually being local imperialists.

Well then, just towards the end of Lula’s reign, the Council of 

Economic Advisors brought Jamie Galbraith and Randy Wray 

and me down for a discussion. How do we, you know, we’re, 

we’re really worried because, Lula in order to get elected, 

had to meet with the banks and agree to give them what

 they wanted.

They said, look, we can see that, you know, you have the power 

to be elected. We don’t want to have to fight you in dirty ways, 

but will let you be elected, but you’re going to have to do the 

policies and certainly the financial policies that we want and 

Lula made a kind of a devil’s agreement with them because 

he didn’t want to be killed and he wanted to do some 

good things.

So, he was sort of like a Bernie Sanders-type character. Okay, 

you have to go along with a really bad system in order to get 

something good done, because Brazil really needs something 

good done. Well, the fact is that even the little bit he did the 

finance couldn’t take because one of the characteristics of

 financial wealth is it’s addictive. It’s not like diminishing 

marginal utility. If you give more food to an employee or 

to a worker you know, at the end of the meal, you’re 

satiated, you don’t want much more. If you give 

enough money you know, OK, they buy a few 

luxuries and then, OK, they save it. But if you 

give more money to a billionaire they want 

even more... and they grow... even more 

desperate. It’s like a cocaine-addicted 

person and the Brazilian ruling class 

wanted it so desperately that they 

framed up and controlled the 

utterly corrupt judiciary.  

The judiciary in Brazil is almost as 

corrupt as it is in New York City.

Pepe: More, even more.

Michael: They framed them up and they want totalitarian control. 

And that sort of is what free market is. Totalitarian control by the

 financial class. That’s freedom for the financial class, if the

 freedom to do what they want to do to the rest of the 

economy, that’s libertarianism, it’s a free market, 

it’s Austrian economics.

It’s the right wing’s fight against government, it’s a fight against 

any governments for long enough who resist the financial and 

real estate interests. That’s what the free market is. And Brazil 

is merely the most devastating example of this because it 

takes such a racial term there. Not only does Brazil want 

to make a fortune, tearing down the Amazon, cutting up 

the Amazon, selling the lumber to China, turning the 

Amazon into soy production to sell to China. But for 

that, you have to kill off the domestic population,
indigenous population that wants to use land
feed itself. So you see the kind of race war &

ethnic war that you have, not to mention the 

war against blacks in the Brazilian slums - 

that Lula tried so much to overcome.

So you have a resumption of the ethnic war there, and on Wall 

Street, I had discussions with money managers back in 1990. 

Well I wonder whether that’s going to be a model for what’s 

happening in the United States with the ethnic war here.

Essentially, it’s a tragedy what’s happening in Brazil, but it’s 

pretty much what happened in Chile under Pinochet which 

is why they have the Pinochetistas and the Chicago boys 

that you mentioned.

Pepe: Absolutely. Coming back to China, Michael, and the 

[recent] approval of the 5-Year Plan, which isn't actually
he 5-year plan. It’s actually three 5-year plans in one 

because they are already planning 2035, which is 

something absolutely unimaginable anywhere

 in the West. Right?

So, it’s a different strategy of productive investment, of the

expansion of social welfare and solidifying social welfare,

 technological improvements.  I would say by 2025 China 

will be very close to the same infotech level of the U.S., 

This is part of “Made in China 2025,” which is fantastic. 

They stopped talking about it, but they're still implement-

ing it, the technological drive in all those standard areas 

that they had codified a few years ago. And of course, 

this notion, which I found particularly fascinating 

because it is, in one sense, socialism with some

 Confucianist elements, but is also very Taoist:

 The dual development strategy, which is 

inversions and expansion of domestic 

investment and consumption and the

balancing all the time with projects 

across Eurasia, not only affiliated 

with the Belt and Road, with the 

New Silk Road, but all other 

projects as well. 

So, when you have a leadership that is capable of planning 

with this scope, amplitude breadth and reach, and when we 

compare it to the money managers in the West, which 

basically their planning goes, not even quarterly in 

many cases, it’s 24 hours.

So our dichotomy between rentier capitalism, financialization, 

or whatever we want to define it, and state planning with the 

view of social benefit is even starker in fact, and I’m not 

saying that the Chinese system can be exported to the 

rest of the world, but I’m sure that, all across the Global 

South, when people look at Chinese policies, long-term, 

how they are planning, how they are developed and how
hey are always fine tuning what they developed and 

discuss…. As you said in the beginning, this is a 

frontal shock of two systems and sooner or later 

we’re going to have the bulk of the Global South

 including nations which nowadays are still 

American vassals or satrapies or puppets 

or poodles, et cetera.

They’re going to see which way the wind is blowing. Right?

Michael: Why can’t the Chinese system be exported to the West?

 That’s a good question…. How would you make US industry able

 to follow the same productive path that China did? Well for one 

thing the biggest element in workers’ budget today is housing,

 40 percent. There was one way to get rid of it, get rid of the

 high housing prices that essentially, or whatever a bank 

would lend. And the banks lend essentially the economic 

rent. There’s a very simple way to keep housing prices 

down. You tax the land rent, you use your tax system, 

not on taxing labor, that increases the cost of labor, 

not increasing capital, that leaves less, industrial 

capital, but your tax of the land and the real 

estate and the banks.

Well, suppose you were to lower the price of housing in 

America from 40% to 10% like China has, and this is the 

big element in the cost structure difference. Well, if all 

of a sudden, people only had to pay 10% of their 

income for housing, then all the banks would
under, because 80% of the bank loans, 

are mortgage loans.

The whole idea is that the purpose of housing is to force how 

many buyers and renters go into debt to the banks so that the

 banks end up with all of the lend rent that the landlord class 

used to get. This is what’s preventing America from being like

 China. What if America would try to develop a high-speed 

railroad like China?

Well, then you need the right of way. You’d need to have the 

railroads go in a straight line. … They need a right of way 

and it doesn’t have a right of way because that conflicts 

with private property and most of the right of way is a

 very expensive real estate.

So, you can’t have high-speed rail in the United States, like in 

China.  Suppose you would have a low-cost education. Well 

then, you get rid of the whole means of siphoning off labor’s

 income to pay for education loans. You could go, suppose 

you had private healthcare and prevent Americans from 

getting sick like they do in China and Thailand, where 

you are.

Well, then the health insurance companies and pharmaceutical

 companies wouldn’t be able to make their rent. So you could

 not have America adopt a China type industrial program 

without what would be really a revolution against the 

legacy of the monopoly of private banking, of finance

 and all of the fortunes that have been built up 

financially really in the last 40 years 

since 1980.

Pepe: So, what’s going to happen in the, let’s say, short to

 mid-term in the U.S.? Michael, we are seeing the corrosion 

of the whole system, not only externally in terms of foreign 

policy & the end of the free lunch, but internally with those

 70-million-plus “deplorables” being, literally, canceled from 

public debate, the impoverishment of the middle classes, 

with over 50 million people in the US who are practically 

becoming literally poor. Obviously the American dream 

ended a few decades ago, maybe, but now there’s not
a glimpse of it, that there could be a renewal
of the 
American dream.

So, we have a larval civil war 
situation, degrading on a
daily basis.  What’s
the end game in fact? And what
exactly does 
Wall Street, the US ruling class - guys
have those lunches at the Harvard club -

what do they, ultimately, want?

Michael: Well, what you call a disaster for the economy, isn’t it 

a bonanza for the 1%?  This is a victory of finance. You look at

 it as a collapse of industrial capitalism. I look at it as the 

victory of rentier finance capitalism.  You’re having 

probably 10 million Americans that are going to be

 thrown out of their apartments and their homes in 

June when the moratorium on rents & mortgages 

ends. You’re going to have a vast increase in the 

homeless population. It will probably represent

 an increase in people who use the subways. 

Where else are they going to live? 

And all of this, there’s an immense amount of private capital 

firms that have all been created in the last year of just wealth

accumulations and they’re saying there are going to be such 

great opportunities to pick up real estate at bargain prices, 

all of this for the commercial real estate, that’s broken, all 

the buildings and the restaurants that have to be sold... 

because they can’t meet their mortgage payments and 

their rents, all the houses that are going to be under, 

private capital can come in and do what was done 

after the Obama evictions.

We can do what Blackstone did. We can buy them all out for 

pennies on the dollar. So, for them, they’re looking at their 

own 20-year plan. And their 20-year plan, is to grab 



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of Strategic Culture Foundation.


Few noted the essence of Putin's inauguration speech
and its implications. What do YOU think?

We welcome your thoughts: email us at

TALL ORDER? Russia aims to be
 world’s 5th largest economy
by Paul Antonopoulos
May 11th, 2018

The inauguration ceremony of Putin to the presidency
 took place on Monday, in which he also signed a
decree of instructions for the objectives on the
development of the country for the next
few years.

Putin has instructed the government to make the country
one of the five most powerful economies by 2024 . The
news was released by the Kremlin press service
on Monday.

“The Russian government was instructed to ensure the
following national goals for the development of Russia
in the period up to 2024 … Russia must become one of
 the five largest economies, ensuring rates of economic
growth above global standards, maintaining macro-
economic stability as well as inflation not
exceeding 4%,” the decree explains.

In addition, Putin instructed the government to create at
least 15 global science and education centres, through
the integration of universities and companies, by 2024.

Re-elected for a new six-year term as the Russian president,
Vladimir Putin took office as head of state on Monday. It
was the fourth presidential inauguration ceremony in
 his political career.

Putin was re-elected as Russia’s president in 2018 with
record support, receiving a vote of more than 56.4
million from people.

It must be noted though, that in 2007, Putin said it would
happen in 2017, and then, in 2008, he said it would be
achieved by 2020. Russia’s economy is currently
 ranked 12th, behind the likes of Canada and
South Korea.

Meanwhile, Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday, that he
was ready to do everything for Russia’s development
 if the parliament approved his candidacy as PM.

“I would like to thank President Vladimir Putin for the trust
placed in me and for the proposal to become the head of
the government. This is not only trust, but also a huge
responsibility, and in the case that the corresponding
decisions are made, I am ready to do everything
for the development of our country Russia,”
Medvedev told a plenary session of
State Duma.

Whether or not Russia is capable of growing to become one
 of the world’s top five economies in the next decade, is not
simply a technical one - it is an ideological & philosophical
 one. There is an active debate within Russia, about the
uses and utilities of market vs. planned economic
 structures, and secondly – though not entirely
separately – the utility and value of Russia
integrating into Western economies, and
how the costs vs. benefits of that, will
play out, in the middle to long term.

(Source - Fort Russ)


Don't Trust Putin's Kleptocrats
Russia Needs Socialism

November, 2017.

Veteran Russian communist DR SLAVA TETEKIN talks to
John Foster, about how Russians today view the former
Soviet Union and attitudes towards Vladimir Putin.

Asked about current support for communism in Russia,
Dr Slava Tetekin, veteran member of the Communist
Party of the Russian Federation, puts the figure at
around 30 per cent.

Tetekin, recently in London for the celebration of the
October Socialist Revolution, explained --- “our
parliamentary representation fell significantly
 in the most recent Duma elections, to just
over 12 per cent — largely as a result of
 a rigged electoral system.

“But the daily sale of the communist-supporting Pravda is
80,000 and of Sovetskaya Rossiya 120,000. Particularly
 among the young and the better-educated, interest in
 our party’s policies and the achievements of the
 Soviet Union, is increasing.

“This is because life,” says Tetekin, “is becoming increasingly
difficult for all in Russia, except the very rich. Real incomes
have been declining for three straight years. Twenty-two
illion people are classified as living in absolute
poverty —
struggling to get enough to eat.
Half the population
is classified as poor.

“Yet people still remember that things were not always like this.
 Less than 30 years ago there was universal free healthcare.

“Education was free, right through to university, and so was
childcare. There were full pensions. There was no
 unemployment. Housing, energy, transport
basic foods, were all heavily

“There is also a growing awareness - of the degradation of
Russia’s economy. Russia’s manufacturing industries are
 virtually dead. The economy is almost entirely dependent
 on extractive industries that sell to the West: oil,
natural gas.

“In 1990, the Soviet Union produced 1,000 aircraft. Last year...
 we produced 50. Our airlines lease from the West. Our motor
 industry is entirely dependent on imported technology and
 components. The same applies even more to IT and
computing. The technological base for independent
 economic development, has all but disappeared.

“These are some of the reasons why a new generation of
Russians are looking again at their own history and
particularly at the period following the revolution.
 In 1917 Russia had a backward, largely agrarian
economy. Within just 25 years the Soviet Union
 was outperforming Europe’s biggest economy,
Germany, both in output and the quality of its
 technology. It was in large part for this reason
 that the Soviet Union was able to defeat
Hitler fascism.”

Asked how he would describe Russia’s current
government under Vladimir Putin, Tetekin
denied that it should be seen as at all

“It is embedded in a layer of kleptocratic comprador
 oligarchs - who are dependent on the West for the
 sale of their raw materials, for the banking of their
money and for the technology needed for their
operations in Russia. Immediately below Putin
virtually all ministers are of this character.

“The government depends on the oligarchs
 and the oligarchs depend on the West.

“Putin,” he says, “has now been in power for a very
long time. His 18 years exceed those of Brezhnev.
 It is remarkable how little challenge he offered to
Nato and the US, for the great bulk of that time: 
years, that saw Nato’s eastward expansion into
central Europe, the Balkans and the Black Sea.
Russia even failed to oppose the invasion
 of Libya.

“It is only recently, in Crimea and in Syria, that Russia
 has set down markers against further US advances.
This may reflect the directness with which the US
was challenging Russia’s interests.”

But, says Tetekin, “there may well be other
 factors, which we need to consider.

“These might include: perceptions of a decline in the
global power of the US, of a shift towards China,
economic rivalries between the US and
the EU.

“Russia sells seven times as much to Germany as it
does to the US — and buys from Germany in the
same proportion.

“In turn, Germany’s own energy costs and international
competitiveness against the US depend very significantly
 on Russian oil and gas. US diplomatic action to impede
the construction of new gas pipelines from Russia to
Germany & banking sanctions on oligarch companies
-- match the increasing conflict between the EU and
US, over steel quotas and corporate taxation.”

Joking, Tetekin says he would be all in favour of
sanctions against Russia --- if they covered
and spare parts.

“It would force the Russian government to invest in
 the redevelopment of our productive economy.”

However, he adds, these rivalries also underlie attempts
to promote a “democratic opposition“ in Russia similar
to that funded by the US in Ukraine, prior to the
2014 coup.

“It has a smaller potential base. It is impeded by its
 neoliberal ideology. Unlike the time of Yeltsin’s
1991 coup, there are no illusions about free
markets. Russians have seen them, and
know the consequences. But regime
change is increasingly becoming a
goal of the US administration.”

This, he says, makes it all the more important to
 redevelop working-class mobilisation and to
ensure that the current reawakening of
enthusiasm for the October Revolution
 is converted into a wider political
movement for socialist change.

The young are already leading
 the way.

Dr Tetekin is currently chief policy adviser to the
general secretary of the Communist Party of the
 Russian Federation, was a communist member
 of the Duma and previously played an active
role in support for the anti-apartheid
movement in southern Africa.

(Source - Morning Star)


North Korea: Standing
 proud for Korea!
Few foreigners know this but here it is: most South Koreans
 admire their brothers and sisters in the North, the DPR Korea.
 The US does not know this, because such feelings are shared
 in private but then again what can you do if you have a foreign
 power on your soil controling your policy? Some react, others
 lie in bed with their master.

After all, the Japanese did it increasingly from 1876, then de
facto from 1910 until 1945, by which time the founder of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim il-Sung, had
made a name for himself as an anti-Japanese guerrilla
fighter and commander. And hero. After all, the Japanese
 took five hundred thousand Korean girls and ladies and
turned them into "comfort women" to receive the dirty
water from tired Japanese imperial invaders. After all,
the Koreans provided half a million male slaves to the
 Japanese invader. It is this that Kim il-Sung was
fighting against and the South Koreans know this.

The South Koreans, or the citizens of the Republic of Korea,
know that South Koreans took part in the Sinchon Massacre
 which shows the torture and murder of civilians by mainly
South Korean military personnel but also US soldiers,
acting under the auspices of Washington. The South
Koreans know that the USA deployed 32,557 tons of
chemical weapons on North Korean civilians. The South
Koreans know that the US and its South Korean puppet
 planned to invade the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea in 1950. They know that these plans were seized
 by North Korean agents, and they know that these
documents counter the lies used by the US State
Department claiming that the war started when
 the North invaded the South. As was its right
under international law, the DPRK defended
itself. And so ensued the Korean War
between 1950 and 1953.
The South Koreans know that in this war, the Americans
dropped more bombs on North Korea than it used in the
 entire Pacific arena in the Second World War. They know
 that in this war, the United States of America dropped
635,000 tons of explosives as opposed to 503,000 in
the Pacific conflict. They know that in this war, the
United States of America deployed 32,557 tons of
Napalm, a chemical weapon, on N. Korean citizens.

 In this war, 3.5 million Koreans were killed.

 In this war, Pyongyang was bombed, it was carpet
bombed and after three years of day-and-night
humiliation, two buildings were left standing.

The South Koreans know that in this war, 20 per cent of
 the North Korean population was murdered by the United
 States of America and they know that American soldiers
carried out the most barbaric atrocities, strafing air-raid
shelters full of women and children, laughing as their
screams filled the air as they burned to death. They know
 that in this war, US soldiers poured gasoline on civilians
and stood back watching as they died a horrific death.
 The South Koreans know that in this war, US military
personnel decapitated political prisoners with Samurai
 swords and they know that in one shelter, nine hundred
 women and children were incinerated. Korean children.
 Incinerated. As US soldiers looked on and giggled.
Some say a few masturbated.

The South Koreans know that in one massacre of Koreans,
500 civilians were forced into a ditch and doused in gasoline
 before someone tossed in a match. The South Koreans know
 that American soldiers were seen pouring fuel down the air
vents and that they were seen setting fire to the civilians
 sheltering below.

The South Koreans know that the Partial Test Ban Treaty
(PTBT) bans nuclear tests in the atmosphere, outer space
 and under water. However, the DPR Korea is not a party
 to this treaty. Neither is underground testing banned
under the treaty, unless radiation is released into the
 atmosphere. The South Koreans know that the CTBT,
 or Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (1996) is not in
force and the DPR Korea is not a party to this treaty.

The South Koreans know that the DPR Korea did sign the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1985. This treaty
 expressly bans the manufacture and testing of nuclear
devices, under Article II. However, the DPR Korea with-
drew from the treaty in 2003, having given notice to the
 UNSC, as per Article X (I) which allows member states
 to withdraw from the treaty. The S. Koreans know this.

The South Koreans know that the Nuclear Disarmanent
Declaration made by the DPR Korea is taken by some to
 be legally binding. This statement was made under the
 fourth round of the Six-Party Talks on the DPRK nuclear
 weapons program (PR China, Japan, DPR Korea, Russia,
Rep. Korea, USA) in 2005. The declaration by Pyongyang
 was not a public declaration, but rather, an affirmation,
 made in private negotiations with five other nations and
 secondly, where is the evidence that Pyongyang intended
 to be bound by circumstances, especially after Iraq and
Libya spelled a clear lesson: that if you destroy your
weapons, then you are invaded.

And here we get to the crux of the matter. If you destroy
 your weapons, Washington invades you. Ask Iraq. Ask
 Libya. Ask Syria (proxy invasion by western-backed

And if someone tries to use the UNSC (United Nations
Security Council) as a legal entity or legal source, then
 let us ask Washington under which UN law did it invade
 Iraq? Or did the USA breach the UN Charter and breach
international law with its invasion?

And regarding nukes, if the DPR Korea cannot have them,
has anyone investigated Israel and found out whether the
 number of nukes it has is really 80 & with fissile material
 for a further 200 nuclear missiles?

The point is that the DPR Korea stands up against all these
 monumental injustices and these attempts to humiliate
Koreans. The DPR Korea wants foreign troops off Korean
 soil and wants peace and reconciliation with the South.

That is all they ask for. From a position of pride & dignity.
 The South Koreans know this and they also know, in
whose bed they lie.

by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

(Source - Pravda.Ru)

Twitter: @TimothyBHinchey




In this year of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution,
and twenty years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union,
it seems that no media in Russia, or anywhere else, ever
quotes any serious news
or analysis, from or about,
the second most powerful
political party in Russia,
after Putin's
United Russia party!

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation
(CPRF), is mentioned less than the Russian
Communist Party, a fake party, in RT news
and other Russian media outlets...

So here's the latest report from the CPRF
itself, well worth ploughing through, for
what it reveals.

I wonder what you will think about it!

Please drop me a line, at

 Political Report of the Central Committee
to the XVII Congress of the CPRF

Delegates and guests of the Congress,

We have left behind us the report period, for which the start
was made by the XV Congress. This stage was full of highly
 important, sometimes dramatic events. The time has come
 to review the results of the work over the past four years
and set new benchmarks.

We are holding our XVII Congress in the year of the centenary
 of the Great October Revolution. The party started preparing
 for the jubilee in March 2015 at a special plenary session of
the Central Committee.

Human history has seen many great events, but only some of
them change the course of development of the whole world.
Proletarian revolution in our country, dramatically changed
 the face of the planet. It set Russia on the path to socialism.
It solved the national crisis, and saved the country from

The 'Great October Revolution' rid Russia of capitalist and
 national oppression. For the people of the Earth it became
 the lode star and the clarion call --- for the search for a
worthy of Mankind.

The era of the building of socialism, is written into the biography
 of our country in golden letters. The unique experience of Lenin-
Stalin modernization enabled the country to increase its industrial
potential seventy-fold within two decades, a rate of development
unprecedented in world history. That experience is still an
example of the successful creation of a society
 of social justice.

The Jubilee of the Great October Revolution is an excellent
 opportunity to remind the world of its significance and high-
light the achievements of socialism. To show an alternative
 to the omnipotence of capital. To mobilize all the forces,
struggle for the triumph of the bright ideas of
working people.

The crisis of capitalism: a sign of decay


The world is immersed in a profound systemic crisis which
engenders instability and threatens a new world war. This
 is the essence of the present stage of capitalism. The
 inherent contradictions of this system have not gone away:
the contradictions between Labour and Capital, between
the social character of production and the private form of
appropriation of the results of labour. On the contrary, the
inborn flaws of this system, have assumed a worldwide
character. There is no corner on Earth where the tentacles
 of the rapacious octopus have not reached. As Marx noted
 in his time, its very nature, forces it to scour the world
in search of maximum profits. Therefore the miasma
of over-
ripe and decaying capitalism, is poisoning
practically all
countries and continents.

Crises are an inseparable part of the capitalist economy.
Throughout its history capitalism has engendered several
major and tens of smaller crises. The current crisis is now
its tenth year. It is the biggest crisis since the Great
Depression in the USA and the Second World War. The
 crisis has affected, not just one individual sector, not
one tentacle of the octopus, but the entire system.

The current crisis is a direct consequence of neoliberalism.
The US Marxist, David Harvey, came to the conclusion that
 in the 1970s, speculative financial capital had finally gained
 an upper hand over industrial capital, so that not production,
but the market value of shares of stock, became the aim of
economic activity. Financial interests, “the power of the
accountants rather than the engineers”, prevailed among
 the ruling classes and the ruling elites. Indeed, capitalism
 is drifting further & further away from material production.
 The imploding financial bubbles, form a characteristic
feature of modern capitalism. You will remember that
the CPRF has described this phenomenon as financial
imperialism, and has provided its extended analysis.

Neoliberalism has led to a revision of the idea of a “social
state.” It has cast aside all the vestiges of democracy and
human rights. It is relentlessly asserting its class & even
 caste supremacy. According to Oxfam, the international
association of NGOs, 1% of the planet’s population
 owns more wealth, than the remaining 99 percent.
combined wealth of 62 of the richest people,
is comparable
to what the poorest half
of humankind owns, and that,
3.5 billion people.

It is impossible to challenge the English philosopher Terry
Eagleton, who predicted in his book Why Marx Was Right,
that “Capitalism will behave anti-socially, if it is profitable
 for it to do so, & that can now mean human devastation
 on an unimaginable scale.”

The number of billionaires increased six times - to 1,810 -
 between 2000 and 2016. At the same time, more than a
billion Earth people live in abject poverty. Nearly 400
 million children suffer from malnutrition. This is not
coincidence. There is a direct link between the
enrichment of the rich, & the impoverishment
 of the poor.

During the last crisis, the lower strata were ruined, lost
their jobs and dwellings, while banks and corporations
drew billions in assistance from governments. This isn't
surprising, considering that government institutions have
become no more than managers hired by Big Business.
While Apple pays, in Europe, a profit tax equal to five-
thousandths of a percentage point, ordinary people
choked by high taxes, prices and credits, low
and the dismantling of social rights.

The parasitic essence of world capitalism will not disappear
- unless capitalism is destroyed. In its quest for maximum
profits, the oligarchy stops at nothing: stepping up their
exploitation and financial speculation, the unleashing
 of wars, and the destruction of whole states.

Our XV Congress thus defined the main features
of the present-day capitalist system:

First, globalism is the highest form of imperialism.

Second, the world economic crisis is deepening.

Third, capitalism is mounting an attack against
human rights everywhere.

Fourth, imperialism is increasingly aggressive in the world
arena, and the threat of a new, major war, is growing.

Fifth, financial-oligarchic capital ever more openly puts
 its stake, on the most vicious and reactionary forces.

Life has vindicated our analysis. During the past four years
the beastly snarl of capitalism has manifested itself in all
its ugly cynicism. World capital does not tolerate
let alone rivals: it strangles and
destroys political regimes
that think
along national lines.

Over a hundred years ago Lenin drew attention to the crises
 connected with the transition from the “peaceful” to the non-
peaceful stage of the functioning of the bourgeois system.
The destruction of the Soviet Union, ushered in another
“peaceful” period. Not encountering any serious obstacles,
capitalism pursued a policy of globalization. The workers’
and communist movement was weakened. There was an
upsurge of opportunism. Absolute impoverishment of
the working people was taking place, even in
developed countries.

That period is now over. New trends have emerged.

First, imperialism is actively provoking internal conflicts
in various countries and is using military force to redraw
 the world map. Examples are Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Second, a tilt to the right is encouraged in the centres of
world capitalism. Even the European social-democrats
have given up their pacifism and embraced aggressive
 imperialistic attitudes. Seeing Russia as a competitor,
 the West is fomenting anti-Sovietism and Russophobia.

Third, right-wing forces, including Fascism, have moved
 to the forefront of the capitalist world.

We believe it is wrong to assert that Russia has immunity
to Fascism. The historical experience of Italy & Germany
 has shown that in the “weak links” of the capitalist chain,
 imperialism uses Fascization as an “antidote” to socialist
revolutions. That is why Russia is also vulnerable. We
communists have to be vigilant.

The scenario of the extreme right coming to power has
already been acted out in Ukraine. The Banderovites,
by the US and the European Union, staged a
government coup to establish a terrorist, reactionary
nationalist regime that cracks down on communists
and all dissenters. The proclamation of the Donetsk
& Lugansk People’s Republics was a logical reaction
 of millions of honest and courageous people. In spite
of the Minsk Agreements, the situation in Donbass is
extremely tense. Today the CPRF reaffirms: “Donbass,
we are by your side.” We come out for the recognition
of the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk
People’s Republics, and for their further
rapprochement with Russia.

The decision of the people of Crimea on reunification with
Russia, was a landmark event. At the same time, it has
shown that world capitalism won't tolerate attempts by
our country, to protect its borders and interests. The
Western countries are turning Ukraine into an anti-
Russian bulwark. In July 2016, the NATO summit
in Warsaw declared Russia to be the main threat
-- and
“containing Moscow”, to be the key goal.

Having accused Russia of aggression, the North Atlantic
Alliance has stepped up the militarization of Eastern
Europe. NATO has deployed its military units in Poland,
 Romania and the Baltic states. NATO is strengthening
its presence on the Black Sea. Montenegro has been
 drawn into the Alliance.

The new US Administration has not renounced its
aggressive foreign policy. One of Trump’s early
directives was to increase the defense budget
by more than 50 billion dollars.

The USA has unleashed expansion in the Middle East
under the guise of fighting ISIL. Its aim is hegemony
over the key region rich in hydrocarbon resources.
The US strike on Shayrat air base on April the 7th
 shattered the myth of Trump’s “love of peace.”
put paid to Zhirinovsky’s Trumpomania.

While tirelessly instructing the world in democracy, US
imperialism is taking part in crimes against humanity.
Hundreds of civilians died, during the bombings of
Mosul in Iraq, the air strike on a hospital in Kunduz,
in Afghanistan, claimed tens of lives. The barbaric
operation in Yemen, in which Saudi Arabia has the
direct support of Washington, is into its third year.
The death toll has topped 10,000, two-thirds of the
country’s population are on the brink of starvation.

The process of the decay of imperialism, predicted by
Lenin, is unfolding. The link between world capital and
religious extremism has grown stronger. The USA and
its satellites support such brutal groups as Jabhat al-
Nusra and ISIL. Uigur separatist and Islamic groups
 whose chieftains are based in the US and Western
Europe are being used to destabilize China. It isn't
 surprising, that China is one of the main targets.
 Acting now by threats & now by cajolery, global
capital seeks to weaken the Celestial Kingdom.
 It is clearly scared of the successes of the new
world power. To “neutralize the Chinese threat”
 the US is cobbling together an alliance against
 the PRC, trying to drag into it, not only Japan &
South Korea, but also the Philippines, India and
some other countries. In April, the US military
close to unleashing war on the Korean
Pyongyang is denied the right
to strengthen its
national defense.

In Latin America capital continues to oppose “XXI-century
Socialism.” When it was embraced by Venezuela, Bolivia,
Ecuador and Nicaragua this put hope into the hearts of
millions of disfranchised citizens. In response, every trick
 in the book has been used: sanctions, threats of invasion,
 and the financing of subversive actions of the right-wing
opposition. The globalists have managed to bring about
an impeachment of Dilma Russeff in Brazil. They have
put Mauricio Macri, as the head of Argentina. Now,
these countries open the door to US corporations
and the rights of workers are under attack.

However “the right-wing revenge” has stalled. In Venezuela,
 attempts to depose Nicolas Maduro, the successor to the
legendary Hugo Chavez, are failing, although Washington
 has invested huge resources in it. In Ecuador the left-wing
candidate, Lenin Moreno, scored a victory. In Nicaragua,
 Daniel Ortega comfortably won another term. Late last
the world suffered a heavy loss. Fidel Castro, the
and banner of anti-imperialist struggle, died.
His like-minded
fellow fighters, carry on his
courageous cause.

Thus, the international situation is determined by the clash of
 two trends. The first is the offensive of the forces of capitalism.
It is doing all it can to shore up its global dominance. But there
 is also the second trend, and that is the growing resistance to
 capitalist hegemony, and the commitment to uphold the right
to independent and sovereign existence.

We are for a better world

Opposition to the forces of capital takes various forms.

First, a number of states reject the course imposed by the
ideologues of liberalism. The Communist Party of China
will hold its XIX Congress in the autumn. The Chinese
communists are moving steadily toward achieving their
 two main goals: to build a middle-level wealth society
 by the time of the Party’s centenary in 2021 and to
create “a powerful, affluent, democratic, civilized,
harmonious and modernized socialist state” by the
PRC's centenary in 2049. In the international arena
 Beijing comes out for peace & economic integration
and is promoting the One Belt, One Road, project.

Vietnam, Cuba, Laos and the DPRK are developing confidently.
Belarus is setting an example to the post-Soviet space. Leftist
governments in Latin America, united in the ALBA alliance, are
demonstrating staunchness. Their social programs have given
millions of people housing, jobs, medial care and education. All
 these countries prove, that there is an alternative to globalism.

Second, millions of working people are struggling for their rights.
In France last year the reform of labour laws involved hundreds
of thousands of citizens in protests. Millions of people regularly
 go on strike against liberal reforms in India. The people of Brazil
 and Argentina, are actively opposing the offensive of capitalism.

It has to be admitted that the crisis of capitalism tends to increase
 the influence both of the left and of the right parties. The ideas of
 euroscepticism are gaining popularity in Europe, as manifested by
Brexit, and the electoral success in France of Marine le Pen and
Jean-Luc Melanchon. In the heart of world capitalism, the USA,
socialist-leaning candidate Bernie Sanders, won active support
 before the presidential vote and Donald Trump also campaigned
on criticism of the dominance of Wall Street.

It is very important for the left to prevent a “right-wing march” on
the planet. Possibilities for that do exist. It is clear that after the
treacherous destruction of the Soviet Union no “end of history”
 and no “collapse of communism” have occurred. The influence
 of the left could not have disappeared, if only because poverty,
inequality and injustice did not go away. They force people to
 fight for a better life. The world communist movement, has
been destroyed. It is building up its strength.

Communists today form part of the ruling coalitions in Nepal,
Venezuela, Ecuador, Uruguay, and some other countries. In
recent years our comrades in Belarus & the Czech Republic
 have scored successes. The Labour Party in Belgium, has a
chance to win more seats in parliament. Communists have
nearly trebled their presence in the parliament of Japan.
These are just some examples.

The program of our party determines that the CPRF is part of
 the international communist and workers’ movement. We are
actively promoting cooperation with fraternal parties, pooling
our efforts in the struggle against imperialism, and for the
of the working people.

Socialism is the strategic goal of communists. In their struggle
for it, the communist parties are called upon to strengthen their
position in the grassroots with due account of the specificities
of each country. This task should be solved, through opposing
 both social-reformism and left-wing sectarianism.

The CPRF is actively involved in the analysis of the modern stage
 of class struggle, & in developing its forms and methods. During
 the report period, we initiated a number of academic-practical
conferences & round tables, including: International Communist
 Movement Today & Tomorrow, The Image of Socialism We Are
 Struggling For, The Party Press, & the Struggle of Communists
 under Current Conditions.

In May 2015 the CPRF organized in Moscow, a meeting of
international democratic organizations, to mark the 70th
Anniversary of the Victory Over Fascism. Taking part were...

The World Federation of Trade Unions, The World Peace Council,
The Women’s International Democratic Federation, The World
Federation of Democratic Youth, The International Federation
of Democratic Lawyers, The International Federation of Anti-
Fascists and Resistance Fighters. All of them have a
corresponding status at UNESCO, the International
 Labour Organization, and other UN agencies.

This year the activities of the world’s communist parties are
dominated by the 100th Anniversary of the Great October
Socialist Revolution. Resolutions have been passed,
 stressing its significance.

Our party takes an active part in International Meetings of
Communist and Workers’ Parties. Since 1998, these have
been held annually, at the initiative of the Communist Party
 of Greece. The last one, held in Vietnam last year, brought
 together 60 parties. In the year of the October Revolution
 jubilee, we will host the 19th International Meeting of
Communist & Workers’ Parties. It will be held in early
November in the City of Lenin (St. Petersburg). The
will set the agenda of the communist
movement, in the
struggle for socialism. Great
responsibility devolves on
us, to hold this
forum in a worthy manner.

The CPRF takes part in international meetings, seminars
& conferences and interacts with left-wing parties on a
bilateral basis. We took part in the congresses of the
communist parties of the Czech Republic & Moravia,
Portugal, Finland, Bangladesh & other countries, &
in events staged by left-wing parties. Cooperation
agreements have been signed with the communist
 parties of China and Vietnam. An agreement has
been signed with the Workers’ Party of Korea.

These agreements are being successfully implemented,
thanks to the efforts of L.I.Kalashnikov, K.K.Taisiyev,
V.M.Tetyokin and other Russian comrades.

A Russia-China meeting, '70 Years of Common Victory' was
held in Khabarovsk in September 2015. Delegations of young
 CPRF activists go to China every year to study the experience
 of reforms conducted in the PRC. Our comrades regularly take
 part in the festivals of the Portuguese Communist newspaper,
 Avante (Awake). A joint Russia-Korea photo exhibition,
'A History of Friendship' was held in three stages,
 in Pyongyang, Moscow and Minsk.

At all the international events the CPRF briefs fraternal
on its activities. Solidnet posts documents,
and other
information, about our party.

A great amount of work is being done in the framework of the
 UCP-CPSU. The Union brings together 17 parties. The high-
lights in the report period were: the celebration of the 20th
anniversary of the Union in Kiev before the Maidan coup,
 the XXXV Congress of the UCP-CPSU in Minsk, plenums
of the Union Council in Moscow, the opening of the
internet site, and so on.

Coordination of activities takes on an added importance,
considering that the authorities in some republics of the
 former USSR, persecute communists. At various times,
 pressure was brought to bear on the communists in
Georgia, Moldavia & Kazakhstan. In the Baltic States,
Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan communist parties have
to work practically underground. The UCP-CPSU
repeatedly come out in support of the
communists led by P.N.Simonenko.
Some of our
Ukrainian comrades had to be
rescued from
the hands of pro-fascist

On 29 May 2014 a headquarters for humanitarian aid to the
 citizens of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics
 was set up. Their population is exposed to severe trials.
Within three years the CPRF has sent 60 convoys with
 humanitarian aid to these republics. This work goes on.
Over three thousand children from Donbass, went
the Snegiri complex outside Moscow, to rest
and improve
their health.

International work is covered in the Vestnik SKP-KPSS.
The newspaper Pravda carries a monthly feature devoted
 to the Union of Communist Parties. The newly opened
rubric “Communist Brotherhood” has already carried
talks with the leaders of the communist parties
Portugal, Lebanon, Cyprus, Britain and India.

The CPRF takes an active part in solidarity actions, with peoples
that have become the victims of imperialism's aggressive actions.
 The voice of our party was heard in joint statements against the
persecution of communist parties, manifestations of fascism
nationalism, and the offensive on the rights and
freedoms of
working people. We have come out
in defense of Libya and
Syria, and against
the US blockade of Cuba..

The cohesion of communist &workers’ parties is the guarantee
 of their success. It is an uphill struggle. Capitalism will never
resolve its inherent contradictions on its own. Imperialism
becoming more and more aggressive in the time of crisis.
Analyzing the ideas of Marx and Lenin, modern US academic
James Petras, writes that capitalism has proved convincingly
 and indisputably that it prospers thanks to the degradation of
tens of millions of workers, & is absolutely deaf to the endless
 pleas for reform & regulation. The capitalism that really exists
cannot, and does not want to, raise the living standards of
ordinary people, guarantee their employment, or provide a
decent life without fear and humiliation. Capitalism…
diametrically opposed to freedom, equality,
decision-making and
the common good.

There are only two paths for humanity: either socialism or further
decay, wars, instability, the moral degradation of society and the
destruction of the environment. Only the power of working people,
public ownership of the means of production, & rational planning
 in the economy, can set humankind on the path of all-round
development. It is the duty of our party to actively
these ideas among the grassroots.

Non-stop crisis

Comrades, after 1991 our country became part of world capitalism.
 The liberal traitors who came to power cherished the hope of joining
 the “golden billion.” They obediently followed the instructions of the
 International Monetary Fund and other global capitalist institutions.
 Even in the West, they considered the team of Yeltsin’s foreign
advisers to be ''economic murderers''.

The Russian bourgeoisie was accorded the dubious honour of
supplying the West with raw materials and fulfilling its whims.
Many upstart oligarchs raised on Gaidar’s “yeast” were quite
 comfortable with such a role. They treated Russia as “this
country,” in which they were “cowboy builders,” Russia was
 a place for business, while their safe landing sites were
 their mansions and hefty foreign bank accounts.

A regressive, parasitic, oligarchic, comprador capitalism established
 itself in the country. Its basis is the export of commodities and the
banking sectors. This proves that Russia is becoming a raw
 materials appendage, and a market for foreign goods.

However, part of the Russian bourgeoisie wants greater independence.
 Experessing the aspirations of this part of “the newest Russians”
government has ratcheted up patriotic rhetoric and taken some
 independent steps. The Crimea was brought back to where it
 belongs. Support was rendered to the legitimate government
of Syria. The people of Russia, tired of self-abasement,
welcomed these steps. This state of affairs was not
to the West’s liking. Sanctions were introduced, and
a massive information campaign, leavened with
Russophobia and anti-Sovietism, were launched
against Russia. If Russia's leadership does not
want to repeat the fate of Milosevic, Hussein
and Gaddafi, it has no other option, but to
strengthen the country’s sovereignty.

However, the Russian oligarchy has neither the strength nor
 the desire, to break with the system of global capitalism. It
 has still not recognized the DPR and LPR. “The pivot to the
East” policy is clearly marking time. Attacks continue on
Belarus, which undermine the process of a closer union
between our peoples. The process of integration of the
 post-Soviet space, which the CPRF has always
welcomed, is meeting with serious difficulties.

After the devastating Serdyukov “reforms” many, but not all
the problems of the Armed Forces combat ability have been
solved. The cuts in the defense budget which have started,
 run counter to the need to restore military education and
science. Our precision weapons still need imported
components, while the software built into them,
may be set in motion at any moment. It is not
possible to effectively protect the country’s
sovereignty, without a powerful defense
industry independent of foreign suppliers.

On the whole, the quarter century of liberal reforms in Russia
has produced an extremely cruel socio-economic model. A
 peripheral oligarchic-bureaucratic regime has taken shape
 in the country.

Russia’s joining the World Trade Organization, was a major
concession to global capital. Only the CPRF has consistently
opposed it. Restrictions on production, reduction of customs
duties and other novelties gave an edge to foreign “partners.”
During five years of WTO membership, the Russian budget
lost about 800 billion roubles due to lower customs duties.
 Indirect losses topped 4 trillion.

Big owners have been given a free hand in plundering Russia.
The economy is being deprived of vitally needed investments.
Today they account for a mere 18% of GDP, only half of what
they were in the RSFSR in 1990. But the authorities calmly
look on as the oligarchs transfer capital to offshore zones
and foreign banks. In the last 2 years alone, capital flight
 exceeded 70 billion dollars. And we are constantly being
called to make “civil peace” with those who are simply
 robbing Russia.

Dependence on foreign capital is beginning to threaten the
country’s sovereignty. Companies with foreign capital
account for 75% of the communications sphere, 56%
of the extractive industries and 49% of the processing

This is highly reminiscent of the situation in the early XX
century when Western capital dominated the industry and
 banking sector in the Russian Empire. That dependence
 cost Russia dearly: it was drawn into the First World War
 defending the interests of the Entente capitalists. Russia's
 GDP has been shrinking for over two years. Since 2014, it
has dropped by 8%. The state budget is losing trillions of
 roubles. Modernization and diversification of the economy
 have failed. The Government ministries in charge of the
economy and finances are unable to cope with the crisis.
They are misleading the country. The Ministry of Economic
Development reported a 0.4% growth of GDP at the end of
the first quarter. However, this data was promptly
challenged by Vneshekonombank analysts, who
proved that the GDP continues to fall.

The socio-economnic course followed by the government has
 turned the country into a society of mass poverty. According
 to official data, real income in Russia dropped by nearly 13%,
and consumption has gone down by 15%. The number of
paupers has increased by 3 million. Twenty million, one in
every seven citizens, live below the poverty line. The CPRF
 points out that the official living minimum, is 2-2.5 times
 lower, than the actual level.

Sociology confirms the picture of mass impoverishment. Last
year three quarters of citizens significantly cut consumption.
 Forty percent say they don't have enough money to buy food
 and clothing. Almost 30% need food stamps to survive.

Russia has become a country of appalling inequality. Dollar
millionaires own 62% of Russia’s wealth, and billionaires
own 29%. A handful of moneybags own nine tenths of the
 national wealth. The international research organization
The New World of Welfare has concluded that Russia
 ranks first in the world, in terms of wealth inequality.

During the past year alone the aggregate wealth of 200 of
Russia’s richest businessmen increased by 100 billion
 dollars. ”Income champions” own 460 billion dollars,
which is twice the annual budget of a country of
150 million people.

These then are the main problems of the Russian economy:

— its reliance on commodity production,

—the destruction of its industrial potential,

— poverty and the low purchasing power of its citizens,

— a flawed monetary policy,

— inefficient governance.

The sanctions compounded the situation.

The government’s regional policy is extremely ineffective.
 Receiving only 30 percent of the total national income,
the regions are struggling to maintain the social sphere.
There are only nine donor regions left. The debt of
regional budgets, has already reached 2.5 trillion
roubles, of which, over 50% are commercial credits.
The budgets are overburdened with commitments.

The CPRF is ready to change the situation drastically. We
maintain that the crisis in Russia is man-made. It is created
 by the government which has no coherent development
 program. Spinoza said that He who knows not where he
 is sailing, will never have a fair wind.” So, our government
is either full of bad navigators, or they are deliberately
 leading us into a dead end.

The Russian crisis is, at the same time, part of the global
crisis of capitalism. In the framework of this system, our
country has no favorable prospect. There is no room for
 such a Russia in the modern world: it will be torn to
pieces and simply swallowed by the sharks of world
capital. Our country lived through such an experience
 before. The brief period when a Provisional Government
 was in power, in 1917, nearly brought about the demise
 of Russia. It was rescued by the Red Project of the
 Great October Revolution. The Bolsheviks restored
 the country’s sovereignty, and prevented it being
“digested” in the insatiable stomach of world
capitalism. This lesson is still relevant to
 Russia today.

One of the main contradictions, is that between the interests
of the country and the interests of Russian capital. This can
only be resolved by a cardinal change of the socio-economic
system. Only a renewed socialism will be able to cope with
social inequality, economic disarray and create an effective
 governance system.

The working majority and false “class peace.”

The question arises, what are the driving forces of socialist change?
 We turned to this question more than once over the past years. The
 destruction of socialism and the Shock Therapy of the 1990s, had a
negative impact on the social class structure of society. The situation
 continued to worsen after 2000. The number of workers in industry,
 dropped by more than 2 million. The past few years alone have seen
 the closure of the Likhachev Plant in Moscow, the Nickel Plant in
Norilsk, the Khimprom chemical plant in Volgograd and other giants.
 Many enterprises dramatically cut production. The share of the
processing industry, fell to a pitiful 13%.

The main change that occurred in the life of the working class
 and the peasantry is their proletarization. Under the Soviet
 government the worker and the peasant were co-owners of
 the means of production and the national wealth. Now,
 almost two-thirds of the gainfully employed population
(64.6 percent), work for the benefit of private capital.

Workers have fewer and fewer chances to rise up the social “lifts.”
 The degree of class polarization in this country is among the
highest on the planet. It is impossible to achieve class peace
 under such conditions. The exploiters and the exploited have
 diametrically opposite opportunities and interests.

“The masters of the world” behave like time-servers. It is no
accident that capital flight increases. High-ranking officials
increasingly behave in a criminal way. More and more
governors are charged with corruption. The elite’s
inability to “rule in the old way” causes it to swing
 from liberalism to conservatism, from nationalism
 to a token crackdown on Russian nationalists, etc.

The past quarter century has seen a sharp growth in the
 number of those engaged in petty commodity production
 and speculative-usury sectors. A sizable stratum has
emerged of people who live by “gigs.” In the European
 Middle Ages these people were referred to as “free-
lancers.” Most of them are young people in the 20
to 45 age bracket. Their instrument of production
 is the computer. What they want out of life, is,
 above all, independence. These new
phenomena merit a very close study.

For all that, there are no grounds for saying that the working
class in Russia is disappearing. It numbers about 30 million.
 Does it mean many or few? Much fewer than in the RSFSR,
 but many times more, than in Russia in 1917.

“The proletariat of workers by brain,” as Engels called it, is
being exploited too. It has to get hired by the bourgeoisie
for meager pay. There are almost 20 million such people
 in modern Russia. To this, you have to add small business-
men and small farmers. The crisis ruins tens of thousands
 of small owners, which makes it easier for us to promote
 our ideology to them.

CPRF is for the working people

Esteemed delegates and guests of the Congress,

To achieve its goals the proletariat needs a political vanguard.
 Only a modern communist party can rise to this task. In turn,
the communists ”have no interests separate from the interests
 of the proletariat as a whole,” as Marx and Engels wrote.

It is the duty of the CPRF to staunchly adhere to the position
of defending the interests of the working class. We have to
regularly revisit the decisions of the October 2014 Plenum
 which was devoted entirely to our goal of increasing our
influence in the proletarian milieu. The decisions taken
 then, are highly concrete and are easily verifiable.

Two and a half years have passed since then. It is high time
 to ask ourselves, what has been accomplished? Have we
strengthened our positions in the midst of the working class?
 Can we report to the Congress an influx of workers into the
 CPRF? Let us answer this question looking the truth straight
in the face. For the workers’ issue is the key issue in our
political struggle for power.

The share of workers in the CPRF's ranks, has risen to 14 percent
during the report period. Yet no dramatic change has taken place.
Overall, the party influence on the working class is, obviously,
insufficient. We have to admit that on that issue, we are still
at the start of the road.

Thus, our tasks are directly linked with strengthening the party’s
 influence on the workers’ and trade union movement, the youth
and non-governmental groups.

We have to be more active in seeking freedom of political activity
 in the street. However, we should breathe new life into various
 forms of protest even within the existing framework. We value
 all those who form the nucleus of our actions. We are grateful
to them. But we must broaden our ranks if we are to be
reckoned with. Big politics is where the millions are.
The topics of our slogans should be relevant and
specific. We should “strike at the nerve” of the
social atmosphere, use the whole arsenal of
technologies, to arouse citizens in their
struggle for their rights.

About 60% of Russians prefer a “society of social equality” to
a “society of individual freedom.” So the ideological component
 of protest sentiments is growing, turning such actions into
class struggle.

The communists must prevent mass protests from being
hijacked by pro-Western anti-national forces. Under these
 conditions it is vital for the CPRF to formulate a clear-cut
class position.

The party and the young communist league must pay particular
attention to the youth. The youth has shown its readiness for
street action. It is not only that the liberals use inexperienced
 young people while keeping them in the dark. Today, young
 people are the most vulnerable social stratum. Even
pensioners are in a more secure situation, because
 of what remains of the Soviet system of
social guarantees.

Today’s young people are the first to have grown up after
the dismantling of the system of Soviet social guarantees.
 They are defenseless in the face of capitalist society.
These young people have no chance to study, work and
 raise families normally. Housing becomes an insuperable
problem for many of them. Feeling like outsiders, they are
 not ready to reconcile themselves to such a position and
 plunge into street protests without always understanding
 the slogans. In Ukraine, the bourgeoisie used popular wrath
 ...to establish a dictatorial regime. Russia faces a similar
danger. It is the task for the CPRF to go to the youth, to
help it transform the demand for social justice into
massive and resolute protest.

The prerequisites for success are there. According to the
Public Opinion Fund, less than 20% of young people are
infected with the ideas of liberalism. 73% come out for
state ownership of enterprises and natural resources.
 28% think of themselves as staunch supporters of
socialism. The share of those who support
capitalism, is even less among other
age groups.

We need to mobilize CPRF supporters to struggle to bring
the country back to the socialist path. Each of us must
 contribute to strengthening the party’s authority, as
the only force fighting to assert the people’s rule

Along with the development of the workers’, protest and
youth movements, we have often stressed the importance
of work with the trade unions, & non-governmental groups.

The nucleus of a new life

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that “stability”
in Russia does not have a solid basis. The number of poor
people has doubled compared to the pre-crisis period. The
dynamic of social inequality has intensified. The gap
between the richest 10% and the poorest 10% has
 reached 30 times. The inequality of access to quality
 healthcare and education, has deepened. Russian
society is in an anxious state, not knowing what
 the future holds in store for it.

The liberals in government continue to tighten the
financial noose around the people’s neck. The only
 alternative to this disastrous course is consolidation
 of the healthy forces on the basis of socialism and
 genuine patriotism. This nucleus will be able to
counter the destructive energy of any Maidan,
 and the ruinous experiments of the
“monetarists” in government.

People are having less and less hope that this power
will come up with a creative development project. Such
 a project was proposed by our party at the Oryol
Economic Forum in February of last year. Here is our
program: Ten Steps toward a Decent Life for a
Government of Popular Trust.

1. Russia’s wealth must serve the people. It is high time
 to rein in the oligarchs, to bring back to the state the oil
and gas industry, key banks, the power industry, railways,
and defense industries. A powerful state sector will protect
the economy from foreign capital pressure. The draft law
on nationalization, is ready. It will bring several trillion
roubles to the treasury every year. Planning will make
 the economy more competitive in the world.

2. To guarantee economic sovereignty. The CPRF wants Russia
to leave the WTO. We will create an independent financial
system, rid the country of the diktat of the dollar, and free
the Central Bank from the influence of the US Federal
Reserve System. State control over the banking system
and currency transactions, will stem the staggering
flight of capital. Small and medium-sized businesses
and people’s and collective enterprises, will get
active support.

3. To develop industry, science and technologies. Russia needs
 a new industrialization driven by micro-electronics, robotics,
 and machine tool building. Today the processing industry
accounts for 14% of the GDP. It is necessary to double that
 share within a short space of time. The decimation of the
Russian Academy of Sciences is a crime against the future.
Financing of science must be increased several times over.
We will be able to do away with unemployment.

4. A new life for rural Russia. Russia is not secure in terms of
food. It imports half of its food from abroad. A third of arable
land is overgrown with weeds. The task of the Government
of Popular Trust is to revive large-scale agricultural
production and the rural social infrastructure.
At least 10% of budget spending should go
into agriculture. We are ready to adopt new
Land, Forestry & Water Codes, and improve
the environmental situation.

5. Credits must be used to revive the country. Russia is in 48th
place in terms of transport infrastructure, and in 87th place in
terms of air transport. The regions are heavily in debt. The
Government complains about a shortage of resources, while
at the same time, crediting the US economy. We should direct
 investments into the development of the Russian economy.
 To help the regions, the Popular Trust Government will
 replace commercial loans with subsidies and
subventions out of the federal budget.

6. State control of prices and tariffs. As for living standards,
Russia has dropped to 90th place in the world, which puts
it in the same company with Guatemala and Namibia. The
 state must control prices. Housing and utilities rates
should not exceed 10% of a family's income. The
government must regulate the tariffs for
electricity, fuel and transportation.

7. The country must have fair and effective taxes. Russia has
a distorted tax system. The CPRF proposes to abolish VAT,
which will make domestic products cheaper. We are ready
to scrap the PLATON system and raise taxes on property
and settlement land. Budget losses will be compensated
for, by a progressive tax on the incomes of physical
persons. It will add an annual 3-4 trillion roubles to
 the treasury. State monopoly on the production of
alcohol will yield another 2-5 trillion. Russia will
 have a budget of development, not degradation.

8. People are the nation’s main value. The CPRF guarantees
 an accessible and high-quality education and health service.
A law on “war children” will be passed without delay. Youth,
 children and mothers, disabled people and old folks will
receive particular attention. Science, education and health-
care will get 7% of the budget each. The CPRF has the
corresponding package of laws. The state will build
social housing and will be responsible for the state
 of domestic infrastructure. Levies for the capital
 repair of housing, will be scrapped.

9. Strong power, secure life. Russia needs a strong defense.
It should go hand-in-hand with information and technological
security and defense against cyber-weapons. The CPRF is in
 favour of stronger EAEU, SCO, and BRICS, of integration in
 the post-Soviet space and protection of fellow-countrymen
abroad. We have to make governance more effective,
tighten oversight over the activities of government
officials, and curb corruption and crime.

10. A country of high culture. We will protect the people from
 anti-Sovietism, nationalism and Russophobia, from immorality,
vulgarity and cynicism. Culture will be reigned by talent, not
money. Writers and composers, the cinema and television,
 can multiply our cultural heritage. Our government will
surround us with care museums and theatres, Houses
 of Culture and philharmonics, libraries and archives.
Russian talents, the creativity of young people,
 physical culture and sport, will be supported.

Seeking to implement this program, the CPRF is engaged in
a constant dialog with the country’s citizens. Our proposals
have been approved during the course of many election
campaigns, over the past year. We held an All-Russia
Council of Work Collectives, attended by more than
600 representatives of factories, farms and trade
unions, from 82 regions. A program of rural
development was presented at the Congress
of Russian Agro-Industrial Complex Workers,
 held at Zvenigovsky centre. The All-Russia
Congress of Public-Sector Workers, has
approved proposals on how to preserve
 and develop social institutions.

Concrete steps to implement our programmatic ideas and
proposals are critical. Our Duma deputies have a special
role to play. In the previous Duma the CPRF deputies
secured the adoption of laws On Strategic Planning,
On State Defense, Order, and On Industrial Policy,
 in the RF. The Medvedev government is obviously
 dragging its feet over fulfilling them. In the meantime
we are pressing for the next step; the creation of a
State Committee for Strategic Planning.

Practice shows that the anti-crisis measures proposed by the
CPRF are highly effective. The key task is to go to the grass-
roots and explain this. It is our duty to demonstrate that the
results of the party’s work indicate that it has proved to be
 a credible nucleus of genuine power of the people.

To Struggle for Power

Comrades. The presidential election is fast approaching.
 It will be held in an atmosphere of growing public
discontent and alienation from power. The ruling
circles will have to press into service administrative
 resources and resort to other gimmicks. The regime
 may exhibit growing Bonapartist traits. Such a regime
is a dictatorship of big bourgeoisie, steering its course
between opposing classes. Its internal contradictions
 are mitigated, by foreign policy confrontations.

Russia today is a super-presidential republic. The number
one person has more powers than the Tsar and General
 Secretary combined. Power in the country has not
changed hands for more than seventeen years. In
 fact, a whole generation has grown up under one
president and one governing party. During this
 period the US & France had 4 presidents each.

What are the key features of the political regime in Russia?

First, monopolization of power in the hands of the president
and the narrow circle around him. Secrecy in taking key
decisions. The political process has turned into a
succession of special operations.

Second, the ruling United Russia party has merged with the
 bureaucratic apparatus. The party is merely the ”driving
 belt” and not the subject of making key decisions.

Third, opposition exists in and outside parliament, but on an
ever smaller limited scale. There is simulation of democratic
 institutions and procedures, in order to legitimize the
 ruling group.

Fourth, monopolization of the main media outlets and the
introduction of political censorship and “self-censorship.”

Fifth, the absence of truly independent justice coupled with
 pervasive corruption & political control over the law courts.

Sixth, liberal fundamentalism in the economy remains the
bedrock foundation of the current regime. The ruling elite
 dreads the prospect of being isolated from the Western
 world, and openly woos the centres of capitalism.

Seventh, the regime is not bound by any ideological principles,
its postulates changing, depending on the exigencies of the
day. Personal safety calls for a more patriotic policy, which
 we have been witnessing recently.

The figure of the president is at the centre of the political regime.
 Official propaganda is at pains to convince the masses of the
danger of his departure. However, elections remain as the
trappings of democracy. For us taking part in the elections
is like wrestling on a small patch of legal opposition
activities, and that opportunity should be
effectively used.

But, to repeat a well-known idea, it is naïve to put the stake
 on elections. They may only be crowned with victory when
 revolutionary sentiments grow. Only then would the party
 be able to hold on to its electoral victory with the support
of millions of activists. An electoral victory is only possible
 in the event of a major change in the balance of political
 forces and the active support of the street.

On the face of it, the protest potential among the population
is low and the president’s approval rating is high. But the
stability of a regime of personal power is not a given that
 is eternal. The situation may change quickly. The CPRF
 is duty-bound to use its participation in elections to
 promote its ideas, to strengthen its structures and
 attract new cadres and supporters.

In December you read my appeal “Time demands a new policy.”
 We agreed to thoroughly discuss all candidates for election,
 in the coming years. This work must continue. At the Central
Committee level it is coordinated by the CPRF Headquarters,
 headed by I.I.Melnikov.

In the report period the CPRF has preserved its status of the
 main opposition force. The party scored some high-profile
victories but also faced some difficulties in the elections.
 The setback in 2016 is due to the fact that the elections
 had been turned into a special operation against Russian
 society. They were not a free expression of the citizens’
will, but a criminal mechanism of delivering the pre-
determined result. This is witnessed, among other
things, by several dozen criminal cases opened
thanks to our activists.

When we brought our voters to the polling stations our candidates
 won by a comfortable margin. A.Lokot was elected Mayor of
Novosibirsk, V.Potomsky Mayor of the Oryol Region,
S.Levchenko Governor of the Irkutsk Region.

Seven of our comrades won seats in the State Duma in single-
mandate constituencies. They are V.Bortko (St.Petersburg),
 S.Kazankov (Mariy El), A.Kurinniy (Ulyanovsk Region),
D.Parfyonov (Moscow), O.Smolin (Omsk Region),
N.Kharitonov (Krasnodar Territory) and
M.Shchapov (Irkutsk Region).

In the elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2014, communists
 won five single-mandate constituencies. One of the highlights
 was the election of A.Klychkov, who defeated the prefect of
the South-Western Electoral District, Zotov.

On the whole, the party’s average result in elections in recent
 years is 15%. The CPRF never drops below 20-25% in Irkutsk,
Novosibirsk, Oryol regions and in North Ossetia where we are
contesting first place with the governing party, like in Mariy El
and the Omsk Region where our result is just shy of 30%. So,
it is possible to fight and win. On the other hand, there has
emerged a stable zone of election rigging in the Volga
 Area, and in the North Caucasus.

Our party comes out for democratization of the political system
 and for fair elections. The tactic of the ruling regime consists
 in constantly changing the rules of the game in the political
field in order to falsify results. Changing the election date to
 September, greatly affected the turnout. In general, trust in
the institution of elections has diminished. Turnout is
plummeting. All the parties are losing votes, in
absolute terms. The institution of debates has
been discredited. Neither the president, nor
governors, take part in them. On the whole,
the low turnout is the citizens’ indictment
of the unfair electoral system.

Power deliberately adjusts the political system in favour of
 the governing party. We for our part will insist on direct and
 free elections of the heads of regions. On electing municipal
deputies by party lists. On debarring from elections governors
 who ''retire'', in order to be able to take part in fresh elections.

Battling in parliament

Letters of citizens to the CPRF faction in the State Duma and to
 the Central Committee, are symptomatic of Russia's problems.
 They criticize government policy, complain about the plight of
 the people and about court rulings. Many complaints have to
do with the impossibility of getting housing, the unreasonable
 utilities rates & soliciting financial help for medical treatment.

Protecting the rights of working people is at the focus of our
deputies attention. At present, we have 42 deputies at the
State Duma and two members of the Federation Council
(V.Markhayev and V.Ikonnikov). The CPRF has 81 factions
(a total of 342 deputies) in regional legislatures. There are
 9,360 communist deputies in local government bodies.

Although the CPRF lost some seats in the State Duma it still
spearheads the struggle for the interests of the common
people in parliament. I.Melnikov is first deputy speaker of
 the Duma. Five communist deputies – V.Kashin,
 N.Kharitonov, L.Kalashnikov, T.Pletneva and
S. Gavrilov— head the key Duma committees.
 S.Reshulsky, N.Kolomeitsev and V.Shurchanov
 coordinate the work of the Duma deputies, on
 a day-to-day basis.

Communist deputies did not support the draft federal budgets.
Even with amendments, they lead to the degradation of the
country and the impoverishment of working people. The
 oligarchy relentlessly shifts the burden of the economic
crisis onto the ordinary working people & onto those who
 need social help: children, pensioners & disabled people.

For the CPRF, education policy is the key to building up human
potential. Without it, modernization in the XXI century, is
 impossible. At the initiative of deputy O.Smolin the CPRF
faction prepared a draft law On Education for Everyone.
 Although the draft was rejected, in recent years, we
managed to bring about a partial reform of the Unified
State Examination, the retention of preferential treatment
 when entering higher education institutions for disabled
 people, orphaned children and people who saw combat
 action, an adjustment of pay for places in student
dormitories, official fixing of teachers’ salaries at
a level not below the average pay in the region;
although 75 regions are known to have
 ignored these regulations.

The CPRF is categorically against raising the retirement age,
against dropping the indexation of the pensions of working
pensioners and the cut in monthly payments towards
accumulative pensions. A pro-government majority
stubbornly blocks our draft law On War Children,
but we have again submitted it to parliament.

Communists’ work in the regional legislatures
 is exceedingly important.

The CPRF has increased the number of local deputies by
15.5% to nearly ten thousand. Almost 200 heads of local
governments have been elected with the party’s support.

As part of strengthening the body of deputies, the CPRF CC
held two All-Russia Congresses of Communist Deputies and
 Heads of Executive Power Bodies in June 2013 & May 2016.
 Mandates of the deputies, and their duties to the citizens of
Russia, have been adopted.

Of all the parliamentary parties, the CPRF commands the
highest level of popular trust. United Russia is unable to
 hide its face of the party of oligarchs and bureaucrats.
The Just Russia party has never managed to shed its
 role of an appendage to the “governing party.” The
 LDPR plays a similar function, at the other end of
the spectrum

One of the CPRF’s tasks is protecting citizens against arbitrary
 rule and lawlessness. The profound crisis caused a degradation
 of the social environment, a criminalization of society, and
 diminished the level of people’s safety. Key human rights –
to life, work and healthcare – are not guaranteed. Over
 2 million crimes were registered in Russia, in the past
 year, and by no means, were all crimes registered.

100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution
 and our struggle

Esteemed participants in the Congress,

The 100th anniversary of the biggest event in human history,
the Great October Socialist Revolution, is drawing closer and
 closer. The Bolshevik victory in 1917 saved Russia from a
disastrous liberal experiment. It pulled our country away
from the edge of a precipice, paved the way for progress
in the economy, the social sphere, culture and education.

The anniversary is less than months away. It is our duty to
 celebrate it in a dignified, substantive and spectacular way.
Much has already been done. Enrolment of new members to
 mark the revolution jubilee continues. Mass actions on April
 12 and 22, May 1 and 9 were major political events. A Lenin
evening has been organized at the Gubenko Theatre. A
working group for the preparation of the 19th International
Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties has had its
meeting. The Lenin Prize has been brought back, in tribute
to those who are faithful to the working people.

A series of conferences and round tables has been held.
Important discussions took place, on Lenin’s theory of
imperialism and his April Theses, on the theme “From
 February to October” and on the experience of building
the Soviet Armed Forces. Some interesting films have
been released on the CPRF’s Red Line TV channel. To
 give but some examples, they include The Stalin Model,
The World Cabal, To Live without Lying, By Hook or by
Crook, Blind Leaders of the Blind, The Soviet Man,
Master of the Russian Land. They should be used
more actively in our propaganda work. Party media
outlets regularly publish materials devoted to the
 events of 1917, Lenin and Soviet history. Internet
projects specifically devoted to the 100th
Anniversary of the October Revolution
 have been launched.

The topic of the socialist revolution must be reflected at the
 World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi. The LCYU of
 the RF is taking part in the preparations for the Festival.

The best proof of loyalty to the ideas of the October Revolution
is constant struggle for the interests of the working people, and
for a socialist transformation of Russia. However, practical work
 can only be effective if it rests on a strong, sound theoretical
foundation. We have such a foundation in the shape of the
Marxist-Leninist ideology, the dialectical materialist method
of cognition and the class analysis and assessment of,
 social facts and phenomena.

The programmatic goal of the CPRF is socialism. It can only be
 achieved by introducing advanced socialist consciousness
 into the ranks of the working people.

The crisis in Russia opens the eyes of the masses to the fact
 that bourgeois recipes for development do not work. This
tends to increase the activities of those who would like to
“improve capitalism,” to replace “savage” capitalism with
 a “civilized” market, to combine the best features of
capitalism and socialism. We resolutely reject these
 attempts to gloss over the flaws of globalism.

I would like to remind you of Lenin’s succinct formula, from
his book What Is to Be Done: ”It is either bourgeois or
 socialist ideology. There is no middle road here…
Therefore any belittling of socialist ideology, any
alienation from it, signifies the strengthening of
 the bourgeois ideology.”

The CPRF is convinced that socialism alone will save Russia
and the world from a catastrophe, a catastrophe that
capitalism is preparing by each new step it takes.
 Therefore a revision of communist ideas cannot be tolerated.
As history shows, this path leads to total capitulation to the
bourgeoisie. It is not by chance, that many leaders of the
Second International, ended up by viciously condemning
the October Revolution. Indeed, ineffectual representatives
at the top of the leadership of the CPSU, gave up the
communist ideology and went on to destroy the party
and the state. Some of them openly defected to the
anti-communist camp. French writer & philosopher,
Jean-Paul Sartre, was categorical: ”Every
 anti-communist, is a rascal.”

Ideological struggle never stops. Seeking to bolster its
positions the oligarchy fosters anti-communism, anti-S
ovietism and Russophobia. This reveals the genetic
 link of the liberal bureaucrats with Gorbachev and
Yeltsin on the one hand and with the “orange’
opposition, the Navalnys and others. Shying
 away from socialism, they all play the role
 of anti-national, anti-people forces.

Russophobia and anti-Sovietism are close relatives, as the
 CC CPRF proved convincingly at its latest Plenum. The
October Revolution and the Soviet system are inseparable
 from the historical destiny of the Russian people. A fierce
campaign is being waged against our history, against our
communist ideas. The Svanidzes, Gozmans & Zhirinovskys
 never tire of pouring venomous lies on the pages and
 images of our past that we hold sacred. The celebration
of the jubilee of Solzhenitsyn, the man who called for
aggression against his own country and actively
 backed the Banderovites, promises to be wider
 and wider. The building of the Yeltsin Centre
 in Yekaterinburg did not only “consume”
7 billion roubles of budget money.

It openly calls for the rehabilitation of Vlasov. Is it not because
of this, that the Centre has been awarded the 'Best European
Museum of 2017' prize?

Here and there, monuments and memorial plaques are put up
 to Kolchak, Krasnov, Mannerheim and the White Czechs. At
the same time Soviet monuments are pulled down or moved.
Streets and even cities, are being renamed.

Take the nationwide dictation test. This year the participants
were offered a text by the writer Yuzefovich, in which a White
general makes scathing remarks about a monument to Lenin.
How does that square with condemnation of the illegal Kiev
rulers, for vandalism and for dismantling Lenin monuments?.

The authorities cannot afford to ignore mass sentiments.
Sociologists have found that there are more supporters
of the Soviet political system in this country than there
 are admirers of the current political system and
Western democracy combined. The Immortal Regiment
 action sent a very clear political and cultural message.
The prevailing sentiment of this impressive march was
the victorious Soviet spirit. It remains to lament the fact
that the Immortal Regiment, unlike the regiments that
marched straight to the front in 1941, is marching past
the Lenin Mausoleum, that has been covered in drapes.

While resorting to patriotic slogans, the authorities seek
 to erase the positive perception of socialism from people’s
 consciousness. We, for our part, should confidently uphold
truth and justice, protect the historical memory and make
active use of our experience of combating anti-Sovietism,
anti-Communism & Russophobia and distortions of history.

Nationalism is another evil for which an antidote is needed.
Only the CPRF has a clear-cut program on the nationalities
 issue. It stresses the value of the friendship of the peoples
 and the multinational character of our country. Our position
 was accurately expressed by the October 2013 Plenary
Session of the Central Committee which stressed that
the main cause of the aggravation of inter-ethnic
relations, is the deepening of social & economic
problems. Big Capital uses the nationality card,
to distract people’s attention, from the
widening social schism.

We maintain that socialism alone can make the working
people masters of their land and of their destiny. Only
then will inter-ethnic conflicts vanish like a nightmare.

Mass events staged by the CPRF help to promote the
party’s ideas. A year ago Ufa hosted the All-Russia
Forum Friendship and Brotherhood of the Peoples:
Guarantee of Russia’s Resurgence in which guests
from Belarus, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s
Republics took part. Every year in June the party
holds Pushkin Days & Days of Russian Language
and Culture. The tradition was initiated by North
Ossetia's Republican Committee of the CPRF. A big
contribution to official recognition of Russian Language
Days, was made by the communists in the State Duma
and the Russky Lad movement. The CPRF’s proposal
to outlaw calls for the dismemberment of Russia,
has met with public approval.

The entire edifice of party propaganda should be built on
 a solid ideological foundation. People under the age of
40 did not study the basics of Marxism-Leninism, at
school or university. This is the generation that is
 joining the party and its consciousness is often
littered with pseudo-socialist rubbish. The party
education system is called on, to address this.

The CPRF Political Education Centre set up after the ХV
party Congress to train our activists has already had 21
enrolments. More than 700 young communists from all
the Russian regions as well as Transdniestria, Georgia,
South Ossetia, Kyrgyzstan, the DPR & LPR, attended.
Many of the Centre’s graduates have been elected as
secretaries of the regional and local CPRF branches
and head up Young Communist League organizations.
The journal Politicheskoye prosveshcheniye, helps
 the party members to build up their theoretical
luggage & train party activists in the provinces.

Lenin never tired of stressing the importance of the party's
 press and believed that the newspaper should not merely
 ‘disseminate ideas” but also act as a collective organizer.
 Important information outlets today are the newspapers
Pravda and Sovetskaya Rossiya. Oblast, region and city
 party branches put out more than a hundred periodicals.
Some good experience has been accumulated by the
editorial offices of many party newspapers, including
Podmoskovnaya Pravda, Krasniy Put’ (Omsk Oblast),
KPRF v Nizhnem Novgorode, Leviy marsh (Ulyanovsk
 Oblast), Priangarye (Irkutsk Oblast), Donskaya iskra
 (Rostov Oblast), Za narodnuyu vlast’ (Novosibirsk
 oblast) and Rodina (Stavropol Territory).

Party life is regularly reported on the Central Committee site,
 politpros.com, regional and local party sites. KPRF.RU has
 launched such internet projects as Narodnaya initsiativa,
Storonniki KPRF, Antikorruptsionniy komitet imeni Stalina.
At the end of 2016 the Central Committee site competed
convincingly with the United Russia resource. Even so,
we are still seriously losing out to the liberals in terms
of volume and presentation. That situation should be
urgently rectified.

The opening of the Krasnaya Liniya TV channel in the wake
of the XV CPRF Congress was a big step forward. Since 2015
it has been broadcast via satellite. This round-the-clock
channel is beamed to an audience of nearly 7 million.
 Krasnaya Liniya has an internet site and accounts
 in social networks. It puts out daily news bulletins.
Among its more popular programs are Special
Report, Viewpoint, Soviet-Era Brands, and
Politpros, to mention just some.

The Agitpunkt section of Political Education site carries
video, audio and photo materials and samples of printed
copy. This is particularly important in election campaigns.

To strengthen the party at all levels

Comrades, we must strengthen all the party links. The past
 four years have seen a growth of the number of primary
and local CPRF branches. Today the party has 162,173
members. During the report period, it enrolled over
 60,000 new members.

The biggest regional branches are: Moscow oblast — 7528
members, Volgograd oblast — 6536 members, Krasnoyarsk
Territory — 6153 members, Moscow City — 5712 members,
Dagestan Republic — 5547 members, Stavropol Territory—
 5510 members. Last year, we had no regional branches
 where the rate of admission of new members did not
 exceed 5 percent of the total membership.

Contrary to the allegations of our opponents, more than half
 of Russian communists are people of active working age.
They include14 percent — workers; 13 percent — salary
earners; almost 7 percent — unemployed people; 6.6% —
 farmers; 4.3 percent — students; 4.2 percent — engineers
 and technicians; 4 percent — members of the creative
 intelligentsia; 3 percent — entrepreneurs; 1.2percent
 — enterprise managers.

The percentage of workers who joined the party increased
somewhat. The average age of CPRF members is 55.6,
slightly less than the 2013 indicator. Thus the party has
 both experienced and young members. Still, the share
of older members is high. Our distinguished veterans
 form the party’s “golden fund.” There are 70,000
 of them, or 42.5 percent.

Many young people joined the party during the enrolment
campaigns to mark the 70th anniversary of Victory and
the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. In the
period between the XV and XVII party congresses,
 almost two thousand people under 30 joined the
 CPRF to bring their total number to 11.6 percent.
Women account for 33 percent.

Our party operates in a society divided by class. Power in
 Russia is in the hands of oligarchic capital and the top
bureaucrats. This sets high demands on the ideological
 and moral character of its members.

The latest report-and-election campaign makes it possible to
 formulate the main challenges facing the CPRF organization.

1. Annual admission of 10 percent of the total membership
 barely keeps the size of membership constant. The figure
 must definitely increase if the CPRF is to increase its
influence in society.

2. Party branches should be more active among workers,
there should be more workers, professionals and farmers
 in the CPRF.

3. Full-scale training of party activists for participation in
 election campaigns needs to be improved.

4. Our priorities must include work with potential allies
and supporters of the CPRF, the creation of a data base
 of supporters in each regional party branch.

5. The quality of the training of the reserve cadres,
especially at the local and primary level, is still
 a challenge.

On the whole, much remains to be done to improve the
style and methods of party work. All these tasks need
 to be addressed now.

The material base of our work

Esteemed participants in the Congress,

Shortly after the 100th anniversary of the socialist revolution
we shall be marking the 25th anniversary of the re-creation
of our party. The architects and stewards of national betrayal
were aware that our people would still be drawn to the ideals
of socialism. That is why they tried to leave the CPRF without
its material and technical base and thus limit its influence at
a grassroots level. At the time the party was re-created, we
were deprived of the basic conditions for daily work, for
agitation, communications, and cadre training. And all
the while, we were in the authorities’ gunsights and
under fire from the left and the right.

In fact, we had to rebuild the economic base of the CPRF
from scratch, twice, the first time after the Gorbachev-
Yeltsin betrayal and the second time after attempts to
privatize the party’s property by the supporters of the
“wet congress.”

Today we have not only revived our party, but have provided it
 with considerable assets. In 2004 the party owned only two
buildings in Moscow and some built-in space in Cherkessk.
Since then we have acquired 109 offices for regional and
local branches. Only 10 regional committees still have to
rent space. I think we will be able to solve the problem
within two years.

The main sources for replenishing the party budget are:
party dues, donations to the party fund, budget financing
and 'other'. On the whole, more than 80% of the money
 goes to regional party branches. This enables them to
work more effectively and meaningfully.

The country’s future is the future of the party

One of our key tasks is work with the youth. Only one-third
of the people aged 18 to 22 are interested in politics. The
blows sustained by the education system, the decline of
young people’s educational levels, makes them easy
prey for political manipulation.

The state goes through the motions of pursuing a youth policy.
Youth councils and parliaments create an illusion of social lift.
64% of university graduates are unsure of their future. One in
every two of them cannot find a job for which he/she has been
 trained. More than 50% of unemployed people in Russia, are
citizens between 18 and 35.

For the CPRF the youth is not only the target of electoral battles.
It is the future of our country. The party pays particular attention
 to its youth policy.

The share of young people in the party is growing. Our opponents
 can no longer claim that the CPRF is a party of elderly people.
Leading positions are more and more often occupied by people
 of young and under middle age. Party cadres are becoming
younger due to new members who have gone through serious
schooling as members of the Komsomol. D.Novikov, Yu.Afonin
and K.Taysyev established themselves as politicians in the
past report periods. After the XV CPRF Congress, important
jobs at the Central Committee were entrusted to our young
workers, A.Klychkov,A.Korniyenko, M.Kostrikov & I.Makarov.

We have many young people who are willing and able to work.
Thanks to them we can safely say that the CPRF is a XXI-
century party, a party of the future. Let us recall that in
 1917, more than half of the Bolshevik party members
were under 35.

The LKSM (Leninist Communist Youth Union) is a youth
organization that preserves the Soviet traditions. Its
track record includes the protection of education
institutions from being closed, preventing a rise in
payment for student dormitories and transport
fares, and the fight against the curtailment
of social benefits.

The Leninist Komsomol is the reserve cadre of the party

The nationwide Komsomol action The Banner of Our Victory,
 is an example of the patriotic upbringing of young people. It
 included more than 18,000 school lessons where students
 were told about the heroic exploits of the Soviet people.
The project has a follow-up under the title, The October
Banner is the Banner of Victory.

Every year hundreds of children are enrolled in the Young
Pioneers at a ceremony in Red Square. Today more than
250,000 children and teenagers wear the Young Pioneer
red scarves.

On the agenda is the issue of uniting all the Young Pioneers
in a single Lenin Union of Young Pioneer Organizations.
 This end is to be served by the Second All-Russia
Meeting of Young Pioneer Guides in which the
 Party and the Komsomol will take part.

The Komsomol faces the challenging task of increasing our ranks
 and attracting new supporters. Party and Komsomol members
must conduct the difficult but very necessary educational work
with the young generation. Strong links with the working class
youth, are particularly important.

Next year sees the 100th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol.
The organizing committee “Komsomol is 100” is already active.
This date is not only an occasion for remembering the
accomplishments of Soviet Power, the outstanding
role of the youth in developing and defending the
country, but also for encouraging the new
generations to uphold their rights and
a worthy future.

Keep in mind the main thing

Esteemed delegates and guests of the Congress,

A new stage of history began 100 years ago. The world’s first state
 of workers and peasants was formed. In the year of the 100th
anniversary of the Great October Revolution we recall more
 and more often the name of Lenin, the revolutionary and
statesman, a genuine romantic & an outstanding scholar.
 It was the great idea of social justice that enabled him
to translate a great theory into the practice of great

Lenin constantly stressed that at the end of the day the central
 issue of all politics is the economic issue. And today Russia is
faced with challenges that stem directly from its economic lag
 and its reliance on commodity production, from technological
degradation and a mass impoverishment of its citizens. This
 is the system that was established in this country ,after the
 collapse of the USSR.

The authorities are unable to meet these challenges. The
incomes of big Russian businessmen are growing at a f
antastic rate, even today. This means that the oligarchy
has no economic incentives to overcome the crisis. The
 anti-national essence of such an “elite”, is obvious.

At the beginning of the last century Lenin came to the conclusion
 that Russia was the weak link in the chain of capitalist states.
This fact set the stage for a revolution. Otherwise, Russia would
have remained a raw materials appendage of more developed
countries. This conviction was reaffirmed by Stalin at the XV
 Congress of the AUCP(B):

”We must make our country economically self-reliant, independent,
based on the internal market. We must build our economy in such
 a way as to prevent our country from becoming an appendage of
 the capitalist system.”

The supreme meaning of the socialist revolution was the embodiment
of the ideal of social justice. This was achieved through the building
of a truly independent state based on new economic relations. As
Stalin said, “Soviet power did not have to replace one form of
exploitation with another, as did the old revolutions, but to
liquidate all exploitation.”

A revolution is genuine only if it leads to a large-scale class
restructuring of society. Otherwise it is a “colour” simulation
 of one, which brings to power liberal “fighters against the
 regime” guided by foreign principals.

This was the kind of threat that hung over Russia in February 1917.
But Lenin came forward with convincing calls: Peace to the peoples,
 Bread to the hungry,” “Factories to the workers” and “Land to the
peasants.” These slogans arose from the deepest convictions of a
romantic and politician, a fighter and a scholar. The simplicity and
 clarity of Lenin’s slogans disguises deep insight into the problems.

Reread Lenin’s works “The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power,”
 “On Cooperation,” and “On the Food Tax.” You will find there
 a massive scientific basis on which Lenin based his practice.
Those who run the country today are incapable of such vision.
Russia is reaping the bitter fruits of their economic illiteracy
 and irresponsibility.

Myth has it that by introducing the New Economic Policy, Lenin
 admitted the need to return to the capitalist market. Some even
say that Gorbachev’s line was a successor to the NEP. Only his
 perestroika led to a dismantling of socialism and the collapse
 of Russia, while the Soviet State grew stronger under the NEP.

After the First World War and the Civil War and foreign Intervention,
 production had shrunk by nearly five times and agriculture by half.
Crop failures and famine compounded the situation. The NEP saved
 the country. As for foreign companies, they were allowed at
 enterprises that accounted for less than 1% of the total
 industrial output.

The decisions taken then strengthened the state system of
controlling the socialist economy. In 1921 the State Central
Bank was founded in the country. It issued up to 70 percent
 of all the credits. The state invested in the economy. During
 the first five years of the NEP, agricultural output doubled
and industrial output trebled. The economy grew by 13% in
1927 and by 19% in 1928. National revenue increased at an
 annual rate of 18%. Between 1922 and 1929, the USSR built
 more than 200 big industrial enterprises. Prices were going
 down rapidly. The world had not ever known, such
 economic success.

This was Lenin’s New Economic Policy. It is a brilliant example
 of an anti-crisis program capable of rescuing the country from
 economic collapse. The CPRF program has echoes of Lenin’s
approach. It is becoming more relevant every day. The Moscow
 Economic Forum confirmed that more and more experts, are
proposing measures consonant with our approach.

Russia today needs a financial system that serves the interests
of the country and not of transnational capital. The banking
system must be put under state control. Only then will it be
able to provide effective loans to the national industry and
to small businesses. The country needs to replace the flat
income tax rate with a progressive one and to exempt the
 poor from all taxes. Without a fair distribution of national
 wealth the Soviet State could not have overcome mass
poverty and provide the economy with investments. The
 same is true of today.

Lenin passed away in 1924, but his economic policy lived on.
The foundation had been laid for a staggering breakthrough
 that was Stalin’s industrialization. Think of Stalin’s then
amazingly bold words: “We are 50-100 years behind the
advanced countries. We must run this distance within
ten years. Either we do it or we shall be crushed.”

 This appeal was imbued with the Lenin spirit. The titanic
task was fulfilled. In January 1932 the French newspaper
 Le Temps wrote: “The USSR has won the first round, it
industrialized without the aid of foreign capital.” This
 was recognition of the Soviet economic achievements,
recognition of the success of Lenin’s ideas and

Lenin’s economic policy is behind the colossal success
 of Stalin’s industrialization and total liquidation of
 unemployment by the beginning of the 1930s. The
great Victory over Fascism is also the result of
Lenin’s policy. So was the Soviet conquest of
outer space. So was the level of social
 guarantees, that one can only dream
 of, today.

Vladimir Lenin won the Great Socialist Victory which long
survived him. Today the country is suffering a crushing
capitalist defeat. It may turn out to be a catastrophe.
Today the experience of Lenin and Stalin stands in
contrast to the Yeltsin-Gaidar legacy of the 1990s.
We communists will do all we can to make sure that
the creative forces prevail. The number one task is
 to help the people to become aware of the need to
 restructure along socialist lines.

* * *

Dear comrades,

The October 1917 Revolution lit the dawn of a new life.
 Our legacy is grandiose. Next year sees the 200th
anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Great is the
power of Lenin’s ideas. The Bolsheviks have
 colossal experience of opposing capital.

The greatest achievement of Lenin and his comrades-
in-arms was the creation of the Bolshevik Party, a
party of a new type. Bolshevism linked the proletarian
 movement in Russia with scientific socialism. It
consistently implemented the teaching on the class
 struggle of the proletariat, on the socialist revolution,
on the building of socialism in one country surrounded
 by capitalism. The party of Lenin put the Russian
revolutionary movement in the vanguard of the
 struggle against capitalism and its leading
 force, the financial oligarchy.

The Bolshevik Party is the party of socialist revolution,
 of socialist creative endeavour and the communist

Bolshevism combines loyalty to principle and flexible
 tactics, the romanticism of lofty dreams, and
pragmatic actions.

Proletarian internationalism is a characteristic of
Bolshevism. However, it skillfully combined the
 general laws of the struggle for socialism with
 national-historical specificities.

Bolshevism rejects opportunism and revisionism. It
upholds the purity of the Marxist-Leninist theory and
 opposes the falsification of this theory. At the same
 time it rejects sectarianism and seeks to unite left-
wing forces in the struggle against the dictatorship
 of capital.

In October of 1917 the Russian Bolsheviks aroused the
 masses and won. They took up the slogan of Marx and
 Engels Proletarians of all lands, unite” and put it into
practice. After the victory Lenin said: “Our socialist
 republic of the Soviets will stand firm as the torch of
 international socialism and as an example to all the
working masses. There they have fighting, war and
bloodshed, here we have a genuine policy of peace
 and the socialist republic of the Soviets.” That was
 indeed the case. The Soviet country became a
bulwark and a beacon of hope for the working
 people of the whole planet.

The Soviet Union presented mankind with a unique
experience of socialist construction. Its Red Banner
became the main symbol of the fighters for justice
 in all the corners of the world. During the clash with
 Fascism this red flag called the Soviet warriors into
 battle and their heroism inspired the Resistance
fighters of Europe. The banner with a hammer and
 sickle was the main symbol of the Great Victory.

Russian communists are proud of their history. Our path
draws on the brilliant experience of many units of the
international left movement. The wealth of this
experience is our great heritage. The heritage of
Soviet socialism inspired the members of the
Comintern .It found its continuation in the Chinese
and Cuban revolutions, in the struggle of Korea and
Vietnam against the US military, in the daring exploits
 of Ernesto Che Guevara and the ХХI-century
socialism of Hugo Chavez.

The achievements of the Soviet era are our lode star in
the whirlpool of events. Building on the path covered,
 we have to go further in upholding social justice.
Remembering past victories the CPRF has to intensify
 its struggle against capitalist savagery and degradation.
The Party must establish itself as the vanguard of the
workers’ movement. It must help hired laborers to
 become aware of their basic interests, to acquire
socialist consciousness, to master the methods of
 class struggle –this is our task and this is our
political and civic duty.

Russia is living through an exceedingly complicated period.
 To protect the working people, our party has to prove itself
 day after day by its teamwork and convincing results.

The centuries-old dream of humanity about a better future
gives us faith in the triumph of good over evil, the triumph
of the values of peace and creative endeavour, justice
 and progress.

Let us be faithful to the cause of the October Revolution.

The race is won by the running.

Onward toward new heights.

This entry was posted in CPRF Congress,
Statements on June 2nd, 2017, by admin.


Please watch the video to the end.
This is why the world hates the US.


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Real (unsuppressed) History of
the Welsh (British) (FULL VERSION)

by Alan Wilson...

is guaranteed to set your heart and mind
racing - as Alan Wilson might be 77 years
old -- but he's a MIGHTY man !

Happy Birthday to Magna Carta
June 15, 2015, was the 800th anniversary of
Magna Carta. In his book, 'Magna Carta', J.C.

Holt, professor of medieval history, University
of Cambridge, notes that 3 of the chapters
of this ancient document, still stand on the
English Stature Book, and that so much of
what survives of the Great Charter, is
“concerned with individual liberty,”
“is a reflexion of the
quality of the original
act of 1215.

In the 17th century Sir Edward Coke used the
 Great Charter of the Liberties to establish the
 supremacy of Parliament, the representative
 of the people, as the origin of law.
A number of legal scholars have made
 the irrelevant point that Magna Carta
protected the rights of the Church,
and free men who were not
enserfed: a
small percentage of the
population in
the early 13th century.

We hear the
same about the US
Constitution -- it
was something
the rich did for them
selves. I have
no sympathy for debunk
ing human
achievements that -- in the
end --
gave ordinary people liberty.

At Runnymede in 1215, no one but
 the armed barons had the power &
 audacity to make King John submit
to law. The rule of law, not the rule
 of the sovereign, or the executive
 branch in Washington, acceded to
by a cowardly & corrupt Congress
 and Supreme Court, is a human
 achievement that grew out of the
 Magna Carta over the centuries,
with ups and downs, of course.
Blackstone’s Commentaries in 1759
 fed into the American Revolution and
 gave us the US Constitution and the
 Bill of Rights.
The Geneva Conventions extended the
rule of law, to the international arena.

Beginning with the Clinton Administration
 and rapidly accelerating with the George
 W. Bush & Obama regimes -- & Tony Blair
 in England -- the US & UK governments
have run roughshod over their
 accountability to law.
Both the US & UK in the 21st century
have gone to numerous wars illegally
under the Nuremberg Standard estab-
lished by the US and UK, following
 Germany’s defeat in WWII and used
 to execute Germans for war crimes.

  The US and UK claim that, unlike
Germany, they're immune to the
 very international law that they
 themselves established, in order
 to punish the defeated Germans.
Washington and London can bomb
and murder at will, but not Germany.
Both governments illegally & uncon-
stitutionally, (the UK Constitution is
 unwritten) spy on their citizens, and
 Bush & Obama's executive branches
 have eviscerated, with the complicity
of Congress and the federal courts,
 the entirety of the US Constitution...
 except for the 2nd Amendment, which
 is protected by the strong lobby of the
 National Rifle Association. If the gun
 control “progressives” have their way,
nothing will be left of the US Constitution.
Washington and its European satellites
have subordinated law to a political and
economic hegemonic agenda.  Just as
under the heyday of colonialism when
 the West looted the non-white world,
 today the West loots its own.  Greece
is being looted as was Ireland, and
Italy and Spain will not escape looting
unless they renege on their debts and
 leave the EU.
Western capitalism is a looting mechanism.
 It loots labour.  It loots the environment,
 &, with its transpacific and transatlantic
 “partnerships” it will loot the sovereign
 law of countries.  For example, France’s
 laws against GMOs become “restraints
on trade” & subjects France to punitive
 law suits by Monsanto. If France
doesn’t pay Monsanto the damages
Monsanto claims, France is subject
to punitive sanctions like Washington
 applies to Russia when Russia doesn’t
 do what Washington wants.

A new slave existence is being created
in front of our eyes as law ceases to be
 a shield of the people, and becomes a
weapon in the hands of government.

 Eight hundred years of reform is being
 overturned --- as Washington and its
vassals invade, bomb, and overthrow
governments that are out of step with
 Washington’s agenda.  Formerly self-
sufficient agricultural communities are
 becoming wage slaves for international
agribusiness corporations.  Everywhere
privilege is rising above law, and justice
is being lost.

This concentration of wealth and power
 is reminiscent of the aristocratic era and
 of Rome under the Caesars.  The demise
 of the rule of law, has stripped ordinary
people of security and dignity.  Peoples
of the world must protect themselves by
 acting in defense of the Great Charter’s
 principle: governments are accountable
 to law.  Governments unaccountable to
 law are tyrannies, whatever they might
 call themselves, no matter how except-
ional and indispensable, they declare
 themselves to be.
On Monday in Westminster in London, the
International Tribunal for Natural Justice
 was forming. If my understanding of this
 work of Humanitad is correct, we have
a cause for hope. Perhaps the Tribunal
will try the criminals of our time, (almost
 all of which, are “leaders” of Western
governments), on the Internet, with
& prosecutors --- so populations

everywhere can witness  the evil that
 every Western government represents.
Once the West is perceived as the evil
 force that it is, it will have to reform &
 again embrace Edward Coke’s vision of
 the Great Charter, or become an unim-
portant backwater while the rest of the
 world goes on to better things. The
world is saved, once the world ceases
 to bow down to the American Caesar.
Paul Craig Roberts,

Image: Cuba and its glorious people

The Spirit of Our Struggle
Leave a Little Light On for Me

Fidel Castro sent this message to the
 Federation of University Students on the
 occasion of an event commemorating
70th anniversary of his admission
to the
University of Havana.

In 2006, as a result of health issues which
 were incompatible with the time and effort
 required to fulfill my duties – which I myself
assumed when I entered this University on
September 4th, 1945, 70 years ago – I
from my official positions.

I was not the son of a worker, or lacking in
 material or social resources for a relatively
 comfortable existence; I could say that I
 miraculously escaped wealth. Many years
later, a richer and undoubtedly very capable
 U.S. citizen, with almost 100 billion dollars,
stated – according to a news agency article
published this past Thursday, January 22 –
 that the predominant system of production
 and distribution of wealth would, from
generation to generation, make the poor rich.

Since the times of ancient Greece, during
almost 3,000 years, the Greeks, without
 going very far, were brilliant in almost all
 activities: physics, mathematics, philosophy,
 architecture, art, science, politics, astronomy
 and other branches of human knowledge.

Greece, however, was a land in which slaves
 did the most difficult work in fields and cities,
while the oligarchy devoted itself to writing
 and philosophizing. The first utopia was
written precisely for them.

Observe carefully the realities of this well-
known, globalized and very poorly shared
 planet Earth, on which we know every vital
 resource is distributed in accordance with
historical factors: some with much less
they need, others with so much
they don’t
know what to do with it.

 Now amidst great threats and dangers of
chaos reigns in the distribution of
resources and social
production. The world’s
population has
grown, between 1800 and 2015,
one to seven billion inhabitants. Can
population increment be
accommodated, in this
way, over the
next 100 years, and food, health,
and housing needs met, regardless of

 whatever scientific advances are made?

Well, setting aside these perplexing problems,
it is astonishing to recall that the University
 of Havana, during the days when I entered
 this beloved, prestigious institution almost
three fourths of a century ago, was the
one in Cuba.

Of course, fellow students and professors,
we must remember that it is not just one
now, but rather more than 50 institutions
 of higher learning distributed across the
 entire country.

When you invited me to participate in the
 launch of the commemoration of the 70th
 anniversary of my admission to the University,
 which I was surprised to learn of, during days
when I was very busy with various issues in
 which I can perhaps still be relatively useful,
 I decided to take a break and devote several
 hours to recalling those years.

I am overwhelmed, recalling that 70 years
 have passed. In reality, compañeros and
 compañeras, if I were to register again at
 this age, as some have asked me, I would
 respond, without hesitation, that it would
 be to pursue scientific studies. I would
say, like Guayasamín: Leave a little light
 on for me.

In those years, already influenced by Marx,
I was able to understand more, and better,
 the strange, complex world in which it has
befallen us to live. I may have harbored
illusions of the bourgeoisie, whose
managed to entangle many
students, when
they possessed more
passion than experience.
The topic
would be long and interminable.

Another genius of revolutionary action,
of the Communist Party, was
Lenin. Thus I did
not hesitate a second
when during the Moncada
trial, when
they allowed me to attend, albeit just

 one time, I stated before the judges
and dozens
of high ranking officials
of the Batista regime
that we were
readers of Lenin.

We didn’t talk about Mao Zedong, since
socialist revolution in China,
inspired by the
same principles,
had not yet ended.

I insist, nonetheless, that revolutionary
must always be on guard, as
expands its knowledge.

Nature teaches us that tens of billions
light years may have passed, and
life in all
of its expressions has always
been subjected
to an incredible
combination of matter and

A personal greeting between the
of Cuba and the United
States took place at
the funeral of
Nelson Mandela, a distinguished,

 exemplary combatant against
apartheid who
had become
friendly with Obama.

It is enough to indicate that, at that
several years had passed since
Cuban troops
had decisively defeated
the racist South
African army, directed
by the wealthy
bourgeoisie, which had
vast economic

 This is a story of a conflict which has
to be written. South Africa, the
with the most financial
resources on the
continent, had
nuclear weapons supplied
by the
racist state of Israel, as the result

 of an agreement between this party
President Ronald Reagan, who
the delivery of devices
for the use of such
weapons to
attack Cuban and Angolan
defending the Popular Republic of

Angola against racist troops
to occupy the country.

Thus peace negotiations were excluded
 while Angola was attacked by apartheid
 forces, with the best trained & equipped
 army on the African continent.

In such a situation, there was no possibility
whatsoever, for a peaceful solution.
efforts to liquidate the Popular
Republic of
Angola, to bleed the country
with the power of that well
equipped and
trained army, was what led
to Cuba;s
decision to deliver a resounding
blow to
the racists at Cuito Cuanavale,
the former
NATO base which South Africa
attempting to occupy at all costs.

That powerful country was obliged to
 negotiate a peace agreement which
an end to the military occupation
Angola, and an end to apartheid in

 South Africa.

The African continent was left free of
nuclear weapons. Cuba was forced to
 face, for a second time, the threat of
 a nuclear attack.

Cuban internationalist troops with-
from Africa with honor.

Then Cuba survived the Special Period in
 peace time, which has already lasted for
 more than 20 years, without raising the
white flag, something we have never
done, and will never do.

Many friends of Cuba know of the Cuban
 people’s exemplary conduct, and I will
explain to them, in a few words, my
essential position.

I do not trust the policy of the United States,
nor have I exchanged one word with them,
though this does not in any way signify a
 rejection of a peaceful solution to conflicts
 or threats of war. Defending peace is the
duty of all. Any negotiated, peaceful
solution to the problems between the
 United States and peoples, or any people
 of Latin America, which does not imply
 force or the use of force, must be
 addressed in accordance with
international principles and norms.

We will always defend cooperation and
 friendship with all of the world’s peoples,
 and with those of our political adversaries.
 This is what we are demanding for all.

The President of Cuba has taken pertinent
steps in accordance with his prerogatives
and faculties conceded by the National
Assembly & the Communist Party of Cuba.

The grave dangers that today threaten
humanity must yield to norms which are
 compatible with human dignity. No
 country can be denied such a right.

In this spirit I have struggled, and will
 continue to struggle, to my last breath.

Image: G7 for gee, are you serious?

G7 summit - from Ukraine to Syria

Leaders of the seven major industrial countries
 at their summit in Brussels, unanimously backed
the military operation pursued by the government
 in Kiev, but strictly condemned Damascus’s fight
 against radical Islamists and other armed groups.

 G7 welcomes the presidential election in Ukraine
 which took place during ongoing bloodshed, with
 no participation in the eastern regions, yet brands
 the presidential election in Syria during terrorism
 and even the shelling of the capital, as illegitimate.
G7 leaders give full support to Ukraine’s actions:
 describing the ongoing military operation in the
 country, using heavy artillery and armed fascists
incorporated into its National Guard, as balanced
 actions, aimed at restoring law and order.

They strongly denounce Bashar Assad’s regime
 which, "fomented the conflict that killed 160,000,
making 9.3 million face needing humanitarian aid".

G7 leaders describe Syria's presidential election
 as "counterfeit" despite a 73.42% turnout, with
over 88% supporting the incumbent. While with
 no reason given, Brussels refuses to recognize
 the result, concluding by saying that Assad "has
 no future in Syria",  and remaining totally silent
about the need to respect a nation’s sovereign
 choice in determining its future.

The election in Ukraine, with a 60.29% official
 turnout (independent observers say 40%)...
 receives an opposite assessment.
The summit welcomes its “successful conduct
 under difficult circumstances”. High turnout
figures demonstrate, the statement says, the
 Ukrainians’ wish to determine their own future.

The leaders approve the unilateral sanctions
 illegally imposed on Russian companies and
 individuals and confirm their readiness to
 introduce new sanctions in the future.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, afterwards,
says this issue requires additional discussion
 and analysis.

G7 leaders call on Russia to cooperate with
 the Ukrainian government for a stable peace,
 to recognize the election results, to complete
 their withdrawal of troops from the border, to
stop the flow of weapons and volunteers (sic)
across the border, and to use its influence in
 talks with federalization supporters, to make
them surrender and lay down their arms.

G7 welcomes the start of an austerity program
 in Ukraine, and supports efforts to diversify gas
 supplies to Ukraine, primarily by reversing the
 supplies of Russian gas, from Europe.

The summit then beats all its previous
comments, by declaring its support for
 “a free, prosperous & democratic Libya
which will play its role in promoting
 regional stability”.
This once-flourishing country slid into the abyss
 after a NATO air campaign lasting over 9 months,
 with 30 to 150 assault flights a day, according to
 the daily NATO reports.

The bombing was stopped almost immediately
 after the rebels had killed the leader, and Libya
is now the main supplier of weapons that have
 crept across the whole of North Africa from its
 ransacked military depots. Much of it, ending
 up in Syria.

 Democracy?    G7?    Don't make me Lol.


‘Bob Crow died despising what

UK Labour Party had become’

In an age when there are few successful heroes
 willing to fight against neoliberalism, the UK’s
Bob Crow stood apart.

He made the National Union of Rail, Maritime and
 Transport Workers the UK's fastest growing union.

 Who'd have thought he would die so suddenly
 at the age of 52, of a reported heart attack?

Like most workers’ leaders, he was demonized by
 the tightly-controlled right wing press in the UK.

 Every time he fought for his members, journalists
and the commentariat volunteered to defame
 him by almost any means necessary.

 That is a testament to just how dangerous
 the establishment saw Crow, just as they
 saw Arthur Scargill a generation ago.

Everything the establishment had in its power
was thrown at Scargill, to sabotage his attempt
to preserve the most economic coal in Europe.

Today, Britain imports coal mined by children.

With Crow, attention in the media centered on
 the fact that he lived in a council house despite
 his earnings. What those who call themselves
 journalists in the UK didn’t understand, was
 that Crow favored public over private, society
 over atomized individuals.

 Only a council house could be acceptable.

Then they attacked his salary, even though
 it was his thousands of members who voted
 for him to earn in a year, what a CEO of a
nationalized bank takes home in a month.

 Most recently, they had paparazzi photograph
 him on holiday in Brazil - as if taking a holiday
before preparing for battle wasn’t a wise move.

Since the 1984 Miners’ Strike, UK politicians
have become more subservient to the 1%
 management elite - and that made Crow all
 the more unique as a voice against prevailing
 ideas about the organization of society.

Our last interview with Crow was conducted at
the RMT’s headquarters in London, in the centre
of a toroid table around which the General Strike
 of 1926 was voted on, and around which, the
 Labour Party was founded.

 He died despising what the Labour Party had
 become - deeply committed to the Thatcher
 Revolution of the 1980s.

More interesting to Crow was the broad sweep
 of worker struggles. RMT HQ is adorned, not
 just by an alarming amount of Millwall Football
memorabilia, it also commemorates workers
who died fighting fascism in Spain and those
 fighting the US-backed coup against Hugo
Chavez in Venezuela.

The RMT, under Bob Crow, severed links with
 the UK's Labour party, soon after it helped
launch the catastrophic war on Iraq.

The Union had had ties with Labour for over
a century. Crow was preparing to stand as a
candidate for a new party that would fight
 the macro-level neoliberalism of the EU.

He would have been giving speeches in the
coming weeks about the US-backed coup
d’état in Ukraine.

Crow believed in a great narrative of global
 history & supported anti-imperialist movements
 around the world. He sought a vanguard & said
 he was inspired by the spirit of the Palestinian
 people, who continue to fight, despite all odds.

 He said he wanted a wholesale revolution in
the UK, akin to the revolution in Cuba.

One of Crow’s inspirations, Fidel Castro still
 survives amidst Cuba’s on-going war against
 the biggest military power on earth, and Bob
Crow is no more.

 But I think it’s a pretty good bet that Crow will
have inspired a new generation who will strive
 harder for a society that is truly egalitarian, in
effect a grander class struggle than just one
train or shipping strike.

The UK is in the throes of the greatest economic
 crisis since the 1930s --- and, unlike the 1%, so
 memorably evoked by F Scott Fitzgerald in The
 Great Gatsby, those inspired by Bob Crow will
 beat on, boats against the current, borne
 forward ceaselessly into the future.

The above article appeared in RT.

Afshin Rattansi is a journalist, author of
 “The Dream of the Decade – the London Novels”
 and an RT Contributor. He can be reached at




From an early age, my grandfather
in me one key value:
never, ever forget
your roots.

 My grandad was Ron Todd, a lifelong trade
 unionist and, from 1985 to 1992, the general
secretary of the Transport & General Workers'
 Union – a predecessor of today's Unite.

He lived by that creed.

However high he rose, he stayed living in
 the same house, in the community where
he grew up.

 He campaigned for peace, and for the release
 of Nelson Mandela. He was offered a peerage
3 times – and three times said no. He didn't
have Sky TV, because he refused to give a
penny to Rupert Murdoch. His was a socialism
of the heart, with a great humanity, solidarity
 and internationalism.

He was a member of the Labour party – but
 at the time he didn't seem out of place there.
 Trade union values were Labour values.

That's why Labour's latest "reforms" to the
trade union link marked such a sad and
historic break.

 Ed Miliband bowed to rightwing pressure
 to distance himself from the unions – and
 walked right into the Tories' trap.

Let's face it, no one on your street is
going to care about the technicalities.
 But the key point is that the changes turn
 the decision to affiliate from a collective
one by 1.6 million members into an
individual choice on a form.

 Union members will effectively be asked
whether they want their political fund
 contributions to go to a Labour party
 that is embarrassed by them, or to be
 spent on local campaigning instead.
 Not a hard decision.

As a member of Unite, one of the most
 exciting things I have been involved in
 is the union's community membership.

It is organizing at grassroots level,
 empowering ordinary people to fight
against the horrific impact of the cuts
 on our everyday lives.

 Yet so often we find it is Labour councils
 making these cuts, so we're funding the
 very people we're campaigning against!

 I'm sad not to be part of the Labour party
 any more, but for me it's simple: if your
 friend keeps punching you in the face,
you stop calling them a friend.

The tragedy is that it was the trade union
 movement that created the Labour party.
We didn't do it because we wanted to,
 but because we needed to – we needed
 a political voice to challenge the people
 in power.

 Yet Labour politicians now look and talk
the same as every other party – the only
difference is the colour of the tie.

Today that need for a political voice hasn't
gone away. That's why I'm part of Left Unity,
 the newly founded party that's working to
become a real alternative to Labour, based
 on putting people before profit.

Already we have branches in more than
40 towns and cities across Britain. More
disenchanted Labour members and trade
 unionists are signing up every day – and
 I encourage you to give it a try too.

We can't wait for Labour to be "reclaimed"
 while people are dying in the war on the
 welfare state. If not now, then when? We
need the debate about an alternative to
 Labour to start being had across the trade
 union movement.

I feel sure that if Ron Todd were alive today,
 he would be working to help create that
alternative. It's not just me who has joined
Left Unity: we took the decision together,
as a family.

 Ed Miliband's Labour party has forgotten its
 roots – but we won't.


Methinks good Labour Party members
have now elected Jeremy Corbyn
a response -- what do you think?

email us here at

Image: West's money is now seen as corrupt


The link below gives both the pro
and anti arguments as well as

an exposition by its chief (pun
unintended!) protagonist:-


What do YOU think?

Image: Karen Hudes


Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School

 and she worked in the legal department of the
World Bank for more than 20 years. 

When she was fired for blowing the whistle
on corruption inside the World Bank, she
 held the position of Senior Counsel.

She was in a unique position to see exactly
 how the global elite rule the world, and the
 information that she is now revealing to
 the public is absolutely stunning.

 Hudes says the elite use a very tight
 core of financial institutions and mega-
corporations to dominate the planet.

Their goal is control.  They want all of
us enslaved to debt, they want all of
our governments enslaved to debt, and
 they want all of our politicians addicted
 to the huge financial contributions that
 they funnel into their campaigns.

  Since the elite also own all of the big
 media companies, the mainstream media
never lets us in on the secret that there
 is something fundamentally wrong with
the way that our system works.

Remember, this is not some “conspiracy
 theorist” who is saying these things.

 This is a Yale-educated attorney who worked
 inside the World Bank for over two decades.
 The following summary of her credentials
 comes directly from her website…

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School
and economics at the University of Amsterdam.
She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the
 US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department
 of the World Bank from 1986-2007.

She established the Non Governmental
Organization Committee of the International
Law Section of the American Bar Association
 and the Committee on Multilateralism and the
Accountability of International Organizations
of the American Branch of the International
Law Association.

Today, Hudes is trying very hard to expose
 the corrupt financial system the global elite
are using to control the wealth of the world.

 During an interview with the New American,
she discussed how we are willingly allowing
 this group of elitists to totally dominate the
 resources of the planet…

A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior
Counsel Karen Hudes, says that the global
 financial system is dominated by a small
 group of corrupt, power-hungry figures
centered around the privately owned
 U.S. Federal Reserve.

The network has seized control of the media
 to cover up its crimes, too, she explained.

 In an interview with The New American, Hudes
 said that when she tried to blow the whistle on
multiple problems at the World Bank, she was
fired for her efforts.

 Now, along with a network of fellow
whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to
 expose and end the corruption. And
she is confident of success.

Citing an explosive 2011 Swiss study published
 in the PLOS ONE journal on the “network of
global corporate control,” Hudes pointed out
 that a small group of entities — mostly
financial institutions and especially central
 banks — exert a massive amount of influence
 over the international economy from behind
 the scenes.

“What is really going on, is that the world’s
 resources are being dominated by this group,”
 she explained, adding that the “corrupt power
 grabbers” have managed to dominate the media
 as well. “They’re being allowed to do it.”

A Swiss study Hudes mentions, was conducted
 by a team of researchers at the Swiss Federal
 Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland.

 They studied the relationships between 37
million companies and investors worldwide,
and what they discovered is that there is
 a “super-entity” of just 147 very tightly knit
 mega-corporations that controls 40% of
the entire global economy…

When the team further untangled the web of
ownership, it found much of it tracked back
 to a “super-entity” of 147 even more tightly
 knit companies – all of their ownership was
 held by other members of the super-entity –
 that controlled 40% of the total wealth in
the network.

“In effect, less than 1% of the companies were
able to control 40% of the entire network,”
says Glattfelder.

 Most were financial institutions. The top 20
 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase
 & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.

But the global elite don’t just control these
 mega-corporations.  According to Hudes, they
 also dominate the unelected, unaccountable
 organizations that control the finances of
virtually every nation on the face of the planet.

  The World Bank, the IMF and central banks
 such as the Federal Reserve, literally control
the creation and the flow of money worldwide.

At the apex of this system is the Bank for
International Settlements.  It is the central
bank of central banks, and posted below
 is a video where you can watch Hudes tell
 Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com this…

“We don’t have to wait for anybody to fire
 the Fed or Bank for International Settlements
 . . . some states have already started to
recognize silver and gold, the precious
 metals, as currency”

Most people have never even heard of the
 Bank for International Settlements, but it
 is an extremely important organization.

  This “central bank of the world” is literally
 immune to all national governments laws…

An immensely powerful international organization
 most people have never even heard of, secretly
 controls the money supply of the entire globe.

 It's the Bank for International Settlements,
 and it is the central bank of central banks. 
It is located in Basel, Switzerland, but it also
has branches in Hong Kong and Mexico City.

 It is essentially an unelected, unaccountable
central bank of the world, that has complete
 immunity from taxation and from national laws.

 Even Wikipedia admits “it is not accountable
 to any single national government.“

 The Bank for International Settlements was used
to launder money for the Nazis during World War II,
 but these days the main purpose of the BIS is to
guide and direct the centrally-planned global
financial system. 

Today, 58 global central banks belong to the BIS,
 and it has far more power over how the US economy
 (or any other economy for that matter) will perform
 over  the next year, than any politician does.

  Every two months, the central bankers of the world
 meet in Basel for another “Global Economy Meeting”.

 During those meetings, decisions are made which
 affect every man, woman and child on the planet,
and yet none of us have any say in what goes on.

 The Bank for International Settlements is an
 organization founded by the global elite... it
operates for the benefit of the global elite,
 and it's intended to be a key cornerstone of
 the emerging "one world" economic system.

This did not come into being by accident.
 The global elite have been developing
 this system for a very long time.

 Way back in 1966, Georgetown University
history professor Carroll Quigley wrote of
the big plans the elite had for the Bank for
 International Settlements…

"[T]he powers of financial capitalism had
another far-reaching aim, nothing less than
 to create a world system of financial control
in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy
of the world as a whole.

"This system was to be controlled in a
 feudalist fashion by the central banks of
the world acting in concert, by secret
agreements arrived at in frequent private
 meetings and conferences.

 "The apex of the system was to be the Bank
 for International Settlements in Basle,
Switzerland, a private bank owned and
controlled by the world’s central banks -
 which were themselves private corporations."

And that is exactly what we have today.

We have a system of “neo-feudalism” in which
all of us and our national governments are
enslaved to debt.

 This system is governed by the central banks
 and by the Bank for International Settlements,
 and it systematically transfers the wealth
of the world out of our hands and into the
 hands of the global elite.

But most people have no idea that any of this
 is happening because the global elite also
control what we see, hear and think about.

 Today there are just 6 giant media corporations
 that control over 90% of the news  watched
 on televisions in the United States.

This is the insidious system that Karen Hudes
 is seeking to expose.  For much more, you
 can listen to Joyce Riley of the Power Hour
 interview her for an entire hour right here:


Image: what kind of wales do we want


  - is good behaviour irrational?

  - only in a crazy mixed up world !

Below is part of Adam Price's address to the

Institute of Welsh Politics' Annual Address,
in Aberystwyth, on the 16th November 2009.

I hope you will forgive me a moment of self-parody, but it is almost
always necessary in Wales to begin any address with an apology.
This is a politics lecture which is two thirds history, and one third
psychology. I hope at the end of the address you will agree that
there is more logic here than may first appear in giving this
address at an Institute for Welsh Politics:

The case for the defence is this: that for a fundamentally new
politics to flourish in Wales we need a new psychology which
has at its heart the idea of Wales, and of ourselves within it,
as making our own history.

History does not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme -
said Mark Twain. So it is that Wales, for much of its history
an anomaly, today finds itself anomalous again. Before the
Act of Union we were a conquered nation that was never
fully subdued.

Post-devolution we're a post-colonial country still waiting
to be decolonised. It is these contradictions that
describe our present predicament: we are a hybrid state
living in the cracks between a dependent past and an
independent future.

This lecture is unabashedly didactic. It hopes to convince you
of three propositions no less revolutionary for all their simplicity;
that the longue duree of English imperialism began here in Wales;
that the deepest legacy it has left is psychological. And that
national liberation, if it is to mean anything, has to be a
liberation of the mind. Otherwise we will be condemning
ourselves to be not just the first, but also the final colony.

To begin at the beginning. English imperialism can perhaps be
described as Wales's greatest and most terrible export. What
was tried and tested here, soon became the template for what
one English historian has called the "thousand year Reich" of
the English empire.

It is a pedigree we appear to have worked very hard to forget.
The title of "First Colony" is a crown of thorns more often
claimed by the Irish – most recently in setting the scene for
the 2005 BBC series of The Sceptred Isle that focused on Empire.

And yet the Normans settled Wales a near century before Ireland,
and the Statute of Rhuddlan, formally annexing Wales, predates its
Irish equivalent, the Statute of Kilkenny by about the same number
of years. Whatever the Irish suffered, we, sadly, suffered first.

A more plausible case for English colonialism's origins perhaps
could be made by the Cornish. But Cornwall was merged with
Wessex before England as a nation proper had been formed.
So though it may be the great unspoken fact of our identity,
we in Wales were indeed the first piece in England's empire.

But does enough of our past qualify as colonial in the
classical sense, for this to have relevance for us today?

Answering that question means looking in turn at each of
the six core features of colonialism: military conquest,
settlement, cultural assimilation, political subjugation,
economic exploitation and racial discrimination. There is
plenty of evidence of all of them at work in Wales over the
best part of a millennium, but the most obvious and least
debatable is the brutal fact of the conquest itself: Even
today, Edward’s I’s ring of iron stands as a potent
reminder of our colonial past. The Normans’ castle
building programme in Wales remains the most
concerted effort at the pacification of an
occupied country in European history.

Of course, Wales was to prove, in that classic formulation,
an easier country to conquer than to hold. England's new
rulers quickly extended their control of the river valleys
and coastal lowlands seasonally vacated by a farming
people that in the Summer moved their stock to the hills.

In some important sense, they never conquered Wales
above six hundred feet, where their heavily armoured
knights lost their advantage over Welsh archers and
lightly armed infantry.

Indeed the "piecemeal, long-drawn out and uncompleted'
nature of the English conquest of Wales was why it had to
be done again and again.

The highlands and the forest remained in the hands of
a Welsh insurgency using the tactics of guerrilla war-
fare as described by that mixed-race Cambro-Norman
Gerallt Cymro. Between 1090 and 1415 Wales was a
country in rebellion or else under siege, raiding or
being raided, celebrating victory or coping with
defeat, in a landscape for the English occupying
power as hospitable as Helmand, for the Welsh,
as merciless as Fallujah.

But the Norman conquest was no mere military affair.
Territorial annexation by force was simply the prelude
to the entire panoply of measures in colonialism's armoury.

First came the movement into Wales of whole populations of
English or Flemings combined with the forced displacement
of the indigenous Welsh. Wales was divided into two separate
domains: ‘Englishries and ‘Welshries’, a powerful settler
minority and a conquered native populace.

This was not the natural, organic shift of population
happening all over Europe throughout the Middle
Ages. This was a deliberate act of State policy that
presaged the creation of ‘Planter’ settlements
elsewhere in the tragic unfolding story of colonialism.

Alongside their castlries, the Anglo-Norman invaders
created in Wales a powerful bulwark in the chartered
town with borough status.

A class of special liberties – the so-called Laws of
Breteuil – imported from the town of the same name
in Normandy by the Marcher Lords was created to
entice settlers in, as surely as the Castle was to
keep the Welsh out.

While Carmarthen, Montgomery and even Aberystwyth were
soon sites of growth for a nascent property-owning English
merchant class, the Welsh became outcasts, confined to the
favelas of medieval Wales on the margins of town or in the
rural uplands. In this way the Welsh are not just the original
inhabitants of these island. They are also the the very first
to be socially excluded.

The third vector of colonialism is cultural: the supplanting
of inferior local languages and traditions by the supposedly
superior culture of the colonial power. The first stage, after
all, of any sustained colonial project is to convince oneself
that conquest is “ordained of God” and necessary for the
‘civilisation’ of a barbarous people.

The first victim was a slightly anarchic Celtic church soon
Romanised into an orderly hierarchy of Bishoprics and
Parishes all under the ultimate authority of the State-
approved denizen of the Canterbury see.

Ecclesiastical colonialism is the first of the great continuities
of Welsh history as it features in all three waves of colonial
conquest: Norman, Tudor and Victorian. So we have in the
early years of the Norman occupation, the sidelining of
ancient abbies dedicated to the names of Welsh holy men
by local Benedictine franchises – the religious equivalent of
Starbucks or MacDonalds – promoting universal saints with
no local connection.

With Cistercian support, Wales was able to rebuild
aspects of a national church in the Thirteenth
Century, an achievement that Glyndwr sought to
consolidate through the programme agreed at
the Pennal Synod.

With that dream defeated, the English delegate at
the Council of Constance was able to declare when
the issue of the Welsh church was raised:
“inclyta natio Anglicana Brytannica”,
an early Latin rendition of “For Wales, see England ”.

Fast forward five centuries and in the second wave of
colonisation – closely tied as it was to the Reformation
of Convenience under Henry VIII - and we have a State-
funded campaign of iconoclasm targeting such
medieval shrines and images of Welsh piety as
Derfel Fawr, St. Winifred's Well, our Lady of Cardigan
and the Virgin of Penrhys.

The English Bishop of St. Davids’s hates the cult of St. David
so much he strips the lead off the roof of the Cathedral and
moves the Bishop’s Palace to Abergwili where it remains
to this day. (Perhaps in an Act of Penance it’s time the
Bishop of St. David’s moved back in.)

An English Book of Common Prayer is then pressed on a
monoglot Welsh population with, predictably, little success,
shoring up the popularity of old Catholic Rites.

Most people will not realise it but Wales , like Ireland ,
remained stubbornly loyal to Mother Church long after
England had succumbed, much to the frustration of
English Puritan missionaries. It wasn't until the Eighteenth
Century that the Protestant Reformation – in the sense of a
genuine popular attachment and the full rejection of what
later came to be known disdainfully as the Marian cult –
could be said to have been completed in Wales & only then,
because of a Third Wave of ecclesiastical colonisation that
drafted in Anglophone Anglican priests in their hundreds
into Welsh parishes and drove their long-suffering laity into
the enthusiastic arms of the Methodist revivalists.

The Welsh, therefore, - despite inhabiting the only part of the
Island of Britain to have an unbroken Christian tradition -
must join a long list of colonised peoples forced to change
their religion as a consequence of conquest.

Not content to steal our land, they then conspired to
steal our soul. No wonder the poet Thomas ab Ieuan
Rhys would lament: “We have been changed by the
faith of the Saxons. Our hearts are not inclined
towards it” and Sion Brwynig would speak in 1550
of the “icy coldness” of the new faith and the
”bitter blow” of witnessing the removal of the
altars and adjuncts of Catholic worship.

It is hardly any wonder that when Guido Fawkes went
to see Philip of Spain in 1603 – introduced most probably
through the auspices of Hugh Owen, Plas Du, Hispanophile
and the Continent's leading Catholic spy - to petition him in
favour of an invasion, it was Milford Haven he proposed as
the landing site since Wales would prove the most fertile
recruiting ground for a Catholic army.

It was a change of strategy not a change in purpose that won
Wales to the Protestant faith. Elizabethan state sponsorship
of the translation of Bible and the Book of Common Prayer
should not be mistaken as an altogether altruistic measure.

The final clause of the “Act for the Translation of the Bible and
Divine Service into the Welsh Tongue” required that an English
Bible be placed in every Welsh Church so that the monoglot
Welsh “may by conferring both Tongues together, the sooner
attain to the knowledge of the English Tongue”. Whatever
William Morgan’s motivation, the ultimate aim was the same
as the Acts of Union themselves: Anglicisation and uniformity.
The fact that it had the opposite effect was more by
accident than design.

The wider attack on the Welsh language probably represents
the longest State-sanctioned policy of attempted linguistic
genocide in history. A Charter granted to Welshpool in 1406
stated that legal cases could only be pleaded henceforth in
French or English. Six hundred years later and we are still
pleading for Welsh to achieve equal status in the courts.

The Acts of the Union with their condemnation of “sinister
usages & customs”, in Gwyn Alf Williams words, rendered
a ”largely monoglot people aliens in their own land”.
With friends like the Tudors, who needed enemies?

The Victorians - for all their Celtomania - were determined to
finish the job: even the Arch-Celticist Mathew Arnold was to
declare “the sooner the Welsh language disappears as an
instrument of the practical, political, social life of Wales the
better”. With Arnold a senior inspector of schools, it could
hardly came as any surprise that the 1870 Education Act
made English compulsory. It was to take until 1939 for the
first Welsh-medium school to open - here in Aber. By then
the damage had been done.

The most telling symbol of all of cultural imperialism in Wales,
of course, was a little wooden halter with the letters WN
branded in it that hung around the necks of children. The
language was literally beaten out of us. But children were
forced not just to betray their culture but also their class-
mates: the ultimate mental cruelty. The Welsh Not was the
model for the corporal punishment of indigenous culture
thoughout the Empire; the Nobel prize winning Kenyan
novelist Ngugi wa Thiong’o wore a wooden tablet around
his own neck as a child which they called 'Monitor'. Any child
speaking KiSwahili or Gikuyu would be given the Monitor until
he heard another child do the same so he could point them out
to the teacher . The child left holding the Monitor at the end of
the day would be beaten with a stick. Sounds familiar?

That we were a subject people in political terms is also an
objective fact however uncomfortable we may be with its
consequences. Wales, unlike the Scots or Irish Parliaments,
was not consulted on its own Act of Union. We were to be
rendered politically invisible as things turned out until the
final year of the final century of the last Millennium.

Our royal house was not conjoined through dynastic
marriage; it was murdered. The heir to the English
throne, a constituent of mine who admittedly has
shown more genuine interest in Wales than all his
predecessors put together, has about as much
moral right to the title Prince of Wales as Perkin
Warbeck did to the English throne in the time of
Henry Tudor.

And it wasn't just  the descendants of Hywel Dda
that were 'disappeared" like the victims of a
military junta; his laws too were consigned to
the garbage heap of history.

Monmouthshire found itself lumped in with England
for no better reason than the English circuits were
composed of four counties – and Wales had thirteen,
so Monmouthshire was forced to make up the
numbers with its three English neighbours.

That said, in the remaining twelve counties the
native law of Wales survived two of the three
attempts to render them null and void.

The Statute of Rhuddlan in the Welsh circuit
courts soon evolved into the Statute of Wales, 
and a separate Welsh judicature developed
which again somehow survived the Act of
Union's legal lynching.

Welsh law obviously embodied the spirit
of Gwilym Crach of Gower who was hung
not once, but twice for his involvement in
a rebellion of 1298, and still survived....
The devil simply wouldn't die. So it was that
even as late as 1779 Welsh defendants were
employing the legal argument - breve regis
non currit in Wallam - the king's writ doesn't
run in Wales.

It was the last great imperialist monarch that
succeeded where Edward I and Henry VIII
failed: Queen Victoria abolished the Welsh Court
of Great Sessions in 1830 and finally laid the
legal legacy of Welsh independence to rest.
At least until now.

The reasons for the colonisation of medieval Wales were
probably more strategic than economic. Upland Wales
helped supply England with beef, milk and wool, but it
was acting as a buffer against foreign invasion that
was probably the principal attraction. In the third
wave of colonisation fuelled by the Industrial
Revolution, that position was dramatically reversed
when Wales became one of the most industrialised
 regions on the planet.

As Professor Merfyn Jones has said, Wales from 1850
can be caricatured as one big mine or quarry as some
mineral or ore was being extracted virtually every-
where. Iron ore was dug & smelted here continuously
from the late 1780s; at the same time Anglesey had a
virtual world monopoly on copper: Here in Ceredigion
the mines were for lead and zinc. And yes, Wales was
the only the part of modern Britain ever to see a gold
rush , in Dolgellau in the 1880s.

Then there were all the different types of stone quarried here:
limestone for the foundries, sandstone, dolerite, granite and,
of course, slate where North Wales represented the world's
biggest producer for all of the 19th century and much of the
20th. And I haven't even mentioned coal . By 1913, 35% of
the tonnage of all Britain’s exports was leaving through
south Wales ports: almost all of it coal to fuel the industries
of the world.

One of the most striking features of all this impressive economic
record is that it was led, with a very few exceptions, by English
proprietors. The Dowlais Iron Company, for example, that turned
Merthyr into an economic powerhouse was founded by Anthony
Bacon from London. He was followed by the Crawshays from
Yorkshire and the Guests of Herefordshire. The Ebbw Vale iron
works was established by the Homfrays of Worcester. In North
Wales, it was John Wilkinson of Lancashire that led the way.
  The metal industry in Swansea meanwhile was developed by
the Vivian family from Cornwall.

There were some exceptions - the Copper and Coal kings,
Thomas Williams or David Davies- but on the whole the pattern
was clear. John Taylor, the leading figure in the Welsh lead
industry, was from Norwich. English landowners were also at
the forefront of development. The current Duke of Westminster's
Grosvenor family was involved in lead mining in north east Wales.

Another Cheshire family, the Assheton's Smith's of the Faenol
estate, made their fortune in slate. The Butes made vast profits
not only from coal but from the ports they built to export it.

Even in agriculture the almost feudal level of absentee
ownership persisted late into the 19th century. In 1887
less than 5% of the land in Caernarvonshire was owned
by its tenants.

With such a high level of English ownership, we bore all of the
human and environmental cost but saw little of the profit - with
the exception of a few square miles of civic pride in Cardiff.

Instead follies and mock-feudal mansions were built the length
and breadth of Wales. This was the Welsh equivalent of what
economists call the 'resource curse', the fact that mineral wealth
is almost always more trouble than its worth. The 'path dependence'
created by an extractive mono-culture is still with us today: our
failure to develop an indigenous enterprise culture or, as George
Monbiot has recently pointed out, the preponderance of East-West
over North-South links, all stem from the colonial exploitation
of our economy.

Beyond economic domination and military conquest, as the
late Edward Said was able to show, colonialism is also, of
course, a discourse of domination: a deep-seated idea that
the imperial power has an inherent right to rule and impose its
values on the nation that it dominates. The first step, then, in
any colonial project is convincing oneself that the colonised
are inferior; that the act of conquest itself, for all its brutality,
is morally justified, even “ordained of God”. So it was that the
Anglo-Norman propagandists opened up a ‘cultural front” in
their war against the Welsh which has formed the bedrock
to Cambrophobia down the centuries.

So it is that the author of the 12th century English history The
Deeds of King Stephen informs us that “Wales is a country of
wooded pasture that breeds men of an animal type, swift-footed,
accustomed to war, volatile, quick in breaking their word and
changing their abode” he omits to mention the fact that the Welsh
also lived in towns, until the Normans drove them out and that the
need to fight and keep constantly on the move may have had
something to do with his kinsmen’s presence.

When Chretien De Troyes says, in writing of Peredur or Perceval –
one of a number of Welsh characters to populate the European
romantic imagination for the best part of a millennium – not bad
for a people ‘on the edge’ – “All Welshmen are, by nature, more
irrational than animals in the field” he is not just echoing the
views of the Anglo-Norman elite, he is presaging the classic
strategy of the coloniser of rendering the colonised as the
savage “Other” used centuries later by the European Powers
in Africa, Asia or America.

But he also represents a tradition that continues right through
to the nineteenth century view of the Celtic personality as
irrational, feminine, child-like and impractical and racially
inferior to the Saxon.

A second reoccurring theme is our immorality. The Normans
justify their Takeover of the Welsh Church by reference to
the loose morals of their flock who practiced trial marriage,
homosexuality, and inheritance rights for the illegitimate.

We were, it seems, prodigiously modern. It is here that the
continuity of colonialism re-emerges. When the infamous
Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the state of
Education in Wales of 1847 (which came to be known by
Nonconformist Wales as the Treachery of the blue Books)
was published it was again the moral laxity of the Welsh
that was held up as the most pressing reason for
making English the sole medium of instruction.

In those periods where the Welsh demonstrate passivity and
obedience then a different picture of the Welsh is presented as
the comically stupid if a little two-faced. In the eighteenth and
nineteenth century there was a rich market for this kind of thing –
Taffy and his wife sat atop a goat – because they couldn’t afford
a horse, leeks poking out of their hats, holding a cheese in one
hand, and their pedigree in the other.

There was often a modern sinister undertow. In 1885 John
Beddoe, President of the Anthropological Institute developed
an "Index of Nigrescence" which claimed to show that the
Welsh and western Irish were “Africanoid” in their ‘jutting
jaws’ and ‘slitty nostrils’ and thus originally immigrants
from Africa.

This idea of the Celts as 'colonials' has been a constant
theme since the Age of Discovery:-  as one Protestant
pamphleteer said in 1651, frustrated at the lack of
success in converting the Welsh: “We have Indians at
home – Indians in Cornwall, Indians in Wales, Indians
in Ireland. ” Forget sending missionaries to the West
Indies, he argued - send them to Merthyr.

So it is that prevailing image of the Welsh in England
throughout these three colonial periods ranges
from submissive and deferential, to lewd and unruly,
and even downright perfidious on a par with that of
the wild Irish. What never changed was the tacit
assumption that we were, by definition, inferior.

The lowest point was the passing of the Punitive Laws
in the wake of the Glyndwr Rebellion which introduced
a system of racial discrimination equal to Apartheid.

These race laws have fallen prey to a collective amnesia
so it is worth recounting them in full: from 1401, no
Welshman was to enjoy the privilege of burgess status
(an absolute prohibition traditionally reserved for Jews);
no Welsh man was to buy land in England; no Welshman
was to hold a major office in Wales.

These prohibitions extended to any Englishman who
had married a Welsh woman since the revolt began.

No Welshman was to carry arms in any town, market,
church assembly or highway. No Welshman was to
hold a castle or any other defensible house that had
existed in Edward I's time. Garrisons must comprise
exclusively Englishmen – not even men of mixed race
would be allowed. No Englishman was to be convicted
in Wales by, or at the suit of, a Welshman.

As Rees Davies argues, what is particularly striking
about these edicts is that they are “specifically racist
in character”. An extreme reaction to the shock of
the Glyndwr revolt they undoubtedly were – but they
were also reinstating the common law practice
of three hundred years of English supremacism.

Kidwelly, created in the 1100s, had English, French
or Flemish burgesses – but no Welsh (or forinseci) -
we were literally foreigners in our own land.

In 1351 the ironically named Hope in Flintshire
banned the Welsh from holding burgages and
confiscated any that already did - but this was
nothing new, Edward I had banned Welshmen
from holding land in borough towns in reaction
to Llywelyn Bren's revolt of 1294.

The attitudes that underpinned the Punitive Laws
have re-emerged at other times in our colonial
past, and overt discrimination continued to be
part of our experience in Wales right through
into the modern period.

For the first part of the Eighteenth Century, for example,
the majority of Welsh by virtue of their Nonconformity
were banned from any office in the House of Commons.

They couldn’t enter Oxford or Cambridge finally until
1871 - this being one of the principal drivers behind
the establishment of the University of Wales.

We were a colony. And now we're in a state of denial.
The factual evidence for the reality of colonisation
is all around us - indeed it can even be said to be
within us.

But to the extent that we acknowledge it, it
might as well be invisible. Dilys Davies, a Welsh
psychiatrist working at Guy's hospital who has
conducted an exhaustive analysis of the Welsh
psyche, has called this a form of cultural autism
and drawn analogies with child sexual abuse -
which for all its pervasiveness, was once met
by a wall of silence.

Colonisation is our 'dangerous idea', a "dirty little
secret', a 'painful memory' that has to be repressed.

Cambridge University Press' primer on Medieval Wales
warns the reader that in Wales’ case “the colonial
analogy – may be pushed too far and it must be
used with great sensitivity”.

The late great Rees Davies – whose revolutionary
tracts 'Colonial Wales' and 'Race Relations in Post-
Conquest Wales' were published within a year of
each other in the mid 1970s as he moved to
Aberystwyth – was very much the glorious
exception. He himself was warned that specialising
in Welsh history was reputational suicide for a young Welsh
historian and, sadly, he never got to teach a course on the
history of his own country here at Aberystwyth though he is
probably one of the greatest historians that Wales ever produced.

So it was left to Gwynfor Evans to continue where the professional
historians left off. When Michael Hechter produced his magnus
opus: 'Internal; Colonialism: the Celtic Fringe in British National
Development', he was met with a chorus of disapproval from
Welsh academics. Alfred Zimmern could have warned him
perhaps, of the professional perils of an American
prognosticating about issues of Welsh identity.

In some ways the robust rejection of the theory of ‘internal
colonialism” was in part a reaction to the myths perpetrated
by colonialism itself – that Wales was a backwater, outside
the mainstream of modernity, and the Welsh a people whose
history was lived perpetually in the passive tense. For Gwyn Alf,
Wales ’ global industrial pre-eminence meant the Welsh Working
Class – always written in capital letters – were “junior partners
in the British Empire ”. Casting back to Tudor times he showed
us how that latter-day Merlin, Dr John Dee, uses the Madoc
myth to stake a British claim to the New World – and British,
mind you, the Welsh at the Tudor Court having reconquered
Albion for the Celts. Far from being victims of the British
Empire, according to this, we damned well invented it.

There can certainly be no doubt that the Welsh
enthusiastically embraced imperialism. Though
less prominent than the Scots, the Welsh were
well represented among the military and civilian
ranks of Imperial Britain.

At one time, both the Chief Justices of Bengal and
Calcutta were Welsh-speaking Welshmen. But does
the sight of Zulus spearing Welshmen at the Battle
of Isandlwhana or Welshmen bayoneting Zulu at the
Battle of Rourke’s Drift in return, help or hinder the
hypothesis that Britishness was forged by all four
nations of these islands in the cauldron of empire
which became the Britannic melting-pot, as Gordon
Brown’s favourite historian Linda Colley suggests?

Could this not simply be a rather poignant reminder
of the practice of empires of time immemorial, of
pressing the already vanquished into doing the
next bit of vanquishing

Of course, we participated in later imperial
adventures. Denied opportunities for
advancement at home, we often had
little choice.

But this obscures the bigger truth, that where
other colonies were the copy, we were the
original, where colonialism's die was first minted.

It was the Marcher Lords like the de Lacys who founded
Drogheda who sought in the first instance to pacify Ireland,
able to draw as they were on a century or more of
experience of colonial occupation in Wales. The peopling
of Pembrokeshire by Flemings presaged the later
Plantation in Ulster.

The Tudors hold up post-conquest Wales as the model
for recalcitrant Ireland. As Sir Henry Sidney's secretary
William Gerard assured the Privy Council on the occasion
of his master's transfer from Wales to Ireland:

"A better president (precedent)..... colde not be founde
than to imitate the course that reformed Wales."

Wales was the epicentre for 3 tidal waves of colonial expansion
in the history of the Anglo-British State: the insular colonialism of
the Norman period, the transatlantic ambitions of the Tudors and
the global imperialism of the Victiorians. We supplied the model for
the first, the myth for the second, and the material for the third.

In each phase we paid a heavy price for our collusion in our own
enslavement, with the progressive colonisation of our own mind
& imagination. The first English imperialists were early amateurs
at this kind of thing – but come the Treason of the Blue Books...
they had learned to deploy it with devastating effect.

Colonialism in any society and in any period is an act of violation
which results in a kind of trauma whose effects are felt for many
generations. Hence the most long-lasting and deep-seated legacy
of colonialism is psychological. It was the mixed-race French-
speaking Caribbean Frantz Fanon, practising psychiatry and
preaching revolution in occupied Algeria, who first realised this
and began to write painfully but eloquently about the psychology
of colonialism.

Welsh psychologists and psychotherapists by contrast have
been almost completely silent on this theme. Dr Dilys Davies
of Guy's Hospital, the only professional psychiatrist to have
written at all about colonialism's effect on the Welsh psyche,
suggests that - as with Rees Davies the historian - it is not in
the professional interests of the Welsh psychiatrist to appear
too 'parochial'. Dr Davies, by contrast, stands out as the Frantz
Fanon of Wales, and virtually the entirety of what follows is
based on her pioneering work .

As with many other things, the Irish have a head start on us
in thinking about the psychology of colonialism. An important
feature, according to the psychologist Vincent Kenny is the
way in which the Irish have internalised their own oppression.

One way of overcoming the feeling of powerlessness that
flows from being dominated is to identify with the dominator
- sometimes even unconsciously. It is a kind of sociological
equivalent of Stockholm syndrome - what Fanon calls
'adhesion' to the dominator, the Brazilian pedagogist Paolo
Freire called "housing the other" and the German-jewish
psychologist Erich Fromm called an “inner duality”.

It goes by many names but its self-destructive consequences
are only obvious: our selves becomes divided against ourselves.

We become self-oppressing.

It should be no surprise therefore that Beriah Gwynfe Evans,
the Secretary of Cymru Fydd, was an enthusiastic exponent of
the Welsh Not as a young teacher- and that its use was far more
widespread among voluntary schools prior to 1870 than in State
schools thereafter, implying that parents generally approved
of its use.

Was Welsh as the language of the majority murdered or did it
commit suicide? The question is in some ways irrelevant as both
realities are in fact the parallel outcomes of the selfsame process.

(The Welsh Not was also an early example of the insidious effects
of performance related pay - since the teachers were paid by
results and Welsh didn't form part of the formal curriculum, the
use of Welsh was actively discouraged by the teachers).

That we have been complicit in our own colonisation is undeniable.

As Gandhi said of his own country : “the English have not taken
India;-   we have given it to them.”.

In developing this theme in his Hind Swaraj, Gandhi drew upon
a little know treatise by an 18 year old Frenchman, Etienne
de la Boetie written some fifteen years after our own Act of
Union: the Discourse on Voluntary Servitude. In it he argues
that structures of power in any situation, even where they
rely on physical force, depend in the last analysis on consent,
however reluctant, of those over whom power is exercised.

As Gandhi went on to say: “It is we the English-knowing Indians
that have enslaved India. The curse of the nation will rest not
upon the English, but upon us…”

So how has colonialism's curse imprinted itself on the modern
welsh psyche? Broadly speaking the effects can be categorised
according to 2 dimensions: the way in which we see ourselves,
and the way in which we interact with others.

The former flows from the central fact of domination itself.
Conquered peoples are often perceived as passive, a little
fatalistic, prone to introspection. The writer Rene Marques
has written, for example, about the docile nature of his
compatriot Puerto Ricans. And how much has been written
about the melancholia of the Celts? But as Erich Fromm
pointed out, rather than this forming an essential part of
our national character, it simply reflects our actual historic
experience of being downtrodden. So Welsh music is sung
in the minor key, and our poetry adopts an elegiac tone.

In political terms we develop a begging bowl mentality, because
we have become resigned to the reality of our own domination.

We feel a sense of helplessness and hopelessness - what J.J. Lee
has called, in the Irish case, the 'peasant residue' in our psyche.
We abdicate responsibility for our own future because we doubt
our ability to act constructively and change our situation.

We avoid taking risks, and prefer security even if that means
locking us into relative poverty and unrealised potential.

Above all, we suffer from a profound sense of our own
inferiority, a lack of confidence which expresses itself
through our failure to show initiative, whether in
political or business terms.

It is this deep insecurity that I believe lies at the heart
of our still tentative embrace of devolution, and our
rejection of what is after all, the normal aspiration of
any nation: political independence.

It also, in the economic sphere, explains our over-weaning
reliance on public subsidy and our failure, so far, to develop,
in sufficient numbers at least, an indigenous entrepreneurial
class. We are economically dependent because we are
psychologically dependent, and vice versa. And we reject
political independence, because of both.

Colonialism casts an equally insidious shadow on the way in which
we communicate and relate to each other. We are a nation of
indirect communicators, frightened to criticise in case we upset
'the powers that be' and lose face and even worse be punished
financially. We are unwilling to be 'pinned down' and fearful of
'being down'. The number of Welsh social scientists, for example,
that are prepared to make statements that could be seen as
controversial, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The
number of Welsh MPs who have criticised the Welsh National
Opera and the British Lions is limited to one - for a country
with a rich Nonconformist, anti-Establishment tradition we are,
in our own context, incredibly conformist & establishmentarian.

This is a typical survival tactic for a conquered people where
direct challenges to authority are to be avoided at all cost.

Instead we learn to be evasive, complaining to each other
about someone else instead of tackling the person directly.
This is how we earned our reputation of being devious and
two-faced. We had to be.

But it also feeds into aspects of community life, especially in
Welsh-speaking Wales where a taboo against self-promotion
or self-revelation, a tendency to self-censorship and deference
to authority among local people contrasts with the assertiveness
of the in-migrant population. Welsh speakers are often the
majority in public meetings but will often remain stoically silent
- even where translation facilities are available - and let others
'dominate' the meeting.

This self-censorship in the 'public realm' is perhaps the flip-side
of another aspect of Welsh cultural psychology: a withdrawal to
an inner world of self-reflection: "the everlasting Welsh habit has
been to sink inwards" according to John Cowper Powys. But how
does this fit with the Welsh love of performance on the stage, or
the playing field where we suddenly shape-shift from a nation of
passive spectators to a nation of exhibitionists. The answer can
be found in the theory of constriction' developed by the American
George Kelly in the 1950s whereby the realms in which we can “be
ourselves” are socially controlled. So it was that the Welsh language
came to be limited to the emotive worlds of the sacred, the lyrical
and familial and progressively banished from the world of the
secular, official or practical.

These psychological manifestations of colonialism are not
accidental by-products of broad historical processes. They are
the outcome of two quite deliberate strategies of cultural
alienation. The first one can be termed manipulation; inculcating
within the mind of the dominated the dominator's myths, their
version of reality, their language, their values.

So Paolo Freire argues that at a crucial juncture in their
existential development members of the dominated
group begin to aspire to become part of the way of life
of the dominator. So they start to imitate them, to
follow them, and talk like them. When Chretien de
Troyes' Peredur first sets out for Court, his mother
persuades him to leave two of his three javelins at
home "because they look too Welsh".

We have been leaving our javelins at home ever since.

(Of course, this comes at a cost. As Aneurin Bevan quipped,
when someone accused the late Roy Jenkins of lacking
application, no-one who came from Abersychan and spoke
like that could ever be accused of laziness.) So we
have a succession of groups that anglicise themselves
in order to improve their life chances: starting with
the "uchelwyr" who become the Welsh gentry and
eventually the hated absentee landlords of the 18th

But this percolated right the way down the social strata; the
Welsh language came to be seen as 'a badge of poverty".
Working class parents - like my own - decided consciously
not to pass it on to their children, in order to improve their
children’s chances in life.

The third wave of Welsh colonisation, thus, was not conducted
by military means. There was no need, as John Davies reminds
us, the author of a nineteenth century Report on the Condition
of the South Wales coalfield: "a band of efficient schoolmasters
is kept up at much less expense than a body of police or soldiery".

Our enslavement was sold back to us as the means to our
own liberation. So the 1870 Act which actually marked the
beginning of the decline of Welsh as a national language was
presented as a victory for the Welsh ideal of universal education.

The Act of Union was dressed as being about equal rights
for Welsh and English subjects, and the restoration of the
rightful Brythonic claim to the throne. Even Edward I appropriated
the Arthurian myth to bolster his imperial ambitions - naming his
first-born after the most famous of all our messianic figures -
though we were less taken in by this chicanery it has to be said
than by the Tudors. Come the Reformation, the Anglican Church
presented itself as a recreation of the Celtic Church freed from
the Romanising influences of Catholicism. Jesus College, Oxford -
deliberately designed as a tool in the indoctrination of the sons
of the Welsh elite - was presented as an act of munificence on
the part of Good Queen Bess.

The second generic cultural strategy of the dominator is summed
up by the famous formula: divide et impera. The more a community
can be broken up into separate parts, the less their sense of
belonging to their own community, the easier it is to maintain
dominance. This strategy was used by the British to devastating
effect through the caste system in India or tribal divisions in Africa
– divisions which have persisted long after independence.

The Normans set about dividing Wales into two opposing camps
of urban English settlement and rural Welsh. We have seen
ourselves ever since as a country of 2 peoples, two cultures
divided between the city and the country, North and South,
English and Welsh-speaking. - our divisions magnified and
distorted deliberately to play one group off against another.

So it was during the devolution campaign of 1997 that
No leaflets in north Wales would say that the Assembly
would be dominated by the urban, more populous English-
speaking south, whereas No leaflets in the south, you
guessed it, warned of an Assembly dominated by Welsh-
speaking farmers from Gwynedd.

So if you want to understand Welsh politics today, look to
its roots: historical and psychological. We are in a country
that has been in an almost permanent state of existential crisis.

We voted ourselves out of existence in 1979, came close to
doing it a second time in 1997, and are now worried that we
might do it again. Our physical proximity and economic
reliance on the colonial power has crushed our autonomy
and made us dependent. In fact it has infantilized us.

The arrangements of the Government of Wales Act 2006 -
whereby requests for power are scrutinised in London and
may be refused - is totemic of an attitude that regards the
Welsh polity, and by extension, the Welsh people, as too
immature to make their own laws.

Since colonialism, as the Indian theorist Ashis Nandy tells us,
is first of all a matter of consciousness, it has to be defeated
at the level of the human imagination. Politics alone will not
succeed. This struggle must be waged as a battle of ideas,
new cultural practices and economic behaviours.

In a sense, outside of the language struggle, our
nationalism has been too much focused on nation-
building as a process of creating representative
institutions, rather than thinking about the Wales
we want those institutions to represent.

There is an echo here of Saunders Lewis' parting-shot
in his history-shaping lecture Tynged yr Iaith, where
he warns that the decline of the language might be
actually accelerated - unless we undergo the cultural
change in mindset needed before independence itself
is achieved.

The Irish experience is clearly implied. The failure
of Ireland on bilingualism, and on the economy
until the 1980s, I think, points to a much deeper
truth: that formal independence is meaningless
unless we have first decolonised our minds.

As the Irish historian J.J Lee has written:

“The incapacity of the Irish mind to think through the
implications of independence for national development
derived largely from, and was itself a symbol of, the
dependency syndrome which had wormed its way into
the Irish psyche during centuries of foreign dominance”

The first step in national liberation is mental.

Cultural revitalisation always predates political renewal,
just as Dafydd ap Gwilym predated Owain Glyndwr. As
nationalists the lesson is clear: we should each of us
start to think and behave prefiguratively, as if our
nation is already free.

We must be the Wales we want to create: a vibrant,
self-empowering, dynamic country that emphasises
the power of our own initiative.

Of course, we can never escape from our colonial past by
refusing to acknowledge it. To liberate our selves we have to
learn about ourselves. On the psychology of colonialism itself
we need more research. We need to move from a culture of
silence to a culture of salience. There is an Irish Journal of
Psychology and an Australian Journal of Psychology. A Welsh
Journal of Psychology is long overdue., and a Welsh Institute
of Psychiatry would be a good idea too.

More generally we have to detach ourselves from the
insular intellectual straitjacket in which we find
ourselves – in which Welsh literature, psychology,
history and politics, are still seen as subaltern
specialisms in more mainstream disciplines.

The Institute of Welsh Politics becomes...
our National Institute of Politics.

We all stop reading the London Review of Books or re-read
Gandhi, Fanon, Nandy, Ngugi and Said, and stop reading
London newspapers too. If we have to take a foreign
newspaper, we will read Liberation or the Irish independent.

To bypass the dyad of domination between ourselves and the
former imperial capital, Wales must find a new context as a
European Nation, in the same way that Llywelyn and Glyndwr
sought allies in France, Europeanising Wales means that our
experience of domination can be understood as by no means
exceptional nor ineluctably permanent.

Building on the success of the last fifty years of bilingual
education, now is the time to campaign for tri-lingual
schools immersing students from Welsh-speaking homes
in French, German or Russian, just as effectively as
English-speaking children in Welsh. We have long claimed
a greater facility in other languages as one of the
advantages of being bilingual. It's time to prove it.

In education more broadly, we need what Paolo Freire originally
called a pedagogy of the oppressed. Developing Welsh as a
medium of instruction was the first vital step; gaining control of
the content of the curriculum the next. But the third vital ingredient
- transforming the very nature of the teaching process - itself - we
are only now beginning to embark upon. But it is here where the
truly revolutionary potential of teaching lies.

Education in Wales - informed by a conservative grammarial
tradition, and historically taught in people's second language
where education was seen primarily not as a route to
knowledge, even less self-knoweldge, but, for the lucky few
at least, the route out of poverty and all too often the route
out of Wales - has also been a domain of prescription,
rather than of development . As Dilys Davies has said:

"Education with the ideological intent ....of unquestioning
adoption, resists dialogue and critical thought and treats its
students as objects. The students are not called upon to know
but to memorize the contents narrated by the teacher. "

When Welsh was finally appended to the curriculum, this
'mechanical drilling' of learning-by-rote was then later applied
with disastrous ineffectiveness to the teaching of Welsh as
a second language to those that had lost it.

In the new Foundation Phase we have the chance of a new start
for a new generation. In ditching formal teaching for three to
seven year olds and adopting, on the Norwegian model, a strategy
of learning through play we have finally broken with the regimented
learning of 1870 on. And when I say regimented I choose my words
advisedly. The model of formal learning adopted with the advent of
compulsory schooling in Britain was the same one that spread
throughout Europe following the Prussian model of compulsory
education that was first developed in response to their defeat at
the hands of napoleon. Schools were to become factories which
would turn out obedient soldiers for the army, subservient workers
for the mines and submissive civil servants for Government.

Independent thought – and on our case, an independent language
– was to be beaten out of our children.. We have finally laid this
ghost to rest.

With this new emphasis on developing our innate creativity we have
the potential to become a nation of entrepreneurs, both individual
and collective. Our only sure means of finally putting paid to the
dependency myth is to show, by example, that we can be economically
successful - in business, and also in our own unconventional terms -
by developing business models that chime more readily with our own
collaborative and egalitarian system of values, than the rapacious
Anglo-American ideal of heroic individualism.

The Welsh National Dictionary of Biography of the Twenty First
Century should be as defined by innovators of every description
as the Nineteenth Century version was peopled by Ministers of
Religion. One important contribution might be creating an
English language version of Menter a Busnes - which has been
using a range of techniques to promote enterprise culture among
Welsh speakers for two decades, with increasing signs of success.

A final imperative has to be the creation of a new unified pan-
Wales sense of identity. This undoubtedly is the biggest failure
of the national movement. The language movement did manage
in the words of a young Cynog Dafis, “to effect some kind of
transformation in the Welsh psychology”, The counter-colonial
counter-culture it helped foster has largely been self-contained
within the Welsh-speaking community.

Reaching out to the English-language Wales. is partly a
political task: the most socially disadvantaged in Wales today,
in Hechter’s terms the modern equivalents of “hewers of wood
and drawers of water” – unskilled English-speaking women, is
the category that is least likely to vote Plaid. We cannot truly
claim to be a national party, until we change that.

But at the level of the nation as a whole, we need to transform
nation-building into a personal experience. We could usefully
learn from the Canadian experiment of Katimavik in the 1980s,
a voluntary 12 montb national civilian service programme whereby
 young people got to spend time working with other young Canadians
in the different provinces of Canada.

Huw Lewis has recently suggested immersing Welsh learners
in the Welsh language culture by billeting them with families
in the West. I agree, but let’s do it in reverse, too, and have
young Welsh women and men from the north and the west
spending time in the valleys and our cities.

If we do all this, then unlike Ireland in 1921, when independence
finally comes, as come it will, we will have a generation that has
been prepared for it.

Will we be the final colony? Well, that of course is up to us.
In the words of Antonio Machado:

“our footprints are the only road;
nothing else;
we make the road as we travel”

Somebody said to me recently that Welsh independence
is a bit like nuclear fusion: it is always a generation away.
But in a sense, it has been ever thus. I am personally hopeful.

If Sion Cent, warming himself with the dying embers of
Glyndwr’s memory and what might have been , could
still say:-  My Hope Is On What Is To Come., then I too
can find reasons to be an optimist.

Wales was not just colonised, but re-colonised and then,
for good measure, re-colonised again. We somehow survived
Norman blitzkreig, Tudor lebensraum and Victorian eugenics.
We have survived for a reason. And the reason lies within us,
however buried deep within.



http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/01/12/ the-next-war-on-washington%e2%80

http://www.globalresearch.ca/ index.php?context=va&aid=26326

Image: Our world

Since most in the UK understand that the UK
has got less free in many ways... who voted
for the EEC, the Iraq war, the "Coalition",
the bank "bailouts", the cuts/cuts/cuts ?

Let's open up the debate !

Press the link below to read how perhaps
(and I mean 'perhaps') we've all been conned

then email Rhondda Records at


and let's start a genuine debate about the real
issues... before it gets "too late" !


Image: Spirit of Love

We all wonder - 'what's happening to Ireland?'

Here's another contribution from Maireid:

If you want a really concise analysis of the boom-bust cycle,
I think this overview of what happened to the Irish, is it!



Emer O’Siochru is an Irish Architect and Valuer. She co-founded
Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability in 1998.
She has taught architecture, managed a design gallery, redeveloped
inner city property, worked in local community development, ran an
architectural practice and served on public and voluntary sector
boards. She currently directs EOS Future Design that creates real
and virtual systems for sustainable living, and farms organically.

Emer has written on monetary, taxation and planning reform. She
directed the Smart Tax Network funded by the Irish Department of
the Environment and edited “The Fair Tax” book in 2011.

Her background statement:

Partial transcript of Emer O’Siochru's presentation at
The IU Conference, London 2013

(The International Union of Land Value Taxation), 24 July 2013

View the full resentation here:


A liquidity problem quickly turned out to be a solvency problem. 8:25

…depositors fled, continued to flee. they couldn't manage: The
situation was such, essentially, that the Irish government couldn't
borrow on the bond market, because they felt that the economy
wasn't sound; that it had made a big mistake in underwriting the
banks. And, at the end of the day, a bailout had to be accepted
from the troika.

That was an austerity, and balancing the books was the price of that
bail-out. Bear in mind that our public finances were in surplus, before
the bank crisis, but after the bank crisis, not only did we have to pay
back the troika, but the receipts - since property had collapsed - had
collapsed as well, so the gov. wasn't even bringing in as much tax
income as they had before, and things were looking very bad.

So why did it happen?

It did not happen because planning regulations restricted the amount
of land that was available, driving up the value of sites. That is not
what happened in Ireland. I hear this argument in the UK, saying the
reason why property values are going up and are now going up,
particularly in London, is because insufficient land is zoned for
housing, in particular.

We had 3 to 5 times the amount of land that you could conceivably
want zoned in our country around our settlements. And apart from
that, we had a situation in which you didn't even need to have land
zoned, to getting planning permission in the open country-side. In
fact, 30% of all the housing was self-build in the old country-side. So
we had no restrictions really on the amount of housing that got built.

So it wasn't because of a restrictive planning regime that land values
went up. It went up because of the availability of credit.

Banking regulation.

Some people say that if we'd had better banking regulation, we
wouldn't have had the problem. There is no doubt, it would have
helped, if we had tidied up on our regulation. In other words, if we
had prevented the banks from lending more than 80% of the value
of the house, for instance, to first-time buyers, or to buyers generally,
that would have, in a way, slowed down the construction and
development exuberance, and so on.

The problem was, we are in Europe, with an open market, and we
already had european banks competing with Irish banks. In fact, it
was the european banks that were the first ones that brought in the
100% mortgages, as far as I know, and everybody then had to catch
up. You can't really easily regulate your banks in a small country
where the money isn't your own money. You are using a third-party
currency. They, banks in other countries, could operate in your
country under their own rules. In some cases they operated under
Irish rules. It was possible for them to operate in Ireland under the
regulatory rules of their base country.

Yes, regulation was important, but it wasn't a sufficient reason. If
you look in other EU countries where they had broadly the same
regulatory system, they didn't get the same kind of 'boom and bust'.
So what else did they have is the question. What was the real cause?

"I have to talk about Home ownership incentives"

This is a quote from Colm McCarthy. He is an economist operating
in Ireland who likes to speak his own mind. I don't agree with him
in every respect but I respect the fact that he always writes
independently and is not politically beholden to anyone. And he said,
basically: imputed tax on housing is not taxed in Ireland." We have
had mortgage interest relief on mortgages for a long time. They were
there consistently. There is no local tax; there are no rates or property
taxes on domestic dwellings in Ireland, at all. And if your sold your
house, and it is your prime residence, there is no capital gains tax.

So, as he's explained, most of the developed countries may have one
or two of these goodies for property owners, but only Ireland had all
of them. And not only that, but there were further tax reliefs if you
built in certain locations. So if you were to build, say, along the
Shannon [river], which is an undeveloped region of the coast, and so
on, you could offset the capital cost of the construction against your
income tax. Not just the rental income, but your income tax. So we
had no real taxes on your own home. And further, we had incentives,
basically, to put your money into property.

And I'm quoting here Michael Hudson. He says, "If you don't tax
that value that attaches to land, arising from the general wealth
of the economy, the banks get it."

That's what happened.

The banks got it. they turned it into a kind of money backed by debt,
essentially phoney money, that wasn't backed by real productivity.
That essentially led to the boom and that subsequently led...
to the bust.

I'm an architect, so I'm interested in the physical effects of this:

Very unsuitable sites were developed around remote villages, flood
planes— completely unacceptable sites got planning permission
from 'connected' politicians, essentially. And houses were built. And
people occupied them, certainly in the earlier part of the boom. In the
later part, nobody would buy them, so we now have 'ghost' estates.

Most of our new housing was built speculatively, similar to the UK in
that regard. In other words, the builders built them and then they'd
look for the buyers. Except for the one-off houses —if you had lived
in a rural area or your family had access to land— but most of the rest
is built speculatively, so there was very little commissioned, and that
has an effect on the final form.

So you get identical houses, practically, cul-de-sac estates. An
'estate' is an invented spacial form, very different from the kind of
village or town form that we had in Ireland before. Of course, we had
many, many one-off houses arising from the fact that people thought
that a large house—a property
is wealth you never lose.

That, in many cases where young people got land for nothing from
their parents, instead of saving money and building a normal-sized
house- 1500 sq ft., they instead built what they considered a
normal-sized house which was 3000 sq. ft.. So they invested all of
their money in constructing fancy mansions for themselves - 5
bedrooms. These are young people who aren't even married. And, in
general, because of this attitude we got from the Americans, that if
you own your land you can do whatever you like with it and that is
some how part of our tradition, it was very difficult to oppose them.

The environmental groups that did try to oppose them were
demonised. Placards and intimidation and editorials in the
newspaper, and so on.

So, during that time, you could make money simply by the
conversion of the land from agricultural use to a higher use
— to housing use
that's where your money was made.

Or, if you converted an inner city site, an urban site, from
a lower use to a higher use, or a higher density use, that's
where your money was made.

You lost money on construction and design: that was the view of
the developers, generally speaking, so they minimised that. Now,
in Dublin, where there was more competition, the design quality
did go up because you were using existing sites that had high
value already, so you had to distinguish yourself with design and
construction quality, but in general, we built 50% of our existing
stock during that period of time and we got lousy buildings.
We did not build them to the energy standard that…
[end of video stream!]





Deputy Stephen Donnelly TD (East Kildare/ Wicklow)
is the fellow to keep an eye out for
within the Irish government.

After a few months of intense research, I've written a report,
"What Has Happened to Irish Sovereignty?"

Posted here, with other relevant reports:



Image: US World War

'Let's sanction Russia!'
Neil Clark is a journalist, writer and broadcaster.
 His award winning blog can be found at

 Follow him on Twitter

Israel shells a UN school in Gaza killing 15.
It's the sixth time a UN school has been struck.
'Children, women and men killed & injured as they
 slept in a place where they should have been safe
 and protected. They were not. Intolerable', says
 Pierre Krahenbuhl, commissioner general of UNRWA.

Overall, almost 1,400 people have been killed in
 Gaza by Israeli forces with missiles and military
 equipment supplied by the US. After the latest
 UN school attack, it was announced that the
 US will send more ammunition to Israel. The
conclusion is: “Let’s sanction Russia!”

Over 1,000 people have been killed in the east of
 Ukraine and nearly 3,500 wounded since the US-
backed Ukrainian government's brutal military
 offensive started in April. Around 100,000 people
 have been forcibly displaced. On Sunday, at least
 13 civilians were killed by Ukrainian shelling-
 including a one-year-old girl killed next to her
parents. What do we hear? “Let’s sanction Russia!”

The US and EU supported the violent overthrow of
 a democratically elected President and government
 in Ukraine, one year before elections were due,
 creating the current crisis in the country. “Let’s
sanction Russia!”

Ukrainian ultranationalists set fire to a trade
union headquarters building in Odessa and kill
 around 40 people. As people tried to escape
 they were bludgeoned with baseball bats
“Let’s sanction Russia!”

After the illegal unconstitutional coup in Kiev,
 which brings far-right, Russia-hating ultra-
nationalists to power, the people of Crimea
 vote in a peaceful, democratic referendum
 to rejoin Russia. “Let’s sanction Russia!”

A passenger plane comes down over Ukraine –
 the second plane from Malaysia Airlines to be
lost in mysterious circumstances in the space
 of a few months. We don't yet know who was
 responsible, or even what happened to the first
 Malaysia Airlines plane. “Let’s sanction Russia!”

4 Palestinian children are playing football on the
 beach in Gaza. They are murdered by Israeli fire.
 “This was a cowardly crime,” says the spokesperson
 of the Gaza Health Ministry. Russia was one of the 29
 countries who voted for a UN Human Rights Council
 probe into alleged Gaza war crimes. EU countries
 abstained, the US voted against. “Let’s sanction

Since 2008, it's been estimated that over 2,400
 people have been killed by US drone strikes. The
 Bureau for Investigative Journalism says that in
 Pakistan alone the number of civilians killed by
 drone strikes in the period 2004-2014 ranges
from 416 to 957. The number of children killed
 in Pakistan by US drones is between 168 and
 202.   “Let’s sanction Russia!”

US launches an illegal war of aggression against
 Iraq in which up to 1 million people have been killed.
 The justification for the war was that Iraq possessed
 Weapons of Mass Destruction, which did not in fact
 exist. Large parts of Iraq are now run by ISIS. Russia
 strongly opposed the Iraq war. “Let’s sanction

Libya: like Iraq, a country destroyed by a Western
 military intervention in which Russia did not take
 part. Due to Western aggression, a country which
 had the highest standard of living in Africa is now
 a failed state. “Let’s sanction Russia!”

US ally Saudi Arabia is one of several countries in
the world where homosexuality is illegal and where
 gay people can be executed. Russia has no such
 laws, but isn't one of the allies. “Let’s sanction

Western countries fund rebels to violently overthrow
 the government of Syria, increasing aid and support
 every time the conflict looks to be coming to an end.
 “Let’s sanction Russia!”

On July 15th, it was announced that the BRICS
 countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
 Africa) were establishing a $100 billion BRICS
 development bank and a currency pool worth
over another $100 billion. “The big launch of
 the BRICS bank is seen as a first step to break
 the dominance of the US dollar in global trade,
as well as dollar-backed institutions such as
 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
World Bank, both US-based institutions BRICS
 countries have little influence within,” reports RT.

"BRICS Bank will be one of the major multilateral
 development finance institutions in this world,”
 announced President Putin. Western elites know
 that resurgent Russia is a block on their ambitions
 for total global hegemony and that BRICS and its
 New Development Bank are a threat to their
 economic power. Russia is “getting in the way”
in other areas too.

Neocons and the West's pro-Israel faux-left wanted
 war with Syria last summer to topple the Syrian
 government and break the alliance between Syria,
 Hezbollah and Iran – a long-term strategic objective
 of Israel. Russia, along with public opinion in the
 western countries, helped to block that war, and
 -- to the frustration of the Permanent War Lobby,
the Syrian government is still in power. In short,
 Russia needs to be weakened, & weakened fast:
 “Let’s sanction Russia!”

Image: world's longest cigar from Cuba

and for those who like their news red,

Cuba has launched the ECURED, its own
Wikipedia-style open online encyclopedia
with 19,345 items of reference articles,
biographies and academic works.

The new site is:


Image: grow food !


Trivia and horror fill the pages of the UK media,
yet the truth about the world is being hidden...

Read this article by Fidel Castro and find out
WHY Rhondda Records keeps banging on about food.


It's not trivia - but it's the coming horror
YOU and I are bequeathing now to our children.

Image: I aspire


The bulk of commercial patents in the world are
for cosmetics and other glamorous products.

While millions of people are still dying from
malaria and cancer, no patents as yet exist
to counteract these diseases.

Fernández Palacio:

"The real common drama concerning the exact and
natural sciences, as in the case of the social
sciences, is that constant siphoning off of
intelligence signified by the persistent brain
drain from the countries of the South. Suffice
it to say that, at least one third of African
researchers are working outside their countries
of origin, & that in many Third World countries
the existence of certain scientific disciplines –
from chemistry to archeology – is threatened."

In an international situation characterized by
economic and environmental crises, threats of
nuclear war & extreme poverty, higher education
is called upon to take action, to guarantee ethical
scientific work & support sustainable development.

But not in the UK & Wales, or is it?

Welsh Universities and colleges like Cardiff
and the University of Glamorgan have made
notable steps to direct their new research
into good areas... green energy, transport...
and in many other areas great work is done!

and if such research in Welsh universities
drops helping the MoD, with research into
dubious areas like "conformity"...

or in bending to the "needs" of commerce,
Wales & the world could benefit - measurably!

What if research begins to develop an ECONOMY
for Wales, based on its communal love, and in
confluence with its land, and unique qualities?

Research directly transferable, and RELEVANT to
the present and future needs of its youth?

For God's sake - we need an economy !!!

Image: farmer


Ask people in Wales how they see the future
of all that wasted land above the valleys...
and most say they see orchards and beauty.

But it's blocked at the moment, by stiff
ideological thinking, while Scotland powers
ahead with land reform laws that give title
to communities to shape their own future...

What can Wales do to make good?

Here's a technical paper delivered recently
in Sweden by Scottish University experts
that gives a reasonable starting point:-


I think this might need a mass grass-roots
campaign a la chartists, to happen, mind !

The main parties are too compromised by
interest groups and ideology to move...

witness the disgraceful outcome at Maerdy.


Of course, ALL change brings problems too!
The article below examines how sensitive
communities must be as they change - and
how sides in an argument must be tolerant.


(“internet version from www.AlastairMcIntosh.com”)


It's great having Scotland leading the way, isn't
it - like having a big brother - we can admire
their achievements, learn from their mistakes,
and mix and match our unique differences...

Here's a positive view of Scotland's moves:


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