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Quotations Page

Let's get back on the streets, like the Czechs,
who stand up to stop the West's pro-war
elites forcing us into a price way too
high for the majority to pay.
- all for the USA to stay
as ''top dog'' !

Eric Hoffer:


“Propaganda...... does not deceive people; it 

merely helps them to deceive themselves.”

Image: what is to be done now

Sir Ronald Harwood: 

“Hate the critics? I have nothing but compassion

for them. How can one hate the crippled, the

mentally deficient, and the dead?”

Mary Ritter Beard:


“Woman's success in lifting men out of their way of life 

nearly resembling that of the beasts who merely 

hunted and fished for food, who found shelter 

where they could, in jungles, in trees, and 

caves, was a civilizing triumph.”

Sebastian Haffner:

''It may seem a paradox, but it is, none the less,

the simple truth, to say that, on the contrary,

the decisive historical events -- take place 

among us -- the anonymous masses. The 

most powerful dictators, ministers and 

generals, are powerless against the 

simultaneous mass decisions ---- 

taken individually and almost 

unconsciously ---- by the 

population at large.”

Jeremy Hardy:


''My daughter wanted a new pair of trainers. 

I told her: You're eleven, make your own!''

Richard Price:


''Let us, in particular, take care not to forget the principles 

of the Revolution. I will only take notice of the three 

following: First; The right to liberty of conscience 

in religious matters. Secondly; The right to resist 

power - when abused. And, Thirdly; The right to 

choose our own governors ---- to cashier them 

for misconduct, and to frame a government 

for ourselves.''

Jeffrey Sachs:


''There is no economic imperative that will 

condemn us to deplete our vital resource 

base, but neither is there an invisible 

hand that will prevent us from 

doing so.''

George Carlin:


''When someone is impatient and says, 'I haven't 

got all day,' I always wonder, How can that be?

 How can you not have all day?''

Anna Kingsford:


''That only is a human life 

which is a humane life.''

Bruce Lee:


“Never waste energy on worries or negative thoughts,

- all problems are brought into existence– drop them.”

Thomas Jefferson:


''He who knows best knows

how little he knows.''

George Sand:


''Know how to give without hesitation, 

how to lose without regret, how to 

acquire without meanness.''

Cleveland Amory:


''Have you ever heard one civilized person 

whose opinion you respect, at any time, 

anywhere, in any civilized country, 

anywhere, say 'the good

new days?'''

Alva Myrdal:


''I have always regarded global development --- as 

a struggle between the forces of good and evil. 

Not to be simplified.. as a struggle between 

Jesus and Satan, since I do not consider

that the process is restricted to our 

own sphere of culture.''

Claudette Werleigh:


''Our actual structures are not geared for participation, 

they are not for the people. It is a top-down, not a 

horizontal system. I believe that change in Haiti 

can only come -- when we change the actual 

structures. We have tried one way for two 

centuries, but now we are the poorest 

country in the Americas, with the 

most malnourished people in 

the Americas. It is time to 

try something else.”

Edward Young:


''Be wise with speed; a fool at forty,

is a fool indeed.'' 

Julius Nyerere:


''Unity will not make us rich, but it can make it difficult 

for Africa and the African peoples - to be disregarded 

and humiliated. And it will, therefore...  increase the 

effectiveness of the decisions we make and try to 

implement for our development. My generation 

led Africa to political freedom. The current 

generation of leaders and peoples of 

Africa, must pick up the flickering 

torch of African freedom, refuel 

it with their enthusiasm and 

determination and carry 

it forward.''

José Rizal:


''He who does not love his own language is

worse than an animal - and a smelly fish.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''Without humanity.... there is no civilization!

If the monsters, full of vice, sodden with 

alcohol, contaminated by disease, 

whom you send to us --- have 

nothing else to offer than 

what they have already 

given us -- then keep 

them yourselves..'' 

Thomas Bernhard:


''You are never truly together with the one you love

until the person in question is dead and actually 

inside you.''

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer:


What a shame that love has no dictionary 

in which to ascertain... when pride
simply pride and when

 it's 'dignity'!”

Chairman of the CC CPRF, 

Head of CPRF State Duma 

Gennady Zyuganov:


''Byelorussia - is the new target of the globalists. The opponents 

of the legitimately elected power - are to play the same role as

the “orange leprosy” in Ukraine. It is not by chance, that they

have been led to raise a banner... which the Nazi authorities

already recognized as the official banner on Byelorussia’s 

territory - occupied in 1942. Today, we see attempts to 

steer the people that defied the Nazi invaders, along 

the path of colonization and the destruction of the 

economy and culture. As usual this is being done 

under the pretext of making the country part of

 “the free world.”''

Thomas Carlyle:


“Of all your troubles, great and small, 

the greatest are the ones that don't 

happen at all.”

Psychologist Albert Ellis:


“The best years of your life, are the ones in which

you decide your problems are your own. You do

not blame them on your mother, ecology, or 

the president. You realize...... that you 

control your own destiny.”

R. Palme Dutt:


''Fascism appears, especially at the outset ---- as an appeal 

for a bold policy of social, reform & national development

- an appeal to broad masses of the population, to all 

discontented workers, to middle class elements - 

to youth, to idealism, to patriotism, to the desire 

for drastic change, and.. under all these covers, 

even imitating semi-socialist and revolutionary 

language, it conceals its real aim of drawing 

the working masses aside --- from the true 

objective of the overthrow of capitalism 

and establishment of socialism - in 

order to chain them the more 

securely to capitalism.''

Bruce Kent:


''A different kind of life - is possible. 

Let us, together, make it happen.''

June Callwood:


''Forgiveness is hard work. A woman, a devout 

Roman Catholic who forgave the man who 

tortured and killed her seven-year-old 

daughter, said, “Anyone who says 

forgiveness is for wimps, hasn’t 

tried it.” The reward for giving 

up scalding thoughts of 

reprisal, is peace of 

mind. It is worth 

the candle.''

Jean de La Fontaine:


''Help yourself........ and 

Heaven will help you.''

Howard Rheingold:


"Openness and participation --- 

are antidotes to surveillance 

and control."

Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia:


''There is no escape --- from the dilemma. There is no

middle term in the school for the disinherited class 

alone; you have either a systematic insistence, by

means of false teaching on error and ignorance, 

or hatred of those who domineer and exploit.''

Leymah Gbowee:


''Women are the ones that bear the greatest burden. 

We are also the ones who nurture societies. If any 

changes are to be made in society --- it has to be 

by the mothers.''

Zona Gale:


“Moments of mystery are rare enough, 

in all conscience; and, when they do 

arrive, all the world misses them by

trying to understand them. Which

is manifestly ungrateful 

and stupid.”

Dr. Rob Campbell:


''According to Ray Dalio, billionaire founder of hedge fund firm 

Bridgewater Associates, the UK is heading for a debt crisis 

which will spiral out of control, as the treasury has to 

borrow more and more money...... to service its 

increasing debts. Dalio described this as 

a ‘debt death spiral’. In spite of this, 

Starmer has promised to provide 

Ukraine with $3 billion a year 

for the next 100 years - 

what an idiot.'' 

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal:


''The human heart will never wrinkle.''

Chris Hedges:

''Fascism is always the bastard 

child of a bankrupt liberalism.''

James Welch:


''The economic piece is still missing --- since it's so hard

 to attract industry to reservations, but spiritually and 

educationally, they're doing -- just fine. Each tribe 

has a community college now, and they teach 

the language, they teach the traditions.''

Michael Eric Dyson:


''In the minds of many Americans, if you are a radical 

Democrat, or a Socialist, you are automatically a 

Communist. And if you are a Communist, then 

therefore you are an anti-American person 

and a person who is not a patriot. But

nothing is further from the truth.''

Jeffrey Sachs:


''Sustainability, or fairness to the future, involves 

the concept of stewardship.. the idea that the 

living generation.... must be stewards of the 

earth’s resources - for the generations that 

will come later. That’s a tough role to play. 

There's nothing natural or innate about it. 

We need to defend the interests of those 

whom we’ve never met, and never will. 

Yet those are our descendants -- and 

our fellow humanity. Alas, it’s a role 

that we’ve mostly ignored till now, 

to the increasing peril of all who

 will follow.''

Harold Wilson:


''This Party [the Labour party]

is a moral crusade,

or it is nothing.''

Woody Guthrie:


“All of this talking about what’s up in the sky, or down in 

hell, for that matter, isn’t half as important as what’s 

right here, right now, right in front of your eyes. 

Things are tough. Folks broke. Kids hungry. 

Sick. Everything. And people have got to 

have more faith in one another, believe 

in each other. There’s a spirit of some 

kind we’ve all got. That’s got to draw 

us all together.”

Helmut Schmidt:


''The British ---- claim to have a special 

 relationship with the U.S. - but if you 

mention this in Washington.. no one 

knows what you are talking about.''

Alexis de Tocqueville:


“When the taste for physical gratifications among them --- 

has grown more rapidly than their education...  the time 

will come, when men are carried away and lose all self

-restraint. It is not necessary to do violence to such a 

people in order to strip them of the rights they enjoy; 

they, themselves, willingly loosen their hold... they 

neglect their chief business, which is to remain 

their own masters.”

Shrimad Rajchandra:


''Life is short, so, forgive quickly, believe slowly,

love truly, laugh loudly ---- and never avoid 

anything that makes you smile.''

Fyodor Dostoyevsky:


''My young brother... asked even the birds to forgive him. It may sound

absurd, but it is right none the less, for everything, like the ocean, 

flows .....and enters into contact with everything else: touch one 

place, and you set up a movement at the other end of the world.

It may be senseless to beg forgiveness of the birds, but, then, 

it would be easier for the birds, and for the child, and for 

every animal, if you were, yourself, more pleasant 

than you are now.'' 

André Gide:


'''Know thyself.'  A maxim as pernicious as it is ugly.
Whoever studies himself, arrests his own 

development. A caterpillar who seeks
to know 
himself, would never

become a butterfly.''

Otto von Bismarck:


“Whoever speaks of Europe is wrong: 

it is a geographical expression.” 

Ursula von der Leyen's father, Ernst Albrecht:


“If we succeed --- in bringing people of above-average 

capabilities (!) to governance - an autocracy, or the 

rule of the few, will be able to create a better

order.... than the rule of the people.” 

Bruce Lee:


''If there is a God, he is within. You don’t ask God 

to give you things, you depend on God for your

 inner theme.''

Michael Eric Dyson:

''..the misogyny of hip-hop, it's so horrible,
it's so putrid, it's so, you know, odious,
that we know, we smell, we see it.'' 

Mohamed M. Malick Fall

UNICEF Regional Director,

Eastern & Southern Africa:


''Nelson Mandela said it well: “Our children are our greatest 

treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them ------
 at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.”


Those are words to live by.''

Clara Zetkin:


''Social Democratic and trade union organs 

--- have approved of the illegal invasion of 

Belgium, of the massacre of suspected 

guerrillas, as well as their wives and 

children, as well as the destruction 

of their homes in various towns

 and districts.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan, Vol. 7 - In an Eastern Rose Garden:


''Love is the nature of life, beauty is the outcome of life, 

harmony is the means by which life accomplishes its 

purpose, and the lack of it results in destruction.''

Nathaniel Hawthorne:


''Love, whether newly born, or aroused from 

a deathlike slumber, must always create 

sunshine.... filling the heart so full of 

radiance ....this overflows upon

the outward world.''

W. E. B. Du Bois:


“Children learn more from what you are... 

than what you teach.”

G. K. Chesterton:


''The poor have sometimes objected to 

being governed badly; the rich, have 

always objected to being governed 

at all.''

John Hersey:


''To my great surprise, I never heard anyone 

cry out in the disorder, even though they 

suffered in great agony. They died... in 

silence, with no grudge, setting their

teeth to bear it. All for the country!''


''The crux of the matter is, whether total war 

in its present form, is justifiable, even when

it serves a just purpose. Does it not have 

material and spiritual evil as its con-

sequences ---- which far exceed 

whatever good might result?

When will ''our'' moralists 

give us an answer to 

this question?''

Joseph "José" Bové:


''Democracy between countries is a must. When we

look at the treatment inflicted on countries in the 

Southern hemisphere we can easily see that 

all countries are not treated equally.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:


''The sea of life, is in constant motion ---- no one

can stop its ever-moving waves. The Master.. 

walks over the waves, the wise man swims

in the water, but the ignorant man is 

drowned in his effort to cross.''

Graham Wallas:


''In politics, as in football, the tactics which prevail 

are not those which the makers of the rules

intended, but those by which the players 

find that they can win, and men feel, 

vaguely.... that the expedients by 

which their party is most likely 

to win, may turn out not to be 

those by which a State is 

best governed.”

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''We have seen some of you at your best...... and at your 

worst --- for the occupier... can hide no secrets from 

the occupied... and we are witness to the toll that 

the occupation has exacted from you and yours. 

This -- is why we have responded with solemn 

appreciation -- to those of you who came to 

offer consolation to our bereaved, to give 

support --- to those whose homes were 

being demolished ------ and to extend 

encouragement and counsel -- to 

those detained behind barbed

wire and iron bars.''

Thomas Carlyle:


“Tell a man he is brave --- and 

you help him to become so.”

Jean de La Bruyère:


''Is it so very wrong, to be intelligible in speaking, and to 

speak - as everybody does? Do not pretend to be witty; 

be natural, that is better suited to you; use, if you can 

plain language, such as those persons speak, whom 

you fancy - are without wit; then, perhaps, we may 

think .....you have some yourself.''

Jeffrey Sachs:


“The current situation reminds me --- too much --- 

of the fable of the farmer whose chickens are 

...dying. The local priest gives one remedy 

after another - prayers, potions, oaths -

until all of the chickens are dead....


"Too bad," sighs the priest, "I had 

so many other good ideas.”

Harry Schwarz:


''I wish my country were like I wanted it to be, 

but as it is not, I hope it will, one day, get to 

this way of living.'' 

Mark Twain:


''Be careful --- about reading health 

books. You may die of a misprint.''

Anna Kingsford:


''I greatly wonder what persons of refinement --- aye, even 

of decency -- do not feel insulted on being offered -- as a 

matter of course, portions of corpses ----- as food! Such 

comestibles might ---- possibly ---- be tolerated during 

sieges, or times of other privation of proper viands

- in exceptional circumstances, but in the midst 

of a civilised community, able to command a 

profusion of sound and delicious foods, it 

ought to be deemed an affront... to set 

dead flesh before a guest.''

Bertha von Suttner:


''How can justice be attained when, in the expiation of
an old wrong, another 
wrong is to be committed?
reasonable creature would conceive of the
idea of 
obliterating ink stains with ink, or
spots of 
oil with oil. Only blood must

be... washed out with blood?''

Nathaniel Hawthorne:


''Words --- so innocent and powerless, as they are, 

as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good 

and evil they become, in the hands of one who 

knows how to combine them. Accuracy -- is
twin brother of honesty; inaccuracy, 

of dishonesty.''

Maxim Gorky:


''Be good, be kind, be humane, and charitable; 

love your fellows; console the afflicted; 

pardon those who have done 

you wrong.''

Maxim Gorky:


''Prison teaches no good  ----  and Siberia doesn't 

either - but another human being can .....yes, a 

human being can teach another one kindness

very simply!''

Oswald Spengler:


''The press today --- is an army with carefully organized

arms and branches, with journalists as officers, and 

readers as soldiers. But here, as in every army, the

soldier obeys blindly, and war-aims and operation-

plans change without his knowledge. The reader

neither knows - nor is allowed to know - the 

purposes for which he is used, nor even 

the role .....that he is to play. A more 

appalling caricature of freedom of
thought cannot be imagined.'' 

''Formerly... a man did not dare to 

think freely. Now - he dares, but 

cannot; his will to think is only 

a willingness to think to order, 

and this is what he feels...
his liberty.''


''To-day, we live so cowed under the bombardment of
this intellectual artillery --- that hardly anyone can 

attain to the inward detachment that is required

for a clear view of the monstrous drama. The 

will-to-power -- operating under a pure 

democratic disguise -- has finished 

off its masterpiece so well, that 

the object's sense of freedom 

is actually flattered by the 

most thorough-going 

enslavement.. that 

has ever existed.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:


''Once you have given up your limited self willingly 

to the Unlimited, you will rejoice so much in that 

consciousness that you will not care to be 

small again.''



Nelson Mandela:


"When two neighbouring countries 

fight each other you know -- the 

USA just visited one."

Bruce Lee:


''Showing off, is the fool’s idea of glory.''

Dennis Kucinich:


''We tried war, we tried aggression, we tried 

intervention. None of it works. Why don't 

we try peace as a science of human 

relations ---- not as some vague 

notion ---- as everyday work.''

Soame Jenyns:


''If christian nations were nations of christians,

 all war would be impossible and unknown 

among them.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“Democracy cannot sustain itself 

amid a high degree of violence.”

Bill Hicks:


''By the way, if anyone here is

in advertising or marketing,

kill yourself.''

Sebastian Haffner:


''A state does not simply fall apart ------ as a result of depression.
Weimar Germany was not 
destroyed by economic depression,
widespread unemployment --- although these, naturally
contributed to the 
atmosphere of doom, but because
the Weimar Right --- 
was resolved to abolish the
parliamentary state 
in favour of a vaguely 

conceived authoritarian state.''

Sebastian Haffner:


“When I think about it, I have to say that --- by 1919, even
the Hitler Youth had almost been formed. 
For example,
in our school class, we had started 
a club called the
Rennbund Altpreussen (Old 
Prussia Athletics Club),
and took as its motto - 
“Anti-Spartacus, for Sport &
 Politics.” The 
politics ---- consisted in occasionally
beating up 
a few unfortunates who were in favour
of the 
revolution, on their way to school.

were the main occupation. We organized athletics
championships, in the school 
grounds or public stadia.
These gave 
us.... the pleasurable sensation of being 

decidedly anti-Spartacist. We felt very important
and patriotic, and ran races 
for the fatherland.
What was that, if 
not an embryonic

Hitler Youth?''

Sebastian Haffner:


''In truth, certain characteristics later added by 

Hitler’s personal idiosyncrasies were lacking, 

anti-Semitism, for one. Our Jewish school-

mates ran with the same anti-Spartacist 

and patriotic zeal...  as everyone else. 

Indeed, our best runner was Jewish.'' 

MoM commentator, Ronald Portier:


''The North Korean Troops are so dangerous, because 

they have been fitted with invisibility cloaks...
Everybody, that is MSM and intelligence 

services, who would never lie to us, 

know that they are there, but

still we can't see them...''

Abdul Razak Ahmad, special advisor

 to the Foreign Minister of Malaysia:


''We do not want to be defined by Western standards.
We are sovereign people. We are not less civilized, 

and our values are not inferior to Western values. 

We are not anti-West. It is very important for the 

voice of the World Majority ---- to be respected 

and to be heard.” 

Abdul Razak Ahmad, special advisor

 to the Foreign Minister of Malaysia:


''We --- are stepping forward. We are acting independently 

from the West ---- and reclaiming our voice and agency. 

124 countries ----- voted in favour of the UN resolution
demanding that Israel comply with international law,
cease its settlement activities - and withdraw from 

the occupied territory. The US --- voted against it. 

Many of its Western allies  ......abstained. They 

chose silence..  in the face of injustice. They 

were unwilling to stand up for international 

law and for Palestinian freedom. We - are 

not a minority.''

Abdul Razak Ahmad, special advisor

 to the Foreign Minister of Malaysia:


''Malaysia ------ is a sovereign nation. America must stop
telling us what to do. We, are witnessing a livestream
genocide happening in Gaza. America has the power 

to resolve this. America ------ has been part of this 

genocide. They have been supplying weapons 

and encouraging it. It is time for the Global 

Majority to take a leadership position. We 

are almost 90% of the global population. 

We are non-Western, non-white, and


General G. Zhukov:


“We liberated Europe from Fascism 

and they never forgive us for that.” 

G. A. Zyuganov:


''We are the heirs of the Soviet people and we will be able to
breathe new life into their big and beautiful dream.

Russia will be great ---- and socialist!''

Robert Fico:


“Have you ever seen a person who is afraid 

that the war will end? I saw him, and his 

name is Vladimir Zelensky” 

Sergey Obukhov :


"I think now...  Trump will "bend" Europe. Because the

main thing for him is a purely "business approach", 

and the key for him is the interests of oil and gas 

structures...... as well as the military-industrial 

complex of the United States. And --- if you 

take another Elon Musk, then ----- some of 

the tech giants. In other words ------- "old 

Europe" will continue to be bent down. 

Moreover, in full – both in the tail and 

in the mane''.

Iranian Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei:


“Who wins the election in America ------- doesn’t matter to 

us -- we simply don't care at all. Our policies toward the
West remain the same whether this or that person is in 

power. America ---- is a corrupt, warmongering country.
They say one thing - and do another. Look at what they
did in Iraq and Afghanistan.. how their mafia bosses in
their military-industrial complex forced the Ukrainians 

to wage a war against Russia, which they cannot win.
And now they support the Zionist regime - as always
- with no limits -------- in supporting their war crimes

and crimes against humanity.”

George Orwell:


"The more a society drifts from the truth, 

the more it will hate the people

who speak it." 

Heinrich Böll:


''Where freedom is under

threat, so is language,

and vice versa.'' 

Julian Assange: 


"Forget about Russia --- the real threat to 

America is Israel and the Israel Lobby." 

Julian Assange:


''By bringing out into the public domain 

how human institutions actually 

behave... we can understand 

frankly, to a degree, for the 

first time - the civilization 

that we actually have.''

Peter Kropotkin:


''The animal species, in which individual struggle 

has been reduced to its narrowest limits, and 

the practice of mutual aid has attained the 

greatest development, are invariably the 

most numerous --- the most prosperous, 

and the most open to further progress.'' 

Walter Rodney:


Fascism is a deformity of capitalism. It heightens the
imperialist tendency towards domination which is 

inherent in capitalism --- and it safeguards the 

''principle'' - of private property. At the same 

time... fascism immeasurably strengthens 

the institutional racism, already bred by 

capitalism, whether it be against Jews 

as in Hitler’s case, or against African 

peoples ----- as in the ideology of 

Portugal’s Salazar ----- and the

(past) leaders of S. Africa.'' 

W. E. B. Du Bois:


“The return from your work - must be the satisfaction 

which that work brings you and the world’s need of

that work. With this, life is heaven, or as near to

heaven as you can get.”

Anna Brownell Jameson:


“A cunning mind emphatically delights in 

its own cunning, and is the ready prey 

of cunning.” 

Gabriel Garcia Marquez:


''Fiction was invented the day Jonah arrived

 home and told his wife that he was three 

days late because he had been 

swallowed by a whale."

Nadezhda Krupskaya:


''Solidarity among the male and female

workers, a general cause, general

goals --- a general path to that 

goal - that is the solution to 

the ''woman'' question in 

the working class 


Nikolay Chernyshevsky:

''History is fond of her grandchildren - for

it offers them the marrow of the bones 

- which the previous generation had

hurt its hands in breaking.''

Harold Wilson:


''We complimented the Prime Minister for 

his “Wind of Change” speech. What we 

want to see now, is less wind and 

more change.'' 

Norman Finkelstein:


“There's nothing Israel can do without US support. It can't breathe

 without US support. The US bankrolls everything ------ and it's just 

silly to think that Israel can do anything without the US' support.”

George Washington:


''The alternate domination of one faction over another, 

sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party 

dissension, which, in different ages and countries 

has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is 

itself, a frightful despotism. But this leads, at 

length, to a more formal and permanent 


William Hazlitt:


''To think ill of mankind and not wish ill to them, 

is, perhaps.... the highest wisdom and virtue.''

Noam Chomsky:


"When we talk about 'Israeli crimes,' the framing is 

misleading, because they are US-Israeli crimes. 

Whatever Israel does --- is either implicitly or 

explicitly authorized by the United States 

..which provides economic, diplomatic, 

military, and ideological support, and 

US presidents can alter Israeli policy 

and restrain Israel’s violence.. when 

they choose to do so. When we talk 

about Israel - we should remember 

that, in an important sense we are 

talking about.... ourselves."

Daniel Ellsberg:


“Whether rightly or wrongly, we are the only country in the world,

that believes it won a war by bombing --- specifically by bombing

cities with weapons of mass destruction, firebombs, and atomic

 bombs -- and believes that it was fully justified in doing so. It is 

a dangerous state of mind.”

Émile Zola: 


''If people can just love each other 

a ittle bit...they can be so happy.''

Nicholas Murray Butler:


''His speech on receiving the Peace Prize has

''disappeared'' ! He must be the only Peace

advocate whose peace quotations do not

now exist ! Only a news report is left - if 

you read it you will see that most things

he says, are being betrayed, right now,

and our leaders are leading us to

Hell on Earth.'' 

Hazrat Inayat Khan:


''If you seek the good in every soul, 

you will always find it, for God is 

in all things; still more He is in 

all beings.''

Benjamin Franklin:


''Democracy is the most bloodthirsty form 

of government, the world has ever seen.''

Eugenio Maria de Hostos:


''Lend your light to the blind. Why should the

 wickedness of men irritate you, when it is 

only blindness?''

Christian Friedrich Hebbel:


''Which do you pay dearer for, lies or the

truth? The former costs you yourself, 

the latter, at most, your happiness.''

Alessandro Manzoni:


“Crime is a rigid, unbending master, against 

whom, no one can be strong, except by 

total rebellion. Let us offer our hearts, 

wretched and empty as they are, to 

God ----- that He may be pleased to 

fill them with that charity.. which 

amends the past, which ensures 

the future, which fears & trusts, 

weeps ------ and rejoices in its 

knowledge; which becomes,

in every instance, the virtue

of which we stand in need.”

John Ross, Cherokee nation's leader:

'We are overwhelmed! Our hearts are sickened, 

our utterance is paralyzed, when we reflect 

on the condition in which we are placed,

 by the audacious practices of 

unprincipled men.''

Josef Stalin during the Great Patriotic war WW2: 


"The Americans and British will fight the 

Nazi's to the last drop of Russian blood."

Adolf Hitler to Stalin on his 60th birthday in 1939:


''Best wishes for your personal well-being 

...as well as for the prosperous future of 

the peoples of the friendly Soviet Union.''

Jose Marti:


I grow a white rose

In July just as in January

For the sincere friend

Who gives me his frank hand.

And for the cruel man who pulls out of me

the heart with which I live,

I grow neither nettles nor thorns:

I grow a white rose.

Indonesia's President Sukarno, in 1955:


No task is more urgent than that of preserving peace. 

Without peace, our independence means little. The

rehabilitation and upbuilding of our countries will 

have little meaning. Our revolutions.. will not be

allowed to run their course. What can we do? 

We can do much! We can inject the voice of

reason into world affairs. We can mobilise 

all of the spiritual, moral, and political 

strength of Asia and Africa -- on the 

side of peace. Yes, we! We ---- the 

peoples of Asia & Africa, billions

strong --- far more than half the 

human population of the world 

-- we can mobilise what I have 

called - the Moral Violence of 

Nations... in favour of peace. 

We.. can demonstrate to the 

minority of the world which 

lives on other continents...

that we, the majority, are 

for peace -- not for war, 

and that --- whatever 

strength we have, 

will always be 

thrown on to 

the side of


Ravi Shankar:


“Human evolution has two steps - from being somebody

to being nobody; and from being nobody to being

everybody. This knowledge can bring sharing

and caring throughout the world.”

Stafford Cripps:


Churchill: ''I am the humble servant of the Lord 

Jesus Christ and of the House of Commons.''


Cripps: ''I hope you treat Jesus better...

than you treat the House of Commons.''

Elizabeth Peratrovich:


''I must demand that you stop 

trying to deny me the rights 

that all people deserve.''

Corporal Scholtz, of Germany:

''We want to contribute to 

the establishment of 

a new NATO unit 

in Slovakia.'' 

John Woolman:


''Wealth is attended with power, by which, bargains and

proceedings, contrary to universal righteousness, 

are supported; and hence oppression, carried 

on with worldly policy and order, clothes 

itself with the name of justice... and 

becomes like a seed of discord

 in the soul.''

(Sir) Walter Scott:


''The race of mankind would perish 

did they cease to aid each other.

We cannot exist without mutual 

help. All therefore that need aid 

have a right to ask it from their 

fellow-men; and no one who 

has the power of granting... 

can refuse it without guilt.''

John Neal:


''A certain amount of opposition is a great help 

to a man; it is what he wants and must have 

to be good for anything. Hardship and 

opposition --- are the native soil of 

manhood and self-reliance.''

Woody Guthrie:


“The world is filled with people who are 

no longer needed and who try to make 

slaves of all of us and they have their 

music... and we have ours.”

Hosea Williams:


''It touched me when it happened in real time, 

because -- I could see George Floyd begging 

to live. Begging to live.  Let me..... breathe. 

They had a knee on George Floyd's neck - 

and the other 2 (officers) ...just standing

there: can you imagine if that had been

a Black policeman on a White man's 

neck ? You can bet --- the nation

would have been turned

upside down.''

Tony Benn:


''Making mistakes - is part of life. The only things

I would feel ashamed of, would be if I had said 

things I hadn't believed in, in order to get on.

Some politicians... do that.'

Albert Einstein:


''Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness 

of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive 

for truth, beauty, and justice, has preserved me from

 feeling isolated.''

Alva Myrdal:


''If only the authorities could be made to 

realize, that the forces leading them on 

in the armament race, are just insane.''

Bruce Lee:


''Don’t fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, 

is the crime. In great attempts ------ it is 

glorious, even to fail.''

Frank Billings Kellogg:


''I believe that in the end the abolition of war, the

maintenance of world peace, the adjustment 

of international questions by pacific means 

will come through the force of public 

opinion, which controls nations 

and peoples.''

 Alexis Tsipras:


''There was a huge lack of freedom
in communist regimes, 
but at least
they had humanity at the centre

of their thinking.''

Dr. Martin Luther King: 


“In the human rights revolution, if something isn’t done 

- and done in a hurry - to bring the coloured peoples of 

the world out of their long years of poverty; their 

long years of hurt and neglect, the whole world

is doomed.” 

Odell Shepard:


''For what I give, not what I take,

For battle, not for victory,

My prayer of thanks 

I make.''

Wreckless Eric:


''There’s nothing more fun than having a bad cold, 

feeling like death warmed up and trying to get

tax return together.''

Julian Assange:


''The goal, is NOT to win these wars. The goal is to
use the wars to wash money out of the tax bases
of the United States, and out of the tax bases of
European countries and back into the hands of
transnational security elite. THAT is 

the goal. To have ENDLESS wars, 


Ravi Shankar:


“In always wanting to be comfortable, 

you become lazy. In always wanting 

perfection, you become angry. In 

always wanting to be rich, you 

become greedy.”

Rabbi Amram Blau & Rabbi 

Hlaron Katzinelinbyen:


''They used their own citizens like sheep to the slaughter 

in order to create blood lust and enable the slaughter of 

Palestinian women and children. The real target of 

Netanyahu, is not Hamas, it is the Palestinian 

people and their land and their offshore 

gas fields. Treachery, betrayal, 

genocide and theft.''

Samora Machel:


''We say that our objective is to conquer complete 

independence, to install a people's power, 

to construct a new society --- without 

exploitation, for the benefit of all.''

Maya Angelou:


“You may shoot me with your words, you may

 cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with

 your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”

Woodrow Wilson - on the USA:


“We..... are citizens of the world. The tragedy 

of our times ---- is that we do not know this.”

Kanshi Ram:


''We will not stop until we unite the victims of the 

system, and overthrow the spirit of inequality

 in our country.''

Bruce Lee:


“Real living is living for others.”

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''We come to you from a tortured land and a proud, though 

captive, people, having been asked to negotiate with 

our occupiers, but leaving behind the children of 

the Intifada, and a people under occupation 

and under curfew, who enjoined us not

to surrender ...or forget. They have 

the right to return. As we speak, 

the silence of demolished 

homes echoes through

the halls and in our 

minds: we must 

rebuild our 

homes in 

our free 


Jules Renard:


''The horse is the only animal into 

which one can bang nails.'

Eino Leino:

He who a single one loves is blessed

– beloved of everybody.

Whoever self-interest forgets the best

will blessèd dreams embody.

Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav:

What caused this wreck --- this brutal and ignoble collapse 

of morals? What provoked the breach? What led mankind,
in spirit grand and noble --- to plunge in the mud? What
vampire? Oh, what leech, sucking the sap of life out 

of the breast, constantly thirsting bloody parasite? 

Ah... selfishness! — and to destroy this pest today,

we have no troops, no heroes to fight. Yes - it will 

twist and tear and rend, and fall, a tyrant, on the 

weak and innocent; although the world is wide 

enough for all -- it would have sole  control of 

earth’s extent, & even possess the universe, 

no less - pitching  the other into emptiness. 

This puffed-up arrogance, that’s dressed in 

iron and armed with lethal weapons, lurks 

in wait; that bulks... like stormy clouds on

 the horizon, each move a threat ------ with 

wide eyes full of hate; that hangs above 

the earth like punishment --- and keeps 

peace powerless: it coarsely swears 

that it fears God alone! - But this is 

meant contemptuously: in truth,

it does not care. Whether your 

wisdom comes of silver years

or you’re a man in bloom, cry 

to them all, “Enough!” — and 

you’ll be a champion of the 

world. Offer your enemy - a 

brother’s hand, a white flag 

over red ruin unfurled! Or… 

must violence constantly 
be fanned............ till it

burns out?''

George Sand:


''Guard well within yourself 

 that treasure.... kindness.''

Permanent Representative of the Russian 

Federation to the UN --- Vasily Nebenzya: 


“Very soon ------ the only topic of all international 

meetings on Ukraine, will be the unconditional 

surrender of the Kiev regime.”

Tim Wise:


''Here's the reality. The image of a white Jesus has been
used to justify enslavement, conquest, colonialism, the
genocide of indigenous peoples. There are literally 

millions of human beings whose lives have been 

snuffed out - by people who conquered under 

the banner of a white god. Jesus - was not 

born in a manger in central Pennsylvania. 

He was a man of colour. And the fact 

that we have represented him --- for 

centuries literally, as a white man

- speaks to the entire history of 

white supremacy.''

Rabbis Amram Blau and

Hlaron Katzinelinbyen:


''When Palestine... came under the charge of the League of Nations
and Great Britain became responsible as 
Mandatory the majority
of the Jews in the country 
were strictly orthodox. At that time
the Zionists 
succeeded in bringing into the Holy land .....a 

growing stream of Zionist immigrants ----- people whose
ways of life and god
lessness were viewed by orthodox 

Jews established here, with alarm and dismay – fear
at the possibility
 that our children would be misled 

by the ungodly & dismay at the growing influence
determination of the godless Zionists, to be
recognized as 
the representatives and leaders
of all 
Jewry - over the whole world. Whatever
its origin, present day 
political Zionism is in
conflict with Jewish God-given Laws.
The Zionists ----- quickly 
replaced orthodox
schooling by a national system of
education and having taken
 all sections of
the Jewish 
Community under their wing -- 
they have been organised on foundations
which is 
alien to Judaism and, in fact, is
so planned ----- as 
to eliminate religion.''

 Jean de La Fontaine:


''By the work, one knows the workman.''

Richard Price:


''Ignorance is the parent of bigotry, intolerance, 

persecution and slavery. Inform and instruct

mankind and these evils will be excluded.''

William Faulkner:


''To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality

 because of race or colour, is like living in Alaska and being

 against snow. If we Americans are to survive it will have
to be 
because we choose and elect and defend to be
first of all Americans; 
to present to the world one
homogeneous and unbroken 
front --- whether of
white Americans ------- or black ones or 
or blue or green… If we in America ----- have 

reached that point in our desperate culture 

when we must murder children, no matter 

for what reason or what colour, we don’t 

deserve to survive, and probably won’t.''

Fidel Castro:


''Reactionaries... often describe both Marx and Lenin 

as theorists, without taking into consideration that 

their utopias inspired Russia and China --- the two 

countries called upon to lead a new world which

will allow for human survival --- if imperialism 

does not first unleash a criminal, 

exterminating war.''

Peng Liyuan:


''There is a saying, 'Eyes are the windows to the soul.'

It means, mostly, people can see through someone 

else by eye contact, in seven seconds. I have a 

habit that, if I meet someone I don't know, I'd 

like to look at her or his eyes on purpose. 

When my eyes lay on them........ I can 

immediately see their true colour.''

James Welch:


''Nobody would take checks [cheques] from Indians, 

nobody would give them any credit, and nobody

would let them drink in the bars. There was a

rudeness, a brusqueness, with which the

Indians were treated constantly. At a 

very young age, that had entered

my consciousness.''

Aneurin "Nye" Bevan:


''The Communist Manifesto stands in a class by itself 

in Socialist literature. No indictment of the social 

order ever written can rival it. The largeness of

its conception --- its profound philosophy and 

its sure grasp of history, its aphorisms and 

its satire --- all these make it a classic of 

literature, while the note of passionate 

revolt which pulses through it, no less 

than its critical appraisement of the 

forces of revolt, make it for all 

rebels - an inspiration

and a weapon.''

José María Morelos:


''May slavery be banished forever ---- together with the 

distinction between castes, all remaining equal, so 

Americans may only be distinguished by vice or 

virtue. In the new laws --- may torture not

be allowed.''

Joel Kovel:


''What will happen in Israel? US support.... will fade, 

slowly, then completely. Israel will circle wagons, 

become more oppressive: Another nakba -- or a 

single state? Will be determined militarily and 

politically via internal and external violence 

and nonviolence. Unless you're trying
change the world, you can't 

understand it.''

Tony Benn:


“Britain is the only colony in the British Empire 

and it is up to us, now, to liberate ourselves.

John 13:35:


“By this shall all men know 

that ye are my disciples,

if ye have love one 

to another.” 

Dominique Pire:


''Peace, is not something to 

say, but something to do.''

Khalil Gibran:


“I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your
temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of 

one religion, and it is the spirit.”

Alice Childress:


“But if we grow stronger... and rise higher than 

what's pullin' us down... Yes, rise higher than 

dirt...  that fifty pound weight will lift and 

you'll be free, free without anybody's 

by-your-leave. Do something - to 

wash out the sin - and nobody 

would write ''peace'' on no 

walls - 'cause it would be 

peace - and our hearts 

would be free!”

William Congreve:


''Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, 

to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.''


Che Guevara:


''I know you're here to kill me. 

Shoot, coward, you are only 

going to kill a man.''

Heinrich Böll:


''We are talked into believing ----- that compassion

belongs in the area of sentiment. That - is a lie. 

Compassion -- is a tremendous force -- a vast 

energy........ and a creative imagination,

is also part of compassion.'' 

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal:


''Good and evil travel on the same road, 

but they leave different impressions.''

Tony Benn:


“Hope is the fuel of progress....... and fear

is the prison in which you put yourself.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero:


“Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century:

Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others;

Worrying about things that cannot be changed or 

corrected; Insisting that a thing is impossible 

because we cannot accomplish it; Refusing 

to set aside trivial preferences; Neglecting 

development and refinement of the mind;

Attempting to compel others to believe 

and live as we do.”

Bob Herbert, journalst:


''I get a headache when I hear supporters of this endless warfare complaining
about the federal budget deficits. They are like arsonists complaining about
the smell 
of smoke in the neighbourhood. There's a terrible sense of dread
filtering across America at the 
moment --- and it's not simply because of
continuing fear of terrorism and the fact that the nation is at war.
It is.... more 
frightening than that. It grows out of the suspicion,
that we all may 
be passengers in a vehicle that has made a
radically wrong 
turn and is barreling along a dark road,
with its head
lights off and with someone behind the

wheel ------- who may not know how to drive.''

Germany's Chancellor Scholz, in 2022:


We are ...pushing ahead on the purchase of the armed
Heron drone from Israel. And.. with regard to nuclear

sharing, we will procure a modern replacement for 

the out-dated Tornado jets, in good time. The 

Eurofighter --- is set to be equipped with 

electronic war-fare capabilities. The 

F-35 fighter jet --- has the potential 

to be used... as a carrier aircraft. 

And finally ladies & gentlemen, 

we will do more to guarantee 

a secure energy supply for 

our country.''

Charles Dickens:


''It was the best of times... it was the worst of

times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the 

age of foolishness --- it was the epoch of 

belief - it was the epoch of incredulity, 

it was the season of light, it was the

season of darkness, it was the 

spring of hope, it was the 

winter of despair.''

Kim Il-sung:


“The oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only
through struggle. This is a simple and clear truth 

confirmed by history. We are opposed to the

line of compromise with imperialism. At 

the same time, we cannot tolerate the 

practice - of only shouting against 

imperialism, but, in actual fact, 

being afraid to fight it.

Peng Liyuan:


''Education --- is about women and girls. It is important 

for girls to go to school, because they will become

their children's first teachers ------ someday.

Making sure that mothers are educated 

means we can lift more people out of 

poverty and build a more inclusive 

and sustainable society.''

Bernard Le Bovier 

de Fontenelle:


An educated mind is, as it were, 

composed of all the minds of 

preceding ages.''

Ben Okri:


“A people are as healthy and confident - as the 

stories they tell themselves. Sick storytellers

can make nations sick. Without stories... we

would go mad. Life would lose it’s moorings 

or orientation. Stories can conquer fear 

you know. They can make the 

heart larger.”

Catherine the Great, of Russia:


''A great wind is blowing - and that either 

gives you imagination - or a headache.''

Maya Angelou:


“I've learned that people will forget

 what you said, people will forget 

what you did -- but people will 

never forget how you made

them feel.”

George Galloway, MP:


"You will pay a high price for the role that you 

have played in enabling, encouraging, and 

covering for the catastrophe presently 

going on in occupied Gaza, in the 

Gaza Strip."

Sara Flounders: 


"The 1991 Foreign Appropriations Law --- also prescribed

various forms of economic strangulation..... for several 

other countries deemed enemies ----- including Angola,

Cambodia, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, N. Korea...... 

and Vietnam. On the other hand ---- countries moving

hastily toward a capitalist market economy in 1990 

- such as Poland - were to receive special funding. 

In all the expressions of concern and sympathy 

for refugees and displaced people in countries 

all over the globe but especially in the former 

Yugoslavia, no US official ever mentions the 

terrible suffering caused by US economic 


Édouard Schuré:


''A nation is not a number of uniform values or ciphers; it is 

a living being, composed of organs. So long as national 

representation is not the image of this organization, 

right from its working, to its teaching classes, 

there will be no organic or intelligent 

national representation.'' 

Bob Herbert, journalst:


''There is nothing more American -- than 

brutal violence. The country was built 

on it, revels in it -- and shows every 

evidence of clinging to it with the 

crazed, destructive strength of 

an obsessive lover.''

Walter Rodney:


''In speaking of the European slave trade, mention must 

be made of the USA, not only because its dominant
population was European, but because Europe 

transferred its capitalist institutions - more 

completely to North America, than to any 

other part of the globe - and established 

a powerful form of capitalism ------ after 

eliminating the indigenous inhabitants

and exploiting the labour of millions
Africans. However - the peasants
workers of Europe, & eventually,

the inhabitants of the whole world

 paid a huge price -- so capitalists 

could make their profits --- from

the human labour that always 

lies behind the machines.'' 

Thomas Carlyle:


“The greatest of faults, is 

to be conscious of none.”

Ramin Razaheri:


''The UK is the most screwed up, being the most intractable
counter-revolutionary subversives, 
of every progressive
political movement, 
since 1789 ----------- yet somehow 
seeing in its 
own mirror --- the beacon of fair play. 
It may be interesting to supporters of the Iranian
Islamic Revolution, to 
know what Napoleon did
say, was 
perhaps ------
- his biggest mistake? 
Restoring the property of the old nobility
- whom he had 
allowed back to France 

in an amnesty........ Those “Napoleonic
Wars” are 
more accurately titled “the

Wars Against the French Revolution”.

Dilip Kumar Chakrabarti:


''Try to understand the fact --- that for more than a

hundred years in the late fourth, third and early

second centuries BC, there was a state which

controlled... the entire natural geographical

domain of south Asia. Not even the British

controlled such a large area, for such a 

long period. This fact - should, in any 

case, be one of the answers to the 

notion that there have only been 

divisive tendencies... in the 

political history of India.''

Julian Assange: "If wars can be started 

by lies, peace can be started by truth."

Charles Dickens:


“We need never be ashamed of our tears.”

Carlos Manuel de Céspedes:


''Men do not realize the evil caused by divisions. Carried away 

by their ambitions, their quarrels and other miserable

personalities, they see a homeland and freedom 

only in the satisfaction of these vile passions, 

bringing us closer, at all times, with their 

recklessness: on the brink of civil war, 

while the war of independence is 

not even complete.''


"In Europe, every young person 

-------- has a legal right to a job.''



"Euro-association means that every 

pensioner will immediately receive 

at least 1,000 euros in a pension."


Ukraine woman to EU boss Borrell: 

"You are a hypocrite --------- Josep!"

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal:


''There are some people who never

acknowledge themselves in the 

wrong; God help them!''

Bruce Lee:


''Preparation for tomorrow

----- is hard work today.''

Abul Malik Houthi: 


“The root cause of global terrorism --- is Zionism 

and its tentacles of Israel, the US and Britain.” 

Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, 2010:


"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have 

no place in the world --- only to serve the People of Israel. 

In Israel, death has no dominion over them. With gentiles

it will be like any person, they need to die, but [God] will
give them longevity. Why? Imagine -- that one’s donkey 

would die, they'd lose their money. This is his servant. 

That is why he gets a long life, to work well for this 

Jew. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, 

they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like 

an effendi and eat. That, is why gentiles 

were created."

Andre Jules Dubus II:


''Living in the world as a cripple allows you to see more

clearly --- the crippled hearts of some people whose

bodies are whole and sound. All of us -- from time 

to time, suffer this crippling. Some suffer it daily 

and nightly; and while most of us, nearly all of 

us, have compassion and love in our hearts, 

we cannot - or will not - see these barely 

visible wounds of other human beings, 

and so cannot or will not pick up the 

telephone or travel to someone’s 

house, or write a note, or make 

some other seemingly trifling 

gesture, to give to someone 

what only we and God, can 

give: an hour’s respite, or 

a day’s, or a night’s; and 

sometimes, more than 

respite: sometimes


 Richard Price:


''Let us - in particular - take care not to forget 

the principles of the Revolution... I will only

take notice of the three following: First;

The right to liberty of conscience in 

religious matters. Secondly; The 

right to resist power --- when 

abused. And, Thirdly; The 

right to choose our own 

governors -  to cashier 

them for misconduct 

----- and to frame a

government for 


Bruce Lee:


''Many people dedicate their lives.... to actualizing a

concept of what they should be like... rather than

actualizing themselves. This difference between

self-actualization and self-image actualization, 

is very important. Most people live only for 

their image.''

Theodore Roosevelt:


''To announce ---- that there must be no criticism of the 

President --- or that we are to stand by the President 

right or wrong --- is not only unpatriotic and servile, 

but is morally treasonable to the American public.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned 

an invisible government owing no allegiance and

acknowledging no responsibility to the people. 

To destroy this invisible government, to defoul 

the unholy alliance between corrupt business 

and corrupt politics --- is the first task of the 

statesmanship of today."

Hazrat Inayat Khan:


“If people but knew their own religion, 

how tolerant they would become, 

and how free from any grudge -

against the religion of others.”

Helmut Schmidt:


''The biggest room in the world

 is the room for improvement.''

Catherine the Great, of Russia:


''The Equality of the Citizens consists in this; that they
should all be subject to the same Laws. This Equality
requires Institutions so well adapted as to prevent 

the Rich - from oppressing those who are not so 

wealthy as themselves and converting all the 

Charges and Employments, intrusted to 

them as Magistrates only to their 

own private Emolument.''

George Harrison:


''Love one another.''

Susan B. Anthony:


"Whoever controls work and 

wages, controls morals."

Jeffrey Sachs:


“History is written by the rich, and so

 the poor get blamed for everything.”

Sonia Sanchez:


“The most fundamental truth to be told 

in any art form, as far as Blacks are 

concerned, is that America is 

killing us.”



"The secret of change - is to focus 

all of your energy, not on fighting 

the old, but on building the new." 

Maria Matskevich, Institute of Sociology of the Russian
Academy of Sciences in Politymagazine, issue 4, 2023: 


“......in 2022-2023, the desire to live in a socialist rather 

than capitalist society has risen sharply. While in 2020,
sympathies for socialism and capitalism were about 

equal (26% and 21%, respectively), by mid-2022, 

48% chose socialism and only 12% capitalism. 

In 2023, this ratio is already 48% vs. 5%.”

Leonardo Boff:


''Today social justice represents one of the most

serious challenges to the conscience of the 

world. The abyss between those who are 

within the world 'order', and those who 

are excluded.. is widening day by day. 

The use of leading-edge technologies

has made it possible to accumulate 

wealth in a way that's fantastic but 

perverse.... because it is unjustly 

distributed. Twenty-percent of 

humankind control 80% of all

means of life. That fact, 

creates a dangerous

imbalance in the 

movement of


Seán MacBride:


''It is clear, that it is not man who has created the 

universe - whether you believe in God or in gods

or deny any divine presence - man cannot alter 

the laws that govern the universe, without 

damaging it.'

Leonardo Boff:


"Spirituality is that attitude which puts life at the centre, 

& defends & promotes life against all the mechanisms
of death, desiccation, or 
stagnation. The opposite of
spirit, in 
this sense, is not the body, but death and
everything associated 
with the system of death,
stood in the widest sense of biological,
social and 
existential death... (failure,

humiliation, and oppression).

Nikolai Berdyaev:


''The whole economic system of Capitalism is an offshoot of

a devouring and overwhelming lust - of a kind that can hold 

sway only in a society that has deliberately renounced the 

Christian asceticism and turned away from Heaven to give 

itself over exclusively to earthly gratifications....... It is the

result of a secularization of economic life, and by it --- the

hierarchical subordination of the material to the spiritual 

is inverted. The autonomy of economics --- has ended in 

their dominating the whole life of human societies: the 

worship of Mammon has become the determining 

force of the age. And the worst of it is that this 

undisguised “mammonism” is regarded as a 

very good thing ------ an attainment to the 

knowledge of truth and a release from 

illusions. Economic materialism 

formulates this to perfection 

when it brands the whole 

spiritual life of man as 

a deception and 

a dream.''

YouGov sociological institute survey:,


55% of Germans are in favour of refusing to supply Kiev

with long-range cruise missiles ---- and 26% hold the 

opposite opinion ---- while 39% believe that Berlin 

provides Kiev with too much military assistance.

Alexander Kamkin, senior researcher at IMEMO

 RAS Centre for Comparative & Political Studies: 


"In Germany, there are hotheads like Markus Zeder 

or Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, who almost 

demands to give her a machine gun to go to the 

Eastern Front. However... the ruling German 

circles have certain concerns ---- that the 

supply of Taurus will become a point of 

no return, in relations with Russia." 

Russian Ambassador to Germany Sergey Nechaev: 


"It is difficult to entertain illusions about a possible 

change in Germany's approach to the Ukrainian 

conflict and a sudden awareness of the risks 

of escalation associated with the use of 

long range missiles."

Vadim Kozyulin, Head of the Centre for Global Studies and

International Relations at the IAMP Diplomatic Academy 

of the Russian Foreign Ministry: 


"We are seeing how the conflict is becoming more intense.

More destructive types of weapons are being transferred 

to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. So we need to assume 

that the West will continue to escalate this kind of 

escalation, including with Taurus." 

Alexander Kamkin:


"If Berlin agrees to transfer these systems to the Ukrainian

Armed Forces, they will enable Kiev to launch separate

terrorist attacks, although supplies will be limited. It is

possible, that this is also the reason why Berlin is not

in a hurry to send them to Ukraine. At the same time

they - Tauruses - will not be able to fundamentally 

change the situation on the  front, in any case." 

Alva Myrdal:


''We can hope that men will understand that the

interest of all are the same, that hope lies in

cooperation. We can then, perhaps, 

keep PEACE.''

André Gide:


''Work and struggle and never accept 

an evil that you can change.'

Ravi Shankar:


“I tell you, deep inside you - is a fountain of bliss,

 a fountain of joy. Deep inside your central core 

is truth, light, love, there is no guilt there,

 there is no fear there. Psychologists 

have never looked deep enough.”

UN declaration:


'' …democracy is a universal value based on the freely-

expressed will of people to determine their own 

political, economic, social and cultural 

systems, and their full participation 

in all aspects of life.''

Andrés Bonifacio y de Castro:


''Reason teaches us -- to be united in will, 

united in thought and united in purpose 

and that we might have strength to 

combat the prevailing evil in 

our Nation."

Gabriel Rockhill:


''Losurdo.. made it clear, that the text of Stalin: 

[History and Critique of a Black Legend] was

..a contribution to contextualizing and 

ending the demonization of Stalin,

who was ------ in 1946, praised 

by Gandhi.''

Marshall Berman:


''Whoever you are, or want to be, 

you may not be interested in 

politics, but politics is

interested in you.''

Al Sharpton:


''I've seen enough things to know that 

if you just keep on going, if you turn 

the corner, the sun will be shining.''

Moses Mendelssohn:


''The state gives orders and coerces, religion teaches 

and persuades. The state prescribes laws, religion 

commandments. The state has physical power 

- and uses it when necessary; the power of 

religion is love and benificence. The one 

abandons the disobedient and expels 

him; the other receives him in its 

bosom and seeks.. to instruct, 

or at least to console him.''

Frank Serpico:


''We need good role models, and 

they have to start at the top.

The whole f**king system

 is corrupt.''

June Callwood:


''The central fact of North American history

 is that there were fifteen British Colonies

 before 1776. Thirteen rebelled, and two 

didn't. The beaver, which has come to 

represent Canada, as the eagle does 

the United States & the lion Britain,

 is a flat-tailed, slow-witted, toothy 

rodent known to bite off it's own 

testicles, or to stand under its 

own falling trees.''

Nicholas Murray Butler:


''Those people who think only of themselves, 

are hopelessly uneducated. They are not 

educated... no matter how instructed 

they may be. America is the best 

half-educated country in 

the world.''

Trygve Lie:


''My God, this is war against

 the United Nations.''

Mark Twain:


“I have read carefully the treaty of Paris [between the 

United States and Spain], and I have seen that we do 

not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the 

Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to

redeem. And so, I am an anti-imperialist. I am 

opposed to having the eagle put its talons 

on any other land.”

Bianca Jagger:


''People in so many countries look up 

to the United States, as a model of 

democracy, but I doubt if that

can continue. It leaves me 

with a great sense 

of loss.''

Arnold Wesker:


''Education isn't only books and music - it's asking 

questions, all the time. There are millions of us,
over the country, and no one, not one of us,
asking questions: we're all taking the

easiest way out.''

Hermann Hesse:


''Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line 

we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of 

which the world consists, other, new insights begin.''

Aretha Franklin:


''We all require and want respect, 

man or woman, black or white.

It's our basic human right.''


''I think women and children and older 

people, are the three least-respected 

groups in our society.''

William Hazlitt:


''The more we do ------------- the more we can do.

Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the colour 

in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn 

your person, maintain your health, your 

beauty and your animal spirits.''

John Kessel:


''But that was the nature of love: one did not offer it with any 

assurance that it would change the world, even if in the end 

it was the only thing that could.''

Daniel Berrigan: 


''Instead of building the peace by attacking injustices 

like starvation, disease, illiteracy --- and  political
and economic servitude ------ we 
spend a trillion
dollars on war -  until 
hatred and conflict have
the international pre-occupation.
arms race is worse than it ever was, 

the dumping of creation ---- down a 

military rat hole ---- is worse than 

it ever was ---- the wars across 

the earth ---- are worse than

they ever were....... I don't 

know what more to say: 

I mean we are all going 

to die in a world - that 

is worse than when 

we entered it.''

Tim Wise:


''Too often ---- systems of oppression turn those 

who are the targets of the oppression, against 

one another.''

Nicholas Murray Butler:


''Optimism is essential to achievement 

--- and the foundation of courage and 

true progress.''

Horace Mann:


''If any human seeks for greatness, 

let them forget greatness and ask 

for truth, and they will find both.''

 Alexander Nevsky

(Saint Alexander):


"Whoever will come to us with a 

sword, from a sword will perish."

Cesar Chavez:


''To be a human is to suffer for others.

 God help us to be humans!''

Thierry Mariani: 


''Let's be clear: these loans will never be repaid. 

Today, Ukraine is bankrupt, its financial 

breathing is supported by Western 

countries. We are told, "These 

are not donations, these are

loans." But these loans will

never be repaid. So in fact 

the European Union is, 

quite imperceptibly.... 

getting into debt...... 

to finance Ukraine.'' 

Gustav Stresemann:


''Mankind advances --- 

only through struggle.''

Gennady Zyuganov:


''I would like to remind those who push Byelorussia toward chaos 

and rehearse the scenario of a Russian Maidan in its cities, 

humiliate our Motherland, slander our common past, mock 

our heroic deeds and insult the Russian World: you are 

playing with fire! Russians and Byelorussians cherish

 the ideas of justice. They loathe the principles of 

greed and gain. As long as the great spirit of 

Victory is alive in us, we are able rise from 

any inferno and darkness, overcome any

crisis and score new historic victories.''

Anacharsis Cloots:


''Bad mind, bad heart.''

Myrlie Louise Evers-Williams:


''Jim Crow is alive and it's dressed in 

a Brooks Brothers suit, my friend,

 instead of a white robe.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''Under the cover of civilization, men are hunted like deer, 

plundered, robbed, killed; and these horrors..... are 

presented afterwards - in eloquent orations - as 

blessings. Hypocrisy and knavery are added

 to crimes!''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:


''The more elevated the soul, 

the broader the outlook.'

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah: 


“A number of Zionist officials ---- have said

that all this carnage, acts of terror, and 

barbaric actions --------- have one main 

objective ----- which is subjugation. 

They are trying to say... that the 

cost of demanding one's right 

is very costly.”



''Since at least 1900 - roughly - the peoples of the West

have been subject to the most intense brainwashing 

and misinformation campaign - that only went into 

overdrive after WWII. I mean, it's crazy. Hopefully 

we will all wake up - before it is too late. Russia 

- is awake.  China - is awake. The resistance is 

awake. I pray that the west really wakes up.''



''I laugh - at the description 'Judeo-Christian.' If most 

Christians realize that a STANDARD Jewish prayer 

--- is that Jesus is in a boiling vat of shit up to his 

neck, or that Jews regularly spit on Christians, 

this facade would end. If most Christians 

also understood, that Jesus is the 

second most revered prophet 

in Islam, a lot of views 

would change.''

Thomas Jefferson:


''It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own 

debts as it goes. A principle which - if acted on - 

would save one-half of the wars of the world.''

Daniel Berrigan: 


''The sponsors of war ---- closely resemble the weapons they
create. And smart bombs, depleted uranium, land mines,
rockets and tanks --- rather than protect 'widows and
orphans and strangers at the gate', are designed 

precisely --- to create 'widows and orphans',

to transform strangers into enemies and 

enemies into corpses. You just have

 to do what you know is right.''

V. I. Lenin:


''The oppressed are allowed, once every few years, 

to decide which particular representatives of the 

oppressing class are to represent and repress 

them in parliament. Democracy is

 indispensable to socialism.'

US Democrat Representative, Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan:


“I grieve for the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday,

today and every day. I am determined as ever, to fight for 

a just future where everyone can live in peace, without 

fear and with true freedom, equal rights, and human 

dignity. The path to that future --- must include
- lifting 
the blockade, ending the occupation,
dismantling the apartheid system, that 

creates.. the suffocating, dehumanizing 

conditions that can lead to resistance. 

The failure to recognize the violent 

reality of living under a siege, 

occupation, and apartheid,  

makes no one safer.”

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''Assimilate! Or, if you avow your weakness, let them go and 

give them autonomy... There is no shortage of organizing 

geniuses in Africa.''

Peter Berresford Ellis:


 "I write - as someone who fully supports 

Celtic cultural, political and economic 

independence. Nor do I disguise the

fact that I am a socialist."


“Once the languages disappear, then Celtic 

civilization will cease to exist, and the 

cultural continuum of 3,000 years, 

will come to an end.” 


“It will be no natural phenomenon. It will 

be as a result of centuries of a careful 

policy of ethnocide.” 

Claudette Werleigh:


''There is no ready-to-use formula to put an end to violent 

conflicts — not just one magical, unique and universal 

way to build peace. But, fortunately, there are some 

basic and sensible rules, which, if followed, can 

help to establish and strengthen a peaceful 

environment. It is important, that people 

do not see money, as a solution. First, 

it is not going to solve any problem. 

It can help people to solve one or 

two issues -- but it will not be a 

permanent situation. Second, 

when you give money --- you 

are not empowering people

you are only responding to 

emergencies. You will not 

be in a position to build.''

G. K. Chesterton:


''Tradition --- means giving votes to the most 

obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is

the democracy of the dead. Tradition 

refuses to submit to that arrogant 

oligarchy, who merely happen 

to be walking around.''

Nathaniel Hawthorne:


''What we call real estate - the solid ground to build 

a house on - is the broad foundation, on which, 

nearly all the guilt of this world rests.''

Albert Schweitzer:


''Success --- is not the key to happiness. Happiness is

 the key to success. If you love what you are doing - 

you will be successful.''

Jon Cruddas, UK MP for Dagenham & Rainham:


''It’s a really interesting question ....it's cropping up in 

other local policies --- whether you can walk around

with a can of Special Brew; how people look after 

their dogs; and what about if you burgle a home 

and get caught, should your wife and child get 

chucked out of public housing while you are

in prison --- has a covenant been broken? 

These things - are right on the frontline

of this liberal-communitarian debate.''

Gamal Abdel Nasser:


“What was taken by force can

only be restored by force.”

Josh Paul, ex--State Department’s 

Bureau of Political-Military Affairs:


“I believe to the core of my soul that the response 

Israel is taking, and with it the American support

both for that response -- and for the status quo 

of the occupation - will only lead to more and 

deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the 

Palestinian people and is not in the long

term American interest.” 



"Rain-water never stands on high ground, but

runs down to the lowest level. So also the 

mercy of God remains in the hearts of

the lowly, but drains off from those 

of the vain and the proud."

Claudia Jones: 


''The Lady with the Lamp, the Statue of Liberty, 

stands in New York Harbour. Her back is

squarely turned on the USA. It’s no 

wonder, considering what she 

would have to look upon. 

She would weep, if she 

had to face this way.''

William Faulkner:


“Some things.. you must always be unable to bear.

Some things --- you must never stop refusing to 

bear. Injustice and outrage and dishonour and 

shame. No matter how young you are or how 

old you have got. Not for kudos, and not for 

cash: your picture in the paper nor money 

in the bank either. Just --- refuse to 

bear them.” 

Gamal Abdel Nasser:


“We are awaiting aggression by Israel and any supporters 

of Israel. We will make it a decisive battle and get rid of 

Israel once and for all... This is the dream of 

every Arab.”

President Sukarno of Indonesia:


''Make the "Live and let live" principle, and the "Unity in 

Diversity" motto, the unifying force which brings us all 

together - to seek in friendly, uninhibited discussion, 

ways and means by which each of us can live his 

own life, and let others live their own lives, in 

their own way, in harmony, and in peace.''

Eve Ensler:


''If you are connected to your own internal being, 

it's very hard to be screwing and destroying and 

hurting another human being, because you'll be 

feeling what they're feeling. If you're separated 

--- it's not a hard thing to do at all.''

US geo-strategist George Kennan, in 1997:


“Expanding Nato --- would be the most fateful error 

of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.”

Nong Duc Manh: 


''All countries, big or small, strong or weak, 

are equal members of the United Nations.''

Mark Twain:


“Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity 

of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers

his brethren about him --- and goes forth in cold 

blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind.”

Dario Fo:


''Real socialism - is inside man. It was not born

with Marx. It was in the communes of Italy in 

the Middle Ages. You can't say it is finished.''

Gabriel Garcia Marquez:


''It is not true that people stop 

pursuing dreams because 

they grow old, they grow

old because they stop

pursuing dreams."

David T. Dellinger:

''The way of life that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki 

and is reported to have roasted alive a million people in

Tokyo overnight, is international and dominates every

nation of the world - but we live in the US, so our 

struggle is here. With this way of life -- death 

would be more appropriate -- there could be 

no truce --- or quarter. The prejudices of 

patriotism, the pressures of our friends 

and fear of unpopularity and death ---

should not hold us back any longer.

It should be total war against the 

economic political and social 

system which is dominant 

in this country.'' 

Lion Feuchtwanger:


Though physical courage is a common phenomenon in our day 

and age, moral courage is a thing that is correspondingly rare.”

Jean de La Fontaine:


''Man is so made, that, when anything 

fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.''

Bruce Lee:


''Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the

beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and 

fierce, but still only light and flickering. As 

love grows older, our hearts mature, and

our love becomes as coals...... deep-

burning and unquenchable.''

Che Guevara:


''Better to die standing, than

 to live on your knees.'

Edward Young:


''Tomorrow is the day......  when

idlers work, and fools reform.

Procrastination is the thief 

of time.''

Tony Benn:


''I think there are two ways in which people 

are controlled. First of all frighten people 

and secondly, demoralise them. An 

educated, healthy and confident 

nation, is harder to govern.''

Clara Zetkin:


''When the men kill --- it is up to us women to fight for the

preservation of life. Who profits from this war? Only a 

tiny minority in each nation --- the manufacturers of 

rifles and cannons --- of armour-plate, and torpedo 

boats, the shipyard owners ---- and the suppliers 

of the armed forces' needs. In the interests of 

their profits --- they have fanned the hatred 

among the people --- thus contributing to

the outbreak of the war. The workers 

have nothing to gain from this war - 

but they stand to lose everything 

that is dear to them.''

George Washington:


''Observe good faith and justice toward all 

nations. Cultivate peace and harmony 

with all.''

Josiah Henson:


''In the estimation of the illiterate, besotted poor whites 

who constituted the witnesses of such scenes in 

Charles county, Maryland, the man who did not 

feel rage enough at hearing of "a nigger" 

striking a white, to be ready to burn 

him alive, was only fit to be 
lynched out of the 


Horace Mann:


''Be ashamed to die

 until you have won 

some victory for 


Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''The balance sheet of colonization shows that depopulated 

France has lost over half the inhabitants of her Colonies. 

These are facts that the chloroforming Ministers dare 

not communicate to the public.''

Quentin Skinner, historian:


''The lack of freedom... suffered by those who advise the

powerful, may - of course - be due to coercion or force.

But the slavish behaviour typical of such counselors,

may, equally well be due, to their basic condition of 

dependence, and their understanding of what their

clientage demands of them. As soon as they begin

to 'slide into a blind dependence upon one who 

has wealth and power', they begin to desire

'only to know his will', and eventually

'care not what injustice they do, if 

they may be rewarded'.''

Víctor Jara:


''With the power that comes from the people

We must make ---- a better homeland

Together and united we must strike

At power, at power, at power.''

Saint Vladimir the Great: 


“The world is filled with people who are 

no longer needed and who try to make 

slaves of all of us and they have their 

music... and we have ours.”

Nikolay Chernyshevsky:


''If a person is inclined to look for something, 

he finds it wherever he looks. Even if there

is no trace of it at all, he still finds clear 

evidence. Even if there’s not even a 

shadow --- still he sees, not only a 

shadow of what he’s looking for, 

but everything he’s looking for. 

He sees it in the most un-

mistakable terms, and 

these terms become 

clearer with each 

new glance and 

every new


Mark Twain:


''Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose 

you were a member of Congress.

But I repeat myself.''

Huey P. Newton: 


''The United States is already antique.''

Ravi Shankar:

“Don't Fall in love, Rise in Love!”

Thomas Carlyle:


“A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.”

Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the CC CPRF:


''Standing in the way of our fraternal aspirations, are the 

selfish interests of transnational capital, epitomized, by 

the USA, and its NATO allies. Seeking to prevent global 

capitalism from sinking into a full-scale crisis they are 

using sundry mechanisms of hybrid wars, broadening 

their expansion ---- and fomenting managed chaos. 

The tentacles of this octopus have already got a
stranglehold on Ukraine. The Bandera clique 

was brought to power in Kiev, in order to

impose economic bondage on the 

fraternal country, to strengthen 

the anti-Russian alliance in 

Eastern Europe and form 

the “Baltic-Black Sea 

cordon sanitaire.''

Cuba's leader, Diaz-Canel, speaking at the UN:


"This mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda --- takes place at 

a time of extremely critical juncture -- in which developing

countries face multiple challenges & an unjust economic 

order that perpetuates inequalities and poverty. We will

reach 575 million people living in extreme poverty by 

2030. By that date - barely a third of countries will 

manage to halve national poverty levels.  We will 

not end hunger as agreed -- at the current pace, 

none of the 17 SDGs will be achieved, and over 

half of agreed goals, will be unmet. Therefore 

- a better global sovereign debt architecture, 

with the participation of the South ------- is 

necessary. It will allow for fair, balanced, 

and development-oriented treatment --- 

and I ask the United Nations to firmly

reject unilateral trade restrictions -- 

incompatible with the agreements 

of the WTO.''

Thomas Jefferson:


''I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of 

our monied corporations... which dare, already, to 

challenge our government to a trial by strength, 

and bid defiance to the laws of our country.''

Tim Wise:


''What whites have rarely had to think about —

because -- being the dominant group, we are

so used to having our will done, with a little

effort at least -- is that, maybe the point is 

not victory, however much we all wish to 

see justice attained and injustice routed. 

Maybe our redemption, comes from the 

struggle itself. Maybe it is in the effort, 

the striving for equality and freedom, 

that we become human.''

Emily Greene Balch:


''Probably people always feel.... that they are living in 

a time of transition, but we can hardly be mistaken

 perhaps, in thinking that this is an era of 

particularly momentous change, 

rapid and proceeding at an 

ever quickening rate.''



''We speculate as to what is in store for us. But we 

not only undergo events, we in part cause them 

or at least influence their course. We have not

 only to study them, but to act.''



''Men who are scandalized at the lack of freedom in

China, do not ask themselves how real is liberty

among the poor, the weak, and the ignorant, 

in capitalist society.''



''We have lived through the flood time of fascism, 

and of the nazism which ran its meteoric course 

at a cost to mankind in suffering and waste

--- beyond all computation.'' 



''It is natural to try to understand one's own time 

and to seek to analyse the forces that move it. 

A major one which no one can overlook, is

 technological and based on inventions 

and discoveries which have altered 

the whole basis of production and 

deeply affected social relations.''



''These wars appear also to have given its death blow

to colonialism and to imperialism in its colonial form, 

under which, weaker peoples were treated as 

possessions, to be economically exploited. 

At least we hope that such colonialism 

is on the way out.''



''A dark and terrible side of this sense of community 

of interests is the fear of a horrible common destiny

which, in these days of atomic weapons, darkens

 men's minds all around the globe.''



''The question... whether the long effort to put an 

end to war can succeed without another major 

convulsion, challenges not only our minds, 

but our sense of responsibility.''



''Those who are rooted in the depths that are eternal

and unchangeable and who rely on unshakeable

principles, face change full of courage, 

courage based on faith.''

Andrés Manuel López Obrador:


"Conquest and colonization are signs 

of backwardness, not of civilization, 

less, of justice."

Dennis Kucinich:


''The tax code is not the only area where the 

administration is helping the rich get richer 

and the poor get poorer. It has spent $155

billion for an unnecessary war, driven 

by fear.''

Harry Schwarz:


''Laws alone, are not enough to ensure that freedom is 

safeguarded. What is required, is a spirit of freedom 

among the people concerned. There must be an 

atmosphere of respect, a feeling of belonging 

together, an atmosphere of harmony with 

fellow beings.''

Ukrainian Defense Ministry decree:


''People with HIV and schizophrenia, are subject to 

mobilization. The health requirements for sending 

conscripts of "marines" and "paratroopers" have 

also been simplified.


List of diseases (incomplete), with which 

their carrier can be on the front line:


2-b - clinically cured tuberculosis;


4-b - viral hepatitis with minor dysfunction;


5-b - asymptomatic HIV;


13-c - endocrine system diseases

 with minor dysfunction;


14-c - mild short-term painful 

manifestations of mental disorders;


17-c - neurotic, stress-related and somatoform 

disorders (phobic, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive 

adaptation), neurasthenia, (reactions to 

severe stress) with moderately 

pronounced, short-term 



21-in - slowly progressive diseases 

of the central nervous system;


22-c - episodic and paroxysmal disorders.''

US news report:


''The "Mission: Readiness" new report, based on U.S. 

Department of Defense data, says 77% of young 

Americans 17 to 24 years old are ineligible for

military service, a 6-percentage-point 

increase.... since 2017. The most 

prevalent disqualification rates 

are overweight (11%), drug 

and alcohol abuse (8%), 

and medical/physical 

health (7%)."

Bertha von Suttner:


''Seek not good from without: seek it 

within yourselves, or you will never

 find it.''

Alexis de Tocqueville:


“It is indeed difficult to imagine how men who have 

entirely renounced the habit -- of managing their 

own affairs ---- could be successful in choosing 

those who ought to lead them. It's impossible 

to believe that a liberal, energetic, and wise 

government... can ever emerge from the 

ballots of a nation of servants.”

Mary Ritter Beard:

“Action without study - is fatal. 

Study without action, is futile.”

Mary McLeod Bethune:


''Without faith, nothing is possible. 

With it ------ nothing is impossible.''

Chelsea Manning:


''We need to stop hoping that our systems will right

 themselves. We need to actually take the reins of 

government and fix our institutions. We need to

 save lives, by making change at every level.''

Claudette Werleigh:


“The widening gap is not only between

 rich and poor nations, but also 

between classes within a 

same single country,” 

Peter Fraser:


''It is for us now, to see that we go forward 

in the same spirit of co-operation, in the 

same spirit of mutual assistance, with 

the same spirit of justice between 

nation and nation and man and 

man ------ as our boys went 

forward to fight for us 

and as our people 

have worked 

for us.''

John Magufuli:


"These people occupied government positions 

but had no qualifications... they robbed us, 

just like other common criminals."

United Nations' General Assembly:


“Nuclear disarmament and the total 

elimination of nuclear weapons --- 

are the only absolute guarantee 

against the use or threat of

nuclear weapons.”

Seán MacBride:


''Keep under strict surveillance and control 

those secret establishments which within 

your government structures --- seem to 

regard themselves as above the law.'' 

Dennis Kucinich:


''We have weapons of mass destruction - we have

 to address here at home. Poverty is a weapon 

of mass destruction. Homelessness is
weapon of mass destruction. 

Unemployment is a weapon 

of mass destruction.''

Bruce Lee:


''If you spend too much time thinking about a thing,

 you’ll never get it done. Make at least one definite

 move, daily, toward your goal.''

Jean de La Bruyère:


''There are some men who turn a deaf ear to reason 

and good advice, and wilfully go wrong, for fear of

being controlled.''

Andrés Manuel López Obrador:


''The most important priority is neither the United States 

nor the American continent. What is truly important, is 

to build here on this earth the kingdom of justice and

 universal brotherhood and sisterhood.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''I regret very much. at a time when France is passing 

through such a critical period, to be obliged to make 

a strong denunciation of her Colonial Policy, which 

today encompasses almost entirely every phase

 of the problem of the Negro race.''

Xi Jinping:

''Happiness does not fall out of the blue and dreams

...will not come true by themselves. We need to be

down-to-earth and work hard. We should uphold 

the idea --- that working hard is the most 

honorable, noblest, greatest and 

most beautiful virtue.''

Leonardo Boff:


''Today we are in a new phase of humanity. We all 

are returning to our common house, the Earth:

the people, the societies, the cultures and 

religions. Exchanging experiences and 

values, we enrich ourselves and we

complete ourselves - mutually.''

Cesar Chavez:


''We learned many years ago, that the 

  rich may have money, but the poor, 

  have time.''

Mark Twain:


“Why is it right that there is not a fairer division of the spoil 

all around? Because laws and constitutions have ordered 

otherwise. Then it follows that laws and constitutions 

should change around and say there shall be a 

more nearly equal division.”

Hilaire Belloc:


The microbe is so very small: 

You cannot take him out at all.

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar:


''It is ironic, that the accumulation of arms 

is one of the few expanding industries in 

a period of economic depression

 and gloom.''

James Madison Jr.:


''If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, 
will be in the guise of fighting
a foreign enemy.''

George Carlin:


''I think people should be allowed to do 

anything they want. We haven't tried

 that for a while. Maybe this time

 it'll work.''

1960's UK PM, Harold Wilson:


''Selsdon Man --- is designing a system of society 

for the ruthless and the pushing, the uncaring. 

His message to the rest is ------ you're out on

your own.''

Augustine of Canterbury:


''The confession of evil works --- is 

the first beginning of good works.''

Huey Long:


''We swapped the tyrant 3,000 miles away 

for a handful of financial slaveowning 

overlords, who make the tyrant of 

Great Britain seem mild.''

Paul Laurence Dunbar:


''Poor conceited humanity! 

Interpreters of God indeed.''

President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni: 


“One facet of neo-colonialism and colonialism was 

Africa being confined... to producing only raw 

materials, crops, like coffee, and minerals.

This issue -- is the biggest factor why the 

African economies are stunted; they do 

not grow ---- because all the value is 

taken by other people. So, what I 

want to propose to Russia and 

China, is to discourage as a 

policy the importing of raw

materials from Africa and
instead work with the 

Africans, to add value 

at source.”

President of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré: 


“A slave that does not rebel does not deserve pity. 

The African Union (AU) must stop condemning 

Africans who decide to fight against their 

own puppet regimes of the West.”

Richard Steven Hacks: 


''Ukraine's army could collapse literally at any moment. 

The fact that it appears incapable of launching
effective attacks of any significant size in
this "offensive" - which 
is the definition
of “combat effectiveness” - appears

to bear that out.''

Yanis Varoufakis:


''Unemployment & low economic activity have been held 

up as proofs of insufficient competition, to be fought by 

the magic of ‘deregulation’ - the releasing of bankers & 

oligarchs, from government restraints. If deregulation 

does not work --- more privatization is thought to be 

able to do the trick instead. When this fails it must 

have been the fault of the labour market --- which 

must be liberated from the interference of trade 

unions and the impediment of social security 

benefits. And so it goes on.''

John F. Kennedy:


''Peace is not impracticable, and war is not inevitable.

Never bring an adversary to a choice between 

a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.'

Paul Laurence Dunbar:


''Taking it all in all and after all, negro life in 

Washington is a promise, rather than a 

fulfillment. But it is worthy of note for 

the really excellent things which 

are promised.''

Richard Price:


''Though our immediate attention -------- must be employed

in promoting our own interest - and that of our nearest 

connexions; yet we must remember that a narrower 

interest ought - always - to give way to a more 

extensive interest. In pursuing particularly 

the interest of our country, we ought to 

carry our views beyond it. We should 

love it ardently, but not exclusively. 

We ought to seek its good ----- by 

all the means that our different 

circumstances and abilities, 

will allow; but, at the same 

time we ought to consider 

ourselves as citizens of 

the world & take care 

to maintain a just 

regard --- to the 

rights of other 


Investigative historian, Eric Zuesse: 


Did you know, before you read it here, that there was any

such thing as the “Rule Against Perpetuities” and that it 

had been what broke the back of feudalism in ancient 

England? And did you know that, increasingly, ever 

since 1986, America has reverted to this ancient 

feudal system that locked-in status on the basis 

of birth, locked it in, in perpetuity, for all future 

generations of the ‘Nobility’ (though, without 

any aristocratic titles to go along with it, so

that the U.S. regime can still pretend not 

to BE an aristocracy)? The US ------ is 

increasingly becoming the world’s 

stand-out model of dictatorship, 

locked-in -- by caste. It’s 

increasingly.. winner-

take-all, and keep-


RAND report --- “Executive Summary:

Weakening Germany, strengthening 

the U.S.” January 25th, 2022: 

''The only feasible way to guarantee Germany’s rejection 

of Russian energy supplies, is to involve both sides in 

the military conflict in Ukraine. Our further actions 

in this country --- will inevitably lead to a military 

response from Russia. Russians will, obviously, 

not be able to leave unanswered the massive 

Ukrainian army pressure ---- on the 

unrecognized Donbas republics. 

That would make it possible to 

declare Russia an aggressor 

and apply to it, the entire 

package of sanctions... 

prepared beforehand.'' 

Al Sharpton:


''When people discuss the 1960s and the great 

Civil Rights Era, they often speak in romantic 

terms - as if there wasn't immense work put
and as if there wasn't immense sacrifice
took place. But none of those battles
easily fought and won; there were 

sustained movements behind them.''

John Neal:


"The poor and the rich, are taxed under the militia law
to defend the property of the rich man. The rich of 

course, do not appear in the field. The poor do.

The latter cannot afford to keep away;

the former can." 

President Putin:


“They wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other, so 

that soldiers and civilians would die, so that in the 

end, Russia would lose, and our society would 

break apart and choke on bloody civil strife.  

They rubbed their hands, dreaming of 

getting revenge for their failures at 

the front and during the so-called 

counteroffensive, but they 


Former CIA operative, Larry C. Johnson:


''The potential for the war in Ukraine to escalate dramatically

remains high. It does not appear that there is any leader of 

the NATO members who can talk some sense to Poland’s

President Duda. Are the people of Poland --- ready for 

World War III?''

C. J. Cherryh:


''There are three kinds of people I've found:

those who think the universe is good, 

those who believe it's corrupt, and 

those who don't want to think 

about it any more than they 

can help. I prefer the 

first two.''

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: 


“By ordering the deployment of 3,000 more reservists to

Europe, US President Joe Biden is preparing to fight 

Russian forces on the ground in Ukraine. I want 

people to understand, what this troop 

mobilization is about. It’s about 

preparing for a ground war 

with Russia” 

André Gide:


''There are many things that seem impossible, 

only so long as one does not attempt them.'

Washingtonpost.com July the 7th, 2023:


“President Biden has approved the provision of U.S. cluster

munitions for Ukraine, with a drawdown of the weapons 

from Defense Department stocks. The move... will 

bypass US law prohibiting the production, use or 

transfer of cluster munitions with a failure rate 

of more than 1 percent...''

Robert Kennedy junior, June the 19th, 2023:


''The pattern here is clear. Not only is the
administration deceiving the American
people about the motives for 
costly and tragic war, but by
continually escalating 
they put the whole

world at risk
of nuclear


Bertha von Suttner:


''The instinct of self-preservation in human society

- acting almost subconsciously, as do all drives
 the human mind, is rebelling against the 

constantly refined methods of 

annihilation and against 

the destruction of


Frithjof Schuon: 


''The sacred - that which is immutable, inviolable and 

thus infinitely majestic -- is in the very substance of 

our spirit and our existence. The world is miserable
because men live beneath themselves; the 
of modern man, is that he wants to reform 
world... without having either the will or the 

power to reform man ----- and this flagrant 

contradiction ----- this attempt to make a 

better world on the basis of a worsened
humanity, can only end... in the 
abolition of what is human.. 
consequently, in the 

of happiness too.'' 

Frithjof Schuon: 


''Reforming man means binding him again to Heaven, 

reestablishing the broken link; it means tearing him 

away from the reign of the passions, from the cult 

of matter, quantity and cunning and reintegrating 

him into the world of the spirit and serenity, we 

would even say: into the world of sufficient 


Bruce Kent:


''We need a group campaigning on military 

expenditure, to be active in every part of

this country ....that means hard and

imaginative work, and energy.''

Julius Caesar:


''And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch 

and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed, 

the leader will have no need to seize the rights of

the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry infused with 

fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up 

all of their rights unto the leader - and 

do it gladly.''

Alexis de Tocqueville:


“I cannot help fearing --- that men may reach a point 

where they look on every new theory as a danger, 

every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every 

social advance as a first step toward 

revolution, and that they may 

absolutely refuse to move

at all.” 

Víctor Jara:


When asked, four days before the military coup
September 11th, 1973, what the word ‘Love’
to him:


''Love of my home, my wife and my children. Love for the 

earth that helps me live. Love for education and of work. 

Love of others who work for the common good. Love of

justice as the instrument that provides equilibrium for 

human dignity. Love of peace in order to enjoy one's 

life. Love of freedom, but not the freedom acquired 

at the expense of others’ freedom, but rather the 

freedom of all. Love of freedom to live and exist,

for the existence of my children, in my home, in

my town, my city, among neighbouring people.

Love for freedom in the environment in which 

we are required to forge our destiny. Love of 

freedom without yokes: not ours, 

nor foreign.''

Víctor Jara:


''The cultural invasion, is like a leafy tree 

which prevents us from seeing our own

sun, sky and stars. Therefore in order 

to be able to see the sky above our 

heads, our task is to cut this tree 

off at the roots.'' 

Soame Jenyns:


''If christian nations... were nations of christians, 

all war would be impossible and unknown 

among them.''

Graham Wallas:


''The most easily manipulated State in the world, would be 

one inhabited by a race of Nonconformist business men 

who never followed up a train of political reasoning in 

their lives, and who...  as soon as they were aware of 

the existence of a strong political conviction in their

 minds, should announce that it was a matter of 

'conscience' and, therefore, beyond the 

province of doubt or calculation.”

Josiah Henson:

''Judicious men felt his pulse. Oh! he could stand the whole. 

Again and again - the thong fell on his lacerated back. His 

cries grew fainter and fainter, till a feeble groan was the 

only response to the final blows. His head was then 

thrust against the post, and his right ear fastened 

to it with a tack; a swift pass of a knife - and the 

bleeding member was left sticking to the place. 

Then came a hurra from the degraded crowd, 

and the exclamation, "That's what he's got 

for striking a white man."

Gennady Zyuganov:


''Standing in the way of our fraternal aspirations, are the 

selfish interests of transnational capital, epitomized by 

the USA and its NATO allies. Seeking to prevent global 

capitalism from sinking in a full-scale crisis - they are 

using sundry mechanisms of hybrid wars, broadening 

their expansion ----- and fomenting managed chaos. 

The tentacles of this octopus.... have already got 

a stranglehold on Ukraine. The Bandera clique 

was brought to power in Kiev, in order to

impose economic bondage on the 

fraternal country, to strengthen 

the anti-Russian alliance in 

Eastern Europe and form 

the “Baltic-Black Sea 

cordon sanitaire.''

Paulo Coelho:


''Everybody is a political person, whether 

you say something, or you are silent.  A 

political attitude is not whether you go

to parliament; it's how you deal with

your life, with your surroundings.''

Bobby Fischer:

''The United States is evil. It has to be brought down,
it has to be eliminated from the world scene. 

They are the ones who have made

the world the hell that it is.''

Henry de Montherlant:


''A single nation that has succeeded in lowering
intelligence, the morality, the quality of the
race, almost throughout the globe, is
phenomenon never before experienced 

since the beginning of time. I accuse 

the United States of being in a 

constant state of crime 

against humanity.”  

Mahatma Jyotirao Phule:

''True education signifies empowering

others and leaving the world a little 

better than the one we found.''

Simone Weil:

''Human beings are so made, that the ones who 

do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person 

crushed, who feels what is happening. 

Unless one has placed oneself on 

the side of the oppressed 

- to feel with them - one

cannot understand.''

William Hazlitt:

''If you think you can win, you can win. 

Faith is necessary to victory.'

 Ella Josephine Baker:


“In order for us - as poor and oppressed people - 

to become part of a society that is meaningful, 

the system under which we now exist has to 

be radically changed... It means facing a 

system that does not lend itself to your 

needs and devising means by which 

you change that system.”

Tony Benn:


''Unlike civil laws --- economic laws are imposed on 

people with all the authority of immutable laws of

nature. But the economy is created by people, 

and supported by government intervention, 

by regulation, statute and subsidy, and 

implemented in such a way, that it 

gives substantial wealth and 

power to a privileged few, 

while a majority face a 

life of relentless work, 

stress -- and periodic 

financial insecurity.''

Nicholas Murray Butler:


''Fundamentally, the force that rules the world --- is conduct, 

whether it be moral or immoral. If it is moral, at least there 

may be hope for the world. If immoral, there is not only 

no hope, but no prospect of anything but destruction 

of all that has been accomplished during the last 

5,000 years.''

Augustine of Canterbury:


''He that is kind...  is free, though he is a slave; 

he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.''

Tony Benn:


''If we can find the money to kill people, 

we can find the money to help people.''

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (4/3/23):


“The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia, and the

Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful 

emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of

maintaining U.S. global hegemony --- with aggressive

projections of military power. China has displaced 

the US Empire --- by deftly projecting, instead, 

economic power. Over the past decade, our 

country has spent trillions - bombing roads, 

ports, bridges, and airports. China - spent 

the equivalent, building the same across

the developing world.  The Ukraine war 

----- is the final collapse of the Neocon's 

short-lived ‘American Century.’ Neocon

projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost

$8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle 

class, made a laughingstock of U.S.  

military power and moral authority, 

pushed China and Russia - into an 

invincible alliance, destroyed the 

dollar as the global currency ---- 

cost millions of lives.. and done 

nothing to advance democracy 

or win friendships, or influence.”

Dame Edna:


“You mustn’t judge Australia
by the Australians.”

Thomas Lipscomb, domigood.com 5/3/23):


“If Zelensky’s cowardice, allows America’s foreign policy

neocon scum, to push Ukraine into a doomed offensive,

it will be the most wasted effusion of blood yet, in this

catastrophic ‘proxy war.’ And... it will be the most 

disgraceful ending possible, to the Neocon’s 30 

years ‘forever war’ that dropped the US from a 

half century illusion of dominant hegemony, 

to an also ran ---- with an obsolete defense 

establishment, and a wrecked economy 

---- all in less than 2 years.”

Sir John Davies:




I know my soul has power to know all things,

Yet she is blind and ignorant in all:

I know I'm one of Nature's little kings,

Yet to the least and vilest things am thrall.


I know my life's a pain and but a span;

I know my sense is mocked in everything;

And, to conclude, I know myself a Man ---

Which is a proud and yet a wretched thing.

Ayn Rand:


 "Whenever destroyers appear among men

 they first corrupt the monetary system." 

Bertolt Brecht:


“First of all, they came to take the gypsies

and I was happy because they pilfered.

Then they came to take the Jews and

I said nothing, because they were 

unpleasant to me.

Then they came to take homosexuals,

and I was relieved, because they 

were annoying me.

Then they came to take the Communists,

and I said nothing because I was not 

a Communist.

One day they came to take me,

and there was nobody left 

to protest.''

Albert Einstein:


''The world is in greater peril from those 

who tolerate or encourage evil, than 

from those who actually commit it''

Maxim Gorky:


''Let us not search for the guilty ones 

only among others, let us speak the

bitter truth: we are all guilty ..each 

and every one of us.''


''The most beautiful words... in the 

English language are 'not guilty'.''

Alexander Lebed:

"There are no impossible tasks, 

no hopeless situations."

Angela Davis:


“I don't think we can rely on governments, 

regardless of who is in power --- to do the 

work that only mass movements can do.”

Ernestine Rose:


''There is ten times more in the world --- than would 

maintain all in yet unknown luxury. Yet, how much 

misery there is in our midst; not because there is 

not enough, but owing to the misdirection of it.''

Jack London:


“Please remember - I am talking about the world as it is. 

Those men who act without thinking, and the men who 

both think and act, are the ones who mould the world. 

The man who thinks and does not act - never moulds 

the world. He may think that he does - but that, too, 

is only a thought, the thought of a deedless, 

actionless thinker.”

William Godwin:


''Love conquers all difficulties, surmounts 

all obstacles, and effects what, to any 

other power, would be impossible.''

Serbian Colonel General Ratko Mladic:


''I wonder, if France really wants to create a Muslim 

state in Europe, why don't they empower them to 

do this, in Paris or Britain?''

Sir Gerald Kaufman, UK MP, raised as an Orthodox Jew, 

and who bitterly complained after visiting Gaza in 2009:


"My grandmother was ill in bed --- when the Nazis came to her

home town.  A German soldier shot her dead in her bed.  My 

grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers 

murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza.  The present 

Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the 

continuing guilt from gentiles, over the slaughter of 

Jews in the Holocaust, as a justification for their

murder of Palestinians."  

Colonel Jacques Hogard:


''Europe Died When NATO Illegally

Ripped Out Serbia's Heart 

in 1999'' 

Yanis Varoufakis:


''John Stuart Mill, a British philosopher and political 

economist, warned us in 1863, ‘It is better to be a 

human being dissatisfied, than a pig satisfied, 

better to be a Socrates dissatisfied, than a 

fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, 

are of a different opinion, that is 

because they know only their 

side of the story.’''

Chairman of the CC CPRF, 

Head of CPRF State Duma 

Gennady Zyuganov:


We must be aware of the fact that the world is entering a period of 

political & socio-economic upheavals. They have been triggered 

by the irreversible crisis of the American project of neo-liberal 

global expansion. With the United States on the threshold of 

a veritable civil war, the turbulence is becoming still more 

dangerous. The presidential elections in the USA.... may 

trigger a new spiral. The prospect of the collapse of the

political, financial and economic foundations of global 

capitalism.. is emerging on the world agenda. To keep 

steady at the historical turning point, not to be buried 

under the rubble of a decrepit system, to ensure our

independence and development – our peoples can 

do this, only in close alliance with each other.

Aneurin Bevan:


''How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power 

to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of 

Conservative politics in the twentieth century.''

John Hersey:


''The reality is that changes are coming... 

They must come. You must share in 

bringing them.'' 

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''We have seen you anguish over the transformation of 

your sons and daughters into instruments of a blind 

and violent occupation - and we are sure that at no 

time did you envisage such a role for the children 

whom you thought.. would forge your future. We 

have seen you look back in deepest sorrow, at 

the tragedy of your past and look on in horror 

at the disfigurement of the victim turned 

oppressor. Not for this... have you 

nurtured your hopes, dreams 

and your offspring.''

John Cheever:

“Our country is the best country in the world.. We are 

swimming in prosperity and our President is the best

president in the world. We have -- larger apples and 

better cotton & faster & more beautiful machines. 

This makes us the greatest country in the world. 

Unemployment is a myth. Dissatisfaction is a 

fable. In preparatory school, America is

beautiful. It is the gem of the ocean, 

and it is too bad. It is bad, because 

people believe it all. Because they 

become indifferent. Because they 

marry and reproduce and vote 

and they know nothing.”

John Cheever:


“Long ago when they first invented the atomic bomb 

people used to worry about its going off and killing 

everybody, but they didn't know that mankind has 

enough dynamite right in his guts, to tear the 

f***ing planet to pieces.”

Liam Norton, on trial for shutting 

down Murdoch's printworks,
to #FreeThePress:


"The only response is to show contempt, 

as you show contempt to this planet, 

and to ordinary citizens' right to 

try and expose criminality."

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council Chair,

Mehdi Mohammad Hussein al-Mashat:

“The US and British governments, the Zionist 

regime, and most of the Western & Eastern

countries --- have been trying to obliterate

 the Palestinian cause.”

G. K. Chesterton:


''I do not believe in a fate that falls on men, 

however they act; but I do believe

in a fate that falls on them,

unless they act.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


The problem of the Negro race first came into being in America, 

by the extermination of the aboriginal Red Skins, then, by the

transplantation of natives of Africa, to fill the void created, 

and at present it is confounded with the Colonial problem 

which is its ultimate phase and which is now shown by 

the absolute negation of the rights to property by 

Negroes, by negation of their civil rights—since 

their civil personality is not recognized, by the 

negation of their possibilities of evolution, by 

deceit, by calumnies which induce the world

to believe --- that this race is irremediably 

condemned to inferiority, to stagnate... 

 in ignorance, brutality, and violence - 

all of which is contrary --- not to 

experience --- since you have 

never attempted ---- in good 

faith, this experience -- but
to that which we 
know ----
we  ...who 
have lived with

 our fathers & our mothers,
brothers, our sisters:,
who know - that they 

are also men & women.''

 Rabindranath Tagore FRAS:


''The water in a vessel is sparkling; 

the water in the sea is dark. The 

small truth has words which 

are clear; the great truth 

has great silence.

Harry S. Truman:


''You want a friend 

in Washington? 

Get a dog.''

John Woolman:

''There is a principle... which is pure, placed in the 

human mind which, in different places and ages, 

has had different names. It is, however, pure.... 

and proceeds from God. It is deep and inward, 

confined to no forms of religion nor excluded 

from any, where the heart stands in perfect 

sincerity.  In whomsoever this takes root 

and grows, of what nation soever, they 

become brothers -- in the best sense

of the expression.''

Charles Sumner:


''There is beauty in art, in literature, in science, and in 

every triumph of intelligence, all of which I covet for 

my country; but there is a higher beauty still — in 

relieving the poor, in elevating the downtrodden 

and being a succour to the oppressed. There 

is true grandeur in an example of justice, in 

making the rights of all.. the same as our 

own, and beating down the prejudice, 

like Satan, under our feet.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''It's necessary that you should no longer allow yourself to be put 

to sleep by this chloroform in strong doses - in doses in bulk -

which from time to time, in flights of oratory, members of 

Parliament, and sometimes their supreme chief.. 

administer you.''

Louise Erdrich:


“We are never so poor, that we cannot bless 

another human being, are we? So it is that 

every evil, whether moral or material, 

results in good. You'll see.”

Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine:


"According to Judaism ------ a person without compassion
claims to be Jewish cannot be considered Jewish.

I mourn..... for the Judaism of love and kindness, 

peace and generosity, that Israel worshipers 

dismiss as a Utopian fantasy."

Mary Wollstonecraft:


''The same energy of character which 

renders a man a daring villain, would 

have rendered him useful in society 

- had that society been 

well organized.''

Lion Feuchtwanger:


''Both the historian and the novelist view history 

as the struggle of a tiny minority, able and 

determined to make judgments, which is 

up against a vast and densely packed 

majority of the blind, who are led by 

their instincts and unable to think

for themselves.''

Gustav Stresemann:


''No change in the balance of political parties 

can alter the general determination: that 

no class should be excluded from 

contributing to and sharing

responsibility for, 

the state.''

Zhu Xi:


The Master said - "Danger comes from being 

at ease in one's position. Death, comes from 

preserving one's existence. Disorder comes 

from one who rules. Therefore, the superior 

person is at ease yet doesn't forget danger; 

survives yet doesn't forget death; rules yet 

doesn't forget disorder. This is how his life 

can be easeful --- and his country can be


On February 26th, 2014, Viktor Yanukovych:


"I can't find words to characterise this new authority. 

These are people who advocate violence - the 

Ukrainian parliament is illegitimate". 

Nicholas Murray Butler:


''Many people's tombstones 

should read.. 'Died at 30.
Buried at 60.

Hamshahri newspaper:


'''Many argue that the blazing fire of an armed conflict near 

European borders --- is needed only by the United States, 

which has always sought to weaken Russia --- trying to 

achieve this by proxy.. and at the expense of conflicts

along its borders. So in whose geopolitical interests 

will be the increase in the production of weapons 

on a large scale, which is called for by European 

officials and commissioners --- at all levels?'' 

Patch Adams:


''I have often found that mental patients who 

are given love, creativity, and community,

find the peace that they are reaching 

out for.''

John Cheever:


''Wisdom, we know, is the knowledge of
good and 
evil --- not the strength

to choose between the two.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:

''For us, all races are as welcome as the magnificent bloom 

of spring. We do not understand --- that colour enters into 

intellectual or moral expositions; we do not understand 

that colour intervenes in economic questions ------  we 

understand nothing, of the egotistical and barbarous 

aims sought by certain civilized people who believe

that civilization can only reach its zenith --- by 

ignoring original laws, and by debasing and 

enslaving men who have the natural right 

to live, to evolve, and to attain the full 

expression of their being.''

Proverbs 22:7: 


“The rich rule over the poor, and the 

borrower is the slave of the lender”. 

Political philosopher Alasdair 

MacIntyre ---- in 'After Virtue':


“In the absence of traditions, moral debate 

is out of joint; and becomes a theatre of 

illusions in which simple indignation &

mere protest, occupy centre stage.”

President Xi, in 2013:


“Why did the Soviet Union disintegrate? Why did the

Communist Party of the Soviet Union fall to pieces?

To completely repudiate the historical experience 

of the Soviet Union, to repudiate the history of 

the CPSU, to repudiate Lenin, to repudiate 

Stalin ------- was to wreak chaos on Soviet 

ideology & engage in historical nihilism.”

President Putin:


“(China) managed in the best possible way --- in my 

opinion, to use the levers of central administration

(to spur) the development of a market economy. 

The Soviet Union did nothing like this and the 

results of an ineffective economic policy 

impacted the political sphere.”

Alexander Lebed on how NATO acts:


"Like a big drunken hooligan 

in a kindergarten who says 

he will hit anyone he likes."

Augustine of Canterbury:


''If we live good lives, the times are also 

good.  As we are, such are the times.''

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''The settlements must stop - now. Peace cannot be waged 

while Palestinian land is confiscated in myriad ways and 

the status of the Occupied Territories is being decided 

each day by Israeli bulldozers and barbed wire. This 

is not simply a position; it is an irrefutable reality.'' 

Richard Bach:


The meaning I picked -- the
one that changed
 my life: 
Overcome fear,

behold wonder.''

Al Sharpton:


''Civilians are arrested every single day - including 

innocent ones - and they must wait until their day

in court in order to argue their side of the story. 

Police officers must be subjected to the

same rules.''

Woody Guthrie:


“I hate a song that makes you think that you are not any good.

I hate a song that makes you think you are just born to lose.

Bound to lose. No good to nobody. No good for nothing. 

Because you are too old or too young or too fat or too 

slim or too ugly or too this or too that. Songs that run 

you down - or poke fun at you on account of your bad

luck, or hard travelling. I am out to fight those songs 

to my very last breath of air & my last drop of blood. 

I'm out to sing songs that will prove to you that this

is your world and that, if it has hit you pretty hard 

& knocked you for a dozen loops, no matter what 

colour, what size you are, how you are built, I am 

out to sing the songs that make you take pride 

in yourself -- and in your work. And the songs

that I sing, are made up for the most part by

all sorts of folks just about like you. I could 

hire out to the other side, the big money 

side, & get several dollars every week 

--- just to quit singing my own kind of 

songs & to sing the kind that knock 

you down still farther and the ones 

that poke fun at you even more, &

the ones that make you think that 

you've not got any sense at all. 

But I decided a long time ago,

that I would starve to death, 

before I'd sing any such 

songs as that. The radio 

waves & your movies & 

your jukeboxes, & your 

songbooks, are already 

loaded  down & running 

over with such no good 

songs as that, anyhow.”

Aretha Franklin:


''People... really don't have to give you 

anything, so appreciate what people 

give you. Every birthday is a gift. 

Every day is a gift.''

Mark Twain:


“The government of my country snubs honest simplicity 

but fondles artistic villainy, and I think I might have 

developed into a very capable pickpocket

 if I had remained in the public service

 a year or two.”

Alexis de Tocqueville:


“Society will develop a new kind of servitude which 

covers the surface of society with a network of 

complicated rules, through which, the most 

original minds - and the most energetic 

characters cannot penetrate. It does 

not tyrannise, but it compresses, 

enervates, extinguishes... and 

stupefies a people, until each 

nation is reduced to nothing 

better than a flock of timid 

& industrious animals, of 

which, the government 

is the shepherd.”

William Godwin:


''The true key of the universe, is love.''

Joe Klein:


''When Jennifer Rubin or Abe Foxman calls me antisemitic, 

they're wrong. I am anti-neoconservative. I think these 

people are following very perversely extremist 

policies and I really did believe that it was 

time for mainstream Jews to stand up

and say, "They don't represent us, 

they don't represent Israel." 

Tim Wise:


''If we dont figure out a way to create equity, 

real equity of opportunity and access to 

good schools, housing, health care, 

and decent paying jobs, we're not 

going to survive as a productive 

and healthy society.''



''He who postpones the hour of living rightly, 

is like the rustic who waits for the river

to run out... before he crosses.''

Yanis Varoufakis, Greek economist:


''Why.. did they force us to close the banks? 

To instil fear in people; and spreading fear, 

is called terrorism.''

John Masefield:


Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song. 

 Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong.

 Linus Pauling:


''We must not have a Nuclear war. We must begin to solve 

international disputes by the application of man's power 

of reason, in a way that is worthy of the dignity of man. 

We must solve them by arbitration, negotiation --- and 

the development of international law, the making of 

international agreements that will do justice to all 

nations and to all peoples ------ and will benefit all 

nations and all people. Now is the time to start.

Francis Lieber:


''Races are very often invented from

  ignorance, or for evil purposes.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


We, Negroes of Africa, we raise our indignant protestation against 

the fate of our brothers in America. Shame to those Americans 

who feign to be civilized, but who have not yet condemned, by

law, the outrage of lynching, and who continue to torture 15 

millions of our brothers! Let the so-called civilized nations 

stop a wholesale trade of Negroes by the purchase and 

sale of Colonies -- after having condemned the slave 

trade in detail! No more transfer of territories with 

their inhabitants, as that recently effected by 

Denmark! This is the most modern, and the 

most monstrous form, of the slave trade.

Cesar Chavez:


''Though many of the poor have come to see the 

affluent middle class as its enemy, that class 

actually stands between the poor and 

the real powers in this society - the 

administrative octopus with its 

head in Washington, the 

conglomerates, the 

military complex.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


What do we want in the Colonies—we subjects—or, by special 

favour and grudgingly made, citizens? We want the laws that 

concentrate and codify despotism repealed. There are no 

half- measures! A new constitution is needed in the 

Colonies. When a member is gangrenous, it is 

necessary to intervene quickly; remove the 

member by amputation. That’s what the 

surgeon does. If it happens... that he 

hesitates, lingers, delays, ignorant

pain is aggravated—the disease 

gains ground, then an ignorant 

adventurer takes a scalpel

- and wounds the healthy 

organ, while attempting 

to remove the affected 


As positions in the transitional government 

went to representatives of the neo-fascist 

group, Svoboda, which was condemned 

by the EU, in 2012, Viktor Yanukovych:


 "Have you become blind? Have 

you forgotten what fascism is?"

George Sand:


''Faith is an excitement and an enthusiasm: it is a 

condition of intellectual magnificence, to which 

we must cling, as to a treasure, and not 

squander on our way through life, in 

the small coin of empty words, or

in exact and priggish argument.'' 

Indonesia's President Sukarno:


''What can we do? We can do much! We can inject the voice

of reason --- into world affairs. We can mobilise all the 

spiritual, all the moral, all the political strength of 

Asia & Africa on the side of peace. Yes, we! We,

the peoples of Asia and Africa, 1,400,000,000 

strong, far more than half the human 

population of the world --- we can 

mobilise what I have called the 

Moral Violence of Nations in 

favour of peace.''



 ''We can demonstrate to the minority of the world which lives

 on the other continents, that we, the majority are for peace,

 not for war, and that whatever strength we have will always

 be thrown on to the side of peace.''

Rabindranath Tagore FRAS:


''Faith is the bird that feels the light 

when the dawn is still dark.''

Patch Adams:


''Take a close look at the part that "love" plays in your 

life. Make an inventory of love: people, things, ideas, 

experiences. Try to live your gratitude.''

Oswald Spengler:


"Democracy has become a weapon of moneyed interests. It 

uses the media to create the illusion that there is consent 

from the governed. The press today is an army with 

carefully organized weapons, the journalists its 

officers, the readers, its soldiers. The reader 

neither knows nor is supposed to know, the 

purposes for which he is used and the role 

he is to play. The notion of democracy is 

often no different - than living under a 

plutocracy, or a government by 

wealthy elites."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer:


''Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.''

W. E. B. Du Bois:


“Beneath the Veil lay right and wrong, vengeance and love, 

and sometimes throwing aside the veil, a soul of sweet 

Beauty and Truth stood revealed.”

Daniel Ellsberg:


''Nixon did have a secret plan, and I knew 

that it involved making threats --- of
war to North Vietnam.''

Angela Davis:


“Prisons do not disappear social problems, they 

disappear... human beings. Homelessness,

unemployment, drug addiction, mental 

illness, and illiteracy, are only a few 

of the problems.. that disappear

from public view --- when the 

human beings contending 

with them are relegated 

to cages.”

Huey P. Newton

''The imperialistic or capitalistic system occupies areas. 

They occupy them --- by sending soldiers there, by 

sending policeman there. These policemen - or 

soldiers, are only a gun in the establishment's 

hand. They make the racist secure --- in his 

racism. The gun in the establishment's 

hand --- makes the establishment 

secure in its exploitation.''

The Global Times:


"History teaches us, that the decline of a

hegemon often begins with its currency." 

Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew: 


“For America to be displaced by an Asian people long despised 

and dismissed with contempt as decadent, feeble, corrupt and

inept, is emotionally very difficult to accept. The sense of
cultural supremacy of the Americans, will make this 

adjustment most difficult.”

Doug Rokke, the US Army's health physicist, who oversaw 

a partial clean up of depleted uranium bomb fragments in
Kuwait, is now sick. His body registers 5,000 times the 

level of radiation considered “safe”:


“There can be no reasonable doubt about this. As a result 

of the heavy metal and radiological poison of DU, people 

in southern Iraq are experiencing respiratory problems,

kidney problems, and cancers. Members of my own 

team have died, or are dying, from cancer.”

M. K. Bhadrakumar:


''The NATO declared last year that seven NATO countries 

contributed  dual-capable aircraft to the nuclear sharing

 mission. These countries are believed to be -- the US, 

Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey and 

Greece. And all --- are signatories to the NPT! 

Welcome to the “rules based order”! What 

is perfectly permissible to the West is 

forbidden for Russia!''

Mark Twain:


“Who are the oppressors? The few: the king, the capitalist 

and a handful of other overseers and superintendents. 

Who are the oppressed? The many: the nations of 

the earth; the valuable personages; the workers; 

they that make the bread that the soft-handed 

and idle eat.”

Simón Bolívar:


''God grants victory to perseverance.''

 M. K. Bhadrakumar:


''The crux of the matter is, as with the Cuban missile crisis
of 1962 the Russian decision on tactical nuclear weapons
in Belarus is retaliatory --- drawing attention to the US
missiles stationed close to its borders. (An estimated
100 nuclear weapons, are stored in vaults in five
European countries, 
Belgium, Germany, Italy,
the Netherlands....  and Turkey.)'' 

''Worse still the US practices a controversial arrangement 

known as “nuclear sharing” -- in which it installs nuclear
equipment on fighter jets of ''select'' non-nuclear NATO 

countries --- and trains their pilots to carry out nuclear

strikes with US nuclear bombs.'' 

Daniel Berrigan: 

''Our apologies, good friends, for the fracture 

of good order, the burning of paper, instead 

of children. How many must die before our 

voices are heard, how many must be 

tortured, dislocated, starved, 

maddened? When, at what

 point, will you say no

 to this war?'

President Putin:


"The Soviet Union once withdrew its troops from Germany - and

ended the de facto occupation of the country. The Americans,

as you know, do not, they continue to occupy Germany. But

the point is that the Europeans, in my opinion, have lost 

the gene of independence, sovereignty, and national 

interest.  The more they are hit on the nose, or on 

the top of the head ----- the lower they bend, and 

smile more broadly. Everything -- in my opinion 

-- will change sometime.. but when it will
it's still difficult to say now.
Sometimes I 
think that whatever
they are told from 
they will do." 

Foreign Affairs Spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova:


''Recently, the Verkhovna Rada approved in the first reading, the 

bill: "On Strengthening Democratic Civil Control over the Armed 

Forces of Ukraine". It restricts the ability of military personnel 

to participate in the political life of the country. Clear. The

political life of the Kiev regime, is something sacred and

belongs to those who occupied the offices on Bankova

Street. And those to whom the Kiev regime, together 

with V.A. Zelensky, arranged their fate and form

their reality as cannon fodder, should not care

about any management institutions and the 

implementation of such opportunities. 

They, will be prohibited from such 

options as becoming deputies at

any level -- or of making public 

statements. They, are limited 

in any manifestation of their 

own opinion on domestic 

political issues.'' 

Italy's Defence Minister:


“In recent years, 366 Italian military personnel have died, 

and 7,500 have taken sick, with conditions potentially 

linked to depleted uranium, prompting courts in Italy 

to demand compensation, despite denials from 

military officials, that any link existed.”

Chris Hedges:


''The pimps of war, leaping from fiasco to fiasco, cling to the

chimera of U.S. global supremacy. The dance macabre will 

not stop until we publicly hold them accountable for their 

crimes, ask those we have wronged for forgiveness and 

give up our lust for uncontested global power. The day 

of reckoning, vital if we are to protect what is left of 

our anemic democracy and curb the appetites of 

the war machine, will only come when we build 

mass anti-war organizations that demand an 

end to the imperial folly threatening to 

extinguish life on the planet.''

Margarita Simonyan:


''People who throw bound women into the moat --- after 

shooting them – The Hague has no complaints about 

them. People who bullied our servicemen --- The 

Hague has no complaints against them. People

who shot at houses in Mariupol – The Hague 

has no complaints about them. The Hague 

has no complaints --- about those who 

started all this.. in 2014. There are 

complaints: against Maria Lvova-

Belova, for taking out children 

from orphanages from under 

shelling, evacuating them – 

and now -- The Hague will 

chase after her, for this.'' 

Dmitry Medvedev: 


“The behaviour of Washington and others, this year 

- is the last warning to all nations; there can be no 

business with the Anglo-Saxon world: it is a thief, 

a swindler, a card-sharp, that could do anything.”

Ugandan foreign minister, Jeje Odongo, Feb. 28th, 2023:


“We were colonized and forgave those who colonized 

us. Now, the colonizers are asking us to be enemies 

of Russia, who never colonized us. Is that fair? Not 

for us. Their enemies are their enemies. Our 

friends are our friends.”

Namibia’s P.M. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila:


“We, are promoting a peaceful resolution of the 

Ukraine conflict -- so that the entire world and 

all the resources of the world can be focused 

on improving the conditions of people around 

the world -- instead of being spent on 

acquiring weapons, killing people,

and actually creating hostilities.”

Edward Young:


''A God all mercy, is a God unjust.''

Ms. Alena Douhan, U.N. Special Rapporteur on the 

negative impact of unilateral coercive measures:


"Secondary sanctions or threats of secondary 

sanctions and civil and criminal penalties,

are illegal."

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang: 


"The United States talks a lot about following rules. 

But imagine two athletes competing in an Olympic 

race. If one athlete, instead of focusing on giving 

one's best, always tries to trip or even injure the 

other, that is not fair competition, but malicious 

confrontation and a foul!" 

Cong Yi professor of Finance & Economics Tianjin University:


"Unlike the West's approach of exploitation, China stresses
cooperation and win-win results. While the US is making 

all kinds of noise.. in the short term, China's mutually 

beneficial and win-win development, is in line with 

the development interests of most countries
therefore, will be welcomed."

Caitlin Johnstone:


''They don’t work so hard to manufacture our consent because

it’s fun for them, they work so hard to manufacture 

our consent, because they require our consent. 

So it’s important that we don’t give it to them.

It’s important that we forcefully oppose the 

global conflict the US-centralized empire

is pushing us all towards, and that we 

vocally decry the propaganda that’s 

being used to grease the wheels 

of that depraved agenda.''


''Ultimately the powerful have no answer to the problem that 

there are a whole lot more of us than there are of them and 

that there’s really nothing they can do if we decide not to 

be ruled by them anymore.''


''Sooner or later, the giant that these monsters have been 

keeping in a propaganda-induced coma, is going to start 

stirring. We’re going to have to wake up sooner or later, 

& because of the stakes involved, it is very important

that we do everything we can, to try and make sure 

that it is sooner.''

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Tuesday: 


"If the US does not hit the brake but continues 

to speed down the wrong path, no amount of 

guardrails can prevent derailing, and there 

will surely be conflict and confrontation."

President Kennedy's American University

speech in 1963, ended with these words: 


“We must do our part to build a world of peace 

where the weak are safe and the strong are 

just. We are not helpless before that task 

or hopeless for its success. Confident 

and unafraid, we must labour on 

towards a strategy of peace.”

In October 2022 Cambridge University harmonized 

137 countries' surveys on their attitudes towards 

the West and towards Russia and China: 


''Of 6.3 billion people who live outside the West, 

66% feel positively towards Russia - and 70% 

feel positively towards China. Of the 66% 

feeling positive about Russia 75% are in 

South Asia, 68% in Francophone Africa,

 62% in S.E. Asia. Opinion of Russia 

remains positive, in Saudi Arabia, 

Malaysia, India, Pakistan 

and Vietnam.'' 

Evan Reif, explaining post-war W. Germany:


''The state machinery once called the Greater German 

Reich, had now simply been absorbed into a new 

structure, now called the North Atlantic Treaty

Organization (NATO). Now in the position of 

the deputy, Ernst Albrecht took on the 

same role his boss had in the 1940s, 

this time with “blood and soil”

replaced with “European 


Ernst Albrecht, father of Ursula von 

der Leyen (born Ursula Albrecht):


“If we succeed in bringing people of above-average

capabilities to governance, an autocracy, or the

rule of the few, will be able to create a better 

order, than the rule of the people.” 

Richard Darré, Ernst Albrecht's Nazi S.S. boss: 


“By blitzkrieg -- before autumn -- we shall be the absolute
masters of two continents, a new aristocracy of German
masters will be created…. slaves assigned to it. These 

slaves to be their property and to consist of landless, 

non-German nationals. We actually have in mind, a 

modern form of medieval slavery, which we must 

and will introduce, because we urgently need it -

in order to fulfill our great tasks. These slaves 

will by no means be denied the blessings of 

illiteracy; higher education will, in future, 

be reserved only for the German 

population of Europe.”  

India’s foreign minister, S. Jaishankar: 


“Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe’s 

problems are the world’s problems, but the world’s

problems are not Europe’s problems.”

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive Director, Task Force 

on National & Homeland Security. October 31, 2020:


''The one mission that makes the most sense for Poseidon,

not mentioned by Russia, is trailing and destroying at-sea

SSBNs. Nuclear-powered Poseidon -- could tail SSBNs for
months or years - waiting outside ports for their target to
resume patrols. Artificially intelligent Poseidon, could be

programmed - to recognize the acoustic signature of its 

target submarine, & detonate on command. The lethal 

radius of a 100-megaton warhead against submarines 

--- is over 100 kilometres. Russia plans to deploy 32 

Poseidons. Perhaps not coincidentally -- enough to 

assign two Poseidons to tail each of 12 Columbia 

SSBNs and 8 Poseidons to target the 8 SSBNs of

allies Britain and France."

Robert Freeman:


''Last year, the ruble reached its highest exchange rate

in history. Russia’s 2022 trade surplus of $227 billion, 

was up 86 percent from 2021. The U.S.’ trade deficit

over the same period, rose 12.2 percent, and is

 approaching $1 trillion.''

Uriel Araujo, researcher, on Nord Stream:


''In Germany - right now - only Die Linke has supported 

AfD calls for an investigation.. but more voices within 

the German broader political spectrum are expected

 to join them.''

President Xi Jinping, in June 2022:


“As important emerging markets --- and major developing

countries, the BRICS nations should take responsibility 

and take action --- to bring positive, stabilizing and 

constructive forces to the world. It is necessary 

to uphold justice, equality and solidarity and

reject hegemony, bullying and division.” 

John Jay Chapman:  


''There are lots of people who cannot think 

deeply ------ without damaging their minds.'

Cymraeg {Welsh} actor, Richard Burton: 


It made me feel, what strong, what 

wonderful people, do I come from,

that they helped to give me my 

form, my strength”.

Pepe Escobar:


''...were Tehran to play hardball, the US Navy or military 

could never keep the Strait of Hormuz open – by the 

admission of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. Oil prices

in this case, would rise to possibly thousands of 

dollars a barrel, according to Goldman Sachs 

oil derivative experts – and that would 

crash the entire world economy.''

Feofan, priest tortured in Ukrainian captivity: 


“I am confident - that Russia is in the process of 

writing a new chronicle of its greatness, in the 

best sense of the word. The fate of the world 

is being decided in Donbass --- right now. 

We all realized that, in 2014, but we 

understand it even more clearly, 

right now.”


''The USA is basically a fiat printing 

press - masquerading as a country.''

Tsar Nicholas II:


''Tell everyone that the evil that is in the world 

will grow even stronger, but that it is not evil 

that will triumph, but love.''

William Schryver:


''The US empire’s most acute concern in recent years

had been the discernible advance of Russo-German 

reconciliation and economic collaboration. Going 

back over a century, this prospect... has always 

been understood as the single greatest threat 

to Anglo-American dominance of the western 

world, and hence a development that must 

be arrested before it can ever 

gain momentum.''

William Schryver:


''The [US] imperial masters do not hold genuine aspirations 

to spread righteousness and prosperity around the world. 

As with all declining empires that preceded this one, 

the imperial elite aspire to dominion as an end per 

se. It is the self-satisfaction of unquestioned 

primacy, that is the ultimate wellspring of

all their actions - at least insofar as the 

apparatus of tribute and plunder 

remains adequately intact.


''Therefore, in the context of a “collective security

architecture” in Europe, it is not the alleged

threat of despotic Russian expansionism 

that has motivated imperial actions, but 

rather.. the thought that the Europeans 

themselves would agree to a mutually 

satisfactory multilateral security 

arrangement -- and then firmly

request..  that the Americans

finally take all their military

toys and go home.


''Concerningly, it has become increasingly evident that 

the empire would rather rule over the ashes and 

rubble of Europe than permit its constituent 

nations to reclaim their sovereignty on 

their own terms, and by their 

own volition.''



''When I was a kid in High School, there was one big 

guy who was bullying his classmates.. a different 

one everyday, slapping them for no reason, etc..  

One day - one did not want to take it anymore &

jumped to his neck choking him; both fell to the 

ground but he kept the choking. Then all of the 

classmates jumped in and started beating and 

kicking the bullying guy and nearly killed him.

He never returned ------ dropped out of school.

That, is what the world needs to do with the 

US. The world is sick of these US criminals.

The US ---- has no interest in cooperation,
together etc, in their delusion,
they think they 
are entitled to subdue
the world ------- 
and rule the planet.''

Charles Mackay:


What might be done if men were wise —

What glorious deeds, my suffering brother,

Would they unite,

In love and right,

And cease their scorn of one another?


Oppression's heart might be imbued

With kindling drops of loving-kindness,

And knowledge pour,

From shore to shore,

Light on the eyes of mental blindness.


All slavery, warfare, lies, and wrongs,

All vice and crime might die together;

And wine and corn,

To each man born,

Be free as warmth in summer weather.


The meanest wretch that ever trod,

The deepest sunk in guilt and sorrow,

Might stand erect

In self-respect,

And share the teeming world to-morrow.


What might be done? This might be done,

And more than this, my suffering brother —

More than the tongue

Ever said or sung,

If men were wise and loved each other.

Serbia's Colonel General Ratko Mladic:


''I think it is time for all peace-loving people 

of this world, to start pondering where all

this leads. I think it's high time that the 

weapons in this part of the world, 

and all over the world, were 


George Washington:


''My first wish, is to see this plague 

of mankind, war, banished from

 the earth.''

August Strindberg:


“There are poisons that blind you, 

and poisons that open your eyes.”

Jon Cruddas, MP for Dagenham and Rainham:


''We bet the ranch on the private oligopoly of house 

builders, but it’s in their interests to bank land and 

ration housing, so that house prices continue to 

rocket. So you have a structural undersupply, 

at the same time as we live longer and 

decouple earlier.''

Rabindranath Tagore FRAS:


''I slept and dreamt that life was joy. 

I awoke and saw that life was service.

 I acted and behold, service was joy.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''We demand respect for the territorial integrity and the national

independence of the rare African states... or states of African 

origin, which still possess their autonomy. Abyssinia, Liberia, 

Haiti and St. Domingo, are striking proofs of the organizing 

and political genius of Negroes, notwithstanding their

 persistant sabotage by nations eager for conquest.''

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


''It is sufficient to say that even today, in the Colonies, there 

are Administrators who insert like suppositories, cartridges 

of dynamite in the natives, and order them to run; then 

suddenly the dynamite explodes -- and the natives are 

blown to pieces. This happens in the French colonies!''

Douglas Macgregor: 


''Russia is forcing Ukraine.. to 

stare annihilation in the face.''

Dmitry Medvedev:


“Soon, the Kyiv regime 

will have no sea at all.”  

US president, John Tyler:


''I should be pleased to see all the nations 

on the earth, prosperous and happy and 

rich, for it would furnish to me the best 

evidence of the prosperity of my 

native land.''

Harold Wilson:


''There is no future for Britain in a Little England 

philosophy. There is no future either, for 

anyone, in a Little Europe philosophy.''

G.K. Chesterton: 


“When the Founding Fathers talked about democracy

they did indeed mean, doubtless, the government of

the people, by the people, for the people. But they

meant the government of the people they knew, 

by the people they knew, for the people 

they knew.”

Zbigniew Brzezinski warned the USUK: 


“Potentially the most dangerous scenario would be 

a grand coalition between Russia, China and Iran.”

Former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski:


"Corruption and megalomania, have

brought Ukraine to its current state." 



Evo Morales:


“Superiority, is so important to them - the ability to 

dominate. It’s reprehensible that they don’t have 

a principle of humanity, of brotherhood. They 

are, instead, slaves to the policies of how 

to dominate.”



''At present.... the Ukraine is surrounded by nearly 700,000

Russian troops. As they are not taking part in the fighting 
in Bakhmut or anywhere else, it is assumed that they are

being held back -----  to form a future Army of Occupation 

after Bakhmut. They will restore freedom and normal life 

to every Ukrainian who wants to get rid of their Western

-enforced isolation.... and join a Free Ukraine allied with 

the Russian Federation and Belarus and the Free World 

of international organisations ---- like the EEU (the 

Eurasian Economic Union), BRICS, and the SCO. 

They all represent the seven billion ---- the 88% 

of the world who constitute the Global North, 

the Global South and the Global East. The 

million or two isolationists who do not 

want this, will flee across the Polish 

border ------ together with Zelensky 

and his corrupt clique ------ if they 

are still alive by then.''

Ukrainian writer Larisa Nitsoi tweets ------- Russia 

supporters must wear a red star on their clothes:


"...this is not segregation, we're not fascist Germany,

people just need to understand who is around them."

Mike Whitney:


"The plan to engage Russia militarily is a tacit 

admission: that the United States can no 

longer maintain its global dominance 

through economic or political 

means alone."

The new Czech President, General 

Pavel's, election campaign slogan: 


"It's time to use the big guns."

Humpty Dumpty: 


“When I use a word... it means just what I

choose it to mean, neither more nor less."

Mr Volodin, Speaker of the Duma:


"If Washington and the NATO countries supply 

weapons that will be used to strike civilian 

cities and attempt to seize our territories 

- as they threaten - this will lead to 

retaliatory measures -- using 

more powerful weapons."


Oleg Nesterenko:


''Since 2014, the beginning of the conflict provoked by

the US in Ukraine, through a coup d’état --- Russia has

got rid of almost all US debt. Whereas in 2010, Russia 

was one of the top 10 holders of U.S. Treasury bonds,

with over $176 billion, in 2015, it held only about $90 

billion, meaning that the total mass of these assets 

had almost halved, in 5 years. Today, Russia holds 

only about two billion in U.S. debt, an extremely

insignificant amount, comparable to the 

mathematical error of the global 

Treasury bond market.''

Maria Zakharova: 


''You in the West have long since lost any notion of true values 

based on love. It is impossible to believe, that the West is now

supplying German tanks - to where they have already brought 
so much trouble & suffering, killing tens of millions of people.
Like imagining - that you know what love, 
honour, conscience are, after all.''

Zakharova's visceral excoriation of Scholz:

''Perhaps the only thing more concerning and disgusting, 

than Germany sending its tanks to fight against Russia,

is the almost total lack of discussion within its media 

and political class --- their utter disregard for how 

Russia will perceive it, and - most of all - the 

total fecklessness and subordination of 

the German people, judging by the 

public's lack of reaction.''

India's Mahabharata: 


Q: “is it permitted to wage war against one’s brothers?” 

A: “It is permitted, but only if there is sorrow in your 


US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 29/4/1938:

 "The first truth -- is that the liberty of a democracy is not
if the people tolerate the growth of private power
-- to a point 
where it becomes stronger... than their
democratic state itself. 
That, in its essence, is
Fascism: the ownership of Government 
an individual, by a group.... or by any
other controlling 
private power.

The second truth -- is that the liberty 
of a democracy 
isn't safe -- if its business system doesn't provide
employment and
 produce amd distribute goods
in such a way... as to sustain 
an acceptable
standard of living." 

Former US President Donald Trump, to Biden:


“First come the tanks --- then come the nukes. 

Get this crazy war ended, now. So easy to do.”

Scott Ritter: 


''NATO is a Suicide Pill for the World.
Pray that Russia Wins.''

Serbian President Vucic on West's current agenda:


"What worries me is that there is no longer a rational 

approach to solving problems. I saw this at the 

meeting with the Big Five. No matter what 

I said - and no matter what facts I gave -

no one wanted to listen to me. Reason 

no longer plays any role. They have 

their own agenda, and that is the 

defeat of Russia, and along the

way, anyone who gets in their

way......  will be mopped up."

Calgacus, in AD 84:


''Robbers of the world, having by their universal plunder 

exhausted the land, they rifle the deep. If the enemy is

rich, they are rapacious; if he is poor, they lust for 

control; neither the east nor the west has been 

able to satisfy them. Alone among men they 

covet with equal eagerness poverty and 

riches. To robbery, slaughter and 

plunder, they give the lying 

name of empire; they 

create a wilderness 

and call it peace.''

Bundestag (AfD) deputy Petr Bystron:

“You are bringing German tanks against Russia in Ukraine.

Your grandfathers already tried to do this then with the

Melniks and Banderas, as they do - again - now. And 

what is the result? Result, Russian tanks, are here 

in Berlin. And you pass by two of them every day 

on your way here. The Russians have over 

10,000 tanks and can mobilize 2 million 

men. Two hundred of our tanks are of 

no importance. This conflict cannot 

be won militarily."

Ursula von der Leyen: 


"When my own children join the armed forces, 

and it will be necessary to deploy them, then

I will indeed be afraid like any other mother."


Interviewer: "Is one of your 7

children in the armed forces?"


Ursula von der Leyen: "No, 


Giuseppe Biden: 


“18 FBI agents have verified - that Hunter

Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation!”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn:


"We know... they are lying.

They know they are lying.

They know that we know 

they are lying. We know 

that they know that we

Know they are lying.

And still...... they 

continue to lie."

Vadym Prystaiko, Ukraine's Ambassador to the UK:


"Most of the weapons supplied to the Ukrainian Armed

Forces from Western countries are outdated, they just

expired. If you want to dispose of it ------- give it to us."

Oleg Nesterenko:


''Given the fact that -- despite the pressure of

unprecedented Western sanctions Russia 

continues to maintain both healthy state 

finances, an insignificant public debt, a

trade surplus, and no budget deficit --

the confrontation in Ukraine, cannot 

but be won by Russia --- in one form

or another. The irreversibility of the 

process --- makes it inadvisable to 

'substantially' revise US strategy

toward Ukraine, which could be 

reflected in an additional signif-

icant increase in quantitative 

and qualitative... military and 

financial support, especially

since such an initiative...... 

proportionally increases 

the risks ------ of nuclear 

strikes on US territory.''

Condoleezza Rice, then US secretary 

of state ----- in her 2014 TV interview:


“In the long term.. we just want to change the

structure of [the EU’s] energy dependence. 

Make it more dependent on the North 

American energy platform, on the 

excellent abundance of oil and

gas found in North America.”

Hugo Dionísio:


''The total submission of the G7 countries and the EU

to the dictates of NATO, an organization created to

groom them, which today is confused with the EU 

itself; the blind application of all economic and

financial sanctions and guidelines; the lack of

protection mechanisms for the respective 

internal markets… All this has the effect 

that we are witnessing, which had been 

foreseen by so many silenced people - 

throughout this time. How they must

hate to be right.''

Michael Hudson:


''United States Treasury officials have told me that 

all they need to do is give little white envelopes 

filled with dollar bills and they’ve been able to 

control European politics.''

Charles Higham - a half-Jewish Briton 

whose family perished in Nazi camps: 


''....the US government could do nothing about the

collaborative ventures - including strategic ones - 

of US conglomerates, with Nazi Germany, during

the war. The only person to protest to Roosevelt 

about these practices.. was the Supreme Court 

Justice, Felix Frankfurter. Roosevelt... told him 

that - if he took prohibitive measures --- there 

was the expressed risk --- that Big Business 

would retaliate by stopping war production 

and that he, Roosevelt, could do nothing 

about it. Roosevelt suggested, that too 

many US political leaders were bound 
or held by Big Business, to hope for a

successful mobilisation of coercion. 

This marks the pathetic limits of the

true extent of US political power in 

relation to other dominant forces."

Posted by OohCanada on Moon of Alabama:


''2 weeks ago, the west announced Ukraine's new

package of weapons and the Russians stated the
western supply routes will be targeted ---- (west 

Ukraine got smashed) ---- This time, they were 

targeted with missles... that Nato didn't even

detect & instantly everyone walked it back.


''They look like fools and will either need to send those

 goods or just get it over with and fold. The Russians

 pointed to Ukraine's obsolete air defense as a huge

 weakness (they mean Nato's current systems
 Ukraine uses).


''The realization that they can bomb people in bed

 without a warning must have a few money men

 in the west stressed right out.''

Lula da Silva:


“We need to rescue the model of state institutions, 

public banks, and state-owned companies in the 

development of this country. Brazil is too big, to

renounce its productive potential.  It makes no 

sense to import fuels, fertilizers, oil platforms, 

aircraft and satellites. We have sufficient 

technical capacity and market, to 

resume industrialisation.”

Oleg Nesterenko:

''Only an extremely aggressive U.S. foreign policy,
backed by world military & monetary domination 

allows the US to occupy its current position. Any 

other state which had committed even a fraction 

of [its] crimes would be classified by the “inter-

national community” gathered around the US, 

as a criminal, pariah state and would be 

subject to a “legal” embargo more 

serious than that of North 

Korea, Iran and Cuba.. 


Lugansk republic’s acting head, Pasechnik:


"The situation at the front, is complicated by the 

fact that - today - we are fighting not only with
the Ukrainian army: there are many foreign 

mercenaries and instructors, in the 

ranks of the enemy. We know that 

thousands of mercenaries, from 

more than fifty countries, are 

fighting in the ranks of the 

Ukrainian Nazis, mainly 

from Eastern Europe."



''We are not at war with Ukraine, because by definition, we
cannot have hatred for ordinary Ukrainians. Ukrainian
traditions, are close to the people of 
Russia, just as
the heritage of the Russian 
people.. is inseparable
from the culture of 
Ukrainians. And...  the sooner
the citizens 
of Ukraine realize - that the West is 

fighting Russia with their hands, the more lives
will be saved. Many people 
have long realized
this ------- but they are 
afraid to declare it, for
fear of reprisals. 
The West does not plan to
save any
one's life --- at the expense of its
enrichment -- and other ambitions.''



''That sudden withdrawal of the Americans from

[Afghanistan] as it turned out, was largely due 

to focusing on Ukraine, where -- according to 

their estimates -- the preparation of the Kiev 

puppet regime.. for offensive anti-Russian 

actions, was going well. By the way, this 

was confirmed by US Secretary of State 

Blinken, who said that if the US military 

had not left Afghanistan --- Washington 

would not have been able to allocate 

so much money to Ukraine.''

Former US Senator Richard Blake:


“We don’t care how many Ukrainians will die. How

many women, children, civilians and military. We 

don’t care. Ukraine cannot take the peace 

decision. The peace decision can only be 

taken in Washington. But, for now, we 

want to continue this war --- we will 

fight --- to the last Ukrainian.”  

Jason Michael McCann:


''What journalists in the western media... in the US and
Europe didn't realise.. between 2014 and the Russian

invasion, was that these Ukrainian Nazis, both in the
US and in the Nazi battalions of the Ukrainian army, 

are important C.I.A. assets. As ideological fighters 
they are committed to their hatred of Russia. The 

US State Department, trusts them more than any 

other political group or faction in Ukraine.These 

are the people that the US government has been
working with funding & training for almost eight 

decades. In the US’ global fight against Russia,

these Nazis have to be protected at all costs -- 

they are essential to the US plan in Ukraine.''

 saying in the US in the 1960's:

"War is good for business, invest your son."


saying in the US in the 2020's:


''War is good for business, invest 

your overweight, gender-fluid, 

adopted, educationally 

challenged, halfwit.''

A Russian Officer's wife speaks at a mourning rally

dedicated to Russian fighters killed in Makeyevka:


''The whole West is rallying to destroy us - us and our
children - but I assure you, our husbands and sons 

will not allow it... for the inconsolable widows, 

for the orphans. We will not forgive, and 

victory will definitely be ours.''

Rob Endert:


''If Bakhmut is the central logistic hub for the last

 defensive belt, then...  by putting Bakhmut in a 

difficult position prevents it from playing this

 vital logistic role. The current situation is 

already a Russian strategic success, 

even before Bakhmut has fallen.''

Pierre de Gaulle, Grandson of President de Gaulle: 


''I think that public opinion in France is beginning 

to understand what the malicious game of the

Americans is today. Using lies primarily when

communicating with allies within NATO -- the 

United States managed to use the Ukrainian 

crisis to destabilize Europe.''

R. Buckminster Fuller:


''Sadly we see enormous numbers of stranded poverty

stricken people, while potential abundance, is being

deliberately curtailed by governments subservient 

to the landlord’s will. Humanity is so accustomed 

to failure it still assumes failure to be normal and 

does not realize that it has literally earned – and

actually acquired - the capability to take care of

everyone on earth at a higher standard of living 

than ever - heretofore - experienced by anyone.

The really big fact is that we are going to have 

to go through, a complete mental resorting of 

what its all about. Then we are going to have 

to go about taking care of everybody, not as 

''on relief'' but with the same spontaneous 

welcome and love..... accorded a new-

born baby. Landlordism will no longer 

be able to extract a ransom. Money 

too, will become obsolete, with the 

ability to produce enough - to take 

care of all. The fact, that we now 

have the capability to support all 

life, and are not doing so, means 

we have to introduce... a new 

system. One that can make 

the world work.''

Dmitry Medvedev on May 11th, 2022:


''The US House of Representatives has approved a $40
billion aid package for Ukraine. Biden asked for less,
but - from the bounty - they threw in a couple more
billion. The money is huge and there will be a lot 

of hunters to share it, in the American military-

industrial complex. Not to mention, the banal 

thieves on both sides of the ocean. It is quite 

obvious that “aid” on such an unprecedented 

scale isn't at all explained by love for Ukraine

--- and not even support for its own economy.
goal.. is to continue a proxy war against 

Russia, the desire to inflict a heavy defeat 

on our country ---- to limit its economic 

development and political influence 

in the world.  It will not work.  Their 

printing press, due to which, the US

is constantly increasing its already 

inflated national debt --- will break 

faster. Not to mention.. the insane 

prices.. for gasoline and food, for 

the growth of which, Americans 

should thank their Russophobic 

authorities. But the goals of
special operation...
will be achieved.''

Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov:


''If you cannot sleep because of the Russian-Ukrainian
conflict, here are pieces of advice, to calm yourself.
Firstly, imagine this is happening in Africa. Imagine

it's happening in the Middle East. Imagine Ukraine 

as Palestine. Imagine Russia is the United States.''

Karl Marx from ‘Capital: A Critique 

of Political Economy, Volume I’: 


''The discovery of gold and silver in America, the

expiration, enslavement and entombment in 

mines, of the indigenous population of that 

continent, the beginnings of the conquest 

and plunder of India, and the conversion 

of Africa, into a preserve for the 

commercial hunting of black

skins.. are all things which 

characterize the dawn of 

the era of capitalist 



''These idyllic proceedings, are the chief moments 

of primitive accumulation. The different moments 

of primitive accumulation -- can be assigned in 

particular to Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, 

and England, in more or less chronological 

order. These moments are systematically

combined together ...at the end of the 

seventeenth century in England;- the 

combination embraces the colonies, 

the national debt....  the modern tax 

system --------------- and the system of 

protection. These methods depend

in part on brute force, for example, 

the colonial system. But, they all 

employ the power of the state --- 

the concentrated and organised 

force of society, to hasten, hot-

house fashion, the process of 

transformation of the feudal 

mode of production into the 

capitalist mode ---- and to 

shorten the transition.'' 

Image: President Putin: ''The situation in the world is changing dynamically and the outlines of a multipolar world order --- are takingshape. An increasing number of countries and peoples are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on thei

Chinese Foreign Ministry:


''85 percent of the world's population 

- has not imposed sanctions against 

Russia: only the majority represent

the international community." 


President Putin:


''The situation in the world is changing dynamically, 

and the outlines of a multipolar world order --- are 

taking shape. An increasing number of countries 

and peoples - are choosing a path of free and 

sovereign development based on their own 

distinct identity, traditions and values.''


''These objective processes... are being opposed by the

Western globalist elites, who provoke chaos, fanning

long-standing & new conflicts, and pursuing the so-

called containment policy, which, in fact, amounts 

to the subversion.. of any alternative, sovereign 

development options. Thus -- they are doing all 

they can, to keep hold onto the hegemony and 

power that are slipping from their hands; they 

are attempting to retain countries & peoples 

in a grip of what is essentially a neocolonial 

order. Their hegemony.. means stagnation
the rest of the world & for the entire 

civilisation; it means obscurantism, 

the cancellation of culture, and 

neoliberal totalitarianism.''

Timothy Leary (1920-1996):


"Almost everyone today is brain-damaged 

by our education, which is designed to 

produce docile automatons."

General Sherman, told his wife his purpose: 


''Extermination --- not of soldiers alone, that is 

the least part of the trouble --- but the people.''

Historian Lee Kennett, in 

his biography of Sherman:


“Had the Confederates somehow won, had their 

victory put them in position to bring their chief 

opponents before some sort of tribunal, they 

would have found themselves justified in 

stringing up President Lincoln and the 

entire Union high command --- for 

violation of the laws of war --- 

specifically, for waging war 

against noncombatants.”

Jeremy Kuzmarov:


“Former Bolivian President Evo Morales calls

for a global campaign --- to eliminate NATO.”

 Evo Morales:


“Julian Assange's detention --- represents an escalation, 

an intimidation: so that all the crimes against humanity

committed by the different governments of the United

States --- are never revealed. So many interventions,
many invasions, so much looting.”

Milagros Pichardo Pérez: 

''Even the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López

Obrador, directly asked his counterpart, Joe Biden, 

to release the founder of the WikiLeaks portal, to 

whom he "opens the doors of his country," and 

described him as "the best journalist of our 

time." He also considered, that the 

treatment he has received, only 

"for denouncing human rights 

violations", is worse than 

that of a criminal.''


The UN special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, 

says Assange has suffered psychological torture: 


"How far have we sunk?" 

Robert Penn Warren wrote in his 1960 book:


“The Northerner, with his Treasury of Virtue, caused 

by his victory in the Civil War, feels as though he has 
an indulgence; a plenary indulgence, for all sins past
present & future. This indulgence is the justification 

for our crusades of 1917-1918 and 1941-1945, and 

our diplomacy of righteousness, with the slogan 

of unconditional surrender and universal 

rehabilitation --- for others.


 Thomas DiLorenzo:

''Lincoln’s war destroyed the voluntary union of 

the founding fathers and replaced it with an 

involuntary union held together by threat 

of invasion, bloodshed, conquest, 

and subjugation.''

Evo Morales:


“They think that some countries are the property 

of other nations. They think God put them there, 

so the world belongs to the U.S. and the UK. 

That’s why the rebellions and the 

uprisings will continue.”

Evo Morales:


“In politics we must ask ourselves: Are we with the

people or are we with the empire? If we are with

the people, we make a country; if we are with 

the empire, we make money. If we are with 

the people, we fight for life, for humanity; 

if we are with the empire, we are with 

the politics of death, the culture of 

death, interventions and pillaging 

of the people. That is what we 

ask ourselves as humans, 

as leaders: ‘Are we 

at the service of 

our people?’”

Yves Smith of 'Naked Capitalism':


“Despite the aggressive Western sanctions…....  Russia

has been very restrained, as far as counter-measures

are concerned. So, after loudly saying that the EU

wants nothing to do with Russian energy, or 

Russian pipelines... the EU should hardly 

be upset, if Russia is tired of laboring 

not to give them what they asked

for, an economic divorce. The 

problem is, Europe is now 

upset, that it’s getting 

what it acted like

it wanted.”

Catherine the Great, of Russia:


''A man ought to form, in his own mind, an exact

and clear Idea of what liberty is. Liberty is the

right --- of doing whatsoever the laws allow: 

and if any one citizen could do what the
aws forbid --- there would be no more 

liberty; because others would have 

an equal power of doing
the same.''  



''I would have loved to have been a 

rock n' roll star. But none of us
musical, and none of us
had any 

Jim Rickards:


“The economies of the US and the EU are in, or very

near to, recession. Inflation is out of control in the

West and commodity shortages will lead quickly 

to food shortages and more empty shelves in

supermarkets… as economic sanctions 

have backfired - with protests turning 

up at all spots in the global supply 

chain - including railways, 

trucking, warehouses, 

and ports…”

US Senator Lindsey Graham: 

"I like the path we are on. As long as we

help Ukraine with the weapons it needs 

and economic support, it will fight to 

the last man."


Jim Rickards:


“Almost everything you heard ---- about the 

war in Ukraine from US media.. was a lie.”

 Ex President of Ukraine Poroshenko 

who signed the Minsk Agreements:


“When I was signing it, I never intended to implement

it. We just needed more time - to get more weapons

from the West - in order to enable us to resolve the

problem of the Ukrainian East by the use of force.”

Martin Jay: 


"The once-golden relationship between the US 

and the EU is also coming to an end. A game 

of accusations will begin ---- which will be 

carefully developed over several weeks

in the media. The West needs to get 

out of the conflict in Ukraine and 

it needs a good reason to 

turn around."



What kids in the late 1940s used 

to sing, on the May day marches:


''Go home yankee, yankee go home!

We don’t want you anymore.

For the way of life you sell

Doesn’t suit us very well

And it wasn’t Errol Flynn 

that won the war!''

Rachel Marsden: 


“The conflict in Ukraine, risks creating the ultimate

nightmare for Western elites: an alternative group 

of allies, over which the West has no control, but 

with the capacity to offer opportunities that are

competitive with what their own governments 

or countries are offering… Western elites are 

doubling down in Ukraine to save the world 

order --- that protects their own selfish 

interests --- thinking that it’s the way 

to prevent... a parallel option from 

emerging. It’s as simple as that.

And they don’t care, if it’s the 

average citizen who has to 

pay the price”.

Camilo José Cela:


''There are two kinds of man: 

the ones who make history - 

and the ones who endure it.''

Dmitry Medvedev:


“Washington - in tandem with London - conned the
Europeans like a couple of shell-game tricksters.” 

Sergey Lavrov: 


“The European economy is impacted -- more than

anything else. The stats show that 40 percent 

of the damage caused by sanctions is borne 

by the EU --- whereas the damage to the 

United States is less than 1 percent.”



"My love is deep and wide like that of the sky. 

My only morality is to fight slavery.

 I do not care for the restrictions of caste or creed.

 I only know humanity and its service"



 Richard Price:

''Tremble, all ye oppressors of the world! Take warning,
all ye supporters of 
slavish governments, and slavish 

hierarchies! Call no more (absurdly and wickedly) 

reformation, innovation. You cannot now hold 

the world in darkness. Restore to mankind..
their rights; 
and consent to the correction
of abuses, 
before they and you are

Thomas Carlyle:


“Make yourself an honest man, and then 

you may be sure that there is one less 

scoundrel in the world.”

Eric Zuesse, on post-soviet US aims:


''President GHW Bush, secretly informed America’s
allies, starting on February 24th in 1990, “To hell 

with that! We prevailed, they didn’t” ie, “they still 

need to be totally and humiliatingly defeated 

by us; they need to be conquered.” This --- 

is the reality. No myth. America’s foreign 

policies are laser-focused on crippling if 

not destroying, all possible competitors.

Especially, all nations in Europe need 

to know this, and to reverse course 

because of it. Because --- if they 

don’t, then Europe’s economies 

will be crushed this coming 

winter, in order to keep up 

the US Government’s lies. 

It is.. their choice. Either 

continuing as American 

vassal-nations, or else, 

making a fundamental 

turn, toward freedom 

and justice.''



Martin Armstrong: 


“There is no way they can get out of this, other than

by default. If they default, they are worried about 

millions of people -- storming the parliaments of

Europe. This is really a tremendous financial 

crisis that we are facing. They have been 

borrowing year after year, since WWII ---

with zero intention of paying 

anything back.”

Angelo Giliano, Financial & Political Analyst:


''What the collective West needs to take into account

  now is ---- that they are not alone. They need to stop 

their imperialist way of approaching how they see 

the world. They tend to say the global world, but 

when they say the global world, they only mean 

maybe 15% of the population. But the problem 

now is, that they don't have the weight they 

used to have and they need to take into 

account that you have an emergent 

world and they are - we are - 

living in the last days of 

the imperialistic West.''

Cynthia Chung:


''Russia’s proclaimed support... in its letters to Lincoln,
would be put to the test - during the 
summer of 1863.
By then the South’s invasion 
of the North had failed
at Gettysburg and the 
violent anti-war New York
 draft riots also 
failed, and Britain - as a result -
was thinking 
of a direct military intervention
--- with the 
backing of France.

''What would follow, 
marks one of the greatest displays
support for another country’s sovereignty, to

ever occur in modern history. The Russian
Navy arrived on both the 
east and west
coastlines of the US in 
late September
and early October, in 1863. 

''The timing was highly coordinated.... due to intelligence
reports of when 
Britain and France were intending their 

military action. The Russian navy would stay along the
US coastline... 
in support of the Union, for 7 months! 

They never intervened in the American civil war but
rather.....  remained in 
its waters, at the behest of
Lincoln in 
case of a foreign power’s interference.

''If Russia had not done this, Britain and France would
most certainly, have 
intervened on the Confederate 

states behalf -- as they made clear they would and
the US 
-- would have most certainly broken in two.
At that point i
t was Russia’s direct naval support
that allowed the 
US to remain whole.''

US ''Defense'' Secretary, Lloyd Austin:


“The range of HIMARS, our GMLRS round, is 80 

kilometres and so that’s pretty good reach. It 

has allowed and will continue to allow, to get 

after those longer-range targets that they’ve

been unable to reach.”

Michael Hudson:


The philosophy of the IMF ever since world war II is

when third world countries can’t pay the debt, the 

IMF comes in with an austerity program and says 

you have to lower wages -- you have to break up 

labour unions, if necessary you have to have a

democracy, and you can’t have a democracy 

unless you’re willing to assassinate and 

arrest the labour leaders and the 

advocates of land redistribution 

...because a democracy means 

basically, rule by the financial

sector centred in the US. So.. 

finance capitalism ever since 

WWI and especially WWII and 

especially since 1980, is the 

nationalistic doctrine of US

banks and the US 1%, and 

the US financial sector ----

that's sort of merged into 

a symbiotic unit with the 

finance, insurance and 

real estate.''


''In other words, finance capitalism instead of trying 

to promote overall economic growth for the 99%,
instead of financing the industrialization of an

economy, with rising productivity and rising 

living standards, is now cannibalizing the 

industrial sector, and cannibalizing the 

corporate sector. As you’re seeing 

in the U.S., finance capitalism 

is the economic doctrine of 

deindustrialization... that 

has occurred in the US,

in England, and is now 

occurring in Europe.''

Michael Hudson:


''You need a strong enough government to check the

 power of an oligarchy and to prevent a creditor 

landowner oligarchy from developing. And 

libertarians... while pretending to be for 

liberty, they’re for a centrally planned 

economy --- but a centrally planned 

economy by the oligarchy, by the 

financial sector, and by the real 

estate owners. So every 

economy is planned. 

And the question is, 

who’s going to do

 the planning?''

Daniel Ortega, Sandinista:


''We are a poor country that wants to take the efforts

and resources.... now being invested in defense of 

the revolution and invest it in tractors and plows.

Imperialism cannot conceive of a free people, 

a sovereign people, an independent people. 

Because, simply and plainly, for them,
people is nothing more than
empty phrase.''


Michael Hudson:


''What you call the bad guys.. always call themselves
the good guys. What you call evil, calls itself good. 

So the question is, what kind of good guys you’re

going to have? The good guys that want to blow

up the world and impoverish society, which is 

what neoliberalism says are the good guys, 

or the good guys for the 99%, which 

America says are autocracies,

that we have to fight?''

Femi Akomolafe:


''Why are Westerners so dumb, that they 

cannot ask where their leaders... who 

can’t find the money to repair their 

shattered economies, suddenly 

find the money to provide 

weapons to Nazis,

in Ukraine?''

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov: 


“Our special military operation -- is meant to put an end
to the unabashed expansion
and the unabashed drive
full domination - by the US and its Western 
subjects on the world stage. This domination... is
built on gross 
violations of international law and
under some rules 
which they are now hyping
so much, 
and which they make up on a

case-by-case basis.”



Frantz Fanon: 


“When I search for Man in the technique and 

the style of Europe, I see only a succession 

of negations of man --- and an avalanche of 

murders. Leave this Europe where they are 

never done talking of Man, yet murder men

everywhere they find them, at the corner 

of every one of their own streets... in all 

the corners of the globe. For centuries 

they have stifled almost the whole of 

humanity in the name of a so-called 

spiritual experience. Look at them 

today, swaying between atomic 

and spiritual disintegration.”



June the 9th, in 1537, Pope 

Paul III's Bull Sublimis Deus:


''We...  who, although indignant, exercise the power of 

Our Lord on earth -- and fight by all means -- to bring 

the lost herd to the fold that has been entrusted to 

us nevertheless consider that the Indians are true

men and, that they are not only capable of under-

standing the Catholic faith, but, according to our 

information ...notwithstanding what has been 

said, or is said to the contrary, such Indians 

and all those who are later discovered by 

the Christians, may not be deprived of 

their LIBERTY BY ANY MEANS, nor of 

their properties, even if they are not 

in the faith of Jesus Christ; and of 

their properties and they will not 

be slaves, and everything that 

is done will be null and void.''

Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban 

on anti-Russian sanctions:


“Initially, I thought we had only shot ourselves in

the foot, but now it is clear, that the European

economy has shot itself in the lungs and it

is gasping for air. What we see right now,

is unbearable.” 

Ben Okri:


 "We have to find a new art and a new 

psychology, to penetrate the apathy 

and denial that are preventing us 

making the changes that are 

inevitable if our world is 

to survive."

Caitlin Johnstone:


''The majority of Americans think it’s just fine 

to use AR-15s (assault rifles) on foreigners....

it’s just not okay to use them on Americans.''





''Correction is grievous to him that 

forsakes the way: and he that 

hates reproof, shall die.”


Pepe Escobar:


“Geopolitically, and geoeconomically, 

Russia and China are in the process 

of eating NATOstan alive.”


CPRF Head, Gennady Zyuganov:


“We have a well-developed programme for new

industrialisation and innovations. I presented 

to you the programme of a new university 

created by Zhores Alferov, which today 

shows examples of how to train 

students of the future.”

Rosa Luxemburg:


''The fight is between 

socialism... and 




Arnold Joseph Toynbee:


''Of the 22 civilizations that have 

appeared in history, 19 of them 

collapsed when they reached

the moral state the US is 

in now.”



President Putin:


''The march of history is unstoppable 

and the attempts of the West to foist

its New World Order on the world 

are doomed to failure.''

Frederick Engels:


‘‘The fact is that there is no army in either Europe 

or America with so much brutality as the British. 

Plundering, Violence, Massacres – things that 

everywhere else are strictly and completely 

banished – are a time-honored privilege, a 

vested right of the British soldier … The 

sack of Lucknow (India) in 1858, will 

remain an everlasting disgrace to 

the British military service.’’

Tommy Cooper:

“You know, somebody actually complimented 

me on my driving today. They left a little note

 on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.'”

Vladimir Putin:


"They should have realized that they 

would lose from the very beginning 

of our special military operation, 

because this operation also 

means the beginning of 

a radical breakdown 

of the US-style 

world order."

Cesar Chavez here:


''Though many of the poor.. have come to see 

the affluent middle class as its enemy, that 

class actually stands between the poor 

and the real powers in this society - 

the administrative octopus with

 its head in Washington, the 

conglomerates, the 

military complex.''

Marshall Berman:


''We come from ruins, 

but we're not ruined.'

Zhuang Zhou, (Zhuangzi): 


“Flow with whatever may happen 

...and let your mind be free: 

Stay centred by accepting 

whatever you are doing. 

This, is the ultimate.”

 Zhuang Zhou, (Zhuangzi): 


“The wise man knows that it is better to sit

on the banks of a remote mountain stream

than to be emperor of the whole world.”

Jesus Prayer - Prayer of the Heart:

"Lord Jesus Christ Son of God,

 have mercy on me, a sinner."

Zhuang Zhou, (Zhuangzi): 


“A path is made by walking on it.”



Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov:


''From now on, we will never 

trust the Americans 

or the EU.''

Blair T. Longley:


''Money can never stop being measurement backed 

by murder. However, the successfulness of that

depends upon most people not understanding 

that, and not wanting to understand that.''

Blogger, re Assange:


“Mainstream journalism died not in a prison cell, 

not from a bullet in the head, not in a car 

explosion, not even hacked up in a 

Saudi consulate. It died the day it 

chose complicity by letting the 

best of them slip away into 

silence and oblivion.”

Dmitry Medvedev:


"Nobody in their right mind, wants higher prices 

and taxes, mounting tension along the borders,

Iskanders, hypersonic weapons, or ships with 

nukes a stone’s throw... from their house.
hope that the common sense of
neighbours eventually prevails. 

Yet if not, then, as they say, 

"they started it."



Pepe Escobar:


''NATO will continue to help Kiev to fight 

until the last Ukrainian cannon fodder.''



Fabio Vighi: 


“The purpose of the Ukrainian emergency... is 

to keep the money printer switched on while 

blaming Putin for the worldwide economic 

downturn. The war.. serves the opposite 

aim of what we are told: not to defend 

Ukraine but to prolong the conflict 

and nourish inflation - in a bid to 

defuse cataclysmic risk in the 

debt market, which would 

spread like wildfire 

across the whole 

financial sector.”

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:


''When the Second World War was
about to start --- 
Hitler gathered
most of the European countries 

under his banner.''


''Now the EU and NATO are also gathering
the same 
modern coalition for the fight,
and, by and large, 
for war with the
Russian Federation. We will 

look at this very carefully.''

Pepe Escobar:


''The European Commission is totally outside of any

sort of control. That’s how a stunning mediocrity 

like Ursula von der Leyen – previously the worst

Minister of Defense of modern Germany – was

catapulted upwards to become the current 

EC Fuhrer, dictating their foreign, energy 

and even economic policy.''

President Putin:


“…there is no middle way between being 

a sovereign country and a colony, no 

matter what you call a colony.” 


Alva Myrdal:


''The world, generally speaking, is now drifting on 

a more and more devastating course towards the

absurd target of extermination - or rather, to be 

more exact - of the northern hemisphere's

towns, fields, and the people who have

developed our civilization.''



Alva Myrdal:


''It does not just happen. It is disclosed by science that

practically one-half of trained intellectual resources

are being mobilized for murderous purposes.'' 





''We've always been at war with Eurasia.

We've never been at war with Eurasia.

Good news, brothers and sisters, 

this week's chocolate ration 

has gone up, from 

120 grams, to

98 grams!''


The smelly hippie:


''The best time to plant a tree, was 

20 years ago.. the other best time 

is now.''

Kim Il-sung:


“It is wrong to try to avoid the struggle 

against imperialism, under the pretext 

that independence and revolution are

important, but that peace... is still 

more precious. Peace secured 

by slavish submission, is 

not peace.”

Susan B. Anthony:


"Cautious, careful people, always 

casting about to preserve their 

reputations... can never effect 

a reform."

US commentator on The Saker:


''The world is being turned upside down, at a pace that is
simply breathtaking. I live in a small, rural Kansas farm
community and, thanks to media.. from TV to 
the cultural blitzkrieg has hit --- even here. 
In our
high school are not only “trans” 
students... but
“furries” — there are 3 
girls who “identify” 
as CATS. Thanks to the recent Biden
we now have to figure out, if
we’re willing to 
cancel the school
lunch program... in 
order to keep
boys out of girls’ rest
rooms and
off the 
girls sports teams.

Thanks to smartphones children’s minds are being
and occupied by the same satanic
forces - 
that dominate the coasts. No safe
anywhere. A 13-year-old boy here
who'd had his 
mind warped by online
tormented, tortured
and raped.... a 13
year old girl.
Right here, 
in our little rural
No more Mayberry.

And it happened



The 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade of Ukraine:


''We have big problems: with food, water, medical

supplies and the treatment of the wounded and

sick. We did not have any heavy weapons. The 

enemy’s heavy artillery, worked on us all day, 

& there was no response from our artillery. 

We all have various contusions or injuries 

we received.. in combat positions. There 

are many people.. with chronic diseases. 

We could no longer continue our service. 

We want to protect our homeland but we 

have a lot of problems that need to be 

solved and cured - now. We could not 

get this.. from the management. We 

will now be heading to the hospital 

for treatment. We express --- our 

distrust ---- to the leadership of 

the brigade --- the leadership 

of the battalion, as we have

a feeling... that they just 

want to dispose of us.''


President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev:


''Ensuring efficiency in public administration, 

introducing open government institutions, 

developing e-services, and fighting 

against corruption, are the main 

directions of state policy.''

Khosrow Golsorkhi:


''Why should it fit any literary school. Why imprison our 

poetry, which is our only effective art form, in literary

and stylistic schools? The place of a poem.. is not in

libraries, but in tongues and minds. Literature must 

retain the role it always had in social movements, 

for us too...  in the displacement of social order, 

and fulfill it. The role of literature is to awaken. 

The role of progressive literature is to create 

social movements and to help attain the

goals of the historic development 

of peoples."

Eugenio Maria de Hostos:


''Nearly all human beings love, but

 nearly none know how to love.''

Ramin Razaheri:


''Modern political history... begins in 1789,

because it begins with the fight against 

the absolute autocracy of monarchy &

humanity’s shift towards greater and 

greater democracy. It doesn't begin 

in 1688... with England’s Glorious 

Revolution, because all that faux

-revolution did, was legitimise 

monarchical oligarchy, which 

still exists today in England, 

in Saudi Arabia, in Morocco 

and in all the monarchies,

because that --- is what 

monarchy is: collusion 

on behalf of a few --- 

against democracy, 

equality, and 


Alva Myrdal:


''If only the authorities could be made to realize that 

the forces leading them on in the armament race, 

are just insane.''

Soame Jenyns:


''Great men whilst living must expect disgraces,

Dead, they're ador'd - when none desire 

their places.'' 

Marcus Tullius Cicero:


“Politicians are not born; they are excreted.”


Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte:


“In terms of weaponry, we stand united here: 

that it is crucial for Russia to lose the war.  

As we can't have a direct confrontation 

between NATO troops... and Russia, 

what we need to do is make sure 

that Ukraine can fight that war, 

that it has access to all the 

necessary weaponry.”


The President of Mexico:


“How easy it is to say: ‘There, I send so 

much money for weapons, I provide the 

weapons and you provide the dead.’ 

It is immoral.”



Maria Zakharova, at the Saint 

Petersburg Economic Forum:


“If you’re looking for media objectivity, 

best not focus on the West’s portrayal 

of Ukraine.”



Edmund Burke on Western Liberal Democracy

as practiced in France's Third Estate, in 1790:


“Judge, Sir, my surprise when I found that a very great

proportion of the assembly (a majority, I believe, of 

the members who attended) ...was composed of
practitioners in... the law. Who could conceive 

that men who are habitually meddling, daring, 

subtle, active, of litigious dispositions, and 

unquiet minds... would easily fall back into 

their old condition of obscure contention - 

and laborious low, unprofitable chicanery. 

Who could doubt but that, at any expense 

to the state - of which, they understood 

nothing - they must pursue their private

interests, which they understand, but 

too well.” 



Karl Marx on Western Liberal Democracy 

as practiced in the United States:


“Nowhere do ‘politicians’ form a more separate,
powerful section of the nation, than in North 

America. There, each of the 2 great parties 

which, alternately, succeed each other in 

power, is itself --- in turn --- controlled by 

people who make a business of politics, 

who speculate on seats - in legislative

assemblies of the Union, as well as of 

the separate states - or who make a 

living... by carrying on agitation for 

their party and, on its victory, are

rewarded with positions.”

Joe Stalin: 


“Social Democracy and fascism, 

are not opposites, they
are twins.” 



Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog:


''A common Western Liberal Democratic criticism of

the parliaments of Cuba, Iran, China, etc...  is that 

there are too many people who are “unqualified”. 

They are accused of this, because they lack 

university degrees, whereas, in socialist-

inspired democracy, morality, devotion 

to the people and grassroots esteem, 

are seen as good qualifications for 

public office.''

Dominique Pire:


''Whether or not, one has won the 

Nobel Prize, each of us living in 

contact with our fellowmen,

feels a joint responsibility 

for all forms of suffering, 

both physical and moral.''

Joseph the Hymnographer: 


The things of the earth, in the earth let us lay;

The ashes with ashes, the dust with the clay:

But lift up the heart and the eyes and the love,

O lift up the soul to the regions above!

Edward Abbey:


''Our 'neoconservatives' are neither new nor 

conservative, but old as Bablyon and evil 

as Hell.''


Jose Marti:


''Man is not free to watch impassively 

the enslavement and dishonour of 

men, nor their struggles for 

liberty and honour.''

Head of R.F.'s Negotiations on Military Security 

& Arms Control in Vienna, Konstantin Gavrilov:


(If) “howitzers, HIMARS and MLRS (strike)

Russia, the response against decision-

making centres - will be immediate - 

not ruling out anything anymore.”

Bruce Lee:


“If you love life, don’t waste time, 

for time is what life is made up of.” 

Michael Hudson, economist:


''I suspect that a new world economic system 

is emerging. If it succeeds, the last century – 

since the end of World War I and the mess it 

left – will seem like a long detour of history, 

now returning to what seemed to be...  the 

basic social ideals of classical economics

 – a market free from rent-seeking 

landlords, monopolies and 

predatory finance.''

Charles Dickens:


''The American elite is almost beyond

redemption... Moral relativism has 

set in so deeply...  that the gilded 

classes have become incapable 

of discerning right from wrong. 

Everything can be explained 

away... especially by

 A Living Sacrifice:

Romans 12 vs 1-2


1. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of
God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and pleasing to God — this is 
true and proper worship. 


2. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then 

you will be able to test and approve what God’s

will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.




Multi-billionaire Ted Turner, in 1996:


“A total population of 250-300 million 

people, a 95 percent decline from 

present levels, would be ideal.”



Henry Kissinger:


“Who controls the food supply, controls

the people; who controls the energy, 

can control whole continents; who 

controls money, can control 

the world.”



John Kenneth Galbraith:


“The process by which money is created 

is so simple, that the mind is repelled.”





''To protect the value of the government’s 

paper currency - you have to redeem it in 

taxes, and burn the revenues generated.''





''In 1961 every nation in Africa produced 

more than 100% of its own food supply,

today... almost none of them do. What 

happened? The IMF and the World 

Bank. For ''loans'', they had to

introduce ''austerity',' and

privatise everything, and 

then --- convert to cash

crops to feed the US.''



Michael Hudson:


''The choice confronting Global South countries: 

to starve, by paying their foreign bondholders &

bankers, or to announce, as a basic principle of
international law: 'As sovereign countries, we 

put our survival above the aim of enriching 

foreign creditors, who have made loans 

that have gone bad, as a result of their 

choice to wage a new Cold War. As for 

the destructive neoliberal advice that 

the IMF & World Bank have given us... 

their austerity plans were destructive

instead of helpful. Therefore, their 

loans have gone bad. As such, 

they have become odious.'''



Aleksey Zhuravko:


“The leaders of the West themselves created the
illusion of universal support for Zelensky, but in 

reality he looks like a donkey, in front of which

they constantly hold a “carrot”, which

invariably slips away. In fact, both 

him and the whole country, 

are simply being led to 

the slaughter.” 



Aleksey Zhuravko:


“They understand very well --- that all the “red lines”

drawn by Vladimir Putin, have long been crossed, 

so there is nothing to be ashamed of. After all,

in the end, it will still be up to Russia and its 

partners to restore Ukraine. Therefore, the 

goal of the West is to inflict maximum 

damage on this country. Ukraine 

can only be given - some penny 

loans for restoration, but with 

a mandatory repayment and 

at crazy interest rates.”



Batiushka, for the Saker Blog:


''Today the seven billion people of the Non-Western

world.... are ranged against the one billion of the
Western world. All the international foundations 

- the UN, IMF, WHO etc, are going to be remade. 

Why should some of them, at least, not be 

headquartered in Russia? Either in Saint 

Petersburg, or in Ekaterinburg, or in 

the Crimea.''



Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security 

Council of the Russian Federation, June 3rd:


''The special operation in Ukraine has brought 

the confrontation between Russia & Western 

countries, led by the US, to a climax. Battles 

are going on, not only in the vast spaces of 

the Ukraine, but also in the economic, 

political and cultural spheres. The 

style of the Anglo-Saxons has not 

changed for centuries. And so... 

today they continue to dictate 

their terms to the world, 

boorishly trampling on 

the sovereign rights 

of States.''



Silvio Berlusconi, Il Giornale, June 4th:


''What the Ukrainian crisis has shown us, is that

the West is isolated from the rest of the world, 

and this is an alarm call for the present,
especially, for the future.''



St. John Chrysostom:


“The road to hell...  is paved with the skulls
erring priests, with bishops as
their signposts.” 

Michael Eric Dyson:


''I don't believe in that kind of American John Wayne

individualism, where people pull themselves up by 

their bootstraps. Someone changed your diapers.

And if that's the case, you ain't self-made.''



''American roulette: this is the correct name for 

so-called ‘Russian roulette’. It never existed in 

Russia, but was invented by a US writer for a 

work of fiction in 1937. Presumably he gave 

it the Russian name, as it sounded ‘exotic’ 

to him. Another crazy racist Russophobic 

invention, that only gun-obsessed 

cowboys, with their cult of 

violence, could think up.'' 

Alexander Perendzhiev:


“Such weapons and military equipment supplied by the
United States to official Kyiv pose a direct threat not
only to the Russian regions bordering Ukraine, but 

also directly to Moscow itself and to the Central
macroregion of the Russian Federation.. as a 

whole. That is, such a supply of weapons is 

an attempt.. to carry out direct aggression 

against our country from the parties.. are 

no longer Ukraine, but the United States! 

It is precisely in this way --- and not 

otherwise --- that these actions of 
official Washington... should 

be considered.”

Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle:


''It takes time to ruin a world, 

but time is all it takes.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“Despite the modern dogma to the effect that 

women were a subject sex --- until the 19th 

century 'emancipated' them from history, 

women - in history - had demonstrated 

strong wills and purposes, had made 

assertions, and had directed or 

influenced all human destiny, 

including their own, since 

human life began.”

Chelsea Manning:


''Read everything. Ask your own questions. 

Be your own filter. Nobody is going to look 

at the world around you and tell you what 

important things are happening... that 

affect you and the ones you love.''

Marina Silva:


“Now more than ever, we need sustainable

development.. and not the kind of develop

-ment that we are seeing right now... That 

means, a country that is environmentally

sustainable, politically democratic, 

and socially developed”.

German chancellor Scholz, in Davos:


''Putin can never win in Ukraine because it is 

already obvious: that he could not achieve

a single one of his goals in Ukraine.''

Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov: 


''The arrogance of the Anglo-Saxon alliance... has no

limits. We are offered evidence of that...  every day. 

Instead of delivering on their obligations under the 

UN Charter and honouring, as is written in this 

charter -- the sovereign equality of states and

abstaining from interfering in their domestic 

affairs -- the West churns out ultimatums 

every day, issuing them through their 

ambassadors or envoys, to each - 

without exception - capital and, 

in so doing, blatantly black-

mailing them.''


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian:


''Since the 1980s, the US has withdrawn from 17
international organizations or treaties, including 

the UN Human Rights Council, the World Health 

Organization, the United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Paris 

Agreement, the Iran nuclear deal... the Arms 

Trade Treaty, the INF Treaty, the Open Skies 

Treaty, among others.  Such a country, now
shamelessly disguises itself... as a referee 

of international rules --- shining a spotlight 

on where others come short, while turning

a blind eye to its outright violations. When 

US politicians eloquently cite the United 

Nations Convention on the Law of the 

Sea, to criticize other countries, are 

they aware of the fact that the US 

is not even a state party to 

the Convention?''



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian:


''The US is the top saboteur of the international order,
sticks to US centrism & exceptionalism and wantonly

withdraws from treaties, and organizations. It refuses
to sign or ratify the United Nations Convention on the 

Rights of the Child and Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, voted
against the Global Compact for Migration and the
Global Compact on Refugees, and remains the 

sole party obstructing negotiations for a 

verification protocol to the Biological 

Weapons Convention.'' 

Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov: 


''In 2015, the war in Donbass unleashed by the new
Ukrainian authorities who seized power in the
coup, was stopped. The Minsk agreements
were signed 
and guaranteed... by France
and Germany. All these 
years we called
on Kiev to honour its commitments.
Since the West had the decisive
influence on it we 
also worked
with the Europeans and the
Americans, appealing
to their conscience.
   have no conscience.''

Bill Hicks:


''Just a simple choice, right now, between fear 

and love. The eyes of fear, want you to put 

bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, 

close yourself off. The eyes of love,

instead, see all of us, as one.''


Valentin Varennikov:


"I have five reasons to love China: first, the Chinese

people are outstanding people, and China has a 

long history and culture; second, she has an 

amazing development rate today; third, the 

Chinese people have never threatened 

anyone, but the Chinese people have 

war brought to them by aggressors. 

However, they finally defeated the 

aggressors and embarked on 

the road of national 



 ''Fourth, China is our great neighbour... and China and

 Russia have traditional friendship. Fifth, the Chinese

 leaders - trained by the Communist Party of China - 

led the Chinese people to find the right direction 

of development in the world economic 

development system.''

Napoleon Bonaparte:


“The amateurs discuss tactics: the 

professionals discuss logistics.”


Pope Rodrigo Borgia (Alexander 6th): 


“Kill, enslave and rob non-whites.”

Deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, 

former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:


“Any peace proposal built purely in the interest 

of NATO and the Western world order, should 

simply be ignored. Or rather, their authors... 

should be told to go in a certain direction.


President Kennedy:


“We all breathe the same air. We all cherish 

our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

Christopher Black, international criminal lawyer:


''The struggle --- to defeat the fascists who control the

west will be difficult and we face the risk of common

destruction. But, they will not succeed. They are not

bleeding Russia dry in a war of attrition, as they like

to claim. It is the USA and its allies that are being 

bled dry by their own decisions and actions. It 

is that which can make them dangerous, for 

fascists are always dangerous. They 

must be stopped. They are our 

common enemy. Russia --- will 

stop them. We must support

that struggle. Our own 

future and well being 

depends on it.''





Nadezhda Krupskaya:


"We should try to link our personal lives 

with the cause for which we struggle, 

with the cause of building 


Tommy Cooper:

“A policeman stopped me and said:
Would you please blow into this bag,
sir? I said: What for, officer? He
said: My chips are too hot.”


 Bertolt Brecht: 


“The belly is still fertile, from 

which the foul beast sprang.” 


Christopher Black, international criminal lawyer:


''The new wave of fascism cannot overcome the rock

of progress and moral integrity, nor the will, of the

people of Russia, of China, of Cuba, of Syria, 

Vietnam, Venezuela, Iran, of India and South

Africa, of Egypt and Algeria, of the entire 

Middle East and Latin America, of Africa 

whose peoples are tired of colonialism 

and imperialism who see that the time 

of the West has come and gone... as 

they rise to face the common 

challenges of the world.''

Jules Renard:


''If I were to begin life again,

 I should want it as it was. 

I would only open my 

eyes a little more.''


Christopher Black, international criminal lawyer:


''The road to war... is a dead end for the West. It did not
solve or alleviate their situation in either of the world
wars. And the defeat of fascist forces, mainly by the
Red Army in 1945, did not end fascism in the west.

It just laid low, was unfashionable for a while, 

lurked in dark corners in Canada, the
S, Britain, France and Germany, 

Australia, Japan and
Latin America.''


Caitlin Johnstone:


“We live in a Narrative Matrix controlled by 

Plutocratic and Military Institutions, who
created an illusion of democracy.”  




Christopher Black, international criminal lawyer:


''The European egocentric and ignorant view of'
themselves as the superior beings of the world, 

which arose out of their ignorance of the world

and the dogmatism of the Catholic Church, and 

the later promotion by the Protestants of the 

individual as all important, instead of the 

collective society, which denied the 

identity of each with all and with 

nature, created a society that 

regarded others as outside 

them, and so, were not of 

them, but instead, things 

to be used and exploited 

just as they have used 

and exploited... the 

planet as a whole.''


Caitlin Johnstone:


“Who controls the Narrative controls the World.” 


Christopher Black, international criminal lawyer:


''The rise of fascism in Italy, then Germany, France, 

Spain and in the USA and Britain, during the 1930’s 

was due to the decision to use any and all methods 

to secure their control over the world. Mussolini, 

Hitler and Franco, were given support in Europe 

by industrial and financial capital. Japan was 

encouraged to attack Russia and China.

Fascism was the reaction of a pending 

collapse of the west, to try to save 

itself, in a desperate and futile 

attempt... that continues


Jules Renard:

''Laziness... is nothing more than the 

habit of resting before you get tired.''

Nadezhda Krupskaya:


''Soviet power, at the head of which, Ilyich then 

stood, was faced with the problem of creating 

a type of state machinery, such as the world 

had never before seen, one which relied on 

the masses... and which would remake the 

entire social fabric in a new, socialist way 

and reshape all human relations. First of 

all however, it was necessary to defend 

Soviet power --- against the enemy's 

attempts to overthrow it by force, 

and to undermine it from within. 

We had to strengthen our ranks.''



Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching:


“Knowing others is intelligence;

knowing yourself, is true 

wisdom.   Mastering 

others is strength;-

mastering yourself 

---- is true power.”




Winston Churchill:


“The truth - is incontrovertible. Malice 

may attack it, ignorance may deride 

it, but in the end, there it is.” 




Gilad Atzmon, Jewish writer and musician:


“It is certain that there is no ethnic or racial 

continuum between the Biblical Israelites 

and the (Ashkenazic) Khazarians who 

lead the Jewish state.” 




President Zelensky... of Ukraine:


“Ukraine will become Greater Israel.”




Heinz Dieterich, director of Centre for Transition

Sciences at the Autonomous Metropolitan

University, Mexico, coordinator at the

World Advanced Research Project:


“President Putin’s special military operation, to 

defend the people of Donbas from an imminent 

general offensive by a neo-Nazi regime in Kiev,

is not only fully justified in international law by 

Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations 

but is fully consistent with the military praxis 

and doctrine of the legitimate self-defense of 

States in the face of an imminent threat 

emanating from a neighbouring state, 

or enemy forces.” 




Mike Adams: 


“If Putin enforces his demand of accepting only rubles,

gold or bitcoin for energy exports, the dollar instantly

loses significant utility in the world. Those nations

that wish to buy energy from Russia - which 

includes most European nations - will need 

to first buy rubles, then trade rubles for 

energy. This gives rubles instant 

commodities backing. Putin’s 

latest move threatens the 

very future of the dollar

currency...  and may 

spell the beginning 

of the end... for 

the dollar.”





''We shall pull down these temples and this 

morality ; there is nothing but oppression 

in this world; we do not know sin; 

we shall break our clutches, pull 

down old dilapidated buildings 

and raise there new 

blue palaces." 


George Harrison:


''I'll tell you one thing for sure: once you get to

the point where you are actually doing things 

for truth's sake, then nobody can ever touch 

you again because you're harmonizing with 

a greater power.''


The key principle of the UN Charter, states: 


“The Organisation is based on the principle 

of the sovereign equality of all its Members.”



US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen,

stating the new Bretton Woods framework: 


“The friend-shoring of supply chains to a large 

number of trusted countries - [who share] a 

set of norms and values about how to 

operate in the global economy.” 



Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov:


''By plundering other countries’ material assets.... the

Western countries have destroyed their reputation of
predictable partners who honour their commitments.
Nobody is safe from expropriation and “state piracy” 

now. Therefore, not just Russia but also many other
countries.... are reducing their reliance on the US 

dollar and on Western technologies and markets. 

I am sure --- that a gradual de-monopolisation of 

the global economy.... is not a distant future.''


Pepe Escobar:


''Ukraine was never about a military win. What 

is being accomplished, is the slow, painful 

destruction of the European Union (EU) 

economy, coupled with extraordinary 

weapons profits for the western 

military-industrial complex and 

creeping security rule, by 

those nations’ political 



Propergander, Saker commentator:


''The issue is not... that the US has no strategy. 

It is just that their prevailing strategy cannot
accommodate... the coordinated action of 

China and Russia cutting of supply, and 

causing supply inflation, to which there 

is no fiscal or monetary policy answer, 

and where war succeeds... in only 

exacerbating domestic pain.''


Pepe Escobar:


''NATO has already wasted $50 billion - and counting -

while the Russians spent $4 billion, give or take, and

already conquered Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kherson 

and Melitopol, created a land corridor to Crimea 

(securing its water supply), controls the Sea 

of Azov and its major port city, and liberated

strategically vital Volnovakha & Popasnaya 

in Donbass, as well as Izyum near Kharkov. 

That doesn’t even include Russia hurling 

the entire, collective west into a level of 

recession not seen since the 1970s.''

Shakespeare’s mad, senile “King Lear”:


“I shall do such things, I know not what 

they are. But they shall be - the terror 

of the Earth”. 



Thierry Meyssan:


''On November the 2nd, in 2021, Dmitryo Yarosh
became an advisor to 
General Zaluzhnyi -- the
of the Ukrainian Armies.

All Banderite para-military organizations 

- 102,000 men - were incorporated into 

the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A plan 

of attack on Crimea and Donbass,
drawn up. NATO, which
already had 
instructors on site

sent weapons. ''



“I warn you against shedding blood, 

indulging in it and making a habit 

of it, for blood never sleeps.”


Peacenik, Saker commentator:


''Bet you can’t guess the number one Senator 

in 2020 in Merchant of Death donations?

Its Bernie Sanders.''


Confucius, 551-479 BC, Chinese Teacher:


“Above all it is essential to refer to things by their

correct names. If things are not referred to by 

their correct names, then our language will 

not reflect reality. If our language does not 

reflect reality, then our actions will not 

reflect reality, and will be exercises 

in futility.” 


Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer: 


"We are at war, forget about 

blaming our own President 

and focus on the enemy.'' 


Uncle Bob, Saker commentator:


''The swastika was the symbol of the Finnish 

Air Force... until 2020. They removed it...
and without announcements.''

Declan Hayes on NATO’s expansion to Finland

and how it would undermine Russia’s security:


“The Kola Peninsula, which lies almost completely

inside the Arctic Circle, is pivotal to Russia’s 

Northern fleet. It is... the crux of Russia’s 

military establishment in the western 

Arctic, and its air and maritime 

capabilities - are essential to 

Russia’s homeland defense, 

Arctic defense and overall 

defense capabilities.'' 


''Because Kola’s Severomorsk-1 air base, Gadzhiyevo

submarine base... and Okolnaya submarine support

base are critical to Russia’s operational readiness 

and its ability to defend Russia’s maritime space 

in the Arctic, Russia cannot allow this deluded 

warrior woman to launch Armageddon.''


''The Kola Peninsula is also home to systems, such as

RS-24 YARS - located at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome -

which are a core deterrent to U.S. and NATO attack

systems. Russia’s Grom-2019 exercises, showed 

her ability to use Kola’s arsenal of ballistic and 

cruise missiles to defend her position; not only 

in the Arctic but further south along the entire 

Finnish border, as well in contiguous regions 

where Russia’s core strategic interests
at stake.”


Cloud Of Fennoscandia, Saker commentator:


''We have been promised...  a national vote on defence

matters for years and years, but gallups have shown 

time after time -- that Finnish People do not want to 

be part of any military cliques. Now our globalist 

President and Schwab/WEF groomed, socialist 

PM did see (arrange?) their momentum. And 

all of a sudden, we, the People, and vote, 

are not needed.''


V.I. Lenin’s “Imperialism, the Highest Stage 

of Capitalism” (1912) Ch. 2, The Banks
Their New Role: 


“the beginning of the twentieth century marks the

turning point from the old capitalism to the new, 

from the domination of capital in general, to 

the domination of finance capital.”


Michael Hudson: 


''… we’re seeing, in the last few months, the beginning

of a war that’s going to go on for – I think – 20 years, 

maybe 30 or 40 years. The world is splitting away. 

It won’t be a pretty sight --- because the United 

States and its European satellites are trying 

to prevent an inevitable break away, that

they cannot prevent, any more than 

Europe’s landlord class... could 

prevent industrial capitalism 

from developing in the

19th century.''

Scott Ritter:


''US military personnel, whose traditions are born 

from the heroic sacrifices - made by hundreds of
thousands of their fellow soldiers, sailors, and 

airmen - who gave their lives, to defeat Nazi 

Germany, are today providing weapons and 

training, to Ukrainians... whose bodies and 

banners bear the markings of Hitler’s 

Third Reich.''



Saker commentator Steve from Oz:


''Many professional commentators, are not 

aware that liberalism is the political arm 

of economic individualism, and is 

therefore anti-community.''

Elizabeth Peratrovich:


''Asking you to give me rights 

implies that they are yours 

to give.''

Charles Dickens:


“Have a heart that never hardens, 

a temper that never tires, and

 a touch that never hurts.”

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian

Federation Pyotr Tolstoy, talking to  La Republica:


“Despite the help from Europe and the hysteria of 

Boris Johnson or Mario Draghi, we will finish the

operation when we see fit. I think we will stop 

at the border with Poland.”



The scientific service of the Bundestag: 


“Only if - in addition to the supply of weapons -

the instruction of the conflict party or training

in such weapons, were also an issue, would 

one leave the secure area of non-warfare.”



The Bible: 


''Nothing is innocent in man.''

Shep, Saker commentator:


''What is suspicious about the nationwide display of
Ukraine flags is that it all seems pre-organized and

done at a fairly large scale. I think there is an

intimidation factor here. The flag display 

shuts down anyone who wants to 

side with Russia.''

Mr. Enzweiler, a retired US Air Force, USAID 

contractor and US Foreign Service Officer:


''CFR President, Mr. Haass, is the spokesperson 

for Washington officialdom, on foreign policy. 

Haass presents three possible war-ending 

scenarios. Pouring more weapons into 

Ukraine and prolonging the war, is 

Haass’s recommendation under 

all three scenarios.''

Mr Haass in his seminal statement: 


"Whatever goals the West ultimately settles on,

 requiring that the war end with a formal peace

 agreement, should not be one of them."

Parfois (Saker commentator):


“To limit energy sanctions, the US attempted to bring

Syria to heel, so they could build pipelines across 

its territory and bring natural gas and oil from the

Middle East and avoid the present crunch, but 

that failed, so now they are scrambling.”

Yuri Podolyaka, Russian human:

''The battle goes on, not for some town in 

Donbass and not even for all of Ukraine. 

The battle is between radically different 

worlds. The battle is for the sake of one 

of the worlds winning - and going on to 

build on our beautiful Earth the 

civilization of the future.''


''Their side uses threats, murders, violence, 

provocations and spreading total hatred. 

Our side tries to bring to the world – 

which so far is not really listening – 

completely different values. And 

for that reason, we have to win. 

Because if we lose, they will 

wipe us off the map. We and 

our children will be either 

killed -- or turned into the 

'cesspool of hatred' that

they turned Ukraine 

into... in a mere 

8 years.'' 


''But I’m absolutely sure that this process is reversible

and, leaning on our ideology, we would not just win 

in Ukraine... and resurrect the Ukraine we still 

remember – the people and the country, not 

to mention the government. But the end 

goal is to win the battle in Washington. 

As paradoxical as it may sound today, 

we need to help American people to 

get rid of the bloodsuckers... that 

today are violating hundreds of 

millions - or even billions - of 

people across the planet, 

with their hatred.''


Michael Hudson:


''...basically the oil companies and the US are 

going to let the third-world countries go into 

a crisis. If they default on their bonds, then 

the US and the bond-holders... get to treat 

Latin America like they treated Argentina 

or Venezuela, and grab whatever assets 

they have outside of their country. Like 

Venezuela had investments in the US

and gold that it left in the Bank of 

England that were grabbed.


''There’s going to be a huge asset grab. That 

is supposed to be how this unfolds, and the 

most obvious assets to the grabbed, are 

going to be in Latin America and Africa. 

Maybe some Asian deficit countries. So 

this is the weakest link, and that’s why 

there’s this fight within the IMF.. at the 

upcoming meetings, to create these 

special drawing rights, to give them 

money: on the condition that there

 is a class war.''


''...what we’re seeing, really, isn’t a war 

between NATO and Russia. It’s a class 

war of the neoliberals against labour 

across the world, to establish the 

power of finance over labour.''


''If you read what Klaus Schwab says at the World

Economic Forum, he said there are 20% too many

people in the world, especially in the Global South.

This is what all the big foundations are for. The

billionaires, they all say, ‘We’ve got to thin out 

the population, there’s too many consumers 

that don’t produce enough wealth for us.’ If

they produce wealth for themselves, that 

doesn’t count, because that’s not for us, 

and we don’t get it.'' 


''Obviously, anyone who looks at the basic 

economic trends can see that this is 

inevitable—and you have to assume 

that this was discussed as part of 

the whole big neoliberal plan of 

the Biden administration and 

the Deep State behind it.''


The Saker commentator, R. Robertson:


''Neoliberal economists and

their lawyers have decided,


1. Contracts must be honored in Euros 

or Dollars as the contract stipulates.


2. Those Euros and Dollars will then

 be canceled, per sanctions.


3. EU oligarchy gets free sh*t to sell 

to EU customers at very high prices.


It is the ultimate in wealth production. Pay

nothing for something, and sell it at very 

high prices during crisis. Western 

oligarchs becoming history’s 

greatest State Welfare 

Queens. Which they 

already are.''



Zero Hedge commentator 



“In exchange for so-called Schrödinger Euros,

Vladimir Putin ´the merciless´ has decreed 

the creation of Schrödinger NatGas, 

whereby GazProm will thus “print” 

cubic metres of natgas - with a 

keyboard - 100% for free and 

then transfer such gas over 

to the EU purchaser’s 

storage tanks, in the 

EU albeit now under 

“frozen” status.''


''So Russia never gets to use such euros – 

which actually never see the light of day

 – and accordingly are not inflationary in 

any and every sense of the term, as 

nobody else can use them either, 

and Europe never gets to burn 

such gas – which actually 

never sees the light of... 

pilot – and, accordingly, 

does not contribute to

global warming!''


''Thus by not entering into any economy at all in

no way, shape, or form, the EU and Russia can

exchange lots of nothing for free, and Greta 

will squirm with delight. Easy see ?''

John V. Walsh, April 28th, 2022:


''Out of 195 countries only 30 have 

honoured US sanctions on Russia.''


John V. Walsh, April 28th, 2022:


''At the recent G-20 Summit a walkout led by the

US when the Russia delegate spoke, was joined

by the representatives of only three other G-20

countries, with 80% refusing to join!''



John V. Walsh, former professor of physiology

& neuroscience, University of Massachusetts
Chan Medical School:


''For those who look forward to a multipolar world,
this is a welcome turn of events, emerging out
of the cruel tragedy of 
the US proxy war in
Ukraine. The 
possibility of a saner, more 

prosperous, multi-polar world, lies
ahead --- if 
we can get there.''

Thierry Meyssan:


''On November the 2nd, in 2021, Dmitryo Yarosh
became an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief
of the Ukrainian Armies, General Zaluzhnyi.

All Banderite para-military organizations
-102,000 men - were incorporated into 

the Armed Forces of Ukraine.  A plan 

of attack on Crimea & Donbass, was 

drawn up. NATO, which already had 

military instructors on site, sent


Oleksiy Kochetkov, author:


''All "Azovites" are anti-Christians. All modern

European Nazis... profess a mix of paganism 

and Germanic occultism and in fact satanic
rituals, including human sacrifice, a blood 

cult & torchlight processions. The "Black 

Sun" is the key element here...  because 

it's a symbol of Satan, the black energy 

that destroys all enemies...  and gives

extraordinary power - to the chosen 

ones. But if the elect.. do not fully 

meet the criteria --- are not fully 

elected, then it destroys them 

as well. This -- as the German 

occultists wrote -- is the fire 

that can only be controlled 

by the chosen supreme 

patron, in their case, 



Guardian reporter Luke Harding

describing the Right Sector

neo-nazis in Ukraine:


‘’An eccentric group of people 

with unpleasant right-wing 


As early as 1923, Dontsov in 

his article “Are We Fascists?”:


"The political and moral-psychological 

spirit that Ukrainian nationalists 

breathe, is indisputably 


Canada's best P.M., Lester B. Pearson:


“The choice is as clear now for nations 

as it was once for the individual:
or extinction.

US Judge Andrew Napolitano:


“As if to run even further away from US

constitutional norms, a group of legal

academics began arguing last week 

that property seized from Russians

is not really owned by 

human beings.”



Russian Foreign Secretary, Lavrov:


“It’s hard work talking to morons.”


Zaur, a soldier from Dagestan, in Ukraine:


"They shot the mother in the back, she fell. 

We shouted to the child "Run!". But he did 

not know what to do, he wanted to run 

away - and help his mother. And the 

sniper shot him in the head. That 

bastard, shot a kid in the head! 

At that moment, we all forgot 

what death is, we did not

think about our lives,
breached there.



Zaur, a soldier from Dagestan, in Ukraine:


“It was an inflection point, to understand
that I am doing everything right. That
I am here for these people.
They cry, hug us,
thank us.” 

Woodrow Wilson:


“The government, which was designed for the 

people, has got into the hands of the bosses 

and their employers, the special interests. 

An invisible empire has been set up 

above the forms of democracy.”

Christmas Evans:


“I remember the words of Luther,
that reading, and prayer, 
temptation, are necessary
to strengthen and to 

purify the talents
of a minister.”

Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''What sanctions have we adopted against those who
deliberately lied to the inter
national community in
order to wage 
unjust, unjustified and murderous
Have we sought to “make the American 

people suffer” - for lying to us before the war
in Iraq?  Have we adopted a 
single sanction
against countries, 
companies or politicians
who are 
supplying weapons to the conflict 

in Yemen --- considered to be the “worst
humanitarian disaster... in 
the world?”
Have we sanctioned 
the countries of
the European 
Union - that practice
the most 
abject torture on their

territory for the benefit of
United States?


To ask the question is to answer 

it… and the answer is not pretty.''

Andrei Bezrukov, member of the Presidium
of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy:

“I want to state the fact that the West succeeded 
in dragging
us into this war. No matter how we 
tried to resist, this is
their tactical victory. 
They have succeeded in colliding
brotherly nations against one another. From this,
can draw the following conclusion: now we have

been practically forced, especially after the latest
packet of 
sanctions ---- into a position where we
have no 
other choice but to totally restructure

our economy, financial system, and, in
essence, our domestic policy.''


Milton Mayer, They Thought They 

Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45:


''It's clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything
you must make an occasion to do it and then -- you are
obviously a troublemaker. So you wait and you wait.
But the great shocking occasion, when 10s or
100s or 1,000s will join with you never comes.
That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act
of the whole regime 
had come immediately
after the first and smallest, 1,000s, yes,
millions -- would have 
been sufficiently

shocked -- if, let us say.. the gassing of
the Jews 
in ’43 had come immediately

after ‘German Firm’ stickers on the
windows of non-Jewish shops in 

’33. But of course, this is not the
way it 
happens. In between come
all the 100s 
of little steps, some
preparing you
not to be shocked by 
the next.
Step C, is not so much 
than Step B, and... if you 
not make a stand at Step B, 

why should you at Step C? 

And so on... to Step D.''



Emperor Nicholas I:


"Where the Russian flag is raised once, 

it should not be lowered there."



Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''In the Ukraine, with the blessing of Western countries
--- those who are in favour of a negotiation, have been
eliminated. This 
is the case of Denis Kireyev, one of
Ukrainian negotiators ---- assassinated on March
5th by the Ukrainian secret 
service (SBU) ..because
he was too 
favorable to Russia.. and considered a
traitor. The same fate befell Dmitry Demyanenko,

former deputy head of the SBU’s main directorate
for Kiev...  and
 its region, who was assassinated 

on March 10th because he was too favorable to
an agreement with 
Russia — he was shot by
Mirotvorets (“Peacemaker”) militia.'' 



David Ben-Gurion about how to deal 

with the Palestinians in their midst: 


‘’There's a need for a strong and brutal reaction.

We need to be accurate about the timing, place
and those we hit. If.. we accuse a family, we
need to harm them without mercy, women

and children included, otherwise this is 

not an effective reaction; there is no 

need to distinguish between guilty 

and not guilty.’’



Cynthia Chung:


''So Who is the chosen “Enemy”? The enemy 

is our lesser selves. Our most base fears, 

desires and obsessions. The voice - that

whispers in our ears -- telling us not to 

believe in anything genuine or honest - 

that the world we live in will ultimately 

destroy itself and thus it is all about 

looking out for number one. That it 

is our fate to be the playthings of 

higher powers. There is a way 

out of all of this, but you will 

have to become an optimist 

in order to see the solution.''



Abraham Lincoln:


“We must not be enemies. Though passion may

have strained, it must not break our bonds of

affection. The mystic chords of memory will

swell... when again touched, as surely they 

will be, by the better angels of our nature.”



1st Secretary Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin:


 “I know they will pile garbage on my grave,

 but the wind of history will blow it away.”



President Joseph Robinette Biden:


“We have this notion that somehow 

if you’re poor you cannot do it. 

Poor kids are just as bright 

and just as talented as 

white kids.” 



Fintan O’Toole: 


“If lies were flies, the swarm around him 

would be so thick that Boris Johnson 

would be invisible.”



Hateful to me as the gates of Hades

is that man who hides one thing in

his heart and speaks another.”



Jesus, in Matthew 15:7:


“You hypocrites!” 



Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''We show compassion for the Ukrainian people and the two
million refugees. That's fine.
if we had had a modicum
of compassion for 
the same number of refugees from
Ukrainian populations of Donbass massacred by
their own government 
and who sought refuge in
Russia for 
eight years --- none of this, would 
probably have 
happened. Absent from the
diplomatic phase 
the EU distinguished
itself -- by fueling the 
conflict. On
February the 27th  ...

government agreed to enter
into negotiations...  with 
Russia. But a few hours
the EU voted a
budget of 450 mln

euros to supply
to the

the fire.
From then on, 

the Ukrainians felt they 

did not need to reach 

an agreement. The 

resistance of the 

Azov militia, in 

Mariupol even 

led to a boost 

of 500 million 

euros... for 



US President Woodrow Wilson, after taking

his bribe -- to create the ''Federal'' Reserve: 


“I am a most unhappy man. I have, unwittingly,

ruined my country. A great industrial nation is

controlled by its system of credit. Our system 

of credit, is concentrated. The growth of the

nation, therefore, and all our activities, are 

in the hands of a few men. We have come 

to be one of the worst ruled, one of the 

most completely controlled and 

dominated Governments in the 

civilized world — no longer a 

Government by free opinion, 

no longer a Government by 

conviction and the vote of 

the majority, but a Govern

-ment by the opinion and 

duress of a small group 

of dominant men.”


Trita Parsi:


“Non-Western countries tend to see Russia’s
war very, very differently. Western demands 

that they make costly sacrifices by cutting 

off economic ties with Russia to uphold a

 “rules-based order” have begotten an 

allergic reaction. That order hasn’t 

been rules-based; instead, it has 

allowed the U.S. to violate inter-

national law with impunity. The 

West’s messaging on Ukraine 

has taken its tone-deafness, 

to a whole new level, and it 

is unlikely to win over the 

support of countries that 

have often experienced 

the worse sides of the 

international order”.



A Brazilian:


''I'm Brazilian. In 2016 we suffered a coup d’état planned
and executed from the USA -- with the full connivance -
of the Brazilian oligarchy. Not that before 2016..... the
living conditions for most 
of the population in Brazil..
were very good. 
They were not, contrary to the
of the then overthrown govern-
However, after the coup, poverty 
grew dramatically. Everything.. has
deteriorated. We have
regressed to a 
 Fascism also 

advances in Brazil.''



Abraham Lincoln:


''If this country is ever demoralized,

it will come from trying to live 

without work.''



Joost Meerloo:


''Demoralization of the target audience

is yet another step in successful 

mind control.''



Yuri Bezmenov:


''They are contaminated; they are programmed to 
think and react to certain stimuli, in a certain 

pattern. You cannot change their mind - even
if you expose them to authentic information, 

even if you prove that white is white and 

black is black, you still cannot change 

the basic perception and logic of 

behaviour. In other words these 

people... the process of de-

moralization is complete 

and irreversible.''



Niels Bohr: 


“Prediction is very difficult, 

especially if it’s about 

the future!” 

A Brazilian:

''Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we

accept it or not, we are all at war. We are all

part of this war. As with Russia, it was not 

our choice. The war came to us. And we 

will not get rid of it, except with our 

victory. We cannot allow Russia to 

fight alone, a war that is also ours. 

Even because our common enemy

is very powerful. And its defeat -- 

demands our union. This is the 

magnitude of the challenge of 

our times. And what will give 

the ultimate meaning to 

our lives.''



Fidel Castro:


“What imperialists cannot forgive us, is that we

are here; what imperialists cannot forgive us, 

is our dignity, the integrity, the courage, the
ideological firmness, the spirit of sacrifice 

and the revolutionary spirit of the 

Cuban people.” 



John Adams, founder and 2nd US president:


"...we have no government armed with power

capable of contending with human passions

unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, 

ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would 

break the strongest cords of our

Constitution --- as a whale goes 

through a net. Our Constitution 

was made only for a moral and

religious people. It is wholly 

inadequate to the 

government of 

any other."



Henry Kissinger: 


“To be an enemy of America can be 

dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”

Henry Kissinger:


''Who controls the food supply controls the

people; who controls the energy can 

control whole continents; who 

controls money can control

the world.''

April 12th, 2022, Putin:


''What is happening today? The demolition of

the system of the unipolar world that took

shape after the collapse of the Soviet 

Union. That’s what’s important!''



April 17th, 2022 a Brazilian:


''Is Russia at war? She is. But not Russia only.

Russia is fighting not just for herself, but for

all the other countries attacked, in what-

ever form, by the USA. Therefore, it is 

an inevitable and necessary war, to 

put an end to the total domination 

of the USA --- demolishing the 

unipolar world that followed 

the collapse of the USSR.''

Andrei Bezrukov, member of the Presidium of
the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy:


“The point is, by tactically winning, and 

by successfully quarrelling us with the 

Ukrainian people - war, naturally, is the 

ultimate level of quarrel – they haven't
understood that by doing so they have 

totally destroyed the very system 

which they had built in the world. 

It is not visible yet, but in a few 

months their severed financial 

chains, broken ideological 

messages, and broken 

security system, will 

become apparent.”

Russian proverb, who is it about 

Joe? Hey... Joe!  Wake up Joe!!!:


''An old man telling lies is

 like a rich man stealing.''



On recent national television in Germany: 


''We need to destroy Russia, they are not

 European, we must finish them all... 

 once and for all.''



From a Pravda article:

“In its long quest for world peace, 

Russia has always stuck to

its guns.”

Vladimir, commentator:


''Russia will win, eventually. But cannot win without
superior ideals, to animate Russian 
strength, the
power of the people animated 
by the power of
God. It's not a mystery: 
the people must be
united by both 
Orthodoxy & Socialism, by
Tsar and 
Soviets, Nation and Motherland!

These things are not contradictory, but
This, I believe, will
happen, the 
conflict has begun
the process 
and the conflict
will be ended 
by it.''



Blogger, on ''limited nuclear war'':


''During the Cold War - all the wargames of a 

direct USA-USSR clash - had 1 of 2 results: 

a threat of nukes caused the clash to end, 

or it - extremely quickly - went to full
Total Nuclear War.''

Paul from the Sirius report: 


“Western experts fail to grasp..... that the Global
South is around 87% of the world’s population,
is in its ascendancy, and has a myriad of

vertical growth markets now in play 

and is embracing the multipolar 

world. The West meanwhile,

is in terminal decline.”

Marine Le Pen:


“By (ferociously) repressing popular 

protest movements like the Yellow 

Vests, or social movements like

the demonstrations against 

pension reform Emmanuel 

Macron has installed the 

idea that nothing can 

be debatable, 



Marie Le Pen:

“The only thing I don’t want, is 

sanctions on raw materials 

which will have heavy 

consequences on the 

French.. and on the 

rest of the world, ” 



Marine Le Pen:


“I do not want the French to commit hara-kiri 

on the grounds of sanctions decided by our 

leaders and which would not relate to the 

daily life of our compatriots.”



Marine Le Pen:


“We have another choice.  In reality, all the

sanctions that have been put on the table 

and decided today, are sanctions that 

have been designed to protect the 

interests of the financial markets 

and the real war profiteers. All 

these sanctions are hitting 

our companies --- and 




Marine Le Pen:


“My obsession is to protect the French.

I don’t want them to lose their jobs, to 

find themselves unable to heat their 

homes, feed themselves or drive

to work.”


Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''Western politicians have accepted civilian
strikes in the Donbass for 8 years without
adopting any sanctions against the 

Ukrainian government. We have 

long since entered a dynamic 

where Western politicians 

have agreed to sacrifice 

international law  -----

towards their goal of 

weakening Russia.''


Randy Newman song:


“It’s money that matters

Hear what I say

It’s money that matters

In the USA.”

Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''It would have been better to engage 

in negotiations and thus obtain 

guarantees for the civilian 

population -- than to add

fuel to the fire. It's easy 

to be combative with 

the blood of others.''



H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): 


“The men the American people admire most 

extravagantly are the most daring liars; the 

men they detest most violently are those 

who try to tell them the truth.”



Thomas Paine:


“To argue with a person who has 

renounced reason  ---  is like 

administering medicine 

to the dead.”



Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992):


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United 

States, and there has always been. The 

strain of anti-intellectualism has been 

a constant thread winding its way 

through our political and cultural 

life, nurtured by the false notion 

that democracy means that 

your ignorance, is just as 

good as my knowledge.”



Old proverb:


“Folly rewards itself.”

Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''Some intelligence services see this

irresponsible decision as a way to 

use the Ukrainian population as 

cannon fodder to fight Vladimir 

Putin’s Russia.  This kind of 

murderous decision should 

have been left --- to the

colleagues of Ursula 

von der Leyen’s 



Andrei Martyanov:


''We all are into new territory, where the

REAL face of the West and the US has 

been exposed. Sadly... most of the 

public in the West... will not know 

what's happening. They are kept 

oblivious by Western media and

by the realities of everyday 

survival in the midst of a 

massive economic 

calamity, which 

unfolds before 

all of us.''



Swiss intelligence analyst, military 

officer, intelligence and terrorism 

expert, Jacques Baud:


''The EU is repeating the disastrous experience of the Third
Reich in the final hours of the 
Battle of Berlin. War must be
left to the 
military and, when one side has lost, it must be
admitted. And if there is 
to be resistance, it must be led 

and structured. But we, are doing exactly the opposite

—we are pushing citizens to go and fight and at the 

same time, Facebook -- authorizes calls --- for 

the murder of Russian soldiers and leaders. 

So much for the values that inspire us.''


Andrei (the Saker):


''Here is the ugly truth nobody wants to openly 

admit: the West wants to genocide Russia and

the West is ALREADY genociding the people 

of the Ukraine. If the Empire of Hate and 

Lies has its way, this war will last as 

long as possible, include as many 

horrible atrocities as possible 

--- and a total destruction of 

the civilian infrastructure 

of the Ukraine.''



Nikolai Mezhevich, Institute of Europe 

of the Russian Academy of Sciences:


''The world has crossed the line, behind which 

it is becoming a totally different world. New

rules are being prepared, and they will be 

put on the table very soon.''


US President Ronald Reagan, in 1983,

to Bandera’s neo-fascist deputy,
Yaroslav Stetsko:


“Your struggle is our struggle”.


Economist Gal Luft, co-director

Washington-based Institute for 

the Analysis of Global Security:


“The oil market & by extension

the entire global commodities 

market is an insurance policy 

for the status of the dollar as 

the reserve currency.  If that 

block's taken out of the wall 

the wall will begin to 


Nicolás Maduro:


''My message to France and Europe --- is that 

we will make sure Venezuela won't witness

the rise of another Pinochet. And we will 

do it the democratic way.''


Matthew Ehret,  journalist, lecturer, and

founder of the Canadian Patriot Review:


''A key pillar in the control over colonies of  Anglo- Dutch influence 

remains the Privy 'Council system, which is centred in Britain, but 

has secondary branches in select Commonwealth countries. It is 

under the Privy Council’s influence that lower-level operatives 

are instituted - in the form of deputy ministers, the Treasury 

Board, Select Committees, and other appointed officials in 

the Civil Service. Other key nodes in the public and private 

sector manage the interests of the Crown. All cabinet 

members of government are made Privy Councillors 

and all Privy Councillors are sworn to an oath of 

secrecy and allegiance to the Queen including 

oaths to keep secret those things spoken of 

in privy council meetings. Strange things, 

for paragons of the 'free, democratic 

rules-based order.'''


Britney Spears: 


“We should just trust our president 

in every decision he makes.”

Thorsten J. Pattberg:

''Colonialism and foreign rule will not end 

by themselves. And human history can 

be reduced to a single formula: If you 

don’t fight back, you’re worthless.''



T. Jenson:


''Correct grammatical language is 

another of God’s fantastic gifts. 

The semantic manipulation 

of words and concepts is 

an elite tool -- and the 

route to a confused 

manipulated mind.''


Prof. Slobodan Antonic:


''A glance at the map of today’s European Union

reveals its striking resemblance with the

farthest reach of the German military 

forces during the First and Second 

World Wars, especially on the

Eastern Fronts.''



Sergey Glazyev:


''After the Americans... seized first the Venezuelan foreign
exchange reserves & handed them 
over to the opposition,
then the Afghan 
foreign exchange reserves, before that, 

the Iranian ones and now the Russian ones, it became
completely clear that 
the dollar had ceased to be the
currency. Following the Americans -- the
Europeans also committed this 
stupidity – the
euro and the pound    
....ceased to be world
Therefore, the old monetary &

financial system --- is living its last days. 
After the US dollars that 
no one needs
-- are sent back to 
the US from Asian
the collapse of the world 

monetary & financial system based
on dollars 
and euros, is inevitable. 

Leading countries are switching
to national 
currencies, & the 

euro and the dollar... are
ceasing to be 

Sergey Glazyev:


''We are talking about targeted credit emission

based on modern digital tools - with a strict

control system - focused on investments in 

new technologies. We know how to do this, 

how to minimize the human factor through 

the introduction of digital technologies, 

including the digital ruble. But this is

disadvantageous for those who still 

adhere to the old strategies. They 

made a cash cow out of Russia, 

they sucked out 100 billion 

dollars from it, abroad, to 

offshore companies. But 

now the Americans have

closed offshorization
us... There is a
must use it.''

Elizabeth Peratrovich:


"This is your home and your people. 

Why don't you go out and help them?"


Ron Unz:


“Over the decades, America spent over 

$100 billion dollars on ‘biodefense,’

the euphemistic term for bio-

warfare development and 

has the world’s oldest 

and largest such 

program, one of

the few ever 


in real life 




Michael Hudson:


''Europe is not led by politicians that have

Europe’s interests at heart. They’re just 

as corrupt as they are in any other 

part of the world, if not more.''





''If you think things are crazy now, 

just you wait until the imperial 

crosshairs move to Beijing.''


philosopher Alexander Dugin:


“The World Economic Forum has announced that
it has severed “all relations” with the Russian
government and Vladimir Putin.. 
due to the
ongoing ”attack” on Ukraine. 
This is great
news. Russia has, finally, rid 
itself of its
globalism, and the fanatics of the 
Reset, Schwab’s twisted world 
of oligarchs and their associates. 
it is clear to everyone: Moscow is the

capital of the Great Awakening on a
scale. Everyone on the planet
now knows:  
this is not a regional
conflict, of “Russians against the
“Ukrainians”, this is the beginning

of a liberation of humanity from
the liberal dictatorship of world
monopolies. Ukraine is just a
local hub for these elites...
which have been founded
...against the land of the
East Slavs against their
will and in complete

Liberal national propaganda has turned the population
into zombies. The real war is not against Ukraine and
not even the West, but against the economic forums
of the world 
and their infernal plans, which aim at
the destruction of humanity by legalizing all 

kinds of perversions, sins and crimes.”




''As a European, I am willing to live on water 

and cabbage, just to see these wagging 

Western hypocrites getting spanked 

by Russia.''

Michael Hudson:


''The central aim of the World Bank is to prevent

other countries from growing their own food.
That's the prime directive. It will only make

loans for countries to earn foreign 

currency and it has insisted ever 

since about 1950 that countries 

that borrow from it -- must shift 

their agriculture, to plantation 

export crops to grow tropical 

crops that cannot be grown 

in the United States for 

environmental and 

weather reasons.''


''And the countries mustn't grow their own food

and must not undertake Land Reform, or small

family-based farming. So it insisted on foreign

-owned agribusiness in large plantation agri-
culture. What that means is that countries 

that have borrowed for agricultural loans 

have not been loans...  to produce their 

own food. It has been to compete with 

each other producing tropical export 

crops --- while being increasingly

dependent on the US, for their 

food supplies, and their grain. 

And that is part of the corner 

they painted them into that's

going to be creating such a 

world famine this summer.''

Susan B. Anthony:


"Resistance to tyranny

 is obedience to God."

Ernestine Rose:


''There is ten times more in the world than would

maintain all in yet unknown luxury. Yet how 

much misery there is in our midst; not 

because there is not enough, but 

owing to the misdirection of it.''

Jack London:


''Do you know, the only value

life has, is what life puts 

on itself?''

Ernestine Rose:

''Agitate!  Agitate!  Ought to be the motto of every

reformer. Agitation is the opposite of stagnation

 - the one is life, the other death.''

Late chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer in 2005:


“The United States is evil. It has to be brought

down, it has to be eliminated from the world

scene. They are the ones who have made 

the world the hell that it is.”


Colonel Cassad:


''The body of a young woman lies on the floor

with her hands tied behind her back, half
naked and covered by rags or blankets.
A plastic bag has been tied over her
head. A large swastika -- has been
burnt on the skin of her stomach 

with hot irons - evidently - while
she was 
still alive. DPR fighters
showed us the 
girl’s body... it
lies in the basement of 
of the schools in Mariupol 

...where the base of the
nationalists was...
One of 
the girl’s arms
torn off.''



Vladimir Putin: 


''I am Laketz, I am Chechen, I am Ingush, I am

Jew, I am Tatar, I am Russian, I am Mordvin, 

I am Ossetian.'' 



Video of the Omsk MMA group Storm

- with members saying - one by one:


''I am German and I am Russian, I am

Dagestanets and I am Russian, I am 

Armenian and I am Russian, I am 

Kazakh and I am Russian, I am 

Azerbaijani and I am Russian,

I am Russian, we are 

Russians, we are 

one people.'' 

Lieutenant-Colonel W.G.F. Jackson

MC, BA, R.E. Instructor, the Royal 

Military Academy, Sandhurst...

'Seven Roads to Moscow' p.319:


‘’Let us hope that no-one will ever be tempted 

to emulate Charles, Napoleon, and Hitler in 

imposing a military solution of a kind of 

which history has shown must fail, 

and which will bring nuclear 

annihilation to mankind.’’ 



Francis Lee:


''In the Greek fable of Pandora’s Box, Pandora could not
resist opening 
the box, but she opened the box and
several evil entities started 
flying out of it. These
hatred, envy, greed, disease, poverty,
pain, death and war. 
All these miseries of
life escaped the box and entered
the real world. 
By the time Pandora 

slammed back the box’s lid all the 

evils had escaped except ‘hope’.

I begin to wonder if we have
in fact, 
opened the box?''




''Here in Zone A [The West] we are all chickens, living in
an Ideological Poultry Farm:- they want 
us ignorant -
without understanding, just eating 
their ideological
feed, growing with it, without any concern about
what awaits us, isolated little egoist-narcissist
chickens. I said Ideological Poultry Farm,
because you 
know, what they feed the
chickens in 
there... is well over 50%
their own 
recycled shit.''

Declan Hayes:


''We need Bismarcks, de Gaulles, Talleyrands,

Tolstoys and Metternichs, not bird brained

authoritarians like Canada’s Trudeau, the

red socks’ fascist, or pliable, demented 

& deranged war hawks, like “Irish” Joe 

Biden. We need, in short, to replace all 

NATO’s pliable puppets -- with an intel-

lectual caste, that resorts to jaw jaw 

-- instead of NATO’s endless war war 

-- and sees the lands of Dostoevksy 

Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich 

- as something more than a market 

to offload McDonald’s hamburgers

and Hello Kitty bling into.''

Heinrich Böll:


''In all states under the reign of terror,
the word 
is almost feared more

than armed resistance and
oftentimes... the latter 

is the consequence

of the first.'' 

Larry C. Johnson:


Zelensky... is banning opposition political

parties and shutting down opposition 

media. I guess that is the new 

definition of “democracy.”


Finian Cunningham:


''If it transpires that the Pentagon is actually

helping Ukrainian militants - the Nazi Azov

regiments no less - to assassinate 

Russia’s top generals, then a 

grim conclusion is, we may 

have reached a point of 

no return.''


Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of 

Defense for Intelligence & Security:


“We are making a difference in 

accurate, actionable, and

timely intel.”

Walter Rodney:


''We were told that violence in itself is evil, and

 that -- whatever the cause -- it is unjustified

 morally. By what standard of morality can

 the violence used by a slave to break his

 chains be considered the same as the 

violence of a slave master? By what 

standards can we equate the violence

 of blacks who have been oppressed, 

suppressed, depressed & repressed 

for 4 centuries with the violence of 

white fascists.  Violence aimed at
recovery of human dignity and
equality can't be judged by the 

same yardstick as the violence 

..aimed at the maintenance of 

discrimination & oppression.'' 

Former chief of the Main Staff of the 

Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-

General Viktor Ivanovich Esin:


“I’m driving around San Francisco with the

Americans on the bus. Everyone is talking 

and laughing. And then – we pass by the

lighthouse. I looked at him and said: 

“I know this lighthouse.” 


“How can you know it --- if you are 

in San Francisco for the first time?” 


“You forgot that I was engaged in nuclear

planning. And here is the lighthouse ---  it 

was the aiming point. I will tell you more: 

next to this lighthouse is the collapse of

the earth’s crust. So, if a multi-megaton

block gets here, a landslide will happen

and half California will be in the ocean.” 

After that, everyone silently drove to 

their destination.”

 Caitlin Johnstone:


''It’s not okay to be a grown adult in 2022 and

believe the “anti-war” position.. is to support

pouring weapons into a foreign country and

cold war brinkmanship.. that could lead to 

World War 3, while shouting down anyone 

who advocates de-escalation, diplomacy 

and detente.''


Tommy Cooper:


“I had a ploughman's lunch the other day. 

He wasn't very happy.”

 Reinhard Koradi:

''The hitherto extremely successful economic system
(social market economy and balanced financial and
budgetary policy) was 
destabilized by privatisation
the neoliberal turn. Americanized, by adopting
Anglo-Saxon customs, 
banks --- especially in
Germany and 
Switzerland --- joined the
casino mentality on the
financial markets.'' 


''Finance capitalism has done great damage to the world in
many ways. Contrary to neoliberal economic theory, the
global deregulation of the financial markets... is not a
stability factor, but a dangerous risk factor and thus,
the trigger for the current chaotic conditions in the
financial and economic sectors.''


''Under the cloak of a "democratic" state system and
a fake globally liberalized 
world, we are now ruled


PBOC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan:


“The world needs an international reserve currency
that is disconnected from 
individual nations and
able to 
remain stable in the long run, removing
the inherent 
deficiencies caused by using
national currencies.”


Professor Dr. Alfred de Zayas, international

law expert and former UN mandate holder:


''When one considers the crimes of aggression, war crimes
and crimes against humanity 
committed in the name of
NATO, one 
has to ask whether this organization falls
into the category of Article 9 of 
the Nuremberg
Tribunal Statute, 
namely, as a
criminal organization".


Dimitrov, the Bulgarian general secretary 

of the Communist (Third) International, 

characterised fascism in a speech to 

the 7th Comintern congress in 1935: 


“Fascism is not a power standing above class, or
a government of the petty bourgeoisie, or 
lumpen-proletariat over finance capital,” 
is: “the open, terrorist dictatorship of the

most reactionary, most chauvinistic and 

most imperialist elements of finance 

capital. Fascism is the power of 

finance capital itself. It is the 

organization of terrorist 

vengeance against the 

working class and the 

revolutionary section 

of the peasantry &




''The powers that shouldn’t be, in the US, 

want to have the best infrastructure on

earth. Not by building the best, but by

destroying everyone else’s.''


Tommy Cooper:


“So I rang up a local building firm,

 I said 'I want a skip outside my 

house.' He said 'I'm not 

stopping you.'”


Victoria Nikiforova:


''It is very typical that today the Chinese, en masse,
approve of Russia’s special 
operation in Ukraine.
They look at it 
with great interest, in Asia, Africa 

and South America. Our country is giving people
an example of a 
successful exit from the West's

neo-colonialist model. On the one hand, its
opposition to the West, by all
means, including by the 
military. On the
other hand,
 it's the clever painstaking
of a new life, of a new
economic model, 
of a new
world order.'' 

''A world
 order in which the “global domination

of the Western countries, in politics and

economics” has ended forever.''



Malek Dudakov:


''European countries continue to dutifully ask the US for
new weapons, for which they are 
now willing to spend
more money. For the 
US military industrial complex,
has become... “manna from heaven” – its
shares are rising and further 
chaoticisation of
the world order 
means more and more super 

profits for it. Therefore the US military-
complex’s lobbying efforts
will continue 
to force the US to 

plunge headlong into the
ian crisis.''

 Senior scientist... at Physicians for 

Social Responsibility, Steven Starr:


“If the conclusions of the nuclear winter 

research — that nuclear war is suicide

for all peoples and nations — had 

gained widespread acceptance 

and understanding, it is likely 

that the whole nuclear 

weapons industry, 

would have been 

shut down.”


 Caitlin Johnstone:


''The gulf between expert analyses, and what 

people are consuming in the news could not

possibly be wider. People simply don’t
understand what’s being done with 

their lives, by powerful people --- 

who care only about imperial 

domination --- and the 

powerful... intend to

keep it that way.''


Los Alamos Study Group secretary 

and executive director, Greg Mello:


''The imagination cannot encompass nuclear war.
Nuclear war means nuclear winter. It 
means the
collapse of the very fragile 
electronic, financial
administrative systems...  that
everyone alive. We’d be lucky to reboot
in the early 19th century.  
And, if enough
weapons are 
detonated, the collapse of 

the Earth’s ozone layer would mean that
form of life, that has eyes, could
be blinded. The 
combined effects of a 

US-Russian nuclear war would mean
that pretty 
much every terrestrial 

mammal and many plants, would
extinct. There would 
be a dramatic biological 



 Caitlin Johnstone:


''It doesn’t need to be like this. There is no

reason our planet needs to be dominated 

by any one single power structure, 

especially if doing so -- means 

risking complete annihilation. 

We should all be pushing - for 

de-escalation, diplomacy and

detente, and for the nations 

and peoples of this world, 

to begin working together 

for the good of everyone.''


Vladimir Putin appeals to the

citizens of Western countries

on March 16th, at 2:17pm:


“Now...   they are persistently trying to convince you, 

that all your difficulties are the result of the hostile
actions of Russia... that you need 
to pay for the
fight against a mythical Russian 
threat from
your own wallet. All of this is a lie. 
And the
truth is -- that the current problems 
millions of people in the West face
the result of many years of activity 

by the ruling elites of their states;
mistakes, political myopia &

ambitions. These elites, are not 

thinking about.. how to improve 

the lives of their citizens, they 

are obsessed with their own 
vested interests - 

their super profits.”


Larry Romanoff:


''You may (or may not) be aware, that the US/UK

fired millions of artillery and other rounds in 

Iraq, that were made of depleted uranium. I
won’t go into details here, but one effect of 

DU is that since then about 25% of all the

births in Iraq... exhibit the most horrible
deformities, babies born with no head, 

one head, two heads, or three heads. 

I am serious. Many infants are born 

with most of their internal organs 

outside the torso and many with 

the brain entirely outside the 

cranial cavity.'' 


''Many have any number of limbs emanating 

from any part of the body --- and many with 

no limbs at all. Some have no eyes; some 

have only one large eye.. in the centre of 

their foreheads, if the nose isn’t already 

there. A UN report...  described many 

emerging fetuses as “unidentifiable 

lumps of flesh“. It was so bad, that 

the midwives who still at that time 

delivered most births in Iraq were 

refusing to assist at birthing 

because “We don’t know 

what will come out.”


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov:


“The whole world will be interested 

to know what exactly the American

bio-laboratories in Ukraine... 

were doing.”

Serbian Minister of Internal 

Affairs, Aleksandar Vulin:


“When Wesley Clark, the head of the 1999

killers and Jamie Shea, the creator of the 

term ‘collateral damage’, with which he

'explained' the deaths of dozens of our 

children began to explain -- that killing 

Serbs in NATO aggression, was human 

as much as necessary, then you know 

that --- their every invitation to inter-

national law, is cynicism and lies.”

Humorist A.A. Gill’s explanation of why
the English
 line up in a queue so well:


 “if they didn’t, they’d kill each other.”

Samuel Johnson:


''Combinations of wickedness would overwhelm

the world, by the advantage which licentious

principles afford, did not those who have

long practiced perfidy, grow faithless 

to each other.'' 

Pope Pius XII, August 24th, in 1939: 


''Nothing is lost with peace. All can be lost 

with war. Let men return to understanding. 

Let them resume negotiating. Negotiating

with good will and with respect for each 

other’s rights, let them realize... that an 

honorable success is never precluded 

when there are sincere and active 

negotiations. And they will feel 

great -- with true greatness -- if 

imposing silence on the voices 

of passion, whether collective 

or private, and leaving reason 

to its proper domain, they
spare their brothers
shed and their


Ljubisa Malenica:


''It is interesting to note how Westerners

somehow, suddenly remembered this 

set of rules called international law. 

Highly interesting given that they 

themselves participated in its 

creation and design. Where 

were these guardians of 

international law when 

NATO bombs blew up 

civilian trains in 




NATO Jan. 2021 published 'Cognitive Warfare':


“The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st

century. Humans are the contested domain.
Cognitive warfare’s objective, is to make 

everyone a weapon.”


Caitlin Johnstone:


''You asked for a robust anti-war movement in

America -- you got demonstrations calling
World War 3.''


From NATO's 'Cognitive Warfare':


''In particular, the brain: is unable to distinct
[sic] whether information is right or wrong:

is led to believe statements or messages 

it has already heard as true, even though 

these may be false; accepts statements 

as true, if backed by evidence, with no 

regards [sic] to the authenticity of 

that evidence.''


Caitlin Johnstone:


''A 2014 study by Earth’s Future found that just

a nuclear exchange between India & Pakistan,

would throw five Tg of black carbon into the

stratosphere, blocking out the sun for 

decades and potentially starving 

everything to death. India and 

Pakistan, have 160 and 165 

nukes each, respectively. 

The US and Russia have 

5,550 and 6,257.''


Patrick Lawrence:


''We are all called upon either to recognize 

the United States for what it has become, 

an empire violently defending itself 

against history itself, or accept 

our fate among the victims 

of this empire.''

Gamal Abdel Nasser:


“The genius of you Americans, is that you

never make clear-cut stupid moves, only

complicated stupid moves, which make

the rest of us wonder at the possibility

that we might be missing something.”


Dr. Eamon McKinney C.E.O. of CBNGLOBAl:


''The Empire doesn’t care about the Ukrainians anymore
than they care about the people in their own countries.
It is about maintaining control over humanity.
President Putin is 
not, in essence, fighting
the Ukraine, he 
is fighting the N.W.O.
And that is 
everyone’s fight.''


Patrick Armstrong:


''All that NATO support will get you, is destruction
when you fight the war it 
suckered you into, and
an extra 
special Christmas card.. when you’re
defeated and ruined.''


Geopolitical analyst, Pepe Escobar:


''The unelected, uber-Kafkaesque, EU machine

in Brussels has chosen to commit a triple hara

-kiri by grandstanding as abject vassals of the

Empire, destroying any remaining French and 

German sovereignty impulses, and imposing 

alienation from Russia-China.''

Image: the truth in ukraine

Andrei (The Saker):


''Any halfway competent military commander
who would look at the map above, would

immediately see - that the only rational 

decision at this point is for Ukrainians 

to surrender: that map is, really, a no 

brainer. But since orders come from 

Uncle Shmuel, and since Uncle 

Shmuel hates Steppe Niggers 

no less than Snow Niggers - 

Uncle Shmuel will now aim 

its immense resources at 

prolonging that war as

long as possible and 

with.. as many 

casualties as 



Philip Giraldi:

''It is past time Americans started asking
what kind of international order is it that
lets the United States determine what
other nations can and cannot do.''

Russian FM spokesperson:

''The world simply cannot continue with a
small part of it raping the rest because
this small part is unable to support
themselves.. without aggression
and looting. Western countries
have begun the process of
destroying their own

Aleksandar Pavic:

''Russians remember that only the Serbs
refused to join Nazi German troops... on
the Eastern Front against the U.S.S.R.''


''At least Russian citizens finally realize how
 the U.S. and eu view them. Hopefully, they
will not waste any more time and energy
trying to get into our good graces,
because that is impossible. We
want to ruin your country. We
don’t care how many of you
we harm and we do not
care about truth.''

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

''If only it were so simple! If only there were evil
people somewhere, insidiously committing evil
deeds, and it were necessary only to separate
them from the rest of us and destroy them. But
the line dividing good and evil cuts through the
heart of every human being. And who is willing
to destroy a piece of his own heart?''

Caitlin Johnstone:

''Hollywood teaches us that heroism looks like
an individual stopping a bank robbery, or
leaving a criminal tied up outside the
police station, so we don’t realize
that real heroism looks like a
collective rising up against
our plutocratic rulers, and
creating a healthy world.''

Dmitry Orlov, February 27th, 2022:


“People who are now speaking out against
Russia’s military action in Ukraine need to

answer a simple question:-  Where have 

you been for the last eight years.. while 

the carnage in Donetsk and Lugansk 

was going on --- while people were 

being burned alive in Odessa --- 

while Ukraine's ''government'' 

organized terror operations 

on Russian territory --- and 

while the entire Ukrainian 

population's been forced 

to kowtow to the US and 

speak Ukrainian --- most 

often... against its will?''


''If your answer is “I didn’t know” 

then you've forfeited your right 

to an informed opinion on 

what’s happening there 

now. Please keep that 

in mind ...and act 




Andrei at The Saker:


''Europe, who prefers to glorify Nazis, than to 

stop hating Russians for our two major sins: 

first, that we exist, and, second, that we 

live on your natural resources.  Either 

that, or we are dealing with a cold-

hearted indifference of a society 

which has no other values left 

than rabid consumption and

hatred of the other.''



C.S. Lewis:


''A continual looking forward.. to the eternal

world is not (as some modern people think) 

a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but

one of the things a Christian's meant to do.

It does not mean that we are to leave the 

present world as it is. If you read history 

you will find that the Christians who did 

most for the present world, were just 

those who thought most of the next.

It is since Christians have largely 

ceased to think of the other 

world, that they've become 

so ineffective in this one. 

Aim at Heaven, and you 

will get earth “thrown

in”: aim at earth, and

you will get neither.''



Historian Anne Morelli has summarized 

Arthur Ponsonby's classic book 

Falsehood in War-Time as this:


We do not want war.


The opposite party alone is guilty of war.


The enemy is inherently evil
resembles the devil.


We defend a noble cause,
not our own interests.


The enemy commits atrocities on purpose; 

our mishaps are involuntary.


The enemy uses forbidden weapons.


We suffer small losses, those of 

the enemy are enormous.


Recognized artists and intellectuals

 back our cause.


Our cause is sacred.


All who doubt our propaganda are traitors.


As an example, I offer you this: 


Policy statement by Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of
the Federal Republic of Germany and Member 

of the German Bundestag, in Berlin, Sunday,
27th of February, in 2022.


''Madam President, Distinguished colleagues,

Fellow citizens, The 24th of February 2022
marks a watershed in the history of our
continent. With the attack on Ukraine, 

the Russian President Putin has begun 

a war of aggression, in cold blood. For 

one reason alone: the freedom of the 

Ukrainian people.... calls his own 

oppressive regime into question.

That is inhumane. It's a violation 

of international law. There is 

nothing, and nobody, that 

can justify it.''


Iron Chancellor Otto von Bismarck:

“The secret of politics? Make a 

good treaty with Russia.”





''Let me add a statistic as to the results 

of those magnificent [US] campaigns, 

concerning the vets that had served 

in them: 120,000 suicides. Add that

to the bodycount.''



Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism:


“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit
reality to their lies, their propaganda is 

marked by its extreme contempt for 

facts as such for, in their opinion, a

fact depends entirely on the power 

of the man who can fabricate it.”



Paul Craig Roberts:


The imbalance of force has been corrected, 

and since force is all that the West under-

stands, Russia is using force -- to end the 

use of Ukraine as a pawn against Russia. 

In the past, the stupid and arrogant West

ignored Russia’s warnings. In his address

this morning Putin gave another warning. 

If the dumbshit Western leaders do not 

hear this warning, the West will cease 

to exist: 

V. V. Putin:


“I would now like to say... something very
important for those who may be tempted

to interfere in these developments.. from 

the outside. No matter who tries to stand 

in our way ---- or all the more so ---- create 

threats for our country and our people..... 

they must know that Russia will respond

immediately - and the consequences will 

be such - as you have never seen in your 

entire history. No matter how the events 

unfold, we are ready. All the necessary

decisions in this regard, have been 

taken. I hope that my words will 

be heard.”


Hannah Arendt:


“Clichés, stock phrases, adherence to

conventional, standardized codes of 

expression and conduct, have the 

socially recognized function of 

protecting us against reality, 

that is, against the claim on 

our thinking attention.. that 

all events & facts make, by 

virtue of their existence.”


Margarita Simonyan:


“If.. you are now ashamed that 

you are Russian, don't worry, 

you are not Russian.” 

The Gospel of Nicodemus:


Pilate said to him: What is truth? 

Christ said to him: Truth is of 

heaven. Pilate said: Is there 

not truth upon earth? Christ 

said to Pilate: You see how 

that they which speak the 

truth are judged of them 

that have authority 

upon earth.

Robert Burns:


“Oh the gift that God could give us, 

to see ourselves as others see us.”


President Putin:


“The United States is still a great country, and a

system-forming power. All its satellites not only

humbly and obediently say yes to and parrot it 

at the slightest pretext, but also imitate its

behaviour -- and enthusiastically accept 

the rules it is offering them. Therefore 

one can say with good reason and 

confidence, that the whole so-

called Western bloc formed 

by the United States in its 

own image and likeness 

is, in its entirety, the 

very same ’empire 

of lies.’”

Paul Craig Roberts:


''The Western world has replaced reason and

fact with narratives.  Narratives are official

explanations that, no matter how false, 

carry the imprimatur of truth. To 

challenge them can be life-


Dr. Eamon McKinneym eminent Sinologist:

''Humanity is entering uncharted waters and 

what comes next is far from certain. What is

 certain, is that all the institutions of power 

and control have been exposed, any trust 

they once enjoyed no longer exists. Our

 freedoms were never theirs to take 

away, asking their consent to get 

them back just reinforces their 

control. We don’t know what

the “new normal” will look 

like, but is for the people 

to decide, not the elites.

Those who...  describe 

themselves as “public 

servants” while acting

as the ’masters”, will 

have no future... in 

what is becoming

 a truly BRAVE 

new world…''

President Putin: 

''Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad

taught me one thing: If a fight’s 

inevitable, you must 

strike first.''

James Fenimore Cooper (The 
American Democrat 1838):


“Whenever the government of the US breaks

up.. it will probably be in consequence of a 

false direction having been given to public

opinion. This, is the weak point of our 

defences, and the part to which, the 

enemies of the system will direct
their attacks. ''

''Opinion can be so 
perverted as to cause the false 

to seem true; the enemy, a friend and the friend,
an enemy; the best 
interests of the nation, to
insignificant and trifles of moment; 

in a word, the right the wrong and 

the wrong the right. In a country 

where opinion has sway to seize 

upon it - is to seize upon power. 

As it is a rule of humanity, that 

the upright & well-intentioned 

are comparatively passive, 

while the designing, dis-

honest & selfish are the 

most untiring... in their 

efforts... the danger of

public opinion getting 

a false direction, is
fold, since few
think for

Blogger, February 22nd, 2022 at 12:21pm: 


''It is an historical fact that Russians chase 

the retreating enemy all the way to their 

capitol. Never accept a ceasefire until 

the complete neutralization of the 

enemy. Germans and French 

learned that, the hard way.


''If Anglos paid attention in history classes,

they would understand the gravity of the
situation they have brought upon 


C. S. Lewis:


“You can’t go back and change
the beginning,
 but you can
start where you are
and change the

Boris Rozhin:


''The exchange of “answers”, between the 

United States and the Russian Federation 

showed irremediable contradictions, that 

cannot be resolved within the framework

 of the existing world order.''

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan:


''My religion is truth, love and service to God and humanity. 

Every religion that has come into the world has brought 

the message of love and brotherhood. Those who are 

indifferent to the welfare of their fellowmen, whose 

hearts are empty of love, they do not know the 

meaning of religion.''

NATO will sustain the pressure even if 

Russia withdraws its forces from its 

southern-western regions, says U.S. 

Prof., Joseph Oliver Boyd-Barrett:


"First, NATO salivates for the dismemberment of

Russia, so as to achieve unregulated access

to Russian wealth. Second, the US arms and

'defence' industry and its craven lobbyists, 

which sit atop of the system of supposed

Western 'democracy', salivate... for the 

profits that they earn whenever given

the opportunity to stoke fear 

and hatred".

Joseph Oliver Boyd-Barrett, professor 

emeritus, Bowling Green State 

University, Ohio: 


"A fractured Ukraine is useful for the West,

because it gives it greater control over 

Ukraine and grants it pressure points, 

that enhance its relentless eastward 

expansion. Humanitarian goals are 

merely the West's pretexts... for 

interventions in the sovereign 

affairs of other nations,
the main or
even any kind of
real motivation."

Henry C. Carey in “Harmony 

of Interests” (1851):


“Two systems are before the world; the one looks to
increasing the proportion of persons and of capital
engaged in trade and transportation, and therefore
to diminishing the proportion engaged in producing
with which to trade, with necessarily 

diminished return to the labour of all; .....while the
other looks to increasing 
the proportion engaged
in the work 
of production, and diminishing that 
engaged in trade and transportation....... with
increased return to all.... giving to 
the laborer
good wages and to the 
owner of capital good
One looks to pauperism, ignorance,

depopulation, and barbarism; ...the other, in
increasing wealth, 
comfort, intelligence, in 
combination of action, and civilization.
looks towards universal war;.... 

the other towards universal peace.''

Matthew Ehret on the trucker protests:


''The Biden Administration has given its full
support to Justin Trudeau, to use the full 

force of federal power to shut down the

protests. Perhaps Biden is concerned 

that the example of the convoy has 

spread, not only across nations of 

the Trans Atlantic Community and 

Five Eyes cage, but also to the US

itself, where a parallel American 

freedom convoy will leave South-

ern California for Washington D.

C., on March the 5th, involving 

tens of thousands of 

American truckers.''

Former US Green Party

presidential candidate,

 Jill Stein:


“They lied to you about Vietnam. They lied to

 you about Iraq & Afghanistan. They lied to 

you about Syria & Libya. They lied to you 

about Honduras & Bolivia. They lied to 

you about Assange & Russiagate. So 

why the hell would you believe what 

they're telling you about Ukraine?” 

 Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio said last year:

“China already has the world’s second largest

 capital markets and I think they will event-

ually vie for having the world’s financial 

centre. When you see the transition 

from one empire to another, from 

the Dutch to the British, to the 

American, to me it just looks 

like that all over again.”

Nong Duc Manh: 


''As part of our renewal ----- we need to
problems, not just wait for them
take place.''

Charles Ortel:


"Charity fraud is an insidious set of crimes, more so 

when lawyers, former presidents, and perennial 

presidential candidates....    are involved.  Good

that BLM scams are in focus - finally - but let us 

not prove that white privilege protects certain 

high profile charity con artists by continuing 

to let the extended network of false-front 

Clinton 'charities' - off the hook. Failure 

to investigate and prosecute gigantic 

charity frauds, involving politically 

connected dynasties, including 

the Clinton and Bush families

...likely emboldened the 

promoters of these 

bold BLM scams."

Psychologist Albert Ellis:


“The expense of making yourself panicked, enraged, 

and self-pitying is enormous. In time & money lost.

 In needless effort spent. In uncalled-for mental 

anguish. In sabotaging others’ happiness. In 

foolishly frittering away potential joy during 

the one life—yes, the one life—you’ll

 probably ever have.”

Julius Nyerere:


We in Africa, have no more need of being 'converted' to

socialism, than we have of being 'taught' democracy. 

Both are rooted in our past -- in the traditional 

society which produced us.''

Jody Williams:

''I believe that worrying about the problems plaguing 

our planet without taking steps to confront them,
absolutely irrelevant....  The only thing that
this world --- is taking action.  For
me the 
difference between an 'ordinary'
and an
 'extraordinary' person... is not
the title 
that person might have, but
they do to make the world 

a better place for us all.''

 Marie de Rabutin-Chantal:


''It is thus that we walk through the world like 

the blind, not knowing whither we are going, 

regarding as bad what is good, regarding 

as good what is bad, and ever in 

entire ignorance.''

The US strategist, George Kennan:

“We should cease to talk about vague and
unreal objectives 
such as human rights,
the raising of 
the living standards, and
democratisation. The day's not far off
when we are going to have to deal in
straight power concepts. The less
we are then 
hampered by
the better.''




Is the USA fascist, right now?

Definition of fascism coined

in the Spanish civil war:


C + M = F 

 Capitalism + Murder = Fascism.

Ramin Razaheri:


''Ask an average Frenchman, and I have asked

many: they aren’t taught much about their 

own revolution... they are denied a 

modern political education, in a 

domestic intellectual famine... 

routinely imposed by Western 

Liberal Democracy - the US -  

where ''the greatest political 

system ever in the history of

 mankind'' was established

--- by slave-owners, who 

waged a merciless war 

on aboriginal peoples.''

Senior US diplomat Jack Matlock:


“I testified in Congress against NATO expansion, 

saying that it would be a great mistake and that 

if it continues, certainly it would have to stop 

before it reaches countries like Ukraine and

Georgia. That this would be unacceptable 

to any Russian government.... Clinton 

personally told Yeltsin  ---  that the 

Partnership for Peace would be a 

substitute for NATO expansion... 

Yeltsin said: that’s great. That’s

a brilliant idea”. At the same 

time.... our ambassador was 

instructed to tell the Poles:- 

“This is the 1st step towards

NATO membership. So, we 

were playing I must say to

my dismay... duplicitous 

diplomacy at the time”.

Taking command of NATO’s forces, 

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower stated: 


“If in 10 years, all American troops 

stationed in Europe for national 

defense purposes have not 

been returned to the US,

then this whole project 

(NATO) will have failed.”


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:


“True peace, is not merely the absence 

of tension, it is the presence of justice.”

Bruce Kent:

''We now have the climate change 

campaigners with us. Military 

production involves the 

release of CO2...  in 

massive quantities.''


Marcus Aurelius:


“The object of life is not to be on the side 

of the majority, but to escape finding 

oneself in the ranks of the insane.” 

Ramzan Kadyrov:


America is carrying out policies against Russia

and its leadership. They know I'm among those 

ready to give my life for Russia and that I have

a good army, capable of attacking and 

defending. We'll see who comes
on top.''


China's new Ambassador to the US, Qin Gang:


“If the Taiwanese authorities, emboldened by

the United States, keep going down the road 

for independence, it most likely will involve 

China and the United States, the two big 

countries, in a military conflict.”



China's new Ambassador to the US, Qin Gang:


''If Washington provokes either 

China or Russia, the other one

will not be indifferent.''




Paul Craig Roberts:


''I don’t think war is close at hand unless Washington
succeeds in provoking Ukraine to invade Donbas, in

order to solidify Washington’s hold on Europe & the 

election for Biden, by causing Russian intervention.

In which case it would be a short war with Ukraine

sacrificed for Washington’s political purposes.''


''Instead, Russia will target all of Europe with their
hypersonic missiles   ...including the US bases in 

Poland and Romania and all military facilities in

Ukraine, as well as Kiev. They will let Europe 

live under the strain of rising tensions. 

Europeans are more harmed than 

benefited by US hegemony and 

sooner or later, Europeans 

will conclude that NATO 

is a greater threat to 

them than Russia.''





''The F-35... is a perfect metaphor...

for the entire western civilization.


Official version: the F-35 is the 

most amazing military aircraft 

ever designed


True version: the F-35, is the most 

overpriced piece of semi-airborne

sh*t, in world history.''

C. J. Cherryh:


Jane leaned back against the counter 

and stared at the ceiling. At the

traditional location of God... 

no matter what the planet.

Evo Morales:


''We can pay the ecological debt by changing economic

 models, and by giving up luxury consumption, setting 

aside selfishness and individualism, and thinking 

about the people and the planet Earth.''

 Vyacheslav Nikonov, First Deputy Head of the

 State Duma Committee on International Affairs:


“The response of the West, must be recognized as

unambiguously negative. This means that we will

soon begin to learn Russian answers. It seems 

that we will start, with arming the Donetsk
Luhansk republics.'' 



Vyacheslav Nikonov, the First Deputy 

Head of the State Duma Committee 

on International Affairs:


''The Russian representative office in NATO 

had not been allowed to work, for many 

years, now there is nothing to resume.''


Anastasia Dekov:


''America has rivals, allies, and boogiemen, and the

 neocon plan - apparently - is to get the rivals who 

are allies to fight the rivals who are boogiemen, 

with the US sitting on the sidelines. With a 

conventional war in Europe destroying 

the economies of Russia and the EU, 

and a conventional war in the Far 

East destroying the economies 

of China, Taiwan and Japan....

the US economy will emerge 

untouched and triumphant, 

as it did after WW2.''

Arthur Latham:


"The greatest moral example that the Americans could give

to the world, at present, is to recognise the reality of
situation in Viietnam... and not to continue
military and civilian personnel,
on both sides, not to 
run the risk of world
war and nuclear annihilation,
 to save
an American President's face."

C. J. Cherryh:


''Ignorance killed the cat;
curiosity was framed!''

Retired Lt general, Fabio Mini, on 

US' Groundhog Day dollar cycles: 


''The first 32 month interval.. begins with large 

amounts of money entering financial markets. 

It causes interest rates to fall, greater access 

to credit and increased productivity by those

in the world who have taken advantage of 

the liquidity. So...  wealth increases, and 

there are significant “economic booms”. 


''But this wealth cannot be left in the hands of

the beneficiaries. So begins the second 32

month interval, in which the dollars must

return to the US. The monetary flow 

decreases, interest rates increase, 

US securities become profitable, 

and new investments flow to 

U.S. companies. 


''This dollar cycle, is completed in 64 months, 

during which the U.S. profits - both from the 

roller coaster imposed on global finance 

- and from speculation based on the 

capital's return.''



The Global Times:


''Washington should understand: that, for a great
power... the decline of ideas is more dangerous 

than that of strength. In an era of multi-polarity 

and globalization in the 21st century, the US is 

still thinking about finding tools from the Cold 

War toolbox, thinking every day, about how to 

contain other countries, pulling "small gangs" 

and engaging in group confrontation, which 

will only harm themselves...   and will 

eventually be abandoned by

the times.''

Jody Williams:


''I believe in both my right and my responsibility 

to work to create a world that doesn't glorify 

violence and war, but where we seek 

different solutions to our common 


Mr. J. Bolton, leading neocon: 


“It is a big mistake for us to grant any validity

to international law - even when it may seem 

in our short-term interest to do so - because 

over the long term, the goal of those who 

think that international law really means 

anything, are those who want to 

constrain the United States.”


Jean de La Bruyère:


Let us not envy a certain class of men for their enormous 

riches; they have paid such an equivalent for them that it 

would not suit us;  they have given for them, their peace 

of mind, their health, their honour and their conscience;

this is rather too dear, and there is nothing to be made

out of such a bargain.

C. J. Cherryh:

''Nothing's hopeless, except never trying.''


Finian Cunningham:


''Russia is seen as an obstacle -- to Western control 

over the strategically vital Eurasian continent. The 

prize of Eurasia has long been coveted by Western 

imperialists -- from the British Empire’s Sir Halford 

Mackinder... to US strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski. 

As Krainer notes... it was this imperial calculation
the Anglo/US capitalists that led to the building
of Nazi Germany, as a bludgeon to destroy the 

Soviet Union and purportedly give the empire

-builders, global hegemony. This imperial 

machination led to World War II, and the 

greatest conflagration in human history

with as many as 85 million dead. The 

Soviet Union and China... accounted 

for more than half of the death toll.''



Alex Krainer: 


''The foundational principle of the conflict between
Russia and the U.S. and Britain, is the struggle for

control of the Eurasian landmass, which has been

the empire builders’ overarching imperative ever

since Halford Mackinder explicitly formulated 

it, in 1904, in his Heartland Theory.''



Assistant Sec. of State for European

and Eurasian Affairs, Wess Mitchell: 


“The central aim of the administration’s foreign policy 

is to defend the US domination of the Eurasian land-

mass as the foremost US national security interest 

...and to prepare the nation for this challenge.” 



Alex Krainer: 


''Now, if Russia reasserts itself as the dominant power

in Eastern Europe, this pretty much check-mates the 

empire’s global ambitions - so containing Russia and

limiting its influence in Europe, is absolutely critical 

and I think they will not give up on this, even at the
price of a nuclear war.''




Ernestine Rose:


''Silence is consent. And silence, where life and liberty 

is at stake, where by a timely protest we could stay

the destroyer's hand, and do not do so, is as 

criminal as giving actual aid to the
for it answers
his purpose.''

W. E. B. Du Bois:


Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more 

convenient season. It is today, that our best work can 

be done - and not some future day or future year.”

Paulo Coelho:


''The wise are wise only because they love. 

The fools are fools, only because they 

think they can understand love.''

Financial analyst Mauro Bottarelli: 


“A state of semi-permanent health emergency

is preferable to a vertical market crash that 

would turn the memory of 2008, into a

walk in the park.”


Obafemi Awolowo


''Violence never settles anything right: apart from 

injuring your own soul, it injures the best cause. 

It lingers on long after the object of hate has

disappeared from the scene, to plague the 

lives of those who have employed it 

against their foes.''

Randy Martin, U.S.-based analyst:


“Russia has set forth what it requires for its vital

national security. Russia will explain to the US

what it requires, and it will expect a legal 

agreement. Anything short of that will be 

ominous for the West. If the US & NATO 

do not move quickly --- to ensure the 

security that Russia expects, then 

Moscow will move expediently... 

to put a nuclear dagger to their 

throat. It will include submarine 

tactical nuclear weapons with 

strike capabilities - within 

seconds, cruise missiles 

- within minutes and the

obliteration of Western 

space defenses... and 

electronic warfare - 

that renders naval 

and air defense 




Jonathan Cook:


''If you want to be treated like a grown-up, an active

and informed participant in your society... rather 

than a blank sheet, on which powerful interests 

are writing their own self-serving narratives 

you need to be... doing as much critical 

thinking as possible and especially on

the most important topics of the day.

The corporate media isn't our friend. 

Its coverage of the pandemic, is not 

there to promote the public good. 

It's there to feed our anxieties to

keep us coming back for more...

...and to monetize that distress. 

The only cure for this sickness?

A lot more critical thinking.''

 Cleveland Amory:


“You can give of your talent, you can give 

of your possessions, or you can give 

of yourself. For God's sake, 

give something.”

Anna Kingsford:


''There are too many men and women; there 

is too little Humanity. There is a dearth of 

understanding, of nakedness of spirit. 

All of us are over-dressed; no man 

knows what heart beats in his 

neighbour's bosom.''

Ken Saro-Wiwa:


''In my innocence of the false charges I face here.... 

in my utter conviction I call upon the Ogoni people, 

the peoples of the Niger delta, and the oppressed 

ethnic minorities of Nigeria to stand up now and

fight fearlessly and peacefully, for their rights. 

History is on their side. God is on their side.

For the Holy Quran says in Sura 42, verse 

41: “All those that fight when oppressed 

incur no guilt, but Allah shall punish
oppressor.” Come the day.''

Chris Hedges:


''This moment in American history is what Antonio Gramsci 

called the “interregnum”—the period when a discredited 

regime is collapsing but a new one has yet to take its 

place. There is no guarantee that what comes next 

will be better. But this space, which will close
offers citizens the final chance to
embrace a new 
vision and a
new direction.''

William Colby:


''I’m William Colby and I was the head of the CIA. 

The job of intelligence is to warn us of dangers

to our military. Now, the Cold War is over - and

the military threat is far less. Now it’s time to 

cut our military spending by 50 percent and 

invest the money in our schools, health 

care, and our economy.''

Samora Machel:


''Imperialist exploitation and an unjust

international economic order, 

are a cause of war.''

 Vladimir Putin: 


''If you are impotent, then you are aggressive.''

Al Sharpton:


''My message to everyone: the next time 

you hear about migrant children near

 the border, just picture them as your 

own. Then think what you would 

want our government to do.''

Paulo Coelho:


''When a person really desires something, 

all the universe conspires to help that 

person to realize his dream.''

John Neal:

''Kites rise against, not with the wind.''

Claudette Werleigh:


“Everyone wants revenge, but no one thinks about 

how vengeance brings more vengeance. When we 

start talking, we realize we have more in common.

Until we realise that the people are suffering, and 

put these interests to one side, then the situation 

will go on.”

James Morris Lawson Jr.:


''Remember that the way to get this revolution off the ground 

is to forge the moral, spiritual and political pressure, which 

the President, the nation and the world, cannot ignore.''

Tariq Ali:


''Torture, encouraged from above, became a fact of life [in

occupied Iraq]. Perhaps some good liberal apologist 

for Blair will soon explain how democratic torture 

is much nicer than authoritarian torture.''

Chris Hedges:


''The glitz and propaganda, the ridiculous obsessions 

imparted by our electronic hallucinations....  and the 

spectacles that pass for political participation, mask
the deadly ecological assault by the corporate state.
The worse it gets, the more we retreat into self-
delusion. We convince ourselves... that global 

warming does not exist. Or, we concede that

it exists, but insist that we can adapt. Both 

responses... satisfy our mania for eternal 

optimism, and our reckless pursuit of 

personal comfort. In America, when 

reality is distasteful we ignore it. 

But reality will soon descend 

like the Furies to shatter 

our complacency and, 

finally our lives. We, 

as a species, may 

be doomed. And 

this is a bitter, 

bitter fact for

a father.... 

to digest.''

Peng Liyuan:


''A child’s exam result, is never as important 

as teaching a child how to be grateful and 

a good human being!''

Jean de La Bruyère:


''A wise man is cured of ambition by ambition itself; 

his aim is so exalted, that riches, office, fortune, 

and favour cannot satisfy him. He sees nothing 

sufficient to engage his affections and to 

render it deserving of his cares and his 

desires. ... The only thing that might

tempt him, is that kind of honour 

which should attend a wholly 

pure and unaffected virtue; 

but men rarely grant it, so 

he does without it.''

Julius Nyerere:


''Take every penny you have set aside for 

aid for Tanzania and spend it in the UK, 

explaining to people the facts and 

causes of poverty.''

Bruce Lee:


''Life is never stagnation. It is constant movement, 

un-rhythmic movement, as we... are constant 

change. Things live, by moving, and gain

 strength, as they go.''

Raymond Williams:


“We can overcome division, 

only by refusing to be 



James Morris Lawson Jr.:


''I do not wish to minimize the gains we have made thus far. 

But it would be well to recognize that we've been receiving 

concessions, not real changes.''

Samora Machel:


''The rich man's dog gets more in the way of 

vaccination, medicine and medical care,

than do the workers upon whom the 

rich man's wealth is built.''


(Sir) Walter Scott:


''We shall never learn to feel and respect our real calling
destiny, unless we have taught ourselves... to 

consider everything as moonshine... compared
the education of the heart.''

James Welch:


''Before, Indian people had been so defeated, they were

always looking for outsiders...  to somehow come in
and fix things. But now, they 
seem to realize: that
they're the only ones 
who can save themselves.''

Two bloggers:


''Julian Assange... is martyred for the Truth in

 journalism and politics. He needs maximum

 support now, to defeat the MSM and Deep

 State and bring it to real justice!''


''8 Billion People, Millions of Journalists and 

Leaders .. All remaining Silent with No 

Concerted Voice or Protest .. May 

God forgive your Souls''

Eleanor Roosevelt:


''Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In 

small places, close to home -- so close and so small 

that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. 

Unless these rights have meaning there... they have

little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen

action, to uphold them close to home, we shall 

look in vain for progress in the larger world."



Ray Dalio, US billionaire investor and

hedge fund financier who predicted 

the 2008 financial collapse and the 

long Covid-19-related recession:


“History has shown [that] when the causes 

that people are behind are more important 

to them than the system, the system is 

in jeopardy,” 

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani:


''It is not permissible for a Muslim to buy 

products of the countries that are in a 

state of war with Islam and Muslims..

for example, Israel. if your religion 

does not prevent you, may 

your humanity.''

Liu Yang:


''I believe in persevering. If you 

persevere, success lies ahead 

of you.'' 

Zhang Yixing:

“The home of every soul is not among another's

 glory...  but should be within another's soul.”

Evo Morales:

''We Indians are Latin America's moral reserve. 

We act according to a universal law that 

consists of three basic principles: 

do not steal, do not lie and 

do not be idle.''

Jean de La Bruyère:


''If it be usual to be strongly impressed by things that 

are scarce, why are we so little impressed by virtue?''

Chris Hedges:


''The reality of empire rarely reaches the American public. 

The few atrocities that come to light, are dismissed as

isolated aberrations. The public is assured: what has 

been uncovered will be investigated and will not take 

place again. The goals of empire, we are told by a 

subservient media and our ruling elites, are 

virtuous and noble. And the vast killing 

machine grinds forward, feeding, as it 

has always done, the swollen bank 

accounts of defense contractors 

and corporations.. that exploit 

natural resources and cheap

 labour around the globe.''

Víctor Jara:


''US imperialism understands very well the magic 

of communication through music, and persists 

in filling our young people with all sorts of 

commercial tripe.'' 


''With professional expertise they have taken certain 

measures: first, the commercialization of the so-

called ‘protest music’; second, the creation of 

‘idols’ of protest music, who obey the same 

rules and suffer from the same constraints 

as the other idols of the consumer music

industry – they last a little while, and

then disappear.'' 


''Meanwhile, they are useful in neutralizing the innate spirit 

of rebellion of young people. The term ‘protest song’, is 

no longer valid, because it is ambiguous and has been 

misused. I prefer the term ‘revolutionary song’.''

James Morris Lawson Jr.:


''I say we must have a movement that brings those troops 

home and launch a crusade to transform our school 

buildings, we launch a crusade to see to it that 

every citizen has adequate and affordable 

housing, we launch a crusade to make 

universal health care. We need not 

soldiers anymore in the world. 

We've had enough of them 

in western history.''

Psychologist Albert Ellis:


“Even injustice has it's good points.
It gives me 
the challenge of being
as happy as I can...
 in an
unfair world.”

Chris Hedges:


''There are no constraints left... to halt America’s slide into a
totalitarian capitalism. Electoral politics are a sham. The

media have been debased and defanged by corporate 

owners. The working class has been impoverished

 and is now being plunged into profound despair. 

The legal system has been corrupted, to serve 

corporate interests. Popular institutions, from 

labour unions to political parties, have been 

destroyed or emasculated by corporate 

power. And any form of protest... no 

matter how tepid.. is blocked by an

internal security apparatus that is 

starting to rival that of the East 

German secret police...  The 

mounting anger and hatred, 

coursing through the blood

-stream of the body politic, 

make violence and counter

-violence inevitable. Brace 

yourself. The American 

empire is over. And the

descent is going to be 


Alexis de Tocqueville:


“The American Republic will endure
until the day 
Congress discovers
that it can bribe the public 

with the public's money.”

Marguerite Higgins:

“I thought then, how much more matter-of

-fact the actuality of war is, than any of
projections in literature. The
seldom cry - there
is no one with time 
emotion to listen.”


Marshall Berman:


''To be modern....  is to find ourselves 

in an environment that promises us 

adventure, power, joy, growth, 

transformation of ourselves 

and the world --- and at the 

same time that threatens

to destroy.. everything 

we have... everything 

we know, everything 

we are.''

Julius Nyerere:


''If real development is to take place, 

the people have to be involved.''

Raymond Williams:


“To be truly radical, is to make hope possible, 

rather than despair convincing. It is then, in 

making hope practical, rather than despair 

convincing... that we must resume and 

change and extend our campaigns.“

(Sir) Walter Scott:


''To be ambitious of true honour, of the true glory
and perfection 
of our natures.... is the very 

principle and incentive of virtue. For he
does good - having the unlimited
to do evil - deserves praise,
not only for 
the good which he 

performs, but for the evil
which he 

William Faulkner:


''Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and 

truth and compassion, against injustice and lying

and greed. If people all over the world… would 

do this, it would change the earth.'' 

UN declaration:


''…while democracies share common features,

 there is no single model of democracy and 

democracy does not belong to any 

country or region...''

Fidel Castro:


''The equal right of all citizens --- to health, education,
work, food, security, culture, 
science, and wellbeing
...that is, the 
same rights we proclaimed when we
began our struggle, in 
addition to those which 

emerge.... from our dreams of justice and
equality for 
all inhabitants of our world
is what I wish.... for all.''

John Neal:


"There is no greater humbug in the minds of men, than
this obsequious bowing... to men of high station. 
great thinkers of the world, are the 
workers of the
world, the producers 
of the world."

John Quincy Adams:


''Heaven has given to every human being 

the power of controlling his passions, 

and if he neglects or loses it, the 

fault is his own, and he must 

be answerable for it.''

Martin Luther King Jnr: 


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, 

only light can do that. Hatred cannot 

drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Peter Fraser:


''Every one of our countries are sovereign states 

and the more independent we are, the more we 

realise we are interdependent.''

About Cuba, by Fidel Castro:

''There is not Communism or Marxism,

but representative democracy, and 

social justice, in a well-planned 


Jean de La Bruyère:

Modesty is to merit, what shade is 

to figures in a picture... it gives it 

strength and makes it stand out.

Munshi Premchand:


''The world assumes... that we are very happy... 
with high mansions, fine carriages, servants 

and attendants, huge investments... and 

concubines. But he who is without the
honour and strength of the soul,

can be anything but happy.''

Bal Gangadhar Tilak:


"Religion and practical life are not different. To take 

renunciation, is not to abandon life. The real spirit 

is to make the country your family --- and work

together --- instead of working only for your 

own. The step beyond, is to serve 

humanity, and the next step
to serve God."


Randa Farah, Associate Professor, Western Ontario:


“It is totally unacceptable that in the 21st century, this 

scale and level of brutality against the Palestinians 

unleashed on a daily basis and for over 7 decades
is met with barely a whisper from the 
‘international community.’ The 
silence in the
world is heard loudly in 
Palestine and is a
black page in 
humanity’s history, and
so in the history of the Arab

-Islamic world.” 


“I am utterly dismayed and shocked --- although not 

entirely surprised --- by the level and depth of the 

complicity and treachery of the Gulf oligarchies. 

Who would have thought that the oil wealth that 

could have been used for the development of 

the Middle East and North Africa and for the 

well-being of millions of people, is today, 

used to empower Zionist colonization 

in Palestine and to promote US and 

imperial interests?” 

Gustav Stresemann:


''Here, we encounter two conflicting concepts, with 

which we must come to grips in our time: the idea 

of national solidarity and the idea of international 

cooperation. To contrast national solidarity and 

international cooperation, as two opposites... 

seems foolish, to me. The ''great men'' of a 

nation, reach out to all mankind. They are 

unifying, not divisive; internationally 

conciliating, and still great, 


(Sir) Walter Scott:


''I have heard men talk about the blessings of
he said to himself, "but I wish any
wise man 
would teach me what use to 
make of it, now that I have it.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“In matters pertaining to the care of life 

there has been no marked gain over 

Greek and Roman antiquity.”

Hermann Hesse:


''I have always believed, and I still believe, 

that whatever good or bad fortune may 

come our way, we can always give it 

meaning and transform it into

something of value.''

Amelia Boynton Robinson:


''Only until all human beings begin to recognize

themselves as human beings will prejudice be

gone forever. People ask me what race I am, 

but there is no such thing as race. I just 

answer: "I’m a member of the 

human race."

Alexis Tsipras:


''Austerity is not part of the European treaties; 

democracy and the principle of popular 

sovereignty are.''

Jean de La Bruyère:


''Not to be able to bear with all bad-tempered people 

- with whom the world is crowded - shows that a 

man has not a good temper himself.''

 Huey Long:


''I'm for the poor man — all poor men, black 

and white, they all gotta have a chance. 

They gotta have a home, a job, and a 

decent education for their children. 

'Every man a king'
my slogan."

Jean de La Bruyère:


''There are some sordid minds, formed of slime and filth,

to whom interest and gain, are what glory and virtue
to superior souls; they feel no other pleasure,
but to 
acquire money.''

Claudette Werleigh:


“I have been blessed to have worked both in rich 

countries and one of the most impoverished 

ones, at grassroots level and at top level. 

I have learned...  that we all need to 

acknowledge our differences, to 

accept the other as equal and 

to cooperate, in order to 

improve life.”

Nong Duc Manh: 


''The war against terrorism...... should not be used 

to interfere with an independent, sovereign state. 

We need to identify concrete terrorist targets --- 

and do no harm to civilians.''

Alexis de Tocqueville:

Tyranny in democratic republics, ignores the body and 

goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says:- 

You will think as I do, or die. He says: You are free not 

to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property 

and everything else. But from this day forth you shall 

be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic 

privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if 

you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they 

will withhold them, and if you seek only their 

esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. 

You will remain among men... but you will 

forfeit your rights to humanity. When you 

approach your fellow creatures, they'll 

shun you as one who is impure. And 

even those who believe in your 

innocence will abandon you, 

lest they, too.. be shunned, 

in turn. Go in peace, I will 

not take your life... but...
life I leave you with
worse than death.”


Lee Camp:


''A large 2014 Princeton study looked at 1,779 policy
initiatives and found that the American public has

 zero impact --- on what gets passed through 

Congress. What we, the American people

want, has no influence on American 

policy. The politicians tell you, it 

does. They act like they care. 

But nothing you and I want 

...ever gets done.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“The 'trade agreement' has become a rather distinct feature 

of the American labour movement.  ...It is based on the idea 

that labour shall accept the capitalist system of production 

and make terms of peace with it.”

Edgar Guest:


The lectures you deliver

may be wise and true,

But I'd rather get my lessons

by observing what you do.

I may not understand

the high advice you like to give,

But there's no misunderstanding

how you act and how you live.

Steven Wright:

''I can't wait to be arrested... and go all the way to the
 stand. "Do you swear to tell the whole truth
and nothing 
but the truth, so help you, God?"  "Yes,
you're ugly. See 
that women in the jury? I'd really
like to sleep with her. 
Should I keep going.... or
are you going to ask 
me questions?"

Anna Kingsford:


''No man who aims at making his life an harmonious whole, 

pure, complete, and harmless to others, can endure to 

gratify an appetite at the cost of the daily suffering 

and bloodshed of his inferiors in degree, and of 

the moral degradation of his own kind. I know 

not which strikes me most forcibly in the 

ethics of this question...  the injustice, 

the cruelty, or the nastiness of flesh

-eating. The injustice is to the 

butchers, the cruelty is to the 

animals and the nastiness,

concerns the consumer.'' 


Alexis de Tocqueville:


“I do not know if the people of the United States 

would vote for superior men, if they ran for 

office, but there can be no doubt
such men do not run.”

Marguerite Higgins:


''There is much pretence in our everyday life, 

and - with a skilful manner - much can be 

concealed. But with a shell whistling at 

you there is not much time to pretend 

and a person’s qualities are starkly 


Father Wresinski:


''Wherever men and women are condemned to live 

in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To 

come together to ensure that these rights be

respected, is our solemn duty.''

Alexis Tsipras:


''There was a huge lack of freedom in communist regimes... 

but at least they had humanity at the centre of their thinking.''

 Cleveland Amory:


“What this world needs is a new kind 

of army --- the army of the kind.”

 Basil, fool for Christ:


 ''Why abstain from meat, 

  when you murder men?''

John Neal:


''The frontier people pick a quarrel with the Indians. 

No declaration of war follows; no ceremony; but,

forth goes General [Andrew] Jackson ------ or 

general somebody else; wasting and firing

the whole country.  A truce follows:

ceding of the conquered country --- 

for the protection of the whites.

No people, ancient or modern

..have been so deplorably 

oppressed, belied, and 

wronged, in every 

possible way."

John Quincy Adams:


''Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud,

is the only maxim which can ever preserve

the liberties of any people.''

Bill Waterson:


''The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in 

the universe --- is that it has never tried to contact us.''

Ken Saro-Wiwa:


''We all stand before history. I am a man of peace,
of ideas. 
Appalled by the denigrating poverty of
my people, who 
live on a richly endowed land,
distressed by their 
political marginalization
and economic strangulation, 
angered by
the devastation of their land, their 

ultimate heritage, anxious to
preserve their 
right to life
and to a decent living.

José Rizal:


''The people no longer have confidence
in their former 
protectors, now their
exploiters and executioners.
masks have fallen.''

Nikolay Chernyshevsky:


''To renounce progress... is as silly
as to 
renounce the Earth's force
of gravitation.''


 Woody Guthrie:


''I would like to see every single soldier on every single side, 

just take off your helmet, unbuckle your kit, lay down your 

rifle, and set down at the side of some shady lane, and 

say, nope, I aint a gonna kill nobody. Plenty of rich 

folks wants to fight. Give them the guns.''

Walid Jumblatt:


''The U.S. always needs an enemy. It comes 

and goes. Today it is Islam. According to 

this plan or ideology of the born-again 

Christians who formed an alliance 

with Zionism, Islam is

the monster.''

Stephen Karganovic:


''The in-your-face European Parliament human rights 

prize nomination of señora Añez, for the notable

 accomplishment - of serving as provisional 

head of state in an illegal coup regime 

- which deposed the legitimately 

elected President - should be

enough... to give the whole 

game away, shouldn’t it?''




Eric Zuesse:


''The rich have inculcated into the public 

a respect for the rich, and a contempt 

for the poor.''

Jeremy Hardy:


''Capitalism is a great idea in theory,

 but in practice, it just doesn't work.''

Al Sharpton:


''It seems some have chosen to ignore or 

have simply forgotten... the big-picture 

vision... promoted by Dr. King and his 

kin. I do believe the Democrat party 

has moved...     far to the right. I do 

believe that the party has a bunch 

of elephants running around in 

donkey clothes.''

Fidel Castro:


''They talk about the failure of socialism 

but where is the success of capitalism 

in Africa, Asia and Latin America?''

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''We once formed a human chain 

around Jerusalem, joining 

hands and calling 

for peace.''

Bertha von Suttner:


''One of the eternal truths is that happiness 

is created and developed in peace, and 

one of the eternal rights, is the 

individual's right to live.''


Chalmers Johnson:


“As militarism, the arrogance of power, and the 

euphemisms required to justify imperialism, 

inevitably conflict with America’s 

democratic structure of 

government and distort

its culture and basic 

values, I fear that 

we will lose our


Nathaniel Hawthorne:


''Happiness is not found in things you possess,

but in what you have the courage to release.''


W. E. B. Du Bois:


There can be no perfect democracy curtailed 

by colour, race, or poverty. But with all,
accomplish all, even Peace.”

Elias Canetti:


''The planet's survival has become so uncertain 

that any effort, any thought, that presupposes 

an assured future, amounts to a mad gamble.''

President Erdogan:


''Nobody can tell Turkey 

what defense systems

 it can buy,''






''The other side of the coin

is that nobody can tell
US... what
to sell.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“Those who sit at the feast will continue to 

enjoy themselves... even though the veil 

that separates them from the world of 

toiling reality below, has been lifted 

by mass revolts and critics.”

Mark Twain's “To the Person Sitting in Darkness”:


 ''Each of the world’s strongest nations, is proceeding

with its banner of the Prince of Peace in one hand 

and its loot-basket and its butcher-knife in

 the other.''

Cuban leader, Díaz-Canel: 


''As long as this world order prevails, 

the noblest goals will remain

 a chimera.''

Walid Jumblatt:


''The consequence of Mr. Bush's and Blair's 

historic lie - that the reason for invading 

Iraq was weapons of mass destruction 

- is that everything is being doubted.''

Marshall McLuhan:


“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a 

hallucinating idiot... for he sees what no one 

else does: things that, to everyone else, 

are not there.”

Jean de La Bruyère:


''We must laugh before we are happy, 

for fear we die before we laugh at all.''

Carl Jung:


''In my case, Pilgrim's Progress consisted in my 

having to climb down a thousand ladders, until

 I could reach out my hand to the little clod 

of earth that I am.''


President Putin:


"We should have modernised sooner, instead of 

sticking our heads into buckets of sand,
our butt exposed for
anyone to kick".



Cuban leader, Díaz-Canel: 


''Building the world we dream of is an enormous task, 

but it is possible, if we renounce selfishness and 

work together to transform the current unjust

international order into a more just, 

democratic and equitable one

in which, at last, no one is 

left behind.''


Vladivostok taxi driver:


"Russia not my country.... USSR my country.

In USSR everyone same, everyone friends. 

Now, if you are rich and I am poor, you 

cannot be my friend".

Lion Feuchtwanger:


“It is easy to possess a conscience, Monsieur, 

when one only needs to talk or write about it. 

But the man who has to act, is constantly 

faced with the necessity, if he wishes to

deal justly with one person, of being 

unjust to somebody else.”

Research published in recent days by Levada Centre:


''While one in six Russians, want to move toward 

“democracy according to the model of Western

countries,” around 18% said “the current 

system” was preferable.''


''49% of respondents said they would happily return 

to “the Soviet system, like we had until the 1990s.” 

and 30% of 18-24 year olds said that
this is also 
their preferred option.'' 

Alexis de Tocqueville:


“... everybody feels the evil... but no one has 

courage or energy enough to seek the cure”

Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov 

Mihaylov, defined fascism as follows:


''Comrades, fascism in power... was correctly described 

by the Thirteenth Plenum of the Executive Committee 

of the Communist International, as the open terrorist 

dictatorship of the most reactionary, most 

chauvinistic and most imperialist 

elements of finance capital.''

UN Secretary-General António Guterres:


''Let us commit to safeguarding the principles of 

equality, participation and solidarity, so that we 

can better weather the storm of future crises.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“Unless one's philosophy is all-inclusive, 

nothing can be understood.”

Munshi Premchand:

''Trust, is the first step to love.''

Carl Jung:


''Where love rules, there is no will to power; 

and where power predominates, there,

love is lacking. The one is the 

shadow of the other.''

W. E. B. Du Bois:


“Nations reel and stagger on their way; they make 

hideous mistakes; they commit frightful wrongs; 

they do great and beautiful things. And shall we 

not best guide humanity, by telling the truth 

about all this, so far as the truth 

is ascertainable?”

Jorge Amado:


''It is a very risky thing for anyone to go about 

proclaiming the truth, simply because he 

finds himself in possession of concrete 

documentary proofs, or on the 

evidence of his own eyes,

which is always over-

estimated. Love is 

not to be proven 

or measured. It 

exists and that

is enough.''

Mary Ritter Beard:


“Every great creative idea, formulated as a philosophy... 

has a social setting: in time, in a geographical location,

in a political economy, in a matrix of interests, and 

knowledge. It is not a free-swinging phenomenon

like a balloon without moorings. It is not 

produced in a vacuum and, being 

creative, it does not work in a 

vacuum. Nurtured on things 

experienced and things 

known, it reaches out 

toward the unknown 

like a flower on a 

stalk... growing 

out of the soil.”

Fidel Castro:


''The fact is, when men carry the same ideals 

in their hearts, nothing can isolate them - 

neither prison walls, nor the sod of 

cemeteries. For a single memory, 

a single spirit, a single idea, a 

single conscience, a single 

dignity, will sustain 

them all.''

Basil, fool for Christ:


''Imitate the earth, O man.  Bear fruit, as she does, lest 

you prove inferior to that which is without life.  She 

produces her fruits, not that she may enjoy them,

but for your service. You do gather for yourself 

whatever fruit of good works you have strewn, 

because the grace of good works returns to 

the giver. You have given to the poor...   and 

the gift becomes your own and comes back
with increase. Just as grain that has 
on the earth becomes a gain to the 
so the loaf thrown to the hungry 
renders abundant fruit thereafter. 

The end of your husbandry.. is the 

beginning of the heavenly sowing.

‘Sow,’ it is written, ‘to yourselves

in righteousness.’ 'Why then are 

you distressed? Why do you 

harass yourself... in your 

efforts to shut up your 

riches in clay and 

bricks? ‘A good 

name is rather 

to be chosen, 

than great 


Munshi Premchand:


''Trees bear fruits only to be eaten by others; the fields
grow grains, but they are 
consumed by the world.
Cows give 
milk, but she doesn't drink it herself -
that is left to others. 
Clouds send rain, only to 

quench the parched earth. In such giving,
there is 
little space for selfishness.''

George Sand:


''No one makes a revolution by himself; and there are 

some revolutions which humanity accomplishes 

without quite knowing how, because it is 

everybody who takes them in hand.''


Francis Hutcheson:


''Men have been Laughed out of Faults 

...which a Sermon could not reform.''

Walid Jumblatt:


''We are all happy, when U.S. soldiers 

are killed, week in and week out.
killing of U.S. soldiers in
Iraq, is 
legitimate and

G. K. Chesterton:


''The purpose of Compulsory Education, 

is to deprive the common people
their commonsense.''

Marshall McLuhan:


“We become what we behold. We shape our 

tools, and thereafter, our tools shape us.”

G. K. Chesterton:


''Education is simply the soul of a society 

as it passes from one generation

 to another.''

UN Secretary-General António Guterres:


''The nuclear menace is once again on the rise. 

A complete ban on nuclear testing is an 

essential step in preventing the 

qualitative and quantitative 

improvement of nuclear 

weapons...  and in 

achieving nuclear


Bal Gangadhar Tilak:


"Life is all about a card game.
Selecting the right cards, 
not in our hand. 
But playing
well with the cards 
in our
hand... determines

our success."

Investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg: 


''Analysis by Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) has 

found that weapons made by numerous UK companies, 

with receipts running into billions, have been used in
[Yemen] war. In fact, over half of the equipment 

used in bombing raids, is UK-supplied.. including 

Typhoon and Tornado aircraft, Paveway bombs 

and Brimstone and Stormshadow missiles. 

Without exaggeration, every day, Yemen

is hit by UK-made bombs, dropped by 

UK-made planes, which are repaired 

and serviced on Saudi soil by UK 

contractors, including RAF

engineers, and flown by 

UK-trained pilots.'' 

Clara Zetkin:


''The capitalists speculate on the two 

following factors: the female worker 

must be paid as poorly as possible 

and the competition of female 

labour must be employed to 

lower the wages of male 

workers as much 

as possible.''

George Sand:

''Life in common, among people who love 

each other, is the ideal of happiness.''

Jean de La Fontaine:


''People must help one 

another; it is nature's 


Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Karl Grossman:


''The U.S. nuclear weapons “modernization” program 

violates the disarmament component of the Non-

Proliferation Treaty. Major objectives of the NPT 

- an international treaty which took effect in
1970 - 
include preventing the spread of
weapons and achieving
disarmament.  It is
putting the 
world on
the brink.''

Lion Feuchtwanger:


“Those who came from internment camps in Belgium

told how they had been transported across France

in sealed cars. No one had paid any attention to 

the trains and the occupants had been left 

without food or water. Their Belgian 

guards had robbed them 

of everything they 



George Carlin (may he Rest In Peace):


''The flag is a symbol, and 

I leave the symbols to 

the symbol-minded."



''The Russians, Chinese

and the English like tea.

I'm Welsh. I'll take cofi.''

Kit Klarenberg: 

''In March, the United Nations ruled that Yemen remained

the world’s “worst humanitarian crisis” and that up to 

80% of the population – including over 11 million 

children – remained in need of urgent human-

itarian assistance. Yet, Yemen is very, very 

rarely mentioned in the Western media,

and the UK’s absolutely fundamental 

role in sustaining the bloodshed...

 even more seldomly.''

Jeremy Corbyn:


“Britain, was responsible for the training of 

the Afghan army; Britain set up an officer 

training corps of the Afghan army - and 

the result was not a good one.” 

Clara Zetkin:


''The most important immediate task, is the formation 

of a United Front of all workers, in order to turn back 

fascism...  in order to preserve for the enslaved and 

exploited, the force and power of their organization 

as well as to maintain their own physical existence. 

Before this compelling historical necessity, all 

inhibiting and dividing political, trade union, 

religious & ideological opinions.. must take 

a back seat. All those who feel themselves 

threatened, all those who suffer, and all 

those who long for liberation... must 

belong to the United Front against 

fascism and its representatives

in government.''

Nathaniel Hawthorne:

''No man for any considerable period 

can wear one face to himself, and 

another to the multitude, without 

finally getting bewildered as to 

which may be the true.''



Journalist Matt Taibbi: 


“Every image coming out of Afghanistan this 

past weekend, was an advertisement for
incompetence, arrogance, and
dealing nature of
American foreign 

policy leaders.”




Richard Medhurst:


"The only people who think Afghanistan was a failure 

are people who don’t own stocks in Halliburton, 

Raytheon and Boeing.  Afghanistan was a 

blistering success for them."




Matt Taibbi:


''The look of genuine shock on the faces of people 

like Tony Blinken this weekend, should tell people 

around the world something important about the

United States: in addition to all the other things

about us that are dangerous, we lack 





George Carlin:


"America is one big lie, and
you're a fool to believe it."

Jeremy Hardy:

''The Afghan War has clearly reached a stage 

similar to that moment at your child's party - 

where you realise you've forgotten to give 

the other parents a pick up time.''

Sun Tzu:


"He will win whose army is animated 

by the same spirit, throughout all

 its ranks." 

Anacharsis Cloots:


''What is man's chief enemy? 

Each man is his own.''

Clara Zetkin:

''... reforms ameliorate the situation of the working class, 

they lighten the weight of the chains labour is burdened 

with, by capitalism, but they are not sufficient to crush 

capitalism and to emancipate the workers from

 their tyranny.''



This twentieth century has been a period of terrific 

dynamism. Perhaps the last fifty years have seen 

more developments and more material progress

than the previous five hundred years. Man has 

learned to control many of the scourges
once threatened him. 


He has learned to consume distance. He has learned 

to project his voice and his picture across oceans 

and continents. He has probed deep into the 

secrets of nature and learned how to make 

the desert bloom and the plants of the 

earth increase their bounty. He has 

learned how to release the 

immense forces locked in
the smallest particles

 of matter.


But has man's political skill marched hand-in-hand with

his technical and scientific skill? Man can chain 

lightning to his command -- can he control the 

society in which he lives? The answer is No! 

The political skill of man, has been far 

outstripped by technical skill, and 

what he has made, he cannot
sure of controlling.


The result of this is fear. And man gasps for safety and 

morality. Perhaps now more than at any other moment 

in the history of the world, society, government and 

statesmanship need to be based upon the highest 

code of morality and ethics. And, in political
what is the highest code of
morality? It is the 
of everything, to the well-

being of mankind. 


But today we are faced with a situation where the well-being 

of mankind is not always the primary consideration. Many 

who are in places of high power think, rather, of 

controlling the world.

Mark Twain writing in response to the 

U.S.'s occupation of the Philippines:


''But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. 

She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest 

had long ago done its work; trampling upon

the helpless abroad, had taught her, by a 

natural process, to endure with apathy

the like at home; multitudes who had 

applauded the crushing of other 

people’s liberties, lived to
for their mistake,
in their 
own persons.''


Che Guevara:


''I am not a liberator. Liberators, do not

exist. The people liberate themselves.''




G. K. Chesterton:


''I would maintain that thanks are 

the highest form of thought, and 

that gratitude is happiness, 

doubled by wonder.''

Giacomo Leopardi:

''The world laughs at things it would
really prefer to admire, and, like
Aesop's fox, it criticizes
things it covets.''

Nelson Mandela:


''It is easy to break down and destroy.

The heroes, are those who make

 peace and build.'' 

Mary McLeod Bethune:


''We have a powerful potential in our youth,

and we must have the courage to change 

old ideas and practices, so that we may 

direct their power toward good ends.''

Leading world virologist, Professor Luc Montagnier:


"It is the vaccines that are causing the variants 

and, in all countries, the curve of vaccination, 

is followed by the curve of deaths."  

Hilaire Belloc:


''There is not anything... that can so suddenly 

flood the mind with shame as the conviction 

of ignorance --- yet we are all ignorant of 

nearly everything there is to be known.''

Adam Michnik:


“I am not a capitalist; I am a socialist

who is unable to forgive socialism,

that it did not work.”




W. E. B. Du Bois:


“You are not and yet you are:
your thoughts, 
your deeds,
above all, your dreams,
still live.”

Patch Adams:


''Anyone can do it — BE RADIANT! Make the decision.

 I want to be an agent of change to a loving world — 

so I will be radiant.''

G. K. Chesterton:


''The Christian ideal has not been tried and 

found wanting; it has been found difficult

 and left untried.''

 Hermann Hesse:

''If time is not real, then the dividing line
between this world 
and eternity,
between suffering and bliss,
between good 
and evil,
is also an illusion.''

Richard Bach:


''It is by not always thinking of yourself, if you 

can manage it, that you might somehow be 

happy. Until you make room in your life for 

someone as important to you as yourself, 

you will always be searching and lost.''


Jean-Jacques Rousseau:


''Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.''

 Giacomo Leopardi:


''I get up and I bless the light thin clouds 

and the first twittering of birds, 

and the breathing air 

and smiling face 

of the hills.''

U.S. Senator Albert Beveridge:


“The Philippines are ours forever. And just beyond 

the Philippines are China’s illimitable markets.
will not retreat from either. We will not
our duty in the archipelago.
We will not 
abandon our opportunity
in the Orient. 
We will not renounce
our part in the 
mission of our race
as the trustee under 
God of the
civilization of 
the world.”

Che Guevara:


''Above all, always be capable of feeling 

deeply, any injustice committed against 

anyone, anywhere in the world. This, is

the most beautiful quality in a 


George Carlin:

''We are a nation of sheep, and 

someone else owns the grass.''

Harry Schwarz:

''I believe people are not free - if all they can do is cast 

a vote every five years to decide who should govern

them. What does it mean to a man in a shack built
himself, with no amenities, and not knowing
his next meal is coming from, to vote? 

Paul Laurence Dunbar:

Slight was the thing I bought, 

small was the debt I thought, 

Poor was the loan at best - 

God! but the interest!

 Belarus' President, Alexander Lukashenko:


“The crazy European politicians directing a
hybrid war 
against us, Russia and even
isn’t just creating a hotbed of
they are pushing for a
3rd world war.”



''The cabals' world order is crumbling, with 

stagnant economies, low birth rates, high 

debt, and major social problems. They 

are surviving, on printing money out 

of thin air. The US and its European 

vassals..... are desperate to save 

capitalism.... as all scams have

failed. Now they are provoking

nuclear states Russia and 

China into WW3 ... for 

a global reset.''

Basil of Caesarea:


'''But whom do I treat unjustly,' you say, 'by keeping what

is my own?' Tell me, what is your own? What did you

bring into this life? From where, did you receive it? 

It is as if someone were to take the first seat in the

theatre, then bar everyone else from attending so 

that one person alone, enjoys what is offered for 

the benefit of all in common - this is what the 

rich do... They seize common goods - before 

others have the opportunity and then claim 

them as their own - by right of preemption..

For if we all took only what was necessary

to satisfy our own needs --- giving the rest

to those who lack, no one would be rich, 

no one would be poor, and no one 

would be in need.''


Hermann Hesse:

''Eternity is a mere moment, 

just long enough for a joke.''

Mark Twain:


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world 

is being run by smart people who are 

putting us on, or by imbeciles who 

really mean it."

Steven Best:


''In the aftermath of 10,000 years of incessant growth 

and endless wars, that humanity waged upon itself, 

other species, and the earth, we now live amidst 

unsustainable global capitalism, and a system 

of growth that is driving natural systems to 

an irreversible tipping point.''

John Quincy Adams:


''It is of no use to discover our own faults 

and infirmities, unless the discovery

 prompts us to amendment.''

Che Guevara:


''How easy it is to govern, when one 

follows a system of consulting the 

will of the people, and one holds 

as the only norm all the actions

which contribute to the well 

being of the people''.



''It was a big mistake on the part of the Cuban

 government, to restore diplomatic ties with 

washington and allow the maniacs to open 

up an embassy in Cuba, they can now see 

the results.''



''Russia and China should quickly

come to the aid of Cuba, before 

the US and the west, take 

the island.''

Daniel Berrigan: 


''The God of life summons us to life; 

more, to be lifegivers, especially

 toward those who lie under

 the heel of the powers.''

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:

''As we speak, the tens of thousands who have been 

wounded or permanently disabled, are in pain: let 

peace heal their wounds. As we speak, the eyes 

of thousands of Palestinian refugees, deportees

and displaced persons since 1967, are haunting

us, for exile is a cruel fate: bring them home.'' 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:


''What wisdom can you find... 

that is greater than kindness?''

Che Guevara:

''The true revolutionary is guided by a 

great feeling of love. It is impossible 

to think of a genuine revolutionary 

lacking this quality.''

John Hersey:


''What has kept the world safe from the bomb 

since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the 

sense of fear of specific weapons, so 

much as it's been memory. The 

memory of what happened 

at Hiroshima.''

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:

What requiem can be sung, for trees uprooted 

by army bulldozers? And, most of all, who can

explain to those whose lands are confiscated

and clear waters stolen, the message 

of peace?

Mimi Smith:


"The guitar's all right John, 

but you'll never make a 

living out of it".

Zhu Xi:


''To fully investigate the spiritual 

and understand transformation 

is the flourishing of virtue.''

Arnold Wesker:


''If the electrician who comes to mend my fuse blows it

instead, so I should stop having electricity? I should 

cut off my light? Socialism is my light, can you 

understand that?''

Sirimavo Bandaranaike:

"As a woman and mother,

 I call upon the nations of 

the world to desist from 

violence in their 

dealings with 

each other."

Alexander Lebed on, if NATO begins 

expanding through Eastern Europe:


"World War Three will start. Civilized and uncivilized 

states will be destroyed, everybody and everything."

José Emilio Pacheco:


''We are all hypocrites. We cannot 

see ourselves or judge ourselves 

the way we see and judge others.''

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:


''You forget that the fruits belong to all 

and that the land belongs to no one.''

Thomas Jefferson:


''Honesty is the first chapter

 in the book of wisdom.''

Recently deceased US Senator, Mike Gravel:


“Politicians are corrupt and they’re basically cowards 

because we have a system that is set up - where you 

give me money to help me get elected and when 

I’m elected, I will vote for your economic 

interest - that is bribery, and that’s the

foundation of our system in 

this country.”

Rabindranath Tagore FRAS:


''Life is given to us, we earn it by giving it.''

Rahul Verma:


''Emergency situations prove to 

us all: who are real in their
and face.''

Richard Bach:


''Every gift from a friend, is 

a wish for your happiness.''



''I am an MRI Tech and I see the damage these 

vaccines do. Doctors are not reporting the

link. People with no medical history, are 

dying and facing debilitating sideffects.   

Expect more problems in 3-5yrs, this 

is how long effects take to show up, 

but don't expect any links to the 

vaccine to be shown and, since

the drug companies have 

immunity...  it really 

doesn't matter.''

Harry S. Truman:


''Experience has shown... how 

deeply the 'seeds of war' are 

planted by economic rivalry 

and social injustice.''

Victor Bello Accioly:


“Political reform is important, but no reform will 

be greater than promoting popular awareness.”

Alice Salomon, about pre-nazi Germany:


“On the one hand, it was touching how families 

make survival possible, for themselves, in the 

face of inflation, depression & unemployment

- how they work, do business, experience joy, 

celebrate parties and worry about the future 

of their children...


“On the other hand, it is shocking how dullness, 

monotony, political ignorance, can arise, under 

socially & economically narrow & unfavorable 


Zhu Xi:


''The petty person considers small goodness 

as unbeneficial, and doesn't do it. He takes

small badness as unharmful, and doesn't 

avoid it. Thus badness accumulates and 

cannot be concealed, and crimes

become great and cannot be 


Mary Wollstonecraft:


''The beginning is always today.''


Frithjof Schuon said, in his early youth, 

4 things always moved him profoundly: 


“The holy, the great, the beautiful,
the childlike”

John Hersey:


''It's a failure of national vision when 

you regard children as weapons, 

and talents as materials you 

can mine, assay, and 

fabricate for profit 

and defense.''

UNICEF's Eastern & Southern Africa
Regional Director, Mohamed Fall:


''Children and youth are continuing brave efforts to help make 

the world a better place, from addressing injustice, to taking 

climate action. I appeal to governments, leaders, teachers, 

parents and communities, to join them: and push harder: 

in fulfilling the promises we have made to them in the

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. This 

Convention, compels us -- to act in the best 

interests of the world’s youngest citizens --

and this, must be a primary consideration,

at all times. The world needs to approach 

it with that healthy dose of impatience, 

that youth brings  ---  especially as 

we’re seeing hard earned 

development gains... 

slip away.''

Rabindranath Tagore FRAS:


''Beauty is truth's smile when 

she beholds her own face in 

a perfect mirror.''

Che Guevara:


''Those who kill their own children and discriminate 

daily against them because of the colour of their 

skin; those who let the murderers of blacks 

remain free, protecting them, and further-

more...  punishing the black population 

because they demand their legitimate 

rights as free men --- how can those 

who do this... consider themselves 

guardians of freedom?''

G. K. Chesterton:


''The cosmos is about the smallest hole 

that a man can hide his head in.''

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''And what do we tell the loved ones... of those killed 

by army bullets? How do we answer the questions 

and the fear in our children's eyes? For one out of

three Palestinian children under occupation has 

been killed, injured, or detained in the past four 

years. How can we explain to our children that

 they are denied education...  our schools, so 

often closed by army fiat? Or why their life

is in danger  ---  for raising a flag in a land 

where even children are killed or jailed?'' 

Dr. Haidar Abdul Shafi:


''As we speak, thousands of our brothers and sisters are 

languishing in Israeli prisons and detention camps, 

most detained without evidence, charge, or trial, 

many cruelly mistreated and tortured in 

interrogation, guilty only of seeking 

freedom, or daring to defy the 

occupation. We speak in 

their name and we say: 

set them free.''

Robert Burton:


''Every man has a good and a bad angel 

attending on him in particular, all his

life long.''

Daniel Berrigan: 


''Because we want the peace with half a heart 

and half a life and will, the war, of course, 

continues -- because the waging of war,

by its nature, is total - but the waging 

of peace, by our own cowardice,

is partial.''

Joke by upjoke.com:


''What do you get, if you ask a politician

 to tell 'the truth, the whole truth, and

 nothing but the truth'?''


3 different answers.

Alexander Lebed:

"If you don't tell the truth, you can end up 

with a pile of bodies, in a sea of blood."


June Callwood:


"If any of you happen to see an injustice, 

you are no longer a spectator, you are a 

participant, and you have an obligation 

to do something."

Graça Machel, Expert of the UN Secretary-General:


''Millions of children are caught up in conflicts 

in which they are not merely bystanders, 

but targets."

Daniel Berrigan: 


''I don't know a more irreligious attitude, 

one more utterly bankrupt of any 

human content, than one which

permits children to be 


John Denver:


''There's an aspect of human nature in which we want 

to think we're better than somebody else. They're a 

different colour. They speak a different language. 

They have a different name for the Creator. 

Whatever it is, that makes it okay for me

 to hate them, to try to get some of their

 land or some of their resources.''

Former US Secretary of State, 

Madeleine Albright, Dec. 2005:


"It is unfair, that a single country possesses 

territories such as Siberia and the Far East, 

in which, a few states... may be installed."

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:


I am ignorant of the problem as a whole, otherwise I should 

have presented it. But I shall content myself with giving you

a history of its successive phases in Europe --- and shall 

content myself with telling you rapidly and briefly: that 

the problem arose at the moment of the discovery of 

America, when Europeans, intoxicated by glory, 

adventure, and above all by rapine, sought to 

conquer new territories which did not 

belong to them. 


They destroyed the aborigines - exterminated them! Then, 

terrified at the void they had created around them, and 

being themselves incapable of labour, they turned to 

Africa, for workmen. It was Africa that furnished 

contingents for penal labour... this Africa, with 

whose unhappy history you are unacquainted 

but which, some day...  one of her sons will 

outline for you in darts of fire, a monument 

of shame, for that civilization, of which,

you boast.


Without humanity, there is no civilization!

Simone Weil:


''As soon as men know that they can kill 

without fear of punishment or blame,

they kill; or at least they encourage 

killers, with approving smiles.''

Patch Adams:


''I think my government are fascists. I feel that if we don't 

change from a society that worships money and power, 

over to one that worships compassion and generosity, 

there is no hope for human survival, this century.''

 Jessie Street: 


''Vital changes of policy have been 

brought about by moral pressure.''

Nicholas Murray Butler:


"All the problems of the world 

could be settled easily, if men 

were only willing to think. The 

trouble is that men very often

resort to all sorts of devices,

in order not to think -- since

thinking is such hard work"

F. Bacon’s scientific method
 in ‘New Instrument’:


''Three main steps: 


1st, a description of facts; 


2nd, a tabulation or classification of those 

facts, into three categories – instances of 

the presence of the characteristic under 

investigation, instances of its absence, 

or instances of its presence in 

varying degrees; 


3rd, the rejection of whatever appears, 

in the light of these tables, not to be 

connected with the phenomenon

under investigation, and the 

determination of what is 

connected with it."



Patch Adams:


''Medical professionals are a lot more comfortable 

calling it 'depression', than calling it 'loneliness."'

Cesar Chavez:


''It is my deepest belief that only by giving our lives 

do we find life. I am convinced that the truest act
courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to 

sacrifice ourselves for others, in a totally 

non-violent struggle for justice.''

Sirimavo Bandaranaike:

''The women of Sri Lanka have never been chattels, 

never been in enforced servitude to the male sex. 

Whatever ‘servitude’ we render, is voluntarily 

undertaken, because there is a deep rooted 

respect for the dual and different roles of 

father and mother in our society.'' 

Thereza (from Coisa Mais Linda):

“You don’t realize how

strong you are, until
have to be.”

Maxim Gorky:

''Everybody, my friend, everybody lives 

for something better to come. That's 

why we want to be considerate of 

every man - Who knows what's 

in him, why he was born and 

what he can do?''

Randal Cremer:

"The world has passed through a long night of tribulation 

and suffering, millions of our fellow creatures have been

sacrificed to the demon of war; their blood has 

saturated every plain and dyed every ocean.

But courage, friends, courage! The 

darkness is ending, a new day 

is dawning, and the future 

is ours."



''The people in Yemen should know 

that Israel surrendered to Hamas 

after Hamas fired 15 Rockets at 

Dimona Nuclear Site that came 

so close to hitting it, 

Bi Bi Panicked.''




ZeroHedge, May 14th, 2021:


''Hamas Targets Israeli Oil And Nuclear Facilities

With Rocket Attacks. Hamas' militant wing, the 

Al-Qassam Brigades, announced... earlier this 

week that it is deliberately targeting Israel's 

secretive Dimona nuclear reactor site, 

known as the Shimon Peres Negev 

Nuclear Research Centre, which 

lies east of the Gaza Strip, far 

into the Negev Desert.''


''It was on Wednesday that Qassam Brigade spokesmen 

said they were "directing a rocket strike involving 15 

rockets for Dimona" - and, since then, it appears 

rockets have fallen generally in the southerly 

area - but there's since been no reports of 

direct hits anywhere on the complex, or 

damage to the site.''




US magazine News-week:


"On Tuesday (May 11th), at least one rocket appeared 

to score a direct hit, damaging an Ashkelon facility 

connected to the Trans-Israel pipeline running 

from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea."


"The military wing of Palestinian Islamist movement 

Hamas has targeted Israel's nuclear facility, key oil 

facilities and other sites across the country, amid 

a violent escalation between the two sides."


Former Pfizer vice president and 

chief scientific officer, Dr Yeadon:


''I know enough about biotechnology, to know that you can

easily create, shall we say, pathogens, which do not look 

like they are related to what you have done. What’s even 

more horrifying, is you can separate them in time, so an

injection which will later make you ill or kill you, can be 

separated, by design, in time, from that event. So you 

might die a year later of liver cancer or something... 

and you would not connect that.  And, if you can 

imagine... making a smorgasbord of different 

pathogens, so not everybody is going to die 

of the same thing, you, literally, could do 

away with big slices of the population, 

if you want.  And we could all be 

running around like headless 

chickens.This is an attempt 

on global de-population.''

Huey P. Newton: 


''I do not think that life will change for the better, 

without an assault on the Establishment, which 

goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth.''

Cesar Chavez:


''When we are really honest with ourselves, 

we must admit: our lives are all that really

belong to us. So it is how we use our 

lives, that determines the kind of 

men we are.''

From 'Looking Backward' by Edward Bellamy:


''In the first place, it was firmly and sincerely believed 

that there was no other way in which Society could 

get along, except the many pulled at the rope and 

the few rode, and not only this, but that no very 

radical improvement was even possible, either

in the harness, the coach, the roadway, or the

distribution of the toil. It had always been
it was, and it always would be so. It
was a 
pity, but it could not be helped,
philosophy forbade wasting 

compassion, on what was 

beyond remedy.''

Tony Benn:


''The nature of the economic system should be 

a matter for public choice --- and free market 

capitalism should not be accepted without

any discussion of the rich variety of 

alternatives... ''

Túpac Amaru II:


"I have acted, only against the mentioned abuses, and to 

preserve the peace and well-being of Indians, mestizos, 

mambos, as well as native-born whites and blacks."


Alex Rubinstein, independent reporter: 


''It’s important to remember that many of the early 

leaders of NATO, were Nazis. To this day, NATO 

has continued to support neo-Nazis in 

countries like Ukraine, while NATO 

states that hold permitted rallies 

honoring Nazi collaborators... 

are only just now cancelling 

the marches, because of 

the coronavirus, rather 

than stopping the


of Nazism.''

Chinese idiom translated from Mandarin: 


"Read till old and learn till old"

 Edward Young:

''Truth never was indebted to a lie.''

Aretha Franklin:


''You cannot define a person on just one thing. 

You can't just forget all these wonderful and 

good things a person has done, because 

one thing didn't come off the way you 

thought it should come off.''

Blogger, on an elderly Asian lady being kicked 

viciously in the head... as watchers filmed it:


''The US has morally collapsed -- to the 

level of animal survival instincts. This

is the result of decades of rampant 

capitalism, consumerism, and 

putting profits before people.

Only murdering sociopaths 

would want to live there!''

May 13th, in Russia Today (RT):


''Russia, along with the US, is one 

of only a handful of nations, that 

recognizes Jerusalem as the 

capital of Israel.''

Jonathan Swift:


“I never wonder to see men wicked, 

but I often wonder to see them 

not ashamed.”

From 'Looking Backward' by Edward Bellamy:


''The organization of society with you, was such, that 

officials were under constant temptation to misuse 

their power for the private profit of themselves, or 

others. Under such circumstances, it seems 

almost strange that you dared entrust 

them with any of your affairs.'' 

William Hazlitt:


''An honest man speaks the truth, though it may

give offence; a vain man, in order that it may.''

Tony Benn:


''I believe the more difficult the circumstances, 

the more people will be inclined to trust those

 in charge at the moment.''

Yanis Varoufakis:


''So, how did these rulers manage to maintain their power, 

distributing surplus as they pleased, undisturbed by the 

majority? By cultivating an ideology which caused the 

majority to believe, deep in their hearts, that only
rulers had the right to rule.''

William Hazlitt:


''The least pain in our little finger, gives us 

more concern and uneasiness, than

the destruction of millions of our 


Norman Finkelstein:


“Apart from my parents - every family member, 

on both sides, was exterminated by the Nazis.”


Norman Finkelstein:


The Zionists, indeed, learnt well from the 

Nazis. So well, that it seems that their 

morally repugnant treatment of the 

Palestinians - and their attempts to 

destroy Palestinian society within 

Israel and the occupied territories

- reveals them as, basically, Nazis 

with beards and black hats.”

Thomas Jefferson:


''The care of human life and happiness, and 

not their destruction, is the first and only 

object of good government.''

Caitlin Johnstone:


''The mainstream media are keeping the general public 

ignorant of the possibility of, and dire necessity for... 

detente. We are meant to take it as a given, that the 

only option available, is to continue increasing 

aggressions with these two nuclear powers. 

This is a lie, and it is insane. Detente 

absolutely is an option. We do not 

''need'', to keep risking all life on 

earth with this psychotic game 

of nuclear Russian roulette, 

every day, just because a 

few powerful sociopaths 

have decided the US 

empire must retain 

supremacy at 

all cost.''

Dilma Rousseff:


''I'm proud to have lied. Lying under torture isn't easy. 

In the face of torture, a person with dignity lies. 

Enduring torture is very difficult ... The pain is 

unbearable; you can not imagine how painful. 

I am proud to have lied, because I saved my 

comrades from the same torture and 

from death.''

Thomas Paine:

''We have it in our power to 

begin the world over again.''


Bianca Jagger:


''Americans need to understand the 

significance of having their civil 

liberties dismantled. It doesn't 

just affect terrorists and 

foreigners, it affects 

us all.''

Ernestine Rose:

''If you allow one single germ, one single 

seed of slavery to remain in the soil of 

America... that germ will spring up, 

that noxious weed will thrive, and 

again, stifle the growth, wither
leaves, blast the flowers,
poison the fair fruits

Charles Edward Russell:

"As the Standard Oil article in the Atlantic became the 

armory of every person willing to fight for industrial 

freedom, so Wealth Against Commonwealth in later 

years became the great storehouse of information 

to which numbers of able campaigners habitually 

resorted for their facts. Probably millions of men 

read or heard Mr. Lloyd's ideas... without being 

aware of the real authorship. But I judge that 

with this condition, he was well content.
man ever entered such a fight with
smaller share of personal vanity to 

gratify... He desired that his country-

men should be informed of existing 

conditions, but not that he himself 

should gain fame or rewards."

Mohamad Safa, a Lebanese diplomat:


"If the U.S. saw what the U.S. is doing 

in the U.S., the U.S. would invade the 

U.S. to liberate the U.S. from the

tyranny of the U.S."

Vladimir Vysotsky: 


“I always try to find the good in people. 

They will show the bad, themselves.”

April 28th, 2021, Sergey Lavrov: 


''I cannot speak and make guesses on behalf of 
the Ukrainian party & the President of Ukraine 

Vladimir Zelensky, because, by all indications,

his main goal is to stay in power. He is ready

to pay any price, such as pandering to neo-

Nazis and ultra-radicals, who continue to 

brand the Donbass self-defence fighters 

as terrorists.''

Eric Zuesse:


''Instead of fearing to be held to account, like the 

Nazis were at Nuremberg, America’s tyrants face 

no such international prosecutions whatsoever. 

Only good leaders become assassinated in 

America. The Deep State gets rid of them. 

Today’s American Government, is clearly

fascist - and not like Franco was fascist 

but like Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito 

were fascist: imperialistic fascists.''

US president, John Tyler:


''Our wise men flattered us into the adoption 

of the banking system, under the idea that 

boundless wealth would result from the 


Nicholas Murray Butler:


"The US is in sore need today of an aristocracy 

of intellect and service. Because such an 

aristocracy does not exist in the popular 

consciousness; we are bending the 

knee to the golden calf of money"

Kojo Tovalou Houénou:

''Without humanity there is no civilization!''

Bertolt Brecht:


''All the world says: 'yes, we know what’s written

in the books, but now let’s see what our eyes 

tell us'. For time is short and the unknown 

surrounds us; and it isn't enough just to

live unthinking and happy, calmly 

bearing oppression.. and only 

learning wisdom with age.''

Carlos Saavedra Lamas:

''War, implies a lack of comprehension

of mutual national interests; it means 

the undermining -- and even the end -- 

of culture.''


UN Secretary-General António Guterres:


''We must act decisively to protect our planet 

from both the coronavirus & the existential 

threat of climate disruption.''


Vik Muniz:


“The really magical things are the ones that happen

 right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep 

looking for beauty, but it is already there. 

If you look with a bit more intention, 

you see it.”

 Edward Bellamy:


''Competition, which is the instinct of selfishness, is another 

word for the dissipation of energy;- while combination, is 

the secret of efficient production; and not until the idea 

of increasing the individual hoard, gives place to the 

idea of increasing the common stock, can industrial 

combination be realized, and the acquisition of 

wealth, really begin.''

Proverbs 26:17:

''Whoever meddles in a quarrel not his own

is like one who takes a passing dog by

the ears. ''

Phil Ochs:

''The fortunes of the entire world, may well ride

on the ability of young Americans.. to face the 

responsibilities of an old America, gone mad.''

James Madison Jr.:


''Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; 

and a people who mean to be their own 

governors, must arm themselves with 

the power which knowledge gives.''

CIA's John Brennan:


''The only language 

bullies understand, 

is a bleeding nose.''



''As great edifices collapse of their own weight, 

so Heaven sets a similar limit to the growth of 

prosperous states.''

John Denver:


''There has never been a time on Earth like we see today. 

What we need are more ways to experience our inter-

connectedness - it is a precursor to deep love. So,

 in this quickening light, with the dawn of each 

new day, let us look for love. Let us no longer 

struggle. Let us ever become.. who we most 

want to be. As we begin to be who we truly 

are, the world will be a better place.''

Albert Schweitzer:

The first step in the evolution of ethics, 

is a sense of solidarity with other 

human beings.''

Writer Whitney Webb: 


“What they want, is for you to get used to 

the idea of ratting out your neighbours.”

Soame Jenyns:


''Those who profess outrageous zeal for the liberty 
and prosperity of their country, and at the same
infringe her laws, affront her religion
and debauch 
her people, are but
despicable quacks.''

Ibn Hazm:


''If you attend, only behave like a man wishing to 

expand his knowledge and seeking a higher 

reward from God. Do not act like a man 

content with what he holds...  who is 

waiting for a 'weakness' (from some-

one) to criticize (it or him), or for an 

oddity to raise. This will be acting 

like vile people, who have never 

mastered science.''

Richard Price:


''The noblest principle in our nature, is the regard to 

general justice, and that good-will which embraces 

all the world.''    

Naom Chomsky:


''We may recall that ...Winston Churchill authorized 

the use of chemical weapons "against recalcitrant 

Arabs as an experiment," denouncing the 

"squeamishness" of those who objected 

to him "using poisoned gas against 

uncivilised tribes," mainly Kurds, 

a policy he strongly favoured,

expecting that it "would 

spread a lively terror." 


''For England itself, he had somewhat different plans. 

As Home Secretary in 1910 he had secretly proposed 

sterilization of 100,000 "mental degenerates" and the 

dispatch of tens of thousands of others to state-run

labour camps so as to save the "British race" from

inevitable decline if its "inferior" members are 

allowed to breed, ideas that were within the 

bounds of enlightened opinion of the day,

but have been kept secret in Home
files because of their
after  they were

taken up by

Frank Herbert:


''Power does not corrupt... What it does 

do, however, is attract the corruptible.''




''Reports in the '90s, before the non-stop post 911 era 

shut down decent scientific social studies, proved 

that abusers are attracted to jobs like cops, 

teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers

and banking... and anywhere money is 

handled, such as benefits offices and 

AP departments\treasury, passport

offices, DMV and information 


Dmitry Kozak, President Vladimir Putin’s

deputy chief of staff --- who is Ukrainian:


“I support those assessments that exist within Ukraine,

 that the start of hostilities is the beginning of the end

 for the country. This is a self-inflicted shot, a shot

 not in the leg, but in the temple.”  

Seymour Hersh, honest US writer:


''The day after 9/11, we should have gone to Russia. 

We did the one thing that George Kennan warned 

us never to do - to expand NATO too far.''

James Otis Jr.:

''What must be the wealth that
aided by power,
cannot exhaust!''

John Cruddas, British MP: 

''Labour has broken its covenant
with the working class.''



''You pray for good health and a body that will be 

strong in old age. Good - but your rich foods 

block God's answer and tie his hands.''




Jonathan Swift:


''Vision is the art of seeing
what is invisible to others.''

Matthew Ehret:


''The only pathway to avoiding the collapse of the financial 

system & a thermonuclear war, is to be found in imposing 

Natural Law, vigorously, upon the claimed “debts” which 

Wall Street, & the City of London, wishes to have bailed

out. The expression of this Natural Law takes the form 

of the restoration of Glass-Steagall laws across the 

trans-Atlantic economies - eliminating the $1.5 

quadrillion debt bomb, before it explodes - and 

returning to the principles of national banking 

for all countries. Under such a reform, and by

joining in common interest with other states

in the Eurasian zone --- a commitment to 

progress and security can be realized, 

and such poisonous agendas as the 

Great Reset, can be avoided.''

Thaddeus Stevens, US House of Representatives:


''I wish the Indians had newspapers of their own.

If they had -- you would have horrible pictures of

the cold-blooded murders of inoffensive Indians.''

Nicholas Murray Butler:


''The world is divided into three kinds of people: 

A very small group that makes things happen; 

a somewhat larger group that watches things 

happen; and a great multitude that never 

knows what has happened.''

Aretha Franklin:


''I think, it would be a far greater 

world if people were kinder and

more respectful to each other.''


This, from The Australian, the Murdoch

owned national newspaper of Australia:


“Zhao is a piss and wind functionary --- a bureaucrat 

perfectly suited to serving a totalitarian government. 

Wolf warrior? More a propaganda panda. Think of 

Squealer from George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’, the 

obsequious manipulator, who, at the behest of 

his master, Napoleon, spreads disinformation 

throughout the socialist collective to bolster 

the supremacy of his fellow pigs.”

Autralian blogger:


''Three Australian PM's who sought better tries with Asia

were ousted with the help of the US & UK. Those who

obediently follow the US are rewarded with lucrative 

positions brokered by the US.''



''The man who has sufficient power over himself 

to wait until his nature has recovered its even 

balance, is the truly wise man, but such 

beings are seldom met with.''

Germaine Greer:

''Evolution is what it is. The upper classes have 

always died out; it's one of the most charming 

things about them.''

On the West's terror on China, Finian Cunningham:


''Due to the 2-decade-old US-led war in Afghanistan 

there has been a serious problem for the Chinese 

authorities - from the radicalization of the Uyghur 

population. Thousands of fighters from Xinjiang 

have trained with the Taliban in Afghanistan, &

taken their “global jihad” to Syria, and Central 

Asian countries. It's their stated objective: to 

return to Xinjiang & liberate it as a caliphate 

of East Turkestan, separate from China.''

Top French Military Commander
Colonel Jacques Hogard:

''This NATO aggression against Serbia over Kosovo in

1999, constitutes a violation of international law, a 

violation of respect for the sovereignty of States, 

a violation of intangible respect of borders.''

Albert Schweitzer:

''Example is not the main thing 

in influencing others. It is the 

only thing.''


In 1787, Virginia governor, Edmund Randolph: 


“Our chief danger, arises from the democratic

 parts of our constitutions.” 




Winston Churchill: 


"The best argument against democracy 

is a five-minute conversation with the 

average voter."



'Reply from average voter:


''Talk about the pot 

calling the kettle black.''



Reply from woke US person:


''Excuse me but the correct

 term now is Kettle of Color.''



Reply from average voter:


''Excuse me, but the 'correct' 

term now, is kettle of colour,

but I prefer to keep it black.''


Charles W Pickering:


"A healthy democracy requires a decent society; 

it requires that we are honorable, generous, 

tolerant and respectful."

Huey P. Newton: 


''During those long years in Oakland public schools, 

I didn't have one teacher who taught me anything

relevant to my own life, or experience. Not one 

instructor ever awoke in me a desire to learn 

more or to question or to explore the worlds 

of literature, science, and history. All they 

did was try to rob me of the sense of my 

own uniqueness and worth, and, in the 

process, nearly killed my urge to 


Jack London:


“And who knows what Romance, what Adventure, what Love, 

is lurking around the next turn of the road, ready to leap out 

on us, if we’ll only travel that far?”

Huey P. Newton:


''I think what motivates people is not great

 hatred, but great love...  for other people.''

Putin, in his January 27th 2021 Davos speech: 


''We are ready for this, we want this, and we will strive 

to make this happen. But love is impossible, if it is 

declared only by one side. It must be mutual.''

Yevgeny Zamyatin:


“I am aware of myself. And, of course, the only things 

that are aware of themselves and conscious of their

 individuality, are irritated eyes, cut fingers, sore 

teeth. A healthy eye, finger, tooth, might as
not even be there. Isn't it clear that
consciousness is
just sickness?”

Frank Harris:


''Since Luther, we have been living 

in a centrifugal movement, in a 

wild individualism, where all 

ties of love and affection 

have been loosened...''

In his book, Killing Hope, author and journalist William Blum:


''The United States remains committed to its all- too- familiar 

policy of establishing and/or supporting the most vile 

tyrannies in the world, whose outrages against their 

own people confront us daily in the pages of our 

newspapers: brutal massacres; systematic, 

sophisticated torture; public whippings; 

soldiers and police firing into crowds; 

government supported death squads; 

tens of thousands of disappeared 

persons; extreme economic 


Ludwig Quidde:


''The security of which we speak, is to be attained

by the development of international law, through 

an international organization, based on the

principles of law and justice.''




Professor, S. Eastern Norway University, Glenn Diesen:


''Liberal hegemony as a value-based international order 

contradicts the concept of a rules-based order. A rules
based system infers the consistent application of 

international law, while a values-based system 

endows the liberal hegemon with the 

prerogative of a selective and 

inconsistent application 

of international laws 

and rules.''

 An editor at Russia in Global Affairs journal, Glenn Diesen:


''The West will insist on maintaining that liberal hegemony

- due to a commitment and belief in liberal values, among 

elites (although that is no longer uniform) - while Russia 

and China will reject a value-based system instrumental

to imposing an untenable unipolar order. There is no 

going back, as the world has moved on, although 

the West is not yet ready to move forward.''

  James Allen:


''Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, 

but are unwilling to improve themselves; they

 therefore, remain bound.''


Simone Weil:


''The only way into truth, is through 

one's own annihilation; through 

dwelling, for a long time, in a
of extreme and total 

 Gamal Abdel Nasser:


“The age of isolation is gone. And gone are the days 

in which barbed wire served as demarcation lines, 

separating and isolating countries from one 

another. No country can escape looking 

beyond its boundaries, to find the 

source of the currents which 

influence how it can live 

with others.”

Benito Juárez:


''Among individuals, as among nations,

respect for the rights of others,

 is peace.''

Arundhati Roy:


“Historically... pandemics have forced humans to 

break with the past & imagine their world anew. 

This one is no different. It is a portal, a gate-

way, between one world and the next.” 

Gabriel García Márquez:


''It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams 

because they grow old, they grow old because 

they stop pursuing dreams.''

Thomas Paine:


"He that would make his own liberty secure, must 

guard even his enemy from oppression; for, if he 

violates this duty, he establishes a precedent, 
will reach to himself." 




''Two weeks to Flatten the Curve, 

they said. This is a long
two weeks...''



''You will not hear one doctor say,

an apple a day keeps the doctor


Randal Cremer:


''All the vested interests, and people who profit by war, 

will, with the journals they control, resolutely oppose

any reduction of armaments.''

Nina Simone:

''I’ll tell you what freedom is to me. No fear!''

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan:


"Today’s world is travelling in some strange direction. 

You see that the world is going toward destruction 

and violence. And the speciality of violence, is to 

create hatred among people, and fear. I am a 

believer in non-violence, and I say, that no 

peace or tranquillity will descend upon 

the people of the world, until non-

violence is practiced, because 

non-violence is love, and it 

stirs courage in people."

Jiddu Krishnamurti:


''It is no measure of health -- to be well-

adjusted to a profoundly sick society.'' 

 Swami Vivekananda:


“Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.” 

In 2014, after US sanctions on Russia's space

industry, the then deputy PM, Dmitry Rogozin: 


''The US should use a trampoline

 to send its astronauts to space.'' 



In 2020, after a SpaceX launch, Elon Musk:


 “The trampoline is working!”



Now, chief of Russia's Space Agency,

Roscosmos, in 2021, Dmitry Rogozin:


 “Apparently, the trampoline 

only works so-so.”

Proverbs 24:17 New King James Version:


Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, 

And do not let your heart be glad 

when he stumbles;

Bertolt Brecht:


“The first time it was reported that our friends were 

being butchered, there was a cry of horror. Then a 

hundred were butchered. But when a thousand 

were butchered and there was no end to the 

butchery, a blanket of silence spread.

When evil-doing comes like falling 

rain, nobody calls out "stop!"

Stephen Gaskin: 


“Enlightenment --- is getting off 

your tail and doing something.”

Louis Bromfield:

''This other war, the war on the destruction of natural assets,

is one that will never be finished. Our weakness in this vast 

war is largely ignorance ---  that most of our citizens do not 

realize what is going on under their very feet.''

Jakob Wassermann:


“The way individuals live together:  the truth of each individual 

is only the truth of his own narrow perspective. The entirety 

of mankind and of human qualities is always seen through 

a prism, where its colours are broken. Observation is so 

utterly different from experience; there is no hope of 

fusing their contradictions, as the I and the not I 

have been foes, from the world's beginning.”

Mao Zedong:


''I have witnessed the tremendous energy 

of the masses. On this foundation, it is 

possible to accomplish any task 


''Joe'' Biden:


“I think it’s about time we stop... apologizing for 

our support for Israel... It is the best $3 billion

investment we make. Were there not an

Israel, the United States of America

would have to invent an Israel, 

to protect her (sic) interests 

in the region.”

Alessandro Manzoni:


''Bullies, oppressors, and all men who do violence 

to the rights of others are guilty, not only of their 

own crimes, but also of the corruption they 

bring into the hearts of their victims.''

Boris Gryzlov, Russia's Contract Group delegation

head, regarding Donbass becoming part of Russia:


[Kiev's actions are] "absolutely irresponsible 

and aggressive." [and] "set themselves up 

for its certain implementation."

Eva Bartlett, Canadian independent journalist, 

& activist. Reach her on Twitter @EvaKBartlett:


''Western media have, predictably, remained silent 

on Ukraine's crimes, painting the defenders of 

Donbass as “pro-Russian separatists” - with 

no context as to what people in Donbass 

actually want. From what I heard there, 

all they want, is autonomy from the 

criminal government in Ukraine 

and, above all, an end to

the war.''

Linus Pauling:


''The way to get good ideas 

is to get lots of ideas - and 

throw the bad ones away.''

Muhammad Ali:


''My way of joking, is to tell the truth. 

That's the funniest joke in the world.''

Peter De Vries:


''Everybody hates me because

I'm so universally liked.''

Angela Walker, about Joe Biden: 


“Well, I worked for him and I can tell you

he is incompetent and in it for power, 

the compassion image is

bulls**t optics.” 

Stephen Gaskin: 


''Now, truth’s a funny trip, because if you really up and 

try to do it, there’s going to be some resistance. If you

are going to try to speak some truth, there’s going to 

be somebody around who’s got a hand in the till or a 

skeleton in their closet, or an ace up their sleeve,
some extra ego in their back pocket.... who is
going to want you to talk. There are various 

ways that they’ll try to keep you from talking, 

and you have to pay attention to them. If you 

start to say something that’s true, insist on 

saying it until you’re finished saying it.
not let yourself be interrupted
when you 
are speaking truth,
because it 
cheapens the
truth, to let 
it be


''It is also possible to be a pain in the rear about truth, 

or anything else. I have been helped sometimes by 

an old yogic saying, “Truth is good, but it also 

needs to be helpful, necessary, and kind.”''

Charles Sumner:


''Senators undertake to disturb us.. by reminding us of 

the possibility of large numbers swarming from China;- 

but the answer to all this is very obvious & very simple. 

If the Chinese come here they will come for citizenship 

or merely for labour. If they come for citizenship, then,

in this desire, do they give a pledge of loyalty to our 

institutions; and where is the peril in such vows? 

They are peaceful & industrious;-  how can 

their citizenship be the occasion
of solicitude?

Zbigniew Brzezinski, in 1970: 


“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance 

of a more controlled society. Such a society would be 

dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional 

values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost 

continuous surveillance over every citizen and 

maintain up-to-date complete files containing 

even the most personal information about 

the citizen. These files will be subject to

instantaneous retrieval by 

the authorities.”

George Thomas "Mickey" Leland: 


''I am as much a citizen of the world, as I am of this country.

To hell with those people who are critical of what I am able

 to do, to help save people’s lives.... I don’t mean to sound 

hokey, but I grew up on the Christian ethic, which says 

we are supposed to help the least of our brothers.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:


''It is not meant at all that people should be able to 

perform wonders or miracles;- it is only intended 

that they should live a fuller life & become real 

human beings... in order to bring about better 

conditions in the world. What do we want?.. 

We want human beings. It is not necessary

that everyone should become religious, or 

exceedingly pious, or too good to live. We 

want wise men in business, in politics, in 

education, in all walks of life; those who 

do not live only on the surface and 

those who do not believe only in 

matter, but who see life, both 

within & without. It is such 

souls, who will produce 

beauty; it is such souls 

who will harmonize the 

world... who will bring 

about the conditions 

we need today.''

Prince Philip of Mountbatten in a 1988 interview::


“The more people there are, the more resources 

they will consume, the more pollution they will
the more fighting they will do. We have
no option.... 
If it is not controlled voluntarily, it
will be controlled 
involuntarily, by an increase
in disease, 
starvation and war. In the event
I am reincarnated, I would like to
as a deadly virus, in order to
something to solve

Dr Richard Price:


''What has the love of their country hitherto been 

among mankind? What has it been but a love of 

domination; a desire of conquest, and a thirst 

for grandeur and glory, by extending territory, 

and enslaving surrounding countries? What 

has it been but a blind and narrow principle, 

producing in every country a contempt of 

other countries, and forming men into 

combinations and factions against 

their common rights and liberties? 



''What was the love of their country among the Jews,

but a wretched partiality to themselves and a proud 

contempt of all other nations? What was the love of 

their country among the old Romans? We have 

heard much of it; but I cannot hesitate in 

saying that, however great it appeared 

in some of its exertions... it was, in 

general, no better than a principle 

--- holding together a band of 

robbers, in their attempts 

to crush all liberty,
their own.''

George Washington:


''If the freedom of speech is taken away 

then dumb and silent we may be led, 

like sheep to the slaughter.''



World tennis champion Novak 

Djokovic's dad, Srdjan Djokovic:


"All normal people in the world love him. 

Have you ever wondered why he plays 

best in China? He feels love there, real 

love – something he is not allowed to 

experience in the west. In the west 

they think that only they exist, but 

they are only a fifth of the world.

The western media... have only 

focused on Federer and Nadal, 

and didn't pay any attention
Novak. That was the
only way 
to stop him.''



“Just to tell you a small story, I first practiced with 

Novak when I was 500 or 600 in the world. He was 

already number one and had just won Wimbledon. 

I thought, ‘OK, he’s not going to speak to me' 

- because the guy was a god for me. I was 

really shy, [but] he was talking to me like 

I was a friend. He’s never changed - he’s 

always been a great sport, and a great

friend. He’s a great guy.”

Nikos Kazantzakis:


''What a miracle life is, and how alike are 

all souls, when they send their roots 

down deep and meet and are one!''

 CEO of Pento Portfolio Strategies, Michael Pento: 


“What is going to happen when the multiple trillions of dollars 

in junk bonds, that have been pushed to the lowest yields to 

treasuries ever, the lowest nominal yields ever, blow up?

The entire fixed income market, which is exponentially 

bigger than GameStop, is about to blow, due to

insolvency and inflation. Watch out!

Ella Josephine Baker:


“One of the things that has to be faced, is the process of waiting

 to change the system - how much we have got to do - to find out 

who we are, where we have come from and where we're going.”

Nikos Kazantzakis:


''Nothing is nearer to us than heaven. 

The earth is beneath our feet, and 

we tread upon it, but heaven is

 within us.''

Dan Glazebrook:


''Enter Hadi - “empire’s man”, as Blumi puts it. Vice President 

under Saleh, for almost two decades, Hadi... was a reliable

regime stooge, but without Saleh’s growing impertinence.

Ordained by the priesthood of global capital, his official 

mandate was to embark on a process of 'reconciliation' 

and prepare the country for elections. Instead, he made

a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, which allowed him 

to sideline the country’s two main popular movements 

- Ansar Allah in the north, and Hirak, the separatist 

movement in the South - and proceeded to steam-

roller the country into membership of the WTO.


''This process required the usual - long discredited – “shock

 therapy”, of unrestrained privatization. Hadi immediately 

privatized 11 of the 12 main sectors of the economy, 

with 78 of 160 “subsectors” listed for immediate 

“liberalization”. At the same time, he exposed 

Yemen’s private sector to instant “free market”

 competition from global multinationals, costing

 thousands of jobs. In other words, says Blumi, 

Hadi “proceeded to literally sell off Yemen, to 

Saudi and Qatari interests...under no legal or 

electoral pressure, Hadi’s government was 

the ideal vehicle to plunder Yemen”.


Sayyed Nasrallah to Israelis: 


''Stop Playing with Fire, We 

are in the Resistance Era.''

Germaine Greer:


''Even crushed against his brother in the 

Tube, the average Englishman pretends 

desperately, that he is alone.''

Ramiro Funez, political commentator:


''The illusion known as the "American Dream" has been unveiled. 

The year 2020, which is symbolic of clear vision, has exposed

 the multiple and interconnected crises bringing down the US 

empire. The house of cards is crumbling before our own eyes.

 Poverty and unemployment... are skyrocketing. Homelessness

is rising. Police killings & foreign occupations are intensifying. 

the infrastructure is crumbling. Meanwhile, the United States -

the richest and most powerful country on the planet - has the 

highest COVID-19 infection and death rates. To top it off, the 

myth that true political change in the US comes from the 

ballot box, is being dispelled. Election season calamity, 

a symptom of growing political instability, is rocking 

the foundations of the so-called "American Dream", 

like an earthquake. Millions of immigrant families 

(including my own) are now realizing that the 

United States is a crumbling empire. If
want futures marked by peace & 

prosperity, we should not look to 

Washington and Wall Street.
should look to Tehran,
and Caracas.''

Edmond François Valentin About:


''Marriage, in life, is like a 
duel in the midst of a battle.''

A Palestinian:


"Don't ever blame the Jews for the evil deeds of Zionists; 

they are not the same people.  The Jews walk with God, 

and the Zionists walk with the Devil."

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: 


“Those people who are responsible for foreign policy

in the West do not understand the need for mutually

respectful conversation. Probably, we should just 

stop communicating with them for a while.”

Sardar Patel:


''Faith is no good in the absence of strength. 

Faith and strength, both are essential to 

accomplish any great work.''

Ibn Hazm:


''The use of science in the practice of virtue, is 

considerable: the man who knows the beauty
virtue, will follow it, however possible.

the evil of wrong, he will avoid it,
possible. He listens to worthy
praise, and 
keeps his distance from
unworthy praise. 

From this, it is derived that science has a 

part in every virtue, and that ignorance 

has a part in every vice.

A man who is 
illiterate and who still
practices virtue, 
must be extremely
pure, a virtuous 

This is the state of Prophets, 
God conveyed goodness 
to them,
without them acquiring it 

from men.''

Bertolt Brecht:


''The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, 

he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor 

participates in political events.... 

He doesn’t know the cost of life, 

the price of a bean, of a fish, of 

the flour, of the rent, of the 

shoes and of the medicine, 

all of which, depends on 

political decisions.'' 


''The political illiterate is so stupid, that he is proud 

and swells his chest, saying that he hates politics. 

The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political 

ignorance, is born the prostitute, the abandoned 

child, and, the worst thieves of all, the bad 

politicians, the corrupted flunkies of the 

national and multinational companies.”

Thomas Paine:


''Suspicion, is the companion of mean 

souls, and the bane of all good society.''

August Strindberg:


“I, too, am beginning to feel an immense need 

to become a savage and create a new world.”

Robert Norton Noyce:


''If ethics are poor at the top, that behaviour 

is copied down through the organization.'' 

Malcolm Kendrick, doctor, author

and GP in the NHS in England:


''During January, it has been reported, more than 450 people

were catching Covid-19 every day while in hospital in 

England for other medical reasons. Which means 

that, over the course of the month, nearly one

in 10 people in hospital were infected.

One in 10… 10 percent... 


''This figure is also likely to be significantly underestimated. 

My own experience is that hospital managers are 

extremely keen to find any possible explanation 

for a positive test, other than that their patient 

caught it while in hospital. They must have 

got it at home, or in the ambulance, or in 

a care home, etc.''

Sinclair Lewis:


"When fascism comes to America 

it will be wrapped in the flag 

and carrying a cross."

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan:

"The British feared a nonviolent Pashtun more than a 

violent one. All the horrors the British perpetrated
the Pashtuns had only one purpose:
to provoke 
them to violence."

Blogger, replying to Biden's speech claiming
US ''moral leadership'' of the whole world:


‘moral leadership & defend democracy’.... 

It's not April yet, and this fool is cracking

 jokes...  But it was a funny one:  "moral 
& democracy"  - Haaaaaaaaaaaa. 

Almeida Garrett:


''I ask the political economists and the moralists

 if they have ever calculated the number of

 individuals who must be condemned to 

misery, overwork, demoralisation, 

degradation, rank ignorance, 

overwhelming misfortune 

and utter penury, in 

order to produce 

  one rich man.''    

Simone Weil:


''When once a certain class of people 

has been placed by the temporal 

and spiritual authorities outside 

the ranks of those whose life 

has value --- then nothing 

comes more naturally 

to men than murder.''


 Ilya Tsukanov:


''Recently CBS asked what US citizens 

think is the biggest threat to the USA.

57% of those surveyed, named other 

people in the US. Only 7% think that 

the biggest threat is other states.'' 

Dr. Thomas M. Lister:

''The only country that stands in the way of their goal of a 

Zionist Rothschild's New World Order, is Russia; & that's

 because President Vladimir Putin, is her leader.  Should

 President Putin be removed from power, what Zionists 

have done to the US & the Middle East, they will then

do to Mother Russia, because real Jews & Christians 

within Russia, will not have the power to stop them.'' 


Sardar Patel:


''The negligence of a few could easily send a ship to the 

bottom, but if it has the wholehearted co-operation of 

all on board, it can be safely brought to port.''

Franklin D. Roosevelt:

''If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science 

of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all 

kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.''



''Our life is our own to-day, to-morrow you will be dust, 

a shade, and a tale that is told. Live mindful of death; 

the hour flies.''

Rudyard Kipling:


“There is no sin so great as 

ignorance. Remember this.”

José Martí:


''He who could have been a torch 
& stoops to being a pair of jaws 

is a deserter.''

André Gide:


''Everything has been said before... but since 

nobody listens, we have to keep going back 

and beginning all over again.''

Jane Fonda:


''Some people are surprised that the Republicans are waging a war

 on women, or that they voted against equal pay for women. I'm not

 surprised at all. In some ways, it may be a good thing. They're

 defending the patriarchy, which is a wounded beast! And 

wounded beasts are always dangerous.''

Sir Gerald Kaufman, UK MP, after visiting Gaza in 2009:


"My grandmother was ill in bed, when the Nazis came to her

home town.  A German soldier shot her dead in her bed.  My 

grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers 

murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza.  The present 

Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the 

continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of 

Jews in the Holocaust, as a justification for their

murder of Palestinians."   



''Corbyn's labour was a threat to certain people 

and it has been dealt with. Starmer and the 

blairites now own the party.


I wonder what Hardie and Bevan might have said 

if someone told them that, in 2020, their labour 

party would be governed by a right wing,

 titled, millionaire zionist.......


And Labour keep sending me emails 

begging for money....... hahahahaha''

Arnon Soffer, adviser to PM Ariel Sharon in
2004, said, of the "Palestinian problem":  


"We will have to kill and kill
and kill. All day, every day." 

Syrian President Bashar Assad to Syria's press in 2019: 


''All US presidents commit crimes and end up taking the 

Nobel Prize and appear as a defender of human rights 

& the ‘unique’ & ‘brilliant’ US or Western principles, 

but all they are, is a group of criminals who only 

represent the interests of the USA's lobbies of 

large corporations in weapons, oil & others. 

Trump speaks with transparency to say, 

'We want the oil.' I tell you, he [Trump] 

is the best US president. Why? Not 

because his policies are good.. but 

because he's the most transparent 

US president.  What do we want... 
than a transparent foe?”

Adam Phillips:


A guy goes in to see a psychologist.

He says, "It seems I can't make any 

friends. Can you help me, you 

fat slob?"

As the Chinese say farewell to Donald,

the most common words and phrases 

under the Global Times posts include:

 ''Destruction, dishonest, selfish, populism, 

McCarthyism, unilateralism, protectionism, 

anti-globalization, untrustworthy, messy, 

crazy, arrogant, uncertainty, low-credit, 

funny, laughable, gravedigger of US 

hegemony, and enemy to pro-US 


Martin Luther King Jr.:

''It is either nonviolence or nonexistence and the alternative

 to disarmament, the alternative to a greater suspension in 

nuclear tests, the alternative to strengthening the United 

Nations and thereby disarming the whole world, may 

well be a civilization plunged into the abyss of 


Frank B. Kellogg:

''It is idle to say that nations can struggle to outdo each 

other in building armaments and never use them. 

History demonstrates the contrary, and we 

have but to go back to the last war, to 

see the appalling effect of nations 

competing in great armaments.''

Patrice Lumumba wrote to his wife 

and children days before his death

after the CIA and Belgian torture:

"No brutality, mistreatment or torture has broken me 

because I prefer to die with my head held high, with 

unshakable faith and deep trust in the future of my 

country, than to live in submission and trampling 

on sacred principles." 

Martin Luther King Jr.:

''It is not enough, to say we must not wage war. 

It is necessary to love peace and sacrifice for it.''



''There are a hundred thousand people with COVID in 

hospitals in the United States. And this is presented 

as a disaster. I'm sorry, but it's not a disaster, it's
disgrace. One hundred thousand patients, in a 

country of 350 million, is not a disaster, it is a 

very low figure. How poor the American health 

care system is, if they treat people in tents. It
a shame and disgrace. My naive hope for a 

pandemic, was that governments would start 

paying more attention to strengthening their

national health systems. That's logical, isn't

 it ? For decades, we have seen the decline 

in the number of hospitals, beds per capita 

and so on... We almost don't know what 

quality medical care is, especially free 

of charge. We see the same situation 

all over the world. The pandemic has

struck. & governments continue to

 increase military budgets and cut 

funding for health systems. They 

are ready to lose a huge part of 

the budget due to lockdowns... 

but still do not care about their

health systems. What nonsense! 

And we see it in every country. 

People, instead of using the 

situation to demand improve-

ments in the national health 

system, are obsessed with

conspiracy theories......
scared to death
the virus.''

Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet and
author of 'The COVID-19 Catastrophe':


“Workers have been bullied and forced to see patients 

who clearly have or are suspected of having Covid-19 

- without PPE. When they raise concerns, they are 

belittled or threatened. It’s horrifying to see the

lack of concern by some NHS management.”

Sylvia Townsend Warner:


“Truth has beauty, power, and necessity.”

Julius Caesar:


“If you must break the law, do it to 

seize power: in all other cases, 

observe it.”





Sardar Patel:


''It is the prime responsibility of every citizen to feel that 

his country is free, and to defend its freedom is his duty.'' 

Phil Ochs:


''Leaving America is like losing twenty 

pounds, and finding a new girlfriend.''

German Foreign Minister, Herr Maas:


“We do not need to talk about European sovereignty

 if it means that, in the future, we will only do every-

thing Washington wants. The federal government 

will not change its position on Nord Stream 2.”

Top French Military Commander,

Colonel Jacques Hogard:

''Europe Died When NATO Illegally

 Ripped Out Serbia's Heart in 1999'' 

Matt Groening:


“Aren’t we forgetting the true meaning of 

Christmas. You know, the birth of Santa?”

Jane Fonda:


''I grew up with a deep belief that, wherever 

our troops fought, they were on the side of

 the angels. I took every chance I could, to 

meet with US soldiers. I talked with them 

and read the books they gave me about 

the war. I decided I needed to return to 

my country and join with them -- active 

duty soldiers and Vietnam Veterans in
particular -- to try and end the war.''

A.N.R. Robinson:

''A union which is not based on justice,

on human rights and realism

is no real unity and 

will not last...''

Jane Fonda:


''What we view in the media - and who presents it to us - 

does so much to determine how we think, how we feel 

about ourselves, and how we view the world.''

Frank B. Kellogg:


''Certain it is, that a great responsibility rests upon the statesmen

 of all nations, not only to fulfill the promises for a reduction in 

armaments, but to maintain the confidence of the people

 of the world, in the hope of an enduring peace.''

Ella Josephine Baker:


“Until the killing of black men, black mothers' sons, becomes 

as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white 

mother's sons, we who believe in freedom, cannot rest, until

 this happens.”

Character in US film The Day After (1983):


''Stupidity has a habit of getting its way.''

Phil Ochs:

''Leave the old and dying America and use your creative energies 

to help form a new America, which would be de-militarized, more

 humanistic, where the police are less hostile and closer to the 

community, where the wealthy are not given unleashed power 

for the exploitation of the people. And, mostly, because it's now

 a matter of life and death, reassert an ecological balance with 

the environment, which means the people in the oil companies

 and the car companies and the space industry and all the other 

industries will have to be brought into account, so that there will 

be a new definition of government which has to be closer to the 

people and less close to special interests --- which are far more 

harmful than any revolutionaries.''

Dr Lisa McKenzie:


''UNICEF, the United Nations agency responsible for 

providing humanitarian and developmental aid to 

children, which usually works in third world 

countries sending back reports and images 

of starving black youngsters with swollen 

bellies, has stepped into the breach to 

help feed British families.The agency 

has announced there is a ‘domestic 

emergency’ and, for the first time 

since it was founded 74 years 

ago, will provide emergency 

aid to the sum of £25,000, to 

provide breakfast boxes for 

about 1,800 children during

December's school break

 in South London.''

Dilma Rousseff:

''The current generation of world leaders - our generation - is 

also being called to face significant challenges concerning 

peace, collective security and the environment. We have 

been unable to solve old disputes and to prevent new 

threats. The use of force is incapable of eliminating 

the underlying causes of conflict.''

Ella Josephine Baker:


“Oppressed people, whatever their level of formal education, 

have the ability to understand and interpret the world around 

them, to see the world for what it is, and move to transform it.”

Robert Norton Noyce:


“Don’t be encumbered by history, just 

go out and do something wonderful.”

Inayat Khan:


 ''If we respond to goodness, goodness becomes our property.

 If we respond to evil, then evil becomes our property. If we 

respond to love, then love becomes our possession.''

Ella Josephine Baker:


“Give light and people will find the way.”



''Please not yourself the flattering crowd to hear;

'Tis fulsome stuff, to please your itching ear.

Survey your soul, not what you appear,

But what you are.''

Ken Dodd:


“I told the Inland Revenue I didn't owe them 

a penny, because I lived near the seaside”

Jonathan Swift:


''A man should never be ashamed to own that he has 

been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is 

wiser today, than yesterday.''

Ibn Hazm:


''If you attend our meetings, strictly adopt three 

attitudes; there is no fourth. First:  You can lock 

yourself in the silence of ignorance. Second: If 

you do not behave as such, ask questions a 

man seeking to learn asks. This man will 

ask only about what he does not know, 

not about what he knows. Third: You 

can answer like a scientist, refuting 

clearly the other’s arguments. If 

you are not capable of that,
not insist.''

US Secretary of State Pompeo:


''Venezuela's electoral fraud has already been committed. 

The results announced by the illegitimate Maduro regime 

will not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. What is 

happening today is a fraud and a sham, not an election.''





Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza: 


“A zombie has spoken! Although, according to his Boss,

 there was fraud in the US elections. Secretary Pompeo,

take truth calmly and resignedly: in Venezuela, your 

failure is absolute.''

Norman Finkelstein:


“I think Israel, as a number of commentators pointed out, is 

becoming an insane state. And we have to be honest about 

that. While the rest of the world wants peace, Europe wants 

peace, the US wants peace, but this state wants war, war 

and war.”

Sylvia Townsend Warner:


“Nine people out of ten (in Germany and England, 

perhaps ten people) would rather wait for their 

rights than fight for their rights.”

Jonathan Swift:

''We have enough religion to make us hate, 

but not enough to make us love one another.''



''Let the wicked see the beauty of virtue, 

and pine at having forsaken her.''

Mu Lu :

''Whether or not the West will accept it, 

the belief the West is the centre of the 

world, will eventually come to an end.''


''We consume our tomorrows 

fretting about our yesterdays.''

''But when to-morrow comes, yesterday's morrow 

will have been already spent: and lo! a fresh 

morrow will be for ever making away with

 our years, each just beyond our grasp.''

Jonathan Swift:

''The best doctors in the world are Doctor 

Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.''

Tom Fowdy:

''By limiting access to China’s AI and rare earth metals, 

Beijing is responding to [President Trump’s] endless 

stream of sanctions. But this latest move is set to 

cause big problems for the companies that work 

with the US military. The new regulations are
to control items said to be vital to the
national security ---- including
military items, 
strategic technologies,
intelligence algorithms,
most strikingly, rare
mineral exports.'' 

James Allen:

''The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. 

Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit 

and you reap a character. Sow a character 

and you reap a destiny.''

Graham Hryce, Australian journalist and former media lawyer:


''Nine soldiers who had served in Afghanistan (a particularly 

vulnerable group of veterans, even before recent events) 

have committed suicide in the past three weeks. The 

soldiers – one woman and eight men – were aged

from their early 20s, to their 50s.''


 Jonathan Swift:


''Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do 

generally discover everybody's face but their own.''

  James Allen:


''If your real desire is to be good, there is no need to wait 

for the money before you do it; you can do it now, 

this very moment, and just where you are.''

Hassan Rouhani, Iran's President:

''The relationship between Iran and the United States, is 

a complicated and difficult question. There is a chronic 

wound, which is difficult to heal. However, it is not

impossible --- provided there is goodwill and 

mutual respect between the two countries.“



Aneurin Bevan:


''No society can legitimately call itself civilized, 

if a sick person is denied medical aid because 

of lack of means.''

Carlos Saavedra Lamas:


''Unemployment is a great tragedy. The man who 

goes about hopelessly seeking work, in order to 

earn bread for his children, is a living reproach 

to civilization.''

Ken Dodd:


“The man who invented cats’ eyes, got the idea 

when he saw the eyes of a cat in his headlights.

If the cat had been going the other way, he 

would have invented the pencil sharpener.”

 Aneurin Bevan:


''We could manage to survive without money changers 

and stockbrokers. We should find it harder to do 

without (industrial) workers and those who 

cultivate the land.”

Roger McGough:


''I wanna be the leader

I wanna be the leader

Can I be the leader?

Can I? I can?

Promise? Promise?

Yippee I'm the leader

I'm the leader


OK what shall we do?''

Ibn Hazm:


''Anyone who criticizes you, 

cares about your friendship. 

Anyone who makes light of your faults, 

cares nothing about you.''

Ramin Mazaheri:


The United States - repeatedly - has the worst 

elections of all the Western core democracies.

That’s not “Iranian meddling”, but Harvard, 

& their 2019 Electoral Integrity Index. They 

ranked US elections just 57th in the world. 

One wonders how much further they will 

fall in this year’s ranking? If we honestly 

ask if US elections have integrity, I think 

everyone has the same answer, and it’s 

as serious as a heart-attack: You don’t 

want to go there. US elections cannot 

withstand serious scrutiny.''





Ken Dodd:


“I used to think I was marvellous in bed 

until I discovered that all my girl friends 

suffered from asthma.”

Sardar Patel:


"Work is undoubtedly worship, but laughter is life. 

Anyone who takes life too seriously must prepare 

himself for a miserable existence. Anyone who 

greets joys and sorrows with equal facility, 

can really get the best of life." 

Daisy Bates:

''We will join hands with you as women of this country.... 

We will kneel-in, we will sit-in until we can eat at any 

counter in the United States. We will walk until we 

are free, until we can walk to any school and take 

our children to any school in the United States. 

And we will sit-in, and we will kneel-in and we 

will lie-in, if necessary, until every Negro in 

America can vote.''

Ken Dodd:


“My dad knew I was going to be a 

comedian. When I was a baby, he 

said, ‘Is this a joke?’.”

Ibn Hazm:


''If you advise someone on the condition that they 

have to accept it, then you are an oppressor.''



Gene Debbs:


''Wars, throughout history, have been waged for conquest 

and plunder… the working class who fight all the battles,

the working class who make the supreme sacrifices, the 

working class who freely shed their blood and furnish 

their corpses, have never, yet, had a voice in either 

declaring war or making peace. It is the ruling 

class that invariably does both. They alone 

declare war and they alone make peace.''

Ken Dodd:


“Tonight, when you get home, put 

a handful of ice cubes down your 

wife’s nightie and say: ‘There’s 

the chest freezer you always 






Ibn Hazm:


''Whoever harms his kinship and his neighbours

is worse than them. Whosoever returns ill that 

he receives from them is like them. Whosoever 

does not return ill done to him, is the master, 

the best and most virtuous amongst all.''

Gene Debbs:


''Getting a living under capitalism... is so precarious, 

so uncertain, fraught with such pain and struggle,

that the wonder is, not that so many people 

become vicious and criminal, but that so 

many remain in docile submission to 

such a tyrannous and debasing 





''The authorities care - so much - to protect us
from the invisible virus. That's all. Everything
else, they don't give a toss about.''


Sardar Patel:


''Take to the path of truth and justice. Don't misuse 

your valour. Remain united. March forward in all 

humility, but fully awake to the situation you 

face, demanding your rights with firmness.''

Sardar Patel:

''Little pools of water tend to become stagnant and 

useless, but if they are joined together to form a 

big lake, the atmosphere is cooled and there is 

universal benefit.''



''The abode of God, too, is wherever is earth and 

sea and air, and sky and virtue... Whatever you

behold and whatever you touch, that is God.''

Gene Debbs:

''Years ago I recognized my kinship with all living things,

and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better 

than the meanest on the earth. I said then, and 

I say now, that, while there is a lower class, 

I am in it; while there is a criminal element, 

I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, 

I am not free.''

Tommy Makem: 


''The victims of social injustice, since time eternal, 

have always been without the resources and the 

ability to fight back. They are defenseless and 

voiceless. The sad aspect of social injustice, 

is that the defenseless and voiceless, are 

the ones who most need a defense and 

a strong, vibrant voice.''


''As far as the stars are from the earth, and 

as different as fire is from water, so much 

do self-interest and integrity differ.''

United Nations:


''Each year one journalist gets the Pullitzer

and one hundred get shot. Each year 

journalists are killed to be silenced:

now YOU can be their voice.''

Carlos Saavedra Lamas:


''A war of aggression, a war which is 

not for the defense of one's country,

is a collective crime.''

Finian Cunningham:


''The American Century or Pax Americana

 is turning into “Pox Americana.'' 

Sardar Patel:


''Manpower - without Unity - is not a strength, 

unless it is harmonized and united properly 

--- then, it becomes a spiritual power.''


Hazrat Inayat Khan:


''What can really be called good or bad 

right or wrong - is what comforts the 

mind and what causes it discomfort. 


It is not true, although it appears

so, that it is discomfort that 

causes wrongdoing.


In reality, it is wrongdoing which

causes discomfort, and it is

right-doing which gives


Albert Einstein:

''Two things are infinite: the universe and human 

stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe...''

 Caitlin Johnstone:


''If you’ve ever wondered how the the US is so successful 

in getting other nations around the world to align with its 

interests, this is how:- it’s not that the US is a good actor 

on the world stage, or a kind friend to its allies, it’s that 

it will destroy you, if you disobey it. Australia is not 

aligned with the US to protect itself from China. 

Australia is aligned with the US to protect 

itself from the US. As a Twitter follower 

recently observed, the US doesn’t 

have allies, only hostages.''

Caitlin Johnstone:


''The primary difference between the coup in Australia 

and the one in Bolivia, was that the Bolivians refused 

to roll over and take it, while we shrugged, and said 

'No worries mate.' We had every option to become 

a real nation & insist on our own self-sovereignty, 

but we, unlike the Bolivians, were too thoroughly 

propagandized and placid. Some hostages 

escape, some don’t.''




Caitlin Johnstone:


''The US empire got rid of Whitlam, and then -- when we 

elected, in 2007, a prime minister who was considered 

too friendly with China -- they did it again;- in order to 

facilitate the Obama administration’s “pivot” against 

Beijing, the pro-China Kevin Rudd was replaced by 

the compliant Julia Gillard.'' 






''NHS staff and police are exposed to greater numbers of 

high risk people and cross lockdown boundaries. Some 

still regularly go shopping in uniform - did they miss the 

research earlier in the year on long term survival of the 

virus under certain conditions? If the government fear 

campaign is to be believed, the staff in public services 

should either not be working or be housed in barracks 

where they can be washed and fed, & not permitted to 

shop, and not return home, until at least 7 days after 

their tour has ended.''




Another blogger:


''There is too much talk about the EU and what it is doing.

The EU is a vassal state, founded by the CIA, to make it

easier to control.  The EU will do whatever it is told to 

do, despite its internal shambles and squabbling.

Chaos suits the banking oligarchy of the US just 

fine. Manipulation is easier that way. Also, the 

EU is fully-occupied by a US military and that 

includes the Balkans (Camp Bondsteel).''

Matthew Ehret:


''Overall, the spirit of the growing New Silk Road 

is fast moving from a simple east-south trade 

route towards a global program stretching 

across all of Africa, to the Middle East, to 

the High Arctic and Latin America. While 

this program is driven by a longer view 

of the past and future than most 

westerners realize, it is quickly 

becoming evident that it is the 

only game in town with a 

future worth living in.''


Matthew Ehret:


''While China has committed to the enlightened idea 

that human society is more than a “sum of its parts”,

the Cold Warriors of the west have chosen to hold 

on to the obsolete notions of human nature, that 

suppose we live in a world of “each vs. all”. 

These obsolete notions are premised on 

the (bestial) notion that our species is 

destined to do little more than fight for 

the diminishing returns of scraps in a 

closed-system struggle for survival, 

where only a tiny technocratic 'elite' 

of gamemasters naming themselves 

as “alphas” --- control all the levers 

of our production and consumption 

from above.''





Norman Schwarzkopf:


''The more you sweat in peace, 

the less you bleed in war.''





''In peace, sons bury their fathers. 

In war, fathers bury their sons.''



Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, cousin of Muammar Gaddafi: 


''Everything that has happened during the Libyan conflict 

or around it, since 2011, is a continuous attempt to 

plunge the country into even greater chaos --- and 

divide it. Humiliating agreements were concluded 

with a number of states that previously wouldn’t 

have dared to approach the Libyan shores; and 

now they seek to enter the country and 

dominate Africa at its expense.''



Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, cousin of Muammar Gaddafi: 


''I can say that these external negotiations, taking place 

in one or another third country, only distract from the 

true settlement of the conflict. A solution to the 

conflict should be sought within Libya. I’d like 

to point out that 70 per cent of Libyans are 

not represented at the negotiations, and 

those who do participate in them 

should be in prison.''





Patrick Cockburn:


''Instead of relying on experienced public health 

experts, with a successful record in finding, 

containing and isolating people infected 

with HIV & TB, the government handed 

the project over to the private sector

- pouring great sums of money into 

the creation of a new, but in Sage’s 

judgement, dysfunctional system.'' 



Patrick Cockburn:


''No less than 1,114 consultants from Deloitte, few 

of whom are likely to be public health experts, are 

now employed by the government  to organise the

Test, Trace and Isolate, with each of them earning 

a daily fee of up to £2,360. Other consultants such 

as those working for the Boston Consulting Group

are even more munificently rewarded, earning as 

much as  £7,000 a day, or £1.5m a year.''




A German statesman asked a general in World War 1

- who wanted to press on with a calamitous offensive: 


“Where does the incompetence end 

and the crime begin?”



Former CIA officer John Stockwell:


“For about twenty-five years, the CIA trained and 

organized police and paramilitary officers from 

around the world, in techniques of population 

control, repression, and torture. Schools were 

set up in the United States, Panama and Asia, 

from which, tens of thousands graduated. In 

some cases, former Nazi officers from 

Hitler’s Third Reich, were used as 





Victor Marchetti, senior CIA official from 1955 to 1969: 


“We were supporting every half-assed dictator, military 

junta, oligarchy, that existed in the Third World, as long 

as they promised to, somehow, maintain the status quo, 

which would, of course, be beneficial to US geopolitical 

interests, military interests, big business interests and 

other special interests.”



William Blum:


''The US has endeavored to overthrow more than fifty 

foreign governments; grossly interfered in democratic 

elections in at least thirty countries; attempted to 

assassinate more than fifty foreign leaders; 

dropped bombs on the people of more 

than thirty countries; and attempted 

to suppress a populist or nationalist 

movement, in twenty countries.''



George Jackson:


“The US has established itself as the mortal enemy 

of all people’s government, all scientific-socialist 

mobilization of consciousness everywhere on 

the globe, all anti-imperialist activity 

on earth.”



Gabriel Rockhill:


''To establish itself as the global military hegemon, 

and international guard dog of capitalism, the U.S. 

government & National Security State, have relied 

on the help of the significant number of Nazis & 

fascists it integrated into its global network of 

repression: including the 1,600 Nazis brought 

into the U.S. through Operation Paperclip, the 

4,000 integrated into the Gehlen organization, 

the tens, or even hundreds of thousands, that 

were reintegrated into the postwar, or rather 

transwar regimes, in fascist countries, the 

large number who were given free passage 

to the Empire’s backyard (Latin America) & 

elsewhere, as well as the thousands or tens 

of thousands integrated into NATO’s secret 

stay-behind armies. This global network of 

seasoned anti-communist assassins, has 

also been used to train terrorist armies 

around the world to participate in dirty 

wars, coups d’état, destabilization 

efforts, sabotage, and terror 




''All of this has been done under the cover of a liberal 

democracy, and with the assistance of its powerful 

culture industries. The true legacy of WWII, far from 

being that of a liberal world order that had defeated 

fascism, is that of a veritable fascist international, 

developed under liberal cover, in order to try and 

destroy those who had actually fought and won 

the war against fascism: the communists.''

Columbia University's Centre for Poverty and Social Policy:


''We have an economy that works for those at the top of the 

food chain, but nearly everyone else is desperately trying 

to keep afloat.''

Brian Cloughley:


''According to the Christian website, St Basil’s, 

the olive tree “is a symbol of peace, prosperity, 

health, wellness, abundance and food.” And 

Israel Olive Bond concurs, observing that it 

“has been an important component of 

Jewish and Israeli culture throughout 

history” being “mentioned frequently

in the Bible in the context of blessings, 

fruitfulness, and health” & “eventually 

became linked to the concept of 

putting down roots in the land.”

Which is, no doubt, why Israelis 

continue destroying Palestinian 

olive trees.''




Brian Cloughley:


According to independent monitors, some 4,000 

Palestinian olive trees were destroyed by Israeli 

settlers and soldiers in the period January-

July, 2020...'' 




Brian Cloughley:


''In spite of the fact that the Stockholm International 

Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 2014 Yearbook, 

recorded that Israel had 80 nuclear warheads, 

the (UK) government’s answer was:


“Israel has not declared a nuclear weapons programme. 

We have regular discussions with the Government of 

Israel on a range of nuclear-related issues. The 

Government of Israel is in no doubt as to our 

views…”  In one respect, the answer was 

clearly indicative of policy, in that Israel

is certainly in no doubt about the views 

of Britain (and France and the U.S. and 

very many others) concerning its illegal 

nuclear weapons: it is most unlikely that 

any international action will be taken to 

limit Israel’s nuclear arsenal (now 

numbering at least 90 warheads,

according to SIPRI) or in any 

way interfere with its 

nuclear posture.''




Brian Cloughley:


''The certain things are, that Israel will carry on 

destroying Palestinian houses and olive trees, 

while the countries of the Western world keep 

extending olive branches to its nuclear bombs.''



[ You can read Brian's  full article on this at;



olive-branches-and-nuclear-bombs-in-israel/ ]

Edward Wolff, in his November 2012 

study “The Asset Price Meltdown”:

''Between 1983 and 2010... the largest gains in relative 

terms, were made by the wealthiest households. The 

top one percent saw their average wealth (in 2010

dollars) rise by 71%. The remaining part of the top 

quintile experienced increases from 52 to 101%, 

and the fourth quintile by 21%, while the middle 

quintile lost 18% and the poorest 40 percent

lost 270%!'' 



Eric Zuesse, US writer and investigative historian:


''Though violence will be going up in such a society, 

the results will be very different, if it is between 

races, than if it is between classes. The top 

class, obviously, don’t want it to be a class-

war; and so their media, instead, promote 

there being a race-war. The situation is 

the same, in the UK.''

Dr Lisa McKenzie:


''The Culture War is nothing but a bourgeois distraction 

from the only war that really matters --- Class War.''



Robert Shule:


''US companies are not seriously interested in research and 

development (R&D). Their focus has always been on sales; 

i.e. selling the same old stuff to the maximum extent that 

they can. After all, R&D costs money, and that digs into 

profits. There are many examples of many industries 

where the U.S.A. took an initial lead, but then never 

invested to update their products. Perfect example 

is the auto industry. Though Ford originated mass 

car production in the U.S., how many more foreign

made autos does one see on US roads nowadays? 

I predict that the computer, electronics & software 

industries are quickly going in the same direction. 

Ten years from now, Microsoft will be history.''




Swordfish (tech blogger):



''Just check how much China invests in education, training, 

and the production of tech-related products. They have 4.7 

million STEM graduates, against 570k in the US. China’s

system makes sure that the country receives the max 

benefit of that knowledge base for the country’s 

development. To put it in a nutshell, China’s 

administrative system is coherent, well 

organized and flawless and is driven by 

one goal; to make China the world’s top 

economic powerhouse. The subversion, 

sanctioning and invasive methods that 

the US is trying to use, simply won’t 

work against China. The leaders in 

the US should give up their gunboat 

diplomacy --- and learn to work as 

partners, in a multipolar world.''




Francis Lee:


''We are now at the beginning of the most serious series 

of financial/economic crises since the great depression 

of the inter-war period and the beginning of a new cycle 

2000, 2008, 2020. These are no bog-standard business 

cycles of short, relatively painless duration, as was the 

case in the early '80s and '90s, it is an epochal event -- 

which will lead to fundamental political and economic 

reconfigurations; the end of an era, no less. The ancien

regime is collapsing; this is hardly surprising, since it 

has very little idea of what it is dealing with --- and is 

attempting to fight today’s battles, with yesterday’s 

weapons and tactics.''




Francis Lee:


''Much capital is now effectively redundant. It is ripe 

for liquidation - but the economic consequences of 

this process would be social and political dynamite. 

So there seem to be three alternatives. Firstly, that 

governments and central banks somehow stave off 

the present catastrophe: but this will only postpone 

the inevitable; secondly, the necessary destruction 

of capital values (devalorization of capital) will take 

place. This will involve a massive struggle for 

political power between the haves and have 

nots of this world. Either the system will 

reconstitute itself -- and go forward to a 

fresh round of accumulation  --  or the 

system as we know it, will be replaced 

by another, more viable economic and 

political system. Political struggle will 

determine the outcome.''



Bertolt Brecht:


''Because things are the way they are,

 things will not stay the way they are.’’ 



Ayn Rand:


''We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore 

the consequences of ignoring reality.''


Marx, Capital Volume 3, p.404:



''The ultimate reason for all real crises, remains 

the poverty and restricted consumption of the 

masses, as opposed to the drive of capitalist 

production to develop the productive forces

--- as though only the absolute consuming 

power of society constituted their limit.'' 





“Only the Dead Have 

Seen the End of War”

Proverbs 28:15:


''As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so

 is a wicked ruler over the poor people.''

Newsroom saying in the West:


“Make it sing, make it dance, 

but, above all, make it up.”





Eric Zuesse:


''Scientific studies have demonstrated that the 

wealthier a person is, the less compassion 

the individual tends to have, for people 

who are suffering.''



Josiah Stamp:


“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. 

If you want to continue to be slaves of the bankers, and 

pay the cost of your slavery, then let the bankers 

continue to create money and control credit.”  



US political operative Karl Rove: 


''We're an empire now and we create our own reality.''




Novelist and journalist Nirpal Dhaliwal:


''With their media, economy and capital city wholly 

dominated by foreigners, the British are now a 

colonised people --- trudging exhaustedly 

towards a globalised extinction, boxing 

with shadows to distract themselves 

along the way.''



Novelist and journalist Nirpal Dhaliwal:


''Britain’s inequalities have not disappeared, 

but protesters take to the streets only once 

the American (sic) signal has been given.''

 Scott Ritter:


''America, long ago, ceased functioning as a beacon 

of democratic values to which the world could look 

for guidance and support. But the Trump-Biden 

debate exposed our true dysfunction. We are 

now little more than the laughing stock of 

the world, armed with nuclear weapons. 

And if that does not scare you, 

nothing will.''





''The US has no equivalent to Soleimani 

for Iran to take revenge.''



Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps' Chief, General 

Hossein Salami, in a message directed at Trump: 


“If a hair comes off an Iranian head, 

we will blow up all your fluff.”  

1951 speech by then Congressman John Kennedy:


“I should have hoped that with our traditional concern 

for other peoples, our generosity, our desire to relieve 

poverty and inequality, we would — whatever else 

happened — have made friends throughout this 

world. It is tragic that, not only have we made 

no new friends, but have lost old ones.” 



Eric Zuesse:


''Whatever democracy America might once have had 

is gone now. It has become replaced by a land of 

mass-deceptions, which are bought and sold.''



James Baldwin:


 “Ignorance, allied with power, is the most

 ferocious enemy justice can have.”

Egon von Greyerz: 


''The Chinese understand the long game and they 

have infinite patience. They have always known 

that they never needed to attack the US,

financially or militarily, because China 

has invariably understood, that the 

US would self-destruct.''






''The world has moved on from the west's grotesque

rules based barbarism and ritual crimes against 

humanity. The entreaties from the east to the 

UN this past week, to strengthen and uphold 

the charter, are an indication of where 80%

of the world will exist, while the 20% 

west implodes.''

Herman Melville: 


''There is sorrow in the world,
but goodness too;
and goodness
 that is not greenness, either,
no more than sorrow is.







Pompeo, at Texas A&M University, April 15, 2019:


 “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated,

 we stole. We had entire training courses.”



Javad Zarif (@JZarif) September 20, 2020:


“The issue with mythomaniacs — who just can’t
help themselves in their pathological

is that they actually get lost in 

their own web of deceit.” 



Leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah 

movement, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi:


''The policies of the US and Israel have only 

caused crises and wars across the world.'' 



Herman Melville: 


''There is nothing namable but that some 

men will, or undertake to, do it for pay.''


Herman Melville: 


''There is no dignity in wickedness,
whether in purple or rags;
hell is a democracy of devils, 

where all are equals.''



Leo Tolstoy: 


''The chief difference between words and deeds,
is that 
words are always intended for men
for their approbation, 
but deeds can be done
only for God.'

Samuel Johnson:


''When making your choice in

life, do not neglect to live.''

Herman Melville: 

''Truth is the silliest thing under the sun. Try to get a living 

by the Truth and go to the Soup Societies. Heavens! Let 

any clergyman try to preach the Truth from its very 

stronghold, the pulpit, and they would ride him 

out of his church on his own pulpit bannister.''

Leo Tolstoy: 


''The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.''

Herman Melville: 


''The march of conquest through wild provinces, may 

be the march of Mind; but not the march of Love.''

Leo Tolstoy on Capitalism's ''elite'':

''I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him

carry me, and yet assure myself and others, that I 

am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by 

all possible means - except by getting off his back.''

Herman Melville: 

''Toil is man's allotment; toil of brain, or toil of hands, or a 

grief that's more than either, the grief and sin of idleness.''


''The USA is so lucky. Wherever they start fighting

terrorism, they manage to find oil reserves.''

After the US was criticised for the Bolivia coup,

Tesla corporation’s founder, Elon Musk tweeted: 

''We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.'' 

Mark Twain:

''If voting made any difference,

they wouldn't let us do it.'' 

Herman Melville: 

''In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way

 can travel freely, and without passport; 

whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is
 at all frontiers.''

 Will Rogers:

''America has the best politicians... 

money can buy.''

Herman Melville: 

''A man thinks that by mouthing hard words

 he understands hard things.''

Groucho Marx: 

“Those are my principles;
if you don’t like them… 

well, I have others.”

Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi:

''Division leads to Rivalry,
which leads to Chaos,
which leads to Poverty''

Herman Melville: 

''Truth is in things, and not in words.''

German teacher, Arturo Gallegos:

''There is a reason why “refugees” are encouraged,

admitted, and supported (housing, schooling, and

even grants are paid for by German taxpayers).

''The root of the crisis lies in contradictions found 

in the capitalist world economy. That is to say,

the mass influx of refugees results in the rise

of cheap labour, in turn increasing the profits

of the bourgeoisie, which, ultimately,

strengthens the reserves of finance

capital - the life force of the 

parasitic bourgeoisie.

''Meanwhile the common German proletariat must face 

everyday conflicts resulting from the refugee crisis.

''The lack of a concrete, class based analysis and the

absence of any systematic evaluation of the armed

conflicts in the middle-east, prevents so-called 

“progressives”, from focusing on the root of 

the crisis at hand. Namely, that the refugee

crisis, is the result of neoliberal policies

imposed on sovereign nations.

''The goal of the bourgeoisie is, essentially, to achieve 

the “3d-worldization” of the industrialized countries;-

a process that attempts to nullify the rights and 

improved conditions of the working class, 

reluctantly given by the bourgeoisie, for

the sake of staving of the looming

threat of existing socialism.

''This criminal action has nothing to do with identity politics, 

such as immigration status, sexual preference, or ethnic 

strata.  All of the banners representing identity politics,

are alienable and therefore hypocritically defended by

the bourgeoisie. The only banner that is unalienable,

and presents a true danger to the ruling bourgeoisie,

is the banner of a united proletariat.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''The bubble does not last long; it soon breaks,

but with its break, it joins a mighty ocean.

So with us. When, by warmth of heart, 

we can break our limited self, 

we merge in the One, the 

unlimited. When our

limited kingdom is

lost from our sight, 

we inherit the 


of God.''

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? 


Blogger, reacting to proposed coup in Venezuela:

''I do not recognize Trump, as President of the
USA. I recognize only the legitimate President
- Netanyahu. ''


“Madness is rare in individuals, but in
groups, parties, nations, and ages,
it is the rule.”

Slavoj ZIzek:

Until the rich world
thinks 'one world,'
migration will

In September 2018, both Al Skeilbiyyeh and Mhardeh

were attacked by Western-backed armed groups, 
who targeted the towns with prohibited cluster
munitions. In Mhardeh, thirteen civilians were
martyred, as a result of this heinous attack,
which was barely acknowledged by the
western media, or the international

Mhardeh resident, Shadi Yousef Shehda, lost
his mother Afifeh, his wife Rama, his eldest
daughter Maria, a 6-year-old son, Fadi and
his two-year-old daughter, Stefani, who
martyred on September 7th, 2018
--- “sliced to pieces” by the missiles
launched by the extremist groups.

“I offered to my mother, Syria, the most precious things
in my life - my mother, my wife and my three children -
but, despite this, I celebrated Christmas in Mhardeh, 
because Mhardeh is the ‘Sun City”, the source of
life. In spite of everything, I am ready to sacrifice
myself, for Mhardeh and for Syria. My family
watered the soil with their blood and I am
ready to do the same”

During his Christmas Eve sermon

in 1967, Martin Luther King said:

“We must either learn to live together
as brothers, or we are going to
together, as fools”.

Russia's Foreign Minister, Lavrov, on the
US' recent statements 'de-legitimising'
Venezuela's socialist government:

“Very alarming - and it indicated that the
 US policy of destabilizing governments
 it does not like, remains a priority.”

Cesar Chavez:

“I became a vegetarian after realizing
that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry
and unhappy, like we do. I feel very
deeply about vegetarianism, and
the animal kingdom. It was my
dog, Boycott, who led me... to
question the right of humans
to eat other sentient beings.”

Cesar Chavez:

“We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard
to help people understand, that the animals are
fellow creatures, that we must protect them
and love them, as we love ourselves.”

Cesar Chavez:

“We know we cannot be kind to animals, until we
stop exploiting them - exploiting animals in the
name of science, exploiting animals in the
name of sport, exploiting animals in the
name of fashion, and, yes, exploiting
animals, in the name of food.”

The Quran (49:11):

"O you who believe! No people shall ridicule other people,
for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women
ridicule other women, for they may be better than
they. Nor shall you slander one another, nor
shall you insult one another with names.
Evil is the return to wickedness, after
having attained faith. Whoever
does not repent - these are
the wrongdoers."


“For greed, all of nature, is too little.”

US State Department mandarin George Kennan, in 1948:

“We have about 50 percent of the world’s wealth, but
only 6.3 percent of its population. Our real task, in
the coming period, is to devise a pattern or

relationships, which will permit us to
maintain this position of disparity.
To do so, we'll have to dispense
with all sentimentality and

John Wight:

''We have arrived at a moment
when the continuation of the
 status quo, is death itself.''

Oscar Wilde, on the Death Scene
 in Charles Dickens “Little Nell”:

“You'd have to have
 a heart of stone,
 not to laugh.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''Love itself is the healing power and the remedy for all pain. 

''There is no greater power than love. All strength comes
with the awakening of love in the heart. If there is any
protecting influence in the world, it is no other than
love. In all aspects of life, wherever we find
protection, its motive is always love, and
no one can have trust in any protection,
however great, except the protection
that love offers. If a giant were to
frighten a child, the child would
say, 'I will tell my mother...' The
strength and power of any man
is too small in comparison with
love's protection, which the
mother affords her child.
Love can heal, better
than anything in
the world.''

Darius Shahtahmasebi legal and political analyst, currently
specialising in immigration, refugee and humanitarian law:

"The US is still offended by the idea that it could
possibly be doing anything wrong, at any time."

Laurie Calhoun, author of ‘We Kill Because We
 Can’, an in-depth look at the US’ drone war:

''Apostate operators and sensors have become
 disenchanted with the profession, and are
 plagued by feelings of regret and guilt -
for having agreed to kill, on command, 
people who never threatened them, 
personally, with death.''

Christopher Aaron, ex image analyst at Langley,
Virginia & in Afghanistan as intelligence liaison:

''The cognitive dissonance amongst those who work
 in an office, killing people on the other side of the
planet, remotely, and then leave work and go to
the grocery store, the gym, or to their families,
 can only be suppressed for so long.''

Heather Linebaugh, high-school graduate, looking for
a way out of rural Pennsylvania, now 'whistle blower':

“I was under the impression that America was saving
the world --- like, that we were Big Brother and we
were helping everyone out. It’s so primitive - raw,
stripped-down death. This is real. It’s not a joke.”

Heather Linebaugh, who later committed suicide:

''You see someone die because you said it was okay
 to kill them. I was always shaking. Sometimes I
would just go to the bathroom and just sit on
the toilet. I mean, just sit there in my
uniform, and just cry.''

Christopher Aaron, ex image analyst at Langley,
Virginia & in Afghanistan as intelligence liaison:

''How many more ‘terrorists’ have we now created
from those impressionable boys, who see the
prophecy of their teacher come true?''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''Here are two things: knowing and being. It is easy

to know truth, but most difficult to be truth. It is
not in knowing truth, that life's purpose
accomplished; life's purpose is
accomplished, in being truth.''

Satanist doctrine:

"Do what thou wilt
the whole of the law."

Anonymous, from the sixties:

Ahhhhhh those were the days ..good music...
good pot ..cold beer and sweet hippie chicks
dressed in loose sun dresses, no bras, and 
sweet hairy pussies!!!

Book of James, (Jesus' brother), ch1, vs 6-9:

"But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.  For
he that wavers is like a wave of the sea, driven
with the wind and tossed.  For let not that man
(or woman) think that he shall receive any
thing of the Lord.  A double -minded man
is unstable in all his ways."

Jeannette Rankin:

“You can no more win a war,
 than you can win an

John White:

''Something of the order of 70-80,000 Syrian soldiers
have perished. This constitutes a staggering toll, in
a country whose army stood at 220,000 at the start
of the conflict. More crucially, it is a toll that could
not possibly have been borne, without the solid
support of the Syrian people for the army and
its government, led by President Bashar
 Assad, over these past eight years.''


''Just how many wars has Islam started
in the past 1,000 years, or so?  They
have been attacked, more often
than not, by Christians... All
the religions are foolish but
Christianity is particularly
so, when it preaches
peace, yet creates
 endless war.''

Prophet Muhammad (SAW):

“O mankind, your Lord is One and your father is one.
You all descended from Adam, and Adam was
created from the earth. He is most honoured
among you, in the sight of God, who is
most upright. No Arab is superior to
a non-Arab, no coloured person to
a white person, or a white person
to a coloured person, except by
Taqwa (piety).”

Hindustani saying:

''No matter how much wealth you have, if you do
 not have the treasure of virtue, it is of no use.''

George Washington:

They, the Jews, work more effectively against us,
than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred
times more dangerous to our liberties and
the great cause we are engaged in…
It is much to be lamented that each
state, long ago, has not hunted
them down as pests to society
and the greatest enemies we
have, to the happiness
 of America."

Thomas Jefferson, 1798:

''It is true that we are completely under the saddle
 of Massachusetts and Connecticut, and, that
they ride us very hard, cruelly insulting
feelings, as well as exhausting
strength and substance.''

Thomas Jefferson, just before his election as President:

''[S]eeing that we must have somebody to quarrel with,
I had rather keep our New England associates for that
purpose, than to see our bickerings transferred to
others. They are circumscribed within such
narrow limits, and their population so full,
their numbers will ever be the minority,
and they are marked, like the Jews,
with such perversity of character,
as to constitute, from that
circumstance, the natural
division of our parties.''

James H. Thornwell, 1859:

''There is at work in this land
a Yankee spirit and an
American spirit.''

Clyde Wilson:

''It was not the Union that our Southern forefathers
seceded from, but the deadly combination of
Yankee greed and righteousness.''

Sergei Glazyev, a key adviser to President Putin:

“if the US keeps contradicting international law…
the first measure we would have to take - 
together with China and other countries
who are suffering from US aggression - 
would be to get rid of the dollar as
the key international currency.”

Sergei Glazyev, a key adviser to President Putin:

“China... has created the most progressive system
in the world for directing economic development, 
combining planning with market self-regulation 
and subordinating private initiative to the
needs of raising the general welfare,
through an increased volume and
efficiency of production.”

 China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi:

“The great problem, for the world community, is
the struggle against the unilateral world order.
The BRICS countries are responsible for
forming a common position, and 
a joint position, against the
unilateral world order.”

Sun Tzu's The Art of War, says:

''A wise man shall never seek war,
both sides will lose many men,
regardless of who wins
 or loses.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''He who is afraid of vice is subject to vice;
He who is addicted to vice is its captive;
He who acquaints himself with vice
is the pupil of vice;
He who learns his lesson from vice,
who passes through it, and rises
above it, is master and

Andre Vltchek:

''Many 'progressive' Western intellectuals are
denouncing global injustice, and Western
(North) imperialism - but are unwilling to
struggle or even vote for, an egalitarian
planet. In a way, there is no real left in
the West, anymore. The real left, is
internationalist. The Western left
is only interested in & struggles
for, privileges for its people: 
(shorter working hours,
better medical care,
higher wages, etc.),
mostly at the expense
of the poor and semi-
colonized world, or
call it, the 'South'.''

Costantino Ceoldo, freelance writer:

''If it is true that none of the US imperial adventures
of the last few years, would have been possible,
without the help & complicity of the European
Union, it is also true, that European rulers
belong to the same Superclan, that is
on its way to its own end.''

Dmitry Babich:

''The EU has lost every referendum they
have organised in the last fifteen years.''

Karl Marx, in 1882:

“An international movement of the proletariat
is possible only among independent nations.
The little bit of republican internationalism
-- between 1830 and 1848 -- was grouped
around France, [and] increased French
chauvinism, in such a way, as to cause
the world-liberating mission of France,
and with it, France’s native right to be
in the lead, to get in our way, every
day, even now.”

Peter Koenig, international observer for the
Presidential Economic Advisory Commission:

"…It is absolutely clear who is behind the food
and medicine boycotts (empty supermarket
shelves), and the induced internal violence
[in Venezuela]. It is a carbon copy of what
the CIA, under Kissinger’s command, did
Chile, in 1973, which led to the murder
the legitimate and democratically

elected President Allende, and to
the Pinochet military coup."

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister:

“Let me control the media, and I will
turn any Nation into a herd of Pigs”.

John Bolton, in 2002, threatening Jose Bustani, 
the head of the OPCW and his family, because
 he ran the OPCW as a neutral organisation:
“You have 24 hours to leave the organisation, and if
you don’t comply with this decision by Washington,
we have ways to retaliate against you. We know
where your kids live. You have two sons in
New York.”

José Bustani, retired Brazilian diplomat and former head of
the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons:

“My family is aware of the situation, and we are
prepared to live with the consequences

of my decision.”

José Bustani,:

“The problem with this man is that he’s so ideological,
so brutal; he doesn’t open the door to dialogue.
I don’t know how people can work for him.”

José Bustani:

“John Bolton is a bully.”

Blogger on RT:

''Remember also, that Bustani stood up to him, 
but the US led a coup & drummed up support
to have Bustani removed, by threatening
those who did not support the US, with
losing US aid. Bustani left with dignity
and respect. One can only assume,
with the reports on Syria and the
UK, that Bustaini's replacement
was in the pocket of the US, as
 is the new head of the OPCW.''


Andre Vltchek:

''Samir believed that all the evil comes from
global capitalism. That it is a direct result 
- a bi-product - of capitalism. I have been
arguing that it's what Carl Gustav Jung
called the 'pathological culture of the
West', that Western culture is,
essentially, sick, and that
both imperialism and
extreme forms of
capitalism, are
the direct and
logical result,
of such a

Adolph Hitler on April 13th, 1923, in Munich:

"Always, before god and the world, the stronger
 has the right to carry through what he wills.
The whole of nature is a mighty struggle
between strength and weakness, an
eternal victory of the strong, 
the weak."

Benjamin Netanyahu, August 29th 2018,
at the Negev Nuclear Weapons Centre:

"The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are
erased from history, while the strong, for
good or for ill, survive. The strong are
respected, and alliances are made
with the strong, and, in the end,
peace is made, with
the strong."

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov
speaking at a news conference with his
Turkish counterpart, August 15th, 2019:

“The dollar’s days as a global
  trade currency, are numbered”. 

Major General, Qiau Liang, in 2016:

“The US needs a large ‘capital return’, to support the
daily life of the Americans, and the US economy.
Under such circumstances, [any nation that]
blocks the return of capital to the US, is the
enemy of the US. We must understand this
matter, clearly. To effectively contain the
US, other countries shall think more, on
how to cut the capital flow to the US,
while formulating their strategies”.

Tyler Durban:

''With a strong dollar, trading partners’ currencies devalue,
their interest and capital payments soar and, traditionally,
they are pushed to the IMF for a dose of austerity and the
sale of their national assets. This is the ‘play’, which
Russia and China intend to end. They have set up
alternatives to the Word Bank and to the IMF,
to which Turkey may have recourse –
instead of being forced into an
IMF programme.''

Saint Alexander Nevsky, defender of Russia:

  "God is not in force, but in Truth."

Andre Vltchek, philosopher, novelist,
filmmaker and investigative journalist:

''Historically and culturally, Islam is a socialist religion.
In many countries, in almost all of them, because of
the West and its Saudi allies, Islam has been
derailed, kidnapped and used against
the people.''


''There are 3 things you cannot hide.
The sun, the moon and the truth.''

Andre Vltchek:

''The West was mainly to blame for this state of Islam.
London, particularly, has been supporting and
spreading Wahhabism. Both Washington and
London, kept overthrowing one socialist
Muslim government after another, from
Iran to Indonesia and Afghanistan,
putting on the throne, the most
regressive, brutal and greedy
rulers, who have been using
Islam, as a cover for their
collaboration with
 the West.''

Philip Giraldi:

''Yulia Skripal has recently announced, that
she intends to return to her home in Russia
- leading to the conclusion, that even one
the alleged victims, does not believe
narrative being promoted by the
and American governments.''

George Galloway, MP for 30 yrs, film-maker, writer & orator:

''The media here have completely ignored the statement
of the head of the anti-terrorist squad of Scotland Yard -
that he had "No" evidence of Russian state involvement
in the crime in Salisbury, preferring instead, the cheap
barroom brawling of the British prime minister on the
floor of the House of Commons, cheered on by the
vulgar popular press and their more refined elder
sisters in the upmarket papers and on the BBC.''

 Daniel, blogger (edited):

''It's out of fashion to hate jews today. Muslims have
taken over that position, as the new target for the
misdirected anger of the ignorant and brain-
washed masses. And whether there were
1.5 million jews killed by Nazi Germany,
or 6 million, doesnt really matter. It was
horrible. It was bad. But that generation
is almost gone now: there is no excuse
for zionists who use this tragedy as
justification to act against the

palestine people, exactly as
the nazi germans acted
against the jews, in
the '30s and '40s.'' 

 Daniel, blogger (edited):

''I am more outraged about the fact that
many uneducated people, today, only
know about jews being persecuted
and murdered by the nazis.''

 Daniel, blogger (edited):

''The first wave of victims were handicapped and
chronically ill people, then they went after the
social democrats, the communists, the
labour unions, priests, various
christian sects.''

 Daniel, blogger (edited):

''Attacks against ethnic/cultural minorities
were not only against jews. The romani
people suffered more than the jews - if
you look at the percentage of the
entire ethnic population killed.''

 Daniel, blogger (edited):

''The victims were many. In Mein Kampf,
makes a list of the enemies
that he wanted to destroy.
first was the communists.
came the jews.
Food for thought.''

 Daniel, blogger (edited):

''Read more about history, people, and don't just look
at state or corporate approved documentaries,
spewed out by the old mainstream media.''

Andre Vltchek:

''[China] is smeared, in the West (North) by both
the mainstream and often by the left (which
just cannot accept that an Asian, non-
Western country, is capable of
building a much better society
than anything that was ever
created in Europe and
North America... and
without plundering
the rest of the

John 8:44:

''You belong to your father, the devil, and you
want to carry out your father’s desires. He
was a murderer from the beginning, not
holding to the truth, for there is no
truth in him. When he lies, he
speaks his native language,
for he is a liar, and the
father of lies.''

John Lennon:

“You either get tired
fighting for peace,
or you die.”

Vladimir Ilych Lenin:

“All over the world, wherever there are capitalists,
freedom of the press means freedom to buy up
 newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and
 fake ‘public opinion’ for the benefit of the

Catholic theologian G.K. Chesterton:

"Angels can fly, because they
take themselves lightly."

Sufi-Zen poet Thomas Burns:

“May you be ridiculously happy!”

Lawrence Ferlinghetti:

Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.

Pity the nation whose leaders are liars,
whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.

Pity the nation that knows no other language
but its own and no other culture but its own.

Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.

Pity the nation — oh, pity the people
who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be
washed away.

My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.


''Food for thought... Syria's vice president is a woman
 and half of the parliament are made up of women
 from all sects. For some reason, this is never
 mentioned. Probably because it kills the
'Assad is a dictator' narrative.''

OpEd columnist John Wight:

“Only when we are living in a world
 in which sanctions are imposed
 ‘on’ the United States, rather
than ‘by’ the United States...
will we know justice reigns.”

Andre Vltchek, philosopher, novelist,
filmmaker and investigative journalist:

''Iran is already a semi-socialist country, which has 
been greatly influenced by Venezuela and other
progressive Latin American nations. That, is
something that we are not supposed to know.

Iran is also putting great emphasis on social
services, like healthcare, culture, education,
& public transportation. Tehran is shockingly
elegant, clean and an impressive city, full of
arts and culture. The people are educated
 and knowledgeable, and very open. Even
now, Iran is moving closer and closer to
Russia, left-wing S. American countries,
 and China. The visa regime for Russian
citizens has been abolished, and Iranians
travel visa-free, to the Russian Federation.

Many are now fascinated with China; when
was in Teheran, there was a Chinese film

festival. Together with Russia, China,
Cuba & Venezuela, Iran has become
 an important bastion of anti-
imperialism.That is why
it is hated in the West,
 of course.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''The wise man should keep the balance between
love and power; he should keep the love in his
nature ever increasing and expanding, and at
the same time strengthen the will, so that the
heart may not easily be broken.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''There are two essential duties, for the man
of wisdom and love; that is, to keep the love
in our nature ever increasing and expanding
and to strengthen the will so that the heart
may not be easily broken. Balance is ideal
in life; man must be fine and yet strong,
man must be loving and yet powerful.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

Love produces harmony
and harmony creates beauty.
Therefore the chief motto in life
'Love, harmony and beauty'.

 Love is the nature of life,
beauty is the outcome of life,
harmony is the means by which
life accomplishes its purpose,
 and the lack of it, results in

 Love develops into harmony,
and of harmony is born beauty.

Jesus Christ:

"Your fathers work, you will do."

Our Father Among the Saints, John
Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople:

''Enter into the Church - and wash away your sins.
For here there is a hospital and not a court of law.
Do not be ashamed again to enter the Church, be
ashamed when you sin, but not when you repent.''

Bekhteev's poem ‘Come
to your senses, upper classes!’:

And once more their hearts are full of intrigue,
And once more treachery and lies are on their lips,
And life writes into the chapter of the last book
The vile treason of the grandees who knew it all.

Netanyahu in Fink's Bar in Jerusalem in 1990:

"America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry,
chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece - until
there is nothing left but the world's biggest
welfare state that we will create & control.
Why? Because it is the will of God, and
America is big enough to take the hit,
so we can do it again and again and
again. This is what we do, to
countries that we hate. We
destroy them very slowly
and make them suffer,
for refusing to be
our slaves."

US economist Barry Eichengreen:

"It costs only a few cents for the Bureau of Engraving
 and Printing to produce a $100 bill, but other
countries had to pony up $100 of actual
 goods, in order to obtain one."

George Gordon Noel Byron:

“If youth but knew; if age but could.
Wives in their husbands’ absences grow subtler,
And daughters sometimes run off with the butler.”


''Old doesn't mean decrepit. Older people possess Wisdom,
because of a whole life time of experience. Also, instead
of coming from EGO and Intellect, they are often in touch
with the higher level of Intuition and Wisdom. That's why
Native Americans have such a high regard for their Elders.
Of course the White society movie & advertising industry
only has regard for Youth. Wisdom is not respected.''

Jay Tharappel:

''Anti-Stalinism is what became of Marxism
after a century of ideological inbreeding
within a Eurocentic echo-chamber,
without being rejuvenated and,
to a degree, corrected by,
post-colonial criticism.''

Andre Vltchek, philosopher, novelist,
filmmaker and investigative journalist:

''The West 'kidnapped' 'left-wing', as it kidnapped Islam.
 'Interest groups' and individualism fully infiltrated
what used to be an internationalist and highly
disciplined movement. In the West, what is
called 'left', is now some kind of anarcho-
syndicalism (a totally Western concept
that could never be supported in such
 places as Asia), sprinkled with sexual
orientation and gender identity. It's not
a revolutionary block, very far from it.
It is a 'selfie-Left' -  a totally toothless
nonsense. Creative Marxism, is now
in China, Latin America, and in other
non-Western countries. Communism
 is definitely not dead, as they want
you to believe in London, Paris or
New York. It evolved, it's evolving.
But its essence is the same -
Internationalism, the mortal
fight against Western
imperialism, and
 equality for all.''

 George Orwell, in his novel, 1984:

''He who controls the past, controls the future.
He who controls the present controls the past.''

Adolf Hitler:

“The wealth of Great Britain is the result -
less of a perfect commercial organisation
- than of the capitalist exploitation of the
three hundred and fifty million Indian
slaves. They know very well, that
it’s the possession of India, on
which the existence of their
Empire, depends.”

Jay Tharappel:

''When the British arrived in Bengal (India) it
was one of the richest places in the world,
and when they left, it was reduced to the
poorest place in the world. When the
British won their first victory on
Indian soil in 1757, India owned
roughly 24% of global income,
and when the British left,
was 4%.''

Adolf Hitler:

“What India was for England,
the territories of Russia will
be, for us.”

To justify the partitioning of Palestine
to make way for Israel, Churchill said:

“I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong
has been done to the Red Indians of America
or the black people of Australia… by the fact
that a stronger race, a higher-grade race…
has come in and taken their place”.

US Army General Jacob H. Smith's order,
upon the start of the Philippines War:

 “Kill everyone over 10 years old.”


“As a result of the extensive colonial policy,
the European proletarian, partly, finds
himself in a position when it is not
his labour, but the labour of the
practically enslaved natives
in the colonies, that
maintains the
whole of


“The British bourgeoisie, for example, derives
more profit from the many millions of the
population of India and other colonies,
than from the British workers. In
certain countries, this provides
the material and economic
basis --- for infecting the
proletariat with colonial

Henri Van Kol of the Dutch Socialist Workers’ Party
at the 2nd International, on the 14th of July, 1889:

“Suppose we bring a machine to the savages of central Africa.
What will they do with it? Perhaps they will start up a war
dance around it. Perhaps they will kill us or even eat us.”

Rogozin, on Rossiya-24 tv, January 29th 2016:

"The US cannot separate its segment of the ISS
in such a way that it will continue flying. Few
people know, that the Russian segment can
be autonomous. We can separate from the
ISS tomorrow and stay on the orbit,
working there. The Americans
cannot do that, they are
absolutely tied to us,
they are nothing
without us."

Gerald Celente:

"Currency wars, trade wars, world wars.''

Robert Tressell:

“Every man who is not helping to bring about
a better state of affairs for the future, is
helping to perpetuate the present
misery, and is, therefore, the
enemy of his own children.
There is no such thing as
being neutral: we must
either help, or hinder.”

Singer/songwriter and peace activist, Phil Ochs:

''One good song with a message
can bring a point more deeply,
to more people, than a
thousand rallies.''

Singer/songwriter and peace activist, Phil Ochs:

Show me a prison, show me a jail
Show me a prisoner whose face has grown pale
And I'll show you a young man
With many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or I.

Show me an alley, show me a train
Show me a hobo who sleeps out in the rain
And I'll show you a young man
With many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or I

Show me a country where the bombs had to fall
Show me the ruins of buildings so tall
And I'll show you a young land
With so many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or I
You or I.

Singer/songwriter and peace activist, Phil Ochs:

''Leave the old and dying America and use your
creative energies to help form a new America,
that would be de-militarized, more humanistic,
 where the police are less hostile, and closer
the community, where the wealthy are not

given unleashed power for the exploitation
of the people. And mostly because it's now
a matter of life and death --- reassert the
ecological balance with the environment,
which means people in the oil companies
and car companies & the space industry
- and all the other industries - will have to
brought into account, so that there will
a new definition of government, which
to be closer to the people & less close

to special interests --- which are far more
 harmful than any revolutionaries.''

After Phil Och's death, the FBI
continued to consider him as:

"Potentially dangerous"

Singer/songwriter and peace activist, Phil Ochs:

"In an ugly world, the only
 true protest, is beauty" 

William Blake:

Every night and ev'ry morn,
some to misery are born.

Every morn and every night,
some are born to sweet delight.

Some are born to sweet delight.
Some are born to endless night.

Paul Craig Roberts:

“The 'War on Terror' is really a war on Muslim countries
with foreign policies independent of Washington and
Israel; it is a war on US civil liberty, and a war on
Middle Eastern countries in the way of Israeli
territorial expansion. But Washington
pretends it's a 'war for democracy' - 
'war for freedom from terrorism.' ”

Henry Kissinger, adviser to 6 US Presidents:

"The chief task of the USA is now
 the depopulation of the world."

Napoleon Bonaparte:

"Never interrupt your enemy, 
when he is making a mistake"

Mao Zedong, known as Chairman Mao:

"There is great disorder under the sky,
so the situation is excellent!"

Professor, Practice of Public Policy, Kishore Mahbubani:

“The era of Western domination is coming to an end.
Western elites should lift their sights from their
domestic civil wars and focus on the larger
global challenges. Instead, they are, in
various ways, accelerating their
irrelevance and disintegration.”

The International Court at the Hague
 ruled, on June 26, 1986, as follows:

“The International Court at the Hague decides that
 the United States of America, by training, arming,
 equipping, financing and supplying the ‘contra’
 forces; or otherwise encouraging, supporting
 and aiding military and paramilitary activities
 in and against Nicaragua, has acted, against
 the Republic of Nicaragua, in breach of its
obligation under customary international law
 not to intervene in the affairs of another State.”


George W. Bush:

 "If any country takes an American
before the ICC we will bomb The Hague."

Charles Pierson, lawyer, & a member of 

Pittsburgh Anti-Drone Warfare Coalition:

"The American Servicemembers’ Protection Act
 empowers the US president to use “all means
 necessary and appropriate” to free US citizens
 (civilian or military --- despite the Act’s name)
 who may in the future be prosecuted by the
 International Criminal Court in The Hague."

Former CIA agent John Stockwell:

“I don’t mean to abuse you with verbal violence, but
you have to understand what your government
and its agents are doing. They [the Contras] go
into villages, they haul out families. With the
children forced to watch, they castrate the
father, they peel the skin off his face, they
put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin.
With the children forced to watch they gang-
rape the mother, and slash her breasts off.
And sometimes for variety, they make the
parents watch while they do these things
to the children.”

Ex US president Ronald Reagan:

''The Contras are the moral equivalent 
of our Founding Fathers.''

Historian William Blum:

“Americans are like the children of a mafia boss
who do not know how their father makes his
living, but then they are shocked when
someone throws a firebomb through
 their living-room window.”

War & Peace (page 429), Anna Pavlovna:

''Europe will never be a sincere ally of ours.''


''If you imply that Serbia started a war against
the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then you are
dead wrong - and you are just spreading
the usual German propaganda.

''The assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Bosnia
was not planned, or organized, by Serbia.
Ultimatum on Serbia, and the war
followed, was not in Serb
at all.

''In WW1 Serbia lost 1 THIRD of its male population.
It is the equivalent of what happened to the USSR
in WW2, or even worse.

''Serbia was a tiny country, compared to the huge
Austro-Hungarian Empire, so one must be really
cynical, to accuse Serbia of starting that war.''

Woodrow Wilson, before the US entered WW1:

"I promise you, this war will be the last one
the war that will end all wars." 

Hitler, before WW2:

"This will be the war of all wars. The last war
ever to be fought. To unite humanity and
countries in one civilization and
under one
glorious flag." 

 Charles Xll, in the 18th century, just before Sweden
 lost both the war - and the status of a great power:

"Russia is a dwarf, I will put her on her knees."

Friedrich, in the 18th century, just before
the Russian army entered Berlin in 1759:

"I will conquer backward Russia."

Napoleon, in the 19th century, just before
 the Russian army took Paris, in 1814:

 "Russia - a colossus on clay legs."

 Hitler, in the 20th century, just before he committed
 suicide, when the Red army entered Berlin, in 1945:

"I will conquer the USSR before the end of the year."


''War with Russia is total war. Every century in history
Russia participated in such a war. And became the
biggest country in the world. Somehow... Is it
not strange?''

F. William Engdahl: 

“Putin’s speech talked about nuclear primacy, and
the Russian response, and he outlined the military
developments they had quietly brought online
--- since Washington unilaterally tore up the
ABM Treaty in 2002/2003. So he outlined an
awesome array of missiles; hypersonic

low flying, stealth missiles, carrying
warheads on unpredictable
invisible against any
prospective missile
and air defence systems...  

unmanned submersible vehicles
at great depths, that could go
many times faster than the
speed of any submarine's 
cutting edge torpedoes;
and commentators in
the West like CNN said:
“Oh, this is just bluff. and so forth.”
It’s indeed, game set and match
over - for
the empire. There’s
no more military
against Russia.”



Joe Quinn, co-author of 9/11: The Ultimate Truth:

''Raytheon stock surged on Friday morning, after
59 of the company's Tomahawk missiles were
used to strike Syria, in Donald Trump's first
major military operation as President. If it
had been publicly revealed how badly the
Tomahawks really did, Raytheon stock
would have lost a similar amount.''


''Please watch this on utoob.....and spread the word...
jimmy Dore show, title: chemical attacks in Syria
proven to be false, start at 16:19...  John Kerry

admits that Saudi Arabia will pay the cost for
the US to destroy Syria, as the US destroyed
Iraq.....  hey USA, why do you listen to FOX
and CNN lies when you can watch CSPAN
and see and hear the evil coming right
out of your politicians mouths....''

Bolivia's President Morales:

''You cannot pretend you are upholding
international law - while breaking
international law.''

The Kremlin:

''Missiles must hit terrorists
- not a government which
  fights terrorists.''

President Assad of Syria, in 2017:
(noting that, in spite of all the
Western pressure on every
country, including India, to
join the embargo against
the Syrian people, India
wouldn’t cease its
relationship with

“We respect the Indian position a lot, because,
first of all, it’s based on the international law,
it’s based on the United Nations' charter,
it’s based on the morals of the world,
of human civilizations first, and
Indian civilization second,
and, secondly, it's based
on the Indian people’s

Global Times Op-Ed:

''The West is only a small fraction of the world,
& is nowhere near the global representative it
once thought it was.  The silenced minorities
within the international community need to
realize this, and prove just how deep their
understanding is, of such a realization...
proving it to the world through action."


Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (The Brothers Karamazov):

“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies
to himself and listens to his own lie, comes to a
point that he cannot distinguish the truth with-
in him, or around him and so loses all respect
for himself and for others. And having no
respect, he ceases to love.”

New Silk Strategies' staff:

''This is the Western world where you are now,
a world where hate holds sway over love,
profound ignorance over
knowledge and

Thomas Paine:

“It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I
may so express it, that mental lying has produced
in society. When a man has so far corrupted and
prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to
subscribe his professional belief to
things he does not believe, he has
prepared himself for the
commission of every
 other crime”

Smedley Butler, Marine Major General, USMC.:

“ I believe in adequate defense at the coastline,
 and nothing else. If a nation comes over here
to fight, then we’ll fight. The trouble with
America, is that, when the dollar only
earns six percent over here, then it
gets restless and goes overseas
to get 100 percent... Then the
flag follows the dollar, and
the soldiers follow the flag.

I wouldn’t go to war again, as I have done, to protect
 some lousy investment of the bankers. There are
only two things we should fight for. One is the
defense of our homes, and the other is the
 Bill of Rights. War for any other reason
 is simply a racket.

''There isn’t a trick in the racketeering bag that the
military gang is blind to. It has its “finger men”
point out enemies; its “muscle men”, to
enemies; its “brain men” to plan
preparations; and a “Big Boss”,


''It may seem odd for me, a military man, to adopt such
a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to...  I spent
thirty-three years and four months in active military
service, as a member of this country’s most agile
military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all
commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant
to Major-General. And, during that period, I
spent most of my time being a high-class
muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall
Street and for the Bankers…..

''In short, I was a racketeer,
a gangster for Capitalism."

George Bush senior:

"If the people knew what we'd been up to
 they'd be coming after us --- with ropes!"

President Assad, of Syria:

“The only thing that moves you, is
people that you trust, people who
are level-headed, people who are
thoughtful, people who are moral,
ethical, that's what should move
anything inside you, whether
positive or negative. Some-
one like Trump, will move
nothing for me.”

Arundhati Roy, in 2001, reacting to the Western “War on Terror”:

“When he announced the air strikes, President George Bush said, 
"We're a peaceful nation." America's favourite ambassador,
Tony Blair, ...echoed him: "We're a peaceful people."
now we know. Pigs are horses. Girls are
boys.  War
is Peace.”

Addressing the accusations of meddling in the
US election, Russian President Vladimir Putin:

''Presidents come and go, and even the
parties in power change, but the main
political direction does not change.
That’s why, in the grand scheme
of things, we don’t care who is
the head of the United States;
we know, more or less, what
is going to happen. So, in
this regard, even if we
wanted to, it wouldn't
make sense for us
to interfere.''


''A friend in an African country once told me
"these Western soldiers are fat, like little
babies, they could not walk for an hour
in Africa, without panting like a dying
goat and drinking water" in his own
words:- the soldiers are weak, over-
fed - and cannot last in a long fight.
So, while the Western soldiers went
into Africa to learn about Africa, the
African soldiers were learning about
the Western soldiers: and my friend
mentioned to me, how they looked
down on the fat slobs.''

Dmitry Orlov:

''I hope that the US doesn’t plan to attack anyone
either, because, given its recent history, this
won’t work. Threatening the whole planet
and forcing it to use the US dollar in
international trade (and destroying
countries, such as Iraq and Libya,
when they refuse); running huge
trade deficits with, virtually, the
entire world and forcing reserve
banks around the world to buy up
US government debt; leveraging
that debt, to run up colossal
budget deficits (now around
a trillion dollars a year); and
robbing the entire planet by
printing money and spending
it on various corrupt schemes
— that, my friends, has been
America’s business plan
since around the 1970s.
And it is unraveling
before our eyes.''

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank President, Jin Liqun:

“There is not a trade war between the US and China,
it is a US trade war against the world.”

Greek philosopher, Sextus Empiricus:

'The mills of the gods grind slowly,
but they grind small.'

John Lennon:

“The trouble with the government as it is,
is that it doesn’t represent the people.
It controls them.”


''So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom,
those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active
and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any
number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles
upon sleeping men.''

Mark Twain:

''Never argue with stupid people,
they will drag you down to their level
and then beat you with experience.''


''Dying of radiation sickness, alone in a ditch, in
his own vomit and shit, the average Canadian
might consider that his life was wasted by
living voluntarily in a cartoon universe,
but perhaps not even that much, will
get through the cast iron of
Canadian wilful ignorance
and stupidity.''

Friedrich Von Logau, (poem, 'Retribution'):

Though the mills of God grind slowly,
yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
 with exactness grinds he all.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War:

“There are not more than five musical notes,
 yet the combinations of these five give rise
to more melodies than can ever be heard.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War:

“There are not more than five primary colours,
yet in combination they produce more hues
 than can ever be seen.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War:

“There are not more than five cardinal tastes,
yet combinations of them yield more flavours
 than can ever be tasted.”

Sun Tzu:
“Wheels of justice grind slow, but grind fine.”

Margarita Simonian beautifully summarizes the feelings

that the West's hatred elicits in the Russian population:

“All your injustice and cruelty, inquisitorial hypocrisy
and lies: you forced us to stop respecting you. You
and your so-called “values.” We don’t want to live
like you live, anymore. For fifty years, secretly
and openly, we wanted to live like you, but
not any longer. We have no more respect
for you, and for those among us that you
support, and for all those people who
support you. For that, you only have
yourself to blame. Our people are
capable of forgiving a lot. But we
don’t forgive arrogance, and no
normal nation would. Your only
remaining Empire, would be
wise to learn the history of
its allies:-  all of them, are
former empires - to learn
the ways they lost their
empires. Only because
of their arrogance.
White man’s
burden, my

(this last sentence in English
in the original text – trans.)


"Money, it must have intrinsic value – independent of
 any other object, and contained in the money itself."

James Howard Kunstler

"Yesterday’s 724-point dump in the Dow Jones
Industrial Average, is liable to not be a fluke
event, but the beginning of a cascade into
 the pitiless maw of reality."

(Newly re-elected, in a record poll turnout, and
the highest ever % of the vote) President Putin:

“We are not threatening anyone, not going to
attack anyone, or take away anything from
anyone, with the threat of weapons... We, 
not need anything. Just the opposite.”

“And to those who, in the past 15 years, have
tried to accelerate an arms race, and seek
unilateral advantage against Russia, have
introduced restrictions & sanctions that
are illegal from the standpoint of inter-
national law -- aiming to restrain our
nation’s development, including in
the military area -- I will say this:
everything you have tried to
prevent through such a policy
has already happened. No one
has managed to restrain Russia.”

“Any use of nuclear weapons against
Russia or
its allies, weapons of short,
medium, or any
range at all, will be
considered as a
nuclear attack
on this country.
will be immediate
- with
all the attendant

be no doubt

about this, 

US Deputy Sec. of Defense Bob Work, in Summer 2016:

 “Our adversaries [Russia], quite frankly, are
 pursuing enhanced human operations
it scares the crap out of us.”

The latest (2017) PIRLS tests.
Top 10 for primary reading:

1. Russia
2. Singapore
3. Hong Kong
4. Republic of Ireland
5. Finland
6. Poland
= Northern Ireland
8. Norway
= Taiwan
= England

(Scotland and Wales did not take part)

A spokesperson for the UK Government’s Dept of Education:

''As everyone knows, whilst Britain has a world class education
system that is the envy of every nation, Russia is a poor country
where nothing works and everyone is force-fed a constant diet
 of Kremlin propaganda. Given that this is the case, we simply
refuse to believe that it is possible for Russian children to
 have better reading results than British children, and it
is obvious to us that the explanation for these results
must be a more sinister one.”

T.R. Fehrenbach’s This Kind of War -
history of 1950-1953 Korean War:

 “You may fly over a nation forever,
you may bomb it, atomize it, pulverize it

and wipe it clean of life. But if you desire to
defend it… you must do this on
the ground,
the way the Roman legions did: by putting
your young men, in
the mud.”

Desiderius Erasmus:

''War is delightful to those who
 have had no experience of it.''

German philosopher Hegel:

“What experience and history teach us is this:
people and governments, never have learned
anything from history, or acted on principles
deduced from it.”

President Xi Jinping:

''We Chinese people do not believe in evil, nor are we afraid of
it. We do not make trouble, nor are we afraid of it. No country
should ever expect China to trade away its core interests or
swallow the bitter fruit that undermines its sovereignty,
security and development interests.''

Winston Churchill:

“The farther backward you can look, the
 farther forward you are likely to see.”

Ali Khamenei:

"We can nullify US sanctions, using
methods such as eliminating the dollar"

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev:

''The world should not be dominated by
 one currency. It is necessary to build
 a new system of international
 financial relations.''

Hermann Hesse:

“If you hate a person, you hate something
in him that is part of yourself. What isn't
part of ourselves, doesn't disturb us.”

Abraham Lincoln, November 21st, 1864:

''As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned
and an era of corruption in high places will follow and
the money power of the country, will endeavour to
prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices
of the people - until all wealth is aggregated in
a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.''

Ed Flaherty, Iowa City Chapter of Veterans for Peace:

“It is about today, about our pressing need to reverse
 the war-momentum and to take up the sweet burden
 of creating lasting peace.”


"it is not the brains that matter most,
but that which guides them—the
character, the heart, generous
qualities, progressive ideas."

Russian Orthodox Elder, Zosima, in
Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov (1881):

“Loving humility is marvelously strong, the strongest of all things.
Every day and every hour, every minute, walk round yourself and
 watch yourself, and see that your image is a seemly one.”


''There were more native Americans in the Americas
than people of Europe, in the 1500s, yet, by 1900,
few of the aboriginal people were left. ''


''22 US veterans per day commit suicide.
PER DAY, just think about that.''

Charles Bukowski:

“The problem with the world is, the
intelligent people are full of doubts,
while the stupid ones are full of

Ukrainian nationalist Nikolai Mikhnivsky:

“All people are your brothers,
just not Muscovites, Poles,
Hungarians, Romanians,
Jews, your enemies,
and so on.”

Walid Al-Moualem, Syrian Deputy PM's
Statement at the UN General Assembly:

''For more than 6 years, Syrians have made
great sacrifices to defend their country, in
the face of a terrorist war of unprecedented
brutality. The Syrian people have stood their
ground against all odds, because they knew
 that this was a war that sought to eliminate
their country & with it, their own existence.
They are an example to follow by any people
who might face now or in the future, similar
attempts to break their will and deny them
their freedom and sovereignty.''

VV Putin:

 "We will soak them even on their toilets.
Our job isn't to judge them, but to send
them to God. Let Him sort them out."

Report from the Ron Paul Institute:

"According to the International Organization for Migration,
almost 67% of the over 600,000 who went back in the first
seven months of this year, returned to Aleppo province."

Libbre David 37:

''To communicate anything to a Goy about
our religious relations would be equal to
the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim
knew what we teach about them,
they would kill us openly.''

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17:
''A Jew should and must make a false oath
when the Goyim asks if our books
anything against them.''

 In his 2017 work report to the General Assembly,
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres:

"Our world is in trouble. People are hurting and angry.
They see insecurity rising, inequality growing,
conflict spreading and climate changing."

Thomas Jefferson:

 “The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt
 has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed
 its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.”

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres:

"The use of nuclear weapons should be unthinkable.
Even the threat of their use can never be condoned."

US commentator, Wil Wheaton:

“If the world was a bar, America would be the angry drunk
waving around a loaded gun. Yeah, the other people in
bar might be afraid of him, but they sure as hell
respect him.”

Editorial in China's state-run Global Times:

"If the US and South Korea carry out strikes and try
 to overthrow the North Korea regime and change
 the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula,
China will prevent them from doing so."

Eric Zuesse:

''The only international poll that has asked the question
'Which country do you think is the greatest threat to
peace in the world today?' found that, by an over-
whelming margin, the US was named by more
people throughout the world, than any other.
But US citizens chose Iran.'' 

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri:

"Israel and terrorism are the two main threats that
Lebanon and the whole Middle East region
facing today."

Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State:

''Military men are just dumb stupid animals
to be used as pawns in foreign policy.''


''The state Department and enablers are the Deep State,
but without the gullible and stupid public, they could
not exist. These gullible souls, especially the misled
"Christians," who like to repeat the inanity "I stand
with Israel," are what can be called
the Shallow

 Nelson Mandela, first black President of South Africa:

"No country can claim to be the policeman of the world
and no state can dictate to another what it should do.
Those that, yesterday, were friends of our enemies,
have the gall today to tell me not to visit my brother
Gaddafi. They are advising us to be ungrateful and
forget our friends of the past.

"Mister Obama, a person was killed with your direct involvement
whom Nelson Mandela called his brother and thanked for help
in gaining democracy. True democracy, and not the one
invented in the Oval Office."

President James Garfield, 1881; 2nd assassinated US president:

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute
 master of all industry and commerce… And when you realize that
 the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another,
 by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told
how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

''Love is the current coin of
 all peoples, in all periods.''

Robert Tressell, author of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists:

"Poverty is not caused by men and women getting married; it's not
caused by machinery; it's not caused by "over-production"; it's not
caused by drink or laziness; & it's not caused by "over-population".
 It's caused by Private Monopoly. That is the present system. They
have monopolized everything that it is possible to monopolize; they
 have got the whole earth, the minerals in the earth and the streams
that water the earth. The only reason they have not monopolized
the daylight and the air is that it is not possible to do it. If it were
 possible to construct huge gasometers and to draw together and
 compress within them the whole of the atmosphere, it would have
been done long ago, and we should have been compelled to work
for them in order to get money to buy air to breathe. And if that
 seemingly impossible thing were accomplished tomorrow, you
 would see thousands of people dying for want of air - or of the
 money to buy it..."

US President, Donald Trump:

''The relationship developed by President Xi and myself, I
 think, is outstanding. We look forward to being together
 many times in the future. And I believe lots of very
 potentially bad problems, will be going away.''

Trump's new US Director of Trade, 'Pete' Navarro:

"China is a despicable, parasitic, brass-
knuckled and totally totalitarian power.''

John F. Kennedy:

''The United States, as the world knows,
will never start a war."


''Just continue the Mexican wall around the
 entire US circumference, we'll all be happy.''

James Butterfill, ETF Securities:

''If you think... what would be the largest economy in
the next 10 years, it could well be China. Ultimately
the US has about 200 million people, deemed to be
middle class, whereas China by say 2025, will have
probably, around 700 million people deemed to be
middle class. You can just see where this is going
and where consumerism will be based. On current
growth rates, it could well achieve that. There has
been, perhaps - in our view - too much pessimism
over Chinese growth. It does have some problems
- such as a considerable credit bubble that it needs
to deal with. But, ultimately, it has this very large
backdrop of a middle class, that will really drive
 growth in the coming years.''

Economist Ivan Danilov, on Moody's downgrading
of China's sovereign credit rating from Aa3 to A1:

"The US is sending China and Russia a message –
 that 'all the elements of financial infrastructure
 that you do not take away from Washington in
 time --- will be used against you, in time.' It is
 worth listening to this message, and drawing
 the right conclusions from these first volleys
 of this new stage of the global financial war."

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis:

“There has been no change to our
continued extraordinary efforts to
 avoid innocent civilian casualties.”

Belkis Wille, Iraq researcher for Human Rights Watch:

“Remarkably, when I interview families at camps,
who have just fled the fighting, the first thing they
complain about, is not the 3 horrific years they've
spent under ISIS, or the last months of no food or
clean water, but the US airstrikes. Many told me
that they survived such hardships, and almost
made it out with their families, only to lose all
their loved ones in a strike, before they had
 time to flee.”


Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times:

"The hopes of a brave new world of progress, harmony & democracy,
raised by the market opening of the 1980s and the collapse of the
 Soviet Union between 1989 and 1991, have turned into ashes."

 Former USSR President, Gorbachev:

 “Plainly speaking, the US has already
 dragged us into a new Cold War,
by trying to openly implement
idea of triumphalism.
What’s next?

 Unfortunately, I cannot be sure
 that the Cold War will not bring
 about a ‘hot’ one. I’m afraid
they might take the risk.”

President Xi, at the UN Office at Geneva, this January:

"We should advance democracy in international relations
and reject dominance by just one, or several, countries.
All countries should jointly shape the
world's future,
write international rules, manage global affairs -- and
ensure that development outcomes are shared by all."

Grace Lee Boggs, author, activist, philosopher and feminist:
“Love isn't about what we did yesterday; it's about
 what we do today and tomorrow and the day after.”

"I’ve come to believe that you cannot change any society
unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see your-
self as belonging to it -- and responsible for changing it."

“At the core of the problem is an obsolete factory model
of schooling that sorts, tracks, tests, rejects or certifies
 working-class children --- as if they were products on
an assembly line. The purpose of education, can't be
only to increase the earning power of the individual,
or to supply workers for the ever-changing slots of
the corporate machine. Children need to be given
a sense of the 'unique capacity of human beings
 to shape and create reality in accordance with
 conscious purposes and plans.”

Professor, Practice of Public Policy, Kishore Mahbubani:

“Viewed against the backdrop of the past 1,800 years...  the
recent period of Western relative over-performance against
other civilizations, is a major historical aberration. All such
aberrations come to a natural end, and that is happening

Zhang Xiangzhong, forest management official:

"Planting a tree in the soil is a skill,
 but preserving it for the long term,
 is an art." 

Zhang Weiwei, director, Inst. of
 China Studies, Fudan University:

"Political legitimacy comes from
 competence and prosperity,"

Mao Zedong, in 1934:

"We won't have the support of the people,
 if we cannot strive for the people's benefit."

Xi Jinping, in 2012.

"To meet the people's desire for
a happy life ~ is our mission."

UK Tory election campaign guidelines:

''Under no circumstances debate policies
 or acknowledge Tory failures, just go
 all out attack on Corbyn.''

Unite union general secretary Len McCluskey:

“Theresa May fought an underhand, depressing campaign
 and has been well and truly humbled. People do not want
Tory business as usual, they do not want a politics built
on fear that spreads despair, and they certainly do not
 want a lame duck prime minister. Credit for this must
 go to Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, which has
pulled off the biggest political reawakening
of the century."

 Algerian writer Kamel Daoud:

 "Daesh has a mother, the invasion of Iraq.
But it also has a father, the ideological
 industry of Saudi Arabia."

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in October:
"Afghanistan is responsible for 90% of the world’s
illicit opiates such as heroin, & opium production
increased by 43% just in the past year."

US permanent representative to the UN, Haley:

 ''America is the moral conscience of the world."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:

 "Now it's clear what's happening on the planet: after every
 demonstration of American conscience, Russia has had
to strain its brains to bring the world from the [brink].
Taking a look back at the results of US foreign policy
 of the last decade, one can assume that Washington
 is more suited to the role of another 'global' organ…"

"And another thing.. The UN is not an instrument promoting
 America's or anyone else's values. The UN is a chance
given to humanity to prevent new world wars, which
 come about as a result of an overabundance of
feeling, about one's own exclusivity."

Winston Churchill:

"Occasionally, our American friends experience the
need to wash their conscience in a bidet. The fact
 is that later, they make us drink the water. "

Ammar Waqqaf, director, the UK-based think tank Gnosos,
commenting on all the US airstrikes on Syrian troops:

“This is being used as a principle, to prevent the Syrian Army
 from restoring Syrian sovereignty, against rebels, against
Daesh [Arabic pejorative term for IS]. In a sense, about
a year
ago, the US were passively using IS forces to
put pressure
on the Syrian Army. Now they seem
to be actively
protecting them, and this
is madness.”

Russia's President Putin, on March 1st, 2018:

“There is no reason, after 1991, or certainly
after 2000, for the existence of NATO,
other than the reason given when
NATO was created, by the first
secretary general of NATO:
[General Hastings Lionel Ismay,

1st Baron Ismay KG, GCB,
to keep the Russians out,
the Germans down, and
the Americans in.”

In November 2011, German Minister
of Finance, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble:

“In Germany, at no time since
the 8th of May 1945, have we
 been fully sovereign”.


''Germany is still occupied. Through an agreement
the US controls German media, education, and
just about everything else, until 2099.''

Hassan Sakr, head of foreign affairs,
the Syrian Social Nationalist Party:

"The Americans are still working on the Israeli agenda
 which is summarized as: dividing the region into
religious and ethnic pieces, and this is obvious
their position re the Kurdish referendum."

Political thinker, Shaktiman:

"Is it worth it, to live in a country where you must look
over your shoulder 24/7, because some idiot may
use explosives to blow up you and your loved
 ones, to Kingdom Come?

"Is freedom the right to lie and force everyone to call it truth?
Is promoting cowardice in our citizenry in the face of tyranny
 and injustice worth it? Bombing our neighbours in this world
 and killing their children, has created a mountain of hatred
 from the world. The US citizen must speak up, or perish.

"Israel has already threatened that if it doesn't get its way,
 change regimes where Israel and the US so choose and
 more so to become "Greater Israel", (if one can call it
then Israel will unilaterally launch nukes
against the world."

Pope Francis:

“Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to
 inflict untold suffering?...simply for money: money that is
 drenched in blood, often innocent blood."

Sayyed Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader:

 “For all those fighting in the ranks of the enemy in Syria,
 I tell you -- this project is over. Netanyahu visited Putin
to beg him, because he fears the defeat of ISIL, for its
defeat means Israel’s defeat and the victory of the
resistance axis in the region. I call on you to
abandon the US/Israeli front and join the
 resistance front… since the beginning,
 I have assured you that the resistance
 axis will never be defeated, neither
 in Syria nor in Iraq or Yemen."

The Miner’s Next Step, in 1912:

‘All leaders become corrupt, in spite of their own
good intentions. They become “gentlemen”,
they become MPs and have considerable
social prestige because of this power.’

‘As any increase in the power of the rank and file
 lessens the power and prestige, the leader then
has an interest – a vested interest – in
stopping progress.’

‘The order and system is based on the suppression
 of the men, from being independent thinkers, into
 being “the men” or “the mob”.’

Eric Hobsbawm:

"It seems that American patriotism measures itself
against an outcast group. The right Americans are
the right Americans because they are not like the
wrong Americans, who are not really Americans."

Malcolm X:

"You just know you're in The South
when you cross the Canadian border."

Angela Davis, black, communist,
 feminist, US intellectual, in 2015:

I think feminism,
radical feminism, radical anti-racist

and anti-capitalist feminism, helps us to do the
reconceptualisation that is necessary, in order
to produce a left that is more in line with the
 vast changes that have occurred in the era
of global capitalism, recognising the
feminisation of the working class,
the structural shifts in the global economy,
and the fact that some industries are largely
populated by women, industries that rely on
reproductive labour, of care industries,

domestic service, health care, etc.
It seems
to me that in many ways
unions around the
world, are not
willing to recognise those changes.

 To organise the unorganised,
at this moment,
 is to organise

Paramhansa Yogananda:

Father, I will drink vitality from the fountains
of sunshine. I will drink peace from the silver
fountain of mooned nights. I will drink Your
 power in the mighty cup of the wind. I will
 drink Your consciousness in all the little
cups of my thoughts. I will drink Your
 joy in my joy. I will drink Your Bliss
 in my blissful thoughts.  

       Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, 19/3/2014:

"What has happened in Crimea is a response to the
 format that made Ukrainian democracy collapse.
And there is only one reason for this: the anti-
Russian policy of the US and some European
countries. They seek to encircle Russia, in
order to weaken and eventually destroy it.
There is a certain transnational elite that's
 been cherishing this dream, for 300 years."

Ilya Kharlamov:
"On the one hand, NATO has said that a dialogue with
 Moscow is necessary, mentioning joint threats that
could be dealt with together. On the other hand,
the bloc has tirelessly spread wild speculations
on Moscow's supposedly bloodthirsty plans,
 which have to be stopped. This is not a
 mixed message, but a chronic
cognitive dissonance."

Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, 1935:

“There is only one power which really counts. The
 power of political pressure. We Jews are the most
powerful people on earth, because we have this
 power, and we know how to apply it.”

Pope Francis:

“Power is like drinking gin on an empty stomach.
You feel dizzy, get drunk, you lose your balance,
 and you will end up hurting yourself and those
 around you, if you don’t connect your power
with humility and tenderness.”  

Admiral Moorer, Chief of US Naval Operations
and Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff:

“No American president can stand up to Israel.”

Image: Netanyahu on Christian Zionists

Naim Qassem, Hezbollah's deputy
 secretary-general, on Palestine:

“One state means war. Two states means peace
under their conditions, which will lead us to war.”

Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer:

 “Our goal is to make sure that we maintain
America’s dominance around the world.”

Conn Hallinan:

"According to the CIA, 'by 2030 Asia will have
 surpassed N. America and Europe combined
 in terms of global power --- based on GDP,
population size, military spending and
technological investments.' By 2025
 two-thirds of the world will live in
Asia, 7% in Europe, and 5% in
 the US. Those are the
 of eclipse."

The Chinese poet, Lao Tzu:

"Those who have knowledge, don't predict;
 those who predict, don't have knowledge."

Mark Twain:

“It's easier to fool people
 than to convince them
they have been

Otto von Bismarck:

 ''We must cultivate among the Ukrainians, a people
 whose consciousness is altered to such an extent,
 that they begin to hate everything Russian.''

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei:

“The sorrowful story of Palestine and the excruciating
 sadness felt, because of the oppression against this
 patient, enduring & resistant nation, truly distresses
any individual who seeks freedom, truth & justice,
and it thrusts an agonizing pain and suffering
one’s heart.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan - 'Our Sacred Task':

"The principal thing that the Message has
to accomplish in this era, is to create the
realization of the divine spark in every soul
-- that every soul according to its progress,
 may begin to realize for itself, the spark
of divinity within. This is the task
that is before us.

Now you may ask, what is the Message? The Message is
this: that the whole of humanity, is as one single body,

 and all the nations, communities and races, are the
different organs, and the happiness and well-being
of each of them, is the happiness and well-being of
the whole body. If there is one organ of the body in
 pain, the whole body has to sustain a share of the
strain of it. That, by this Message, mankind may
begin to think that his welfare and his well-being
 is not in looking after himself, but it is in looking
after others --- and, when in all, there will be
reciprocity, love and goodness towards
another, the better time will come."

John Swinton (1829–1901), Scots-US
journalist, and newspaper publisher:

"There is no such a thing in America as an independent press,
unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know
it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express
an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know before-
hand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for
keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected
with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing
similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to
be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like
Othello before 24 hours: my occupation would be
gone. The man who would be so foolish as to
write honest opinions would be out on the
street hunting for another job. The business of a
New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie
outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet
of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race
for his daily bread, or for what is about the same
 — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and
what foolery to be toasting an "Independent
Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich
men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks.
They pull the string and we dance. Our time,
our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are
all the property of other men. We are
intellectual prostitutes".

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad:

"The mainstream media has failed. Their
version has been discredited. It is in
the alternative media that we must
seek the truth."

US writer and investigative historian, Eric Zuesse:

"On 15 August 2007, the BBC headlined “Wikipedia
 Shows CIA Page Edits,” and Jonathan Fildes
reported that, “An online tool that claims
 to reveal the identity of organizations
that edit Wikipedia pages, revealed
 that the CIA was involved in editing
 entries.” I.e.: What the CIA doesn’t
 like, they can (and do) eliminate
 or change."

Ji Xinping:

"Remembering history is to open up to the
 future ----- forgetting history is a betrayal"

Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard:

 “Life can only be understood backwards
 . . . but it must be lived forwards.”

Public Library of US Diplomacy, Sarah Harrison:
 “Our work, is dedicated to making
sure history belongs to everyone.”

Italian psychoanalyst, Dr. Roberto Assagioli,
on the effect of watching Western Television:
"Like drinking mental poison!"

Psychologist Stanley Milgram:

''Often it's not so much the kind of person
 a man is, as the kind of situation in which
 he finds himself, that determines how he
will act.''

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

"Peace is perfected activity; that is perfect
 which is complete in all its aspects,
balanced in each direction and
 under complete control of
 the will."

Kurt Koch, president, Pontifical
 Council for Promoting Christian Unity:

"We should not fear a strong Islam,
 but a weak Christianity."

The head of the Synodal Dept. for Church & Society
 Relations (Moscow Patriarchate), Vsevolod Chaplin:

“Any fight against terrorism is moral;
we can even call it a holy fight.
Secularism will never be able to cope with the
challenge of religious fanaticism and extremism
coming to Europe today. Secularism will always
 lose to religious or pseudo-religious extremism.
 Even if secularism successfully beats off
religious and public radicalism with the
help of power and money for some
time, it won’t last long, only
 for 20-30 years.”

Pope Francis:

"We need to embrace technological transformations of the
 economy and of life, without resigning ourselves to the
 ideology that seems to be gaining a foothold wherever
 one looks, and which envisions a world in which only
 half, or maybe two-thirds, of employable people
 actually work and the others are maintained
with a welfare cheque. Without work one
 can survive,  but to live, you need work.”

Paul Craig Roberts, economist:

"I am convinced that if robotics is going to supplant
human labour, patents will have to be socialized,
and income distributed on a relatively equal
 basis, throughout society."


 "To learn who rules over you --- simply find
out who you are not allowed to criticise."

http://www.politforums.net/ukraine/1424105683.html  says:

- President Petro Poroshenko (Waltman) – Jew. - Acting President
Turchinov (Kogan) – Jew. Prime Minister – Yatsenyuk (Buckeye) -
Jew. - Minister of Finance – Alexander Shlapak– Jew. Secretary of
Council of NAT. security and defence – Andrew Parubiy – Jew, a
homosexual. Vice Prime Minister – Vladimir Groisman– a Jew. -
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov – Armenian Jew, a homosexual. -
Minister of Culture – Sergei Nischuk - Jew, Mason, homosexual.
- Director of the national Bank – Stepan Kubiv – Jew. - Head
of administration of President - Sergey Pashinskiy– Jew.

Opposition: - Julia Tymoshenko (Celia, Walter) was
 a Jew. - Vitali Klitschko (Etinzon) – a Jew by his father.
- Oleg Tyagnibok (frotman) – a Jew by the mother.
- Dmitry (Avdimou) Yarosh– Jew, the Hasid.
The oligarchs in Ukraine – all Jews: I. Kolomoisky,
E. Horowitz, G. Bogolyubov, P. Poroshenko, Firtash,
Sergei Levochkin, V. Gaiduk, V. Nemirovsky,
K. Zhevago, V. Pinchuk, E. Prutnik, A. Martynov,
V. Kostelman, E. Segal, B. Kolesnikov, A. Feldman,

In the Ukrainian government there are no
Ukrainians. Draw your own conclusion.

Paul Craig Roberts, economist:

"Frontline journalists, such as Chris Hedges, who
 have seen and reported a lot, have concluded
 that the fate of the world is in such few hands
 that act only in their narrow self-interests,
 that only revolution can correct the
 imbalance between the interest
 of a handful of oligarchs and
the mass of humanity.
 Hedges’ position is
 not an easy one
 with which
  to argue."

Syria's president Assad:

''Our optimism starts with a possible improvement in
 relations between the US and Russia -- not between
 Russia and the West, because the European Union
does not exist on the political map."

Russia's President Putin:

"America is the only country to use a nuclear weapon
on an unarmed country - one which didn't have
nuclear weapons. Did you expect us to
 forget this, to just wipe it out of
our minds? - No."

The former Foreign Minister of Nicaragua, and
 former President of the UN General Assembly,
 Father Miguel D’Escoto:

 “What the U.S. government is doing in Syria
 is tantamount to a war of aggression, which,
according to the Nuremberg Tribunal, is the
worst possible crime a State can commit
 against another State.”

Former US President Jimmy Carter says, of his own country:

"Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery
 being the essence of getting the nominations for
president or being elected president. And the
 same thing applies to governors, and U.S.
 Senators and congress members."

Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels:

"The English follow the principle that, when
 one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it.
They keep up their lies, even at the risk of
looking ridiculous."

In 2012, then President, Dmitry Medvedev, said
about CIA dirty tricks on Communist Zyuganov
--- after Yeltsin's 2nd-round win of 54% to 40%:

 "There is hardly any doubt who won [the '96
 vote]. It was not Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin."

President Assad of Syria:

"The blood of our soldiers is on the hands of the
hirers of murderers. These people who created,

 supported, and armed, these beasts in human
 form, calling them the ‘opposition’, to justify
 themselves to their own conscience and
 to their voters."

"Yes, the blood of our soldiers is on your hands,
 ladies and gentlemen, the patrons of terrorists
 from the US, UK, France and other countries,
 and their bands of sympathizers."

In response to JFK’s assassination, President
Truman - who set up the CIA - wrote publicly:

    “I think it has become necessary to take another
    look at the purpose & operations of our Central
 Intelligence Agency — the CIA.”

    “I decided to set up a special organization charged
     with the collection of all intelligence reports from
     every available source (the Departments of State,
             Defense, Commerce, Interior), and to have those         
 reports reach me as President --- without any
department “treatment” or interpretations.”

    "The most important thing about this move --- was
    to guard against the chance of intelligence being
     used to influence or lead the President into unwise
    decisions and I thought it was necessary that the
 President do his own thinking and evaluating.”

    “For some time, I've been disturbed by the way
     that the CIA has been diverted from its original
     assignment. It has become an operational and,
    at times, a policy-making arm of Government.
 This has led to trouble and may have
compounded our difficulties in
several explosive areas.”

 “I never had any thought, when I set up the CIA,
 that it would be injected into peacetime cloak &
dagger operations. Some of the complications &
 embarrassment, I think we have experienced,
are, in part, attributable to the fact that this
quiet intelligence arm of the President has
been so removed from its intended role,
 that it is being interpreted as a symbol
 of sinister and mysterious foreign
 intrigue—and a subject for cold
 war enemy propaganda.”

    “But there are now some searching questions
 that need to be answered. I, therefore, would
 like to see the CIA be restored to its original
 assignment, as the intelligence arm of the

Mark Taliano, writer:

“Syria was prosperous, with a growing economy.
 It had food sovereignty, with a “strategic” stock
 of millions of tons of high quality wheat, not the
 “Franken-food” bio-tech variety; it had a strong
 central bank with no usurious IMF loans; it had
 a popular, reformer President; it had a mostly
well-educated, secular, pluralist, forward-
looking population; and it was the fourth
 safest country in the world.”

President Truman, in 1964, publicly wrote:

“The CIA was set up by me for the sole purpose
 of getting all the available information to the
 President. It was not intended to operate
as an international agency engaged
in strange activities.”

Lakhdar Brahimi, ex UN & Arab League Special
 Envoy to Syria, after he had resigned in 2014:

 “Everybody had their agenda and the interests of
 Syria's people, came second, third, or not at all.

US psychologist, Timothy Leary,
on watching Western television:

 "The plug-in drug."

Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, President, the
 International Centre of Geopolitical Analysis:

"If the data on the Russia-NATO power balance
 in the Western direction is analyzed, as well as
 the military activity build-up rate at our borders,
the scale of combat equipment deployment, if
 the grade of Russia demonization is estimated,
 one can say that preparation to a real war is
taking place. [Such] acts are usually under-
taken at the forefront of a war [and it is
evident] that the US is preparing for a
[potential] nuclear conflict......"

 Vladimir Putin, at
Petersburg economic forum:

 “Russia does not want war and does not intend
 to start a war. But - today - Russia can see that
the explosion of a global war is almost unavoid-
able & is prepared, and will continue preparing.
 Russia doesn't want a war, but is not afraid of
a war. Those who get Russia involved in this
process, will learn the real meaning of pain.”

Mark Taliano, writer:

“The Western assault on this country...
is an assault on our common humanity
and an assault on Syria’s progressive
 and forward-looking future.”

Petrol station sign in Johannesburg:

 "If we can 'rest in peace',
 why can't we live in peace?"

Mark Taliano, writer:

“Syria’s stand against the Western agencies
of death and destruction, is a stand for all of
 humanity against the dark forces that fester
 beneath our politicians’ empty words and
the courtesan media’s toxic lies.”

Fidel Castro's farewell in his last official appearance
 at the 7th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party
 on April 19th, 2016:

"I'll be 90 years old soon. Soon I'll be like all the
others. The time will come for all of us, but the
 ideas of the Cuban communists, will remain as
 proof on this planet, that if they are worked at
with fervour and dignity, they can produce the
material and cultural goods that humans need
and we need to fight without truce
to obtain them."

President of the International Institute for
 Scientific Cooperation, Elena Ponomareva:

"In the USSR, people were willing to die for
 their ideas. In 1989, the Soviet leadership
 surrendered in disgrace, although it was
 not Gorbachev's team, that had created
the great Soviet Union. As soon as the
 USSR was deprived of its strategic
 vision and the global project it had
been implementing, the country
 lost its power instantly."

Mohammed Ali:

“I’ve never seen 100 nationalities getting along in peace,
and done better than these people have. As far as what
they believe or what they worship - that’s their business.
But truth is truth - I saw nothing but peace & tranquillity.
I think that this should be promoted more. These people
don’t want anything, but peace: they don’t want any
trouble, they don’t have violence in the streets, or
among the peoples. Their leader Mr. Brezhnev,
is a peaceful, humble man.”

Fidel Castro:

“Just ideas will triumph,
 or disaster will triumph.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin:

“Many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually
rejecting their roots, including Christian values
that constitute the basis of Western civilization.
They're denying moral principles & all traditional
identities, national, cultural, religious, and even
secular. They are implementing policies, that
equate families with same-sex partnerships,
worship of God with worship of Satan. I am
convinced, that this opens a direct path to
degradation and primitivism, resulting in
 a profound demographic & moral crisis.”


''Anyone who rises to his feet even
stronger after a fall, can hardly be
 said, to have fallen at all.''

Sahra Wagenknecht, Vice President of Germany's
Leftist Party, said in Parliament, on November
23rd, to Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel:

"Where does political Islam have its most important
 basis? These are the Islamic dictatorships on the
Gulf, which finance & upgrade terrorist murder
 bands, worldwide. According to the Federal
Government's own findings, it is also Turkey,
which plays a key role in the organization and
 arming of terrorists. We find it astonishing that
the Christian-social anti-Islamic militants from
 Bavaria do not seem to mind at all, that in the
 first half of 2016, Turkey outstripped 25th
place in the ranking countries of German
armaments exports, & that Saudi Arabia
& Qatar too, have more German arms
than ever before. What kind of
 mad politics is this?"

Barack Obama:

“I believe in American exceptionalism
 with every fibre of my being.” 

Minna Thomas Antrim:

"Between flattery and admiration,
 there often flows a river of

Former US President Jimmy Carter, on the US
Supreme Court's decision to enable unlimited
secret money (including foreign cash) to pour
 into the US' political and judicial campaigns:

"It violates the essence of what made America
a great country in its political system. Now it’s
just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribes
 being the essence of getting the nominations
 for president, or being elected president. And
the same thing applies to governors, and US
 Senators and congress members. So... now
we’ve just seen a subversion of our political
system, as a payoff to major contributors,
who want and expect, and sometimes get,
 favors for themselves, after the election's
 over. At the present time the incumbents,
Democrats & Republicans, look upon this
unlimited money --- as a great benefit to
themselves. Somebody that's already in
Congress, has a great deal more to sell.”

(He was then cut off by the program.)

Bertrand Russell:

"Three passions have governed my life:
The longings for love, the search for knowledge,
And unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness.
In the union of love I have seen
In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision
Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge.
I have wished to understand the hearts of men.
I have wished to know why the stars shine.
Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens,
But always pity brought me back to earth;
Cries of pain reverberated in my heart
Of children in famine, of victims tortured
And of old people left helpless.
I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,
And I too suffer.
This has been my life; I found it worth living."

M. Cartmill:

"As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved
 factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful
vision of human life - so I became a scientist.
This is like becoming an archbishop
so you can meet girls."

Mark Twain:

"The man who does not read good books has no
 advantage over the man who cannot read them." 

Douglas Adams:

"Plenty of people did not care for him much, but
 then there's a huge difference between disliking
somebody -- maybe even disliking them a lot --
 and actually shooting them, or strangling them,
 dragging them through the fields, and setting
 their house on fire. It was a difference which
 kept the vast majority of the population
 alive, from day to day."

Bertrand Russell:

"Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth
 than men; although he was twice married, it never
 occurred to him to verify this statement by
 examining his wives' mouths."

Writing for the E.U.'s Institute for Security Studies,
 Thomas Ries, Swedish Inst. of International Affairs:

 “The percentage of the population who are poor
 and frustrated will continue to be very high, the
 tensions between this world and the world of the
 rich will continue to rise, with the corresponding
consequences. Since we will hardly be able to
overcome the origin of this problem by 2020,
i.e., the functional defects of society, we will
 have to protect ourselves more strongly.”

Bertrand Russell:
"Most people would sooner die
 than think; in fact, they do so." 

Albert Einstein:

"The purest form of madness is to leave everything
 as it is... and just hope that something changes."

Sun Tzu:
"Opportunities multiply
as they are seized."

Albert Einstein:

"There are only two ways to live your life.
 One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything
 is a miracle."

Carl Sagan:

"How is it that hardly any major religion has looked
 at science and concluded, "This is better than we
 thought! The Universe is much bigger than our
 prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant
--- God must be even greater than we dreamed"?
 Instead they say, "No, no, no! My god is a little
god, and I want him to stay that way." A religion,
old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the
 Universe, as revealed by modern science, might
 be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and
awe, hardly tapped by the conventional faiths.
Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."

Calvin and Hobbes:
"Oh, greatest of mass media, thank you for elevating
 emotion, reducing thought, and stifling imagination.
Thank you for the artificiality of quick solutions and
 for the insidious manipulation of human desires,
commercial purposes. This bowl of lukewarm
 tapioca represents my brain. I offer it in humble
 sacrifice. Bestow thy flickering light forever."

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel:
"Uneducated people delight in argument & fault-
finding, for it is easy to find fault, but difficult
to recognize the good and its inner necessity.
Education in its early stages always begins
 with fault-finding, but when it is complete,
 it sees the positive element in everything.
 In religion, it is equally easy to say that
 this or that is superstition, but it is
 infinitely more difficult to
comprehend the truth
 which it contains."

Carl Sagan:

"Is our self-esteem so precarious... that nothing
 short of a universe custom-made for us will do?"

St. Augustine:

"Often, a non-Christian knows something about the
 earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world,
about the motions and orbits of the stars and even
 their sizes and distances,... and this knowledge he
 holds with certainty from reason and experience. It
is thus offensive & disgraceful for an unbeliever to
hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things,

 claiming what he is saying, is based in Scripture.
 We should do all that we can, to avoid such an
 embarrassing situation, which people see as
 ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn."

Andrew Kuchins, Russia expert at Georgetown
 University and former head of Carnegie Moscow
 Centre, in a new report on US-Russian relations:

"The risk of a nuclear conflict may be higher
 today -- than at any time since the 1980s.
Unfortunately, societies and political
establishments seem, in large
 part, unaware.... that this
existential threat

Former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower:

“We will bankrupt ourselves in the
vain search for absolute security.”

Mark Twain:

"If you don’t read newspapers you are uninformed.
But if you do read them, you are misinformed."

Truth teller Edward Snowden:

"If we want to have a better world we can’t hope
 for an Obama, and we should not fear a Donald
 Trump. Rather, we should build it ourselves."

President Putin, in 2012:

"The key feature of the new era, is that
no single country can cope with global
problems in the economy and politics
on its own. Risks will prevail, if each
goes ahead with playing their own
game, if the delusion that chaos
 can be kept under control, is
 not brushed aside."


"We must learn to live in a different way from before
--- we can no longer tolerate a world where the
principle is of winner takes all --- but, instead,
win-win cooperation and an understanding
 that no country can exist alone, or be
 above others.

"China's own stability and prosperity rests on
the stability and prosperity of her neighbours,
such as Russia and others across the world:
this is also evident, in that, what 1 country
needs, only another country can provide
better, and vice versa, and only with
cooperation towards each other's
needs, can we live and prosper

"if history has taught us anything -- it is that
 in each of us there is something of the other,
 and the world needs to act accordingly".


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton walk in to a bar.

Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says,
“The media's really tearing you apart for that Scandal.”

Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the military not getting
 their votes counted?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Using my secret private server with
 classified material to Hide my Activities?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls,
emails and everything Else?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for
tax evasion, Hiring Cronies, And taking bribes from
foreign countries?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in
 our own country without The Benefit of the law?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and
 right afterwards it Declared Bankruptcy and was
 sold to the Chinese?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood
 and hiring them in the White House?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee,
Vince Foster, commodity Deals?”

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “Being the mastermind of the so-called
 “Arab Spring” that only brought chaos, death
 and destruction to the Middle East and North

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi?”

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few
Muslim friends?”

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “The funding and arming of terrorists in
 Syria, the destruction and destabilization of
that nation, giving the order to our lapdogs in
Turkey and Saudi Arabia to give sarin gas to
the “moderate” terrorists in Syria that they
ventually used on civilians, and framed
 Assad, and if not for the Russians and
Putin, we would have used that as our
pretext to invade Syria, put a puppet
power, steal their natural resources,
leave that country in total chaos,
just like
we did with Libya?

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “The creation of the biggest
crisis since WWII?”

Trump: “No the other one:”

Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius
shaking down health insurance Executives?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA
$500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later
 they declared bankruptcy and then the
 Chinese bought it?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “The NSA monitoring citizens’ ?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an
Inspector General Investigation on departmental
 sexual misconduct?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder
 all lying to Congress?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses
to keep them quiet?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean the INSIDER TRADING of
 the Tyson chicken deal I did where I invested
$1,000 and the next year I got $100,000?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean when Bill met with Attorney
 General, Loretta Lynch, just before my hearing
with the FBI, to cut a deal?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: ” You mean the one where my IT guy
 at Platte River Networks asked Reddit for
help to alter emails?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean where the former Haitian Senate
 President accused me and my foundation of asking
him for bribes?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean that old video of me laughing
 as I explain how I got the charges against that
 child rapist dropped by blaming the young girl
for liking older men & fantasizing about them.
Even though I knew the guy was guilty?

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean that video of me coughing up
 a giant green lunger into my drinking glass then
 drinking it back down?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean that video of me passing out
on the curb and losing my shoe?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean when I robbed Bernie Sanders
of the Democratic Party Nomination by having
the DNC rig the nomination process so that I
would win?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean how so many people that
opposed me have died in mysterious ways?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Travel Gate? When seven employees of
the White House Travel Office were fired so that
 friends of Bill and mine could take over the
travel business? And when I lied under oath
during the investigation by the FBI, the
Department of Justice, the White House
 itself, the General Accounting Office,
House Government Reform and
Committee, and the

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “The scandal where, (while I was Secretary
of State), the State Department signed off on a deal
to sell 20% of the USA’s uranium to a Canadian
corporation that the Russians bought, netting a
 $145 million donation from Russia to the Clinton
 Foundation and a $500,000 speaking gig for Bill
 from the Russian Investment Bank that set up
the corporate buyout? That scandal?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “That time I lied when I said I was under
sniper fire when I got off the plane in Bosnia?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “That time when after I became the First
 Lady, I improperly requested a bunch of FBI files
 so I could look for blackmail material on
government insiders?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “That time when Bill nominated Zoe Baird
as Attorney General, even though we knew she
 hired illegal immigrants and didn’t pay payroll
taxes on them?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “When I got Nigeria exempted from foreign
aid transparency guidelines despite evidence of
 corruption because they gave Bill $700,000 in
 speaking fees?”

Trump” “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “That time in 2009 when Honduran military
 forces allied with rightist lawmakers, ousted
 democratically elected President Manuel
Zelaya, and I as then-Secretary of State
sided with the armed forces and fought
global pressure to reinstate him?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it!
 When I stole the White House furniture, and
silverware, when Bill left Office?”
Trump: “THAT’S the one!

Lord Acton:

“…the issue which has swept down the centuries
and will have to be fought, sooner or later, is the
people versus the banks.”

The US Constitution:

"Congress shall have the power to coin
money and regulate the value thereof."

(Ex)Federal Reserve Chair, Alan Greenspan:

"The Federal reserve is an independent
agency and that means, basically, that
there's no other agency of government
that can overrule the actions we take."

Andrew Jackson (Trump's hero) 10 July 1832:

"It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the
 bounty of our Government. More than eight millions
of the stock of this bank, are held by foreigners. Is
there no danger to our liberty and independence
 in a bank that, in its nature, has so little to bind
to our country? Controlling our currency,
our public moneys, and holding
thousands of our
citizens in dependence
--- it would be more
formidable and
dangerous than the naval
military power of the enemy."

Josiah Stamp director, Bank of England, 1928:

 “If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks
and to pay the cost of your own slavery, then let
the bankers continue to create money and
control credit.”

Rockefeller’s General Education Board in 1906:

 “We shall not try to make these people or any
 of their children into philosophers, or men
learning, or men of science. We shall
search for embryonic great artists,
painters, musicians, nor lawyers,
 doctors, preachers, politicians,
or statesmen, of whom, we
 have an ample supply.”

Chris Hedges:

"Voltaire was the most famous man
of the 18th century. Today the most
famous “person” is Mickey Mouse."

"Woe unto them
 that call evil good,
and good evil."

Eduard Popov:

"Restoring the violated principle of national
sovereignty instead of the idea of 1 nation’s
global domination, restoring the ‘blooming
complexity’ of the world’s cultures instead
of an imposed & dull liberal “post-culture”,
& affirming solid moral principles, instead
 of immoral promiscuity --- this is a sample
program, which is shared by the majority
of humans. Most of humanity is opposed
 to the dominant quasi-religion of US neo
-liberalism --- or, rather, the ideology
Pax Americana, is opposed to
majority of humanity."

Historian & political scientist, Andrei Fursov:

"The problem is.. America consumes
 far more than it produces. With only
 5% of the world's population, the US
 consumes 40% of world output, and
 produces 70% of the world's waste.
 It is clear that, sooner or later,
Americans will be forced to
 cut their overconsumption."

Thomas Jefferson:

"The mass of mankind has not been born with
 saddles on their backs, nor a favored few
booted and spurred, ready to ride them
 legitimately -- by the grace of God."

Vladimir Putin:

    “It is extremely dangerous to encourage people
    to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the
    motivation. We are all different, but when we
   ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not
    forget that God created us equal.”

Hillary Clinton:

    "The United States is an exceptional nation."

F. William Engdahl:

"US elections are no longer democratic.
 Elections are rigged;-  the electronic
 voting machines can be programmed.
 Any semblances of democracy that
 used to be there, up to the 1970s,
 are gone."

Jacob G. Hornberger:

"US officials just arrested a national-security
state official, and charged him with stealing
US national-security state secrets. What are
the secrets he stole? He stole secret codes
that enable US officials to hack into the
computers of foreign regimes!"

Noam Chomsky in 'Media Control', 2002:

"One of the questions asked in the study was,
 'How many Vietnamese casualties would you
 estimate there were during the Vietnam war?'
 The average reply, on the part of Americans
today, is about 100,000. The official figure is
about 2 million. The actual figure is probably
 3 - 4 million. The people who conducted the
 study raised an appropriate question: 'What
would we think of German political culture
 if, when you asked people today how many
Jews died in the Holocaust, they estimated
about 300,000? What would that tell us
about German political culture?'"

 Jim Morrison, of The Doors:

"Whoever controls the media
 controls the mind."

Paul Street, US journalist:

"The most essential (& insidious) service in support
 of the corporate system, comes from traditionally
'liberal left' 'vanguards', most notably the UK's
Guardian newspaper. They perform the vital
function of bringing self-described liberals
 into the pro-interventionist (pro-war) camp
-- a function the right-wing press would
 have no hope of accomplishing."

Ex-Guardian journalist Jonathon Cook, on the MSM:
(Main Stream Media)

"It is okay to criticise individual western policies as
 flawed, especially if done so respectfully, but not
to suggest that the whole direction of western
foreign policy is flawed - that it is intended
to maintain a system of control over and
exploitation of weaker nations. Policies
can be dubious, but not our leaders’

moral character."

Simon Wood, journalist:

"Much is made of the 'fact' that the news-
paper is owned & run by The Scott Trust,
originally created in 1936 “to safeguard
the title’s journalistic freedom.” But the
Guardian isn't owned by a trust at all.
 In 2008, the trust was replaced by a
limited company that was re-named
“The Scott Trust Limited.”

"Though not a trust at all, but simply
 a profit-making company, it is still
referred to frequently as ‘The Scott
 Trust,’ promulgating the widely-held
 but mistaken belief in the Guardian’s
 inherently benign ownership structure."

Simon Wood, journalist:

"The role of the corporate media is to protect,
 promote and legitimize, the destructive and
 amoral aims of profit-seeking private power.

"Any journalist or columnist working within that
 system is actively aiding the corporate media
 achieve this goal. These gatekeepers, espec-
ially those regarded as liberal, are therefore
 culpable in the illegal wars and rapacious,
 planet-destroying actions of the worst

 "A right-thinking journalist of conscience would
extricate themselves from the machine, as the
aforementioned Jonathon Cook and Nafeez
Ahmed have done, along with famed
 journalists such as John Pilger.

"With enough big names breaking free, the
dream of a mass-market, ad-free, donation-
based investigative journalism enterprise,
 employing the best writers, would be
one step closer to reality."

Professor Sunaina Maira:

"The myth of a de-occupied Gaza and of the threat of
 rockets obscures the reality that this is a population
 that Israel is focused on devastating, starving, and
 annihilating. Israel wishes to maintain dominance
 over Palestinians by reducing the “demographic
threat”, in the context of a rising Palestinian
 population, and to undermine any possibility
 of unity between Hamas and Fatah and of
a contiguous, viable Palestinian state.

 "The siege of Gaza co-exists with a cantonization of
 the West Bank, the peripheralization & Judaization
of Jerusalem, & the repression & subjugation of
Palestinians in Israel. I view this as a condition
 of settler colonialism, where a settler colonial
state aims not just at the displacement and
dispossession, but also the elimination,
 of the indigenous population."

Sergei Mikhailov, senior research fellow at

 the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies:

"I think, after these elections, the Americans
 will have a clearer understanding of the gap
 between their vision of the world --- and the
one imposed on them by the political elite."

Reagan’s Secretary of State Alexander Haig:
“There are worse things than nuclear war.”

Lt Cl David Mills & Wayne H. Cox, USAF manager's
end of year report after Greenham Common peace
 woman Ann Harrower's leg was crushed, in 1983:

‘The Greenham bylaws went into effect, the
 superfence was constructed and we hit
 one peacewoman with a vehicle.’
‘It has been a productive year.
You should be proud of your

Prince Aleksandr Nevskii in the 13th century:

 "Go tell all in foreign lands, that Russia lives! Those
 who come to us in peace will be welcome as a guest.
But those who come to us sword in hand, will die by
the sword! On that, Russia stands, and forever will
we stand!

Mike Whitney, author:

"The CIA continues to back all manner of
 dodgy groups (Death squads in Nicaragua
and Iraq, neo-Nazis in Ukraine, jihadists in
 numerous locations) -- provided they help
 to advance the imperial agenda. National
security and the safety of the American
 people, simply never factor into elite
decision making. What drives the
policy is oil, power, money and
 Israel. Nothing else matters."

Blogger on RT:

"Russia has a 1,000-year-long history.
US has a 240-year-long criminal record."

Mike Whitney, author:

"The use of proxies has been used to confuse the
 public about what is really going on in Syria, but
 the facts are plain to see. The invasion's goal is
 to replace Bashar al Assad with a US-stooge,
splinter the country into multiple parts, and
 control vital pipeline corridors. Washington
 wants to create conditions on the ground
 that forever prevent the reemergence of
a strong, secular central government
 that can openly oppose US commercial
 interests, US regional hegemony, or
pose a threat to Israel.
That’s the whole ball o’ wax."

Vladimir Putin:-

"Russia believes that international law -
not the right of the strong, must apply.
And we believe that every country,
every nation, is not exceptional,
but unique, original and benefits
 from equal rights, including the
right to independently choose
 their own development path."

Rick Sterling, investigative journalist &
 member of Syrian Solidarity Movement:

"Some foreign governments seeking “regime change”
 in Damascus, have poured huge amounts of money
into what is called “smart”, or “soft power”...

"There is the Syrian Justice and Accountability
 Centre, initiated by Secretary of State, Hillary
Clinton, to prepare for victor’s justice. There's
the Syrian Network for Human Rights, which
largely ignores the deaths of Syrian soldiers
and seeks US/NATO intervention. There is
the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as
the White Helmets, a support group for
Al Qaeda/Nusra but most importantly
 a political lobbying tool, actively
 campaigning for US/NATO

"All of these organizations, and many more,
are said to be “Syrian” and “independent.”
But they were all created after the conflict
began and they are all funded by foreign
governments that seek to overthrow
the Syrian government."

US Defense Intelligence Agency report August 2012:

 AND AQI [“Al Qaeda in Iraq,” now known as ISIS
or the Islamic State] ARE THE MAJOR FORCES

Mike Whitney, author:

"We need to realize, our approach to terrorism
 is all wrong. Terrorism can't be defeated by
nipping at the edges, or killing individual

 agents or groups. That hasn’t worked &
that won’t work. The cancer has to be
eradicated at its source, which, in all
probability means either dismantling
or reigning in, the CIA, and bringing
its deep-state paymasters to justice.
 That is how one wins the war on


"US exceptionalism is nothing but a euphemism
 for immunity, discrimination and propaganda
-- to excuse and defend war crimes
by the US Corporation."


Ursula Haverbeck:

"The key to the demon mind is its ability to broad-
fake realities into the minds of the sheople
broadcast the fake effects to sheople, as
agreeing with and complying with it.
can't think, they can go along with
the herd
on TV, that's its tool in a nutshell."

Hillary Clinton:

“The transition to democracy in Syria has begun.”

Jose Marti:

 “There are two kinds of people in the world:
those who love and create, and those who
hate and destroy.”

Daniel Kovalik Int. Human Rights teacher at
 the University of Pittsburgh School of Law:

"There is no doubt that the US has proven itself to
 be of the latter kind; indeed, the very nature of US
 foreign policy is destruction. Given this, it's at best
 foolish and naïve, for people of any political stripe
-- but particularly self-defined leftists -- to put any
stock in the notion that the US is acting in the
 defense of human rights, or democracy, or any
 such lofty goals, in intervening militarily abroad.

"There is only one proper goal then, of people of
good will:-  to oppose US military intervention,

 with every fibre of our being."


 "They make a desert, and call it peace."

Thomas Jefferson:

"I tremble for my country...
I consider that God is just."

US President Dwight D Eisenhower,
ending a final address to his people:

"We pray that, in the goodness of time, all peoples
 will come to live together, in a peace guaranteed
 by the binding force of mutual respect and love.
 As one who has witnessed the horror and the
 lingering sadness of war - as one who knows
 that another war could utterly destroy this
 civilization which has been so slowly and
painfully built over thousands of years -
 I wish I could say tonight that a
 lasting peace is in sight."

Andrey Fursov, analyst:

"We can hardly forget the events of September 11th
 - since this provocation forged the last, desperate
offensive by the most aggressive segment of the
 Anglo-American elite - seeking to save itself
the expense of the majority of humanity."

Former Green Beret soldier who served in Syria:

"No one on the ground believes in this mission
 or this effort -- they know we are just training
 the next generation of jihadis -- so they are
sabotaging it, saying, ‘F*ck it, who cares?’
I don't want to be responsible for Nusra
guys saying they were trained by

Chalmers Johnson, analyst and CIA veteran:

"The Patriot Act, adopted on October the 26th, 2001,
dramatically increased the powers of investigating

 authorities, strengthened control over the US
 population, and gave a leg up to police
arbitrariness. Thus, in the name of
fighting terrorism, a police state
was institutionalized in
 the United States."

Journalists John Stanton and Wayne Madsen:

"As often happens in history, an event solving short
-term issues, creates medium-term challenges.
solve the problem of the medium-term, medium-

term measures are necessary, which, in turn,
 generate long-term, systemic problems,
cannot be resolved without
changing the system."

Pope Francis:

“The progressive transformation of the entrepreneur into
 a speculator, is an economic illness. The speculator is
 the same as a mercenary, who has no company and
 sees workers only as a means to make profits,"

Jeremy Corbyn, January the 6th, 2012:
"Left parties have lost office in Europe because
of their inability to articulate an alternative to
 austerity and cuts.

 "The right offers individualism, a huge and
growing wealth gap and a mean and
divided society.

"Socialism is --- the sharing of wealth, the
contribution of ability for the common good,
and unity in defending our achievements
against attack. It's also our only hope." 

Frank Field's quotation here shows him
up for what he is: an elitist who holds
the members in total contempt.

Owen Smith's hero, Aneurin Bevan:

 “The right wing of the Labour party would rather
 see it fall into perpetual decline, than abide by
 its democratic decisions.”

Relationship psychologist Oliver James:

    "The only way out is the one that, thank goodness,
   will now be taken --- which is to get rid of the right
  wing Blatcherites who make up three quarters of
  the Parliamentary Labour Party. A bunch of, you
  know, people like Caroline Flint. Second rate,
 low grade politicians. The sort of detritus.
 The rubbish that’s been cleared out and
  left at the end of new Labour."

Aneurin Bevan:

“Soon, if we are not prudent, millions of people
 will be watching each other starve to death
through expensive television sets”

Aneurin Bevan:

"If freedom is to be saved and enlarged,
poverty must be ended. There is
 no other solution."

 Vladimir Putin:

"The meaning of our whole life and existence
 is love. This is a multifaceted phenomenon;
it lies at the heart of any of our behaviours."

Aneurin Bevan:

"It is not possible to create peace in the
Middle East, by jeopardizing the peace
 of the world."


“The only mistake I made was
trusting the Americans and
the Westerners.” 

George Carlin:

"That's why they call it the American Dream,
because you have to be asleep to believe it." 

Sir John Sawyers, MI6:

"The American unipolar world existed for
a short while -- and is already finished."

US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard:

“Escalating the war to overthrow Assad will make
 things even worse. It will cause more suffering
and chaos and strengthen ISIS and Al-Qaeda
 to the point where they may be able to take
over all of Syria. This would be disastrous,
 including a genocide against religious
 minorities, secularists, atheists, and
anyone who refuses to accept the
 extremist Wahabi theology.
The refugee crisis will increase
 exponentially, and it could lead to
a direct confrontation with Russia.”

(ex) US President Obama:

"My patience ran out
 on President Assad
 a long time ago."

US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard:

"The war on Syria is illegal
 and counter-productive."

(ex) US President Obama:

 “For the sake of the Syrian people, the time
 has come for President Assad to step aside.”

The United States Peace Council (USPC):

"It is one thing for Syria's people to oppose
 their government if they choose to. It is
another thing for foreigners to take
the position of “Assad must go!”
The latter is a clear imperialist
demand that violates the 
international law."

German think tank, Firil Centre For Studies:

 "Approximately 360,000 foreign terrorist mercenaries
 fought in Syria, against the legitimate government of
 Syria, between April 10, 2011 and January 31, 2016."


Modern Olympics' founder, Pierre de Coubertin:

“We shall have no peace until the prejudices
 which now separate the different races
shall have been outlived.”

Sadiq Khan, 29th of June, 2016:

"I've said it loudly and clearly, and
 I'll say it again. I'm not going to get
 involved in the leadership contest".

Sadiq Khan, August 21st, 2016:

"I think Owen Smith is the right leader for our party."

Mr Anthony Blair:

 'We are all Thatcherites now'.

 Ms Garcia claimed for benefits after her marriage
 had broken down, and she’d been forced to give
 up her job in finance to look after her 3 children.
 She had been struggling to pay her rent, and
contacted the DWP, to see what support
 she could receive...

Ann Goode, of the Jobcentre Plus office, Bromley:

"None of these names - Miss Cecilia Garcia - None
 of them are English names… why are we running
 around for these people? Do you know I resent
even doing this work because if I had a person
 who said:  ‘I really want a job, I want to go on
 your caseload’, yes, all the time, every day of
the week. But not some scrounging b*****d
 that’s popping out kids like pigs."

Ken Loach, prize-winning film director:

“I hope that people will recognise the impact that the
 state is having on people who're in need of financial
support and being put through a system, in which,
they are almost set up to fail.”

“A classic case in point is a doctor can say you are
 not fit to work but the state insists on assessing you
 again – they have picked an American multi-national
 to do the assessing; they are not doctors, but health
 professionals, using a series of questions that they
 reel off.

“They use a points system that makes a sick man
 or woman have to keep looking for work – it is
consistently cruel.”


"99.99% of UK politicians...
 give the rest a bad name."


"One UK MP claimed for a bag of manure
 on expenses. So, he was taking the sh*t
 as well as the p*ss."

July 1st, China's Communist Party Chair, Xi Jinping:

"The world is on the verge of radical change. We see
 how the European Union is gradually collapsing, as
 is the US economy -- it is all over for the new world
 order. So, it will never again be as it was before, in
 10 years we will have a new world order, in which
 the key will be, the union of China and Russia. "

Dresden James:

"When a well-packaged web of lies has
 been sold gradually to the masses
over generations, the truth will
seem utterly preposterous
 and its speaker a raving

July 1st, China's Communist Party Chair, Xi Jinping:

"We are now seeing the aggressive actions on the part
of the United States, regarding both Russia and China.
I believe that Russia & China could create an alliance
toward which NATO will be powerless and which will
put an end to the imperialist desires of the West."

Syria's President Assad:

"Russian politics is not based on
making deals. It's based on values."

Russia's President Putin:

"We are not only able to feed ourselves, taking
 into account our lands and water resources - 
Russia is able to become the largest world
supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and
high-quality food, that Western producers
 have long lost - especially given the fact
 that demand for such products in the
world market, is steadily growing,"


"A UK woman was sent to hospital
after eating a horse meat burger...
Her condition is said to be stable."

James Madison:

"I believe there are more instances of the
 abridgement of freedom of the people by
 gradual and silent encroachments by
 those in power, than by violent and
 sudden usurpations."

Frantz Fanon,
The Wretched of the Earth:

“The unpreparedness of the educated classes,
the lack of practical links between them and
 the mass of the people, their laziness, &, let
 it be said, their cowardice at the decisive
 moment of the struggle, will give rise to
 tragic mishaps.”


“My armored divisions go into enemy
countries only after our propaganda
deprives its people of the will to

Sharon Beder:

“The purpose of this propaganda onslaught
has been to persuade a majority of people,
 that it is in their interests to eschew their
own power as workers and citizens, and
 forego their democratic right to restrain
 and regulate business activity. As a
result, the political agenda is now
 largely confined to policies aimed
 at furthering business interests.”

Philosopher, Andre Vltchek:

"In the West, people have been tolerating their
 insane political system, in exchange for the
 countless privileges they are getting from
their countries' plundering of the planet,
& violating entire nations & continents.
But in Africa, Asia & elsewhere, those
 "un-people" have no choice at all."

Phil Butler:

"What does Brexit really mean?" In the long term,
the only term that counts, Brexit means humanity
can take a "U-Turn" --- if need be. People are not
ordained to ride a freight train into disaster, but
we can if we wish. Brexit is about freedom, more
so, than some ruling on same-sex marriage. It is
about civilization, about a people deciding self-
determination, rather than giving up all to think
 -tanks and elitist officials, blindly mewing like
sheep, until the bitter end. True enough, the
 banksters and Oligarchs may have concocted
 the whole scheme, but Brits can make another
"U-Turn" if this be the case. Britain has shown
world: people are still the most important
commodity, in a world
dominated by the
money grubbers.
Bravo #Brexit voters."

Clarissa Pinkola Estes:

'It is not given to us to know which acts or
by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip
 toward an enduring good. What's needed for
 dramatic change is an accumulation of acts,
 adding, adding to, adding more, continuing.

"We know that it does not take ‘everyone on
 Earth’ to bring justice and peace, but only a
 small, determined group who will not give up
 during the first, second, or hundredth gale."

The great Indian warrior-chief, Sitting Bull:

"There are things they tell us that sound good
 to hear ---- but when they have accomplished
their purpose they will go home ---- and will
not try to fulfill our agreements with them."

Paul Craig Roberts, 24th of march 2015:

“As far as I can tell from my many media
 interviews with Russian media, there is
 no Russian awareness of the Wolfowitz
 Doctrine. Russians think that there is
some kind of misunderstanding about
Russian intentions. Russia's media
 does not understand - that Russia is
unacceptable, because Russia is not
 a US vassal. Russians believe all the
Western bullshit about “freedom and
democracy” and believe that they're
 short on both - but making progress.
 In other words Russians have no idea
that they're targeted for destruction.
 - If the Russians and Chinese do not
expect a pre-emptive nuclear attack
 from Washington, they will be

The US ambassador to Moscow, John F.Tefft:

“We will displace Putin from office and install our
own people as leaders of the Russian government.”

President of the International Institute for
 Scientific Cooperation, Elena Ponomareva:

 "Americans constantly proclaim their
superiority over other nations, their
 aspiration to domination. By sheer
force of will, they make the whole
country work for this idea to
become true. However,
 America has not seen
an independent president
since the times of Richard Nixon.
 Obama is hopeless when it comes
to political will. American presidents
 express the will of many multinational
& US corporations who fund elections.
 It is those corporations, who make the
core of the US political system, today."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in 1934:

"One of my principal tasks is to
 prevent bankers and business-
men from committing suicide!"


'When hearts unite, they can
 break even mountains.'

Andre Vltchek:

"Since the beginning, the US presidents
(all of European stock, of course), have
 been promoting slavery, extermination
campaigns against native populations
 across North America, barbaric wars
 of aggression -- against Mexico, and
 other Latin American countries, the
Philippines, etc. Has anything at all
changed? I highly doubt it. Donald
 Trump is horrendous, but he is also
honest. Both Presidents Clinton &
 Obama, were great speakers.. but
also unrepentant mass murderers."

Sam Adams:

"It is in the interest of Tyrants to reduce
 the people to Ignorance and Vice. For
they cannot live in any Country
where Virtue and Knowledge
 prevail... For this Reason, it
 is always observable, that
 those who are combined
to destroy the People’s
 Liberties, practice
every Art to
 poison their

Adolf Hitler:

"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise,
terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the
war of the future."

Frederic Bastiat:

"When misguided public opinion honours what
 is despicable and despises what is honorable,
 punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages
 what is harmful & discourages what is useful,
 applauds falsehood and smothers truth under
 indifference or insult, a nation turns its back
on progress and can be restored only by the
 terrible lessons of catastrophe."

'Sir' Walter Raleigh's 'History of the World':

 “Whosoever commands the sea,
 commands the trade; whosoever
 commands the trade of the world,
commands the riches of the world
 and, consequently, the world itself.”

Halford John Mackinder, in 1904:

 “Who rules East Europe,
commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland,
 commands the World-Island;
 who rules the World-Island,
commands the world.”

John Halford Mackinder:

 "Those who control EURASIA control the WORLD."  

Dostoevsky's The Idiot:

 “Beauty will save the world.”


Vladimir Putin, Munich Conference
on Security Policy, February 2007:

    "Let’s say things as they are: one hand
 distributes charitable help, and the other
hand, not only preserves economic back-
wardness, but also reaps the profits thereof.

"Increasing social  tension in the depressed
regions, inevitably results in the growth of
radicalism and extremism -- and feeds
terrorism and local conflicts.

"And if all this happens in, shall we say,
 a region like the Middle East, where
there is increasingly the sense that
 the world at large is unfair, then
 there is the risk of global


Andre Vltchek:

"Russia and China are forming
an incredible defensive wall
to protect humanity from
Western terrorism."

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

"Loving truth, seeking truth, looking for truth,
 then living the truthful life...  opens all doors."

President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin:

"I am the wealthiest man not just in Europe but in the
 whole world. I collect emotions, I am wealthy in that
 the people of Russia have twice entrusted me with
the leadership of a great nation such as Russia – I
 believe that is my greatest wealth."

Big Wolf of the Lakota, Justin Irwin, who
wed a Russian citizen & moved to Russia:

 "We now live among the pale-faces with
our two children, and are going to build
 a bath-house and a barn."

US author, researcher and strategic
 risk consultant, F. William Engdahl:

"The common golden thread binding the 3 great
Eurasian cultures & nations, China, Iran, Russia
...is their principled insistence that ------ as with
individual human beings, so with nations ------ 
borders & national sovereignty, are inviolable
principles. Their growing cooperation, based
on respect for national sovereignty --- may
just save the world from self-destruction.
That would be to the good."

Justin Irwin (Big wolf):

"The present day Indian isn't afraid of work.
 A large wigwam for a friendly family, though
 not on the prairie...... what could be better?"

Political scientist, Leonid Krutakov:

"The conflict in the Middle East produces
an excess of 800,000 barrels of oil, daily.
As long as these illegal oil channels are
 still working, it means that someone
needs them to work. Any type of
 illegal oil, cuts oil prices down.
There are political forces and
 transnational companies that
 profit from this conflict."

Fidel Castro (in 1973!):

 "Cuban sanctions will end, when
 a black president is ruling the US
 - and the pope is Latin American." 

Samuel Huntington:

"The West won the world, not by the superiority
 of its ideas or values or religion, but rather, by
its superiority in applying organized violence.
Westerners often forget this fact;
 non-Westerners never do.”

Pavel Shipilin, popular Russian blogger:

"Our interest is the return of the former status
of the UN, which must be the only hegemonic
 pole of the world. Not the USA, not Russia,
 and not China."

John F. Kennedy:

 “Domestic policy can only defeat us;
 foreign policy can kill us.”

Winston Churchill:

 "No one ever lost a penny
  betting on American stupidity".

Robert F. Kennedy:

“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of
 their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the
 wrath of their society.  Moral courage is a rarer
commodity than bravery in battle, or great
 intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital
quality...... for those who seek to change a
that yields most painfully to change.”

Milton Friedman (boo!):

"Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces
 real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions
 that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying
 around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to
 develop alternatives to existing policies, to
keep them alive and available, until the
 politically impossible, becomes the
 politically inevitable."

US political analyst Randy Martin

“The Greek crisis has been going on for 5 years
... and more. You can bet that Washington has
already drawn up plans on how to administer
 Europe politically & financially, if the situation
 demands that intervention. And that situation
 is becoming more and more apparent, almost
by the day.”

Groucho Marks:

 “I find television very educational & entertaining.
 Every time someone switches it on, I go into
 another room and read a good book.”

US political analyst Randy Martin:

“Don’t forget that the NATO military alliance
 of 28 members is really just US military power
 --- outsourced in various European disguises.
NATO formations across Europe, are therefore
 tantamount to US military occupation of Europe.
This is exactly what Russian government figures
 have, perceptively, been saying, for a long time.”

Dan Glazebrook:

"Yugoslavia dismembered; its resources plundered
at the expense of its desperate and impoverished
 people; & Kosovo turned into a provider of shock
 troops for regime change in Syria, & a transit hub
 for heroin & organ trafficking. If this is what NATO
 calls a success, we must all pray for failure." 

Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev:

"Divided, they will destroy us immediately. Our
 strength is in unity, in the army, in benevolent
 nepotism, in multiplying the peoples' gains,
 and in the natural growth of our inner
wealth and love for peace."

Sun Tzu:

"The supreme art of war,
 is to subdue the enemy
 without fighting."

Sun Tzu:

"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of
formlessness. Be extremely mysterious,
 even to the point of soundlessness.
Thereby you can be the director of
the opponent's fate."

Sun Tzu:

  "The war should be fought swiftly
 to avoid economic losses: no
 long war ever profited
 any country."

Charles Wilson, CEO of Ford, in 1945:

"America needs a permanent
war economy."

Johann von Goethe:

"We do not have to visit a madhouse
 to find disordered minds; our planet is
 the mental institution of the universe."

US political analyst Randy Martin:

 “What is taking shape in Europe and more so in
 the United States, is the complete subjugation
 of government by finance capital. It is not an
 exaggeration or empty jargon to say that we
in the West, are succumbing to the rule of
financial fascism.”

Chris Lowe:

"Stupidity, combined with arrogance
a huge ego, will get you a long way."

1925 US school biology textbook
 ('A Civic Biology Presented In Problems'):

"The Races of Man. At the present time there exist
 upon the earth five races … the highest type of all,
the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white
inhabitants of Europe and America."

Michael Moore:

"I think that there's something in the American
 psyche, it's almost this kind of right or privilege,
 this sense of entitlement ------ to resolve all our
conflicts with violence. There's an arrogance
 to that concept if you think about it. To have
 to sit down and actually talk, to listen, to
 compromise ------ that's hard work."

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn:

“The experience of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya has
 convinced many of our own people that the elite’s
 enthusiasm for endless military interventions has
 only multiplied the threats to us --- while leaving
death and destabilisation in their wake. It is the
 conflict in Syria and the consequences of the
Iraq war which have created the conditions for
Isis to thrive and spread its murderous rule.”

Aisha Gaddafi (his daughter and heir):

 "Gaddafi is not in Libya, he is in
 the hearts of Libyans".

William Pollard:

"The arrogance of success is to think that
 what you did yesterday, will be sufficient
for tomorrow."

The Centre for American Security:

 "The era of unchallenged US
   dominance of space, is over."

Moshe Safdie:

"He who seeks truth shall find beauty.
He who seeks beauty shall find vanity.
 He who seeks order shall find
 gratification. He who seeks
 gratification shall be disappointed.
He who considers himself the servant
of his fellow beings shall find the joy
of self-expression. He who seeks
 self-expression, shall fall into
 the pit of arrogance."

Samuel Butler:

"The truest characteristics of ignorance
 are vanity and pride and arrogance."

Thomas Sankara:

"Let there be an end to the arrogance of the
 big powers, who miss no opportunity to put
 the rights of the people in question. Africa's
absence from a club of those who have the
 right to veto, is unjust - & should be ended."

Richard Hammond:

"I like to think that my arrogance, impetuosity,
impatience, selfishness and greed ---- are the
 qualities that make me the lovable chap I am."

Steffi Graf:

"You can have a certain arrogance, and I think
that's fine, but what you should never lose,
respect for others."

(ex) UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon:

“The future of President Assad must be
 decided by the Syrian people. I think it's
 totally unfair & unreasonable to paralyze
 all this political negotiation. This is not
acceptable. It is not fair. Many Western
 countries oppose the Syrian government
 position. Meanwhile, we have lost years.
 250,000 people, have been killed. There
 are 13 million refugees, or internally
displaced. Over 50% of hospitals,
schools and infrastructure, has
 been destroyed in Syria.”

US National Lawyers Guild's Robin Alexander:

“The US would do well to incorporate some
of the security checks & practices that are
routine in Venezuela - to improve both the
 level of participation, and the credibility,
our elections.”

Abraham Lincoln:

“If there is anything that links the human
to the divine, it is the courage to stand by
a principle when everybody else rejects it.”

(ex) President Obama on October 3rd, 2015:

 “We’re not going to make Syria a proxy war
between the United States and Russia.”

Nikhil Saluja Quotes:
"You will always see what's wrong
when you are right.  But you will
never see what is right, when
are happy doing wrong."


People of high attitude, deserve the
standing ovation of your highest finger

Nikhil Saluja Quotes:
"My girlfriend hates when I make jokes
about her weight. She really needs to
lighten up."


 It's one thing, if a person owns up to their
and makes an effort to change.
But if a person
disregards your feelings,
ignores boundaries,
and continues to
treat you in a harmful way,

 they need to go.

Sigmund Freud -- after his visiting
 professor tenure in the US:

"I came to America, meeting a generation
of neurotic paranoids.  I left America ----
 seeing a generation of violent lunatics."

President Putin:

"...be in harmony with nature, and build
societies that obey the laws of nature".

Wikileaks’ book (7th Chapter) concludes:

“Instead of wasting time and resources lamenting
the effects of the cables on international relations
 and harassing Wikileaks, the United States needs
 to overhaul its foreign policy. Continuing to view a
state such as Russia as a rival in a zero-sum game
 --- as well as an energy resource and an emerging
 market --- instead of as representing a people,
only perpetuates conflict.”

 A politically correct woman turned on a man
 who opened a door for her. "There's no need
to hold the door for me, just because I'm a
 lady," she declared. "I didn't do it because
you're a lady," he replied calmly; "I did it
because I'm a gentleman".

Former EU Commissioner Günter Verheugen:

"Peace is possible only if no one
 wants to dominate the other."

US President 'Teddy' Roosevelt:

"The Pacific shall be ours forever and the
 Philippine islands shall be ours forever,
which, we shall take the mainland
of asia,
to dominate".

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, in Bejing:

"In this venue I announce my separation from
the US --- both militarily and in economics."

 President Putin:

"We can't be a country that trades people
like commodities, to make the pockets
of a few people happy. If we do - once
 we follow that path - we are finished
 as a country".

Oxfam, on the European Union:

 “Political decisions are influenced more and more
 by rich elites, who twist the rules to their advantage
 & undermine political institutions. Austerity policies
 and unjust tax systems serve the powerful through-
out Europe.”

J. M. Keynes:

 "Capitalism is the astounding belief
 that the most wickedest of men will
 do the most wickedest of things ---
for the greatest good of everyone."

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.:

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution,
& I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it:
 Only nutcases want to be president".

US President 'Teddy' Roosevelt:

"Walk softly, and carry a big stick."


"The moral is to the physical
 as 3 is to 1"

UK Foreign Affairs Committee on Syria:

"The strategy is 'incoherent' and air-strikes
could be illegal if not authorised by the UN."

Pope Francis:

"The important thing is not to run on our own.
 We need to run together, with the ball being
passed from hand to hand."


 "There are only two forces in the world,
the sword and the spirit. In the long run
 the sword will always be conquered by
 the spirit."

CIA Director William Casey (1st staff meeting, 1981):

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete
 when everything the American public believes, is

Vladimir Putin, to the UN, in September 2015:

 "Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress,
 we got violence, poverty and social disaster -- and
 nobody cares a bit about human rights, including
 the right to life. I cannot help asking those who
have forced that situation: Do you realize what
 you have done?"

Dimitry Orlov, of cluborlov.blogspot, says
a better translation of Putin's quote is:

 "“How can you, even now, fail to understand
what a mess you have made?”

US House Intel. Committee Chair, Devin Nunes:

“I think we are containing IS within the borders of
 Iraq & Syria. Outside of that we’re not doing much.”

Lord Palmerston's famous aphorism (in full):

"Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose
 that this country or that is to be marked out as the
 eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We
 have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual
 enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual,
 and those interests, it is our duty to follow. When
we find other countries marching in the same
course, and pursuing the same objects as
ourselves, we consider them as our friends,
and we think for the moment that we are on
 the most cordial footing; when we find other
 countries that take a different view, and
thwart us in the object we pursue, it is our
 duty to make allowance for the different
manner in which they may follow out the
 same objects. It is our duty not to pass
 too harsh a judgment upon others,
because they do not exactly see things
 in the same light as we see; and it is our
 duty not lightly to engage this country
 in the frightful responsibilities of war,
because from time to time we may find
 this or that Power disinclined to concur
 with us, in matters where their opinion
and ours, may fairly differ".

Xi Jinping on Russia & China's relationship:

"Our people have a relationship that
is special beyond that of any other
 - it is both natural and permanent."

US diplomat, adviser, George Kennan:

“The greatest service this country
 could render the rest of the world
 would be to put its own house in
order, and to make of American
civilization... a true example of
decency, humanity & societal
 success -- from which, others
could derive whatever they
might find useful to their

(ex) US President Obama:
“I don’t really even need
George Kennan right now.”

Robert Heinlein:

 "Never appeal to a man's better
he may not have one."

Barbara J. Brothers, US scientist:

"Russians have a sense of connectedness
 to themselves and to other human beings,
 that is just not a part of American reality.
It's not that competitiveness doesn't exist;
 it is just that...  there always seems to be
 more consideration & respect for others,
 in any given situation."

Russia's Deputy PM, Dmitry Rogozin:

“The West handles the Islamic world
 the way a monkey handles a grenade.”

The late Libyan leader, Muamar Gaddafi:

  "Now listen you, people of NATO. You’re bombing
a wall which stood in the way of African migration

 to Europe, and in the way of Al-Qaeda terrorists.
This wall was Libya. You are breaking it. You are
 idiots, and you will burn in Hell for the thousands
 of migrants from Africa & for supporting Al-Qaeda.
It will be so. I never lie. And I do not lie now."


"For 222 out of 239 years – or 93% of
 the time – America has been at war."

US writer, Tom Engelhardt:
"No antiwar movement, of any significance,
proved to have staying power in this country.
 In some sense, most of us accepted our new
role as a surveilled and protected populace,
 whose order of the day was --- do not get

The UK's DailyTelegraph:

 "The analysis of the histories of the almost 200
 countries in the world, found only 22 that have
never experienced an invasion by the British."

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

"They hated Russians. They hated Christians.
 Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and
 slaughtered millions of Russians, without
 a shred of human remorse."

Deep Purple ex-vocalist Joe Lynn Turner
(On his Crimea concert tour, despite the
US/EU bans on musicians which many

 famous 'stars' are obeying):

"In Crimea, Russia --- I have found truth.
I'm not afraid of sanctions. America is
not the country I grew up in, and I am
uncomfortable there. I think I have
 found the place and people that truly
stand for truth and freedom: Russia."

Russian Hieromonk, Onisim:

“We should explain & demonstrate to youth
 the meaning of the Orthodox faith—what it
includes and what union with God means,
 in what consists the path to salvation,
 and what is the task of the Christian:
 both for one’s own soul, and for the
mission in this world.”

US political analyst Zbigniew Brzezinski:

 "After eliminating communism
the major threat to the West
 is Christian Orthodoxy."

UNESCO Ambassador and actor Peter Ustinov:

 "Serbs are subhuman."

(ex) Ukrainian PM, Yatsenyuk:

"Those Russian terrorists in our country's
South-East, are subhuman."

P. Gubarev, progenitor of Novorossiya:

 “Everywhere, ordinary people are confronted
with what degrades them into enslaved cattle
and forces them to exist in a kind of charmed
circle. Even in the esteemed West, the much
 praised welfare state... is a thing of the past.

“Everywhere, the rich are becoming more &
more of a closed caste, the middle class is
being eroded, & the majority of people are
 being impoverished.

“Everywhere, the majority of people are being
pushed away from power. The 21st Century
will become
the ‘bitter age’ for the masses.
The trend is
obvious - the rich will become
even richer and
more powerful, and their
subjects are waiting
for progressive

“For the first time in many centuries, they're
becoming, physically and mentally, weaker
than their masters. Ukraine’s place in the
 new reality is unfortunate. It will become
 one of the poor, diseased states.”

Russian Orthodox Church priest, Vsevolod Chaplin:

“We've proposed the economic system of socialism,
 and, if not for the military influence on the situation
 by the West, this situation would have been resolved
 by economic methods and not by military or political
pressure. Otherwise, the entire world would already
be socialist, because it's the best system. Of course
 we like socialism.”

 Alexander Medvedev, deputy head, Gazprom:

“Ukrainian transit won’t be used any more
 even if the sun and moon switch places.”

Barry Sanders:

"The greatest single assault on the environment
-- on all of us around the globe -- comes from one
 agency: the Armed Forces of the United States."

Sara Flounders:

"By every measure, the Pentagon is the largest
 institutional user of petroleum products, and
 energy in general. Yet the Pentagon has a
blanket exemption in all international
climate agreements."

Eminent journalist and filmmaker John Pilger::

 “Since 1945, over a third of the membership
of the United Nations -- 69 countries -- have
some, or all, of the following at the
hands of
America's modern fascism: they
have been
invaded, their governments
their popular movements
their elections subverted,
their people
bombed & their economies
of all protection, their societies

 subjected to a crippling siege, known
as ‘sanctions’.”

William Blum, US author:

"Why will there never be a coup d'état in Washington?
Because there's no American embassy there."

Tom Engelhardt:

“War without an antiwar movement, turns out
 to mean war without pause, war without end.”

Russia's new official Naval Doctrine,
page 20, section 54:

"A defining factor in relations with NATO remains
 that, for Russia, the following is unacceptable:
the alliance’s plan to move its infrastructure
 to the borders of Russia, and the attempts
 to give the alliance a global role."

William Blum, US author:

"Until people understand fully the worldwide suffering
 American policy has caused, we will never be able to
 stop the monster."

VV Putin in 2014:

"Everything America touches,
 becomes Libya"


Harvard academic Elaine Scarry:

 “Current scientific research shows that
 even a smaller nuclear arsenal, if used
in a major exchange, will still produce
a nuclear winter, causing a drop in the
 average temperature across earth,
 larger than what occurred in the Ice
 Age, 18,000 years ago, reducing
 rainfall by 45 percent…

“This new research also models what
 will happen, if a tiny fraction (.015%)
 of today’s total arsenal, is used in a
regional exchange of 50 Hiroshima-
size weapons: 44 million people will
die at once; 1 billion will die from

Albert Einstein:

 "People say that it is intelligence
which makes a great scientist.
 I say they are wrong:
it is character."

Henry Kissinger:

 “The demonization of Putin is not a policy.
 It’s an alibi for not having a policy.”

Vladimir Putin:

“As you know, the modern world, especially the
 Western world, is highly monopolised, & many
 Western countries -- whether they want to hear
this, or not -- have, voluntarily, given up a
considerable part of their sovereignty. To some
 extent, this is a result of the politics of blocs.
 Sometimes we find it very difficult to come to
terms with them on geopolitical issues. It is
 hard to reach an agreement with people who
 whisper, even at home, for fear of being over-
heard by the Americans. This is not a joke,
 or a figure of speech.”

Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Lakota Indian:

"It is the mothers, not the warriors, who
create a people and guide their destiny." 

Karen Garcia:

 “When police officers can stalk, threaten, harass,
 assault, arrest, injure and kill black people for the
 crime of merely existing, I think it’s high time that
 the USA declares itself a state sponsor of terrorism.”

Former Soviet PM, Yevgeny Primakov:

"We cannot conduct reforms that
 affect the people adversely. If therapy
 drags out for decades and no gleam of
light is seen, it is certainly not in the
 interests of the country, not in the
 interests of the people."

Yevgeny Primakov:

"Can we still speak of Russia's interest in
having the S. East remain part of Ukraine?
 My answer is yes; I believe it is necessary.
 Only on this basis can the Ukrainian crisis
 be managed."

"Another question: should renouncing the
 unification of Crimea and Sevastopol with
Russia become a "concession" to the US
and its European allies? My answer is no,
 this should not be a bargaining chip in
 the negotiations."

"If the Minsk Agreements are not followed,
 should Russia in an extreme case send its
 regular troops to help militias? My answer:
 categorically no. If this happened, it would
beneficial for the US, which would use
situation to keep Europe under its
for an entire century."

"Furthermore, this position would not mean
 that we are refusing to support the militias,
 who are striving for particular status within
 the structure of a Ukrainian state."

Chief Luther Standing Bear, Oglala band of Sioux:

 “We did not think of the great open plains, the
 beautiful rolling hills, and the winding streams
 with tangled growth, as ‘wild’. Only to the white
 man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him
 was the land ‘infested’ with ‘wild’ animals and
 ‘savage’ people. To us it was tame. Earth was
 bountiful and we were surrounded with the
blessings of the Great Mystery. Not until the
 hairy man from the east came and with
brutal frenzy, heaped injustices upon us
and the families we loved, was it ‘wild’ for
us. When the very animals of the forest
began fleeing from his approach, then it
was that, for us, the ‘wild west’ began.” 

US General Sherman:

 "We must act with vindictive earnestness against
 the Sioux, even to their extermination:  men,
 women and children."


"We are a nation of gangsters and racketeers --
 whose purpose serves our supra-nationalism
of capitalism and our cultural and economic
 assault upon others."

Count Destutt de Tracy, 1754-1836:

“A theft of greater magnitude and still more ruinous,
 is the making of paper money; it is greater because
 in this money, there is absolutely no real value; it is
 more ruinous because, by its gradual depreciation
during the time of its existence, it produces the
effect which would be proration of the coins. All
those iniquities are founded on the false idea
 that money is but a sign.”

George Washington, 1732-1799:

“If ever again our nation stumbles upon
unfunded paper, it shall surely be
like death to our body politic.
This country
will crash.”

The motto of the SS was:

"Hate is our prayer."

 Yugoslavia & Serbia President, Slobodan Miloševic:

“Look at us and remember - they will do the same
 to you if you disunite and go soft. The West - this
 mad guard dog - will sink its teeth in your throat.
 Brothers, remember Yugoslavia’s fate! Do not
them do the same thing to you! Russians,
what do
you need Europe for? It’s hard to find
a nation that
is more self-reliant than you.
Europe needs you but
not the opposite.
It's three of you - three entire countries!
ut there's no unity! You have everything
you need
and it is your own: lots of land,
energy, water, science,
industry and

When we had Yugoslavia and were

 united, we felt ourselves as a great
power, able to
move mountains.
Now, because of our stupidity &

 unwillingness to listen to each
other, Yugoslavia
doesn't exist
anymore & we're all 'unwanted

 warts' on Europe's political
map - new
markets for their
expensive stuff and

 American democracy”.

Vladimir Putin:

“Russia has no intention of taking an active
 role in thwarting those who are attempting
 to construct their New World Order --- until
 their efforts start to encroach on Russia’s
 key interests, that is.

“Russia would prefer to stand by & watch
 them give themselves as many lumps as
their poor heads can take. But those who
manage to drag Russia into this process,
 through disregard for her interests, will
be taught the true meaning of pain.”

Udo Ulfkotte ex-CIA stooge & ex-editor
of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:

“The German and US media is trying to bring war
 to the people in Europe --- to bring war to Russia.
This is a point of no return and I'm going to stand
 up and say: it is not right what I have done in the
 past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda
 against Russia --- and it is also not right, what my
 colleagues are doing and have done in the past,
 because they are bribed to betray the people ---
 not only in Germany, but all over Europe.”

German author GUNTHER GRASS:

"Is it not time for us Germans to reconsider --
whether we are of the West at all? are not
 our myths, legends, literature, fairytales,
 our music and philosophies, our poems &
character, closer to our Russian cousins,
 than we could ever be with the atlanticists?
 Why do we continue to refuse to hear the
call of the East -- where we truly belong --
with our Russian cousins?"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov:

“A trend of not acknowledging Russians as one of
 them, has existed in Western Europe for centuries,
 despite the fact that for at least 300 years we have
 been an inseparable part of European culture and
 politics. The periods of Russia's most active
 participation in European affairs, were marked
 by stability and peace on the continent."

Confucius on 'The Rectification of Names':

"If language is not correct, then what is said is not
 what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant,
 then what must be done, remains undone; if this
 remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate;
 if justice goes astray, the people will stand about
 in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no
 arbitrariness in what is said. This matters,

The BBC, France 24, Deutsche Welle,

 Fox News, CNN, the New York Times:
"Russia has invaded eastern Ukraine."

Mark Twain:

"The loud little handful, as usual, will shout for the war.
 The pulpit will, warily and cautiously, object, at first;
 the great, big, dull bulk of the nation will rub its sleepy
 eyes and try to make out why there should be a war,
 and will say, earnestly and indignantly, 'It is unjust
 and dishonorable, and there is no necessity for it.'
Then the handful will shout louder. A few fair men on
 the other side will argue and reason against the war
 with speech and pen, and at first will have a hearing
 and be applauded; but it will not last long; those
 others will outshout them, & presently the anti-war
 audiences will thin out and lose popularity. Before
 long you will see this curious thing: the speakers
 stoned from the platform, & free speech strangled
 by hordes of furious men who in their secret hearts
 are still at one with the stoned speakers, as earlier,
but do not dare say so. And now the whole nation,
pulpit and all, will take up the warcry, & shout itself
 hoarse, and mob any honest man who ventures to
 open his mouth; & presently such mouths will cease
 to open. Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies,
 putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked,
 and every man will be glad of those conscience-
soothing falsities, and will diligently study them,
and refuse to examine any refutations of them; &
 thus he will by and by convince himself the war is
 just, & will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys
 after this process of grotesque self-deception."


"The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter
of the United Nations, to settle any international
dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful
means, in such a manner that international peace
and security and justice are not endangered, and
to refrain in their international relations from the
threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent
with the purposes of the United Nations."

Putin advisor, Sergei Glazyev:

“The main task the American puppet masters
 have set for the (Kiev) junta is to draw Russia
 into a full-scale war with Ukraine. It is for this
purpose that all of these heinous crimes are
 committed – to force Russia to send troops
to Ukraine to protect the civilian population.

The bankruptcy of the US financial system,
which is unable to service its foreign debt,
the lack of investments to finance a break-
through to a new technological order and
to maintain America’s competitiveness,
and a potential defeat in the geopolitical
 competition with China: to resolve these
 problems, Americans need a new world

Paul Craig Roberts:

"Unless European governments recognize
the danger in Washington’s aggression
--- and dissolve NATO --- planet earth
long to live."

Point 40 of Syriza's 40 Point Manifesto:

 "Closure of all foreign bases in Greece
 and withdrawal from NATO."

Nikolai Patrushev,  Russia’s Security Council:

"The territory of the United States itself,
 which essentially established unilateral
military control over all the allies, is not
included in NATO’s zone of responsibility."

Otto Von Bismarck:

"The secret of politics? Make
 a good treaty with Russia."

Charles de Gaulle:

'Patriotism is when love of your own people
 comes first; nationalism is when hatred for
people other than your own, comes first.'


"All foreign wars are waged for power and money.
They are nothing but the pillage, theft and rape,
other countries' treasures."

Albert Einstein (On the USA):

''Everywhere you look, people are made to work
very, very hard in order to enrich the private few.
This is done, not so much by direct physical
force, but by subconsciously compelling people
 to comply with rules and regulations and laws,
created and designed for the benefit of the
 private few, and their capitalism."

 Vladimir Putin:

"We are a social welfare state. We can not be a
 country that just trades people in order to make
 the pockets of some bankers happy. If we do
 that, we cease to exist as Russia".

Marcus Tullius Cicero:

“A nation can survive its fools, & even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy
 at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and
 carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves
 amongst those within the gate freely, his sly
 whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard
the very halls of government itself.

“For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in
 accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their
face & their arguments. He appeals to a baseness
 that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the
 soul of a nation, he works secretly & unknown in
 the night, to undermine the pillars of the city. He
 infects the body politic, so that it can no longer
 resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor, is
the plague.”

Tony Rooke, who won a law suit v the BBC:
“The fact that the BBC reported the collapse
WTC 7 - 23 minutes before it actually fell -

 indicates that the UK was aware of the 9/11
before they actually happened. The

 direct implication is that they were working
 with the ‘terrorists’ --- all arguments as to
the terrorists actually were, aside.”

George Orwell:

 “Political language is designed to make
 lies sound truthful & murder respectable
 and to give an appearance of solidity to
 pure wind.”

Saudi Arabia’s Brigadier General Asiri:

 “All we're trying to do, is make sure
that there is security in Yemen.”

Lazarus Long in Robert Heinlein's book:
(often misattributed to Mark Twain...?)

“Never try to teach a pig to sing –
it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”

Saudi Arabia's founder, King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud:

 “The good or evil -- for us -- will come from Yemen.”

Harold Pinter's 2005 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech:

“We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted
 uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery,
 degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it
 ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’.
How many people do you have to kill before you
 qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a
war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than
 enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just
 that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the
International Criminal Court of Justice.”

Retired US Air Force Lieutenant
Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski:

“What the US government is focused on
 is putting arms out there and creating
 bias for those arms. The US taxpayer
 subsidizes foreign weapon sales. So
we're always out there, our govern-
ment is always out there looking for
 places to market our weapons.
US foreign policy is aimed at creating
markets for US weaponry and is good
at it, not at solving crises, promoting
 good governments, etc.
That’s not our expertise. We don’t
time and money on that. We
spend time
and money on creating
consumers for
our weapons.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr:

 "We are called to play the Good Samaritan
on life’s roadside, but that will be only an
initial act. One day we must come to see
 that the whole Jericho Road must be
 transformed so that men and women will
 not be constantly beaten and robbed as
 they make their journey on life’s highway.”


 “If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred
 battles. If you know yourself but not the
 enemy, for every victory gained you will
 also suffer a defeat. If you know neither
 the enemy nor yourself, you will
 succumb in every battle.”

Prominent neoconservative Richard Perle:

“There will be no stages. This is total war.
 We are fighting a variety of enemies. There
 are lots of them out there... If we just let our
 vision of the world go forth and we embrace
 it entirely and we don’t try to piece together
clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war,
our children will sing great songs about us
years from now.”

Todd E. Pierce:

“When we allow our 'Conservative Revolutionaries'
 (or neoconservative militarists or proto-fascists
 or whatever term best describes them) to make
 foreign policy, the US loses legitimacy in the
 world as a 'rule of law' state. Instead, we
 present a 'fascist' justification for our
 wars, which is blatantly illicit.”

Todd E. Pierce:

“As the American political establishment
 has become so enamored with war & the
 “warriors” who fight them, it has become
 child’s play for our militarists to manipul-
  ate the US into wars or foreign aggression,
 through promiscuous economic sanctions
 or by inciting and arming foreign groups to
destabilize the countries that we target.”

Qu Xing, China’s ambassador to Belgium:

“The United States is unwilling to see
its presence in any part of the world
being weakened, but the fact is, its
 resources are limited, & it will be, to
some extent, hard work to sustain
its influence in external affairs.”

Iran's Navy Commander
 Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari:

"The world has 9 important waterways
 and Iran controls 5 of them."

George Friedman, head of Stratfor, Feb 4, 2015:

"The primordial interest of the United States,
over which for centuries we have fought wars
 - the First, the Second and the Cold Wars - has
 been the relationship between Germany and
Russia, because, united, they are the only
that could threaten us;-  and to
make sure, that
that doesn't happen."

Richard Sakwa:

"What is the point of the EU, if it cannot
 even prevent war on its own continent?"


“The best slave is the person
who believes they are free.” 

Field Marshal Montgomery:

 “Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is:
 ‘Don't march on Moscow’. Various people
 have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it's
no good. That is the first rule. [Rule 2] is:
Do not go fighting with your land armies
in China.


An academic was walking in a lane,
 and came face to face with a tramp.
 The lane was too narrow for the two
 to pass. The academic drew himself
 up to his full height, saying: "I never
 make way for fools!" Smiling broadly,
 the old tramp stepped aside & said:
 "I always do, sir."


'the sun, the moon, the planets, the air,
the water and the earth are all serving you,
aiding life's purpose and preparing your food.
Yet you regard all this unthankfully, absorbed
in your own little troubles which are as nothing
before the great forces of nature, always
working, night and day'.

John F. Kennedy:

“What kind of peace do we seek? Not a
Pax Americana enforced on the world

 by American weapons of war. Not the
peace of the grave or the security of
slave. I am talking about genuine
the kind of peace that makes
life on
earth worth living.”

NATO General Secretary Mr. Woerner
 in Brussels on the 17th of May, 1990:

“The fact that we are ready not to place
a NATO army outside German territory,
gives the Soviet Union a firm security

 Pablo Iglesias, leader of Spain's Podemos:

"One shouldn't forget that the EU supported
 the illegal change of power in Ukraine, and
coming of a neo-Nazi party to Ukraine's
 government. Some European leaders took
part in public events in
with neo-Nazis
. This is too far from
European values."

George Friedman on what to do in Ukraine:

 "We must do as the British did. They did not
 at one time occupy India, but simply took
 control of individual Indian kingdoms and
set them against each other --- and they
placed their officers in the Indian Army."

Professor Michel Chossudovsky:

“What distinguishes the Bush and Obama
 administrations, is that the concentration
 camps, targeted assassinations & torture
 chambers, are now openly considered as
 legitimate forms of intervention, which
 sustain ‘the global war on terrorism’ and
 aid the spread of ‘Western democracy.’”

President of Syriza, 40-year-old Alexis Tsipras:

"Today the Greek people has written history,
 Hope has written history... Greece is turning
a page. Greece is leaving the austerity of
 catastrophe and fear... there are no losers
 and winners. Those who've been defeated
 are the elite & oligarchs. We're regaining
 our dignity, our sovereignty again."

Rob Urie, author:

"The economic policies forced on Greece
 were more draconian than in the US and
 European core, but by degree -- not type.
Wall Street, which includes major German
and French banks, has used manufactured
 crises to affect ‘soft’ coups around the globe
 for decades. Debt is used as a weapon. The
Greek people have a very difficult battle to
fight. But the neo-liberal coup is international.
 Americans and Northern Europeans who think
 they are on the ‘winning’ side, just haven’t had
 their jobs and life savings stolen - yet. To one
 degree or another, we are all Greeks now."

Paul Craig Roberts:

"The Greek economic crisis is the result of
austerity policies forced on Greece's people
 in order to prevent the private banks from
 making losses on their loans to Greece.
 "The purpose of the austerity policy was to
 establish that Greek people are responsible
 for the bankers' mistakes, not the bankers;
to make ordinary people cover the bankers'
losses, by accepting cuts in
ensions, public services, and by selling
off public assets at bargain prices to the
banks' clients.
"IMF loans and conditionality programs
are the
mechanism by which countries
are looted. No
state has ever benefited
from an IMF program:
only the creditors
of the country benefit."

The International Union of Food Workers:

 “Austerity isn't the product of a deficient
of macroeconomics, or a failure of
‘social dialogue,’
it is a conscious blue-
print for expanding corporate

Rob Urie, author:

"E.C.B. bankers might really believe that
‘expansionary austerity’ policies would
allow Greeks to pay un-repayable debts,
 but, by implementing policies that have
a long history as imperial plunder, they
have that history to answer for.
 "The serial capitulation by the so-called
 European left, to these neo-imperialist
policies, only makes sense if the Party
 leaders see themselves on the ‘inside’
of the imperial divide."

First Nation saying:

"When the last tree is cut, when the last river
has been poisoned, and when the last fish has
been caught, only then you will find out that
you can't eat money."

Eduardo Galleano:

 "It would be strange if the remedy
 should come from the United States,
 the same place which brings us
the disease."

Haile Selassie I Of Ethiopia:

"Until the philosophy which holds one race
 superior and another inferior, is finally and
 permanently discredited and abandoned,
 everywhere is war; and until there are no
 longer 1st-class and 2nd-class citizens of
 any nation, until the colour of a man's skin
is of no more significance than the colour
 of his eyes, and until basic human rights
 are equally guaranteed to all without regard
 to race, there is war; and until that day, the
dream of lasting peace, world citizenship,
 and the rule of international morality, will
 remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
 but never attained. Now, everywhere is war."   


Andre Vltchek:

"Humankind rests on the brink of annihilation,
 for no other reason than the American pursuit
 of unlimited profit.  They are the extremists of
 the capitalist system."

Chief of Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces,
General Viktor Muzhenko:

“No Russian troops are fighting against us:
the only Russian citizens who are fighting
in the contested region, are residents in
that region, or of Ukraine, and also some
Russian citizens who are members of
illegal armed groups.

 Paul Craig Roberts:

“As long as Washington controls Europe, Russia
 has no prospects of being a part of the West,
unless Russia becomes Washington’s puppet
state, like Germany, Britain, and France.”

Mike Harris, an editor of Veterans Today:

“It’s time for the US to grow up and start
being a better world citizen. Our foreign
 policy has been hijacked, and the US is
 run by a criminal cabal sitting in the city
 of London and Israel. And it is time for
 the American people to seize control
of their own government & end this
corruption and put these people in
 prison or hang them for treason,

Alexandr Solzhenitzyn:

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it
 so deep within us that no sign of it appears
 on the surface, we are implanting it, and it
 will rise up a thousand fold in the future.
When we neither punish nor reproach
evil-doers, we aren't simply protecting
their trivial old age, we are thereby
ripping the foundations of justice
from beneath new generations.”

Andre Vltchek:

 "We must hope that the skillful diplomacy
 we have seen employed by both Russia
 and China, the increased pace of their
bilateral cooperation with each other
and their increased steps to achieve
 multilateral cooperation throughout
 the world, from Latin America to
Africa and Europe and Asia, will
change the power dynamics of
 the world sufficiently to prevent
 the Americans and their allies
from achieving their aims, so that
 the peoples of the world can live in
 peace and devote their energies to
 solving humanity’s pressing problems."

Lao Tzu:

"To know the truth is the best thing.
To know that you do not know is
the second best.
To pretend to know
when you do not know, is a disease."

Ara Stepanyan, the executive secretary of
the Academy of Geopolitical Issues, when
asked, on the 12th of December, in 2013:
'If Ukraine were to join the Customs Union,
 what would the European Union do?':

"First of all, they will impose sanctions
 against individual leaders or politicians
 in Ukraine - those who sign the Customs
 Union. If they have accounts, they will
arrested as criminal, anti-democratic
 ...and so on. Then they will permanently
 organize and provoke riots, rallies and,
 of course, form public opinion, as they
 do today, by saying that the police
allegedly applied excessive force."

Paul Craig Roberts:

“While Washington presents Europe
with war and sacrifice, Russia and
 China offer trade and friendship.”

Adolf Hitler, in Mein Kampf:

"But when we speak of new territory
 in Europe to-day, we must principally
think of Russia and the border States
 subject to her."

 Arnold Toynbee, historian:

 "The West's policy toward Russia
 is one of aggression."

Paul Craig Roberts:

"Washington is comprised of 3 elements:
 Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil. There is
nothing else there."

President Eisenhower:

“Unleashing of the atomic infernos on mostly
 civilian populations was simply this: an act of
 supreme terrorism and of barbarity callously
 calculated by the US planners to demonstrate
 their country’s demonic power to the rest of
the world - and the Soviet Union in particular.”

Bertrand Russell:

"War does not determine who is right
 - only who is left."

Nathan Mayer Rothschild:

"Buy when there is blood on the streets".

Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO:

 "We're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years,
starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya,
 Somalia, Sudan, and, finishing off, with Iran."

Paul Craig Roberts:

"Only three countries stand in the way
 of Washington’s hegemony over the
 world -- Russia, China, and Iran."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in 2002:

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the
 United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

Dr. Roslyn Fuller:

"Years of sitting back and hoping that
 someone else will take care of this
 mess, is all catching up on us now."

The 1950's US ambassador to Cuba, Earl T. Smith:

 “I ran Cuba from the sixth floor of the US embassy.
The Cubans’ job was to grow sugar and shut up.”

Evo Morales, President of Bolivia:

“La lucha que dejó Che Guevara,
 vamos a cumplir nosotros”
"We will finish the fight
 that Che Guevara started."

Frantz Fanon:

"The settler's work is to make even dreams
of liberty impossible for the native.
The native's work is to imagine all possible
 methods for destroying the settler."

Former President of Brazil, Lula:

"Democracy is not a pact of silence,
but a society in movement, in
search of new achievements."

President José Mujica of Uruguay:

"Humanity will emerge from pre-history
 the day barracks become schools."

President al-Assad of Syria:

"Despair is the beginning and essence of defeat
 and defeat is primarily psychological."

sheik imran hossein:

"The world is being taken for a ride by the great
western countries & their systems, for everything.
It is a case of do as I tell you and not do as I do.

"Rightly, both the US and UK should be bankrupt.
To recover, they should be selling their banks,
industries and other assets, at fire-sale prices.
That was what the Asian countries were
 forced to do, after currency traders forced
many of them almost into bankruptcy.

"But the bankrupt powerful countries of the West
don’t have to do that. They carry out Quantitative
Easing, print money (issue cheques) and refinance
their banks and bankrupt industries: and they talk
about transparency in business practice!"

William Wordsworth:
"Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers."

Cypriot economics professor, Andreas Theophanous:

"There’s a huge solidarity deficit in the European Union
 and in the Troika, which is much higher than any fiscal
 deficit or public debt of any country in the European south."

Hugo Chavez:

"If I keep quiet, the stones would cry out
for the people of Latin America,
who are willing to be free
after 500 years of colonialism."

Before Chavez underwent his last operation,
 he explained why he had chosen Maduro:

"He's one of the young leaders with the greatest ability
 to continue, if I'm unable to: with his firm hand, with his
 gaze, with his heart of a man of the people, with his gift
 for people, with his intelligence, with the international
recognition he's earned, with all his leadership skills."

Nicolas Maduro, Chavez' successor:

"Our people will never again see the
bourgeoisie plundering this country.

Better to be dead, than traitors to
the people and to Chavez!"

Nicolas Maduro:

"Be dignified inheritors of the giant man.
Let there be no weakness, no violence.
Let there be no hate. In our hearts
there should only be one sentiment:
Love. Love, peace and discipline."

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega:

"The US is not supporting liberty,
they are promoting servitude"

(ex) US President Obama:

"No country on earth would tolerate missiles
raining down from outside its borders."

James Fetzer, an editor at Veterans Today:

"The United States has become the greatest aggressor
nation in the world --- and our country is increasingly
resembling the Third Reich, where history is going to
record that the United States descended into that
deep, dark, black abyss, typified by war criminals."

Imam Ali (A):

"A cunning enemy is better than a foolish friend!"

Ex (Lol) Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper:

“As long as I am Prime Minister, whether it is at the UN
the Francophonie or anywhere else, Canada will take
a stand
of unwavering support for Israel - whatever the
cost to Canada.”

Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881):

“..the world is governed by very different
personages from what's imagined by
those who aren't behind the scenes.”

Woodrow Wilson,(1856-1924):

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly
had men’s views confided to me privately.
Some of the biggest men in the United States,
in the field of commerce and manufacture,
are afraid of something. They know that
there is a power somewhere so organised,
so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked,
so complete, so pervasive, that they had
better not speak above their breath
when they speak in condemnation of it.”

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933:

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know,
that a financial element in the larger centres has
owned the government since the days of
Andrew Jackson.”

In America one slave law decreed:

"Slaves have no souls, no wit, no intelligence, and no will.
Their life is concentrated in their muscles."

José Luis Centella:

"The Spanish left, as is the case in the rest of Europe,

faces the challenge of showing there are alternatives

to capitalism. Doing this requires learning from all

previous historical processes, but not copying them."

Ali Larijani:

“...in the past two years the US has sold more than
USD 18 billion in arms in the Persian Gulf region.”

José Luis Centella:

"What fascism attempts to do is to identify the
your neighbour, as the enemy, to
leave capitalism unscathed.
The role of our
party is to show who the real enemy is:
system which has plundered Spain as it
has many other countries."

Iran’s Expediency Council Chairperson
Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani:

“Through injustice, they first make people
 reach the end of their tether... and then
deceitfully turn them against each other.”

George Bernard Shaw

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected
always happens, how incapable must Man
be, of learning from experience."

Stephen Biko:

"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor
is the mind of the oppressed."

José Luis Centella:

"The European left must be conscious
that at this time in history, Europe is in the
rearguard in this confrontation with capitalism.

Today we in Europe have to learn, as opposed
to teach."

French political analyst Coralie Delaume:

 "The size of debts and budget deficits are the
 only things that Europe worries about today.
 European Monetary Union is getting weaker
 by the day. Stupefied Europeans no longer
 understand what awaits them... From an
economic and political standpoint, the
European Union is a spherical fiasco
 in a vacuum: No matter which side
 you look at it from, your gaze is
met with catastrophe"

President Rafael Correa:

"That societies control markets
- and not the other way around -
is an aspiration of the movement
of Ecuador & the other progressive
countries in Latin America."

The former Iranian President Ahmadinejad:

"We have to be astute, alert. If we do not
propose a new future world order, we will
inherit one created by slave owners and
capitalists, who will impose and control
the new system."

Howard Zinn:

“Terrorism has replaced Communism as
the rationale for the militarization of the
country, for military adventures abroad,
and for the suppression of civil liberties
at home. It serves the same purpose;-
to create hysteria.”

Israeli Premiere Shimon Peres, in April 1963:

“I can tell you forthrightly, that we will not
introduce atomic weapons into the region.
We certainly will not be the first to do so.
We have no interest in that. On the
our interest is in de-
escalating the armament

tension, even in total

UK Stop the War Coalition:

“The US and its allies remain silent
over Israel's covert nuclear arsenal
--- the only one in the Middle East."

Major General Zhang Zhaozhong:

"China will not hesitate to protect Iran,
even with a Third World War."

Professor Noam Chomsky:

"There is no justification for targeted assassination..
Bush administration policy was to kidnap suspects
and send them to secret prisons where they were
not treated very nicely, as we know. But Obama's
 administration has escalated that policy
to 'you
don't kidnap them, but you kill them.'
remember, these are suspects."

Vladimir Kondakov, shaman:

"Do you think the world is based on the good?
No, it is based on a balance of the good and
the evil. Now, the evil prevails, and it is not
that God is evil or weak. Evil is in humans."

Anthropologist Margaret Mead:

"Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has."

Eglantyne Jebb, founder, Save the Children:

“All wars, whether just or unjust, disastrous
or victorious, are waged against the child.”

One of the US’s richest men, Warren Buffett:

"Sure there’s class warfare... and my class is winning.”

Bobby Sands:

"Our revenge will be the laughter of our children."

Naomi Klein, on the '99%' movement:

“We found each other... this time we have to succeed.”

Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham:

"The inconvenient truth is that Libya was
only feasible, because US forces first
destroyed Libya's air defences and
then provided 75% of all air
support missions."

Tom Engelhardt:

“In the badlands and backlands of the planet,
 however, the spectacle of slaughter never ends,
even if the only Americans watching are some-
times unnerved drone video analysts. Could
 there be a sadder tale of a demobilized
citizenry, than that?”

President Assad of Syria

"Is this a revolution and are these revolutionaries?
By God, I say they are a bunch of criminals." 

The late Hugo Chávez
(to the 2011 UN General Assembly):

“For us, it is obvious that the UN is not
improving, nor will it improve from the

If the Secretary General, along with
the President of the International
Criminal Court, take part in an act
of war --- as in the case of Libya ---
nothing can be expected from the
current structure of this organization
and there is no longer time for reform.”

“It is unbearable that there is a Security
Council that turns its back, whenever it
wants to, on the clamour of the majority
of nations, by deliberately failing to
acknowledge the will of the General
Assembly. If the Security Council
is some sort of club with privileged
members,  what can the General
Assembly do? Where is its room for
maneuver, when Security Council
members violate international law?

“If we do not make a commitment, once
and for all, to rebuild the United Nations,
this organization will lose its remaining
credibility. Its crisis of legitimacy will
be accelerated until it finally implodes.
In fact, that is what happened to its
immediate predecessor: the League
of Nations.”

Fidel Castro:

"At a time when NATO, spearheaded by the
US, France and the UK, is warring to gain
control of resources in key Middle Eastern
& African states, Palestine’s long fight for
statehood will be overwhelmingly endorsed
by the General Assembly on September 20th.

"Whether this inalienable right of its people,
who have never given up the struggle, will
be more than a symbolic 194th seat ---
depends on whether the UN can regain
its role as an organization taking positive
action for world peace, rather than being
utilized for neocolonial wars."

Walter Lippman:

“The news and the truth are not the same thing”

Algerian State Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadam:

“The Arab League is no longer a league, and it’s
far from Arab, since it asks the Security Council
to intervene against 1 of its founding members,
and calls upon NATO, to destroy the resources
of Arab countries.”

Bolivian President Evo Morales:

"This millennium belongs to the peoples
and not the oligarchies, if we want real
equality, & freedom for all, worldwide."

Gerald Celente:

“When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”

The Rev. Martin Luther King:

“There was a time when the church was very
powerful. It was during that period that early
Christians rejoiced, when they were deemed
worthy to suffer for what they believed.

"In those days the church was not merely a
thermometer that recorded the ideas and
principles of popular opinion; it was the
thermostat that transformed the mores
of society.”

Bolivian President Evo Morales:

"Capitalism is not the solution to the current
problems of mankind. Mankind is waiting for a
new political thesis about the rights of Mother
Earth, of natural resources, of life in general."

Vladimir Putin:

"The models of development based on growing debt
don't work."

Bolivian President Evo Morales:

"Cuba is always a source of inspiration
and despite an economic, commercial
and financial blockade imposed by the
US for half a century ------ it represents
the first country in solidarity with the
rest of the world. That solidarity is
unmatchable: I can never find
the means to repay it."

Nouriel Roubini:

"Karl Marx had it right. At some point,
capitalism can destroy itself. You cannot
keep on shifting income from labour to capital
without having an excess capacity and a lack
of aggregate demand. That’s what has happened."

Brian Willson:

"We've become addicted to a material way of life
that requires imperial policies ------ to extract all
these resources around the world, funnel them
to 4.6% of the world's population; demeaning,
impoverishing, murdering, maiming people all
over the world, who are in the way of our
precious metals needed for our cell
phones and our computers, in
the Congo...

"And we are facing a massive correction
of our wayward ways in the West."

Paul Craig Roberts:

"There is nothing left of the American character.
Only a people who have lost their soul could
tolerate the evil that emanates from Washington."

Financial analyst Max Keiser:

"London is the world’s capital of fraud".

Noam Chomsky:

"As long as the general population is passive,
apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of
the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they
please, and those who survive will be left to
contemplate the outcome."

Malcolm X:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers
will have you hating the oppressed
and loving the people doing the

Ayatollah Khomeini:

“Muslims must awake. Today is not a time
for each Muslim to lead a special existence
in some corner. This cannot be. At a time
like this, when the policy of the superpowers
is to devour every part of the world, Muslims
must awake... I do not have a hope in most of
the governments, but the nations must awake
and come under the banner of Islam...”

Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar:

“A person who, irrespective of religious creed,
aspires for spiritual expansion, or who does
something concrete, is a Tantric.

"Tantra is neither a religion nor an 'ism'.
Tantra is a fundamental spiritual science.
So wherever there is any spiritual practice,
it should be seen that it rests on Tantra.

"Where there is no spiritual practice, where
people pray to God for the fulfilment of
narrow worldly desires; where people’s only
slogan is “Give us this and give us that” –
only there, is Tantra discouraged.

"Only those who do not understand Tantra,
or even after understanding Tantra,
do not want any spiritual practice,
oppose the cult of Tantra.”

Jesus Christ:

"In the house of my father are many mansions."

The Prophet:

"Each soul has its own religion."

Gaddafi, at the 2008 Arab Summit:

"How can we accept that a foreign power comes to
topple an Arab leader while we stand watching?
Saddam had once been an ally of Washington...
but they sold him out. Your turn is next.
Where is the Arabs' dignity, their future,
their very existence? Everything has

Malcolm X:

"Look at yourselves. Some of you teenagers,
students. I belong to a generation ahead of
you - how do you think I feel to have to tell

'We, my generation, sat around like a knot
on a wall, while the whole world was
fighting for its human rights..
'and you've got to be born into a society
where you still have that same fight.'

What did we do, who preceded you ?
I'll tell you what we did. Nothing.

And don't you make the same
mistake we made...."

Michael O'Hanlon, the Brookings Institution:

"Make no mistake about it. If you look at
the casualties from violence, Iraq is still
comparable to Afghanistan today.

"That's counter- intuitive to most people, who
think of Afghanistan as going up in flames and
Iraq as settling down. But in fact, while Iraq's
violence is 90% reduced from what it used to be,
it's still much higher than most of the region."

Former CIA officer Michael Scheuer:

"We have backed the wrong horse for 50 years.
To think that the Egyptian people are going to
forget that we backed dictators for 50 years,
I think, is a pipe dream."

Iranian Blogger:

"Today, the USA and Britain are
the most hated countries in the world."

Russian Prime Minister Valdimir Putin:

"How can one intervene in defense of the
civilian population, while adopting methods
that are increasing the number of victims?"

Calon Lan (Welsh folk song):

''I ask not for ease and riches

Nor earth's jewels for my part

But I have the best of wishes

For a pure and honest heart.''

Mwambustya Ndebesa, lecturer,
Uganda's Makerere University:

"Unity should be for the transformation of society
to live a better life --- but if it is for enslavement,
then you first gain independence, & then you can
negotiate how you can cooperate on equal terms."

Dr Martin Luther King:

“We know through painful experience that freedom
is never voluntarily given by the oppressor;
it must be demanded by the oppressed.”

Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia:

"..the US has overstepped its national borders in every
way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural
and educational policies it imposes on other nations.
Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?"

George H. Bush:

"Whatever the US says, goes".

Fidel Castro:

"Intellectuals can perhaps provide an enormous
service to humanity...... It is not about trying to
save humanity in terms of millenniums, maybe
not even in terms of centuries. The problem
is that our species is facing new problems,
and has not even learned to survive."

"If we can achieve intellectuals’ understanding of
the risk that we are experiencing at this moment,
to which a response cannot be postponed, perhaps
they will manage to persuade the most self-satisfied,
incapable beings ever to have existed: we politicians."

District governor of Arghandab, Southern
Afghanistan, Shah Muhammed Ahmadi:

"We've had to destroy many villages, to make them safe."

Paul Craig Roberts:

"The US government is a duplicitous entity whose
raison d’etre is to control every other country."

Martin Luther King Jr.

"The greatest purveyor of violence in
the world today — my own government."

Ho Chi Minh:

"Vietnam will be free, independent and sovereign.
The enemy will be defeated & the Vietnamese people
will build a Vietnam ten times more beautiful."

Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan:

"Our prayers, cries and screams have
echoing in the sky for 1,300 years.
Nobody is superior to anyone in these lands,
not the Sunni to the Shiites, not the Turkish
to the Kurdish, the Laz to the Circassian
or the Persian to the Arabs. We are all the
same in this land, together, brothers."

Ex UK Prime Minister Tony Blair:

“We invaded Iraq because the Arabs
need someone to run their affairs.”

Former President of Iran, Ahmadinejad :

"Americans are worse than the most dictatorial dictators.
They assassinate nuclear scientists because they're
not strong enough to counter the Iranian nation,
and think a nation will step back with the
assassination of its loved ones."

Mahatma Gandhi:

"Fear has its uses... but cowardice has none."

William K. Black:

"The best way to rob a bank is to own one."

John Connally, Nixon's Treasury secretary:

"The dollar is our currency, but your problem."

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba:

"It is widely acknowledged that the principal cause
of the alteration of the world climatic system
is the pattern of unsustainable production and
 consumption that prevails in the developed countries."

William Colby, former CIA Director:

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone
of any significance in the major media."

Bruce Lee’s character in “Enter The Dragon”:

“Remember, the enemy has only images and
illusions behind which, he hides his true motives;
destroy the image - & you will break the enemy.”

Ayatollah Kamenei, Iran's leader:

“The extensive propaganda of the enemy to
spread Islamophobia, its offhand efforts to create
discord among Muslim sects, to incite sectarian
prejudices, to bring about pseudo-confrontations
between the Sunnis and the Shi’ah, to create
disunity between Islamic states & to aggravate
their differences, to change them into hostility
and unsolvable conflicts, its employment of
intelligence & espionage outfits to propagate
corruption & immorality amongst the youth —
all these are nervous & bewildered responses
to the steady and firm advances of the Islamic
Ummah towards awakening, honour & freedom.”

The International Monetary Fund ( ! ):

“Violent protests could break out in countries
worldwide  if the financial system is not
restructured to benefit everyone,
rather than a small elite.”

Joe Stack before crashing a plane into the IRS:

"The communist creed: From each according to
his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to
his gullibility, to each according to his greed".


"Fear the supplication of the oppressed:
because between them and God
there is no barrier."

Abraham Lincoln, 1st Republican President of the US:

"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side;
my greatest concern is to be on God's side."

Thomas Paine, to US Citizens, January 29th, 1803:

"Where the election is a fiction, representation
is a fiction also. Like will always produce like."


"Give me the power to control any nations money
and I care not who makes it's laws"

Rothschild's mother:

"If my sons do not want war...
...there will be no war"

Cuba's Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez:

"In order to survive, a leap in the consciousness
of humanity is essential, one which is only
possible via the dissemination of truthful
information about those issues which are
hidden or ignored by most politicians,
not published by the press, and which
people find so horrifying, as to seem

US newspaper oligarch, William Hearst:

“You furnish the pictures,
 and I’ll furnish the war”

William Pfaff in 2003:

"People outside the United States
have stopped believing the American story."

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, former Sephardi Chief Rabbi
of Israel; founder & spiritual leader of the Shas
Party, a major party in Israel's government NOW!:

"Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us.
Without that, they have no place in the world;
only to serve the People of Israel. Why are
gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow,
they will reap. We will sit like a master & eat."


"The antidote for 50 enemies is 1 friend."

Fidel Castro:

"Do away with the philosophy of plunder
and you will have done away forever,
with the philosophy of war!"

Martin Luther King Jr:

“The paralysis of analysis.”


"You will never do anything in this world without courage.
It is the greatest quality of the mind, next to honour."

Karl Marx:

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world
in various ways;- the point is to change it."

Evo Morales, President of Bolivia:

"The mining communities were great
revolutionaries, aiming to transform."

Fidel Castro:

"Here is a conclusion I’ve come to after many years:
among all the errors we may have committed, the
greatest of them all --- was that we believed that
someone really knew something about socialism
or that someone actually knew how to build

Dr Martin Luther King:

"We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing-
oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ one.
When machines, computers, profit motives
and property rights, are considered more
important than people, the giant triplets
of racism, materialism, and militarism,
are incapable of being conquered.”

From “When Silence Is Betrayal,”
Riverside Church, April the 4th, 1967.

Fidel Castro:

"Why can't the world act like a family?
We have no other planet to move to.

"Venus, named for the god of love, is
terribly hot. The star closest to Earth
is four light years away.

"We can't move. Our life is here, on
this planet, the only one we truly have.

"I think we have to behave like a family
and share what we have: some have oil,
some food, those beyond, doctors…

"Why can't we think of the earth as the
home of a single human family?"

Blogger on Press TV:

"Democracy - two wolves and a sheep
voting on what to have for dinner."


“Let humanity be the ultimate measure of all that you do”

Mahatma Gandhi:

“When I despair, I remember that all through
history the way of truth & love has always won.

There have been tyrants & murderers and for
a time they seem invincible, but in the end,
they always fall – think of it - always.”

Marcio Porto, FAO representative:

"Many seem to be unaware of the fact
that producing food is a science, and
one of the most important and
dynamic ones."

The late Wangari Maathai:

"..soil is lost through wind erosion in areas
where the land is devoid of vegetative cover.
Losing topsoil should be considered analogous
to losing territory to an invading enemy."

Fidel Castro:

"We have a responsibility to provide information
about the situation. To produce the amount of
wheat the country consumes, 400,000 hectares
of this crop is needed --- with a yield equivalent
to that attained in the United States."

"We have to inform the people of what can be
extracted from every square metre of land
in our country."

Erik Reinert:

"Countries that do not add value to their raw materials
and which do not support their own industries through
subsidies and other measures, will remain poor".

President Evo Morales:

"We have to share the few things we have,
rather than what we have left over."

Statement adopted by the New York City
general assembly at Occupy Wall Street:

We come to you at a time when corporations,
which place profit over people, self-interest
over justice, and oppression over equality, 
run our governments.”

Albert Einstein:

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be
achieved by understanding. You cannot subjugate
a nation forcibly unless you wipe out every man,
woman, and child. Unless you wish to use such
drastic measures, you must find a way of
settling your disputes without resort to arms".

British Army Journal (1949):

"The best defense against the atom bomb
is not to be there when it goes off."

J. M. Barrie:

"Temper is a weapon we hold by the blade."

A. Solzhenitsyn:

"One should never direct people towards happiness,
because happiness too is an idol of the market-place.
One should direct them towards mutual affection.
A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too,
but only human beings can feel affection for each other,
and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to."

President José Mujica of Uruguay:

"Peace is the antidote for
 the hate generated by wars."


“I hate the judge who loves money,
the scribe who loves war,
chiefs who do not guard their subjects,
and nations without vigour.

I hate houses without dwellers,
lands untilled,
fields that bear no harvest,
landless clans,
the agents of error,
the oppressors of truth.

I hate him who respects not father or mother,
those who make strife among friends,
a country in anarchy,
lost learning,
and uncertain boundaries.

I hate journeys without safety,
families without strength,
lawsuits without reason,
ambushes and treasons,
faults in counsel,
and justice unhonored.

I hate a man without a trade,
a labourer without freedom,
a society without teachers,
false witnesses before a judge,
the undeserving exalted to high position.”

Pope St. Gregory I:

  "Those who make private property of the gift of God
pretend in vain to be innocent. For, in thus retaining
the subsistence of the poor, they are the murderers
of those who die every day for the want of it."

Pope Francis:

“A people that cares neither for its youth
nor for its older people, has no future.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

"It is not necessary that everyone should become
 religious, or exceedingly pious, or too good to live.

We want wise men in business, in politics, in
 education, in all walks of life; those who do not
 live only on the surface and those who do not
 believe only in matter, but who see life both
within and without. It is such souls who will
produce beauty; it is such souls who will
 harmonize the world, who will bring about
 the conditions we need today."

Black Elk:

"The first peace, which is most important, is that
 which comes within the souls of men when they
 realize their relationship, their oneness with the
 universe and all its powers, and when they realize
 that at the centre of the universe dwells the Great
 Spirit, and that this centre is really everywhere, it
 is within each of us."

Mahatma Gandhi:

“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's
 important. You have to do the right thing. It may
 not be in your power, may not be in your time,
that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean
you stop doing the right thing. You may never
 know what results come from your action. But
 if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

"You can have all good things - wealth, friends,
kindness, love to give and love to receive ---
 once you have learned not to be blinded by
learned to escape from disappointment
and from repugnance at the idea that things
are not as you want them to be."

Black Elk, Oglala Sioux & Spiritual Leader (d.1950):

“Peace will come to the hearts of men, when
 they realize their oneness with the universe.
 It's everywhere: the Holy Land is everywhere.”

Seneca the younger:

"Religion is regarded by the common people
 as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers
 as useful"

Hazrat Inayat Khan:

"Gentleness, mildness, respect, humility, modesty,
self-denial, conscientiousness, tolerance and
 forgiveness, are considered by the Sufi, as the
 attributes which produce harmony within one's
 own soul, as well as within that of another."

Investigative journalist Peter Oborne:

‘The men and women who advocated the
 Iraq invasion, remain dominant in British
 public life. Those who opposed it remain
 marginal and despised.’

In "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austen:

"I have no pretension whatever to that kind
of elegance which consists in tormenting
 a respectable man."

"Thou shalt not bear false witness
 against thy neighbour."

Strategic risk consultant & lecturer William Engdahl:

"The Eurasian Century today is inevitable and
 unstoppable. Built on different principles of
 cooperation rather than domination, it just
 might offer a model for the bankrupt US
and the soon-bankrupt EU, to build up
true prosperity not based on looting
and debt slavery."

US President, General Eisenhower:

“I hate war - as only a soldier who has lived it can -
only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility,
 its stupidity. Every gun that is made, every war-
ship launched, every rocket fired, signifies - in
final sense: a theft from those who hunger
are not fed, those who are cold & are not
clothed. This world in arms, is not spending

money alone. It's spending the sweat of its
 labourers, the genius of its scientists, the
hopes of its children. This is not a way
of life at all, in any true sense. Under
the clouds of war, it is humanity
hanging on a cross of iron.”

Inayat Khan:

''Among millions of believers in God, there is
 hardly one who makes God a reality. To so
 many He is an imagination, to many He is
 in a mosque, a church, or a temple. Many
wonder if God is, really.

''Many others think God is goodness, He is a personality
separate from us, He is most high, most pure, most
beautiful, but He is separate and difficult to reach.
Many think that as it takes so long to reach this
planet or that, God must be further away still.

''The purpose of one's whole life is to make God a reality...
if you will seek for good in everything, you will always
find it, for God is in all things, and, still more, He is
in all beings.

''Seek Him in all souls, good and bad, wise and foolish,
attractive or unattractive, for in the depth of each,
there is God... He is all around and about us at
every moment, we are living His life, we are
breathing His breath ------ and yet we are
ignorant of the perfection of beauty
which unites and inspires
every soul.''

Lao Tse:

"The wise puts himself last,
 finds himself in the lead."

John Lennon:

“The people have the power --- all we have to do
is awaken that power in the people. The people
are unaware... They are not educated to realize
that they have power. The system's so geared
- that everyone believes the government will
everything. We are the government.”

The Book of Odes:

‘A bird sings out to draw a friend’s response.’

  Hazrat Inayat Khan:

The innermost being of mankind is the real being of God.
All meditation and contemplation, are taught with this
purpose: to harmonize one's innermost being with
God, so that He is seeing, hearing, thinking
through us, and our being is a ray of His
light. In that way, we are even closer
to God, than the fishes are, to the
ocean, in which, they have
their being.''

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